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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 103 - 3 November
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 103 – 3 November
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
“MUTE,” “JAV’LIN” “ARAB CHILD” and “SAMSON” will serve a limited number of broken in mares this Season at the Tuki Tuki Station.
MUTE by Fireworks dam Fenella own sister to Maribyrnong, Ferryman and half sister to King of the Ring.
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; for other mares, 6 guineas each.
JAV’LIN by Yattendon dam Lilla, the dam of Alpaca, Commodore and Jessamine and grand dam of Llama, Ringwood, and Woodlands, the winner of the last Hawkesbury guineas and the Derby. (For performances see Turf Register.)
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; For other mares, 6 guineas each.
ARAB CHILD. – A pure Khylean, bred by the great Anazah [Anazzah or Anizah] tribe of Nedjd [Nejd] Arabia.
Terms: For thoroughbred Mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, eight guineas each; for other Mares, 5 guineas each.
SAMSON. – Pure bred Shetland pony. Imported by Alexander MacMaster, Esq., of Oamaru.
Terms: Three guineas each mare.
An allowance will be made for two or more mares the bona fide property of the same owner.
The owner of the above horses considers it unnecessary to enlarge on their merits feeling perfectly assured that Breeders are quite competent to form their own judgment and send their mares to first-class horses only. An inspection of the above is invited at their owner’s stables any day in the week excepting Sunday. First-class paddocks provided free. Every care taken but no responsibility. All mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given. Any mares not proving in foal will be served at half price next season.
Mares left at Mr. Giblin’s Mangateretere West, on Fridays, and at Mr. Hugh Campbell’s, Poukawa, on Saturdays, will be forwarded free of charge.
For further particulars apply to Mr. John Ewart, Stud Groom, or to
Tuki Tuki Station.
“TERENGA” is a rich chesnut rising, seven years old, was bred by Mr Redwood, is by Ravensworth dam Phoebe by Sir Hercules. Woodstock by Theorcam, Ravensworth by Touchstone dam Fair Jean by Verulam.
Terenga has proved himself a good horse, both on the turf and at the stud, he is a sure foal getter and his stock speak for themselves. A foal out of Hatred by Terenga won the first prize at the H.B.A. and P. Society’s Ploughing Match in 1876, and the same foal when a yearling took the first prize at the last H.B.A. and P. Society’s Show. A special prize of Five Pounds will be given at the forthcoming Show for the best yearling and five pounds for the best two-year old.
G.G. having procured good paddocks, owners of mares may rely on having their mares returned in good condition. Every care taken but no responsibility.
Terms: 5 guineas single mares, two or more belonging to same owner as agreement.
Fees to be paid and mares taken away when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Terenga will travel to Clive on Wednesdays and to Hastings on Fridays.
For further particulars apply to
Or to,
THE pure Clydesdale Entire “DUKE,”
Got by the imported Clydesdale horse Matchless, dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Iron Duke, grand dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Cumberland, &c, &c.
Duke took the first prize at the H.B. P. and A. Show, in 1873, and is so thoroughly well known as a sure foal-getter, that further comment is unnecessary.
Only a limited number of mares can be taken besides his owner’s.
Terms: – £4 each mare. Two or more, the property of the same owner, £3 10s each.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility.
For further particulars, apply to
This thorough-bred Horse, will stand this season at Rissington.
Hiawatha is a bay horse, five years old, got by Sledmere, dam Emmeline.
Terms – Single mares, five guineas each, for two or more mares the property of the same owner a reduction will be made.
For further particulars, apply to
Rissington, Sept. 17, 1877.
This first-class pure-bred Clydesdale Sire will stand for the season at Hastings, where an excellent paddock, well-watered, belonging to J. N. Williams, Esq., has been secured.
Dugdale is a bright bay, standing over 16 ½ hands; thoroughly staunch in shaft and trace harness, and of a very fine temper. He was foaled in December, 1871. Sire Black Prince, imported; dam Rose, by Cowder Lad, imported; granddam by Ben Lomond, imported; great-granddam, Bodie’s imported mare, the dam or Sir Benjamin.
When one year old he gained 2nd prize at Ballarat, 2nd at Smeaton, and 1st at Myrniong; when two years’ old, 2nd prize at the Grand National held in Melbourne, 1st at Ballarat, and 2nd at the Grand National held at Smeaton, 1st at Myrniong, 1st at Melton as the best entire of any age, and 1st for two-year-old colt. On account of the severe weather, and the horse’s long journey to the Show, he was placed 2nd at the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Show in 1875. In 1876, at the same Show, he took the 1st prize in his class, also the Champion Prize and £50 Gold Cup as the best draught entire horse in the yard.
His foals are very promising, and he was sire of the 1st prize foal at the Foal Show and Ploughing Match in 1876, competing against a large field.
Dugdale will travel to Clive, Meanee [Meeanee], and Taradale every Wednesday, remaining at Taradale through the night, and returning to Hastings on Thursday.
Terms – Single mares, £6 6s, groom’s fee included; two or more mares subject to arrangement. Paddocks free.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility incurred.
Fees payable on the 1st February, 1878, to the order of John Davis Canning.
For further particulars, apply to
Goodwin’s Hotel,
THE Thorough-bred Horse,
Orlando is a roan horse-bred in Auckland in 186?, by Joseph Hargreaves, Esq., by the imported horse Pacific, out of Refraction, by Cap-a-pie, her dam, Princess, by Grates (imported), grand-dam by Stride, great-grand-dam by Hector. Pacific by Flatcatcher, dam Disagreeable, by Agreeable, her dam by Sam out of Morel, by Sorcerer.
Refraction won nine races out of eleven in New South Wales, and Orlando’s performances are very good.
Terms: Four guineas each mare. A reduction will be made in the case of two or more mares, the property of the same owner.
Paddocks free till mares stinted, of which due notice will be given.
All mares to be paid for before removal.
Every care taken, but no responsibility.
All mares left at Mr Baker’s Empire Hotel, Waipawa, Mr. John Petit, Te Aute, and Mr. Charles Stuart, Havelock, will be forwarded free of charge.
THE pure-bred Clydesdale Draught Stallion
Terms: – Three Guineas; allowance will be made for two or more mares, the property of one owner.
First-class Paddocks provided for one month, after which 2s 6d per week will be charged.
Pedigree will be published in future advertisement.
For further particulars, apply to
Peketapu [Puketapu].
“PAPAPA” by Ravensworth, dam Waimea.
Terms – Eight Guineas.
An allowance will be made for two or more Mares, the property of one owner. First-class paddocks provided free, and every care taken, but no responsibility. All Mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Longlands, 28th August, 1877.
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
THE Pure Clydesdale Horse
Terms Three Guineas
First-class Paddocks provided free. Every care taken, but no responsibility.
All mares to be paid for and removed when stinted due notice of which will be given.
Groom in Charge.
Waipawa, Sept. 26, 1877.
THE superior thoroughbred Entire “HERCULES,”
Bred by Mr Murphy, of Spring Creek, and raced by Mr Redwood.
Got by Ravensworth, dam Plover, by Sir Hercules, Ravensworth by Touchstone, Fair Jean by Verulum, Fair Helen by Pantaloon.
Hercules is a bay horse, 6 years old, and stands 15 ¾ hands high, combines the best of blood, with good bone and immense power, and was one of the best weight-carriers of his day. Hercules won the Hawke’s Bay Stakes in 1876.
Plover, the dam of Hercules, is also dam of Malvina, who ran so successfully during the seasons of 1872 and 1873.
Hercules made a splendid season last year in the Marlborough district, with great satisfaction to the public, and is a sure foal getter.
Terms – Six guineas each mare, and five shillings for groom. Two or more by arrangement.
Good paddocks, but no responsibility. Mares to be paid for on delivery.
For further particulars, apply to
Or, to
As a medium of Advertising the Publication is unequalled.
Will be received up till the end of October.
Sixpence each.
THE Undersigned on behalf of Messrs. SHAW SAVILL & Co., and the New Zealand Shipping Company, will receive Wool at the Railway Station or at their Stores, and ship it free of all charges.
Port Ahuriri, 15th Sept., 1877.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 15th October, 1877.
A SALE of Waste Lands will take place at this Office on MONDAY, the 10th day of December next, when will be offered: –
16 Town Sections, Mahia, varying from 38 perches to 2 roods in extent, at from £4 15s to £10 per Section.
13 Town Sections, Clive, from 35 perches to 1 rood 1 perch, at £5 per Section.
32 Town Sections, Clyde, Wairoa, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Suburban Sections Nos. 845 and 846, Clyde, (Class 1), each 3 acres, at £15 per Section.
Town Sections Nos. 4 and 158, Porangahau, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Rural Sections Nos. 36, 52, and 57, Woodville, containing 39 ½, 18, and 49 acres respectively, at £2 10s per acre.
2 Blocks (Applications Nos. 49 and 50) Makaretu Reserve, containing 100 and 60 acres respectively, at 10s per acre.
For further particulars as to numbers, areas, and upset prices, see the Proclamation in the DAILY TELEGRAPH of the 5th instant.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
THE undersigned has for Sale from 200 to 300 RAMS, selected from 7/8th to 15-16th bred; also, full-mouthed pure pedigreed RAMS, with 2,000 EWES, from ¾ bred to 7/8th, mostly 2 tooth, and Hogs in lots to suit purchasers.
None but private sales will be effected, and purchasers may rely on getting fair value for their money.
Apply by letter to the undersigned, stating number required.
Oakbourne, Wallingford.
16th October, 1877.
THE Oakbourne Sale Sheep have been shorn and are open for selection they will be sold privately.
Apply, stating number required, and further particulars to the undersigned.
16th October, 1877.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in Packets and Tins, ½lb and 1lb, labelled: –
WANTED KNOWN – The price of “Wanted” Advertisements in the DAILY TELEGRAPH is at the rate of ONE SHILLING per insertion for 20 words.

October 26.
Steggall’s hotel and out-houses were burned to the ground this morning Nothing was saved. The hotel was insured in the New Zealand office for £800, and in the National office for £550.
Two thousand bales of wool are ready for shipment.
October 26.
The Result was outside the heads last evening and this morning, but did not come in, the Bar being too rough. She is now unloading goods at Whakamahi.
Mr George Thorne, the Insurance Agent, is here, and busy taking people’s lives.
A strong westerly wind is blowing, and everything is getting dried up.
October 30.
We are experiencing most peculiar weather, sultry westerly winds drying everything up.
No improvement is reported in the bar.
Great interest is being taken in cricket this season.
The inland road to Poverty Bay is reported to be in fine order for travelling stock.

SIR. – The time is approaching for the election of a Mayor for the ensuing year. The gentleman who at present holds that office has fulfilled the duties in a fair manner, but, nevertheless, as one of the burgesses, I think he has had his innings, and it would be only fair, that another gentleman should hold the bat. The Mayor’s office is one to which all citizens of ability have a right to aspire, and a change of Municipal government would tend, I believe, to the benefit of the community. There are many persons I could mention (if they would but accept the responsibility) who would fill the position with credit to themselves and the burgesses. Looking forward to a change, – I am, &c.,
Napier, October 26, 1877.
SIR. – In your issue of last evening appears a letter signed “Licensed Victualler,” in which he sneers at the working men being enabled to get a glass of beer at the Club at the same rate as in all the chief towns of the other provincial districts of the colony, viz., 3d, instead of the extortionate price 6d asked for it in hotels in Napier. If the Club is the means of forcing the publicans to charge a fair price, it will have effected a good object, and show them that the working men will be no longer imposed on. That will be a boon indeed! The keeping of young men out of public houses riles “Licensed Victualler” exceedingly, but if they are wise they will hold their tongues, and not allow their trade to be exposed. – I am, &c.,
October 26, 1877.
SIR, – In your issue of Friday, I noticed an able article, or, I should say leader, on the subject of special juries and the paltry remuneration they receive for their services. Doubtless, as you show, it is high time for some reform in this direction. Men of business can ill afford to leave their affairs for days together, even if they were fairly remunerated for this jury business; but to be called upon to serve as a juryman for an indefinite time and then at the end of it may be ten or eleven days to be presented with one paltry pound, is simply adding insult to injury. I sincerely hope Mr Sheehan will fulfil his promise by bringing in a Bill bearing upon this matter, and I hope it will be so framed as to include common jurymen, who, although they are paid by the day, I think have more cause to complain than the special: for, doubtless, Mr Editor, you are aware that the majority of common jurymen are those who have to depend upon a week’s work for a week’s food. Such being the case, I should like to know how he is to obtain food and pay his way with the miserable dole he gets from the Supreme Court, viz., 3s per day? Who will deny but that this is a glaring injustice for any man while endeavoring to discharge honestly his duties as a loyal subject and good citizen, should have to do it at the expense of his children’s bread? – I am, &c.,
Napier, October 26, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.
Wiremu, a native, was charged with stealing a bundle, consisting of a linen haversack, a lady’s jacket, a shirt, and 2lbs of nails, the whole being valued at £5, and the property of Murdoch McIvor. The prisoner had gone into the shop of Messrs Newton, Irvine, and Co., to purchase some shirts, and when coming out he brought away the bundle in question.
Mr. Grace, at the request of the Court, acted as interpreter.
On the charge being read over to the prisoner he pleaded guilty, and was sentenced by His Worship to pay a fine of £20, or four times the value of the articles, or be imprisoned for one month’s imprisonment with hard labor.
The prisoner said his friends had promised to pay the fine.
At the request of Mr Lee, several cases of appeal under the Hawke’s Bay Rivers’ Act, were adjourned until 2 o’clock.
Newton, Irvine and Co. v. Alexander Munro, surveyor, of Wellington – Claim £11 3s. Judgment was given for amount and costs.
Blythe and Co. v. B. Franklyn. – Claim £7 12s 11d. The plaintiff allowed there was a mistake amounting to £2 13s, and judgment was given for £4 19s 11d, and costs 13s, to be paid in instalments of 12s weekly.
W. Orchard v. Heslop. – Mr Lascelles for plaintiff. This was a disputed case about the exchange of cattle. Plaintiff stated that he had bargained with Mr Heslop to give a cow and £3 for a heifer, which he took to his home. Afterwards he found the heifer wild and asked to exchange it, but could not get another to suit his purpose from Mr Heslop. The heifer died while in the possession of Mr Heslop. The defendant denied that he took the heifer to his place, and said the plaintiff told him if the heifer died he was to keep the cow. Judgment was given for plaintiff for amount claimed, and costs and expenses £1 4s.
Several other cases on the list were either adjourned or settled out of Court.
The Court then adjourned.
Joseph Hudson, was charged with furious riding in Waghorn Street on the 25th instant. Defendant, who is the person appointed to light and otherwise attend to the street lamps, admitted having ridden pretty hard, but said that he thought the peculiar nature of his avocation would relieve him of being charged with an offence, if he did put on a little extra steam now and again. His Worship thought differently and inflicted a fine of five shillings with 6s 6d costs,
Aria and Horiana, two natives, brought up charged with having been drunk at Havelock on Saturday, were discharged.
Manaena Tini, also for drunkenness at Havelock, was fined and paid the sum of twenty shillings.
Two charges of the above nature were also laid against Manaena, but were dismissed.
Manaena was also charged on information with having at Havelock on Saturday last, assaulted and beaten one John Ross. He was convicted and fine ten shillings, with costs and expenses amounting to a further sum of £1 1s 6d., or in default 14 days imprisonment. The fine and costs were paid forthwith.
Henry Spencer, on remand for medical examination, was brought up and discharged, the evidence not warranting further detention as a lunatic.
Timothy Driscol [Driscoll], charged with stealing a watch guard, value £1 the property of one Stephen Scragg, was remanded for a week.
Charles Stewart, of Havelock, publican, charged with the above offence, admitted, serving a glass of grog to a native, but said he was not aware he was committing a breach of the law in so doing. His Worship reserved his decision in this case.
In the case of Charles Stewart, of Havelock, publican, who pleaded guilty to an offence of this description yesterday, and in which His Worship had reserved judgment until to-day, a fine of ten shillings was inflicted with costs 6s 6d.
Of several debt summonses set down for hearing to-day, only two came before the Court, as follows: –
B. Smith v E. Gruner. – Claim £20 13s for professional services as architect. Defendant, who is now at Gisborne, did not appear, and judgment went, by default, for plaintiff for amount claimed and costs and Solicitors fee, amounting to further sum of £2 7s.
Chrickley v Cattanach. – Claim of £50 for cash lent. Plaintiff was nonsuited, with Solicitor’s fee allowed to defendant of £2 2s.
[Before James Lawrence, Esq., J.P. (Chairman), R. Harding, Esq., J.P., and H. H. Bridge, Esq., J.P.]
The police brought a charge against John Morgan of drunkenness on the 24th inst. He had also violently resisted the constable in the execution of his duty, and whilst being taken to the police station he used obscene and indecent language in the public road. The prisoner admitted being drunk, but was not aware that he had acted as alleged by the police. The Bench committed him to Napier Gaol for two weeks with hard labor.
The following civil cases were also disposed of: –
Tucker v. Pedersen. – Claim of £11 4s 1d amount of a book debt made over by E. Brewer to the plaintiff. Judgment for £9 15s 1d and 19s costs.
Sim v. Devery. – The defendant disputed certain items in an account delivered amounting to £5 8s 10d, and paid into Court £3 6s 2d, admitted to be due. A further sum of £1 12s 11d was adjudicated to the plaintiff with costs £1.
Winks v. Davidson. – Neither party appearing the case was dismissed.
THE largest, and beyond comparison, the most handsome residence in this provincial district, is that which is now approaching completion, built for James Watt, Esq., on the hill overlooking the port of Napier. The house, which is of the Italian order of architecture, is two storeys high, and contains forty rooms. The exterior of the building has a handsome appearance from whichever side it is viewed, but more particularly so from the south west, from whence the two fronts can be seen with the spacious verandah, which starting from the colored plate glass conservatory at the base of the tower (56 feet high) encircles the bays of the house, to which it gives a comfortable and strikingly finished appearance. Stepping from the carriage drive on to the verandah, which is ten feet wide, and supported by large turned pillars with Corinthian capitals, the visitor passes through a door into a vestibule, 12 feet wide, from which the hall is entered by a glass door. The hall is ten feet in width, and, after leading past the drawing-room, reception-room and library, turns to the right and leads to the billiard room, dining-room, stair-case, kitchen, and servants apartments. The drawing-room, which is lighted by two large bay windows, having respectively a N.W. and S.W. aspect, is 30 feet by 20 feet, with a height of 14 feet. The walls and ceiling are plastered, the latter being finished with a handsome scrolled cornice, and centre flower, from which depends a chandalier [chandelier] of five gas jets. Adjoining this drawing room is the reception room, and on the other side of the hall is the library, which measures 18 by 16 feet. The billiard room that occupies the opposite angle of the building to the drawing room, is of the same dimensions as that apartment. Besides these rooms, which are of noble proportions, and which have all plastered ceilings and walls, there are on the ground floor, a lavatory, store room, kitchen, butler’s pantry, scullery, &c., and back staircase leading to the servants bedrooms above. On the upper floor there are six principal bedrooms, of the same height as the rooms down stairs, viz, 14 feet, a nursery, bathroom, and four smaller bedrooms. From this floor there is a narrow staircase that leads to a room at the top of the tower, twelve feet square, from the windows of which an extensive view is obtained of the harbor, and surrounding country. Beneath the ground floor is a wine cellar lined with cement, and at the rear of the building are out offices, communicating with the house by a verandah, which forms a court yard, the centre of which has been excavated for cement water tanks. These tanks are capable of containing 10,000 gallons, and from them, by means of a force pump, a tank at the top of the house is filled from which the whole house is supplied with water. The rooms are lighted with gas, for which there are 90 jets, and nothing has been omitted in the designs of the architect to make the building replete with every comfort and convenience. As showing that the house is constructed of most durable materials, we may mention that the foundation is concrete, the ground timbers totara, and the weatherboards, which are rusticated, painted and sanded to imitate stone, are of kauri. The corner studs are 9 inches by 3 inches. The windows have circular heads, fitted with heavily carved trusses and elaborate mouldings, and glazed with British plate glass. The whole of the work appears to have been admirably carried out by the contractors, Messrs Bailey and Davis, of Napier, who, for the last nine months, the contract time for the completion of the building, have employed twenty hands. The painting was entrusted to Mr N. Williams, and the plastering to Mr Gough. The contract price for the building was, we understand, close upon £7000.
THE Treasurer of the Indian Famine Relief Fund requests us to insert the following letter he has received from Renata Kawepo, accompanied by a subscription of £25 as a contribution from himself and Mr. G.P. Donnelly. The liberal manner in which Renata has at once responded to the application made to him, should be a good example to others, who perhaps are better called upon to assist.
He kohikohinga Moni mo te taki motu kua mate i te kai kua te kau miriona pea kua mate ka mei te pouri o te nga kau mo tera iwi ka mate maira i te kai, kore rawa atu he kai hei oranga mo ratou koia a te Kuini i whaka hau ai ki ona rohe katoa i te ao kia kohikohia he moni hei utu kai ma nga, mea kai te ora o taua iwi.
Renata Kawepo £15.
Tonore £10.
The enclosed is a subscription of money for a country that is suffering for want of food, there are perhaps ten millions who are dead, we are indeed greatly grieved for those that are daily dying of starvation, they have no food whatever to subsist on, thus it is that the Queen has commanded all her dominions in the world to raise subscriptions to buy food with for those that are still living of that country.
Renata Kawepo
G. P. Donnelly

We are informed, that owing to the atmospheric storm raging on Friday in several parts of the island, telegraphic communication has been almost suspended between Napier and Wellington. At Porangahau, one of the fiercest gales ever known in that district was being felt on Firday [Friday]. At Ohinemutu, trees were torn from their roots and property being injured, while, strange to say, a perfect calm reigned at Taupo. The earthquake felt in Napier on Thursday at about 8.35 was also experienced in several other parts of the island. The telegraph lines in the north were surcharged with electricity, and communication in that direction was difficult.
The total number of officers in the New Zealand Postal Department increased from 723 in 1875, to 855 in 1877, many of whom are miserably underpaid.
We understand that G. H. Swan has become the purchaser of the West Clive Hotel from Messrs Neal and Close for the sum of £1800. Mr H. O. Caulton, formerly proprietor of the Masonic Hotel, Napier, has, we believe, become landlord of the Hotel, and will take immediate possession.
A man named Henry Morgan, was brought from Waipawa by train last week, and afterwards lodged in the gaol. He has been sentenced by the Waipawa Bench to one month’s imprisonment, for using obscene language, and assaulting the police.
We notice that several journals in the colony – notably the New Zealand Sun – of Christchurch, reprints extracts from the letters of our Wellington Parliamentary correspondent, without the slightest acknowledgement and passes the information off as their own. This kind of journalistic pilfering is extremely unfair, and we hope our calling attention to it will be the means of having it rectified.
It gives us pleasure to state that the New Zealand Government, and the Cable Companies in connection with India have intimated to the Indian Famine Relief Fund Committee that all telegrams in which remittances are forwarded to Madras for the relief of the famine will be sent free of cost. This is a concession on the part of the Government and companies which cannot but be appreciated, as it will enable subscriptions to be forwarded at once, and at a time when most needed.
It will be noticed that Mr H. Monteith Commission Agent, at Waipukurau, has taken out an Auctioneer’s license, and we understand will hold his first sale in about a week. This will make four auctioneers in the Waipawa County.
The Wanganui Chronicle, in a recent issue, in an article on the Indian Famine Relief Fund, makes the following pertinent remarks: – It will scarcely be believed that in Hawke’s Bay the Herald, actually reasons after this manner: – “We observe that the colonists of New Zealand are being requested to lend their aid in alleviating the miseries of the Indian famine. We think this would be going somewhat far afield for the exercise of charity. In India, it seems that nothing but the dread of starvation will keep the population within the limits which the country can sustain, and any efforts which are successful in preventing starvation in the meantime, lead merely to an increase of population which necessarily results in it at some later period.” What an unfeeling, calculating, selfish spirit is herein embodied. We feel that no comment of ours could adequately represent public feeling condemnatory of indulging in abstruse statistical calculations at a time when millions of people are threatened with extinction by starvation.
We are indebted to the Government for a full report of the speeches of the leader of the Opposition and the Premier delivered on Friday on the want-of-confidence debate, and we give it to our readers as fully as our space permits.
The Government have ordered from America a number of steam express engines for the Christchurch and Oamaru line of railway. They are built to travel even as those from Bristol are built to pull, and will drag a passenger train from Oamaru to Christchurch in four hours, including four stoppages.
Mr. George Ellis had a narrow escape from sudden death the other day, when driving from the Hawke’s Bay Brewery towards the White Road. Mr Ellis had just passed the Gas Works, and the horse he was driving had drawn the buggy just sufficiently on the railway to enable Mr Ellis to look up the line, the view of which had previously been hidden by the wall surrounding the Gas Company’s premises. That quick and quite accidental glance up the line which Mr Ellis then gave saved his life, and that of a friend who was with him. A few yards from him there was a train proceeding to the station, steam shut off from the engine, running rapidly down the incline. It was impossible for the engine driver to see the obstruction as it was for Mr Ellis to have seen the train, till the wall of the Gas Works had been passed, and the buggy fairly on the line. There was no time to whistle an alarm; a frightened cry was all that the driver of the engine could make, and the train rushed passed, just as, with a violent effort, Mr Ellis reined back his horse, the carriages passing within a foot of his nose.
On Friday, in the Legislative Council, the debate of the management of the Te Aute estate was resumed. Mr Buckley urged as an amendment to the motion for the adoption of the report of the Committee, that it would be desirable the estate should be let by public tender. This amendment was finally withdrawn, and the report of the Committee, which has already been published in the MERCURY, was adopted.
By the overland mail to Wellington on Monday, there was forwarded to the care of Mr F. Sutton, the member for Napier, a petition to the General Assembly, praying that a sum of money be voted for the erection of the Port Ahuriri bridge. This petition has no less than 900 names attached to it; another petition from the inhabitants of the Western Spit, Petane, and surrounding districts has already 200 signatures, and will be despatched at an early date.
We have been shown by the architect, Mr T. R. Cooper, the plan of a building proposed to be erected by Messrs. Robjohn [Robjohns] and Co., for the accommodation of the Union Club. The building is to be erected at the back of the Masonic Hotel, having frontages to Tennyson-street, and the Marine Parade, and will contain a large billiard room, reading-room, two parlors, bar, lavatory, &c., and bed-rooms, which will be at the option of the Club to include if so desired. The Club-house will be entirely separate from the Hotel, and the rent, we understand, will be extremely moderate.
Our attention has been called to some excellent samples of butter from the dairy of Mr. Collins, of Hastings, who obtained an extra prize for his exhibit at the Agricultural and Pastoral Show. The butter is made up artistically in the shape of fringed pieces of coral, and is on view at Messrs. Manoy and Co’s.
The subject of the Rev. Charles Clark’s lecture, on Friday, was “Westminster Abbey,” which attracted another crowded audience. In dwelling on this grand ecclesiastical pile, Mr. Clark exhibited to the full his great powers as a lecturer, the retentiveness of his memeory [memory] being little short of marvellous. In a rapid and masterly manner, he placed before his audience all that was interesting of the Abbey, and in a most attractive form, sketched its association with the stirring events of England’s history from the time of Edward the Confessor to the burials of Charles Dickens, and the wife of Dean Stanley.
J. Grubb Esq., the Chief Postmaster request us to acknowledge on his behalf the sum of £40 7s from Mr Wright, the station master at Hastings, who has collected this sum for the Indian Famine Relief Fund. The money will be placed in the Union Bank on Monday. Mr Wright’s exertions for such a cause are worthy of commendation.
The Inspector of Post Offices, Mr. Rose, arrived in Napier from Tauranga last week.
The following is the list of Subscriptions received since the meeting on Tuesday evening for the Indian Famine Fund; – Messrs H. Rudman, 10s; H. R. Holder, £2 2s; J. G. Kinross, £20; H. Cable, £10; T. F. Poole, £5; A. St. Hill, £5; Large and Townley, £2 2s; T. Morrison (watchmaker), £1; S. E. Cooper, £1; W. I. Spencer, £3 3s; E. F. Rich, £2 2s; R. Foster, £5; W. Common, £5; T. Foreman, £2 10s; R. Nolan, £1 1s; F. Shanly, 10s; Kelmsley, 10s; H. S. Tiffen, £20; Stuart and Co., £5 5s: T. R. Cooper, £5 5s; James Anderson, £10; K. J. Hill, £3 3s; Mrs L. Williams, £1; Mrs Rochefort, sen., £1; Mrs Wilkinson, £1; A. Child, 2s 6d; J. T. Tylee, £1; C.H. Weber, £1 1s; Mrs H.O. Caulton, 2s 6d; C.B. Hoadley, £1 1s; J. H. Vautier, £2 2s; Robjohn, Irvine and Co., £5 5s; G. Becker, £1; J. Begg, £1; G. Faulknor, £1; G. E. Sainsbury, £1 1s; W. R. Blythe, £2 2s; J. W. Craig, £1 1s; Servants Criterion Hotel, £2 15s; E. W., Knowles, £5; M. R. Miller, £5 5s; G. Close, sen., £1; Employees on Colonel Whitmore’s Grange Estate, £7 10s; H. A. Banner, £5.
At Messrs. Routledge, Kennedy and Co.’s sale of apples on Saturday, Hobart Town apples realised 4 ½ d per lb.
In our Parliamentary telegrams last week, it was stated that Captain Russell had asked the Postmaster-General a question as to the payment of interest for loans obtained from the Government Insurance Department. The question arose in this manner. A settler who resides in the Meanee district borrowed a sum on his policy in Napier, and tendered the amount of interest, about 7s to Mr Grubb. The latter gentleman, however, would not take it, and the borrower found he would have to forward the interest monthly to the head office at Wellington. This necessitated him having to purchase on every occasion he desired to remit money, a Post Office Order and a stamp, costing in all 7d, with out adding on to the amount borrowed. He complained to Captain Russell, who brought the matter before the Government in the House, but the new Postmaster-General, influenced of course by the Government Insurance Office at Wellington, declined to allow the office here to receive the money. It appears a strange course of procedure, and strong evidence of the red-tapeism which distinguishes our Government that an insurer can borrow in Napier from the local office, but must forward the interest on the amount borrowed to Wellington.
In the belief that it might follow rather too closely on the heels of the Rev. Charles Clark’s farewell lectures on Wednesday and Thursday (“Thackeray” and the “Tower of London,”) the promoters of the amateur concert in aid of the Indian Famine Relief Fund have agreed to postpone the entertainment till Tuesday next.
Our readers will remember a paragraph in one of our recent issues, in which we called attention to a lamb born at Rissington with seven legs, &c., and which was afterwards on view at Mr. Hooper’s shop. Mr. Hooper intended to skin the animal and stuff it for show, but one evening, having left it in the back-yard, some canine animals walked off with the curiosity. The person who gave the lamb in Mr. Hooper’s keeping has sued him for £10, the value thereof, and the case is to be heard on Thursday next, when the public will hear the fatal ending of the “seven-legged lamb.”
There was a densely packed congregation on Sunday at Trinity Church, when the Rev. Charles Clark preached a special sermon in aid of the Indian Famine Relief Fund. The text was taken from Isaiah, 33rd chapter, 16 and 17th verses. The rev. gentleman first drew a comparison between the morality of the pagan and that of the Christian, and though he did not dispute that the one might be equal to the other, the cause, the object, and the effect were different. Mr. Clark then gave a forcible lesson in the duties of a Christian, and pointed out that it was not in reading pious works to the neglect of domestic business that piety showed itself, but in doing with one’s might that which it was each man’s duty to perform. The privileges and rewards of a Christian were then eloquently reviewed, and a touching appeal was made on behalf of the inhabitants of Southern India, whose cry for help, wafted across the ocean, addressed itself to every Christian heart. The collection on the conclusion of the sermon amounted to £53 4/.
The Cricket match between the Napier and Taradale Clubs came off on Saturday at Taradale. It was a closely contested match, the Taradale Club winning by one run.
Mr Coward reports that at his produce sale on Wednesday, beacon [bacon] realised 7 ½d, cheese 8 ½d, and maize 5d per bushel. A lot of sundries brought good prices. On Saturday there was a large attendance at the cattle sale. Owing to the bad weather, a large mob of young cattle were not brought down, and as they were running in the bush, it was impossible to get at them. The average prices realized were as follows: – Cows from £5 10 to £8; steers, three year old, £6 15s; hacks and unbroken horses from £5 to £8 10s; draught horses from £12 to £15.
The Wellington Argus says; – “Mr Rees, M.H.R., leaves for Dunedin by the first steamer, to take the defence of Mr Jones, charged with libel against Mr Whitaker.
As, according to the law of Christian Charity, “it is more blessed to give than to receive,” it must be a source of satisfaction to the Rev. Charles Clark, who must be making a fortune by his lectures, to know that in two Sundays by his sermons in Wellington and Napier, he has been the means of over £130 being collected for the Indian Famine Relief Fund.
Our Waipawa correspondent writes under date of Saturday: – “This morning, at 10 a.m., a circumstance occurred that might have resulted in a most serious accident. Messrs. Devery and Sutton, of Te Aute and Kaikora, supply several of the inhabitants with meat, and consequently have to call round on certain days of the week. This morning, whilst delivering meat at Fletcher’s hotel, Devery left his horses. They began to move on quietly, and by degrees got into a gallop, coming down the road at a furious rate. Fortunately, they were brought to a stand at the verandah in front of the premises occupied by Mr. Coward, auctioneer. The corner post of the verandah was carried away. The horses were uninjured, and the cart but slightly damaged.”
The Wananga of Saturday announces that, owing to the demise of the Waka Maori, it is intended by the proprietors to considerably add to the size of their publication.
The cricket match, Star v. Press, which came off on Saturday last at Taradale proved a victory for the Star Club, the Press scoring 100 runs, and their opponents 102 runs, with three wickets to fall.
We are glad to report that the takings at the Relief Fund Committee’s stand on Saturday night amounted to £52 3s 9d. This sum included the following donations: – Mrs Bowman, £3; Miss Gascoigne, £1; Messrs Fletcher, £1; J. W. Carlile, £2 2s; G. Bee, £1; R. C. Harding, £1 1s; A. Scorgie, 10s; T. G. Evans, £1 1s; W. Carnell, £1; J. Ashton, sen., £1; John Ashton, 10s; Corbin, 10s; John Chicken, 10s; G. Chicken, 10s; H. Renouf, 10s; Willis, 10s; Oatley, 10s; E. Cook, £1 1s; T. Fox, 10s, E. Collins, £5 5s; Gribble, 10s; Lennie, 10s; Swan, £3 3s; Gilberd and Co., £2 2s; H. Kraeft, 10s; C. Palmer, £1; H. Taylor, 10s; McMahon, £1; W. W. Carlile, £1; L. L. Margoliouth, £1; Mann, £2 2s; W. H. Flood, 10s; R. Price, £1; R. G. Gibbons, £1; A. Manoy, £1 1s.
Says the N.Z. Times: – “An enterprising country storekeeper, Mr William Smith, of Otaki, has just prepared a piece of ground for a rice plantation, and expects to be able to supply this valuable article of domestic consumption of a good quality and at a cheaper rate than it can be imported. If he is successful others will no doubt follow his example, and a new industry of considerable importance may spring up. Mr Smith has succeeded well in the growth of pea nuts, of which he has now a luxuriant crop growing on this land.”
The offertory at Trinity Church on Sunday on behalf of the Indian Famine Relief Fund, amounted to £53 15s 2d. The following is an analysis of the collection: – Cheques: Mr. Rhodes, £5; H. Williams, £2 2s; J. LeQuesne, £2 2s; W. H. Sturm, £1; Mr. Knight, 10s. Notes and gold, £7; silver, &c., £36 1s 2d. It will be seen from the above that a considerable sum was raised by this means, which it is probable would not have been raised in any other shape.
A London correspondent writes: – I never heard that the Duchess of Edinburgh was “obliged” to leave England. That she did not like England and that the English did not like her, are two facts which help to explain each other. But the trouble in her case was that Russian and English notions of good breeding do not harmonise. The thing that tormented her Royal and Imperial Highness most was the degree of social intimacy – amounting almost to equality – prevailing between the Royal Family of England and the nobility of England. In Russia it is far otherwise; and when the daughter of the Czar found that she could not snub the great country nobles without provoking reprisals, her residence in England ceased to be agreeable to her.
At the public meeting held in the school-house at Hastings last Friday evening, to take into consideration the best means to be adopted to raise subscriptions for the Indian Famine Relief Fund, the following amounts were collected in the room: – Captain Russell, £10; A. and W. Birch, £10; J.N. Williams, £10; R. Wellwood, £5; F.M. Chapman, £5; W. Marshall, £3; W. Vickers, £1; D. Wright, £1; J. Freemantle, 10s; W. O. Davis, 10s; J. Scullion, 10s 6d. A committee, consisting of Captain Russell, Messrs Birch, Wellwood, Wright, and Chapman, was appointed to canvass the district.
It is stated that Sir James Fergusson is to succeed Lord Dufferin as Governor-General of Canada.

A statement is made to the Herald on Tuesday that the petition with respect to the Port Ahuriri Bridge has been forwarded by its promoters to Mr Sheehan for presentation to the House. We can hardly believe this to be true, as we are aware, out of deference to the wishes of three-fourths of those who signed the petition, it was to have been sent to Mr Sutton. If it has been sent to Mr Sheehan, there is a gross breach of faith and understanding somewhere. Mr. Sheehan does not represent Napier, and further in a recent debate in the House twitted Hawke’s Bay with being the “Joseph” or favorite child of the colony in the matter of expenditure. In the face of this statement, how is it possible that Mr. Sheehan can conscientiously support the prayer of the petition? We are afraid the promoters have made a mistake – worse, a blunder if the report is correct. Besides, they have conveyed a direct insult, not only to our members, but also to most of those who signed the petition. Such palpable dodgery inevitably reaps its own reward, and if now through jealousy and lukewarmness the petition has no effect, the promoters will have nothing to blame for it but their own folly and stupidity.
A very sad case of suicide occurred last week at Ormond, Poverty Bay, which curiously enough is not recorded in the local paper. The victim was a young woman, aged 20, named Bella Bissett, not unknown in Napier, and more recently living as servant to Mr McKinnon at Arapawanui. She was a married woman, and her husband having deserted her in Napier she went out as a servant. Lately she has been a servant at the Chandos Hotel, at Ormond. In this establishment unfortunately, there was a barman, who attracted poor Bella. On Wednesday last the infatuated couple quarrelled, and Bella declared her determination to put an end to her existence rather than live a life of unhappiness with her adorer. On the evening of the same day the quarrel occurred, Bella was observed to leave the Hotel and go in the direction of the Waipaoa river. Not returning, it began to be suspected that she had put her threat into execution, and on the following morning the river was searched, and her body was found in the water only five feet deep. The body of the unfortunate girl was taken to the Hotel, and a jury of twelve was called to hold an inquest. These enlightened jurymen returned a verdict of felo de se.
There was a very good entertainment, and a tolerably large audience, at the Oddfellows’ Hall, on Tuesday, on the occasion of the first appearance of the Alleen Combination Troupe at Napier. The gymnastic performances of the members of the company were loudly applauded, as they deserved to be for the neatness, dexterity, and human strength they exhibited. Miss Alleen Laurel on the trapeze showed an elegance in her movements that disarmed all fears for her safety, while the “bone-less” man’s performances were extra-ordinary. The dancing of the “infant wonders” evoked loud plaudits, and altogether, the entertainment was decidedly a success. Mr W. H. Flood presided at the piano.
Pile driving was recommended on the eastern side of the harbor works on Monday afternoon, at the scene of the late accident from the gales. There are now 222 feet of piling on that side completed, leaving 280 to be done. Over 70 feet were distroyed by the late gale, which prevented the whole of the work being finished by the end of next week. By the end November the Contractor expects to complete the piling on the eastern side. The pile driving on the western side will probably be finished in three weeks time.
Our Waipawa correspondent informs us that the Rev. C. Clark delivered a lecture on Charles Dickens on Monday in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Waipawa. There was a numerous audience, and the talented lecturer kept his hearers enthralled by his eloquence from beginning to the end of his lecture.
The vanity of the Hawke’s Bay Herald is extremely amusing. In Wednesday’s issue it quotes the following remark, made by a gentleman who reported the Hastings’ Show for the Herald, – “Napier is now a large progressive commercial emporium, and the Herald, as regards circulation, ranks second among the morning papers in the North Island.” There is a covered sarcasm in the above observation that the conceit of the Herald would not allow it to perceive. There are only four morning daily papers in this Island, viz., The New Zealand Times, at Wellington; the New Zealand Herald, at Auckland; the Wanganui Chronicle, and the Hawke’s Bay Herald. In this list the Hawke’s Bay Herald is proud to acknowledge itself in the second rank, which is as much as to say that it ranks last of all.
A correspondent, writing from Woodville sends us a long letter, apparently reflecting on the remarks of the writer of “A trip through the Seventy Mile Bush” that appeared a few days since in our contemporary’s columns. We have not time to decipher our correspondent’s communication, which is quite unintelligible.
The Rangitikei-Manawatu Agricultural and Pastoral Show was held on Wednesday at the township of Bulls, Rangitikei. Among the exhibits in the class “cattle,” Hawke’s Bay will be represented, Mr Canning having sent several pure-bred cows and heifers.
We are glad to hear that it is the intention of the Taradale Mutual Improvement Society to give an entertainment on Thursday, the 8th day of November, in the Taradale school-room, for the benefit of the Indian Famine Relief Fund. There will be a vocal and instrumental concert, and also a new piece, entitled “The Idiot Witness.” Several ladies and gentlemen of well-known talent have offered their assistance, and it is believed the entertainment will result in a handsome sum being handed over to the fund.
The meeting at Havelock on Tuesday for the purpose of aiding the Indian famine relief fund was not largely attended. This was partly to be accounted for by the fact that many of the energetic people in the community had already forwarded subscriptions to town, and partly by the fact that the inhabitants of Havelock regarded their liability to contribute as a foregone conclusion which needed no talking about. In the room, £28 15s were laid on the table, and a Committee was appointed, consisting of Messrs Brathwaite, Bissell, and the Rev. W. Shepherd to wait upon settlers for contributions. The following were the subscribers at the meeting: – W. Couper, £10; R. Brathwaite, £5 5s; W. Douglas, £5; S. Stone, £2 2s; Rev. W. Shepherd, £3 3s; F. Bethell, £1; T. C. Taylor, £1; James Cooper, 10/; H. Mitchell, 10/; C. Britton, 5/.
The Alleen Troupe gave a second performance in the Oddfellows’ Hall on Tuesday which was well attended, the back and second seats being quite full, while there was a fair sprinkling in the front seats. The programme was the same as that given on the previous evening, and the various performers were several times encored. The dancing and singing of the “infant wonders” brought down the house, and they had to submit to a double encore. The part these two children take is admirable, and to see them is worth the price of admission by itself.
The Indian Government are notifying that they are prepared to purchase about 600 horses suitable for army purposes during the year 1877-78, and about the same number in the following year. Horses and mares of all breeds will be received within the prescribed age from 4 to 7 years. The average price for a remount has been fixed at 550 rupees, or £55 in our money.
The News Letter understands that the Hon. Mr. Waterhouse is going to considerable expense in order to get rid of rabbits. He is about to enclose the whole of his run with wire netting so as to prevent fresh arrivals. He appears convinced that he is able to exterminate them on his own run.
It is rumored in Wellington that Mr E. T. Gillon will likely again occupy the editorial chair of the N.Z. Times, while the “Intelligent Vagrant” will edit the Evening Argus.
The total amount of money collected up to the present time by the Indian Famine Relief Committee is £723 2s 5d. A further sum of £400 was transmitted by cable to Madras on Wednesday. The following additional subscriptions are acknowledged: – Messrs F. Tuxford, £2 2s; Rice, 5s; Withers, £2 2s; X.Y.Z., £2; Bennett, 10s; Bryson, £3 3s; Rochfort, £1; Shrivecock, 5s; Powell, £1 1s; Robinson, 10s, G. S., 10s; Convent, £1; Father Kerrigan, 10s, employees on Mr Tanner’s station, £15; W.A.D. £1 1s; Captain and crew Silver Cloud, £2 1s; Bower, £1 1s; Ellison, £1; Oliver, £1; Jansen, 2s 6d; a Friend, £2 4s; Winter, £2 3s; J. Marshall, 10s; M. Hayden, £1; Holt, £2 2s; Mrs McGregor, £1; Mrs Taylor, £1; Baker, £2 2s; F. Williams, £1; John Dinwiddie, £2 2s; W. McKenzie, 10s; Goudy, £2; Buchanan, £1; Canning and employes [employees], £28 9s; Nairn Brothers, £25; collected at Pourere [ Pourerere ], £35: Colonel Whitmore, £5; Hugh Campbell, £20; Hastings meeting, £40 7s.
The mail steamer with the European and American mails is due at Auckland on Saturday. She will bring fuller particulars on the stirring events now passing in the old world.
A large meeting of settlers met in the schoolroom West Clive, on Tuesday. A. Lascelles, Esq., in the chair. Over £20 were subscribed in the room, and some of the leading settlers undertook to canvass for further contributions.
The Napier Artillery Volunteer Band were served out with their new uniform this week. The tunic and trousers are the same as those worn by the battery, with the exception that the braiding on the tunic is white, and above the Austrian knot on each sleeve is a lyre worked in white. Instead of a busby, members of the band have been served out with a blue shako, with a red band round it, and red horse-hair Raglan drooping plume in front. We believe the band will parade for the first time in uniform on the Prince of Wales’ Birthday at the Friendly Societies’ Fete. With the band uniform, a few extra gunners’ suits were received, as well as new belts &c for the officers.
The enlargement of the police quarters at the Lock-up has necessitated the removal of the public pound, the ground it occupied being required for the additional buildings. The pound has been erected on the Town Hall reserve, at the end of Carlyle-street, and will probably be gazetted as the Borough Pound after the next sitting of the Council.
The contractors for the laying of the water pipes, Messrs Parker and Co., are pushing on energetically with their work. They have laid down about a mile and a half of piping during the past month, and are now at work in Brewster-street. They have completed pipe laying on the Shakespeare, Battery, Coote, and Beach roads, and in the course of a few days will commence in Tennyson street.
We (Marlborough Press) understand that the Union Steam Shipping Company are about to alter their plan of operations, but they are not going to forsake Picton. It is intended to run their large vessels north and south on the East Coast only, from Auckland to Dunedin, calling at Lyttelton, Wellington and Napier. They will however run one or more of their smaller vessels between Wellington and Nelson, calling at Picton each way. How Taranaki is to be served we are not aware, but probably it will be by local steamers from the Manakau.
The Poverty Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Show is to be held to-day.
On Thursday afternoon (says the Poverty Bay Standard of Saturday) some two hundred Maoris assembled across the Turanganui river to discuss the advisability of drawing up and forwarding a petition to the Native Minister praying that the Native Lands Court should not be removed from Gisborne. There was much and long deliberation, but nothing definitely was decided. Another meeting is to follow when we shall be able to state what has been done. About eighty Europeans were present. The meeting had been called at the instance of Mr R. Cooper. Prior to the business of the day there was the usual amount of feasting which precedes these kind of gatherings.
We are requested by the Indian Famine Relief Committee to express, in accordance with a resolution passed on Wednesday at its meeting, the thanks of the Committee to the congregation of Trinity Church for the liberal offertory contributed on Sunday, 28th instant.
The Herald makes a boast on Thursday that it stands next to the N.Z. Herald in regard to circulation as a daily morning paper. As showing the untruthfulness of such an assertion, we append the circulation of each morning paper, as given in the General Government Gazette of December, 1876: –
New Zealand Herald 7,200
Thames Advertiser 3,250
New Zealand Times 3,200
Hawke’s Bay Herald 1,200
From this it will be seen that the Herald instead of being second, has really the lowest circulation of any of the morning papers, (on the proprietors’ own showing) and there is also this fact to be taken into consideration, that the real circulation of the Herald on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays is only 800, and only 1,200 papers are published on Tuesdays and Fridays, when it publishes its up-country edition. So much for the veracity of the Herald.
A fisherman named Christiansen brought into town on Thursday the skin of a splendid seal. The animal from which it was obtained was captured on Wednesday by Christiansen on the Petane beach, and measured 10 feet. The skin has been placed in the shop of Mr S. Hooper.
The Rev. Charles Clark’s lecture on Thackeray on Wednesday, whether regarded as an oratorical effort, versatility of talent, or as a keen perception of the life and character of his subject, decidedly secured the greatest success of any of the series. For nearly two hours the attention of the crowded audience was riveted on the lecturer, who, without apparent effort carried the feelings of his hearers with him, at one time provoking bursts of merriment, and at the next moment melting them almost to tears. Commencing with a brief reference to the interest that always necessarily attaches to the inner life, so to speak, of a man of letters, Mr Clark touched upon the sorrows and triumphs of many of England’s greatest moralists. He next rapidly sketched the early days and experiences of William Makepeace Thackeray, and compared those with those of his contemporary Charles Dickens. Passing then to Thackeray’s first appearance as a public writer, Mr Clark illustrated the humour, the sentiment, and the satire, of his subject, as exhibited in “Vanity Fair,” “The Newcomes,” and the “Snob Papers,” and concluding with a feeling account of Mr. Thackeray’s death.
A telegram was received on Thursday at Wellington by Dr Lemon informing him that cable communication between Singapore and Penang had been restored. Unless, therefore, some hitch occurs in any other part of the line, we shall be able as heretofore to publish daily cablegrams from Europe giving an account of the progress of events at the theatre of war.
The public meeting at Waipukurau on Tuesday convened by the Chairman of the Waipawa County Council was fairly attended. A resolution containing an expression of sympathy with our fellow-subjects in India was moved by the Rev. J. Fraser, seconded by the Rev. J. White, and carried unanimously. A Committee was appointed composed of all the leading residents in the County to canvass for subscriptions for the Indian Famine Relief Fund. £60 were collected in the room, and there is no doubt that the settlers will all liberally respond to the call made upon them.
The merchants of Port Ahuriri closed their places of business on Thursday as a kind of remembrance, we presume, of the day when Hawke’s Bay was separated from the old Province of Wellington. Notwithstanding abolition, there would appear to be some who will not accept the present position. The Banks as Napier and some of the stores closed about noon, but the shops were all kept open, and a stranger would hardly observe a difference in Napier on Thursday and any other general business day.
Mr. T. Peddie has entered into possession of the Clarendon Hotel. The new landlord of this well-known popular hostelry, we learn, intends to make alterations which will render it more attractive than ever.
Two boat loads of fish were brought into the port on Thursday. They were caught in the bay, a consisted of soles, gurnet [gurnard], and several other kinds.
We learn that the annual Trial Fours of the Napier Rowing Club have been fixed for Saturday, 1st December. Entries are to be handed to the Secretary before eight o’clock on Saturday evening.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 4th instant, at St. Luke’s, Havelock, at 11 a.m.; at St. Matthew’s, Hastings, at half-past 3; and at St. Mark’s, Clive, at 7 p.m.
The well-known ship builder, Mr Nichols, of Auckland, has called a meeting of his creditors, and offered 5/- in the £. His liabilities are estimated at £15,000.
The last race from China to London with the new season teas was between steamers which went through the Suez Canal. Direct shipments are also now made to the colonies, a splendid lot having recently arrived, a portion of which has been purchased by A. Manoy and Co. of Hastings-street, who are disposing of the same by the chest at 2s per lb. Heads of families should note this. – [ADVT.]
It will be seen from our advertising columns that a flag will be seen on the White road next Wednesday. It is to be hoped, when the advertiser feels disposed to disclose its meaning, there will be a pleasant surprise to the inhabitants of that locality. – [ADVT.]
The peculiar facilities enjoyed by those who persevere in any calling are the sure reward of industry. Since commencing business we have persistently catered for public patronage in the most liberal spirit, and we are thankful our efforts have met with such a hearty response as to assure us we enjoy the confidence of our customers. We have purchased one case of Boys’ and Youths’ Legorn [Leghorn] Hats, and now offer them at fifteen-pence each, 25 per cent. below English cost. – COMBS & CO. – [ADVT.]
October 31.
The Manaia landed her goods on the beach to day, and leaves for Napier at 3 p.m. It looks like rain.
November 1.
The opening night of the Alleen troupe was a great success here last night. It is expected they will have a crowded house to-night.
October 30.
Sailed, 6 p.m. – Taupo, s.s. Passengers for Napier – Mr and Mrs Biggrim, Mrs Constable, Messrs Ballin and Cropp.
October 31.
On the House meeting yesterday afternoon, Takamoana made a strong speech in favor of the Government believing their policy would end in the closer union and more friendly relations between the Europeans and Maoris. He was afraid that the country would be plunged into a Maori war if the late Government returned to power. After attacking the late Ministry, he turned his attention to Mr Fox, speaking warmly of the conduct of the member for Wanganui when Native Minister.
Captain Russell said he was very sorry to hear Takamoana threaten time after time a Maori war to serve political ends.
Cries of “order,” “no, no,” and uproar.
The Speaker ruled such assertions to be undesirable.
Captain Russell apologised. He might say he had received letters from Napier asking him if there were really any danger of war. After dressing down Mr Thomson and other members he went on to say that objection had been taken to the meagre nature of Major Atkinson’s argument, but Mr Larnach, in moving his no-confidence motion, only referred to the sale of the Luna and the Napier harbor works as grounds for turning out the Government. He (Captain Russell) knew nothing of the former, but he did not know that the Napier harbor works had anything to do with the Government. Several members had deserted Sir G. Grey’s party and had been attacked for so doing, but the fact was that they had all been offered office in the present Government. (No, no) So their defection was rather to their credit than otherwise. He did not agree with Major Atkinson’s motion, nor yet with Mr Reynold’s amendment. He could not agree with the former because it implied that there was a Government, which he denied. Mr Reynold’s amendment implied that there was no policy, yet stated, whereas they had heard three distinct declarations of policy; but why did they not bring down their financial statement in the course of the debate, for they said it would be ready at the beginning of this week. The Government claimed credit for doing a great deal of work. Why, they had simply adopted the Bills of their predecessors, which before they
took office they had warmly opposed and obstructed.
At this point, Captain Russell began to falter and try back amid a titter in the House and whispers that he had lost his notes. He added in a low voice that he could not go on, and sank into his seat, looking as he would faint. A smelling bottle was handed to him, when he appeared slightly to revive, and left the House.
Mr Rees castigated the late Government in his usual style, but was not personal for a wonder. He contended that the motion of Major Atkinson was either premature or too late – premature if it were based on the policy of the Ministry, as they had not had time to declare it, and too late if it referred to the personnel of the Ministry, as it should have been tabled as soon as they met the House. Like half the speakers who had gone before he pointed to a dissolution as an absolute necessity in the present state of parties, as neither was strong enough to lead the House. He defended the Hawke’s Bay repudiation party on the ground that by teaching the natives to go to law for redress they had prevented an appeal to arms.
Mr Rees then got on his hobby horse finance, and rode it to death, declaring that the annual expenditure of the colony was four times as great per head of population as that of Russia and Turkey, including the enormous cost of the present war. He agreed with Mr Ballance that in future the colony must be divided into two great parties instead of cliques.
The House adjourned at 11.25 p.m.
October 31.
The division is expected to-night. There is no change in the political situation. The chances are still very slightly in favor of the Opposition.
Messrs Sheehan and Macandrew are both knocked up with overwork, but the former expresses his intention to speak to-night.
Mr Stout has returned, and will probably speak.
Captain Russell is better. He returned to the House late last night. It appears he has been suffering from a bilious attack for some days, and that was the cause of his faintness.
SIR, – This morning’s Herald contains a letter signed “Liberal” referring to a case of distress at Port Ahuriri, and complaining that enthusiasm had not been evoked on the sufferer’s behalf. Permit me to inform “Liberal,” that the large majority of Napier residents never heard of the sufferer referred to until this morning, and possibly that may be “Liberal’s” fault. At any rate “Liberal” has belied his nom de plume by the unjustifiable sneer with which he concludes his letter. I for one, and I have no doubt that there are hundreds of my mind in Napier, am as willing to contribute to the necessities of an Englishman and Christian as to those of any Hindoo. But no one can be blind to the fact that the Englishman and Christian has not starved while five hundred thousand loyal Hindoos have perished from hunger.
If “Liberal” will start a subscription for the English Christian, I shall be happy to contribute. I enclose my card. – I am, &c.,
October 31, 1877.
SIR, – Your contemporary, this morning, I perceive, “understands” that to-morrow will be observed as a separation holiday, notwithstanding the province is abolished and we are again tacked on to Wellington. The mercantile and general public “understand” there will be no holiday to-morrow, but the Prince of Wales’ Birthday, which is proclaimed as a holiday by an Order in Council of the Imperial Government, will be observed. The idea of a holiday to-morrow could only have emanated from clerks who get paid by the month, and who would be paid whether there was a holiday or not. If they were paid by the day like working-men they would sing quite another tune.
The Herald also remarks that we should rejoice to-morrow because the Province of Hawke’s Bay has been abolished. If a plebiscite of the people were taken, the verdict, I am sure, would be that we should mourn over the event rather than be joyful. What have we gained? Taxation. What have we lost? The right to manage our own affairs, and our share of the general revenue. – I am, &c.,
October 31, 1877.
SIR, – I am surprised at not seeing in either of our local papers an acknowledgement of Mr Clark’s services on Sunday last in aid of the Indian Famine Fund. That he deserves it no one who had the pleasure of hearing him will deny. The liberal offertory from the congregation of Trinity Church comprised donations from members of all denominations, which ought to have been acknowledged. – I am, &c.,
November 1, 1877.
SIR, – I quite agree with you that the promoters of the petition to the House praying for the erection of the Spit bridge have committed a grand mistake in entrusting it to Mr Sheehan. In the first place that gentleman is now a Minister of the Crown, and it is not usual to send such a petition to persons holding that position. Captain Russell has always thrown cold water on the project, and his statement to the gentleman who asked him to give the bridge his support is quite sufficient to show that he has not the matter at heart. As for Mr Sutton, both in the Hawke’s Bay Provincial Council and in the House, he has ever used his influence and best exertions to get money voted for the bridge. Under these circumstances, it was exceedingly bad taste, to say the least, to pass him over. Mr Sutton, it may be true, has little influence with the squatocracy, but I am assured by several persons who have visited Wellington, that his speeches are always listened to, and, being always of a practical nature, carry weight with them. Among the other members of the House, he is looked up to with deference, and as a proof of this, his name will be found on all the most important Committees. His views on taxation of land are not liked by the squatters.
The remarks made about him in the Herald this morning by “Napier” are not worth answering, as the letter is one which has evidently been “expanded” in the editorial room. – I am, &c.,
November 1, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.
Michael Ryan, for the above offence, was ordered to pay a fine of 5s, or in default be imprisoned for 24 hours. He made the default.
Henry Jones, for a like offence, was dealt with similarly, but preferred paying the five shillings.
Michael Sweeney, also for drunkenness, elected, on getting the same option, to pay the money.
Michael Sweeney was also convicted of assaulting Constable Laurenson whilst in the execution of his duty. He was fined £5, or in default of payment imprisonment with hard labor for a month. The fine was paid.
(Before E. Lyndon Esq., J.P.)
Michael Sweeney, whose want of self-control in the way of liquoring up cost him only yesterday morning the pretty round sum of five guineas, again made his appearance this morning, charged with having been drunk last night at the Spit. He acknowledged the offence, saying he had only lately come down country, and of course took a few glasses extra. He was ordered to pay a fine of twenty shillings, or in default be imprisoned for 48 hours. The fine was paid.
There were no other cases this morning.
Shipping Intelligence.
26 – Manaia, p.s., returned to port.
27 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa.
27 – Southern Cross, s.s. from Auckland. Passengers – Miss Brown, Messrs. Coe, Brown, Murphy, Teasdale, Bullien, Lane, Barnes, Hassell, Willox, and Coffee.
28 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Gibbs, Miss Collins, Messrs. Hamlin, Paton, and three for Poverty Bay.
28 – Fairy, s.s., from Poverty Bay via Whangawhehi [ Whangawehi ]. Passengers – Messrs. Balharry, Ruddock, Nolan, and the Allen [Alleen] Combination Troupe (7).
28 – Opotiki, schooner, from Poverty Bay.
29 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
30 – Rangatira, s.s., from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Misses Cheeseman, Harris and Harione (2), Messrs Kelly, Elrig, Gifford, McKenzie, Matheson, O’Meara and Page
31 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa
1 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Castle Point.
25 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Rev Father Regnier [ Reignier ], Messrs. Miller, Ingram, McMurray, and several natives.
27 – Sir Donald, s.s., for Poverty Bay.
28 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mesdames Finneran, Taylor and 2 children, Messrs. McVay (2), Taylor, Broadgate, Finneran, Levien, Ropata, one steerage, and three original.
29 – Columbia, schooner, for Kennedy’s Bay.
30 – Southern Cross, s.s., for the Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Saloon: Rev. D. Bruce, Mr and Mrs G. Peacock, Miss McLennan, Messrs Norman, Porter, Nolan, and Thorne. Steerage: Mr and Mrs Sutton and child, Messrs Cotton, Armstrong, and another
30 – Josephine, schooner, for Manawatu
30 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Miss Healy, Messrs Ingram, Smythe, Rev. Father Regnier, and a few natives
30 – Rapid, cutter, for Mohaka
31 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs and Miss Dyer, Miss Cheesman and Mr Kelly
The p.s. Manaia returned to port on Friday, through some accident having occurred to her boiler.
The New Zealand Shipping Company’s ship Mataura, Capt. Brown, is now out 83 days from Plymouth. She has on board as immigrants equal to 161 statute adults; also, 300 tons general cargo for here, on discharge of which she will proceed to Wellington to discharge 400 tons for the latter port, and afterwards load for home. Her local agents are Messrs. Watt Brothers.
The s.s. Result returned from Wairoa, having been unable to communicate in consequence of the heavy break on the beach. Captain Baxter reports the river as being nearly blocked up.
The three-masted schooner Mary Wadley arrived in the Bay on Monday, at noon, after a passage of ten days from Newcastle, N.S.W.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt Holmes, arrived on Saturday at 10 p.m., in the Bay, having encountered a succession of head winds the whole way down the Coast, and particularly from Portland Island, which distance took 14 hours to accomplish. She has about 100 tons of cargo on board. We are glad to report that the valuable stock that this steamer took away last time were all landed in good condition, although they were on board three days longer than usual.
The s.s. Rangatira arrived in the Bay at one o’clock on Sunday, having been 24 hours on the passage. She encountered heavy S.W. winds and westerly swell. The steam launch Bella landed the passengers and mails, and embarked others, who left in the Rangatira at 3 p.m., for Gisborne.
The s.s. Fairy, Captain Campbell, returned from Poverty Bay via Whangawhehi [ Whangawehi ] on Sunday, with a load of wool from the latter place, and a good number of passengers from Poverty Bay. At Whangawhehi two of the original passengers went ashore, and as the weather did not look very promising, they elected to cover over-land.
The three-masted schooner Silver Cloud was successfully brought across the bar on Sunday, although she hung fire for some time. The s.s. Southern Cross also bumped heavily.
It was rumored in town yesterday afternoon that H.M.S. Sappho, when going out of the Heads on Monday last, bound for Nelson under canvas, missed stays and went ashore on a soft bottom close to the Pinnacle Rock. She got off with the flood tide the same evening, and continued on her voyage under steam. If the affair, which we have some reason to believe, occurred, it has been kept exceedingly dark. – New
Zealand Times, October 25.
The barque Schiehallion, now loading at Wellington, is expected to be despatched in three weeks hence.
The s.s. Southern Cross steamed for the Thames and Auckland at 10 o’clock on Tuesday, with a fair complement of passengers, 60 head of fat cattle, and 300 sheep.
The s.s. Rangatira returned from Poverty Bay early on Tuesday, and was brought to the outer wharf vacated by the Cross.
The p.s. Manaia left on Tuesday for Wairoa with a fair complement of passengers.
The cutter Rapid left on Tuesday for Mohaka with a full general cargo, principally for stations.
An accident happened to the Sir Donald on her last trip to Poverty Bay, by which she had the misfortune to break her shaft, and there being no means of repairing it there, it is on board the Rangatira to be repaired in Wellington. This will cause the Sir Donald to be laid up for about three weeks, and it is unfortunate happening just at this busy time, there being plenty of wool on the coast ready for shipment.
The s.s. Rangatira at 11 o’clock made an attempt to get out of the inner harbor, but the current running was so strong that she was unable to steam against it, and she therefore returned to the wharf. She made another attempt and succeeded in getting out.
The s.s. Kiwi arrived at the anchorage on Thursday from Wellington via Castle Point, but as no communication had been held with her up to the time our report left the Spit, we are unable to give particulars of her voyage.
The p.s. Manaia returned from Wairea [Wairoa] on Wednesday having landed passengers, but very little cargo. The bar there is still bad.
The ketch Why Not is loaded with wool for the barque Dragon.
The s.s. Fairy is landing coals from the Helen Denny.
Thursday at the Spit was observed as a close holiday at all the merchants’ offices and stores, and also at the Custom House, the Post and Telegraph Offices being the only ones open to the public.
At Routledge, Kennedy & Co.’s cattle sale on Wednesday at the Shamrock yards, the attendance of buyers was not so good as at the previous sales. This is accounted for by so many being busy shearing. The present drought and continuation of dry westerly winds caused the prices to decline a little from the last sale. About 75 head passed the hammer, from which we quote the following prices: – 30 head young mixed stock, from £2 to £3 10s a head; milch cows, from £5 to £7 10s; 35 head of young steers, 2 to 2 ½ years old, averaged from £3 17s 6d to £5 10s each. There was no beef in the yards. Of the four horses brought forward, only two were sold by the auctioneer. A few private sales were effected at the close of the public sales; also, of the original purchaser of some of the cattle disposed of them before leaving the yards.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on 18th November.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per Rotorua, on Friday, 16th November, at 9 p.m.
Registered Letters and Money Orders, via San Francisco, will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers at 8 p.m. on the 16th instant.
Chief Postmaster.
J.B. – We thank you for your witty effusion, but you have not complied with our rule by forwarding us your name and address. It has therefore been consigned to the waste paper basket.
P. – Dr. Buller is not knighted. He is a Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George.
JUSTICE AND FAIR PLAY (Waipawa). – Saturday’s report was given as official.
A LADY KILLER’S SOLILOQUY. – We have no space for the verses. You do not ap-append your name, neither do you say whether the poetry is your own, or anyone else’s composition.
NEAL. – At Napier, on the 25th October, the wife of Mr. John Neal, of a son.
WILLIAMS. – At Frimley, on the 1st of November, Mrs. J.N. Williams, of a son.
GOLDEN. – At her father’s residence, Port Ahuriri, Ada Jane, the beloved daughter of Mr. Joseph Golden, aged 15 years.
McINTYRE. – At Greenmeadows, Taradale, on October 30, Helen, the wife of James McIntyre, aged 42 years.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
THE Undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he will open the above Hotel on MONDAY, the 1st October, which is situated on the direct road to Patea, and hopes by attention to the comfort of his visitors to merit their support. The Hotel has recently been built for the specific accommodation of the travelling public, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the Hotel one of the most comfortable and attractive in the County.
None but the very best brands of Beers, Wines, and Spirits will be kept in stock.
Splendid Stables, Grass Paddocks, and every accommodation for persons travelling.
The Proprietor is erecting a new Store, where goods of the very best quality will always be on sale.
Konini, Sept. 5th, 1877.
The Weekly Mercury
SOME weeks ago, when the maintenance of the Napier Fire Brigade was occupying local attention, we referred to the means adopted by the principal Municipalities of the colony for the efficient support of that useful institution. The difficulty was solved at the time by the adoption of the suggestion we then made, which was that the Borough Council should vote the necessary funds. Although when the question came before the Council there were no objections raised to such an expediency, it was pretty well known that there was a minority of the Councillors who were averse to such an expenditure of public money. The vote was looked upon as an expedient, and not only by some of the Councillors, but also by some amongst the ratepayers, it was hoped that no future occasion would arise when such grant would again become necessary. For our own part, we regarded the Fire Brigade as a public institution, an institution that was an absolute necessity in a wooden built town, and one which it was the duty of all to support; and we maintained that that general support could not be more fairly accorded than out of funds to which all ratepayers had contributed. A similar difficulty to that which arose in Napier with respect to this matter has occurred at Greymouth, and to meet it, the advisability of striking a fire rate has been proposed. The expense of collection of a separate rate, and of bringing one into force, deterred the Greymouth Council from its imposition. It is noteworthy, however, that this rate was requested to be imposed by the Fire Brigade, and the refusal by the Council compelled the Brigade to petition for another subsidy. But this begging system, says the Greymouth Star, is unsatisfactory, “and a special enactment is needed, making it compulsory on the authorities to support the fire companies of the colonies, for their support and maintenance in a state of efficiency is absolutely necessary to the safety of any town – not to mention a ‘wooden’ town.” Our Southern contemporary then goes on to show how the several Brigades in the colony are maintained, the list corresponding to that which we published some short time back. In some towns the Insurance Companies contribute one-half of the expense, and in others one-fourth. Again, there are instances in which the Corporations meet five-sixths of the cost, and in other cases they do not provide quite one-half. Such useful institutions as Fire Brigades should not have to depend on voluntary contributions for support, and we agree with the Star in thinking that such a position is absurd, and that the question might be easily dealt with by a special enactment causing Borough or County Councils to set aside a certain per centage of their revenue for such purposes which would entail but little trouble, and would give brigades a more satisfactory standing.
IN the House, the other day, Mr Sheehan stated in reply to a question that was asked him, that the Government would endeavor before the end of the session, to introduce a Bill for the payment of special jurymen by the day, and not by the case as at present. Gentlemen, whose names are on the special jury list, will be glad to learn that the hardships which they may be called upon to bear have been thus recognised by the Government, and that it is proposed to extend to them that justice which they themselves are called upon to mete out to others. The position of a special juryman, however honorable, has very serious drawbacks, and as the colony gets older, these are likely to be increased through the multiplication of complications arising from the growth of population and commerce, requiring legal settlements. As the law stands at present, the only pecuniary remuneration a special juryman can receive is the fee of £1, whether the case which he is called upon to determine lasts one day or one week. This remuneration is extremely paltry when, as in the case of Napier, the special jury list is very limited, and when, resulting from this cause, the same special jurymen have to serve on several cases during a sitting of the Supreme Court. In this respect the cases of Wellington and Napier are identical, and the remarks of the Evening Post are so peculiarly applicable that we shall not apologise for republishing a portion of them here.
Our Wellington contemporary says: –
Any person familiar with the proceedings of the Supreme Court here, must have noticed how often the same faces appear in the box in special jury cases. This is not as it should be. The special jury list is, in a great measure made up of old residents, and a few bankers, merchants, and others of more recent standing. Now the time has come when a new and enlarged special jury list should be prepared. By all means let the old names be retained, but a considerable number of new names should be added to the list. There should be no difficulty in doing this. By dint of making careful inquiry, in exercising a judicious discrimination, the special jury list could be considerably enlarged and some measure of relief thereby afforded to that small number of our fellow citizens on whom the performance of duty as special jurors has hitherto entirely fallen. On a previous occasion we pointed out that many cases are tried before special juries which might just as well be dealt with by common juries. It is very likely that if special jurors were paid, not merely the paltry fee of £1 each, but a higher amount proportionate to the length of time occupied by each trial, there would be fewer applications made for their services. The present remuneration is a mere farce. “They manage things better in” – Sydney. The case of Sims v. Sims (captain of the telegraph steamer Agnes), tried before Mr Justice Hargreaves and a special jury of twelve, terminated on the 2nd inst., having lasted five days. On the conclusion of the trial, his Honor ordered that each special juror should receive three gunieas [guineas] per diem for his attendance on this case, or a fee of fifteen guineas for each juror. This is as it should be. Service on juries is a very serious tax on the time of business men, on special juries particularly, which are becoming more and more frequently resorted to, while the cases seem to increase pari passu in complexity and excessive length. While it is absolutely necessary that every eligible citizen should be called on when required to perform this essential part of his duties of citizenship, it is right and just that he should be paid a reasonable and adequate remuneration for his services. No more glaring instance could be cited of the defects and injustice of the present New Zealand system, than the late Waka Maori case in which the jury were engaged for eleven whole days, and received the paltry fee of £1 each, less than 2/ per diem!
THE first of November, for the last nineteen years, has always in Hawke’s Bay been observed as a public holiday, to celebrate the anniversary of the province. On the first of November, 1858, Hawke’s Bay was formed into a separate government, being cut off from Wellington, and from that day the growth and prosperity of this provincial district may be dated. By the Abolition Act provincial distinctions were attempted to be swept away, but the struggles, and also the triumphs, of the young colony under its several subordinate governments will never be forgotten by the early settlers. In spite of all that may be said to the contrary, the provincial form of government under which the affairs of this country were for so long administered was the best possible system for the development of the resources of the colony. And although it may be urged that provincialism had done its work, fulfilled its mission, and had fallen into decrepitude, the fact remains, that the task entrusted it was energetically undertaken, and the fruits of the labor will be lasting. There is nothing to be ashamed of in provincialism, and though it may not suit public convenience to celebrate the anniversary of separation as a general holiday, the first of November should not be forgotten by the settlers of Hawke’s Bay.
THE Premier, Sir George Grey, may be likened to the man in the parable who prepared a feast to which none of the invited guests would come. By hook and by crook, from the highways and by-ways of the political world, the Premier has succeeded in getting a few to sit down at his table, but there is room for more. The hotch-potch composition of the Cabinet displays all the varieties of political opinion in as striking contrast as the costumes of those who were compelled to enter the rich man’s house must have done, when they sat down to dinner. And, apparently, it does not matter to Sir George Grey what the previous opinions and sentiments of his colleagues may have been, nor does he seemingly care what may be the views of the gentlemen he desires to see in his Cabinet. On a previous occasion we have contrasted Sir George Grey’s radical notions with the conservative convictions of his Colonial Secretary, the Hon Col. Whitmore. With regard to the Colonial Treasurer, Mr Larnach, perhaps it would be unjust to accuse him of holding any political views whatsoever, while Mr Sheehan is of that plastic nature that would enable him to be “all things to all men,” if it suited his convenience. We have seen him fighting like a lion for provincialism, and then striving with his might for the separation of the colony, and to-day he stands forth as the chief colleague of the Premier who has announced his intention to intensify centralism. But as though these compounds were not enough to give a comical Irish-stew aspect to the Ministry, it will be seen by our telegrams that Sir George has being doing his best to get His Excellency the Governor to nominate our respected fellow-townsman, Mr. J. N. Wilson, to the Legislative Council. Now what the Ministry can possibly want with Mr. Wilson in the Upper House, it would puzzle the most searching investigation to discover. Did it purpose to be a reward for alleged sympathy with the Repudiationists, for political support, or what? We agree with our contemporary in thinking that Mr. Wilson is quite up to the average of the intelligence of the “Lords,” but we also think that before a colonist is taken from private life and elevated to the Legislative Council, he should possess at least some sort of claim to, or some special qualification for, the honor thus thrust upon him. Taking the peculiar position of the Ministry into consideration, His Excellency, very wisely, has declined to nominate Mr. Wilson to the Upper House. We should not have alluded to the subject had it not have exhibited to a remarkable degree, the extraordinary variety of elements to be found in the present Cabinet.
IT is satisfactory to learn from Mr Weber’s report to the Harbor Board that the shingle, that has hitherto been the bug-bear of harbor improvement, has its limit in quantity, as well as in peripatetic inclination. The report states that the eastern pier has now reached a position which, extending beyond the track of the shingle, traps, and stops its progress to the channel. The supply of the material of which the bar is built up, being thus cut off, “all that is wanted now is the clearing away of the old bar.” Comparing the successive reports of the Board’s engineer during the progress of the works, we cannot but be gratified at the many various theories respecting travelling-shingle and the action of the tides, that have been the outcome of the harbor improvement scheme. At one time we have been told that the extra-ordinary draught of the season so far decreased the volume of the Tutaekuri river that fair play had not been shown by Nature to the Colonial Engineer’s plans, and by inference, some censure was due to the authority in whom is confided the direction of the water supply. The rains fell, and the waters rose, but still the obdurate bar remained, seeming to say “the floods may come, the tides may rise, but I remain for ever.” It was necessary then to advance another theory, which it was hoped would be unanswerable. The beach from the Ngaruroro was carefully scanned, and pegged out to measure the breadth of the shingle. A storm, which might or might not have cleared the bar, happened in its result to support this new theory, which was that the supply of shingle was inexhaustible, coming as it did from the mountains, rolling down the Ngaruroro, depositing itself on the beach, and then travelling, for no other purpose, than to wilfully obstruct our harbor. This storm actually did narrow the beach, and quantities of shingle were deposited at the entrance of the harbor. We now learn that no more shingle can cross the channel, because the eastern pier has been extended beyond the line of its pathway. And as any such supposition implies that the shingle supply is exhaustible, another theory has become necessary. Nor has
this been found wanting; the savants of the beach now declare that the shingle does not come from the Ngaruroro, but the tide, like our old friend Sysiphus [Sisyphus], rolls the stones in one direction only to find them back again, and its work with-out end. Perhaps, when the works are finished, another theory will be put forth showing how needless has been our harbor improvement expenditure, but such an idea will of course be scouted.
THERE can now be but little doubt felt that the fate of the Grey Ministry is sealed, and that after Sir George Grey has applied for a dissolution to the Governor, and been refused, Major Atkinson will be called on to form a Government, which will consist of several members of the Middle Party. It is also probable – very probable – that the new Government will be unable to get Supplies, and the only solution to the deadlock will be an appeal to the country. There is, however, this to be taken into consideration, that there are many members on both sides who would rather eat up all their former professions – in fact, almost adopt any course than face the electors; and there is, therefore, a possibility that Major Atkinson will be able to tide over the session. A few days will prove this. The Herald, which is just now anxious to become the organ of whatever party is in power, begins this morning to retract, and from lavish praise of Sir G. Grey as a model statesman and an honest politician, fears that through the attempt to buy over Mr Woolcock he “will lose every shred of his newly-won popularity.” In the first place the Grey party was never popular in Napier, except with those who lie hungering for the crumbs which might fall from their table if left in power. The expected decease of the Grey Ministry has quite altered our contemporary’s opinions regarding it, and we suppose we shall find him as warm for Major Atkinson in a few days as he was on Tuesday for Sir G. Grey. Those Government advertisements!
The first ordinary meeting for the month was held as above.
Present: – the Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Commissioners Tiffen, Lambert, Kennedy, and Newton. After the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed, the following applications for unsurveyed lands made since last meeting were considered and approved: – No. 2516, 2517, and 2518, by Messrs Rhodes and Co., respectively for 544 acres, 700 acres, and 1780 acres, on their runs Patoka district, and No. 2519, by Messrs Walker and Richardson, for 1375 acres in the Kopuawhara district.
A memorandum from the Under-Secretary for Crown Lands, re certain sections at Havelock and Clive, recommended by the Board to be reserved for public utility, in which it was stated that the term “public utility” is too vague for the purpose of reservation, and enquiring under what authority it is proposed to lease the lands referred to, was read. The Board decided that, as it is impossible to state at present for what specific purpose these sections may be required, they should remain in their present state as unproclaimed reserves; and that the attention of the Secretary for Crown Lands be drawn to the fact that several of these sections would bring in a fair amount of revenue if leased, and that they cannot state any particular authority for so doing, but assumed the sections could be leased with the Governor’s assent.
Wellington, October 31.
A paper was laid before the House this afternoon relative to calling Mr J. N. Wilson, of Napier, to the Legislative Council. Memorandum No. 1 is addressed to the Premier, and signed by Messrs Sheehan, Macandrew, Fisher, and Larnach. It advises that Mr J. N. Wilson, barrister, be summoned to the Legislative Council, and urges that it is desirable the Council should have further legal assistance in its discussions, adding that Mr Wilson stands high in his profession, and it would be a great advantage to the Council and the country if he were summoned. Memorandum No. 2 is from Sir George Grey to the Governor, as follows: – “His Excellency the Governor is respectfully informed that – notwithstanding the opinion yesterday expressed by His Excellency that notice of a want of confidence in the Government having been given, he ought not to accept any advice given for calling Mr J.N. Wilson to the Legislative Council until the decision of Parliament upon that vote had been given, when if it was favorable to the present Government, his Excellency would in pursuance of the advice then given call Mr J. N. Wilson to the Legislative Council – it is thought necessary, hoping this can be done without causing embarrassment to his Excellency, respectfully to advise the Governor to sign the accompanying writ, summoning Mr J. N. Wilson to the Legislative Council. – G. Grey.” Memorandum by His Excellency the Governor – “The Governor presents his compliments to Sir George Grey, and in reply to his memorandum on the subject of the appointment of Mr Wilson to the Legislative Council the Governor regrets that, after the opinion expressed by him yesterday to Sir G. Grey, the Government should have considered it necessary to press this appointment upon him, and he can only repeat, in a more formal manner, what he said yesterday, that if Sir G. Grey informs the Governor that he requires this appointment for the purpose of enabling Mr Wilson to take office in the Government he will make it at once. If, however, it is, as Sir George Grey informed him yesterday, simply for the purpose of adding to the Legislative Council another gentleman belonging to the legal profession, there can be no pressing urgency for the appointment, and the Governor is of opinion that it would be undesirable to make it at a time when a vote of want of confidence is pending. If the Government are supported by a majority of the House, the Governor will be happy to accept their advice, and appoint Mr Wilson to the Legislative Council, but pending the decision of the Assembly, the Governor must decline to make the appointment. – NORMANBY.”
Mr. Ballance replied in the best speech he has ever delivered. He said he voted for Sir George Grey because he believed in him. As to Mr. Sheehan, were a few miserable land squabbles in Hawke’s Bay to influence legislation on native lands? No doubt, Mr. Ormond’s Native Land Bill was simply brought in to injure the repudiation party. He delivered a magnificent indictment against the late Government, and then went into the history of the Murimutu land transaction, showing the late Ministers up in a very unpleasant light. He boldly stated that Mr. Whitaker had, since October last, been allowed to purchase 18,000 acres of rich agricultural land at 5s an acre from a block of 200,000 acres which the Government had purchased from Maories [Maoris]. He then read extracts from Robert Peel and others to prove that the present course of bringing down a “no confidence motion” was totally unconstitutional; also, that in such case Sir George Grey would have good grounds to apply for a dissolution. He was loudly cheered on resuming his place. His speech was decidedly one of the best delivered in the House this session.
On Monday, in response to an invitation made by the officers of the Loyal Napier Lodge of Odd Fellows, between sixty and seventy members of the different Friendly Societies in the Hawke’s Bay district met in the Lodge Room. All the Societies were represented.
Mr Jacobs was unanimously voted to the chair, and explained that the object of the meeting was to test the Societies as to the advisability of their taking part in the great movement of obtaining monies for the Indian Famine Relief Fund. He then informed the meeting of the steps that had been taken prior to the meeting, and also spoke of an offer which had been made by Mr Toop for the use of the grounds at Farndon, and the handing over subscriptions which had already been raised for sports at Farndon.
Mr E. H. Grigg said if the meeting had no other result than in having congregated together representatives of all the Societies which were bound together for the purpose of friendship and charity it had served one object, but he hoped they should do more that evening, by rendering their aid and assistance to the great object which was engaging the attention of the people in all parts of Christendom – the alleviating of suffering and misery in India. He urged them that in any steps they might take they would be united, and under that one banner. – Charity – what they all took for their guide and precept, work together and make whatever they took in hand a success. He then spoke at
length on Mr Toop’s offer, and concluded by proposing: – “That a Friendly Societies Fete be given at Farndon on the Prince of Wales’ Birthday, the proceeds to be devoted to the Indian Famine Relief Fund.”
Seconded by Mr Limbrick.
Mr Bowerman, in a neat speech, supported the resolution, stating his willingness to assist, co-operate, and use his best endeavors to get the unanimous support of the members of his Society. (Cheers).
On being put from the Chair the resolution was carried unanimously.
The following gentlemen were then elected a Committee for the purpose of carrying out the foregoing resolution: –
Loyal Napier Lodge – Messrs N. Jacobs, F. Bee, E.H. Grigg, W. Jones, J.B. Fielder, S.E. Cooper, and Joe Chicken.
Loyal Clive Lodge – Messrs Toop, Hollis, Reid, Hardy, Glazebrook, and Bethell.
Loyal Abbotsford Lodge – Messrs Browne, Corskie, Leary, Collett, and Baker and J. Tye.
Loyal Meanee Lodge – Messrs A. Tiffen, G. Bradley, J. Jeffares.
Court Sir Charles Napier – Messrs T. McCarthy, Strong, Murray, Codlin, Vinsen, Clareburt, J. Gray, J. Massey, and H. Steed.
Court Captain Cook – Messrs Spence Wootton, Limbrick, and Seymour.
Court Sir Henry Havelock – Messrs Boyce, Smith, McLeod, and Bethell.
St John’s Branch – Messrs J. Bowerman, T. Connor, T.M. Murphy, W. Reardon Junr., J.M. StClair, G. Sellars, J.A. Rearden.
St. Patrick’s Branch – F. Shanly, S. McGreevy.
J. Watson, F. Smith, S. Spence.
J.S. Masters.
D. Lindsay.
The Committee have power to add to their number.
Mr J.A. Rearden proposed that Mr E.H. Grigg be elected Treasurer, and F. Bee Secretary.
Seconded by Mr Jones, and carried unanimously.
Proposed by Mr Lindsay, and seconded, that Mr N. Jacobs be elected Chairman of the Committee. Carried.
Mr E.H. Grigg then proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, which was carried unanimously.
The meeting, which was a most unanimous one, then broke up.
A Committee meeting was then held, Mr N. Jacobs in the chair. Messrs N. Jacobs, E.H. Grigg, and J.N. Bowerman were elected a Committee to wait on the Mayor and Chairman of County Council so as to make the fete day a public holiday; also to wait on the railway authorities to make arrangements as to taking passengers to Farndon on the Prince of Wales’ Birthday.
The Clive members of the Committee were appointed a sub-committee to get the ground in readiness and have everything prepared for the sports.
The Harbor Board met to-day at 11 a.m.
Present: – Messrs Kinross (Chairman), Kennedy, Chambers, Vautier, and Smith.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
A letter was read from the Harbor Master suggesting the erection of a small shed on Petane beach for holding a mortar and ammunition, and for affording shelter to people in time of ship-wreck.
On the motion of Mr Vautier the Board agreed to consider the matter at the next meeting.
The Engineer’s report was read.
The accounts were passed, and ordered to be paid.
The Board then adjourned.
The Rev. Charles Clark’s new lecture on Dickens was given last week, in the Oddfellows’ Hall, to a full house. Both audience and lecturer were thoroughly in sympathy with this theme. Of Mr Clark’s gifts of eloquence and rare imitative powers we have spoken before, and in the subject treated last night the whole was blended with rare skill and taste. Indeed, we scarcely knew which to admire most, – his expressively worded tribute to Dicken’s genius; his power of analysing the great author’s varied types of humor and pathos; or the charming manner in which the illustrations were rendered. It mattered not whether the character for the moment required pathos, or description, or compelled one’s admiration for the good, the pure, and the beautiful, the central figure seemed to stand, and boldly smiling benevolently upon the audience, – the figure of Charles Dickens. This happy faculty is the best testimony to Mr Clark’s talent. On Friday the lecturer presented his companion-piece to his great oratries [oratories], viz., “The Tower of London,” – that glorious abbey every stone of which is a chronicle of heroic deeds, gentle virtues, of pure and beautiful renown; a structure whose manifold antique associations, picturesquely interwoven with the history of the English people, well entitle it to be called “The loveliest and most loveable thing in Christendom.” The lecture which the Rev. Charles Clark chose for delivery at Waipukurau, on Tuesday, was the “Tower of London, – Fortress! Palace! Prison!” It was the brilliant success of this lecture-entertainment, as given first in New Zealand and afterwards all over the Australian colonies, that induced Mr Clark to embrace lecturing as a profession, for he seldom preaches now except in aid of some charity.
With reference to the Friendly Societies Fete to be held at Farndon on the Prince of Wales’ Birthday, we understand that a deputation consisting of Messrs Jacobs, Bowerman, and Grigg waited on His Worship the Mayor and also upon Mr Tiffen, the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay County Council, requesting them to declare the Prince of Wales’ Birthday a public holiday. Both gentlemen acceded to the request, and it will be seen from an advertisement that His Worship has fulfilled his promise, and will doubtless be followed by Mr Tiffen, and possibly by Mr Mackersey, the Chairman of the Waipawa County Council. The same deputation also waited on the manager of the Railway Department in Napier, Mr Miller. Satisfactory arrangements, we believe, were made, and the sub-committee will be able to bring up a very satisfactory report to the general committee.
If by chance a copy of a recent number of the Melbourne Age catch the eye of certain members of the Grey party, they will be delighted to find that out of the quantity of mud they threw at the late Ministry some of it has stuck. The accusations made against the Atkinson Administration, says the Age, – “Are having shielded and protected Mr. Ormond, Minister of Public Works, and others, from an inquiry into the manner in which they became possessed of certain valuable tracts of country belonging to the natives. Public opinion has been greatly exercised of late in New Zealand on the question of these supposed land frauds, and an action for slander was brought by one of the accused against the Government printer, which resulted in a verdict which cost the country upwards of £5000. Nothing dismayed at the fact that Mr. Ormond and his friends controlled the Government, the Opposition has steadily set itself to work to have an inquiry into the right and title of those gentlemen to their large estates, and the result is that the Ministry in a second trial of strength has been defeated.” The above is a very fair sample of how a usually well-informed journal can mix and muddle intelligence from a far country. It is evident the writer was under the impression that Messrs. Ormond and H.R. Russell were in league to secure valuable tracts of country from the natives, and that it was owing to enquiries into those gentlemen’s supposed fraudulent land transactions that brought about the defeat of the Atkinson Ministry. Nothing could be wider of the mark, but the article fills up space, and probably suits the tastes of Melbourne democrats.
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
Agricultural Implements, Gas Pipe, Cutlery,
General Ironmongery.
PARAGON and new model Buckeye, and Buckeye combined Mowers and Reapers, Robinson’s combined Mowers & Reapers, American Champion & Patent Balance Horse Rakes, and Hand Drag Rakes, Corn Crushers, Bentall’s Root Pulpers, and Turnip Cutters; Chaff Cutters, Double Furrow Ploughs, American Gang Ploughs, Bentall’s Horse Powers, Winnowing Machines, Murray’s Tiny Thrashers, Stable Fittings, Fowl Troughs, Cradle Scythes, American Post Hole Augers, American Horse Hoes, American Wind Mills, Flexible Chain Harrows, Hay Tedders, Hay Spades and Knives, Sheep Shears No. 81, 38, and 79, Lawn Mowers, Automaton and Eclipse.
To Arrive per “Galatea.”
3 TONS Horse Shoes, specially made for this market; Garton and King’s Ranges, Register Grates, 100 kegs Nails F, R and R A 1 and 3 Wheel Ploughs.
American Garden Seeds.
Mangold Seed, (Yellow and Long Red) Garden and Vegetable Seeds.
Builders’ Ironmongery.
B B H Bar and Rod Iron, Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron, Anvils, Vyces; Spring, Sheer, Cast, and Blister Steel, Horse Shoes and Nails, Files, Rasps, Portable Forges, Dray and Buggy Axles.
Hydraulic Wool Press.
Galvanised Corrugated Iron, Guttering and Down Pipe, Ridging, Sheet Zinc, &c.
Sheet Lead, White Lead; Boiled, Raw Linseed, Colza, Castor, and Kerosene Oils.
Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Varnish, Soft Soap, Raddle, Charcoal, Putty, &c.
In great variety.
CUTLERY: – Rodger’s Lockwood’s and Johnson’s.
Double and Single Barrelled GUNS, RIFLES, Sporting Material, Blasting Powder, Fuse, Dynamite, &c.
Clearing Sale of Crockery, 25 per cent. under Cost.
50 doz. Cups & Saucers, from 4s per doz
100 doz. Plates from 2s 6d per doz
100 doz. Childrens Mugs from 2s per doz
Preserve Pots in nests. Earthenware Milk Pans, Tea Pots, from 1s each; Tumblers, from 6s per dozen.
American Wagon.
PIANOS – By Broadwood, Brinsmead, Aucher Freres, Challon & Hodgson, and Board.
HARMONIUMS – By Trayser & Co., Metzler & Co., and Alexandre.
CABINET ORGANS – By Mason, and Hamlin,
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these Pills.
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Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse-feed poured in upon us, until at last a tea-spoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
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With a “New York” Label.
JOHN PRINGLE, late of Taradale, you are requested to communicate with the undersigned. Something to your advantage.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
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Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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