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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 107 - 1 December
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 107 – 1 December
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature
THE above will be held at Waipawa, on 26th December (BOXING DAY), in a paddock adjoining the Railway Station, kindly granted by E. Collins, Esq.
No. Event. 1st prize 2nd prize Entrance Fee
£ s. £ d.
1. Throwing Heavy Hammer (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
2. Putting Heavy Stone (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
3. Best Bagpipe Player 4 0 1 10 2 6
4. Maiden Race (300 yards) 2 10 1 0 2 6
5. Throwing Light Hammer (16lbs) 2 10 1 0 2 0
6. Putting Light Stone (16lbs) 2 0 1 0 2 0
7. Men’s Foot Race (400 yards) 3 10 1 10 2 6
8. Hop, Step, and Leap 2 10 1 0 2 0
9. Boy’s (under 14 years) Foot Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 1 0
10. Dancing Highland Fling 3 0 1 0 2 6
11. Running High Leap 3 0 1 0 2 6
12. Men’s Foot Race (600 yards) 7 0 3 0 4 0
13. Vaulting 3 10 1 10 2 6
14. Men’s Hurdle Race (500 yards) 4 0 1 10 3 0
15. Boy’s (under 14 yrs.) Hurdle Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 1 0
16. Running Long Leap 2 10 1 0 2 6
17. Dancing Liverpool Hornpipe 3 0 1 0 2 6
18. Four-legged Hurdle Race (200 yds) 2 0 1 0 2 0
19. Walking Match (900 yards) 4 0 1 10 2 6
20. Dancing Irish Jig 3 0 1 0 2 6
21. Standing High Leap 2 0 1 0 2 0
22. Three-legged Race (150 yards) 2 0 1 0 2 0
23. Boy’s (under 10 years) Foot Race (200 yards) 1 0 0 10 0 6
24. Sack Race (over hurdles) 100 yds 2 0 1 0 1 0
25. Men’s (over 40 years) Race (300 yards) 3 10 1 0 2 6
The Sports will commence at 11 o’clock a.m. sharp. Admission to the grounds, One Shilling; children under 10 years with parents, Free.
No horses or dogs allowed on the grounds.
A Ball will be held in the evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall in connection with the above.
As a medium of Advertising the Publication is unequalled.
Will be received up till the end of October.
Sixpence each.
THE Oakbourne Sale Sheep have been shorn and are open for selection they will be sold privately.
Apply, stating number required, and further particulars to the undersigned.
16th October, 1877.
THE Undersigned has for Sale from 200 to 300 RAMS, selected from ⅞th to 15-16th bred; also, full-mouthed pure pedigreed RAMS, with 2,000 EWES, from ¾ bred to ⅞th, mostly 2-tooth, and Hogs in lots to suit purchasers.
None but private sales will be effected, and purchasers may rely on getting fair value for their money.
Apply by letter to the undersigned, stating number required.
Oakbourne, Wallingford.
16th October, 1877.
THE Undersigned begs to inform his friends and the public that he will open the above Hotel on MONDAY, the 1st October, which is situated on the direct road to Patea, and hopes by attention to the comfort of his visitors to merit their support. The Hotel has recently been built for the specific accommodation of the travelling public, and no effort or expense will be spared to make the Hotel one of the most comfortable and attractive in the County.
None but the very best brands of Beers, Wines, and Spirits will be kept in stock.
Splendid Stables, Grass Paddocks, and every accommodation for persons travelling.
The Proprietor is also erecting a new Store, where goods of the very best quality will always be on sale.
Konini, Sept. 5th, 1877.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute, arrive 8.32
Te Aute, depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora, depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 .5
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season Tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
&c., &c., &c.
NEWTON, IRVINE & Co. are now shewing a large assortment of Spring Goods in all the latest styles, and invite inspection.
Government Notifications.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 15th October, 1877.
A SALE of Waste Lands will take place at this Office on MONDAY, the 10th day of December next, when will be offered: –
16 Town Sections, Mahia, varying from 38 perches to 2 roods in extent, at from £4 15s to £10 per Section.
13 Town Sections, Clive, from 35 perches to 1 rood 1 perch, at £5 per Section.
32 Town Sections, Clyde, Wairoa, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Suburban Sections Nos. 845 and 846, Clyde, (Class I), each 3 acres, at £15 per Section.
Town Sections Nos. 4 and 158, Porangahau, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Rural Sections Nos. 36, 52, and 57, Woodville, containing 39 1½, 18, and 49 acres respectively, at £2 10s per acre.
2 Blocks (Applications Nos. 49 and 50) Makaretu Reserve, containing 100 and 60 acres respectively, at 10s per acre.
For further particulars as to numbers, areas, and upset prices, see the Proclamation in the DAILY TELEGRAPH of the 5th instant.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
WANTED KNOWN – The price of “Wanted” Advertisements in the DAILY TELEGRAPH is at the rate of ONE SHILLING per insertion for 20 words.
Kinross & Co.
25 TONS FENCING WIRE, No 6, Johnson’s B.B., annealed.
25 tons Fencing Wire, No. 8, Johnson’s B.B., annealed
150 kegs McDougall’s Sheep Dip, 50lb each
5 kegs McDougall’s Sheep Dip, 100lbs each
12 Cases 3-crown Corrugated Iron, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 feet
5 kegs Galvanised Screws
2 kegs Lead Washers
6 doz. Parkes’ Socket Spades
4 bales Tarpaulins, assorted sizes
2 bales Flour Bags, 100lbs and 50lbs
1 case Baumann’s Felt Hats
30 cases Currants
30 cases Eleme Raisins
40 casks Guiness’ Stout, bottled by Burke, quarts
80 casks Guiness’ Stout, bottled by Burke, pints
30 casks Ind Coope’s Ale, quarts
50 casks Ind Coope’s Ale, pints
20 quarter Tierces Tobacco, St Andrew’s
6 CASES LAWN MOWERS, 16 to 20 inches.
6 Post Hole Borers
2 Windmill Pumps with Gear complete.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in Packets & Tins, ½lb and 1lb, labelled: –
THE U.S.S.Co’s s.s.
Will run an EXCURSION TRIP to the Sounds during the CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS.
The Hawea will start from Auckland on Thursday, 13th December, calling at Tauranga (14th), Poverty Bay (15), Napier (16th), Wellington (18th), Lyttelton (19th), and arrive at Port Chalmers on Thursday, 20th December; leave again on Saturday, 22nd, calling in at Bluff on the following day. Thence she will proceed up Preservation and Chalky Inlets, Dusky, Breaksea, Doubtful, Thomson, Caswell, ahd [and] George Sounds, and finally to MILFORD SOUND. At this magnificent Sound she will remain at least 48 hours, and then return to Bluff and Port Chalmers.
She is expected to arrive back at the latter port on Wednesday, 2nd January, and will sail again for Northern ports about 3rd January.
The Berthing List will be open on Monday, 10th December; intending passengers should therefore book before that date, as the best berths will be immediately allotted.
For further particulars apply to

WELLINGTON. November 23.
After a dreary speech from Mr Montgomery, Mr Ormond came out energetically. He maintained that the Government was the organ of squatters, and simply a tool in their hands. He looked at the proposal to sell all land at one universal price as most mischievous, and calculated better than everything else to stop settlement. He hoped the House would never consent to pass Mr Larnach’s estimate of the Otago liabilities, as they were simply the bogus estimates of Mr Macandrew.

November 27.
Captain Russell yesterday presented a petition from 120 inhabitants of Wairoa praying for an increased postal service for the district.
November 23.
Last night Mr Ormond spoke well against the financial proposals, except the land revenue, and this he supported. During the debate he made some remarks about Brogden’s claim of £170,000, and complained that Sir G. Grey had stated that these claims, which were unfounded, would probably have to be paid. He said Brogden’s influence assisted the Government on to the Treasury benches. Sir G. Grey had the words taken down, and he was called to order for words he himself used. Messrs Rees, Stout, and Hodgkinson were all called to order by the Speaker, who lectured Mr Stout severely. The Opposition will not oppose the land proposals, but will contest the remainder of the policy, and it is very uncertain what will be the result, but it is probable that another attempt to oust the Government will be made next week.
Mr Gisborne declares for the Government.
It is reported that serious defections exist in the Government ranks. Several prominent supporters want to get rid of Sir G. Grey, but it is said he will not move, and it is very probable that some compromise will be made.

A Man Found Murdered in the Forty-Mile Bush.
A SPECIAL telegram was received by the Inspector of Police at a very early hour on Saturday, informing him that the body of a man named George Ollandt had been found murdered in the Woodville bush on Friday. The Inspector of Police left Napier by the train on Saturday to institute enquires. Inspector Atcheson, of Wellington, has also proceeded to the spot.
Hans Thompson, the partner of the murdered man Ollandt, has been arrested on suspicion of being the murderer, and will be brought to Napier for trial. As we mentioned on Saturday Ollandt and Thompson were partners keeping an Accommodation House, but lately the two have been bickering and quarrelling. Ollandt is a baker and Thompson a waiter, and Ollandt who had money was anxious to buy Thompson out, and with this object was recently in Napier to obtain legal advice. In Thompson’s room has been found towels spotted with blood, and a leaf of a book was found near the body, corresponding with one found in the prisoners’s bedroom.
Death by Drowning.
A boy named William Derry, aged eight years, stepson of Mr Leslie, who went to Poverty Bay on Saturday, was unfortunately drowned on Saturday afternoon.
From what we can learn, it would appear that about half-past three, three lads, two sons of Serjeant Kelsall and the deceased, were bathing near the boat-shed. The lad Derry in attempting to get close to a boat got out of his depth, and was unfortunately drowned. The two lads of Serjeant Kelsall got frightened at seeing their companion struggling, and made for land. At this time Messrs. Batham, Brooking, Peters, and F. Duncan, who were out pulling in one of the Napier Club boats, had their attention called by a Maori woman to the lad struggling in the water. The boatmen at once pulled to the spot, picked up the lad, and took him ashore to the Club boat-house, but although they used every effort to restore animation, it was useless.
The poor mother heard of the accident from the lips of the lads Kelsall, who were his companions in the water. She immediately got a cab, but when she reached the place, her mind became so upset that she could render no assistance. The deceased was an only son by a first husband.
An inquest was held on Monday, before the Coroner, Dr. Hitchings, at the Royal Hotel. The only evidence given was that of Mr E. Peters, whose testimony was similar to that given above. The two lads ( Hector and Robert Kelsall) were so confused as to be unintelligible. All they appeared to know was the unfortunate youth had got out of his depth and was drowned.
The jury returned a verdict of “accidental death.”
We hear from Wairoa, that the other day curses both loud and deep were heard emanating from the office of the local phenomenon. The editor it would appear had been absent during an issue or two, and on his return, seemed horrified at the scrimpt appearance the “rag” presented. Such is the yarn.
The bell for the town clock that was presented to the borough of Napier by the late Sir Donald McLean, and which is to be fixed over the front entrance to the Post Office, arrived by the Rangatira. It has been re-cast at Wellington at Mr W. Mills’ foundry, and weighs, we should think, two hundred weight. This bell is considerably larger than any other in Napier, and its tones will be heard all over the town.
Among the passengers by the Taupo on Friday en route for the North was Mr R. Price, who proceeds to Auckland to attend the installations of Mr F. Whitaker as Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons under the English Constitution for the North Island. Mr Price, as W.M. of Scinde Lodge, will represent the Masons of this district at the forthcoming imposing ceremony.
It has been intimated to the natives of Hawke’s Bay that, after the closing of Parliament, Sir Geo. Grey, accompanied by Mr Sheehan, will meet them at Waipukurau and Omahu. Native runners have been sent throughout the country to get up a grand meeting, so as to give our visitors a great reception.
In the Wairoa district the Armed Constabulary Force stationed therein have suffered a good deal of late from low fever. Several members are only just recovering, and some short while back two young men died from the prostration consequent. It has been remarked that both the cases that had a fatal termination, and those other cases fortunately not quite severe, occurred to men who had been stationed a very long time in the district without change. Probably change of air and of scene would have been beneficial.
The road from the foot of the Shakespeare hill to the Spit is in a very bad state of repair; in some places the holes are so deep that in going over them, drivers of express carts are nearly jolted off their seats.
A general meeting of the members of the Napier Cricket Club was held last week, at which W. Routledge, Esq., presided. It was decided to adhere to a former resolution with respect to the application of the Star and Press Clubs for the use of the Clive Square practice ground. Messrs Combs and Co’s gift of cocoa-nut matting to cover the pitch on Clive Square was gratefully accepted. Correspondence was read between the Secretary of the Club and the Secretary of the Australian Eleven with reference to the terms under which the latter would visit Napier, and a committee was appointed to make arrangements for the reception of the Australian team. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the business.
A trial was made on Friday of the flow of water in the six-inch main that has just been laid down along the lower levels of the town. The trial was made from the stand erected in Dickens-street, and in its result exceeded the most sanguine expectations. The flow of water was no less astonishing than its force, being quite equal to a rise of thirty feet. The main is supplied direct from the reservoir. The curious circumstance is that the flow of water is stronger in the six-inch main than in the four-inch one.
The s.s Taupo was the bearer to-day of the Hawke’s Bay portion of the Suez mail. The English mail items have been all anticipated by telegraph. We, however, notice in the European Mail that the Adamant for Nelson and Napier sailed on September 21, and the Renfrewshire cleared for Napier direct on 25.
Our attention has been called to the fact that the trains running in Hawke’s Bay are unprovided with letter boxes, a convenience that has been adopted on all the other railways in New Zealand. Why this boon has not been conferred on the public of this provincial district we do not know, unless it is that we are so accustomed to be grateful for small mercies that the authorities do not think they need supply us with large ones.
Mr. W. L. Coward reports the sale of Mr Neil Campbell’s Homewood property to Mr James Collins of Patangata. The estate consists of 600 acres of land, and 1200 sheep.
The usual monthly steam practice of the Napier Volunteer Fire Brigade took place last week, Mr. Macgregor, the Government Inspector, being present for the purpose of inspecting the engine. The Post Office well was first tried, but through some leakage in one of the lengths of suction hose, the practice was not so successful as could be desired. The boiler having been blowed down, the fire was re-lighted, and the steam got up again. The Brigade then went to Newton’s well, and in a short space of time had a good jet of water in, and made some good practice.
Renata’s letter, which appears in another column, will doubtless show the public that the “little game” of Mr Rees, in his recent attempt to individualise native title in his own manner and form, is not coincided in by the leading chief in this province. Renata speaks out openly and boldly. Mr Rees found it necessary not to press his “little bill.” It was a measure which we do not care to designate in its proper term, as we have no anxiety to appear before the House on a breach of privilege case, but this we will say, that the very introduction of the measure shows how kindly the party, of which Mr Rees is the mouthpiece, would treat Hawke’s Bay settlers and native chiefs.
Mr Beetham, our respected Resident Magistrate, has resumed his duties. His health has much improved, and we trust he may enjoy a continuance of the same.
The police of the county are no sooner militarised, than a change of government ensues, and they are ordered to be demilitarised. When the late Sir Donald McLean took office, his first order was to demilitarise the Constabulary, but no sooner had he resigned office, than his successor determined to make the Constabulary once more a military force. Mr. Sheehan is a lawyer, and believes in demilitarisation, and is going to make them a civil and not a military force.
Mr E.S. Baker, who has recently come to Napier from Tauranga by the Taupo road, expresses his pleasure at the courtesy and kindness shown him on the route. To put it in his own language he writes: – “ I can testify that the service is as well conducted as could possibly be expected. The horses are good, and the drivers civil and obliging.”
Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. E. Reignier, next Sunday, 2nd December, in Hampden school-house, at 11 a.m.; evening service in Waipawa, at 7 p.m.
On Sunday morning at 10.30, the Napier Artillery Volunteers and Cadets paraded in Clive Square. The band, after playing the “Church Call,” marched at the head of the Company to St John’s Church, where a special service was held, at which the Ven. Archdeacon Williams and the Rev. W. H. St Hill officiated, the Ven. Archdeacon preaching an appropriate sermon. At the conclusion of the service, the Company headed by the band, marched back to Clive Square, where the Company was dismissed. The officers in attendance were Major Withers, Captain Routledge, and Lieutenant Garner, as also was Lieutenant Pell, late of the Dunedin Rifles.
We learn that Mr G. E. Toop, the well known Boniface of the Farndon Hotel, has become the purchaser of the Commercial Hotel at Port Ahuriri, and as soon as arrangements can be made for carrying on his present house, he will take up his residence there.
We believe that upwards of £300 has been raised in the Waipukurau district in aid of the Indian Famine Relief Fund. The subscription list and a cheque for the amount is to be forwarded to the Treasurer at Napier, Mr E. Moore.
The man McMillan who has been “wanted” by the police, was brought to town by railway in charge of a constable on Monday. He was arrested beyond Patea, and was charged with having appropriated money entrusted to his care to bank by Mr B. Reed, hotelkeeper, Takapau. The case was remanded.
On Saturday at Taradale a cricket match took place between elevens of the Napier and Star Clubs. There is nothing particular to mention in connection with the match, suffice it to say that the Napier men, notwithstanding the fine practice ground they have exclusively in Clive Square for practice, were dreadfully bad in the field, their younger antagonists again proving almost more than a match for them. The result of the match was in favor of the Napier Club by only four runs, the score being Napier, 53; Star, 49.
Dr. de Lisle intimated to the Napier Artillery Volunteers, through Captain Routledge, that it is his intention to present a silver cup to the company to be shot for with the carbine. This is to be an annual present.
We received the following on Monday from a Waipawa correspondent: – “Last night, about 10.30, I was surprised to see the atmosphere lit up all at once with a bright white light, closely resembling that produced by magnesium wire or very bright moonlight, and on looking round I saw the luminous meteor to all appearance about three yards long, and in the form of the letter V, travelling in a S.W. direction. A few falling stars followed immediately after, the air at the time being cool and the sky clear, with the exception of one horizontal luminous cloud in the northern horizon.”
The Napier Swimming Baths are now a great source of attraction to the general public and youths of the town, more especially on Saturday evenings. Owing to hot water being able to be let into the swimming bath, it can be made to any temperature. There are swings erected, and those desirous of exhibiting their powers in gymnastics can do so. Last Saturday evening about fifty young men and youths were to be seen enjoying themselves in the water. Mr Trescott shows his guests every attention, and does his utmost to make the baths popular. Days are set aside for ladies, on whom Mrs Trescott attends. The baths have not yet been resorted to as might have been expected, but as the summer advances we expect to see it better patronised.

Mr J. N. Wilson left overland for Wellington by the train on Monday morning, having been called, we understand, to the Legislative Council by the Marquis of Normanby. We presume the learned gentleman will be offered and take the Attorney-Generalship of the colony.
We understand that Mr Charles Wheatleigh, the celebrated tragedian, has engaged the Oddfellows Hall, and with the assistance of a dramatic company, which he has engaged, will open the new buildings on Christmas Eve. The company engaged by Mr Wheatleigh is spoken of as being the best ever seen in the colonies. Mr Holmes, the able scenic artist of the Simonsen Company, has been engaged to paint the scenery for the Hall, and will arrive in Napier for that purpose by the Rangatira to-morrow. Mr Wheatleigh and his Company will be passengers by the Taupo to Dunedin on her next downward trip by way of Napier, and will play in the Southern city a few weeks prior to opening the Theatre Royal in Napier.
The inward San Francisco mail steamer will be due at Auckland on Saturday morning. The Southern Cross will be then in Auckland and will probably be the bearer to Napier of the Hawke’s Bay portion of the mail.
Three lads on Saturday morning had a narrow escape from drowning while bathing in the waters of the Whare-o-maraenui Block, one being a son of Mr. Dennett, of the Star Hotel. The lads had got on to a piece of land opposite the brewery, but noticing the tide coming in fast made an attempt to cross over to the Napier side, but got out of their depth and made cries for assistance. Fortunately Mr. H. Brierly and Mr. Smith saw the struggling youths and at once went in to rescue them, which they fortunately succeeded in doing. The accidents which have occurred should warn youths of the dangers of bathing in tidal places.
The alleged murderer of the man Ollandt in the Forty Mile Bush was brought into town on Tuesday by Sergeant White, Thompson having been committed to take his trial on the Coroner’s warrant. The prisoner is a man about forty-five years of age, and arrived by the Friedburg. He is a Dane, but speaks English well. The deceased man arrived in the Hovding. The axe with which the deed was supposed to have been committed is in possession of the police, as also other articles covered with blood, by which it is expected they will trace the deed home. Inspector Scully deserves every praise for the energy and perseverance he has shown in so soon bringing the matter to light. The Inspector remained at Woodville in order to obtain if possible still further evidence. An investigation will be held before the Resident Magistrate, when other evidence will be adduced prior to finally committing the prisoner to trial.
We learn that the Premier intends visiting Hawke’s Bay immediately after the close of the session; also, that Mr Knight, known in connection with the Repudiation Office, is anxiously engaged in the formation of a committee for the purpose of welcoming Sir George Grey at a public dinner in Napier. It must be generally admitted that the matter could not be left in more appropriate hands.
At the annual meeting of the Hawke’s Bay County Council on Wednesday, H. S. Tiffen, Esq, the Chairman, was unanimously re-elected to the office, members speaking highly of his success, Mr Torr proposing that a set of plate should be presented him. The consideration of the testimonial was adjourned, but a resolution of thanks was passed. Mr Arthur Beecroft was appointed poundkeeper at Hastings in the place of Mr Goodwin. After the consideration of other business, and notices of motion being given, the Council adjourned.
A meeting of persons interested in the foundation of a dramatic Club in connection with the Working Men’s Club was held on Monday evening last in the Library room of that institution. It was decided to form a Dramatic Club, and officers were appointed.
At a meeting of the Indian Famine Fund Committee, it was resolved to adjourn for a fortnight, and during that time to get all subscriptions paid in, and the accounts audited.
Mr. Kinross has called at our office to say, that although there are some printer’s mistakes in our report of his remarks at the meeting of the Harbor Board on Tuesday, it is on the whole pretty accurate, and does not differ much from the Herald’s report. The mistakes are obvious, such as “he for one had no reason for failure,” in place of “he saw no reason for failure.” “When it ceased operations” should be “when we commenced operations,” and two lines further down “has widened” is placed for “had widened.” Mr. Kinross acknowledges having glanced curiously at the Herald’s article, but the impression left on his mind after perusal was that the editor took a desponding view of the prospects of the port.
On Wednesday, at noon, in the presence of a small but appreciative audience, Robert Stuart, Esq., was duly proclaimed by the Returning Officer as Mayor of the Borough of Napier.
We understand that Mr T. R. Cooper, the architect, is engaged in making plans for the re-erection of the Masonic Hotel at Gisborne, after the style of the Napier Masonic Hotel, making it one of the finest and largest in the colony. Tenders for the erection of the building will be shortly called for.
There are still further changes being made in the proprietorship of hotels in Hawke’s Bay. The other day we mentioned that Mr. Toop had become the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Port Ahuriri, and now we learn that the hotel he now keeps at Farndon has come into the hands of Mr. Scott, of the Kaikora Hotel, the Kaikora Hotel having been taken by Mr. Stock, late of Vinsen and Stock, Napier. We also learn that Mr. Scrivener, of Napier, has taken the Foresters Arms now in the occupation of Mr. M. Hayden, and will take possession on the 15th of next month.
A committee meeting of the Waipawa Presbyterian Church was held in the Oddfellows Hall on Tuesday, the Rev. J M. Fraser in the chair. Among the varions [various] subjects brought before them, it was agreed to have a concert about the middle of December for the benefit of the Church, when it is expected that several popular singers, ladies and gentlemen will assist.
The sale at Hastings on Tuesday, held by Messrs Routledge Kennedy and Co., was fairly well attended. The furniture was first put up, and realised tolerably good price. The house and an acre of land was next offered, and bought in for £550. A three-quarter acre was then sold for £160; another quarter-acre realised £97 10s. The latter belonging to Mr Jackson, who also sold his household furniture &c.
The bell cast at Wellington for the Napier town clock was weighed the other day, and found to be 496lbs, This is, we are informed the largest town clock bell in the colony.
We learn that the Union S.S. Company contemplates, as early as convenient, placing one of their powerful steamers on a new line starting from Dunedin by Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Auckland, thence to Fijis and Sydney, returning to Dunedin by the same route.
The Rotorua left Sydney on Wednesday for Auckland via East Coast to Dunedin, and will likely bring down the Napier portion of the San Francisco mail, due in Auckland on Saturday.
We learn from Waipukurau that a fierce fire was on Wednesday and Thursday raging in the bush at Takapau. Mr Miller has sent men forward to prevent as little damage as possible to the railway bridges.[Since the above was in type, we learn there is no danger attending the railway bridge. There was some fear expressed when our informant left that Mr. Drowers’ sawmill was in danger.]
The “Stranger’s Gallery” of the Resident Magistrate’s Court was nearly full on Thursday, as a great field day was expected, but the public left disappointed. Inspector Scully asked that the case against the proprietor of the Terminus Hotel should be dismissed, owing to the principal witness being a lad whose testimony might now be disputed. He would give other reasons if placed in the witness-box. Mr. Lascelles pointed out that this was the third time the case had come before the Court, causing vexation and expense to Mr. James, his client. His Worship said in cases where the police prosecuted, it would be well for them to have everything prepared. Inspector Scully said this would have been the case had he not been called away on an important public duty. His Worship then dismissed the case. – The case against McMillan, for larceny, was postponed until next day, as was also one against a man named McDonald for unlawfully assaulting a Maori woman on the 23rd instant. At the request of Mr. Cornford, who said the cases for the defence had been placed in the hands of Mr Lee, and he was unable to be present.
We are authorised to state that the consecration of the Rev. Mr Stuart to the Bishopric of Waiapu will take place in St. John’s Church, Napier, on Sunday week, the 9th of December, a letter to that effect having been received by the Rev. H. W. St Hill from the Primate.
The Inspector of Nuisances has now determined to put a stop to the open drain nuisance in Hastings-street, which has so long offended the nostrils of the public. Mr Williams being acquainted with the spots where the drains ran caused men to dig down and block them up, the result being that the open drain in Hastings-street is now dry; but still it will be necessary to find how the nuisance arises, and the step now taken will force the Council to adopt the proposition of sinking salt water wells for drainage purposes, or take such other steps as may be deemed necessary.
At the sale of the surplus store ex Mataura, the attendance was very good, and spirited competition took place. The only article that did not realise anything like its value was the flour; fortunately, there was only a small quantity. The sale was conducted by Routledge, Kennedy and Co., at Messrs Watt Brothers’ wool stores.
Mr H. F. Towle, who visited Napier as pianist of the Lydia Howarde Company, and afterwards as musical director of a Minstrel Company, has been appointed organist to one of the churches in Christchurch.
Art Unions are fashionable for this forth coming Christmas and New Year’s season. Besides others publicly notified, Messrs Langley and Newman offer a furniture one, in which they will give away 90 prizes. Two hundred and fifty members are required at one guinea each, the drawing taking place on New Year’s Eve. Messrs Large and Townley offer prizes in the shape of olegraphs, in gilt frames, chromo-lithographs, &c., there being two hundred and fifty members at one guinea each. Last, but not least, comes our old Christmas Eve friend, Mr Thos. Morrison, watchmaker, of Hastings-street. He offers twenty-five substantial prizes of valuable watches and jewellery, a list of which is advertised.
Church of England service will be held (D.V.) on Sunday next, the 2nd inst., at St. Luke’s, Havelock, at 11 a.m.; at St. Matthew’s, Hastings, at 3.30 p.m.; and at St. Mark’s, Clive, At 7 p.m.
November 28.
At the meeting of the Council held today, Mr Levy was the only member absent.
A question was raised as to whether the Chairman or Clerk should be first elected.
It was moved by Cr. Rathbone, and seconded by Cr. Lawrence, that the first business of the meeting is to elect a Chairman.
This was lost by the casting vote of the Chairman.
Crs. Lawrence, Rathbone, and Herrick then left, and there was no quorum.
November 29.
The annual meeting of the Council was held yesterday. The Council sat from noon to 6.30.
A cordial vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman for the able and assiduous manner in which he filled the chair for the past term of office. He was absent at the meeting, but was re-elected. It is doubtful if he will accept.
The Council passed a resolution drawing attention of the Government that this Country possessed no representative at the Napier Waste Lands Board.
Tenders are to be called for printing and advertising for 1878.
Tenders are also to be called for making a road from Mohaka to Tongoio. The remainder of the roads are to be repaired by day labor.
The boundaries of the Ridings have been altered for the next general election as follows: – Mohaka, 3 members; Wairoa, 3 members; Waikaremoana, 3 members.
The Government are to be asked to appoint some local auditor, as the accounts have not yet been audited by the Government auditor; also a host of miscellaneous business.
Both steamers left at 11 o’clock this morning.
November 29.
The Divorce Court has occupied yesterday and to-day in the case of Cooley versus Cooley, and Murtagh co-respondent. The parties live at the Hutt, but both Cooley and Murtagh, especially the latter, are well known in Napier. The husband never suspected his wife’s infidelity until she confessed it she was pregnant with a child by Murtagh. She made a similar confession to his mother and other people. The defence is that the confession was obtained under threats for the purpose of obtaining money from Murtagh.
November 28.
Sailed – Rangatira for Napier, at 3 p.m., yesterday. Passengers – Messrs. Carly, Nelson, Clemmil, Dalby, and Murphy.
It will be seen from an advertisement in our advertising columns that Mr. R. H. Robinson has commenced business at the bottom of Hastings-street, in front of Mr. Corbett’s Photographic Studio, on the cash principle. There is no doubt it will prove a success, as he guarantees to give articles sold in the ordinary way of trade at 26/6 for 20/. This is a direct saving of 6/6 in the pound, and should induce every one to pay him a visit and judge for themselves. – [ADVT.]
We have too large a Stock of Gent’s White Shirts, Hats, Silk Scarfs, and Linen Collars, therefore must clear at once. – Leonard and Co. – [ADVT.]
In reply to Captain Russell, Mr Fisher said the Government would cause inquiries to be made as to the advisability of an overland mail service twice a week between Napier and Clyde.
In reply to Mr Sutton, Sir G. Grey said the Government intended to place on the Supplementary Estimates a sum for the erection of hospitals in various places, and the claims of Napier would be favorably considered.
Mr Wilson was yesterday afternoon raised to the Legislative Council by a message from the Governor. Great efforts to keep it dark have been made, and the Government party contradicted the report, but I procured it from a most reliable source.
Mr Ormond referring to Mr Sheehan’s declaration of policy, said he had stolen the policy of the late Ministry without acknowledgement. He had said his connection with native appeals were confined to Hawke’s Bay, which was true enough, but his connection with the Repudiation Society was something more than the mere relation of a lawyer’s clerk and the ramifications of a society extended over the whole of the North Island. It had done a great deal of mischief, which it would be difficult to counteract now he was in office, but it was to be hoped he would be successful. He next referred to the utterances of Messrs. Grey and Sheehan when out of office to show their inconsistency with the declaration of the native policy. He spoke highly of the native schools in Napier, both Protestant and Catholic, especially the latter. As to the reforms in the Native Department, they were all inaugurated and arranged by the late Government. While he did not approve of land purchases in the past, he disputed Messrs. Sheehan’s statement that value had not been obtained for money spent. Much more, however, might have been obtained, for it was undeniable that a large expenditure had taken place to serve political ends, but Parliament was primarily responsible for this. He quoted figures to show that last year the Department was much better managed than previously. On some blocks of uncompleted purchases heavy sums would have to be paid, but in the vast majority the sales were nearly complete and would not require very large expenditure, though to House would undoubtedly have to grant further sums of money. He believed that it was true no leases were completed. The truth was that they were entered into for purely political ends to keep back Te Kooti when he was troublesome, but when the leases were completed the money would be recouped. The late Government had also, before going out of office, given instructions to stop all Government purchases, and had taken steps to secure better control over the native officers’ department. He referred to other points to show that his policy and Mr Sheehan’s were identical. He regretted that Mr Whitaker’s Native Land Court Bill had been withdrawn, but thought it was a greater mistake to discharge the Suspension Bill, which would have stopped the operations of large land-sharks. He opposed the increase of special native representation on the basis proposed by Mr Sheehan. While special representation existed they should not have votes for ordinary representation. In Napier the effect of this was severely felt, and the Maoris always voted in a block. He concluded by highly complimenting Mr Sheehan on his conduct since in office.
Mr Sutton did not see why the Bill under discussion should not be applied to private purchases and suggested a minor amendment or two, but supported the measure as a whole.
Mr Sheehan replied to Mr Ormond acknowledging that the principles of the policy were the same, but pointing out differences. He admitted that the late native administration was vastly superior to Sir D. McLeans’s, because the latter had so much to do that he could not look to detail. When relinquishing Government land purchases and announcing other reforms, Mr Whitaker distinctly said that it was a concession to the other side, specially mentioning him by name, so that it was really their policy. He denied that he had ever changed his opinions. The policy of the late Ministry was merely one of expediency, the Native Lands Court and Suspension Bills differing as widely as the North and South poles. Mr Whitaker’s proposals for special representation of natives would have given them fourteen members, and he thought his plan much better for the Europeans. Next session he would introduce a Native Lands Court Bill, distributed before the House met, so as to give the country an opportunity of fully examining it. He concluded by complimenting Mr Ormond on his exceedingly gentlemanly and moderate speech.
The Bill was then read a second time.
The House adjourned at 11.10.
Mr. Sheehan stated, in reference to the Napier Swamp Nuisance Act, that he had tried to devise means for introducing an Amendment Act, and had come to the conclusion that the only way to do so was by suspending the Standing Orders. He should therefore next day move that this be done, so that the Bill might be introduced. He hoped both sides of the House would consent to this, as the matter was one of great importance to Napier, both from a monetary and sanitary point of view. The other business was of no public interest.
In the Legislative Council, before proceeding to the business of the day, John Nathaniel Wilson, of Napier, Hawkes Bay district, was sworn in as a member of the Council. He was introduced by the Hons. Colonel Whitmore and H. R. Russell, and having signed the affirmation took his seat.
Napier Swamp Act Passed.
3 p.m.
The Standing Orders were suspended on the motion of Mr. Sheehan, and the Napier Swamp Bill Continuing Act for two years passed all its stages.
Opening of Mohaka Telegraph Office.
We received the following telegram from our own correspondent at Mohaka at 3 p.m. on Thursday, it being the first telegram sent from Mohaka: – “The Rapid is outside. The Telegraph Office is just open. Kind regards from the people of Mohaka to their fellow colonists in Napier.”
Two hundred dozen Ladies’ Collars, Cuffs, and Setts of the Newest Styles. – Leonard and Co. – [ADVT.]
Shipping Intelligence.
23 – Manaia. p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Miss Higgins, Messrs Smith, Poiser, Gray, Dr. Houghton and 4 natives.
23 – Taupo, s.s., from the South. Passengers – Mesdames Knowles and Rathbone, Misses Constable and Knowles, Messrs Johnson, Millar, Knowles, Rathbone, Isaacs, Saunders, Maney, Pearce, Carter, Goldsmith, Cameron, Hodgehant, Kennedy, and Bartleman.
24 – Rangatira, s.s., from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mrs Tatham and child, Messrs Phillips, Hill, Faulknor, Dugdale, Leonard, Turner, Edney, and 8 Maoris, including 1 prisoner.
24 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa.
24 – H.M.S. Sappho, from Wellington.
26 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Miss Buckland, Messrs Petersen and Hendry.
26 – Rapid cutter, from Mohaka.
26 – Minnie Hare, schooner, from Hokianga
27 – Fairy, s.s., from Mahia.
28 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington via the Coast. One passenger.
28 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Jobberns, Randle, Ford, Weller, Wright, Targatt, Clency, and 9 steerage.
28 – Opotiki, schooner, from Poverty Bay.
22 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Wilson and two children, Messrs Berry, Roach, Norris, Anderson, Pearce, Dugdale, Johnson, Wilkinson, and 4 original.
23 – Taupo, s.s., for Poverty Bay, Tauranga and Auckland. Passengers – Mesdames Singleton, Buller and child, Graham and 2 children, Misses Skeet, Wylie (2), and Williams, Messrs. Ebbertt, Carter, Edwards, Oleson, Mahoney, Watkins, Fletcher, Irvine, R. Price, S. R. Dransfield, J. Watt, H. E. Mann, R. Sime, Leslie, Hamlin, and several others.
24 – H.M.S. Sappho, for Fiji Islands.
24 – Elizabeth Curle, schooner, for Pelorus Sound.
24 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Wordsworth, Mrs Davis, Miss Dickson, Messrs Ford, Madden, Runnell, Judge, Martin, Thomas, Skelly, Pearson, Constable, Whitehead, Moon, Drake, Meade, Arthur, Pribble, Turner, and Edney.
24 – Venus, ketch, for Mercury Bay.
25 – Fairy, s.s., for Whangawehi.
27 – Mataura, ship, for Wellington.
27 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Four passengers.
28 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs. Maney, Fraser, Lloyd, Craig, Mackenzie, Glass, Adair, and a few others.
28 – Rapid, cutter, for Mohaka.
28 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Auckland. Passengers – Two steerage.
28 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs Locke, Kelly, Owen, Large, Evans, and Willis.
The s.s Taupo, Captain Carey, arrived at the anchorage early on Friday, and was immediately tendered by the Bella and her passengers landed. Her cargo was lightered by the Three Brothers, which was towed out by the Bella that morning. When just outside of Wellington, the Taupo was in company with H.M.S. Sappho. The latter vessel then signalled the following message, and requested the Press Agency to wire it all over the colony: -“Future port, bound to Fiji Islands: beginning of January, Navigation Islands.”
The p.s. Manaia arrived early on Friday from Wairoa, having come down under easy steam. She brings 13 passengers, and 20 bales of wool.
The s.s. Rangatira left on Thursday for Gisborne. In going out she slightly touched. On returning from the steamer, the Pilot had a depth of nine feet of water on the Bar, but it must be borne in mind that the channel was at its best, it being spring, and consequently tides rising a little higher.
The s.s. Rangatira returned from Poverty Bay early on Saturday, having had fine weather both ways. Her outward passengers, of which there was a large number, went off on the Bella at 11 o’clock. She had a cargo of 300 sacks maize, 30 packages sundries, and 2 boxes silver coin.
The s.s. Taupo, Capt. Carey, left on Friday evening for Poverty Bay and Northern Ports.
H.M. steam sloop Sappho paid us a flying visit on Saturday, just having called in to receive further instruction from the Government. Mr Henderson, second lieutenant, was ashore for about an hour. Our readers will recollect that the Sappho was here two years ago, and on one of the days (Sunday), she was visited be a large number of inhabitants of Napier. The officers on board are the same as on her last visit, and were all sorry that their stay was so short this time.
The schooner Elizabeth Carle left on Saturday for Pelorus sound.
The s.s. Result returned from Wairoa early on Saturday, with a cargo of wool, 78 bales of which she put aboard the Helen Denny.
Both the Helen Denny and Dragon are fast filling up with outward cargo. We hear the former will take home a few cabin passengers.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, left Auckland on Saturday last, at 1 o’clock, arriving here at half-past eleven on Monday, after a fine weather passage. She was promptly boarded by the Pilot, and brought to the outer wharf, Captain Holmes having just saved the tide. She landed all her live stock last trip without the loss of an animal. On this present down trip she has 80 tons of general cargo, being principally transhipments ex Bella Mary from Hobart Town, and Otaki from London. She will return to Auckland on or about Wednesday with a cargo of fat stock shipped by Mr. R. Kelly, of Poverty Bay. Passed two schooners coming up the Bay, but too far off to distinguish them properly. Captain Holmes informs us that the new steamer Mohaka, intended for the Napier and Mohaka trade, was successfully launched at Auckland last Saturday, and will be ready to leave in about a fortnight. She will be commanded by Captain Smith, of the Manaia, and Mr. Petersen, late chief officer of the Southern Cross, has left the latter steamer to take charge of the Manaia. Mr. Eccles has succeeded Mr. Petersen.
The cutter Rapid has had a quick run from Mohaka, having left there on Monday. She has a cargo of wool and maize.
The s.s. Fairy took out with her a load of wool for the Dragon on Monday, and then left for the Coast for wool.
The schooner Minnie Hare is from Hokianga, with a load of timber for the Harbor Works. In crossing the eastward side of the bar, the schooner, although drawing barely eight feet, grazed slightly; but after crossing, and when 200 feet inside the westward works, and in mid channel, she hung for about five minutes. Fortunately it was half flood tide, and a fair wind.
The s.s Fairy returned from Mahia on Tuesday, with a cargo of flour.
The ship Mataura, Captain Brown, left on Tuesday for Wellington. The Pilot got her underweigh about 10 o’clock, and with the breeze she had was soon clear of the Bluff. In weighing the anchor, it was seen the cable had parted: fortunately, the anchored is buoyed, and there will be not difficulty in picking it up. Captain Brown informs us he expects to be away from Napier about three weeks.
The Manaia and Result left on Tuesday, the former for Mohaka and Wairoa, the latter for Wairoa and Whakahi. Amongst the passengers by the Manaia we noticed Mr. Lloyd, Telegraph Inspector, and his assistant, going to complete the telegraph station at Mohaka.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Captain Holmes, took in a valuable lot of cattle on Wednesday consisting of 13 young draught horses, 42 head of prime fat cattle, including the fat prize bullock at the late Cattle Show, also 60 merino ram hoggetts, and 250 fat wethers. The steamer left about 11 o’clock.
The anchor left in the Bay by the Mataura will be picked up either by the Rangatira or Kiwi, and taken to Wellington.
The Omaha leaves Auckland for the Chatham Islands on Thursday, the 6th December.
The Mataura, hence on Tuesday night, was passed by the Kiwi on Wednesday off the Kidnappers, and by the Rangatira off Pourerere later the same day.
The s.s Kiwi, Capt. Campbell, arrived in the bay early on Wednesday, and was immediately brought to the outer wharf, when she discharged her cargo, being principally transhipped in English vessels. On this trip, Capt. Campbell found it impossible to call at Castle Point, so he came on to Napier. Since the Kiwi was last here she has made an intermediate trip to Castle Point and back to Wellington with wool.
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt. Evans, arrived in the bay on Wednesday from Wellington, and was immediately tendered by the Bella. The passengers and mails were landed and embarked. Before proceeding to Poverty Bay (having missed the tide here) she put on board the lighter Esk 245 kegs of blasting powder, which was landed and taken to the magazine. The Rangatira had tolerably head wind and fine weather most of the passage.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 16th December.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Saturday, 15th December, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters via San Francisco will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers at 8 p.m. on Saturday, the 15th December.
For Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, and Takapau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 p.m.; on other days of the week, at 6.30 a.m.
For Norsewood, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Tahoarite [Tahoraite], Woodville, Masterton, Greytown, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington, and Southern Provinces, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.50 a.m.
For Motuotaria, Wallingford, and Porangahau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Wainui and Castle Point, on Mondays, at 5.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
SHORTHAND. – Many thanks. If you would call and transcribe portions of the original you would oblige.
CLAYTON. – At his residence, Gisborne, Poverty Bay, on Thursday, the 15th November, the wife of Mr H. Clayton, of a son.
VILLERS. – On the 19th of November, at Ormond, the wife of Mr John Villers, of a son.
WILLIAMS. – At Milton-road, Napier, on the 22nd November, the wife of N. Williams, of a son.
LYNN. – At Hastings, on 24th November, the wife of I. Lynn, of a son.
SNELLING – At her residence, Tennyson-street, on the 26th November, the wife of Mr. S. A. Snelling, of a daughter.
BOWLER – COLDICUTT. – On November 19, at Gisborne, Poverty Bay, Alexander, youngest son of the late W. Bowler, Esq., of Wellington, to Edith Florence Coldicutt.
WHITE. – At Exmere, Te Aute, on Nov. 17th, Reginald Franklin, youngest son of J. Franklin White, aged 7 months.
BISHOP. – At Hastings, on the 23rd November, Sydney Thomas, infant son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bishop, aged 13 weeks.
THERE would appear to be a deadlock in the County Council of Waipawa. On Wednesday three members left the Council, and prevented business being transacted solely because it had been decided to elect a Clerk of the Council prior to electing a Chairman. We believe that the minority acted hastily and without due thought. In the first place it is not a matter of necessity that a Chairman should be elected until next year; and, secondly, the minority had no right to dictate, that unless the party they desired to be elected to the office of Clerk be chosen, they would stop all public business. Their action was childish in the extreme, and the only solution of the whole matter appears to us to be a DISSOLUTION, and an appeal to the constituencies. In the present temper of the various members of the Council, it would appear that they cannot work heartily together for the benefit of the district, and, this being so, in justice not only to themselves and their constituents, the most open and manly course for them to adopt is the one we now suggest. We believe it would be for the benefit of all concerned. Unfortunately for the Council, its proceedings have not inspired public confidence, it has been unlucky in the choice of its officials, one having to be dismissed, and another appearing in a public Court on the serious charge of larceny. A change is required, and the people, after the experience of the past, should be the best judges how to make the desired alteration.
ACCORDING to our Parliamentary correspondents’s telegram of Mondays proceedings in the House, it would appear that the General Estimates have finally passed, but we presume the Supplementary Estimates have yet to go into Committee, and as it is in these Mr Ormond placed the amount for the bridge across Port Ahuriri, the debate on them will be interesting to Napier people. The voting of £3000 to Sir Julius Vogel for his services in England to the colony was a graceful compliment. The vote appears to have been opposed by Mr Sheehan as a private member, as we notice one of his colleagues voted with the majority. There is every appearance now that the session will close next week, as all the principal business will be concluded, but still it is impossible to prophesy truly what a day may bring forth.
The Murder in the Forty-Mile Bush.
An inquest was held on the body of George Ollandt, on Monday, before Dr. Todd, Mr Joseph Sowry being foreman of the jury.
The inquest lasted twelve hours.
The first witness called was
Samuel Henry Kemp, who deposed: He is a labourer, residing at Woodville. He knew the prisoner. He had breakfast at the house on Friday. This was about 9 a.m. He settled up with the deceased by paying him 5s. He left the house shortly afterwards. After the body of the deceased was found, it was similarly dressed as when he left the house. Deceased had no coat on when he saw him alive. He returned to the house some time after he left it, but no one was within. He then went to Mr Monteith’s store, and on returning about one p.m. he went in by the front door and sat down. About half-an-hour afterwards, the prisoner came in and asked him if he had dined. He said, “No.” Prisoner replied. “Well we have had our dinner long ago.” He then went into the kitchen and he got his dinner. Shortly after Mr Monteith came in and made enquires for deceased. Prisoner replied. “George is in the bush splitting palings.” About an hour afterwards, the prisoner said that “George had taken away some tea to the bush.” Mr Reuben Collins came to the house with a load of bricks and made enquires for deceased. The prisoner said he was splitting palings in the bush and told him the spot. Mr Collins went and cooeyed for George, but got no answer. Witness then went out and left the prisoner in company with Mr Monteith and did not return for half-an-hour. He returned later, and heard palings drop, and then he asked if George had returned. He replied “No, George might have gone up to the settlement.” He did not appear anxious. Later, he said “George was an old fool to lose himself and if he did not come home by next morning, he would go and look for him.” Messrs Doney and Hawkins came in later, and put several questions to prisoner relative to the absence of the deceased. Later he went to bed. In the morning after breakfast, a search party was formed to look for deceased. We searched several places about the locality. Myself Hutchison, and Burns were together. We had to travel singly owing to the thickness of the bush. When we came to a clear place we separated. After a while a shout arose, “Oh! What a horrible sight.” He looked round but could see nothing of the deceased, but saw the prisoner, who seemed to come from another direction from where we were. Prisoner pointed to where the deceased lay, and he said in answer to a question that it was George. The bush was thick. The distance from where the witness was from the body was 64 feet. Mr Fountain [Fountaine] and Mr Peeble then arrived on the spot. They had to go close before they could see the body. He saw a piece cut off the nose of the deceased; his eye out of his head, and his mouth cut right across. He was lying on his back with his knees drawn up; a dice-box was on his breast covered with blood; a match box was at the foot of the tree, and when the prisoner lifted the body up, he noticed that he did not appear affected by the sight. He noticed the prisoner take a piece of candle from under the body. A tree at the spot was charred as if a candle had been placed there, and stuck between a supple-jack and the tree. There were dice in the box. The prisoner took what appeared to be a purse out of the pocket of the deceased a short time after. We all looked for traces of blood and footmarks, but found none. There was no appearance of a struggle on the spot. The body appeared to have been carried there. He was not surprised at the arrest of the prisoner.
The prisoner cross-examined this witness, but did not succeed in altering his evidence-in-chief: It was the prisoner who cried out “What a horrible sight.” The prisoner slept that night in the room occupied by George. He heard very soft footsteps about the house after witness had put out his light. He heard prisoner going in and out several times out of George’s bedroom. He did not hear prisoner turning over the leaves of a book. Prisoner said he did not sleep well on account of the mosquitoes in George’s room, and it was cold, not being lined.
John Dudeck was next sworn. He deposed he was a farmer. He stopped at the house that night. Prisoner said George was in the bush splitting shingles. He had looked for him but could not find him. Prisoner appeared perplexed. He heard the prisoner in George’s room. After breakfast next morning the prisoner went out, and on his return said humbly they had found George with his head smashed. He then borrowed a strap from witness and appeared confused.
The prisoner also cross-examined this witness.
John James Murphy deposed: He was a publican. On Friday last Mr Fountaine called and said George Ollandt was lost in the bush. After some conversation he and Mr Fountain left together and went to the Accommodation House. The prisoner asked if we were ready. We went to the stump where Ollandt was supposed to work. He saw on the stump a coat, two pipes, a knife, and a pannikin with something like tea in it. He saw a maul with the handle broken off which Mr Fountain picked up and remarked that Ollandt must have gone for a maul handle and cut himself. Prisoner then went to a stump further off and showed where some palings were cut. We then went in further search and prisoner took us over tracks until we reached a sawpit. [The witness here described a long route which the prisoner took him.] Prisoner told us the deceased had taken away the bill-hook from the house. At length they came on the corpse. The witness described the appearance of the body similar to the first witness, but said he found the leaf of a book called the Free Church Magazine near the body. When Constable Farmer arrived, he saw him examine the articles produced. The corpse was removed to the Accommodation House. The prisoner
was calm, cool, and collected. The body did not appear to have been there longer than 24 hours.
Susan Davey gave evidence as to the prisoner asking her to take charge of the body. About a month ago she was present when the prisoner and deceased quarrelled. George said he regretted he had ever anything to do with the place or the prisoner. The prisoner straightened himself up, and said, “You won’t regret it long, you old b_.” “He clenched his fist, and ground his teeth, and stared wildly.”
Cross-examined by prisoner: I have not exaggerated your appearance on that day. You never told me George was dead until I asked for him. You bent over the saddle and appeared to be laughing.
Thomas Francis Fountain gave lengthy evidence similar in purport to that of Mr Murphy. He had business with the prisoner, and had often heard him say he hated the sight of the deceased. A strong dislike existed between them both, but strongly on prisoner’s side. The last time he expressed the feeling of dislike was about six weeks ago. The prisoner showed no signs of fear or distress when he saw the body.
Charles Bevan was then sworn, and gave evidence as to the long route the prisoner took them when in search of the deceased. His evidence quite corroborated that of previous witnesses. On Thursday night he heard the prisoner say, “What a lark about George being lost in the bush, and how excited he will be,” George was a waiter, and prisoner a baker.
John Penfold deposed that he saw deceased going out that morning. He had nothing on his horse. He had no pannikin. Prisoner was peeling potatoes when he called to serve them with milk. – Picton deposed he saw the prisoner coming from the direction where the palings were split. He heard the prisoner cooey. He spoke to him, and said he had cooeyed. He was carrying palings. He saw no one working in that direction that day. If anyone was working there, he was sure to have heard them.
Cross-examined by Prisoner: You did not say you were cooeying for George. He was not asleep during the day. On Tuesday he saw some one working in the bush, and supposed it was the deceased.
Charles Doney corroborated the evidence of the first witness at what occurred in the Accommodation House.
John Farmer, deposed: I am a constable stationed at Tahorite [Tahoraiti]. On Friday the 23rd of November, 1877, prisoner come to me at Tahorite and told me that a man was found in the bush at Woodville dead, he said it was George Ollandt. I asked him whereabouts in the bush, he informed me, and said one of his eyes was out and that his face was cut. I proceeded to the place at once. As soon as I came to the Accommodation House, I saw some people who showed me where the body was lying in the bush. I examined the body and found there was a large cut across the mouth, one of his eyes was out, a large piece of skin torn from over the eyebrow, apparently gauged. I found a dice box covered with blood on the deceased’s breast, a box of matches of a mixed description (blue and red), also a piece of candle, a leaf of a book from the free Methodist quarterly magazine. I saw a tree near the body charred as if from the flame of candle. The deceased’s knees were bent. He was lying on his back, his head a little inclined to the left, his boots were clean. I saw a stick over deceased’s head which had the appearance of being smeared with blood. I searched the body and found two pocket handkerchiefs and 6d in the pockets. On getting the body removed from the bush, there is a place where some one had been working cutting pailings. I found the coat (produced), two pipes, one knife, and a pannikin of tea on a stump. The pocket book was in the coat pocket containing some stamps. There was a maul and an axe about where deceased was supposed to have been working. I then removed the body of deceased to his own home. I looked through the house but did not disturb anything. There was a party searching the bush. I got Mr Murphy to send a messenger to Palmerston, which he did, for aid. I came to Murphy’s Hotel, enquiring if Constable Gillespie had arrived. They said yes. This was Saturday morning, and that he had gone to have a lay down. I asked the prisoner how long since he had saw his mate? He said Saturday morning about noon, and said it looked very suspicious, or words to that effect. Constable Gillespie and I arrested him for murder. I cautioned him in the usual way. I brought him to the hotel and got a room. On Saturday morning the prisoner informed me that he had found the billhook, and he pointed it out to me in the kitchen. I did not see the billhook. We turned everything over in the house, especially in George’s room, and found a lot of things, among them a shirt which was much torn. I found a bag with a few blood stains on it. There were four towels in George’s room. The prisoner showed us where there was a cheque for £16, one £5 note, 2 sovereigns, 3 ones, and 3d, also 19 coppers. This money was found in George’s room. I had a party looking over the place all Saturday, but could find nothing that would lead to the case. Three dice were also found in deceased’s room. I found the corresponding portion of the magazine that was found at the body of the deceased, at the hones[house]. It is the next leaf. The place was pointed out to me where George was supposed to have been working in the bush.
Cross-examined by prisoner: I left Tahoraite before you did, as you waited for dinner. You gave me your horse to ride to Woodville, having overtaken me. On the road we exchanged horses and saddles. I took nothing off your saddle. There was a water-proof coat tied to my saddle. I tied up your horse to the wheel of a cart by your directions on my arrival at Woodville. The coat was on the saddle when I left the horse tied up. I did not search or disturb anything prior to the arrival of Constable Gillespie from Palmerston [North] on Saturday. You pointed out the bill-hook some time before he arrived. After you were arrested we found a purse, some money, and some matches. I did not notice any blood on the handkerchief.
John Gillespie: I am a constable A.C. Force, stationed at Palmerston. I heard the evidence of last witness. I received information on Friday night from the police that a murder had been committed in the bush and was requested to come to Woodville at once. I arrived at Woodville early on Saturday morning. I went to the house where deceased was lying and met Constable Farmer. I asked him the particulars of the case. I went in and viewed the body and I saw the prisoner writing in one of the rooms on the left as you entered. I spoke to him, said “Good morning.” He only nodded his head. I then went into the kitchen. Previous to going in I asked Constable Farmer if he suspected any one. He said it was a mysterious case, he hardly knew what to think of it, and it looked curious towards the prisoner. The prisoner then came into the kitchen. I asked him a few questions, among them if he knew anything about this matter. He said “No, it was a very mysterious affair.” He told me he last saw his mate alive about 9.30 or 10 a.m. on Thursday at the back of the kitchen. He said he went to look for his mate about dusk in the evening where he was supposed to have been working, and not being able to find him, he said he had been employed during the day about his house doing his usual work and that his mate was knocking about the place. From the prisoner’s actions and appearance I arrested him on suspicion. I cautioned him in the usual way, searched him, and took a purse containing 4 £1 notes, 1 sovereign, 7s 9d in silver, some stamps, receipt and postage. The prisoner requested that some one should remain in charge of the house. He stated that there was a sum of money in the bedroom he wished the police to take charge of; which, I did. I went back and made a search. I found the coat produced in the prisoner’s house. It had some marks of blood on it. I then went to the place where the body had been, and returned to the accommodation house and made another search. I found the three dice wrapped up in a piece of paper, – a leaf of a magazine. All the things found have been handed over to Constable Farmer.
Cross-examined by prisoner: You had an anxious unsettled look about you on Saturday when I saw you. It was very difficult to get anything out of you, except by questions. You showed no fear when I arrested you. I am sure I do not know if that was a villainous appearance. You look more haggard now than when arrested. I never arrested a prisoner before on a charge of murder. I have arrested thieves. Sometimes they showed no fear. He seemed to think that the murder was a mysterious affair. I cautioned him in the usual form. He volunteered no statement likely to clear the matter up.
Cross examined by prisoner: A quantity of blood would be found near the body where the act was perpetrated. I think the wounds were caused by a bill hook. The piece of missing flesh was taken away by an instrument like a knife. The murder was committed by some sharp instrument.
The jury returned the following verdict: – “That the prisoner Hans Thompson, did murder George Ollandt at Woodville on or about last Thursday, the 22nd November, 1877.”
The following is the traffic return for the four weeks ending 20th October, 1877: –
1st Class 2,080
2nd Class 4,057
Total 6,137
GOODS, – T. C. Q.
Wool 44 0 0
Grain 40 0 0
Merchandise 429 0 0
Sawn Timber 530 0 0
Minerals 331 0
Total 1,374.0.0
Horse and Cattle 47
Sheep, Pigs, &c. 168
Total 215
RECEIPTS, – £ s. d.
Passengers, Parcels, &c. 1,109 17 0
Goods and Live Stock 642 1 4
Total Revenue £1,751 18 4
The total amount received for the corresponding month of last year was £1,641 14s 7d.
Nov. 30. – Dunedin Spring.
Dec. 26, 27. – Hokitika Summer.
26. – Auckland Summer.
Feb. 7, 8. – Wellington Annual.
14, 15. – Wairarapa (Wellington).
20, 21. – Marlborough Annual.
28, March 1, 2. – Dunedin Annual.
The question is being asked in Napier, why no announcement has yet been made regarding the Hawke’s Bay Annual Races.
WEDNESDAY, November 28.
The annual meeting of the above Council was held in the Court-house, Waipawa.
Present – Councillors Mackersey (Chairman), Rathbone, Monteith, Johnston, Herrick, and Lawrence.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
On the question being raised as to whether the Chairman or Clerk should first be elected.
Councillor Rathbone moved, and Cr. Lawrence seconded, “That the first business of the meeting is to elect a Chairman.”
For the motion: Crs. Lawrence, Herrick, and Rathbone. Against: Crs. Johnston, Monteith, Mackersey.
The Chairman gave his casting vote against the motion, and it was consequently lost.
Cr. Rathbone entered a protest against the resolution as being irregular.
Crs. Rathbone, Herrick, and Lawrence then left the room.
The business then terminated, there not being a quorum present.
There are ten applications for the office of County Clerk.
FRIEND, GREETING, – I wish you to circulate my ideas both in English and Maori languages so that persons of sense may see it. Friends, my reason for circulating my ideas is to show you the Native Lands Act that I saw in the European newspaper. That Act was framed to swallow up the land belonging to the native tribes. I am vexed about this Act. The purport of this Act is to put the Inferior native on an equality with the Chief with lands, and put him on an equal footing with his superior. Friends, the concoctors of this Act, listen to our native ideas. This idea of ours is not a new one, but descended from our ancestors down to the present time. Our notions according to the Maori customs the Chiefs are the only people that have the power over the lands, over the people, over property, over food, over good and bad principles, over fighting, peace, and everything.
Listen! If a great disturbance should arise, a word from a chief is sufficient to end the matter at once; although they may be peaceably inclined, and a chief says, let enmity exist, and it is so. The inferior natives have never been invested with power, as their chiefs. It was the chiefs and not the inferior natives who handed the lands over to the Europeans, and now they say that the inferior natives must be placed on an equality with their chiefs, and on the same equality, with regard to lands and monies, I should like to know where the land is that belongs to the inferior natives.
Friends! what a very trumpery Land Act is that which was drawn up by Governor Grey’s lawyer. What a very bad Act that is. I told Henare Tomoana to overthrow the Act, as I had seen it in print, and had it translated into the Maori language. Henry replied that what I had stated was false; I replied, “you had better not say that what I have stated was false, as I have the Act, and have had it translated into the Maori language.”
I then sent a telegram to Governor Grey in Wellington asking him to throw out this bad Native Lands Act of Mr. Rees. Sir George Grey replied, Renata, “you are under a misapprehensions. This Act was the work of the lawyers, but leave it to me and I will look into the wording of the Act, and I will reply by telegram, should there be any part of the Act that I do not think will answer I will see and put it right.” I did think of replying to his telegram, but after second thoughts I deemed it advisable not to do so, as he would not have the power to throw out the Act, that was drawn up by his lawyers who have placed him in the position he now holds.
At the meeting held at Te Hauke, near Te Aute, it was resolved to overthrow the late Government and to have a fresh one, and that some chiefs should be chosen to frame laws for both races, and see if we could not frame some new Acts whereby both races would be content.
There is another evil that I wish to explain through my letter and it is as bad as the Native Lands’ Act that I have already referred to, that is, that the principles on which the Wananga is conducted are very bad in my estimation. The tendency of its work is to inveigle us; its working is indeed shameful. It takes good care to publish only things that it’s supporters bounce over so that the native tribes may see it; but the Native Lands Act (Ture) by which we would be wronged it takes care not to publish. The reason this Act has not been published up to the present time is apparently to let the matter pass, and then let it eat up the land and people, so that when it had passed the teeth of their act would have fastened into the people and their lands. It would be no use their crying out, as alas! the teeth had got a firm hold. When I saw a copy of that Act I had it translated, by which means I obtained the knowledge of the contents of that swindling Act. Then the Wananga’s were astounded and ashamed because I had detected them. Perhaps they will again soon work at something similar, as that is the sort of work they delight in, as their great desire is money. Instead of working for the good of the colony, and the prosperity and welfare of all, they refrain from publishing it in their Wananga. All they care about is to get money by some means out of people for their own use. These are indeed very bad principles. If the work was for good I would not grieve. All that I have seen is for evil. – I am, &c.,
Omahu, November 9, 1877.
[Ki te Etita o te TEIRE TERIKAWHI.]
E hoa tena koe me tuku e koe taku Panui i runga i o tatou reo e rua i te reo Pakeha i te reo Maori hei titiro ma nga tangata Mohio whai whakaaro i runga i te whakaaro pai.
E hoa ma te take o taku Panui he whakaaro naku kia whaka atu au Kia Koutou mo te Ture i Ketea e au i roto i nga Nupepa Pakeha ko tana Ture he mea hanga hei kai i nga whenua a te iwi Maori ka nui taku riri ki taua Ture.
Ko te Kupu o taua Ture e ki ana me whaka rite tonu te ware ki te Rangatira me te whenna o te Rangatira kia rite tonu ki to te ware Kaua te Rangatira e neke ake i te mea iti o te tangata kia rite tonu ta raua haere i runga i nga mea katoa.
Whakarongo ki te puta he kina aha koa nui tana kino ka whaka puta nga Rangatira, kia mutu taua kino mutu tonu e kore e rua nga kupu mutu tonu te riri tetahi aha koa nui te pai ka ki te Rangatira me kino tatau kino tonu kai nga Rangatira anake te tikanga mo nga mea katoa. Kaere nei he tikanga o matau i nga tutua i nga ware no te mea kaore he mana i runga i a ratou i nga tangata ware Kaore rawa.
Na nga Rangatira te kupu kia kino kino tonu kia pai ka pai, kino Mahia he kai mahi tonu e Matau ana Koutou i naia nei.
Na nga Rangatira i hoatu te whenue mo te Pakeha e haro i nga kuare na nga Rangatira anaki ka tahi nei ka kiia, kia rite tonu nga ware me nga Rangatira, kia rite tonu te whenua kia rite tonu te moni ma nga Rangatira ma nga tutua, kai whea tona whenua.
Kai nga Rangatira anaki hoki te wahi paku o te whenua e toe nei.
E hoa ma ka nui te pohehe o te ture a nga Roia a Kawana Kerei ka nui te kino o tana ture i ki atu au kia Henare Tomoana kia whaka kore atu tanr [tane?] ture kua kitea hoki e au i te Nupepa Pakeha kua Whaka Maori tia ki au.
Ka tahi ka utua mai e Henare he tito taku korero ka utua atu e au tana kupu e hoa kati koe te ki mai ki au he tito taku korero e hoa kei au te ture, kua oti i au te Whaka Maori ka tahi au ka tuku waea korea atu taua ture ka nui te kino o te ture kia Kawana Kerei ki poueke kia whaka a te Rihii ma Turakino atu e koe.
Ka tahi ka utua mai e Kawena Kerei taku kupu e Renata e Pohehe ana pea koe ki te ture i ki nei koe na nga Roia i Whakatu e rangi waiho maku e ata titiro nga tikanga o taua ture ka tuku atu ai ano i te waea kio koe me he mea he tika te kino o e tahi tikanga waiho maku e whaka tika, ka whaka aro au ki te utu i tana korero ki au, i muri o taku whaka aro, kia utu au i tana waea ka puta mai tetahi mohio tanga kia au penei, ki te utu atu au i ana korero e kere ia e kaha ki te whaka he i te Ture a ana roia nana ia i tu ai.
Ko te take tenei i kore ai au e utu i ana korero kia au, ka tahi au ka whaka aro ki nga kupu i kia e te hui i te Hauke kia hinga te Kawanatanga, ka tu he Kawanatanga hou me whiriwhiri he runanga mo nga Rangatira Maori hei whaka haere i etahi tikanga mo tatou ma raua tokorua e whaka haere he Ture me kore e ahua pai ka nui nga tau e mahi ana ratou anake te Pakeha he raruraru anake te mahi i nga tau katoa koia i kiia ai ma nga Rangatira Maori ratou ko te Kawanatanga hou e whaka haere nga tikanga mo tatou i naia nei me hauke ma te Maori o nga tikanga hei whaka haere, pai rawa tenei ke te whaka aro ake a te ngakau ka nui te pai kia whaka matau ria hoki ki tenei whaka haere kia kitea hoki tona pehea tanga ra o etahi tikanga mo tatou, ki taku whaka aro me mahi raua te Maori me te Pakeha ki te whaka haere i nga tikanga katoa mo to tatou motu me te iwi nui tonu hoki, penei tena pea e kitea te tahi wahi maramatanga o nga tikanga mo tatou, i runga i tenei whaka haere ka marama nga tikanga katoa ka tuturu hei mahi ma tatou ki te korero i marama, kaore ano hiki i waiho tonu hei mahi ma tatou.
Tenei ano te tahi mahi kina me whaka atu e au i runga i taku panui e rite ana ki te Ture i tuhia ki runga ake nei, ko nga tikanga e mahia nei te Wananga ka nui te kino ki taku titiro ko te ahua o taua mahi he whaka wai mai ia matau ko nga korero whaka paipai rupahu nei ka perehi tia e ona kai Taiotoko hei titiro ma te iwi Maori, ko ta ratou Ture hei whaka mate mo o ratou hoa Maori ka pana ki waho o to ratou perehi, ko te take pea i waiho ai ki waho o ta ratou Wananga i enei ra e whanga ana ratou kia taha nga ra ka tahi ka tuku ki te kai tangata ki te kai whenua mana. kia pana rawa ake te tangata e hara kua u nga niho o ta ratou ture ki te tangata raua ko te whenua i kona aue noa ai e hara kua u nga niho ki roto. Ikitea e au taua Ture i roto i nga nupepa Pakeha a tukua ana e au kia Whaka Maori tia ka tahi ka mohio tia e au ta ratou Ture Whanako nei te nei te takoto nei, whaka maro kau ana ka whaka ma hoki nga kai Tautoko o te Wananga no te mea hoki ka hopukina e au, tai hoa ano pea ka mahi ano i te tahi mahi ke atu ma ratou, he mahi tuturu hoki no ratou taua mahi ko to ratou hia hia nui ko te moni, ko te mahi i nga tikanga mo te motu nei kia pai kia ora, ka ti rukea e ratou ki waho o ta ratou Wananga, no te mea ko te pati pati moni anake ma ratou te mea nui ia ratou, e hara i te whaka aro pai taua tikanga, me he mea he whaka aro mo te mahi kia tika e kore au e pouri he mahi kino anake nga mahi e kite atu nei au.
Omahu, Noema 9, 1877.
(Before Robert Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
James Stanley, for having been drunk yesterday in a public street, was fined five shillings, and in default imprisonment for twenty-four hours.
Dennis Daley and John McLean, alias Allan, were both charged with having been found last night without lawful excuse upon the premises of William Robinson. They were both convicted, and sentenced each to three months’ imprisonment with hard labor.
Barry v. Dempsey (Gisborne). – Claim £5 3s 7d. Defendant (whose evidence had been taken at Poverty Bay) had paid 18s into Court, and pleaded not indebted as to the balance. The evidence of plaintiff having been heard, judgment was given for the amount as claimed, with costs £2 8s.
Collie v. A. McKay. – Claim £5 for photography. Judgment for plaintiff for £5, and 9s costs.
Vautier v. Adams.- Claim £4 18s 9d for coals and oats sold in 1869, and interest accruing at 8 per cent. Judgment for plaintiff for amount claimed, and 9s costs.
Myhill v Williams. Claim £8 1s 1d, for goods sold and delivered. Judgment for plaintiff for £7 1s 1d, 13s and costs.
Cosgrove’s Trustees v Henare Tomoana. – Adjourned to December 21st.
Graham v Brown. – Claim £3 16s. No appearance of either side. Case struck out.
Blythe and C.o v Boylan. – Claim £29 2s 4d, for goods supplied. Judgment for plaintiffs for amount claimed, and £1 5s costs.
Several other civil cases, as usual, had been settled out of Court.
(Before R. Beetham, Esq., R.M.)
John Statley was charged by Constable Conner with being [being] drunk in a public place on Saturday evening. The defendant pleaded guilty to the soft impeachment and was fined 5s or take the usual alternative.
James Stanley, who appeared in answer to a charge of being drunk, confessed his fault. He got rather excited and took a glass of beer to much. Unfortunately the police nabbed him. He was fined 10s or 48 hours.
Francis Coyne was charged with being illegally on the premises of Mr. W. Y. Dennett yesterday morning.
From the evidence given it appeared that the defendant had been knocking about the Star Hotel on Sunday morning, and would not leave the premises. At last he managed to get inside one of the closets, and was given in charge of the constable by the landlord, who wished to be particularly careful as to drunken men knocking about his premises on Sunday.
He was fined 10s., or 48 hours imprisonment.
A man named William Stewart was brought before the Court by Constable Harvey, charged with being illegally on the premises of Mr B. Johnson, timber merchant, Port Ahuriri.
The defendant informed the Court that he had come from Wanganui, and having only 6d in his pockets was unable to pay for lodgings, and the publicans at the Port being unable to accommodate him, he was obliged to take up his quarters among the sawdust in the saw pit of Mr Johnson.
Mr Johnson informed the Court, he believed the man was not strictly speaking a vagrant, and at his request His Worship dismissed the case.
Constable McMahon applied to the Court to have this case remanded until Thursday next, as many of the witnesses were in the country.
Mr Lee, who appeared in defence of the prisoner, made no objection and the case was therefore remanded until Thursday. The prisoner was charged with having appropriated moneys entrusted to his care to his own use.
Constable McMahon applied to His Worship to have the cases against Mr Dennett, of the Star Hotel, and Mr James, of the Railway Hotel, adjourned until Thursday next.
In reply to questions put by His Worship, Constable McMahon said that the Innspector made further inquiries into the case against Mr Dennett, and would probably withdraw it.
His Worship: Are you authorised to make an application for a withdrawal of this case?
Mr McMahon: Yes, your Worship.
Mr Lascelles asked for the case against Mr James to be also withdrawn.
After some discussion, His Worship decided to grant the application of the police by dismissing the case against Mr Dennett, and remand that of Mr James until Thursday next.
Henry Rogers was charged on the information of Constable Burns with having left a cab unattended in Hastings-street.
The case was a trivial one, it being shown by the policeman that the defendant had his wheels locked, and had only gone into the Empire Hotel to deliver a parcel.
Case dismissed.
Mr Lascelles appeared for Mr John Allanach, who was charged with leaving a horse and vehicle unattended in Hastings-street on Saturday. It was admitted that defendant had committed a breach of the law, and he was fined 5s, and 6s 6d costs.
This concluded the business.
Martin Kinsella, Thomas Hawkins, and John Bourke, severally admitted having imbibed too colonial, and were fined five shillings each, or 24 hours imprisonment in default of payment. The two first named paid up; Bourke made the default.
Hame Whei, a native, was brought before the Court charged with a breach of the peace at Taradale yesterday, by fighting with another native (not in custody) in the public streets. It appeared that defendant had been drinking, and was very excited, and by his conduct created quite a disturbance in the usually quiet township of Taradale, but as no evidence to support the charge of fighting was forthcoming, and the charge of drunkenness was not pressed, defendant was discharged with an admonition from His Worship not to fight any more.
The incorrigible Patrick Lynch made his bow (liberally) to the Bench once again this morning, charged with three separate offences, namely, firstly, drunkenness yesterday in the public street at Taradale; second, using obscene language same time and place, and, thirdly, assaulting the constable in the execution of his duty. He was convicted on all three charges, and for each offence was fined ten shillings, or in default of payment forty-eight hours imprisonment. Defendant not being in the possession of any available assets to pay the fines will consequently be kept out of further mischief for the next six days.
Several summonses for debt had been issued for hearing to-day, but in all the cases plaintiffs withdrew their suits.
THE Board met at 11 a.m. in the Council Chambers.
Present: Messrs Kinross (chairman), Vautier, Smith, Chambers, Kennedy, Newman, and Robjohns.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Engineer’s Report upon Messrs Murray, Common and Co.’s application to have a portion of the quay alongside their store filled up was read.
Mr Smith proposed, and Mr Vautier seconded, “That the work should be carried out.” This was carried.
Mr Vautier proposed, and Mr Smith seconded, “That the Engineer should call for tenders to have a shed 16 x 16 erected forthwith on the Petane beach, in accordance with the pilot’s suggestion.” Carried.
In compliance with a request from the Harbour Master, it was proposed by Mr Smith, and seconded by Mr Vautier, to have the Pania rock buoy towed in for an overhaul.” Carried.
The Engineer’s Report upon the condition of the bar, accompanied by a table shewing the depth of water during the past fortnight was read.
After the Secretary had read Mr Weber’s report, the Chairman remarked that the Engineer’s report was satisfactory, and much more convincing than the croaking prophesy of the “Man in the Street,” who can anticipate only failure in their works. He for one had no reason for failure. Harbours elsewhere have been constructed on the same plan, but not with anything like the favorable condition of our harbour. We have two rivers discharging themselves into the inner lagoon, and in addition the scour caused by the ebb tide from the wide area of that lagoon. When it ceased operation, it was high time to take steps to preserve our harbour. The entrance has widened to two or three times its original channel, as may be seen on referring to the charts, and the Western Spit was steadily wearing away. When the entrance was narrower than we have now made it, he could remember ships of 500 tons loading inside, and he hope to see them again. They were now experiencing the drought which is prevailing over a great part of the globe, and have not this year had the river floods to clear away the large deposit of shingle inside the pier. It may be necessary to assist nature in removing this deposit. Mr Smith lately instanced to us the harbour of Leith, which in course of construction filled up with silt. Then the croakers succeeded in stopping the works, and what was the result? The contractor recovered £20,000 damages from the Harbor Board for suspending operations, and after a year they resumed, and the Harbor completed, and it answered expectations. At Sunderland, after the harbor works were finished, the channel had to be dredged out, but it has remained open ever since without dredging. I could refer to many other similar cases. I am sorry to see one of the local papers has taken up this Cassandra cry, and devotes leaders to it. Many people are apt to accept as Gospel what appears this way in a paper, and on this account he referred to it. According to this day’s leader, the trade of the port is leaving it. So far is this from being the case that much more wool is coming from the coast to Napier than in former years, and from stations which formally shipped to Wellington. If the charges were heavier here, that of course would not be done. Again, so satisfactory is the Napier trade to the Union Shipping Company that they now intend running their fine steamers weekly on the East Coast. He could assure them that the trade of the port was extending in a most satisfactory way. It may be that the eastern pier may require to be extended still further into the Bay. He thought this quite likely, but it may be made a paying work. We saw how the travelling shingle reclaims land, and by placing a few inexpensive groins along the eastern beach, we may reclaim valuable land, which will recoup the cost of any extension of the Harbor Works.
The Secretary was authorised to apply to the Marine Department, Wellington, for copies of the Harbor Regulations for the ports of New Zealand, with a view to handing copies to captains visiting the port, so that they might be better acquainted with the rules.
A letter was read from the Napier Municipal Corporation, signed by the Town Clerk, asking the Board to abate the nuisance existing on their section No. 469.
Proposed by Mr Robjohns, and seconded by Mr Chambers, “That the Engineer be instructed to call for tenders to fill up the section in question.”
The report of the Committee appointed to report on the Whare-o-maraenui Block was laid on the table.
On the motion of Mr Smith, seconded by Mr Kennedy, it was resolved that the report should be considered at the next meeting of the Board.
The monthly accounts were then ordered to be paid.
To avoid clashing with the December holidays, it was proposed by Mr Kennedy, and seconded by Mr Smith, “That the two next ordinary meetings of the Board be held on the 18th and 31st December respectively, and not on the regular Tuesdays.” – Carried.
The Board then adjourned.
A general meeting of the Working Men’s Club was held last week in the Club-room.
The President, Mr Gold, occupied the chair, and explained to the members the reason of their being called together.
The minutes of the last meeting were then read by the Secretary (Mr H. Steed) and were afterwards confirmed.
The President then congratulated the members on the success of the institution. He had much pleasure in informing them that between 260 and 270 members were now enrolled. (Cheers.) The success of the club was far beyond the most sanguine expectations of those who had initiated it, and he was now confident should they all pull together it would continue to still further flourish. They had been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Binnie as Steward and Mrs Binnie as Stewardess, and it was patent to every member that they deserved great credit for the manner in which they performed their duty. (Cheers.) The first question they had to consider was as to the necessity of forming a Library. He felt sure that the formation of a Library would greatly tend to make the institution more popular.
Mr Lindsay proposed that a Library be formed, and pointed out the benefits to be derived from getting a circulating Library and also works of reference.
Mr Grigg would support the formation of a Library, but thought a committee should be formed for the purpose of obtaining funds and also obtaining information as to the best means of carrying out the object.
A discussion then ensued, in which Messrs Chipping, Sellars, Williams, and several other members took part. At length a resolution was carried affirming the necessity of a Library, and on Mr Woolcock’s motion the following members were appointed to carry out the object, viz: – Messrs Lindsay, Gillespie, Plowman, Chipping, Wundrum, Grigg, Knight, Fox, Sencer, and Carlile five to be a quorum, the first meeting of the Committee to be held on Monday night.
The President then brought before the notice of members the requisition with regard to a billiard table.
Mr E. H. Grigg thought the getting of a billard [billiard] table was premature, believing the Club required many other attractions of an educational nature, and moved that the subject of a billiard table be left over until the next annual meeting.
Mr Murphy said he would move as an amendment that the words annual meeting be left out, so that the matter could be again debated at any meeting that might take place.
Mr Grigg was willing to leave the date out, and the motion being seconded in that form, it was duly carried.
The proposition for a piano fell through, no one speaking to the motion.
Mr Tuely proposed that the public room be set apart once a week for singing and music.
The President supported the proposition. He regretted to notice that so few unskilled working men had joined the Club. He thought if singing and music were allowed once a week, it would be an attraction for them to join.
After several members had expressed themselves in favor of the motion it was put and carried.
Mr E. H. Grigg proposed the formation of a Debating Class, in which could be discussed matters social and political.
Mr Sellars seconded the proposition, and it was agreed that a Debating Class be held on Thursday evenings in the public room, open to all members of the Club, the first meeting to make a programme for the session to be held on Thursday evening next.
Mr Carlile mentioned that Dr. Spencer and Mr Bold had offered to give lectures in connection with the Club.
The President then brought before the notice of the members the formal inauguration of the Club.
A long discussion ensued, in which several members took part. It was eventually resolved, on the motion of Mr Grigg, that it should consist of a musical entertainment, to be held in the Oddfelows’ Hall, and to be got up under the management of the general committee, the proceeds to go in aid of the Library funds.
The President mentioned that Mrs Neill, Dr Spencer, and Mr Carlile, had kindly offered to assist, and no doubt others would follow their example.
A vote of thanks was given to Mrs Neill and those who had proffered their help and assistance.
The President then spoke in high terms of praise of the assistance rendered by Dr Spencer and Mr Carlile in the formation of the Club, and suggested that they be rewarded by making then life members.
Mr H. T. H. Knight proposed that Dr Spencer and Mr Carlile be elected life members in accordance with one of the rules.
Mr Deane seconded the resolution.
The proposition was unanimously carried.
Mr Carlile, on behalf of Dr Spencer and himself, returned thanks.
The proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.
Ex “Lochnagar,” “Helen Denny,” and “Mataura,” –
30 barrels Currants
4 cases Figs, small boxes
3 cases Muscatels, small boxes
100 boxes Sultanas
10 cases Barcelona Nuts
10 casks Shell Almonds
20 boxes Jordon Almonds
100 boxes Price’s Candles
1 case Williams’ Butcher Knives
3 cases Stationery, assorted
1 hogshead Milk Dishes
120 Camp Ovens, 12 to 18 inch
3 cases Rooney’s Brushware
3 cases Looking-glasses, assorted
2 bales Seaming Twine
1 case Oakey’s Glass Paper
2 cases Atkin’s Smooth, Jack, and Trying Planes
1 case Sorby’s Bill, Fern, and Slashing Hooks
5 cases, containing Cut Tacks, Cast Butts, T. Hinges, C.P. Locks
3 casks Holloware
15 crates Earthenware, assorted
12 cases Fry’s Cocoa, Chocolate, &c.
25 cases Colman’s Starch
10 cases Colman’s Mustard, 1/2 and 1 lbs
2 cases Colman’s Thumb Blue
1 case Mixed Spice
1 case Ground Ginger
3 cases Whole Ginger, bleached and unbleached
2 cases Cloves and Nutmegs
6 casks Day and Martin’s Blacking
20 cases Moir’s Golden Hair Oil, assorted
10 cases Moir’s Ling Fish
20 cases Moir’s Sardines
300 cases Morton’s Oilmen’s Stores, embracing – Table Vinegar, Castor Oil, Pickles, Curry, Bottled Fruits, Jar Salt, Salad Oil, Carraway Seed, Canary and Hemp Seed, Chlorodyne, Hair Oil, L. and P. Sauce, Glycerine Soap, Essences, Feeding Bottles, Red Herrings, Arrowroot, Epsom Salts, Senna, Lemonade and Seidlitz Powders, Cinnamon, and Mace (ground and whole), Tart Acid, Cream Tartar, Persian Sherbet, assorted Sauces, &c.
21 cases and casks Ironmongery, assorted as follows: – Gilpin’s Augurs, Ward’s Chisels, Nettleford’s Screws, Avery’s Counter Scales, Colored and Gray Shop Twine, Patty Pans, Jelly Moulds, Pack Needles, Table, Tea, and Dessert Spoons, Spring Boxes, Rat Traps, Wire Dish Covers, Lamp Wick, Stubs’ Files, Horse Rasps, Meat Hooks, Hat and Coat Hooks, Plated Squares, Mincing Machines, Knife Boards, Quoits, Bellows, Plate Locks, Can Openers
100 kegs Wire Nails
10 cases Henry Brace and Co.’s Men’s and Ladies’ Saddles, Girths, Spurs, &c., &c.
60 drums Raw and Boiled Oil
10 barrels Raw and Boiled Oil
2 tons White Lead, No 1 and 2
1 ton White Lead, in wood
5 casks Raddle
3 cases Oak Varnish, 1 and 5 gals.
1 cask Black Paint
1 cask Green Paint
3 casks Patent Driers
1 cask Lampblack, ½lb and 1 lb
2 cases Reckitt’s Blue
10 cases B. and P Corn Flour
3 cases Cigars, assorted
1 case Concertinas
2 cases Johnson’s and Lockwood’s Cutlery
1 case Axle Pullies
1 case Fish Hooks, Fish Lines
1 case Sorby’s Hand Saws
1 hogshead Colanders and Coffee Pots
1 case Candlesticks, Tea Pots, Toilet Cans, Slop Pails
1 case Robert Sorby’s Hay Forks
2 cases Robert Sorby’s Scythe Blades
1 case Tyzock’s Scythe Blades
1 case Reap Hooks and Sickles
5 cases Turkey and Scythe Stones Brassware
&c. &c. &c.
Ex “Rotorua,” from Sydney –
10 casks Treacle
6 cases Colonial Saddlery
Ex “Silas Fleming,” from New York,
1 case Hay Forks, each 2 and 3 Prong
1 case Manura and Potato Forks
2 cases L. H. Shovels
10 Bundles Scythe Snaiths
5 cases Axe Handles
20 cases Men’s and Boys’ Axes, Tomahawk, Shingling Hatchets, &c.
Per “Renfrewshire,” due in December,
34 GARTON AND KING’S STOVES, 2ft 6in. to 3 ft.
6 bales sugar Bags, 1 to 6lb
1 bale Tea Bags
12 cases Envelopes, Note Paper, Playing Cards Slate Pencils, Day Book, Ledgers, Metallic and Memo. Books, Copy Books, Blotting Paper, Inks, etc,
Per “Adamant,” due in December,
5 BALES TAUPAULINS, 12 x 14, 14 x 16, 16 x 20, 20 x 22, 24 x 30
3 bales Navy Canvas
6 bales Seaming Twine
To arrive from New York via Wellington, early in December,
Comprising – Lightning Saws, Wood and Zinc Wash Boards, Hay Rakes, Adze-eye Hammers, School Slates, Gothic one and eight-day Clocks (assorted), Coe’s Wrenches, Cook’s Augers, Scythe Snaiths, Grind-stone Fittings, Spirit Levels, Axe Handles, Knife Trays, Nail Pullers, Door Furniture, Hay and Spading Forks, Ame’s Trucks, Patent Sad and Charcoal Irons, Sharp’s Axes, Tomahawks, Shingling Hatchets, Hoes, Fairbank’s Platform Scales, Union Scales.
Direct from China, comprising –
300 ½ chest
450 Boxes
WANTED KNOWN – That in all Orders for GENERAL PRINTING executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH Office, FULL NUMBERS are guaranteed.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these Pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon until at last a tea-spoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Patented throughout all the Colonies.
This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five wires weigh 10 cwt. per mile, costing £12 10s, versus 17 cwt. ordinary wire, costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at all principal ports of Australasia), and the advantage of having 7 cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1000 tons sold last year by our firm, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves.
McLEAN BROS. and RIGG, Importers and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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Names –
Walter Adair, Adams, John Allanach, Anderson, Arthur, E S Baker, J Barry, Bartleman, Batham, Arthur Beecroft, R Beetham, J Beck, Berry, Charles Bevan, E Bibby, Mr and Mrs Binnie, Sydney Thomas Bishop, Thomas and Elizabeth Bishop, Blythe, Bold, John Bourke, Boylan, H Brierly, Brown, Brooking, Miss Buckland, Mrs Buller, Constable Burns, Cameron, Neil Campbell, John Davis Canning, Captain Carey, Carlile, Carly, Carter, Chambers, Chipping, Clemmil, Clency, Colledge, E Collins, Collie, Rueben Collins, James Collins, Common, Constable Conner, Combs, Constable, Miss Constable, Mr & Mrs Cooley, TR Cooper, Corbett, Cornford, Cosgrove L W Coward, Francis Coyne, Craig, Dalby, Dennis Daley, Mrs Davis, Susan Davey, Deane, W Denholm, W Y Dennett, William Derry, Miss Dickson, Charles Doney, Drake, S R Dransfield, Drower, John Dudeck, Duncan, Dugdale, F Duncan, Ebbertt, Eccles, Edney, Edwards, Evans, John Farmer, Constable Farmer, Faulknor, Fisher, Fletcher, Ford, Fox, Thomas Francis Fountaine, Rev J M Fraser, Lieutenant Garner, Constable John Gillespie, Glass, Gold, Goldsmith, Goodwin, Mrs Graham, Gray, Edward Henderson Grigg, J Grubb, Hamlin, Constable Harvey, Thomas Hawkins, Henderson, Hendry, Herrick, Miss Higgins, Hill, Dr Hitchings, Hodgehant, Dr Houghton, Hutchison, Isaacs, Irvine, Jackson, James, Jobberns, B Johnson, Johnston, Judge, Kelly, Sergeant Kelsall, Hector Kelsall, Robert Kelsall, Samuel Henry Kemp, Kennedy, Kinross, Martin Kinsella, Knight, Mr & Mrs Knowles, Miss Knowles, Langley, Large Lascelles, Lawrence, Lee, Leonard, Leslie, Levy, Lindsay, Dr de Lisle, Lloyd, Locke, Patrick Lynch, Mr and Mrs I Lynn, Mackenzie, Mackersey, Madden, Mahoney, Maney, H E Mann, Martin, A McKay, John McLean, alias Allan, Sir Donald McLean, Constable McMahon, McDonald, Meade, WJ Miller, McMillan, Millar, McMillan, Monteith, Moon, E Moore, Thos Morrison, John James Murphy, Murray, Murtagh, Myhil, Mrs Neill, Nelson, Newman, J Nicholson, H T H Knight Norris, JW O’Brien, Oleson George Ollandt, Ormond, Owen, Pearce, Pearson, Peeble, Lieutenant Pell, John Penfold, E Peters, Petersen, Picton, Phillips, Plowman, Poiser, Pribble, R Price, Randle, Mr & Mrs Rathbone, B Reed, Rees, Rev E Reignier, Roach, William Robinson, R H Robinson, Robjohns, Henry Rogers, Captain Routledge, W Routledge, Runnell, Captain Russell, H R Russell, Saunders, Scott, Scrivener, Inspector Scully, Sellars, Sencer, Sheehan, R Sime, Mrs Singleton, Miss Skeet, Skelly, Captain Smith, Mr and Mrs S A Snelling, R Somerville, Joseph Sowry, J C Speedy, Dr Spencer, Rev W H St Hill, James Stanley, John Statley, H Steed, William Stewart, Stock, S Stone, Robert Stuart, Sutton, Targatt, Mrs Tatham, Thomas, Hans Thompson, HS Tiffen, Dr Todd, Henare Tomoana, G E Toop, Torr, Townley, Mr & Mrs Trescott, Tuely, Turner, JT Tylee, Vautier, J Watt, Watkins, Weber, Weller, Hame Whei, F Whitaker, Sergeant White, Reginald Franklin White, J Franklin White, Whitehead, Wilkinson, Ven Archdeacon Williams, Mr & Mrs Williams, Miss Williams, Willis, John Nathaniel Wilson, Mr and Mrs Wilson, Major Withers, Woolcock, Mr and Mrs Wordsworth, Wright, Wundrum, Miss Wylie
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