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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 106 - 24 November
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 106 – 24 November
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
“MUTE,” “JAV’LIN” “ARAB CHILD” and “SAMSON” will serve a limited number of broken in mares this Season at the Tuki Tuki Station.
MUTE by Fireworks dam Fenella own sister to Maribyrnong, Ferryman and half sister to King of the Ring.
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; for other mares 6 guineas each.
JAV’LIN by Yattendon dam Lilla, the dam of Alpaca, Commodore and Jessamine and grand dam of Llama, Ringwood, and Woodlands, the winner of the last Hawkesbury guineas and the Derby. (For performances see Turf Register.)
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; for other mares, 6 guineas each.
ARAB CHILD. – A pure Khylean, bred by the great Anazah [Anazzah or Anizah] tribe of Nedjd [Nejd] Arabia.
Terms: For thoroughbred Mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, eight guineas each; for other Mares, 5 guineas each.
SAMSON. – Pure bred Shetland pony. Imported by Alexander MacMaster, Esq., of Oamaru.
Terms: Three guineas each mare.
An allowance will be made for two or more mares the bona fide property of the same owner.
The owner of the above horses considers it is unnecessary to enlarge on their merits feeling perfectly assured that Breeders are quite competent to form their own judgment and send their mares to first-class horses only. An inspection of the above is invited at their owner’s stables any day in the week excepting Sunday. First-class paddocks provided free. Every care taken but no responsibility. All mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given. Any mares not proving in foal will be served at half price next season.
Mares left at Mr. Giblin’s Mangateretere West, on Fridays, and at Mr. Hugh Campbell’s, Poukawa, on Saturdays, will be forwarded free of charge.
For further particulars apply to Mr. John Ewart, Stud Groom, or to
Tuki Tuki Station.
This first-class pure-bred Clydesdale Sire will stand for the season at Hastings, where an excellent paddock, well-watered, belonging to J. N. Williams, Esq., has been secured.
Dugdale is a bright bay, standing over 16 ½ hands; thoroughly staunch in shaft and trace harness, and of a very tine temper. He was foaled in December 1871. Sire Black Prince, imported; dam Rose, by Cowder Lad, imported; granddam by Ben Lomond, imported; great-granddam, Bodie’s imported mare, the dam or Sir Benjamin.
When one year old he gained 2nd prize at Ballarat, 2nd at Smeaton, and 1st at Myrniong; when two years’ old, 2nd prize at the Grand National held in Melbourne, 1st at Ballarat, and 2nd at the Grand National held at Smeaton, 1st at Myrniong, 1st at Melton as the best entire of any age, and 1st for two-year-old colt. On account of the severe weather, and the horse’s long journey to the Show, he was placed 2nd at the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Show in 1875. In 1876, at the same Show, he took the 1st prize in his class, also the Champion Prize and £50 Gold Cup as the best draught entire horse in the yard.
His foals are very promising, and he was sire of the 1st prize foal at the Foal Show and Ploughing Match in 1876, competing against a large field.
Dugdale will travel to Clive, Meanee [ Meeanee ], and Taradale every Wednesday, remaining at Taradale through the night, and returning to Hastings on Thursday.
Terms – Single mares, £6 6s, groom’s fee included; two or more mares subject to arrangement. Paddocks free.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility incurred.
Fees payable on the 1st February, 1878, to the order of John Davis Canning.
For further particulars, apply to
Goodwin’s Hotel,
THE pure Clydesdale Entire “DUKE,”
Got by the imported Clydesdale horse Matchless, dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Iron Duke, grand dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Cumberland, &c, &c.
Duke took the first prize at the H.B. P. and A. Show, in 1873, and is so thoroughly well known as a sure foal-getter, that further commend is unnecessary.
Only a limited number of mares can be taken besides his owner’s.
Terms: – £4 each mare. Two or more, the property of the same owner, £3 10s each.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility.
For further particulars, apply to
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
THE superior thoroughbred Entire “HERCULES,”
Bred by Mr Murphy, of Spring Creek, and raced by Mr Redwood.
Got by Ravensworth, dam Plover, by Sir Hercules, Ravensworth by Touchstone, Fair Jean by Verulum, Fair Helen by Pantaloon.
Hercules is a bay horse, 6 years old, and stands 15 ¾ hands high, combines the best of blood, with good bone and immense power, and was one of the best weight-carriers of his day. Hercules won the Hawke’s Bay Stakes in 1876.
Plover, the dam of Hercules, is also dam of Malvina, who ran so successfully during the seasons of 1872 and 1873.
Hercules made a splendid season last year in the Marlborough district, with great satisfaction to the public, and is a sure foal getter.
Terms – Six guineas each mare, and five shillings for groom. Two or more by arrangement.
Good paddocks, but no responsibility. Mares to be paid for on delivery.
For further particulars, apply to
Or, to
“TERENGA” is a rich chesnut rising, seven years old, was bred by Mr Redwood, is by Ravensworth dam Phoebe by Sir Hercules. Woodstock by Theorcam, Ravensworth by Touchstone dam Fair Jean by Verulam.
Terenga has proved himself a good horse, both on the turf and at the stud, he is a sure foal getter and his stock speak for themselves. A foal out of Hatred by Terenga won the first prize at the H.B.A. and P. Society’s Ploughing Match in 1876, and the same foal when a yearling took the first prize at the last H.B.A. and P. Society’s Show. A special prize of Five Pounds will be given at the forthcoming Show for the best yearling and five pounds for the best two-year old.
G.G. having procured good paddocks, owners of mares may rely on having their mares returned in good condition. Every care taken but no responsibility.
Terms: 5 guineas single mares, two or more belonging to same owner as agreement.
Fees to be paid and mares taken away when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Terenga will travel to Clive on Wednesdays and to Hastings on Fridays.
For further particulars apply to
Or to,
THE Thorough-bred Horse,
Orlando is a roan horse-bred in Auckland in 186?, by Joseph Hargreaves, Esq., by the imported horse Pacific, out of Refraction, by Cap-a-pie, her dam, Princess, by Grates (imported), grand-dam by Stride, great-grand-dam by Hector. Pacific by Flatcatcher, dam Disagreeable, by Agreeable, her dam by Sam out of Morel, by Sorcerer.
Refraction won nine races out of eleven in New South Wales, and Orlando’s performances are very good.
Terms: Four guineas each mare. A reduction will be made in the case of two or more mares, the property of the same owner.
Paddocks free till mares stinted, of which due notice will be given.
All mares to be paid for before removal.
Every care taken, but no responsibility.
All mares left at Mr Baker’s Empire Hotel, Waipawa, Mr. John Petit, Te Aute, and Mr. Charles Stuart, Havelock, will be forwarded free of charge.
“PAPAPA” by Ravensworth, dam Waimea.
Terms – Eight Guineas.
An allowance will be made for two or more Mares, the property of one owner. First-class paddocks provided free, and every care taken, but no responsibility. All Mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Longlands, 28th August, 1877.
THE pure-bred Clydesdale Draught Stallion
Terms: – Three Guineas; allowance will be made for two or more mares, the property of one owner.
First-class Paddocks provided for one month, after which 2s 6d per week will be charged.
Pedigree will be published in future advertisement.
For further particulars, apply to
Peketapu [ Puketapu ].
THE Pure Clydesdale Horse
Terms Three Guineas
First-class Paddocks provided free. Every care taken, but no responsibility.
All mares to be paid for and removed when stinted due notice of which will be given.
Groom in Charge.
Waipawa, Sept. 26, 1877.
This thorough-bred Horse, will stand this season at Rissington.
Hiawatha is a bay horse, five years old, got by Sledmere, dam Emmeline.
Terms – Single mares, five guineas each, for two or more mares the property of the same owner a reduction will be made.
For further particulars, apply to
Rissington, Sept. 17, 1877.
As a medium of Advertising the Publication is unequalled.
Will be received up till the end of October.
Sixpence each.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Third Annual Meeting of the WAIPAWA SPORTS will be held at WAIPAWA, on BOXING DAY, (26th December), when about £100 will be offered in prizes.
The Programme will appear in future advertisement.
THE undersigned has for Sale from 200 to 300 RAMS, selected from 7/8th to 15-16th bred; also, full-mouthed pure pedigreed RAMS, with 2,000 EWES, from ¾ bred to 7/8th, mostly 2 tooth, and Hogs in lots to suit purchasers.
None but private sales will be effected, and purchasers may rely on getting fair value for their money.
Apply by letter to the undersigned, stating number required.
Oakbourne, Wallingford.
16th October, 1877.
THE Oakbourne Sale Sheep have been shorn and are open for selection they will be sold privately.
Apply, stating number required, and further particulars to the undersigned.
16th October, 1877.
Public Works Office,
Wellington 14th November, 1877.
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this office up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd January, 1878, for the above contract. They must be addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington, and marked outside, “Tender for Papatu Bridge Contract, Permanent Way.” Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Public Works Offices, Auckland, Wanganui, Christchurch, Foxton, Wellington, Dunedin, Invercargill, the Survey Office Nelson, and at the Post Office Napier. Telegraphic Tenders similarly addressed and marked, will be received if presented at any Telegraphic Office by NOON of the same date, provided that written tenders in due form are lodged at a District or Resident Engineer’s Office by the same hour, and accompanied by a cheque on some bank in the town where the tender is lodged; such cheque to be specially marked by a banker as good for twenty-one days, and to be in favor of the Receiver-General’s Deposit Account only, and not to bearer or order. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
By command,
N.B. – Plans for this contract can be purchased at the above offices.
Public Work’s Office,
November 3, 1877.
TENDERS will be received up to Noon on FRIDAY, the 30th day of November, for the Erection of a First-class Station-Master’s HOUSE, at Napier.
Drawings and Specifications can be seen on application to the undersigned to whom all tenders must be addressed.
The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
District Engineer.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –

17 Buildings Burnt.
November 16.
A fearful fire is now raging. It originated in a building in course of erection. Parnell and Boylan’s, the Masonic Hotel, Standard office, and six others are burning. The Herald office and the Argyle Hotel are in jeopardy.
The following telegram was received by Mr Large at 2.30 p.m. from Mr Townley: – “The whole of the buildings from Page’s to the top corner are burned to the ground. Our place is safe.”
Seventeen buildings are burnt.
November 17.
The origin of the fire is not known beyond occurring in Stevenson’s new building, near completed. It is supposed to be caused from the neighbouring chimney. The most marvellous thing is that the fire flakes were carried over almost the adjoining buildings in the Masonic Hotel and Standard Office, two hundred feet off, setting them alight instantaneously while the occupants were away.
A little water and ladders would probably have saved all, except the building first caught. A strong north-east wind was blowing at the time. The Court House and Herald Office were saved with difficulty. Had they caught all the lower part of the township would have been destroyed. Seventeen buildings in all were destroyed in less than an hour.
The estimated loss is £10,000, covered by insurances as follows: – South British, £1,000; National, £650; Victoria, £500; New Zealand, £2,500; Standard, £1,200.
Dick, the blacksmith, is not insured, and loses £400. Edwards lost nearly all his furniture. The others were well covered. The Standard got the type out, but the fire melted the greater portion, and the presses are injured.
The Standard expects to issue again next Saturday. So far the Herald has made no offer of assistance, but Webb is not the man to care much about that!
Stevenson’s new buildings
Masonic Hotel
Butler’s cottage
Native Lands Office
Rogan’s office
Standard newspaper office
Barsdell’s, hairdresser
Siddon’s store
Whiting’s store
Burns bootmaker
Walsh’s new building
Edward’s cottage
Hutchen’s two cottages
Dick’s shop.
Forbes and Skeet’s shop.
County Council Office.
November 16.
The Hawea sailed yesterday afternoon. Passengers for Napier and Gisborne. Mr and Miss Williams, Mrs. Pullman, Misses McLeod and McSweeney, Messrs. Callis, Owen, Mahoney, and Brandon.
November 17.
The total loss by the fire is estimated at £15,000.

SIR, – Among the business which is to come before the Municipal Council this evening, is the consideration of the report of the Committee with regard to the petition in reference to Clive Square as a cricket practice ground being open to all the clubs, instead of to the Napier Club, as at present. I trust the Council will consider the petition favorably, and permit all cricketers to have the use of the ground, and not allow one club only to have, as it seems, the exclusive right to say who shall use it and who shall not. To my mind, I think the offers made by the Press and Star Clubs very fair, considering their numerical strength compared with the Napier. The two clubs’ united number is about the same as the Napier Club, and to expect each of them to pay a third of the cost, £115, of improving the Square (£50 of which was needlessly and recklessly thrown away) I consider is unjust, and I hope the Council will take this view of the matter into consideration. There is another point to which I would like to draw the attention of the Council, they being, I believe, the conservators of the public health. The Star and Press Clubs are composed of those who, from their daily avocations, require out-door exercise, (and there is nothing more suited for them than the manly old English game of cricket), and if Clive Square is debarred from them on account of opposition of a class which are not so much in need of that exercise, having more leisure time at their disposal, I think it would be a great pity. Looking at the prayer of the petition from every point of view, the fairness of the petition will be apparent, for the offers which the two clubs have made for the season will in a few years amount to the demand now proposed by the Napier Club. The Committee of the Council had a conference with the secretaries of the three clubs, at which the latter promised to convene meetings of their respective clubs, to try and arrive at an amicable arrangement. The Press and Star Clubs have held their promised meetings, but the Napier Club, I perceive, have in this matter treated the Committee with contempt, no meeting of the Napier Club having taken place, and I have no doubt the Council will show the Napier Club that they will not allow themselves to be played with in such a manner. Finally I hope the Council will, by its decision to-night, show that they will mete out fair play to all, and not allow one class of society to ride roughshod over another. – I am &c.,
November 16, 1877.
SIR, – My attention has been drawn to an extremely worded epistle in the columns of your yesterday’s contemporary, the Herald, on the subject of “Unhealthy Immigrants,” from the late “Parochial Medical Officer,” or, in more common words, the Parish Doctor, I imagine, of Guernsey.
The principal points to be gathered from a letter of nearly a column in length are first, that the tone of professional morality amongst his professional brethren in general, and of Guernsey in particular, must be at a most deplorably low ebb when a medical will affix his signature to any certificate brought to him without enquiring into the merits of the case, and simply “to save himself from worry and trouble;” and secondly, that the poor immigrants are to be at the expense of going to and returning from London to be examined by a doctor who after all may be as anxious “to be saved worry and trouble” as his brother medico in the Channel Islands, so that how the New Zealand Government is to be benefited by this rather Irish arrangement I am unable to quite see.
If such restrictions on emigrants had been in force in my own case I should have been quite unable, with a wife and two children, to have taken such a journey on only a carpenter’s wages as that from a remote corner of Westmoreland.
In conclusion, I cannot forbear remarking that a paper must be rather hard up for matter which allows its columns to be filled with no apparent better object than that of a writer to see his name in print, after all, perhaps, the best plea for a struggling man seeking for notoriety is to stick to the time-honored one of being sent for out of church every Sunday morning in the middle of the second lesson. – I am, &c.,
Napier, Nov. 15, 1877.
SIR, – It was with no little regret I noticed that once again Mr Harding has come forward as the champion of the Maine Liquor Law; as the advocate of extreme views; as the nominal champion of temperance. If Mr Harding represented any or either of the Teetotal Societies in Hawke’s Bay, I could have understood his claim in some measure to be heard in the cause of temperance. But if I apprehend rightly the position Mr Harding holds with regard to teetotalism, it is one of antagonism rather than that of amity. Mr Harding has not been able to work in harmony with the Societies that have been formed here, and, perhaps, this is due to a great extent to the intemperate views he holds on the temperance question. Mr Harding would I verily believe, greatly rejoice to see introduced here the spirit of legislation ruling in some of the New England States of America, in one of which up to a short time ago, men and women were pilloried, and publicly whipped for minor offences. Mr Harding would delight in the establishment of the Maine Liquor Law in this colony, and compel men by fines and imprisonment to cease their consumption of alcohol.
Sir, Mr Harding may be said to represent the old school of thought on this matter. The modern is more sensible, because more likely to obtain its object. Temperance is to drunkenness what virtue is to vice, and as it is impossible to force vicious men to become virtuous, so it is absurd to try and coerce drunkards to become temperate. Men must be made pure from within, not from without. Education will do much, self-interest will do more, but if a man be blind to his best interests, and by squandering his money in drink lose social rank, his health, and finally his home, what hope is there that his reclamation could be effected by fine or imprisonment? The old school of which Mr Harding is a member, virtually says, our efforts are not directed to the reclamation of the drunkard, we care nothing for individual morals or happiness, but by sweeping alcohol out of the land we make it impossible for him to get drunk. This argument might have some sort of force in it, if the people from which spring our legislators and our laws, are prepared for such arbitrary legislation. But, Sir, until the fountain head is purified the stream must remain defiled.
The real friends of temperance are now directing their efforts to cleanse the source of the evil that we all deplore, and this gigantic labor will be the work, perhaps, of generations. The time it will take does not make us despair. The good that we may be permitted to do will live after us, and others can carry on what we have begun until at last the end shall be reached. Such intemperate advocates as the cause has in Mr Fox and in Mr Harding can be of no benefit because they fail to grasp the subject, and utterly misunderstand its nature. They may howl their lamentations, and rant and roar about compulsory sobriety, but where is their power as long as the people laugh and have the whip-hand? – I am, &c.,
Napier, November 17, 1877.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq. R.M.
Fergus Cleary, for drunkenness in a public place, was fined five shillings, with the usual alternative. He paid up.
Blythe and Co v Douglas. – Claim £12 19s 9d, for goods sold and delivered. Judgment (by confession) for plaintiff for the amount as claimed, and £1 11s costs.
Griffin v Barry. – Claim £17 1s 6d, an adjourned case, which had been referred to arbitration. In terms of the award of the arbitrator (Mr John Dinwiddie), judgment was given for defendant, with costs £6 13s.
Boylan & Co. v. Scott. – Claim £7 14s 3d. Judgment (by default), for plaintiffs, with costs 13s.
Nicholls v. Evans. – On a judgment for £10 8s 7d, obtained by plaintiff in March last. After hearing the evidence on both sides, His Worship declined to make any order.
Tipene Tutaki, a native, was charged, on the information of Constable Black, with, firstly, having been drunk yesterday in a public thoroughfare at Taradale, and, secondly, with furious riding at the same time and place, thereby endangering the lives and limbs of Her Majesty’s loyal subjects. He expiated both offences by payment of a fine of £1, and costs in addition 5s 6d, preferring that way of getting out of his trouble to being incarcerated for seven days. He is going to join the new Lodge, and neither let the publican nor the Queen get his hard earnings for the future.
Wm. Owen was brought up on the above charge, and was remanded for medical examination.
James Bradley, who was before the bench on September 27, was brought up again on a similar charge. He was found drunk in the streets by a constable. As the case was not a bad one, he was dismissed with a caution.
John Bourke was charged with being drunk on the premises of Mr Joseph Golden, Port Ahuriri. He was fined 5s, or accept the usual alternative of 24 hours’ imprisonment.
A native named Tupurupuru was charged with unlawfully assaulting and beating Mr John Ross at Havelock on Saturday last.
Mr Lascelles appeared for the plaintiff.
The evidence showed that the defendant on Saturday last met Mr Ross out-side the Havelock Hotel, and struck him violently in the face. The defendant had previously been engaged under Mr Ross at the Te Mata station, and dismissed by him, and it was presumed that it was out of revenge he had committed the offence.
The defendant stated he was too drunk to know what he had done that day, and called as a witness another native, whose evidence went to prove the charge against the defendant.
Mr Knight watched the case on behalf of the native.
Charles Waldron, a European, gave evidence in substantiation of the evidence of complainant.
His Worship fined the defendant 40s, or in default of payment to be imprisoned for one calendar month, with hard labor. He was also mulcted in costs for solicitor’s fee and witnesses to the amount of £3 4s.
Tupurupuru, the same native, was also charged, on the information of Rose Mitchell, the wife of Constable Alfred James Mitchell, with having assaulted her at the lock-up at Havelock on Saturday last.
The defendant pleaded not guilty.
The plaintiff stated that on Saturday last she saw her husband take the prisoner into the lock-up, and shortly afterwards heard him fall. She went to the place and saw her husband lying on the floor. She attempted to close the door to prevent the Maori escaping, when he struck her twice on her left breast. Her husband then rose and came to her assistance. Had she not closed the door, the defendant would have got away. Defendant was sober.
The defendant called Hirini, who said he saw defendant strike the policeman, but not his wife.
His Worship, for this offence fined the prisoner £3, or one month’s imprisonment, and costs £2 4s.
Tupurupuru was also charged with having assaulted Constable Mitchell while in the execution of his duty on Saturday at Havelock.
Constable Mitchell deposed that prisoner was given in his charge by Mr Ross with having assaulted him. The prisoner had got into the house of Mr Hicks, bootmaker, and was not without some difficulty captured. He took him to the lock-up, and after searching him was about to lock him up, when the prisoner came behind and struck him behind the ear, making him insensible. He got up when hearing his wife cry out, and wrestled for some time with the prisoner. With the assistance of Mr Waldron he got the prisoner at last safe in the lock up, but had to use his baton.
Mr Waldron corroborated the testimony of the constable, and prisoner was fined by His Worship 40s, or in default a month’s imprisonment.
The costs of the whole three cases amounted to £13 9s 6d, which the defendant agreed to pay after interviewing a person in Napier.

We hear that Mr E Collins, of Waipawa, has succeeded in renting from the Maoris the Kopua clearing in the Seventy-mile Bush. The block contains about 1000 acres, more than two-thirds of which are free from timber. As Kopua is likely to be the terminus of the Hawke’s Bay railway for a considerable period, and as Mr. Collins purposes to erect a hotel near the station, his venture will probably prove highly remunerative.
The salmon ova imported by the last San Francisco mail, are being hatched out very successfully at the ponds on Mr. J. N. Williams’ estate, near Hastings.
Petane is to Napier what Ireland is to England, it has always got a grievance. Perfidious Napier has again shown its enmity to Petane by the action of the County Council in burking the expenditure of £500 on the Spit-Petane road until after harvest. The work wanted to be done would only take about four men and horse and cart or two, which could not make much difference in the labor supply for the harvest. The road is in a wretched state, and there is no good reason for postponing the needed repairs.
The man McGregor, who was before the Court last week for committing an unnatural offence at Hampden, was committed for trial by the Resident Magistrate. For obvious reasons, we do not print the evidence given.
The trustees of the Wesleyan Church, Napier, were empowered last week by the Conference sitting at Wellington to conclude the negotiations entered into for the sale of certain sections in Clive Square.
We are glad to hear that Mr Irvine has been tolerably successful at Poverty Bay in disposing of shares in the Hawke’s Bay Fire Insurance Company. Six thousand shares are allotted by the directory to Poverty Bay, and from one of the local papers we learn that Mr Irvine expected to receive applications for nearly the whole of that number.
We believe there is some truth in a report current to the effect that Sir G. Grey will visit Napier on his way to Auckland at the close of the session. Should the present Premier be in office at that time, his few admirers in Napier will likely attempt to get up some sort of a demonstration. On the other hand, should the Grey Ministry be forced to resign, before the end of the session, the promised visit will very likely not take place.
The following joke is told by the Wellington correspondent of the New Zealand Herald: – It appears that some days since, whether by accident or design, the alarm button which communicates with the two fire brigade stations was depressed, and as a natural consequence the electric bells were rung, and both brigades turned out to assist to extinguish what they thought was fire in Parliament Buildings. In order to prevent repetition of this mishap, the button has been boxed in and a glass front fixed to it, on the which is painted, “To ring the bell, break the glass.” One of the Maori members, noticing the fixing, asked a newspaper man well versed in Maori to translate the instructions on the glass. “’Break the glass’ is written on the box,” said the Press man, and then walked away. Shortly after that the Maori procured a stick and aimed a determined blow at the box, and he was repeating the dose when the Attorney-General informed him that it was only in case of fire that Government property was to be destroyed. The Maori went away, exclaiming that the Pakehas are all alike: they write one thing and mean another.
“Snyder,” the journalist, auctioneer, commission, agent, &c, writes in a late number of the Poverty Bay Standard: – If any mother has, perchance, lost a child within the last three days, we think, without desiring to claim any reward, we can point out the spot where it may be recovered. On the town side of New Government buildings, from between four to five feet deep of sand has been placed, for what reason no one is able to explain; but in crossing it yesterday to reach the Custom House shed our person became submerged to the hips. We fancied while sinking, and before we could be extricated with the assistance of a butcher’s youth and a telegraph official, that we felt something like a child beneath our feet but were not quite certain. However if a child or two are missing we have no hesitation in saying that their bodies will be found beneath the huge stratum of sand alongside the Government buildings. We do not think, if recovered but what life will be found extinct. Under such circumstances it may be as well perhaps to allow them to remain. It will save burial expenses.”
Mr H. Monteith, under date of Thursday, reports: – “I have to report a fair attendance at my sale to-day. The prices realised were as follows – Fat bullocks, £8 10s per head; dairy cows, medium quality, £5 10s to £6 per head; yearlings, £3 per head. Buyers were disinclined to speculate freely, owing to the continued dryness of the season, and consequent probability of a scarcity of feed as the season advances.”
Upwards of 270 entries have been made for the forthcoming Pastoral and Agricultural Show at Masterton. Should the weather prove favorable, this will probably be the most successful show held in the Wairarapa.
We must congratulate the Corporation on its Inspector of Nuisances, and we must offer our felicitations also to the Inspector on the discovery of a nuisance. At the sitting of the Municipal Council last week, a letter was read from the Inspector in which Messrs. Neal and Close’s pavement was described as a nuisance and as dangerous to the safety of foot-passengers. Hitherto we have always been under the impression that this particular piece of pavement was the best in the whole borough. The Inspector has thought differently, and so we must suppose that in his opinion the break-neck foot-paths in other parts of the town, are superior to that laid down by Messrs. Neal and Close. We cannot help thinking that the Inspector, in default of finding real nuisances which are patent to every one else, has done wisely in showing the Council that he is not blind to everything. “Any port in a storm” appears to be the Inspector’s motto, and in this case of the pavement, he appears to have acted on the principle that any nuisance is better than none. We were beginning to think there was no need for an Inspector in this sweet smelling city, but we are convinced now that the appointment is one that must be maintained, and filled by no less an efficient officer than the present holder of the post.
The most sensible remark that we have yet heard made in connection with the reservoir, on the hill above the Presbyterian Church, was delivered on Friday by Cr. Swan, at last week’s sitting of the Council. A letter had been read from Mr H.S. Tiffen expressing his fears for the safety of his property in the event of the reservoir being utilised, and the Municipal Engineer’s report had been laid before the Council. Cr. Tuxford wanted the whole of the Councillors to go up in a body and inspect the work, but Cr. Rochfort agreed with the Engineer in thinking that no possible danger could arise if the northern part of the reservoir were alone made use of. It was then that Cr. Swan observed that the vexed question could only be settled, and the work thoroughly tested, by filling the reservoir with water and he moved that the northern reservoir be filled. The motion was carried, and so it is to be hoped we have done with the matter for some time.
It is a matter of very little importance to our readers, we imagine, whether the city of Portland, in the State of Maine, is or is not the chosen vessel which teetotallers would have us believe. It is sufficient to know that the police returns, and convictions for drunkenness and grog-selling, published in the Portland Argus, the report of the Melbourne Commissioners to the Government of Victoria, and the evidence of impartial witnesses, go to show that the Main Liquor Law, in its operation in large cities, is not the unqualified success its admirers assert. Further proof of the trustworthiness of this view is furnished in the fact that year after year the law has been amended, and the penalties for breach of its provisions increased in severity, showing that, in spite of legislation all men will not be made sober by Act of Parliament. Mr Harding is extremely angry that we have published evidence exhibiting the truth in all its nakedness, and as he cannot refute what has been stated he contents himself by abusing the Portland Argus, the Melbourne Commissioners, and ourselves. The Argus, Mr Harding says, is conducted by a “whiskey ring,” the Commissioners were connected with the wine trade, and we ourselves sacrifice our independence to the business interests of our proprietary. Mr Harding has no evidence whatever to support such impertinent assumptions.
On Friday, about twenty members of the Dramatic Club met at the Clarendon Hotel, and sat down to an excellent spread provided by Mr T. Peddie, the well-known popular landlord of the Clarendon Hotel. Mr G. H. Swan occupied the chair, and after proposing the usual loyal toasts, which we need hardly say were responded to in the most hearty manner, proposed the health of Mr Britten, who has ever took an interest in dramatic representations in Napier. Mr Britten, on rising to respond, was greeted with applause, and after alluding to the formation of the Club, said he felt confident of its future success. He also spoke of the many charities for which performances were given by the Club, and the popularity to which it had attained. For himself he was going to Sydney, where he expected to be joined by Mrs Britten, who was now on a visit to England. He was afraid that, owing to circumstances, he would not take up his residence again in Napier, but would ever remember the kindness shown him by the people of Napier. Other toasts and several songs followed in succession, and after a pleasant evening had been spent the company broke up.
Major E. Withers inspected the Napier Artillery Volunteers last week at Captain Routledge’s store. The following were present at roll call: – Officers, 2; sergeants, 3; band, 13; rank and file, 27; total, 45. Immediately after inspection, the Battery, headed by the band, proceeded for a march out, going down Tennyson-street, across Clive Square, up Dickens-street, then to the railway crossing on the White Road, after which they returned to Captain Routledge’s store. Previous to being dismissed, the Battery elected three fresh members, and Captain Routledge swore in two others who had been elected at a former meeting. The members also decided to hold monthly Church parades, the first to be held on Sunday, next.
A very serious incident occurred to a man named Rafter on Friday. He was driving a horse and cart at Port Ahuriri, when one of the wheels of the vehicle came in contact with a stone, and the jerk threw Rafter on to the ground. The horse stopped at once, but not before Rafter’s ear was cut off by the wheel near to the root. He was picked up at once, and conveyed to Dr. Spencer’s residence, who dressed the wound, and he was afterwards sent to the hospital on Saturday, although still suffering he appears much better, and hopes soon to recover. Only a short time back the same individual lost one of his toes at the wharf through the chain of the crane breaking and a case of goods falling on it. He is, we believe, a member of the Hibernian Society and will therefore receive the medical assistance and benefits granted by the rules of the Society.
Mr Thomas Peddie, late Chairman of the Meanee Road Board, has received a communication from the Colonial Treasury informing him that the sum of £179 4s 4d had been paid into the account of the Meanee Board at the Colonial Bank as part payment of the subsidy claimed by Mr. Peddie as Chairman of the Board for the year 1876-7. This is but half the amount due, nothing appearing yet to have been deducted for charitable aid, &c., as in the case of the Municipalities. Mr. Peddie succeeded in wringing a promise of this money for the Meanee Board when on a recent visit to Wellington, and only half of the amount is now as yet received. Doubtless ratepayers will be glad these times to obtain even “small mercies.”
We (Press) have received a copy of the fifth volume of the “New Zealand Herd Book,” edited by Mr. W.G. Bluett, M.A., of Holcombe, Leeston. The editor, in the preface to this work, acknowledges the assistance he received in the compilation from Mr M. Miller, of Napier, but has reason to express regret at the apathy shown by many breeders in providing information respecting their stock. In addition to the usual matter in a work of this kind, including the pedigrees of improved shorthorn cattle, the book contains lithographic plates of five animals, from paintings of Mr T.S. Cousins, of Christchurch. While willing to carry out the publication of this work as a labour of love, Mr Bluett can scarcely be expected to lose money by doing so, and he states that the publication of the last volume, independently of the time which it took to prepare, he was largely out of pocket. This should not be, and it is only reasonable to hope that the value of the book will be better appreciated in future by those who are most concerned.
Robert Stuart, Esq., has been unanimously re-elected Mayor of Napier, that gentleman being the only burgess nominated for the office. For the last three years Mr. Stuart has filled the post to the advantage of the borough, and to the credit of himself, and he now enters his fourth term of office in the full knowledge that he possesses the entire confidence of his fellow-townsmen.
Mr Peters, proprietor of the mail coaches between Tauranga and Napier, informs the Bay of Plenty Times that it is under consideration whether the day of departure of the mail from Tauranga be altered from Tuesday to Wednesday. At present the mail lies in Napier from Friday night until Monday morning, when the coach leaves Napier for Wellington, and the public at this end of the line might just as well be allowed the advantage of a day later for posting their letters.
The Rev. J. Berry preached a very able sermon on Sunday, on the temptations which beset the Saviour in the wilderness when tempted by the Devil, taking his text from the 4th chapter of St. Matthew, 8th and 9th verses. In a portion of his discourse, he spoke of the temptations to which statesmen, who were actuated by the highest motives, were beset in a desire for popularity when trying to get a measure passed which they believed would confer blessings on their fellow-men. As soon as a statesman would make a proposal, he found some members would vote for it, believing it to be a worthy, others would oppose it, and many would saver. He found the only way in which it could be carried, and his name made popular – for all statesmen desired popularity – would be for him to agree to support measures which he did not believe in in order to obtain other votes for the measure which would add to his popularity. This he termed “Devil Worship.” Next to the statesman came, Mr Berry thought, the Christian minister, who felt that new Gospel truths having become known to him, he would preach those doctrines to his congregation, and enlighten their minds. He would be met, however, by officers of his church who, afraid that if he preached the truth to the people, the congregation would fall off, and they would therefore remonstrate. The temptation then came to the minister whether he would hide and keep dark those truths, or work in the old groove, and thus maintain his popularity. He believed if the minister faltered, he degraded his office, and instead of being a servant of God became the “mere slave of his congregation.”

Hoani Nahe, the representative for the Western Maori Electoral District, is not now only a full fledged member of His Excellency’s Executive Council, but has also a special interpreter appointed to inform him of what passes in the Legislature. Fortunate Nahe! How many of thy native brethren would like to render assistance in the councils of thy country, at the rate of £1000 per annum? But why have the services of the loyal Takamoana been passed over? What more loyal native to his cause has Mr Sheehan had than Karaitiana Takamoana? Karaitiana would appear to be hardly used, but still he may have benefits promised far in excess of what Hoani Nahe as a Cabinet Minister may receive. Who knows what shall be the promised reward of the faithful?
We are requested to contradict the statements of the Herald on Tuesday in reference to the surgeon in charge of the Mataura. The surgeon’s name is Britten, not Patterson, he is not going to settle at Dunedin, and he did not unexpectedly leave England for New Zealand. Dr. Britten has had for a long time a practice in Christchurch, which he vacated temporarily in order to take his wife home for the benefit of her health. He has now returned to Christchurch to resume his practice.
A committee of French physicians has been appointed to ascertain, by experiment, whether consumption can be introduced into the human body by eating portions of animals whose lungs are diseased.
From our Gisborne special correspondent, we learn by telegram that a coroner’s inquest was held on Monday to investigate as to the great fire on Friday last, and after hearing the evidence the jury decided that the fire was caused accidentally, and no evidence had been shown as to its cause.
The members of St. Patrick’s Branch, No. 122, the H.A.C.B. Society, Waipawa, celebrated their first annual gathering on Monday at the private residence of Mr S. McGreevy, who gave the members a gratuitous dinner in honor of the occasion, to which about 50 officers and members sat down. The room was gaily decorated with flowers and garlands, and had a very excellent appearance. After partaking of a sumptuous repast, the President (Mr McGreevy) after proposing the health of the Pope retired from the Chair, and Mr J.A. Reardon, Past President of St. John’s Branch, Napier, was requested to occupy the position. Mr Rearden, after congratulating the members on his satisfaction at seeing so many present on the auspicious occasion – coming from all parts of the province – said, he felt it not only a pleasure but also a duty to propose the health of her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. Whatever creed we all belonged to – whatever part in politics we took – whatever scale in social life we occupied – we all reverenced and loved our Queen. He would ask them to drink her health in bumpers. The company responded. Success to kindred Societies was then proposed, and responded to in an eloquent and able speech by Mr Duncan, of the Oddfellows, who alluded to the recent gathering at Farndon as shewing how the Friendly Societies working together could attain what ever object they had in view, so long as it was based on the furtherance of those noble and philanthrophic [philanthropic] principles on which these Orders were founded. The Chairman said he was the founder of the Hibernian Society in Hawke’s Bay, and was proud to see the unity which existed amongst all those societies which took as their motto the name of charity. Mr Shanly proposed the health of the President, and spoke in high terms of the assistance and advice he had rendered the society. After several other toasts had been given and drunk in the most hearty manner, the company separated, each and all pleased at the entertainment provided by their host, and the hearty goodwill exhibited, not only by members of the Society, but also from those who, although belonging to other Friendly Societies, showed that coexistent among them was a spirit of more than friendliness.
We learn from a gentleman who recently arrived from Wellington that the Hon W. B. Rhodes, M.L.C., is not expected by his medical attendants to long survive an attack of illness. The hon gentleman is brother to Mr Joseph Rhodes, of Napier, and has long taken active part in the past, present, and future of New Zealand.
There was a rumour afloat that the old supporters of Sir Julius Vogel were sending a pressing invitation for him to again come to New Zealand and take an active part in its politics, in the full belief that he would again gather such a party together as would be able to carry on the Government of the colony. It would appear as it there were some truth in the rumour, for we find the Otago Daily Times, Mr Macandrew’s organ, urging that he be re-instated in his office of Agent-General at the end of his term of that office at the end of this year.
Messrs. Ashton and Swan, the lessees of the Oddfellows’ Hall, are using every exertion to push on the completion of the alterations to the Hall, so as to be ready before Christmas for public purposes. The outside work is completed, and the old stage moved. They have also engaged the best artistic talent available for painting the new scenery, &c., and no effort is being spared to make this public building a credit to Napier.
Our commercial columns contain the last half-yearly report of the Bank of New South Wales, from which we notice that it has paid its usual dividend at the rate of 17 ½ per cent per annum, and has also increased its reserve fund to £440,000. The amount of coin and bullion which this institution keeps in its coffers is worthy of notice, being over £3,000,000.
Two cricket matches were played on Saturday at Taradale, one between the Press and Taradale Clubs, and the other between married and single teams of the Napier Club. The first named match resulted in the Taradale Club winning by 13 runs, the total scores being Taradale, 50; Press 37. The Napier Club’s match favoured the Benedicts, who put together 63, to the Bachelor’s 26, thus defeating the latter by 37 runs.
The police have been for some time “wanting” the Collector of Rates for the Waipawa County, but up to the present they have been unable to interview him. Possibly this notice will induce some of his friends to inform the police of the collector’s whereabout.
The nomination of the Rev. E. C. Start to the Bishopic [Bishopric] of Waiapu was unanimously confirmed at the Diocesan rooms, Wellington, on Thursday evening last by the Standing Committee. The Bishop of Wellington mentioned that it was proposed to consecrate the bishop-designate in about a month’s time, and it was desired that the consecration should take place at Napier, in order that Bishop Williams might be present, but he had just learned by telegram, with much sorrow, that it was feared Bishop Williams was on his death-bed, and could not survive many days. This possibly might necessitate some change of plan.
Several complaints have reached us against the double rates of fares charged by cabmen on Sundays, and we have been asked to state whether these charges can legally be made. We reply that the only fares which cabmen can demand are those authorised by the Municipal Council, and which are posted up according to the By-law inside each public conveyance. There is nothing in the authorised scale of fares to warrant the demand of a double charge on a Sunday, and in making a passenger pay it, the cabman lays himself open to prosecution. It should, however, be remembered that a cabman cannot be forced to ply for hire on a Sunday, and the double fare that it has been the rule to charge on that day is to many as nothing compared to the convenience of obtaining a conveyance.
It is reported that, in the event of a dissolution, the Grey party will do this constituency the honor of nominating candidates to oppose the return of the present members for Napier. It is just likely that the electors will prefer exercising their right to choose for themselves.
The Rangatira took away on Saturday a valuable Hereford bull, twelve months old, bred by the Hon Colonel Whitmore, and sold to the Hon Colonel W. Robinson, of Cheviot Hills, Canterbury, for 300 guineas.
We cannot vouch for the correctness of the report that the chief of the literary staff of the Herald – the newly-won convert and admirer of the Grey Sheehan party – intends to contest the Clive district against Mr Ormond. His success, aided by Mr Buchanan, would be of course a little doubtful.
In none of the boroughs in the North Island have there been contests for the office of Mayor. At Wellington Mr. Barton having withdrawn from the nomination, Mr J. Dransfield becomes the Mayor for the Empire City. At Auckland, Mr Larkens, Mr Brett’s opponent not being qualified, the Returning officer has given official intimation, that Mr Henry Brett, the proprietor of the Auckland Star has been duly elected.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court, Waipawa, on Tuesday before Alex. Grant, Esq., J.P., Edmund Murphy was charged by Sergeant McGuire with obscenely exposing his person in a public place of resort, and was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labor.
The following item taken from last Saturday’s Wanganui Herald will interest a few of our readers: – “Mr C.H. Monkton, as trustee for Mrs. Baxter, sued Mr. W.S. Baxter for £28, being the amount of a monthly sum promised by the defendant in April last for the maintenance of Mrs Baxter. Mr. J. Kells, commission agent proved the agreement, and Mr Monckton gave evidence. Judgment was given for the plaintiff for amount claimed, with costs.”
The only application for a license for a new public house within the district of Napier that will be heard before the Licensing Commissioners at the next quarterly meeting, December 4, will be that of Mr A. Bryson, for a house to be called the Caledonian Hotel, to be erected at the corner of Hastings and Dickens streets. Mr Peddie will apply for the transfer to himself of the license held by Mr Peters for the Clarendon Hotel.
For the return match Waipawa versus Waipukurau, to be played on the 30th November at Waipawa, the Waipawa eleven will be chosen from the following names: – McIntosh, Wood, Greenside, Bodle, Craven, Dew, Hartell, Cass, Chicken, Nicholl, Farmer, Garnham, Harwood, Collett, and Spiller.
We regret to hear that Bishop Williams’ strength appears to be fast failing him. The prayers of the congregation were desired on his behalf at St. John’s Church on Sunday.
Mr E.H. Bold, District Engineer, was engaged this week in surveying the channel between the eastern and western Spits prior to reporting to the Government on the best site for a bridge.
The conservators are about to have an ornamental fence erected between the Barrack-road and the cemetery. This will be a much needed improvement, and now that all the religious denominations have the sole management of their respective portions of the cemetery, it is to be hoped a healthy spirit of emulation will be awakened in the beautification of the ground.
It will be seen by advertisement that Mr Roope Brooking, who has been so long favourably known in this town, has entered into partnership with Mr D. W. Bennett, whose business has hitherto been carried on under the style of Bennett and Johnson.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company have opened offices in those premises, adjoining the Criterion Hotel, formerly occupied by Mr M Banks, under the management of Mr R. Simes.
We hear that the telegraphic station at Mohaka is now completed, and that Mr Floyd, Electric Telegraph Inspector, proceeds there by the next trip of the steamer to adjust the instruments.
The following subscriptions to the Indian Famine Fund by the hands on Mr Meinertzhagan’s station, Waimarama, have been received by the Treasurer: – James Watt, £1 1s; J. Townsend, £1 1s; W. Sutherland, 10s; H. McLean, £1; A. Hogg, £1, G. Bamforth, £1; others, 15s; Hawerawera, 10s; Horiana, 10s; Te Maangi, 10s; Nkka, 10s; total £8 7s.
Our attention has been called to the practice by large steamers anchoring in our roadstead of discharging their ash-pits into the water. The roadstead, without any such adventitious aid, is shallowing quite fast enough, and, besides, under the Harbour Regulations there is a heavy penalty for throwing ballast, rubbish, &c., overboard. It would be as well if captains of steamers would bear in mind clause 50 of the Regulations for the Ports of New Zealand, and defer shooting their rubbish into the water until they were beyond the limits of the port.
The Hon the Native Minister, Mr John Sheehan, is bound over to appear in the Supreme Court at Napier on the 10th of December, he being the principal witness in the case against one of the prisoners to be tried for obtaining money under false pretences. If the session does not close by that day, and as Mr Sheehan’s evidence cannot be given at Wellington, Sir G. Grey will find some difficulty in proceeding with his business without his man “Friday.” There is however, every prospect that by that date the Hon Mr Sheehan will have again taken his seat on the opposite side of the House, and party contests will have come to a close for a short while.
At Messrs. Routledge, Kennedy and Co.’s sale on Thursday, at noon, there was not a good attendance, and the whole of the goods advertised were not sold. We heard the following prices quoted: – Adelaide flour, £18 15s to £19: Canterbury flour, £16; oats, 4s to 4s 2d; the sugar and wire were bought in; Canterbury hams and bacon, 8d and 9d per lb. At 2 o’clock, at the sale of saddles, only a limited number of buyers being present. The whole lot was, however, cleared at from 50s to 70s each. They were not of a very superior description, being good strong useful saddles for rough work.
The match between the Married and Single of the Waipawa Cricket Club came off on Wednesday afternoon, on their new ground in Mr Ben Waldron’s paddock, and resulted in a victory for the bachelors by 53 runs.
McIntosh, c Dew b Grenside 7
Chicken, b Grenside 6
Nicholl, b Grenside 22
Farmer, b Grenside 0
Grimley, not out 3
Caldwell, run out 1
Wides 8
Byes 11
Total 54
McIntosh, b Grenside 7
Chicken, c Dew b Grenside 2
Nicholl, c Craven, b Wood 2
Farmer, not out 7
Harwood, c Craven b Grenside 25
Grimley, b Dew 16
Caldwell, b Wood 8
Wides 1
Byes 20
Total 88
Craven, b McIntosh 2
Dew, b McIntosh 12
Grenside, c and b Nicholl 15
Wood, b Nicholl 15
Spiller, c and b McIntosh 9
Liddle, b Nicholl 0
Moroney, not out 1
Byes 15
Wides 2
Total 56
Craven, b McIntosh 0
Dew, b McIntosh 0
Grenside, c and b Nicholl 2
Wood, not out 19
Spiller, c Dew b McIntosh 5
Liddle, c and b McIntosh 1
Moroney, b McIntosh 3
Byes 1
Wides 2
Total 33
The great number of byes given on both sides was owing to the hardness of the ground.
There is now a rumor afloat in Wellington that Sir George Grey and Mr Sheehan are not pulling well together. Those who know the Premier will not be surprised at this information. Notwithstanding all his radical professions, judging him by his past conduct in the colony, a greater autocrat than the Premier does not exist in the colony. To carry out his own views he quarrelled with General Cameron, one of the ablest of British Generals, and to think that he would allow Mr Sheehan or any other member of the Ministry to dictate to him is beyond all belief.
The Christchurch correspondent of the New Zealand Herald telegraphs to that journal the following on Thursday last: – Progress everywhere! There are signs of great progress throughout Canterbury, and I was surprised at the rapid strides which the past two years have witnessed. Buildings are going up in all directions, and all the people of Christchurch appear to be driving along at high pressure. A bad harvest would of course check all this, and might have really a disastrous effect, as there is a large amount of unhealthy speculation in land. Fortunately for settlers, there is every prospect of another successful harvest, which will make the fifth or sixth in succession; but a check will come, and probably, when the people are least prepared for it, and then the price of land will suffer. At present, everyone appears to have money, and during the race week it was spent freely in the city by the thousands who flocked from all parts of the province to see the cattle show and races. Among the visitors were several well-known Northern settlers, and one of them, I hear, has purchased some splendid imported Lincoln sheep from Waikato.
At Caversham, Otago, Dr. Stackpole and his son recently performed successfully the operation of transfusing blood from a man’s arm and infusing it into the veins of a woman. The patient was a woman who had been brought to a very low state after her confinement, from loss of blood. Seven ounces of blood were taken from her husband’s arm and infused into her veins.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 25th instant, at St. Matthew’s, Hastings, at 11 a.m.; at St Luke’s Havelock, at 3 p.m., and at St Mark’s, Clive, at 7 p.m.
Services will be held next Sunday by the Rev. J.N. Spence, at Waipukurau at 11 a.m., and 7 p.m.; and at Kaikora at 3 p.m. By the Rev. J.M. Fraser, at Hampden at 11 a.m.; at Onga at 3 p.m.; at Waipawa at 7 p.m.
November 22.
Sailed – Taupo, for Napier and Auckland at noon. Passengers – Messrs Collen, and Lafoue, Miss Hughes, Rev. Mr and Mrs Dutton.
Shipping Intelligence.
15 – Elizabeth Curle [Carle], schooner, from Manawatu.
15 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Gavin, Peacock, Messrs M. Banks, Graves, Arnold and Smith.
15 – Rapid, cutter, from Mohaka.
16 – Rangatira, s.s., from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Archdeacon Williams, Messrs Jackman, Thompson, Hurst, Madden, and Crawford.
16 – Sir Donald, s.s., from Waimarama.
16 – Lochnagar, barque, from London, via Nelson.
17 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa via Whakamaki.
17 – Kiwi, from Wellington, via Castle Point.
17 – Hawea, s.s., from Auckland via Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mesdames Wylie, Williams, and Evans, Misses McSweeny, Williams, McLeod, Messrs Berry, Boylan, J. Irvine, Hutchinson, Norris, Brandon, Pearson, Bowler, Maloney, Owen, Pullman, Skelley, Nolan, James, Parker, and 30 for the South.
17 – Fairy, s.s., from Mangakuri.
18 – Rotorua, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Rev. S. and Mr Williams, Mesdames Whitmore and maid, Newman and two children, Miss Weber, Messrs Langley, Ellis, Bennett, Fitzroy, Coleman, McDonald, McArthur, Irvine, Capt. Thomas, 7 steerage, and 55 for the North.
20 – Sir Donald, s.s., from Blackhead.
21 – Venus, ketch, from Mercury Bay.
21 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mesdames Shaw and Pariour, Dr. Carr, Messrs. Shaw, Wykes, Vinsen, Smith, Donoghue, Samuels, Hill, Dugdale, Newlun, Roach, and Roussi.
15 – Fairy s.s., for Mangakuri.
17 – Rangatira, s.s. for Wellington. Passengers – Misses Beckett and Earney, Messrs. Engel, F.S.N.Z., Jobson, Gould, Richardson, Atchison, Earney, Rafferty, Hutchinson, Herbert, Coffee, and Partingdale.
18 – Hawea, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs. Thompson, Miss Short, Dr Brittin, Messrs. Miller, Common, Barnard (2), Seer, Booth, Davies, Wilson, Kennedy, Vinsen, and 30 original.
18 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington via Blackhead.
18 – Sir Donald, s.s, for Waimarama.
18 – Opitiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs. Parsons, Langley, and 10 others.
18 – Rotorua s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Misses Britten, Kerr, and Jones, Messrs. Britten, Shepherd, Smith, Pfahl, Karl, Simpson, Parker, and 55 original.
19 – Southern Cross, s.s, for Auckland. Passengers – Mr Church and one child.
19 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passenger – Mr. G. Burton.
20 – Augusta, brigantine, for Levuka. Passengers – Mrs Pullman and child.
20 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Becket, Poiser, Hird, Harmer, 2 children and 6 Mataura immigrants.
22 – Rapid, cutter, for Mohaka.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, arrived in the roadstead on Thursday, about half-past one. The Pilot being outside at the time sounding the Bar, immediately boarded her, and brought her to the outer wharf. She had about 60 tons of cargo for here, principally drain pipes. In crossing the bar, the Cross grounded several times, but it being loose shingle no harm was done.
The cutter Rapid brought a full cargo of maize from Mohaka for Messrs Newton, Irvine, and Co.
The s.s. Sir Donald brought a load of wool from Mangakuri for Messrs Kinross and Co.
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt. Evans returned from Poverty Bay at 5 o’clock on Friday.
The schooner Elizabeth Carle is from Manawatu, with a load of timber for the Harbor Works.
The barque Lochnagar was brought up on Saturday to the westward anchorage. The Bay has quite a gay appearance that morning, there being four ships at anchor, and a steamer, viz., the Mataura discharging, the Dragon and Helen Denny loading, the Lochnagar ready for discharging on Monday, and the Kiwi steamer waiting an opportunity to come inside.
The s.s. Result came back on Saturday with a cargo of double dumped wool from Whakamahi, which she put on board the Helen Denny.
The s.s. Fairy brought from the Coast a cargo of wool, which has been placed on board the Helen Denny.
The s.s. Kiwi was brought to the Breastwork on Saturday afternoon, as soon as the Rangatira left. She discharged her cargo the same afternoon, and left on Sunday.
The s.s. Hawea, Captain Wheeler, arrived at the anchorage on Saturday at 8 p.m. the steam launch Bella at once tendered her, and brought the passengers ashore, of whom there were a great many. The Three Brothers lightered her cargo on Sunday morning, and she steamed for Wellington at 10.15 a.m. As usual, the purser of this steamer did not send a report on shore.
The s.s. Rotorua, Captain Macfarlane, arrived at the anchorage shortly after 4 o’clock on Sunday, and was immediately waited upon by the Bella, conveying our outward mails, a fair complement of passengers, besides a number of visitors, who were induced to take advantage of fine weather and smooth water to have a look at the Rotorua. She is under the command of Captain Macfarlane this trip, who has recovered from his late indisposition. We are indebted to Mr. Pringle for the report of her trip from Dunedin. The Rotorua steam out of Port Chalmers on the 15th, at 7.30 p.m.; was detained by a dense fog for five hours outside of Lyttelton, arrived there at 11 a.m. on 16th; sailed again at 6.30 p.m.; encountered a strong N.W. gale and head sea throughout the whole passage to Wellington, reaching there at 3.20 p.m. on the 17th. She steamed for Napier at 8 p.m. on the 17th, and arrived as above, and left again at 7.30 p.m. the Rotorua landed here about 10 tons of cargo, as well as ten valuable Lincoln ewes for the Hon. H.R. Russell, and took on board 400 hides, shipped by Mr M. Banks.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, steamed for Auckland on Monday. Part of her cargo had to be lightered to her outside. In crossing the bar she bumped several times, but not heavily, as fortunately there was no sea on.
The s.s. Result steamed from the Breast-work at 5 p.m. on Monday, with a full general cargo for Wairoa. She got inside the river next day, having gone down under canvas and easy steam.
Mr R. Baxter was a passenger in the Hawea to Auckland the other day. He has gone to fetch down the new steamer intended for the Mohaka trade.
The present rain will do good, and we trust that the long expected “freshet” will come down the Tutaekuri and deepen the bar.
The brigantine Augusta took in a cargo of fat sheep from Longlands on Tuesday for Levuka. She left at 7 p.m. on Tuesday. We hope she will be lucky with her cargo.
The p.s. Manaia left on Tuesday for Wairoa. She got in river all right on Wednesday, there being a good bar and no sea on.
The lighters are all busily engaged taking wool off to the Dragon and Helen Denny, and bringing in cargo from the Mataura and Lochnagar.
The s.s. Sir Donald returned on Tuesday with a cargo of wool from Blackhead. The next trip she makes will be to Moeangiangi for wool.
The U.S.S. Co.’s s.s. Hawea is announced to make a Christmas excursion to the West Coast Sounds during the Christmas holidays. The steamer will be here from Auckland on the 16th December.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, arrived in the roadstead about half-past two on Wednesday, having made the passage from Wellington under 22 hours. Had light head winds and fine weather throughout the passage. She was brought straight to the Breastwork, where she discharged a full general cargo. The pursers of the Rangatira and Manawatu have changed places this trip. Mr. Dougherty is on the former steamer, and Mr. Dugdale on the latter.
The cutter Rapid left on Thursday for Mohaka.
It will be remembered that the house of Captain Carey, of the Taupo, was lately burnt at Onehunga. The inmates barely escaped with their lives, and lost all their clothes and effects, very little if anything being saved. Pretty nearly everything of value belonging to Captain Carey was in the house at the time, and in short, the whole of savings were invested in it, so that the veteran mariner has practically to commence the world again. A correspondent says: – “This melancholy state of things has induced a number of gentlemen to start a subscription to give the sufferers something to begin again the battle of life, and lists will shortly be put in the places of business here.” There will be, no doubt, a goodly sum raised, for no one on this coast bears a better name for courtesy and attention to safety and comfort of passengers. Indeed Captain Carey’s urbanity has long been proverbial. In the old times it used to be a saying, “If ye are going to the Coast go with Carey in the John Pinn; he’ll let yez walk on the poop, and if you haven’t got fifty shillings, he’ll take yez for two pound tin.” – Otago Times.
Some months ago telegrams were received from Nelson stating that wreckage had been found, upon a portion of which was painted the word “Antofagasta,” which was evidently the name of a vessel. Considerable correspondence took place in the various papers as to the origin of the word, and to what country the vessel belonged. We (Auckland Herald) have never seen or heard anything which would give the slightest clue until yesterday, on the arrival of Mr Campbell, a gentleman hailing from Christchurch, who has been on a tour through South America, and returned via Tahiti and the Islands, arriving here by the schooner Wild Wave from the Society Group. Mr Campbell some time ago saw a copy of the “New Zealand Herald” containing the account of the finding of the piece of wreckage with “Antofagasta” thereon, and it instantly brought to his mind the fact that while in Valparaiso he was desirous to sail for Sydney, and after various inquiries ascertained that a barque was lying at Pisagua, in Peru, of the same name, or very similar to that found on Farewell Spit. She was to sail for Sydney, in ballast, but as the agent in Valparaiso could not guarantee the barque to wait until Mr Campbell reached Pisagua, he declined to book by her, and came to Tahiti, reaching there in August, in another vessel, thence to Auckland by the schooner Wave of Life. Where the wreckage was found is in the direct track from Peru, and will therefore materially assist in clearing up the mystery which has shrouded the wreckage.
T.N.C. Declined with thanks.
SECTARIAN. – The full list of the religious sects to be found in England would take up too much of our space. The number of sects having places registered for the performance of Divine worship, England and Wales, in 1875, was 140, and the entire number of registered places of worship was 20,424. (2). The Pope was born May 13, 1792; he was elected Pope June 16, 1846.
RATEPAYER. – The Lord Mayor of London receives £10,000 for his twelve months’ term of office. The salary of the Town Clerk for the city is £2000 a year. The Common Crier’s salary is £250, and the Sword Bearer’s £300 a year.
For Wellington, Southern Provinces, and Australian Colonies, per Rangatira, on Saturday, at 10 a.m.
For Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, and Takapau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 p.m.; on other days of the week, at 6.30 a.m.
For Norsewood, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Tahoraite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Masterton, Greytown, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington, and Southern Provinces, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Motuotaria, Wallingford, and Porangahau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Wainui and Castle Point, on Mondays, at 5.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
CARR. – At Vernon, near Waipukurau, on November 18, the wife of Mr Samuel Carr, of a son.
SCOTTER. – At Waipukurau, on November 19, the wife of Mr. W.G. Scotter, of a daughter.
SLUCE. – At the residence of her father, West Clive, on November 20th, the wife of George Edgar Sluce, of a daughter. – Sydney papers please copy.
SAINSBURY – At Napier, on November 20th, the wife of Mr G.E. Sainsbury, of a son.
BEST – On November 16, at his residence, White-road, Napier, Thomas R. Best, aged 32 years. – Auckland and home papers please copy.
WOODS – At Napier, on November 20, Mr. Daniel Woods, senr., aged 78 years.
SHEPHERD. – At the Manse, Havelock, on the 22nd November, Elizabeth Mary Speirs, the beloved wife of the Rev. Alexander Shepherd, aged 40 years.
The Weekly Mercury
MR SHEEHAN’S ministerial statement on native affairs, as it reaches us in the form of a telegram, is chiefly remarkably [remarkable] for its want of all those characteristics which rendered the late Sir Donald McLean’s annual exposition of Maori affairs such a welcome and such an able public document. Mr Sheehan does not condescend to enter into details, but skimming over the service [surface], is brought suddenly face to face with that great colonial policy, the wisdom of which he is now forced for the first time in his life to admit. For the first time, from his lips at all events, we learn from Mr Sheehan that the “flour and sugar policy” was advantageous, and that “if things could be called, the Waikato war which took place in 1863 would not have been entered into.” Sir George Grey was then Governor, and he was largely responsible for that disastrous state of affairs which at one time threatened the very existence of the colony. Mr Sheehan then magnanimously informs the country that he “is not disposed to overlook the benefit to this island from the public works and immigration policy.” What the consequences would be if he had been so disposed we are left to imagine, and so we may be permitted to think that it would not have made the slightest difference. Mr Sheehan next discovers that it would have been suicidal to have provoked hostilities with the natives during the progress of the public works, and that it was better to let the murderers of Tod and Sullivan go unpunished than to have gone to war. Sinking all party differences, the Native Minister was then glad to be able to say that it was due to the late Sir Donald McLean that peace had prevailed since 1869. We presume these admissions are intended to be accepted as apologies for the language Mr Sheehan has used in the past when criticising Sir Donald McLean’s native policy, and if we had any faith in the sincerity of his repentance they would prove a valuable testimony to the greatness of one from whose wise administration the colony can now permit a Grey Cabinet to govern the country. The benefit this island derived from the public works and immigration policy, and which Mr Sheehan is not disposed to overlook, consists, so far as regards native matters, in the opening up of the country, and in the multiplication of European settlers. In point of numbers the position of the two races has been reversed, which is the best guarantee we can have of the maintenance of peace. That portion of Mr Sheehan’s speech which is of more special interest to Hawke’s Bay is, however, that in relation to Maori representation. It is on this subject in which, as we might have expected, Mr. Sheehan descended to us[e] subterfuge, but expressed himself openly. It is, perhaps, on this one subject, and on this one only that the Native Minister can be said to be thoroughly consistent. We therefore find him proposing to increase Maori special representation to seven memb4rs, than which a more scandalous attempt to rule the country by native votes could not have been proposed. Let us look at the position of parties in the House at the present moment; equal in strength, the defection of one member from either side would determine the issue of an important political struggle. By adding to the number of Maori members the “wavering element” in the House would be increased, and in some future crisis like the present those three additional native votes might have the effect of swamping the opinion of the country. But, apparently, the opinion of the country is nothing to a Grey Ministry, which, in defiance of public opinion as now represented in the House, is resolved to remain in office at all hazards. Mr Sheehan, in Hawke’s Bay, has done his best to swamp the European vote by crowding on the rolls every native who could lay any claim to the possession of a hut however miserable or valueless. And further than this, the agents of the “Repudiation Office,” of which Mr Sheehan was the guiding spirit, and presiding genius, openly avow that what was done last year in the direction of enfranchising the Maoris will be as nothing to what will be accomplished next year. Mr Sheehan has said that his present position precludes him from continuing his connection with the Repudiation Office, but how does he propose to undo that which has been done? He has opened the flood-gates, and the waters are upon us, and vigorous and united action alone will suffice on our part to mitigate the mischief with which this part of the colony is threatened.
THE licensed victualler has some grounds for regarding himself as an ill-used man. His business is looked upon at the best as one that comes just within the pale of the law, and very large sections of professing Christians are strongly of opinion that it is not respectable for any one to follow. Further than this, many are under the impression that publicans as a class, are unscrupulous in their dealings with their customers, and that when they exhibit any sign of prosperity it is believed to be the result of entrapping their fellow creatures into temptation. The law itself is no more charitable in regard to the licensed victualler than are those who consider him engaged in a dishonest calling. He holds his license, and probably all that he is worth depends on his license, on the suffrance [sufferance] of a bench of commissioners, at whose caprice he may be thrown out of his business a ruined man. Like other tradesmen, he is liable to the actions of dishonest debtors, yet unlike them he cannot recover in a Court of Law moneys owing to him or the sale of that for which he has paid £40 for a license. When crime is slack, the police deem it often their duty “to look up” the public houses, and, on some occasions, the traps laid to secure the conviction of a publican reflect a very great deal more on the police than the breach of the law does on the victuallers. It is a practice not unknown to the police, for one of the guardians of the law to disguise himself, and then to enter a public house on a Sunday for the purpose, firstly, of enticing the publican to break the law, and secondly to secure a conviction in the hope of being rewarded as a smart officer. A more thoroughly despicable method to employ than this could not be conceived, as it requires all the characteristics of a sneak, an informer, and a coward, to successfully carry out. We are inclined to think so highly of the police as a body, that we can scarcely believe any member of the force who has risen within it to a position of respect, could possibly at any time of his life have descended to such a low practice. It is to this, however, that the publican is subjected. It is not to be supposed that we desire to countenance the law-breaker, but what we strongly condemn are the unfair means so often employed to discover, if not actually to create, breaches of the law which are not hurtful, while flagrant cases go unnoticed, and consequently unpunished. The police have a perfect right in the discharge of their duties to enter a public house at any hour, or on any day, they may please, and it is then their business to lay informations against the proprietor should breaches of the law be discovered. But we maintain that it is not their duty to enter a hotel on a Sunday, in a disguised dress, and finding the bar closed, and the house orderly and properly conducted, to ask for the land-lord, and then endeavor to coax and wheedle him into selling a glass of liquor. An instance of this sort has been brought under our observation, and which occurred at the Masonic Hotel last Sunday. We do not say, because we do not know, that it was a disguised policeman who tried his best to get the landlord to open the bar that he might buy a pint of beet; but if it was a policeman who thus did his best to create a breach of the law, our opinion is that he is a disgrace to the force, and should not be allowed to remain within its ranks. In spite of the provincial statute made and provided to the contrary, very few people will be inclined to think evil of a man who has sold to his neighbor a pint or so of beer for his Sunday dinner or supper, and a Police prosecution, based on such a charge, is not calculated to increase the respect that should always be shown to officers of the Law. But trivial charges of this nature are in other ways liable to militate against the interests of justice. To the publican the Police are often greatly indebted for information leading to the discovery of crime, and to the capture of malefactors. Is it probable then, we should ask, that the Police would find that ready and valuable assistance which the publican can and does so often render, after he has been dragged before the Magistrates to answer what in reality is but a paltry charge, and when he knows of glaring breaches of the law being allowed to pass unchallenged?
THE Hawke’s Bay Herald and other journals hitherto opposed to Separation, have been very anxious to shew that Sir George Grey has relinquished all his former ideas of Separation. The following extract taken from a report of Dr. Wallis’ speech delivered in the Auckland Choral Hall last week should dispel any such illusion. It may suit the present Premier and Mr Macandrew to attempt to lull the country into a belief that they have recanted their old political professions, but those who look under the surface of politics are not to be so easily gulled. This is what Dr. Wallis said: – The question of Separation was uppermost at the opening of the present Parliament. Mr Whitaker, he had heard, had grown cold to his former love. Sir George Grey was for Separation; so was Mr Macandrew; and he (Dr. Wallis) had still hope that Mr Whitaker would yet be true to his political faith. He could wish to see him, who was unquestionably the ablest man in the House, united to Sir George Grey in political life. Both would be in their proper place fighting together the battle of the people who sent them both to Parliament. They would, when acting together, be a tower of strength.”
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
Michael Sweeny, for the third offence of this nature within a month, was ordered to pay a fine of 20s, or be imprisoned for twenty-four hours.
Frederick Strube, on a similar charge, was fined 5s, or twenty-four hours. Both of these worthies went for the 24.
Barry v. Dempsey. – An adjourned case. Further adjourned until the 23rd instant.
Lord v Neagle. – Claim of £26, for sinking an artesian well. Defended on the ground that the flow of water was not a good one. Mr Lee for plaintiff, Mr Lascelles for defendant. This case occupied a considerable time, several witnesses on either side giving evidence. The judgment went for plaintiff for amount claimed, and costs £6 2s.
LeQuesne v Hunt. – Claim £2 2s. There being no appearance of either party in this case, it was struck out.
Three summonses for Road Board rates at the suit of the Meanee [Meeanee] Road Board were down for hearing, but the defaulting ratepayers having paid up in the meantime their respective amounts (with costs added), the plaints were withdrawn.
A number of other civil cases had been settled out of Court.
John Burke, a seaman belonging to the ship Helen Denny, was charged with deserting the vessel. Captain Ruth, who was in attendance, stated his desire to withdraw the charge, as the man had expressed a willingness to go to work.
The prisoner was discharged.
A servant in the employ of Mr Bowerman was charged by Constable Burns with having a fire lit in Mr Bowerman’s back yard yesterday. The constable stated that he had been informed by Mrs Sims that the fire was dangerous. It had kerosene tins round it, and a pot of clothes on top of the fire.
Mr Lee, who appeared for the defendant, said there was no proof that 24 hours notice had not been given, and it was not dangerous.
His Worship fined the defendant 2s 6d, and costs 9s.
Mr. Sainsbury appeared for the Board, and Mr. Lee for the objectors.
Mr. Tuke objected to the classification of his land. He held that it should be placed in the third class, instead of the first class, at 5s per acre. Forty acres of the land had never been flooded, and the remainder was only liable to be flooded.
Wm. Miller said he knew the land. It was situated on the banks of the Purimu creek.
Mr. Bennett, the assessor, deposed he knew the land. Why he had placed Mr. Tuke’s land in the first class was because he believed it was liable to be flooded. He was informed that the whole district had been flooded. Only the Catholic Mission land had not suffered.
Mr. E.H. Bold, District Engineer, said the embankment that was to be put up was to prevent the land being submerged. He explained that as the country got more settled, the floods would be higher in the district.
His Worship altered the assessment, and placed 27 acres in the third class.
William Miller made an application to have his rate reduced. Only three acres had been flooded, and that was in a high flood.
Richard Martin, a farmer residing at Taradale for five years, gave testimony corroborative of the previous witness.
Mr Bennett, the assessor, stated the land was situated the same as Mr Tuke’s. He did pay proper attention to the assessment, and was assisted by a paid officer of the Board. The witness entered into a long explanation as to his reasons for classifying the land objected to.
Judgment was given for 17 acres to be placed in the third class, and three acres in the first class.
Mr Sainsbury thought that being a public body they should not be asked to pay costs.
Mr Lee supported the application for costs.
His Worship declined to give costs.
Mr Anderson made an application to have five acres placed in the third-class, instead of the first class.
Mr Tuke gave evidence to the effect that there had been floods on the land. McNeil, the previous landlord, had paid the same rent.
Mr Bennett said the land was as good as the remainder. He had never seen water on the land. The application was granted.
William Young Dennet [ Dennett ], the proprietor of the Star Hotel, was charged with keeping the same open for business on Sunday last.
Mr Lascelles appeared for Mr Dennet.
Patrick McGrath deposed: He was a laborer. He knew Mr Dennet. He did not recollect being there on Sunday. He could not swear he was there on Sunday week. He knew Mr Dennet’s house.
Inspector Scully: Remember, you are on your oath.
Mr Lascelles objected to the Inspector attempting to browbeat witnesses.
The Inspector: This man your Worship, appears to have a bad memory.
Witness continued: He did drink plenty of grog that day at the house in which he lodged. A fellow lodger brought in a bottle of brandy on Saturday night, and between them on Sunday they drank its contents.
His Worship: It’s no use proceeding with this witness.
The witness then retired from the box, and a constable took his place, who deposed: He knew the last witness. He went to the Star Hotel on Sunday night at 9 o’clock.
Mr Lascelles: I object to this witness being asked the questions put by the Inspector.
Mr Lascelles: Did you get drunk at the bar?
The witness made a long pause.
Mr Lascelles: Are you going to answer?
The Inspector: No, he will not answer.
Mr Lascelles appealed to the Bench to make the witness answer.
His Worship: I cannot see how you are to force an answer to these questions.
Witness continued: – He went into the hotel after the persons who went for drink.
Mr Lascelles: Did you pay money at the same time?
The Inspector: I object to the witness answering these questions.
A long discussion then took place as to the necessity of the questions put by Mr Lascelles being answered by the witness.
The Inspector maintained that the witness was a constable, and not a common informer, as Mr Lascelles had attempted to make him out.
The witness: I paid 1s for the liquor which myself and the other constable had. We were both in plain clothes. The previous witness and his friend had drinks before we had ours. Witness took lemonade and beer. He and the constable who was with him (Constable Butler) were strangers in Napier, having come h ere only a fortnight ago. A woman was behind the bar, and served the drinks.
Constable Butler deposed that he was with the other constable who went into the Star Hotel, and gave evidence similarly to the previous witness.
By Mr Lascelles: He would not swear that he had brandy.
Mr Lascelles made an objection that the prosecution had not proved Mr Dennett to be a licensed victualler.
His Worship maintained that the objection urged by Mr Lascelles was fatal to the case, and therefore dismissed the charge.
A similar charge was laid against Mr Dennett for having broken the law by serving drink at the Star Hotel last Sunday, the 18th instant.
Inspector Scully applied for an adjournment in this case as a witness was absent.
Mr Lascelles objected, as he thought the police had had time to get their case up properly.
Constable Mitchell deposed that he was unable to find the witness required, and His Worship, under these circumstances, adjourned the case until Monday next.
Mr James Gray, the proprietor of the Albion Hotel, pleaded not guilty to having sold on Sunday last spirituous liquors.
Mr Lascelles appeared for Mr Gray.
David Quade deposed: He was a blacksmith striker residing at Brierly’s boarding house. On Sunday last, between eight and nine o’clock in the evening, he in company with another party went to the Albion Hotel. Mr Gray served him with drink. He paid one shilling for a pint of beer and a glass of half-and-half for his comrade.
Mr Lascelles: He could not swear whether it was Mr Gray or his barman who served him. He could swear it was a man, and not a woman. (Laughter). He knew it was a man because he had whiskers. (Laughter). After some consideration he felt certain that it was Mr Gray’s barman who served him. His mate’s name was “Harry.”
John Trummell deposed: He was a member of the Armed Constabulary stationed at Napier. He knew the Albion Hotel. He went there on Sunday evening. The bar of the hotel was lit up. He went in company with the policeman Butler into the parlor at the back of the hotel. Six people were sitting there with drinks in front of them. He saw the last witness get drink, and put money in a concealed manner in the hands of Mr Gray.
By Mr Lascelles: He paid one shilling to the barman for drinks, he and his fellow-constable had. They were both in plain clothes.
Constable Butler was then sworn, and gave corroborative evidence to that of the last witness.
By Mr Lascelles: He could not swear to seeing money passing between Mr Grey and Quade for the drinks.
Duncan Guy deposed: He was clerk to the Licensing Court. Acting in that capacity, he had given Mr Gray a certificate to obtain a license from Mr Tabuteau, the Collector of Customs.
Mr Lascelles held that this was no proof that Mr Gray was a licensed victualler contending that over evidence should be brought.
His Worship coincided with Mr Lascelles, and dismissed the case.
On the case against Mr James being called on, the Inspector of Police applied for an adjournment in order to produce further evidence.
Mr Lascelles objected.
His Worship said he had no doubt on his mind that there was a good deal of Sunday drinking in Napier, which should be put a stop to. He would adjourn the remaining cases until Monday next as requested by the Inspector.
This concluded the business.
Our contemporary across the road appears to be sorely exercised concerning the respective merits of the present and late Colonial Treasurers, as the following extracts will show: –
HAWKE’S BAY HERALD, November 20.
THE (financial) Statement is one that, we should say, assures the stability of the Government party beyond question.
Major Atkinson with the assistance of Mr Batkin, no doubt, made Financial Statements which passed muster very fairly in their day. It is something very different, however, to have a Statement from a trained expert like Mr Larnach.
HAWKE’S BAY HERALD, November 22.
MAJOR ATKINSON’S speech on the Financial Statement is well worthy of careful perusal. He brings out the fact pretty clearly that the Colony will not gain much, if anything, during the present year by the generalisation of the land fund. If it is the case that 80 per cent remaining after the 20 per cent to be localised is deducted, is also to be spent in the localities where it is raised, then Mr Larnach’s proposal is a piece of trickery, and one so shallow that it must immediately recoil on himself and his colleagues. Major Atkinson is right, however, that the matter needs further explanation. His speech, we believe, will be calculated to raise his reputation in this country.
SIR, – We have heard a good deal of the liberal, not to say democratic, views of Sir George Grey, and of his colleagues composing the present Ministry; but I would ask, what evidence has he given us, the working men of the colony, of his intention to give effect to his professions? In the Financial Statement I noticed that the Government contemplate making the price of land equal throughout the colony. What does this mean? Does it mean increasing the price of land, that we can now buy at 10s per acre in Hawke’s Bay, to the price charged in Canterbury, viz, £2 per acre? Sir, I look on the proposal as an endeavor to throw dust in the eyes of the people. I regard it as an impudent and audacious attempt to increase the value of existing freeholds at the expense of the poor man struggling to acquire a little piece of land for himself. You would greatly oblige a number of your readers by throwing light on this question that is now agitating many. I am, &c.,
Napier, November 20, 1877.
(From a correspondent of the Bay of Plenty Times.)
Opepe, November 7, 1877.
CAPTAIN TURNER, District Surveyor, who has been here lately surveying some blocks of land which have been leased by the natives to the Government, was yesterday interrupted in his work by a large party of natives, who pulled up flags and pegs, broke chains, &c., and completely stopped the work. The natives had some days before given notice of their intention not to allow the survey to go on unless under their own directions, and had stopped a party who were working under Mr. Jackson, near Opepe bush. No notice having been taken of this by the Land Purchase Commissioners, the natives naturally supposed that they were to have everything their own way and yesterday about 30 of them assembled, and after much dancing, howling, and cursing, proceeded to pull up pegs, &c., and destroy tools, having previously ordered the survey party to leave the ground. The obstructionist party was headed by a notorious scoundrel, who lately got a tremendous thrashing from a white man for publicly boasting that he was a perpetrator of one of the most horrible crimes that was committed in the Poverty Bay massacre, and who goes here by the name of “Te Kooti’s Butcher.” The natives were accompanied by large contingent of old hags, who enlivened the proceedings by their remarkable proficiency in yelling and the use of bad language, and who were most active in the demolition of stations and breaking of tools. Two things are particularly worthy of remark in this matter. One is that the land which was under survey at the time when the interruption was made is a block which has been leased to the Government, for which they are now paying a considerable rent, and over which the natives have no legal claim whatever; and the other, that Government officers were abused, threatened with violence, and driven off Government land, within a few miles of two strong posts held by the Armed Constabulary.
WELLINGTON. November 16.
Native Policy.
On resuming Mr Sheehan made a statement as to the native policy of the Ministry. He said that great objection had been made to him as Native Minister because he had been mixed up in native law suits. Mr Fox had asked him how he was going to counteract the mischief wrought by the repudiation party. The number of statements Mr Fox used were untrue, as no repudiationists had been in his district for three or four years. He was simply a solicitor to the natives, as dozens of other lawyers were. He could have made four times as much by selling his clients, and he thought no one would think the worse of him because, when he became the advocate of native claimants, he refused to sell his clients. Had it not been for advice given by the native lawyers, the Colony would before this have been plunged in war. He had always advised the natives not to repudiate purchases, and he had never taken up such a cause. A true advocate made an impartial judge. He then referred to the attacks upon him by the New Zealand Times, which he denied as totally untrue. Instead of fostering native disputes all over the country, he had never stepped out of the narrow arena of Hawke’s Bay. As to the native fracas at Wanganui, he had told the aggressive natives to desist, or he would not only desert them, but would bring their conduct up before the House. It was then alleged that he had encouraged the natives in the Waikato to steal cattle, but unfortunately for that paper he held telegrams in his hand from both natives and Europeans saying that no cattle were stolen. He felt very much aggrieved at Mr Fox’s statement, for he himself stepped into power through his advocacy of natives as a lawyer, and though he might kick the ladder away, now he had got to the top, he should not deny the use of it to anyone else.
He next referred to the gross attacks on Sir G. Grey which have appeared in the New Zealand Times since the Government had been in power. Since coming into the colony, various policies had been tried with respect to the natives.
He was not disposed to overlook the benefit to this island from the public works and immigration policy, and he was glad to say that, overlooking all party differences, it was largely due to the late Sir Donald McLean that peace had prevailed since 1869.
Looking at the chance of a future outbreak, he might mention that the native population in the North Island was 23,639 males, and 16,769 females, distributed, to a large extent, to the north of Auckland, and on the East Coast. There was absolutely no chance of war in these places. The only possible place was the King country, where there were in all only a native population of 5,255, of whom only 2,666 were males. Against this there were 25,000 friendly natives and a European population of 40,000 men. The native population was also steadily decreasing, and all evidence the Government could collect pointed out that there was no longer a reason to fear a native war.
If public works were extended to the native districts all chances of a rebellion would disappear. The roads already made were valuable as having satisfied the natives and also opened up the country in a strategical point of view, so that the whole country could not be easily traversed. Justice in native districts was administered by an army of native officials; in one district some time ago he found every man receiving Government pay. There was a large field open for reduction in this direction, but the system of medical comforts and assistance might fairly be continued; it was only extending to native districts a system in force amongst Europeans in large cities.
As to education, the Maoris were wonderfully quick in learning. Up to 1840 more Maoris could read, write, and work sums than Europeans; but all was taught them in Maori, and therefore in all their dealings they were thrown into the hands of a special class; from which cause there have grown up some of the most objectionable features of the Native Department. He bore testimony to Sir Donald McLean’s efforts to promote education in English. This year they proposed to spend £11,500 only on native schools, or £4,000 less than last year; and with this 50 village schools would be supported and other assisted.
With regard to another social question, the Government felt it their duty to assist the efforts the natives were now making to suppress intemperance. The best way of doing this would be to allow the natives to regulate their own districts in this respect; and in this way he believed they would in time be able to shake off the habits of excess. Already a decrease was visible, owing partly to the reduction in Government expenditure amongst them, but also largely to the extension of Good Templary.
With regard to land purchase, in the past the great error had been in employing agents to purchase on commission. These agents looked more to the quantity than quality, and in many cases purchases had been represented as closed when they were not. The total amount of land acquired was about six million acres. This looked satisfactory, but on going below the surface he found things very different. Of the leasehold, not a single acre was in a condition to be used; two-thirds of the work had yet to be done, with only one-fifth of the money to do it with. Only about £40,000 or £44,000 had been paid to Europeans for surveys and commission. A third of the freehold land would require further expenditure to acquire a valid title. More money would thus be required to complete existing bargains. It was necessary to avoid a great loss, by endeavoring to make as much as possible of these uncompleted transactions, and legislation would be necessary in those cases w[h]ere minors were concerned.
It was proposed to give the Governor-in-Council power to appoint trustees. It was intended to at once close all outstanding transactions with purchase agents; to have no more purchasing on commission, but to employ proper responsible Government officers, and absolutely to forbid any one connected with the Native Department from purchasing an acre for himself. So soon as existing transactions were complete, the Government should go out of the market as purchaser of native lands. There were about 30,000,000 of acres of land in the North Island still open for purchase. The Government intended to provide for minors in Crown grants, and for a better system of hearing appeals from the Native Land Court. The appeals would be made in accordance, however, with existing law – from one judge who heard the case, to another who had not. This was all that they proposed to do this session. If the bulk of the work of determining titles were done, as it should be by native chiefs, the cost of the Native Land Court could be greatly reduced. As far as possible, individualisation of title should be insisted on. This would greatly promote settlement. Something might also be done in guiding and directing the natives in this disposal of their lands. If the Government did this fairly, he believed the natives would take advantage of it to a large extent. Where land was not suitable for small settlers, he thought it would be desirable to promote settlement, even by large areas.
Regarding the vexed question of native representation, he could not agree with Mr Whitaker to abolish representation. This would be unjust, while a large portion of the natives could not acquire the franchise in the same manner by Crown grants and individual titles as the Europeans could. He would propose to increase the special representation to seven members, and if after a few years a change took place in the nature of tenure, special representation might be abolished and native representatives be elected in the ordinary manner.
Until the natives talked English, were more mixed with Europeans, and better understood our laws and customs, a Native Department would be necessary; but for some years the department had been a barrier to settlement, and had made work as an excuse for its existence.
They had telegrams from the King and from Manuhiri, and it was hoped the meeting to which they had invited Sir George Grey would be attended by most beneficial results. Sir George Grey had fought the natives, no doubt, but that very fact raised him in the estimation of the natives, and was a recommendation instead of a draw-back. If the aukati were abolished, he thought the credit of the colony would be greatly enhanced. He did not suppose that a single interview would settle the difficulty. He hoped, ere very long, to see some leading Waikato or Ngatimaniapoto chief a member of that House. He recalled the time when the native question was the greatest one in the colony, but since that time the proportion of numbers between the two races had been reversed. We then professed a desire to raise the native people to an equality with ourselves, we were now strong enough to disregard and repudiate all the promises then made. But he mistook the temper of the House and other country, if this very strength would not be an additional reason for pursuing the same end and aim. He looked hopefully forward to the time when both races could really be one people. (Great applause.) As the bill was not printed, he moved the postponement of the second reading.
Mr Sheehan’s statement, which occupied over an hour and a half in delivery, was greeted with loud applause from both sides of the House, Mr Ormond joining in as heartily as anyone. He afterwards remarked that Mr Sheehan had stolen his policy without acknowledging it. The general opinion of the House is that the statement was very satisfactory. There was considerable fear that he would contrive to continue his repudiation practice, but after the explicit promise in the House last night he cannot do so.
The Land Bill was then considered in Committee, the House rising at 12.35.
It is expected that there will be some opposition to the Imprest Supply Bill this afternoon, but to stop supplies altogether would be a serious matter. However, it is probable that if, after sounding the party, a satisfactory answer is obtained, Major Atkinson may move some motion of censure. It is however, thought that half a dozen of his party will object to such a course, in which event the attack on the Government will be put off until the motion for going into Committee of Supply is made on the general estimates.
The Government party represent themselves as safe, but they will not give the names of any defections, and it would be wise to conclude that there is little if any reason for the boast.
November 17.
When the House met yesterday, Mr Larnach introduced an Imprest Supply Bill for £100,000.
Major Atkinson merely asked a question as to the amount, and contrary to general expectation did not attempt to oppose it.
Mr Sutton wished to introduce a Bill to amend the Napier Swamp Nuisance Act 1875.
The Speaker said it was intended to amend a private Bill, and could not be introduced.
Mr Sutton replied that that was the case, but it was very unjust.
Mr Sheehan acknowledged the importance3 of the measure, and asked the Speaker whether it could be brought in as a Government measure, as in that case he would be happy to take it up. If something of the sort were not done, serious consequences, both financial and otherwise, would ensue to the Napier Municipality.
On the motion of Mr Sheehan, the House resolved to adjourn until Monday, to give Ministers an opportunity to prepare the Financial and Public Works Statements.
Several local Bills passed their next stage, and the Shipping Seamens Bill was further considered in Committee before a thin House, a quorum not being present the greater part of the time.
The reason why Mr Sutton could not introduce his Bill is this. The original measure was a private Bill, – that is, went through Special Committee and various stages peculiar to private Bills, necessitating considerable expenditure. Any alteration can only be made by a public Bill. If Mr Sheehan takes up the matter, and introduces Mr Sutton’s Bill, it will then probably be referred to the Private Bills Committee to declare whether the Bill is public or private. If it is declared to be private, the only course will be to amend the existing Act by another private Bill, which will necessitate the whole routine of notice being given to property owners, committees,
&c., being gone through again, with a repetition of the original expense.
Present – His Worship the Mayor in the Chair, and all the Councillors with the exception of Cr. Lee.
The minutes of the last meeting were then read and confirmed.
Cr Vautier presented a petition signed by 92 inhabitants of Port Ahuriri, praying the Council to include the Port in the water supply scheme. Cr. Vautier said the residents at the Port were now very anxious to get a water supply, and only two or three persons were against it. There was ratable [rateable] property to the value of £6600, and 1s in the pound on this would produce £330 per annum. The original plan suggested was to sink two wells at the mouth of the Tutaekuri river, the cost of which would be £3000, and the interest upon this would be £210, so that the rates would be £120 in excess of this. He moved that the petition be received.
Seconded by C. Tuxford.
Cr. Swan suggested that the petition be referred to the Public Works Committee.
This was seconded by Cr. Williams, and after some discussion on the matter was put and carried.
Cr. Tuxford informed the Council that the Committee appointed to confer with the Clubs on this matter were unable to bring up a report, as after one meeting the representatives of the Star and Press Cricket Clubs had promised to meet the Committee on the 12th instant, but had failed to do so. Just prior to the meeting of the Council that evening, he had received communications from Mr. Bull and Mr. Cotterill, which he would read to the Council.
The Mayor: Then the matter stands thus. It has been referred to a Select Committee, and virtually this committee has no report to submit.
A discussion then ensued, on which Councillors Neal, Swan, Tuxford, and others took part, the general opinion being that owing to the Napier Club having spent money on the ground some compensation was due to them.
In order to see whether yet some satisfactory arrangement could be made, Cr. Tuxford asked that the committee be allowed to bring up their report at the next meeting of Council. This was agreed to.
The clauses of the report of the Public Works Committee were then read seriatim by the Mayor.
That the engineer be instructed to enlarge the pound as required by the poundkeeper.
Cr. Neal opposed the clause being adopted. The present, he said, was in an unsuitable place, and when the reclamations works were finished would have to be altered.
Other Councillors opposed on the same grounds.
The Mayor pointed out that the expenditure asked for would only amount to £6, and at present the pound was not in a fit state to hold the animals.
The original motion was carried.
That the roadway known as Hunt’s Gully be formed for about five chains, conditionally upon the inhabitants defraying one half of the cost thereof, viz., £10.
A letter from the Engineer was read point out the desirability, but stating that the inhabitants residing in the locality were too poor to give monetary assistance.
The clause was adopted.
That the application of Mrs Gill for a remission of rates cannot be granted.
Mrs Gill applied not to be pressed for the amount of her rates. Her husband had deserted her; her property was mortgaged, and she had a large family to keep, and no assistance.
The Chairman explained they could not entertain the application, as in the event of their doing so they would be flooded with similar applications.
Clause agreed to.
The following clauses were agreed to with little discussion.
That the engineer be instructed to form the roadway between sections 485 and 487, Port Ahuriri, to its proper level at a cost of £5.
That tenders be invited for the purchase of say 5 ½ tons of lead piping, and also separate tenders for the testing machine, the said articles being surplus stores of the waterworks plant, and that advertisements be inserted in Wellington as well as Napier.
That a nuisance caused by the state of the reserve adjoining Mr LeQuesne’s property, Port Ahuriri, having been complained of, the Harbor Board be requested to abate the same.
That with reference to Messrs Watt Bros. second application to have the road filled in adjoining their section No. 357, Station-street, they be informed that the arrangement with the General Government as to filling in portions of the station reserve being still incomplete, their request cannot at present be granted.
The letter from the Inspector of Nuisances reporting on the state of the footpath in front of Messrs Neal and Close’s is forwarded herewith for the consideration of the Council.
That in accordance with the recommendation of the Municipal Engineer the wages of F. Reeves and T. Croucher, stonemasons, be raised, the former’s to 8s 6d, and the latter’s to 8s per diem.
That the lamp pillar now standing in the Clyde-road adjoining Mr Hayden’s property be removed to the corner of the Cameron-road near Mr Powell’s new house.
A letter from the contractors for filling in the swamp, asking for an extension of time of 90 days, read at the last meeting of the Council, was then considered. This gave rise to a lengthy discussion. It being, however, the general opinion of the Council that in the event of their granting the application, it would affect the sureties’ bond, on the motion of Cr. Tuxford, seconded by Cr. Faulknor, it was resolved not to further entertain the application. An understanding was however supposed to exist that if the contractors pushed on with the works vigorously, no legal action would be taken to enforce the bonds.
A letter from Mr. H. S. Tiffen, directing attention to the state of the retaining wall of the reservoir, and stating that he was still resolved to apply for an injunction in the Supreme Court whenever steps are taken to fill the reservoir with water. This letter had been handed to the Municipal Engineer, and he wrote a long letter in reference to it, concluding that, “In order to satisfy the doubts and prejudices of a few individuals, I would suggest that the southern reservoir be not filled for the present, but that the supply pipes be taken past it to fill the larger, or northern, reservoir, from which no possible danger can be apprehended.”
Cr. Rochfort was of opinion, if Mr Peppercorne’s recommendation of only filling the northern reservoir was adopted, no danger could possibly arise.
Cr. Tuxford said he lately visited the reservoir. He found it cracked, and fissures in several places, and would move the Council into Committee to go and look at the work. He believed when it rained, it would come down with a run; fall it must. Part of the work of the Engineer had reported to be strong had cracked again and was in a dangerous state.
No Councillor seconding the motion of Cr. Tuxford, it fell through.
A warm discussion ensued, in which nearly every Councillor took part, the majority being of opinion that Messrs. Rochfort, Bold, and Davis having reported favorably, they must abide by the Engineer’s opinion.
Cr. Swan moved, and Cr. Williams seconded, “That the suggestion of the engineer to fill one of the reservoirs be adopted.” Carried.
The Mayor explained that the above Act having expired, he had requested Mr Sutton to bring the matter again before Parliament. The Mayor then read a telegram which appears in our columns, which had been handed to him by the editor of the DAILY TELEGRAPH for the information of Councillors.
Cr. Rochfort then gave notice that at the next meeting of Council he would move – “That the Inspector of Nuisances be instructed to ascertain from which premises the impure water which passes down Hastings-street comes, and to give notice that unless the nuisance be abated proceedings will be taken against the owners or occupiers of those premises for breaking the bye-law relating to the same.” In giving notice of the motion, Cr Rochfort suggested that salt water wells be sunk into which the drainage could be taken.
On the motion of Cr. Vautier, seconded by Cr. Dinwiddie, the Council stood adjourned.
Few parts of the North Island are (says the Poverty Bay Herald) attracting greater attention at present than the East Coast. After the session we are prepared to expect a visit from a good many wealthy gentlemen who purpose laying out a little of their spare capital in this direction, should an opportunity offer. Among the probable visitors are several members of the House of Assembly. We also understand that Mr Jas. Mackay will shortly arrive. He has been engaged for a long time in the purchase of land for the Government and as his contract will soon terminate, he is now about to enter into business on his own account upon a large scale. Some time back the natives north of Gisborne invited Mr Mackay to their part of the country with a view of treating with him for the disposal of their surplus lands, as they have many which it is quite beyond their power to utilize in a more lucrative manner than by selling or leasing them.
A meeting of creditors in the estate of Mr. Michael Boylan was held on Monday, at the offices of Mr. G. E. Sainsbury. It was unanimously resolved that as dividents [dividends] amounting to 19s 6d in the pound had already been declared, the trustees should be relieved of further liability, and that the remainder of the estate, consisting of book debts, unlikely to be realised, be returned to Mr. Boylan.
Have been instructed by R.M. Chapman, Esq., to sell by Public Auction, on the premises on the above date, the whole of his PROPERTY and SECTIONS in the pleasantly situated and rising township of HASTINGS, consisting of –
SECTIONS Nos. 265, 266, 267, 268, Quarter Acre each, on No. 265, is a substantially built Dwelling House, containing 8 rooms, and Outhouse, within five minutes walk of the Railway Station. The above Sections are all securely fenced.
After which,
SECTIONS Nos. 145, 146, 158, having a frontage to the Public Road (the main road through Hastings) from Havelock to Omahu, on Section 158 is a 2-roomed Cottage. The Sections are well situated, and not subject to any flood water.
THE LEASE of Section 68, and 69, having a frontage to the Public Road, and situated alongside the Railway Station Good Shed, No. 68 contains 1 rood 12 perches; No. 69, 1 rood 31 perches. The whole is substantially fenced in, with Stables and Sheds, to be taken at a valuation. The lease to extend for Fifteen years.
The House on Section No. 265 can be viewed on any Tuesday or Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
The Household Furniture and Effects will be sold the same day.
As the Sections are near each other the sale will take place on the property.
Sale at 1.30 p.m.
Terms (which are liberal) will be announced at Sale.
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 Sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvements
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
Stock and Station Agent.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 15th October, 1877.
A SALE of Waste Lands will take place at this Office on MONDAY, the 10th day of December next, when will be offered: –
16 Town Sections, Mahia, varying from 38 perches to 2 roods in extent, at from £4 15s to £10 per Section.
13 Town Sections, Clive, from 35 perches to 1 rood 1 perch, at £5 per Section.
32 Town Sections, Clyde, Wairoa, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Suburban Sections Nos. 845 and 846, Clyde, (Class I), each 3 acres at £15 per Section.
Town Sections Nos. 4 and 158, Porangahau, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Rural Sections Nos. 36, 52, and 57, Woodville, containing 39 ½, 18, and 49 acres respectively, at £2 10s per acre.
2 Blocks (Applications Nos. 49 and 50) Makaretu Reserve, containing 100 and 60 acres respectively, at 10s per acre.
For further particulars as to numbers, areas, and upset prices, see the Proclamation in the DAILY TELEGRAPH of the 5th instant.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
THE Undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he will open the above Hotel on MONDAY, the 17th instant, which is situated on the direct road to Patea, and hopes by attention to the comfort of his visitors to merit their support. The Hotel has recently been built for the specific accommodation of the travelling public, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the Hotel one of the most comfortable and attractive in the County.
None but the very best brands of Beers, Wines, and Spirits, will be kept in stock.
Splendid Stables, Grass Paddocks, and every accommodation for persons travelling.
The Proprietor is erecting a new Store, where goods of the very best quality will always be on sale.
Konini, Sept. 5th, 1877.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.13
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
REMAINDER of Lease and Stock-in-Trade of a GENERAL STORE, in a commanding position.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Patented throughout all the Colonies.
This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh 10 cwt. per mile, and costing £12 10s, versus 17 cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having 7 cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1000 tons sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves.
McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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