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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 096 - 15 September
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 096 – 15 September
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 Sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep, and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres, Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
Stock and Station Agent.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
THE Undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he will open the above Hotel on MONDAY, the 17th instant, which is situated on the direct road to Patea, and hopes by attention to the comfort of his visitors to merit their support. The Hotel has recently been built for the specific accommodation of the travelling public, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the Hotel one of the most comfortable and attractive in the County.
None but the very best brands of Beers, Wines, and Spirits, will be kept in stock.
Splendid Stables, Grass Paddocks, and every accommodation for persons travelling.
The Proprietor is erecting a new Store, where goods of the very best quality will always be on sale.
Konini, Sept. 5th, 1877.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Cheapest and Neatest BILLHEADS may be had at the TELEGRAPH Office.
CATTLE AND HORSES, including a draft of Messrs. Nairn Bros., well-bred Cattle and Draught Stock, will take place at the Railway Sale Yards on
At the request of a number of the leading settlers in the Southern portion of the Province, he is making arrangements for holding a
On the same date, when a large assortment of Longwools and Merinos from the best breeders will be offered for sale UNSHORN, thus giving purchasers better facilities for judging the Stock. Suitable paddocking and other necessary conveniences will be provided.
Stockowners desirous of sending Stock to the above sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the undersigned as early as possible.
J. J. TYE,
Stock and Station Agent.
Or to
Commission Agent,
August 25, 1877.
16,000 ACRES LEASEHOLD, (with improvement clause) well fenced and sub-divided. Dwelling-house, Woolshed, &c., with
5,000 Sheep
3,000 Acres Freehold rich Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Southern Seaboard
105 Acres Freehold near Waipawa
Sections at Woodville, Richmond Park, Waipawa Bush, and Waipawa.
J. J. TYE,
Land and Estate Agent,
THE British Expedition to the Crimea, W. H. Russell.
The Invasion of the Crimea, Kinglake, new edition.
The Modern Egyptians, Lane, 2 Vols.
Japan, China, and India, Fowler
Sport in Many Lands, by the Old Shekarry, 2 Vols.
Life of a Scottish Naturalist, Smiles
Darwiniana, Professor Gray
Expression of the Emotions, Darwin
Origin of Species, Darwin
Current Coin, Rev. H.R. Haweis
Essential Elements of Practical Mechanics, Byrne
The Amateur House Carpenter, Hatfield
Encyclopaedia of Trees and Shrubs, Loudon
Memoir of R. and W. Chambers
Davies’ Other Men’s Minds
Southgate’s Many Thoughts of Many Minds
Kingsley’s Westminster Sermons
Selections from the Talmud
Heroes of Ancient Greece
Comic History of Rome
The Leopold Shakespeare
Half Hours with the best Authors
Chambers’ Information for the People
Ayesha, The Maid of Kars
Dame Europa’s Remonstrance, and her Ultimatum
The Golden Yankee
Dowsings’ Timber Merchant’s and Builder’s Companion
The Henwife, by Hon. Mrs. Arbuthnott
Dr. Willoughby and his Wine
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the public and especially to COUNTRY STOREKEEPRS, to their large assortment of NEW GOODS –
Builders’ Ironmongery –
WIRE and EWBANK’S NAILS Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges Screws, Augers, Adzes. PLANES, Levels, Gauges, Floor Cramps, Chisels, Gouges, Axes, Hatches, Hammers, Gimblets, Spokeshaves, Saws (Pit and Crosscut, Hand, Tenon, and Compass), Door Springs, Sash Weights, Lines, and Pulleys, &c.
Brass Foundry –
Cornic [Cornice] Rings and Pool Ends, Curtain Bands and Hooks, Cornice and Window Brackets, Bolts, Sash, Table, and Casement Fasteners, Hinges, Blind Furniture. Beer, Bottling, and Range Cocks, &c.
Agricultural Implements –
Hornsby’s and Ramsons’ 1 and 3 Wheel-Ploughs, Harrow’s Winmowing [Winnowing] Machines, (Horse Powers) Wheat Mills, Corn Shellers, CHAFF CUTTERS, (hand and horse power), Coil, Plough, Cart and Dog CHAINS, Hames, Grind-stone, Draining and Grafting Tools, Hedge, Pruning and Sheep Shears, Scythes, Sickles, Reap Hooks, Maull Rings, Wedges, Fencing Wire, Steel-yards, GALVANISED WIRE NETTING, 3/8 to 2 in. Mesh, Saddles, Bridles, Girths, Spurs, &c.
B.B.H. Bar and Rod Iron –
Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron (black and galvanised), Anvils, Vyces [Vices], Spring, Shear, Cast, and Blister STEEL, Horse Nails, Files and Rasps, Portable Forges, Bellows, Dray, and Buggy Axles, Iron Pipe, HYDRAULIC WOOL PRESS.
Galvanised Corrugated Iron
Q.G. and ½ rd. Guttering, Down Pipe, Ridging, Brackets, Spikes and Tubes, SHEET ZINC, (plain and perforated), Sheet Lead, WHITE LEAD, boiled and raw Linseed, Colza, Castor and Kerosine Oils, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Varnish, Soft Soap, Raddle and Charcoal, Putty, Colours, (dry and ground), Liquid Paint in 5 and 10lb tins.
American Novelties –
Saws, Braces and Bits, Arkansas, Washita and Pond Stones, Corn-shellers, Weigh(s)ing Machines, Sausage Machines, Ames, Collins, and Day’s S. and L.H. Shovels, Axes, Hatches, &c.
Furnishing Requisites –
BEDSTEADS, (single and double), Childrens Cots, LAMPS in great variety, Cooking, Parlour and Office Stoves, from 30s upwards, Colonial Ovens, Fenders, Fire Irons, HOLLOWARE, (tinned and enamelled, Brushware, Tinware, Doormats, Scrapers, Tubs, Buckets, Wash and Knive Boards, Mangles, Wringers, Portable Washing Boilers and Furnace Pans, Charcoal and Flat Irons, Electroplate Tea and Coffee Pots, Quets, Butter Coolers, Toast Ra[c]ks, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Tea Trays, Bells, Chandeliers, (gas and kerosene) in 2 to 8 lights.
Cutlery –
Rodger’s, Locksood’s and Johnson’s Table and Pocket Knives, Steels, Knive Sharpeners, Scissors, Razors, Fleams Sheath Knives.
Dairy Utensils –
Churns, Milk Pans and Seives [Sieves], Butter Pats and Prints, Scules [Scales?], Wood Spoons, &c.
Sporting –
Single and Double-barrelled Guns, Sporting and Blasting Powder, Fuce [Fuse?], Dynamite, &c., &c.
N.B. – BOYLAN & CO., are now SELLING OFF their entire STOCK OF CROCKERY at an under Cost.
50 dozed [dozen] GRANITE CUPS and SAUCERS, from 4s per dozen.
100 dozen PLATES, from 2s 6d per dozen
100 dozen CHILDRENS MUGS, from 2s per dozen
PRESERVE POTS in Nests, EARTHEN MILK PANS, TEAPOTS, from 1s each; TUMBLERS, from 6d per doz. Also a large variety of Articles, too numerous to mention.
By all the celebrated English and French Makers, for Cash or on time-payment system.
From 4s each

Saturday Night.
Osman Pasha reports another great battle. Both the Russian and Turkish forces were fighting desperately for two days at Laptcha.
The main forces were engaged. The battle was undecided, both sides claiming the victory. Five thousand are reported killed, and ten thousand are wounded.
Monday night.
A large number of Chinese are being dispatched to Queensland from China.
A terrible battle is going on at Plevna. The armies are estimated at 90,000 a side. The Russians are at present successful. The Shipka and Loptcha positions are still maintained.
The Hon Mr. Allen, the Speaker of the Legislative Council, has received the honor of knighthood.
September 7.
The petition in favor of opening the Museum on Sunday has received over 6000 signatures,
Scarlet fever is greatly on the increase at Port Chalmers.
A private letter reports the death at Melbourne of John W. Smith, well-known in theatrical circles as connected with Smith Continental Troupe.
A shocking accident occurred at Kensington yesterday afternoon. A lad named Raye, aged 11 years, went to the brickworks there, and in attempting to go aloft was caught in the machinery and killed instantenously [instantaneously], the head being almost severed from the body.
September 7.
A deputation leaves Gisborne to wait on the government to see whether the valuable Patutahi Block of land cannot be sold in Gisborne, instead of Auckland, where the land speculators are awaiting to buy it up; also, as Captain Read here has offered to lend the Borough £50,000, the deputation goes to see whether the Government will do anything in the way of making over the lands in Poverty Bay as a security for payment of interest and sinking fund.
September 10.
The Returning Officer, W.A. Richardson, Esq., has fixed Thursday, the 20th of September, for the nomination day, and Thursday, the 27th of September, as the polling day for the election to fill the extraordinary vacancies in the Waikaremoana Riding.
Archdeacon Williams is on a visit here.
September 8.
Arrived – Albion Company’s ship Timaru, 85 days from Glasgow, She brings 59 passengers and 1600 tons cargo. Experienced a series of terrific gales from W.S.W to S.S.E., attended with hail and snow squalls, while running down her casting.
September 10.
Arrived – Helen Denny, barque, from London, with 1200 tons of cargo and ten passengers. A third of her cargo is for Napier. She left London on the 10th June, and encountered a series of heavy gales after passing the Crozets, which were sighted on the 15th August. She had to be hove-to four times. She shipped several seas, which carried away her bulwarks. One of her crew, Richard Day, an ordinary seaman, fell from the mizzen topmast to the deck, and was shaken severely. No bones were broken. He was soon afterwards able to work.
September 6.
Proudfoot’s case was adjourned until to-morrow. He was allowed bail in the sum of £1500. It is generally understood that the father of the prosecutrix was offered £200 to condone the offence, but he was not permitted to answer the question put to him for the purpose of ascertaining the fact.
September 10.
A native dinner took place this afternoon, given by Renata Kawepo and Te Hapuku. The object of the dinner was to celebrate the withdrawal of the Native Lands Bill and the verdict of the Waka Maori libel case. Between eighty and ninety persons attended. They included all the native members, and, with the exception of a few citizens, the remainder were members of the Opposition. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were drunk. One especial toast was “The withdrawal of the Native Land Bill;” another, “The Supreme Court”. Several speeches were made by natives and Europeans, expressing the utmost satisfaction at the withdrawal of the Native Land Bill. One toast proposed was by Renata Kawepo (who occupied the chair) namely, “That a change of Government might soon take place”. The burthen of his remarks was that if the Maoris were to be killed by a Government at all, he hoped at least they would be killed by a different one to that now in power. The next toast was “Congratulations to the Hon Henry Russell in defending his character in the Waka Maori case.” It was responded to be Colonel Whitmore and Karaitiana. Colonel Whitmore said he had been fifteen years in Hawke’s Bay, and he considered that the Waka Maori case thoroughly vindicated the character of Mr. Russell in regard to all his transactions for the last eight years. Mr. Sheehan regretted that Mr. Russell was not present owing to illness, but he did not wonder he should be ill, considering that for years past the Government had left no stone unturned to overthrow him. It was only now, after much anxiety and trouble, that Mr. Russell had succeeded in placing himself in a position with the people due to himself. Though Mr. Russell was injured in health, he felt confident his determination of character would work off his illness and restore him. The whole tone of the speeches breathed hostility to the Government. A number of the speakers were Hawke’s Bay natives, and leaders in the Repudiation party.
September 7.
The House yesterday afternoon, prior to Mr Rees’ motion being discussed, was mainly occupied in discussing whether the manuscript Mr Jones read in his defence when brought before the House charged with Breach of Privilege should or should not be returned to him. Eventually it was agreed the Mr. Jones should have the valuable document.
The first portion of Mr. Ormond’s speech delivered by him yesterday when oppositing Mr. Rees’ motion for a Select Committee to enquire into Hawke’s Bay native land purchases was an explanation of the mode of which the Heretaunga Block fell into the hands of its present owners, and with which facts our readers are well acquainted. He then went on to say, according to the Press Agency report: – “Mr. Rees had challenged him to meet him (Mr. Rees) in a court of law. If he (Mr. Ormond) did so he would be in the same position as the defendants in these land transactions, when the Maori sued in forma pauperis, and the other party had to pay all the costs. That was what would be his position if he met Mr. Rees in a court of law. He had seen Mr. Rees’s name in a paper as a bankrupt for debts yet unpaid. If Sir George Grey would go into court he (Mr. Ormond) would meet Sir George Grey, as he was substantial. The organization for promoting litigation in Hawke’s Bay was kept alive by mortgages on native lands. The natives were nearly sucked dry a year ago, when Messrs Watt paid £17,000 to buy out certain claimants, not as had been represented to compromise anything. A member of the Legislative Council, who directed the law proceedings, had got £7000 of this, and the natives said they did not know what had become of the rest. One of the claimants, a woman entitled to £600, had tried in vain to get her share. She was told that £300 had gone, by order of the committee, to carry on litigation; that a further sum had gone to pay a layer’s bill; and the balance, she was told, could not be paid to her, but she was offered £5, which she indignantly refused. This was a sample of how things were managed in the Repudiation office. The organization was one that was dangerous to the settlers of Hawke’s Bay. Mr. Rees had brought hordes of natives, ready to swear anything, to get their names on the electoral roll. Such conduct was dangerous to the country, and the House should really interfere. Renata and Tareha had been described in the House as paupers. What was the fact? Tareha had a reserve of 28,000 acres actually his own, and as to Hapuku, if he was a pauper there were many such in the House. He and his hapu, by the forethought of Government and his (Mr. Ormond’s) exertions, owned a very fine block of land also, although somehow it was now occupied by a member of the Legislative Council.
On the motion for the appointment of a Select Committee on the East Coast land purchases, Mr. Ormond said the repudiation party was worked by Messrs. Rees and Sheehan. Renata, who was the most enlightened of the Hawke’s Bay natives, had seen in the society a way to secure the supremacy for the Maori race. By the franchise they could turn the scale in elections, and swamp the European votes. When he was in the South, telegrams came to him stating his seat was at the mercy of the Maoris, and Mr Rees would be put in his place at the next election. He didn’t believe it, and to get Mr. Rees and his endless talk out of the House, he would resign if Mr. Rees would, and both contest Clive, the beaten man not to attempt to enter this Parliament again. Since the commission in 1871 endless cases had been brought into the Court’s, but not more than one or two cases had been won by the repudiation party. The cases were trumped up against the parties who had

acquired land rightfully. Endless writs had been issued since the commission sat, but not one of them ever got into the Court. They were simply abandoned. Several writs were issued just before Parliament met. He had told the House before the adjournment that forty or fifty writs had been issued by Mr Rees. They were the result of Mr Rees’ investigations. He regarded the Bill to stop native land transactions as the greatest boon that could occur to the country. Those men who had been living on the natives would be got rid of. The Pakeha-Maori was bad enough, but low legal practitioners were worse. They would take more to keep them; their gorging propensities were larger. But he was not one of them that believed that the Maoris would reconcile themselves to submitting their cases to the Land Courts of the Colony. He had told the House how readily the commission of 1871 was accepted by himself and the late Sir D. McLean, but they did not see that it would be used as a means of raking up titles with a view of repudiation. The motion of Mr. Rees would do no good. He charged Mr. Rees with prostituting his position as a member of that House to get information which he could not otherwise get. Sir, I read the newspapers. (Opposition hear, hear.) At the time Sir G. Grey was elected for the Thames, he held omnipotence as to who would be elected, and why not. His power rested on the advocacy of separation, and taking back the seat of Government to Auckland. Mr. Ormond was still speaking effectively up to 8 o’clock.
The discussion in the House last night was the hottest and most acrimonious ever witnessed within the New Zealand Parliament, and charges of the grossest character were preferred. The mildest accusation was lying.
The excitement often rose to a high pitch, and scenes were frequent. Utter demoralisation was often imminent. The Speaker permitted the utmost license.
Mr. Ormond spoke with a force of concentrated spleen. This attack on Sir G. Grey had been in preparation since the session opened.
He accused Sir G. Grey, during his governorship, of systematic falsehood. He read a letter from Captain Holt, circumstantially charging Sir G. Grey having, with Colonel George, attempted to purchase a large block of land at Ornanui, and afterwards repudiated the purchase. Sir George Grey, when Governor, encouraged the formation of an association to purchase 359,000 acres of Taupo, and then suddenly became cool about it. When appealed to for his reasons, Sir G. Grey wanted a share in the land. (Sensation). This was granted. Then all the weight of the Governor’s influence was given. An agent was sent up by Sir G. Grey, with instructions to scatter a ground bait amongst the natives. Another letter from Sir G. Grey said his name was not to be mentioned for state reasons. He had the letter in the next room to prove this.
Sir G. Grey challenged their production.
Mr Ormond: Would he bring them in?
Cries of “bring them in”.
Mr Ormond continued: He would quote from memory the purport of the letters.
Repeated cries: Read the letters.
Sir G. Grey: Name the agent.
Mr Ormond: The Hon. Henry Russell.
Mr Ormond challenge Sir G. Grey to deposit security to have a Judicial Commission appointed with absolute power, the money to be forfeited if the charges were not sustained.
Mr Sheehan, in a lengthy speech, dissected Mr Ormond’s remarks. He quoted from Coriolanus, “Measureless liar, thou hast made my heart too great, for what contains it.” Mr Ormond went to Billingsgate for language, and to the Old Bailey for facts. Mr Sheehan ripped up the transaction of the Hawke’s Bay spoliation party. He accused Mr Ormond of systematic bribery and corruption. He applied to Mr Ormond’s speech such phrases as “remarkable audacity.” “grossly libelous statements, the nature of which he could not properly characterise without using an ugly unparliamentary word.
Captain Russell replied in a temperate speech. He moved the appointment of a Commission re Hawke’s Bay land transactions, the decision to be final. The losing side to pay costs.
Sir Robert Douglas suggested an adjournment because their passions were excited.
Mr. Reader Wood moved that the letters Mr. Ormond read be laid on the table.
Mr. Whitaker opposed, as these letters were confidential. A stormy debate then ensued, the oratorical gusts vieing with the wind outside.
Successive speakers severely denounced the conduct of the Government.
Mr. J.C. Brown moved the suspension of the Standing Orders, in order that the letters be produced.
Even Mr. Moorhouse accused the Government of obtaining letters by unfair means.
Sir G. Grey characterized all Mr. Ormond’s statements as grossly untrue. He thought Mr. Ormond must have gone suddenly insane.
The discussion was further prolonged.
On a division, the motion for the production of the letters was carried by thirty-six to thirteen.
The House adjourned at five minutes to two o’clock.
The debate will be resumed today.
Last night Sir George Grey received the following letter, which he will read to the House to-day: – “My Dear Sir George, – I remember distinctly the circumstances to which your enquiry refers, though it is now ten years since they occurred. You were desirous of inducing settlers to occupy the interior, and spoke to Mr. Henry Russell, Mr. Cox, and myself on the subject. You had received offers of country for a run from the natives, and these you passed over to us. We proposed to form a company with Messrs T. Russell and Whitaker, and you promised us letters of introduction to the natives, and advised us to go up and see the country. Cox and I accordingly did so, and afterwards Henry Russell. In the end, it was decided the prospects were not satisfactory, and we abandoned the project. At no time was it supposed or intended that you should be a partner, and I think all of us understood that your only interest in the matter was your desire to induce settlement in the interior, as the natives seemed disposed to be friendly, and as you believed that intercourse with Europeans would have a good effect upon them. – Believe me, yours very truly. G.S. WHITMORE.
It was also part of Sir George Grey’s plan to establish a town in Taupo and station a regiment there.
September 8.
Mr. Sheehan made an excellent point in his speech on Thursday evening in referring to the late Sir Donald McLean. He expressed the profoundest respect for his memory, and acknowledged his services. He believed if he had not been influenced by the cold, calculating, selfish policy of Mr Ormond, Sir Donald would not have made any mistakes. Mr Sheehan was loudly applauded.
During the debate on the Hawke’s Bay land question, Mr Pyke, who last year was the Government whip, and has hitherto been a strong supporter of the Government, commented on the very questionable manner in which Mr Cox acted in having got possession of the private letters of Mr Locke by false representations. His excuse was that he desired to read them because he wanted to turn up something in connection with a former association for the purchase of native land. He afterwards handed these letters to the Attorney-General, without the permission of the writer or person to whom they were written. The Attorney-General had no scruples about using these private and confidential letters in the House. He regretted that he belonged to such a Parliament. There was a time when the Parliament of New Zealand was respected, but now it had incurred contempt. There was no excuse for such gross violation of all gentlemanly taste as this. This offence could only be properly visited by their expulsion from Parliament, expulsion from the Government benches, and expulsion from the society of gentlemen. It was a most unpardonable offence. No gentleman would do it, and he was no gentleman who do it last night. The honor of the House had been outraged by reading private letters surreptitiously obtained. Mr. Russell never consented to the production of the letters in the House, but as quotations had been made from them, it was only fair, right, and just, that the House should have the whole of the letters before it, so that it might judge on which side was truth, and which was falsehood.
Mr. Macffarlane considered that the letters were not private, but the property of a public association.
Mr. Gisborne, who had moved the adjournment now wished to withdraw his amendment. The Government were the only persons who opposed it, but as the rule is that a motion cannot be withdrawn unless all consent, permission was not granted.
Mr Swanson moved that Mr. Locke be summoned to the bar of the House in order to state what his wishes were in regard to the letters.
A quarter of an hour was spent in raising points of order, and the Speaker gave the Government a dignified rebuke when he said, it was a contradiction for the Government now to object to the publication of letters when they had already quoted them.
Mr Whitaker objected to the letters being regarded as Government papers. He had never seen them. If the House thought there had been a mistake, let it authorize the letters to be taken off the table and placed in his hands. But as Government papers, he refused to have anything to do with them.
Mr. Fisher said the letters had been used By Mr. Ormond to cast a slur on Sir G. Grey. Someone had talked about the stench in the House. He did not wonder at it. He considered the conduct of the Government scandalous. He had heard a great deal about Provincial institutions, but he never saw anything in the Provincial Councils like he had heard last night.
Mr. Montgomery said the Government were responsible for the papers.
Mr. Rees said, before the letters were read, he demanded them on Mr. Locke’s behalf from the Ministers. They refused to give them up.
The Speaker read a letter from Mr. Henry Russell protesting against the letter being read. The letters had been laid on the table of the House by the Attorney-General without his permission. The Speaker then continued: – These letters have no business on the table of this House. They are no longer in possession of this House.
Mr. Travers said he attached no importance whatever to the charges against Sir G. Grey. The use of the letters by Mr. Ormond was a gross violation of confidence.
Karaitiana made a severe attack on Mr. Ormond, stating he had acquired land in the Forty-Mile Bush by giving the natives rum and sugar. He also attached Captain Russell’s acquisition of the Heretaunga Block.
Ultimately the House adjourned till 7.30.
Sir G. Grey resumed the debate. By solicitations when the Constitution for New Zealand was being drafted he had obtained a promise from the Home Government of an elective Upper House A change of Government took place at home, and they threw the proposal overboard. He had to bear the odium for a long time, but subsequently the facts became known, and the odium was removed. The moment he prevented a supply of arms and ammunition to the natives, he was subjected to obloquy. Soon after he left, the restriction was taken off. The Government in the colony had to stand between races with arms in their hands, and to do justice, and he could hardly escape the accusation of partiality. He went on to refer to the necessity of the modification in the Education Bill which he had advocated. He had accordingly received such letters as the following. Sir G. Grey then quoted a letter to the following effect: – “Respected Sir, – Many of your admirers and confidential supporters hoped from your experience you would not be induced to be the tool and agent to serve Rome. For where Rome thrives, there has always been a blight upon the path of the Country. I sign myself, PATRIOT.” He defended himself from the charges made by Mr. Ormond that the resolutions had been passed by Messrs Weld, Clifford, and Fox, accusing him (Grey) of falsehood. Those accusations had never hurt him, and never could hurt him. He was one of those whom Providence had blessed since he entered the public service with the faculty of for seeing the approval of his actions in the eyes of the people. If Messrs Weld, Clifford, and Fox, had left on record resolutions against him, he was not sorry. He pitied them. He had experienced many acts of kindness from Messrs Weld and Clifford since, and felt sure that if they knew those resolutions were in existence they would regret it.
There was another stormy debate last night. Scenes were frequent. No Provincial Council ever equalledthem; and it is a question if a young country Road Board meeting could be so disorderly.
When the House met there was a strong odour of carbolic acid.
Sir G. Grey continued: The alleged complicity in the land ring at Taupo was absolutely, wholly and entirely false. He read aloud Whitmore’s letter amidst loud cheers. He never purchased an acre of land. Mr. Ormond insulted the member for Auckland City East by saying Mr. Rees was elected to do his dirty work. He severely handled Mr. Ormond for references to Mr. Rees’ private circumstances. Mr. Rees continued his political life against the advice of his friends and personal interests. The Ministry had been guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. He narrated an amusing story re Grindell, who was sent to make a native chief drunk in order to get the signature to a deed. Both got so drunk in the public house that he was unable to do the business. The Ministry were endeavoring to prejudice large landowners against him. Sir G. Grey did not disapprove of the ownership of lands rightfully acquired. He repeated Paora’s case. Sir George Grey concluded by stating he was perfectly willing the charges made against him should be inquired into.
Mr. Sutton defended Hawke’s Bay from the repeated charges. He practically traversed the same ground as Mr. Ormond.
Mr. Stout accused Mr. Whitaker of being proved by Colonel Whitmore’s letter a party to rob his fellow men.
The Attorney-General frequently interrupted.
Mr. Wakefield repeatedly cried “order”.
Mr. Whitaker: If the member or Geraldine could not behave himself he ought to be taught. Mr. Wakefield retorted.
Mr. Whitaker: These unseemingly interruptions prevented his bearing.
Mr. Stout continued: Why did not Mr. Ormond admit he had been misinformed when Colonel Whitmore’s letter was read?
Mr. Ormond: I was not misinformed.
Mr. Stout: Then you charge Colonel Whitmore with falsehood.
Mr. Ormond: No, I don’t.
Mr. Stout: Then you admit his letter is true.
No, I don’t. (Great laughter)
Mr. Stout continued, and read extracts from the Heretaunga Commission of a person named F. Sutton, who lit a lamp of a buggy in the broad daylight, which a chief drove through Napier. The natives only received £180 odd cash, and Sutton £1400. Mr. Stout was not aware if the honorable member was the F. Sutton referred to. He was not addressing the House, as it was no use, as all was arranged in the lobbies. He was speaking to the public outside.
Mr. Seymour moved an amendment that the Committee inquire into the allegations against both Sir G. Grey and Mr. Ormond; also, the alleged improper law proceedings in Hawke’s Bay.
Mr. Stout said the amendment was out of order.
The Speaker ruled the amendment was in order. Mr. Stout questioned the Speaker’s ruling, and quoted rule 10.
Mr. Speaker then said Mr. Stout was quite right, the amendment was out of order.
Mr. Ormond said the House was under a misconception.
Mr. Rees: No, it is the member for Clive who is under a misapprehension.
The speaker called Mr. Rees to order.
Mr. Whitaker moved an amendment practically the same as Mr. Seymour’s only couched within the forms of the House. He was proceeding to refer to Mr. Ormond’s speech, in which he charged Mr. Rees with bolting from his West Coast creditors when, Mr. Rees jumped up, and said the statement is absolutely false, and challenged Mr. Whitaker to repeat it outside.
The Speaker again said Mr, Rees was out of order.
A scene of the wildest disorder ensued. Member rose together.
Cries of “order, order.”
Mr. Gisborne protested against the reference to member’s private circumstances.
The Speaker said such references were highly irregular, unparliamentary, and ungentlemanly.
Messrs Whitaker and Rees mutually apologized.
Mr. Whitaker resumed: – After a rapid oration he got out of breath, and drew a deep sigh. Mr. Rees laughed.
Mr. Whitaker: I like to hear the hon member laugh when I sigh.
Mr. Rees, mistaking the words (interrogatively): I sigh?
Mr. Whitaker again expressed his regret if he used strong language.
Mr. Rees again laughed.
Mr. Whitaker again pitched into him. He said Mr. Rees had an unruly tongue
(Continued in another page.)
The Suez mail boat arrived at Adelaide on Monday before her due date. The news had mostly been anticipated by the San Francisco mail boat.

A special meeting of the Municipal Council was held on Friday afternoon. Present – His Worship the Mayor, Crs. Holder, Vautier, Swan, Lee, Tuxford, and Lyndon. The object of the meeting was to receive the report of the Select Committee appointed to select land for the Borough endowment. The Committee recommended that the Corporation should apply for 2000 acres in the Ahuaturanga block, situated midway between Danevirke [Dannevirke] and Woodville. The Council approved of the recommendation, and resolved to make application for the land. His Worship then stated that, in accordance with instructions from the Council, he had caused enquiries to be made respecting offices, and he read a letter from the Masonic body stating the terms under which the Masonic Hall could be leased for this purpose. After some discussion, it was resolved that the Municipal Engineer be instructed to prepare designs for a Town Hall, the cost not to exceed £1500. The Council then adjourned.
We observe that Mr. F. Tuxford was the successful tenderer for the Napier Gas Company’s coal-tar.
An inquest was held on Friday on the body of the young woman named Sarah Anderson, who was found dead in bed, at her lodgings, on the White-road on Thursday morning. Medical evidence was given as to the state the body was in when a post mortem examination was held, and other evidence having been also adduced, the jury returned a verdict of “died of natural causes.
We hear that it is the intention of the licensed victuallors of Napier, to form an association for trade protection purposes.
Intending visitors to Taupo and Tauranga by coach from Napier are informed that the booking office has been removed to the Clarendon Hotel.
Last week the Premier introduced a Bill into the House of Representatives, termed the “Native Land Sales Suspension Bill.” This measure is intended to put a stop to all Native land sales transactions for twelve months. We have already expressed our view regarding this Bill, believing it will tend to paralyse business, and do a great amount of injury to persons having business with the natives.
A telegram was received on Thursday evening by the Inspector of Police from Sergeant D. McGuire, stationed at Waipawa, stating that a child, aged 18 months, belonging to Mr. Joseph Dillon, had been found drowned that day at Hampden. The child was playing near the banks of the river, and while an elder child, which was taking care of the babe, went away for a while, the infant either rolled or fell into the river, where it was drowned.
Mr. Allan McLean’s magnificent purchase, the celebrated horse Jav’lin, was landed from the Southern Cross Steamer, on Thursday afternoon, in splendid condition. He was on view on Friday at Mr. Palmer’s stables, where he attracted a large number of admiring visitors. Jav’lin is a very dark brown horse, of beautiful form, and of great power. Hawke’s Bay is certainly to be congratulated on having a settler to whose enterprise this provincial district possesses the best blood stock in horses of any portion of the Australian colonies.
Several breeders of horses have called out attention to the absence of any notification, by the Agricultural and Pastoral Society, that a parade of stud horses will be held this season. Last year there were two held, which could not have but greatly assisted owners of a stud horse, and, we think, it would be of benefit if the Society, this season, adopted a similar course to that which was so advantageous last year.
The Lydia Howarde troupe repeated, on Thursday, the performance of “Once upon a Time, which again was most successfully produced.
A list issued by the Wareham and Purbeck Board of Guardians gives the names of three women whose united ages amount to the almost incredible of 383 years. Their names and ages are as follow: Sarah Courtney residence Trinity-lane, age 94; Mary Legg, near the church 119; and Mary Kins, North street, 170 (!) Mary Legg is a widow, with three children- tolerably older should imagine. Mary Kins is a most remarkable woman who has lived since patriarchal times. She was born during the reign of Queen Anne, in the same year that the battle of Almanza was fought and Scotland was indissolubly united to England. – Dorset County Chronicle.
Messrs Gow and Scrimgeour have completed their new stables erected on the site of the stables accidently burnt down on the eve of Queen’s Birthday. The new stables comprise ten stalls and four loose boxes, and no expense appears to have been spared to make them commodious and suitable to the requirements of visitors to Waipukurau. The proprietors of the Tavistock Hotel now purpose to enlarge and improve this splendid and favorite family hotel, by which means the proprietors will meet the growing wants of persons travelling in that portion of the district. A coach from the hotel meets every train.
We learn that Mr. Dower has made arrangements to send to London, through Messrs Murray, Common and Co., about 35,000 feet of rimu timber, cut in square logs, as a speculation, and in order to tests its value in the home market. Rimu, when worked up, makes handsome furniture, and if it attracts the attention of the trade at home, this speculation may be the means of opening up another export from this portion of New Zealand.
There was an excellent entertainment on Friday at the Oddfellow’s Hall, when Mr. Sam Poole showed to very great advantage as the lawyer’s clerk in the comedy of “The Lottery Ticket”.
The natives on Saturday held a great tangi over the death of the wife of the half-caste Me. Brown, who is chief among the native Good Templers.
Mr. James Scott, the popular Boniface of the Kaikora hotel, has made great alterations in this hotel. The rooms have been thoroughly renovated, some alterations made, and the bar altered and improved, thus making it one of the most comfortable hostelries on the road between Napier and Waipawa.’
Where is it to end? Mr. G. Trimmer, the “hot- pie” merchant, filed his schedule on Monday, and made the usual polite invitation to his creditors to meet him so as to see his assets and liabilities. Who next and next?
The Waipawa Minstrels gave a performance in the Town Hall, Waipukurau, last week, for the benefit of the Inland Hospital. The evening was beautifully fine, and there was a very large attendance. After the overture, the opening chorus the “Hauraki Chant” was given by the Company in a most spirited manner. The song “Silver Moonlight Winds are blowing” was sung very sweetly by Mr. Merryless. Mr. Scott gave “Grimes Cellar Door” which fairly brought the house down. This was followed by Mr. Tye’s song, “Truly Waiting for Thee”. “Kiss behind the Door”’ by Mr. Bickerton, called for an encore. Mr Shanley’s “Don’t be angry with me Darling”’ and “Little Darling, do you Miss Me’’ by Mr. Weaver, were both fairly rendered. The first part was concluded with the laughable sketch “Good bye Liza Jane”. The overture commencing with part two was a perfect treat to lovers of music. Mr. Sam Bradley, who played the piccolo, and Mr. Harding, who presided at the piano showed they were both excellent musicians. “Mollie’s Answer” was then sung by Mr. Brown, who possesses a fine baritone voice. “The 14th Band”, composed of Messrs. Scott, Tye, and Bickerton followed, and created roars of laughter, and they were obliged to repeat it. Mr. Weaver gave “Little Nell, and in reply to an encore gave “Tom Bowling”. The most amusing part of the performance came next, being a solo entitled “Raising the Wind”, played on a pair of common bellows by Mr. Bickerton, for which he received a hearty encore. Mr. Shanley, in a pleasing style, gave “Learning to Walk.” Mr. Scott, in a female personation of “Old mother Gum”, kept the house convulsed, and had to submit to a double encore. His local allusions were witty and well received. Mr. Merryless charmed his hearers with another song, and obtained an encore. The inimitable table Mr. Tye then gave “Sammy Stammers” in a very ludicrous style. The performance concluded with the laughable negro comedy of “Troublesome Servants”, by Messrs Bickerton, Scott and Tye, which sent the audience home in good humour. We must not omit to state that Mr. Baker fulfilled his part of “Massa Johnson” in capital style, and the jokes, which were all new, contained several good local puns, and took immensely. Altogether, the entertainment was a credit to the Company, and showed that Waipawa can boast of vocal and musical talent of a superior description. After paying expenses, the Minstrels will be able to hand a good cheque to the Trustees of the Inland Hospital.
An inquest was held on Friday at the Sawyer’s Arms, Hampden, on the body of Mary Constance Dillon infant daughter of Mr. Dillon. The evidence of the mother of the child and that of a neighbor, Elizabeth Brown was taken. The former stated: – “My name is Fanny Dillon. About eleven o’clock on the 6th instant I missed the child for about four minutes, and went in search of her. She had been in the habit of going towards the creek, and I went that way to find her. I found her lying in the creek resting on two roots, with her head and hands in the water. I at once picked her up, I could not say the depth of the water. I do not know if she were dead when I found her. I then screamed out for assistance, and Mrs. Brown came and took the child from me. Elizabeth Brown gave evidence in corroboration of the previous witness, adding: – “I am perfectly sure every means were used to restore life”. A verdict of “accidentally drowned” was returned.
The pigeon match at Mr. Scott’s, Kaikora, was well attended on Saturday last, and there was some excellent shooting. Mr. Joe Price won the first prize, having succeeded in killing all his birds at the first shot. Messrs. J.L. Adams, Croxton, and James Taylor tied for the second prize, each having missed one bird. In firing off however, Mr. Adams bore off the honors. Another match we hear is on the tapis.
We learn from the Wairoa mailman that the ketch Mary Ann Hudson, while attempting to cross the Mohaka Bar, on her way to Napier, got stranded, and now lies in a precarious position. The crew got ashore safely.
The lessees of the Oddfellow’s Hall are losing no time in pushing on the alterations, a description of which we have given. The framework of one of the wings was erected last week, and the lessees have accepted Mr. Gallagher’s contract for the covering.
At the last meeting of the Waipawa County Council, an additional clause to Bye-law No. 7, relating to the destruction of roads by pigs was confirmed. It was also resolved to impose a license fee of £5 in hawkers, such Bye-law to be to be confirmed at a special meeting to be held on October 3, next. It was proposed by Cr Fannin, seconded by Cr Cable, that this Council request the Chairman to take the necessary measures to co-operate with the Cook County Council, to endeavor to procure the passing of a Bill this session, with the object of amending the Waste Lands Act, in order that the waste lands of the Crown may be vested in the Councils of the Counties respectively. – Carried. It was proposed by Cr Cable, and seconded by Cr Smyth, that the Waste Lands Board, Napier, be asked to re-consider their decision in re the Nuhaka Ferry Reserve, on the grounds that this Council being likewise a public body, and having the benefit of the public at heart, it is desirable that this reserve be vested in them for a period of 99 years, at a rental of 20c per annum. -Carried. Notice of motion was given by Cr Cable for the alteration of the boundaries of Waikaremoana, Mohaka, and Wairoa Ridings.
We have received two communications from recent travellers overland from Wellington, respecting the disgraceful state of the road between Woodville and Takapau. In some places, the road is almost impassable, but throughout the Seventy-mile Bush, it is a disgrace to the Waipawa County Council. One of the passengers exhibited his hat to us, evidently, before the journey, a good, stout, well conditioned hat, but which is now completely battered in at the crown, through the repeated bumps it received against the top of the coach when worn on the head of the long suffering traveller.
Two vacancies have been made in the Wairoa County Council through the resignation of their seats by Messrs Cable and Smyth. The gentlemen spoken of as likely candidates Messrs Carter, Shaw, and Witty. It is reported that Mr. R.D. Maney will be asked to allow himself to be nominated, and should the request be made, we trust the gentlemen will consent to stand.
The wreck of the steamer Lord Ashley is report from Sydney. Only a few weeks ago the crew of the same vessel refused to sail her from Newcastle to Melbourne on account of her being overladen. The Ashley was one of the earliest steam vessels on the New Zealand coast, and was well known to old Napier residents. She was a sister ship to the Lord Worsley, which was wrecked at Taranaki in 1862, when conveying the Auckland members home that year from the first session of Parliament held in Wellington.
The barque Helen Denny, Captain Ruth, arrived at Port Chalmers from London on Monday, after a very stormy passage. A large portion of her cargo is for Napier. She will come on to this port after landing her Dunedin cargo. Since Captain Ruth left Napier, he has entered the holy bonds of matrimony, having married Ellen, the only daughter of the late Mr. D. Vaughan, of the Meanee [ Meeanee ]Hotel, who was a passenger to England by the last trip of the Helen Denny from Napier.
An English paper, Vanity Fair, notifies that Colonel Porter of the Royal Engineers, has proceeded to Kars, on a special mission to report to the Government on the was in Asia Minor. The Colonel Porter here referred to, is uncle to Captain Porter R.M., so well known for his many acts of bravery and endurance in the East Coast Maori outbreaks.
A meeting of Mr. Gush’s creditors was held in the Supreme Court-house on Monday. There were fourteen creditors present, who were represented by Mr. Lee, and Mr. Lascelles was present on behalf of Mr. Gush. The liabilities were put in at £174.5s, and the whole of the assets which comprised furniture, were set down at £51. When our reporter left at three o’clock, Mr. Lee was cross- examining the bankrupt as to the amount he received as school fees. The answers given were vague, but this was explained by the bankrupt by saying “That he had a bad memory and could not help it”. Since the above was in type, Mr. Lee concluded his examination of the bankrupt. Mr. Ben Johnson was elected trustee. An animated discussion took place among the creditors, some of whom desired to make further enquiries from the bankrupt, but his solicitor advised him to decline some of the “too inquisitive’. The meeting then broke up. There was a look of sorrow, if not anger, depicted on the countenance of each creditor as he departed from the court.
As the Napier coach (says the Palmerston Times) was coming through the Gorge towards Palmerston on Monday evening, it came suddenly into collision with an embankment that had fallen across the road. The coach was upset, and all its occupants precipitated out upon the road. With the exception of a Mrs Anderson, who unfortunately broke her arm, the passengers escaped uninjured; as did also the horses and coach. We understand that Mrs Anderson was on her way from Napier en route for England, there to join her husband. Her mishap at this juncture is therefore singularly awkward; but bad as a broken arm is, the passengers may be congratulated that none of them have met with worse. Had the coach driver not possessed the presence of mind to turn the horses’ heads vigorously towards the embankment and away from the edge of the ravine at the moment of collision, the accident would probably have been of a more tragic nature.
The New Zealand Herald’s Parliamentary correspondent wires to that journal the following : – “The Education Bill passed the second reading with a large majority. But its troubles are not over. There are many who dislike it. First, because it does not provide for the denominational system which Mr Curtis’s amendment recorded in supplementary order paper proposed; secondly, because of the fancy franchise under which Boards are to be elected ; thirdly, because, of the religious clauses ; fourthly, because of giving local committees power to collect and spend capitation fees. There are many other objections. Mr Bowen stands firmly by most of the points enumerated, and especially the religious clauses, in which he is backed up by the shoals of petitions which came before the House in favor of Bible reading. The great majority of the members however, are opposed to the religious clauses. I do not doubt they will be eliminated, besides various other amendments which will be forced on the Government in committee.
The New Zealand Herald of last week contains a series of articles on the Waka Maori libel case, and the libel case Whitaker v. Jones. It remarks:- “When asked in the House of Representatives who was to pay the costs of defending the Waka Maori, Mr. Whitaker jauntily replied that ‘he believed the plaintiff would have to pay them’. We may plead his example in justification when we say that we believe the plaintiff, the Attorney-General (that is the taxpayer) will have to pay the costs of both sides in the case of George Jones, jun. The Government have been wrong in this matter from beginning to end. They ought not to have turned the Waka Maori into a political organ ; they ought not to have continued after the House had signified that it should not be continued ; they ought to have taken care not to have given occasion for an action for libel; they ought not to have employed the public funds in defending such an action.”
We (Wanganui Chronicle) learn that Renata, the Napier chief, who some months ago sent over some 3,000 sheep to be depastured on Murimotu, has expressed his willingness to dispatch another mob of the same number, if the natives manifest any anxiety to go for the pastoral pursuits. Once get the natives to take an active interest in wool raising, and let them participate in the profits accuring therefrom, and will not so readily let their grazing country slip through fingers for half nothing in return. At the same time sheep might prove a ruinous speculation for Maoris if bad luck attended the venture, and management was neglected or left to inexperienced and reckless control.

The Wairoa County Council has resolved to take the bull by the horns, and to settle the land question difficulty straight away. Wairoa, however, feels its own weakness, and has therefore determined to seek the co-operation of its neighbor Cook County. Te resolution, that was moved by Mr. E. Fannin, speaks for itself, and explains the mode by which Wairoa proposes to cut the Gordian Knot :- “That this Council request the chairman to take the necessary measures to co-operate with the Cook County Council to endeavor to procure the passing of a bill this session with the view of amending the Waste Lands Act, in order that the waste lands of the Crown may be vested in the Councils of the Counties in which such lands are situated”. Not a word about the disposition of the land fund, or any such minor detail. Mr. Fannin, apparently, wishes to place Counties in the position in which the provinces were in with respect to the Crown lands, but we are not aware that those lands were “vested” in the Councils of the Provinces.
There was only one creditor present at the meeting of Mr R. Kirkpatrick’s creditors on Tuesday, and the meeting was adjourned until Wednesday at two o’clock. Mr. Kirkpatrick sets his liabilities down as £213 5s and his assets as nil. The unfortunate relations again appear as the largest creditors. In Mr Gush’s estate, Mr Gush’s father-in-law was set down as a creditor to whom upwards of £34 was owing, and in Mr R. Kirkpatrick’s estate, Mr Duncan Kirkpatrick, a brother of the debtor, is set down as a creditor to the tune of £105. Who are the most unfortunate, the related or the non-related creditors?
It will be seen that a meeting of the Working Mens’ Club recently formed in Napier, was held on Friday evening last in the Council Chambers at eight o’clock. We heartily welcome the formation of this Club, believing it will be the most successful yet formed in Napier. Several Clubs have been formed in Dunedin, Wellington, and in Greytown and Masterton. There are 400 Working Men’s Clubs in London which have been established apart from public houses, and where the drinking of spirituous liquors are prohibited, although the members who are teetotalers [teetotalers] are in the minority. We regard these Clubs as educational institutions, and where working men can meet, and have innocent and agreeable means of relation and enjoyment after the day’s toils are over, and as such they certainly deserve support and encouragement from all classes. From what we can learn, such support and encouragement from the wealthier classes has been in some measure already given to the Napier Club, and we earnestly hope others will come forward and assist. The Club now numbers fifty members, besides ten life members, and we hope the roll will receive greater additions, so that the Club may get into fair working order. It is proposed that the rules of the Wellington Working Men’s Club be adopted, and that the entrance fee be 5s, and the annual subscription 10s. This places the Club within the reach of all, and should bring to the Club that amount of support from that class for whom it has been specially designed.
The Government steamer Stella arrived in harbor with the Frisco’ mail on Wednesday. Her departure from Wellington was not posted on the Telegraph board, and were it not for our Wellington correspondent forwarding us the news of her leaving, no one in Napier would have been aware that the Stella was coming. The telegraph authorities could publish the time of arrival and departure of the mail to other parts of the colony on their board, but when the mail was actually to Napier no intimation was given of the fact.
In another column, we publish a cablegram, dated Bombay, September 9, which we have clipped from a copy of the New Zealand Times of Tuesday, that reached us by the Stella. It is noteworthy, as showing the wonderful enterprise of our Napier contemporary, that this cablegram only made its appearance in the Herald on Wednesday, and in such a garbled form was it published that, we are under the impression, our friends over the way not only keep back cablegrams, but the few which they get they cannot understand.
A meeting was held on Tuesday at the Albion Hotel, of the Artillery and ex-Volunteers, for the purpose of taking the necessary steps to procure land remission certificates for past services. Mr J.B. Fielder, as representing the late Rifle Corps, and Mr. F. W. Garner, the Artillery Volunteers, are busy preparing a tabulated statement, showing the names of volunteers with their length of service, and their number of years of efficiency.
The directors of the Napier Theatre Company met on Tuesday at the office of the Company’s solicitor, when the articles of association were read by the Secretary. We understand that two hundred and forty-five shares have been taken up.
The total receipts for the Napier-Takapau railway for the four weeks ending July 28, was £1,533, which was made up as follows: Passengers and parcels, £780 5s 11d; goods and live stock, £772 14s 1d.
Dr Redwood, accompanied by Fathers Reignier and Yarden, was driven into town from Meanee, by Mr Barry, of Taradale, on Wednesday.
Mr Duncan Guy, the Registrar of the Court, has been appointed Trustee in the bankruptcy estate of Mr. R. Kirkpatrick.
The special cablegram published on Tuesday from our London correspondent should have read, – “The question of Chinese immigration to Queensland is being discussed in English papers.”
At a meeting of Mr Hannibal Lory’s creditors held on Wednesday, the meeting as adjourned until Thursday. The liabilities are set down as £179 odd, and the real available assets are his furniture, £10.
Peter Bourke Esq., has been appointed a member of the Licensing Court for the District of Poverty Bay, vice C.D. Pitt Esq., resigned.
Messrs. Banner and Liddle have received the appointment as agents for the new Union Insurance Company.
The Commissioner of Customs has revoked the appointment of the Bonded warehouse at the Spit on sections 519 and 520, known as “Kinross and Co’s Bond.”
It appears we were right a few weeks ago in classing the Wanganui Chronicle and the Hawke’s Bay Herald as being both conducted after the same fashion. The Napier Herald on Wednesday says: “The Wanganui Chronicle thinks that the report of the death of Brigham Young is a fabrication, as otherwise something would have been heard of it through the Press Agency.” Just so. But the strange part of the matter is, the Wanganui Chronicle quotes the Napier Herald as an authority for making the above statement, and now the Herald quotes the Wanganui Chronicle to show that Brigham Young may not be dead, because forsooth, the Press Agency “has not heard of it.” There appears to be a mutual affection between these two literary shining lights. The New Zealand Herald we notice professed to get the same news from Melbourne, from its correspondent, but the editor was prettily “bowled out” by the Star, which showed that on the day the telegram was supposed to be received, the telegraph lines were down, and no communication could be obtained. We may here mention that these special cablegrams cost the evening papers 15s 4d per word, and is it likely they would go to such an expense for untruthful or concocted news? Our morning contemporaries should daily read and study the little fable about the “Fox and the Grapes.”
Amongst other Parliamentary papers, we have received a copy of Mr Hodgkinson’s Bill to legalise the marriage of a man with the sister of his deceased wife. The whole of the Bill is contained in the two following clauses: – The Short Title of this Act shall be “The Deceased Wife’s Marriage Act 1877”. All marriages which shall, subsequently to the passing of this Act, be solemnized or contracted the Colony of New Zealand between any person and his deceased wife’s sister shall be deemed to be and are hereby declared valid, any law against such marriages notwithstanding.
Sealed tenders for inland mail services, will be received at the Chief Post Office until October 6, for the conveyance of mails from the 1st January to the 31st December, 1878, to and from the under mentioned places: – Puketapu and Erewhon, once weekly; Waipawa and Makeritu, twice weekly; Kopua Railway Station and Palmerston North, twice weekly; Palmerston North and Wellington, twice weekly; Kopua Railway Station and Wellington; twice weekly; Kopua Railway Station and Wanganui, twice weekly; Kopua Railway Station and Hawera, twice weekly; Kopua Railway Station and New Plymouth, twice weekly.
We are authoritively informed that instructions have been issued for the outward “Frisco mail to leave the several ports in the colony one day later than the original date. The Rotorua will leave Napier on Monday’ the 23rd, instead of Sunday as previously notified.
The London Daily News war correspondent informs that journal that Reuter’s Agent at the seat of war is a military doctor in the Turkish service, and unless he submits his telegrams to the Turkish officials for supervision, he run a chance of being shot.
The good people of Waipawa lost their mail the other day. As usual, the mail bag was put into the guard’s van, and, at Waipawa, the mail carriage contractor went to the van, and seeing a bag, took it out, and putting it into his trap drove it to the Post Office. On being opened the bag was found to contain a fine same? of potatoes, while the letter bag was carried on to Waipukurau. Our informant does not say what became of the potatoes.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, two men, named respectively William Gaffney and William Johnston, were brought before His Worship, the former being charged with drunkenness and resisting the constable stationed at Taradale, and the latter with attempting to rescue Gaffney after his arrest. The evidence proved that both the prisoners had desperately assaulted the constable by striking him and also pulling out bunches of hair from his whiskers. His Worship sentenced both the prisoners to two months imprisonment with hard labor.
A notification in Gaelic, that graces our advertising columns, appeals to the sympathy of Highlandmen. To those who know the peculiar language in which the advertisement is written, it is unnecessary to explain that it refers to a meeting to be held at Kaikora School house, on the 17th inst., for the purpose of taking steps to commemorate the life and services of the late Sir Donald McLean. On a former occasion we suggested the propriety of some public token in remembrance for all that Sir Donald McLean has performed for the good of this colony, and we are glad that the Highland men of Hawke’s Bay have bestirred themselves in the matter.
The Literary Association held its weekly meeting on Wednesday, at which the Rev. Mr. Berry presided. Dr Spencer gave his lecture on “Germs”, which proved most interesting, and a cordial vote of thanks was returned to the learned lecturer.
An amusing episode is reported to have occurred on Wednesday, Captain Fairchild, who is well known for his droll sayings, was moving off in his ship’s-boat to the Stella, when an Engineer, who has great faith in the harbor works, accosted him, “Good-by, Captain, next time you come up thus way, you will be able to bring your vessel inside”. “Wall”, said the skipper, “I guess if she does come inside, shell steam in on her side. She draws less water on her side than on her bottom, I guess”. The laughter among the by-standers, we need hardly add, was loud and prolonged.
A fine marble monument has recently been unveiled in the metropolitan church of London in memory of the gallant officers and men of the 57th Regiment who fell during the bloody and protracted New Zealand War. It is good as a work if art, and has given general satisfaction. The soldiers who died in New Zealand are thus commemorated side by side with the victors of the Peninsula and of Waterloo.
A meeting was held on Wednesday at the Criterion Hotel, of gentlemen who had signified their intention of forming the new Club, to be called the Union. Mr. M.R. Miller was voted to the chair. The following gentlemen were present: Messrs. Wilson, Banner, Tabuteau, J.A Smith, Shields, Hoadley, P. Dinwiddie, J. Bennett, Ruddock, Balharry, Peacock, McHardy, Dowding, Craig, Routledge, Swan, Dugleby, Miller, McVay, J. Dinwiddie, J. Close, D. Guy, Bower, Price, Dransfield, W. Smith. Garner, W.W. Carlile, Kennedy, Cornford, Cotterill, Winter, Burke, E. Sutton, Fryer, Gilman, Bythe, Eva, Liddle, Peppercorne, Gibbes, Hitchings, Bold, Goudy. The Chairman read the circular calling the meeting, and the hon. Sec. Mr. H.A. Banner, read the minutes of the various committee meetings that had been held. The sec. then read a communication from the proprietors of the Criterion Hotel, offering to the Club the ground floor of the lower part of the wing of the building along Emerson street, for a period of five years; at a rental of £200, a year. An offer from the proprietor of the Masonic Hotel was also read, offering all the chamber accommodation required by the Club, for the sum of £160 a year. A Letter from the proprietor of the Clarendon Hotel was read offering the whole of that building as a Club house, for £250 a year. After the relative advantages of each offer had been discussed, the decision was arrived at by ballot, which resulted in the Criterion polling 21, Clarendon 16, Masonic 0; several gentleman declined to vote on the ground of none of the offers being satisfactory. Other business was then transacted, and it was resolved that the proposed rules should be submitted to a general meeting to be held on the 19th instant. The Committee was then balloted for, when the following gentlemen were elected: – Messrs. M.R. Miller, McHardy, Canning, Peacock, F. Sutton, M.H.R., Dr. Hitchings, Messrs. Banner, Bold, Wellwood, Close, H.C. Wilson, and S.R. Dransfield. Captain Russell, M.H.R. was elected president; and Mr. Banner, honorary secretary and treasurer; and Messrs M.R. Miller, Close and McHardy, trustees. A vote if thanks to the Provincial Committee and to the Chairman, brought the meeting to a close.
Mass will be celebrated by the Rev E. Reignier next Sunday 16th instant in St. Patrick’s Church Waipawa, at 11am.
Vincent House, formerly in the occupation of Mr. Harkis, has been re-opened, and is now a branch grocery and hardware store of Messrs Newton and Co., under the management of Mr. Ben Johnson.
The Wanganui Chronicle, in referring to the Murimotu attempted land purchase, remarks: – “The block which the “ring” party are now trying to secure as a sheep run for 21years, measures 40 miles by 25 to 30. The same organization has at present on lease a block on which 50 or 60 good homesteads could be planted with satisfactory prospects for successful realizations. People must not labor under the impression that all this country is only fit for a sheep run, and that for agricultural pursuits it will never be worth anything. We are assured by a gentleman who has traversed a great portion of the block, that on the portion now sought to be added to that already acquired, there is room for many small farm settlements. Fortunately, however, for the present and the rising generation, the “ring” appears to have shot its bolt, and now contemplates a retrograde movement”.
Mrs Neil’s concert took place on Wednesday in the Oddfellows’ Hall, and was attended with a fair amount of success, being on the whole tolerably well rendered, before an audience nearly s large as usual. We have not sufficient space to particularise all the pieces in a long and varied programme, but several items demand special mention at our hands; place aux dames. The fair beneficiare of course distinguished herself in the mad scene from ‘Lucia,” and in “The Convent Cell.” From the “Rose of Castile,” as well as in the duet from “Puritani;” in which duet Mrs Neill was joined by Mr. Edwards with good effect. The introductory solo in the “Rain Chorus” (Chilperic), was spiritedly sung by Mrs. Butler; the same lady sweetly rendering the song “O Fair Dove, O Fond Dove.” In the duet, “The Wind and the Harp” (Glover), the Misses Tennion made a successful first appearance. When these young ladies have conquered their natural nervousness, they will prove an acquisition to any Coral Society. We were glad to hear Mrs Rice again before the public, and in a song so pleasingly and tastefully sung, as was “Reconciliation”. Amongst the gentleman we need only refer to Mr. Edwards, who gave a good version of Emmett’s well known “Lullaby”. The quartette, “Calm is the Glassey Ocean”, deserves a word of recognition. The choruses were generally well given; the “Rain Chorus” being encored. Of the pianoforte duets it would difficult to speak too highly, though the palm must be awarded to the opening one, played by the Misses Martin and Reardon. The audience seemed much pleased with the concert, but were anything but enthusiastic. We are glad to hear Mrs. Neill purpose giving another concert shortly.
A correspondent sends to the Post a curious calculation of the cost o the country of the George Jones Debates. Taking the remuneration of each member of the House at £200; the sitting days at 70 averaging 10 hours each; and the time spent in black-guarding George Jones at 12 hours, that little article in the Oamaru Mail has already cost the country, in talk alone, £274. Another £100 may safely be added for the expenses of protecting him.
Captain Lloyd, the genial and popular ex skipper of the steamers Taranaki and Wellington, has turned railway station-master, having received the appointment at the Chartsey [ Chertsey ]station on the Canterbury railway.
The editor of the Wairarapa Standard, in advocating the establishment of Working Men’s Clubs in the Wairarapa district, remarks: – “We find it stated in the London Times that at one of the most successful of London Clubs, though the teetotalers were in a decided minority, both among the members and the managing committee, the general feeling was against the introduction of intoxicating liquors, as it was found that their admission was not essential to success. And here we may be permitted to point out that the establishment of Working Men’s Clubs does not imply hostility to the legitimate trade of the publican. Their advocates do not intend to imply as Good Templars and puritians [puritans] of all kinds are in the constant habit of doing, that publicans generally encourage their customers to drink to excess. There is, in truth, no one to whom the drunken man proves a more intolerable nuisance than to the publican himself. The Licensed Victuallers, as a body, are quite as honest and respectable as any other tradesman, and they are equally as necessary for the requirements and convenience of the public. We advocate the establishment of Working Men’s Clubs in the interest of the working class, without any reference to the interests of publicans on the one hand, or the pet projects of Local Bill advocates on the other.”
Mr. Stout was facetious when replying to the toast of the “Supreme Court” at the dinner given by the natives in Wellington recently. He said: – “There was a time when our ancestors were the same as the Maoris, and would not go to Court, but settled their disputes by the force of arms. When they became more intelligent they learned to settle their differences in the Court, and they found great advantage from it. (Cries of “Question”. So that led to the employment of a set of men called lawyers. (Laughter). I think it is cheaper for the people to pay the lawyers than to employ men as soldiers. It is better for them lose their money than their lives.” (Much laughter.)
The Masterton News states that the morality among sheep in the Wairarapa has this year been very great. One farm alone has lost 1000 sheep, and this heavy loss is attributed in great measure to the rabbits. Not only do the rabbits consume much food, but sheep will not touch anything at which a rabbit has been feeding. The news adds: – ‘it is some slight compensation for this state of things to learn that rather a brisk trade has sprung up with the Wellington market in rabbits. Every now and again dry loads are to be seen making their way for Wellington, where we are told a ready market is obtained. At present the rabbits are killed before being sent away. So encouraging, however, has the trade become that when the warm weather sets in arrangements will be made for dispatching them to Wellington alive, thereby avoiding the danger of the carcases becoming tainted before getting into the hands of the consumers”.
Tuesday Evening.
Plevna has at last fallen after an obstinate resistance on the part of the Turks.
The Russians, after an unequalled artillery engagement, succeeded in totally defeating Osman Pasha’s army.
It was a total rout.
Thousands of prisoners were captured. This terrible reverse will have a fearful effect on the Turkish cause.
September 12.
The drought is breaking up, in consequence of heavy rains in the South and West districts.
Nearly two hundred American Immigrants arrived today.
September 11.
Arrived – Ringarooma.
The Arawata sails to-morrow.
A Woman named Steinston the wife of a working butcher, last night cut herself open with a razor, and died this morning. Her husband found her covered with blood when he went to bed. They had been married for nineteen years, and lived happily, but lately her ill health was causing despondency.
September 13.
The Mary Ann Hudson has gone to pieces at Mohaka.
September 12.
A deputation of the clergy and laity, headed by Archdeacon Stock, presented a petition to the Licensing Bench praying that no new publican’s license should be issued in the city. The Resident Magistrate, for a long time, declined to receive the petition,, but as the other two justices considered it might be received, the petition was placed in the hands of the Clerk of the Court. It was signed by 2700 adults of the city.
The Inspector of Police incidentally mentioned that there were 44 public houses in Wellington, fewer in proportion to the population then in any other town in New Zealand.
[Continued from page 3.)
Mr. Wakefield made a brilliant speech. He spoke of the drifting and shifting of this miserable Ministry of shreds and tatters. He compared Captain Russell to a little wooden soldier in a bull’s eye, who popped up whenever Mr. Ormond hit. In another sentence he called him the wooden captain, which created roars of laughter. Mr. Wakefield repeated choice parts of Mr. Ormond’s speech, where he called other members liars, cowards, and traitors. Was this gentlemanly? Mr. Ormond had been proved to have lied six timed in the present debate [Mr. Ormond bit his nails and shaded his eyes with his hands]. Mr. Wakefield went in to slate him unmercifully.
The House divided on Mr. Whitaker’s amendment at nearly one o’clock.
Ayes – 25 Noes – 26
Atkinson BaIgent
Bowen Barff
Fitzroy Brown, J.C.
Gibbs Bunny
Henry (teller) De Latour
Hunter Dignan
Hursthouse Fisher
Johnston Gisborne
Kenny Hislop
Lumsden Lusk
Macfarlane Macandrew
McLean Montgomery
Moorhouse Nahe
Morris O’Rorke
Ormond Rees
Reid Seaton
Rowe Sheean (teller)
Russell Stout ( teller)
Seymour Swanson
Stevens Taiaroa
Sutton Takamoana
Tawhiti Thomson
Whitaker Tole
Williams (teller) Travers
Woolcock Wakefield
Wood, W.
Mr. Whitaker’s amendment was lost. There was great cheering, and the debate was prolonged till nearly two o’clock. It will be resumed on Monday.
September 10.
The House met at 2.30p.m,
Sir George Grey gave notice that if a committee on Hawke’s Bay land transactions was appointed he would move an instruction to it to enquire into the charges made against Mr. Ormond and Sir George Grey in the House, in reference to land transactions.
The debate was resumed on Mr. Rees’s Hawke’s Bay Land committee motion.
Mr. Cox desired to make a personal explanation. He said that in January 1867, Sir George Grey visited the South Island as Governor, and spoke to him of the advantages offered for grazing purposes by the North Island. Nothing more took place till he came to Wellington during the session of 1867. Henry Russell then came to him and quoted Sir George Grey’s and other opinions about the nature of the grazing country in the North. He then, at Mr. Russell’s request, went, and had an interview with Sir George Grey about the matter.
He had in all three interviews with Sir George Grey – at first he told Sir George that several gentlemen were prepared to form a company to take up country, and that the area they wanted was from 250,000 to 300,000 acres, if as good as he represented it, and told him fully their plans. It was to be South if Lake Taupo, and the precise locality was indicated. A few days after another interview took place. At the outset Sir G. Grey made a proposition in the words “Would it any way interfere with your operations if I was allowed to take a share in your venture.” He (Cox) at once said there would be no objection. The intended further operations were then discussed, and the probable amount of capital required was mentioned, he (Cox) saying that £5,000 each would probably be required to carry on operations on a sufficient scale. Sir George Grey made many suggestions; amongst others, that the Maoris would have a claim on them for provisions for the support if themselves and their children, so that they should be none the worse of the company’s operations. He left with the full impression that Sir George Grey was a partner in the transaction. He was not prepared to enter into a discussion as to the legal meaning of the word “partner”, but the affairs of the company were fully discussed with Sir George Grey under the impression that he was a party concerned in the transaction. Mr. Cox then quoted a number of definitions of what constituted a partnership. A third interview, he said took place, and the first thing then said by Sir George Grey was “I must be allowed to retire from this proposed partnership. I have reasons for this request. I cannot afford to give my enemies a chance of representing that I am connected with any irregular transaction”. From that day Sir George had nothing more to do with the matter, as his request was at once complied with.
The idea of Sir George Grey being corruptly connected with the transaction had never occurred to him (Cox), and if any such impression or insinuation had got abroad it was entirely mistaken. He had never said anything to justify such an impression and there was no grounds for it. He did not know whether Sir George Grey ever knew who the persons were who were to be members of the company. At the time of the interviews he believed Sir George Grey did not know. Sir George Grey gave them certain letters to natives, and he (Cox) and Mr. Russell, with Mr. Locke, went up to Taupo, but only saw one of the persons. They then returned to Wellington. Subsequently Mr. Locke was sent up, and as there were then others in the field, Mr. Locke was urged by Mr. Russell to push matters on. Mr. Locke went up several times, and negotiations went on for some six months, till near the end of 1868, when, for many reasons, amongst others Te Kooti’s proceedings, it was determined that the project should be abandoned.
When he saw Mr. Locke in the street he asked him (Locke) if he remembered anything about his instructions regarding the Taupo affair. Mr. Locke said he thought he had the letters. He then said he would like to see them. A few days afterwards Mr. Locke brought the letters. He read and re-read them, and saw that every line of the seven, eight, or nine letters, except part of one postscript, referred entirely to this Taupo transaction. All he had stated was fully confirmed by these letters. He had told Mr. Ormond what the letters contained, and gave Mr. Ormond permission to read them with Mr. Locke’s consent. He believed that the consent had been obtained. Had he been consulted, he would have objected to the way in which this matter had been brought before the House. He did not know the matter was to be brought forward. No one but Sir George Grey, Mr. Russell, and himself (Cox) could give direct evidence as to what took place at the interview between them. He did not approve of the course adopted by Mr. Ormond of using these letters, but he could not say what he might have done himself had charges such as those that had been made over and over again against Mr. Ormond been made against himself. If such charges had been made, he too might have allowed his tongue to run away with his reason.
Mr Macfarlane moved the “previous question”.
Mr. J.C. Brown asked Mr. Cox whether the Taupo land company proposed to buy or lease the land.
Mr. Cox said it was intended to lease, not buy the land.
Mr. Hursthouse thought the House had had sufficient explanation of these matters by this time, and he would vote against a committee of any sort.
Mr. Stout asked Mr. Ormond to withdraw his accusations against Sir George Grey.
Mr. Ormond said that he did not withdraw his imputations against Sir George Grey, because he considered them sustained by Mr. Cox’s statements. He had been accused of unnecessary bitterness. He had spoken under frequent and gross provocation, and he had since compared his speech with some of those of Sit George Grey and Mr. Rees, and his was nothing in comparison. He did not say it was desirable to use strong language, but men were mortal and could not always rest under such charges as had over and over again been made against him and his friends. He had at last felt bound to reply, and to retort on those who had made such attacks. He believed Sir Donald McLean had actually been murdered in this way, and that had it not been for the false charges made against him last session he would have been alive now. The only mistake he (Mr. Ormond) had made was as to the time Sir George Grey was a member of the Taupo company. He had been under the impression that it was for a longer period that stated by Mr. Cox. He would not withdraw a word he had said regarding the Orananui affair. He had no objection to the fullest enquiry. It would, however, be a shameful wrong to the people of Hawke’s Bay to appoint such a committee in the way asked for by Mr. Rees. Many of the cases were pending in the Supreme Court, and the House should not go behind it. He therefore supported the previous question. He believed a special commission was the only means of sifting all Hawke’s Bay Land transactions thoroughly and properly. He would be glad to see such an enquiry instituted.
Mr. Bunny urged the production of the letters.
Mr. Cox said that the terms of the lease proposed by the company was 25 or 30 years.
Mr. Carrington would vote that Sir George Grey’s conduct was not dishonorable either as a member of the House or as a gentleman.
Mr. Barff strongly condemned the tone of the debate, and the example set by Mr. Ormond.
Mr. Lusk appealed to the Government not to make such a mistake as to endeavor to stifle enquiry.
Mr. Bowen defended Mr. Ormond and the Government.
Dr. Hodgkinson said the country would accept the Government’s opposition to an enquiry as an admission of guilt of those whose character was impugned.
Mr. Woolcock thought that a committee could not do any good, and might do a great deal of harm to the people of Hawke’s Bay.
Mr. Montgomery thought Mr. Cox’s statement entirely exonerated Sir George Grey from the serious imputations cast on him by Mr. Ormond. He strongly condemned the personalities which had been indulged in on both sides of the House, and thought the Mr. Ormond’s speech, made in cold blood, was in no way justified by what might have been said weeks before.
The debate was interrupted by the dinner hour.
On the resemption [resumption] of the Hawke’s Bay debate last night, Mr, Rees chaffed Mr. Ormond, declaring when he attacked Mr. Sheehan he caught a Tartar. The charge of bankruptcy he declared untrue. Having met a number of claims for which he was not morally though legally responsible, he was driven by his political enemies to compound with his creditors. He had since been gradually paying off, and in a year or two would have paid all. The member for Waipa had shown that the letters were written to Sir G. Grey after he had declined to join the proposed company.
With the reference to the challenge of Mr. Ormond to resign and contest Clive with him, he now challenged Mr. Ormond to come to Auckland and met him in City East, and not at Clive, where Mr. Ormond had dogs to bar at the people’s heels. The very fact that ministers resisted the appointment of a Committee showed they had something suspicious to conceal. The pubic would think so, and would demand an inquiry.
The House divided on the motion that the question be now put. The Speaker put the question three ties, and then declared that the ayes had it, the noes called for a division. There was a rush
from Bellamy’s and the lobbies, and a great deal of bustle and interest was observable. The whips in running out nearly upset the unfortunate members rushing in. The Speaker gave the decision “noes” on the voices. The House divided, and the result was, Noes, 41 ; Ayes, 34.
Ayes, 34 Noes, 41.
Baigent Atkinson
Barff Ballance
Bastings Bryce
J.C. Brown Burns
J.E. Brown Beetham
DeLatour Bowen
Dignan Brandon
Fisher Curtis
Gisborne Douglas
Grey Fitzroy
Hamlin Fox
Hislop Gibbes
Hodgkinson Harper
Larnach Henry
Lusk Hursthouse
Macandrew Johnston
Montgomery Kelly
Nahe Kenny
O’Rorke Lumsden
Pyke MacFarlane
Rees Manders
Seaton McLean
Sheehan Moorhouse
Stout Morris
Swanson Murray-Ainsley
Taiaroa Ormond
Takamoana Reid
Thomson Reynolds
Tole Richardson
Travers Richmond
Wakefield Russell
Wallis Seymour
Williams Sharp
W. Wood Stafford
Shrimski Kennedy
Bunny Button
Rolleston Hunter
W. Wood Cox
Mr. Stout gave notice of the same motion for Thursday.
The House went into Committee on the Education Bill.
This carries the previous question in favour of the Government, and shelves Rees’ motion for a Select Committee. The result was received with only a few cheers, Ministers did not cheer. Major Atkinson coughed cavernously. Mr. Whitaker was dry. The fact is thirty four in opposition means danger.
A want of confidence motion is again rumoured. Ministers claim to have a majority of fourteen if such an event arises.
In Committee on the Education Bill, a scene occurred between Major Atkinson and Mr. Gibson. Several members when the House was in Committee on the Education Bill, touched on Abolition.
Major Atkinson jumped up in a temper and hit about in an unusually warlike manner. He addressed his remarks to Mr, Gisborne. “ And now,” said he. “ I am going to talk to the hon. Gentleman. I am going to tell of the means he adopted to get in this House.”
Mr. Gisborne at this jumped up and objected to what he considered an imputation that he had used unfair means to get into Parliament.
“The hon. Member seemed unhappy’, continued Major Atkinson, but before he could get further, Mr. Rolleston jumped up , and exclaimed, “I am unhappy.” No member of this House can now criticize the Government without receiving volleys of personal abuse.
The excitement in the House, which was usually greet, grew intense. Mr. Rolleston’s face was suffused with anger. Major Atkinson was not much better, as he stood with his hands in his pocket swaying backwards and forwards.
Messrs. Rolleston and Atkinson both spoke together for a minute, and Mr. Gisborne joined in. At last Major Atkinson, amid loud cries of “Adjourn,” apologized for anything he might have said to hurt the hon. Member for Totara, and the House adjourned.
September 12.
The House was very dull yesterday afternoon.
The Premier, in answer to Mr. Harper, stated the Government would carry out the recommendations of the Committee in the case of Sartoris, Downes, and others.
The House then went into Committee on the Education Bill.
The Opposition was rather astonished at the results of Mr. Ree’s motion. It is thought they will not bring a no confidence vote forward yet, unless the count shows a more satisfactory result.. Three members of the Opposition were away when the division took place, for whom pairs could not be obtained.
There is still a very sore feeling at the personalities Mr. Ormond indulged in. The Post condemns him in no measured terms.
Messrs Pyke and Barff may be regarded as Opposition men now.
There is much talk about the Native Lands Stoppage Bill not being printed yet. There will probably be another row if it is not circulated this afternoon.
In the House last night, the Education Bill was considered in Committee. A number of amendments were proposed, with a view of giving more power to local Committees in the choice of teachers and extension of schoolships. The clauses were finally modified in this direction.
On the fire bell ringing, there was a general scamper of members, but a quorum was retained with infinite exertions, as members never would get together again if once allowed to slope.
The Opposition have held a meeting, and a motion that a change of Government is desirable will, it is confidently assented, be made to-day or to-morrow. A count noses shows the Government will not, under any circumstances, have a majority of more than three, Messrs, Ballance and Bryce are doubtful. If they do over to the Opposition the Ministry will be defeated by a majority of one. This lobby talk may be taken for what it is worth. The heads of the new party keep close as oysters, wishing to take the Government by surprise.
September 13.
In the House yesterday afternoon, Mr. Rees gave notice to ask a question as to who advised the Government to put in a plea of justification in the Waka Maori libel action ; also from what fund the costs and damages will be defrayed.
Mr. Ballance gave notice of motion for the production of all the correspondence relative to the sale or negotiations affecting the Murimutu block.
Mr. Burns, in moving the motion that all rolling stock, railway plant, and materials for colonial works be obtained within the colony where necessary, waxed eloquent to an unwonted degree. He talked of the good seed cast upon the water to return after many days. His motion was lost last session in the Piako swamp eater to rise again a hundred fold in strength. He quoted several yards of poetry from Robert Burns (his great great uncle) about lordlings, slaves, sons of toil, sweating brows, and so on. He made an original remark to the effect that Rome was not built in a day. He then talked some common sense. He said the largest moveable crane in the world was made in Dunedin. He quoted tenders to prove that rolling stock could be manufactured equally as cheap in the colony as abroad.
Mr. Sheehan proposed an addition, providing New Zealand coal be used on Government railways, offices, &c.
Mr. Ormond said the Government had already taken steps in the direction indicated in the motion. The Engineer having been ordered to provide full specifications and estimates of stock required for a series of years to see how far it was possible to have manufactured in the colony. They accepted the motion, with Mr. Sheehan’s addition.
The question was discussed all the afternoon, as to whether locomotives could be economically produced here, until the house was talked nearly empty.
Mr. Macandrew moved an addition to the words, “ and that all orders for rolling stock and locomotive now on the way home be countermanded.
Mr. Ormond objected, The rolling stock was urgently required, and could not be obtained in the colony for some time.
On a division, the amendment was rejected by 33 to 20.
Mr. Stout proposed a second amendment compelling the Government to order all stock in the colony when practicable, and give the talkers another opportunity.
Mr. Pyke sat on the Government, and when Mr. Manders, in oleaginous tones, tried to pour oil on their wounds, they appeared inexpressibly disgusted.
The Speaker gave his decision against the amendment on the voices, when of course a division was called for, resulting in a majority of one for the Government.
On resuming at half-past seven, Mr. Hodgkinson moved the second reading of the Deceased Wife’s Sister Marriage Bill, repeating the old arguments which have been drummed into the ear of the House ad nauseum.
He mentioned the word “housekeeper” at which the member of Wakatipu crushed his hat over his eyes, and majestically walked forth.
Talking in his usual sing-song style, Dr. Hodgkinson drearily argued that a man’s wife’s sister was not in the position of his own sister. “Why”, said he,” it will next be said his wife’s mother is equal his own mother.” He was innocent of any joke, and look round wonderingly when the House roared.
Dr. Wallis opposed, calling it a mischievous law.
Last night, Dr Wallis continued to oppose the Deceased Wife’s Sister Marriage Bill on the grounds that it would destroy a pleasant social relative society, cause jealousy, family quarrels, and place sisters in a false position, as all interest shown in a brother-in-law or children would be misconstrued by scandalmongers. Why not allow a deceased husband’s brother to marry the widow? Yet every member would shudder.
Mr Barff declared the agitation was got up and maintained by certain wealthy English families, who had outraged law and decency, and wished to legitimize their offspring.
The second reading was carried by 40 against 23.
Dr. Hodgkinson was too much astonished to testify his joy. Several local Bills passed their next stage.
The Local Option Bill was further considered in Committee. Clause 12 was amended so as to require the voting of the majority of two-thirds.
The Native Lands Sales Suspension Bill was issued today. The fourth clause says:- “This Act shall be deemed to have been in operation since the sixteenth ay of August, thus preventing the completion of all negotiations entered into since the Lands Court Bill was withdrawn.
The Public Petitioners Committee in the Legislative Council report on the petition of Te Hapuku and others, on the Te Aute College question, that they concur in the report of the Hawke’s Bay Lands Alienation Commission held in Napier on 13th July, 1873. Captain Fraser moved today, and it was carried, that the report be referred back again to the committee to obtain further evidence, and to report on it again.
The Te Aute College question was again postponed in the Legislative Council to-day, on the motion of Mr. Mantell, in consequence of the serious illness of the mover, the Hon. H.R. Russell, and also because it was advisable that the final report of the Public Petitions Committee on Te Hapuku’s petition should be before the Council. Dr. Pollen said he would not oppose the adjournment. But would lay on the table the report and balance-sheet of the Te Aute Trust Estate since 1874, as he had promised the Council he would.
Mr. Russell is improving in health, and expects to take his seat again in the Council in a few days.
Fire And Loss of Life.
September 12.
A dreadful and fatal fire occurred last night. Alcorn’s large draper’s shop was seen to burst suddenly into a flame at eight o’clock. The Central Engine Station was just opposite, and the hose was fixed in three minutes, but the people pulled the hydrant and broke it, and it took five minutes to fix another. In the meantime the flames obtained a hold over the whole building. Mr. Alcorn was away at the time, but Mrs Alcorn and six children were in the house. One was in bed, and Mrs Alcorn tried to rescue it, but the flames drove her back, and she barely escaped with the other five children by the verandah over the shop. The Central and Wellington Brigades threw eight jets of water, and subdued the flames by eleven o’clock. The buildings on each side were a little damaged. The body of the girl, who was three years old, was afterwards found. She had tumbled with the floor of the bedroom, and was on the counter of the shop dreadfully burnt and contorted, one leg being off, and half of the head burnt away. Next door Mrs. Gamble, the wife of a tailor, had been confined the previous night. She ran across the street, carrying her baby, and was received into the Occidental Hotel where every attention was paid to her, but she is not expected to recover the shock. Mrs. Alcorn was cut about the with glass. Two firemen names Tolley and Lambert were much scorched and cut. At one time it was expected to whole street would go, as a strong wind was blowing at the outbreak, but fortunately it fell calm a few minutes afterwards. There was great excitement in town, the Lambton Quay and the terraces being lined with people. There has been no such fire since the old Empire Hotel was burnt, and great credit is due to the two Brigades for their prompt action.
The damages are estimated as follows: – Building £2000, stock about £500, all totally destroyed. Insurances; South British. £1,000 : Standard £500; Imperial, £500 : Transatlantic, $2000; Phoenix, £600. The policies in the National and New Zealand offices were allowed to lapse a short time ago.
Latest Political News.
September 12.
The Native Land Sales Stoppage Bill is not yet printed, but its contents have leaked out. It is a short Bill of three clauses, and prohibits all sales. Leases, and mortgages, until next session under severe penalties.
The Middle Opposition party is very strong, but has not yet decided on a policy.
The Catholics are anxious to have the Education Bill talked out, and a no confidence motion will probably come afterwards.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq., R.M.
Messrs. Lee and Lascelles, of Napier, attended on behalf of clients.
The police brought charge of drunkenness against Thomas Drake and John Miles. In default of attendance, the bail of £1 was forfeited for each.
The following civil cases were then proceeded with :-
Peters v. Burslem.- £3 18s was claimed by the plaintiff for amount of wages due to his son, a lad in defendant’s employ. Judgment for plaintiff, with costs 9s.
Tye v. Hill. – No appearance of either party. Case struck out.
Eagle v. Mosen. – Plaintiff claimed £7 for work done. Defendant admitted. Ordered to pay 10s a week, with costs 13s.
Whyman v. Mosen.- Plaintiff claimed £7 for work done. Order the same as preceding case.
Tyler v. Mosen. – No appearance of plaintiff. Case struck out.
The remaining cases were settled before being called for hearing.
Church of England Service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 16th instant, at Clive at 11a.m., at Hastings at half-past 3, and at Havelock at 7p.m.
Shipping Intelligence
7 – Sir Donald, s.s., from Poverty Bay.
7 – Storm Bird, s.s. from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Dewston, Miss Horsfall, Messrs Holt, Mann, Bennett and Smith.
8 – Taranaki, s.s., from Auckland, Tauranga and Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mesdames Ebet, Williams, Gibbons, Walsh, Graham. Family and servant, Misses Williams (2), and Wyllie, Messrs. Strachan, Hamilton, Ebets, Williams (2), Reeves, Gibbons, King, Jobberns, Villers, Harris, McIntosh, Owen, Walsh, Stacy, McKay, and 7 natives.
8 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa.
8 – Result, s.s., From Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Cable, Burton, Bonnifant, and Thompson.
10 – Fairy, s.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Miller and Gemmell.
12 – Stella, C.G. s.s. from Wellington. Passenger – Mr. Blackett.
12- Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs. Brown, Messrs. Holmes, Brown, Frost, Kember, Churcheon, Deacon, McDonald, Storem, Peter, Burns, Barnes, and 9 steerage.
13 – Storm Bird, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Skelley, Caldwell, Vickerman, Brockman, and Gallagher.
6 – Venus, ketch, for Mercury Bay.
6 – Orpheus, schooner, for Mercury Bay.
8 – Fairy s.s., for Wairoa and Mangakuri. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Oxley, Messrs Ingram, Miller, Carter, Carroll, Bennett, Thompson, and a few others.
8 – Falcon, barquentine, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
8 – Taranaki, s.s., for Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Miss Cotterill, Rev. S. Williams, Messrs Hallett, Snowdon, Davis, Mintor, Axup, Mitchell, Burnett, Jobberns, Morrell, and three natives.
8 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Johnson, Mrs Noonin and three children, Mrs North and two children, Messrs North, Turner, and Large.
10 – Sir Donald, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Miss Brown, Messrs Leonard, Ellis, Villers, and two others.
11 – Fairy, s.s., for Mangakuri.
12 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Peter, Burton, Bonnifant and Lloyd.
12 – Stella, C.G.S.S., for Portland Island. Passenger- Mr. Blackett.
The s.s. Sir Donald returned from Poverty Bay early on Friday.
The s.s. Taranaki, Captain Carey, left Auckland at 5.30 p.m. of the 5th ; arrived at Tauranga at 2p.m. on the 6th, and left the same day, arriving at Poverty Bay at 3p.m. on Friday : leaving again at 6 o’clock, and anchored in the Bay at 7 on Saturday, and left for Wellington at 12.20. Encountered fresh S.W. winds all the passage, accompanied with fine weather. She discharged her cargo at the Three Brothers, and landed an embarked a large number of passengers.
The s.s. Fairy shipped a quantity of the Manaia’s cargo on Friday and left for Wairoa and Mangakuri This was done, as the repairs to the Mania’s boiler will take longer than first anticipated.
The barquentine Falcon was towed out on Saturday by the Sir Donald, and with the breeze she encountered was soon hull down. She will not return to Napier until she has made one trip to some port in New Zealand.
The s.s. Result, arrived from Wairoa at noon on Saturday.
We learn that the schooner Isabella Pratt, was to leave Oamaru for Napier on Wednesday last, with a cargo of flour and oats.
We regret to learn that the ketch Mary Ann Hudson is a complete wreck at the Mohaka.
The s.s. Southern Cross left for the Thames and Auckland on Saturday evening, with a full cargo of cattle in her holds, and a deck load of sheep.
The s.s. Fairy returned from Wairoa early on Monday.
From the Evening Star we learn that the p.s. Te Aroha, that was intended for the ferry service here, has been sold by public auction in Auckland, and had been purchased by Mr. E. Aitken for the North Shore Ferry Company. The price she sold for was £550, and she cost originally £1750. This will be a great disappointment to the settlers at Petane.
The s.s. Sir Donald left for Poverty Bay on Monday, with a full cargo of both bonded and free goods, and half a dozen passengers.
A little over nine feet of water was on the Bar on Tuesday, at the eastward channel.
The C.G. s.s. Stella, Capt. Fairchild, arrived at the westward anchorage at 9 o’clock on Wednesday, having made the passage in 21 hours. She was of our ‘Frisco mail, which was immediately landed by the pilot boat, our mail having been taken down the Coast by the Wanaka. Mr Blackett, Government Engineer, next to Mr. Caruthers, was a passenger by her, who inspected the harbor works.
The s.s. Fairy, Capt. Campbell , left on Tuesday for Mangakuri and Waimarama with a full load of station stores, bales of woolpacks, &c.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, left Wellington at 5p.m. on Tuesday last ; passed the Castle at 7a.m. on Wednesday, arrived at the anchorage here at 8.30p.m. Experienced strong N.W. winds from Flat Point to Blackhead ; the rest of the passage fine weather and calm. She bring a full general cargo and about 20 passengers.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Captain Doile, left Wellington at midnight on Tuesday, with a N.W. wind; rounded Cape Palliser at 4a.m. on Wednesday; passed Cape Turnagain at 8.30p.m., the Kidnappers at 11.30p.m., and brought up in the roadstead at one o’clock on Thursday. Crossed the bar at 7.45a.m., and was made fast to the outer wharf at 8o’clock. The Storm Bird bring about 87 tons of cargo. 35 of which are dead weight. She also had on board the draught “Young Lofty”. We are indebted to Mr Dugdale, purser, for report and files.
The s.s. Result left at 10a.m. on Wednesday with a full general cargo for Wairoa, and a good number of passengers. She will return with a load of maize.
The Stella, Capt, Fairchild, took on board on Wednesday the whole of the lighthouse plant for Portland Island that came out in the Andrew Reid. It was taken on board by the Bella, and the Stella steamed away about 7o’clock. Mr. Blackett, Marine Engineer, will inspect the lighthouse buildings, and the steamer will then return to Wellington. We hear the Stella is a fast boat. But not half the sea boat the Hinemoa is.
The ship Wairoa left London on July 7 for Wellington, and arrived in Plymouth on July 9. The following is her passenger list :- Mrs Alfred H Price, Mr R. Hargraves, Mr A.C. R. Drewe and servant, Mr Rowles Patterson. Miss E. Spooner, Mr and Mrs James Webber, Mr A. Webber, Mr and Mrs Chucksey and daughter, Dr Hamilton, and 170 Government emigrants.
The s.s. Rotorua arrived at Auckland from Sydney on Wednesday at 5.30p.m. James Watt Esq., was a passenger by her, and will come on to Napier.
For Wellington, Southern Provinces, and Australian Colonies, per Rotorua, on Saturday, at 8a.m.
For Gisborne, Tauranga, and Auckland, per Taupo, on Saturday, at 4p.m.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where these mails close on the 23rd instant.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per Rotorua, on Saturday 22nd September, at 9p.m.
Money orders, and Registered Letters will close at 5p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers will close at 8p.m., on the 22nd instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Norsewood, Tahoarite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington, and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [ Wainui ], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30a.m.
J. Grubb
Chief Postmaster.
BALFOUR – At Springfield, Puketapu, on September 5, the wife of Mr David P. Balfour, Mangawhare, of a son.
WATTS – At Kaikora, on September 6, the wife of Mr Edward Watts of a daughter.
BENJAMIN. – At Napier, on September 9th, the wife of Mr. H.G. Benjamin, of a son.
CARLEY. – On September 12th, at the Bank of New Zealand, Opotiki, Alice Florence Isabel, the seventh and youngest daughter of Isaac and Lilly Carley, aged seventeen months.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
The Weekly Mercury
THE Waka Maori libel action has concluded, and the result of the proceedings will take one by surprise. Mr. Russell sued for £10,000 damages, and obtained a verdict in his favor and £500 with costs. The trail has been both lengthy and costly, no expense being spared on the part of the defendants to substantiate and justify their allegations. The real defendants are of course, the Government, though the nominal ones are the printer and publisher of the Waka Maori newspaper. With the Treasury at their back, it was not to be supposed that any economy would be shown in the defence ; the services of the ablest counsel were engaged, and no stone left unturned to prove the truth of the grossest libels that have ever been published in New Zealand. The jury found a verdict in favor of plaintiff on all the issues, and we learn, the country will have to pay something like £5000 to cover the costs of the action. This is the penalty which the colony has to suffer through the Government carrying on the business of newspaper proprietors. With the charges made against the Hon, H,R. Russell, and which formed the matter of the libel action, we have nothing to do, nor do we intend to enter into that part of the subject. That which we wish to refer to is the fact of there being two little coteries in Hawke’s Bay that rely for their existence on the natives. These two parties, which are known to each other as the “Repudiation Office”, and the “Land Ring”, have succeeded for some years in keeping the country in a ferment, and, between them, the most respected settlers of this provincial district, men of the highest character, have obtained have obtained the most unenviable reputation throughout the colony. Mutual recriminations and the vilest accusations against each other are constantly being made by the members, or associates, of these two parties, and when these accusations are enquired into, they are based on the statements of one or two natives not worthy of the slightest credence. On the strength of idle Maori gossip, Mr. Rees and Sir George Grey will pour forth the vials of their wrath on the devoted heads of Mr. Ormond and the Hawke’s Bay Settlers, and, supported by nothing more reliable than the wagging tongue of a native woman, and other of that race, the Hon. Mr. Russell is painted in the blackest colors, and libeled in a Government newspaper. It is but right that the littleness of these two parties should be exposed, and their true character exhibited to the colony, when members of the House endeavor to drag before Parliament their personal business arising from the squabbles of the “Repudiation Office” and the “Land Ring”. When the true character of these two are known, the House will refuse to listen to the ridiculous utterances of Mr. Rees with respect to Hawke’s Bay Land transactions. We trust, however, that enough has come to light in the recent action, and in Mr. Ormond’s speech, for the House to refuse to pass any item that may be placed on the Estimates to cover the cost of the Waka Maori libel action.
IF members in the House of Representatives would but recognize the truth of what King David affirmed of the human race, that “all men are liars”, there would be less time wasted in mutual recriminations. The House may rest assured that colonists generally, after reading the debates of the present session, do not entertain an extremely exalted opinion of its members. Where there is smoke, says an old adage, there is sure to be fire ; and the accusations and charges that are freely made by one set of members, and which are met by the other side with counter charges and accusations, leave the indelible impression that there is no man in the House any better than he ought to be. But when no inconsiderable portion of the members waste public time in the endeavor to blacken the characters of another large section of the House, it will probably be admitted outside the colony that a more disreputable assemblage of legislators have never before been brought together to represent a British colony. At one time the New Zealand Parliament prided itself on its superiority to that of Victoria ; and, indeed, if we mistake not the high character of the General Assembly of this colony has been acknowledged in the House of Commons. It is not likely to be spoken of again until the remembrance of this session has passed away. Even in the days when Victorian Legislature acquired an unenviable fame from its Parliamentary rowdyism, it contained many members whose force of language was but the natural outcome of strong convictions regarding a great political principle. No such excuse can be offered in extenuation of the proceedings in the New Zealand House of Representatives. The wanton attacks that have been made on the members of the Ministry, more especially upon Mr. Ormond, may be the result of a belief that those gentlemen are not such as they would paint themselves, but how many outside the House believe in the truth of the charges made against them? We can answer for Hawke’s Bay, and for Mr. Ormond. We have no hesitation in saying that the member for Clive is not in the least likely to lose a particle of respect, so justly due to him from the electors of this provincial district, by anything that either Sir George Grey, or Messrs Sheehan and Rees can lay to his charge. When we feel so convinced in this matter with respect to one member who has been abused our belief in the truth of accusations brought against other members becomes shaken to its foundations ; the words of King David already quoted, come forcibly to remembrance, and a feeling of shame is created that the time of the Legislature should be wasted in the attempt to lower the dignity and the usefulness of our Parliament.
MR. REES’ motion for a Commission of Enquiry into the Hawke’s Bay land purchases has been negative by the House. We think, while the subject is before the Supreme Court of the Colony, such a Commission would do more harm than good, more especially as it would have enabled to have been taken at the expense of the country which should be obtained by ordinary procedure in the Courts of law. It would appear. However, that Mr. Stout is determined Hawke’s Bay matters should still occupy the time of the House, for he has given notice of motion to renew the subject on Thursday next, we presume in another form. What object or benefit can be obtained it is impossible to conjecture, but we should imagine the country is by this time fairly tired and disgusted by this continued wrangling, and would prefer seeing our legislators proceeding with the more important business brought forward for its consideration.
Our Wellington Letter.
WELLINGTON, Saturday Night.
THE talk, par excellence, of the week is the new party. Those who know a thing or two say that Mr. Montgomery is only a wooden idol to be worshipped until the present Ministry is defeated, when the real god, Sir William Fitzherbert, is to descend once more to the floor of the House, and lead his party as of yore. At present the new party numbers twenty-five “dead heads”, and some three of four Government supporters are daily expected to join them, the names of Mr Ballance and Mr Bryce being freely used in this connection. Messrs Rowe, Fitzroy, Stevens, Woolcock, Barff and Manders are regarded as actively backing up the new party. Sir George Grey’s party of extremes counts eighteen with himself. It does not require the arithmetical capacity of a Cocker to show that the combined party numbers just half the House, and if the doubtful ones turn over, they will have a fair working majority. The position of the “extreme” and “middle” party does not appear to be well understood outside the House. The fact is, both go together as far as the middle party’s views go ; Sir George’s section then goes a little further, by itself. There is a most cordial understanding between the parties, in spite of canards industriously circulated by Ministerial hangers-on
I am authorized to give an utter denial to the statement that Sir George has taken umbrage at the success of the Middle Party, and threatens to return to Kawau. On the contrary, he expresses great pleasure at the information of a Party to which many who are not prepared to go the length that he goes can belong. Altogether, matters look exceedingly “fishy” for the Government, and if you receive an unexpected telegram announcing that some serious complication has suddenly arisen, threatening their downfall, you must not be surprised.
For the last two days the Hawke’s Bay land transactions. Or rather the strong personal charges which have their foundation on Mr. Ree’s motion, have been common table-talk of Wellington. So long as Sir George and the hon. member for Auckland City East were allowed to bellow themselves hoarse without contradiction, nobody paid any attention to their charges, and the reporters quietly slipped into their side room, and indulged in a whiff of the fragrant weed. But now, by Mr. Ormond’s action, the affair has assumed another more serious aspect. Qui s’excuse, s’accuse, says a sapient French proverb, and people are looking for the needle of truth which, they are convinced, exists somewhere in the bottle of charges periodically opened by Mr. Rees. Mr. Sheehan made a splendid speech on the first night, but it is needless to relate what the busy telegraph has already told you.
The scene at the end of the debate was one for the pencil of an artist. For an hour and a-0half after the motion for adjournment was made did the House wrangle about the letters read by Me. Ormond, and that gentleman was roughly handled, showing plainly that the House regarded his conduct in reading private letters without the permission of either the writer or receiver as a great ungentlemanly action. Members moved restlessly about the House, more than half being in somebody else’s seat. Some, to keep their spirits up resorted to Bellamy’s – and returned to the House. They were chiefly young members; and it was touching to see the solicitude with which older M.H. R’s. pulled away at the coat tails of the erring ones, when, in defiance of all Parliamentary rules, they wanted to speak twenty times on one motion.
One fell foul of the Speaker. It is needless to add more than that the Speaker ell foul of him, to denote who came off second best. On dit, that these Hawke’s Bay transactions have caused more than gentle recriminations between Ministers. It is well to receive these accounts cum grano salis; but where there is smoke fire may generally be found. The House was rather astonished when Mr. Stout openly stated that the Government whips had been sent round to tell obedient supporters that this was a party question, and it is said that the bungling manner in which this was done has been the cause of some of the bother. The Post pertinently asks.” What will be made a Government question next?” for so far as we have gone this session, the House has been told to regard all Government measures as social matters, and all personal affairs as Government questions. The manner in which they have received this motion of Mr. Rees is just about the best thing the could have done for the Opposition. It is the peculiar cold-blooded manner of Mr. Ormond’s attack which is condemned. If he had made his answer in hot blood, on the spur of the moment, he would have found someone to palliate and defend his conduct ; now, not a man dare say a word for him. His delivery was slow, measured, and rather monotonous, so that at first the enormity of his words were not apparent to the House. Now they are printed, a vast astonishment possesses the minds of members, that such a cold-blooded malignity should have passed unrebuked by the House. The debate is not yet finished, but it is felt that no reply which Mr. Ormond can make can do away with the strong disproof of his statements advanced by Mr Sheehan , Sir George Grey, Mr. Travers, Mr. Stout, and Mr. Wakefield. The speech of the latter, on Friday night is pronounced to be the finest he ever delivered. Mr. Ormond has, it is universally conceded, materially injured both himself and the Ministry, and in the lobby bets have been offered, but refused, that the present Government does not last for a month.
The best joke is spoiled by elaboration, and in dealing with Mr Wakefield’s tale at the expense of Captain Russell, I will try to avoid that error. Alluding to the fact that Captain Russell’s voice is seldom or never heard in the House save when Hawke’s Bay Land transactions are referred to, Mr. Wakefield said he was irresistibly reminded of those shooting galleries where, bang as long as you liked no result was obtained unless the shot went true to the small black disc in the centre. Then a little wooden soldier, with a little wooden sword, jumped out in the most threatening manner – and retired again, so the Hawke’s Bay scandal was the black spot on the political disc; when it was struck the hon. member for Napier jumped up in the most lively manner, and presented his wooden sword. Through the remainder of the speech, Captain Russell was referred to as“ the honorable and gallant wooden soldier.” Captain Russell was the only man who could not see the joke.
An incident in the debate on Friday night shows the immense self-control possessed by the Attorney-General. He rose in a moderate passion. When Mr. Rees contradicted one of his statements he suddenly became convulsed with temper let loose, and repeated the offensive statement. The Speaker called him to order, but he did not seem inclined to submit. Twice when he rose Major Atkinson pulled him down again. The third time he walked from his seat, turned back, shook his head at Mr. W. Wood for calling him to order, faced the House again with the most good humored face, and proceeded to “chaff” Mr. stout at a tremendous pace. Nothing could be more telling, or more legitimate than the ridicule he cast on Mr. Stout’s logic; and when he concluded with a most dignified and gentlemanly apology for anything he might have said in the heat of passion, he had the sympathy of the whole House with him.
One curious feature in the debate was that, with the intense excitement I suppose, hardly a single member can been seen in his own seat. The other day, out of 49 in the House, 32 were in somebody else’s place.
The excitement grows more and more intense every hour, and it is impossible to conjecture what may be the upshot of it all. Veteran politicians, who have sat in New Zealand Parliament ever since if had “ local habitation and a name”, declare they have never seen the like of it before, and never expect to see it again. The Stranger’s, Ladies’, Legislative Councillors’ and Speakers’ galleries are all crowded until the close of the debates, showing that the public take as much interest in the matter as the House does.
Of matters general there is nothing to say. The local elections seem likely to result in a fare share of new blood; but sufficient of the old leaven will be left in to keep up the interesting disputes between the Major and the Council.
What does that curious telegram from Auckland mean ? Is it intended to mix up the Sandwich Islanders , Hawaians, and Maoris’ and produce a sort of Southern English nation or does it mean that Captain Mist wants a few shiploads of slaves?
Have you heard that Mr Sheehan now intends to sue the Waka Maori for libel? He says that the verdict in Russell’s case practically decides his action. Taken as a precedent. Mr. Rees, it is possible, may have a slap in the same direction.
A second libel case is on the tapis, the Argus being the paper concerned. It said that Mr Hillsden, the manager of the Theatre Royal, had run away to avoid his creditors. He didn’t, and now considers that the Argus is his lawful creditor – and he means to make it pay if he can.
Sir, – I note in your report of yesterday’s meeting of the Napier Harbor Board I am reported to have said :” So greatly inconvenienced had shippers been put by the efforts of the works, that on or about 10th August the port had lost in, in dues alone, something like £350, through steamers being unable to come inside.” The words I made use of were : “So greatly inconvenienced had vessels been by being detained by the effects of the works from 19th to 26th August, the time lost represented in so short a time the sum of £350.” By correcting the above you will greatly oblige – I am, &c.,
Port Ahuriri, September 12, 1877.
SIR, – In the Napier papers of Thursday last, 30th ult., a meeting of the “Literary Association” ( held in the Wesleyan School-room the evening before) was briefly noticed, It appears, that an essay was read at that meeting on “Immigration,” in which the following strange statement was made:- That “Chinese immigration was a curse to the Colony;” which, it also appears, was generally supported by young men present, with ( I am happy to find) the exception of the President. Who, however, in supporting the opposite opinion, said, – “that those Chinamen who returned to their own country after being in contact with Europeans would be able to enlighten their countrymen in many matters, and thus assist the civilization of their own country”. A remark which seems to me, to be equally strange, – not to say erroneous.
I do not know the reason, or reasons, why the patient industrious John Chinaman should have so stigmatized as a “curse” by the young essayist! Whether it be on account of his Mongolian extraction – or hid want (?) of beauty in his olive colour arched eyebrows and almond eyes – or through his fondness for rice, and using (chopsticks) instead of the Englishman’s spoon to eat with – or his wearing a pigtail a trifle longer that our grandfathers did – or his not (commonly) getting jolly drunk – or his not going to church! The reasons for his being “a curse” among us are not given in the newspapers, though doubtless, they were in the company present; who, also considered then cogent enough, seeing they generally agreed thereto.
I am surprised, however, at such narrow-mindedness being generally supported by a company of young educated Englishmen in this year of grace, 1877 ; and can only compare it with the Chinese themselves, at home in their own land, say of us ; and , also, with what the Maori “king” and his followers consider all colonists in New Zealand to be.
But this alone (bad as it is) would not be sufficient to move me, an outsider, to take up my pen, were it not for the additional remark (quoted above) from the President; who, at the same time, though unsupported, opposed such sweeping, low, cruel, unmanly and unchristian statements. His remark, “that those Chinamen who returned would be able to enlighten their countrymen, and thus assist in the civilization of their own country”, appears to me to be much worse (if possible) than the other: I mean, on the side of ignorance of the subject; which I take to have been also the cause of the members present making the sad mistake they did.
I must fear the Chinese labourer would gain but little of the “enlightenment” from those Colonial labourers gathered from the wide wide world with whom he should have associated ; except in the one direction of making him less exclusive and
narrow minded towards all foreigners; but then, to effect this, Ah Sing must not have consorted in our colony with men holding the opinions of the young men of Napier Literary Association.
Further: in the matter of civilization, the Chinese, as a nation, may prove to be far in advance even of ourselves. On these two points I could write a good deal ; but I prefer giving you and your readers, a “cutting” from an admirable article on the Chinese in one of our principle London papers, lately to hand. ( I would willingly send you the whole of it, but it is too long for your columns.) I hope the perusal and thoughtful consideration of this extract may be of service to the young members of the Association. And, with every good wish for their real liberal advancement, – I am, &c.
Napier Sept 3 1877.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq.)
Thomas Floyd was charged with drunkenness. He admitted his sin, and was fined 5s, or 24 hours imprisonment.
A Maori woman brought up her husband on information with having cruelly assaulted her last Sunday week. The defendant said his wife beat him, and was jealous. He was fined £5, or one month’s imprisonment. The fine was paid buy the defendant, and also costs.
Patrick Coghlan was charged with having committed bigamy by marrying Margaret Cosgrove, his first wife being still alive and residing in Ennis, Ireland.
Mr. Lee appeared for the prosecution, and Mr Lascelles for the defence.
Mr. Lee stated the case to the Bench, and was proceeding to call his first witness, when Mr. Lascelles objected, as Mr Lee had stated he had no proof to offer of a prima facie kind as proving the first marriage.
After some debate, Mr. Lee called Michael Casey, who deposed; He lives at present in Otago at Waipori. He was a station hand. He came from Ennis, County Clare, Ireland. He knew the prisoner. He first knew him coming about his father’s house. His father’s name was Patrick Casey. We lived in Dumlighill-street, Ennis. Prisoner lived in the same street leading into town. His sister’s name was Catherine. He remembered his sister’s marriage. He was not present at the church.
Mr. Lascelles here objected to secondary evidence being given, where primary evidence was required by law.
Mr. Lee replied.
Mr. Lascelles again protested, and objected against the line of evidence taken.
Mr. Lee said the register was in Ireland, and could not be produced.
His Worship said they could easily get a remand, and that was what he would recommend the prosecution to adopt. It was perfectly impossible for them to get the primary evidence.
Mr. Lascelles again made a lengthy speech and quoted a number of authorities to prove his arguments.
His Worship recommended Mr. Lee to get the case remanded.
Mr. Lee adopted the suggestion, and the case was then remanded until Friday, the 21st instant.
A census-taker, going his rounds, stopped at an elegant brick dwelling house, the exact locality of which is no business of ours. He was received by a stiff, well-dressed lady, who could be recognized as a widow of some years standing. On learning the mission of her visitor the lady invited him to take a seat in the hall. Having arranged himself into working position, he enquired the number of persons in the family of the lady. “Wight”, replied the lady, “including myself.”
“Very well – your age, madam?” “My age, sir.” Repeated the lady with a piercing , dignified look. “I conceive it’s none of your business what my age might be. You’re Inquisitive sir.”
“The law counsels me. Madam, to take the age of every person in the ward; it is my duty to make the enquiry”.
“Well, if the law counsels you to ask, I presume it compels me to answer. I am between 30 and 40”
“I presume that means 35”
“No , sir, it means no such thing – I am only 33 years old.
“Very well, madam (putting down the figures), just as you say. Now for the ages of your children, commencing with the youngest, if you please.
“Josephine – pretty name – 10.”
“Minerva was 12 last week.”
“Minerva – captivating – 12.”
“Cleopatra Elvira has just turned 15.”
“Cleopatra Elvira – charming – 15.”
“Angelina is just 18, sir ; just 18”.
My eldest , and only married daughter. Anna Sophia, is a little over 25.”
“Twenty five did you say?”
“Yes sir. Is there anything remarkable in being of that age?”
“Well, no; I can’t say that there is; but is it not remarkable that you should be her mother, when you were only eight years of age.”
About that time the census taker was seen running out of the house – why we do not know – it was the last time he ever pressed a lady to give her exact age.
We have much pleasure to announce that we have received our first consignment of Straw and Millinery Goods, which will be found replete with every novelty, and at such moderate prices as will command a ready sale. – Combs and Co., Hastings-street, Napier. [ADVT.]
September 8.
A despatch from Rome, dated August 1st, states there is uneasiness with regard for the Pope’s health. He has been seen only by Cardinal Simeon, and his own domestics for the past few days. Cardinal Risrio Snorzas, has a chance of succeeding as Pope. Pius IX improves daily.
There was rioting in Londonderry on August 13, on the occasion of the opening of the Prentice Boy’s Memorial Hall. A number were injured, and one fatally stabbed. The military were called out.
A telegram from Montreal, dated July 27th, says steps have been taken to prosecute prominent Orangemen as member of an illegal association. Secret Societies are being prohibited in the province.
The American Cabinet has prohibited the sale of arms to Indians.
During Sunday school hours in a Swedish Lutheran Church in Jamestown, on August 12, lightning struck the building, killing one person, and prostrating four others. The lightning also set Attica on fire.
The Russian Government has issued an internal loan of £30,000,000, but it is now stated on undoubted authority that all exertions have up to this time failed to procure more than £10,000,000 of subscriptions.
A telegram from Alexandra says it is reported that the Egyptian Government has made an agreement with the Suez Canal Company to erect two forts commanding the entrances of the canal. The Khedive undertakes to pay the cost by instalments.
A tigress escaped from a train in which she was being conveyed to Liverpool. Some soldiers sent from Weedon Barracks found the animal at Long Buckley, and shot her.
A petition has been presented to the Queen, with 41,200 names, protesting against the decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council being binding in Ecclesiastical matters.
There is much talk concerning the next Papal election. The German Government is reported to be considering what steps to take in preparation for its early occurrence.
It is said that, in anticipation of the event, Prince Bismarck’s is preparing to seek the support of the Great Powers claiming for them all a right of veto against an obnoxious candidate.
The British Steamer Cashmere has been lost in the Red Sea. Seven passengers and the chief officer were drowned.
The Rev. Mr. Tooth has obtained a rule nisi in the Queens’ Bench for prohibition against any further proceedings against him under the Public Worship Act.
A public meeting was held on July 22nd at Exeter Hall, when resolutions strongly condemnatory of the introduction of private confession into the Church of England were passed.
G.M. Waterhouse Esq., formerly Premier of New Zealand, has arrived in Europe. He is now at Carlsbad.
A visit of Thomas Russell to San Francisco has been decided on to extend the operations of the New Zealand Insurance Company throughout the States and British America.
It is said the South British are about to open at San Francisco.
Adrianople is full of Mussulmen refugees.
Kalafat is reported to be destroyed by an accidental explosion of a powder magazine.
The Egyptians under Prince Hassan has began an offensive movement from Varna towards the Trajan’s Wall.
The Turkish Legation complains of Russians near Kars firing ion a flag of truce, and wounding Osman Effendi.
In Athens many villages in the district of Volo, having refused to pay taxes, the Turks placed six guns before the gates of Volo, and threatened to bombard the town on the first sign of insurrection.
Great uneasiness prevails in Thessaly and Epirus.
SIR, – Your issue of Saturday contains what purports to be “a communication to the Portland Argus,” giving “a very unsatisfactory account of the Maine Law on Portland.” It is unauthenticated, and so far as any reference to trustworthy authorities concerned, the whole of the figures and alleged facts may have been fabricated by the anonymous author. The most cursory examination shows at least one noticeable discrepancy in the writer’s own statements. In 1856, he says, the population of Portland was 27,000; “since that time the population has ceased to grow’. Yet in his next sentence he states the population in 1876 to have been 35,000. I might have supposed this to be a typographical error; had I not met the identical paragraph, containing the self-same discrepancy, in my English papers. A dealer in statistics, who to establish his case, asserts the 27,000 is equal to 35,000, is rather an unsafe guide.
Portland, a sea port town, is the one usually selected as the “awful example” by those who would decry the Main law. As a matter of fact, the majority of the arrests in the city are those of so-called ‘foreigners”, sailors and others, who, aware of the difficulty of obtaining liquor, have come on shore ready provided with the means of intoxication. That cases of liquor-selling occur in Portland is as true as that of horse stealing and the uttering of forged documents occasionally occur in Napier; and to treat these unlawful acts as characteristic of the population, would be unfair in the one case as in the other.
There can be no better test of the value of the law than public opinion in the state of Maine itself; and this can scarcely be gathered from the effusions of nameless writers, possibly smarting under penalties incurred through violation of the law. The true criterion is the ballot-box, especially as the liquor-law is always the test question. It was once repealed ; but was quickly re-enforced, and year by year since has been made more stringent, governors and councilors being unanimous in its favor. Formerly a wealthy offender might pay his fines and defy the law ; now imprisonment is inflicted for every offence, the administrators of justice having no option in the matter. It is quite recently that a rich brewer, who had paid numerous fines, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment. He offered enormous sums to escape the penalty, but in vain, and was punished as a felon. The case spread terror among the violators of the law, and none but the very lowest have since ventured to incur the risk. The law, too, is enforced by a vigilant temperance constabulary, ready to seize upon any one who even smells of liquor, a course of procedure which increases the proportion of the number of arrests for drunkenness far beyond what it was in former years when the law was not so well enforced.
Napier, 4th September 1877.
[We cannot help but remark on the difference that exists between Mr. Harding’s quotations of the speeches delivered by the Governor of Maine, and that reported in the Melbourne Argus.
Mr. Harding doubtless obtained his report from a teetotal paper, and the Argus it is possible, from what teetotalers term a “rum” organ. The Quotation from the Argus report of the speech run thus:- “To-day, public sentiment demands the repeal of the law, which instead of producing any beneficial effect has tended to corrupt the administration of the law. There were no less than 6,000 retail shops which were constantly defying the operation of a solemn enactment, and drunkenness prevailed to a large and even alarming extent.” – Ed. W.M.]
SIR, – As you have lately been giving your readers a world of words (containing but little practical wisdom) concerning the Local Options Bill, I venture to send you an extract from the speech of Mr. Pyke, made when discussing that measure in the House a few days ago; which seems, to me, to contain much more to the point, and that given in good readable language to. I also think, that the extracts which Mr. Pyke brought forward go towards solving the discrepancy between Mr. J. Harding’s short experience and that of the reporter to the Argus. I have little doubt of Mr. Pyke’s speech carrying many of your readers along with it ; and I agree in much that he has so openly and truthfully said. I would also recommend it (the whole of it) to the deep consideration of not a few among us, some of whom may learn a wrinkle or two from it. – I am, &c.,
Napier, September 7, 1877.
SIR, – Through a typographical error in my letter of Monday last, you make me say that “the boiling down season has closed with 250 sheep from Mr. Thomas Tanner”, which should have read 2,500. As to the weight, such was my information; but, possibly, it may be less. I regret if I have been misinformed ; but, at the same time, cannot refrain from expressing my astonishment that the astute and able manager is not capable of striking an average weight, because the last boiling only took place two days ago. Of course all that had been boiled down previously would have been weighed, and the results ascertained ; consequently it only remained for him, when the tallow yielded was run into the casks yesterday, to have ascertained how many gallons it had yielded, reduced it into pounds, then added it to the previous boiling, and he could easily have found the yield of each sheep. If the manager is incapable of doing this, I am sorry, to say perhaps “where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise”. – I am, &c.,
West Clive September 6, 1877.
The Council met at 11.30 to-day.
Present – Messrs Tiffen (chairman), Bennett, Torr, Kinross, Brathwaite, and Williams.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The County Engineer’s report on works for which authority is requested was read. Puketapu bridge, £50; Louisa Creek bridge, £150 ; road between Taradale and Redclyffe.
The following resolutions were carried: –
That the collectors of the Dog Tax be instructed to proceed with the collection of the tax from native owners of dogs within the County.
That this Council bring under the notice of the Post Master-General the advisableness of causing all persons in charge of any Post Office ( where seals are not now used) to use seals for the purpose of stamping all letters and papers on the day received at or through any Post Office, said seal to show the name of the Post Office, and the date when stamped.
That, as in the resolution regarding the taking over the road from Redclyffe to Taradale, it is not defined at what part of Redclyffe the County road commences, it is further now resolved that it should commence at the Redclyffe quarry.
The Public Committee’s report recommended that the protective works should be undertaken, which were suggested by the County Engineer to be made on the Redclyffe and Taradale road, the estimated cost being £191.
The accounts were passed, and the Council adjourned.
THE special meeting for the consideration of Mr. Vautier’s motion was held to-day at 11 o’clock.
Present: Messrs, Kinross (Chairman), Smith, Kennedy, Newman, Vautier, Rhodes, Robjohns, Chambers and Williams.
The Secretary read the notice of motion given by Mr. Vautier (already published).
Mr. Robjohns, in seconding the motion, said that he did not think for a moment that the proposal made by Mr. Vautier would be carried, nor did he (Mr. Robjohns) altogether agree with everything contained in it. There was, however, considerable reason to believe that the harbor works would not accomplish all that for which they were designed, therefore he seconded the motion.
Mr. Vautier said his object in bringing forward his motion was to save to the Board a sum of between £12,000, or £14,000, which otherwise would be spent uselessly. The works now in progress, were making the entrance to the harbor worse than they ever were before, because every yard they carried the piers onwards, they were exposing that entrance to the action of the south-easterly sea, that was to say, they were taking the entrance to the harbor beyond the natural protection afforded by the Bluff. Neither did it seem – so far as the works had gone – that, in extending the piers, they got beyond the reach of the travelling shingle, and it was his opinion if the piers were carried out 1000 feet further than what the scheme intended, would they get beyond shingle. Then, again, it was impossible to stop the effect of the contending forces of sea and tide, and let them carry the piers as far as they liked, they would still find that a bar would be formed at the entrance. As far as they had got at present, the entrance to the harbor was very much worse than what it was before the work had been commenced. Before the scheme, now in hand had begun, the depth of water on the bar, at high water, was from 9feet to 10 feet 6 inches; the difference in time between high water, and high water slack, 1 hour 20 minutes ; strength of flood tide, 7 knots; strength of ebb tide, 7 ½ knots ; time of flood tide, 5 hours; time of ebb tide, 7 hours; rise and fall of tide, 4feet 3inches to 4feet 6inches. He would now compare those figures with the calculations made at the present progressive state of the works ;- High water on the bar, west channel, 9 feet ; cast channel, 3 feet to 9feet, according to the sea in the Bay ; difference in time between high tide, and high water slack, 2 hours 20 minutes ; strength of flood flood8 knots ; of ebb tide 6 hours ; rise and fall of tide, 3 feet to 3 feet 3 inches. Those figures showed less rise of tide within the harbor of 16 inches. Fe contended that while the works had increased the force of the flood tide, they had decreased that of the ebb tide, so that it could be hoped the current would wash away the obstruction of the bar. So greatly inconvenienced has skippers been put by the effect of the works, that on or about August 10, the port had lost, in dues alone, something like £350, through steamers being unable to come. He was certain that if the works were continued the harbor would go from bad to worse, and Napier would gradually sink to the position of a fishing village.
Mr. Rhodes heartily sympathised with the mover of the motion, although he had never spoken to him on the subject. He believed that Mr. Vautier had spoken
honestly, and, so far, the result of the works bore out all he had said. He (Mr. Rhodes) had never believed in the scheme, and had opposed it. All that he thought the works would accomplish would be to increase the wharfage accommodation for small vessels ; he did not for a minute believe that ships of 1000 tons burden would ever be able to come inside. The scheme, however, had been agreed upon by the Board after being put to the vote, and he was not now going to support its abandonment. By carrying the scheme out, the Board took it out of the power of Mr. Carruthers to say that his plans would have been a success if they had been carried out. By stopping the works the Board would only save about £9,000, and it would be difficult to come to any compromise with the contractors. The scheme, however, would never make Napier a harbor of refuge. The time will come when that would have to be made by the construction of a harbor from the Bluff. He did not think the place would fall to the standard of a fishing village, because he was of the opinion that the railway would never be able to carry either the produce or the imports of the province to and from Wellington. There would always be considerable coastal traffic, if not a large shipping trade carried by vessels of from 40 to 100 tons. Therefore the money now being expended was not altogether thrown away, as it was being spent in providing increased accommodation for vessels of the class that would always find a trade here. He would vote for the carrying out of Mr Carruther’s plans, trusting, but not hoping, that they might prove such a success as to give 17 feet of water on the bar.
Mr Kennedy would oppose the motion not only on the ground that no true judgment could be formed of the scheme until it was completed, but because he very much doubted the correctness of the figures quoted by Mr Vautier. He (Mr Kennedy) produced the Admiralty Chart in support of what he stated with regard to the figures, being but a matter of guess work. If, what Mr Vautier had said, when the works were commenced, there had been a rise of tide from 4 feet to 4ft. 6in., then there was 1 foot more than there had been in 1852 when Capt. Drury made the survey for the Admiralty. The entrance at the time was 360 feet, and it was now being made 400 feet wide. He considered it a waste of time to discuss the question.
Mr Smith deprecated the stoppage of the works as unfair to the designer, and to the contractor, and he mentioned the case of the port of Leith as an instance in point where the works, during their progress were most unpromising, but which in the end proved abundantly successful.
Mr Vautier replied shortly, and the motion was then put and lost on the voices. The Board then adjourned.
The following is Mr. Gush’s examination by Mr. Lee at the meeting of creditors held in the Court House in Monday afternoon: – He has been in Napier nine months. He owed no money then except to Nathan; he took charge of the Methodist School at Napier on January 15,1877. The average attendance at his school was 90. At the end of March he received £36 from the Education Board. At the end of June he received £48. Some children attending his school paid 1s, some 6d, and some nothing. He did keep a register of the amount charged, but the parents did not always pay. Some children are sent free by the Inspector, and some have gone away. He had no means of knowing what sum he had received from school fees during the last nine months. Six or seven children were sent free by the Inspector. He could not tell how much money was due to him for unpaid schooling. There was a little due. There was nothing due until the end of the quarter. The children are supposed to pay weekly; a few pay quarterly. All the last quarterly account were paid. The average receipt for fees was about 3d per head from scholars. He had received £140 since he started the school. He had received £330 the first six months. He had paid £50 to governesses; £25 for board and lodging; £6 to Mr Powell, the tailor; £6 to Mr Martin; £4.15s to Dinwiddie, Morrison and Co; £7.10s to Blythe; £4.10s to Colledge and Craig. Paid Nathan £5, this was an old debt. The rest he spent on himself. The school was not paying him. He got two gold chains from Mr Jensen, one he had given away and the other he had not put in his schedule because he thought it was not necessary. The whole of the accounts except Mr Britten’s had been incurred since he took the school. He did ascertain until four months ago the school was not paying. He had received £140 in cash, and his debts were £174 and the total £315 represented his expenditure for the last eight months. The books he received from Dinwiddie Morrison and Co., were for school prizes. He did not promise to pay cash. He did not lodge with Mr Parker. Parker’s account was £8 8s for a chain, and the rest was for refreshment. He sold the chain for £5 and spent the money.
The creditors not satisfied with Mr Gush’s evidence, mutually agreed after the report of Mr Ben Johnson the Trustee was laid before them, to take further proceedings in the courts of law.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq.)
Mrs Gallagher was charged by Constable Black with being drunk and obstructing him in the discharge of his duty.
The prisoner said she went to the Masonic Hall to see her husband last night.
Constable Black deposed that at half past seven last night he arrested the prisoner for drunkenness, and for creating a disturbance in the Masonic Hall. She had made her way into the room where the Masons were sitting in solemn conclave. She struck her husband and himself with a bunch of keys. He had to get the assistance of another constable to get her to the lock up. She bit and kicked him. He felt pain now from the wounds she inflicted on him.
Inspector Scully informed the Bench that the prisoner had been convicted of drunkenness on the 17th of August, and she had also been brought before the Court for lunacy brought on by drink. He hoped the Bench would give her hard labor.
Constable Laurenson and Mr Gallagher corroborated the evidence of Constable Black.
His Worship fined the prisoner £10, or in default of payment six months imprisonment with hard labor.
Patrick Coghlan was brought up on the above charge, the particulars of which we published yesterday.
Mr. Lee, who appeared for the prosecution, applied to the Court to remand the case until Wednesday next, so as to enable him to procure further evidence.
His Worship acceded to the request.
Charles Miller, alias John Beder, charged with obtaining in May last by false pretences two pounds in money from Henry Charles Wilson of Napier, pleaded not guilty. The evidence of Mr. Wilson was heard, and a prima facie case having been made out, the further hearing was adjourned for a week, for the production of witnesses.
C.B. Hoadley v. H.A. Hill. – Claim £11 4d Judgment for amount and costs.
W. Denholm v. Michael Hoonan. – Claim £1 18 3d Judgment for plaintiff and costs.
N. Williams v. G. Trimmer. – Claim £3 13s 6d Judgment for amount and costs 9s.
J. Seymour v. W. Cannon. – Claim £31 17s This case occupied the Court for an hour. Mr Lascelles appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. Lee for the defendant. The defendant stated that a set-off had been declined at Mr Lascelles’ office. Mr Lee contended that this was delivery, but His Worship ruled otherwise. After hearing the evidence, Judgment was given for the plaintiff, with costs. Mr Lee applied to the Court not to issue execution until he had time to bring a cross- action. His Worship declined.
O’Brien v. Pilcher.- Claim £8 5s 8d The case was adjourned to this day week.
Huston v. Healey. – Claim £5. A suit for damages, plaintiff claiming that amount as a solatium for an attack made on him by a dog owned by defendant , in which he was bitten and had his clothes damaged. Plaintiff had wished the dog to be destroyed, in which case he would not have brought the present action; but the defendant not having complied with this, he instituted this suit. Mr Lee was for the plaintiff, and Mr. Lascelles for the defense. The result was a judgment for defendant.
Hall v MacLeod.- Claim for labour, &c., amounting to £32 5s 11d. By consent of the parties concerned, and at the suggestion of Mr. Lascelles, solicitor for the defendant, it was ordered that the accounts, which were voluminous, be referred to arbitration.
Hollis v Kelly. – Claim- £7 for drover’s work. Adjourned to the 14th inst.
Several other civil cases had been settled out of Court, and in three cases, all against the defendant who has just filed a declaration of insolvency, there was no appearance of the plaintiff in either case.
Crow v. Blackburn. – On a judgment for £2 1s. There being no appearance, this case was struck out.
On the case of David McLean being called, the Inspector of Police informed the Bench that two medical gentlemen had examined Mr. McLean, and had deemed it expedient to place him in the Ayslum [Asylum]. The doctors had not furnished the Bench with a report, as they should have done, so the matter was held over.
James J. Austen, who had been arrested by the Police at Te Aute, on suspicion that he was a man whose description appeared in the Police Gazette as “wanted” on a charge of assault, at Waiau, in the Canterbury district, stepped into the dock.
The Inspector asked for a remand till Wednesday.
The prisoner, in reply to the Bench, stated if he had done any wrong, he wished it to be settled in Napier by the Magistrates, and not send him to the South, as he feared the coldness of the climate there would be injurious to his health.
R. Kirkpatrick was charged by Mr Roope Brooking with a breach of the Municipal Regulations, by charging more than the legal fare on Thursday evening.
Mr Brooking deposed, he employed defendant on the evening of the fourth instant, to take himself, and two friends from the Athenaeum. He himself got out of the cab in Shakespeare road at the steps, and defendant drove his friends to the top of the hill. For this work he had charged 10s, and as defendant on being remonstrated with refused to return the overcharge of 3s 6d, he had summoned him.
Kirkpatrick stated that he only charged 5s per hour, and he was fully two hours waiting in the rain, and cold, for the party after he had been engaged.
Mr Brooking denied that the cabman was kept waiting that time.
His Worship said, he had no doubt the By-law had been infringed, and if this case was passed over, it would be driving in the thin edge of the wedge, and any number of the cases would occur. He would fine him 5s and costs, and order him to refund the 3s.6d, in default he would be imprisoned for 48 hours.
Kirkpatrick’s pockets were in a state of bankruptcy, but he was hurrying up his friends to prevent himself from boarding at Mr Miller’s, when our reporter left.
(Before T.K. Newton, Esq., J.P., and Edward Lyndon, Esq., J.P.)
James B. Austen was again brought before the Court. It appeared that he had at Waiau been charged with assault, and ordered to pay a fine of £5, or in default be imprisoned for one month. Having neither paid the fine , nor suffered the imprisonment, his name had been placed in the Police Gazette amongst the list of wanted. As from the statement of the Inspector of police there appeared a probability of the fine being paid, defendant was relegated to the to the responsible care of the Inspector.
In the case of David McLean, on remand for lunacy, the Bench not being quite satisfied with one of the medical certificates of the defendant’s insanity, further remanded the case until tomorrow.
Peters v . Young. – Claim £75 1s 3d Defendant’s evidence having been taken in Wellington the hearing (by consent) was adjourned until the 15th instant.
Tuckwell v. Trimmer. – Claim £3 7s. Defendant having joined the Whitewash Society, plaintiff preferred not to expend any further money in the way of costs, and did not appear. The case was struck out.
Two other civil cases had been settled out of Court.
On Monday a lady residing on the hills at Napier, was induced to leave her clothes lines covered with her best linen and clothes out to bleach. On Tuesday, she was informed by her servant that the articles had mysteriously disappeared. The marvel of the lady was great, but the whereabouts of the purple and fine linen has not yet been traced.
AN inquest was held on Thursday at the West Clive Hotel on the body of the late George Sinclair. The evidence adduced was as follows: –
Dr De Lisle, being sworn, deposed having made a post mortem examination of the body, and said he attributed the cause of death to the distended stomach pressing upon a diseased and weakened heart, coupled with valvular disease causing cessation of the action of that organ or arresting the heart’s functions.
Walter J. Caulton, being sworn, deposed : I am the occupier of the West Clive Hotel. I have known the deceased for the last three years. After coming from gaol, I think he called at my place on Sunday last, and has continued coming now and then up to the time of his death. On Tuesday, I believe he slept in my wash-house. On the following (Wednesday) morning he made his appearance before breakfast. He was afterwards having something to eat in the kitchen, when the cook came to me and said, “Sinclair is choking again” ( he having had a similar attack about a fortnight back). When I went out they were removing him from the kitchen to the wash-house. I accompanied him to the place, where he died. His face was sprinkled with water. His eyes were glassy, his breathing was very hard, and I think he died in a-half hour afterwards. I did not hear him speak. I was there about five minutes. Mrs Franklin afterwards came and told me he was dead. On the previous occasion when he had a similar attack I was present; it lasted about half-an-hour, when he recovered.
Isaac Franklin, upon oath, said: I am a servant in the employ of Mr. Walter Caulton. I knew the deceased, George Sinclair, well. Yesterday morning, I gave the deceased breakfast in the kitchen ; it consisted if stewed meat and fried potatoes. He ate heartily- bolting his food. I went to lay the breakfast things, when my wife came to me and said, “Sinclair is choking.” As he had done once before. I then got him in the wash-house and sprinkled his face with water. At this time he was gasping for breath, and frothy slime in small quantities came from his mouth. I should say in about ten or fifteen minutes he died. He died quietly.
The Coroner then placed the evidence in a very lucid manner before the jury, and they found the following verdict: – “Died from natural causes in accordance with medical testimony.”
Crown Lands Office.
Auckland, 8th September, 1877.
IT is hereby notified that Lot 28, Wairoa Confiscated Block, advertised to be sold on the 26th instant, has been withdrawn from sale.
Chief Commr. Waste Lands Board.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.13
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
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A Chest of medicines (book enclosed) £3 10s or £5 5s; with glass stoppers to all the Tinctures, £4 4s or £6 6s.
JAMES EPPS & CO., Homoeopathic Chemists,
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
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Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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