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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 108 - 8 December
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 108 – 8 December
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
Government Notifications.
Date. Mode of Sale. NAME. PARTICULARS. AREA OF LAND SOLD. CASH. Rents and Assessments. REMARKS.
Town. Suburban. Country. Town. Suburban. Country.
1877 Nov. A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
1 Application George Walker & G.E.G. Richardson Rural land Kapuawhara [ Kopuawhara ] 1375 0 0 687 10 0
1 Application Rhodes & Co. Rural land on their run Patoka 544 0 0 272 0 0
1 Application Rhodes & Co. Rural land on their run Patoka 700 0 0 350 0 0
1 Application Rhodes & Co. Rural land on their run Patoka 1780 0 0 890 0 0
2 Application Gulbrand Evensen Land Makaretu Reserve 4 0 0 3rd Instalment
10 Application John Duncan Land Makaretu Reserve 200 0 0 60 0 0 Balance
10 Application Martin Collett Land Makaretu Reserve 200 0 0 60 0 0 Balance
10 Application Royse & Stead Six months rents of Lots 2 & 3 Wairoa 36 10 0 Balance
12 Application Frederick Igobrisen Land Makaretu Reserve 5 0 0 2nd Instalment
13 Application P F Webster Land Makaretu Reserve 10 0 0 3rd Instalment
14 Application Peter London Land Makaretu Reserve 30 0 0 Balance
15 Application B. C. Fannin Rural land on John Taylor’s run, Arapawanui and Moeangiangi 1117 0 0 558 10 0
20 Application Leicester Redward Rural Section 10, Whakaruatapu 37 0 0 37 0 0
23 Application A. V. Harrison Land Makaretu Reserve Extension 20 0 0 3rd Instalment
28 Application J. G. Kinross Assessment on his run Mohaka. 7 1 5
TOTAL 5953 0 0 2034 0 0 43 11 5
£. s. d.
Land Sales 3984 0 0
Rents and Assessments 43 11 5
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, st December, 1877
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
THE undersigned has for Sale from 200 to 300 RAMS, selected from 7/8th to 15-16th bred; also, full-mouthed pure pedigreed RAMS, with 2,000 EWES, from ¾ bred to 7/8th, mostly 2 tooth, and Hogs in lots to suit purchasers.
None but private sales will be effected, and purchasers may rely on getting fair value for their money.
Apply by letter to the undersigned, stating number required.
Oakbourne, Wallingford.
16th October, 1877.
THE Oakbourne Sale Sheep have been shorn and are open for selection they will be sold privately.
Apply, stating number required, and further particulars to the undersigned.
16th October, 1877.
&c., &c., &c.
NEWTON, IRVINE & Co. are now shewing a large assortment of Spring Goods in all the latest styles, and invite inspection.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, 15th October, 1877.
A SALE of Waste Lands will take place at this Office on MONDAY, the 10th day of December next, when will be offered: –
16 Town Sections, Mahia, varying from 38 perches to 2 roods in extent, at from £4 15s to £10 per Section.
13 Town Sections, Clive, from 35 perches to 1 rood 1 perch, at £5 per Section.
32 Town Sections, Clyde, Wairoa, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Suburban Sections Nos. 845 and 846, Clyde, (Class I), each 3 acres, at £15 per Section.
Town Sections Nos. 4 and 158, Porangahau, each 1 rood, at £5 per Section.
Rural Sections Nos. 36, 52, and 57, Woodville, containing 39 1/2, 18, and 49 acres respectively, at £2 10s per acre.
2 Blocks (Applications Nos. 49 and 50) Makaretu Reserve, containing 100 and 60 acres respectively, at 10s per acre.
For further particulars as to numbers, area, and upset prices, see the Proclamation in the DAILY TELEGRAPH of the 5th instant.
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
RETURN TICKETS available to the 28th February will be issued from the 13th December to the 31st January, at a reduction of 30 per cent. off the double fares to Ports at which the Company’s steamers call.
The Hawea will start from Auckland on Thursday, 13th December, calling at Tauranga (14th), Poverty Bay (15), Napier (16th), Wellington (18th), Lyttelton (19th), and arrive at Port Chalmers on Thursday, 20th December; leave again on Saturday, 22nd, calling at Bluff on the following day. Thence she will proceed up Preservation and Chalky Inlets, Dusky, Breaksea, Doubtful, Thomson, Caswell, ahd [and] George sounds, and finally to MILFORD SOUND. At this magnificent Sound she will remain at least 48 hours, and then return direct to Bluff and Port Chalmers.
She is expected to arrive back at the latter port on Wednesday, 2nd January, and will sail again for Northern ports about 3rd January.
The Berthing List will be open on Monday, 10th December; intending passengers should therefore book before that date, as the best berths will be immediately allotted.
For further particulars apply to
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned as Hotelkeepers at Waipukurau, in the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay, in the colony of New Zealand, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will in future be carried on by the undersigned Peter Gow alone, to whom all debts due to the said firm must be paid, and by whom all liabilities of the said firm will be discharged.
Dated this 29th day of November, 1877.
Witness –
Solicitor, Napier.

(Before J. Lawrence, Esq., J.P, (Chairman). R. Harding, Esq., J.P., and H. H. Bridge, Esq., J.P.)
Charles Somerville, appearing to his bail, charged by Sergeant McGuire with being drunk and disorderly, was fined 5s. He refused to pay. ‘The Magistrates, after some consideration, sent him to prison for twenty-four hours.
J. A. Houguez v. T. F. Moore, and T. I. Moore v. J. A. Houguez, two cross- actions for assault. Mr Lee, of Napier, appeared for Moore, and at his (Mr Lee’s) request all witnesses were ordered out of Court. After bearing the evidence on both sides, the Magistrates retired to the Magistrate’s room. On returning into Court, the Chairman said that on mature consideration they had come to the conclusion that both parties were equally culpable, and as it also appeared to them a neighbour’s quarrel, they had decided upon dismissing both cases, each party to bear his own costs.
(Before R. Beetham, Esq., R. M. (Chairman), R. Stuart, and J. A. Smith, Esqs., Commissioners.)
Archibald Bryson made application for a new license for a house to be called the Caledonian Hotel, to be erected at the corner of Hastings-street and Dickens-street.
Mr Lee appeared for the applicant, and addressed the Court.
The Chairman intimated that the present Licensing Bench constituted will grant a license to the house on its being erected, according to the plans before the Court, on application being made at any subsequent Licensing Court.
Andrew Peters made application for the transfer of his license of the Clarendon Hotel to Thomas Peddie. The application was granted.
This concluded the business.

Captain Russell, says the Wairoa Free Press, has telegraphed that the Public Petitions Committee have reported in favor of the petition for a bi-weekly mail service between Napier and Wairoa. The same journal learns that land agents and capitalists are gathering together at Waiapu, that land now being open to purchase. This opens a fresh era of prosperity for Poverty Bay and the East Coast.
Mr James Lawrence, one of the members of the Waipawa County Council, has written, us a letter, which appears in another column, in which he attempts to chide us for our article last evening, and accuses us of having made our remarks in an acrimonious spirit. Mr Lawrence, however, fails to show where the acrimony is exhibited. We have always respected Mr Lawrence in the past, and hope to have a still higher opinion of him in the future, but we must confess he hardly appears yet in a fit frame of mind to give a calm judgment on even his own actions. A majority of the Waipawa County Council as constituted agreed to elect a clerk, prior to electing a Chairman (for it was open to question, as shown in the Grey election, whether there was a necessity for even electing a Chairman this year), but this did not suit the book of one of our esteemed correspondent, and because his views and those of two fellow Councillors were not agreed to, they put a stop to the whole business of the day. The question of who or who should not be clerk of the Council is a wretched and miserable one, and it is much to be regretted that sensible men should allow their feelings and judgement to be warped in so small a matter. We have hope of our correspondent, and believe, when his mind gets cooled, no one will regret more than himself the part he has taken in this miserable proceeding.
From Takapau we lean that the fire raging in the bush has not caused much destruction to property so far, although one settler named Robert Russell, a bushman, has lost the whole of his winter’s work, in the shape of posts, &c., which have been consumed in the conflagration.
A meeting was held on Friday at the Swimming Baths, when a Club was formed to be called the “Napier Swimming Club.”
The Government are opposed to officer’s even constables, seeking refuge in the Banksruptcy [Bankruptcy] Court from their creditors. Constable Gruner, formerly of Napier, but now of Gisborne, having filed his schedule, his services have been dispensed with.
On Friday afternoon, the Resident Magistrate was occupied hearing the case of larceny as a bailee against James McMillan, the dog tax collector of the Waipawa County. From the evidence it would appear that the prisoner obtained from Mr Bertie Reed the sum of £25 15s to deposit to Mr Reed’s credit at the Union Bank, Waipukurau. It is alleged that the prisoner, instead of paying the money into the bank, appropriated it to his own use. The evidence of Mr Reed, John Pettit, Sarah Hope, George Free Butt, Margaret Liddy, and Constable Strudwick, was heard. The statement made by the prisoner to the constable when arrested was important, and to the following effect: – “I had told him that as I understood it, I was arresting him about the dog tax money. He said, “Oh no that is all right; it is about a sum of money I got from Mr Reed to bank for him, I went to Napier to see Mr Davidson, but I couldn’t see him; they had got him locked up. I went to Mr Peddie’s place in town and got the worse of drink. I had about £40 on me at the time; some of my own money that had been paid to me by Mr Hamilton, the surveyor.” He said he was taken to bed by a man, and when he woke all he had was 4s 6d in his waistcoat pocket. He said, “I was a foolish fellow for leaving; I ought to have seen Mr Reed and made it all right with him, but as I had lost it I hadn’t the cheek to face him, I came up here with the full determination to earn money to pay it. Whatever becomes of me in this case, he shall not be the loser of it, for even if I go to prison I’ll pay him when I come out.” Mr Lee defended the prisoner, and Mr Cornford prosecuted. The prisoner reserved his defence, and was committed to take his trial at the next sittings of the Supreme Court.
A Waipawa correspondent, under the signature of “Achilles,” writes under date of Friday: – “Dear Sir, – Would the Secretary of the Waipawa Athletic Sports kindly communcate [communicate] through the press, to me and the public, what is meant by a four-legged race over hurdles?”
A Kaikora correspondent requests the publication of the following letter: – “Sir, would you kindly inform me if it is possible to get a policeman stationed in Kaikora. One is badly wanted. At present respectable people cannot walk in their own garden without being abused. I have not time to give you the full particulars, but will some other time.”
A cricket match between the Waipawa and Waipukurau cricket clubs took place at Waipawa on Friday last, and resulted in a victory for Waipawa. Waipawa having beaten their opponents in the first innings by over 60 runs, put them to the wickets again, but they having run up a long score of 190 all out, there was not sufficient time for Waipawa to go to the wickets, time being called at 6 o’clock, therefore it was decided by first innings. Waipukurau took the field at 11 a.m. The following are the scores : –
Wood, c and b Williams 3
Greenside, b Humphries 19
Craven, b Humphries 2
Bodle, b Humphries 27
Dew, b Bridge 0
Chicken, C Sanders, b Humphries 0
Hammond, b Bridge 15
McIntosh, c and b Humphries 21
Nicholls, b Humphries 2
Harwood, c Bridge 0
Farmer, not out 12
Byes 29
Wides 1
Total 122
H. Monteith, c Craven b McIntosh 1 – c Grenside, b Wood 3
Humphries, b Wood 4 – c Grenside, b McIntosh 54
Bridge, run out 0 – b McIntosh 2
Williams, c Wood, b McIntosh 32 – b McIntosh 64
Frood, b Wood 2 – b Wood 3
Foulton, b Wood 2 – b Wood 4
Martin, b McIntosh 3 – c Bodle, b McIntosh 3
Douglas, c Bodle, b McIntosh 0 – c Wood, b McIntosh 2
Jones, b McIntosh 3 – not out 7
Saunders, run out 1 – b McIntosh 3
R, Monteith, not out 0 – b Wood 9
Leg-Byes 0 Leg-Byes 4
Byes 1 Byes 25
Wides 0 Wides 7
49 190
The premises occupied at present by Mr. Robinson in Hastings-street, as a Fancy Goods Repository, has been purchased by the agent of the New Zealand Insurance Company, Mr Leslie Campbell. The sum paid has not transpired, but being situated in the commercial centre of the city, the price paid cannot be a trifling one. The Company, it is said, purpose erecting now offices on the ground, which will be a credit to the Company and Napier.
The following are the arrangements for the principal cricket’ matches which the Australian Eleven will play in the colonies before they leave for England. After playing several matches in Australia they will come to New Zealand from Melbourne, and will begin at Invercargill on the 10th or 12th January; then follow matches at Dunedin, Christchurch, Wellington, Napier (possibly), and Auckland. The final contest will take place at Christchurch, when New Zealand will be represented by a picked team from the whole colony. Farewell matches will be played in Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide in February, and the team will start for London by one of the steamers of the Orient line (Suez route) in March. It has been mentioned that inducements had been held out by the Sydney Association to the Eleven to take part in the return intercolonial match at Sydney in February, but the whole of the members have resolved to lay in no inter colonial matches this season. For the sake of discipline and good feeling, they will nowhere enter the cricket field save as colleagues. The Eleven have been promised an excellent reception in New Zealand, and the offers sent to them show a strong desire to save them as much expense and trouble as possible. It is expected that the colonial matches will provide them with funds enough for the charges of campaign in England,
At the meeting of the Education Board, held on Monday, after the minutes were confirmed, a letter was read by the Secretary from M. R. Miller, Esq., requesting that he be allowed to use the Education Reserve leased by him as a quarry. The members of the Board adjourned so as to view the land. On returning, it was resolved that a letter be sent in reply refusing to grant the application. A letter was then read from Messrs Black and Co., offering to lease a corner section in Main-street, at the corner of Onepoto Gully. The Secretary was instructed to inform the applicants that it was the intention of the board to put the lease of the ground in question up to auction. A telegram was read from the Secretary of Education in Wellington, in which the Board was informed that, whether the Education Bill was passed or not, their position as members of the Board would not be affected. After several vouchers had been passed, and their payment authorised, the Board adjourned.
We wish to call the attention of medical gentlemen to the tender for medical services for the Oddfellows Lodge, Waipawa. We are informed by the secretary that there are over 160 members on the books of the Lodge at present.
The whole of the pile driving for the Harbor works has now been finished by the contractors, they having driven the last main pile on the eastern side on Saturday morning. There is a little superstructure to finish, and parts to be filled in, but should fine weather prevail the contractors hope to finish the whole of the works during next month.
From Mohaka, we learn from our correspondent that the letter of Renata’s which appeared in these columns a week ago, has excited much attention amongst the natives there, who are disgusted at the unreliable tatics [tactics] of the Repudiationists in Napier, and have determined to cut the painter from them. They term them “grab all,’ and ask to know what has become of the money they have sent for legal purposes. Our correspondent also says that the manner in which Mr Lafolley has performed his contract in the erection of the Government Telegraph Office has given much satisfaction to the Telegraph Inspector. The Mohaka people also learn with satisfaction that the new steamer for the Mohaka and Napier trade may be expected soon from Auckland.
The Wairoa Free Press has enlarged, and now comes out in a double-crown size. Its reading matter is as interesting as formerly.
At Mr Jacobs’ Repository in Hastings-street is to be seen some excellent mechanical toys, which have be imported direct from England in the Mataura, and which are well worthy of inspection. We hardly know to choose as to which is the greatest novelty. In one case there is a nigger gentleman, who is a gambler of the blackest dye, who exposes to his audience white and blue marbles, and with a knowing wink shows dice. Then we have a lady who, wound up walks the floor, dressed after the latest Parisian style. To give a full description of the novelties would take more space than we can afford, but as specimens of ingenuity, and as shewing what can be done in this way in these modern times, we can safely recommend our readers to pay a visit to the Repository.
The Hon. E. W. Stafford has left Wellington, having paired with Mr Seaton for the session the former against and the latter for the Government. Mr Seaton has for sometime been laid up with severe ill-ness, and Mr Stafford desires to visit his home in Canterbury, prior to his departure for a season to England.
From the columns of the Wairoa Free Press we are glad to notice that the County Council has recognised the indefatigable services of its Clerk and Road Overseer by raising his salary to £200 per annum. The offices require great labour and toil. Mr. Williams is certainly the right man in the right place, and has fairly earned the rise accorded him.

We are always desirous to be just and fair to an opponent. In the TELEGRAPH of Monday, we more than hinted that the editor of the Herald in his private capacity as a “life” member of the Working Men’s Club, by his presence and advice countenanced the proceedings on Saturday night which would have the effect of transforming the Club into a political one. The editor of the Herald however, explains on Tuesday, that he was attracted to the Club by the “string band and vocal performance.” We therefore humbly apologise. But at the same time we might ask this sudden lover of musical and vocal talent, how came it that on such an occasion, when he must have been aware that such a movement would materially damage the interests of the Club, he kept silent, and made no protest? As for stating that he was not aware previously that the question would be discussed that evening, he may as well tell that story to the marines as to the public.
On Monday, several of Sir Geo. Grey’s supporters met at the Provincial Hotel for the purpose of getting up a reception to him, the Hon. J. Sheehan and J. Macandrew, on their arrival in Napier on the 10th instant. Mr John Begg was voted to the chair, and was supported on his right by Mr Williams, and on his left by David Earl Lindsay. The vice-chair was occupied by Mr Knight, who was supported by a few commercial travellers. A programme was arranged, and it was agreed to adjourn the meeting until Thursday evening. It was suggested, we believe, to ask the Friendly Societies to take part in the demonstration, which is to be headed by Mr Knight, but we can safely say that as politics are excluded from being even mentioned in these Societies, they will take no part in the movement, We also understand that the report so industriously circulated, that the Artillery Band would head the procession, is totally untrue.
A meeting of the members of the Municipal Council was held on Monday in the Council Chambers, at which all the members were present, with the exception of Cr. Lee. After the minutes were confirmed, the report of the Committee on the Clive Square cricket ground was brought up by Cr. Tuxford. It was to the effect that the Secretaries of the different clubs had been interviewed, and no satisfactory result could be obtained. Cr. Rochefort then moved the following resolution, which he had given notice of :- “That the Inspector of Nuisances be instructed to ascertain from which premises comes the impure water which passes down the water table on the west side of Hastings street, and to give notice that unless the nuisance be abated proceedings will be taken against the owners or occupiers of those promises, for breaking the by-law relating to same.” Some discussion followed, in which Councillors expressed their opinion as to drainage, but the resolution was ultimately carried. The following report of the Public Works Committee was then read by the Clerk : – “The Public Works Committee of the Municipal Council having met, pursuant to notice, beg to recommend the Council to give effect to the following, viz :-1. That in future all dust and rubbish be carted away and deposited in the same spot as the night soil. 2. That the engineer be authorised to repair that portion of the Chaucer road leading from the Botanical Gardens to Mr. Tylee’s gate. Cost not to exceed £10. 4. With reference to the petition of inhabitants Port Ahuriri to be granted a water supply, and which was referred to this committee by the Council, the committee beg to recommend that the prayer of the petition be acceded to, and that the Mayor be requested to take the necessary steps in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Corpations [Corporations] Act, 1876, to carry the same into effect. 4. (That the Napier Gas Company be informed that, prior to breaking up any street, it is necessary to notify the fact to the municipal engineer, in terms of clause 6 of the Napier Gas Company Act, 1876. 5. That with reference to the sureties of Messrs Anderson and Berry, reclaimation contractors, the name of Mr. Kinross be inserted as sole surety for the whole amount of the bond; the solicitor to the Corporation being instructed to see the interests of the Council in the matter. 6. That dished drains be placed at the following places: – Carlyle-street – Faraday-street crossing; Hyderabad-road – between Royal Hotel and the bridge. 7. That the vouchers for expenditure for the month of November on account of fund account, waterworks account, and swamp reclamation account, was passed and ordered to be paid.” The whole of the report was read and agreed to after considerable discussion. The Engineer’s Report was then read. He stated that he proposed to complete the channelling and raising of Brewster street; also to proceed with the formation of the Beach-road, commencing from the end of Emerson street, building at the same time a dwarf retaining wall for the protection of the roadway. A large number of stones for this wall have been rough-dressed by the masons in the employ of the Corporation. A long discussion ensued on this clause, Mr Swan making special objection, and ultimately moved that tenders be called for forming the section of the Beach-road and sea wall’ The motion was seconded by Cr. Tuxford and carried After the discussion of other minor business, the Council [adj]ourned.
We have at last the key to the excitement caused in Napier as to the reception of “Governor” Grey. The following appears in the Wananga of Saturday in Maori, but the English is naturally surpressed. Our readers, after perusing its contents, will understand the action of “Messrs Carlile and Knight : -“The welcome to ‘Governor’ Grey. – The majority of the Europeans of Napier intend on the day ‘Governor’ Grey arrives here to give a demonstration of welcome to ‘Governor ” Grey. All the soldiers and Volunteers will be called out, and all the people will collect to welcome, and in the evening a dinner will be given to ‘Governor’ Grey. – The meeting will be held at Wai-o-Hiki (Tareha’s Pa) – The old Maori chiefs talk of calling a meeting to welcome ‘Governor’ Grey at Wai-o-Hiki to enable the people to address their visitor.”
It having been publicly stated that our report of the proceedings at the Working Men’s Club was not in accordance with fact, we may state that the member who occupied the position of Chairman has verified to us that the report is in every particular true.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, before R. Beetham, Esq., R.M., one John Hyman, charged with having been drunk yesterday in the public street, was fined five shillings, with a twenty-four hours alternative. He paid the fine. The civil cases set down for hearing had been settled ouf [out] of Court.
We have been waited on by several members of the Working Men’s Club, who each and all express their indignation at the attempt by a small clique to transform the Working Men’s Club into a political union, and also state that our report published on Monday was correct. We are of course unable to give expression to all their views, but they all expressly desire us to state that they thoroughly coincide with the counter movement, made to requisition the President to call a meeting to discuss the whole matter, and discountenance the movement made. ‘We more gladly make this explanation, as many of those who paid in their contributions, under the supposition, that the objects of the Club would be a non-political one, think they have been induced to subscribe under false pretences. We may now state that nearly thirty members have sent in a requisition to the President, requesting him to convene a meeting for the purpose of considering the action of the political intriguers of Saturday night.
On Tuesday an alarm of fire was raised in Dickens-street, and caused a little commotion. From what we can learn the shingles of the house next to Mr Foreman’s butcher shop were found to be on fire. As soon as the alarm was given, the neighbours rushed in and succeeded in putting out the flames. Had the fire taken firm hold, we should possibly have had to chronicle a great catastrophe.
Our readers will regret to hear that the Hon. Mr. Larnach has been so overwhelmed with the duties devolving on him as Colonial Treasurer that he has been obliged to relegate his duties to Colonel Whitmore, and for a time retire to Nelson for the benefit of his health. He cannot quietly swallow at one draught the colonisation of the land fund.
At a meeting of the Provisional Committee of the Hawke’s Bay Fire Insurance Company, held on Tuesday in the Council Chamber, Mr Robjohns presiding, the Secretary said that a large number of shares had been applied for and the deposits paid. He also stated that he would require assistance, and we learn that Mr Upham has been appointed canvasser. The share list closes on the 31st instant.
The Rev. Mr. Stuart, the Bishop elect of Waiapu left Auckland on Tuesday, in company with the Bishop of Auckland, in the Rotorua for Napier. The Primate arrived in Napier yesterday, as did also Bishop Hadfield. The consecration of the Rev. Mr. Stuart will take place on Sunday.
There can be no doubt now that the session of 1877 will close in a few days. Messrs. Ormond, Sutton, and Captain Russell left Wellington on Thursday in the Hawea, and landed here yesterday. They will doubtless be heartily welcomed, and will be prepared to give to the electors an account of their stewardship at the earliest and most fitting opportunity.
Mr. Vinsen, the gentleman who occupied the chair at the meeting on Saturday night, requests us to deny that the Working Men’s Club was open after 11 o’clock on Saturday evening. We do not care to wrangle over the matter, but our informant still declares that what he stated was true. There may be mistakes on both sides.
Thursday’s up train was an hour and a quarter late in arriving at Napier, owing to a portion of the link motion of the locomotive having given way. As soon as the news of the break down, which was telegraphed from Farndon, arrived in Napier, steam was got up in a spare engine which was then despatched to the boiling-down station, and brought the train to Napier. The mishap to the engine was very trifling and has been, we believe, since put to rights.
Mass will be celebrated by the Rev. E. Reignier next Sunday, 9th instant, in the Schoolroom, Havelock, at 11 a.m.
We are requested to draw attention to an advertisement in our columns, from which it will be seen that an entertainment will be provided by members of the Church of England generally, which bids fair to be a most agreeable social gathering, and to which all are invited, a number of ladies having kindly undertaken to supply the refreshments at the various tables over which they will preside.
The Licensing Bench for Waipawa met on Wednesday in the Court House. Present: Colonel Herrick, Messrs Johnston and Bridge. Mr Bertie Reed applied for a transfer of his license from the Railway Hotel at Takapau to a new house at Norsewood, which was refused. The application of Messrs Caulton and Scrimgeour was granted.
There was a marriage in high life on Thursday in St. John’s Church, speaking in a native sense. The marriage was celebrated by the Rev. W. H. St. Hill. The bridegroom was Mr George Prior Donnelly, and the bride a daughter of the late celebrated chief Karauria Tura-whakakite-i-a-te-Renga named Arini, a neice [niece] of Renata Kawepo. Mr Leslie Campbell acted as chief man, and the proceedings were kept strictly quiet; but, nevertheless, a rumor, having got about as to what was transpiring, there were a few friends present, who congratulated the bride and bridegroom on their leaving the church. We have been shown a splendid sample of lemons obtained from the garden of Mr. Lovey, of Tauranga, which are really worthy of notice. One of the lemons shown us weighs nearly a quarter of a pound, and proves what can be produced in such an excellent climate as Tauranga. It appears to us to be a great mistake to have to import fruit not only from Sydney, but from America, when we can actually produce better at our own doors.
We were much surprised on Thursday to notice in the Woodville murder case that the Inspector of Police was not supported by a Crown Prosecutor. Major Scully doubtless uses every exertion to make a good case for the Crown, but we nevertheless maintain that in important cases he should have legal assistance rendered him, and the Government should, for fear of a failure of justice, see that he should not be left single-handed to battle against such able men as Messrs Cornford and Lee. We hope our calling attention to the matter will be the means of having it rectified.
The Resident Magistrate’s Court on Thursday was wholly cccupied in hearing the evidence against Hans Thompson, the alleged murderer of his mate George Ollandt. The prisoner, when placed in the dock, appeared calm and collected, and was defended by Mr Lee, assisted by Mr Cornford. The evidence given was the same as was previously taken before the Coroner, and printed by us in a previous issue. Other evidence, it is said, will be forthcoming, and when given we shall reprint it in full.
December 5.
The following are the passengers for Napier and the South: Bishop of Waiapu, Misses Stuart (2), and servant, Bishop Cowie, Mr and Mrs Ormiston and servant, Miss Fleming, Miss Burston, Mrs Gannaway, Messrs Studholme, Robert Price, Hewlings, Hill, Cutts, Harris, Hesketh, Mabin, Hamlin, Coombes, Young, five in the steerage, and 22 original from Sydney.
December 4.
Sailed – Rangitira, s.s. for Napier and Poverty Bay, at 5 p.m. Passengers – Messrs. Jay, H.C. Wilmer, Shires, and family.
December 5.
The following ships have left British ports for New Zealand: Opawa, from Plymouth, on September 27, with 290 emigrants; Renfrewshire from Plymouth for Napier, on September 29th, with 209 emigrants;
December 4
Arrived – Rotorua, s.s., from Sydney.
Passengers for Auckland: 19 in saloon.
For Wellington: Rev. Harrington, Dransfield. For Dunedin: Watson, Mrs Master, Heinberium, Banker and Scott.
Steerage: 18 for Auckland, 22 for Napier, 1 for Greymouth, 1 for Westport, 8 for Lyttelton, and 5 for Dunedin. The Rotorua left Sydney on the 28th ult.
December 4
Sailed – Hawea, s.s., for North. Passenger for Napier – Miss Kennedy.
The following are the names of the immigrants on board the Renfrewshire, which left London on September 29 for Napier: –
John Bishop, John Berry, John Henry Berry, Ralph Bailey, Margaret A. Bailey, Albert J. Barber, William Batten, Thomas Bosanko, Edward H. Bosanko, Patrick Bluitt, Joseph Bright, John Balsillie, Richard Henry Burgess, Thomas Burgess, Bridget Ball, Ann Bonner, Elizabeth Bessicks, Nora Bride, Mary A. Butler, John Curtis, William Connor, Mary Connor, Deborah Connor, Timothy Condon, John Casley, Michael Collins, Cornelius Collins, Thomas Conway, John Connolly, William Colman, Michael Casey, Margaret Casey, James Connell, Emma Chapman, Charlotte E. Chapman, Alberta Carmarthan, Fredk. Dorrington, John Donnovan, Ellen Donnovan, Kate Downs, Frederick Evans, John Egan, Garrett Fitzgerald, William Fardoe, Henry Forman, Mary Fogarty, James German, John Gittens, Catherine George, Susan George, Sabina Game, Alfred J.B. Howe, Alfred C. Howe, Arthur G. Howe, William Holloway, William Haly, Charles Herschel, John Harvey, James Harwood, Deborah Harrington, Mary Howard, John Irwin, Niels C. Jensen, Ole M. Jensen, William Jones, Letitia A. Jenkins, Charles King, Thomas King, John Kirby, Michael Kirby, James Kitteen, Maria Kennen, William Lynch, John Lewis, William Madden, Thomas Murphy, Nora Murphy, Hannah Murphy, Vince Mist, George Morris, Michael Murphy, James McLernon, Mary Moriarty, Mary McCarthy, Ellen Mansfield, Eliza Mansfield, James Neal, William Oliver, Moses Oats, James Oats, John O’Hara, Kate O’Connell, Patrick O’Connell, George Pringle, Samuel Paramore, John Power, John W. Parry, Ellen J. Parsons, Isabella Poule, Emma Price, John Ritchards, Eliza Roberts, Martha Radburn, Jane Richards, Charlotte R. Reed, Catherine Ryan, William Stokes, John Smith, Annie Smith, Rose Smith, Charles Simmonds, Thomas Seaward, Charles Sharp, Daniel St. John, Mary A. Stevens, Bridget Sullivan, Mary Sullivan, Mary A. Sindell, W.J.B. Tanner, James Thornton, Francis Trevelyan, Harriet Trevelyan, Agnes Trevelyan, Annie Thomas, Francis Wells, George Webb, Bartholomew Wallace, Jane White, Annie E. Ward.
THE attempt made on Saturday evening by a little clique, headed by Mr Knight, Mr Sheehan’s social and political factotum, Mr Williams, the Inspector of Nuisances, and their political agitator and friend, Mr D, Lindsay, to turn the Working Men’s Club into a political organisation call from us a few remarks. We will first give a description of the so-called meeting. It has been known for some days that these busy-bodies were attempting, in accordance with an order from head-quarters, to get up some sort of reception to Sir George Grey and Mr Sheehan on their expected visit after the session to this part of the colony. They tried to enlist influences of various kinds, which proved a failure. To carry out the behests of the Government, a caucus was at last held in the Working Men‘s Club on Friday evening, when it was arranged that something should be done on Saturday evening. But what that “something” was, was kept a dark secret. On Saturday night, being the night which is set apart for social meetings, therefore, this amiable trio, with a few others, were to be seen earwigging certain members who were in attendance, letting them into the secret of their intention; but others, who it was thought would not possibly be in favor of the contemplated movement, were permitted to depart in peace.
At half-past ten, therefore, it was thought matters were ripe, and to the astonishment of those who had not been enlightened, one of the parties handed to Mr Vinsen, who was chairman of the social gathering, a resolution to those present, which he read. The resolution was to the effect that a Reception Committee be formed, consisting of Messrs. Knight, Williams, Lindsay, Gillespie, and McSweeny, to take such steps as they might deem necessary to get up a reception to Sir George Grey, Messrs. Sheehan and Macandrew, on their visit to Napier.
Mr Lindsay supported the resolution in his own eloquent style.
He was followed by Mr Motley (who happened to be present) who urged that as it was a matter emanating from the Working Men’s Club, a special meeting should be called as provided by the rules of the Club, and which was specially framed to meet such cases.
The reception conspirators, ‘perceiving that, notwithstanding all their manoeuvring, the mask was torn from the face of their plan, grew indignant, Mr Lindsay stating “that it was not a question emanating from the Club.” Then said Mr Motley, “I consider this is not a place for a question of this nature.”
Mr. Williams, then, however, in a blundering manner, let the cat out of the bag by saying: “Oh! If we conform to the rules, we would have to give 14 days’ notice:”
After some further remarks from Mr. Motley. in which he asked them to only give two days notice in the public newspapers, so that members could be aware of what was transpiring, he moved an amendment to that effect.
The amendment was supported by Mr. Murphy, who objected to the Club being made a political organisation.
The President (Mr. Gold) made a futile attempt to explain that it was not, but Mr. Freeman contradicted him, and proved that it was.
Mr. Gillespie then came to the rescue of his political friends, and said it was a move in the right direction for such to emanate from the Club, as neither the Oddfellows or Foresters had taken steps to do anything of the kind!
One of the members present belonging to the Order of Foresters very properly at once protested against the Societies’ names being used for a political purpose.
A scene of disorder here ensued, many members perceiving that the drift of the movement was to make the Club a cats-paw for Mr. Knight and his friends, got up and walked out.
Mr Murphy again protested, urging that when absent members were aware such a dodge had been attempted by a political clique, it would damage the prospects of the Club, and possibly ruin it.
About 11.30 the resolution was put and carried. Nine who were present voted for Mr Motley’s amendment and about 14 for Mr Lindsay’s proposition.
The bungling manner in which the affair was conducted reflects anything but credit on those concerned, and we hardly think that even Mr Sheehan will thank them for exposing their hands in the manner they have done.
We regret, for the sake of the future of the Club, that a miserable, wretched little political clique should have made an attempt to destroy the harmony which has existed in making the Club the success it has become, and we cannot but express our astonishment that the President, who was elected to carry out the rules passed at a general meeting, should have allowed his political feelings so far to sway him as to become a party to the proceedings – to have disregarded the constitution and laws and practically turn the Club into a political one. We are sure that the action taken will be discountenanced by every thinking member, however his political feelings may run. Sir George Grey himself, were he aware that an attempt had been made to get up a reception to him after the shape it has, we are well sure, would treat its authors with the contempt they so fully merit.
Had a proper course been adopted – no sly underhand work – but a full meeting of members called to discuss the matter, perhaps there would not be such an objection, although we still hold honorary or other members did not join the Club with the object of making it political. Were Sir George Grey Governor of the colony, and not a leader of a political party, it would not be out of place for a social club – such as the one in Napier – to render assistance in giving him a loyal reception, but when it is far otherwise the matter is wholly and totally different.
We hope steps will yet be taken by members to protest against the action of the intriguers of Saturday night, who appeared to care not whether the Club prospered or was retarded, so long as they gained their own selfish political ends.
The Flower Show got up in aid of the funds of the Wesleyan Church Sunday School was in all respects a grand succes. Mr Burton, the manager of the Government gardens, informs us that throughout the whole of his large experience he has never seen such an excellent collection of bouquets, or any more tastefully made up. Of course there are a few dissappointed, but nevertheless we still hope that the attempt made by the Committee to create a love for floriculture amongst the youth of the district will receive the support of the whole public, whatever may be their religious opinions or belief. The following is a list of the successful exhibitors: –
Special 1st prize, Frank Rhodes.
Special 2nd prize, Miss Williams.
1st prize, James Hutchins.
2nd prize, Arthur White.
3rd prize, Mary and George Scott.
4th prize, Oscar Alpas.
1st prize, Henry Ridgeway.
2nd prize, Mary Whittingham.
1st prize, Elizabeth Hutchins.
2nd prize, Annie Ridgeway.
3rd prize, Maud Faulknor.
1st prize, William Powell.
2nd prize, Miss Williams.
3rd prize, Edward Faulknor.
1st Prize, Amy Powell.
2nd Prize, Miss LeMoignan.
3rd Prize, Miss E. Towgood.
1st Prize, Alice Williams.
2nd Prize, Annie Storkey.
3rd Prize, Mary Whittingham.
Highly commended, Mary Neal.
Special 1st Prize only one, Amy Powell.
1st Prize, Alice Powell.
2nd Prize, James Hutchins.
3rd Prize, Clara Forrest.
4th Prize, Mary Grigg.
5th Prize, Annie Langley.
6th Prize, Amy Powell.
7th Prize, Harry Hamlin.
8th Prize, Susan Kerry.
No first Prize.
2nd Prize, F. Lyndon.
1st. Prize, Julia Martin.
1st Prize, Mary Neal.
2nd Prize, Julia Martin.
1st Prize, Clara Forrest.
2nd Prize, Mary Neal.
1st Prize, Frank Rhodes.
2nd Prize, Julia Martin.
Special Prize, Julia Martin.
Four Paintings by Miss Neal.
Shipping Intelligence.
29 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa, Passengers – Miss Roston, Messrs Bowerman, Harmer, Adair, Sheore, Dalton, and 1 native.
29 – Result, s.s. from Wairoa and Whakaki.
30 – Rangatira, s.s. from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Captain Porter and Mrs Porter.
30 – Columbia, schooner, from Mercury Bay.
1 – Elsinore, schooner, from Bay of Islands.
1 – Fairy, s.s. from Mangakuri.
2 – Taupo, s.s. from Northern Ports. Passengers – Mrs. Hooper, Misses Nesbett, and Moroney, Messrs. J. Watt, Ferguson, Oliver, Neill, Page, Seymour, Hawker, Sime, Irvine, Walsh, Villers, Forman, Donohue, Kirby, and Baker.
3 – Langstone, ship, from Poverty Bay.
4 – Orpheus, schooner, from Mercury Bay.
4 – Rapid, cutter, from Mohaka.
4 – Keraihe, cutter, from Mahia.
5 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland, Passengers – Messrs. Beale, Wallace, and two aboriginals.
5 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Messrs, Wilmer, Fay, Smith, Holmes, Fay, Shires and family.
5 – Silver Cloud, three-masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
5 – Result, s.s. from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Atward, Miss Thomson, Mr Mackenzie, and two natives.
6 – Kiwi, s.s. from Wellington via the Coast.
1 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Captain Porter, Messrs Dugdale, McCulloch, and Mehan.
2 – Helen Denny, barque, for London, Passengers – Mr and Mrs Crystal and 2 children, Mr and Mrs Templeman and 2 children, Mr and Mrs Edwards, Mrs Gregson and 3 children, Mrs Stafford and 1 child, Mrs Catherwood, Mrs Davey and 1 child, Mrs Ruth, Miss McNamara, Messrs Irvine, Perry and Hammond.
2 – Taupo, s.s. for Wellington. Passengers – Hon J. Johnston, Messrs Fairhead, Elmes, Roher, Mahon, Meehan,
Grant, Net, Carne, and Mrs Boyer.
3 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Two passengers,
3 – Acadia, schooner, for Auckland.
4 – Minnie Hare, schooner, for Auckland.
4 – Opotiki, schooner, for Poverty Bay.
4 – Fairy, s.s., for Porangahau. Passengers – Mr Davidson.
4 – Manaia, s.s., for Wairoa, Passengers – Miss Ross, Mr. C. Harmer, and a few others.
The p.s. Manaia and s.s. Result both returned to port on Thursday. The former had a load of wool from Messrs Duff’s station, Wairoa; the latter a load of wool from the Hon. W. S. Peter’s station at Whakaki. The channel at the Wairoa is very narrow and tortuous.
The s.s. Rangatira arrived early this morning from Gisborne.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, after crossing the Bar on Thursday, steered for where the Mataura lay, and by means of the Pilot’s boat and crew, the Mataura’s anchor was grappled, and hove up on board the Kiwi. On examining the cable it was found that the last link next to the shackle was broken.
The schooner Acadia is from the South, and is laden partly for Napier and partly for Auckland with Colonial produce.
The brigantine Esther, an old trader to the port, is at present loading at Lyttelton for Napier. Several consignees have already received Bills of Lading of goods on board.
The third of the Orient Company’s steamers, the Cusco, has lately arrived in Sydney, having made an extraordinary quick passage, She steamed from Plymouth to Adelaide, a distance of 11,929 miles, at an average speed of 13 knots. She left Plymouth at 4.20 p.m. on September 27, and arrived off Glenelg at 9.16 a.m. on November 7. The passage lasted 40 days, 17 minutes, and 24 seconds, allowing 9 hours and 41 minutes for difference in equation of time. The total of the time taken up on the voyage, including all detention, has been 40 days seven hours, and 63 minutes, and if from this is deducted a detention of 31 hours and 41 minutes by calling at St Vincent, and for an opportunity taken to screw up, it will be noticed that the actual steaming time at sea has been 38 days, 23 hours, and 48 minutes. The Cusco is sister steamer to the Chimborazo, commanded by Captain John Tall, Junr., who used to have the Egmont on this coast.
The Helen Denny, Capt. Ruth, cleared at the Customs on Friday, with the following cargo :-Shipped by Kinross and Co., 2135 bales wool, 2 bags wool, 10 bales skins, 208 casks tallow, 2 cases curios, and 1 case furs. Shipped by ‘Murray, Common and Co., 1007 bales wool, and 3 bales skins. The total value of the whole of her cargo amount to £72,960 2s 10d, being the most valuable cargo that ever left Napier in one ship.
We notice that the Helen Denny took from Napier a largo number of passengers, more than usual leaving in her, Capt. Ruth being a favorite with passengers. In the event of any others going home this season, we would beg to remind them that the Mataura will be back from Wellington in about three weeks time to load home. This vessel has superior cabin accommodation, her saloon being lofty, roomy, and airy, in fact, it has more the appearance of a steamer’s saloon than a sailing ship’s. The vessel is owned by the New Zealand Shipping Company, which is a guarantee that the provisions are of the best quality, and for steerage passengers the dietary is all that is wanted. Captain Brown has proved himself a thorough seaman as well as a genial companion, as was evidenced by the testimonial presented to him by the passengers on the arrival of the Mataura three weeks since, a copy of which we published at the time.
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt. Evans, discharged her cargo on Friday at the breast-work, and took in 200 bags maize. She left at 1 o’clock on Saturday.
The barque Helen Denny, Captain Ruth, got underweigh [underway] about half-past four on Sunday morning. She had not much wind all day, as she was seen from the hills at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Great credit is due to the agents, Kinross and Co., for the despatch used in loading this vessel. This is the first time that a wool ship has left Napier so early in the season. We wish Captain Ruth and his passengers a speedy and prosperous voyage.
The s.s. Taupo arrived under easy steam from Poverty Bay at 6 o’clock on Sunday, and was immediately tendered by the Bella, and the passengers landed. The Three Brothers lightered her cargo. The Taupo left again at 11 am. As usual the purser of the Taupo did not furnish us with a report.
The next wool ship to leave will be the Dragon, to be followed by the Langstone. The latter vessel is half full from Poverty Bay.
The s.s. Fairy brought a load of wool from Mangakuri.
The schooner Elsinore has a cargo of 48 tons of Bay of Island coal.
The ship Langstone, Captain Parker, leaves for London via Napier this day. She takes about 1000 bales of wool, shipped by Messrs Graham and Co., and the following passengers: – Mr and Mrs Caston and son, and Mr J. D. Osborne. We wish the good ship a full cargo and a pleasant and speedy passage home. – Poverty Bay Herald, November 30.
The s.s. Result towed out the Acadia on Monday evening, and then steamed for Wairoa. Her cargo was principally timber, and she will return with wool from Whaka Mahia.
The Acadia is bound to Auckland to discharge the Auckland portion of her south-ward cargo.
The s.s. Sir Donald towed out the schooner Opotiki and Minnie Hare on Tuesday. The former has a general cargo, but free and under bond; the latter is laden principally with hides.
The Lochnagar was moored to the buoy on Monday morning lately vacated by the Helen Denny.
The barque Langstone was brought up at the westward anchorage on Monday. She will finish her loading here, having brought about 800 bales of wool from Gisborne.
The Dragon has on board to date 2460 bales of wool.
The schooner Orpheus is laden with timber from Mercury Bay.
The cutter Rapid returned from Mohaka on Tuesday, with a cargo of wool for Messrs. Murray, Common and Co.
The native cutter Karaihe, Captain Knipi, arrived on Tuesday. She is loaded with 260 kits dried fish as presents to Tareha, Hapuku, Renata, and other native chiefs in Hawke’s Bay.
The schooner Elsinore has about 60 tons of shingle on board as cargo for Poverty Bay It is intended to mix it with cement for Messrs. Graham and Co.’s concrete store.
The ship Renfrewshire has over 200 tons of freight for Napier. She is out about 80 days from London.
The Pilot and crew went out in the Sir Donald at 4 o’clock on Wednesday to the Pania Reef, and unshackled the buoy and brought it to the wharf, where it will be cleaned, scraped, and repainted. The swivel appears much worn, and will probably have to be renewed. The chain attached to the buoy was hove to, examined, and found to be pretty well worn out, which will have to be replaced by a new one. The repairs, &c., to the old buoy will be complete in about two weeks. In the meantime the reef is marked by a smaller buoy. The chain and buoy were covered with muscles.
The Rotorua arrived on Thursday.
The Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, arrived from Auckland at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, after a remarkably fine passage. She had only a few passengers, about 40 tons of cargo, two splendid plough horses for Messrs, Watt and Farmer, and 6 very hand- some shorthorn cows consigned to Messrs, Coleman and McHardy. The Cross will take fat sheep only this trip.
The s.s. Rangatira, Captain Evans, left Wellington at 45 o’clock on Tuesday, arriving here on Wednesday, after a fair run of 22½ hours. She experienced head winds from Palliser, but with smooth sea. She having 175 tons of general cargo for this port, but a good deal is transhipped from the Waitara. Mr. Dugdale kindly furnished us with the above report and files.
The three-masted schooner Silver Cloud anchored in the Bay on Wednesday from Newcastle, N.S.W. We have no particulars as to her passage. The schooner Columbia is lightering her.
The s.s. Result left Wairoa at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, and brought up in the Bay at 11; remained at anchor till daylight. She brings 72 bales of dumped wool, and a few passengers.
The three-masted schooner May, a regular trader between Wellington and Hong Kong, left for the latter port on 28th November.
Napier, December 4, 1877.
Since the close of the third series of sales in London on October 2nd, very little alteration has taken place in the condition of the trade generally. The frequent fluctuations which marked the course of that series betrayed plainly the unsteady feeling prevalent among all classes of users, and the want of confidence consequent upon this has rather been increased by the impossibility of foretelling with an amount of exactness the course of political events for the immediate future. In spite, however, of the universal caution and reserve manifested during the progress of the auctions, prices remained at a higher level than was expected, and it is thought likely that the closing series of the year may pass over without any remarkable depreciation in values.
The fate of the present clip will depend in a great measure upon the speedy termination of the war. Should peace be declared before the commencement of the new year’s sales, there is no doubt that a steadier tone would soon prevail; and although it is not likely there would be any appreciable enhancement in prices-from the fact of buyers having the whole of the new clip before them-still there is every reason to believe current rates would be steadily maintained. As, however, no correct or reliable opinion can possibly be formed as yet as to when the war will cease, the future of the market for the new year is at the best but very uncertain, and still gloomy.
Advices from France and Germany show a general feeling of uneasiness in the woollen industry generally, coupled with want of confidence as to the future of the market.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 16th December.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Saturday, 15th December, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters via San Francisco, will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers, at 8 p.m. on Saturday, the 15th December.
For Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, and Takapau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 p.m.: on other days of the week, at 6.30 a.m.
For Norsewood, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Tahoarite [Tahoraiti], Woodville, Masterton, Greytown, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.50 a.m.
For Motuotaria, Wallingford, and Porangahau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Wainui, and Castle Point, on Mondays, at 5.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
J.T. – We can hardly believe your statement to be true. If the Tax Collector promised to protect you from being summoned, so long as you supported the Grey-Sheehan party, all we can say is, that you ought to bring the matter before the Public Works Committee, and if proved true, he should be dismissed.
TANNER. – At Norton House, Stoketon-on-Tees, County Durham, on October 1, the wife of Thomas Tanner, of a daughter.
HALL. – At Tikokino, near Hampden, on December 2, the wife of William Hall, of a son.
DONNELLY – KARAURIA. – On the 6th December, at St. John’s Church, Napier, by the Rev. H. W. St Hill, George Prior Donnelly, of Omahu, third son of the late P. Donnelly, Esq., County Tipperary, Ireland, to Airini, daughter of the late Karauria Tania-whakakite-i-a-te-rangi, chief and a niece of Renata Kawepo, chief, Omahu.
McCORMICK. – At Napier, on December 6th, William James, the only son of Mr. A. McCormick, aged 1 year.
Divine Service will be held next Sunday by the Rev. J. U. Spence, at Waipukurau at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and at Tamumu at 3 p.m. By the Rev J. M. Fraser at Kaikora (Gaelic) at 12 noon, (English) at 3 p.m, and at Waipawa at 7 p.m.
The attention of Highlanders is requested to the notice that a Gaelic service will be held at Kaikora, at noon of next Sunday.
Public Works Office,
Wellington 14th November, 1877.
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this office up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd January, 1878, for the above contract. They must be addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington, and marked outside, “Tender for Papatu Bridge Contract, Permanent Way.” Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Public Works Offices, Auckland, Wanganui, Christchurch, Foxton, Wellington, Dunedin, Invercargill, the Survey Office Nelson, and at the Post Office Napier. Telegraphic Tenders similarly addressed and marked, will be received if presented at any Telegraphic Office by NOON of the same date, provided that written tenders in due form are lodged at a District or Resident Engineer’s Office by the same hour, and accompanied by a cheque on some bank in the town where the tender is lodged; such cheque to be specially marked by a banker as good for twenty-one days, and to be in favor of the Receiver-General’s Deposit Account only, and not to bearer or order. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
By command,
N.B. – Plans for this contract can be purchased at the above offices.
THE above will be held at Waipawa, on 26th December (BOXING DAY), in a paddock adjoining the Railway Station, kindly granted by E. Collins, Esq.
No. Event. 1st prize 2nd prize E trance [Entrance] Fee
£. s. £. s. s. d.
1. Throwing Heavy Hammer (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
2. Putting Heavy Stone (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
3. Best Bagpipe Player 4. 0 1.10 2 6
4. Maiden Race (300 yards) 2 10 1 0 2 6
5. Throwing Light Hammer (16lbs) 2 10 1 0 2 0
6. Putting Light Stone (16lbs) 2 0 1 0 2 0
7. Men’s Foot Race (400 yards) 3 10 1 10 2 6
8. Hop, Step and Leap 2 10 1 0 2 0
9. Boy’s (under 14 years) Foot Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 1 0
10. Dancing Highland Fling 3 0 1 0 2 6
11. Running High Leap 3 0 1 0 2 6
12. Men’s Foot Race (600 yards) 7 0 3 0 4 0
13. Vaulting Men’s Foot Race (600 yards) 3 10 1 10 2 6
14. Men’s Hurdle Race (500 yards) 4 0 1 10 3 0
15. Boy’s (under 13 yrs) Hurdle Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 1 0
16. Running Long Leap 2 10 1 0 1 0
17. Dancing Liverpool Hornpipe 3 0 1 0 2 6
18. Four-legged Hurdle Race (200 yds) 2 0 1 0 2 0
19. Walking Match (900 yards) 4 0 1 10 2 6
20. Dancing Irish Jig 3 0 1 0 2 6
21. Standing high Leap 2 0 1 0 2 0
22. Three legged Race (150 yards) 2 0 1 0 2 0
23. Boy’s (under 10 years) Foot Race (200 yards) 1 0 0 10 0 6
24. Sack Race (over hurdles) 100 yds 2 0 1 0 1 0
25. Men’s (over 40 years) Race (300 yards) 3 10 1 0 2 0
The Sports will commence at 11 o’clock a.m. sharp.
Admission to the grounds, One Shilling: children under 10 years with parents, Free.
No horses or dogs allowed on the grounds.
A Ball will be held in the evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall in connection with the above.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Third Meeting of the Waipawa Sports will be held at Waipawa on Boxing Day (26th December), when about £100 will be offered in prizes.
The Weekly Mercury
We are certainly at a loss to understand why the Herald should advocate on Monday a public reception to Sir George Grey, because he happens to have jockeyed himself into the Premiership of the colony. What has Sir George Grey or Mr Sheehan done for this part of the colony that they are to be recognised as our saviours and helpers? Sir G. Grey when Governor, during our hour of trial, when we were menaced by hostile tribes, held aloof and never protested against the action of the then Ministers in almost forcing war in Hawke’s Bay. He almost ruined the colony by preventing General Cameron from chastising the rebels in the Waikato and preventing the General’s further pursuit of them, which would have ended for ever our native difficulties. And is it for this we are to thank him? If we are to enter into politics after this fashion, let us give a cordial reception to our members who have been for five months battling for our interests, as the Otago and Auckland people have done in the past to their members, and not attempt to throw a slur on them by receiving them in silence and “ comforting” their opponents. This is evidently what the editor of the Herald aims at, and possibly this is one of the reasons which induced him to countenance on Saturday by his presence and advice those few political agitators who attempted to transform the Working Men’s Club into a Political Union. His attempt to cross the scent with a red herring by making Knight the scapegoat is rather too transparent.
THE Grey Ministry has over and over again warned the colonists that its finances are plunged into a state of bankruptcy ; that we are unable to pay our creditors, and last, but not least, we are spending at the rate of nearly £2000 per day over and above our income. That, we are told, is our present position by those who are ruling us, and who now having taken the helm to steer the stateship. Holding these views, and, we presume, believing them to be true, we may ask, what the statesman, Sir George Grey, who his admirers tell us, has thrice come to our help when in a foundering state proposes to do to once more put on an even keel. Firstly, he proposes to take the land fund of the Colony, or rather the land fund of Canterbury, for this is the only district having a land fund. But will this meet the difficulty? Mr Larnach believes it will not, and what does this embryo statesman and his colleagues propose further to do? Raise £4,000,000! Increase our indebtedness to an enormous extent, and this money so raised is to be used but for ‘temporary purposes!” What those ‘temporary purposes” are, neither Mr Larnach or Sir G. Grey appear to know themselves. For this financier tells us plainly in his financial statement that, notwithstanding he requires four million of money, he has “made no provision for the million owing to the two banks.” And is it with such a statement as this our Colonial Necker expects to go to the London market and raise the £4,000,000 he so glibly talks about? Is it likely that lenders would give money to the colony when its Treasurer tells them,” we are spending £2000 per day over our income; we have made no provision for one million of money we owe to two banks in the colony; we are not prepared to increase taxation; we only want your money for “temporary purposes.” Would any financier listen to them? We do not believe it for an instant, and, further, such a proceeding would utterly ruin the financial credit of the colony in the money market of the world. Although members are anxious doubtless to return to their homes, never the less it is their bounden duty to protest in every shape and form against this reckless finance ; show to the world that our position is not as represented; and refuse to place in the hands of a Government, not having the confidence of the majority, vast sums of money to be used only for “ temporary purposes.”
ON Tuesday the Herald stated, in contradiction to ourselves, that the price of land is not proposed by the Grey Government to be raised to over £1 per acre Like our contemporary, we have not the Bill before us, but we took as our guide the remarks of Mr Donald Reid, the late Secretary of Lands, who, in the debate on Saturday night, said:-“ Read with the Land Bill, it would make the price for deferred payment blocks £3 per acre.” The attempt made by our contemporary by these repeated falsehoods to gain a certain object, for which he is contending, is transparent. Has our contemporary ever read the Waste Lands Regulations promulgated by Sir G. Grey in 1862, which permitted the Waste Lands of the colony to be “spotted” by the large capitalists and land-sharks that he should now attempt to gull the public with the belief that Sir G. Grey is the antagonist of the squatters and land monopolists? What land, we may ask, is there in Hawke’s Bay, or even in Auckland, now open for sale worth £1 or £2 per acre? Have we not before us the attempt of the late Government to sell by auction at Wairoa the confiscated lands above their market value? And what was the result? Not a single offer. There can be no doubt about it that the rise in the price of land not only in this province, but also in the North, will retard settlement, and prevent the working-man from obtaining for himself a freehold, and it is to this we object. The emigrant who leaves home comes with the determination to purchase land and obtain for himself a homestead, but if such a price is placed on the land as practically precludes him obtaining his desire, he becomes disgusted, and searches for another country where more liberal land laws are in existence, and where he is enabled, according to his means, to obtain for himself a freehold.
WE understand that the Repudiationists have currently reported that the TELEGRAPH has been handed over to Mr. Ormond. When Mr Ormond was in a majority, and had at his fingers ends the dispensing of patronage, we opposed him in all those matters which we believed to be injurious to the colony. When he left office, we watched, on behalf of the public, what would be the Government policy. It has been promulgated, and the result is that the public is disappointed and disgusted. It means, a locking-up of the lands. We are naturally opposed to such a policy, and are determined to withstand and oppose any Government, or any policy which has for its object the placing the administration of the lands in the hands of the squattocracy of the country, be the head of that party an Ormond or a Sheehan, but we distinctly deny that we are the exponents of any political party or clique.
THE editor of the Herald on Thursday professes to have received a letter from an “esteemed ” correspondent, in which the writer attempts to refute our remarks as to the conduct of Sir George Grey when Governor, “in preventing General Cameron from pursuing the rebel natives during the Waikato war.” The letter further states, “The article was an insult to the common sense of the people of Hawke’s Bay.” Journalists, as a rule, take little or no notice of letters in which the names of the writers are not given, but as in this instance we are pretty confident that the “esteemed” correspondent is no other than the editor himself, we will step out of our usual path in making a reply thereto. The writer states that General Cameron flatly refused to carry out the Governor’s orders to carry on the war with vigor, and then he goes on to mix up the events of 1864 and 1867 in one complete jumble. Will the writer inform us of the reasons which induced the Fox-Whitaker Ministry to resign? Is it not well known that after Sir D. Cameron’s capture of Ngaruawahia, Sir George Grey distinctly refused to confiscate the lands as requested by his Ministers, and threw every obstacle in the way of General Cameron’s further advance into the Waikato? Was that not the reason why Ministers resigned? We challenge the Herald, or its “esteemed” correspondent, to deny these facts, which are matters of history. We do give credit to Sir George Grey for the manful way he stood up in defence of the colonists in 1868, but still it must be remembered that policy was forced on him by Mr Stafford, who was the then Premier of New Zealand. If the Herald, or any of its “ esteemed “’ correspondents, desire to debate Sir G. Grey’s previous administration in this colony, we are quite prepared to enter into such a controversy with them, and shew if any “insult is being offered to the common sense of the people,” it ought to be attributed to those who write on matters with which they are not in any way acquainted.
AND after all the Grey Demonstration is a failure! It is rumoured, and we give it only on the authority of Dame Rumor, Sir G. Grey and the Native Minister have determined not to come to Napier next week, but have postponed their visit to a more convenient opportunity. The Premier is exceedingly desirous of reaching Auckland as early as possible, and interviewing the Maori King. The only difficulty with respect to the King natives so far is, that a section would prefer to meet His Excellency the Marquis of Normanby, and with him arrange terms, rather than one whose professions in the past has been so different to what he has attempted to carry out in practice. Should Sir G. Grey and his friends keep to their determination to visit the Maori King in the Waikato this month, they will doubtless be well received, as the previous Government had arranged, prior to the change of Ministry, for such an interview to take place. We, however, beg to offer our consolations to those few who in anticipation of Sir G. Grey’ arrival here had made arrangements to give him a reception. We console with Messrs, Knight, Carlile, Williams, and Lindsay. May their efforts in the future be more successful.
December 3, 1877.
As doubtless is well known, Te Aute is a thriving and prosperous district. Its forests of timber supplying firewood and building material for not only Napier, but to the intermediate places between here and the city; but the supply of timber, while affording employment to a number of men, is as nothing compared with its broad acres of pastoral country upon which cattle and sheep fatten with astonishing rapidity, not to be surpassed in Hawke’s Bay. Hill, valley, and spreading plain, are all possessed of the same characteristics. The Hon. Henry Russell and the Rev. Samuel Williams have some remarkably fine herds of cattle and flocks of sheep bred upon their estates, and possess some of the richest country in the district; but, in fact, the whole of Te Aute is one mass of rich fat land, and well may the owners be proud of the possessions they hold.
Mr Russell has just removed his steam saw mill to Takapau. Shearing at his run will commence tomorrow, The Rev. S. Williams has been busy shearing at his place for some time, but the welcome rain on Saturday and Sunday must of necessity have retarded operations; doubtless shearing will be resumed tomorrow. Speaking of the rev. gentleman, I cannot refrain from mentioning that great anxiety is felt as to the cutting up of the “College estate,’ and I am of the opinion that the sooner it is done the better it will be for the College and the district. I say this with all due respect to Mr Williams.
Agricultural pursuits are of a nominal character, a few patches of potatoes and maize forming the principal items in this direction. In gardens, I find that fruit of every description, with the exception of gooseberries, will be very scarce this season. Trees that in previous seasons at this time of the year were laden with fruit, are at the present completely denuded in many instances not only of the fruit, but of the foliage.
The Te Aute Motel has changed hands, Mr D. McIntyre, brewer, of West Clive, having purchased the freehold from Mr W. Ellingham for a very handsome sum of money. Mr John Pettit, the present landlord, retires on the 1st February.
(Before His Worship, R. Beetham, Esq., J.P.)
Robert McDonnell was charged, on the information of a native woman, the wife of Paora Kawhiti, with having indecently assaulted her on the evening of the 23rd instant at Port Ahuriri.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr. Lee.
For obvious reasons we abstain from publishing the evidence in full, but give a mere abstract of the case.
The prisoner, it would appear, was walking on the beach when he noticed the prosecutix. He went up to her and offered her money in the one hand, and insulted her by taking up her clothes with his other hand. The prosecutrix was at that time with her husband gathering pipis on the beach, but as soon as the prisoner insulted her she screamed for protection, when Paul and a policeman came up and the prisoner was given in charge.
The case occupied the whole morning, and resulted in the prisoner being committed for trial at the next sittings of the Supreme Court.
The Court then adjourned until 1.30 p.m., when the case of
was called.
The prisoner was charged with having appropriated to his own use monies entrusted to his care by Mr Bertie, the proprietor of the Takapau Hotel, which he had given him to bank.
Mr Lee appeared for the prisoner.
The case was still proceeding when we went to press, but we are compelled, owing to the arrival of the English Mail, to hold over the evidence until to-morrow.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
John Bourke was brought up in custody on a charge of having been found at night without lawful excuse on the premises of R. Vinsen. Defendant made a long statement about having no place to go to, and that having received an injury to his shoulder, he only went where he was found for shelter, and so on. As there was no evidence to show that defendant had any unlawful purpose in view, he was discharged with a caution.
Robert Edwards, a half-caste, who had been arrested at Tauranga on a charge of stealing a cheque for £7 1s the property of Robert Somerville, of Hastings, on the 5th November last, was brought up, and at the request of the Sergeant of Police remanded until Thursday next.
Garden & Farming Calendar.
FLOWER GARDEN. Sow annuals for autumn flowering; remove cinerarias and other plants past flowering. Thin out annuals in the borders; take up bulbs that have ripened off ; cut down all stems past flowering. Many herbaceous plants thus treated will give a copious autumnal bloom. Look after insects, &c. The flower garden and greenhouse ought to exhibit their highest display during this and next month.
KITCHEN AND FRUIT GARDEN. – Keep the hoe going in all parts of the garden; it not only destroys weeds and insect broods, but purifies and enriches the soil, invigorates the crops and enables them to resist the effects of the drought. Sow broccoli towards the close of the month; sow cabbage, cauliflower, endive, French beans, parsley, spinach, early peas, for late cropping, and turnip. Stick peas and scarlet runners, first earthing them up. Sow salad herbs, plant out celery and leeks, giving plenty of manure, and watering with liquid manure in dry weather. Encourage the growth of tomatoes. When the plants have grown to good size stop the shoots back to joint, above the bloom. Continue this course through the season. Cut sweet basil and other pot herbs for winter use. Save seeds of early peas and others as they come to maturity. Attend to transplanting in showery weather. There is little to be done in the fruit garden this month. Keep down weeds; destroy insects. Strawberries, cherries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, peaches, and early plums will require gathering. Water the newly planted trees with weak liquid manure in dry weather. Thin out superflous [superfluous] wood; cut off all shoots appearing below grafts and buds; remove suckers.
FARM. – Haymaking now commences in earnest; it is better to cut a little too early than to let the grass stand till it is over ripe, except it is required for seed, when judgment must be exercised, as if cut too early the seed will never yield so well to the acre nor weigh so well as it should, and allowed to stand too long a great deal is lost.
Hay is made here in different ways; hardly any rule can be laid down, as so much depends on the weather, the quantity to be saved and the supply of hands. It is always desirable, though, as soon as the hay is fit, to stack it and thatch it as soon as possible; the thatch should, therefore, be lying ready to be put on before the stack is made. Rushes are excellent; thatch rye or wheaten straw, if thrashed by hand, are also good ; a hay-shed best, all. Oaten hay will now be fit to cut, and as soon as all the hay is thatched, fences for harvest will be treading closely on the heels of hay time. It may be advisable to wean the oldest of the lambs this month.
1200 Sheep and increase thereon
2000 ¾-bred Wethers, 2, 4, and 6 toothed
4000 ½-bred Ewes, full mouthed
1500 ½-bred Ewes and Wethers, 6-tooth.
1500 Merino Wethers
1000 Merino Ewes, And about 80 Well-bred Merino Rams, 2, 4, and 6-tooth
½Acre Section, securely fenced, with substantial 4-Roomed Cottage, and good Garden and Well, at Abbotsford.
Stock and Station Agent.
520 ACRES FREEHOLD and 60 ACRES LEASEHOLD, Ruataniwha, with 500 Sheep, also Cattle, Horses, &c.
14,000 acres Freehold Land, improved, with
10,000 Sheep, and Cattle, Horses, &c.
105 Acres Freehold, Waipawa River, with 2-roomed Cottage thereon
110 Acres Agricultural Land, leasehold, on the Homewood Estate, with Stock, Implements, &c.
Sections at Richmond Park, Waipawa Bush, &c.
50 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth, bred by the Hon. H. R. Russell.
75 Lincoln Rams, 2, 4, 6, and 8 tooth, bred by T. P. Russell, Esq.
12 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth, bred by F, H. Drower, Esq.
170 Merino Rams, 2 tooth, and
40 Merino Rams, 4-tooth, bred by the Hon. H. R. Russell
34 Merino Rams, 2-tooth, and
38 Merino Rams, 4, 6, and 8-tooth, bred by D. Gollan, Esq.
10 Merino Rams, bred by Thomas Hedlam, Esq., Egleston, Tasmania.
2000 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth, delivery in February
1000 cross-bred Wethers, 2-tooth
1400 cross-bred Wethers, 4-tooth
2000 Merino Ewes, full mouthed, delivery in February
1000 Merino Ewes, 4 and 6-tooth, delivery in February
500 cross-bred Ewes, 2-tooth, delivery in February
1000 Merino Wethers, full-mouthed
1500 Merino Wethers, full mouthed, immediate delivery
1000 Merino Wethers, 2, 4, 6, and 8- tooth, delivery in February
700 cross-bred Wethers, 6, and 8- tooth, delivery immediately
500 cross-bred Ewes, 2-tooth, delivery in February
700 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth, delivery in February
500 cross-bred Lambs, delivery in February
1000 cross-bred Lambs, delivery in February
250 cross-bred Ewes, 2 and 4-tooth, delivery in February
Stock and Station Agent,
PERSONS desirous of nominating relatives or friends in Great Britain for passages to New Zealand are informed that the Monthly List will be closed on the 10th December, 1877.
Nominated Immigrants on arrival in the Colony may join their friends immediately after inspection, and will not be required to go into the Depot.
Full particulars and Forms can be obtained from the Immigration Officer, Napier.
Immigration Officer.
SIR, – Mr D. Barry states in yesterday’s Herald that “to prevent further lies being told,” he intends “to cover with a layer of earth” some broken crockery, &c. I am puzzled to know how this effect can be produced, although history teems with instances of the most inveterate liars being cured by being covered with a layer of earth (wet or dry). Nothing short of this could possibly have done the business. – I am, &c.,
November 30, 1877.
SIR, – I have read this evening with surprise your remarks on the action taken by some of the Councillors in the Waipawa County Council. The acrimonious spirit there displayed proves to me you know nothing of the state of affairs. The meeting was called under clause 54 of the Counties Act, “and for other business.” The Chairman’s explanation to the Council was this: – “That a Clerk be appointed prior to the election of Chairman to enable him to hand over to his successor everything in proper form.’ I must remind you, Sir, that at the last general meeting the Chairman was empowered to appoint a temporary Clerk, which he did; and also should by this time have enabled the Chairman to hand over the affairs of the County in proper form to his successor. The appointment of a fresh Clerk could not at the last moment further him in any way. Therefore, Sir, you can see that our first business was to appoint a Chairman.
Before your editorial opinion is in future given, perhaps it would be as well that your reporter be present. – I am, &c.,
Homewood, Kaikora, Nov. 29, 1877.
SIR, – I have frequently had occasion to admire the noble disregard for the trammels of professional etiquette shown by some of the teachers of this little town in seizing upon pupils at all times and seasons, sacrificing, in a manner truly unselfish, their dignity to the advantage of these straying lambs. But the following advertisement cut from a late Auckland paper, struck me as carrying out this new idea more fully, as well as frankly, and I venture accordingly, through the medium of your valuable columns, to recommend it to the profession as an admirable model of their principle. – I am, &c.,
“Mr and Mrs A. beg to call the attention of parents to the opening of the Ladies’ College. They will receive pupils at any lime during the quarter, and charge in proportion. Prizes will be given at Christmas.”
SIR, – Do I err in saying “that no meeting” can be called unless by notice posted up in the room of the Working Men’s Club, stating the object of such meeting? If I am correct in my surmise, I can only say that the proceedings (not meeting) held last Saturday evening was a hole-and-corner one, and the members of the club who lent themselves to it deserve the censure of all the other members. Perhaps Mr Vinsen, as he accepted the position of chairman, will answer the question-Who called the meeting, and who put the resolution “That a Reception Committee be formed of the Working Men’s Club to receive Sir George Grey and Mr Sheehan” into his hands? and why he as chairman (whose duty it is for the time being to see the Standing Order and rules properly carried out) dare put such a resolution? What has Sir George Grey or Mr Sheehan to do with the Working Men’s Club? Is our club to be made a political debating club? I hope not. There is nothing so dangerous to an unanimity of a class as political and religious subjects. Let us debate on neither. Let us use our political vote by the ballot, and let our religion be as between God and our conscience. Mr Motley’s retort to Mr Lindsay, who moved the resolution, was, to my mind, very just. Mr Lindsay says, “This is not a meeting emanating from the Working Men’s Club, but from private people outside.” “Then,” said Mr Motley, “I consider this is not the place to propose a question of the kind.” Sir, I trust the working men of Napier, who compose our club, are not going to allow themselves to be beguiled by a few who have no other object in view than their own and their employers’ aggrandisement. What other object can they have-your welfare? No, no! for instance, what an energetic working-man Mr Knight is! He hardly ever misses an evening, and all for the benefit and welfare of the working man. How disinterested! It may be that the club before long will vote him by resolution “a warm corner” somewhere. – I am, &c.,
December 3, 1877.
SIR, – Unless the projectors of Saturday night’s meeting at the Working Men’s Club desire to officiate at the obsequies of that institution they had better stop their little game at once, The object for which the Club was started were to provide amusement for its members, and genial social intercourse between them. Not to furnish committee-rooms for politicians of any party whatever. In most Clubs it is a rule that neither religious or political subjects shall be discussed within the walls, and the sooner the Clive Square Club passes such a rule the better for its prospects. Until this is done it will be in the power of a few members to injure the status of the club beyond all calculations. And if it is not done, I am certain that many honorary members will withdraw from the Club. Why should they give their guineas to enable Messrs Lindsay, Knight, and Williams to get up political meetings, or stand three-penny drinks to electors? The Club members ought to know perfectly well that if the idea once obtains that the Club is a foster-parent to political bantlings there will be an end to outside sympathy and support. And then the Licensing Bench will soon have to consider an application for a license for the house lately known as the Working Men’s Club. – I am, &c.,
D. P.
December 3, 1877.
SIR, – In your issue of Saturday, under the head of “Poisonous Arrows,” the Home News is quoted to say, “that it is satisfactory to know that the arrows employed by the natives of the South Sea Islands are not poisonous.” From a somewhat lengthened cruise in the principal groups of Polynesia and the Line Islands, I must certainly differ from such a statement. The deaths of Bishop Patterson, and his fellow-missionaries, Mr Joseph Atkin, and Stephen, the Catechist, go to prove that the islanders use these poisonous weapons. In the largest islands of the Solomon Group and Bank’s Group-such as San Christoval, Florida, New Georgia, Ysabel, and Matalanta- the inhabitants of which are mostly favorable to the missionary and his cause, but who are continually at strife with each other, the poisoned arrow is a leading implement of warfare. ‘The plan adopted to poison them is to insert the barbed part of the arrow into a partly decomposed human body, and then dipped into a juice extracted from native trees. Those that are generally to be found in the hands of Europeans, as curios, are made expressly by the islanders to barter with, and never used for hostile purposes. In the New Hebrides and Friendly’ Society Islands the modern musket is taking the place of these primitive weapons. On one occasion I witnessed a large Newfoundland dog accidentally struck with one of these
poisoned arrows, and shortly after expire, writhing in the most horrible convulsions. Other experiments made by captains of the Labor traders go to show that the South Pacific Islanders use these deadly missiles. – I am, &c.,
December 3, 1877.
SIR, – It is with great satisfaction I notice the manly and outspoken manner in which you expose the “little game” of those five or six political conspirators who would use the Working Men’s Club, if they could manage it, on “the quiet.” Those so-called working-men, who can work or play as the start takes them, would bamboozle the less prominent members if persons such as you did not stand in the way and show up their moves. As for the editor of the Herald, I place no faith whatever in anything he says or does, preferring one who would come out boldly, even though he might not always be in the right, to a covert enemy who would stab while pretending to be your friend. I could not avoid laughing when I read in this morning’s paper that Mr Carlile did “all” he could to dissuade members from bringing on the resolution. Now, as a matter of fact, the best and most prominent members of the club know him too well to take any notice of what he thought, and never spoke to him on any important topic during the whole night. Of course, if he keeps his old nose in every ones way, sometimes he will have to be answered for the sake of courtesy; but they would much rather he would keep out of their way. This individual, however, must not imagine that he is deceiving any one. Even the conspirators know that if it suited his purpose he would betray them as readily as he sold his former patrons who gave him bread and butter at a time when he most needed it. In conclusion, allow me to hope that the conspiracy clique will not succeed in getting up a sham reception to Sir G. Grey, while our own representatives are passed over with silent contempt. – I am, &c.,
December 4, 1877.
SIR, – In answer to the letter signed “A Member” my answer is, that I cannot inform him where the movement first originated from, and, as the paper was handed to me, I read it as requested. I think if he looks at both reports in the papers he will be fully answered. No one individual member feels more aggrieved than I do that this has occurred to break up that social feeling that has existed. The only thing to be done is to call a general meeting and make laws that no political or religious questions be debated upon. – I am, &c.,
Chairman of Saturday Night’s Meeting.
December 4, 1877.
SIR, – I see that “Art Unions” are the order of the day. Furniture, paintings, watches, jewellery, stationery, grog. &c., are all artfully on the move. Being the proprietor of a damaged toilet set-one picture (said to be very old)-six cheeses, (really very old), a keg of salt butter (racy) three rat-traps, six clocks, a ton of second hand corrugated iron, five kerosine lamps (assorted) Dr. Johnson’s “ Tour in the Hebrides” (3 vols, calf), and case of dried apples, &c, I am anxious to give the public the benefit of a sudden attack of generosity on my part. I propose to advertise an Art Union. One thousand subscribers at 10s, with one hundred prizes as above. But before incurring expense, I should be glad to learn from you whether there is at present any opening for further enterprise in this direction ? Secondly, would my proposed Art Union be legal? – I am, &c.,
December 4, 1877.
Will hold their First Meeting at KAIKORA.
Tuesday, January 1st, 1877.
President W. White, Esq.
Stewards A. Danvers. J. Nicholson N. Campbell A. Bowden T. Price
Judge Mr. H.J. Baker
Starter Mr. J. Price
Handicapper Mr. A. Danvers
HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of 30 sovs. Distance about 2 miles. Top weight, 11st 7lb;
nomination, 2 sovs.; acceptance, 2 sovs.
MAIDEN PLATE of 20 sovs. Distance 1¼ miles. Weight for age; entrance, 2 sovs.
TOWN AND COUNTRY JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP SWEEPSTAKES of 2 sovs, with 40 sovs added, second horse to save his entrance money, to be deducted out of the stakes.
Top weight, 9st 9lb; distance, 2 miles; nomination, 2 sovs; acceptance, 3 sovs.
RAILWAY STAKES of 20 sovs. Distance, 1½ miles. Weight for age; entrance, 2 sovs.
HACK HURDLE RACE of 10 sovs. 1 mile and a distance. Entrance 1 sov.; catch weights; post entry.
HACK FLAT RACE of 10 sovs. Distance, 1 mile and a distance. Entrance 1 sov.; catch weights; post entry.
FORCED HANDICAP of 10 sovs, with entrance money added. Distance, 1¾ miles; entrance, 2 sovs.
No person shall be allowed to enter a horse unless he be a subscriber to the funds of £2 2s, with exception of the Hack races, when £1 1s will qualify.
In the Hack Flat Race a hack shall be considered an untrained horse that has never run in a weight for age or Handicap race. Hack Hurdle Race open to all untrained horses.
Three Horses to start in each race or only half the public money will be given.
The Hawkes Bay Jockey Club rules will be adhered to as far as practicable.
Nominations will be recieved by the Secretary for the T. and C.J.C. Handicap and Handicap Hurdle at the Empire Hotel, Waipawa, on FRIDAY, Dec. 21, at 8 p.m. Weights will be declared on 24th inst.
Acceptances for the Handicap, and entrances for the weight for age races will be recived by the Secretary, at the same hour and place, on FRIDAY, 28th inst
JOSEPH J. TYE, Hon. Sec.
Ex “Lochnagar,” “Helen Denny,” and “Mataura,” –
30 barrels Currants
4 cases Figs, small boxesb
3 cases Muscatels, small boxes
100 boxes Sultanas
10 cases Barcelona Nuts
10 casks Shell Almonds
20 boxes Jordon Almonds
100 boxes Price’s Candles
1 case William’s Butcher Knives
3 cases Stationery, assorted
1 hogshead Milk Dishes
120 Camp Ovens, 12 to 18 inch
3 cases Rooney’s Brushware
3 cases Looking-glasses, assorted
2 bales Seaming Twine
1 case Oakey’s Glass Paper
2 cases Atkin’s Smooth, Jack, and Trying Planes
1 case Sorby’s Bill, Fern, and Slashing Hooks
5 cases, containing Cut Tacks, Cast Butts, T. Hinges, C.P. Locks
3 casks Holloware
15 crates Earthenware, assorted
12 cases Fry’s Cocoa, Chocolate, &c.
25 cases Colman’s Starch
10 cases Colman’s Mustard, 1/2 and 1 lbs
2 cases Colman’s thumb Blue
1 case Mixed Spice
1 case Ground Ginger
3 cases Whole Ginger, bleached and unbleached
2 cases Cloves and Nutmegs
6 casks Day and Martin’s Blacking
20 cases Moir’s Golden Hair Oil, assorted
10 cases Moir’s Ling Fish
20 cases Moir’s Sardines
300 cases Morton’s Oilmen’s Stores, embracing – Table Vinegar, Castor Oil, Pickles, Curry, Bottled Fruits, Jar Salt, Salad Oil, Carraway Seed, Canary and Hemp Seed, Chlorodyne, Hair Oil, L. and P. Sauce, Glycerine Soap, Essences, Feeding Bottles, Red Herrings, Arrowroot, Epsom Salts, Senna, Lemonade and Seidlitz Powders, Cinnamon, and Mace (ground and whole), Tart Acid, Cream Tartar, Persian Sherbet, assorted Sauces, &c.
21 cases and casks Ironmongery, assorted as follows: – Gilpin’s Augurs, Ward’s Chisels, Nettleford’s Screws, Avery’s Counter Scales, Colored and Gray Shop Twine, Patty Pans, Jelly Moulds, Pack Needles, Table, Tea, and Dessert Spoons, Spring Boxes, Rat Traps, Wire Dish Covers, Lamp Wick, Stubs’ Files, Horse Rasps, Meat Hooks, Hat and Coat Hooks, Plated Squares, Mincing Machines, Knife Boards, Quoits, Bellows, Plate Locks, Can Openers
100 kegs Wire Nails
10 cases Henry Brace and Co.’s Men’s and Ladies’ Saddles, Girths, Spurs, &c., &c.
60 drums Raw and Boiled Oil
10 barrels Raw and Boiled Oil
2 tons White Lead, No 1 and 2
1 ton White Lead, in wood
5 casks Raddle
3 cases Oak Varnish, 1 and 5 gals.
1 cask Black Paint
1 cask Green Paint
3 casks Patent Driers
1 cask Lampblack, ½lb and 1 lb
2 cases Reckitt’s Blue
10 cases B. and P Corn Flour
3 cases Cigars, assorted
1 case Concertinas
2 cases Johnson’s and Lockwood’s Cutlery
1 case Axle Pullies
1 case Fish Hooks, Fish Lines
1 case Sorby’s Hand Saws
1 hogshead Colanders and Coffee Pots
1 case Candlesticks, Tea Pots, Toilet Cans, Slop Pails
1 case Robert Sorby’s Hay Forks
2 cases Robert Sorby’s Scythe Blades
1 case Tyzock’s Scythe Blades
1 case Reap Hooks and Sickles
5 cases Turkey and Scythe Stones Brassware
&c. &c. &c.
Per “Renfrewshire,” due in December,
34 GARTON AND KING’S STOVES, 2ft 6in. to 3 ft.
6 bales Sugar Bags, 1 to 6lb
1 bale Tea Bags
12 cases Envelopes, Note Paper, Playing Cards Slate Pencils, Day Book, Ledgers, Metallic and Memo. Books, Copy Books, Blotting Paper, Inks, etc,
Per “Adamant,” due in December,
5 BALES TAUPAULINS, 12 x 14, 14 x 16, 16 x 20, 20 x 22, 24 x 30
3 bales Navy Canvas
6 bales Seaming Twine
To arrive from New York via Wellington, early in December,
Comprising – Lightning Saws, Wood and Zinc Wash Boards, Hay Rakes, Adze-eye Hammers, School Slates, Gothic one and eight-day Clocks (assorted), Coe’s Wrenches, Cook’s Augers, Scythe Snaiths, Grind-stone Fittings, Spirit Levels, Axe Handles, Knife Trays, Nail Pullers, Door Furniture, Hay and Spading Forks, Ame’s Trucks, Patent Sad and Charcoal Irons, Sharp’s Axes, Tomahawks, Shingling Hatchets, Hoes, Fairbank’s Platform scales, Union Scales.
25,000 ACRES LEASEHOLD, good title, low rent, and
112 acres Freehold near Gisborne with
20,000 sheep, and all necessary working improvements; the run divided into nine paddocks, all well watered and grassed.
11,000 acres Freehold, partially sown, all fenced and subdivided, good and substantial improvements, good road, within 30 miles of Napier.
11,000 Sheep, a few Cattle, and Horses
600 acres Lease, with right of purchase, within 12 miles of Napier, fenced and sub divided, comfortable house, shed &c., with
800 Sheep, and a few Cattle etc.
8,800 acres Leasehold, title good, rent moderate, excellent land near Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, with
3,000 sheep, with improvements, good house, shed and yards.
4,200 acres Freehold, within 12 miles of Gisborne.
11,000 acres Leasehold, good title, agricultural and pastoral land, Poverty Bay, a few improvements, with
3,000 Sheep, and a few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay
1,200 acres Freehold, improved rich land, Opotiki
340 acres Freehold, Mahia Peninsula
400 acres Patea District
750 acres, fenced and improved, Mongonui
4,030 acres Freehold, good improvements, near Masterton
2,000 acres rich agricultural Freehold, Thames Valley
10,000 acres Freehold, pastoral land with few improvements, Thames Valley
609 acres, in sections, at Woodville
40 acres Freehold, highly improved, at Havelock
3,900 acres Freehold, good agricultural and Pastoral land, near Wairoa, considerable improvement with
800 Sheep and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold, near Wairoa
4,000 acres Freehold, Near Wairoa, part improved, goop [good] house and woolshed, yards, etc., with
3,500 Sheep, a few Cattle and Horses.
Pure Merino Rams bred by H.W.P. Smith
Pure Merino Rams bred by D. McLean
Pure Merino Rams bred by Hon. H.R. Russell
Pure Merino Rams bred by Rich & Shrimpton
Pure Merino Rams bred by Hugh Campbell
Pure Merino Rams bred by D. Gollan
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by T. Kirkman
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Dudding
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by H. Sladden
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by W. Marcroft
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by P. Threlkeld
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Jackson & Russell
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Joseph May
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Sutton Brothers
Pure Leicester Rams bred by B. McLean
Cotswolds Rams bred by G.D. Hamilton
240 Pure Merino Stud Ewes, Rich & Shrimpton
209 Pure Lincoln Stud Ewes, H. Sladen
500 cross-bred wedders Fat
200 cross-bred wedders Fat
200 cross-bred wedders Fat
1,200 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 6 tooth, immediate delivery
1,500 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 8 tooth, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, mixed immediate delivery
360 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,200 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,800 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 2-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
400 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 2-tooth, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 8-tooth, immediate delivery
1,500 ⅞ and ¾ bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, immediate delivery
3,000 ¾ bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, Culls, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, 6 0 tooth and upwards, Culls, immediate delivery
1,000 cross-bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, immediate delivery
2,000 Merino Wedders, stores, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
300 Merino Wedders, store, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 Merino Wedders, store, 2 and 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 Merino Wedders, store, 6 and 8-tooth, immediate delivery
3,000 Merino Wedders, stores, 8-tooth, immediate delivery
2,500 Merino Ewes, mixed ages, delivery in February
2,000 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth, delivery Feb.
4,000 Merino Ewes, Culls, delivery in March
1,100 Lambs, cross-bred, delivery in February
200 Pure Lincoln Ewes, aged, delivery in February
150 cross-bred Ewes, 2-tooth, delivery in February
1,500-tooth Ewes, out of ⅞ – Lincoln, delivery in March
1,500 8-tooth Ewes, out of ⅞ Lincoln, delivery in March
500 ¾ bred Ewes, mixed ages, with 90 per cent. Lambs given in, immediate delivery
1,500 cross-bred Cull Ewes, delivery February
3,000 cross-bred Cull Ewes, delivery February
1,000 ¾ – bred Costwold [Cotswold] Ewe Hoggets
4,500 ⅞ and ¾ bred Ewes, 2, 4, 6, and full, delivery in February
500 not under ⅞ Lincoln 2-tooth Ewes
2,000 Lambs, mixed sexes, Merino
3,000 Merino Wedders, 2 and 4-tooth
3,000 Merino Ewes, 2 and 4-tooth
5,000 Merino Ewes, 2, 4, and 6-tooth or
6,000 equal proportions, 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth
Stock and Station Agent.
REMAINDER of Lease and Stock-in-Trade of a GENERAL STORE, in a commanding position.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
Direct from China, comprising –
300 ½ chest
460 Boxes
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Patented throughout all the Colonies.
This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh 10 cwt. per mile, and costing £12 10s, versus 17 cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having 7 cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1000 tons sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves.
McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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