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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 109 - 15 December
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 109 – 15 December
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
THE above will be held at Waipawa, on 26th December (BOXING DAY), in a paddock adjoining the Railway Station, kindly granted by E. Collins, Esq.
No. Event. 1st prize 2nd prize trance [Entrance] Fee
£. s. £. s. s. d.
1. Throwing Heavy Hammer (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
2. Putting Heavy Stone (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
3. Best Bagpipe Player 4. 0 1.10 2 6
4. Maiden Race (300 yards) 2 10 1 0 2 6
5. Throwing Light Hammer (16lbs) 2 10 1 0 2 0
6. Putting Light Stone (16lbs) 2 0 1 0 2 0
7. Men’s Foot Race (400 yards) 3 10 1 10 2 6
8. Hop, Step and Leap 2 10 1 0 2 0
9. Boy’s (under 14 years) Foot Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 1 0
10. Dancing Highland Fling 3 0 1 0 2 6
11. Running High Leap 3 0 1 0 2 6
12. Men’s Foot Race (600 yards) 7 0 3 0 4 0
13. Vaulting Men’s Foot Race (600 yards) 3 10 1 10 2 6
14. Men’s Hurdle Race (500 yards) 4 0 1 10 3 0
15. Boy’s (under 13 yrs) Hurdle Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 1 0
16. Running Long Leap 2 0 2 0 2.6
17. Dancing Liverpool Hornpipe 3 0 1 0 2 6
18. Four-legged Hurdle Race (200 yds) 2 0 1 0 2 0
19. Walking Match (900 yards) 4 0 1 10 2 6
20. Dancing Irish Jig 3 0 1 0 2 6
21. Standing high Leap 2 0 1 0 2 0
22. Three legged Race (150 yards) 2 0 1 0 2 0
23. Boy’s (under 10 years) Foot Race (200 yards) 1 0 0 10 0 6
24. Sack Race (over hurdles) 100 yds 2 0 1 0 1 0
25. Men’s (over 40 years) Race (300 yards) 3 10 1 0 2 0
The Sports will commence at 11 o’clock a.m. sharp.
Admission to the grounds, One Shilling: children under 10 years with parents, Free.
No horses or dogs allowed on the grounds.
A Ball will be held in the evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall in connection with the above.
A RACE will be added to the programme to be called WAIPAWA CUP RACE. It will be run in three heats, distance, 100, 200, and 300 yards.
First prize, £2; Entrance Fee. 10s.
Events No. 13 and 24 are withdrawn from the Programme.
A special prize of £2 has been offered by a gentleman for the best Highland Costume on the grounds.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Third Meeting of the Waipawa Sports will be held at Waipawa on Boxing Day (26th December), when about £100 will be offered in prizes.
THE undersigned has for Sale from 200 to 300 RAMS, selected from 7/8th to 15-16th bred; also, full-mouthed pure pedigreed RAMS, with 2,000 EWES, from ¾ bred to 7/8th, mostly 2 tooth, and Hogs in lots to suit purchasers.
None but private sales will be effected, and purchasers may rely on getting fair value for their money.
Apply by letter to the undersigned, stating number required.
Oakbourne, Wallingford.
16th October, 1877.
THE Oakbourne Sale Sheep have been shorn and are open for selection they will be sold privately.
Apply, stating number required, and further particulars to the undersigned.
16th October, 1877.
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the LEASING of about 500 ACRES OF LAND near Hastings. Can be leased in one or more lots.
The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
For further particulars, apply to
This first-class pure-bred Clydesdale Sire will stand for the season at Hastings, where an excellent paddock, well-watered, belonging to J. N. Williams, Esq., has been secured.
Dugdale is a bright bay, standing over 16 ½ hands; thoroughly staunch in shaft and trace harness, and of a very tine temper. He was foaled in December 1871. Sire Black Prince, imported; dam Rose, by Cowder Lad, imported; granddam by Ben Lomond, imported; great-granddam, Bodie’s imported mare, the dam or Sir Benjamin.
When one year old he gained 2nd prize at Ballarat, 2nd at Smeaton, and 1st at Myrniong; when two years’ old, 2nd prize at the Grand National held in Melbourne, 1st at Ballarat, and 2nd at the Grand National held at Smeaton, 1st at Myrniong, 1st at Melton as the best entire of any age, and 1st for two-year-old colt. On account of the severe weather, and the horse’s long journey to the Show, he was placed 2nd at the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Show in 1875. In 1876, at the same Show, he took the 1st prize in his class, also the Champion Prize and £50 Gold Cup as the best draught entire horse in the yard.
His foals are very promising, and he was sire of the 1st prize foal at the Foal Show and Ploughing Match in 1876, competing against a large field.
Dugdale will travel to Clive, Meanee [ Meeanee ], and Taradale every Wednesday, remaining at Taradale through the night, and returning to Hastings on Thursday.
Terms – Single mares, £6 6s, groom’s fee included; two or more mares subject to arrangement. Paddocks free.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility incurred.
Fees payable on the 1st February, 1878, to the order of John Davis Canning.
For further particulars, apply to
Goodwin’s Hotel,
“MUTE,” “JAV’LIN” “ARAB CHILD” and “SAMSON” will serve a limited number of broken in mares this Season at the Tuki Tuki Station.
MUTE by Fireworks dam Fenella own sister to Maribyrnong, Ferryman and half sister to King of the Ring.
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; for other mares 6 guineas each.
JAV’LIN by Yattendon dam Lilla, the dam of Alpaca, Commodore and Jessamine and grand dam of Llama, Ringwood, and Woodlands, the winner of the last Hawkesbury guineas and the Derby. (For performances see Turf Register.)
Terms: For thoroughbred mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, 8 guineas each; for other mares, 6 guineas each.
ARAB CHILD. – A pure Khylean, bred by the great Ariazah tribe of Nedjd Arabia.
Terms: For thoroughbred Mares, classed A or B in Stud Book, eight guineas each; for other Mares, 5 guineas each.
SAMSON. – Pure bred Shetland pony. Imported by Alexander MacMaster, Esq., of Oamaru.
Terms: Three guineas each mare.
An allowance will be made for two or more mares the bona fide property of the same owner.
The owner of the above horses considers it is unnecessary to enlarge on their merits feeling perfectly assured that Breeders are quite competent to form their own judgment and send their mares to first-class horses only. An inspection of the above is invited at their owner’s stables any day in the week excepting Sunday. First-class paddocks provided free. Every care taken but no responsibility. All mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given. Any mares not proving in foal will be served at half price next season.
Mares left at Mr. Giblin’s Mangateretere West, on Fridays, and at Mr. Hugh Campbell’s, Poukawa, on Saturdays, will be forwarded free of charge.
For further particulars apply to Mr. John Ewart, Stud Groom, or to
Tuki Tuki Station.
THE superior thoroughbred Entire “HERCULES,”
Bred by Mr Murphy, of Spring Creek, and raced by Mr Redwood.
Got by Ravensworth, dam Plover, by Sir Hercules, Ravensworth by Touchstone, Fair Jean by Verulum, Fair Helen by Pantaloon.
Hercules is a bay horse, 6 years old, and stands 15 ¾ hands high, combines the best of blood, with good bone and immense power, and was one of the best weight-carriers of his day. Hercules won the Hawke’s Bay Stakes in 1876.
Plover, the dam of Hercules, is also dam of Malvina, who ran so successfully during the seasons of 1872 and 1873.
Hercules made a splendid season last year in the Marlborough district, with great satisfaction to the public, and is a sure foal getter.
Terms – Six guineas each mare, and five shillings for groom. Two or more by arrangement.
Good paddocks, but no responsibility. Mares to be paid for on delivery.
For further particulars, apply to
Or, to
“TERENGA” is a rich chesnut rising, seven years old, was bred by Mr Redwood, is by Ravensworth dam Phoebe by Sir Hercules. Woodstock by Theorcam, Ravensworth by Touchstone dam Fair Jean by Verulam.
Terenga has proved himself a good horse, both on the turf and at the stud, he is a sure foal getter and his stock speak for themselves. A foal out of Hatred by Terenga won the first prize at the H.B.A. and P. Society’s Ploughing Match in 1876, and the same foal when a yearling took the first prize at the last H.B.A. and P. Society’s Show. A special prize of Five Pounds will be given at the forthcoming Show for the best yearling and five pounds for the best two-year old.
G.G. having procured good paddocks, owners of mares may rely on having their mares returned in good condition. Every care taken but no responsibility.
Terms: 5 guineas single mares, two or more belonging to same owner as agreement.
Fees to be paid and mares taken away when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Terenga will travel to Clive on Wednesdays and to Hastings on Fridays.
For further particulars apply to
Or to,
THE Thorough-bred Horse,
Orlando is a roan horse-bred in Auckland in 186?, by Joseph Hargreaves, Esq., by the imported horse Pacific, out of Refraction, by Cap-a-pie, her dam, Princess, by Grates (imported), grand-dam by Stride, great-grand-dam by Hector. Pacific by Flatcatcher, dam Disagreeable, by Agreeable, her dam by Sam out of Morel, by Sorcerer.
Refraction won nine races out of eleven in New South Wales, and Orlando’s performances are very good.
Terms: Four guineas each mare. A reduction will be made in the case of two or more mares, the property of the same owner.
Paddocks free till mares stinted, of which due notice will be given.
All mares to be paid for before removal.
Every care taken, but no responsibility.
All mares left at Mr Baker’s Empire Hotel, Waipawa, Mr. John Petit, Te Aute, and Mr. Charles Stuart, Havelock, will be forwarded free of charge.
THE pure Clydesdale Entire “DUKE,”
Got by the imported Clydesdale horse Matchless, dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Iron Duke, grand dam by the imported Clydesdale horse Cumberland, &c, &c.
Duke took the first prize at the H.B. P. and A. Show, in 1873, and is so thoroughly well known as a sure foal-getter, that further commend is unnecessary.
Only a limited number of mares can be taken besides his owner’s.
Terms: – £4 each mare. Two or more, the property of the same owner, £3 10s each.
Every care taken of mares, but no responsibility.
For further particulars, apply to
THE pure-bred Clydesdale Draught Stallion
Terms: – Three Guineas; allowance will be made for two or more mares, the property of one owner.
First-class Paddocks provided for one month, after which 2s 6d per week will be charged.
Pedigree will be published in future advertisement.
For further particulars, apply to
Peketapu [ Puketapu ].
THE Pure Clydesdale Horse
Terms Three Guineas
First-class Paddocks provided free. Every care taken, but no responsibility.
All mares to be paid for and removed when stinted due notice of which will be given.
Groom in Charge.
Waipawa, Sept. 26, 1877.
“PAPAPA” by Ravensworth, dam Waimea.
Terms – Eight Guineas.
An allowance will be made for two or more Mares, the property of one owner. First-class paddocks provided free, and every care taken, but no responsibility. All Mares to be paid for and removed when stinted, due notice of which will be given.
Longlands, 28th August, 1877.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –

December 7.
The Hawea sailed for Napier, Tauranga, and Auckland at noon. Passengers. – Chief Justice Predergast [Prendergast], Messrs Williams, M.H.R., Dean, Bishop, Welsh, Mason, Miss Williams, Mr and Mrs George, Rev. Dewsbury, Mrs Hadfield, Capt. Morris, M.H.R., and Mrs R. Johnston.
SIR, – I never read a more egotistical and presumptuous letter than that signed by the Secretary of the Reception Committee in this morning’s paper. By what right does he accuse the Press of being actuated by vile personal vituperation with an endeavor to create disunion in the Club, and in an after part of his letter says, “and give a public reception to the most intellectual and distinguished public man in the colony?” Might I ask by what right does he presume to state that any one of the present Ministry is the most intellectual and most distinguished public man in the colony, and accuse the Press of personal vituperation?” When such assertions are made they should be supported by facts, not by statements of a Secretary of the Reception Committee about whom few no anything. – I am, &c.,
Napier, December 8, 1877.
SIR, – As the public may consider that I have been in the wrong in removing a paper from the public room of the Working Men’s Club, I would wish to offer a few words of explanation – an explanation which I should have willingly given had the Committee asked for my attendance at the Committee Meeting, prior to condemning me unheard. A memorial was got up by me to the President asking him to convene a meeting to consider the action of certain members for attempting to transform the Club into one for political purposes. On Monday evening, there was a meeting of the Library Committee, which I attended, and while engaged up-stairs, I left the memorial in the care of Mr Binnie, the steward. On my return, I asked him for the document, but he told me someone had posted it up in the public room. As I intended to get Mr Vinsen, who was chairman of the previous meeting, to sign it, and also intended to send it, out of courtesy first to Mr Gold, as it was addressed to him, I took it down with those objects. It was my property until forwarded direct to Mr Gold. Of course, being suspended for what was done, and believing that I shall have a right to appeal against the decision arrived at by the Committee, I shall not trouble you with any remarks, excepting so far as to state that during the discussion of the matter in committee, the complaint was not so much about the memorial, but it being thought I was the author of articles which have appeared in your journal on the proceedings of last Saturday, the “Liberal” members of the Committee believed they would be enabled to gag the Press by suspending me. – I am, &c.,
December 8, 1877.

Mr E.H. Grigg, the manager of the DAILY TELEGRAPH has received the following amusing communication through the Secretary of the Working Men’s Club :- “To Mr Grigg, Dear Sir – I am instructed to inform you that, by resolution carried at a Special Meeting of the Management Committee of the Working Men’s Club on December 6, 1877, you were suspended. By order. (signed) HENRY STEED, Secretary.” It will be our duty to discover by what authority the Management Committee have acted, and until then we shall refrain from any comment.
The Resident Magistrate’s Court was wholly occupied on Friday, in hearing the evidence of Mr. Murphy, the Proprietor of the Woodville Hotel, in the murder case of Hans Thompson against George Ollandt.
All the ports of importance in New Zealand have their local Chamber of Commerce, and we certainly think the time has arrived when one might be established at Napier to the advantage of the commercial interests of the town and the district. In Wellington, the Chamber has proved of great value and the recommendations to the Legislature emanating from it have ever received the consideration they deserve. To the Harbor Board, we think a Chamber of Commerce would form a desirable auxiliary, and we trust steps will be shortly taken to establish one.
A meeting of Sir G. Grey’s Reception Committee was held last week at the Provincial Hotel. Mr John Begg occupied the chair. Mr Justin McSweeny read an eloquent address which he had prepared to give to Sir George Grey on behalf of the working men of Napier. The address was adopted, and the presentation thereof left to the able author. After the consideration of other business the meeting adjourned.
Mr R. Wellwood, we learn, is about to visit England shortly, and with that view now offers his fine property at Hastings for lease. Mr. Wellwood has for some time past been suffering in health, and his trip home will be taken for the purpose of recruiting his strength, in which we trust he will meet with every success.
It will be seen by advertisement that the Hawke’s Bay Jockey Club has fixed its next race meeting for the 21st and 22nd of March next. The place of meeting, as yet, cannot be announced owing to the difficulty the Club has met with in the effort to secure a race-course. We believe the Committee has in view three pieces of ground suitable, in varying degree, for the purpose, and the selection will depend on the question of expense. Had the outlay, that will have to be met on this score, not promised to be so heavy, larger stakes would have been offered to be run for, but taking all the circumstances of the case into consideration, we think the Committee is to be congratulated on the issue of a programme that will offer a good inducement for excellent competition.
On paying a visit last week to the establishment of Mr. George Scarfe, in Hastings-street, we were invited to view the process in manufacturing the sugar lollies for which he has a large and increasing demand. The machinery and utensils are arranged in the building used likewise daily as the bakery, and we were much pleased with the entire cleanly appearance of every article used both in bread and lollie making. The coppers for sugar boiling are fitted on a heavy iron plate, fixed over a furnace adjoining the bread oven, and the sugar (of which the finest quality only is employed) on reaching the proper stage, is poured on to the cooling plate, together with the essences used in flavouring. Under the cooler numerous tubes are arranged to enable a flow of cold water, which can be turned on or off as the process requires. The hardening mass is now quickly cut with tools for the width required to pass it under the brass roller dies, which, being rapidly turned by means of crank and cog wheels, is delivered to the receiving tray, and only now requires to finally cool before storing in tins for subsequent use. We were assured there is nothing employed of the slightest harmful character, and, in fact, the lollies may be called simply good sugar boiled to the proper point with mild flavorings to suit the taste. Whilst our young branches will at most times delight in sweets, we are satisfied that no hurt can follow the moderate use of such articles as we have now described, and being made in Napier should receive more demand than those imported, more especially as accounts from other places, lately made public, show most undoubtedly that a large proportion of the lollies manufactured in Australia and possibly elsewhere are adulterated to an alarming degree.
Mr Scott, formerly the proprietor of the Kaikora Hotel, has taken charge of the Farndon Hotel. Mr Scott is a popular boniface, and with the assistance of his help-mate will doubtless use every effort to make this popular hostelry a favourite resort for travellers desirous of obtaining good accommodation, &c. We hope the new proprietor will make his venture a financial success.
By the Hawea we received copies Nos. 1 and 2 of the journal lately started at Dunedin, entitled the Morning Herald. The paper is well edited and appears to be substantially supported by advertisers. We wish our new contemporary every success.
Our readers will be glad to learn that the House on Thursday last passed the item £10,000 Port Ahuriri bridge, that was placed on the Estimates. It is a significant fact, however, that the total estimates passed amounted to close upon five millions and a half, being over two millions above the sum on the Estimates last year. It follows, therefore, as a natural consequence of there not being enough money to cover more than half the sums voted, that many of the works agreed to must remain untouched. We are glad, however, that the Port bridge is recognised by the House as an important work, and that in all probability its erection will be undertaken in the course of the year.
Amongst the passengers last week by the Hawea we noticed Bishop Harper, the Primate, Bishop Hadfield, Chief Justice Prendergast, and the following members of the House of Representatives – Messrs Ormond, Russell, Sutton, Williams, Morriss, and Tawhiti.
The up-train on Thursday evening narrowly escaped from a serious accident, owing to cattle straying on the line. On the unfenced portion of the line between Kaikora and Te Aute, the train was brought to a complete standstill having, despite every effort on the part of the engine driver to frighten the cattle away, ran over a bullock belonging, we believe, to the Rev. S. Williams. A delay of sometime occurred then to clear the carcase away, and generally repair damages.
We have to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of several letters, all bearing on the same subject, in support of our remarks in this issue concerning the audacious attempt that has been made to convert the Working Men’s Club into a political organisation. Our correspondents’ signatures are “Nemo,” “W.J.” “A.Z.” A Member,” and “Working Man.”
The Wellington Trust Loan and Investment Company has established a branch at Napier, Messrs Dransfield and Co., of Port Ahuriri, having been appointed the local agents.
A man named James Collins was arrested last week at Wallingford, charged with stealing a watch from Pope’s house.
A story illustrating the faithfulness of the late Sir Donald McLean to his constituency and to hustings’ pledges, has lately reached us from the most reliable authority. At the last general elections, it will be remembered that, in reply to Mr Towgood, we believe Sir Donald promised to do his utmost to have placed a sum of money on the Estimates for the construction of the Port Ahuriri bridge. Accordingly before the General Assembly met, at a Cabinet Meeting Sir Donald asked that £10,000 should be put on the Estimates, but his colleagues demurred to such an outlay. Sir Donald said, “I have promised to do my best to get that sum for the bridge, and it is a work that must be taken in hand.” He received for his reply that his promise was most unfortunate, and, indeed, he was slightly bantered on his recollection of such a pledge. They did not know, however, with whom they had to deal. Sir Donald said, “I have given my promise, and that is enough; let me have on the estimates £5,000, and I will pay the balance required out of my own pocket.” Mr Richardson, who was then Minister for Public Works, said, there was absolutely no money available, and it was impossible to find it. Sir Donald replied, “If that is the case, and I cannot fulfil my promise, I shall retire from the Ministry, and resign my seat in the House.” This firmness gained the point. A sum of money was put on the Estimates, but the House refused to pass it.
The Rev. E.C. Stuart, the Bishop Elect of Waiapu, was consecrated on Sunday, at St. John’s Church, by the Primate of New Zealand, assisted by the Bishop’s of Wellington and Auckland. The church was crowded on the occasion. The Bishop of Auckland preached the sermon. J.M. Batham, Esq., acting Registrar of the Diocese, read the mandate. At the evening service Bishop Stuart was installed by the Primate, and afterwards preached the sermon, taking his text from Hebrews xiii, 7 and 8 verses.
The criminal sittings of the Supreme Court were opened on Monday by His Honor Chief Justice Prendigast [Prendergast]. The calendar was unusually heavy, and contained the following charges:- George Sceath, obtaining money on false pretences; Rose Mullins, larceny; Pene Matoha, larceny; Michael Rooney, indecent assault; Te Hau, aggravated assault on a constable; Te Hau, prison escape; Richard Winter, forgery; William Gainey, malicious injury; James McGregor, rape and unnatural offence; G.P. Donnelly, horse stealing; Robert McDonnell, indecent assault; James McMillan, larceny as a bailee; Hans Thompson, murder; Robert Edwards, larceny of a cheque.
An attempt was made this morning, we regret to report, to throw either the up or down morning train off the line between the two bridges a little beyond Paki Paki station, by placing several sleepers across the rails. The obstructions were fortunately discovered in time to prevent any accident. It is supposed some native children must have placed the sleepers on the line, for no sane adult could have been guilty of such a murderous intention as to throw a train off the track.
Chief Justice Prendergast’s address to the grand Jury this morning was remarkable for its brevity, and in this respect was in pleasing contract to the verbosity of many Judges of the present day.
The return cricket match on Saturday between the Star and Press Clubs resulted in a victory for the Star team, by 8 runs, the totals being Star 74, Press 66. The match was played at the Napier Cricket Club’s ground, at Taradale.
In the Supreme Court, one of the jurymen Mr. John Burden, happened to be away from the Court when his name was called as a juryman to try the case against Geaney. His Honor ordered the defaulting jurymen to be fined £1. In coming into Court, however, before the panel was concluded, he was told to take his seat among his brother jurymen. Two Grand Jurymen, Messrs Sladen and Ulicke Burke, having given apologies for not being present at ten o’clock, His Honor was satisfied, and omitted to fine them.
A foot race for £10 a side came off on Saturday at Farndon between Messrs Ridings and R. Willis. The distance was 600 yards, and the race proved a gift to Ridings, Willis giving in after 200 yards had been run.
Class firing was commenced at the Tutaekuri range this morning by the Napier Artillery Volunteers. Out of a squad of nine, five passed through their first stage, having made the requisite number of points.
“What’s in a name” was discovered in the Supreme Court this morning in the person of Mr. Large who was summoned as John instead of James Large. The consequence of this mistake was that, although answering to the summons, Mr Large was released from serving his Queen and country on this occasion, a circumstance that appeared to afford our respected fellow townsman very little sorrow.
We (Wairoa Free Press) learn that Mr. Harmer has definitely disposed of that well-known and popular property, the Wairoa Hotel, to Mr. A. Poyzer, late of Hampden.
We understand that Mrs Neil purposes giving her next vocal and instrumental concert on Tuesday next, in the Protestant Hall.
Tenders will be received at the Wairoa County Clerk’s office up to 10, noon, on Wednesday, January 2nd, 1878, for the maintenance of the road between Mohaka and Tongoio beach during the year 1878. Tenders are to be addressed to the Chairman, Wairoa County Council, and may be either, (a) for the whole section; (b) from Mohaka to Moeangi -angi; (c) from Moeangi-angi to Tongoio beach. Specifications may be seen at the Wairoa County Clerk’s office; at Mr. Stevens’, Mohaka; and Mr Finlayson’s Moeangi-angi; and Mr Haultain’s, Tongoio. Tenders will be received up to noon on Wednesday, January 2nd, 1878, addressed to the Chairman, Wairoa County Council, for the printing and advertising required by the Council during the year 1878.

To the Editor: – Sir,- Taking a long delay, and a greater consideration upon yours of the 1st, I now beg to say Mr. Editor, that I think it hardly necessary at the present time for the appointment of a policeman in our quiet little township of Kaikora. But very likely your correspondent is not at all fond of hard work, and feels anxious for an easy billet. He will most probably be the first to apply for the situation. -I am, &c., GRAB ALL. – Kaikora, December 10, 1877.
The members of the Sir George Grey Reception Committee do not appear to meet with much success in their efforts to work the town into a state of enthusiasm and excitement at the idea of the approaching visit of the Premier. On Monday, one or two of the committee called at the principal shops with the object of inducing the proprietors to close on the day of landing of the Heaven-born statesman. The committee did not meet with much courtesy in the prosecution of their self-imposed mission; in fact, at most of the places they called they were as good as told to mind their own business. On Tuesday, however, we learn, that His Worship the Mayor was requested to proclaim a half-holiday on the “arrival day.” We imagine that it will make very little difference whether a half holiday, or a solemn fast is proclaimed; sensible people are not likely to close their places of business because Mr. Justin McSweeney, Mr. Knight, and one or two others want to make themselves ridiculous.
We understand that arrangements have been made by which Mr Levy, the great instrumentalist, will, with his company, make a first appearance in Napier next month. Both at Invercargill and Dunedin he has been received with enthusiastic encores making, the Volunteer and other bands turn out to greet and serenade him. In noticing one of his previous performances in Dunedin the critic of the evening Star writes: – “The Whirlwind Polka” was played by Mr. Levy in his own incomparable style, and in answer to the thundering applause which greeted him at its conclusion he favored us with what we regard as one of his best performances, viz., “Yankee Doodle” which as rendered by him, is as unlike the monotonous drone which circus bands effect when horses prance into the arena as if it is to the “Old Hundreth.” The audience still being unsatisfied, Levy humored them by playing “Auld Lang Syne.” The laughing trio from the “Rose of Castille” brought to an end one of the best concerts ever heard in the Colony. As we before remarked, the “house” was a large one, the pit and stalls being crowded.
Ten nominations only have been received at the Immigration Office, Napier, for transmission by the outgoing mail this month.
We hear from the country that the young broods of pheasants and quail are both numerous and strong on the wing. The Australian quail appear to thrive better than the Californian. Very few hares have been seen, a fact contributed to their natural enemies, cats and hawks.
A reward of £100 is offered by the General Manager of the Napier-Takapau railway to any one giving such information as shall lead to the conviction of the person, or persons, who maliciously placed an obstruction on the line between Hastings and Paki Paki, on the night of the 9th instant.
A good many brooches have, apparently been lost in town during the past few days judging from the number that have been brought into our office in answer to an advertisement. The right brooch came at last.
We are glad to learn from Wairoa, that Mr. Witty’s hop garden is looking in splendid condition. The hop plants are about 14 foot high, and are in full flower, promising an excellent crop.
A requisition has been signed and forwarded to the President of the Working Men’s Club, calling upon him to convene a general meeting of the members for the purpose of considering the conduct of those who have attempted to use the Club for political purposes. This is as it should be.
We have been requested by drivers of public vehicles and others to call attention to the enormous size of the metal that has lately been placed on the town streets. One lump of rock was shown us that measured eleven inches long by five wide, and it was not by any means a solitary piece of stone exceeding the ordinary size of regulation metal.
A serious accident occurred the other evening at Clive to Mr John Hague. He was tethering out a young horse, when by some means the tether rope got round Mr Hague’s leg, and tripped him on the ground. When assistance came, one of Mr Hague’s legs was found to be broken.
Mr A. Lascelles informed the Court on Wednesday that, in consequence of the continued illness of Mr Hesketh, he would appear as counsel for Mr Donnelly.
An inebriate was brought before the Police Court on Wednesday and after receiving a reprimand as to over indulgence in liquor was discharged.
The Indian Famine Relief fund Committee have forwarded us a statement of receipts and disbursements in connection with their office. The subscriptions were as follows: – From the country districts, £542 18s 6d; from Waipukurau £262 7s; from the town of Napier, £649 18s 5 [d]; outstanding subscriptions of £15 5s. Disbursements, telephone charges, £24 1s 10; stamps on drafts, 14s; erection of booth, £1 5s; advertising charges, 16s 3d. Remitted to India £700; balance in hand £728 6s 10d, to be remitted by outgoing mail, and the balance to be forwarded by separate draft.
The conversazione at the Protestant Hall on Tuesday, given by the members of the Church of England to the Primate and the other Bishops, drew a crowded assembly. The gathering was of a social character, and the conversation at and about the various tea tables was continued all through the evening. The Primate and the Bishop of Auckland found many an old friend among the company, whilst the Bishop of Waiapu made the acquaintance of many of the members of his new flock. The Bishop of Wellington was unavoidably absent. The tea tables were more than abundantly furnished by the ladies who undertook the charge of them, and the good and acceptable things were gracefully distributed. The music, which consisted of glees, songs, and pianoforte selections, was presided over by Mr. Flood with his usual skill and ability, and was fully appreciated by the company. We congratulate the promoters of this entertainment and all who so willingly and ably seconded them by their efforts, on the complete success of the evening. The proceeds of the sale of tickets – some £18, without taking account of expenses – will, we believe, be added to a fund for the erection of a Church of England school-house.
Telegraphic communication is now open with Western Australia. The tariff rates are: – For the first ten words, ten shillings and sixpence; for each additional word, one shilling. To these charges have to be added the New Zealand rate of one penny per word.
It is rumored (says the Wairarapa Standard of Thursday last) that Mr T.W. Balfour, agent of the Bank of New Zealand at Greytown, has been instructed to hold himself in readiness to proceed to Napier. His long connection with this district will cause his removal to be received with general regret. As a private resident he has a host of friends, as a banker he has combined the “suauviter in modo” with the “fortier in re” and as an active member of many local committees, charitable, educational, athletic, &c., he has been valuable to us. If the public could exercise a veto on removals Mr Balfour would never leave Greytown.
Any information having reference to the Napier-Wellington line of railway cannot fail to interest our readers. Mungaroa is about thirty miles from Wellington, and great difficulties have been experienced in driving a tunnel through the hill. The Post on Monday says – “Our readers will no doubt hear with interest that the Mungaroa Tunnel is now completed, and the engine Belmont has made her first trip through with ballast. The lining of the tunnel has been entrusted to Mr Burton, of Wellington, and has been done principally with compressed concrete blocks, similar to those introduced and used by him for lining the Pakuratahi tunnel, and now being made for the Rimutaka tunnel. Considering the extremely bad ground he has had to contend with, Mr Burton may be complimented for the speed with which he has completed his work, having been less than four months in lining 12½ chains of tunnel. Much difficulty has been experienced in getting a supply of material for the use of about seventy men working necessarily night and day.“
We would recommend to several of our readers, more especially those who would desire the local press of Napier to fawn to Sir George Grey and his party because they have managed to get and keep in power, the perusal of the following paragraph taken from the Wellington Argus. It is to the point, if the name Napier when read, is substituted for Wellington. The extract runs thus: – “We desire to see the Grey ministry given an opportunity of bringing down a policy in accordance with their promises next year. A policy which shall be for the whole country, which will prevent the spoliation of our waste lands, and will make property contribute its fair share towards supporting the national burthens. But that we should in the meantime refrain from criticising the acts of the Ministry, that we should express the utmost confidence in them, and throw in our lot with them lest they might endeavor to injure Wellington would be simply disgraceful. Such a line of conduct could only be advocated by those who fawn where they fear, and bully where they do not dread the consequences. We shall continue to criticise the acts of all parties in the State, blaming where blame should fall, praising where praise is due, and we doubt not that the people of Wellington are of the same mind, and are confident that this city has nothing to fear from the frowns, or to hope for from the smiles of any Ministry.
We understand that the celebrated tragedian, Mr Charles Wheatleigh, left Dunedin on Thursday for Napier with a full company, for the purpose of opening the Theatre Royal. He will perform at Christchurch, and probably at Wellington on his way here. The Dunedin papers speak in glowing terms of Mr Wheatleigh and his company, who were eminently successful in the City of the South.
We recommend to our readers the perusal of an article published in the Evening Post of Wednesday, and telegraphed us by our own correspondent. It has reference to Sir George Grey’s attempt to prevent the Land Bill becoming law. The Post has been friendly to the Grey Ministry up to the present, but cannot stand by silently and see such a tricky action done without fearlessly denouncing it.
The jury were all dismissed on Thursday, except those empanneled to judge on the case of Mr Donnelly for horse-stealing. A fresh jury has been summoned to try the case against Hans Thompson for the murder of George Ollandt, which is to be heard on Monday next.
The very many friends of Mr Duncan Galbraith will regret to learn of that gentleman’s decease at the Clarendon Hotel on Wednesday. Mr Galbraith arrived in Hawke’s Bay in 1857, and proved himself a sterling settler, and by his geniality won many friends.
The Tatler says that General Skobeloff is of Scottish extraction; his grandfather was a schoolmaster in Ayrshire, and his name was Scobie.
The Portland Island Lighthouse is now completed, and the whole of the men who were engaged in its erection, as well as the contractor, returned to Napier by the Maori cutter Karaihe on Wednesday. As far as we can learn, the work has been carried out in a most satisfactory manner.
It is said, and certainly with some truth, that the natives of this colony, though they far outvie the Pakeha in the matter of “paddling their own canoe” are the most indifferent sailors anywhere to be found, and this latter fact was borne out during the recent trip of the cutter Karaihe from Portland Island. The Karaihe put out from Portland Island on Tuesday evening under the command of Captain Naine, bound for Napier. The skipper gave his orders as to her course etc., told off the watch, and retired to his couch. The following morning, when one of the passengers made his way upon deck, his surprise was only equalled by his entire loss of gravity when he discovered that the cutter, instead of shaping towards Napier, was fast approaching the Mahia Peninsular, while our nautical friend the Captain was calmly smoking his pipe, and anticipated making the Iron Pot in two hours at the most. So much for native seamanship.
The following members of the Napier Artillery Volunteers have passed the first stage in class firing; – Lieutenant Garner, 55; Sergeant Gilbert, 44; Sergeant Wilkie, 42; Corporal Sellers, 59; Corporal Christie, 50; Trumpter [Trumpeter] Cropp, 49; Gunners Moore, 54: Gilpin, 50; Scarfe, 46; Ross, 69; Miller, 46: Mogridge, 61; Corry, 40; Peters, 53; Randle, 46; Boggs, 57; Grace, 38; McKenzie, 38; W. Sellers, 44.
Dr Charles Emerson Tennent, M.D. of Porangahau, has been appointed a Coroner within the Colony.
Divine Service will be held on Sunday next by the Rev. J.U. Spence, at Porangahau at 11 a.m., and at Wallingford at 3 p.m. By the Rev. J.M. Fraser, at Waipukurau at 11 a.m., at Motutoraia at 3 p.m., and at Waipawa at 7 p.m.
December 11.
Sailed – Rangatira for Napier and Poverty Bay at 4 p.m. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Williams and family.
December 12.
Messrs Grey and Sheehan leave in the Hinemoa tonight for Napier and Auckland, provided the Hinemoa arrives in time from the Manukau.
December 13
The Hinemoa leaves at six o’clock tonight for Napier, with Sir G. Grey, and the Hons. J. Sheehan, and J. Macandrew.
Arrangements have been completed for the change in dates of the sailing of the “Frisco mail boats, whereby from January next the service will, in so far as practicable, be fortnightly with the Suez mail boats.
(Before His Honor the Chief Justice.)
After we went to press yesterday, the Jury found the man James McGregor guilty of an unnatural crime.
James McMillan was indicted for the larceny of two cheques and £15 in bank notes, entrusted to him by Henry Bertie Reed.
The prisoner, who, when arraigned, pleaded not guilty, was defended by Mr Lee.
The following jury was impanneled: – W.A. Riddell (foreman). T. Torr, T. Annett, L. Redward, E. Kirk, G. Fuszard, W. Vickers, A. Brockbank, J. Watt, J. Wishart, J. Williams, A Robertson.
The Crown Prosecutor briefly opened the case.
The evidence of Mr James Bertie Reed shewed that he had entrusted the prisoner on November the 7th, with £15 in one bank notes and two cheques, one for £4 5s and the other for £6 10s, to deposit to his credit with the Union Bank of Australia, Waipukurau. The money was in an envelope and addressed to the Bank.
Geo. Frie Butt, the agent for the Union Bank of Australia, at Waipukurau, deposed that the prisoner came to the bank on the same day at 11 o’clock, and mentioned nothing about the money, but spoke to him about the dog-tax. He paid him 15s for three dogs.
Sarah Hope, who lived at Te Aute, said the prisoner came there the same night and put a piece of paper on the table for Margaret Liddy. Next morning after the prisoner was gone, Margaret Liddy showed witness the paper, and it was the cheque produced for £6 10s.
Margaret Liddy gave evidence as to the prisoner giving her the cheque. He was in drink at the time, and brought a bottle of brandy with him. She gave the cheque to Mrs Hope, who gave her change for it.
John Pettit, proprietor of the Te Aute Hotel, deposed to changing either a note or a cheque on the 10th November for prisoner, but could not say which. The cheque produced he found in his box on the following day. He sent the cheque to the Union Bank of Australia, Napier.
Constable Strudwick deposed as to arresting the prisoner, narrated a conversation he had with him next morning, which we printed in a previous issue.
Mr Lee made a lengthy address, in which he raised several points of law on the prisoner’s behalf, but which were overruled by the Judge.
His Honor having summed up,
The jury retired, and in about half an hour returned with a verdict of “Guilty.”
The prisoner was remanded for sentence until the following morning.
The court was adjourned to the following morning, at 10 o’clock.
James McGregor was brought up for judgement on the case of rape. In answer to the Court, the prisoner said, owing to being unable to get witnesses in town who would have rebutted the evidence for the prosecution, he had been placed in his present position. He forgave those who had injured him, as he hoped God would forgive him.
His Honor sentenced him for this offence to seven years imprisonment with hard labor. For the unnatural offence, His Honor said he would give the lowest punishment in his power, believing that the prisoner was in drink when he committed the offence, and not responsible for his actions. The sentence of the court was that he be imprisoned for ten years, with hard labor, the previous sentence to run concurrent with this.
James McMillan who had been found guilty of larceny, on being called on as to what he had to say why sentence should not be passed, remarked that he had been eight or nine years in the colony, and that he had always previously borne a good character. He had been misled through drink. The Inspector of Police verified the prisoner’s statement. His Honor: The senence [sentence] of the Court is that you be imprisoned for nine months, with hard labor.
Robert Edwards, or Ropata Erneti, a half-caste, was charged with having stolen a cheque for £7 1s, the property of Robert Somerville, of Hastings.
Mr Lee defended the prisoner.
The following jury was impanneled: – Joseph Mayo, T. Bowes, J. Rebber, Jas. Weshart, G. Bee, A. Robinson (foreman), G. Fuzzard, J. Elmes, junr., T. Foreman, J. Wilson, W. Vickers, J. Nugent.
The Crown Prosecutor opened and case and called
August Mathison, who deposed: I am storekeeper at Mr Somerville’s Hastings. The prisoner came into our store on the 6th November between 9 and 10 in the forenoon. He bought two silk handkerchiefs, a waist coat, and a coat; the whole amounting to £2 6s. He gave me a cheque for £7 1s in payment, drawn on the 5th November, by Bethall, in favor of Ropata. The cheque produced is the one, but there are two pieces deficient. I went round to my employer, who was at the other end of the counter, and asked if the cheque was all right. He said it was, but that the prisoner must endorse it. I asked the prisoner to put his name on the back. He said, “What name? The Maori name?” I said, “Of course; your own name,” I turned my back and at the same moment my employer came out of the back room and asked the prisoner if he had 5s to give in change and he would give him a £5 note. My employer went out to get change. I turned around, and when I looked again I could not see the cheque. My employer returned and brought back a cheque for £4 2s and 18s in silver, being the change for the £5 note he had taken with him. I gave the prisoner the cheque for the £4 2s and13s in silver and handed him the parcel, and he went away. On the 7th my employer told me he missed the cheque; it was not in the cash box. I did not see the cheque again until I saw the pieces in the Court.
R. Sommerville [Somerville] deposed: He kept a general store at Hastings. Prisoner came into his store on the 6th November. While he was in his store his assistant showed him a cheque, and asked him if it was alright. The cheque (produced) is the one. He answered yes, “Get him to endorse it.” His assistant asked him for change, but witness found he had not sufficient. He gave £5 change to his assistant. The change was made up by £4 2s in a cheque and 18s in silver. He said to the prisoner, “If you give me 5s, I will give you the £5.” He did not remember seeing the cheque after he came back from getting change. He did not see the cheque again until it was in the hands of the police. On the night of the 6th he found he had not the cheque.
Cross-examined by Mr Lee; He always got strangers to endorse cheques.
By His Honor: He knew the signature on the cheque to be that of Mr Bethell, of Havelock.
Francis Bethell deposed: He was a saddler living at Havelock. He recognised the cheque (produced.) He gave prisoner the cheque on the 15th Nov., in change. He had an account with the bank; on the following Wednesday prisoner brought it back to him in a damaged condition crumpled up and torn. He asked me for a fresh one. I gave him one dated exactly the same to correspond with it. He left the old one and he (the witness) tore it up. Next morning hearing from Mr Somerville he picked up the four pieces of the cheque.
Cross-examined by Mr. Lee: The cheque was given in exchange for one of Mr Meinertzhagen’s.The prisoner was sober.
Mr Lee then addressed the jury for the prisoner, urging that there was no case against him, it not being the property of Mr Sommerville, and that the goods were given up by Mr Sommerville’s assistant to the prisoner by accident.
His Honor summed up, and the jury after retiring for a while, returned a verdict of “not guilty.”
The prisoner was discharged.
Penei Matua, was charged with stealing a cheque for £30 the property of Mr George Mullinder, of Patangata.
Mr E. Hamlin acted as interpreter.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty.
The following jury was empanneled:- John Burton (foreman), George Herbert,
James Watt, Thomas Amett, A. Campbell, John Parker, Isaac Williams, John Bignall, Alfred Hollis, W. A. Riddle, Robert Davidson, and E. Kirk.
Mr Cotterill briefly opened the case for the prosecution, and called the first witness
George Mullinder, who deposed: I know the cheque produced. I received it from H.A. King, a person employed by Mr. Saxby. I know the signature. I received it in part payment of an account, and gave change for the balance. I received it on September 2nd. I placed the cheque in my cash-box, and then put the box on a shelf in the bar. Soon afterwards I removed the box without looking inside it, to the top drawer of the drawers in my bedroom. On Monday at 11 a.m., I went to the cash-box, and took it to the bar, taking some change out of it. I did not see the cheque, as I did not remove the tray. The box was left in the bar till I went to bed. I then placed it back again in the chest of drawers. The next day Mr Saxby’s man brought me another cheque, and as soon as the man left the place I went to put the cheque with the other. I lifted the tray of the box, and missed the first cheque. I never saw the first cheque again after putting it in the box till I saw it in the Resident Magistrate’s Court in October. I know the prisoner; he was in my house on September 3 till 10.30 at night. There was no other native in the house. The prisoner is known as Penei Renata. There were no other natives in the house either on the 2nd or 3rd of September. I have known the prisoner for 14½ years. No one had any authority to pay the cheque away. I have not received payment for the cheque.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: The cash-box was not locked. There were Donoughue and King, and Douglas and his son on the premises, and my wife and daughter on the premises besides the prisoner. I am not in the habit of keeping the cash box unlocked in the bar. In the box there were two orders, the missing cheque, and a half sovereign. Between 11 and 12 on Monday I went to the box for change. Prisoner was the only native, the only one beside the persons on the premises, who went to the bar. From the 3rd to the 19th I took no steps against the prisoner. I stopped the cheque. Prisoner was at my store two or three times between the 3rd and the 19th. I had no suspicions against the prisoner till the cheques turned up at Beck’s store. The cheque was endorsed by a man named Taylor. I went to Waimarama with a constable to discover him. I asked the native named Taylor to come to Beck’s store, and on arrival there I learned from Beck that Taylor was not the man who endorsed the cheque. Prisoner is the son of the chief Renata of Te Aute. He has property but he owes me an account.
– O’Donoghue deposed: I live with Mr King. I was in Mr Mullinder’s employ in September last. I saw King on the 2nd at Mullinder’s. I know the prisoner. Have known him 11 years by the name of Penei Renata. I saw the prisoner at Mullinder’s the day after King paid Mullinder the cheque, on a Monday in the evening; it might be about 4 o’clock. Penei was in out and about the house all the time. It was about 9 or 10 o’clock when prisoner went away. Douglas and son were there. I think there was a man of the name of Barry there that might [night]. Prisoner was there the whole evening.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: I dont recollect prisoner going away. I generally go to bed between nine and ten. I have no recollection of what was done when Mullinder was at tea. He most times locked the door when he left the bar. For all I know there might have been a dozen there that night. I never serve in the bar. I have never had any occasion to go inside the bar at all. During the whole time I never saw prisoner behind the bar.
Edward Beck, storekeeper, Clive, deposed: I know the prisoner. It was on the 20th September he came to my store. He asked to see some shears. I showed him some. He chose two pairs. I know prisoner by sight but not by name. He asked if the 1.25 train had left for Napier, I told him yes. He said he wished to go as he had a cheque to change. I said it was too late, and I would change the cheque. I asked him to endorse it, which he did. Whatever is endorsed, prisoner wrote it. I gave him the balance £27 8s. I knew the signature to be Saxby’s. To the best of my belief, I asked him where he got the cheque. He said from a European. I have not had dealings with him before. I have seen him before but generally with others.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: I won’t be positive. I asked him where he got the cheque. He does not live in the neighbourhood. I see him very seldom. I do a very large native trade. I do not know the names of all of them. I could identify all the people that do business with me, especially those that are on my books. As far as I know prisoner was a man of good means. I asked him to endorse the cheque. I swear positively that the endorsement is in prisoners hand writing. I gave a description to the Havelock policeman. He was wearing a cabbage tree hat, strap trowers , and had a remarkable nose; in fact my assistant mentioned that you would know him among 500, as he had a very large physiognimy I did not tell the police that he was a Waimarama native.
Alfred James Mitchell, constable, stationed at Havelock, deposed: I know the prisoner. I had no knowledge of him till I arrested him on the 7th October last at Pourere [ Pourerere ]. I charged him being suspected of stealing a cheque for £7 1s from Mr Mullinder, he replied, he had not been at Mr Mullinder’s house so would not have an opportunity of stealing it. He asked me where I was going to take him. I said Havelock, so that he might be identified by Mr Beck who had given him change for the cheque. It being late that night I detained him till the next morning when we went to Clive. He asked me if I was going to take him to Napier. I said if Mr Beck identifies you I shall take you to Napier. He said if Beck says I am the man, I will pay the money all right, I took prisoner to Beck’s and Beck said yes without any doubt, prisoner made no reply.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: I spoke to him in English and cautioned him in the usual way, he replied all right. I did not say in the R.M. Court that the prisoner said that if Beck said he was the man he would pay the money, it might have been an omission on my part. Mr Beck identified the man when I arrested him. I told him it was on suspicion of stealing a cheque for £7 1s.
Mr Cotterill applied that although he had closed his case, he might be allowed to call a Union Bank clerk to prove Mr Saxby had an account with the Union Bank.
His Honor thought it was necessary.
Mr Lascelles made an objection.
Robert Alexander Duncan Mowbray, clerk in the Union Bank of Australia, Napier deposed: Mr Saxby has an account with the Union Bank. The signature on cheque produced is his signature. The cheque has not been paid.
Mr Lascelles addressed the jury, and stated that in spite of the very direct evidence on some points, he would prove that this was a case of mistaken identity: that unfortunately for his client Mr Beck had, in his examination before the Resident Magistrate’s Court, stated the prisoner came to Clive on the 19th, and now says it was on the 20th, and that he (Mr Lascelles) had directed his attention to the 19th. But he would undoubtedly prove that unless the prisoner had wings he could not have been at Clive on the 20th.
Eight Maori witnesses were produced, who all swore that on the 20th instant they saw the prisoner at Te Aute, thereby throwing doubt on the evidence of Mr Eldred Beck, who alleged that the prisoner gave him the cheque on that date at Clive.
The evidence of Patrick McGrath and Mr John Buchanan confirmed the evidence thus given.
Mr Lascelles addressed the jury for the prisoner, and Mr Cotterill for the Crown, after which His Honor summed up.
The jury retired, and in a quarter of an hour returned with a verdict of “not guilty.”
The prisoner was then discharged.
The Court was then adjourned until 10 a.m.
His Honor took his seat on the Bench at 10 a.m.
George Prior Donnelly was charged, for that he did, on the 7th of March last, one cream-colored entire pony, one bay filly, one grey mare, and one roan mare, the goods and chattels of one Richard David Maney feloniously steal, take and lead away, against the form of the statute in such case made and provided.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty.
Messrs Cornford and Lee appeared for the prosecution, and Messrs Hesketh and Lascelles, instructed by Mr Sainsbury, for the defence.
The following jury was empanneled : – G. Bee (foreman), Thomas Torr, Henry Chapman, John Burden, A. Brockman, John Nugent, A. Campbell, J. Williams, Thomas Anenny, E. Kirk, and John Bicknell.
The defence challenged J. Mayo, Thomas Bowes, John Elms, jun., and W. Ryder, when called as jurymen.
All witnesses on both sides were ordered out of Court.
Mr. Lee, on behalf of the prosecution, stated the case to the jury, and called
Richard David Maney, who deposed: – I live at Meanee, and formerly held stations at Omahu, Patea, and Wairoa. I know the prisoner. I first had business with him in 1872. He had then to do with Omahu, and afterwards with Patea as well. He had nothing to do with Wairoa. He remained my manager till December 1875. He remained my joint manager with the Bank of Australasia till some time afterwards. His duties were those of a station manager. He had no power to buy or sell without first consulting me. He never had any private dealings with me. I know a horse called Bismarck. He once belonged to me. I told Donnelly to purchase horses and cattle about to be sold by Mr Routledge at the Shamrock Sale yards sometime in 1874. After the sale he told me he had paid a long price for Bismarck, as he knew him to be a good horse; he also told me he had bought some other horses and some bulls. I paid for what was bought at the sale. Donnelly drew orders on me in the usual way, and I paid them. I know a horse called the “cream-entire,” Carlyon breed. I first saw it on my run, Omahu, running with other horses. I have not seen him for 12 months. The last time I saw it was on the lower run at Omahu. I know a roan mare; have not seen her lately. I do not know so much of the bay mare. I got the invoices immediately after the sale. The paper produced is a letter in my handwriting. I gave it to Joseph Hedley, a man who was formerly in my employ, on the day it bears date with directions to take it to prisoner at Omahu. I never gave any authority for the sale of any of these three horses. I never gave them away or sold them.
Cross-examined by Mr Hesketh: I instructed prisoner to buy horses at this sale. My instructions were to buy hacks and horses suitable for pack horses. I limited him to £200. I said do not go beyond £200 at the sale. I knew Carlyon’s ponies were going to be sold. I received an invoice. I recollect receiving one from Mr Routledge. I suppose it is amongst my papers, I have not looked for it. The amount was £80, drawn by his orders, one by prisoner, the other by his brother. I was on speaking terms with Henry Donnelly at the time the order was drawn. I got a cream-colored gelding for the order that Henry Donnelly drew. The cream colored gelding is not he cream colored entire. The foal was sold in one lot, it was too young to be sold separately; it was sucking the mare. I thought from the invoice it was a gelding, but from information I believe it to be an entire. I knew it was an entire when it was sold. I have always been under the impression I paid for it. I have never seen an invoice charging me with a cream colored entire. It might be a week or two or three months after the sale that I saw the horses, bought at the sale, on Omahu run. It was not more than three months after the sale I saw the roan mare, and the cream colored entire on the Omahu run. I knew they were the horses bought at the sale because Donnelly pointed them out. Donnelly pointed out this entire as the one he bought for me. I did not notice if any of the horses were branded. Donnelly told me that I would have to get rid of the foal, as it made the others horse kick each other. He never told me who much the entire cost. The invoice produced is the invoice Mr Routledge showed me. I can’t swear if it is the identical invoice I was speaking about. I don’t remember Donnelly telling me how much it cost; it might have been 15 or 18 months. I should think it at that time worth between £5 to £8. I believe every horse was charged to me at that sale except the entire. It is my impression Donnelly bought a mare and foal for me. I know the foal was sucking the mare. I know a cream colored gelding was bought for me. It was from seeing Mr Routledge’s sale book that I said in the Resident Magistrate’s Court that a cream colored gelding had been bought for me. I do not know of any other Carlyon horses that I had except those bought at Mr Routledge’s sale at the Shamrock. I do not remember the prisoner ever pointing out to me the cream colored gelding. I saw them about three times on the station. Prisoner left my employ in March, 1877, and I made the demand for the horses in September, 1877. I was away, and was not sure where they were; that is why I did not demand them sooner. There is ill-feeling now between Donnelly and myself. I think it is pretty mutual. I am carrying on the prosecution at my own expense. I was rather amused with prisoner being so intimate with Renata the native chief. I laid some other charges against Donnelly. As far as Donnelly’s management of the run up to the time of the bank taking possession he was faithful. When I employed him I said, “I am giving you a good salary, so you must not traffic on your own account, and all transactions are to receive my consent before the deal is concluded.” I gave him permission to keep some horses, but not 10 or 15 racehorses. I did not know how many horses prisoner kept. I never doubted his word till a little before March, 1877. When I received his answer to my demand, I laid the information. It is the lawyers doings that I only now charge him with stealing 3 horses, and before the R.M. charged him with seven.
Re-examined: It was only Friday last that I knew that I was going to prosecute at my own expense, and then from telegram from yourself and Mr Cotterill. I was at Wairoa at the time, and arrived here on Sunday night. I had to charter the Result to bring me down. I have not been in a position to offer prisoner 6000 acres of land and 5000 sheep.
William Routledge deposed: I am an auctioneer residing in Napier. I know Mr Maney and Mr Donnelly, I recollect a sale of Carlyon ponies in June, 1874. Mr Donnelly was there. He purchased for Mr Maney both cattle and ponies. First purchased, one bay filly, unbroken, for £3 15s; the next was a cream gelding for £11 5s; the next a horse called Bismarck for £21 6s; the last a roan mare for £8 5s. I am under the impression there was no foal with her. The reason is because I see no other foal charged with her. Mr Maney paid for the ponies. I knew Mr Donnelly was Mr Maney’s overseer. My impression is that he gave an order on Mr Maney.
Cross-examined by Mr Lascelles: The account was settled by Donnelly’s order on Maney. The invoice would be handed to Donnelly on the day the sale was made. The order was drawn on the same day as the sale. There is no mention on the roan mare having a foal. I am under impression it was stated at sale when the mares had foals. There was no list given to me of the property I had to sell on that day. As far as I know the animals mentioned in the account sales are correct. At the price the cream colored gelding fetched it could not have been a foal. The roan mare was the 22nd lot sold.
By His Honor: The description of the animals were entered in the book by the clerk whilst I was selling them.
By Mr Lascelles: I think Gussy Carlyon told me not to sell some of the best entire foals.
By Mr Cornford: A sucking foal would be as a rule sold with the mare.
Joseph Headly deposed: I am a laborer, residing at Napier, and formerly in Maney’s employ at Korokipo as head shepherd, and when prisoner was away I was supposed to be sub-manager. I remember the sale at the Shamrock. Maney was not there: Donnelly was there. It was on the 10th June, 1874. I took back four bulls. There were four horses, Carlyon breed, Bismark, a bay filley, a roan mare, and a foal with her cream color. These were all I saw Donnelly buy. I was not constantly in the sale yards. They were knocked down to Mr Maney. When they were knocked down, Mr Routledge asked who they were for, and Donnelly said Mr Maney. In March 1874, I went to Maney’s employ. I did not see the horses driven away. I first saw them at Korokipo three days after the sale. I saw the cream coloured foal: it was suckling the mare; it was an entire foal. It stopped there four months, and was then shifted to Moteo. I saw the roan mare and the foal with her nearly every day until she went to Moteo. All three were shifted to Moteo. They were at Moteo up to the time I left at the beginning of 1875. I have seen the roan mare and the entire in a paddock which Donnelly occupies at Omahu, in October last. I remember going to Donnelly with a letter from Maney. It was before this that I saw the horses in the paddock, about a fortnight before I took the letter. I did not see the bay filly. The letter produced I have seen before. Maney gave it to me, and I took it to the prisoner and told him I wanted an answer. He said he would see me directly. Just as he was getting on his horse, he said, “Tell Maney I have got no horses of his, they are all mine.” I saw him read the letter.
By Mr Lee: I have had to do with horses for 19 years. Some people brand extires [entires] and some people do not. I have no malicious feeling
against Donnelly. I was in the employ of Mr Canning for 8 years.
The Court here adjourned for half an hour.
On the Court resuming. John Heslop deposed: I am a sheep farmer, residing at Puketapu. I know prisoner. I remember a sale in June 1874, by Mr Routledge of some Carlyon stock. I remember prisoner buying both bulls and horses. It was reported through the sale yards that prisoner was buying for Maney. He bought several horses. I recollect him buying one called Bismark. I remember he bought a cream gelding, which Harry Donnelly led away. He also bought a roan mare and foal. I don’t remember the bay filly being sold. I don’t remember any other cream gelding being taken away on this occasion. The foal was about 13 or 14 months. I don’t think it was weaned. It was a cream color. I had a cream colored pony pointed out to me at Omahu, an entire; this was about two months ago. The entire I saw has grown into a full grown pony.
By Mr Lascelles: I saw it a week after the sale at Sunnyside on the Meanee flat. From that time to the present I have never examined it. I have
been within 20 yards of it. I remember the particulars of the sale. All that I observed of them was that the mares and foals were put up together. My impression was that if I had bought the mares I should have bought the foals too.
Re-examined: Mr Carey had charge of the hacks, in conjunction with young Mr Carlyon.
Richard Hollis asked if he could ask a question. He said that he received a subpoena late last evening, and had to travel 85 miles to get here by 10 this morning, and had knocked up two horses, and wanted to know who would pay him.
His Honor said he could do nothing. He was here and must take the oath.
(Left Sitting).
Shipping Intelligence.
6 – Manaia, p.s. from Wairoa.
6 – Rotorua, s.s., from Sydney via Auckland. Passengers – Bishop Cowie, Rev E. Stuart, Misses Stuart, Messrs Hamlin, R. Price, Dransfield, Beaumont, Batger, 2 steerage, and 37 for south.
6 – Saucy Kate, schooner, from Auckland and the Coast.
7 – Falcon, barquentine, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
8 – Hawea, s.s., from the South. Passengers – Mesdames Hadfield, Prendergast, Thompson, George, Ormond, family and servant, Johnson, family and servant, Bishops Harper and Hadfield, Chief Justice Prendergast and secretary, Messrs. Ormond, Russell, Sutton, M.H.R.’s., George, Marks, Mason, Rev. Mr. Dewsbury, 2 steerage, and 15 for the North.
6 – Rangatira, s.s., from Gisborne. Passengers – Messrs Nichol and Robinson, Revs. Root and Williams, Messrs. Scrivener, Lawrence, Skipworth, Humphries, Mann, Floyd, Pen, Dodley, Brauss, Smith, and one other.
9 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs R.D. Maney, Witty, Martelli, and three others.
9 – Esther, brigantine, from Lyttelton.
9 – Rapid, cutter, from Mohaka.
10 – Mary Wadley, three masted schooner, from Newcastle, N.S.W.
12 – Isabella Pratt, schooner, from Oamaru.
12 – Karaihe, cutter, from Portland Island. Passengers – Messrs Shepherd, Highley, and a few others.
12 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington.
12 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Hon. J. N. Wilson, Messrs Roskruge, Davis, Master Davis (2), Dalton, Cotton, and six for Poverty Bay.
6 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Mrs Parker, Messrs Page, Scribner, Clearm, and McLean.
6 – Rotorua, s.s., for the South. Passengers – Rev. Mr. Fraser, Dr. Caro, Messrs Murray, Baker, Wright, Strachan, Jarman, Jones, Hunter, and Davies.
7 – Southern Cross, s.s., for Auckland. Passenger – Mr Johnson.
7 – Kiwi, s.s., for Wellington, via the coast. Two Passengers.
8 – Elsinore, schooner, for Poverty Bay.
8 – Result, s.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs. Locke, Wilmer, Roach, and Saunders.
8 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Urguhart, Messrs. Pallot, Hicks, Jobberns, Root, Urguhart, Smith, Shannon, Chegwin,
Nettle, and Jay.
8 – Hawea, s.s., for Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland. Passengers – Rev. J. Berry, Mesdames Evans and three children, and Parker, Misses Morton and Hawkins, Messrs Dean, S.W. D’Arcy Irvine, Robertshaw, Steed, Colson, Constable, Foreman, Slack, Doria, Seymour, Hawker, McKay, and Solomon, Masters Hooper (2), and 15 original.
10 – Saucy Kate, schooner for Mercury Bay.
11 – Result, s.s, for Wairoa. Passengers – Messrs Barron, Mathews, and two others.
11- Manaia, p.s. for Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Atwood and child, Messrs McArthur, Simmons, Williams, Hartley, Garry, Murray, and several others.
12 – Esther, brigantine, for Pelorus Sound.
12 – Rangatira, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs Pell, Humphries, Bartleman, Walsh, Villiers, Willis, Taylor, Williams, Miss Gruner, and six original.
The s.s. Rotorua, Capt. Macfarlane, arrived in the roadstead at 3.30 p.m., on Thursday. She left Sydney on Nov. 28 at 7.30 p.m., and encountered a continuance of light variable winds all the way across, the passage being exceedingly pleasant for the passengers., of whom there was a fair compliment, and arrived at Auckland at 3 p.m., on the 4th Dec. Left Auckland at midnight the same day, anchored in the Bay as we mentioned, having experienced light winds from Auckland. Her cargo was lightered by the Sir Donald and Three Brothers. Amongst the passengers we noticed the Bishop of Auckland, the Bishop elect of Waiapu, and the Editor of the DAILY TELEGRAPH. The Rotorua steamed south at 6.30 p.m., with a fair wind.
The s.s. Rangatira, left at 6 p.m. on Thursday for Poverty Bay, with a few passengers, and her original cargo for Gisborne from Wellington.
The barquentine Falcon arrived from Newcastle, N.S.W., on Friday. She and the Silver Cloud left within an hour of each other, and kept near each other until the straits were reached, when the Cloud drew head and reached Napier first. The Falcon having had light baffling wind up the coast. In going to Newcastle, Captain Hare on one occasion was in company with twenty-one vessels, all bound to Newcastle from the several ports of New Zealand.
U.S.S. Co.’s. Hawea, Captain Wheeler, anchored in the roadstead on Saturday, at 9 a.m. She left Port Chalmers at 5 p.m. on the 4th; called at Akaroa and Lyttelton, and arrived at Wellington at 8 p.m. on the 6th, having experience a strong N.W. gale from Lyttelton, left Wellington at 1 p.m. on Friday, arriving as above. Moderate weather with smooth sea was met with from Wellington. On her arrival she was promptly attended by the Bella, and the passengers, of which she had a large number, were landed. Amongst them we notice the Primate and the Bishop of Wellington, and our three representatives, Messrs. Ormond, Sutton, and Russell. We are indebted to Mr W.A. Newman, purser, for the above report of the voyage, as well as prompt delivery of files.
The U.S.S. Co’s. Rotorua, Captain Macfarlane, hence on Thursday at 6.30 p.m., arrived at Wellington at 4 p.m. on Friday.
The s.s. Result was detained on Friday on account of the souther [southerly] that was blowing last evening. The weather having moderated during the night, she was able to get away on Saturday. She has a full cargo, and a few passengers.
The schooner Elsinore left on Saturday for Poverty Bay. She had a splendid fair wind from the breastwork, and soon made a good offing.
The bar had quite a busy look on Saturday, having a great number of vessels on the move and at anchor about 9 o’clock this morning. The steamers Hawea and Rangatira at anchor discharging; the barques Dragon, Lochnagar, and Langstone, loading for home; the Falcon and Silver Cloud at anchor discharging; the s.s. Result and schooner Elsinore underweigh for their respective destinations, and the steamlaunch Bella going backwards and forwards between ships and the shore.
The s.s. Result arrived on Sunday at 4 p.m. from Wairoa, with 10 bales skins and 6 passengers.
The brigintine [brigantine] arrive on Sunday afternoon from Lyttelton, and was brought inside at 6 p.m. She is loaded with Colonial produce.
The three-masted schooner Mary Wadley arrived on Sunday afternoon. During a heavy southerly gale she lost her fore-top-mast and fore-top gallant and royal masts and topmast off Cape Farewell on Thursday last. She made the run from Newcastle in ten days. She brings one passenger.
The cutter Rapid arrived on Sunday from Mohaka with 20 bales wool.
The barquentine Falcon, on coming inside at 11 o’clock on Tuesday morning, grounded on the bar, and remained hard and fast until the night., when she floated, having been lightened during the day of some tons of coal. The vessel was drawing at the time eight feet three inches of water, and stuck an hour and a half before high water. During the time she was aground she remained perfectly steady, and sustained no damage.
The regular trading steamers Result and Manaia both left on Tuesday for Te Kapu and Wairoa. The latter steamer will be engaged during her stay in the river for the Friendly Society’s pic-nic. The Result, on discharge of her outward cargo, will return to Napier with wool.
The native cutter Karaihe returned on Wednesday from Portland Island. She had as passengers, Mr Shepherd, and his men from building the Portland Island Lighthouse.
The schooner Isabella Pratt arrived from Oamaru on Wednesday. Being in time for the tide, she was brought to the Breastwork. She brings a cargo of oats and flour. The following is a short report of her passage: – Left Oamaru on the 1st December, with a N.N.W. wind, which carried her to Bank’s Peninsular; thence to the mouth of the Strait head winds, when it came on to blow a heavy gale from N.W., which compelled the captain to lay to for 36 hours, after being driven 10 miles from the land. The gale having somewhat abated, shaped a course to Napier, and arrived as above.
The Fairy left for Wangawhei on Wednesday.
The Rangatira arrived in the roadstead at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, she left Wellington at 5 p.m. on Tuesday. Experienced N.W. wind to the Castle, and from thence southerly winds. She made a remarkably quick trip, viz., 21 hours 15 minutes. She brings 80 tons of cargo to Napier. She steamed for Poverty Bay at 5.30 p.m. She will discharge the Napier portion of her cargo on her return. We have to thank the purser for the report.
The brigantine Esther was towed out by the Sir Donald at 1 p.m. on Wednesday. She is bound to Pelorus sound.
The Mary Wadley and Falcon are rapidly discharging at the breastwork. They have not taken the foremast out of the former yet.
A new screw steamer was launched from the establishment of Messrs Holmes and Newburn, Auckland, last week, and was christened the Mohaka, after the name of a river on the East Coast, where the vessel’s future labors are to be utilised. The steamer has been constructed for Messrs Murray, Common, and Co., of Napier and Wellington. The Mohaka is of 30 tons register; she is 60 feet in length, with 13 feet beam and 6½ feet depth of hold. The little steamer has been fitted with a cabin for twelve passengers. – Auckland Paper.
Three of the N.Z.S. Company’s ships left New Zealand for London on Saturday, the Orari from Wellington, the Merope and Waitangi from Lyttelton, thus a good race Home may be expected. The Waitangi is considered to be in the best trim of the three.
TANNER. – At Norton House, Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham, on October 1, the wife of Thomas Tanner, of a daughter.
CLAYTON. – At his residence, Gisborne, Poverty Bay, on Thursday, the 15th November, the wife of Mr. H. Clayton, of a son.
CARR. – At Vernon, near Waipukurau, on 18 November, the wife of Mr. Samuel Carr, of a son.
VILLERS. – On the 19th of November, at Ormond, the wife of Mr John Villers, of a son.
SCOTTER. – At Waipukurau, on November 19, the wife of Mr. W.G. Scotter, of a daughter.
SLUCE. – At the residence of her father, West Clive, on November 20th, the wife of George Edgar Sluce, of a daughter. – Sydney papers please copy.
SAINSBURY – At Napier, on November 20th, the wife of Mr. G.E. Sainsbury, of a son.
WILLIAMS. – At Milton-road, Napier, on the 22nd November, the wife of N. Williams, of a son.
LYNN. – At Hastings, on 24th November, the wife of I. Lynn, of a son.
SNELLING. – At her residence, Tennyson-street, on the 26th November, the wife of Mr. S.A. Snelling, of a daughter.
HALL. – At Tikokino, near Hampden, on December 2, the wife of William Hall, of a son.
HARVEY. – At Port Ahuriri, on December 12, the wife of Mr. T. Harvey, of a son.
BOWLER – COLDICUTT. – On November 19, at Gisborne, Poverty Bay. Alexander, youngest son of the late W. Bowler, Esq., of Wellington, to Edith Florence Coldicutt.
DONNELLY – KARAURIA. – On the 6th December, at St. John’s Church, Napier, by the Rev. H.W. St. Hill, George Prior Donnelly, of Omahu, third son of the late P. Donnelly, Esq., County Tipperary, Ireland, to Airini, daughter of the late Karauria Tania-whakakiti-i-a- te-rangi, chief, and a neice of Renata Kawepo, chief, Omahu.
ABRAM – JAMES. – At St. Johns Church, Napier, on the 8th December, by the Rev. H.W. St. Hill, Mr John Abram, of Letheringsell, Norfolk, England, to Agnes James, of London.
MACAULAY – CARTER. – At the residence of J. McCormick, by the Rev. A Reid, T.H. Macaulay, Webb-street, painter, to Elizabeth Carter, second daughter of J. Carter, builder, Wellington.
BEST – On November 16, at his residence, White-road, Napier, Thomas R. Best, aged 32 years. Auckland and home papers please copy.
WHITE. – At Exmere, Te Aute, on Nov. 17th, Reginald Franklin, youngest son of J. Franklin White, aged 7 months.
WOODS. – At Napier, on November 20th, Mr Daniel Woods, snr., aged 78 years.
SHEPHERD. – At the Manse, Havelock, on the 22nd November, Elizabeth Mary Spiers, the beloved wife of the Rev. Alexander Shepherd, aged 40 years.
BISHOP. – At Hastings, on the 23rd November, Sydney Thomas, infant son of Thomas and Elizabeth Bishop, aged 13 weeks.
McCORMICK. – At Napier, on December 6th, Williams James, the only son of Mr. A. McCormick, aged 1 year.
McRAE. – At Napier, on December 8th, after a short illness, Kitty McRae, aged 3 years.
GALBRAITH. – At the Clarendon Hotel, Napier, on the 12th December, Duncan Galbraith, aged 47 years, through the bursting of a blood vessel in the stomach.
ROBINSON. – At Napier, on December 13, Henry Robinson, marine engineer, of Strauron, aged 28 years.
For Auckland, per Southern Cross, on Saturday, at 11 a.m.
For Auckland, per Rotorua, on Sunday, at 9 p.m.
For the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 16th December.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Sunday, the 16th December, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters via San Francisco, will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers at 8 p.m. on Saturday, the 15th December.
For Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, and Takapau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5 30 p.m.: on other days of the week, at 6.30 a.m.
For Norsewood, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Tahoraite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Masterton, Greytown, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington, and Southern Provinces, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Motoutaria, Wallingford, and Porangahau, Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Wainui and Castle Point, on Mondays, at 5.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
Public Works Office,
Wellington 14th November, 1877.
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this office up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd January, 1878, for the above contract. They must be addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington, and marked outside, “Tender for Papatu Bridge Contract, Permanent Way.” Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Public Works Offices, Auckland, Wanganui, Christchurch, Foxton, Wellington, Dunedin, Invercargill, the Survey Office Nelson, and at the Post Office Napier. Telegraphic Tenders similarly addressed and marked, will be received if presented at any Telegraphic Office by NOON of the same date, provided that written tenders in due form are lodged at a District or Resident Engineer’s Office by the same hour, and accompanied by a cheque on some bank in the town where the tender is lodged; such cheque to be specially marked by a banker as good for twenty-one days, and to be in favor of the Receiver-General’s Deposit Account only, and not to bearer or order. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
By command,
N.B. – Plans for this contract can be purchased at the above offices.
The Weekly Mercury
SIR GEORGE GREY, and the Native Minister may be expected at Napier on Thursday night or Friday morning early. It will be under vastly different circumstances that Sir George will land to what he did when last he visited this town. He was then Governor of the Colony having been sent here as the most capable man in the service of the Empire to bring about peaceful relations between the natives and the colonists. We need not here refer to Sir George Grey’s administration during the eventful period lasting from the close of 1861 to the beginning of 1868. With that we have nothing to do, nor with the causes that led to his retirement. Suffice it to say, that the pacification of the country was not brought about during his term of office as Governor, and that it was not until Sir Donald McLean’s counsels directed our policy towards the natives that our colony emerged from its darkest period of existence. Since Sir G. Grey ceased to be the representative of Her Majesty he has become a good colonist, and, during those nine years, he has witnessed with increasing interest the rapid strides his adopted country has made in population, wealth, and prosperity. On the death of Mr Williamson Sir George Grey reluctantly accepted the post of Superintendent for the province of Auckland, and in March, 1875, he was elected to the House of Representatives for Auckland City West. As a member of the House, and as Superintendent, Sir George Grey fought hard for the continuance of provincialism, and, in conjunction with Mr. Macandrew, the Superintendent of Otago, he nearly succeeded in defeating the Abolition party that was then primarily represented by Major Atkinson, Sir Julius Vogel, and Mr Ormond. It was in his efforts on behalf of provincialism that Sir Geo. exhibited those extraordinary traits of enthusiasm that provoked the pity of some, and the laughter of others. But Sir George was thoroughly in earnest, and he, apparently, believed that on the success of the cause with which he had identified himself depended the whole of the future prospects of the colony. It was that cause which bound together in one common bond of interest such dissimilar characters as Sir George Grey, Messrs Sheehan, Macandrew, and Rees, and made them so bitterly oppose the Abolition party, an opposition they did not cease from though they subsequently proved traitors to its object. Finding himself unable to stem the abolition current, Sir G. Grey and his trusty followers then turned their attention to an investigation into the private affairs of their opponents, and from the Piako swamp case of last year till the day they took office, no stone was unturned to villify the members of the Atkinson Ministry. This system of tactics appeared to have the desired effect of so provoking the Ministry, of wearying the House, and of disgusting the country, as to bring about the most curious anomaly in the history of the government in this colony, viz., the administration of public affairs by the minority of the House of Representatives. His object, presumably, attained, Sir G. Grey lost no time in securing the position of Premier, and, once in power, in showing how rapidly and completely a man’s opinions could be changed while walking across the floor of the House from the Opposition to the Treasury Benches. From a staunch conservative Sir George became a demagogue, from a Provincialist and Separationist, a Centralist of the most centralising tendency. With such an example it was not surprising that gentlemen of the Mr. Rees stamp also turned their coats when they changed their seats. Sir George Grey is now about to visit Napier, not as the Governor, not as the founder of the Constitution, but in the character of the popular Premier of a popular Ministry. But in this character, it must not be forgotten that he is an untried man. Sir George Grey has almost surfeited the country with words, and therefore we do not look forward with any pleasure to his proposed address. We shall be better pleased to record his actions that may be in consonance with his professions than to listen to more fair promises.
THE thanks of outlying sparsely settled settlements, such as the counties of Wairoa, Cook, &c., are due to the action the Opposition took in the matter of the allocation of the 20 per cent subsidy from land revenue raised within their respective districts. The Government fought hard to secure this 20 per cent for the provincial districts within which the lands might be sold, so that all the counties and boroughs should derive an equal benefit from the sale of the public estate. Mr Stout was the first to draw attention to the injustice of such an arrangement, and the full strength of the Opposition was brought to bear in the interests of those districts that hitherto have never shared from the profits arising from the sale of Crown lands. Had the Ministry been successful in their manoeuvre, those districts that in the past have been culpably neglected by the late Provincial Governments, would have found that in exchanging provincialism for centralism they had merely jumped from the frying pan into the fire. As the Act stands now, as it was forced upon the Government, the counties will receive 20 percent. of the receipts from all sales of land within their respective boundaries. Thus the County of Wairoa will obtain a handsome revenue from its Crown land, the bulk of which is situated within the Auckland provincial district, and which, but for the Opposition, would have been dissipated by division amongst the thickly settled districts that owe their prosperity to the expenditure within them of the land fund in the past. For bringing about this alteration in the Ministerial programme Wairoa, and the East Coast Counties owe a heavy debt of gratitude to the Opposition. By a singular misapprehension of the facts of the case, the Wairoa Free Press, in a recent leading article, gives the Grey Ministry the whole credit for the equitable division of the land fund that is now decided upon. Nothing could be wider of the mark than such an intention on the part of the Government. The Grey-Sheehan policy is one of shifting expediency, one that permitting them to trim their sales to every breeze that blows, it is hoped will secure them a long lease of place and pay.
REPLYING to Mr Sheehan on the Native Affairs Bill, Mr Ormond alluded to the organisation known generally by the name of the Repudiation party. Mr Sheehan, in the course of the sesion [session] had said, in reference to himself, that his connection with that party was that of a solicitor to his client. Mr Ormond was inclined to think that Mr Sheehan’s connection with the Repudiation party possessed a rather more intimate relationship. Mr Ormond said, “the House knows very well that the party in question is an extensive organization; that it has a large political aspect, a large paid staff; that it has a newspaper; and that its ramifications are of the most extended character. I have yet to learn that such matters come within the relation of solicitor to client. I know that these ramifications are so extended that they amount to a very large political organization. The honorable gentleman said that he had never undertaken any Native cases outside of Hawke’s Bay in his professional capacity, and in that sense I quite agree that what he said to the House may be correct; but I also know absolutely that the organization known as the Repudiation party has ramifications of the most extensive character, which have extended across the island to the West Coast-Wanganui, to Manawatu, to Taupo, to the Ngatiporou [Ngati Porou] country, and to the Arawa country. The result has been that it has operated largely in influencing the native mind in regard to the land question. Honorable members know that what I have said is correct, and I think that it will be a sufficient answer to the honorable gentleman’s statement with regard to his position in the past in connection with a party whose ramifications are very different from those which are necessary in the connection of solicitor and client. The difficulties which the honorable gentleman has to meet in the future have been very largely increased, as he will find, by the action of that society in the past. He will find it much more difficult to check the influence of such an organization in one direction than it was to direct it in another. In his conduct of the duties of the Native office he will find no greater difficulties than those raised by the Repudiation party which was first organised in Hawke’s Bay. Before leaving that part of the subject, I should like to say to the honorable gentleman that as long as he is on the Government benches he may be quite sure that neither I nor any of my late colleagues, nor any one [anyone] who as [has] acted with us, will ever take the same course towards him and his colleagues as they have taken towards us in past years, I trust that when we attack those honorable gentlemen it will be on grounds of public policy, and that we shall not be found going into the private life of an honorable member to attack him in this House. So far as I am concerned, that is the course I have marked out for myself, although in the past we know that some of the members of the present Government when in opposition acted continuously in an opposite direction.
AS we suspected, the application to the Mayor for the proclamation of a half-day holiday on Friday afternoon, was not a genuine document. Our suspicions were aroused by the knowledge that the proposed demonstration to Sir George Grey was intended to be one in dishonour of our three Hawke’s Bay representatives, and by our belief that very many, whose names were attached to the requisition would never lend themselves for any such purpose towards either Mr. Ormond, Capt. Russell, or Mr Sutton. It appears that one or two of the self-styled Reception Committee went round the town and asked certain storekeepers if they would be willing to close their establishments
on Friday afternoon. The reply in nearly every case was the same, viz., “Yes, we will close if all the rest do.” On that they were asked to sign a paper to that effect, and the signatures thus obtained were afterwards, it appears, impudently attached to a requisition to the Mayor for a half holiday. As there will be no half holiday on the occasion we have the assurance of many of those whose names are appended to the requisition, that they do not intend to close their shops. As an instance of the manner in which the Reception Committee seek to carry out their aims, we may mention that Mr Manoy, Mr Jacobs, and Messrs Colledge and Craig never signed any document whatever, the two former being absent from the town, and the latter declining to sign, yet all those names figure on the requisition as genuine.
SIR, – I notice that, on the application of thirty-one individuals, very few of whom can be reckoned as leading tradesmen of the town, His Worship the Mayor has proclaimed Friday afternoon next a public half-holiday. If the thirty-one applicants represented the trading community of the place, I could have understood His Worship acceding to the request, but as they do not, the question, arises, how many people would it take to get the Mayor to proclaim any day a public holiday? On this occasion it is well known that notwithstanding the proclamation there will be no half-holiday observed. A few shops may close their doors, but the workmen within will be kept employed as usual. The proclamation is consequently a farce, and the Mayor has been placed in a false; not to say ridiculous position. The only effect of the proclamation will be that the Corporation will have to pay a full day’s wages for a half day’s work to its clerks, servants and workmen. And looking at the matter in this light, I think it is extremely unjust to the ratepayers that the Mayor should so inconsiderately grant requests for public-holidays whenever a score or so of idle people want to leave their work for a day’s outing. As a ratepayer, I trust the Council will take this side of the question up. It was not very long ago since the Councillors had to pay out of their own pockets a sum of money to cover the costs of a public meeting that had been convened by His Worship at the request of some uninfluentual deputation that wanted to get up a discussion on a subject that had so little general interest that the meeting never came off. As in that case, so it should be in the present one, and I hope the Council will not allow Corporation funds to be wasted on the payment of servants and workpeople for keeping a half holiday on an ordinary working day. I don’t suppose the self-constituted Grey Reception Committee will feel disposed to pay half a day’s wages to Corporation employees, and I am quite certain the Corporation should only pay its servants when they earn their wages. This being so, the only course, apparently, for the Mayor to extricate himself from his blunder is to pay the cost of the proclamation out of his own pocket. – I am, &c.,
Napier, December 12, 1877.
[Our correspondent is in error. The only holidays on which the Corporation laborers receive their wages are, Good Friday, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day. The employees in the Town Clerk’s office are paid by the year. – Ed. D.T.]
SIR, – In writing to you on the subject of the Working Men’s Club, I do not feel at all sure that I do not render myself subject to severe pains and penalties, but as the management of that institution is a matter of public, or at least of very general, interest, I shall risk the punishment that the Committee in its wisdom may deem my misdemeanor merits.
It has become notorious that a section of the members of the club has attempted to make use of the association as a political organisation, and it is felt that this improper conduct was largely assisted by the action of certain members of the Managing Committee. With the view to obtain the sense of the Club on the manner in which it has been sought to bring it into contempt, a requisition was got up for the purpose of having a general meeting. At the same time some strong comments appeared in the DAILY TELEGRAPH, and a faithful report of a meeting that had taken place, was published, showing unmistakably the political bias, and intentions of certain members. For the reason that was fully explained in Mr. E.H. Grigg’s letter in your journal the other day, the requisition for the general meeting was removed, and not being re-posted, it was hoped by some that nothing further would be heard in censure of the Committee. Mr Grigg’s suspension followed, and it is generally believed that this arbitrary act of the Committee was with the object of punishing for his connection with the DAILY TELEGRAPH, in which journal the Committee and Club politicians have been severely handled. This belief is strengthened by a report that the Committee would remove Mr. Grigg’s suspension if no general meeting would be called; and further, by a notice now posted in the Club room, threatening members with expulsion if they dare give information to the Press concerning transactions or discussions in the Club.
A general meeting of the club has been called for in accordance with Rule XX., when it is to be hoped a searching investigation will be made into the causes leading to the present unsatisfactory state of affairs.
In the meantime, the Committee appear to be carrying matters with a high hand, and it would almost seem that its members are in their own persons exemplifying the truth of the Latin proverb – “Quos Deus vult perdere prius dementat.” – I am & c.,
Napier, December 13, 1877.
(Before J.A. Smith, Esq., J.P. and A. St C. Inglis, Inglis, Esq., J.P.)
Marice Marsen, a young Scandinavian woman, who has lately been employed as a servant in Wairoa, but who returned to Napier last week, was brought up charged with being a lunatic not under proper care and control. She was remanded until Monday next for medical examination and report.
William Pilcher and Alexander Morris, two seaman of the Schooner “Silver Cloud,” were brought up in custody, charged with “disobedience of lawful commands.” As they both expressed their willingness to return on board ship to their duty, it was ordered that they be sent on board, each paying £1 2s expenses and 4s of Court.
(Before His Worship R. Beetham, Esq., R.M.)
James Gold and Frederick Morgan both admitted having been drunk yesterday in the public street, and were fined five shillings each, with the usual alternative. Both paid the fine.
Frederick Morgan charged with assaulting one James Lynch, was remanded until 11 o’clock to-morrow, Lynch being at present in the Napier Hospital.
Hans Mortensen was charged with having on the 1th [1st or 11th] instant assaulted one William Krause, by striking him with a stick. Defendant denied the offence. Complainants evidence being unsupported by any corroborative testimony, the case was dismissed.
The same Hans Mortensen was charged with having negligently suffered the chimney of the house occupied by him to be on fire. The fact was admitted, and a fine of 5s was inflicted, with costs 6s 6d, or in default 12 hours’ imprisonment. The money was paid forthwith.
Two judgement summonses in which Messrs Blythe & Co. were the plaintiffs and which had been adjourned from Friday last until to-day, were called on but there being no appearance of either plaintiffs or defendants the proceedings lapsed.
To the Editor: Sir, – Mr. Justin McSweeny who would fain make people believe that he is an authority on the English Constitution, and of the politics of the whole world, falls into some curious errors. He alludes to Mr. Tilden being President of America. Now, Mr. Tilden was the defeated candidate at the last general election, and the President of America is Mr. Hayes. – I am &c., CARP.
The following votes passed: – Immigration, £148,956; Public Works Department, £14,775; Agent – General’s Department, £1677; Lithographic Branch of Public Works, £2545; Railways: Kawa Kawa, £6113; Kaipara to Punua, £142,830; Napier to Manawatu, £75,633; Wellington to Masterton; £162,677; Waitara to Patea, £50,000; Patea to Manawatu North, £141,956; Nelson to Foxhill, £11,083; Picton to Blenheim, £29,235; Brunner to Greymouth, £35,006; Westport to Ngakawa, £38,234; Amberley to Waitaki, £182,754; Waitaki to Bluff, £365,488; Winton to Kingston, £39,296; Western railways, £37,587; surveys of new lines and road, £10,000; miscellaneous, £43,208; roads, £36,964; land purchases in North Island, £91,825; waterworks on goldfields, £90,007; coal mines, £1680; telegraph extension, £24,700; public buildings, £161,792; lighthouses, £33,800.
The supplementary estimates were then taken.
The item of £50,000 was apportioned as follows: – Auckland provincial district, £10,000; Taranaki provincial district, £4,000; Wellington provincial district, £8,000; Hawke’s Bay provincial district, £5,000; Nelson provincial district, £5,000; Marlborough provincial district, £4,000; Canterbury provincial district, £3,000; Westland provincial district, £5,000; Otago provincial district, £6,000.
It is reported on good authority that Mr Rees has resigned his seat. He tendered his resignation about three days ago, but withdrew it until the end of the session. Pressure of private business is assigned as the reason. It is said he proceeds to Napier to take Mr Sheehan’s old place.
Messrs Grey and Sheehan leave here for Napier on Wednesday night, and will address a public meeting and proceed to Auckland on Monday. Mr Sheehan returns here, but joins Sir G. Grey a few days before Christmas in Auckland.
(Before His Honor the Chief Justice.)
The criminal sittings of the Supreme Court opened to-ay. His Honor the Chief Justice taking his seat at 10 o’clock.
The following gentlemen were sworn in as a Grand Jury: – Messrs W. Ellison, W. Smith, J. Chambers, E.W. Knowles, A.G. Olliver, J. Garry, F. Tiffen, S.W. Brandon, R. Farmer, E. Lyndon, A.H. Wallace, P. Dolbel, J.H. Vautier, J. Giblin, F. Tuxford, M.N. Hutchinson, W. Blythe, J. Bennett, G. Seale, W. Routledge, H. Troutbeck, M.R. Miller, and C.B. Winter, (foreman).
The Chief Justice then addressed the Grand Jury as follows: – The calendar is heavier than usual, but I do not find in the depositions any difficulties that require direction from me. With regard to the charge of murder there can be little doubt a murder has been committed, the question is by whom; but in this case, as in all the other cases, it will be for you to determine whether it shall go before a Petty Jury.
The Grand Jury then retired.
The Foreman of the Grand Jury presented a True Bill against a native called Te Hau, otherwise, William Brown, for assault.
Mr E. Hamlin was sworn in as interpreter.
The prisoner having had the indictment interpreted to him, pleaded “Not Guilty.”
The following Petty Jury was then impanneled:- H. Chapman, J. Williams, G. Bee, W. Hall, L. Redwood, W.A. Riddle, E. Kirk, J. Mayo, J. Watt, T. Foreman, (foreman), J. Elmes, and W. Denholm.
Mr Cotterill having opened the case for the Crown, called
John Walsh, who being sworn deposed: I am a Constable in the Armed Constable Force, stationed at Ormond, Poverty Bay. I know the prisoner. From information given me by Sergeant Baker, I went to arrest the prisoner on 29th September, 1875, for taking some firewood from a man named James Shirley. Constable Villers accompanied me. We went near to the Big River. Between seven and eight o’clock in the evening, we came up to the prisoner two miles from Ormond. I met the prisoner coming out of the bush. We rode three or four hundred yards together, until we came to Makaraka. I then told him I was a constable, and arrest him on a charge of larceny for stealing fowls from James Shirley. Constable Villers was behind me some distance. The prisoner then made a bolt –a-head with the horse. My horse also bolted and came up along side of him. I laid hold of the prisoner by the collar of his coat. We both fell off together from our horses. His boot heel caught my left eye. I then caught hold of him by the leg. He then got the thumb of my left hand in his mouth. We then both got up, he still holding my thumb. When I got up I hit him in the face. He took the whole top of my thumb off, about half of the nail, and a good bit from underneath. He then caught hold of me by the leg, and we fell down together. He then got the forefinger of my right hand in his mouth, and chewed it for quarter of an hour. I tried to get it out of his mouth but could not. I had no truncheon. There were neither hand-cuffs or truncheons at the station. Constable Villers and myself tied him with a rope and took him to Ormond. I was laid up for eight weeks and under medical treatment.
Cross-examined by prisoner: I did not strike you about the head with a stirrup-iron. I did not ask you to have some rum.
By His Honor: The reason why the case was not brought before was the prisoner escaped from the jail at Gisborne, and was re-arrested last October. My finger was broke. His teeth went into the bone.
Constable Edmund Villers gave evidence in corroboration of that of the previous witness.
Cross-examined by prisoner: I did not kick you.
This concluded the case for the Crown.
The prisoner made a statement in defence, accusing the constables of striking him over the head, and otherwise ill-using him.
The Judge then summed up.
In answer to a question put by the Jury, Constable Walsh stated that the prisoner could understand and speak English.
The Jury, without retiring, found the prisoner guilty on the first count, viz., of assaulting and wounding Constable Walsh when in the execution of his duty.
The prisoner was ordered to be brought up for sentence to-morrow morning at 10 o’clock.
William Geaney was charged with unlawfully and maliciously damaging the property of Union Bank of Australia, Napier, by breaking windows on the 7th day of November, 1877.
Prisoner was undefended.
Mr Cotterill stated the case for the Crown.
John James Torr, being sworn, deposed: I am accountant at the Union Bank of Australia, Napier. I do not know the prisoner. On the afternoon of Wednesday, the 7th November, when I left the bank at 4 p.m., the windows were in their usual state. When I returned the next morning one of the front glass ganes was broken, the one facing Hastings-street, nearest the Criterion Hotel. The pane was four feet square.
James S. Large deposed he was a cabinet maker. He saw a broken window at the bank on the 7th November. The cost of replacing the window was £9 10s.
Constable Peter Burn deposed that on the 7th November he saw the prisoner Geaney standing opposite the Union Bank of Australia on the path nearest the bank. He saw prisoner raise his hand and move as if he was throwing something at one of the windows. He heard glass smash at the same time. He arrested the prisoner who said he had thrown at the window in revenge for the banks, and afterwards said he had been out of work, and wanted to get locked up.
This was the case for the Crown.
The Judge summed up, and the Jury found a verdict of guilty.
His Honor reserved his sentence until to-morrow morning.
Michael Rooney was charged with having indecently assaulted a little girl named Bean. The case is one unfit for publication.
After the above was in type the jury found, after some consultation, the prisoner Rooney guilty, with a strong recommendation to mercy. His honor reserved sentence until to-morrow.
Richard Winter pleaded guilty to having forged a cheque, using his employer’s name, Mr. G.E. Lee. His Honor remanded the prisoner for sentence until to-morrow morning.
The cases against Mr. Donnelly were fixed to be heard on Wednesday morning.
Te Hau Wiremu Karauria was indicted for breaking out of the lock-up at Gisborne, on October 9th, 1875.
Mr. Cotterill stated the case for the Jury and called,
Edward Dudley, who deposed as to the prisoner having been sentenced to three months imprisonment for larceny in October, 1875, by Dr. Nesbitt, and placed in the keeping of the keeper of the station at Gisborne. The prisoner on the 9th of October, made his escaped from the lock-up. He was not again arrested until last October.
The prisoner stated that he had been put to cut up firewood in the yard, and finding the door opened when he finished work walked out.
His Honor having summed up.
The jury immediately returned a verdict of guilty, recommending the prisoner to mercy on the ground that the temptation to escape that had been put in his way.
Rose Mullins was indicted for stealing two items of baby apparel, the property of Mr B. Johnson, at the Spit.
The prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr. Lee.
The following jury were impanneled: – William Vickers (foreman), T. Annett, E. Kirk, A. Campbell, J. Bicknell, J. Nugent, T. Bowes, W. Rider, J. Retter, G. Herbert, J. Wishart, A. Hollis.
The Crown Prosecutor stated to the jury the facts of the case, and called Charlotte Mary Johnson who gave evidence similar to that reported in the DAILY TELEGRAPH of October 4, when the case was heard in the Resident Magistrate’s Court. The prisoner was a servant in the employ of Mrs Ben Johnson, and shortly after leaving her employment, a baby’s robe, valued at £2, and a petticoat, were found to be missing. The robe was found in the prisoner’s box when searched for by Inspector Scully.
Miss Charlotte Emma Johnson, who also had given evidence at the preliminary examination, was proved by the medical testimony of Dr. Hitchings to be laid up with rheumatic fever, her disposition as taken at the Resident Magistrate’s Court was put in as evidence.
Mr Lee then addressed the jury for half-an-hour, in a very able speech, in which he minutely criticised the evidence, and asked the Jury what object could the prisoner have in stealing such a worthless article? and threw doubt on the testimony of Inspector Scully.
His Honor summed up.
The Jury immediately returned a verdict of “not guilty.”
The Court adjourned until
His Honor Chief Justice took his seat on the bench at 10 o’clock.
Richard Winter who pleaded guilty to forgery, in answer to why sentence should not be passed on him, said, “He had nothing further to say than what he had stated in the Resident Magistrate’s Court.” His Honor said the prisoner had subjected himself to severe penalties, but he having pleaded guilty, and taking other circumstances into consideration, the sentence would be lighter than it would otherwise have been. The sentence of the Court was that he be imprisoned for 18 calendar months, with hard labor, in the Napier Gaol.
William Geany, who threw a stone through the Union Bank window, Napier, had nothing to say. His Honor read several previous convictions of a like nature of which the prisoner had suffered imprisonment. He could not say if the prisoner was in his right mind or not. He was sentenced to six calendar months, in prison with hard labor.
Michael Rooney, for criminal assault on the child Dean, and who had been recommended for mercy on account of his being drunk when the offence was committed, was sentenced to nine months’ imprisonment, with hard labor.
Te Hau, for assault on Constable Walsh, was sentenced to twelve months’ imprisonment, with hard labor. His Honor remarked in this case that the offence was a gross one, and that persons taken into custody should yield without violence. The biting of the constable’s thumb was an unmanly action, and must be punished severely. The same prisoner was also sentenced to twelve months imprisonment with hard labor for escaping from the Gisborne goal, but it was explained to him that the former sentence and the one now passed ran concurrently, therefore in all he would only suffer twelve months imprisonment.
McGregor was charged that on the 6th of November he committed the above offence on the person of Lucy Payne, of Hampden.
The prisoner was defended by Mr. Lee.
The following Jury was sworn: – W.A. Riddle, Thomas Torr, Isaac Williams, J. Wishart, E. Kirk, W. Vickers, John Elmes, junr., W. Denholm, G. Bee (foreman), R. Davis, A. Robinson, G. Fuzzard.
The evidence in this case was similar to that given in the Resident Magistrate’s Court.
Mr Lee keenly cross-examined the witnesses, and made an able defence, but without avail, for the jury without leaving the box returned a verdict of guilty.
The Napier Rowing Club’s trial fours, which had to be postponed from the 1st instant in consequence of the weather on that date, were rowed on the river on Saturday afternoon. There was a fair attendance, and the day was a pleasant one for rowing, a light westerly wind kept the atmosphere clear and cool. This was the third occasion on which these races had taken place, and they in a measure, assisted in proving the success which has attended the introduction of rowing in Napier. The object of these annual contests is to promote a love for rowing as an art, and as a healthful growing exercise among the members of the Club. That they have fulfilled this object is fully manifested by the number of men in Napier who now know how to use an oar as compared with the very few who had any idea of it before Rowing Clubs were included amongst our athletic institutions. The rowing shewn on Saturday was, taking it all through, probably not so good for “form” as has been seen on previous occasions, but that the club now possesses members with greater physical strength than hitherto was apparent. It has become the fashion to sneer at those who indulge in a little training for these and similar events, but that it is of importance, at least, in boat racing was unmistakably proven in the final race of the day where two boat’s crews met, one of which had done good and steady work for some time, the other having, we believe, only pulled once or twice together, the result being that the former crew won merely by being in better condition than their opponents.
On a previous occasion we felt it our duty to write in rather strong terms of the steering exhibited, as a rule, on the river.
We regret that we were unable to notice any very marked improvement in this branch of the art on Saturday. At times the steering was good, at others it was very erratic.
At 3.15 p.m. the first heat was rowed by Tabuteau’s and Gilberd’s crews, and was won with ease by the former. The second heat between Bogle’s and Brooking’s crews was won by the latter by nearly two boats’ lengths. The final heat brought Messrs Brooking and Tabuteau together. This was a really good race, probably the best that these contests have brought forth. Alternately each boat had the advantage, and it was not until a short distance from the winning post that the spectators could tell who was leading. At about one hundred and fifty yards from the finish Brooking had obtained a slight lead, but only for an instant, as Tabuteau called on his men and they responded by putting on a spurt and gradually forged ahead. Brooking then increased the pace and appeared to come up very fast at the finish, but the effort was made too late, the good condition in which his opponents were, compared with his own men, evidently telling against him in the last fifty yards. Tabuteau thus won a spirited race, but only by a few feet. Brooking is to be complemented on the plucky style in which he pulled throughout the day. The winners of the cups are – Cowper, Skeet, H. Gibbens, C.A. Tabuteau (stroke), Black (coxswain). The junior race was also a good one, and was between J. Begg’s and H. Lambert’s crews. The latter won by a length and a half, and though Begg’s men were badly steered this could not have altered the result, the winning crews pulling much better together than the losers, who however deserved credit for pulling a losing race throughout with much gameness. The Junior Fours winners are: Chapman, J. Brandon, D.A. Miller, H. Lambert (stroke), Rich (coxswain), Messrs R.G. Gibbons and Eva acted as starter and judge respectively.
TO SOME minds, the idea appears to commend itself that all goodness is to be found in that particular party which for the time being may happen to be in power. To people whose political faith is based on such an assumption as this it is little avail to preach on the virtue of consistency, for they can see no wrong in turning their coats, and changing their opinions, as often as the chances of Parliamentary party warfare place this side or that aside of the office. It need hardly be said that it is only those whose misfortune it is to be possessed of the weakest of intellectual power who are thus swayed backwards and forwards, and who are led to contemplate with the highest reverence the men who have temporarily the command of the public purse, and the dispensing of governmental patronage. But in every community there will be found some who are absolutely intellectually incapable of walking up – rightly in the presence of men in authority, and in proportion to their abject obeisance to the powers that be so is their ill concealed contempt for those who no longer may have the direction of public affairs. We have seen a little something of this lately in Hawke’s Bay, and we are glad to think that it is only a very little of what in reality is a display of tervigersation of a very mean spirited character. It is but a few months ago that Captain W.R. Russell returned amongst us from England and received at the hands of one of the largest public meetings ever held in Napier an unanimous vote of confidence. Mr F. Sutton, our other representative, was elected to the House in spite of a virulent and unscrupulous opposition, and Mr. Ormond, the third member for Hawke’s Bay, has sat uninterruptedly for Clive ever since he was first sent to the General Assembly. We have no hesitation in saying that until by a “fluke,” by a mere parliamentary dodge, the present Ministry got into office, those three gentlemen enjoyed the most entire confidence of their constituents. They were pledged to support the late Government of which Mr. Ormond was distinguished member, and well and faithfully they fulfilled the promises they made on the hustings. On the fall of the Atkinson Administration they naturally followed their chief on the Opposition benches, having the courage of their convictions to oppose a Government whose members who have in the past manifested the greatest hostility to the progress of Hawke’s Bay in particular, and the East Coast settlements in general. We need not here point out in detail the many acts of governmental injustice that for years disgraced the administration of the Auckland Province, by which the whole country was neglected, not to say robbed, for the aggrandisement of Auckland city. The Bay of Plenty and Poverty Bay bear evidence of this, and the pages of Hansard reveal the fact that nearly every penny of the public loans expended in this province for the development of its resources met with the fiercest denunciation from the lips of that party which rejoices under the leadership of Sir George Grey. In opposing that party, in doing their best to turn it out of office, we maintain that our three Hawke’s Bay representatives have done their duty to those by whose votes they were returned to Parliament. Strange, however, as it may appear, it is nevertheless true, that because of their consistency to the principles which have actuated them throughout their political careers, the steady adherence to which has helped to build up the prosperity of this portion of the colony, an attempt is now being made to show that Messrs. Ormond, Sutton, and Russell have been enemies to the progress of Hawke’s Bay. No such endeavour would have been made had the party to which they belong remained in power, and the attempt can only be characterised as the feeble effort of those whose glory it is to fall down and worship any set of men, no matter who, that may happen to be in office. The little clique, the efforts of which are now being directed with the object of showing that Hawke’s Bay is no longer true to herself, is so insignificant in all those qualifications which go to make up a representative party that we should not have alluded to it, or to its doings, did not our morning contemporary advocate its views. Nor would this circumstance of itself be of any serious consequence if journalists outside this provincial district treated the Herald’s political opinions with the contempt they so eminently deserve at the hands of every Hawke’s Bay settler. Unfortunately, however, the organs of Sir George Grey’s party are only too eager to catch at any straw that they fondly believe points to a change of political sentiment in this province, and the Herald has been quoted as affording evidence of public opinion here being favorable to the Government. In Napier, of course, we can afford to laugh at the idea of the Herald representing in any degree the intelligence of the electors, but that it is accepted in a single quarter of the colony as the exponent of a widely diffused opinion is none the less annoying and insulting to the common sense of the people. Time was when our morning contemporary might have been justly deemed a representative paper for those districts through which it circulated. This cannot be said of it any longer; it has descended to be the exponent of a small clique of uninfluential, and, perhaps, disappointed men, whose natural abilities and public actions are certainly not of that character which is at all likely to bring them prominently to the front whichever party may be in power. There past experience might have pointed this out to them. “Unstable as water ye shall never excel,” is a motto we would advise them to adopt, in the hope it may lead them to refrain from changing their coats with every change of Ministry.
LESS than three weeks ago the Working Men’s Club at Napier might be justly pointed to as one of the most flourishing institutions of its kind in the colony. The number of its members, the harmony and good fellowship that reigned amongst them, made the club in every sense of the word a thorough success, and a valuable institution. Unfortunately, almost from the establishment of the Club, the seeds of discord were made manifest by the admission of a few members of whom there were entertained suspicions that on the first favorable opportunity they would attempt to convert a social into a political association. No such opportunity arose till the Club was fairly established, and it was then hoped that should any such effort be made it would be instantly crushed. The other day, however, a determined attempt was made to use the Club for political purposes, the question being brought up at a Committee meeting as to the desirability of making some sort of congratulatory demonstration on the arrival of Sir George Grey at Napier. The question was for the time, being shelved, the political agitators, whose presence on the Committee must for ever remain a matter for surprise being out-voted. A private meeting of the minority, and a few other members of the Club then secretly took place, and it was resolved to bring forward the question before the social gathering on the Saturday night following, at nine o’clock. The question was however, postponed till after half-past ten, when most of the members had left the Club, and only those remained (about forty, out of nearly 300 members) who had been let into the secret. A stormy debate then took place, and by a narrow majority it was resolved to form a committee to make arrangements for the reception of Sir George Grey. It is as well the names of that committee should be known. They are as follows: – Messrs. Gillespie, R. Williams, J. McSweeney, Knight, and Lindsay. Although it cannot be said that these gentlemen either represent the Club as a working man’s institution, or the trade, the wealth, or the intelligence of the town of Napier, they are sufficiently influential by reason of the position into which they have been bundled, to bring the Club into that disrepute which must necessarily attach to an institution that perverts the objects of its establishment. The gentlemen whose names we have mentioned, are notoriously working in opposition to the present representatives of Hawke’s Bay, and, as a committee, they may be said to represent the feeble party whose puny efforts have for their object the exhibition of this provincial district in false colors. We need not say that any demonstration from them in honor of the Premier will be of such a character as to call for congratulation, and, perhaps, did Sir George Grey fully know how it was proposed that he should be recieved he would take good care to refrain from visiting Napier. In the meantime however, the Working Men’s Club is threatened with dissolution, unless the members boldly grapple with the circumstances of the case and denounce the small clique whose political machinations have such a mischievous tendency. The working men of Napier are not so mean spirited as to be blindly led into a mistake, and having shown that they are capable of establishing a useful institution, we trust they will not delay in taking steps to put themselves and their Club above suspicion in the eyes of their fellow colonists.
A LETTER recently appeared in the Auckland Evening Star signed “A Working Man,” that, to a certain extent, explodes a somewhat prevalent fallacy that Sir George Grey’s policy is one beneficial to the laboring classes of New Zealand. The letter is remarkable as having been published by an organ professedly in the interests of the present Government, and as exposing the transparency of that portion of the Ministerial programme, which, by some, is thought so peculiarly favorable to the working man, viz., that which relates to the land policy of the Premier. Taking the new Land Bill as his text, “Working Man” shows that its intention is to do away with the peculiar advantages offered by the late Government to the small capitalist for the acquirement of a freehold. He briefly sketches the superior chances the early colonist had over later immigrants for the acquisition of land of good soil and in easily accessible situations, and he commends special settlement on the deferred payment system as highly favorable to that class of settler whose capital is acquired “by the exercise of undeviating thrift, patience, and industry.” “Working Man” then goes on to say that “the new Bill provides that all lands, whether sold on deferred payments – the only system under which a working man can hope to buy – or by free selection, shall be sold at £2 per acre. Thus the price of land is at once doubled; and the gulf, dividing the first and the last comers in the colony, in all that pertains to the chances of success in life, is infinitely widened.“ A moment’s thought will make this clear to anyone who takes the trouble to consider the question that is thus raised. By a stroke of the pen, the price of the land offered or set apart on deferred payments has been doubled, but no extra time for the payment of the purchase money has been allowed, nor has the stringency of the regulations concerning occupation or improvements been relaxed. Recognising, as we do, the very beneficial results arising from the Special Settlements Act of the late Government, and the success that has attended the settlements formed under it in this provincial district, we cannot but regret this recent alteration in the price of land. When it is considered that the pick of the country has long ago passed into the hands of the early settlers, at a merely nominal price, it does seem hard that the new comers should have to put up with the leavings of others and pay for their inaccessible holdings a sum per acre eight times more than that which was demanded for the best and most valuable blocks. On this point “Working Man” says, “not much ground for complaint could be made of the fact that the first comers got the first served; nevertheless, the late Government recognised the natural difficulties in the way of the successful settlement of the country by the new comers, and great advantages were placed accordingly were placed in their way to acquire freeholds by the reservation, on application, of blocks of suitable land for special settlement on deferred payments. In Hawke’s Bay, large areas of land were so set apart and occupied, and some of, indeed I may say the only small farm settlements in that provincial district that have been entirely successful, are those which have been established for the most part by persons who have come here under the immigration policy of the colony.” There can be no doubt, that, in adding to the difficulties of the small capitalist in his efforts to acquire a freehold, Sir George Grey has dealt a blow to the best interests of the colony. The Land Bill completely stultifies every profession that the Government have made concerning their friendship for the working man. The rhodomontade in which Sir George Grey delights when speaking of the interests of humanity, is no doubt acceptable enough to the ignorant and the unthinking, but his fine words perish as the dew in the heat of the sunshine in the light of his actions that are so innimicable to the interests of the working classes. With the one hand, Sir George Grey offers the working men the benefits of universal suffrage, and with the other, he cuts off their chances of acquiring land, in the possession of which they could enjoy the advantages of the franchise without any alteration of the existing law.
It was stated in Tuesday’s Herald that “nearly the whole of the storekeepers in town have consented to close their establishments.” We are authorised by a number of the principal business people in town and port to state that it is their intention not to close their places of business on any day during the present week.
Thompson Committed for Trial.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Saturday, the whole time was occupied in listening to the evidence of Dr Sidney Sherman, whose testimony shewed that the death of George Ollandt was caused by an instrument.
Mr Lee made a speech, in which he defended the prisoner, and contended that no evidence had been taken which directly connected the prisoner with the murder.
His Worship committed the prisoner for trial, stating that in his opinion a case had been made out sufficient to submit to a jury.
The prisoner, when called on for his defence prior to be committed, reserved his defence, and he was consequently submitted for trial, and witnesses were bound over to appear against him at the ensuing sessions of the Supreme Court.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.13
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
25,000 ACRES LEASEHOLD, good title, low rent, and
112 acres Freehold near Gisborne with
20,000 sheep, and all necessary working improvements; the run divided into nine paddocks, all well watered and grassed.
11,000 acres Freehold, partially sown, all fenced and subdivided, good and substantial improvements, good road, within 30 miles of Napier.
11,000 Sheep, a few Cattle, and Horses
600 acres Lease, with right of purchase, within 12 miles of Napier, fenced and sub divided, comfortable house, shed &c., with
800 Sheep, and a few Cattle etc.
8,800 acres Leasehold, title good, rent moderate, excellent land near Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, with
3,000 sheep, with improvements, good house, shed and yards.
4,200 acres Freehold, within 12 miles of Gisborne.
11,000 acres Leasehold, good title, agricultural and pastoral land, Poverty Bay, a few improvements, with
3,000 Sheep, and a few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay
1,200 acres Freehold, improved rich [?] land, Opotiki
340 acres Freehold, Mahia Peninsula
400 acres Patea District
750 acres, fenced and improved, Mongonui
4,030 acres Freehold, good improvements, near Masterton
2,000 acres rich agricultural Freehold, Thames Valley
10,000 acres Freehold, pastoral land with few improvements, Thames Valley
600 acres, in sections, at Woodville
40 acres Freehold, highly improved, at Havelock
3,000 acres Freehold, good agricultural and Pastoral land, near Wairoa, considerable improvement with
800 Sheep and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold, near Wairoa
4,000 acres Freehold, Near Wairoa, part improved, goop [good] house and woolshed, yards, etc., with
3,500 Sheep, a few Cattle and Horses.
Pure Merino Rams bred by H.W.P. Smith
Pure Merino Rams bred by D. McLean
Pure Merino Rams bred by Hon. H.R. Russell
Pure Merino Rams bred by Rich & Shrimpton
Pure Merino Rams bred by Hugh Campbell
Pure Merino Rams bred by D. Gollan
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by T. Kirkman
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Dudding
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by H. Sladden
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by W. Marcroft
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by P. Threlkeld
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Jackson & Russell
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Joseph May
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Sutton Brothers
Pure Leicester Rams bred by B. McLean
Cotswolds Rams bred by G.D. Hamilton
240 Pure Merino Stud Ewes, Rich & Shrimpton
209 Pure Lincoln Stud Ewes, H. Sladen
500 cross-bred wedders Fat
200 cross-bred wedders Fat
200 cross-bred wedders Fat
1,200 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 6 tooth, immediate delivery
1,500 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 8 tooth, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, mixed immediate delivery
360 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,200 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,800 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 2-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
400 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 2-tooth, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 8-tooth, immediate delivery
1,500 ⅞ and ¾ bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, immediate delivery
3,000 ¾ bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, Culls, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, 6 0 tooth and upwards, Culls, immediate delivery
1,000 cross-bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, immediate delivery
2,000 Merino Wedders, stores, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
300 Merino Wedders, store, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 Merino Wedders, store, 2 and 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 Merino Wedders, store, 6 and 8-tooth, immediate delivery
3,000 Merino Wedders, stores, 8-tooth, immediate delivery
2,500 Merino Ewes, mixed ages, delivery in February
2,000 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth, delivery Feb.
4,000 Merino Ewes, Culls, delivery in March
1,100 Lambs, cross-bred, delivery in February
200 Pure Lincoln Ewes, aged, delivery in February
150 cross-bred Ewes, 2-tooth, delivery in February
1,500-tooth Ewes, out of ⅞ – Lincoln, delivery in March
1,500 8-tooth Ewes, out of ⅞ Lincoln, delivery in March
500 ¾ bred Ewes, mixed ages, with 90 per cent. Lambs given in, immediate delivery
1,500 cross-bred Cull Ewes, delivery February
3,000 cross-bred Cull Ewes, delivery February
1,000 ¾ – bred Costwold [Cotswold] Ewe Hoggets
4,500 ⅞ and ¾ bred Ewes, 2, 4, 6, and full, delivery in February
500 not under ⅞ Lincoln 2-tooth Ewes
2,000 Lambs, mixed sexes, Merino
3,000 Merino Wedders, 2 and 4-tooth
3,000 Merino Ewes, 2 and 4-tooth
5,000 Merino Ewes, 2, 4, and 6-tooth or
6,000 equal proportions, 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth
Stock and Station Agent.
REMAINDER of Lease and Stock-in-Trade of a GENERAL STORE, in a commanding position.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
THE Undersigned receive regular Consignmrents of the above named Caompnay’s celebrated BACON and HAMS.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Patented throughout all the Colonies.
This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh 10 cwt. per mile, and costing £12 10s, versus 17 cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having 7 cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1000 tons sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves.
McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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