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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 095 - 8 September
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 095 – 8 September
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold close to town, with
20,000 Sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres, Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui [ Omarunui ], with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
For the Spring, in 201 different shapes.
Also, Pattern Cards of 2 cases
The style of these goods is exceedingly elegant.
The firm have very great pleasure in inviting ladies to select from the first show for the coming season.
CATTLE AND HORSES, including a draft of Messrs. Nairn Bros., well-bred Cattle and Draught Stock, will take place at the Railway Sale Yards on
At the request of a number of the leading settlers in the Southern portion of the Province, he is making arrangements for holding a
On the same date, when a large assortment of Longwools and Merinos from the best breeders will be offered for sale UNSHORN, thus giving purchasers better facilities for judging the Stock. Suitable paddocking and other necessary conveniences will be provided.
Stockowners desirous of sending Stock to the above sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the undersigned as early as possible.
J. J. TYE,
Stock and Station Agent.
Or to
Commission Agent,
August 25, 1877.
16,000 ACRES LEASEHOLD, (with improvement clause) well fenced and sub-divided. Dwelling-house, Woolshed, &c., with
5,000 Sheep
3,000 Acres Freehold rich Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Southern Seaboard
105 Acres Freehold near Waipawa
Sections at Woodville, Richmond Park, Waipawa Bush, and Waipawa.
J. J. TYE,
Land and Estate Agent,
THE Undersigned agree to subscribe to amounts undernoted: –
£ s. d.
To amount as per advertised list 227 11 0
J. Robertson 2 2 0
G.P. Donnelly 2 2 0
D. Galbraith 2 2 0
E. Merritt 2 2 0
Neal & Close 3 3 0
H.N. Chapman 2 2 0
C. Doney 1 0 0
Rev. Marshall 1 0 0
A. and W. Birch 5 0 0
P. Ramsay 2 2 0
William Ebbitts 2 2 0
J. Harris 1 0 0
J.C. Speedy 1 1 0
Hon. H.R. Russell 5 5 0
Gordon Hill 5 5 0
J.D. Canning 5 5 0
Other subscribers will be published on receipt on the country lists, the following
gentlemen have kindly undertaken to collect subscriptions: – R. Farmer, R. Wellwood, J.S. Giblin, G. Peacock, J. Bennett, M.R. Miller, and the Secretary.
Secretary, Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society.
ROYAL MAIL COACHES between PETANE and the WESTERN SPIT will run Daily on and after this date –
Leaving PETANE at 8’oclock a.m. and 1 p.m.
Leaving Ferry Hotel, Spit, at 11 o’clock a.m. and 4 p.m.
Fares, 2s 6d, each way.
August 30, 1877.
ARE prepared to receive Wool, Tallow, and General Produce, during the coming season for direct shipment from Napier to London, by Shaw Savill and Co.’s fine line of vessels. From the favorable position and large size of their stores at the Spit, now replete with every appliance, they are enabled to ensure thorough attention to all produce entrusted to their care, and quick despatch to the Home market.
Charges the same as last seasoa [season], viz, 1s 9d. per bale, including wharfage. Shipment to grower’s own agents, or to Murray, Common & Co.’s own correspondent, Sanderson, Murray, & Co., London, who being solely and largely interested in the Wool Trade are consequently in a position to watch and further the interests of all clients whose produce may be consigned to them.
ADVANCES against the growing Clip and all kinds of Produce. Cash purchasers
at full Napier market value.
WAREHOUSING – All descriptions of Goods received for Warehousing, and covered against Fire, under open policies if required. Charges at lowest possible rates.
FLOUR – Duncan’s Dunedin Silk – dressed, quality guaranteed. Oatmeal, Pearl and Feed Barley, Bran, Oats &c., &c., always for Sale, at the lowest prices, by Murray, Common & Co., sole agents in Hawke’s Bay for Royse, Stead & Co.
GRASS SEEDS – English, imported direct, All kinds always on hand – Clovers, Fescues, Poas, Rye, Cocksfoot, Timothy Rape, etc., etc.
WIRE – Best brands Fencing Wire and Staples, direct importation, at low prices.
STATION STORES AND GENERAL GOODS of all kinds supplied. Wines and Spirits of the best Brands only kept. Superior Whiskeys in stock.
Port Ahuriri.
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
Ex “Annie Hill,” from Dunedin, and late Arrivals –
12 TONS FENCING WIRE, Nos. 6, 7, and 8.
10 tons superior Flour (Wilson & Co’s).
2 tons Pollard
2 tons Oatmeal
5 tons Bran
25 kegs Canterbury Butter
3 cases Wax Vestas in tins
1 case American Brooms
1 Pianoforte, by Kirkman
1 Pianoforte, German
25 cases Hobarttown Jams (Knight’s)
45 cases Hobarttown Jams (Peak’s)
3 cases Cheese (New Zealand)
2 cases Cigars
9 cases Tobacco
etc., etc., etc.
HAVING now completed the necessary arrangements, is prepared to transact business as under.
Auctions held in town and country.
Liberal advances made on consignments sent for auction, on stock of every description, on shares, bills of lading, or other security.
The services of a professional Accountant of large experience having been secured, books audited, abstracts furnished, balance-sheets prepared, partnership accounts adjusted, bankrupts estates wound-up, assets realised, advances on same when required. Dividends paid or guaranteed.
Advances made on same. Responsible agents have been appointed in every town of importance throughout the colony, reliable information afforded on every matter of importance.
N.B. – Strict confidence observed.
Licensed Broker under Lands Transfer Act.
Having had several years experience in the above Act, all business connected therewith promptly transacted. Titles investigated and reported upon.
Entries passed, goods forwarded, stored, and bonded.
(Opposite the Repository.)
NOTICE is hereby given that by a Deed of Assignment, dated the 15th day of August, 1877, and made between Adolf Brewer, of Sherwood, near Makaretu, Storekeeper, of the one part, and Edward Tucker of the same place, Farmer, of the other part, did assign all Book and other Debts, due to the said Adolf Brewer, from any person or persons resident within the Colony of New Zealand, unto the said Edward Tucker, who is now legally anthorised [authorised] to receive the same and whose receipt will be a sufficient discharge.
Dated this 23rd day of August, 1877.
Solicitors for Edward Tucker.
I HAVE This Day authorised Mr. C. Lindsay Margoliouth to receive and collect all monies due to me either as book debts or otherwise, and he is also authorised to sue for (if necessary) in his own name for the recovery of any remaining unpaid after three weeks from this date.
All accounts against me are requested to be sent into Mr. Margoliouth without delay.
August 31, 1877.
In reference to the above notice I have to request that all accounts against Mr. Hague be immediately forwarded.

August 31.
The Result started this morning, but put back, not liking the look of the weather. She will start to-morrow.
The weather is now settled again.
September 4.
The Southern Cross sailed for Napier at half-past seven last night. Passengers – Miss Hansen, Mesdames Turner and Dryland, Messrs Meinertzhagen, and Carter.
Miserable weather is prevailing at present.

August 31.
In the House last night, on the Napier Borough Endowment Bill, the adjourned debate was resumed.
Mr. Sutton was absent, and a messenger brought him in.
Mr. Rees said that he had received representations from Napier stating that the endowment was the property of the Harbor Board, and it was never intended to best the Borough.
Mr. Travers quoted the preamble of the Bill, whereas the endowment was granted to the Superintendent in trust for the improvement of the harbor, at Napier, it was not right to transfer it to the Municipality.
Mr. Russell opposed the Bill. He said the endowment was dedicated for the construction and improvement of docks, piers, and quays for the improvement of the trade of the harbor.
Mr. Gisborne considered that the transfer would be spoliation. They might soon be transferring private property, as well as trust.
Mr. Ormond said the land was not valuable without reclamation, but as the property was granted to the Harbor Board it would be wrong to transfer it. He said the power to alter Trusts was given to the Provincial Councils by the Public Reserves Act.
Mr. Gisborne: This was a transfer, not alteration.
Mr. Montgomery said it was an attempt to give the town what belonged to Hawke’s Bay at large.
Mr. Sutton replied.
The second reading was negatived on the voices.
Mr. Sutton then went out, and drowned his sorrows.
Mr. Reynolds moved that the second reading of the Medical Practitioners Bill take place that day six months, which was carried on the voices.
The Crown Grants Amendment Bill was read a second time.
In the discussion on the second reading of the New Plymouth Harbor Board Endowment Bill it transpired that Major Atkinson had been nursing Taranaki with Treasury Bills against the distinct vote of the House last session. The present Bill proposed to borrow £200,000.
Mr. Fitzroy shewed that the rateable value of the whole of the property in New Plymouth was only £5000 per year.
Messrs Travers and Rees showed one clause cunningly concealed in the Bill, the object of which was to allocate twenty-five per cent of the land fund permanently to New Plymouth free of deduction.
The Bill was immediately jumped on from all sides of the House, and it was postponed for a fortnight to give time for a counter-petition.
Major Atkinson looked saturnine, Carrington grief-stricken, and Kelly savage.
Fifteen Auckland and Otago members scored one against Reid and McLean last night on the Dunedin Wharves and Quays Reserves Bill.
Messrs Reid and McLean strongly resisted the second reading.
Messrs. Reynolds and Pyke strongly denounced their action in filching the reserve from the town for the harbor.
On a division the second reading was carried by 15 to 12.
Mr Pyke asked if the Government would consider their position.
Mr Reynolds to the Premier: Ah! you see what all your boasted strength is.
The House adjourned after midnight.
THE Council met at 7.30 p.m.
Present: – His Worship the Mayor (in the chair), Councillors Holder, Vautier, Neal, Lyndon, Tuxford, Swan, Williams and Lee.
The minutes of the previous (special) meeting were read and confirmed.
A petition was presented by Cr. Neal, from the ratepayers from the western end of the town, praying that the Hyderabad-road be repaired.
The Public Works Committee report was read as follows: –
That no tenders for making of street crossings be accepted, but that information be obtained from Auckland relative to the cost and durability of asphalt crossings, and that Mr. Waterworth, of Napier, having requested permission to make one in the town that permission be granted him to do so between the Masonic Hotel and Messrs Boylan’s corner.
That the tender of Messrs Cox and, Sydford for fencing portion of Section No. 364, for the sum of £10, be accepted.
That the salary of Mr G.F. Morley, messenger, be raised to £1 per week.
That in the particular instance of Messrs. Mills and Oxenham’s contract, it being an annual one, their deposit be returned to them.
That the application of Messrs Boylan and Co., relative to their footpath, cannot at present be entertained, and that the same reply to forwarded to the manager of the National Bank, with reference to his request as to the foot path in Emerson-street.
That with reference to the Recommendation Report of the engineer the curbing and channelling of Tennyson-street be proceeded with forthwith.
That tenders be called for forming and metalling the Hyderabad-road in terms of the recommendation of the engineer.
That four lamp-posts be erected in the Milton-road, and one at the junction of the Fitzroy-road with the Roslyn-road.
That the vouchers for expenditure in August, on account of the Borough Fund Account, Waterworks Account, and Swamp Reclamation Account, be passed and ordered to be paid.
The report was adopted.
The Engineer’s progress report, and recommendation, were read.
On the motion of Cr. Neal, it was resolved that no works should be undertaken except those recommended by the Public Works Committee, and which might be approved of by the Council.
The attention of the Council was drawn by Cr. Lee to the state of Cameron-road.
In reference to the endowment of the Municipality, a letter was read from the General Crown Lands Office stating that the land selected by the Corporation, not being proclaimed Waste Lands of the Crown, the Government could not grant the application.
After some remarks from His Worship the Mayor, Cr. Swan moved that the Committee, originally appointed to make enquiries respecting lands available for the endowment of the Borough, should proceed to work again, and report to a special meeting of the Council to be held on Monday next.
The motion was seconded by Cr. Tuxford and carried.
A letter was read from Mr. E.W. Knowles, Chairman of the Fire Engine Fund Committee, in which application was made for an annual subsidy for the maintenance of the Fire Brigade of £200.
Cr. Williams strongly supported the application, and moved that the sum asked for be granted.
The motion was seconded by Cr. Tuxford.
Crs. Swan, Lee, Vautier, and His Worship the Mayor supported the motion.
Cr. Holder thought the Council should grant £150, leaving to other bodies an opportunity of supplying the Brigade with what it might require for its maintenance. He merely, however, threw this out as a suggestion.
The motion was then put and carried on the voices.
The accounts were passed, and the Council adjourned.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., Chairman, J. Rhodes, Esq., and J.A. Smith Commissioners.)
Mr Sainsbury appeared in support of the application of Mr Levi White for an hotel at the corner of Shakespeare and Coote road, to be called the Adelphi Hotel.
Mr Cornford appeared against the application.
Mr Sainsbury in a lengthy speech pointed out the advantages of an hotel in the locality, and shewed that the only opposition came from the Good Templars.
Mr Cornford replied to the arguments of Mr Sainsbury, and pointed out that if the license were granted it would injure the application of Mr Lane for the Shakespeare Hotel.
Mr. Cornford applied on behalf of Mr. Lane for a licence for the above hotel, which was formerly kept by Mr. Edwards. He said if the license were refused, the Commissioners would inflict a great hardship on Mr. Edwards, who had hitherto kept it, and no complaint had been made against him until he got to enfeebled to properly attend to it. The house was let for £150 per annum, and this sum was a material part of Mr. Edward’s income. If the licence were refused, Mr. Edwards would be doubly, trebly, quintuply punished. He thought the Court could hardly with reason refuse.
Mr. Peddie’s application for an hotel at the corner of Hastings and Dickens-streets was withdrawn.
The Bench then retired for a short time to consider the applications, and on returning to Court the Chairman stated that the Commissioners had decided to refuse Mr. White’s application, and grant Mr. Lane’s.
Mr Cornford appeared in support of an application made by Mr. O’Brien for a license for an hotel. Mr. Cornford, in a lengthy address, pointed out the hardships which would be inflicted on the applicant if it were now refused, after the Bench had virtually granted the license.
Mr. Cotterill opposed on behalf of Mr Kinross and others on the ground that it was within a few miles of their stations.
Mr. Cornford, on behalf of Mr George Bradford, applied for a licence for an hotel, situate a mile and a half from Taradale on the new road, and presented petitions from a number of settlers in its favor.
The Bench, after a short consultation, decided to grant both Mr O’Brien’s and Mr Bradley’s applications.

We received by the mail per Taranaki, a long letter from Mr. Douslin, of Marlborough, defending his Patent Log Dam scheme from the attacks made upon it by Mr Dodson, of Marlborough, a copy of whose letter appeared in the Herald. Mr Douslin also forwards us a copy of the Marlborough Times, of April 21, 1876, which contains a letter from Mr Dodson, expressing a favorable opinion of the invention for the protection of rivers. As the Taradale Board of Conservators have been obliged to place the scheme on one side, and as also in fairness to Mr Dodson, we should feel obliged, if we print Mr Douslin’s letter, to reprint Mr Dodson’s last letter to the Marlborough Express, in which he explains the circumstances under which he wrote to the Marlborough Times, we decline to open our columns to the controversy. We should only be filling our colums [columns] with a subject in which our readers are not interested.
The second performance of Chilperic drew a larger house than did its previous production, and altogether was a greater success.
The girl Mary Ann McNamara was captured on Thursday at a house at Meanee [Meeanee] by Constable Shaw. After leaving the goal, the girl appears to have made her way to Taradale, and played hide and seek with those searching for her until Thursday afternoon, when she made her way to Meanee. She is not considered altogether compos mentis. She was lodged in her old quarters the same afternoon, and was on Friday brought before the Visiting Justices of the goal. We believe arrangements are being made to send the girl back to her friends in Ireland, as soon as her present sentence has expired.
The sparkling extravaganza Chilperic was produced on Thursday at the Oddfellows’ Hall, on which occasion Miss Lydia Howarde, Miss Jenny Nye, and Mdlle Solange Navaro had a more than usually arduous task to perform. In the first scene of the last act, the audience had a rare treat, when the piece allowed those three ladies to have the stage to themselves. The scene opened with a charming piece of acting between Miss Jenny Nye and Mdlle Solange Navaro, which was followed by an exquisite song by the latter lady, which fairly took the house by storm, and had to be repeated. Then came a scene between Miss Lydia Howarde and Miss Nye, with a song from each, both of which were thoroughly enjoyed and heartily applauded.
In another column we publish Mr Sutton’s speech on the incidence of taxation, by which it will be seen that the member for Napier takes the popular view of the question, and regards it as the one upon the next elections will turn.
We (Wairoa Free Press) regret to hear that yet another family is leaving our sufficiently small settlement for Napier. We are informed that both Mr Atward and Mrs Taylor desire to have a higher class of education imparted to their children than that afforded by the local school. Until very recently we fancied that local requirements were amply fulfilled by the Wairoa school, but when we find two of the largest families taking their departure on that account our belief received a rude awakening. Several gentlemen have expressed their opinions to us that a competent certified master is required, and we believe it was intended to represent this to the Inspector of Schools when he came; in the meantime, however, this exodus means a loss of so much money to the district, and a falling off of so many children to the school. To prevent any further loss we fancy the Board of Education should take this matter into consideration; from the number of children in the district there should be funds enough forthcoming for the support of a good master.
At a meeting of ladies on Friday afternoon, in the Supreme Court chamber, it was resolved to form a Ladies benevolent Society, for the relief of the sick and the poor. Mrs. Stuart was elected President, Mrs Brandon, Treasurer, and Mrs Spencer, Secretary. A committee of sixteen ladies was also appointed. It was further resolved that the annual subscription of members should be one guinea. The Ladies benevolent Society will be an invaluable aid to the charitable institutions of this town.
It is stated, on what we believe to be good authority, that Sergeant-Major Baker of the A.C., who was formerly stationed in Napier, has been offered the appointment of Police Sergeant at Napier, and that he is likely to accept the post.
The charge-sheet in the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Saturday was blank.
In reply to the query put to us last week by our correspondent “X.Y.Z.,” we publish the following two clauses of the Cattle Trespass Act: – “In the case of cattle trespass where the ownership is known, the land owner may either distrain the cattle on his own premises, giving them proper food and water, or impound them in the nearest pound, if any, within 20 miles from the place of trespass; provided that, if he distrain the same on his own premises, he shall forthwith give notice to the owner or release them upon payment of damages and expenses, subject as to any disputed charges to the decision of two Justices of the Peace: provided always, that if cattle so distrained shall not be released within three days after such notice, they shall be transmitted to the nearest pound. The owner of cattle distrained or impounded under this Act shall be liable to pay to the landowner the damages specified in Schedule A, together with such special damages, costs, and expenses as the landowner may claim, subject, nevertheless, as to such claims, to an appeal to two Justices of the Peace.”
It will be seen by advertisement that the application made by Mr Thomas Peddie, the late popular boniface of the Taradale Hotel, for a license for a handsome and commodious hotel, which he contemplated erecting at the corner of Hastings and Dickens-street, had been withdrawn by him, owing to the shape of the land under offer being unsuitable for the purpose. Mr Peddie has had two sets of plans drawn, and had everything gone smoothly, and the last plan chosen, the hotel when built would have been a handsome addition to our hotel edifices.
We have been shown the plans and front elevation of the building erected as an hotel at Konini, for which Mr O’Brien has applied for a license, and which will be considered by the Licensing Commissioners on Tuesday next. The building contains thirteen rooms besides the bar-room, and has every convenience for travellers, who will be its chief supporters, it being situated on the road to Patea, where considerable traffic has lately sprung up with Napier. The want of such an hotel has for sometime been keenly felt by those whom business or pleasure takes them by that route, and should the Commissioners decide to give Mr O’Brien the license applied for, we may be sure that he will do his utmost to make his visitors comfortable.
It will be seen by advertisement that a splendid opportunity is offered to those who intend going to the fancy dress ball of providing themselves with costumes. Miss Lydia Howarde announces that she has a large wardrobe from which selections can be made.
Mr. Gush, schoolmaster, declares his inability to pay his creditors, and therefore invites them to a meeting on Monday, at 2 p.m., in the Supreme Court House.

Never since the days when the Provincial Council used to hold its meetings in the Government Buildings has the Council-room seen so many “strangers in the Gallery” as were present during the discussion in the Municipal Council on Monday on the vote to grant a subsidy of £200 per annum to the maintenance fund of the Fire Brigade. The listeners were more than strangers, however, they had a deep interest in the result of the vote, being, with few exceptions, all members of the Fire Brigade, and more, the majority were free and enlightened burgesses of the city of Napier. Although they made no show of intimidation to the Council; they heartily cheered Councillors Lee, Williams, Tuxford, Vautier, and His Worship the Mayor, who all strongly supported the passing of the vote immediately, and passed eulogiums on the members of the Brigade. Councillors Swan and Holder expressed themselves in favor of voting £150, believing that the Insurance Companies, who derived such a large revenue from the burgesses, should contribute their quota of the expense for the support of the Brigade. Councillor Vautier, however, explained that the sum of £200 was only asked for the maintenance fund, and that a request would be made to the Insurance Companies for further assistance. The explanation appeared satisfactory to Councillor Swan, who then voted for the resolution, which was carried amidst loud cheers from the Stranger’s Gallery.
On Monday afternoon, the captain of the steamer Sir Donald, returned from Havelock, where he recognised the body of the man found on the beach near Waimarama as John Field, the late mate of the Sir Donald. The body was afterwards brought into town, and a coroner’s inquest was held on Tuesday at the Exchange Hotel, when a verdict of “accidentally drowned” was returned.
A special meeting of the Municipal Council was held on Monday, at 7 o’clock, in the Council Chamber. The Mayor, proposed that the By-Laws, advertised in the DAILY TELEGRAPH, be confirmed, and forwarded to the Governor for his approval, and that they be brought into operation on the 1st of November next. This was agreed to, and the special meeting then adjourned.
Practical jokers who find amusement in the removal, or destruction of other people’s property, may, perhaps, not be aware of the very serious risk they run of spending a few months in goal, should they be detected in carrying out their peculiar ideas of fun. On Monday, the entrance gate to Mr Holder’s garden was taken off its hinges, carried up the road, and thrown into the gully. It is almost a pity that persons so evidently in want of employment as those practical jokers must have been, should not have the opportunity of doing a bit of prison labor [labour] for the good of the community at large.
A Waipawa correspondent writes: – “There is very little news here at present. Some amusement was caused the other day by a Scandinavian who was seen to come out of a blacksmith’s shop, with a bundle under one of his arms. He was supposed to be an initerant [itinerant] pedlar. He made his way to the railway station, but on the road exposed his stock-in-trade to some of our settlers, one of whom purchased from him a pair of trousers. He then went further on, and sold at the railway station a macintosh, and at an hotel other goods. You may be sure he sold them cheap, when I tell you that the articles were all previously stolen by him out of the blacksmith’s residence. The last heard of the pedlar was at Kaikora, where he was disposing of a blanket. The police know the fellow, and are following in his track. It will therefore not be long before he takes up his residence in the lock-up. The blacksmith from whom the goods are stolen is not lost in admiration of the thief’s impudence. In the Court of Petty Sessions held here the other day, Mr Poyzers the landlord of the Sawyer’s Arms was summoned for using insulting and abusive language to Mr Tye our local auctioneer. Colonel Herrick and Mr Harding occupied the Bench. Mr Poyzer expressed regret at his conduct, but was nevertheless fined £5, each party having to pay his own costs. The same person was also summoned by Mr Tye for not paying for the valuation of his stock-in-trade. Poyzer disputed the claim on the ground that the charges were more than agreed upon. It was arranged that the dispute should be referred to Mr E. Lyndon for arbitration. Several cases were heard, of no interest, and others were settled out of Court.
Mr A. Peters entered into possession of the Clarendon Hotel on Saturday.
The Education reserve, at the corner of Hastings and Raffles streets, was offered for lease on Tuesday by Mr J. Turley. The bidding not reaching the upset price, the section was withdrawn.
Last week we published a paragraph from the Wairoa Free Press, in which it was stated that Mr. Atward and Mr. Taylor were both leaving the Wairoa district to settle in Napier, because they were unable to get their children properly educated in the district. Mrs Taylor in a letter to the Press on Saturday, denies this statement, and remarks: – “I am perfectly satisfied with the progress my children have made while attending the Wairoa school, and think that both Mr. and Mrs. Gossell deserve a great deal of credit for the energy and perseverance they have shown.”
From information received, Constable Mitchel, proceeded last week to Waimarama, and on the beach at Morokotia, distant about eight miles from Mr. Meinertzhagen’s homestead, he found, lying between the rocks, the body of a man which was much decomposed. The man appeared to have been about thirty years of age, and in height 5ft, 8in., broad shouldered. The skull was bare, and the lower jaw detached. The corpse is supposed to be that of the mate of the Sir Donald, who it will be remembered was drowned off Waimarama, when attempting to land grass seed about six months ago. The constable brought the body to Havelock on Sunday on a pack horse, and lodged it at the Havelock Hotel. The master of the Sir Donald left town for Havelock on Monday, to see whether he could identify the body.
The Education Board met on Monday at 11 o’clock. Present: Messrs Rhodes (Chairman), Newton, Chambers, and Lee. A letter was read from the Inspector of Schools asking that a sum of money be granted for the purchase of school prizes. The Board voted £50 for that object. A circular was received from the Government directing the mode of sending in vouchers and also directing that no further money be expended on schoolbuildings (under new engagements), except fornecessary [for necessary] repairs, without reference to the Government. An account was passed for the payment of the Crown Grant fees, the Government having declined to forgo the fees for grants and registrations. The Inspector’s salary and travelling expenses and the Secretary’s salary were passed, and the Board then adjourned till the first Monday in October.
It will be seen by our report of the Harbor Board meeting, that Mr Vautier has given notice of motion to recommend the stoppage of the harbor works. This motion will be discussed at a special meeting to be held next Tuesday.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday, a man named McLean, who has been engaged for some time on Mr. Tanner’s station, was brought before His Worship charged with lunacy. After hearing a statement from Mr Brathwaite, respecting the eccentricities of the man, and other evidence, his Worship remanded the man until Thursday next, and during the interim to be subjected to a medical examination. John Morpy, was charged, on the information of Constable Motley, with provoking a breach of the peace, and creating a disturbance on Saturday evening last. Constable Motley informed the Court that Morpy was in an excited state in Hastings-street on Saturday night, and owing to his conduct he arrested him. An attempt was made to rescue him by some of his friends, but the constable, after considerable difficulty and with the aid of another peace officer, succeeded in landing him in the lock-up. His Worship bound Morpy over to keep the peace to all Her Majesty’s subjects for six months, himself in the sum of £10, and two sureties of £5 each. This was all the business.
An interesting discussion took place on Monday in the Municipal Council on the matter of the land asked for by the Corporation as a reserve, and which Under-Secretary Gilies has informed the Council that it is not yet vested in the Waste Lands Board. Councillor Swan suggested immediate action, and proposed a resolution to the effect that the Committee who made the last selection should again make a recommendation, and a special meeting of the Council should be held on Monday next to consider it. His Worship looked upon the Council as composed of “dead men” and at first suggested that the matter should be left to their successors. Councillor Lyndon (whose views on the management of the Waste Lands Office has recently undergone a change) pooh poohed the idea of being able to get any satisfactory information at the Crown Lands Office. The officials, he said, “knew no more of what land was open for selection than the man in the moon.” If the committee asked for information they would be shown the wilds of the Ruahine ranges. The motion was carried, Councillor Swan believing that this special meeting would be the last before their successors took office, they could all join in the dying swan’s mournful melody.
We regret to report the total destruction by fire, on Sunday night, of Mr F.W.C. Sturm’s hot-house, at that gentleman’s nursery , West Clive. The hot-house at the time was full of valuable plants, the whole of which was of course destroyed. Mr Sturm estimates his loss at £400.
On Saturday evening, the Lydia Howarde troupe gave a performance of a varied character that brought out the special talents of each individual member of the company. The entertainment was a decided success.
The bar has not improved the last two days. On Tuesday at the eastward outlet, there were seven feet six inches as against nine feet on Monday. On Wednesday the shingle on the eastward end is forming a very large bank, and extending towards the centre. At the westward channel on Tuesday eight feet nine inches was the depth of water. The shingle that is being deposited near the eastward Harbor works appears to come from that part of the beach opposite the mill. On Tuesday one of the groins that was laid down some two years ago was entirely buried in shingle. On Wednesday it was high and dry three foot high and yet its actual position had not been altered.
News reached town on Wednesday of the sudden death of the unfortunate man George Sinclair, who has so often appeared before the Magistrates on charges of vagrancy. From what we learn, Sinclair arrived in an inebriated state at the West Clive Hotel last night, and slept in the kitchen of the hotel. On Wednesday he was told to try to look for work, but refused. He sat down to the breakfast table, and while eating he was noticed to get black in the face. He was assisted out in the yard, where he died. Sinclair was a painter by trade, and was considered a first-class hand. He was a well-educated man, but his unfortunate drinking habits, which have now brought him to an untimely end, prevented him from attaining such a position as he otherwise might have done. A post mortem examination of the body has been ordered, after which an inquest was held.
We clip the following from the New Zealand Herald of the 27th ultimo: – “A very valuable acquisition to the New Zealand thorough-bred stud horses has been made in the importation of a fine-looking black horse, named Javelin, for Mr McLean of Hawke’s Bay. The horse was landed from the s.s. Hero in excellent condition, and during Saturday he was generally admired by various visitors to Somerville’s stables, Queen-street, where he was accommodated with a loose box until opportunity offers for sending him to Napier. Javelin is a fine dark brown – almost black – horse by Yattendon, out of Lilla. The latter was a brown mare bred by Mr. Lee, at Woodlands, Bathurst. She was got by New Chum, out of Eva, by Young Marquis out of the imported mare Loss. Javelin was foaled in 1868, and is consequently nearly 10 years of age. He competed in many races in New South Wales, but with inconsiderable success, for he was invariably placed in warm company. Javelin with 9st. 10 lbs. up ran fourth for the Tattersall Club Cup for £500 in January, 1876. The race was won by Viva, by Yattendon with 7st. 4lbs.; the Duke ran second with 6st. 2lbs., and Wrangler, another Yattendon colt, ran third. He won the Australian Jockey Club Derby in 1871, in 2 minutes 47 seconds, when six started, and this appears to have been the only race of any consequence which he carried off notwithstanding his pedigree.” This fine horse will arrive this evening in the Southern Cross, and taken to the stables of Mr C. Palmer, where he will no doubt attract a number of visitors.
The “Winter Reading.” on Tuesday at the Athenaeum, attracted a crowded audience. The programme. which was an unusually good one, was admirably carried out by the ladies and gentlemen who kindly assisted to make the entertainment a success.
According to advertisement, a meeting of the Union Rowing Club was held on Tuesday at the Provincial Hotel. The meeting was largely attended. Mr. S.E. Cooper was voted to the chair. The following officers for the ensuing year were elected;- President, R. D. Maney, Esq; Vice-President, Ben Johnson, Esq, Port Ahuriri; Captain, Mr. John Northe; Secretary and Treasurer, Ben B. Johnson; auditors, Messrs S.E. Cooper and E. Ashton. The old committee was re-elected. The question of the amalgamation of the Ahuriri Club was then discussed. It was eventually resolved to leave the matter open. Several new members were proposed, and we are glad to learn that the Club is in a most flourishing condition.
There was only one unimportant civil case called on Wednesday in the Resident Magistrate’s Court, in which some natives where interested.
We understand that the Postal authorities have decided to open a receiving office at Mr. McAneny’s shop on the White Road. This will be a great boom to the residents in that portion of the town.
We learn that Sergeant-Major Baker of the Armed Constabulary, has not accepted the position of Sergeant in the Napier police, and that Sergeant Robinson’s successor will shortly arrive from Wellington.
Mr G. Bradley, who obtained on Tuesday a license for an hotel on the road between Taradale and Napier, to be called the Waverly Hotel, purposes laying out about five acres of the land in gardens similar, if not superior, to those on the North Shore of Auckland, and which are such a great attraction to Sunday visitors. The gardens when opened will be within an easy distance from Napier, and will doubtless be well patronised.
Cr. Lyndon, on Monday, prior to the passing of the monthly vouchers, asked for information as to one item of £5 7s for repairing a waggonnette. His Worship explained that this item had to be paid through the neglect of some of the Municipal officials in not placing a lamp where a heap of stones had been placed, and the driver of the wagonnette had driven “squash” into the heap, thereby injuring his vehicle. The Public Works Committee had thought it better to pay for the damage done than defend an action at law. The Committee, we think, might further have suggested that the amount should be stopped from the pay of the negligent official, which would have served as a warning to the man and other careless officials in future.
Some fine sheep have lately been boiled down at Mr. R.P. Williams’ establishment, West Clive, the heaviest of which came from Mr. Tanner’s station, Heretaunga. Some Lincoln wethers weighed, after dressing, without inside fat, 190 lbs. each, and ewes of the same breed from 120 lbs. to 170 lbs.
Another case of sudden death occurred on Thursday. A young woman named Sarah Anderson was found dead in her bed at 6 o’clock. She was residing with a Mrs Doherty in the White Road. The deceased was in the Napier Hospital about two months ago, and since she came out has been in a very weak condition. She came to Hawke’s Bay as an emigrant from England in the Helen Denny two years ago, and was about 18 years of age. She was weak, helpless, and almost friendless, and had it not been for the temporary home provided her by Mrs Doherty, she might [have] been left to die in our streets. If we are to credit general rumor, there is a sad tale to be told in connection with this poor unfortunate girl.
The total Customs revenue, collected at Port Ahuriri during the month of August, was £2824 19s 7d, as against £3365 19s 6d for the corresponding month last year.
Although the weather was very unfavorable, there was a crowded house on Wednesday at the benefit of Miss J. Nye. The performance began with the love scene, out of the Hunchback, between Modus and his “fair cousin Helen,” which was enacted by Mr Swan and Miss Jenny Nye, and it was a most enjoyable piece of acting. A comic song by Mr Margetts next succeeded in calling forth the applause of the audience. Then followed the extravaganza of “Once Upon a Time there where Two Kings,” the principal characters which were cast as follows: – Queen Dominata, Miss Lyndia Howarde; Princess Capillona, Mdlle Solange Navaro; Corin, Miss Jenny Nye; the King, Mr Britten; Brutus, Mr Bell; Perfidiux, Mr Poole. The piece was capitally put upon the stage, and was acted throughout in a most spirited manner. The songs, duets, and choruses, that were introduced, were charmingly sung, and many of them had to be repeated. Altogether, Wednesday’s entertainment was the best and most successful of any that has been given by the Lydia Howarde troupe on their present visit.
Finishing up a narrative of his adventures in a Hawke’s Bay “hotel,” Mr Fox said “As for the fleas, I could have swept them up with a broom.” We don’t strain at a gnat, William – but we can’t swallow so many fleas. Could you not reduce them by half-a-dozen. – Post.
We learn that the man George Sinclair, who died suddenly at Clive on Wednesday had money to his credit in one of the banks in Napier sent out by his relatives.
The man McLean, who is charged with lunacy, was brought before the Magistrates Court on Thursday, and a further remand was granted. There was no other business.
The Waste Lands Board met on Wednesday. In reference to the section of land at Makaretu, occupied by Karl Johansen, but which when owned by Fredk. Nyobrisen, was forfeited, owing to non payment of the second instalment of the purchase money, the Board decided to ask Mr Friberg, to enquire into the matter, with a view of preventing any hardship to Mr Johansen. With respect to the application of Mr Trescott for the occupation of certain land on the banks of the Tuki-Tuki river, the Board decided to put the lease of the land in question to auction. The Board agreed to recommend the reservation of five acres of land at Ormondville for a burying ground, and as a site for a school. After some further business of no public interest had been transacted, the Board adjourned.
Mr. John McVay has written to the Secretary of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural Society, offering as a special prize for the best hack shown at the next Show a hog skin saddle manufactured at his own establishment. Last year, it will be remembered, Mr. McVay also gave a valuable special prize, and we hope his example will be again followed by tradesmen in Napier.
A bolt occurred at an early hour on Thursday. Mr McCormack drove his landau and two horses up to St. Joseph’s Presbytery for the purpose of taking his Lordship Bishop Redwood to the railway station. While putting the Bishop’s luggage into the vehicle, the horses took a bolt down the hill, passed through the Shakespeare Road, Hastings-street, and the White Road. In their career, they broke a telegraph pole, and injured the verandah of Mr. Pocock. The landau was also much injured. Owing to the accident, Bishop Redwood was unable to reach the station in time to catch the train. This will be a great disappointment to the Catholics resident in the southern portion of the district, many having travelled several miles to the Waipawa Chapel to attend the special services.
Our Porangahau resident writes: – “The weather during the past fortnight has been very cold here. Preparations are being made for the shearing season. I have very little news to forward you, but all here wish you would stir up the Waipawa County Council to look after our roads, which are in anything but good condition. Constable Robinson arrived on Tuesday. There is no accommodation here for a policeman, no honse [house], no lock-up, nor has he even a horse allowed him, but will have to travel when on duty in this widely scattered district on “Shank’s Pony.” He is now obliged to take up his quarters with his wife in the hotel. This is certainly a disgraceful state of affairs, and ought to be remedied at once.” [We learn that arrangements are being made to have a Court House and lock-up erected at Porangahau, and that the buildings are to be shortly commenced. – Ed. D.T.]
Owing to the smallness of the attendance at the annual general meeting of the Musical Society on Wednesday, the formal business alone was gone through, and the meeting was adjourned till Monday evening next.
September 5.
Sailed – Taranaki, at 5 p.m. Passengers – For Gisborne: Mr Lamb. For Napier: Mrs Williams, Miss Williams (2) Reeves (2), Mr and Mrs Walsh, Messrs Levinsohn, Owen, Strong, Hirst, Strachan, Mackay.
An Ex-Constable Arrested for Bigamy.
On Thursday, Patrick Coghlan, who was for five years in the Napier Police, and has been latterly employed on the Corporation works, was arrested on a charge of bigamy. It appears from what we can learn that Coghlan married thirteen years ago a girl named Catherine Casey, at Ennis, in Ireland by who he had three children. He emigrated to New Zealand with his wife’s brother, and came by himself to Napier. He joined the Napier police force, and on the fifth of October, 1871, he again married Margaret a sister of Mr Cosgrove, the well-known saddler, by whom he has also had three children. The brother of Coghlan’s first wife has been living at Outram, near Dunedin, with whom Coughlan corresponded for some time after coming to Napier. In his letters Coghlan stated that he was carrying the mails to Porangahau, but Casey not hearing from him for some years, believed something had happened to Coghlan, and came to Napier by the Storm Bird on Wednesday to see after his welfare. He then learnt that Coghlan was in Napier and had married again. Accompanied by a policeman, who was armed with a warrant, Mr Casey proceeded to the Corporation works in Tennyson-street on Thursday. Mr Casey went up to Coghlan, and said “How are you getting on?” Coghlan made no reply. Mr Casey then said “Don’t you know me,” and turning to the policeman said, “This is the man.” Coghlan was brought before the Magistrate yesterday morning. He at present pleads innocent of the charge.
Parliamentary Papers.
September 6.
The following is a summary of the Crown lands absolutely disposed of for cash, scrip, or under native or other grants, from the date of the first sales to June 30, 1876: – Hawke’s Bay lands sold: town 812 acres; suburban 18,904; country 881,079; rate per acres, town £27 2s 3d; suburban, £1 9s 10d; country 8s 7¼d; consideration cash £402,202; scrip £27,529. Land disposed of without sale to naval and military settlers under the New Zealand Settlement Act was 6,300 acres; reserves for public purposes, 12,632, to Europeans or natives under the Waste Lands Act, 1858,4,626 acres; to natives by grants under the Native Lands Act, 1855,427,047; in satisfaction of land scrip , 11,245. Ditto from June 30, 1876, to June 30, 1877: – Hawke’s Bay lands sold, town 8 acres, suburban 192, country 11,330; rate per acre, town £218, suburban £2, country 17s 9½d; in consideration of cash £10,083. Summary of land selected up to June 30th, 1876, in Hawke’s Bay, under the deferred payment system: number of applications 177, approved 92, selected 17,175, average to each selection 109 acres. For the year ending June 30, 1877, under the Hawke’s Bay deferred payment system: applications 16, approved 16, area 1,910 acres, average areas 119, yearly fees payable £191, rents £1,632. Land forfeited for breach of conditions, 850 acres. Summary of lands held under pastoral licenses or lease on June 30, 1877: holders 15, approximate area 147,900 acres, average area of each 19,900 acres; sheep depastured 35,700; rent paid £414, average per acre ¾d.
The Waka Maori Case.
There is another scandal, which will, of course, bring up sundry members to ask questions, and to move motions. The story is thus told by the Post, and has reference to the Waka Maori libel case, now being tried at the instance of the Hon. H. Russell against the Government Printer. Mr J.N. Wilson, solicitor, of Napier, was being examined, and Mr Macassey was eliciting from him the history of certain deeds containing the so-called “Hori Niani swindle.” Mr Wilson’s demeanour bespoke the high-minded solicitor who would be no party to anything shady or questionable. He had to explain why, in a certain transaction between the plaintiff and some natives, the consideration being £500, two deeds had been executed instead of a simple conveyance, namely, a mortgage for £400, and a conveyance of an equity of redemption for £10. Mr Wilson said very bluntly, “I prepared a conveyance expressing the true consideration, but Mr Russell, acting at the suggestion of a gentleman well-known in the profession, adopted a rather ingenious device for evading the duty under the Native Lands Act to the amount of £50, and a fresh conveyance was engrossed by Mr Russell’s clerk in lieu of the one I had sent.” The witness added that he entirely disapproved of this clever device. In cross-examination, Mr Conolly elicited that the gentleman well known in the profession was Mr Dudley Ward. Mr Conolly quietly remarked, “For the credit of the profession, I am glad you mentioned the name.” His Honor said: “I presume, Mr Wilson, the duty under the Stamp Act, was likewise evaded?” To which the witness applied in the affirmative. His Honor: “Was Mr Ward in practice at the time?” Mr Wilson: “No, your Honor; he occupied then the distinguished position he still fills – that of District Judge.” The members of the Bar exchanged significant looks, and there was an expression of blank astonishment on the faces of many in Court.
The New Zealand Times makes the following important correction as to the evidence of Under-Secretary Clarke in the Waka Maori Libel case: – “Our reports of the Waka Maori trial, as it is called, are necessarily condensed, the evidence being so voluminous. In consequence of this inevitable condensation, the evidence taken on the first day in relation to the letters which appeared in the Waka Maori, addressed to that journal by Arihi and Mangai, were made to bear a construction which was unfavorable to the late Sir Donald McLean. We desire, therefore, to correct the false impression calculated to have been made upon the minds of readers. Sir Donald McLean, who was Native Minister at the time in question, never saw those letters. The evidence of Mr Henry Tracey Clarke on this point was verbatim et literatim as follows: – Referring to Arihi’s (or Alice’s) letter counsel said: After reading the letter you told Mr. Grindell not to publish it, but to furnish you with a translation? – A. Yes. Q. What was done with it then? A. He did not take Arihi’s letter away, but left it in my custody. Q. Did he furnish you with a translation? – A. He did. Q. How long after? A. It was a day or two after, I am not quite sure. Q. What was done with the original and the translation? – A. He brought them to me, and I kept them. Q. What did you do with them? – A. Put them in my pigeon-hole, and allowed them to remain there more than a month. Q. After that what did you do with them? – A. I gave them to Mr Grindell at the request of the Native Minister, who said the natives were complaining. After other evidence, not precisely bearing on the point which it is desired to make clear, the question was asked, Did you refer the letter to the Native Minister at all? – A. No I simply told him of its purport. It will therefore be seen that, so far as the evidence was concerned, the late Native Minister did not see the letter or letters; for there was nothing in the course of Mr Clarke’s examination to show that the Native Minister had been shown either of the letters, or was personally aware of their contents.”
PRESENT: – Councillor Mackersey (Chairman), Councillors Levy, Rathbone, Monteith, and Smith.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
A motion for the establishment of a public pound at Porangahau lapsed as there was no seconder.
The expenditure for salaries, material, and labor for the month of August was shewn to be £219 13s 1d.
Moved by Cr Rathbone, seconded by Cr Monteith, and carried, that the consideration of the application of Thomas Poole for the appointment as Pound keeper at Porangahau be postponed till next meeting.
Moved by Cr Monteith, and seconded by Cr Levy, that the Road Overseer be instructed to make out specifications for metalling the worst portions of the Seventy Mile Bush road, and that tenders be called for this work; tenders to be sent in to the Chairman before the 2nd October.
Moved by Cr Rathbone, and seconded by Cr Levy, that the request of Mr Tye re Messrs Nairn’s valuation be postponed till next meeting. Mr Davidson was desired to instruct the Overseer to make necessary improvements on the Porangahau road in the vicinity of Mr Ormond’s house.
Moved by Cr Monteith, and seconded by Cr Levy, that the next ordinary meeting on 2nd October be appointed as the date for making the rate.
Shipping Intelligence.
30 – Venus, ketch, from Mercury Bay
30 – Manaia, p.s, from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Taylor, Mr and Mrs Elderton, Misses Taylor (2), Misses Piper (2), Messrs Miller, Common, Stead, Sturm, McLennan, Ingram, and 3 natives
31 – Annie Hill, schooner, from Dunedin
1 – Result, s.s., from Whakaki and Wairoa. Passengers – Miss Keys, Messrs Shaw and Moloney.
2 – Fairy, s.s., from Portland Island, Nuhaka, and Mahia. Passengers – Messrs Lloyd and Shepherd.
5 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Dryland, Messrs Meinertzhagen, Hansein, Carter, and Turner.
6 – Storm Bird, s.s., from Wellington.
30 – Taranaki, s.s. for Gisborne, and Northern Ports. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Climo, Misses Brunskill, and Clark, Messrs Leamons, Layton, Ryan, Nicholls (2), Stuart, Blake, Beal (2), Butterworth, Snodgrass, Stace, Phillips, Jobberns, Tully, and Harris
3 – Sir Donald, s.s., for Gisborne. Passengers – Judge Rogan, his Secretary, and Honi Peti, Native Assessor
4 – Opotiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay
4 – Columbia, schooner, for Lyttleton. Passengers – Mrs Conway, child, and servant
6 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passengers. Messrs – Duff, Shaw, and Moloney.
The p.s. Manaia, Captain Smith, returned from Wairoa on Thursday, with a part cargo of maize, and a fair complement of passengers. She called off Mohaka to land passengers.
The s.s. Taranaki, discharged her cargo to the Sir Donald, and Three Brothers on Thursday, and left for Poverty Bay about 6 p.m.
The ketch Venus is from Mercury Bay, with a cargo of sawn timber for Mr R. Holt.
The schooner Annie Hill, Capt. Myers, left Dunedin on the 23rd August, with a light S.E. wind; cleared the heads the same night; thence had light northerly weather up to Cape Palliser which was passed on the night of August 29, accompanied by a light westerly breeze, which gradually increased until the vessel anchored at 6 on Friday. She was towed inside by the Sir Donald at noon, and made fast to the breastwork, where she discharged her cargo, consisting of Colonial produce, the principal consignees being Messrs Drower, Duncan, Kinross, Smith, and Routledge, Kennedy and Co.
The barquentine Falcon was towed inside on Saturday by the Sir Donald. In coming into the breastwork the pilotboat, in running a rope from the vessel to the breastwork, got foul of the bow of the vessel, and was capsized. The crew were safely landed on the deck by means of ropes immediately thrown over from the vessel. Fortunately none of the pilot crew were hurt. They escaped with a partial ducking. The boat itself was smashed to pieces, and was picked up by the ferry boat, and was taken over to the Western Spit. The oars were picked up by the Harbor Works boat.
The s.s. Result returned to Napier on Saturday evening from Whakaki, and Wairoa, with a full cargo of maize, the consignees being Messrs Watt Brothers, and Kinross and Co. Capt. Baxter reports having to steam against a head-wind the whole way.
The s.s. Fairy returned from a trip in the Bay on Sunday morning. She went to Portland Island, thence to Mahia to land cargo, thence to Nuhaka, and took in another cargo for Mahia, which was duly landed. She then proceeded to Portland Island again, and embarked the lighthouse contractor, Mr Shepherd, and returned to Napier. We hear the lighthouse is nearly completed, and will be ready to receive the lamp and other apparatus in about a month. When completed this will be a great boon to seafaring men up and down the coast.
The Pilot informed us there was about nine feet on the Bar at high water on Monday in the eastward channel. The bank on the bar that is now forming is gradually extending in length and breadth towards the old westward channel.
The damages sustained to the Pilot boat on Saturday are such as to induce the pilot to recommend her not being repaired. She is an old boat, and her timbers are in very bad order.
We are very much pleased to report that the steam winch fitted on the barquentine Falcon has proved itself to be a perfect success, and works admirably, saving in labor the work of at least three men when discharging cargo, or heaving up the anchors. The winch has been so fixed to the deck beam, that the deck itself is not affected by the motion of the engine.
From a private cablegram from Newcastle, N.S.W., we learn that the three-masted schooner Mary Wadley, will leave the above Port for Napier
The s.s. Sir Donald steamed for Poverty Bay, at 10 o’clock on Monday.
The Ocean, one of those large China tea steamers, arrived in Sydney the other day with a full cargo of new season teas, some of which are to the order of Messrs. Watt Brothers, and will be brought down by the Rotorua now in Sydney.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Capt. Doile, left Wellington on Tuesday night; rounded Cape Palliser at 3 o’clock the following morning, with a N.E. wind and a high sea running; Castle Point was passed at 12.15, the wind S.W.; 4.30 p.m. was abreast of Cape Turnagain; passed the Kidnappers at midnight, anchoring in the roadstead at 2 o’clock on Thursday. The steamer is full of cargo, consisting chiefly of groceries and kerosene. Since last in Napier the Storm Bird has taken a quantity of ironwork to Whanganui, for the Rangitikei bridge. Mr Dugdale, the purser kindly furnished report and files.
The Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, arrived at 7 p.m. on Wednesday from Auckland. She has 150 tons of cargo for here, besides the thorough-bred horse, Javelin, the property of Allen McLean, Esq., of Tuki Tuki.
The s.s Result left at 5.30 a.m. on Thursday, with a full cargo of general merchandise, and a fair complement of passengers. She may be expected back on Saturday.
The C.G. s.s. Stella, Captain Fairchild, has been visiting the Lighthouses in and near Cook’s Straits. After leaving French Pass, she encountered a heavy gale, which compelled Captain Fairchild to seek the shelter of Guard Bay for three days. In coming on to Wellington, the Stella passed by the wreck of the ill-fated Queen Bee. Captain Fairchild reports her as being well broken up, and a great quantity of cargo and timber being strewn about the beach.
We have to report but a small amount of business in Store Stock during the past month. Till within the last fortnight, very little rain has fallen during the winter, and feed has been in consequence unusually scarce. Lambing, on the flats in the districts liable to be affected by floods (from the recent rains) will not be so productive as in recent years; while in the hilly districts they are healthy and strong, and will yield a good percentage.
A large quantity of land on the Homewood Estate is being ploughed and laid down in grass, both at Waipawa and Kaikoura [ Kaikora ]; and we anticipate a prosperous future for both of these rising townships. Land that only three years ago was sold at £4 5s per acre is, with little improvement except fencing, now realizing from £7 – £8 – two blocks, one of 166 acres and another of 613 acres, having lately been disposed of at the latter price.
For cattle, we have to quote – Fat, from 20s – 22s 6d per 100lbs; dairy cows, from £11. Stores – we have sold one small lot of yearlings at £2 15s, and have enquires for 350 more, which could be placed at about same rates. Two, three, and four-year-old Steers of good quality, £5, £6, £7.
Horses – We have on our books a good number of draught, at from £22 10s to £30. We have sold at good figures. Light hacks from £7 to £12; harness horses, from £15 to £30.
Sheep – Few sheep will be offered until after shearing, except for the butcher. We anticipate a good demand for Merino and half-bred ewes, delivery in December.
For Wellington, Southern Provinces, and Australian Colonies, per Taranaki, on Saturday, at 10 a.m.
For Auckland, per Southern Cross, on Saturday, at 4 p.m.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, & c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where these mails close on the 23rd instant.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, American, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per Rotorua, on Saturday, 22nd September, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders, and Registered letters will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspaper will close at 8 p.m., on the 22nd instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirke [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [ Wainui ], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
Government Notifications.
Date. Mode of Sale. NAME. PARTICULARS. AREA OF LAND SOLD. CASH. Rents and Assessments. REMARKS.
Town. Suburban. Country. Town. Suburban. Country.
A.R.P. A.R.P. A.R.P. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d
2 Application William Royse Rural Land on Wm. Lyon’s run, Maraekakahu [Maraekakaho ] District 1743 0 0 871 10 0
29 James Hallett Six months rent, Rangao Tawhao Block 7 5 10
£. s. d.
Land Sales 871 10 0
Rents and Assessments 7 5 10
£878 15 10
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, September 3rd, 1877.
THE British Expedition to the Crimea, W. H. Russell.
The Invasion of the Crimea, Kinglake, new edition.
The Modern Egyptians, Lane, 2 Vols.
Japan, China, and India, Fowler
Sport in Many Lands, by the Old Shekarry, 2 Vols.
Life of a Scottish Naturalist, Smiles
Darwiniana, Professor Gray
Expression of the Emotions, Darwin
Origin of Species, Darwin
Current Coin, Rev. H.R. Haweis
Essential Elements of Practical Mechanics, Byrne
The Amateur House Carpenter, Hatfield
Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs, Loudon
Memoir of R. and W. Chambers
Davies’ Other Men’s Minds
Southgate’s Many Thoughts of Many Minds
Kingsley’s Westminster Sermons
Selections from the Talmud
Heroes of Ancient Greece
Comic History of Rome
The Leopold Shakespeare
Half Hours with the best Authors
Chambers’ Information for the People
Ayesha, The Maid of Kars
Dame Europa’s Remonstrance, and her Ultimatum
The Golden Yankee
Dowsings’ Timber Merchant’s and Builder’s Companion
The Henwife, by Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnott
Dr. Willoughby and his Wine
THE Undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he will open the above Hotel on MONDAY, the 17th instant, which is situated on the direct road to Patea, and hopes by attention to the comfort of his visitors to merit their support. The Hotel has recently been built for the specific accommodation of the travelling public, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the Hotel one of the most comfortable and attractive in the County.
None but the very best brands of Beers, Wines, and Spirits, will be kept in stock.
Splendid Stables, Grass Paddocks, and every accommodation for persons travelling.
The Proprietor is erecting a new Store, where goods of the very best quality will always be on sale.
Konini, Sept. 5th, 1877.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
JOHN HARDING. (Mount Vernon). – Your letter is far too lengthy for insertion in our columns. We have already a long letter awaiting publication, signed R. C. Harding, which travels over the same ground as that of yours. It is unnecessary to publish both. We again take this opportunity of requesting our correspondents to make their communications as brief as possible, to ensure insertion, as our space is necessarily largely taken up by Parliamentary news and telegrams.
BRADLEY. – At Taradale, on September 2nd, the wife of Mr. George Bradley, of a son.
LAMBERT. – At West Clive, on September 5, the wife of Mr. G. Lambert, of a son.
ALLANACH – O’HANLIN. – On the 5th June, at Napier, by the Rev. D. Sidey, Alexander Allanach, to Annie O’Hanlin, both of Taradale.
WINDUSS. – At Shakespeare Terrace, Napier, on September 2, Mary Ann Winduss, second daughter of George and Elizabeth Winduss.
SINCLAIR. – At West Clive, on September 5, Mr George Sinclair.
The Weekly Mercury
THE Wananga attributes the election of Mr Sutton to the seat in the House of Representatives, rendered vacant by the death of Sir Donald McLean, to the indiscriminating action of the Good Templars. Our Maori contemporary says that the Good Templars “simply committed voluntary disfranchisement,” at the last election, and “by their action caused the return to Parliament of a gentleman who by his recent speech, has openly shown that they have no more inveterate foe.” We do not think the Good Templars of Napier will endorse this view of the question; we do not think that the Wananga has a very clear recollection of the principals at issue between the rival candidates at the last election. Mr Sutton did not owe his return so much to the united action of the Good Templars, as to the principals of which he was the advocate, and to the conviction felt by the electors that he could be relied upon. As far as Mr Sutton’s views on temperance were concerned, they were no more satisfactory to the Good Templars than were those of his opponent, and such being the case, if the members of that body gave a block vote to Mr Sutton, it was because they were not so unreflecting as to ignore those other grave political questions that are unconnected with the particular object for the attainment of which they are bound to press. At this distance in time from the election, we can look back to the circumstances that surrounded the contest with a freedom from that feeling of partizanship which is almost necessarily inseparable from an occurrence of that nature. The real political issue at stake between Mr Sutton and Mr. Buchanan was entirely outside any question relating to that of Local Option, and that which the electors had to decide was, whether they would send to Parliament a representative pledged to support the Government, and to work in harmony with his own colleague, or to return a gentleman who, glorying in his independence, would as often be found voting with Sir George Grey and Mr. Rees as with the Ministry. Mr. Buchanan was unfortunate in his supporters; and his presentation to the electorate by the representatives of a party in acknowledged opposition to the Government offered ample reason for believing that his candidature was due to the hope that he would prove in the House an uncompromising opponent of the Ministry. The result of the polling took everyone by surprise; and so closely did Mr Buchanan run the successful candidate that, it may well be supposed, if it had not been for his connection with the Auckland party, he would have been returned. Fortunately such an event was averted, in spite of the obstinacy of those who persisted in thinking that the third candidate, Mr Tiffen, had a chance of heading the poll. If Mr Tiffen had followed the very sensible example of Mr Rhodes, and withdrawn early from the contest, Sir George Grey’s lieutenants would have less cause for congratulation in the success they met with in their nomination of a candidate for Napier. The Parliamentary proceedings of this present session unmistakeably show how great a mistake this constituency would have committed in returning a representative who would have owed his election to the agency of Sir George Grey’s party – a party, the members of which have nothing in common but feelings of personal hostility to the Ministry. Weak and vacillating as the Government have proved themselves to be, neither a majority in the House, or in the country, would care to see their places occupied by Sir George Grey and his followers. It is to this feeling alone that the Government owe the position that they occupy in always being able to command a majority when questions affecting their stability are before the House. Up to the present time of the session Napier has had good cause to be well satisfied with Mr Sutton, and not the less so because there is not the slightest probability that he will assist those who merely oppose the Government for opposition’s sake.
WE have received amongst other Parliament papers a copy of the new Lands Bill, that has been introduced to the House by the Hon. D. Reid. The Bill consists of 169 clauses, which are divided into eight parts, and these are followed by ten appendices each one dealing with the sale and leasing of land within the boundaries of the ten provincial districts of the colony. As the provisions of the Bill are too voluminous to be fully explained in one article, we shall in this issue lay before our readers the provision of the appendix relating to Hawke’s Bay. These are as follows: – No lands, whether town, suburban, or rural, shall be offered for sale by auction unless the same shall have been previously surveyed and distinguished by a sufficient mark or number upon a plan to be deposited and exhibited in the Principal Land Office. All such rural lands as have already been proclaimed as open for selection or purchase under the Lands Regulations heretofore in force and known as the General Land Regulations of the Province of Wellington, and dated the fourth day of March, one thousand eight hundred, and fifty-three, and the additional Regulations of the said province, dated the sixteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, shall remain open for sale at the fixed price of ten shillings per acre. An intending purchaser of such last-mentioned lands shall make an application in writing to the Board for the purchase of the land which he may desire to purchase. Such application must contain the name and description of the intending purchaser, and must be signed by him or his agent, and contain as accurate description of the land applied for as may be reasonably possible. All such applications for the purchase of land shall be lodged at the office of the Board between the hours of ten a.m. and three p.m. on all weekdays other than Saturday; and on Saturday between the hours of ten a.m. and one p.m. All applications shall have priority according to the time at which they are received, and it shall be the duty of the Chief Commissioner, at the time of receiving any application, to mark thereon the hour and minute at which the same was received. In case the Chief Commissioner shall be personally absent from his office at the time when any application shall be tendered, such application shall be provisionally received by the Clerk in the Land Office, who shall issue a provisional order or authority to the Receiver of Land Revenue to receive the purchase money, and such application followed by payment, shall give the applicant priority; but if the Board, on subsequent examination, shall discover that the said application, for some lawful reason, should not have been received, it shall be the duty of the said Board to reject the said application, and give the applicant notice thereof; and thereupon the purchase money paid by the applicant shall be returned. All applications for the purchase of land shall be forthwith entered in a book to be kept in the Provincial Land Office, and to be called the “General Register of Applications for Land;” and such book shall be open to inspection of the public during the regular office hours, and any person may take a copy of or extract from such register. All lands not being lands reserved from sale, or land already proclaimed as open for selection at the fixed price of ten shillings per acre, shall be sold or disposed of by public auction at an upset price of not less than ten shillings per acre, at such times, in such allotments, and at such an upset price as the Board, with the assent of the Governor, shall from time to time publicly notify.
MR. SHEEHAN recently asked the Attorney-General in the House, whether it was the intention of the Government to introduce a Bill dealing with the question of Maori representation, and, if so, when the Bill was likely to be brought down? Our readers will remember that, last year, the Government promised to bring down such a measure this session. The reply Mr. Whitaker gave Mr. Sheehan was that the matter had been carefully considered in connection, generally, with the question of Parliamentary representation. It was the intention of the Government during the present session to bring in a Bill for the purpose of registering Maori electors. It was also intended to bring in a Bill for the purpose of adopting a new plan for registering other electors. It was also intended to take a census of the European inhabitants, and a census of the Maori population, and then to confer on the latter a representation in proportion to that of the former. From this it may be gathered that it is not intended to register European and Maori electors on the same roll, nor to continue the very objectionable privileges hitherto allowed the natives of having double representation. We imagine the new Bill will confine the natives and Europeans to voting for their respective representatives. This will be a very great improvement upon the existing Act, which can now be so worked as to swamp the votes of colonists. Some such attempt has already been commenced in the districts of Napier, and Clive, where we have seen the electoral rolls largely increased by the names of Maoris. It is not, nor can it be, pretended that the privileges the natives enjoy under the present Act are of any benefit to them; while on the contrary they may have a most mischievous tendency. The only object the bulk of the natives can possibly have in registering themselves as electors, is to oblige a pakeha friend, who, having induced them to register would have little trouble in making use of their votes at an election for his own personal ends. Ignorant alike of the wants of the country, and of their own race, it is simply preposterous that the natives should hold the representation of the district in their hands. So much is this the case now that a few active agents could flood the electoral rolls with native names, and say the Repudiation party, driving the Maori voters to the poll at an election, secure the return of the nominee of an Auckland faction. The last election for a Napier representative offered an example of what can be done in this direction, and since then the Maoris on the roll have been more than doubled. The Bill to be brought in by the Government, if it protects the electoral privileges and liberties of colonists without interfering with what it is the natives should possess, will be hailed as a boon to the country.
WE do not think that Mr Vautier will gain much by his motion when it comes to be discussed at the next Harbor Board meeting. We are rather under the impression that the majority of the members will listen with impatience to what he may have to say in support of his proposal to stop the present harbor works, and will dispose of his motion in double quick time. While Mr Vautier’s fears respecting the utility of the works now being carried on enlist the sympathy of a very large number of persons, it must be admitted that, until the scheme is fully completed, no verdict can be passed upon it. But it should be born in mind that it is as absurd to say the works will accomplish all they are designed for, as to affirm that they will prove a failure. We ourselves have more than once expressed a want of faith in them, and our confidence has not been increased as the works have progressed. At the same time, we should not advocate the adoption of Mr. Vautier’s motion; we can hope to gain nothing by leaving a work half finished. Let the Board complete what it has begun, and should the work prove a success, let Mr. Carruthers have the credit; if, on the other hand, the scheme proves a failure, the Board will only have itself to blame for rejecting a plan for an artificial harbor that was prepared by one of the best marine engineers ever in New Zealand.
THE House has thrown out the Napier Borough Endowment Bill, and the Harbor Board is once more safe in the possession of the few square yards of mud of which it was sought to relieve it. And the fact of the Bill being thrown out goes to show how chary the House is of dealing with matters which, in the days of provincialism, a Superintendent would play pitch and toss with. But Mr Ormond as Superintendent, and Mr Ormond as Minister of the Crown, are two different persons. In the one capacity he was irresponsible, and could, and did, do that which was right in his own eyes; in his present position the restraint of office bears heavily, and the public service has to be considered. Mr Ormond as Minister felt constrained to oppose a Bill that gave to the Borough what had once been given for harbor purposes. Mr. Ormond, as Superintendent, did not see any harm in giving the Borough a much more valuable slice out of the same original harbor endowment, and selling for the good of the province ever so much more. We presume that now the piece of ground in question will remain the horrible nuisance it has been since the railway has been constructed.
Waka Maori Libel Case.
September 4.
The Court was all morning examining Mr Sheehan, who said he was largely concerned in native complaints before the Commission, in fact Judge Richmond called him “Attorney-General for the natives.” He had conversations with Hori Niania respecting the Waipukurau leases and the reserve of twenty acres said to be promised by Mr Russell. Hori told witness Mr Russell made no such promise, and declined to do so. It was Mr Locke who moved him in the matter through Mr Drower, but he did intend going to Napier again about it. He was Arihi’s solicitor since 1873. Lately it was advertised that Mr Lascelles was, but no formal intimation had been given him. His name was still on the record for several of Arihi’s cases. He valued Alice’s property between £30,000 and £40,000. The latest and best offer made to Alice was £3,000 for herself and £1,000 for himself. The offer was made by telegram, and was now with his papers in Napier. When he found Alice made a deed on conveyance, while in her minority, he advised her not to touch the principal or interest, as that would be confirmation of the conveyance to Tanner and party. No more eligible persons could be found in Hawke’s Bay as trustees than Messrs Purvis Russell and Wilson. He showed Alice her trust fund was all right, and went to the Bank and got a pass book and interpreted the contents to show the position of her affairs. This was shortly before her letters appeared in the Waka Maori. She once wanted £35 from him. When he refused, and said he would advise Mr. Russell not to give it to her, she said she would go over to the Government. Witness detailed at considerable length the mode of procedure at the meeting at Renata’s, regarding the Waikariou Block. The only reason the leases were not completed then was that he had to go to Parliament, and the natives required he should be present at their arrangements, although all were agreed to as to terms. They asked more next year, chiefly he believed because their debts were then greater. He denied all the allegations as to Mr. Russell threatening the natives, if they refused the lease to him. It was intimated if they leased to others, they had better pay him. He would have been no party to threats or coercion. He denied the alleged promises made by Jemima or Hone Ta Tohinga. Mr. Russell’s terms to the natives re leases were more liberal than were usually given.
Cross-examined by Mr. Conolly: Mr Russell it was who paid witness. The Heretaunga was acquired for about one-fifth of its value. He did not cross-examine Alice about the £35 she asked him for. It was not worth it. At the Commission she got sulky, and went over to the fire and gave only one answer to the last question, viz., “I’ll tell you when you let me have my money you robbed me of.” Hawke’s Bay public opinion might be said to be divided between the Ring and the Repudiationists Mangai only declined to lease the lands on the terms then offered. He was solicitor for Arihi to set aside the Heretaunga Block Purchase. She had been for 18 months negotiating. He had recently issued 40 or 50 writs. Since 1875 there had been several actions in type. The cases had not developed into the usual professional insticnt [instinct] in going in against everyone.
Re-examined by Mr. Macassey: On the trial, he would settle all the cases. He proposed to take a few cases, but defendants would not agree; they returned good for evil to such an extent that he did not feel inclined to be merciful any longer. After reading some documents, Mr. Macassey said the plaintiff’s case was closed.
At 2 o’clock Mr. Conolly proceeded to address the Court for the defence, going carefully over all such portions of the evidence, taken either here or in Napier, as would tell against the plaintiff and would favor his clients. The learned gentleman went a considerable length in analysing the evidence relating to the contract for sleepers, keenly criticising Mr. Russell’s letter to the Minister of Public Works as to the sleepers, and the royalty for which had not been paid to the natives to this day. The learned counsel spoke up to 5 p.m.
September 5.
Mr Conolly resumed at 10 this morning and continued till 12.45, when the Court rose for an hour. The gist of his argument was to show that there was only Mr. Russell’s evidence to rebut that of six or seven natives. As for Messrs Sheehan and White’s corroborative evidence, it was not worth much, when the jury considered the way both were mixed up with Mr. Russell, for although Mr. Sheehan was called, the Attorney-General for the Maoris, Mr Russell was his real employer. He contrasted Mr. Russell’s evidence with Messrs Hamlin’s and Locke’s, neither of whom was in the slightest degree interested, and had no connection with any of the parties. Not a breath of suspicion could be alleged against the character of either. Besides, both were on friendly terms with Mr Russell. That being so, Mr Hamlin’s evidence, which was flatly contradicted by Mr. Russell, must have been pure invention from the first word to the last, or Mr. Russell, who was a deeply interested person, must have wilfully stated what was false. Both Mr. Hamlin and Mr Locke swore that 15 or 20 acres were promised Honi [Hori]. He also keenly criticised the plaintiff’s statement with regard to his entering into a written agreement with Honi, asking, how it was possible for Mr. Russell, who could not speak Maori, to explain a document to Honi, who did not understand English? He argued that if the plaintiff’s evidence was unreliable in that particular, was it not to be distrusted throughout the whole case, whenever it came into collision with the evidence for the defence? It was not the exalted position, nor the large possessions of the plaintiff they should look at, but the credibility of his evidence, as against so many others, always remembering what an interested party he was. He thought, although there were six issues, the jury would really only have to deal with two. He also commented upon the suspicious appearance of the fact that Mr Russell was constantly allowing the natives to get into his debt, and, he argued, consequently into his power. He maintained that the allegations in the letters had been proved true, and therefore no libel, and confidently expected the jury to return a verdict accordingly.
Mr Macassey commenced to address the jury about 2 o’clock this afternoon, and continued until 5.20 p.m. The court was crowded the whole time. Referring to land transactions as far back as, 1872, he said they were of such a nature that the colonial Legislature had to interfere on behalf of the natives, but Mr Russell was the person who pressed the matter home until the Government did take action. Touching the Te Aute meeting, he said that Mr Hamlin’s brother was there as “Paul Pry” on behalf of the Government. He commented on the singular coincidence of Mr Locke not going to the Te Aute meeting as he intended, and as he went to other meetings and accounted for it on the ground that those superior to Mr Locke were hostile to Mr Russell, and wished to annoy and irritate him. It was clear, from the way the case was conducted, re supplying sleepers which had nothing to do with the case, that there was a strong animus against the plaintiff. He complained of the way the witnesses were led in the examination before the Commission as unfair. [The Judge agreed that the mode of examination was open to some objection.] He ridiculed the idea of accepting Mangai’s evidence as to Mr Russell using threats, and he annalysed [analysed] Mangai’s printed evidence. He argued that the whole tenor of the evidence went to show Mr Russell to be the disinterseted [disinterested] advisor, patron, and protector of the natives, being more liberal to them in his dealings than anyone else would be; that he was in fact quite, Quixotic. Touching the sleeper transaction, he said there was nothing to show that Mr Russell benefited a farthing, or than any of the profit was not devoted to the soul benefit of the natives. One of the letters accused Mr Russell of leaving Hori Nia Nia landless and destitute, but he had adduced evidence showing Hori still possessed considerable land. Mr Macassey then examined Mr Locke’s evidence at considerable length, to show that Mr Locke’s memory failed him, as was quite natural in a period of ten or eleven years. He contrasted Mr Russell’s evidence, to show that if Mr Locke’s was astray in one thing why not as to the alleged promise to give Hori 20 acres of land. Mr Locke’s letter to Mr Russell about the Waipukurau purchase made no reference to such a promise, and so that sent Mr Locke’s evidence by the board. Coming to Mr Hamlin, Mr Macassey called him “that man with the memory,” who, without written memorandum of any kind, recollected the most minutest details of sayings and doings having cherished them in his memory for ten or eleven years. Mr Hamlin, he thought, proved too much altogether. Mr Macassey commented on the enormity of sending a libel broadcast from one end of the colony to another, and even to London, where Mr Russell got a copy addressed to him. Even Taiaroa got one at Otago Heads. If the jury thought the allegations true, let them say so, and his client should be stripped of land and honor [honour], and of the position he now held in the legislature. If not, let them mark their sense of the great wrong done him, and remove from his troubled heart the sorrow that had know it so long.
September 6.
The Waka Maori case will close tonight. The Judge is summing up since 10 a.m., and will probably close about 6 p.m. Opinion is divided, as many hold there will be no verdict. The Judge has referred in damaging terms to the plaintiffs agreements for the lease of the Te Aute lands, pointing out they do not agree with the leases subsequently issued, the conditions inserted in the lease being more favorable to Mr Russell than the agreement.
Russell Wins the Day!
£500 and Costs.
The libel case has just concluded. The jury has returned a verdict, giving Mr Russell £500 damages and costs, besides a guinea on each issue. There is weeping and wailing among the Government supporters. The costs altogether amount close on £5,000.
September 2, 1877.
I am given to understand that the erection of a new bridge across the Ngaruroro is in contemplation, and that Mr Bold is preparing plans and specifications for the same. This is decidedly a step in the right direction, for the ricketty old structure which some people facetiously call a bridge is, notwithstanding all its numerous repairs, in a dliapidated [dilapidated] condition, and its many spans only tend to retard the free egress of timber and roots which are floated down the river during flood time, seriously jeopardising the bridge and those who happen to be on it at the time. Doubtless, if Mr bold is not cramped for necessary funds we shall have a bridge both substantial and ornamental, and well worthy the designers.
Large quantities of timber arrived at the Farndon station last week, and a great number of Maoris with their teams were busily engaged carting the same to Waiowhiki [ Waiohiki ]. At this place a church is to be erected which is to cost £2,000, and the timber alluded to is to be used in the erection of the same. This, certainly, is much to the credit to the Maoris in that district, and not only contrasts favorably with Europeans in such matters, but goes far to show the rapid strides they are making both in morality and Christianity.
At Farndon there is not only to be a telegraph office, but a Post office is to be erected in connection with the same. I have heard that the residents across the bridge, that is, at Clive proper, do not approve of the Post Office being removed from the last-mentioned township; but I fear they are taking a narrowminded [narrow minded] line, and only looking at the immediate present, and not in the distant future when in all the probability, from the Waitangi to the Ngaruroro, will be built upon, and the site for the Post Office be almost central between the extremities of West Clive and the Waitangi Bridge. Judging from this view, I am under the impression that the authorities are to be complimented for the steps they are taking.
There is a statement going the rounds of Clive, that a certain individual (who for the present shall be nameless), is in the habit of impounding cattle off his property in a sort of private pound at East Clive, and charging certain fees before he will release the cattle to their owners. Now to my mind this is clearly in opposition to the Impounding Ordinance, and a direct infringement of the same, and that the said person is liable to punishment for doing so. But perhaps it is done in ignorance.
The constant stream of traps that continually pass up and down this road is something surprising. I remember before the railway started that horse teams were to be seen in any quantity daily passing through the township, but a trap was a decided rarity. Now the horse teams have almost become a rarity, and traps have become the order of the day. They are numerous enough on working days, but on Sundays, traps and equestrians, both male and female from little after sunrise till long after sundown, are speeding away both up and down the road.
We notice that Mr A. Bryson has called for tenders for the erection of a hotel at the corner of Dickens’ and Hasting’s streets. The position is the same for which Mr Peddie put in an application to the bench for a license, and afterwards withdrew it.
We notice, in our advertising columns, an announcement that Mr. W.L. Coward has commenced business at Waipawa as auctioneer, accountant, and general stock and station agent.
Bishop Redwood, whose arrival and reception in Napier we have already recorded, preached on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings last week, his sermon on each occasion being followed by Benediction of the Holy Sacrament. On Sunday, His Lordship celebrated Mass and preached at eight o’clock. At 11 o’clock, at the high Mass (celebrated by the Rev. Father Kerrigan) Mozart’s 12th was performed, with the exception of the “Credo” which was taken from Haydn’s 1st Mass in B Flat. The offertory piece was the “Ave Maria” of the Cherubini, the singing being on the whole creditable to the small choir. The sermon was again preached by His Lordship, the subject being an explanation of the Rite of Confirmation and the ceremonies attending it, with an earnest address to the young people about to receive it. After the sermon Confirmation was administered to about 100 persons, mainly children, nearly two-thirds being females, whose wreaths and white veils invested the scene with much picturesqueness. In this ceremony, the Bishop was assisted by the Very Rev Father Forest, H.V.G., and by Father Kerrigan, the choir during its progress singing the “Veni Creator,” and the proceedings terminating with the Pontifical Blessing. After Vespers in the evening, His Lordship again preached, delivering a most striking and emphatic address. Speaking to the newly confirmed, he urged them to be true to the Baptismal vows they had now taken upon themselves, and warned them earnestly against the besetting sins of unbelief, impurity, and the dissemination of scandal against one’s neighbour. They would find themselves surrounded on all sides by dangers to their faith as Catholics and Christians, not the least of which dangers was to be found in the prevailing tone of the Press, for although such things might not produce in their minds actual unbelief, yet indifference would be created, and they ran the risk of becoming Catholics only in name. In Confirmation they received sanctifying grace, the meaning and effect of which His Lordship illustrated by a number of striking analogies drawn from the natural world. Addressing those who years ago had been confirmed, he asked how had they had kept their vows. Those vows and their holy faith remained the same and unchanged, they themselves alone could change. At the conclusion of an able and practical sermon, the Bishop urged all the Catholics present to remain steadfast to their religion, that they might one day meet with the promised heavenly reward. At the conclusion of the sermon, the newly confirmed renewed their Baptismal vows, a ceremony of great solemnity; His Lordship then gave Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; the services concluding with hymns sung by the children of the Convent Schools. There were very large congregations at all services yesterday, the Church being so full in the evening that some persons were unable to obtain admission. The annual collection for the Bishop of the Diocese was made.
We publish the following circular from the Under-Secretary of defence, for the information of those volunteers in Hawke’s Bay who are entitled to a land certificate. We should mention that all claims must be sent in before the 31st October next: –
Militia and Volunteer Office.
Wellington, 9th August, 1877.
SIR – In reference to the application from Volunteers for remission certificates under “The Volunteer Land Act, 1865,” I am instructed by the Hon. Native Minister to call your special attention to Clause 3 of the “Waste Lands Administration Act, 1876,” whereby you will see that a volunteer to become entitled to the Certificate, must have served three years prior to that Act coming into operation.
In forwarding applications for Certificates you will be good enough to see.
(1) That each applicant has been an efficient Volunteer at least three years prior to 31st October, 1876.
(2) That his claim is not barred under Sub -sections 1 and 2 of Sections 3 of the Act of 1876.
(3) That in the case of each applicant his names are given in full. The Corps to which he belonged. The date of enrollment, and whether the applicant has previously received land for services as a Volunteer.
(4) In all cases where the applicant has been serving in more than one Volunteer Corps, the fullest information must be furnished as to dates of joining and leaving each Corps, showing in that manner how the period of five (5) years service is made up.
(Sd.) WM MOULE Lt. Col.
Acting Under Secretary Defence.
THE following gentlemen were nominated to fill the nine vacant seats in the Municipal Council of Napier: – Messrs Joshua Bennett, S. Carnell, John Dinwiddie, W. A. Dugleby, George Ellis, G Faulknor, G.E. Lee, J.W. Neal, James Pocock, James Rochefort, G.H. Swan, F. Tuxford, John H. Vautier, H.H. Wall, and Henry Williams. This makes fifteen candidates for the nine seats, and the election will take place on Thursday next, commencing at 9 o’clock, and the poll will not close until 6 o’clock in the evening, thus giving the working classes an opportunity of recording their votes, after the day’s labor is over. Under present circumstances, as Mr Stuart explains in his address it was impossible for him to be nominated, of the old Councillors both Mr E. Lyndon and Mr H.R. Holder, declined to be nominated. There is a rumor afloat, but we can hardly credit it, that both these burgesses purpose running Mr Stuart for the Mayor’s chair.
Page 14
Waka Maori Libel Case.
August 30.
Mr Hamlin was being examined all the afternoon as to the purchase of the Waipukurau reserve, and was cross examined by Mr Macassey after Mr Buller’s examination. He testified to being present when the balance of the purchase money was paid over, which was more than ten pounds in fifty. He said the whole transaction was completed without any objection being raised as to the reserve at the Waipkurau pa, which Mr Locke told him was about twenty acres. He said he told the natives nothing about the matter. He looked upon it as an arrangement among themselves. When asked by Mr Macassey why he had not mentioned the fact that Hori had a private agreement as to the reserve for his own personal benefit, Mr Hamlin said it did not seem surprising to him as Hori had, before the passing of the land thorough the Native Land Court, been the most influential chief and largest land holder about there.
The next witness after Mr Hamlin was Kingi Ta Tohunga, who deposed to the leasing of Waikereao and Whakauranga blocks to Mr Russell, and that Mr Russell made use of no threats of Supreme Court proceedings, or of making the natives pay off what they owed at the rate of £50 per month, or otherwise, to induce the natives to sign the lease. He said that Mangai was a grantee of Whakauranga, and that the lease of Waipapa was discussed, but not concluded. He signed them all at the same time at the office of the Wananga.
Mr Conolly then asked that the lease for Waipapa should be produced, but Mr Macassey said he had assured the Court, as he did before, that there was no such lease; at least, Mr Russell knew nothing of any such lease.
The next witness was Parawhera, who said that he was angry with Mangai when he read the letter in the Waka Maori relating to Mr. Russell. He admitted to receiving money from Mr. Russell for timber cut from certain lands. He did not hear of Mr. Russell make use of threats of any kind to induce the natives to sign the leases. Mr Russell also agreed to pay back rent for cattle upon Maori lands.
Mr. Ollivier, solicitor, was examined as to a deed of charge entered into at Wellington on the 16th November, 1872. It was drawn up in his office, and he was the attestator, though only accidently, as he did not draw up the deed. Arihi had been at his office in company with Mr Russell several times before the deed was signed. As to the Raukawa Block, he told Mr. Russell that he had already sold that to Mr. Kinross, but Mr Russell said, “Who cares for that sale.”
It being close to 5 p.m., the Court decided to adjourn, before calling any fresh witnesses, till 10 o’clock next morning.
September 1.
Mr. Locke was recalled and examined by Mr. Macassey in reference to a certain letter purporting to be a receipt by him for money obtained from Mr, Russell in 1867, and a great deal of evidence was taken as to the signature of natives to certain deeds on behalf of the plaintiff.
The remainder of the forenoon, and until the mid-day adjournment, was occupied in the examination of Mr. J. N. Wilson, of Napier, who gave the history of the manner in which he and Mr Purvis Russell became trustees of (a share in the) Heretaunga block for Arihi. He said the block had been purchased by Mr Watt and afterwards sold at an advance of a thousand pounds, of which (H.R.) Russell received half; but he (H.R. Russell) never had anything to do with the trust of the Heretaunga block. He also gave evidence that Alice disputed the trust settlement, and did so by advice.
Mr. John White, native Interpreter, deposed to being at Te Aute when the natives were there about signing arrangements and regarding accounts, &. No inducements where held out or threats made to the natives by Mr. Russell to get them to sign, He was engaged at Te Wananga office. He had heard it called the Repudiation office. The sense in which he understood the term was this, that those who were endeavouring to obtain for the Maoris lands of which they had been wrongly dispossessed. Taking the prices paid by Mr. Russell for Maori lands, and comparing them with the prices paid by other people, he (Mr Russell) gave them a perfectly fair price, not withstanding that they had a high opinion of the Te Aute block.
The court has since been since reading and commenting on the printed evidence.
The Court will adjourn at 2 to-day.
Mr. Locke was recalled again and re-examined as to a certain letter between him and Mr. Russell. The examination went to show that the amount of indebtedness of Russell to Locke, regarding survey of the Waipukurau block, was very trifling.
Col. Whitmore deposed that 2s per acre was a very fair price for the Waipukurau land bought by Mr. Russell. He (Col. Whitmore) was well acquainted with the block, and knew there was a good deal of land in Hawke’s Bay of equal value, which was leased at 21 years at a less rental.
Three Chiefs – Urupene Puharu, Karaitiana, and Te Koura – were called to prove that Mr. Russell had used neither coercion or threats to induce the Maoris to sign.
The Court adjourned at 2 o’clock until Monday.
September 3.
The examination of Mr. Russell occupied the Court all morning. He was called by Mr. Macassey. The substance of his evidence was that all Mr. Locke said about him being in Lock’s office, when the agreement was made with the Maoris, was quite inaccurate. He denied he ever agreed to make reserve for Hori Nia Nia, though asked to do so. He said he would see that the graves of his ancestors were not desecrated, and accordingly fenced them in. He planted them with cypresses and other suitable trees. He denied all Hamlin’s evidence as to the deed being first explained to some of the grantees, before the others were brought, and then explained to all the assembly. He also denied Hamlin’s statement that the amount paid over was under £50. He paid over £125. He also denied Hamlin’s statement, that he promised Hori he would make a reserve of 20 acres for his personal benefit. Mr. Hamlin never had any communication with him on the matter since its final settlement. He was never challenged by the natives with having made such a promise, nor by Mr. Locke. Very warm feelings were aroused at the time of the Commission in 1873, and time did not seem to soften them. After the Commission he asked Honi [Hori] why he did not apply to have his claim investigated, and he said that it was none of his doings. He had been induced to complain by Mr Drower and Mr Locke. Mr Drower had been in his employ for years, but they were not upon speaking terms now. Honi’s complaint was called, but he made no appearance. He had supplied Honi with 500 breeding ewes. He thought he had means of payment. Honi besides that owed him £200. He denied he made any of the promises to natives at Arini’s house such as were attributed to him in Mangai’s letter.
Cross-examined by Mr. Conolly: – The deed was read and explained to all the Maoris interested at the same time, and only once. He denied that statement that Honi refused to sign unless the reserve was included. He entirely denied promising Hone [Hori] 20 acres, or that he would get it surveyed. Honi thought a chief, had of late years lost most of his influence. In reply to the claims made by the Maoris for cutting timber and allowing cattle to stray upon their land, he said they were largely indebted to him for advances, and their cattle also grazed on his land. The Te Aute meeting lasted four or five weeks. It was delayed partly thorough some grantees and Mr Locke not arriving at the time promised. He never threatened to sue the natives and make them pay £50 per month, if they did not sell to him, and the witnesses who swore he did so, swore falsely. He did, however, intimate to them that if they were going to sell to other pakehas, they had better get the money from them, and pay him off. He heard Josiah Hamlin was there ready to buy for Mr. Campbell of Pukawa certain lands he had leased from the Maoris at £70 yearly. He had heard they could get £200 yearly from others. He denied all the allegations of Mangai and Jeniema regarding to £50 and £20. They never said to him they would not sign unless they were paid money. Mr. Russell went minutely into his arrangements with the Maoris as to the cutting of sleepers, and was being examined on this point when the Court rose for dinner.
The Court was occupied all the afternoon examining the Hon. H. R. Russell. Before the Court rising he was being cross-examined by Mr. Conolly as to certain tenders for sleepers entered into for the Government by Mr. Russell. The contract was for 3s 3d per sleeper. Mr Conolly produced a letter from Mr Russell to the Minister, setting forth that being aware the Government were in want of sleepers he thought he could arrange on behalf of natives that they would supply Government with ten thousand sleepers at 3s 3d per sleeper. Mr. Conolly also produced an agreement in Maori (translated by Mr Grace.), which went to show that Mr. Russell agreed with the Maoris to supply these sleepers at 2s-a-piece. There were in all vouchers for £1980 paid to Mr. Russell on behalf of natives.
Mr Conolly then questioned Mr Russell further as to the sleepers, and his position in connection with the Heretaunga Block. During the witnesses evidence he said that Arihi owed him £1700 in 1870. Since then she had been increasing her debt. After the Heretaunga sale she launched into all sorts of extravagance. She bought a steam engine, which he very reluctantly had to pay for. She also bought a house – altogether his debt had worked up to £3500. He was examined by commission as to number of cases the natives had against Europeans, and his evidence, went to show that instead of there being over 300 claims entered, there were only 80, and not more than 20 of those were against Europeans in the Hawke’s Bay district, of whom the great majority belonged to the “ring.” He admitted the existence of what was facetiously called the “repudiation party,” and of which he was considered the “head centre.”
The Court adjourned at five till ten to-morrow.
Mr. Sheehan’s evidence has occupied the Court all morning. He narrated at full length the particulars of his transactions with Arihi as her solicitor.
SIR, – As an occupier of a front seat at the performance last night, and as not being a “deadhead,” I may be permitted to express an unbiased opinion of “Chilperic.” In the first place, not a single member of the audience present at “Chilperic” but went away with feelings of mingled anger and disappointment: – anger at the execrable management, disappointment that the entertainment having been completely spoiled by the poverty of the support that the principal artistes received from the minor members of the troupe. I will deal with the management first. Neither stage management nor hall management has been discernible from the first opening night till last evening. A stamping roaring lot of boys are permitted to disturb the audience as they like, to the annoyance of every respectable person. A policeman, or anyone in authority, would be sufficient to put a stop to this nuisance. Last night, certain individuals, prominent by their uniform, where the leaders of the rowdy gang. (I send you their names, in the hope that they will make a public apology for their conduct.) The want of stage management is shown in the fact that the inferior members of the company are never kept up to the mark; they do not know their parts: and the only business they appear to do, and for which they are apparently put on the stage, is to spoil and kill the four ladies of the troupe. In “Ivanhoe,” as in “Chilperic,” the conduct of the “supers” was a gross exhibition of a want of knowledge of duty, and was a gross evidence of a want of management. It is a pity, and a crying shame, that Miss Lydia Howarde, Miss Jenny Nye, and Mdlle. Navaro should, night after night, be insulted by this conduct. It is a shame that people who are willing to patronise the theatre are debarred from enjoyment by an utter absence of that management without which the veriest tyro of an amateur company would be hissed off the stage. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 31, 1877.
SIR, – I saw in your paper a few days ago that Mr Vautier purposed making some proposal to the Harbor Committee, re abandoning their present efforts to improve the harbour.
The sooner some alteration is made the better, as if things continue with the said Harbor Works in the way they have been going of late, coupled with the prospect of railway communication with Wellington, the value of Napier town property will soon be down to a mere song, and sections in such places as the White Road, which owners at present value at about twelve to fifteen hundred pounds will be unsaleable at a ten pound note each.
Anything that can be done with the harbour should be done before the railway is through to Wellington, or in a great measure it will be too late. – I am, &c.,
SIR, – You would greatly oblige myself and a number of others if you would kindly inform me, through the medium of your widely circulated journal, if it is legal, where cattle trespass upon property, for the owner of the said property to constitute a sort of private pound, and charge damages before delivering the cattle trespassing to their owners, there being a public pound in the district, and, if so, is not the poundkeeper entitled to his fees.- I am, &c.,
August 31, 1877,
SIR, – Since reading the enquiry put to you by “X.Y.Z.,” I have gone carefully through the Impounding Act, and I find the following: – “In case of cattle trespass where the owner is unknown, the landowner may impound the cattle in the nearest pound, provided that any cattle pound exists within 20 miles of the place of trespass.” I also find that where the cattle owner distrain the cattle on his own premises he shall forthwith give notice to the owner of such cattle; and in the interpretation clause, the “notice” shall mean written notice delivered personally to or at the residence or homestead of the person sought thereby to be affected. Such is the law, and in the face of this, one or two persons have been in the habit of distraining upon cattle on their own premises, or removing them to the old pound at East Clive, where there is no poundkeeper, be the owners known or unknown, and in no instance giving the necessary notice required by the Act, and, as I am informed, neither providing the cattle with food or water, as required by the byelaw. This is certainly a direct violation of the impounding ordinance, and one that should immediately be put a stop to; and I have no doubt that if the persons whose cattle have been thus treated were to seek redress in a court of law they would recover ample damages, and deter those self-constituted poundkeepers from acting so illegally for the future. Again, if a person loses his cattle, and after search cannot find them, he naturally goes to the nearest pound as being the most likely place to obtain the necessary information; but under existing circumstances, the unfortunate owner may wander for days and days without hearing any tidings of them, while they, poor creatures, are shut up starving for want of food, and famished with thirst, for which he has to pay before they can be released; this, taken altogether with his loss of time, amounts to a serious item. Therefore I again reiterate that something should be done to rectify this growing evil, and to teach cockatoos that they cannot infringe the law with impunity. – I am, &c.,
West Clive, September 3, 1877.
SIR, – I was informed some time ago that the English skylark (alunda vulgaris) was in the district, and had been heard singing (thanks to the Acclimatisation Society), and may the blackbird and song-thrush, with many others, soon put in an appearance. As the above observation confirms Washington Irvine’s word’s, viz., “Those who pass the winter in the country, are sensible of the delightful influences of spring; and of these, none are more delightful none the first notes of the birds,” I directed my attention to it, and have on several occasions heard it sing during the present month. It is to be hoped that we may look forward with pleasure to the time when we may exclaim in the words of a British poet, –
The daisy shy is peeping up from the fresh green sod,
The lark on high is singing, a hymn of praise to God.
The month of August being proverbial for rain, it has been fully verified in the one just past; in addition to having six rainy days, there were many in which passing showers were frequent, and very few days that could be called dry. The frost per contra being but slight, and only occurring four nights – on the 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th – with another last night, a shower of rain at daybreak. September, commencing mild and warm, at 12.30 p.m. it rained heavily, and the wind blew cold from the S.W. – I am, &c.,
Waipawa, September 1, 1877.
SIR, – I see by a local in the Herald this morning that the usual meeting of the Literary Association is postponed until Friday next. This is the second time since the Association has been formed, which is but a few weeks since; and I, as a member, think such proceedings will not further its interest. – I am, &c.,
September 4, 1877.
THE Board met at 11 o’clock.
Present – Messrs. Kinross (Chairman), Rhodes, Kennedy, Vautier, Newman, Chambers, and Smith.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
A letter was read from Messrs. Murray, Common and Co., applying for material to fill in their section, rendered necessary by the works now proceeding at the new quay.
After some discussion, the Board decided to postpone the consideration of the application pending information required from the Engineer as to the amount of material wanted for reclamation purposes.
A circular was read from the Customs Department in reference to Pilot’s duties towards war vessels belonging to nations engaged in war.
A letter from the Pilot was read, reporting the destruction of the pilot boat.
The Chairman was authorised to replace it.
The Engineer’s progress report was read. It stated that the single work of the eastern pier is now completed, leaving only 400 feet of double work to do. On the western pier 276 feet have been finished, and the main piles have been set for 184 feet more.
Accounts were read, passed, and ordered to be paid.
Mr Kennedy called the attention of the Board to the fact that the contractor employed his men on Sunday in the prosecution of the works, and he desired to know whether the Inspector’s services were required on that day.
The Board came to the conclusion that Sunday labor was necessary to keep the chain of the steam punt from being silted over.
Mr Vautier gave notice of motion: – “That in consequence of the late easterly sea taking place from the 19th to the 26th August, and setting direct into the bay, the new channel opened lately to the eastward was completely closed at low water, showing clearly that the ebb-tide cannot resist the force of the easterly sea in a northerly direction, thereby proving that the harbor improvements will not realise the expectations contemplated by the Board. * * * Under the present circumstances the harbor improvements will prove inadequate for the increasing trade of the port, thereby requiring to retain the remaining balance of the loan for future and permanent useful works: I beg to recommend the Board to give effect to the undermentioned clauses: – 1. That arrangements be made with the contractor to complete the works in its progressive state, and to make arrangements for final settlement. 2. That the contractors for the supply of timber be communicated with, with a view to determine their contracts. 3. That the remaining unexpended balance of £75,000 loan be placed at current rate of interest pending the commencement of permanent works.”
The Chairman desired to know whether it was not competent for the Board to refuse this notice of motion. He (the Chairman) did not know whether he should be present at the next ordinary meeting, and he thought that advantage might be taken of the absence of other members to carry a Resolution that would make the Board the laughing-stock of the colony.
Messrs Kennedy, Rhodes, Newman, and Smith pointed out the impossibility of the Board refusing to accept a notice of motion.
After some further discussion, on the motion of Mr Kennedy, it was resolved to hold a special meeting on Tuesday next for the consideration of Mr Vautier’s proposal.
The Board then adjourned.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
George Jackson was charged by Constable Harvey with being yesterday in an intoxicated condition. Jackson pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s, or 24 hours imprisonment.
James McBride was charged by Constable Harvey with being drunk yesterday evening, and when taking him under his kind protection, the prisoner resisted and struck the constable several blows on the neck and about the face.
Inspector Scully said McBride was a most violent man when under the influence of drink. He had only escaped being sent to goal three weeks ago, through a witness not desiring to press a case against him.
His Worship fined McBride £5, or in default of paying the same to be imprisoned for one month.
Henry Hudson, a wretched looking man, was charged with being illegally on the premises of Mr. Ben Johnson, of Port Ahuriri, on Monday night. Inspector Scully said the man had lately been discharged from the Lunatic Asylum, and he did not know what to do with him. He could not work, being demented. He would suggest to send him to prison, but not to do hard labor.
His Worship said he could adopt no other course, but send him to prison for one month.
Newton Irvine and Co. v. A. Monro. – Claim £10. The defendant having applied to have his evidence taken in Wellington under the Act of 1873, the case was adjourned, to a future day.
O’Brien v. Dillon. – Claim £2 10s. Judgment for amount claimed and costs.
Cohen v. John Allanach junior. – Claim £2. Judgment for amount and costs.
Grant v. G. Martin. – Claim £14 5s. Defendant admitted the debt, but said he was not in a position to pay. Judgment for amount and costs 19s.
D. Guy v. R. Willis. – Claim £5 for a colt, and £2 for grazing. Judgment for amount and costs 12s.
Rochfort v. Shirley. Claim £ . Mr. Lascelles appeared for the plaintiff, and examined the defendant, who said he had been out of work, but was now getting 15s per week. The original debt was for board and lodging. The defendant was ultimately ordered to pay 7s 6d per week from 1st September, or in default one months’ imprisonment.
James Ferguson and Peter Bray were both charged by Constable Harvey with being drunk yesterday at Port Ahuriri. Both had been let out on bail, but only Ferguson made his bow to the Court, but he appeared as if his face had seen troublesome times. He was fined 5s, or in default 24 hours’ imprisonment. Bray’s bail money was ordered to be forfeited.
Cartwright v. Bagley (adjourned case). – claim £15 8s for labor. Judgment for amount, and costs £3 10s.
J.H. Gilligan v. R. Kirkpatrick. – Claim £4 10s for hay delivered. There was no appearance of the defendant, and judgment was given for the amount and costs.
AUGUST 1877.
For Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland:
Taupo Saturday, Sept. 15
Hawea Thursday, Sept. 27
For Auckland and Sydney:
Rotorua Sunday, Sept. 23
For Wellington and Southern Ports:
Taranaki s.s. Saturday, September 8
Rotorua Thursday, Sept. 13
Taupo Sunday, Sept. 23
Hawea Saturday, October 6
Rotorua Thursday, Oct. 11.
Passengers booking at the Agents’ office receive Free Pass for Steam Launch.
Against Fire and Marine Losses secured to Policyholders in the
Representing One Million Sterling of Capital, with unlimited liability of Shareholders.
Liberal Terms and Prompt Settlement of Losses, characteristic features of the Company.
Forms of Proposal and all information may be obtained from
SMITH & CO., Waipukurau;
W. RATHBONE, Waipawa;
W.G. CRAWFORD, Kaikora;
GEORGE BEE, Havelock;
ELDRED BECK, West Clive;
JOHN BARRY, Taradale;
W.F. SHAW, Wairoa;
or from
Agent for Hawke’s Bay.
Office – Beach end of Emerson street.
District Office,
September 3, 1877.
TENDERS will be received up to Noon on WEDNESDAY, the 12th September, 1877, from persons willing to supply Forage to the Armed Constabulary Horse at Havelock, for the period ending 30th June, 1878.
Forms of tender and all information can be obtained at this office.
Inspector A.C.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Cheapest and Neatest BILLHEADS may be had at the TELEGRAPH Office.
6 Roomed Cottage and Section, 66 x 132, Shakespeare-road.
6 Roomed Cottage and Section, upwards of half-an-acre, Coote-road, house well finished.
6 Roomed Cottage and Section, ½ acre, Milton-road. Grounds planted with fruit and other trees.
5 Roomed Cottage and Section, ½ acre, over looking Milton-road. Grounds laid out. House nearly new.
5 Roomed Cottage and Section, opposite Garry’s foundry and facing the sea.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, White-road, opposite Garry’s foundry.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, ¼ acre, Lighthouse-road.
4 Four roomed Cottages, near the Gas-works, £110 each.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, White-road, near the Maori Club. Price £160.
4 Roomed Cottage and Section, one-eighth of an acre, Milton-road.
3 Roomed cottage and Section, 23 x 80, Beach Road.
3 Roomed Cottage and Section, one-eighth, of an acre, Shakespeare-road.
2 Two-Roomed Cottages and Sections, White-road, near the Maori Club. Price £90 each.
2 Roomed Cottage and Section, 21 x 66, Port Ahuriri.
2 Roomed Cottage with 1 acre land laid out as an orchard, at Puketapu.
186 acres, Waikato District, Province o [of] Auckland.
80 acres, County Mongonui, Province of Auckland.
40 acres, Danevirk, Hawke’s Bay.
40 acres Woodville, Hawke’s Bay.
40 acres Wairoa, Hawke’s Bay.
37 acres Te Whaku, Hawke’s Bay.
Town Section 296 in White-road.
Town Section 308 in White-road.
Town Section 312 in White-road.
Town Section 311 in White-road.
Town Section 302 in White-road.
Town Section 41 in Hyderabad-road
Town Section 353 in Dickens-street
Town Section 377 in Munroe-street, near railway.
Town Section 382 in Munroe-street
Town Section 223 in Thackeray-street.
Sections in Woodville, Hampden, and Waipawa.
Numerous other Town and Country Properties for Sale or Lease.
UNEXPIRED Lease (18½ years) of 4-Roomed Cottage and Section, half-acre, Coote-road.
100 SHARES in the above Bank for sale.
BEG to inform property owners and others that they make a special business of collecting rents and attending to the execution of repairs, &c., when required.
Proceeds remitted and accounts furnished promptly.
Debtor and Creditors Act, 1876.
Land Transfer Act.
All transactions under the above Act promptly and cheaply carried out.
WHITE ROAD. – 4, 6 and 2-Roomed Cottages.
Milton Road. – 4-Roomed Cottage.
Lighthouse Road. – 4-Roomed Cottage.
Shakespeare Road. – 4-Roomed cottage.
Thackery [ Thackeray ] Street. – 6-Roomed Cottage.
Shakespeare Road. – Large Shop with Dwelling-house attached.
Dickens Street. – Two Shops adjoining Messrs. Gilberd and Co’s factory.
&c., &c., &c.
NEWTON, IRVINE & Co., are now shewing a large assortment of Spring Goods in all the latest styles, and invite inspection.
THE British Expedition to the Crimea, W. H. Russell.
The Invasion of the Crimea, Kinglake, new edition.
The Modern Egyptians, Lane, 2 Vols.
Japan, China, and India, Fowler
Sport in Many Lands, by the Old Shekarry, 2 Vols.
Life of a Scottish Naturalist, Smiles
Darwiniana, Professor Gray
Expression of the Emotions, Darwin
Origin of Species, Darwin
Current Coin, Rev. H.R. Haweis
Essential Elements of Practical Mechanics, Byrne
The Amateur House Carpenter, Hatfield
Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs, Loudon
Memoir of R. and W. Chambers
Davies’ Other Men’s Minds
Southgate’s Many Thoughts of Many Minds
Kingsley’s Westminster Sermons
Selections from the Talmud
Heroes of Ancient Greece
Comic History of Rome
The Leopold Shakespeare
Half Hours with the best Authors
Chambers’ Information for the People
Ayesha, The Maid of Kars
Dame Europa’s Remonstrance, and her Ultimatum
The Golden Yankee
Dowsings’ Timber Merchant’s and Builder’s Companion
The Henwife, by Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnott
Dr. Willoughby and his Wine
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A Chest of medicines (book enclosed) £3 10s or £5 5s; with glass stoppers to all the Tinctures, £4 4s or £6 6s.
JAMES EPPS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists,
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
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Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
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