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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 104 - 10 November
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 104 – 10 November
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
Government Notifications.
Date. Mode of Sale. NAME. PARTICULARS. AREA OF LAND SOLD. CASH. Rents and Assessments. REMARKS.
A. R. P. Cash. £ s d Remarks
Town. Suburban. Country. Town. Suburban. Country.
1877 A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
4 Application J. G. Kinross Rural land on his run Patoka 8800 0 0 4400 0 0
4 Application J. G. Kinross Rural land on his run Patoka 1200 0 0 600 0 0
8 Application William Thomson Land Makaretu Reserve 200 0 0 60 0 0 Balance
9 Application Taylor White Rural Section 26, Taupo Road 186 0 0 186 0 0
10 Application J. G. Kinross Rural land on his run Patoka 650 0 0 325 0 0
10 Application J. G. Kinross Rural land on his run Patoka 45 0 0 22 10 0
17 Application B.E. Friberg Suburban Sections 126, 127, 130, 131, 132, and 166 Norsewood
417 1 0 417 5 0
18 Application H. P. Pedersen Land Makaretu Reserve Extension – 4 2 0 Deposit
23 Application Rhodes & Co Rural Section 13, Puketitiri Reserve 266 0 0 266 0 0
TOTAL. 11,764 Acres 1 Rood 0 Perch. £6280 17 0
Land Sales £6280 17 0
Rents and Assessments 0
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office, Napier, November 3rd, 1877
As a medium of Advertising the Publication is unequalled.
Will be received up till the end of October.
Sixpence each.
1. The first business shall be the reading and confirming the minutes of any previous meeting, and no discussion shall be permitted thereon except as to their accuracy as a record of the proceedings, and the said minutes shall then be signed by the Chairman.
2. After the signing of the minutes as aforesaid the business shall be as follows, unless altered by resolution to that effect: –
1. Reading of copies of letters sent by authority of the Council.
2. Reading letters received, and considering and ordering thereon.
3. Reception and reading petitions and memorials.
4. Presentation of reports of Committees and of the officers of the Council.
5. Payments
6. Ordinary business
7. Orders of the day, including subjects continued from proceedings of former meetings.
8. Extraordinary business and new bye-laws, regulations, &c.
9. Other motions, of which previous notice has been given.
10. Notices of motion.
3. The sitting of the Council shall be on the first Tuesday in each month, at 11.30 a.m., unless otherwise altered by the Council.
4. Whenever the Council shall stand adjourned for want of a quorum, the hour at which such adjournment is made, and the names of the members present shall be inserted in the Minute Book of the Board, and the Minute Book be signed by the Clerk.
5. The Chairman shall put the question first in the affirmative, then in the negative, and after the question has been put, and his decision given thereon, a division may be called for, and the Chairman shall declare the result thereof.
6. An entry of the division list shall be made by the Clerk in the Minute Book.
7. Any member desirous of making a motion or amendment, or taking part in discussion thereon, shall rise and address the Chairman, and shall not be interrupted unless called to order, when he shall sit down until the member calling to order shall have been heard thereon and the question of order disposed of, when the member in possession of the chair may proceed with the subject.
8. Any member desirous of proposing an original motion or amendment must state the nature of the same before he addresses the meeting thereon.
9. No motion or amendment shall be discussed or put to the vote of the meeting unless it be seconded.
10. No motion or amendment shall be withdrawn without leave of the meeting.
11. A member proposing a motion shall be held to have spoken thereon; but a member merely seconding a motion, shall not be held to have spoken upon it.
12. If two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the Chairman shall decide which is entitled to priority.
13. No member shall speak more than twice on the same question unless entitled to reply, or in explanation, when he has been misrepresented or misunderstood.
14. The Chairman shall decide on all points of order or practice without discussing or commenting on the same, and his decision in each case shall be final.
15. No member shall digress from the subject matter of the question under discussion.
16. A member called to order shall sit down unless permitted to explain.
17. Any member may, as a right, demand production of any documents of the Council that apply to the question under discussion.
18. All motions, whether original motions or amendments, may be in writing, signed by the mover, and delivered to the Chairman immediately on their being moved and seconded.
19. No second or subsequent amendment, whether upon an original proposition or on an amendment, shall be taken into consideration until the previous amendment has been disposed of.
20. If an amendment be carried, the question or amendment as amended shall become itself the question or amendment, whereupon any further amendment upon any portion of the question or amendment, coming after such first mentioned amendment, may be moved.
21. If an amendment be negatived, then a second may be moved to the question to which the first amendment was moved; but only one amendment shall be submitted to the meeting for discussion at a time.
22. The mover of every original proposition, but not of any amendment, shall have a right to reply, immediately after which the question shall be put from the Chair; but no member shall be allowed to speak more than twice on the same question, unless permission be given to explain, or the attention of the chair be called to a point of order.
23. Any one or more of the Bye-laws herein contained may be suspended for that sitting on motion, duly seconded, made without notice, provided that six members, be present and consent thereto; but notice shall always be given when practicable.
24. If a debate on any motion, moved and seconded, be interrupted by the number of the members present becoming insufficient for the transaction of business, such debate may be resumed at the point where it was so interrupted, on motion upon notice.
25. If a debate on any order of the day be interrupted by such insufficiency of members as foresaid happening, such an order maybe restored to the Notice Paper for a future day on motion upon notice, and then such debate shall resume at the point where it was interrupted.
26. No petition shall be presented except by a member of the Council, nor shall any petition be presented after the meeting shall have proceeded to the orders of the day.
27. It shall be incumbent on every member presenting a petition to acquaint himself with the contents thereof, and to ascertain that it does not contain language disrespectful to the Council.
28. Every member presenting a petition shall write his name at the beginning thereof.
29. Every petition shall be in writing and shall contain the prayer of the petitioners at the end thereof.
30. Every petition shall be signed by the persons whose names are appended thereto, by their names or marks.
31. No letters or affidavits or other documents shall be attached to any petition.
32. Every member presenting a petition shall confine himself to a statement of the persons from whom it comes, of the number of signatures attached to it, and of the material allegations contained in it, and to the reading of the prayer thereof.
33. All salaries for officers under the control of the Council shall be voted annually, and all engagements entered into between the Council and its officers, shall be terminable upon one month’s notice being given on either side. In all cases of misconduct or incapacity on the part of officers, the Chairman shall have power to suspend any officer until the next meeting of the Council, when the matter shall be then duly reported.
34. The common seal of the Council shall not be affixed to any document, unless the Chairman and the Clerk, or the Chairman and one member of the Council be present, and attest the same.
For Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland:
Hawea Thursday Nov. 8.
Taupo Friday, Nov. 23.
Hawea Friday, December 7.
For Auckland and Sydney.
Rotorua Sunday, Nov. 18.
For Wellington and Southern Ports:
Rotorua Thursday, Nov. 8.
Hawea Sunday, Nov. 18.
Taupo Sunday, Dec. 2.
Rotorua Thursday, Dec. 6.
Hawea Sunday, Dec. 16.
Passengers booking at the Agent’s office receive Free Pass for Steam Launch.
The Favorite Iron Barque
728 tons Register,
Is now on the berth, and will have quick despatch. This ship is now a regular trader here, having completed her fourth voyage to this port.
To be followed by the
Langstone 746 tons
Lochnagar 464 tons
Adamant 815 tons
For freight or passage, apply to
Or to
THE fine Clipper-built, Iron Barque
696 tons Register, A1, at Lloyd’s, is now on the berth to load WOOL and PRODUCE for the London Market, at current rates, sailing from this Port early in December.
The above vessel offers superior first and second-class accommodation for passengers.
For freight or passage, apply to
Or to

Amongst other advantages arising from our Pastoral and Agricultural Show, we have evidence of one of some value as to interchange of stock. Mr Marcroft, of Canterbury, by the Taupo, took away a two-tooth Lincoln ram, bred by Colonel Whitmore from a Vesey ewe by a Byron ram, Mr Wilkin, Colonel Whitmore’s manager, having exchanged this valuable strain for a ram bred by Mr Marcroft, also from pure English blood on both sides.
We understand that the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine has received a gratifying testimonial from his pupils, in acknowledgment of the kindness and comfort they have experienced at the Napier Grammar School.
The boundaries of the Borough of Napier have been altered by His Excellency the Governor, in accordance with a petition from the Mayor and Council, so as to include the strip of land lying between the Hyderabad road and the railway line, the property of the Harbor Board. This alteration will enable the Corporation to levy rates on the land, and also compel the Harbor Board to fill in the section, and so abate the nuisance of which so many complaints have been made.
The “seven-legged” lamb case came off before R. Stuart, Esq., at Havelock, last week. The plaintiff was Mr. Stevens, and the defendant Mr. S. Hooper, of Napier. The sum sued for was £10. Mr. Lascelles appeared for the plaintiff. From the evidence it appeared that the plaintiff had sent by a man the body of a little snow white lamb, with seven legs, for Mr. Hooper to skin and stuff. Mr. Hooper commenced operations, partly skinned the animal, and then left it with the intention of renewing operations on the following day. Mr. Hooper is a dog fancier, and so are some of his neighbors, and their dogs inherit a taste for “little snow-white lambs.” In the night the dogs ate the little lamb, and tore the skin. The owner then took out a summons against Mr. Hooper for what he considered the value of the remains, and the Court was occupied for fully two hours discussing the important matter. Mr. Lascelles made an eloquent appeal to the Bench, pointing out the virtues of the “little lamb,” but His Worship, after hearing the evidence of Mr. Hooper, gave judgment in his favor with costs.
At last we have the real secret of Mr. Tawhiti’s defection from the Grey party. It was proposed that this native nobleman should have a seat in the Grey Cabinet. A meeting of Maori members was called on the 24th ultimo to discuss the matter, when Karaitiana opposed the nomination, and urged that Hoani Nahe should have the native portfolio, which was agreed to. Tawhiti, who likes Government crumbs, got wrath thereat, and has served them out by joining the Opposition.
In our last issue, we inadvertently stated that Mr. Nichol, “the well-known Auckland ship-builder,” had called a meeting of his creditors. This is incorrect. The ship-builder’s name is Mr. Thomas Nichol, and it is that gentleman’s brother, Mr. Malcolm Nichol, commission and shipping agent, who has been compelled to call a meeting of his creditors.
The Rev. Charles Clark’s farewell lecture on Thursday, on “The Tower of London,” attracted another crowded audience. On the conclusion of the lecture, the Rev. Mr. Berry, on behalf of the Famine Relief Committee, returned thanks to Mr. Clark for his sermon on Sunday last in aid of the relief fund, and, in doing so, gracefully acknowledged the liberality of the congregation assembled on that occasion. Mr. Clark responded, concluding with these words: – “Pleased as I am to have taken part in your effort for the relief of the Indian famine, my small service was not rendered with the hope or wish of receiving a public acknowledgment. It will always be a pleasant memory to have been in your city at a time when your hearts were so deeply stirred, and your hands so freely seconded your sympathies in giving practical proof of the solidarity of the Empire, and the essential brotherhood of Britons, whether in Australia, New Zealand, England, or India, as subjects of the same good Queen, and fellow-creatures of the same God. I pray that the blessing of God, as sunshine by day and dew by night, may rest upon all your enterprises and interests, social, commercial, political, or religious, and with grateful acknowledgement of your many kindnesses to me personally, bid you farewell.”
The quarterly meeting and installation of officers of the Ark of Friendship Lodge, I.O.G.T., took place on Friday. There was a large number of members and visitors present. The following officers were installed by Bro. F.E. Saunders, Grand Lodge Deputy: – Bro. J. Higgs, W.C.T.; Sis. A. Elmes, W.V.T.; Sis. Consitt, W.C.; Bro. Palmer, W.M.; Bro. J. Cartwright, W.D.M.; Bro. A. Weber, W.F.S.; Bro. Consitt, W.T.; Bro. Foster, W.S.; Bro. Armer, W.A.S.; Sis. E. Grinlington, W.L.H.S.; Sis. R. Williams, W.R.H.S.; Bro. Langham, W.T.G. The Lodge is in a very prosperous condition, having over 50 members on the books.
The Alleen Troupe gave a farewell performance in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Napier, on Saturday night, and the performers were highly applauded.
It will be seen by our advertising columns that Mr. Trescott has become the lessee of the Napier Swimming Baths. We understand that he is an able and expert swimmer, consequently is well adapted to teach the art of swimming, which he purposes doing. He intends making arrangements with the various schools for teaching the pupils this useful and invigorating exercise. It will be seen that Mr. Trescott has set apart three days in the week especially for ladies and children, at which time Mrs. Trescott will be in attendance. It is to be hoped that his venture will prove successful.
A little anecdote is told about the Rev. Charles Clark worth printing. A well-known “commercial” was on the railway platform at Napier the other morning, when he was accosted by a friend, who asked, “Where are you going to?” “To Hades!” replied the commercial traveller in a loud tone of voice. The Rev. Charles Clark, who was standing by, looked to the commercial and said, “Friend, have you a return ticket?” The commercial looked aghast, and quickly vanished.
The following petition has been numerously signed, and was presented to the Municipal Council at its meeting last week: – “The petition of the undersigned humbly sheweth, – 1st. That the ground in Clive Square, now occupied exclusively by the Napier Cricket Club, was in former years used by your memorialists and others as a cricket ground, and as a place of recreation generally. 2nd. That the Press and Star Cricket Clubs have endeavoured to make arrangements with the Napier Cricket Club for the use of the said ground on particular days of the week, but have found that no reasonable arrangement would be entertained. Your memorialists do therefore pray that your Worshipful Council will take the above into careful consideration, and grant such relief as shall seem fit.”
The Alleen Combination Troupe gave another of their popular performances on Friday in the Oddfellows’ Hall. An entirely new programme was submitted, the performances being frequently applauded during the evening.
In our special correspondent’s summary of mail news received by the City of Sydney, which arrived at Auckland at nine o’clock on Friday, will be found further particulars of the collision which occurred between the Avalanche and Forest, and also a full list of the passengers. Amongst the names are mentioned Mr Tanner, and Dr. Tanner. As soon as we received the telegram we made enquiries, and were glad to learn that it could not be Thomas Tanner Esq. the well-known Hawke’s Bay settler, although it is feared they may be relatives of the same gentleman.
All reports from the sheep stations of this Provincial District show that the anticipations of the TELEGRAPH, that the lambing this season would be rather above the average of former years, will be fully realised.
The ordinary meeting of the Literary Association was held on Friday in the Trinity Church Schoolroom. Mr. A. Newbold read a very interesting essay on the “Chemical Constituents of the Atmosphere,” which gave rise to a very animated discussion, in which Dr De Lisle and several others took part. The Association will close its first session on Wednesday evening next, when a musical and elocutionary entertainment will be given.
Mr D. Wright, the Hastings Station master, forwarded on Monday through the care of the Chief Postmaster a further sum of £37 3s, which that gentleman has collected at Hastings for the Indian Famine Relief Fund.
The dry weather is telling on the residents of Port Ahuriri more severely than ever. The tanks have long given out their last drop of water, and now the well at the foot of the Shakespeare road is almost empty. There are only about fifteen inches of water in this well, and the bottom is so foul that the greatest care has to be taken in drawing the water. Strings of people may, however, be seen getting a scanty supply from this course, while the more wealthy are put to great expense in having water carted from town to the Spit. We should think it was nigh time residents at the Port took this matter up. Many of them on the Spit are paying more in one week for carriage of water than they would have to pay in a year for a water rate, to say nothing of the risk they run from an impure and scanty supply.
On Saturday last the struggle between the Napier and Star Cricket Clubs eventuated in a single innings match on the Napier Taradale ground; wickets were pitched about 2.45 p.m. the original challenge was given by the Stars, and duly accepted by the Napier, to be played at Hastings on the day of the Cattle Show, but at the eleventh hour the Secretary of the Napier Club found he could not come up to time, hence it lapsed, and therefore the Stars, I believe, by the laws of cricket, could have claimed a victory without striking a blow. The Stars again were first on the ground by some time; at last their opponents put in an appearance, (at least some of them), and the Napier, having won the toss, assayed to wield the willow to give the loiterers time to arrive, but, as the score below shows, were not prepared for such bowling as that of J. Martin and O’Connor’s. Great credit is due to the Stars considering the disadvantages they labor under for a practice and cricket ground, whereas, on the other hand, the advantages are all on the side of the Napier men, but they do not seem to use them. The best cricketer must practice if he wish to keep up his reputation, and it behoves individual members of a club to practice to keep up the reputation of that club. Making these remarks only with the feeling of a cricketer, I subscribe the following scores: –
Gilberd, b O’Connor 18
McCartney, c Miller b Martin 7
J. Dinwiddie, c Miller b Martin 5
Crawford, b O’Connor 3
R. Brathwaite, b Martin 5
Sladen, c Ingpen b Martin 14
Goudy, c Carnell B Martin 1
Gilpin, b Martin 0
T. Parsons, not out 1
Bennett, c O’Regan b Martin 0
Gibbes, b Martin 0
Byes 12
Leg-byes 1
Wides 1
Total 68.
H. Martin, c McCartney b Gilberd 3
D.A. Miller, b Brathwaite 2
Tilley, C Sladen b Gilberd 1
Mogridge, c Brathwaite b Gilberd 9
O’Connor, c Dinwiddie, b Gilberd 2
O’Regan, b Gilberd 3
Reardon, b Brathwaite 0
Bloomfield, not out 51
Carnell, c Gibbes, b Goudy 9
Martin, b McCartney 1
Ingpen, c Crawford b Gilpin 1
Byes 21
Leg-byes 1
Wides 6
Total 110.
– [Communicated.]

The adjourned meeting of the members of the Union Club took place on Monday at the Criterion Hotel. Mr R. Miller Esq. was voted to the chair. The hon. sec., Mr H.A. Banner, stated that the Committee had received no offers for the accommodation of the Club, but he believed two would be placed before the meeting. Mr T.R. Cooper, acting as the representative of Messrs Robjohns and Co., laid on the table plans of a commodious building proposed to be erected at the back of the Masonic Hotel. Mr Cooper stated that up till 2 p.m. that day, he had fully understood Messrs Robjohns were prepared to erect the building, furnish the rooms, find lighting, firing, and attendance, so as to relieve the Club of all trouble or expense as regarded these matters, for a rental that would give fair interest on the outlay. At the last moment, however, it appeared that Messrs Robjohns had reconsidered the idea, and had come to the conclusion that they would only lease the ground to the Club, for a merely nominal rental, in the event of the Club erecting the building at its own cost, leaving to the proprietor of the Masonic Hotel to carry out the remaining details. The cost of erection would be about £1,200. A discussion ensued when the general opinion seemed to be that there was no offer before the Club. Mr S. R. Dransfield then said he believed that the Masonic Hall could be obtained on lease for a long term of years, and he moved: – “That the committee be empowered to draw out details of lease of the Masonic Hall, and send a circular to each member of the Club to ascertain whether a majority are willing to entertain the scheme, or any tangible offer that may be received and approved by the committee.” This was seconded by Mr H.C. Wilson. Mr J.M. Tabuteau moved as an amendment, and Mr Cotterill seconded, “That the Club be wound up.” The amendment was put and lost, and the motion carried.
A correspondent in another column comments in rather severe terms on the action of the police in the case of Snelling, a cabman, which was heard in the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Monday. We are always anxious to support the police authorities in the carrying out of their duties, but we must enter our protest against any meddlesome interference with any class for the mere purpose of making cases for the Police Court. The police we are aware cannot please everyone, but still it should be their anxiety to create and keep up a good feeling between themselves and citizens, so that when aid is required it can always be expected to be given cheerfully. If small and petty cases are continually being brought into Court, it will create quite an opposite feeling.
A special general meeting of the shareholders of the Napier Gramar [Grammar] School Company was held on Monday afternoon in the Council Chamber. On the motion of Mr Lee, seconded by Mr Kennedy, it was resolved “That before the resolution of the 28th September be carried into effect by advertising in the colonial papers for a new master, the premises be offered to the Rev D’Arcy Irvine on the terms set forth in the said resolution.”
A new industry has sprung up in our midst, which is worthy of remark. Mr Ridgway, of Tennyson-street Clive Square who arrived in Hawke’s Bay about three years ago, has imported a quantity of patterns, from which he is enabled to cast garden and flower pots, &c. He has now on exhibition some very excellent specimens on his handiwork, in various shapes, amongst which are to be noticed some of a tulip pattern, which stand between two and three feet high. He has also made earthernware [earthenware] troughs, for holding water, and by this means he is enabled this weather to keep the water cool during the heat of the day. We recommend persons interested in this industry to pay Mr Ridgway’s establishment a visit.
The Rev Father Reignier handed on Tuesday £10 to the Secretary of the Indian Famine Relief Fund, the result of a collection at the Catholic Church, Meanee [Meeanee], last Sunday. Considering the smallness of the population in that part of the district, the donation was a very large one.
We are requested to state that, owing to unavoidable circumstances, Mass will not be celebrated at Havelock, on Sunday next.
The Waipawa Cricket Club held a special meeting on Saturday evening, at the Empire Hotel; nearly all the members were present. Mr. Martin Collett took the chair. After some preliminary business was transacted, such as passing accounts, &c., the arrangements for the coming match at Waipukurau on the 9th instant, were completed. Mr. Joseph Witherow of Patangata by unanimous request, agreed to act as umpire. The following gentlemen were chosen as players: – Messrs. McIntosh, Bodle, Spiller, Hartly, Dew, Groom, Collett, Grenside, Chicken, Garnham, Craven. Emergency men – Messrs Harwood and Nicoll. Mr. McIntosh was elected Captain. Mr. Davidson with his well-known capability will score for the Club. Mr. McIntosh resigned the Secretaryship, and embracing the opportunity, complimented the members of the Club on their unprecedented success at starting and future prospects, urging upon them the necessity of unanimity and constant practice. Messrs. Grenside and Chicken were added to the Committee. A vote of thanks to the Chairman was passed. The members of the team are practising most vigorously morning and evening.
We learn from Clive that at about half-past eight on Monday morning, as Mr Studdart, milkman, of Clive, was passing over the Clive Bridge, he saw smoke issuing from the bridge and on getting out of his cart found the bridge to be blazing at a spot about eighteen yards to the right of the bridge, the side nearest the Railway station. He immediately got some water and put it out. The constable reports that the bottom plate on the bridge is burned nearly through for about two feet, and two planks are charred at the extreme end. It is the opinion of the constable that the fire originated by some person carelessly throwing down a lighted match, and in consequence of the boards being so dry they ignited.
The following additional subscriptions have been received by the Treasurer of the Indian Famine Relief Fund Committee: A.H. Price, 21s; A Friend 20s; D. Guy, 20s; H. McKenzie, 20s; A. McKay, 20s; J. Bowes, 20s; J. White, 20s; W. Thomas 20s; W. Speedy, £5; G. Speedy, 70s; M. I. Bell, 200s; C.A.M. Hertzhel, 5s; A. Friend, 20s; J. Hallett, 43s; W. Heslop, 42s; J. C. Speedy, 21s; J. Orr, 10s 6d; S. Laund, 10s 6d; G. Macdonald, 10s; H. Roberts, 10s; S. Golden, 10s; S. Gilligan, 5s; J. Smith, 5s; J. Tracey, 2s 6d; J. McConuhie, 2s 6d; J. Dimond, 2s; A. Friend, 20s; J. Craven, 40s; Mrs Craven, 20s; A. Bircham, 20s; B. Hall, 20s; W. Roe, 20s; H. England, 20s; J. Mattheson, 20s, W. O’Grady, 20s, L. Morrison, 20s, C. Brown, 20s, S. Baker, 20s, W. Austen, 20s, W. Vesty, 20s, G. Edwards, 20s, W. Thompson, 20s, P. McAnvery, 20s, F. Clifford, 20s, W. Spear, 20s, J. Baker, 20s, W. Baker, 10s, J. McNeil, 20s, L. Blake, 10s, Tareha, 200s, shearers and men on Clifton Station, 200s, T. Lowry, 200s, E. N. Beamish and others, 98s 6d, Miss Moore, 40s, Okaira Station hands, 101s, Richardson and Troutbeck, 42s, Native Girls’ School (Protestant) 41s 6d, Friends, 25s; making a total of £898 7s 5d. At a Committee meeting held this morning, a vote of thanks were passed to the ladies and gentlemen amateurs who assisted at the concert on Tuesday. About £30 worth of tickets were sold, and it is expected that after expenses are paid the balance remaining will be about £25.
The concert on Tuesday in aid of the Indian Famine Relief Fund was not as largely attended as we expected. The front seats were, however, crowded, but those at the back were almost empty. The concert itself was a very uneven one, but as we do not wish to make any invidious distinctions, we shall confine ourselves to remarking that Mrs Neill’s vocal efforts were the charm of the evening, and made the entertainment one that can be remembered with pleasure. Mr. Kettle, who is new to a Napier audience, sang two songs, one of which received a well-merited encore.
A cottage, on the farmstead of Mr Bowden, Kaikora, caught fire on Monday last, and was totally destroyed. It had recently been insured in the New Zealand Insurance office for £45.
A meeting of the select committee appointed by the Municipal Council, was held on Tuesday, to take into consideration the occupation of Clive Square by the Napier Cricket Club, in accordance with the prayer of the petition presented at the last sitting of the Council. Representatives of the three local Cricket Clubs had been requested to attend, and the terms endeavored to be negotiated between those Clubs for the use of Clive Square, were explained to the Committee.
We were shown the other day at Mr Blyth’s stores a new American novelty, the “Little Grant” case opener. The instrument is an ingenious one, saving time and labor, preventing the breakage of cases, and presenting other advantages.
The Waipawa County Council met on Tuesday, at which Messrs Mackersey (chairman), Monteith, Lawrence, Levy, and Johnston were present. The Clerk being absent, the minutes could not be confirmed. It was resolved that the Clerk be suspended pending an explanation of his conduct. It was further resolved to hold a special meeting on the 14th instant, to take the conduct of the Clerk into consideration. Some discussion ensued on the subject of the maintenance of the Seventy-Mile Bush road, and it transpired that no reply had yet been received from the Government with respect to this matter.
The quarterly election and installation of officers of the Pioneer Lodge, I.O.G.T., took place on Tuesday in the Rechabite Hall. The following officers were duly installed by Bro. Stevens, R.W.G.L.D., assisted by Bros. Bushnell and Grinlington, P.W.C.T.: – Bro. Hollins, W.C.T., Bro. Hutchings, W.V.T., Bro. Cottrell, W.S., Bro. Robinson, W.F.S., Sis. Robinson, W.S., Sis. H. Brown, W.C., Bro. Martin, W.M., Bro. Lyle, W.I.G., Bro. Clampett, W.O.G., Sis. Grocott, W.R.H., Sis. Horsley, W.L.H.S., Sis. Brobson, W.A., Sec., Sis. Worker W.D.M., Bro. Brydon, P.W.C.T.
The Post and Telegraph Offices through-out this provincial district, and, indeed, throughout the colony, were closed yesterday, the Prince of Wales’ birthday. A new Order in Council, we hear, has been issued, by which all provincial anniversary holidays have been abolished, and the Prince of Wales’ birthday will from this henceforth be observed as a holiday at all Government offices.
News has been received of the death of Pomare, the Queen of Tahiti.
We learn that upwards of twenty members of the Working Men’s Club have requisitioned the President to call a general meeting of members to consider the necessity of forming a library in connection with the Club. We are heartily glad to see this mooted, and believe it will receive general support.
We learn from Porangahau that on Tuesday last, the 20th October, a hut, situated near Wainui, was burnt, together with everything that was in it at the time the fire commenced. The fire is supposed to have been caused by an incendiary. The hut referred to was the property of Mr. John Herbert, and was built on his own property. There was no person living in the hut at the time the fire occurred, nor for some days previous. Mr. Herbert considers his loss amounts to over £100.
A meeting of the creditors of F. Gush was held on Wednesday in the Supreme Court-house. The bankrupt made an offer to pay £1 per week to the trustee, until 10s in the pound was paid, but as the party who proposed it would not guarantee the offer, it was not accepted. Some complaints were made by creditors as to monies received by the bankrupt, and not yet accounted for to the trustee. The creditors decided to suspend the debtor’s discharge, and it is also reported that steps are to be taken which will bring the case before the public in a more prominent manner than it is at present.
A man named McGregor was arrested at Waipawa by Sergeant McGuire, charged with committing a rape on a married woman named Lucy Payne, aged between 40 and 50 years, and who lives at Hampden. The prisoner is also reported as likely to have a charge of even a more serious nature made against him. The prisoner was brought up on Thursday at Waipawa, and at the request of the police, was remanded until Tuesday.
Mr M.J. Gannon, who for some time past was connected with Mr Locke’s office, and who for many years was attached to the Native Department, East Coast district, has been licensed as a Native Interpreter.
His Honor Judge Gillies was on board the Rotorua that called here on Thursday on his way to Wellington to attend the Court of Appeal.
The total revenue collected at the Customs, Port Ahuriri, during the month of October last, was £3714 18s 4d.
Amongst the passengers on board the Hawea, that touched at this port on Thursday, were several families proceeding from the southern provinces to settle at Kati-kati, the Vessey Stewart settlement. The heads of these families are farmers, and possessing some little capital, will no doubt largely increase the prosperity of the district.
The Alleen Combination Troupe played on Wednesday to a crowded house at Havelock, and their performances were heartily applauded.
New Zealand, with her varying climate but relatively greater cold than Victoria, has about eight and a half annual marriages per thousand; but Victoria has less than six, and England has nearly eight and a half.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 11th instant, at St. Matthew’s, Hastings, at 11 a.m.; at St. Luke’s, Havelock, at 3 p.m., and at St. Mark’s, Clive, at 7 p.m.
Wesleyan service will be held at Hastings on Sunday afternoon next, at 3.30.
November 7.
The Hawea sailed for the North at noon via the East Coast. Passengers Mrs Doria and family, Miss Ngatai, Messrs Waterhouse, Chrystall, Rhodes, Lewis, Preece, and Lobhurst.
November 7.
Sailed – Rotorua yesterday. Passengers for Napier – Mr and Mrs Rich, Mrs Wing, Messrs Beetham and Bodle.
Mr Sutton has given notice of motion “That this House will, on Wednesday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to consider an address to His Excellency the Governor praying that land in convenient blocks, comprising 20,000 acres, be set apart in the Wairoa County for the purpose of endowment, and for the use and benefit of the harbor at Clyde, Wairoa, and that he will be pleased to cause surveys of the same to be made during the recess.”
I expect you in Hawke’s Bay feel as irate as we do here at the weary, and the constantly deferred debate on the no-confidence motion. Of course you perceive the policy of the Government – talk, talk, talk. There is no doubt they have a lot of good talkers on their side – clap-trap – and the privilege question as to the correctness of the Governor’s refusing to call J. N. Wilson, Esq., [Napier Solicitor] to the Upper House has been used as a means of postponing the want of confidence motion. Two days have been wasted on this question. The Grey party are seemingly determined to tire out a number of members who are desirous of returning home in order to attend to their private affairs.
I will give you a couple of lobby rumors. One member – a poor man – was offered £200 if he would vote for the Government. Part of this sum was placed on the table before himself and his wife, as a bribe, but he indignantly refused it. This is not the only case by a good many, if rumor is correct.
Tawite [Tawhiti], the Ngapuhi member (he is a neighbor of mine) was worried to death to vote for Government, and he pretended that he would. When he was requested to go to the Government House to be sworn in as one of the Maori Ministers, for his was the price of his vote, he asked, “What am I going to get for joining your side?” He was told, “The salary of a Maori Minister.” “Oh!” said he, “I shall stick to my own side. You fellows are going to be turned out in a few days.” Bribery is freely talked of as being constantly offered for votes, and the only thing to be regretted is that some of these disgraceful scandals are not brought to light, but poor men, to whom these bribes are offered, dread a public exposure.
It is surprising how things get wind. It is said an agreement has been entered into with some of the Southern members that the runs in Otago and Southland shall be opened to free selection, and that close upon one million of money is ready to be spent in spotting the best of the land. The gentleman who is agent for “big” Clark of Melbourne, is mentioned as being particularly anxious on the matter. Messrs. Campbell and Larnach are working hard to keep the Government in; they are indeed the best touters Sir George Grey has. Of course you know the interests of those gentlemen lie down South.
The Rangatira not having left, I add a few lines.
The division in Committee on the “Wilson Privilege Case” was 7 for the report, and 5 against. The ultimate result can only be known next session, as the matter is certain to be referred to the Governor for the decision of the Home Government. Old politicians say His Excellency will be supported in England and that Sir George’s object was, that if the motion of privilege was shelved, he would on that ground claim the right to resign.
The whips are busy, and are working like horses. You will see them here one minute and down the street the next. The Government, it is said, will try and snatch a division when some members of the Opposition are absent. It is their only chance.
The following is the return of traffic, &c., on the above railway for the month ending October, 1877: –
1st Class 1,148
2nd Class 2,926
Total 4,074
GOODS – T. C. Q.
Wool 7 0 0
Grain 132 0 0
Merchandise 545 0 0
Sawn Timber 592 0 0
Minerals 277 0 0
Total 1,553 0 0
Horses and Cattle 16
Sheep, Pigs, &c. 0
Total 16
RECEIPTS – £ s d
Passengers, Parcels, &c. 769 1 3
Goods and Live Stock 753 4 4
Total Revenue £1,527 5 7
(Before R. Stuart, Esq. R.M.
James Monk, James Brown, and Peter Anderson, were each fined five shillings, with the usual default of 24 hours. The first two named paid the fines; the other took the alternative.
A further charge of the above nature against Brown was dismissed.
Griffin v. Barry. – An adjourned case, which had been referred to arbitration, was further adjourned until the 14th instant.
While shooting on the Earl of Westmorland’s estate at Apethorpe, Mr. W. G. Grace, the famous cricketer, received severe injury to one of his eyes by the accidental discharge of a gun. The shots were extracted, and it is hoped the sight will not be injured.
The Napier Literary Association closed its session on Wednesday by a social gathering in the Trinity Church schoolroom. Several ladies and gentlemen gave songs, recitations, and readings, and about thirty in all were present. After the entertainment was over, the Rev. J. Berry, (who occupied the chair), spoke of the success of the Association, and alluded to the steps likely to be taken next season to make it still more successful.
Shipping Intelligence.
1 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via Ureti and Castle Point. Two passengers
2 – Taupo, s.s., from Northern Ports. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Bygum, Mrs Garlick and child, Mrs Gibbons, Misses Constable, Wylie, and Skeet, Rev. Father O’Reily, Messrs Mendelson (2), Locke, Ryles, Hamlin, McVay, Floyd, Cropp, Balleen, Marcroft, and Weston.
2 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Richards, Mrs Cattley, and Miss Flynn.
5 – Rapid, cutter, from Mohaka.
6 – Fairy, s.s., from Mangakuri.
6 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mesdames Mills and Fordham, Messrs Shera, Pallot, Grace, Buller, Shepherd, and Master Richards.
7 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs. Powdrell, Hastings, Goudy, Wilson, Harmer, two children, and three natives.
8 – Hawea, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Dent and 2 children, Mrs Bess and 2 children, Mrs Bush, Mrs Ging and 2 children, Mrs Lotmet, Mrs Ure and 2 children, Mrs Doria, Mrs Pell and family (5), Messrs. Rhodes, Williams, Pell, Lngel, Aplin, Sommers, 9 steerage, and 30 for the North.
8 – Rotorua, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – from Sydney: Mr Beetham. From Auckland: Mrs Wrigg and child, Mr and Mrs Rich, Messrs. Bodel, Dyer, and 42 for the South.
8 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passenger – Mr Turner.
1 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Four passengers.
2 – Opotiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay.
2 – Taupo – s.s., for the South. Passengers – Mesdames Knowles, Rathbone, Bamford and child, Rev. C. Clark, Messrs McHardy, Knowles, Rathbone, Smythe, Mayo, Campbell, Leonards, Levien, Barker, Brown, Orr, Williams, Johns, Axup, Mill, Whitfield, Bowen, Studholme, Ellis, R. Williams, Langley, and Krause.
2 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via the Coast.
2 – Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, for Newcastle, N.S.W.
5 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Catley, Miss McRoberts (2), Miss Hunt, Messrs Goudy, Merton, Brandon, and several others.
7 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Rev. Father Regnier, Mr and Master Richards, and Miss McRoberts (2).
7 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Miss Haulton, Messrs. Jobson, Henna, Boylan, Common, and two natives.
8 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, for Newcastle, N.S.W. One passenger.
8 – Rotorua, s.s., for Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Mrs Teague, Messrs. Jacobs, Soloman, Johnston, Harris, Monteith, Magon, and 42 original.
The s.s. Kiwi, Campbell, arrived in the Bay early on Thursday morning, having called at Arete near Castle Point on the voyage to land to cargo. Since the wool season commenced, the Kiwi has already taken over 700 bales to Wellington from the coast.
The schooner Opotiki was towed out on Friday by the Bella, and soon had a good offing.
The barque Helen Denny has discharged her coals, and the stevedors [stevedores] have commenced stowing the ground tier of her outward cargo, consisting of tallow. There is a good deal of wool dumped and ready to go on board, and we anticipate the Helen Denny will have quick despatch.
The s.s. Taupo anchored in the Bay at 6 o’clock on Friday. She has about 40 tons of cargo for the port, which is being discharged to the Three Brothers. The Taupo had a large number of passengers, principally visitors to the Canterbury province to attend the Show and Races.
The Result returned from Wairoa at 8.30 p.m. on Friday, and anchored till 4 p.m., when the tide answered, and she was brought to the Breastwork, having landed the whole of her cargo inside. When the Result got down to the Wairoa on Thursday morning, the bar was very shallow, but a slight fresh in the river caused an opening, and allowed the steamer to get inside. Although it has improved it is still very shallow.
The s.s. Kiwi towed out the Silver Cloud on Friday, the latter being bound to Newcastle, N.S.W., and the former for Wellington, calling on the Coast for wool.
The barques Helen Denny and Dragon both commenced some days ago to take in their outward cargoes, and will both have quick despatch, as the wool is coming in rapidly.
The new pilot boat at present being built by H. Bristow is expected to be ready for launching by the end of this week.
The N.Z.S. Co’s Mataura, Captain Brown, may be daily looked for. She is out 91 days from Plymouth, and has hitherto made rapid passages to New Zealand, being a fast vessel, but perhaps having immigrants on board, the captain will not “carry on” as he otherwise would.
The cutter Rapid returned from Mohaka on Monday, with a full cargo of maize, consigned to Newton, Irvine and Co. She was detained outside for two days before she was able to get in, and then found the entrance very shallow and tortuous. The wreck of the Mary Ann Hudson is right in the fairway.
The s.s. Fairy left on Sunday, with a cargo of timber and station stores for Mangakuri.
The p.s. Manaia left about 6 p.m. on Monday for Wairoa. It is to be hoped she will be able to get inside the river.
The s.s. Rangatira had rather a squally passage from Wellington, arriving in the roadstead at 4.30 p.m. on Tuesday. She was promptly boarded by the Pilot, and brought direct to the Breastwork. During her recent trip to Wellington she was put on the slip, and has been cleaned and painted on the outside.
The s.s. Result left on Wednesday for the Wairoa with a few passengers and a full general cargo. The Result went outside on Wednesday, and embarked her passengers off the beach, and steamed away at 11 a.m.
Wellington last Saturday was visited with a very heavy gale, accompanied with thunder, lightning, and rain. The flashes of lightning were so vivid, that people in the open air were deprived of their sight for a short while. The rain came down in torrents. At 2.30 a.m. the Rangatira’s forward spring parted, which cause her head to pay off and come in contact with the stern of the ship Wairoa, breaking therefrom the mouldings, and damaging the ornamental part of the steamer’s bows. The yacht Xarifa fouled the s.s. Tui, carrying away her bowsprit; the s.s. Taupo broke adrift, but fortunately did no damage. Several other accidents of a similar character happened to the shipping. – [Communicated.]
The s.s. Rotorua, Captain Kennedy, returned from Sydney via Auckland early on Thursday, having left the former port at 7 p.m. on the 31st of October; encountered a series of heavy gales from N. to N.E., with a very high beam sea; passed the Three Kings at 11.30 p.m. on the 4th of November, North Cape at 4 a.m. on the 5th, and arrived 9 p.m. the same day at the Auckland wharf; sailed the next day at 8.30 p.m., and had light favorable winds down the coast; met the s.s. Rangatira on Wednesday, and passed the Southern Cross off Portland Island early on Thursday. The Rotorua, on her last trip to Sydney, made the passage in four days eighteen hours, and on returning it took five days one hour to complete the voyage from Sydney to Auckland. The Rotorua has a full cargo from Sydney for the various ports of New Zealand. Mr B. Prengle, with his usual courtesy, furnished us with a report and files.
The Captain of the Manaia reports a good bar at the Wairoa on Wednesday when she came out.
The Union Company’s s.s. Hawea, Capt. Wheeler, arrived in the bay early on Thursday, having made the passage in 19 hours. From Port Chalmers, which was left on th [the] 4th at 5 p.m., she has encountered a succession of head winds. The Hawea had a large number of passengers for Napier, as well as for Northern ports. Her cargo was lightered by the Rapid, Bella, and Three Brothers. The purser, as usual, has not furnished us with a report.
The Mary Wadley set her canvas at the breastwork, and sailed outside with a splendid fair wind, remaining at anchor for about an hour. After which she weighed anchor, and with the favorable wind blowing was soon out of sight. She will probably go North about this trip.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, left Auckland on Tuesday, at 3 p.m., and anchored in the Bay at 10 a.m. on Thursday. Encountered strong westerly winds the whole of the passage. Captain Holmes reports four vessels at anchor in Hicks’ Bay, but was not able to make them out on account of the thick weather. She leaves again at 7 a.m. to-day for Auckland.
The Bay presented quite a gay appearance on Thursday, having the steamers Rotorua and Hawea, and Southern Cross, the barques Helen Denny and Dragon, and the three-masted schooner Mary Wadley at anchor. The lighters Three Brothers and Rapid alongside the steamers, and the launch Bella plying backward and forward between the steamers and breastwork.
The Wanganui Steam Navigation Company (says a contemporary) is being actively floated. The capital is to be £30,000, with which it is intended to purchase the St. Kilda, Wallabi, and Clyde, and also to procure a new boat especially for the Wanganui trade. From a Dunedin firm an offer has been received to furnish a boat of the description specified for the sum of £9000. The new vessel is to be a screw boat of 150 tons register, draught 6ft 6in., and guaranteed to steam 13 knots.
A brigantine named the Exonia had a very narrow excape [escape] when lying at the Wellington Heads. It appears she anchored under the Lighthouse, when one of her cables parted, and she was gradually dragging the other cable and approaching the rocks. The Captain seeing his danger ran up signals of distress. When the vessel was within ten yards of the rock the Colonial Government Steamer Stella heaved in sight, and Captain Fairchild, with his usual promptitude, seeing the perilous position of the Exonia, immediately went to her assistance, and passing a rope on board, soon towed her to a safe anchorage. The anchor that dragged was, when lifted found to have fouled in letting go.
A fine ship called the Niigata Maru, Capt. Walker, has lately arrived in the Thames from Japan. This is the first vessel bearing the Japanese flag which has entered the port of London. Though built as a steamer, she has made a long passage round the Cape under sail, occupying 141 days. The crew consists of 34 men, all of whom, with three or four exceptions, are Japanese. The Niigata Maru brings a cargo of about 1600 tons, chiefly, rice, and is likely to be the first of a series of a regular traders. Capt. Walker reports that the Japanese sailors behaved admirably, and in any emergency were always ready to do their part. The Niigata Maru is to be refitted with boilers and machinery, and will then return with the same crew to Japan.
Mr. M.R. Miller reports the sale of the Hon. W.S. Peters’ freehold, Puketapu district, about 7,000 acres to John Bennett, Esq., of Puketapu, for £16,000, without stock. Mr. Miller also reports the sale of Mr. G. Bruce’s half-interest in the Waikare run, about 21,000 acres, leasehold, (annual rent, £160), with 5,000 sheep, few cattle, and horses, to Mr George Bee, of Mohaka, for £4,250.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on 18th November.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, per Rotorua, on Friday, 16th November, at 9 p.m.
Registered Letters and Money Orders, via San Francisco, will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers at 8 p.m. on the 16th instant.
Chief Postmaster.
LITTERATEUR. – Your remarks on such a young society as the Napier Literary Association are unfair. You complain “that the matters discussed have not been attractive, or edifying, and that subjects now engrossing attention have been passed over.” Holding the opinions you do, it was your duty to have become a member and by your aid and assistance remedied those defects which you are so anxious now to point out.
ANOTHER INTENDING SHAREHOLDER – The address you have forwarded is evidently a “bogus” one. Should you send your proper name and address, your letter will receive insertion on Saturday, otherwise it will be consigned with contributions sent in a similar way to our waste paper basket.
At a meeting of the members of the Napier Athenaeum, held on Wednesday, a resolution was passed granting a lease of a portion of the land to the Gymnasium Club on certain terms.
O’CONNELL. – At West Clive, on November 5, the wife of Mr. Patrick O’Connell, of a son.
STUART – WATERS. – At Port Ahuriri on November 1st, by the Rev. J. Campbell, Mr A.L. Stuart to Miss Henrietta Waters.
WILLIAMS – WARREN. – At Napier, on November 4, by the Rev. J. Berry, Mr C.T. Williams, of Shrewsbury, England, to Miss J. Warren, of Ballyhenry, County Wicklow, Ireland.
DENTON. – At the residence of Mr Thomas Gore Graham, on November 6, Elizabeth Jane, the beloved wife of Mr John Henderson Denton, aged 27 years.
PLOUGHS: – Hornsby’s F and R A 1 Wheel;. H 2 Wheel and Double Furrow – American Gang – Ramsome and Sims’ Y O H, &c.
MOWERS: – Buckeye’s combined Mower and Reaper Paragon, and New Model Buckeye.
HORSE RAKES: – Champion and Balance.
HARROWS: – Patent, Flexible, and Zigzag.
3 tons very superior Horse Shoes
10 cwt. Horse Nails, all sizes
5 tons Wire Nails
Register Grates, &c., &c.
THE undersigned has for Sale from 200 to 300 RAMS, selected from 7/8th to 15-16th bred; also, full-mouthed pure pedigreed RAMS, with 2,000 EWES, from ¾ bred to 7/8th, mostly 2 tooth, and Hogs in lots to suit purchasers.
None but private sales will be effected, and purchasers may rely on getting fair value for their money.
Apply by letter to the undersigned, stating number required.
Oakbourne, Wallingford.
16th October, 1877.
THE Oakbourne Sale Sheep have been shorn and are open for selection they will be sold privately.
Apply, stating number required, and further particulars to the undersigned.
16th October, 1877.
Patented throughout all the Colonies.
This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh 10 cwt. per mile, and costing £12 10s, versus 17 cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having 7 cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1000 tons sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves.
McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in Packets and Tins, ½ lb and 1lb, labelled: –
THE Undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he will open the above Hotel on MONDAY, the 17th instant, which is situated on the direct road to Patea, and hopes by attention to the comfort of his visitors to merit their support. The Hotel has recently been built for the specific accommodation of the travelling public, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the Hotel one of the most comfortable and attractive in the County.
None but the very best brands of Beers, Wines, and Spirits, will be kept in stock.
Splendid Stables, Grass Paddocks, and every accommodation for persons travelling.
The Proprietor is erecting a new Store, where goods of the very best quality will always be on sale.
Konini, Sept. 5th, 1877.
The Weekly Mercury
MR WILLIAM VILLERS, of Petane, has furnished our morning contemporary with his reason for having sent the Spit bridge petition for presentation to the Hon. Mr Sheehan, instead of to one or other of the Napier representatives. It appears that Mr Villers telegraphed to Mr Sheehan to ask who the proper parties would be to whom should be entrusted the presentation of the petition. Mr Sheehan replied that he himself would present it, and Mr Villers accordingly availed himself of the offer, thereby, unintentionally no doubt, insulting the petitioners, and casting a most unmerited slight on the representatives of this constituency. Every effort that has hitherto been made to secure the erection of a bridge to connect the Eastern and Western Spits, has been attended by the misfortune that the promoters of each agitation to obtain this boon have invariably gone the wrong way to work. Mr Villers is no exception; in fact through the ridiculous idea that people in authority can be trusted, all the labor and money he has expended in getting up the petition have been thrown away. The present Ministry are just as likely to place £10,000 on the estimates for expenditure in Hawke’s Bay, as the Premier is to find money out of his own pocket to improve the road to Mr Ormond’s property at Wallingford. Mr Sheehan’s anxiety to take charge of the petition was probably due to the mere desire to score a political point, hoping to show the House that the representatives of Napier did not enjoy the confidence of this constituency. It is noteworthy that all the petitions from Hawke’s Bay this session to the General Assembly have been presented by other than Hawke’s Bay members. We know the result of the Te Aute petitions – they carried as they certainly deserved no weight what-ever, and the Spit bridge petition will have no more influence than they had. So much for Mr Villers’ blundering. The Herald states that Mr Villers has a telegram in his possession from the Native Minister, to the effect “that the erection of the Port Ahuriri bridge may now be looked on as a certainty, whatever happens.” This is characteristic of Mr Sheehan, but we did not think it was a characteristic of Mr Villers to be caught with chaff.
THERE appear to be two points on which His Excellency the Governor has offended the House of Representatives by refusing to nominate Mr J. N. Wilson [Napier Solicitor] to the Legislative Council. The first point is that he has given a reason for declining the advice of his Ministers; and the second one is, that he has officially professed a knowledge of a motion before the House. With regard to the first of these points, the Governor occupies the position of Her Majesty, and he therefore possesses an undoubted right to refuse to elevate any one to the Upper House without giving any reason whatever. In this case, however, His Excellency, in declining to nominate Mr Wilson to the Legislative Council, has been pleased to give the following reason in his memorandum to Sir George Grey: – “If the Government are supported by a majority of the House, the Governor will be happy to accept their advice, and appoint Mr Wilson to the Legislative Council, but pending the decision of the Assembly, the Governor must decline to make the appointment.” This is a very straightforward way of putting the Ministerial position before the Premier. It is as much as to say ‘that until the House has once more shown its confidence in you, I shall not only decline to believe that you have it, but must refuse to be guided by your advice.’ As a matter of course, His Excellency is bound to believe that his responsible advisers possess the confidence of the House and of the country, until he receives official intimation to the contrary. With regard to the second point, by a legal fiction, the Governor is supposed to know nothing of any motion before the General Assembly until it has been actually passed and reported to him. His Excellency, however, clearly expresses an intimate acquaintance with the proceedings of the House, for he says in his memorandum, in reply to Sir George Grey, there can be no pressing urgency for the appointment (of Mr Wilson) and the Governor is of opinion that it would be undesirable to make it at a time when a vote of want of confidence is pending.” His Excellency’s official knowledge of this or any other motion may be almost considered unconstitutional. So far back as the days of Charles I, the House of Commons affirmed by resolution that the Sovereign can legally know nothing of the proceedings of the House until properly reported, and this is distinctly laid down by Tod, and May, on Parliamentary practice. How long the debate will be dragged on in consideration of Mr Stout’s breach of privilege motion, it is impossible to say. It offers a splendid opportunity for the display of such eloquence as that to which we are accustomed from Mr Rees and Sir George Grey, and, doubtless, we shall hear a great deal of British liberties, constitutional rights, and heaven-born freedom. Unfortunately the action of the Governor will give a color to the more than rumor that he is a partisan, and personally and politically opposed to Sir George Grey. The Opposition, we imagine, however much that party may calculate on His Excellency’s support, will hardly defend the course pursued by the Governor by making the subject a party question. The whole matter will probably drop by a motion being carried which in its passing will convey a mild sort of rebuke to the Governor, and affirm the privileges of the House.
We presume, now that the Government have scored a victory by a “fluke”, that Mr J. N. Wilson’s nomination to a seat in the Legislative Council is assured. Writing on the probability of such an event, the Wellington Argus says: – “Mr Wilson, we daresay, is a shrewd lawyer, and so long as the Legislative Council is constituted as at present, he would make suitable a member as any other gentleman. But it gives one an insight into what the Council must be when we find nominations of the kind. Fancy Colonel Whitmore, whose protégé Mr Wilson is, having the power to add a member to the Legislature, while it takes all the people of Wellington, with much sweat and labour, to add two. And herein and thus lies the weakness of Sir George Grey’s Government, not only now, but in its future administration, and at a general election. Sir George appeals to the people on broad, liberal, and progressive principles, and the people are ready to respond to the appeal. But how, ask those who think for themselves, is this appeal reconcilable with the fact that Colonel Whitmore is Colonel Secretary? He is, with a number of good qualities no doubt, without exception the most narrow minded man in the whole Assembly, and that is saying a great deal. He is besides a specimen of our Brummagen [Brummagem] aristocracy, which is about as disagreeable an article as plain honest men can come across. He is a sworn enemy of the people. It is not possible that Sir George Grey can have any sympathy with a gentleman whose views and purposes are so diametrically opposite to his own. It is well known that the stress of politics will not allow men always to choose their associates; no one should overlook that plain fact; like misfortune they lead to strange bedfellows, as Trinculo said when he crept under Caliban’s gabardine! But if Sir George wishes to succeed, and every public man so wishes, the sooner he manages to cut his connection with the Whitmore crowd the better for him.”
IN reply to an enquiry we made at Wellington, we learn by telegram that the Port Ahuriri bridge petition has not yet been presented to the House! This sort of treatment is exactly what might have been expected, and the persons who were foolish enough to ignore their own representatives, and place their trust in Mr Sheehan, are now, by the discourtesy and inattention shown them in this matter, paid back in their own coin. If the bridge were not of so much importance to this provincial district, we should say, that it served them right. We have three representatives who have all along worked together harmoniously for the benefit of their constituents, and by whose influence the sum of £10,000 was placed on the supplementary estimates for this bridge. If Mr Sheehan were sincere in his expressions of regard for the welfare of Napier, his support might have been counted upon to have voted for that item, whether he presented the petition or not, so that there was no occasion for the act of gross discourtesy that was committed in forwarding it to him. It must not be forgotten that Mr Sheehan is both personally and politically opposed to our representatives, and he has never lost an opportunity of injuring them in the eyes of the House, of disparaging the settlers of Hawke’s Bay, and of denouncing the action of the late Ministry in expending so much public money within this provincial district. To such a one has been entrusted the duty of presenting and advocating a petition for the expenditure of £10,000 more of public money, a sum which the late Sir Donald McLean, with all his influence, informed the electors here he could not hope the House would vote. What has Mr Sheehan done with the petition? It is perhaps still in his pocket, and when he does present it, it will probably be in silence, having no intention of advocating for a constituency that which could not, apparently, be entrusted to its own representatives.
The Wellington Post says: – “Mr. Jacobs, who has been carrying on business in Napier as a fancy goods merchant for the last 10 years, has secured one of the fine shops in the new Athenaeum building, which he is having fitted up in splendid style, and intends to open in the same line of business. The fittings, which are being constructed by Mr. W.J. Roberts, at a cost of over £300, include two cases (18 ft. long) of polished cedar, with ebony mountings and mottled kauri panelling, plate-glass sliding doors and fronts; a very handsome counter, also of polished cedar and mounted with ebony and panelled with mottled kauri, a plate- glass case, 18ft long, on the top; in the centre of the shop is an oval-raised stand of cedar, richly ornamented. Altogether, the shop will be one of the handsomest in this city.” Mr. Jacobs, we learn left Napier by the Rotorua for Wellington on Thursday to open the establishment above mentioned.
We have received to-day a late copy of the Waikato Times, and also the last number of the Wairoa Free Press, but both are so wretchedly printed that it is next to impossible to read their contents.
There was no quorum at the Education Board on Monday, and no business was consequently done.
Mr Coward reports having had a good sale on Saturday last. Bacon realised 7 1/2d per lb; ham, 9d to 10d; apples, 4d; potatoes, £4 10s per ton; Cheese, 8d to 9d. Sundry articles realized good prices.
The Treasurer of the Indian Famine Relief Fund has received the sum of £21 10/ as a contribution from the Hampden Saw Mills. This sum has been collected from the employers at the mill by Mr Cravery and deserves publicity. Mr Kenrick Hill’s station hands and shearers have also sent in £10 for the same object.
SIR, – I noticed a letter in the Herald the other morning signed “Ratepayer,” wherein the writer complains of the public pound being removed to the end of Carlyle-street. I should like to know if “Ratepayer” is the owner of some of the horses that stray about this end of the town, and if he is in fear of the pound fees? I, as another ratepayer living at this end of the town, am glad to see the pound here, as I hope it will be the means of keeping some of the horses off the streets doing damage to fences and footpaths. I have seen from ten to fifteen horses straying about here on Sundays, and shall be glad to see the number less. Hoping, when the poundkeeper is appointed, he will look well after these Sunday travellers, – I am, &c.,
Carlyle-street, November 1, 1877.
SIR, – You will oblige by granting space for a few remarks upon your sub-leader of this evening. You state, that in the successive reports to the Harbor Board during the progress of the works, many various theories have been advanced by Mr Weber respecting the travelling shingle and the action of the tides. Now, sir, on looking over the reports I fail to find the variety of theories referred to. The reports merely state, that owing to the prevailing easterly winds during the last six months the bar has almost continuously been encumbered with large masses of shingle carried round the Bluff, which the action of the tides, without the aid of reasonable freshets in the rivers, could remove but slowly, while the works do not reach the full length seaward. The last report differs merely on the one point, that now the eastern pier has crossed the line of the travelling shingle, and that, as the supply is now cut off, “all that is wanted now is the clearing away of the old bar,” which the tides will do steadily, but rather slowly, if not assisted by larger volumes from the rivers. There is nothing in the report which justifies you in saying “that the savants of the beach now declare the shingle does not come from the Ngaruroro, but the tide, like our old friend Sysiphus [Sisyphus], rolls the stones to and fro.” The Engineer of the Board has had too many opportunities for observing the beach after floods in the Tuki Tuki to join in such fantastic notions.
The scanning of the beach and the measuring of the breadth of the shingle, to which you refer, have disclosed to him a very tidy supply gathering near Waitangi and travelling towards Napier. In a few more weeks, if we should be favored with a south-easter, you may hail its arrival in front of the Court House.
As the bulk of it must ultimately find its way round the Bluff, it is impossible that Mr Weber can lure himself into the pleasant dream, which you seem to infer, that the single will remain stationary in its present line in the rear of the works. He was the first to draw attention to the travelling of the shingle, when the question of a breakwater was mooted, and his reports clearly show that he is aware that the single must continue to pile up behind the eastern pier, but that this process will henceforth be very slow, as a very large area between the works and the Bluff must be relaimed [reclaimed] before any shingle can pass the end of the pier. You twit Mr Weber for having stated in his reports that a flood would clear the bar, but that when the flood came, the bar said, “the floods may come, the tides may rise, but I remain for ever,” and that a new theory had to be started.
Now, Sir, I am not aware of any flood since the 10th February, but I know that my garden is parched up, and that my tanks are getting empty, and that the Te Aute Bush and parts of the Seventy-Mile Bush have been on fire since early in October. I know further, that the gentleman in charge of the rain-gauge at the Spit, has registered only 10 inches during the last eight months, and not more than three-fourths of an inch in one day, while the average for that period is over 30 inches.
The deficiency of 20 inches represents many millions of gallons in the Tutaekuri and Petane rivers, and it may be the cause of all the grumbling about the Harbour Works. However, the Napier people do not stand solitary in impatience respecting the results of their Harbour Works prior to their completion. The Australian Sketcher in No. 58 has a sketch of the abandoned Harbour Works at the Port of Gipps-Land in Victoria. Two groins very similar to ours were planned about 10 years ago, but only one was half completed, and the works were stopped.
The people there are now greatly disgusted with their own folly, as they cannot get now the means from Government for taking the works up again, a railway from Melbourne being carried right into the heart of the district. Travelling silt is there the source of trouble, like here.
It is fortunate that our Harbour Board is able to confine the folly here to the cry of “stinking fish.” A few months more must solve the question, and it is to be hoped that the theory for[e]shadowed in your closing sentence will not have to be propounded then. – I am, &c.
Napier, 1st November, 1877.
SIR, – An amusing document in the shape of the prospectus of the above company is being circulated, and the fond public are expected to fill up the applications for shares and to rush with them to the temporary offices, without a moment’s consideration as to what they are pledging themselves.
In the first place, notwithstanding the statement that the shares are of the value of £5 as set out in the first page, the real fact is that the liability is unlimited, as by 26 Vic. No. 2, “No insurance company shall be registered with limited liability,’” as the shareholders of the Albert and one or two others have recently found to their cost.
In the second place, the articles of association, which in fact constitute the deed of partnership, appear to have been overlooked, at all events not a word is said regarding this very important document, although in almost all prospectuses of a similar nature it is stated where the all important paper may be “read, marked, and inwardly digested.” Few men like to sign a deed of unlimited liability in partnership, but in this case the shareholders in the H.B.F.I. Co. are expected to trust all to the Provisional Committee, and to incur unlimited liability, without the remotest notion of the terms to which they are bound. Now, considering that the first four “decoy ducks” are absent, and know nothing of the scheme except by short letters or telegrams, and that the experience of all the other “ducklings” in such matters is limited in the extreme, it might reasonably be expected that some intimation would be given on the very important points usually contained in the memorandum and articles of association, and further that the “projectors” (good word that, better than the old “promoters”) would have informed the public how they purpose to limit the liability of the shareholders, whereas it is a fact that any shareholder may be obliged to pay £50, instead of £5 only per share. – I am, &c.,
November 5, 1877.
SIR, – There was an article in the Herald yesterday morning inserted as an advertisement purporting to be copied from the Otago Guardian relating to the mania for shares in fire insurance companies, and the very fact of its being an advertisement shows that the monopolists are beginning to shake in their shoes at the idea of the Napier people presuming to start a company of their own, and no doubt fear the example will be followed by all the large towns in New Zealand. The article in question does not say a word about the enormous profits made in the last few years by the New Zealand, South British, National, and other offices in the colony; the reference to gold mining and racing sweeps only shews the weakness of their pleading, for every one with any common sense knows that these are mere gambling. Every one in Napier knows well what enormous rates have been charged for years for insurance, and since the formation of our splendid Fire Brigade, the arrival of the steam fire-engine, the opening of inexhaustible salt-water wells, the old insurance companies have not offered to reduce one farthing of their extremely high rates; and it is only since the present local company started they have shewn the least sign of reducing their rates. To shew how frightened the combination of companies are, at the last meeting of the provisional directors a communication was read purporting to come indirectly from only one company, but no doubt emanating from the combination of insurance companies, almost begging the provisional directors to give up starting a company, and offering indirectly to reduce the premiums from
12s 6d to 15s per cent. if they would abandon the formation of a local company. Now, if this is not, added to the advertisement yesterday morning, shewing the “white feather” and attempting to frighten people from taking shares in the new company, I do not know what it is. Your insertion of the above will much oblige
Napier, November 6, 1877.
SIR, – This morning at the R.M. Court, amongst other police cases, a Mr A. Snelling, cab proprietor and driver, was summoned on two different charges for breach of the Municipal Bye-laws. Both cases were dismissed by the Resident Magistrate. During the hearing of the last case, Sergeant White (unasked) gave his opinion of the meaning of the words “loitering and obstructing” used in the Bye-laws.
It has been reported to me on good authority that our present police sergeant has a penchant for issuing summonses against cab drivers and proprietors, knowing full well that if the case is dismissed, he will not be mulcted in the costs. Sergeant White’s opposition to the cabmen in Christchurch is well known, and it would be advisable for the cabmen, as a body, to carefully watch the actions of this white-gloved gentleman. Let him in all justice do his work in carrying out his instructions, but not to constantly annoy men who, as a body, are I challenge, the best conducted cab-men in the colony.
In the above two cases, Snelling, a well conducted and deserving man, though found not guilty of the offence, has been indirectly fined by the R.M. about £5 in not allowing costs against the police, for, according to one of our best authorities, “costs are an indirect fine.” – I am, &c.,
November 5, 1877.
SIR, – The glare of the sun upon the white roads of Napier is something both painful and distressing to the visual organs of unfortunate pedestrians who have to traverse these roads. Such being the case, and as every person is not in a position to invest in colored eye-glasses, and as the Municipal Council are supposed to be the conservators of the public wants, I would suggest that instead of continually placing layer upon layer of lime-stone on top of each other and rendering the White-road still more white, that some material of a similar character which is now used by the contractors for the swamp reclamation contract should be used as a top dressing, which would naturally assist the residents of Napier from the painful efforts of opthalmia. I may mention that the top dressing I allude to is of a dark brown or chocolate color – a sort of underated clay – and would afford great protection from the painfully reflected rays of the sun which glitter daily upon the “limy” streets of Napier, and at the same time with the lime-stone become so durable that the Corporation would materially save thereby. – I am, &c.,
Napier, November 6, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq. R.M.)
Thomas McEvoy, for the above offence, had the option of paying a fine of five shillings, or going up for 24 hours. He went up.
James Peters, having drunk more than was his usual allowance, on being arrested therefore resisted the policeman in the execution of his duty. This little episode in his Colonial career cost him £2, he preferring to pay that amount rather than do fourteen days, which was the alternative allowed him.
Elliot v Muggeridge, (Taranaki). – A claim by plaintiff, as assignee of the book debts of Mr Horace Ford, for £7 14s. Defendant not appearing, judgment went by default for plaintiff for the amount claimed, and 14s costs.
Lorigan v Austin. – Claim £45. (A Waipawa case, in which judgment had been held over). His Worship gave judgment for plaintiff for £45, and costs, &c., £5 18.
Edward Hughes and James O’Brien who were both embracing each other in an unfriendly manner in Hastings-street on Saturday evening, were each fined 40s or 14 days imprisonment.
Henry Windsor was again brought up and charged with drunkenness. He was fined 5s or 24 hours imprisonment.
Henry Driscoll was brought up on information, charged with having stolen on the 23rd November from Stephen Scragg a plated silver watch guard.
Mr Lee defended the prisoner.
The evidence showed the prisoner was at Mr. Scragg’s house on the Saturday previous to the chain being missed. It was maintained on the other side that the prisoner lived at the house of Mr Scragg and it was taken away, but not stolen.
His Worship dismissed the case.
Edward Snelling, a cabman, appeared in answer to two informations, one charging him with leaving his cab unattended at the Railway Hotel, and other with obstructing the road by refusing to go to the stand when told by Constable Burn.
Mr Lascelles appeared for Mr Snelling, and succeeding in getting both cases dismissed. In the first case it was proved that the cab was in charge of James Brydon, and in the second case, it was proved the cab was moving.
S. Carnell appeared in answer to an information charging him with having fired off a gun within the Borough of Napier. It was shewn that Mr Carnell fired the gun off between the Court House and Club below high water mark, and this being not within the Borough the case was dismissed. Mr G.E. Lee appeared for Mr Carnell.
Two Maoris belonging to Paki Paki were fined 2/6 and costs for having dogs unregistered over six months old.
Christian Hansen was charged with killing a seal on Petane beach contrary to the provisions of the Animal’s Protection Act. He pleaded guilty, but at the request of Inspector Scully, who informed the Court that both Hansen and his mate having lost all they had through a fire which destroyed their whare this morning, His Worship dismissed the case with a caution.
Richard Winter, a lawyer’ clerk, was brought up, charged with, on or about the 3rd of November, 1877, that he did, feloniously and with intent to defraud, draw an order to the amount of £3 on Mr G.E. Lee, his employer.
John Frey, a barman at the Criterion Hotel, deposed: I know the prisoner. Prisoner presented me a cheque on Thursday afternoon about four o’clock in the bar of the hotel. Prisoner obtained a drink, and he owed me for some drinks before. He told me to take the amount from the cheque of £3. The cheque bore the signature of Mr Lee. The cheque produced is the one. I went and showed the cheque to Mr Becker. Mr Becker told me to take it to Mr Rose to get change for the cheque. Mr Rose gave £3. I then paid the prisoner £1 15 6, he owed the balance. Prisoner then had another drink, and went away.
George Rose, clerk at the Criterion Hotel, deposed that on Thursday the barman Fry brought him a cheque for £3 to be cashed. It was signed “G. E. Lee.”
The prisoner here complained that Inspector Scully was putting unnecessary questions.
Examination continued: I changed the cheque, and it was taken to the Bank of New Zealand on the following day.
J.B. Becker deposed: I am landlord of the Criterion Hotel Napier. Between three and four o’clock on Thursday afternoon, I saw the prisoner at the bar, when Fry (the barman) asked me to cash a cheque for three notes. I recognise the cheque. I looked at it, thought it was all right, and told the barman to get it changed by Mr. Rose. The signature looks like Mr Lee’s. Next day I got a note from the Bank of New Zealand, informing me that the cheque was not paid, and a memorandum on the back that the signature was unlike. I saw Mr Lee, who told me it was a forgery, and not his signature.
Charles Walter McKenzie, teller of the Bank of New Zealand, Napier, recognised the cheque. It was paid with the Criterion account on the morning of the 2nd instant, by Mr Rose, and it was afterwards returned by the Union Bank endorsed “signature unlike.” When the cheque came into the Bank he did not particularly notice it; on looking at it, now he should not take it to be Mr. Lee’s signature. There is a small resemblance, but the writing is not at all like.
Cross-examined by prisoner: The signature looks like an imitation of Mr. Lee’s signature, but not a deliberate one.
Robert Alexander Duncan Mowbray: I am ledger-keeper in Union Bank, Napier. The cheque put in was presented by the Bank of New Zealand exchange clerk on Friday, and I returned it with the answer “signature unlike.” The signature is not much like Mr. Lee’s signature.
Cross-examined by prisoner: I do not think it was a deliberate imitation of Mr Lee’s signature. If the cheque had been presented over the counter it would have been cashed. It looks as if one person had written all right off.
G.E. Lee, solicitor, deposed: I know the prisoner. He has been engaged in my office for some time back as a clerk. No part of the cheque is in my handwriting. It was not my usual way of writing my bank signature. It was a character like I used to write cheques months ago, but there are certain marks deficient in it. I know the prisoner’s handwriting. The three are like his handwriting. Parts of it are like mine, the word “office” especially. The cheque came out of my cheque book, and 20 cheques in advance of where I was using. I can produce the cheque book, it is not under lock and key. The prisoner had no authority from me to draw a cheque on my behalf fot [for] any one else.
Cross-examined by Prisoner: The word “office” is not as I should write deliberately, but if written hurriedly, that is how the word would look like. You have seen my cheques frequently.
Sergeant White deposed that this morning, about nine o’clock, the prisoner called at my private residence, and said he wished to speak to me. He hesitated a good deal, and appeared uneasy, and he then told me he had been guilty of forgery, and wished to give himself in custody. His breath smelt of liquor, and I warned him of the position he was placing himself in. He said, “It’s all my own fault.” I told him to come up to the lock up with me. On the road he informed me he had forged a cheque of Mr Lee’s for £3 and passed it at the Criterion Hotel. On Sunday evening I received information of the forgery.
On the Court resuming, the prisoner said he had very little to say in extenuation of this charge, but one or two things he must say; he was the worse of liquor when he signed the cheque and when he presented it. There was no intention to imitate Mr Lee’s signature; he regarded it as more an order for payment of money, fully believing Mr Lee would pay it. He voluntarily told Mr Lee on Friday afternoon that he had done it. Mr Lee replied that he would not pay it. The matter had so preyed on his mind that he had given himself up. He had not left the place and had no intention of leaving. There was no charge made against him, although he stayed at the lock-up till the Court sat and then it was that the charge was made against him. The cheque was made entirely in his own handwriting, and there was no intention to imitate any one else’s, in the full belief that Mr Lee would pay it. He knew Mr Lee’s signature, and Mr Lee admitted it was not his (Mr Lee’s) signature.
His Worship then committed the prisoner for trial at the next sittings of the Supreme Court.
Fortune and Black v B. Palmer. – Claim of £2 10s, amount of bakers’s account. Judgment for plaintiff for amount claimed, and costs 9s.
Bartlett v Norman. – Claim of £25, balance of purchase money of a horse and harness sold for £25 on the 10th May last. Judgment for plaintiff for £20, and costs, including solicitor’s fee 21s, amounting to further sum of £2.
Six other civil cases had been settled out of Court, and in two others, in which the defendants are out of the province, the summonses had not been served.
Benjamin v Ringstade. – On a claim originally for 13s for which plaintiff obtained a judgment on the 23rd October. It was ordered that defendant pay £1 7s 6d, being the amount to which further costs had swelled the original debt, forthwith, or in default be convicted to prison for one month.
Peters v. Marshall. – Plaintiff on the 23rd October last obtained a judgment against defendant for £15 4s, and 19s costs, which not having been paid, plaintiff applied for a judgment summons. At the hearing to-day, it was ordered that defendant pay the amount, with further costs, amounting in all to £17 2s 9d, on or before the 2nd January, 1878, or in default, be committed to prison for one month.
R. Kelly v. G. E. G. Richardson. – Claim £100, for damaged alleged to be sustained by plaintiff, through defendant’s failing to send the steamer Jane Douglas to Mahia, to ship and convey sheep to Auckland. In this case, which is pending in the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Gisborne, the evidence of defendant was taken here this morning under the provisions of the “Resident Magistrate’s Court Evidence Ac, 1870.” The evidence was to the effect that defendant had never made or authorised any contract to be made with the plaintiff, undertaking to perform any such service.
A telegraph office in connection with the Farndon railway station was opened on Monday, which will prove of immense convenience to the settlers around the districts of East and West Clive.
Mr Richmond Thatcher, the agent and manager for Levy, the greatest living instrumentalist, called in last week in the Taupo and went on towards Dunedin. He says that Levy is the most remarkable man of the age, and from notices he has submitted to us, we should say that he is. Levy’s history is very romantic. He rose from a poor friendless boy to be the petted of sovereigns. The Queen set the fashion and made him the rage of London, and the Emperor of Russia invited him to his palace and made him Chief Bandmaster of the Russian armies. Besides this, he created quite a furore on the Continent, and in America, and was the chief star at the Centennial. He is accompanied by a magnificent company, including three great Italian vocalists, and a famous soprano and contralto. They land at the Bluff on the 20th of this month, and Levy gets a grand reception at Invercargill, after which the company comes North. We shall not have them here till early next year. Mr Ellis, the well-known London critic, says of Levy: – His career is one of the most romantic among all the stories of the stage. He had no qualification or advantage to begin with but his passionate devotion to music. For years he made his way very slowly, playing at various music halls in London, and attracting much immediate notice, but no valuable popularity. At last, however, thirteen years ago, in the magnificent series of autumnal orchestral concerts, which the late revered composer, Alfred Mellon, used to give annually at the Royal Italian Opera house in Convent [Covent] Garden, there, surrounded by the best instrumentalists in the world, and with a band of unequalled beauty and excellence at his back, he had the proper opportunity for display, and seized it manfully. It was no light task to attract attention in a concert where Carlotta Patti and [Helen] Lemmens Sherrington were the vocalists, where Wienieaski [Wieniaski], [Giovanni] Bottesini, [Robert] Pratten, Nicholson, Lazarus, Julia Carreno, Sophie Heilbron, and Marie Krebs, discoursed the sweetest and most perfect music from violin and contre bass[e], from flute and clarionet [clarinet], oboe and piano; and where the symphonies of Beethoven were played with as much accuracy as the waltzes of Strauss. But with all the memory of the lamented Koening against him, he conquered, and his life since then has been one perpetual scene of triumph. The courts of Europe, the great festivals of America, the halls of the largest Australian cities, have all resounded with the plaudits lavished upon a self made man, still young, who has discovered un-dreamt of capabilities in the most brilliant of instruments, and proved himself before the world to be one of the foremost musicians of the age.
In our leading article of Saturday, we stated it was noteworthy that all the petitions from Hawke’s Bay to the General Assembly this session had been presented by other than Hawke’s Bay members. In making this statement, we failed to remember at the time that the Catholic petition, in connection with the Education Bill was sent to and was presented by Mr. Sutton. We have more pleasure in making this correction, in asmuchas though the Catholics of Napier would, perhaps, have been quite justified in forwarding their petition to a Catholic member of the House, they did not overlook the courtesy due to their own representative.
The Council met at 7.30 p.m.
Present – His Worship the Mayor, Councillors Lee, Tuxford, Faulknor, Rochfort, Neal, Vautier, and Dinwiddie.
The minutes of the previous meeting was read and confirmed.
A petition, signed by about 200 inhabitants of the Borough, praying the Council to take into consideration the occupation of a portion of Clive Square by the Napier Cricket Club, was presented by Cr. Tuxford. In presenting this petition Cr. Tuxford referred to the unsuccessful efforts made by the other two local Cricket Clubs to come to terms with the Napier Club for the right to practice on the ground, and as he thought that the Press and Star Clubs had quite as equal a right to public encouragement at the hands of the Council as any other Club, he had much pleasure in presenting the petition.
His Worship suggested that the matter should be placed in the hands of a select committee. He did not recollect the exact nature of the arrangement by which the Napier Cricket Club laid claim to the occupation of the ground to the exclusion of the other Clubs, but he remembered that it was distinctly understood that no vested interest in it was granted by the Council to the Napier Club, who, however, had spent a considerable sum of money on its improvement.
The Town Clerk read the letter addressed by direction of the Council to the then secretary of the Club in 1876, by authority of which the Club took possession of the ground.
After some further discussion, the matter, on the motion of Cr. Tuxford, seconded by Councillor Lee, was referred to a Committee, consisting of Crs. Neal, Dinwiddie, and Tuxford.
Cr. Rochfort moved, “That the Municipal Engineer be instructed to prepare a block plan of the town, showing levels of streets on the flat, also parts where shingle substratum exists, boundary of hill land, and all information necessary for an engineer to design a system of drainage without visiting Napier: That this plan be printed: That designs for a system of drainage be then invited from engineers throughout Australia and New Zealand; the premium for the chosen design to be £100, and the design then to be the property of the Corporation.” He thought by adopting the motion, the Council would obtain the opinions of the best men with respect to the most desirable scheme for the drainage of the town.
Cr. Vautier was inclined to think that the Municipal Engineer was quite able to draw up a scheme, without going to the labor and expense of making elaborate plans which it would be necessary to furnish outside engineers with before they could give advice on the subject.
Cr Rochfort remarked that merely general levels would be wanted.
Cr Dinwiddie seconded the motion. He considered that if the survey and plans cost £100, it would be money well spent.
His Worship was of opinion that to give practical effect to the motion would involve an expenditure of, perhaps, hundreds of thousands of pounds, and he thought, under these circumstances, it would be as well to consider the advisability of entrusting to the Municipal Engineer the preparation of a minor scheme of drainage more adapted to the population and means of the Borough than was implied in Cr Rochfort’s motion.
Cr Lee did not know what the Council would do with the various schemes that would be submitted for their approval if the motion was passed.
Cr Tuxford supported the motion.
Cr Neal thought the motion was premature considering that the levels of the town had not been fixed.
The motion was then put and carried on the voices.
The Public Works Committee’s report was read and adopted. It was as follows: –
That no tenders for the Spencer-road formation be accepted, as none are considered eligible; and that in future the provisions of clause 192 of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1876, with reference to permanent levels, be strictly adhered to.
That the following instructions be forwarded by the Council to the Municipal Engineer, viz.: When gradients of roads are to be fixed, sufficient information should be placed before the Council to enable them to see that no injustice is done to any of the holders of property who have to use that road, until a map showing the permanent levels throughout the town is completed. When a portion of a road only is to be made, the section prepared for the consideration of the Council shall show such other portion of that road as would be affected by the proposed work. In all road works, pegs branded with numbers, to be driven down to the surface, and on the section the depth of cutting on bank to be clearly shown at each peg.
That the tender of Messrs. Oxenham and Mills for the formation and metalling of the Hyderabad-road, at the sum of £5 15/- per chain, and £3 per box culvert, be accepted.
That the tender of Mr Philemon Palmer for the formation of part of the Hardinge-road for the sum of £3 19s 8d per chain be accepted.
That it having been found necessary to remove the pound (the ground being required by the General Government for police purposes), the pound be erected on the western end of the town hall reserve and the same proclaimed a public pound, and that Mr Henry Skelton be appointed poundkeeper thereto.
That the whole of the recommendations in the Engineer’s report be adopted, with the exception of clause 2 therein, which is recommended to stand over till after the pipes are laid to the Cameron-road.
That the vouchers for the expenditure to the 31st October on account of Borough fund account, waterworks account, and swamp reclamation account, be passed, and ordered to be paid.
A rather amusing discussion ensued on the recommendation that Mr Skelton be appointed Poundkeeper, but the clause was passed.
An official notification was read, apprising the Corporation of the alteration of the Borough boundary, so as to include that portion of the Harbour Board reserve lying between the railway line and Hyderabad road.
His Worship observed that the Council were now in a position to rate the land, and compel its reclamation.
Cr. Tuxford asked whether any steps had been taken to compel the owners of the submerged sections in Emerson-street to fill in their lands.
The Town Clerk replied that they had been written to. The owners were the ex-Bishop of Waiapu and the Rev S. Williams.
Cr. Tuxford also drew attention to a nuisance adjoining Mr Toop’s house in Carlyle-street.
His Worship said he would look after the Emerson and Carlyle streets nuisances, and after some discussion on the advisability of altering the sitting days of the Council, the Council adjourned.
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Forms of Proposal and all information may be obtained from
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A. ALLANACH, Taradale;
W.F. SHAW, Wairoa;
or from
Agent for Hawke’s Bay.
Office – Beach end of Emerson street.
1200 Sheep and increase thereon
2000 ¾ bred Wethers, 2, 4, and 6 toothed
4000 ½ bred Ewes, full mouthed
1500 ½ bred Ewes and Wethers, 6-tooth.
1500 Merino Wethers
1000 Merino Ewes,
And about
80 Well-bred Merino Rams, 2, 4, and 6-tooth.
½ Acre Section, securely fenced, with substantial 4-Roomed Cottage, and good Garden and Well, at Abbotsford.
Stock and Station Agent.
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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