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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 098 - 29 September
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 098 – 29 September
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
1,500 acres Leasehold
8,000 Sheep, a short distance from Napier
5,500 acres Freehold
2,500 acres Leasehold
8,000 Merino Sheep, and all necessary Plant, within 30 miles by coast
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 Sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres, Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki.
Stock and Station Agent.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
The Pilgrim and the Shrine, by E. Maitland.
Higher Law, by E. Maitland,
By and By, by E. Maitland
Froude’s History of England, 12 vols
At the Back of the North Wind, by George Macdonald
Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood, by George Macdonald
Rannald Bannerman’s Boyhood, by George Macdonald
Last Essays on Church and Religion, by Matthew Arnold
A Sisters’ Bye-Hours, by Jean Ingelow
Kingsdown Lodge, by E.J. Worboise
A Storehouse of Stories, edited by C.M. Yonge
The North West Passage by Land
Weighing and Measuring, by H.W. Chisholm Nature Series
The Railway Freighter’s Guide
The Hugenots [Huguenots] in England and Ireland, Smiles
Roget’s Thesaurus
The Farm on the Fjord, by C. Ray
Cyrilla, by the Baroness Tautphoeus
At Odds, by the Baroness Tautphoeus
Initials, by the Baroness Tautphoeus
Quits, by the Baroness Tautphoeus
Self Taught Men, a series of Biographies
Cottage Gardening, by E. Hobday
Lacour on the Manufacture of Liquor
The Dictionary of English Inflected Words, Stormonth
The Slang Dictionary
Combe’s Constitution of Man
Glaucus by Chas. Kingsley
The Choice of a Dwelling
A New Dictionary of Quotations
Ferns which grow in New Zealand
Biographical Sketches, H. Martineau
The Modern Playmate, compiled and edited by Rev. J.G. Wood
CATTLE AND HORSES, including a draft of Messrs. Nairn Bros., well-bred Cattle and Draught Stock, will take place at the Railway Sale Yards on
At the request of a number of the leading settlers in the Southern portion of the Province, he is making arrangements for holding a
On the same date, when a large assortment of Longwools and Merinos from the best breeders will be offered for sale UNSHORN, thus giving purchasers better facilities for judging the Stock. Suitable paddocking and other necessary conveniences will be provided.
Stockowners desirous of sending Stock to the above sale are respectfully invited to communicate with the undersigned as early as possible.
J. J. TYE,
Stock and Station Agent.
Or to
Commission Agent,
August 25, 1877.
16,000 ACRES LEASEHOLD, (with improvement clause) well fenced and sub-divided. Dwelling-house, Woolshed, &c., with
5,000 Sheep
3,000 Acres Freehold rich Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Southern Seaboard
105 Acres Freehold near Waipawa
Sections at Woodville, Richmond Park, Waipawa Bush, and Waipawa.
J. J. TYE,
Land and Estate Agent,
THE Undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he will open the above Hotel on MONDAY, the 1st October, which is situated on the direct road to Patea, and hopes by attention to the comfort of his visitors to merit their support. The Hotel has recently been built for the specific accommodation of the travelling public, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the Hotel one of the most comfortable and attractive in the County.
None but the very best brands of Beers, Wines, and Spirits, will be kept in stock.
Splendid Stables, Grass Paddocks, and every accommodation for persons travelling.
The Proprietor is also erecting a new Store, where goods of the very best quality will always be on sale.
Konini, Sept. 5th, 1877.
This first-class pure-bred Clydesdale Sire will stand for the season at Hastings, where an excellent paddock, well-watered, belonging to J. N. Williams, Esq., has been secured.
Dugdale is a bright bay, standing over 16 ½ hands; thoroughly staunch in shaft and trace harness, and of a very fine temper. He was foaled in December 1871. Sire Black Prince, imported; dam Rose, by Cowder Lad, imported; granddam by Ben Lomond, imported; great-granddam, Bodie’s imported mare, the dam of Sir Benjamin.
When one year old he gained 2nd prize at Ballarat, 2nd at Smeaton, and 1st at Myrniong; when two years’ old, 2nd prize at the Grand National held in Melbourne, 1st at Ballarat, and 2nd at the Grand National held at Smeaton, 1st at Myrniong, 1st at Melton as the best entire of any age, and 1st for two-year-old colt. On account of the severe weather, and the horse’s long journey to the Show, he was placed 2nd at the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Show in 1875. In 1876, at the same Show, he took the 1st prize in his class, also the Champion Prize and £50 Gold Cup as the best draught entire horse in the yard.
His foals are very promising, and he was sire of the 1st prize foal at the Foal Show and Ploughing Match in 1876, competing against a large field.
Dugdale will travel to Clive, Meanee [Meeanee], and Taradale every Wednesday, remaining at Taradale through the night, and returning to Hastings on Thursday.
Terms – Single mares, £6 6s, groom’s fee included; two or more mares subject to arrangement. Paddocks free.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility incurred.
Fees payable on the 1st February, 1878, to the order of John Davis Canning.
For further particulars, apply to
Goodwin’s Hotel,
THE superior thoroughbred Entire “HERCULES,”
Bred by Mr Murphy, of Spring Creek, and raced by Mr Redwood.
Got by Ravensworth, dam Plover, by Sir Hercules, Ravensworth by Touchstone, Fair Jean by Verulum, Fair Helen by Pantaloon.
Hercules is a bay horse, 6 years old, and stands 15 ¾ hands high, combines the best of blood, with good bone and immense power, and was one of the best weight-carriers of his day. Hercules won the Hawke’s Bay Stakes in 1876.
Plover, the dam of Hercules, is also dam of Malvina, who ran so successfully during the seasons of 1872 and 1873.
Hercules made a splendid season last year in the Marlborough district, with great satisfaction to the public, and is a sure foal getter.
Terms – Six guineas each mare, and five shillings for groom. Two or more by arrangement.
Good paddocks, but no responsibility. Mares to be paid for on delivery.
For further particulars, apply to
Or, to
THE pure Clydesdale Entire “DUKE,”
Got by the imported Clydesdale horse Matchless, dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Iron Duke, grand dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Cumberland, &c, &c.
Duke took the first prize at the H.B. P. and A. Show, in 1873, and is so thoroughly well known as a sure foal-getter, that further comment is unnecessary.
Only a limited number of mares can be taken besides his owner’s.
Terms: – £4 each mare. Two or more, the property of the same owner, £3 10s each.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility.
For further particulars, apply to
THE pure-bred Clydesdale Draught Stallion
Terms: – Three Guineas; allowance will be made for two or more mares, the property of one owner.
First-class Paddocks provided for one month, after which 2s 6d per week will be charged.
Pedigree will be published in future advertisement.
For further particulars, apply to
Peketapu [Puketapu].
This thorough-bred Horse, will stand this season at Rissington.
Hiawatha is a bay horse, five years old, got by Sledmere, dam Emmeline.
Terms – Single mares, five guineas each, for two or more mares the property of the same owner a reduction will be made.
For further particulars, apply to
Rissington, Sept. 17, 1877.
“MUTE,” “JAV’LIN” “ARAB CHILD” and “SAMSON” will serve a limited number of broken in mares this Season at the Tuki Tuki Station.
MUTE by Fireworks dam Fenella own sister to Maribyrnong, Ferryman and half sister to King of the Ring.
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; for other mares 6 guineas each.
JAV’LIN by Yattendon dam Lilla, the dam of Alpaca, Commodore and Jessamine and grand dam of Llama, Ringwood, and Woodlands, the winner of the last Hawkesbury guineas and the Derby. (For performances see Turf Register.)
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; for other mares, 6 guineas each.
ARAB CHILD. – A pure Khylean, bred by the great Anazah [Anazzah or Anizah] tribe of Nedjd [Nejd] Arabia.
Terms: For thoroughbred Mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, eight guineas each; for other Mares, 5 guineas each.
SAMSON. – Pure bred Shetland pony. Imported by Alexander MacMaster, Esq., of Oamaru.
Terms: Three guineas each mare.
An allowance will be made for two or more mares the bona fide property of the same owner.
The owner of the above horses considers it is unnecessary to enlarge on their merits feeling perfectly assured that Breeders are quite competent to form their own judgment and send their mares to first-class horses only. An inspection of the above is invited at their owner’s stables any day in the week excepting Sunday. First-class paddocks provided free. Every care taken but no responsibility. All mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given. Any mares not proving in foal will be served at half price next season.
Mares left at Mr. Giblin’s Mangateretere West, on Fridays, and at Mr. Hugh Campbell’s, Poukawa, on Saturdays, will be forwarded free of charge.
For further particulars apply to Mr. John Ewart, Stud Groom, or to
Tuki Tuki Station.
THE Thorough-bred Horse,
Orlando is a roan horse-bred in Auckland in 186?, by Joseph Hargreaves, Esq., by the imported horse Pacific, out of Refraction, by Cap-a-pie, her dam, Princess, by Grates (imported), grand-dam by Stride, great-grand-dam by Hector. Pacific by Flatcatcher, dam Disagreeable, by Agreeable, her dam by Sam out of Morel, by Sorcerer.
Refraction won nine races out of eleven in New South Wales, and Orlando’s performances are very good.
Terms: Four guineas each mare. A reduction will be made in the case of two or more mares, the property of the same owner.
Paddocks free till mares stinted, of which due notice will be given.
All mares to be paid for before removal.
Every care taken, but no responsibility.
All mares left at Mr Baker’s Empire Hotel, Waipawa, Mr. John Petit, Te Aute, and Mr. Charles Stuart, Havelock, will be forwarded free of charge.
“PAPAPA” by Ravensworth, dam Waimea.
Terms – Eight Guineas.
An allowance will be made for two or more Mares, the property of one owner. First-class paddocks provided free, and every care taken, but no responsibility. All Mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Longlands, 28th August, 1877.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Cheapest and Neatest BILLHEADS may be had at the TELEGRAPH Office.

September 21.
The following candidates were duly nominated yesterday for the Waikaremoana Riding: – Joseph Carroll, George Stuart Fraser, Harry Smith, Ingram, Joseph Powdrell, and William Foster Shaw. The returning Officer, W.A. Richardson, declared the polling day to be Thursday the 27th October.

September 25.
A proclamation of the Maori King is being promulgated setting forth that the end of the world and the Pakeha will come to pass in eighteen months from the tenth of next October. The King’s messengers are conveying this startling intelligence to all his subjects throughout the island.
September 21.
Mr Sutton asked whether the Government were prepared to introduce a Bill to amend the law regulating the sale of liquor to Maoris. He had searched, but could find nothing bearing upon the subject but the prohibitive Ordinance of 1854. Recently he had seen by the Hawke’s Bay press that the police had issued a notice warning publicans against offending. He thought there should be some modification of the law.
Mr Whitaker replied that the Ordinance was still in force, and the Government had no intention to introduce fresh legislation this session.
September 22.
Mr Sheehan made a strong protest against the Poverty Bay district being included under the Hawke’s Bay Education Board.
The Imprest Supply Bill was allowed to pass so quietly, because Mr. Ormond re-presented that £25,000 was needed to send to England by the mail to-day, for emigration purposes.
September 25.
After a few notices of motion, the House went into Committee on the district schedule of the Educational Bill. There was strong opposition to the districts as at present constituted, Dr. Wallis declaring that they were selected by some one thinking of the twelve tribes of Israel, Taranaki being the little Benjamin. He proposed that Auckland, with a population of 80,000, another in the south of the island, to be divided into three, but this was negatived on the voices.
A motion by Sir G. Grey forming the Thames into a separate district was lost by 41 votes against 12.
There was some fun over the bungling way in which an amendment, moved by Mr Sheehan, placing the Cook County in the Auckland district, was treated.
The division was first given at 28 for the amendment, and 29 against, but subsequently Mr O’Rorke found that Mr Sheehan, who was teller, had not marked his own name. This was rectified, when the voting became even.
Mr O’Rorke, as chairman, gave his casting vote for the amendment, amidst loud cheers.
Soon afterwards, Sir R. Douglas objected that the question had been put in the wrong form, and he had consequently voted wrong. It was not quite clear which way he intended to vote, Mr Rees telling him after an elaborate explanation that he evidently intended to go on Mr Sheehan’s side, but Sir R. Douglas did not seem to think he did.
The matter dropped for the time being, but when the question of striking out the Cook County from Hawke’s Bay came up, some members showed a disposition to fight the battle over again. It was represented to them that the Cook County could not be in two districts at once, unless it was like Sir Doyle Roche’s bird. It was accordingly struck out. Kaikoura was shifted from Marlborough to North Canterbury, but all the other amendments up to 5.30 were negatived.
After the adjournment, the Bill was talked over, but reported without further amendment.
Mr Stout gave notice that, on the third reading, he should move that clauses 7 and 29 be recommitted to amend them, so as to place the appointment of inspectors in the hands of the Minister of Education, instead of District Boards.
September 25, 4 p.m.
It was definitely settled by the Opposition to-day that Mr Larnach will move a motion amounting to want of confidence when the House is moved into Committee of Supply.
The motion will express dissatisfaction with the action of the Government in reference to the Waka Maori Libel action.
The Working Men’s Club of Dunedin would appear to have become an unqualified success. On Saturday week they took possession of their new building recently erected for them, and opened it with great ceremony. At the opening there were present Judge Chapman, and several of the leading citizens of Dunedin. The number of members on the roll at the present time is 400, and includes among the life members Sir Julius Vogel and the Hon. George McLean. The roll has been considerably augmented during the past half year, 166 members having joined, against 80 members for the previous half year. A still greater influx may be looked for as soon as the benefits to be derived from the club are more fully known. Its financial position is satisfactory, as there is a credit balance at the bank of £350, with no outstanding liabilities, excepting of course the cost of the building, and for this satisfactory arrangements were entered into long before the contract was taken up. After the opening ceremony, a commemoration dinner was given, the President of the Club (Mr McIntosh) being Chairman. Judge Chapman, in proposing “Prosperity to the Working Men’s Club,” made a long and able address, and alluded to the fact that to Lords Brougham and Lyttelton were the working men indebted for their exertions in starting similar clubs in London. He attributed the success of these clubs to the peace of 1815, which freed the inventive minds of England from attending solely to war or to raising the taxation for payment of war expenses. The Tories were then in power, and they endeavored to crush the means of association and co-operation. Men were then watched by the Bow-street officers and the Government spies, and they would perhaps be transported for merely meeting together, as was the case in Doncaster. He said that fifty years ago they would not have dared to open the magnificent club they had to-day. He instanced the progress of Working Men’s Clubs in London, Manchester, and Liverpool. He pointed out that, as in the case of the Temperance Societies, the people themselves must be ripe for improvement. Mr Donovan, in responding to the toast, said he was proud that they numbered among their members a number of Good Templars. Mr Townsend, in proposing the health of the “Founders of the Club,” said, “Those who had taken a leading part of the Club had often desponded but never despaired, and had worked unceasingly to carry the matter to a successful result. When he first joined the Club, it seemed to be a reproach to belong to it, but it was not so now. In regard to the future of the Club, he urged upon them that they should make it such an institution that it would be a slur upon a man’s character not to be received as a member, and a lasting disgrace if expelled.” It was mentioned by Mr Elliott that the money for the erection of the Working Men’s Club had been advanced by the New Zealand Insurance Company. Our earnest wish is that the Napier Working Men’s Club may be as successful as that of Dunedin; and to accomplish that object, all that has to be done is for the working men to co-operate heartily with each other, and not permit narrow prejudices and jealousies to creep in.
A meeting of those interested in the formation of a Cricket Club embracing Waipawa and its neighbourhood is convened for Saturday next, at 8 o’clock, at the Empire Hotel. Waipukurau can boast of an excellent team, and why the Waipawa cricketers should have allowed themselves to have remained so long in the shade, passeth all understanding. Now a movement in the right direction has been made, we shall expect to see a strong Club formed, which will be a credit to the district.

No 14 of the Hansard received by last mail contains Mr Ormond’s defence of himself and attack on Sir George Grey and Messrs Rees and Sheehan. Mr Sheehan’s reply is in the same number. The speeches are too long to reprint. We recommend those who like to read good all round abusive speeches to obtain copies, which can be ordered from the Government printer.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Friday, the gentlemen of the long robe again had a sparring match. Mr Lascelles complained that the counsel for the prosecution were interrupting witnesses without cause. Mr Lee then got up, and, after answering Mr Lascelles, concluded with these words: – “He did not learn manners from him (looking at Mr Lascelles), thank God!”
The County authorities of Hawke’s Bay call for tenders which are receivable up to noon on the 4th of October for the erection of a Bridge over the stream known as the Louisa Creek, on the road between Havelock and Paki Paki. Tenders are also invited for raising and metalling about 18 chains of the Napier-Redclyffe road, commencing at the ford to Waiohiki. The tenders for this work must be sent in by noon on the 3rd October. All information in connection with the above tenders, can be obtained from Mr Fannin, the County Clerk.
Referring to prosecutions, more especially in connection with parliamentary conduct, May remarks in his Constitutional History, that, like censorship, they “have fallen out of our constitutional system. When the Press errs, it is by the Press itself that its errors are left to be corrected. Repression has ceased to be the policy of rulers; and statesmen have at length fully realised the wise mixim [maxim] of Lord Bacon, that ‘the punishing of wits enchances their authority; and a forbidden writing is thought to be a certain spark of truth, that flies up in the faces of them that seek to tread it out.”
The editor of the Otago Guardian, is expending the vials of his wrath on what he terms the “Hawke’s Bay robbers.” In an article in defence of Mr Rees, the Guardian says: – “The venomous spitefulness of Mr Ormond’s charge against Mr Rees, is characteristic of the grasp and character of the man’s mind, and we declare before heaven we would rather be with Mr Rees in the Bankruptcy Court than be one of the bloodstained plutocrats of Hawke’s Bay.” Again he writes: – “Why do Ministers and their friends refuse and resist a Committee of Inquiry against them? For the same reason why they refused a Committee of Inquiry, as demanded, into the charges in the ‘Oamaru Mail.’ Because they are afraid. But the hour of retribution has come, and if there is a God of Justice reigning these iniquities will yet be righted.” The editor of the Guardian and Mr Rees have a feeling in common with each other. Both in their time have been parsons, and in becoming politicians and public writers have evidently not forgotten their old pulpit denunciations of all men as sinners.
We regret to lean that the Hon H.R. Russell is still confined to his room, and quite unable to attend to Parliamentary duties. His continued illness is causing anxiety to his friends. We can only express the hope that the honorable gentleman’s strength of constitution will, as on previous attacks, pull him through his present severe indisposition.
We learn on pretty good authority that the Government are likely to carry the Native Land Sales Suppression Bill through the Lower House, but that it will be thrown out in the Legislative Council.
We would call the attention of the Municipal authorities to the state of Emerson-street. Last week, the stench arising from the open drain running down the street was positively overpowering, and enough to breed a fever. Behind Dr Gibbes’ house there runs a drain from which a very offensive stench arises, and the stagnant pool of water in the middle of the square does not improve the senses of those having weak olfactory nerves. The settlers at Hokitika are now bitterly suffering from scarlet fever which is cutting off old and young, and this has been brought about by just such nuisances as we are now calling attention to. May we hope ere the hot season advances that some steps will be taken to improve the drainage of Napier?
The Committee of the Working Men’s Club met last week, and inspected the various premises offered as a Club-house, and also considered other matters in connection with the Club. It is to be hoped that by the close of next week several working men who have hitherto held aloof from the movement, in the false belief that the objects of the Club were not those at first represented to them, will join, and by their presence and assistance make the Napier Working Men’s Club a thorough success.
The rowing season will be formally opened on October 7th, this day week, when we hear that the Napier Clubs will have a procession of boats, and possibly, scratch matches on the Tutaekuri river. Since the widening of the bridge the water is much improved for racing, a good mile course being now available. An inter-provincial regatta is being talked of, to come off some time in January, on the Waipukurau lake. A considerable sum of money is already in hand for distribution for prizes, and we make no doubt that this will be largely increased by the country settlers in the neighbourhood of Waipukurau. The formation of a country rowing club is also on the tapis, and as there is no lack of either money or pluck in the country districts, Napier will have to look to her laurels.
It may interest our Municipal Councillors, and especially those who have been so sorely exercised over our remarks anent the number of members elected to the Public Works Committee, to learn that when a Public Works Committee was being elected in the Wellington City Council last week, the number of members of which it should consist caused some discussion. The Wellington Council is composed of three more members than that of Napier. Councillor George proposed that the Public Works Committee should be composed of eight members, but this was opposed by Councillor Macdonald, who opposed the appointment of such large Committees, and moved that the Committee be composed of six members, or half the Council. This was agreed to, but this Committee is only to hold office for six months, and at the expiration of that period, these Councillors are to retire from the Committee, and the other six Councillors are to fill their places. During the twelve months of office this will give all the members a chance of working on the Committee. We are not aware by what mode the question can be again brought before the Napier Council, but we earnestly hope the members will take some means by which they may retrace the false step they took at their last meeting on this matter, and thus regain the good opinion of their constituents.
It is curious to note the various methods the morning papers take in pirating the evening journal cablegrams. Our local contemporary inserts the DAILY TELEGRAPH telegrams under the heading of the “Telegrams to the Evening papers.” The Auckland Herald adopts a novel style. It gets the substance of the news telegraphed from the columns of the Wellington Post by its Parliamentary correspondent, and then gives the credit to the Post, although the same news has been paid for direct from London by the Auckland Star. The latter journal in commenting upon the pilfering of these telegrams makes the following just observations, which we recommend to the perusal of the editor of the Hawke’s Bay Herald: – “Consider the morality of the thing for a moment. Take a cable message which costs £10 for wire charges – a small amount. If a journal received goods to that value, and left them lying in an exposed situation, and some poor fellow without a sixpence to bless himself with was tempted to take them, what would be said to him? How would our contemporary metaphorically roll its sanctimonious eyes and exclaim “Thank God, I am not like unto that sinner.” What, then, is the difference between that and taking cable messages which are a newspaper’s goods, its stock in trade – although the nature of the stock prevents the guarding of it with iron bars and locks? It is simply because of this and because the law has not protected this class of property as it has done others, because a warrant for the apprehension of the purloiner cannot immediately issue – that a business rival may seize it without permission, and without contributing to the cost, the moment it gets the chance. If this is the distinction will anyone undertake to assess the exact moral difference between the two classes of offences in the eyes of a man who acts justly from honorable conceptions of right and wrong, and not because the law coerces him into honesty.
A London correspondent writes: – Cardinal Manning’s statement that drunkenness is spreading among English women as well as men, has been since confirmed by numerous English newspapers. Thus life is poisoned at its very source; and children imbibe, with their earliest nourishment, the subtle poison which will ultimately destroy them. It has been computed that there are in the United Kingdom about 500,000 drunkards, while the deaths from indulgence in intoxicating liquors are estimated at 70,000 per annum in the mother country. Lord Shaftesbury tells us that six-tenths of all the cases of insanity in Great Britain and the United States are traceable to this cause; and it has been ascertained, by competent statistians [statisticians], that the increase of crime in both countries is in the exact ratio of the increase in the consumption of fermented liquors. Professor Leoni Levi estimates the actual loss of productive labor by drunkenness in the United Kingdom to be not less than £69,000,000 per annum. It is only the contemplation of such facts as these that makes the intemperate utterances of some total abstainers excusable.
The Rotorua, which arrived on Monday from Wellington, was the bearer of the Hawke’s Bay portion of the Suez mail.
The charge-sheet at the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Saturday was blank.
A “ratepayer” writes to us asking that, as the Municipal Council have come to the resolution to call for public tenders for obtaining the valuation of the town of Napier, “if we do not think it would be equally as well to call for public tenders for a Rate Collector for the town, and also for a Town Clerk and Overseer? Surely (continues our correspondent) these billets are not a sinecure, and if better men can be got for less money, the Municipality should take the advantage to call for such tenders.” In reply to our correspondent’s query, we may at once state that, to put such offices as Town Clerk and Rate Collector to public competition would not, in our opinion, tend to the better working of the Municipality, but have a contrary tendency. If such billets were open to public tender, why not the Postmaster, Resident Magistrate, Custom House Officials, &c.?
Captain W.R. Russell, M.H.R., returned to Wellington by the steamer, Taupo, on Sunday, after a stay of one week in Napier.
The Otago Daily Times thinks it is only right to say that the enterprise of those journals which procure “special telegrams” is frequently rewarded by their being able to publish other news of importance apart from war news, which Reuter’s Agent has not deemed worthy of being transmitted by cable.
The land described within the following boundaries has, by proclamation, been set apart in Hawke’s Bay for special settlement: – “All that parcel of land situate in the Seventy-Mile Bush, in the Waipawa County, in the Hawke’s Bay Provincial District, being a portion of the Ahuaturanga Block, and estimated to contain three thousand five hundred and sixty (3560) acres, more or less. Bounded on the North-east by Section 15 of the Heretaunga Small Farm Association Block; on the South-east by a straight line running from the south-western corner of that section to the northern-most corner of Woodville Rural Section, No.40; thence by the north-western boundary of Sections Nos. 40 and 38 to the Maunga Atua River, up that river and along the north-eastern boundary line of Sections Nos. 193 and 194 to the northernmost corner of the last-mentioned section; thence crossing the road bounding that section on the North-west, and following along the northern side of that road to its intersection with the road bounding the same section on the South-west; on the South-west by the north-eastern side of that road, on a bearing 120 degrees 30 minutes (magnetic) a distance of seventeen thousand seven hundred (17,700) links; and on the North-west by a straight line running on a bearing 21 degrees 15 minutes (true) from the last-mentioned point to the south-western boundary of the Maharahara Block.” This block includes the land applied for by the Victoria Small Farm Association, the terms of which have been sanctioned by His Excellency the Governor.
Mr Henry Hallam so well known here as the popular tenor of Alice May’s troupe, has lately gained the position of leading tenor in Miss Kate Santley’s Royalty Opera-bouffe company. In the latter part of June last he made an immense hit in the character of Ansteus in “Orphee aux Enfers,” to the Eurydice of Miss Santley, at the Royal Alexandra Theatre, Liverpool.
There is still a fierce paper warfare going on between the Auckland Star and its morning contemporary over the evening newspaper special cablegrams, in which the Herald gets the worst of the conflict. We quite concur with the Star when it says: – “We are paying a large sum of money weekly for special cablegrams, and we at least have as much confidence in them as we have in Reuter’s general telegrams, for which we likewise pay. But, genuine or bogus, we want the exclusive use of them. If they are bogus, it is the more marvellous that the “Herald” should pilfer them, or take the slightest notice of their appearance. That is all we ask. We wish simply to have the exclusive fruits of our own expenditure, and are quite satisfied that the telegrams will, despite the contradictory reports which they, with all others, are liable to suffer from, will prove their own genuineness.” These remarks are equally as applicable to the Hawke’s Bay Herald as its northern name-sake. To-day, we publish a special cable-gram containing important news. Our contemporary would feign make the public believe these telegrams are not genuine. If so, let the Herald not re-publish it, and leave us to the exclusive use of what we pay for, and to which it does not contribute one farthing.
From our report of the proceedings in the Resident Magistrate’s Court it will be seen that the case against Mr. G.P. Donnelly for horse-stealing, has at length concluded, and Mr Donnelly has been committed for trial at the next sitting of the Supreme Court, bail being taken.
The framework of the front elevation to the improvements to the Oddfellows Hall was erected on Saturday, and quite changes the appearance of the old building. The works are being pushed on with great despatch, and when finished the Hall will be one of the finest in the colony for the purposes for which it is required.
Sergeant White, of the Armed Constabulary, formerly stationed at Christchurch, arrived by the Rotorua on Monday from the head-quarters. He is to take the place of Sergeant Robinson, who has been removed to Porangahau. Sergeant White holds the grade of a first-class Sergeant.
Since Sergeant Robinson left Napier, no poundkeeper has been appointed in his room. The result is that horses and cattle roam at the will and pleasure of their owners about the public streets and thoroughfares. The appointment of another poundkeeper is urgently required.
The sermons in connection with the United Methodist Free Church anniversary – were preached both morning and evening by the Rev H.B. Redstone, of Wellington, to excellent congregations. During the evening discourse, he related a most touching incident in connection with the ill-fated “Avalanche,” which occurred in Wellington.
Replies have been received to the queries asked by the Corporation of Napier with respect to the cost of maintenance of various Fire Brigades in the principal towns in the colony. Auckland: Insurance Companies and Municipal Council subscribe one half each. Wellington: Council £200: Insurance Companies, £200; General Government and Banks, £100. Christchurch: cost of maintenance £500 per annum, of which Insurance offices subscribe £200, and Corporation £300. Wanganui: supported half by Corporation other half by Insurance offices. Invercargill: the Brigade is Municipal, cost per annum £240, £80 of which are paid by Insurances offices. Oamaru: No Brigade in existence. Dunedin: subsidised by Corporation for salaries and repairs, £500; Insurance companies, £200. Nelson: Insurance companies £100; Council, £25 per annum. Lyttelton: no subsidy, but Council find clothing; Insurance companies give annually a donation of £40. Hokitika: subsidy from Council, £100; Insurance companies, ten guineas each per annum.
From Captain Porter we (Poverty Bay Standard) learn that the contract for the boiling down of the scabby sheep will have been terminated by the end of this month. The total number destroyed will probably amount to between 16,000 and 17,000, considerably under the estimate when the work was projected. The deficiency may be attributed to the fact that a large number of the old and weak sheep were accidently killed whilst they were being mustered, and driven to the boiling-down works, and it is probable too, that a good many stragglers will be found in out of the way corners, which have escaped for a short time. Arrangements will be made, however, by which all these latter will be hunted down and shot. We hear it stated that Messrs. Bycroft and Ferral are somewhat disappointed at the result of the contract.

The Diocesan Synod of Waiapu was opened on Monday, at 4 o’clock p.m., in the Council Chamber. Present – Clergy: The President (the Ven. Archdeacon Williams), Revs Maunsell, Spencer, E. Williams, Jordan, Simcox, Eccles, St. Hill, Shearman, and Marshall. Laity: Messrs A. St. Hill, Fielder, W. Kelly, Locke, Spencer, Tuxford, Tabuteau, Newton, R.P. Williams, J.N. Williams, Bradley, Oliver, J.P. Hamlin. The proceedings were opened with prayer. An address followed from Archdeacon Williams, in the course of which he touched on an endowment for the bishopric of Waiapu, and the statutes passed at the last sitting of the General Synod. He referred to the want of a bishop for the diocese, and the need for Episcopal supervision. The Rev. J.C. Eccles, and Mr J.B. Fielder, were appointed Secretaries, and Mr T.K. Newton, Chairman of Committees. Notices of motion were given, and the Synod adjourned till 4 p.m. next day.
Enquiries are still being made for large freehold properties, but the prices asked by holders prevent many estates being satisfactorily placed.
We learn from Wellington that Dr Lemon received a telegram from Batavia this morning, in which he was informed that the cable is now clear of traffic, and working well.
In a number of the Graphic is a sketch entitled “A Ride from Tauranga to Rotomahana,” intended for the edification of English readers, and written by one who signs himself G.S.M. The writer whose acquaintance with New Zealand is apparently limited, is explanatory as well as descriptive. For instance, he informs us the progress he made was much impeded by a kind of creeper called the “souplejack,” and that he was saluted with the words “Ten-Arkuhi,” which he believes to mean good-day. He is not at all impressed with Maoris as business men, though he admits they are a fine, though lazy race, and says he “would rather do business with a Jew and a Scotchman rolled into one than a Maori.” He sojourned on his travels for one night at Ohinemutu, and there was taken into a “warre,” which is “the town paa of the natives.” However, he came away fully impressed with the magnificence of the white and pink terraces at Rotomahana, and the wonders of the geysers, and is fully persuaded that some really remarkable cures in rheumatism and sciatica have been effected by the waters there.
The following information was supplied us on Saturday afternoon, but too late for insertion on that day: – “The Hawkes Bay boiling-down works have closed for the season, and the last lot of sheep boiled down were from Riverslea (Thomas Tanner, Esq.,) consisting of 2,430 sheep, which yielded the splendid return of 58tons 1cwt. 0qrs. 21lbs. of tallow, being an average of 53 ½ lbs. per head. The skins, fellmongered, yielded 5lb. per head of scoured wool. Mr Williams has lately had one of Howard’s patent safety boilers, imported direct, which has been put up on the works, and this, with an additional vat, enables him to offer increased facilities for boiling down sheep for the coming season. He is now in a position to boil 1,800 sheep per week.
We learn from Wellington that the Government has called upon Judge Dudley Ward for an explanation relative to the statements made on oath by Mr J. N. Wilson of Napier, during the hearing of the Waka Maori case, as to certain advice he is alleged to have tendered to the Hon. H. Russell, in order to evade the Stamp Duties. Mr Dudley Ward has arrived in Wellington from the South to explain matters.
Some hoodlums were determined on Sunday evening, that at least one street lamp should be lit, whether the contract with the Gas Company and the Municipal Authorities had been concluded or not. The lamp in Carlyle-street opposite Clive Square was lit early on Sabbath evening, and was permitted to shine forth until noon on Monday. The moonlight evenings are passing away, and the sooner arrangements are concluded to have the whole of the lamps erected made useful the better.
An entertainment was given last Thursday at Porangahau, for the benefit of the school library, Mr A. St Hill in the chair. Mr Wordsworth, in the course of the evening, gave a very interesting account of the sufferings endured on Crozet Island by the passengers of the ill-fated ship Strathmore. Mr W.H. Flood, who happened to be visiting the district presided at the piano.
At a meeting of the Taradale District Board of River Conservators held on Saturday, it was stated that arrangements had been made through Mr Tiffen, for the Union Bank to advance £1000 to the Board for the commencement of the protective works beginning at Murphy’s Gate. Messrs Brennan, Henry Harrison, and Messrs. Giles and Wilson have obtained separate contracts for forming the bank, sodding and fencing and erecting groins. The County Government will assist in the work, the whole being placed under the supervision of the engineer.
Mr S. Hooper had in his shop on Monday a lamb from the Riverslea station which was shown as a curious freak of nature. It had seven legs – four hind and three fore, – two hind quarters, one body, and two perfect mouths. Mr Hooper has now skinned the curious animal, and intends stuffing the skin.
The Soiree in connection with the anniversary of the Emerson-street United Methodist Free Church was held on Monday. The attendance was very large, numbering we should think about 200. There was a bountiful tea provided, of which those present heartily partook. The various tables were presided over by lady friends of the congregation. The subsequent meeting was presided over by the Rev. J. Parkin, pastor of the church, who introduced the proceedings. The Treasurer made a brief report, which showed a balance on the right side, and that the anniversary was, financially a success. The total receipts amounted to £40 5s 6d, of which a few pounds would have to be deducted for expenses. The addresses were then delivered, interspersed by singing by the choir, accompanied on the harmonium by Mr. Hyde. The Rev. D. Sidey delivered a most practical speech on the religious thought of the present day, and of the events that were agitating the world. The Rev. H.B. Redstone, late pastor of the Church, spoke at some length, and urged them not to be content with what they had already accomplished, but strive for further success. The Rev. J. Berry was then call[ed] on, and took for his subject the “signs of the times.” He referred to the revivals that had lately taken place under Mr. Moody and others, and hoped it was not far distant when all Methodists would be united on one common basis. The Rev. J. White gave an excellent address, chiefly relating to the feeling that existed between the pulpit and the pew. He thought that much of the infidelity that existed in the present age, was owing to the tone the press adopted. A vote of thanks was passed to those who had assisted, and the Chairman pronounced the Benediction. Solos and quartets were very efficiently rendered at intervals during the evening by the choir.
The steamer Sir Donald arrived at an early hour on Wednesday, from Gisborne, but strange to say brought no mail. The official who has been the cause of this negligence should certainly get a rap over the knuckles.
The Working Men’s Club Committee met on Tuesday, in the Fire Brigade Reading Room, when, we believe, it was resolved to call a general meeting of the members for Monday evening next in the Council Chambers. We also understand that the Committee will suggest to the meeting the advisability of accepting an offer made to rent as a club house the building occupied by Mrs Neill as a ladies school in Clive Square. The building is well adapted for the purposes for which it is required.
Inspector Scully received a telegram from Sergeant McGuire, of Waipawa, on Wednesday, informing him that a man had been found dead on the ranges on Stoke’s run. The name of the man is unknown at present, but an inquest will be held when no doubt more light will be thrown on the matter.
The Diocesan Synod met on Tuesday after-noon at 4 p.m., and sitting till six o’clock, resumed business at 7.30. The first motion on the order paper was that of which the Rev. S. M. Spencer had given notice, “That the Synod do proceed with the nomination of a Bishop for the Diocese.” Before taking the motion in hand, at the suggestion of the President, Archdeacon Williams, the meeting engaged in prayer, after which the Rev. Mr. Spencer nominated the Rev. Edward Craig Stuart as Bishop of Waiapu. Dr. Spencer seconded the nomination. Several members of the Synod having spoken highly of the Rev. E. C. Stuart, a ballot was taken, and declared unanimous.
In the leading article of the New Zealand Tablet (Dr. Moran’s organ), of last Friday, the following paragraph occurs: – “We wish it to be distinctly understood that on the question of Education Mr Sheehan represents no one but himself, and that he is not only in opposition to all Catholics in New Zealand, but to all Catholics throughout the entire world. He admits Denominational Education may be successful in the towns; why not then have it in the towns? Surely half a loaf is better than no bread, and it is certainly better than the town population should be brought up under the influence of religion than that no one should.”
The Patangata Road Board has given notice that, at the next meeting, on October 15, it is intended to strike a rate of sixpence in the pound for the financial year ending June 30, 1878, payable in one instalment, on 1st December, 1877.
Messrs Anderson and Berry, the swamp reclamation contractors, are getting on capitally with the work they have on hand, and great progress has been made during the past month. The swamp portion of Raffles-street has now been filled in, thus forming a junction between Munro and Dalton-streets, while Munro-street itself has been filled in for more than three parts of its length. The whole contract is expected to be completed in three months’ time. We are glad to learn that the work, so far finished, is to the entire satisfaction of the Municipal Engineer. We also hear that there is abundance of material in the “Town Hall Reserve” hill to finish the reclamation of the roads, and, this being so, it is to be hoped the contractors will succeed in securing the work of filling in the adjoining sections.
There are now eighteen hard-labor prisoners employed at the quarry on the sea-ward end of Coote Road, getting out metal for the streets of Napier. The labor of these men costs the Corporation nothing, by which a direct saving is effected of two shillings and tenpence a yard. In getting out the metal, the large blocks of stone are put on one side, and are dressed for facing for the wall that will form the breastwork of the new parade, to be made from the Court House to Raffles-street.
In the Synod on Wednesday, a discussion arose on Mr Tuxford’s motion to alter the name of the See, but eventually the proposal was dismissed by the meeting proceeding with the next order of the day. At the evening sitting, a telegram was read from the Rev. E.C. Stuart accepting his nomination to the Bishopric of Waiapu, and telegrams were also read from the Primate and the Bishop of Auckland congratulating the Synod on the choice that had been made. On the motion of the Rev. W. Marshall, the Bishop’s marriage license fee of 10s was abolished. The Rev. J. C. Eccles obtained leave of absence for the remainder of the session, which we believe will close this evening.
We learn that the Rev. Charles Clarke, the Australian orator, will give the first of a series of lectures in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Monday, the 22nd of October. By that time, the Hall will be re-roofed, and although all the alterations will not be completed, it will be fit for public purposes.
We are informed on the best authority that three actions for malicious prosecution have been commenced against Mr. R.D. Maney by Mr G. P. Donelly [ Donnelly ] for the late proceedings in the Police Court here.
We have been shown at Messrs Langley and Newman’s shop the cast of a man’s leg which has been packed for transmission to England, in order to get a cork leg made in the same shape for the use of the man, who met with an accident some short time back, with a reaping machine, and had afterwards to have his leg amputated. The cast was made by Mr. H. Steeven’s, of Napier, in plaster of Paris, and is very perfect. Many persons who saw the cast were previously unaware that such work could be done in Napier.
From our Police Court report, it will be seen that the case against Mr Donnelly, brought by Mr Maney, for larceny of oats, &c., which has so long engaged the attention of the Court, was dismissed on Thursday by the Resident Magistrate after hearing the cross-examination of the young man Martelli. Mr Cornford afterwards asked to withdraw the case about horse-shoes, and His Worship acceded to the request.
In reference to the offer said to have been made by the Hon. Mr Frazer of £2,500 a year for the Te Aute estate, we have the best authority for saying that Mr Frazer denied ever having made such an offer. Further, it is reported, that when the Rev. S. Williams informed Mr Frazer that his alleged offer would be gladly accepted by the Trustees, Mr Frazer said that he knew nothing about the estate; that he did not want it, and that his statements with respect to the property were founded on mere hearsay.
At Messrs Routledge, Kennedy & Co.’s sale on Thursday, apples realised 4 1/2d to 5d per lb.; Tennent’s ale, 7/6 to 8/ per dozen; and Oamaru flour, £16 per ton. There was no sale for bacon or butter.
September 27.
Sailed – Hawea, for Napier, at 2 p.m. Passengers: – Mr and Mrs Paul, Hora Tutuine and child, and seven in the steerage.
Warlike Rumours from Wairarapa.
WELLINGTON, September 26.
The natives of Wairarapa, encouraged by the impunity with which they are allowed to stick up the mail coaches, have now blockaded the road to Alfredton, and say they will shoot anyone attempting to pass, and threaten to eat their bodies afterwards.
September 26.
In the House yesterday afternoon, Mr Sheehan asked if the Government were prepared to give effect to the recommendations of the Native Affairs Committee on the petition of Matiaho Mokai with reference to the Ahihauka block. He stated that a petition had been presented five years in succession, and for the last three sessions the Committee had reported that his claims were just.
Mr Ormond said that the Government would give a reply to-day.
In answer to Mr Woolcock’s question re Hawke’s Bay land transactions, Mr Bowen, who spoke in a very low humble tone, was understood to say that the Government were considering the question of appointing a Commission to deal with and settle the questions that had arisen through the speeches of hon members.
The District Railway Bill passed through Committee, Mr Pyke’s new clauses giving to County Councils power to construct railways under the Bill being incorporated with slight amendment.
The Provincial Lands Evidence Bill was committed, reported, and read a third time.
The adjourned debate on the Settlement Works Advances Bill gave rise to some warm talking between Messrs Bowen and Rees.
The latter declared in his speech the previous night that the Bill was merely introduced to give the Government power to buy votes.
To this Mr Reid took exception, saying that if the Ministry could not be trusted with the expenditure of a small sum of £50,000, it should be turned out at once, and he attacked Mr Rees pretty warmly for the general personal tone of his remarks.
To this Mr Rees replied by reading extracts from Mr Reid’s separation speech, in which he expressed similar opinions, and used even stronger expressions than those to which he now took exception. He suggested that the title of the Bill should be altered to the Bribery and Corruption Act. After further dressing down Mr Reid, he turned his attention to the members for Taranaki, saying that they were not elected because of their conspicuous ability or overpowering virtue, but because they knew how to dip their hands deeply into the Treasury chest for their pettifogging little constituency.
For this he was called to order by Sir R. Douglas, when he apologised for the personal tone of his remarks, and then applied them generally to every Ministerial supporter, which, though strictly Parliamentary, being in general terms, was not more to the taste of the House.
Mr Sheehan made a telling speech against the Bill, for which Mr Stafford complimented him, though not agreeing with his views. He declared that the little Benjamin (Taranaki) and Joseph (Hawke’s Bay) would get all the good things to be distributed. He moved that the Bill be read again that day six months.
Upon the division, an amendment being taken, the most extraordinary scene ensued. The “Noes” lobby was emptied long before the “Ayes,” but when the votes were vaunted there were found to be 36 votes on each side.
The Speaker said he was placed in a most unenviable position, for he strongly disapproved of the Bill, but felt it his duty to vote for the second reading, to give the Government an opportunity of amending it in Committee.
Next the question, “that this will now be read a second time,” was put, when Mr Stout again pressed it to a division.
In the meantime Sir G. Grey and Mr Manders had come in, and one voted on each side, giving a second tie.
The Speaker gave his casting vote for the second reading.
This made the usual adjournment hour, 5.30., exceeded by five minutes, and on the motion for a committal being made, there were loud cries of “adjourn.”
Messrs Stout and Reynolds submitted accordingly to the Standing Orders, the question could not be put after half-hour, but the Speaker ruled it could.
All this time the two parties kept up continual cries of “adjourn” and “question.”
Mr Manders, who had been making love to Bellamy’s all the afternoon varying the performance by hiccoughing and calling out “Good Morning” at the top of his lungs.
Amid the uproar Mr Barff was seen on his legs wildly trying to speak. At last he was faintly heard to be contending that there was no house after the half-hour, and neither the Standing Orders nor the Speaker’s ruling applied.
For five minutes longer the row lasted, the Speaker at last reversing his former ruling, and the House adjourned.
The Disqualification Committee have reported that they do not think Mr Fisher disqualified, but as the Committee of the Legislative Council on Mr Peacock’s case differ from them they ask for a special Bill to be introduced. This will be done shortly.
During the adjournment the whips of both parties were busy. Knocking off five pairs on each side, only four more members were available, and Major Atkinson was in bed. The other three would, it is thought, have gone with the Opposition, the intention being to move that the Bill be committed that day six months.
But on resuming the affair took an unexpected turn, Mr Stout calling the Speaker’s attention to Standing Order 205, under which the Bill must go before the Waste Lands Committee before being committed.
This new phase was discussed for some time, Sir G. Grey and others taunting the Government on their display of weakness in the afternoon.
Then the discussion dropped, as the Speaker concurred in Mr Stout’s views.
It seemed likely at one time that the Opposition would not let the motion for committal be withdrawn, and the Government were getting terribly exasperated, when the Speaker ruled that the motion being made after 5.30 was not before the House.
The Wellington Post this evening contains a telegram from its Napier correspondent, dated Tuesday evening, in which it is stated that an agitation is attempted to be got up re the leasing of the Te Aute estate, but, up to the present time, it had not been successful.
Mr Bowen then moved the second reading of the Educational Reserves Bill, explaining that the reserves in each board district would vest in trustees, to be distributed among the local committees in proportion to the population, one fourth being set apart for secondary education.
As the Bill had only been distributed there was a hot discussion on the motion for adjournment.
Mr Bowen at last gave way, but tried to take the wind out of the Opposition’s sails by having the bill first put on the Order Paper for the next day which is of course a private member’s day. At last the resumption of the debate was fixed for 10.30.
Messrs. Barff, Wakefield, and others went for the Government in very strong terms.
Mr Manders, who was even more “happy” than before the adjournment, defended the Ministry, who were ironically complimented on their noble defender.
Mr O’Rorke then called the attention of the House to a curious error in the division list re Cook County. The first votes were 28 to 29. Then Mr Sheehan’s name being added made both sides even. Next he (Mr O’Rorke) gave his casting vote for placing the Cook County in Auckland. On making up the lists, the clerk found that Mr Reid’s name was on both lists, again bringing the numbers to 28 and 29.
The House voted on the question again, when 35 votes against 32 placed the county in Auckland.
Mr Morris said he knew the Cook County people preferred to be in Hawke’s Bay.
Mr Bowen moved the third reading of the Education Bill, in direct violation of the promise that it should not be moved until the Reserves Bill passed, and for this breach of faith the Government were pretty roughly handled, but in the end the third reading was carried by 43 to 10.
On the question “That the Bill now pass,” there was a lengthy debate, the object of the Opposition being to talk the Bill out till 10.30, under the impression that the Reserves Bill would then come on.
Mr Wakefield made a tremendously long speech amid considerable interruption, and carried the debate up to the half-hour, but they were terribly sold when the Speaker decided to take the sense of the House whether the debate should be continued.
A division was called for, the result being, Ayes, 44; Noes, 16.
Then Mr Wakefield rose again to speak to the main question, but he could not be heard for some minutes for cries of “No.”
There was then a hot dispute whether he should speak or not.
Sir R. Douglas at last proposing a motion to that effect.
Mr Wakefield was then scarified.
Mr Reynolds, who had been the most active in interrupting him, then said he was going to read the Act right through as amended, as it had not been printed and distributed.
At this threat there was general stampede of members, but Mr Reynolds sat down immediately after without carrying his horrid threat into effect.
On the adjourned debate on the Reserves Bill being called on, the Speaker ruled that it must go before the Waste Lands Committee, and on this understanding it was allowed to pass its second reading without opposition.
The House adjourned at 12.30.
September 27.
When the House met yesterday after-noon, all seemed quiet.
A number of questions were put and answered but they were of no general interest.
Suddenly Mr Larnach gave notice that, on the motion for going into Committee of Supply, he should move “That this House disapproves of the action of the Government in continuing the Waka Maori newspaper at the public expense in defiance of a vote of the House, and in allowing its columns to be used for the publication of libellous matter.”
Mr Whitaker immediately jumped up, and exclaimed “Why, that means a vote of no confidence,” at which the Opposition roared. He immediately added, amidst loud cheers, that the Government would accept the challenge, and moved the adjournment of the House as is usual in such cases.
To this there was no opposition, and after a few words from Mr Sheehan, the House adjourned at 5.30.
Mr Larnach’s motion came like a thunder clap, not only on the Government, but on many members of the Opposition, who were totally unprepared for it. What the result will be it is impossible to say. The Government seem confident of a large majority, while the
Opposition think they have a good chance, but are not so positive.
There is a rumour about that the Government are about to apply for a new trial in the Waka Maori libel case. The object is really to get a copy of the Judge’s notes, which could not be otherwise obtained, probably for the use of Ministers in debate.
Another rumor is prevalent to the effect that Mr Russell is having the famous Russell-Locke letters printed. The first is said to completely exonerate Sir G. Grey from the charges made by Mr Ormond. If so, Mr Ormond, who had seen the letters, must have known it, and Mr Rees threatens to move his expulsion from the House.
The third rumour, (and all are on very good authority) is that some very blue disclosures were made before the Disqualification Committee in Mr Kennedy’s case, and that probably Mr Whitaker may be involved to some extent. It is thought Mr Kennedy will be disqualified.
September 27, 2.30 p.m.
The Division will be awfully close, probably not more than one or two majority on either side. Messrs Balance and Bryce will most likely vote for the motion as they are thoroughly disgusted with the conduct of the Government in the Murimotu Block affair.
The Opposition say that with their votes, the result is dead certainty, but more moderate men still think the Government has the best chance.
Mr. Reynolds is very doubtful. If he and Balance and Bryce voted for the motion, all will be up for the Government.
Major Atkinson came down to the House this afternoon for the first time for a fortnight.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq.)
George Pryor Donnelly was charged on the information of Richard David Maney as follows: – That, on the 20th February 1876, the said George Pryor Donnelly, then being the servant of the said Richard David Maney, 12 bushels of oats belonging to the said Richard David Maney of the value of £3, feloniously did steal, take, and carry away; and further, that on the 23 of March, 1876, the said George Pryor Donnelly, then being servant of the said Richard David Maney, as aforesaid, 12 bushels of maize belonging to the said Richard David Maney, of the value of £3, feloniously did steal, take, and carry away; and further, that on the 10th day of April 1876, the said George Pryor Donnelly, then being servant of the said Richard David Maney, 12 bushels of oats, and four bushels of maize, of the value of £4, belonging to the said David Richard Maney, feloniously did steal, take, and carry away, against the form of the statute in such case made and provided.
Messrs Cornford and Lee appeared for the prosecution, and Messrs Lascelles and Sainsbury for the defence.
Mr Cornford stated the case for the prosecution, and said that although it did not appear a heavy charge, yet from the evidence he would adduce, and the surrounding circumstances, he should move His Worship not to dismiss the case summarily, but commit the prisoner for trial.
Richard David Maney deposed: He resided at Meanee, and knew the defendant George Pryor Donnelly. Mr Donnelly was in his employ as station manager at Patea, Omahu, and Moteo. During 1875 he had pack horses employed between Omahu and Patea. During July 1875, the defendant had a conversation with him with respect to the pack horses. Mr Donnelly then informed him it would be necessary to send a quantity of food for the pack horses on the road between Omahu and Patea at a sort of depot he had on the road at a place called Whanawhanu [Whana Whana]. He said oats and maize were wanted. He gave instructions that 100 bags of oats and maize should be obtained and stored at Korokipo for the purpose of the pack-horses. The oats and maize were to come from Omahu, and stored at Korikipo [Korokipo]. His instructions to the defendant were that 100 bags were to be forwarded to the depot from Omahu as he requested it. Mr Donnelly had never purchased maize or oats from him. He never rendered any account of oats or maize used by him. He certainly had no authority from him to use oats and maize for his own purpose in a wholesale way. He would not have objected to him taking one or two or even three feeds. He never even gave Mr Donnelly authority to use as much as even a feed. His attention was drawn to the fact that oats and maize were used for other purposes than for the station by Mr McIntosh, the clerk, at Omahu, about February in this year. He knew Mr Martelli, who was in his employ at Korikipo in 1876, and understood his duties were to keep the Korikipo station books. He did not personally engage Martelli. He had a conversation with Martelli last March at the Omahu store. Mr Martelli then gave him a paper (now produced marked A.) He saw him take that information in the paper from a memorandum book.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: He was aware that Mr Donnelly was at Korokipo, and it was a stipulation and condition with the Bank of Australasia in December, 1875, that Mr Donnelly was to remain as Manager of the station for twelve months from the 6th of December, 1875, to December 6, 1876. It was a stipulation and condition of his giving possession of the premises to the Bank (copy of agreement marked B produced.) He knew his name was not mentioned in that agreement as a party to it. He did not pay any of Mr Donnelly’s salary, but it was charged to him in the account of the Bank. The conversation between himself and Mr Donnelly took place sometime between July and September, 1875. It was about that time he was storing maize and oats on the Korokipo station. The conversation took place at Omahu in his private room. No other person was present. Some of the oats and maize were sent before and after he delivered over possession to the Bank. He did not see the grain delivered at Korokipo, or did he see any portion taken away. The information he obtained from books kept by clerks in his employ. He swore most positively that he (witness) never gave any authority to Mr Donnelly to take grain for his racehorses or his pigs. He never told Mr Donnelly he could use oats or maize as he thought fit. He did not remember Mr Donnelly ever saying his oats and maize were in the wool-shed, and saying the wool-shed would be shortly required, and asking what would be done with the oats and maize. He may or may not have asked. He used to look at this stations ledgers every six months. He never saw the station diary or journal. When Mr McIntosh called his attention to the grain account not balancing, he made enquiries. This was in February, 1877. Mr McIntosh referred him to Mr Martelli for further information. He got the information from Mr Martelli in March, or the end of February. In reply, Mr Martelli told him that the oats had been used by Mr Donnelly’s race horses, and the maize by his pigs. This was before Mr Mantelli [Martelli] gave him the document. He did not ask any information from Mr Donnelly because he would not speak to him. He did not speak to Mr Donnelly in a friendly way since, not even at Renata’s meeting. He had a conversation with Mr Donnelly on the Omahu road, when he told him what his opinion was of him. This took place about a month ago. When he returned from Poverty Bay he attended at Renata’s pa, when he first quarrelled with the prisoner. He met him since on the Omahu road. He was only in Renata’s house three minutes, and he then called Donnelly a name which would prevent any conversation. He took no legal steps until the time of his laying this information. He could not say he had been on amiable terms with Mr Donnelly up to the time he found this out. He never missed the grain from the shed, as he only went there very seldom. It was the custom for all station owners to feed all horses used for their station work.
Re-examined by Mr Cornford: He gave the Bank of Australasia possession of the whole station. He never lived on the station himself. He had a store at Omahu at the time. The oats and maize were not handed over to the Bank. They were his. After his conversation with Martelli in March, he did not see Martelli again until three weeks or a month ago. There had been no delay on his part in instituting these proceedings. As soon as he was convinced he took the present steps.
William Nepean McIntosh deposed: He was an accountant, residing in Napier at present. From 1875 up to a few weeks ago he was a clerk in Mr Maney’s employ at Omahu. He remembered oats and maize being at Omahu in 1875. Some was taken to the wool-shed at Korikipo to be stored there. Martelli was at Korikipo, and he (witness) told him to keep an account of what went, and what came from there. Martelli gave him slips of paper containing the oats and maize that were there. He kept the ledger from these slips, and from what Martelli told him verbally. (The memorandum was then put in and marked C.) About 250 bags of oats went to Korikipo. He thought in August. Mr Donnelly was then living at Korikipo. There were horses on the station.
At this stage the Court adjourned till 2.30.
George Smith, a horse-breaker, residing at Clive, was then sworn, and deposed as to the breaking-in of certain horses belonging to defendant, and to feeding them with oats and maize brought from the Korokipo wool-shed. Witness supposed that twenty bags were consumed in that way.
Edward Chase swore to the horses Otupai, Tawera, Tamatia, and some colts, belonging to defendant, were not used for station purposes.
Horace Martelli deposed that he was employed by Mr R. D. Maney at the Korikipo station, and his evidence went to corroborate that of George Smith.
The Court then adjourned till 11 o’clock this day.
A person who gave his name to the police as Evan Thomas, who had been arrested for drunkenness, and afterwards let out on bail, did not make his bow to the Court, and his bail money of £1 was therefore ordered to be forfeited.
John Murphy, a Spit loafer, was brought, charged with having been found last evening sleeping among the shavings on the premises of Mr Ben Johnson, Port Ahuriri. He pleaded guilty to the charge, and was sent to prison for fourteen days, filling up his spare time with working for the public benefit.
James Topping was charged by Constable Harvey with driving an express at a furious rate at Port Ahuriri on Saturday last.
The defendant denied the charge.
Constables Harvey and Irwin gave evidence in support of the information.
William Arnold was called as a witness for the defendant, but as his evidence only confirmed what the constables had stated, His Worship fined the defendant £1, with costs 11s 6d, or in default one month’s imprisonment. He also promised the defendant that, should he come before him again on a similar charge, he would make the fine £5.
This case was again resumed.
Horace Martelli, cross-examined by Mr. Lascelles: I had a memorandum marked A put in my hand yesterday: it was copied from my pocket book. The entries were made whenever the oats and maize went to the island. I always knew when it went over there. I made the entries in my pocket book in consequence of what McIntosh told me. It is an absolutely true copy of what I entered in my pocket book. I swear it is a true account of what Mr. Donnelly took to the island. I first told my employer, Mr. Maney, about Mr. Donnelly having taken this grain in January or February of this year. I did not mention it to Mr. Maney because he did not ask me about it. I did not make these entires [entries] that have been taken in any other book. I don’t recollect having shown them to anyone in any other book. Both Mr. Donnelly and I used to keep the station diary. I did not enter in the station diary what the race horses got. I did enter what was taken for the pigs. The items in the memorandum marked A were not entered in the station diary. I will not swear that I did not do so. The station diary was kept at Korokipo with the station books. Mr Maney could have seen it if he wanted to; it was kept outside on the office table. I do not recollect Mr Maney ever looking at it. I was told to enter everything that occurred at the station. Anything to do with the station I entered in it. As Mr Donnelly found fault with me for sending away maize to Whanawhana before I thought if I made any entries about the oats and maize going to the island for his racehorses, he would send me about my business. That is my reason for not entering it in the diary. I entered the maize for the pigs, because I thought the pigs belonged to Mr Merritt, and that he would be charged for feeding them. I entered these items in memo marked A in my pocket book. But do not recollect entering them in the station diary by Mr Donnelly’s instructions. I look at the diary (put in) on February 29th. I see the items. Smith took three bags of oats over to the Island for colts. On March 23rd Smith took over three bags of maize for the colts. On April 10th I took 3 bags of oats and 1 bag of maize. On 9th May I took over 3 bags of oats to the island for colts. On 13th June, Munn and Smith took over 3 bags of oats and 3 bags of maize, and the items are in my handwriting. I recollect now I see the entries, having entered them. I remember making entries of all the maize the pigs got, when I knew they got it. That book may contain an entry of the Whanawhana transaction. Mr Donnelly was always kicking up a row with me when ever I did anything. From February, 1876, I believe Mr Donnelly was constantly kicking up a row with me. He twice gave me notice of dismissal, owing to my bad behaviour. Once was at the time of the flood. I don’t recollect the month. He was always finding fault with me as the accounts were not properly kept. I had three horses of my own at different times which I kept at the station. They may have got a feed of oats now and then out of the wool shed. I did not see Mr McIntosh take any oats out of the wool shed. I have seen Mr Lyon and others get feeds for their horses out of the wool shed, and it was the practice for any respectable persons who came there to get feed for their horses out of the wool shed. I remember a native called Piraka bringing over six bags of oats in payment to Mr Donnelly for the service of his horse. I believe it was put in the wool shed. The bags mentioned in the memorandum marked A have nothing to do with the bags Piraka brought down. I don’t know whether any mark was put on Piraka’s bags. I do not think I was present when Smith took out the first lot of oats out of the wool shed. I only recollect myself the two lots I took, and the lot Jimmy Munn took. I believe Piraka’s lot came down before the lot came from Omahu, and I believe that quantity that Piraka brought went over to the island before Smith came. There was none of the oats or maize that came from Omahu – I mean the big lot – in the wool shed when Piraka’s lot came down. I remember Piraka’s lot being put in the woolshed – I don’t recollect if it went into the wool-shed when Piraka’s lot came down. What I recollect is that the woolshed was full of grain in 1875, and Piraka’s lot came down in 1874.
Re-examined by Mr Cornford: I recollect Atlantie. He was never in Smith’s or Munn’s charge. I recollect Pacific at the island. Pacific went away in April, 1875, after the races. Atlanti was at the island till the time he died in 1875. The diary produced is one of Mr Munn’s station books. I saw it this year. This book, and the diary for 1874, 1875, and 1876, and other books were put in the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers in Mr Donnelly’s room at Korokipo. This was in March this year, a day or two before I left. The chest of drawers was Mr Maney’s.
The Magistrate remarked he did not think the case would hold water for one minute. The case would be dismissed.
Mr Cornford said he would withdraw the other cases.
Mr Lascelles objected, as it was a charge of felony.
The Magistrate said the one for felony would be dismissed, and the one for misdemeanour would be withdrawn.
Shipping Intelligence.
21 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
23 – Taupo, s.s., from Auckland via Tauranga and Gisborne. Passengers – Mrs. Williams, Miss Spencer, Revds. Williams and Spencer, Messrs Wilson, Maunsell, Irvine, Snodgrass, and two natives.
23 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Mesdames Wells and Casley, Messrs. Walpole, Bulmer, and Edwards.
23 – Columbia, schooner, from Lyttelton. Passengers – Mrs Conway, child and servant.
24 – Rotorua, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mesdames Spencer, White, two children and servant, Messrs Brydon, Smith, Chrisp, Price, McLean, White, Gelmour, Anderson, Locke, Wilson, Davie, Nichol, Harding, three steerage, and 41 for Auckland and Sydney.
24 – Saucy Kate, schooner, from Whangapoua.
25 – Sir Donald, s.s., from Gisborne via Portland Island. Passengers – Messrs. Feneran, Byrne, Orr, Berry, and two others.
26 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs. Anderson (2), Miss Cooper, Messrs. Taine, Speer, Price, Dowell, and Boon.
26 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Castle Point. Passengers – Mr Warnes, and five steerage.
27 – Fairy, s.s., from Waikari.
20 Storm Bird, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Miss Donnelly, Messrs Kember, Parker, Harris, Hill, Dally, Austin, McMann, Corcoran, and 4 in the steerage.
20 – Sir Donald, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs Finneran, Bond, Bryce, and Owen.
21- Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mr George Cutts and two boys
22 – Maud Graham, schooner, for Picton.
23 – Taupo, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Miss Hart, Captain Russell, H.H.R., Messrs G. Ormond, A. Price, and Miller.
24 – Rotorua, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Mrs Fry and child, Messrs Wood and Dyer.
26 – Fairy, s.s., for Mohaka and Wakamahi. Passengers – several natives.
26 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Messrs. Tideman, Gouk, Sutton, and Guthry.
27 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs. Plante, Mrs. Brown (2), Miss Brown, Rev. Mr Brown, Rev. H.B. Redstone, Messrs. Buchanan, Byre, Simons, Hill, Skelley, and Skipper.
The three-masted schooner Mary Wadley arrived at the anchorage about 11 o’clock on Friday.
The Mary Wadley has made the passage from Newcastle in less time than she ever did before, viz., 8 days 23 hours.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, left at 4 o’clock on Friday. In crossing the bar, she grazed all the way, and once nearly stopped altogether. There was only eight feet of water, but the tides are just now very low.
From the Otago Daily Times we learn that the Helen Denny, Captain Ruth, had rather a rough passage from England to Otago this trip. On the 18th August, she reached the 77th meridian, and there the first of a succession of heavy gales caught her. It was a terrific blow from S.W., and raised a heavy sea, and after running as long as prudent, the barque was hove to for 14 hours under lower topsails. During the gale she shipped large quantities of water, and lost part of her top-gallant bulwarks. As the gale moderated she bore away, and on the 23rd she was assailed by another severe blow from the same quarter, and hove-to again under lower main-topsail goosewing, lower foretopsail, and the mizen [mizzen]. Whilst the hands were preparing to round her to they had their corns softened by a couple of big seas, which tumbled on board first over one rail and then over the other, as she rolled to it. The men were really washed about the deck by the water. That time she was hove-to 20 hours, and again on the 27th she had come to the wind for a few hours during the height of a severe N.W. gale. On the 28th she crossed the meridian of Cape Leeuwin, racing away with strong gales behind her; but on the 30th heave-to was again the word, when another very heavy N.W. gale assailed her. She lay to for 18 hours, and then made another stretch to the eastward; passed Tasmania on the 2nd instant, and was abreast of the Snares on the 6th, but not within sight of them, the weather being thick. There she fell in with the last of the heavy gales – a sneezer from S.W. – with terrific sea, and weathered it, hove-to for 24 hours. From a letter received from Captain Ruth last week, he expects to be in Napier in about a week.
The s.s. Taupo, Captain Carey, arrived at anchorage early on Sunday morning. She was immediately tendered by the Bella, and all the passengers landed. She discharged her cargo to the Three Brothers, and left a little before noon, and arrived at Wellington at 9 next morning.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, arrived in the Bay at 3 p.m. on Sunday, having had a fair weather passage all down the coast. She has about half-a-dozen passengers, and about 40 tons of cargo, including a quantity of jams and fruit transhipped ex Bella Mary from Hobart Town. The Cross took sheep only this trip to Auckland. We must congratulate Captain Holmes, his officers and men, for the successful manner in which they deliver their different cargoes of live stock at the Thames and Auckland.
The schooner Columbia, Captain Conway, arrived in the Bay about 5 o’clock on Sunday. It being about half-flood tide at the time, and Captain Conway thinking he was going to be detained outside by the coming bad weather, took the bar on his own account, missing the proper channel. She grounded, and after being hit several times by the heavy seas, she eventually got over the bar and into deep water. At times her keel was almost visible, and some of the seas broke half way up her mainsail. Fortunately neither vessel or cargo sustained any damage. She is loaded with grain.
The Rotorua, Capt A. Kennedy arrived at the anchorage at 8.56 a.m. on Monday, having left Port Chalmers at 3.10 p.m. on the 21st; arrived at Lyttelton at 9.30 a.m. the following morning; left there at 5.45 p.m., and reached Wellington at 9.30 a.m. on Sunday; resumed her voyage at 1.15 p.m., and arrived here as above, and left again for Auckland and Sydney at 11.30 a.m., after landing a large number of passengers, and discharging about 10 tons of cargo to the Bella. The Rotorua had light winds and fine weather to Lyttelton; experienced light winds with dense fog off the Kaikouras to Wellington; from there stormy head winds to arrival here. We have much pleasure in informing our readers that Captain A. Kennedy, so long and favorably known on the New Zealand coast, is now in command of the Rotorua, but whether permanently or not we cannot say. We are indebted to Mr Pringle, purser, for the above report.
At high water slack on Tuesday the Pilot found only about seven feet on the bar.
On Monday the pilot crew had a very narrow escape of being swamped. Pilot Kraeft was rounding the bar, when a sea broke on board and filled the boat to the thwrt [thwart]. Fortunately the crew had just time to back her astern, or the next sea would have swamped the boat. The only inconvenience felt was that the crew got a good ducking.
The advanced state of the Harbor Works ought now to prove if they are going to be of any service to the port. From the present state, it is exceedingly doubtful.
The s.s. Sir Donald returned from Poverty Bay on Tuesday with a few passengers. In passing Portland Island, a signal was made for the steamer to call. Captain Watson lowered his boat, and embarked two passengers, who have been working at the Lighthouse.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, left Wellington at 12.30 a.m. on Tuesday; experienced calm sea and light winds throughout the passage, arriving in the roadstead at 1 a.m. on Wednesday; rounded Cape Palliser at 4.30 a.m. on Tuesday; Castle Point at 12.30 p.m.; Turnagain at 4.30 p.m.; Kidnappers at 11.30 p.m., anchoring as above stated. Crossed the bar on Wednesday at 7 a.m., and was safely moored at the breastwork at 7.30. She brings about 100 tons general cargo, principally tea, ex Ocean, from China. She also had on board a very handsome Shetland pony for Mr. McLean. We are indebted to Mr. Dugdale, purser, late of the s.s. Storm Bird, for report, but he had no late files, none having been given him in Wellington.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain J. Campbell, left Wellington on Tuesday, with the barque Edward Basset in tow till 9 p.m.; at 10 a.m. next morning arrived at Castle Point; discharged cargo, and left at 1 p.m., arriving in the roadstead at 4 o’clock on Wednesday. She experienced fine weather throughout the passage. On her return to Wellington, she will be taken on the slip and a thorough overhaul made, having been running now four months without examination.
Mr Nancarrow, Inspector of Steamers, was to arrive here by the Hawea on Friday.
The s.s. Fairy left on Wednesday with a full cargo for the Coast.
The Union Company’s s.s. Rotorua, Capt. A. Kennedy, made the passage to Auckland from this port in 35 hours, having arrived there at 10 o’clock on Wednesday.
The s.s. Fairy returned from Mohaka and Waikari at 3 o’clock on Thursday, having been unable even to anchor at the former place, and succeeding in landing only one boat load at Waikari.
The s.s. Rangatira left the breastwork at 8.15 on Thursday. She had a fair complement of passengers, and a little cargo. She also took in about 15 tons ballast to trim. We notice this vessel is for the future going to be steered from the bridge. Captain Evans expects the necessary stand and wheel chain to be fixed this trip in Wellington.
The s.s. Kiwi followed the Rangatira, and Captain Campbell anchored his vessel in the Bay, and proceeded to Castle Point and Wellington at 3 p.m. She has cargo for the former place not landed on the upward trip.
The brigantine Enterprise, Captain Mundle (well-known in Napier) from Kaipara bound for Lyttelton with a cargo of timber, ran in to port at 10 last night, through stress of weather. On crossing the Kaipara bar on the 14th, with a fresh N.W. breeze and heavy seas, her head-board and rails, several stanchions, &c., were carried away. At midnight, the wind being very strong from W.S.W. and high sea, a portion of the starboard bulwarks were carried away; thence had variable weather till noon on the 17th, when she anchored under Mana Island, blowing hard from the southward. At 6 a.m. yesterday, got underweigh with a light W.N.W. breeze, lasting till half across the Strait, and then shifting to a strong S.W.; this lasted only a few hours, dying away to a calm; at 5 p.m. a stiff S.E. breeze sprang up, and the vessel was headed for Wellington, arriving as above. The weather encountered is described as something terrific, and Captain Mundle had a very narrow escape from being washed overboard. At one time all hands, with the exception of the captain (who was at the wheel), were aloft, when a tremendous sea broke aboard, almost burying her. The crew could not see anything beneath them but the foaming sea, and fully expected the skipper had been washed overboard, but on descending found he had with great difficulty held on to the wheel. – Wellington paper.
Since the Rangatira was here great improvements and additions have been made in her, a brief description of which will no doubt be interesting to our readers. She has been fitted with a new boiler and a pair of new compound engines, of 70 horse-power nominal, the whole having been executed at Mr Mill’s Lion Foundry, under the Superintendent of Mr Seagar, foreman. The work reflects great credit upon those engaged in it, and will be another additional proof that any work connected with steam now can be done in the colony without sending home or to Australia. In addition to the above a new three bladed propeller (Griffith’s patent) has been fitted, a foot larger in diameter than the late one, which is expected to give her an additional two knots an hour more. She will also not burn as much fuel by ten tons a day as formerly. This alone is a considerable saving.
The saloon accommodation has been considerably increased and improved, Messrs Coffey and Dixon having been the contractors for the upholstery work. We need not say that everything has been done by the above firms in their usual creditable manner, the cushions on the seats and sides of the dining saloon being of horse hair and covered with green velvet pile. Fourteen enclosed births [berths] for gentlemen have been fitted in her and there is open birth [berth] accommodation for twelve men in the saloon. The ladies saloon has not been interfered with, except with new fittings, and decoration, neither has the sitting room for the ladies on deck, or the smoking room for gentlemen, been altered.
The owners, the N.Z.S.S. Company, deserve great credit for the enterprise shown in fitting the Rangatira as they have. We should imagine it has cost fully £6000 to complete her. Capt Evans is in command, Mr Berriman, chief officer; Mr Greenwood engineer and Mr Dugdale purser.
The loss of a fishing boat at Wellington with three men drowned occurred last week. The fishing boat Saucy Lass arrived at the pilot station, partially disabled, with loss of sails, and other damage, having made the station with great difficulty and danger. The crew came ashore, leaving their boat, as she was unable in her state to beat up harbor in the teeth of the N.W. gale then blowing, and walked up to town, when they brought the sad news that another fishing boat, the Bluebell, which had been in company with them, had been capsized in Cook’s Straits on her way from Port Underwood. All hands were lost. It appears that four fishing boats – the Bluebell, Saucy Lass, Florence, and Garibaldi, left this harbor on Sunday morning last, the company bound for the fishing grounds of Port Underwood. They arrived all right; after a couple of days’ fishing the Bluebell and Saucy Lass started together on their return voyage for Wellington; yesterday morning they had strong westerly breeze abeam, and were making good progress, the Saucy Lass drawing ahead of her companion. Both had come about half way across the strait, and the Saucy Lass was leading by about a mile, when her crew, looking back for the Bluebell, found that she had disappeared suddenly. They at once put back at considerable peril, as it was blowing hard at the time. The wind rapidly increasing to a heavy gale, they looked about some time, looking anxiously for some sign of their comrades, but nothing was to be seen. After a long search they were forced to the conclusion that the boat must have capsized and gone down instantly. All hands must have perished. They then shaped their course for the pilot station, and arrived as above. The names of the three men who were lost in the Bluebell were Jeremiah Hay, an Englishman, aged about 30; Giorgio Domenic, an Italian, aged 35; Charles Amile, a Frenchman, aged 24. All unmarried. The Bluebell was a boat of only about four tons’ size, much too small for it to be safe for her to run across the stormy strait, in this rough weather.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. –
Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahoarite [Tahoraiti], Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui [ Wainui ], and Castle Point.
On the other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
ENQUIRER. – There is no necessity to publish your letter. You are quite right in saying a run in Hawke’s Bay, that might have been considered in 1867 worth £1000 to £1500 a year, would not have been valued at more than £500 a year in 1870. There was nothing inconsistent in Mr. Ormond saying, in 1867, that the Te Aute estate would let at from £1000 to £1500 a year, and, in 1870, assisting to value the property at £500 a year. In 1870 it cost more to grow wool than what it would fetch in the market. In 1867 wool-growing was not believed to be an unprofitable industry. In 1872 the wool market revived.
BOGGS. – At Napier, on September 20, the wife of Mr. George Boggs, of a son.
NEAL. – At Napier, on September 24, the wife of Mr H. Neal, of a daughter.
GARNER. – At Napier, on September 24, the wife of F.W. Garner, of a son.
UDALL. – At the Napier Hospital, on September 21, of consumption, Thomas Udall, aged 49 years.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
The Weekly Mercury
THE long looked-for want of confidence motion has been tabled at last, in the shape of Mr. Larnach’s motion – “That this House disapproves of the action of the Government in continuing to publish the Waka Maori newspaper at the public expense, in defiance of a vote of the House, and in allowing its columns to be used for the publication of libellous matter.” It is stated by our correspondent that this motion took the Government by surprise, but some such expression of disapproval has been expected by the country since the opening of the session. It was impossible for the Ministry to believe that the Opposition would entirely overlook their utter disregard of a resolution of the House, and a motion embodying direct censure, could only be accepted as one of want of confidence. It is probable, however, that the existence of the Waka Maori might have been ignored had it not have made itself so prominent of late, and put the country
to so much expense, through the publication of libels. But, in any case, the Government have exhibited so much weakness since the commencement of the session that, if the Waka Maori had not have been made the subject of censure, a want of confidence motion sooner or later was sure to have been tabled. It appears that both parties are pretty confident of success, but it is generally believed that the Government will be able to command a small majority.
IN consequence of the storekeepers in the Seventy-Mile Bush finding it cheaper to obtain their goods from Wellington rather than from Napier, an impression is prevalent that, on the completion of railway communication between Wellington and Napier, the whole trade of this town will pass to the Empire City. The reason why goods can be obtained at Woodville at less cost from Wellington than from Napier is easily explained. The distance from Wellington to Foxton, by water carriage, is about 70 miles; from Foxton to Palmerston, by railway, 24 miles; from Palmerston to Woodville, 16 miles, cartage. From Wellington to Napier, water carriage, 200 miles; from Napier to Takapau, by railway, 55 miles; from Takapau to Woodville, 43 miles, along a very badly maintained bush road. It will thus be seen that the difference in distance of land carriage is greatly in favor of the Wellington route, although there may be little or no difference in rates of freight between Wellington and Napier and Foxton. We do not think there is much cause for alarm concerning the trade of this port, for although the sanguine expectations respecting the harbor improvement scheme can never be realised; although a 500 ton ship will never be able to come alongside our wharves, there must be always a coastal trade, though direct importations should cease for ever. The abandonment of the scheme for an artificial harbor for the present paltry plan to deepen the water on the bar, sealed the fate of Napier. And though it can never rise to be a port of any importance, it will always have sufficient vitality to be, if not a bustling, at least a prosperous place.
SOME short time back, we pointed out the mischievous effects the suppression of transactions in native lands would have on the East Coast of this island, and we are glad to see that both Europeans and Maoris are taking active steps to represent to the Government the injustice of proceeding with such a measure. The Bay of Plenty, and Poverty Bay, have raised their voices against the Bill, and we are assured that the natives between Petane and Gisborne, including the large Wairoa tribes, evince the greatest alarm at a measure which they rightly regard as intended for their destruction. At the present moment, negotiations are pending for the lease of large and valuable blocks of native land between this and Poverty Bay; country hitherto lying idle, but which the Maori owners now seek to utilise in order to acquire means for the cultivation and improvement of land they hold for their own use. On the strength of these negotiations being brought to a satisfactory and honorable conclusion, the natives have borrowed considerable sums of money, which they have no means of repaying if they are debarred from either letting or selling their surplus lands. In the meantime, the Maoris are being sued for the payment of outstanding accounts, and judgment summonses are issued against them. This is quite enough to raise a feeling of alarm amongst the natives, but apart from that, there is natural indignation expressed at the intention of the Government to interfere with the rights appertaining to the possession of Crown Grants. The Maoris holding land under Crown Grants, boldly assert that they will not be bound by any Act that may be passed, which will, in its operation, rob the titles to their land of their value. We very much doubt the legality of the action of the Government in this matter, and we think the obnoxious Bill had better be withdrawn before the East Coast is again immersed in native troubles.
SIR. – Having lately received from England by mail a magnified colored drawing of this new American pest – the Colorado Beetle, or Potatoe Bug, – (Doryphora decemlineata – the ten-lined spear-bearer,) which also shows the insect in its several states, of egg (on the Potatoe plant), or larvae, and of chrysalis, – by which it may easily be known should it unfortunately visit us; I have considered how best to make it as public as possible, and have thought of asking you to publish this short note of introduction in the TELEGRAPH of to-day, to let your readers and the public know, that Messrs. Colledge and Craig, booksellers, have kindly consented to place the said drawing in their shop window, where it may be seen.
And with your permission, I will just write for your columns, to-morrow, a short popular account of this new enemy. – I am, &c.,
Napier, September 24, 1877.
SIR, – The Old Country, – or, I might truly say, all Europe, – is in daily expectation of the arrival there of an American stranger; and never was any arrival on those shores, in modern times, so dreaded or so cordially hated. The American papers abound with much concerning this hateful pest to man; its growth and habits, from the egg to the perfect insect, are fully given, – all, however ending in taking up its unwelcome residence on the potatoe plant. Fearing that this Beetle will also make its appearance here in New Zealand, and believing that to be forewarned is to be forearmed, I have collected some information concerning it (from several scientific and other papers) for your journal, which I hope may prove of some little service.
Habits and Life. – The Doryphora decemlineata (the ten-lined spear-bearer) is no novelty to entomologists. More than 50 years ago Say found it feeding on Solanum rostratum, a poor relation of the edible potatoe, growing on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains in N. America. It was not, however, until about 16 years ago that it first became notorious. Just then Colorado and some of the lands on the Rocky Mountain slopes began to be settled, and, of course, potatoe fields to be cultivated. Then it was that Doryphora appeared in all the native viciousness of its character. It deserted the wild Solanum for the cultivated one, and soon committed immense havoc in the potatoe fields. It also displayed a tendency to move, not west – like its enemy, man – but eastward. It travelled on, on, from potatoe field to potatoe field, throughout the States by way of the Pacific Railroad, easily and expeditiously. Week after week its progress was recorded, until it had been found in every potatoe-growing state or province from Canada to the southern limits of the United States. It was the most accommodating of insects; it would go afoot, or it would fly. It would take a lift in an emigrant’s waggon, or it would ride in a Pullman car. It would nestle in a soldier’s knapsack, or travel in an Indian’s blanket. But move forward it always did! It travelled in 10 years at the rate of 80 miles or so a year, and endured all the changes of climate which 40° below zero in the winter, and 100° in the shade in summer may express. And here it may be noted, that many a wise man proved to be at fault; for some had said, it could never live in Canada, but they were mistaken. Then, they began to calculate, aye to bet! on its speed; they announced it could not reach the American shores of the Atlantic before 1881; but, again, they proved false prophets. The “Potatoe Bug” as our American cousins call it, made better time by four years than it was believed capable of; for the last two it has been a familiar sight in the Dominion. There its manners have not improved. It not only travels by flying, and by navigating (so to speak) smooth water, but also travels on common carts, railway carriages and platforms, or decks of vessels, &c., especially during the months of August and September. In localities fully invaded the beetles may (to quote from a memorandum by the Canadian Minister of Agriculture) be seen creeping on side-walks, bridges, and wharves, crawling up buildings, roosting on fences, lodging in every crevice, penetrating houses and dwellings, ascending and occupying carriages of every description, finding their way into boats and vessels, from a river steamer to a mud scow, placing themselves, in short, on any and every article, and being found alive after a long sojourn, in situations where there would seem to exist no chance for them to find subsistence. It goes everywhere and does good nowhere. In Ontario at present the province is swarming with the beetle. People in Europe thought that the sea-air or the ocean voyage would kill it’ but, unfortunately for the theory, it was seen on board ships 30 miles out at sea in such abundance that the hatches had to be shut down to keep it out of mischief, while the New-England sea-shore is in places frequently marked by a long bank of the bodies of the beetle washed up by the waves, and the scent tainting the air. And at last it was seen in Europe, in a field at Mulheim in Rhineland! And, no doubt, in spite of all exertion and energy on the part of Custom-House Officers and other officials, it will arrive in Great Britain, Ireland, and Europe; and, possibly, here, too, in New Zealand, even before it gets there. Meantime, if the reader should ever see an insect like the one in the colored drawing placed in Colledge and Craig’s window in this town, he cannot do better than to put his foot on it.
Breeding, &c., – This noxious pest brings forth its evil brood in this wise: the eggs are deposited by the female to the number of 7 to 1200, at intervals during 40 days, on the leaves of the potato in loose clusters. In about 6 days they hatch into larvae or grubs, and feed upon the leaves of the plant from 17 to 20 days. Then they descend into the ground, after remaining in the pupa or mummy-like state (to which the larvae change) for 10 or 12 days, they again make their appearance as perfect beetles. In about a week the sexes pair, and in another week the females begin to lay their eggs again. Hence it is calculated that they can produce 3 broods a year. A female has been kept alive six weeks without food, and yet after this long fast has laid 1,200 eggs! The Entomologist to the U. States Department of Agriculture informs us, that if the progeny of a single pair were allowed to increase without molestation for one season only, the result would be over sixty millions. No variety of potato is safe from these destructive insects. At one time it was believed in Pennsylvania that they would not attack the early rose potatoes, but this variety was only exempt for a time; the beetle in the end “went in for them.”
The Enemies of the Beetle. – There is no animal and no plant but has one or more enemies which prey upon it, and in this manner keep it in check. Nor is the Colorado Beetle without them. More than twenty insects are scientifically named in the American reports as being known to prey upon this beetle. As nearly all of those insects are American it is of little use mentioning their names here, but there is one of the lot, a small parasite or louse, that cannot be wholly overlooked. The little creature (known as the Uropeda Americana, belongs to the family of Acarida, or mites,) is about the size of a small pin’s head, and sticks to, and penetrates the hard shelly case of the beetle, sucking it to death; it is often found in great numbers on a single beetle, sometimes wholly covering it. The common Coccinella or “lady-bird,” which is so familiar in gardens as an enemy to ants, also preys upon it. Of this genus we have two, or more, species in New Zealand. It is to be hoped, if the pest naturalises itself here, in this country, some of our numerous insects will be ready to give it a welcome! For, (as a writer upon it justly remarks,) – it is just possible that it may meet its match among some beetle or other insect whose final purpose had hitherto been unsuspected. Besides, however, its insect foes, several birds prey upon it; notably the cross-beak, the crow, and the sparrow. – These two last are considered the best natural checks known to its increase, and on them the greatest reliance is placed.
Remedies against the Beetle. – We have seen in the papers, that the German authorities at Mulheim covered the field in which its larvae were discovered with sawdust soaked in petroleum, and set it on fire. This it is feared, is too grand for general adoption. Most stringent directions have also been issued, enjoining the Custom House officers and others to keep a good look out among cargoes of foreign potatoes &c., arriving in England and elsewhere, but this, it is believed, will not accomplish much. The Canadian Government have recommended – (1) “Searching for every potato beetle.” (2) Frequent visits to the potato field, and searching for the eggs on the under side of the leaves. (3) Watching for the presence of the larvae on the plants, in order to destroy them by means of Paris green, the only substance yet discovered to be effectually operative on a large scale for the destruction of the insect in its grub state. The United States Agricultural Department recommends the Paris green to be mixed with ashes or flour, one part to 12 or 15; to be dusted over the plants in the morning when the dew is on the foliage; but the operator must keep well to windward, as the Paris green is a deadly poison being composed largely of arsenic. The Paris green has also been applied mixed at the rate of 1lb to 48 gallons, this is a much safer plan. Some persons having a prejudice against Paris green recommend hand-picking; but it must not be forgotten, that insects caught in this manner should never be crushed with the fingers, as they are quite poisonous. Deaths have resulted from breathing the steam that has been used to kill them, and also
from carelessly partaking of food without washing the hands after handling these insects. Another method of killing them has been adopted in America. The fields infested were ploughed up, and “paddled” to destroy the insects with their eggs. In Nebraska the following plan was carried out with success: – As soon as the grubs were hatched in the early spring, the potato fields were harrowed with a slanting (backward) tooth harrow; the beams knocked off the grubs and the teeth buried them in the soil, from which they had not the power to rise. When the plants were over 6 inches high, a two-horse 4-shovel maize cultivator was used, having sticks of round fir-wood, three feet long, hung by ropes across the frame about a foot and half in advance of the shovel blade; the dangling sticks knocked off the grubs and the shovel effectually buried them. One farmer says, “I do this in the middle of a hot, dry, day, and have kept two acres completely clear by going through once a week, thus keeping down the bugs and the weeds at the same operation. Two or three hours’ work of this kind will accomplish more than a dozen children in a whole day, with sticks and pans, according to the old way.”
These remedies have in many cases been successful in saving the crops, and in every case have been effectual in greatly decreasing the ravages of the insect.
Referring to the exhibited colored drawing, I would observe, – that (as far as I know) we have no Beetle which resembles it, therefore it will be easily known by the markings alone. The larvae or grubs sometimes vary in colour from brick-red to a kind of rosy tint, but as the skin gets older the colour pales; but the grub can always be recognised by the shape and peculiar black spots on the sides. The Beetle itself also varies a little in colour, (possibly according to its food,) ranging from a dull white between the black stripes to a rich yellow. The black marks on the thorax (the portion next to the head) are not alike, varying in every insect; the constant character being the “ten lines,” which indeed, on a cursory examination appear only eight – four on each wing. The drawing represents the male beetle; in the female the legs are slightly less developed. The eggs are invariably found attached to the under surface of the leaves.
You and I, Mr Editor, have both seen and experienced a little of the consequences of insect ravages here in Hawke’s Bay. Our best apple trees were destroyed by the introduced American Apple-blight; and our cabbages and turnips were for a time unknown as articles of food owing to the introduced Cabbage-blight, – which, also, exterminated the useful “Maori,” or wild, Cabbage of the Country. While not a few of our settlers have often suffered largely from the ravages of our indigenous insects, – Caterpillars and Dolphin-grubs, Grasshoppers and brown beetles. And I have also, seen the sad total loss of fine and promising crops of wheat through the vegetable blights, commonly called “Rust” and “Smut.”
But all these are but light in comparison with this heavier pest, as this attacks and destroys one of our great mainstays, the potatoe. Should this beetle get a footing here, in our temperate evergreen climate, I shudder to thing [think] of the probable consequences – to both races. Hence I have endeavoured to do my best, in early calling public attention to it, and to the necessity (if it should come) of meeting the foe on the threshold.
By-and-by I shall seek to send the colored Drawing, of this Beetle pest in all its stages, to some shop window in our townships of Taradale, Clive, Hastings, Waipawa, Waipukurau and Clyde; which exhibition, together with your kind and ready publishing in the columns of your paper, will tend to make our common enemy pretty well known. – I am, &c.,
Napier, September 25, 1877.
SIR, – This insect has been among us for the last two years in Mr William Stark’s potato garden at Mohaka.
A gentleman from Canada recognised it as the same pest they were suffering from there, its habits are nocturnal, sleeping about the root of the plant by day. The sickly smell of the house bug is infinitely intensified in this insect. – I am, &c.,
Mohaka, September 24, 1877.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 30th instant, at St. Luke’s Havelock, at 11 a.m.; at St Matthew’s, Hastings, at half past 3; and at St. Mark’s Clive, at 7 p.m.
NOTWITHSTANDING the efforts made to get up a large meeting to consider the position of the Te Aute estate, only eighty persons all told were present on Wednesday in the Protestant Hall, and half of those who attended were either travelling through Napier, or persons drawn thither by curiosity. One reason, however, may be given for the small attendance: Mr Knight, Mr Sheehan’s clerk, who was one of the leading spirits of the movement, either through negligence or design, (we believe the latter), omitted to insert the advertisement calling the meeting as he was desired in the DAILY TELEGRAPH on Wednesday, and therefore the vast majority of the people were unaware that such a meeting would be held. Only those favorable to the Committee were wanted, and only those were present. In reality, only about half the meeting voted for the resolutions, the other half maintaining a strict silence. The curious feature of the meeting was that speaker after speaker who got up to address the meeting, with the exception of Mr J.N. Wilson apologised for being there, and observed that he was ignorant of the merits of the question, and knew little or nothing about the Te Aute estate, and this was the more observable when Mr. Wilson got up, and in a sensible speech told his auditors that previous speakers had exhibited a large amount of ignorance – that the Te Aute estate was unfit for small farmers – in fact, the promoters had gone the wrong way about attaining the object they had in view, and that they had chosen in Captain Russell the wrong man to present their petition. As showing how little the promoters of the meeting knew what they were driving at, they dropped their former resolution, eagerly accepted Mr. Wilson’s suggestion, and appointed Messrs. Wilson, Rhodes, Buchanan, and Lee a Committee to draw up a petition to the House, in such terms as they might think proper. This, in fact, was the result of the meeting.
The meeting was presided over by the Mayor, who was careful in informing the few present that he was only there by virtue of his office, and knew nothing of his personal knowledge about the Te Aute estate. He read a letter addressed by Mr Carnell to Captain Russell, in which that gentleman was asked which would be the best plan to get the subject of the Te Aute estate brought before Parliament. A telegram from Captain Russell in reply was also read, in which he suggested a petition to Parliament being got up, but was careful enough to state that “he only advised them as to the mode of procedure, and not expressing any opinion on the merits of the case.”
Mr Rhodes then moved the following resolution: –
That the administration of the Te Aute Trust Estate has been unsatisfactory, because for many years no endeavor whatever was made to further the purposes for which the trust was expressly created, viz., the education of the children of both races, and because the efforts in that direction now being made are not in a just proportion to the value of the estate.
Mr Rhodes, after giving a history of previous movements in regard to the Te Aute state, and speaking in high terms of the Rev. S. William’s management of it, advocated cutting the estate up into small allotments, and giving it over to the small farmer.
The resolution was seconded by Mr Carnell, and on being put from the chair about twenty voices voted in its favor.
Mr W. W. Carlile then moved the next resolution as follows: –
That the efforts made in the Legislative Council to bring this and other similar endowments under the control of Parliament have our approval; and our condemnation is expressed of any action whereby on the falling in of the present lease of the Te Aute School Estate and stock a renewal would be granted privately. That, further, as the estate possesses convenient means of transport by rail, is the only land on the Napier-Takapau line in which the public still retains a direct interest, and as much of it is adapted for tillage, a fair and full price for its occupancy can best be secured by its division into suitable lots, and the letting of them by open competition.
Mr Carlile made a lengthy speech in support of the resolution, but it was a mere re-hash of the leaders which have appeared in the Herald on the subject for the past month, also exhibiting the same amount of ignorance. We must, however, do him the credit of saying that he spoke fluently and well, and evidently had well re-hearsed what he intended to say.
Mr N. Jacobs seconded the resolution which, without any further comment, passed in a similar manner as the first resolution.
Mr G. E. Lee next came forward amidst applause, and moved the next resolution: –
That a petition embodying these resolutions be prepared, and entrusted to Captain Russell for presentation to the Honorable the House of Representatives, and that the members of the provincial district be requested to support a prayer for immediate legislative action adapted to prevent the impending sacrifice of public rights to private interest.
After speaking of the management of the estate, he said, it “might be that the present agitation would come to nothing but by petitioning the Government the affair might be enquired into. He had very great esteem for the gentlemen connected with this trust, but thought the subject was one which should be well ventilated.”
Mr Robjohns seconded the resolution, and in doing so mentioned that he believed the estate comprised 7500 acres, capable of carrying 8000 sheep, and the rent was £1000 a year.
Mr J. N. Wilson then rose, and in his well-known style of oratory, said that while he sympathised with the object of the meeting, he did not coincide with the previous resolutions, or thought the promoters of the agitation had gone about the right way of achieving their object. He knew the estate; it would neither bring in such a revenue as supposed, or was it fit for small farmers. They all knew the old proverb, “It was no use crying over spilt milk,” and he thought there had been a good deal spilled at the meeting. He preferred the estate being in the hands of local trustees and not in the hands of the Government, for all knew how the Government managed estates. There was already a Committee of the House now considering the matter. He thought some good would be attained by agitation. He concluded by suggesting that a committee be named consisting of three or four gentlemen interested in the matter, who should be requested to draw up a petition, confining themselves to the condition of the trust, and leave the question of what was to be done with the land, as that was more properly the work of the trustees.
This suggestion was eagerly taken up by the promoters of the meeting, and while Mr Carlile was drafting an amendment to Mr Lee’s resolution, in order to meet Mr Wilson’s views, Mr Buchanan, who was seated in the centre of the Hall was asked by Mr Carnell, (who had requested Mr Buchanan to be present) to address the meeting.
Mr Buchanan rose and said he had been termed “Boanerges,” the “Son of Thunder,” by a correspondent of the TELEGRAPH. He had not intended to address the meeting or take part in it, only as he had now been requested to do so, he would state his views on the Te Aute estate. Mr Buchanan then in a short speech attacked the Rev. S. Williams and his connection with the Te Aute estate. He quite agreed with Mr Wilson that the land was not fit for agricultural, but only for pastoral purposes. He thought the first step must be pastoral, and then agriculture would follow. Mr Buchanan’s attack on the Rev. S. Williams was listened to with utter astonishment by those present who knew the high moral and social standing the speaker occupied as compared with the rev. gentleman he was attacking.
Mr Carlile then moved the amendment to Mr Lee’s resolution, that Messrs J. N. Wilson, Rhodes, Lee, and Buchanan should be appointed a committee to draft a petition, framed in the spirit of the preceding resolutions, to be presented to both Houses.
Mr Lee withdrew his motion and seconded the amendment, which was carried.
The proceedings occupied exactly an hour, and were exceedingly tame and flat.
(From the New Zealand Times.)
A PETITION was lately presented to the Legislative Council signed by the chief Te Hapuku and 203 other natives. The petition sets out that more than fifteen years ago the chiefs, at the request of the Governor and of Bishop Selwyn, made a grand [grant] of land at Te Aute for the establishment of a College; that the Colonial Government gave an equal quantity of land, and the estate was thus made up to 7,500 acres; that in 1855 the school was started by the Rev. Mr. Williams, but that as he employed the children in doing all manner of work, growing food, splitting firewood, &c., &c., and left no time for instruction, they left the school; that the school was re-opened within the last two or three years, but that the majority of children attending it are Ngatiporou, or children of other East Coast tribes, and not those of the resident natives; that the present rental of the land is too low, that it is contemplated to grant a new lease to Mr Williams at £1,000 a year; that the land should be divided into smaller blocks and leased by tender. The petition concludes with a prayer that investigation may take place, and that the proceeds of the land may not be expended on other objects than those for which it was intended. The petition in language, style, and character is not Maori – but Pakeha-Maori; its getting up is no doubt part of the business of the staff of the Wananga, and it was presented to the Legislative Council by a gentleman who has imposed upon him-self the onerous and honorary duties of Chief Protector of Aborigines in Te Aute, Pukemapau, and other places in Hawke’s Bay, the Honorable Henry Robert Russell.
The facts of the case as regards Te Aute school estate appear to be these: – When the block was set apart fifteen years ago it was in a state of nature, unfenced, the hills covered with fern, and the small quantity of level land contained in it rough, undrained, and unproductive. An attempt was made somewhat prematurely to establish a school, but in the war time Te Aute shared the fate of many other institutions of like character which were under missionary guidance, and was deserted by the pupils. Unlike some of those institutions in the North, however, the objects of the trust were steadily kept in view, and the land was not even for a moment diverted from the purpose for which it was granted. The Rev. Samuel Williams, with unselfish devotion which even in Napier will one day we hope be acknowledged, took charge of the estate, and in the course of time, and by the expenditure of his money in fencing, clearing, draining, planting, and sowing grass seeds, has so improved the estate that with the sheep upon it, which under his care have increased from 240 to more than 7000, the annual value of which was at zero, has so grown that it is now variously estimated at from £1500 to £2000. In addition [to] the making of these improvements, Mr. Williams has been paying rent at the rate of £500 a-year, has exercised a constant supervision over the school since it was resumed, and during the several years last past has himself provided the necessary funds for its maintenance, amounting to some hundreds of pounds over and above the amount of rental which we have named. To reward Mr. Williams, and to encourage others who like him may be disposed to make sacrifices in the cause of native education, the Repudiation party furnish him with the Hapuku petition by way of testimonial.
The Public Petitions Committee of the Legislative Council, we are glad to see, take a different view of the case from that of Mr Russell and his protégés. The following report was presented to the Council and read on Thursday last: – “The Public Petitions Committee, on the petition of Te Hapuku and 203 others, natives of Ahuriri, have to report that they consider that under the circumstances all has been done that could be towards carring [carrying] out the purpose of the Te Aute Trust, and that they find that, on the termination of the present lease, in February next, the very largely enhanced rent obtainable for its renewal will give to the trustees a financial power which will greatly assist them to more fully answer in future the requirements created under the said trust.” The trustees of the Te Aute estate are, we beli[e]ve, the Bishop of Wellington, the Hon. Mr Stokes, and Messrs Hunter and Bannatyne of this city. It will probably be admitted that the interests of the trust will be as safe in the hands of those gentlemen as if they were confided to the Hon. Henry Robert Russell and his friends in Hawke’s Bay.
September 26, 1877.
The last of the course of Popular Lectures was delivered here on Tuesday evening, in the Town Hall, by the Rev. J. M. Fraser, his subject being “Robert Burns.” There was a good and appreciative audience. The lecturer, who was in full sympathy with his subject, rapidly sketched Burns’ parentage, birth, education, early disappointments and trials. Having referred to his protracted struggles against adverse fortune, and the peculiarly unfavorable circumstances under which his life was spent, he spoke of his splendid genius, his great versatility of mind, and quoted some of the more striking and beautiful passages from his poems. Whilst acknowledging and deploring Burns’ defects of character and sins of life, Mr Fraser regarded him as much more the creature of circumstances than a man of really depraved and vicious disposition. And this perhaps is not far from the mark. That Robert Burns was not the hardened reprobate many suppose is evident from the fact that his seasons of backsliding and sinning were invariably followed by seasons of the most bitter repentance and sorrow. The lecture concluded with a touching description of Burns’ death, and the neglect and penury with which his last moments were embittered. A tithe of the maudlin honor and sympathy showered upon him after his death would have made his life happy, and saved him from the bitterness of unmerited neglect, and the sufferings of a broken heart. But, as usually happens, in the time of his extremity and trial, there was none to help him, or speak a word of comfort to him.
The lecture was a fair estimate of the character, life, and struggles of one of Scotland’s greatest sons. If it did not conceal or palliate Burns’ imperfections and sins, no more did it exaggerate them. And it made due allowance for what was great and good and noble in his character, and the temptations and trials with which he had to contend. Burns was one of nature’s nobles, and under different circumstances and different treatment, he would doubtless have been a different man. Differently circumstanced, his life instead of being a warning beacon to coming ages might have been a model of manly virtue and moral worth. But as the case is, who of his detractors can say it would have been different with them had they occupied his position, and met with his trials and treatment. Let those without sin cast the first stone at poor unfortunate Robert Burns. Mr Fraser’s stricture on Scota’s [Scotia’s] Bard were highly appreciated, and met with well merited applause.
The musical part of the entertainment was as successful as the intellectual. To lovers of music Mr Harding’s piano performances are a great treat. Mr Cook is a host in himself, and last night whilst his masterly solo on the German accordion was deservedly encored, his comic song kept the house in roars of laughter, and was highly appreciated. A duet by Messrs Brett and Merrylees, a piece on the piano and violin by Messrs Harding and Brett; Mr Shanley’s “Mary of Argyle,” and Mr Merrylee’s “Auld Robin Gray,” were all loudly encored.
A new and pleasing variety in the entertainment was the singing of a class of young people who for some months have been in training under Mr. Harding. Their singing in parts “Ring the Bell Watchman,” “Sound the Loud Timbrel,” and “God Bless the Prince of Wales,” was characterised by taste and accuracy, and not only reflected credit upon themselves and teacher, but gave great pleasure to the audience.
At the close, the Chairman intimated that the course of lectures now finished had for its object to raise funds to put a fireplace in the school. Messrs. Palmer and Poole had got the work done and taken the responsibility. He did not know if the proceeds would cover the expense; but if not, as this matter had a special interest for the general community, he hoped any deficiency would be made up.
The Chairman further remarked that a special vote of thanks was due to Messrs. Butt, Harding, and Merrylees, for their services, and the trouble they had taken in connection with this course. He however, inadvertently omitted the name of Mr. Cook, who has been a willing and able co-adjutor, and whose services have been highly appreciated.
Who is believed to be burned to death, was the wife of a baker at Napier, and sister of Father O’Reilly, of Coromandel. It is supposed that she and another patient, who was afterwards got out with great difficulty, had wandered back into the building.
Her charred human remains were quite unrecognisable when found. There is scarcely any doubt they were those of Mrs. Fortune. The matron believes that Mrs. Fortune set fire to the place. Some friends who visited her the previous day said that she had obtained matches, but on being searched none could be found. All agree that the fire originated in her cell, and that she was got out, but must have gone back again.
The District Railways Bill of Mr Ormond is spoken of most highly on all hands. It has done much to strengthen the Government in the Treasury Benches and I don’t believe that a “no confidence” vote will have the ghost of a chance until the Bill is disposed of – for, of course, in the event of the vote being carried, the measure would have to go to the wall, along with the other Government Bills.
ON Saturday last, at about a quarter past six o’clock, the window blind of one of the upper windows of the Bank of New Zealand, was observed from the street to be on fire. An alarm was at once raised, and in a few seconds the street was crowded with people, the fire-bell was ringing, and the engines being run down to the scene. In the meantime, however, Constable Motley, and a painter of the name of Butler, entered the Bank building at the private entrance, and, running up-stairs proceeded to the room that was believed to be in flames. They then saw that only the blind was on fire, which they immediately tore down, and so put a stop to further damage. Mr Butler got rather severely burnt about the hand and wrist in tearing away the curtain. Had it not have been for the presence of mind he and Constable Motley displayed, the building must have suffered considerable injury had it become necessary to have brought the engine into use to extinguish the fire.
The fancy-dress ball, given in celebration of the anniversaries of the Napier Artillery Volunteers, the Fire Brigade, and the Dramatic Society, came off last week, at the Oddfellows’ Hall. The attendance, though ample for the dancing space, was not as large as was expected, the total number present not exceeding seventy couples. The hall itself was very tastefully decorated; the gallery was reserved for the band, and the stage for the refreshments. From half-past eight till nine o’clock, ladies and gentlemen continued to arrive, but the former were not visible until the ball was opened. The latter, in many varied costumes, strolled about the hall, or gathered in little groups and thus unconsciously formed excellent subjects for an artist. Soon after nine o’clock the band, under the conductorship of Mr Loundes, struck up a brilliant march, the ladies emerged from their room, and being met at the door by their partners, a “march past” was executed. This formed one of the most effective scenes of the evening. While all the costumes were well chosen and rich in material, some can only be described as superb. Kings and Queens, renowned in history; nobles and ladies, whose vices or virtues have sent their names down from remote ages to live for ever; soldiers and sailors; studies from a poet’s fancy, an artist’s brush, or a novelist’s pen; these and others, passed before the eye, and, witnessed from the stage, presented a gorgeous picture of brilliant coloring. The scene could scarcely fail to recall the changes that have occurred in the history of the human race: the stirring events in the world during many centuries. A Roman Emperor, with a step betokening the knowledge that he is master of the universe, and that the life and death of his fellow creatures depended on his frown or his smile, and a Charles the first, who was hurled from the throne when the people had learned that all power emanated from them, served to mark a wonderful difference in time and manners. A Fairy Queen, and a neat little matter-of-fact English maid-servant; an Indian chieftainess, and a Mary Queen of Scots, exhibited no less striking contrasts. Flower girls, and shepherdesses, Swiss peasants, and Polish ladies, every conceivable character that in dress was bright and handsome harmonised in color, and at every movement the scene was as though a living kaleidoscope was presented to the eye of the beholder.
In a ball-room in which all were so well dressed, it would be invidious to particularise the various costumes, but we should be neglecting our duty did we omit to mention some of the most striking. Mrs G. H. Swan, as Miami, the Indian woman in the drama of “Green Bushes;” Miss Patty Smith, as Titania (Midsummer Night’s Dream); Mrs. H. O. Caulton, as a Polish lady; Mrs. McGill, as Mary Queen of Scots; Miss Walker, as Maid Marian, (Robin Hood), and Mrs E. Ashton as Martha (opera) were features of the room that could not fail to attract attention, and compel admiration. Mrs. Close’s dress was also remarkable, a rich silk, with an apron of pink satin, on which was lettered an advertisement concerning Spring Goods. Amongst the gentlemen the most noticeable costumes from their richness were those of Mr. F.F. Williams (Don Caesar de Bazan), Mr. E. Ashton, (Spanish Courtier), Mr. Kelmsley, (Charles the 1st.) Mr. W. Britten (Roman Emperor), and Mr. W. Routledge, in his uniform as Captain of the Napier Artillery. Mr. J. McVay as a Nigger, and Mr. A. Levi, who in the character of Day and Night, was from the top of his head to the sole of his feet, one-half white and the other half black, were objects well worth looking at.
As for the ball itself, it was admirably conducted in every particular; dancing was kept up with spirit till five o’clock in the morning; all enjoyed themselves heartily; not a single hitch occurred; it secured a success that the most sanguine could hardly have anticipated. The decorations had been entrusted to Messrs. Langley and Newman, who carried out their contract most tastefully. The supper and refreshment were supplied by Mr. J. T. Johnson, than which none better have ever been furnished from his establishment. The wine and spirit department was under the management of Mr. Motley, through whose exertions every one was efficiently served.
The following list comprises the company present: –
Major Withers – Officer Commanding Militia District
G. H. Swan – Sir Anthony Absolute
R. Brooking – Swiss Peasant
W. A. Carnell – Lieutenant N.A.V. Cadets
R. Witt – Sailor
H. Gifford – Cassio in Othello
G. Boggs – Rags
T. Begg – Petty Officer H.M.S. Alert
W. Amner – Butcher
F.W. Garner – Lieutenant N.A.V.
John Murphy – Private N.A.V.
Robert Price – Evening Dress
J. Sturm – Pahautua
Ben Smith – Evening dress
D.A. Miller – Don Caesar de Bazan
P. Dinwiddie – Corsican Chief
W.J. McVay – Istriel La Signa, Italian Peasant
H.A. Lumsden – N.A.V. uniform
J. Close – Lieutenant N.R.V.
James McVay – Nigger
F.C. Caldwell – Yachtsman
P. Bourke – Cingalese Gentleman
G.V. Kemsley – Charles I.
J.W. Ffrost – Lord Dundreary
C. Tabuteau – Undress Uniform 18th Royal Irish
John Christie – Cavalry uniform
Charles Palmer – Officer Fire Brigade
Ben Johnson – Lieutenant N.R.V.
J.W. Upchurch – N.R.V.
James Gilberd – Sergeant N.A.V.
George Cross – Gentleman 19th Century
Robert Yuill – Sailor
W. Hartley – Brass Bandsman
E.L. Smith
W. Routledge – Captain N.A.V.
R.D. Maney – Gentleman 19th Century
Charles Stewart – Sailor
S.J. Freeman – Laertes
M. Cropp – Iago
A. Levi – Day and Night
A. Macartney – Mandarin
A. D’Arcy Irvine – Thaddeus
John Ashton – H.B. Cavalry
R.D. Sweetapple – Yachtsman
W.G. Tilley – Cricketer
C.S. Mogridge – Artilleryman
William Oatley – Fireman
T. Corry – Artilleryman
John Morgon – Evening dress
D. Woods – William Tell
F.F. Williams – Don Caesar de Bazan
H.O. Caulton – Sir Peter Teazle
John Chicken – Rifle Volunteer
James Gray – Sergt.-Major N.A.V.
J.M. Tabuteau – H.M. Customs
E. Ashton – Lazarello, from Maritana
James Hardy – N.A.V.
W. Briten – Julius Caesar
J.W. Carlile – Italian Fisherman
A. Bear – Valet
J. Lindsay – Don Pedro
H. Ford – Officer Tower Hamlet Volunteers
R. Stuart – Garibaldi
Mrs Withers – Daughter of the Regiment
Mrs Swan – Miami, Green Bushes
Miss Coveney – City Milliner
Miss Stuart – Housemaid
Miss Sturm – Swiss Peasant Girl
Miss (Ben) Smith – Fairy Queen
Miss (D.S.) Miller – Italian Flower Girl
Mrs P. Dinwiddie – Country Maiden
Mrs Close – Spring Advertiser
Miss Ritchie – Evening Dress
Miss A. Ritchie – Erin
Mrs Charles Palmer – Evening Dress
Mrs Gilberd –
Mrs Macartney – Mary Queen of Scots
Miss Sheppard – Spring
Miss Walker – Maid Marian
Mrs Caulton – Polish Lady
Mrs McGill – Mary Queen of Scots
Miss Bacon – Bo-Peep
Mrs Gray – Norma
Miss H. Reese – Piquette
Mrs T. Bear – Evening Dress
Miss Bessie Green – Evening Dress
Mrs Ashton – Martha
Miss Morton – Jardiniere
Mrs Hutchinson – Lady Dighvannah
Miss Gore – German Peasant
Miss M.C. Boyle – Daughter of the Regiment
Miss A. Greer – School Girl
Mrs C. Stewart – Boating costume
Miss Smith – Winter
Mrs Brenton – Spanish Lady
Miss Brenton – Flower Girl
Miss F. Tilley – Village Belle
Mrs Moffatt – Iris (in “Cleopatra”)
Miss Lynch – Marguerite (“Faust”)
Miss Shepherd – Winter
Miss Laffoly – Harvest Queen
Mrs G. Toop – Roman Peasant
Miss Willis – Spring
Mrs Vinsen – Evening Dress
Miss Reeves – Fair Rosamond
Mrs Kemp – Evening Dress
Miss Blake – Evening Dress
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq.)
George Hammond, charged with being of unsound mind, was remanded until the 25th instant for medical examination.
On the case of P. Coghlan for bigamy being called on, Mr Lee stated that he was unable to supplement the evidence given previously.
His Worship therefore discharged the prisoner.
J. Barry v. Anderson. (Adjourned Case.) – Claim £15 13s 6d. Several items in the account were challenged and also the interest charged in the account. The defendant also put in a set-off, items in which were disputed by plaintiff. The interest charged by the plaintiff was 10 per cent., but this was argued to be illegal. Judgment for £2 10s, the amount paid into Court by defendant.
Several other civil cases were adjourned, or settled out of Court.
This case was resumed by the counsel for the defendant calling
Allan McLean, who deposed: he was a sheep-farmer, residing on the Tuki Tuki. He knew Mr Donnelly. He owned an entire horse named the Mute. A grey mare was sent by Mr Harry Donnelly last year. Mr G. Donnelly paid him for the service of the horse at the request of his brother. He made an allowance because the mare was not a very good one. He remembered the mare for years. She was sold by public auction to Mr George Donnelly at Havelock. He was at the sale and bid for her himself. He could not say whether Mr Donnelly purchased the mare for himself or not.
Stephen Coxon deposed: He was cook at Korokipo, and in the manager’s employ. He had been there for two years altogether, except an interval of two months. He knew Mr Horace Martelli. He knew him for two years. Martelli was on the station. He had the reputation of being a liar generally. He would not believe him on his oath. A month ago he had a conversation with Martelli in the kitchen at the station, and he said he was getting up these cases against Mr Donnelly, and would put him on the hill if he could. He mentioned the cream-colored pony, and the roan and grey mares. He said he was getting 50s per week from Mr Maney, and that he would be well-paid if he pulled the case through. He (witness) told him he ought to be ashamed of himself. It was generally supposed by all the people on the station that the horses belonged to Mr Donnelly, especially the cream-colored pony. On several occasions he had heard Mr Donnelly reprimanding Martelli for negligence with respect to the books.
Cross-examined by Mr Lee: He did not believe anything Martelli said about Maney or Donnelly, not a single word. He could fix a date when the conversation occurred. He might have been getting the cases up, but he believed he had something to do with it. Martelli had as good a knowledge of what was going on at the station as anyone there. He believed someone was outside listening to the conversation. His reason for supposing so was because other parties knew of it before he mentioned it. The first time he mentioned it was one day last week, and then he told it to Mr George Donnelly. Mr Donnelly first came and spoke to him about the case, and he then told Mr Donnelly what he stated previously. Mr Donnelly was the first person he gave the particulars of the conversation with Martelli to. He might have told someone that he gave Martelli a blowing up and the conversation. He had never seen Mr Donnelly between the time of Martelli’s conversation and the time Martelli came out to see him. The conversation with Martelli took place after breakfast. He first knew the grey mare after the sale of Mr Maney’s Wairoa property. The mare was always thought to be Miss Marie Donnelly’s as she always used to ride it.
After concluding the evidence of Coxton [ Coxon ], the Court adjourned.
On re-assembling, Mr. John Giblin was called, and when our reporter left, was giving evidence as to the credibility to be attached to Martelli’s evidence, more particularly as to the conversation which took place between Mr. Biglin and Martelli on a certain day near the railway station.
After our reporter left yesterday, Mr Cornford objected to the evidence given by Mr Giblin, as it did not contradict the evidence of the witness Henare [Horace?] Martelli.
This gave rise to an animated discussion between the learned counsel, and a reference to the law library on the table. Eventually His Worship coincided with Messrs. Cornford and Lee, and ruled it was inadmissable. Mr Giblin’s deposition was not therefore signed.
Tiopara, an aboriginal native was next called. This witness (through Mr Hamlin) deposed having a conversation with Mr Maney about Mr Harry Donnelly on the Omahu-road, and during the conversation Mr Maney had told him that he had given three horses to Mr Harry Donnelly.
This witness was keenly cross-examined by Mr Lee: He did not know whether the conversation took place in the morning, midday, or in the evening. Both of them were on horseback. Mr Maney said, “I have given three horses to Harry Donnelly.” The name of Harry Donnelly was not mentioned in connection with the creamy pony. We spoke first about the creamy pony, and immediately afterwards Mr Maney said he had given Harry Donnelly three horses. If he was to give an answer, and should be wrong, what would be the consequence? He only knew that he was looking for the horses; he did not find them. Was he to repeat all this again that is written down? Yes, he found his horses in the pound at Paki Paki. Suppose he made a statement and it was not right, what is the consequence? He was not going to make any answers; they might take him to gaol. Natives are very forgetful; they do not remember what took place yesterday.
After the witness had given evidence as to taking six horses out of the pound at Paki Paki, the further hearing of the case was adjourned to Monday morning, at 11 a.m.
Peddie v. Thomas Jeffares, Senr. – Claim £12 9s. Mr Lee for plaintiff and Mr Lascelles for defendant. This was a claim for upholstery work and valuation of an hotel. The claim was disputed as an overcharge on several of the items. Mr Lascelles applied to have the case referred to some tradesman having an acquiantance [acquaintance] with the business, for instance, Mr Large, who was he said the most respectable person in Napier. It was afterwards agreed that the matter be referred to Mr John Dinwiddie. Case adjourned until Friday next.
The adjourned case against R [G]. P. Donnelly for horse stealing was then proceeded with.
Richard Carey deposed he was overseer at Mr Canning’s. He was engaged by Major Carlyon, and left in 1875. He was at the sale of Mr Carlyon’s ponies in June, 1875. He helped to bring them down, and draft them in the yards. He did not remember the conditions of sale, but knew there was a reserve put on the ponies. The reserve was £25 a piece. He knew the defendant, Mr George Donnelly. He was at the sale. He bought horses. He did not remember what horses he bought, but know he bought some of the Major’s and some of E.A. Carlyon’s. Mr H. Donnelly was at the sale. He remembered Mr E.A. Carlyon’s ponies, which were sold with the other ponies. There was a chesnut [chestnut] and a cream. The chesnut was called Bismark and the creamy Maungateretere [ Mangateretere ]. The, latter was an old gelding broken in. They were the only two horses of E. A. Carlyon’s sold at the sale. The creamy was branded C on the ribs and he thought the chesnut was so too. That was E.A. Carlyon’s brand. Major Carlyon’s brand was a shield on the shoulder. He had seen the creamy gelding since in Mr Palmer’s stables the day before yesterday. He knew it to be the same pony because he rode it for two or three years, and the brand was so placed that it always got galled by the saddle. He remembered a roan mare being sold at the sale to Mr George Donnelly. He could not say certainly whether a foal was sold with the mare. Unless it was a filly foal she would have been sold separately. He remembered a foal getting away at the sale. He could not say what foal it was. He saw Mr G. Donnelly after the sale at Gwavas. Major Carlyon was in town at the time. Mr Donnelly spoke to Mr George Carlyon about a pony that got out of the yards at the Shamrock. It was a yearling. It was an entire. Mr Donnelly wanted to buy it. Mr G. Carlyon said he was perfectly agreeable about the sale. He could do nothing about it in the meantime, but would see his father about it. Mr G. Carlyon afterwards told him to let Donnelly have the colt. Mr G. Carlyon had afterwards told him that his father had told him in consideration of Mr Donnelly helping them so much to let Mr Donnelly have the entire foal for £5.
Cross-examined by Mr Lee: He attended the sales all day. The entires were drafted by themselves. He was helping Smith. He should necessarily have seen a foal if it got away. He took no account of the foals, others did. Mr George Carlyon was there. He thought the horses were in his charge. Those which were not sold went back to Mr Merritt’s. He did not hear the night of the sale there was one foal short. All the foals that were supposed to be entires were drafted out separately. He did not know some of the foals were left with the mothers. If any were, it was a mistake. He heard that the foal sold to Merritt, was an entire. He could not tell from whom he heard it. He thought it was less than a year after the sale that Mr Donnelly came to Gwavas.
Henry Gordon deposed: He was living at Taradale, but in 1874 was in Mr H. Donnelly’s employ at Wairoa. Mr Donnelly had a cream-colored gelding, a bay horse, and several more. He remembered Mr H. Donnelly bringing the gelding to Wairoa in June 1874. He was branded C on the ribs. He saw the gelding this morning, in Mr H. Donnelly’s possession. He left Mr Donnelly one year after the horse came there, and the horse was there all the time.
Mr Lascelles: This concludes the case for the defence.
His Worship, considered it was not a case for that Court to decide, but for a jury. He therefore committed the prisoner for trial at the next sitting of the Supreme Court. Bail was accepted, £200 by the accused, and two sureties at £200 each.
Messrs. Kinross and Mr James Lyon of Kereru became sureties.
John Smith, for an offence of the above nature at Havelock yesterday, was fined 5s, with an alternative of 24 hours imprisonment, which alternative he elected to accept.
George Hammond, brought up on remand, was, on the medical certificates of two local practitioners reporting him insane, once more committed to the Napier Lunatic Asylum as a lunatic not under proper care and control.
Twelve of the above were set down on the cause list for hearing to-day, but only two came before the Court to be adjudicated upon all the rest being settled out of Court, withdrawn, or struck out for non-appearance.
O’Connell v. Martelli. – Claim of £2 10s for farrier’s work. Defendant confessed judgment this morning, but plaintiff appeared and asked the Court to allow him expenses, he residing at Clive, which His Worship consented to do, giving judgment for plaintiff for £2 15s, the amount confessed, and a further sum of 15s for plaintiff’s expenses.
T. Williams v. Martelli. – On a judgment given in this Court on the 4th instant in favour of plaintiff against defendant for the sum of £7 4s, amount of an account for boots sold and delivered, and 13s costs of Court. Defendant failed to appear this morning in obedience to the judgment summons, and an order was made ex parte, that he pay the sum of 15s per week, the first payment to be made to-morrow, and in default of any single payment be imprisoned for one month.
Mr J.J. Tye reports the sale of Mr A Grant’s Kaitoki station, Seventy Mile Bush to Messrs Knight Brothers, of Kaikora, for the sum of £6,500. The Kaitoki is a Maori leasehold property of £16,000 acres, having eleven years to run, 5,000 sheep and improvements. Delivery to be given after shearing.
The warm weather brings one relief. The manufacturers of cough medicine have withdrawn their advertisements. The cough medicine is now put up in other bottles and sold as first-class hair-dye.
A man who recently attended a lecture on the “Antiquity of Intoxication” got home about one o’clock in the morning and told his wife he had been to hear some remarks on the “Intoxaty of Intiquation.”
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in packets and tins ½lb and 1lb, labelled: –
“TERENGA” is a rich chesnut rising, seven years old, was bred by Mr Redwood, is by Ravensworth dam Phoebe by Sir Hercules. Woodstock by Theorceam, Ravensworth by Touchstone dam Fair Jean by Verulam.
Terenga has proved himself a good horse, both on the turf and at the stud, he is a sure foal getter and his stock speak for themselves. A foal out of Hatred by Terenga won the first prize at the H.B.A. and P. Society’s Ploughing Match in 1876, and the same foal when a yearling took the first prize at the last H.B.A. and P. Society’s Show. A special prize of Five Pounds will be given at the forthcoming Show for the best yearling and five pounds for the best two-year old.
G.G. having procured good paddocks, owners of mares may rely on having their mares returned in good condition. Every care taken but no responsibility.
Terms: 5 guineas single mares, two or more belonging to same owner as agreement.
Fees to be paid and mares taken away when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Terenga will travel to Clive on Wednesdays and to Hastings on Fridays.
For further particulars apply to
Or to,
The City Council has FOR SALE one of Shand, Mason & Co.’s Patent Curricle FIRE ENGINES, together with the following Gear, appertaining thereto:
80ft copper-rivetted Leather Hose
100ft Voucher’s patent wove Canvas Hose
1 Branch and 2 Nozzles
20ft India-rubber Suction Hose, with copper Strainer.
The whole in good order and condition.
2 sets of strong Ladders, each set splicing to 30ft.
The above can be inspected at the Central Fire Brigade Station, High-street, Dunedin.
The Council invites tenders for the whole (in one lot), to be lodged at the office of the undersigned on or before the 9th October, 1877.
The highest tender not necessarily accepted.
Town Clerk.
City Council Chambers,
Dunedin, September 7, 1877.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
Agricultural Implements, Gas Pipe, Cutlery,
General Ironmongery.
PARAGON and new model Buckeye, and Buckeye combined Mowers and Reapers, Robinson’s combined Mowers & Reapers, American Champion & Patent Balance Horse Rakes, and Hand Drag Rakes, Corn Crushers, Bentall’s Root Pulpers, and Turnip Cutters; Chaff Cutters, Double Furrow Ploughs, American Gang Ploughs, Bentall’s Horse Powers, Winnowing Machines, Murray’s Tiny Thrashers, Stable Fittings, Fowl Troughs, Cradle Scythes, American Post Hole Augers, American Horse Hoes, American Wind Mills, Flexible Chain Harrows, Hay Tedders, Hay Spades and Knives, Sheep Shears No. 81, 38, and 79, Lawn Mowers, Automaton and Eclipse.
To Arrive per “Galatea.”
3 TONS Horse Shoes, specially made for this market; Garton and King’s Ranges, Register Grates, 100 kegs Nails F, R and R A 1 and 2 Wheel Ploughs.
American Garden Seeds.
Mangold Seed, (Yellow and Long Red) Garden and Vegetable Seeds.
Builders’ Ironmongery.
B B H Bar and Rod Iron, Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron, Anvils, Vyces; Spring, Sheer, Cast, and Blister Steel, Horse Shoes and Nails, Files, Rasps, Portable Forges, Dray and Buggy Axles.
Hydraulic Wool Press.
Galvanised Corrugated Iron, Guttering and Down Pipe, Ridging, Sheet Zinc, &c.
Sheet Lead, White Lead; Boiled, Raw, Linseed, Colza, Castor, and Kerosene Oils.
Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Varnish, Soft Soap, Raddle, Charcoal, Putty, &c.
In great variety.
CUTLERY: – Rodger’s Lockwood’s and Johnson’s.
Double and Single Barrelled GUNS, RIFLES, Sporting Material, Blasting Powder, Fuse, Dynamite, &c.
Clearing Sale of Crockery, 25 per cent. under Cost.
50 doz. Cups & Saucers, from 4s per doz
100 doz. Plates from 2s 6d per doz
100 doz. Childrens Mugs from 2s per doz
Preserve Pots in nests, Earthenware Milk Pans, Tea Pots, from 1s each; Tumblers, from 6s per dozen.
American Wagon.
PIANOS – By Broadwood, Brinsmead, Aucher Freres, Challon & Hodgson, and Board.
HARMONIUMS – By Trayser & Co., Metzler & Co., and Alexandre.
CABINET ORGANS – By Mason, and Hamlin,
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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