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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 110 - 22 December
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume III Number 110 – 22 December
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
THE above will be held at Waipawa, on 26th December (BOXING DAY), in a paddock adjoining the Railway Station, kindly granted by E. Collins, Esq.
No. Event. 1st prize 2nd prize trance [Entrance] Fee
£. s. £. s. s. d.
1. Throwing Heavy Hammer (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
2. Putting Heavy Stone (22lbs) 3 0 1 10 2 6
3. Best Bagpipe Player 4. 0 1.10 2 6
4. Maiden Race (300 yards) 2 10 1 0 2 6
5. Throwing Light Hammer (16lbs) 2 10 1 0 2 0
6. Putting Light Stone (16lbs) 2 0 1 0 2 0
7. Men’s Foot Race (400 yards) 3 10 1 10 2 6
8. Hop, Step and Leap 2 10 1 0 2 0
9. Boy’s (under 14 years) Foot Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 1 0
10. Dancing Highland Fling 3 0 1 0 2 6
11. Running High Leap 3 0 1 0 2 6
12. Men’s Foot Race (600 yards) 7 0 3 0 4 0
13. Vaulting Men’s Foot Race (600 yards) 3 10 1 10 2 6
14. Men’s Hurdle Race (500 yards) 4 0 1 10 3 0
15. Boy’s (under 13 yrs) Hurdle Race (300 yards) 2 0 1 0 2 0
16. Running Long Leap 2 10 1 0 1 0
17. Dancing Liverpool Hornpipe 3 0 1 0 2 6
18. Four-legged Hurdle Race (200 yds) 2 0 1 0 2 0
19. Walking Match (900 yards) 4 0 1 10 2 6
20. Dancing Irish Jig 3 0 1 0 2 6
21. Standing high Leap 2 0 1 0 2 0
22. Three legged Race (150 yards) 2 0 1 0 2 0
23. Boy’s (under 10 years) Foot Race (200 yards) 1 0 0 10 0 6
24. Sack Race (over hurdles) 100 yds 2 0 1 0 1 0
25. Men’s (over 40 years) Race (300 yards) 3 10 1 0 2 0
The Sports will commence at 11 o’clock a.m. sharp.
Admission to the grounds, One Shilling: children under 10 years with parents, Free.
No horses or dogs allowed on the grounds.
A Ball will be held in the evening in the Oddfellows’ Hall in connection with the above.
A RACE will be added to the programme to be called WAIPAWA CUP RACE. It will be run in three heats, distance, 100, 200, and 300 yards.
First prize, £2; Entrance Fee. 10s.
Events No. 13 and 24 are withdrawn from the Programme.
A special prize of £2 has been offered by a gentleman for the best Highland Costume on the grounds.
WANTED KNOWN – That the Third Meeting of the Waipawa Sports will be held at Waipawa on Boxing Day (26th December), when about £100 will be offered in prizes.
On The 1st JANUARY, 1878.
First Race to start punctually at 12 o’clock.
President: A. SHIELDS [ SHEILD ], Esq.
Judge: A. SHIELDS, ESQ. – Starter: R. HOLLIS.
Treasurer: J. O’BRIEN – Hon. Sec. J. BURROWES.
1. DISTRICT PLATE of 10 sovs. Distance, ¾ mile; entrance, 20 Shillings.
2. HURDLE RACE of 7 sovs. Distance, 1 ½ miles, over five flights of Hurdles 3 ft. high; with a Sweepstake of 2 sovs; entrance, 10s.
3. KONINI CUP of 15 sovs. Distance, ¾ mile; with a Sweepstake of 2 sovs; second horse to save his stake; entrance £1. Open for all horses that have not won public money to the value of £20 in Hawke’s Bay.
4. TUTAEKURI PURSE of 7 sovs. Distance, ½ mile; entrance 10s.
5. A prize of £5 by A. Shields, Esq. Distance, ½ mile, with a Sweepstake of 10s added, for untrained horses, the bona fide property of Station hands, living within a radius of ten miles.
All entries received will be subject to the decision of the Stewards.
Three horses to be entered for each Race, or no public money shall be given.
No one allowed to enter a horse unless he is a subscriber of £1 to the Race Fund.
Apply to
Frimley Station.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0 3.20
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 11.15 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.13
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
THE Oakbourne Sale Sheep have been shorn and are open for selection they will be sold privately.
Apply, stating number required, and further particulars to the undersigned.
16th October, 1877.
Has been instructed by the Trustees in the above Estate, to sell by Public Auction, at the deceased’s farm, on the Waipawa River,
128 ACRES LAND, being portion of Block 88, in the Homewood Estate (subject to a Mortgage of £524 for a term of years expiring on the 1st April 1881, bearing interest at £6 10s per cent. per annum.)
11 ACRES, being Section 10, Tukuwaru Bush.
The above 139 acres will be sold in one lot, and is subdivided in several Paddocks, 60 acres of which are under cultivation, the remainder being well-grassed.
There is a good 4-Roomed Dwelling-House, together with Stables, Barns, Cowsheds, Yards, and all the necessary requirements for carrying on a first-rate Dairy.
33 Head mixed Cattle
300 Sheep
80 Pigs
8 Horses
Dray, Spring Carts, Harness
Farming Implements, Dairy Utensils. etc., etc., etc.
Sale at 11 o’clock.
For further particulars and conditions of sale, etc., apply to
Solicitor, Napier.
Or to the Auctioneer, Waipawa.
520 ACRES FREEHOLD and 60 ACRES LEASEHOLD, Ruataniwha, with 500 Sheep, also Cattle, Horses, &c.
14,000 acres Freehold Land, improved, with
10,000 Sheep, and Cattle, Horses, &c.
105 Acres Freehold, Waipawa River, with 2-roomed Cottage thereon
110 Acres Agricultural Land, leasehold, on the Homewood Estate, with Stock, Implements, &c.
Sections at Richmond Park, Waipawa Bush &c.
50 Lincoln Rams 2-tooth, bred by the Hon. H.R. Russell.
75 Lincoln Rams, 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth, bred by R.P. Russell, Esq.
12 Lincoln Rams, 2-tooth, bred by F.H. Drower, Esq.
170 Merino Rams, 2-tooth, and
40 Merino Rams, 4-tooth, bred by the Hon. H.R. Russell
34 Merino Rams, 2-tooth, and
38 Merino
Rams, 4, 6, and 8-tooth, bred by D. Gollan, Esq.
10 Merino Rams, bred by Thomas Hedlam, Esq., Egleston, Tasmania.
2000 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth, delivery in February
1000 cross-bred Wethers, 2-tooth
1400 cross-bred Wethers, 4-tooth
2000 Merino Ewes, full mouthed, delivery in February
1000 Merino Ewes, 4 and 6-tooth, delivery in February
500 cross-bred Ewes, 2-tooth, delivery in February
1000 Merino Wethers, full-mouthed
1500 Merino Wethers, full-mouthed, immediate delivery
1000 Merino Wethers, 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth, delivery in February
700 cross-bred Wethers, 6, and 8-tooth, delivery immediately
500 cross-bred Ewes, 2-tooth, delivery in February
700 cross-bred Ewes, 8-tooth, delivery in February
500 cross-bred Lambs, delivery in February
1000 cross-bred Lambs, delivery in February
250 cross-bred Ewes, 2 and 4-tooth, delivery in February
Stock and Station Agent,
THE undersigned has for Sale from 200 to 300 RAMS, selected from 7/8th to 15-16th bred; also, full-mouthed pure pedigreed RAMS, with 2,000 EWES, from ¾ bred to 7/8th, mostly 2 tooth, and Hogs in lots to suit purchasers.
None but private sales will be effected, and purchasers may rely on getting fair value for their money.
Apply by letter to the undersigned, stating number required.
Oakbourne, Wallingford.
16th October, 1877.
“By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.” – See in the Civil Service Gazette.
Made simply with boiling water or milk.
Sold only in pockets (tins for abroad), labelled: –
APPLICATIONS for the office of VALUER for the County of WAIPAWA will be received at the County Council Office, Waipawa, on or before TUESDAY, the 8th January, 1878.
Addressed to
County Council Office, December 14, 1877.
THE ANNUAL RAM FAIR under the auspices of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society, will be held at the Society’s Yards, HASTINGS, ON THURSDAY, 7TH FEBRUARY, 1878.
By order of
JANUARY 1st, 1878.
WILL be held at Farndon in the paddock kindly lent by R.P. Giffard, Esq.
1. Maiden Race, 100 yards; first prize, £2; 2nd prize, 10s; entrance, 2s 6d.
2. Dancing Highland Fling, 1st prize, £1; entrance fee, 2s 6d.
OPEN HANDICAP, 3 events, 100, 200, and 300 yards, 1st prize, £6; 2nd prize, £2; 3rd prize, £1. Entrance 10s.
3. First Event, Open Handicap, 100 yards.
4. Throwing Cricket Ball. Prize £2 10s; entrance fee, 2s 6d.
5. Running High Jump. Prize, £1; entrance, 2s 6d.
6. Boy’s Race, under 14 years, 150 yards. 1st prize, 15s; 2nd prize, 5s; entrance 1s.
7. Second Event Open Handicap, 200 yards.
8. Hornpipe. Prize, £1; entrance, 2s 6d.
9. Standing High Jump. Prize, £1; entrance, 2s 6d.
10. Boy’s Race, under 10 years, 100 yards. 1st prize, 10s; 2nd prize, 5s; entrance, 1s.
11. Third Event Open Handicap, 300 yards.
12. Vaulting with Pole. Prize, £1; entrance, 2s 6d.
13. Running Long Jump. Prize, £1; entrance, 2s 6d.
14. Handicap Hurdle Race, 400 yards, 6 hurdles, 3ft 6in. 1st prize, £3; 2nd prize, £1; entrance fee, 5s.
15. Running Hop, Step, and Jump. Prize, £1 10s; entrance 2s 6d.
16. Committee Race, 100 yards, Entrance, 2s 6d.
17. Greasy Pig. Prize, the Pig.
18. Tilting in the Ring. 1st prize £3; 2nd prize, £1; entrance, 5s.
A Band will be in attendance.
Entrance, 1s; children, half-price. Traps, 2s 6d each, passengers, 1s.
Sports to commence at 11 o’clock sharp.
Entries for the Open Handicap and Handicap Hurdle Race to be sent to the Secretary stating colors on or before Saturday, December 22nd.
Hon. Sec.
Store and Fat Cross-bred and Merino Wethers, Merino Rams, 2-tooth, full mouthed.
Stock and Station Agent,

December 14.
At the meeting of the County Council, all the members were present. J. Mackersey in the chair. A rate of 6d in the £ was struck Mr E. Harwood was appointed Collector of Rates, and Mr Inglis County Clerk.
December 14.
Instructions been issued by Government to withhold for the present all increases of salaries voted this year to members of civil service.
Mr Ballance says there is no foundation for the report of his defection from the Grey party.
December 15.
Mr Baker, son-in-law of the late Colonel Balneavis, has been appointed Private Secretary to the Hon. J. Sheehan, and Mr Mitchell, of the Hansard staff, and now in Napier, a clerk in the Colonel Secretary’s Office.
SIR, – Would you mind inserting the following in your paper this evening? I desire to state that I, as Mr Jacob’s representative, put down Mr Jacob’s name on the list, adding on the paper only if all the shops close; but that I never signed, nor was it mentioned by Mr McSweeny, that at the time, it was a petition to the Mayor for a half-holiday, so Mr Jacob’s name ought not to have gone down on the petition. I am, &c.,
December 14, 1877.
SIR, – Your reporter of the reception of Ministers yesterday must have drawn largely upon his imagination when he says, “At three o’clock 2,500 people had congregated, and as the Bella came alongside the Ministers were greeted with loud and hearty cheers, &c.” I happened to be at the wharf at the time, and I certainly did not see the number your reporter stated. I should say about 1500 people were present, the majority being Maoris. It is strange how your contemporary falls into the same error. I am, &c.,
Napier, December 15, 1877.
SIR, – In your leading article this evening you have raised a question of political economy of the highest importance. The present decline in English trade naturally causes very great anxiety; but it is rather a hasty assumption that this decline is in any way attributable to the free-trade policy which has been so many years in force in that country, or would be arrested by a return to the system of protective duties. This, however, is the deduction which, though not very definitely expressed, is to be gathered from your article.
No unprejudiced reader of Mr Bright’s speech will endorse your statement that “Mr Bright inferentially acknowledges that the high tariffs adopted by other countries are not only injurious, but in protecting that of other countries are beneficial to their manufacturers.” The fact that fiscal barriers interposed by other countries have seriously crippled and restricted English commerce does not in the slightest degree disprove the other fact that a protective policy is short-sighted and suicidal, operating to the ultimate ruin of the very industries it was designed to assist.
The causes of depression in trade are manifold, and often deeply-seated. They constitute a very profitable field of investigation, as a knowledge of their nature is the first step to their remedy. None but hasty generalisers would attempt to sum them up in one word; but if it were possible so to do, that word would most assuredly not be “free trade.”
If this were really the cause, the statistical returns from year to year, so carefully tabulated by students of political economy, would reveal the fact at a glance, in the gradual decline of English trade from the time the country was first thoroughly committed to a free-trade policy. Can such evidence be shown? Certainly not. The trade and commerce of Great Britain – notwithstanding serious obstacles to be referred to hereafter – have been stimulated and developed to an extent impossible under any other than a free-trade system. The remarkable revival in nearly all kinds of English manufacturing industries some two or three years ago – when the high wages paid to the laboring classes, and the extravagant waste which

ensued, were the theme of numberless newspaper paragraphs – was not occasioned by any change in the commercial policy of the country; nor is the present depression due to the continuance of that policy.
With your permission I intend touching upon a few of the most important causes in the decline in trade. Not very fully – the subject is far too wide either for my time or your space – but I hope suggestively; for the practical importance of the matter must commend its consideration to every one of your readers.
The first cause to which I will refer is improvidence. With a population of over thirty millions, and with a yearly [income] of nine hundred millions sterling, of which four hundred millions are drawn by the working classes, Great Britain possesses resources far beyond any of her commercial rivals. Her manufacturers should command a home market which would render them independent of the fluctuations of foreign trade; and this would be the case but for the thriftlessness of a large portion of the population. In the harvest times of brisk trade and high wages, it is but a minority who remember that the winter of dearth and scarcity may follow, and make the necessary provision. When a reaction sets in, the improvident workman no longer contributes his share towards the support of the nation’s industries. Not frequently homeless, stripped by degrees of the comforts and necessaries of life, and it may be with unpaid liabilities, he becomes a charge upon those who find it difficult enough to maintain a respectable position for themselves.
Another and very serious cause is a perceptible deterioration in the quality of work produced. English manufactures do not always bear the unimpeachable character they once enjoyed. Cheapness being generally the first consideration with the buyer, and competition being keen, quality becomes a secondary consideration with the manufacturer. Short weight and measure, and articles inferior to sample, have come within the experience of most importers. The steady plodding artisan of former days who mastered his craft in all its details, and took an honest pride in producing sound and substantial work, and training up the apprentices under his control in similar habits, is almost a thing of the past. He is jeered at as belonging to “The old school of workmen,” and is jostled out of the field by a younger rival, who gets through unheard-of quantities of work, with unlimited waste of material – work which, even if fair to outward seeming, requires endless patching and alteration or to be entirely gone over again.
This latter mischief is intensified by the “trade-union” system, which by arbitrary interference with the liberty of the workman and his rate of remuneration, seeks to maintain a dead level of paying for good and bad alike; not only hindering the superior artisan from obtaining the position to which his abilities fairly entitle him, but at the same time compelling him to suffer for the short-comings of his indolent or incompetent fellow-workman. This system – the most fatal clog to any kind of commercial progress – has already been to some extent acclimatised in New Zealand.
There are yet other very important aspects of the subject to which I would refer, but having already trespassed considerably on your space, I will, with your permission, reserve them for another communication. – I am, &c.,
Napier, December 12, 1877.
SIR, – Will you please do something either to cause the present system of what is only an attempt to allay the dust in the main thoroughfares of the town, or to relieve the ratepayers of what is now only an annoyance, viz., a pretence to water the streets? While the cart has gone to get another small load the streets lose the appearance of ever having had a drop upon them. – I am, &c.,
December 18, 1877.
[Last summer we repeatedly called attention to the paltry means adopted to water the streets, but the Corporation, apparently, can think of nothing that would be superior to the small cask on wheels that is used to convey the water. – ED. D.T.]
SIR, – What about the Napier Theatre Company? Repeated promises have been made that as soon as Mr Sheehan arrived a meeting of the shareholders would be called.
Mr Sheehan has come and gone, and no meeting has been called. This is very strange indeed. Knowing what implicit reliance may be placed upon the word of the secretary of the Hon. J. Sheehan, who is also the secretary for the Napier Theatre Company, I may ask “What is the little game now?” – I am, &c.,
Napier, December 18, 1877.
The Council met at 7.30 p.m.
All the members were present with the exception of Cr. Lee, who was engaged at the Supreme Court.
After the Clerk had read the minutes of the last meeting,
Cr Tuxford rose to complain of the nuisance in Hastings-street, which he stated had not been abated, and he thought the Inspector of Nuisances ought to look after the matter. He had been informed the Municipal Engineer had ordered the drains to be opened again, thus rendering what had been done worthless. It was no use their playing “ducks and drakes” after this fashion.
The Mayor said he was unaware of the circumstances, and promised to see the Engineer on the matter.
Cr Williams having seconded the confirmation of the minutes, it was put and carried.
The following report from the Public Works Committee was read: –
The Public Works Committee having met, pursuant to notice, on Friday, the 14th December, 1877, beg to recommend to the Municipal Council to give effect to the following: –
1. That the tender of Messrs Dykes, Pilcher, and Co., for works on the Beach-road, be accepted.
2. That the tender of Messrs Dinwiddie, Morrison, and Co., for supplying stationery for the year 1878, be accepted.
3. That the tender of the DAILY TELEGRAPH Company, for advertising for the year 1878, be accepted.
4. That the tender of Messrs Dinwiddie, Morrison, and Co., for printing for the year 1878, be accepted.
5. That the following be proclaimed by the Council as the days on which the Corporation offices shall be closed, viz. : – New Year, 1st and 2nd January; St. Patrick’s Day, 17th March; Good Friday, April; Easter Monday, April; St George’s Day, 23rd April; Queen’s Birthday, 24th May; Prince of Wales’s Birthday, 9th November; St. Andrew’s Day, 30th Nov.; Christmas and Boxing Days, 25th and 26th December; Race Days, February; Agricultural Show Days, October.
6. That the Engineer be instructed to lay water pipes to supply water to certain rate-payers of Wellesley-road, as requested by them.
7. That the Inspector of Nuisances having reported a great number of town sections as nuisances to the public, from being unfilled in, &c.,; that notices under the Napier Swamp Nuisance Act be again sent to such owners as have sections in the swamp, and that notices under clause 236 of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1876, under the hand of His Worship the Mayor, be sent to the owners of all the other remaining sections shown in the Inspector’s list.
Committee Rooms,
Napier, 14th December, 1877.
On clause one being read, a long discussion arose.
Cr Tuxford objected to the manner in which the work was to be commenced, arguing that the prison labor had been granted on the condition that Government property was to be protected. Instead of commencing in the middle, they should begin at one end or the other.
Crs Williams, Vautier, Neal, Swan, and Faulknor, opposed Cr Tuxford’s views on the matter, urging that from Emerson-street along the beach to the White-road the inhabitants had no road, while there was a good road from the corner of Coote-road to Emerson-street along the beach.
The clause was eventually adopted.
On clause 5 being read, Cr Swan said he thought too many holidays were set down, there were nearly fifteen, and he would move that some be struck out.
Cr Tuxford was of the previous speaker’s opinion.
St. George’s Day and St. Andrew’s Day were struck out, and only one race day and one Agricultural Show day inserted, instead of “days” as in the clause.
All the other clauses in the report were adopted without discussion.
Cr. Swan moved, pursuant to notice, “That the engineer be instructed to call for tenders for keeping in repair the main streets of the borough.” Cr. Swan said he was led to move this resolution on account of the disgraceful state of the streets. He thought if the contract system was adopted the work would be done cheaper and better. The streets were now in worse repair than in the days when the Provincial Government had control of the town. The work was very unsatisfactorily performed at present.
Cr. Tuxford seconded the motion. He would suggest that an experiment be made say from the Post Office to the end of the White Road. At present the streets were in a disgraceful state.
Cr. Vautier said he must oppose the motion. How could tenderers know what would be required for 12 months, as the state of the roads would depend on the weather?
Cr. Neal thought they ought to consider the matter thoroughly before agreeing to it. A road would require more attention sometimes than others.
The Mayor said he agreed with the views of Cr Vautier, as it would greatly depend on the weather as to what work would be required to be done.
Cr Williams complained of the metal placed on the roads, some of which was as big as a brickbat. If metal of a proper size was put on, the roads would be in a better state.
Cr Rochfort opposed the motion. Experience had proved the contract system a failure.
Cr Dinwiddie opposed the motion.
Cr Faulknor said he would support a motion for metalling the roads by contract, and doing away with half the hands now employed.
Cr Swan replied to the various arguments adduced, stating that any change could not be but for the better. He would not cease to move in the matter until it was remedied.
The question was then put, when Crs Williams, Swan, and Tuxford, voted for the resolution, and Crs Dinwiddie, Neal, Faulknor, Vautier, and Rochfort, against. It was therefore negatived.
Cr. Tuxford moved, pursuant to notice, “That the Council purchase two acres of land in suburban section 83, for the purpose of quarrying stone therefrom.” His object, he said, was that the municipality might continue to have the benefit of prison labor in quarrying.
The Mayor suggested that the matter should be referred to the Public Works Committee.
Cr. Tuxford accepted the suggestion, and moved accordingly.
The motion was seconded by Cr. Vautier, and carried.
Cr. Rochfort moved, pursuant to notice, “That the Municipal Engineer report on the probable cost of supplying, to each separate holding on the flat, a good self-acting earth closet, with urinal attached; also, of providing to each block of sections a salt-water well and a drainage, into same for refuse liquid only, by means of earthenware pipes from each separate holding.” When he moved the resolution with regard to obtaining plans for a scheme of drainage, he thought the matter more difficult than it had presented itself. He thought with salt water wells and earth closets his object could be accomplished.
Cr. Williams seconded the resolution.
Cr. Vautier thought a separate rate would be required.
Cr. Rochefort said his resolution only asked for information.The resolution was agreed to.
The Mayor moved “That the Municipal Engineer be directed to carefully survey the sections of land in the Napier Swamp, with a view of preparing an estimate of the cost of material necessary to fill in the same.” He was in hopes, if the motion was carried, to be able at the next meeting of Council to state what could be done in the matter. Of course, in the case of sections that would involve £1000 to fill in, the Council would not undertake the work, as it would be bad policy to do so if such sections would not realise the cost of getting them filled in.
Cr. Tuxford seconded the resolution and was glad to see the Mayor had come at length to view the matter in the same light as himself.
Cr. Swan called the attention of the Council to the imperfect manner in which the streets were being watered, and suggested that a large tank be procured for the purpose.
A discussion followed, when it was agreed that the matter be referred to the Public Works Committee.
The Council then adjourned.
The Board met this morning at eleven o’clock.
Present: – Messrs Kinross (chairman), Ormond, Kennedy, Vautier, Williams, and Smith.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
A letter was read from the Harbor Master, suggesting the purchase of ballast shoots. At present carts shoot ballast on the wharf obstructing the line.
The Chairman supported the suggestion.
Mr Vautier wanted to know whether it was the duty of the Board to keep the tramway clear.
The Harbor Master was authorised to get the shoots made.
An application was read from Messrs Watt Bros. for a refund of £2 17s on a shipment of tea ex Arawata, consigned to Mr A’Dair, of Gisborne, and transhipped to Poverty Bay.
The Board agreed to return half the amount.
The Engineer’s report, enclosing tabular statements of the soundings, was read showing a depth of from 9 to 10 feet of water on the bar.
A communication was read from Mr Weber in reference to the Whare-o-maranui block stating that he had taken no steps towards carrying out his instructions, and suggesting legal advice should be taken before cutting into the river bank.
Mr Smith said Mr Weber had continually put off taking action in the matter. The Board had instructed Mr Weber to expend £100 to assist the natural reclamation of the land, and he (Mr Smith) thought the reasons given for not carrying out those instructions were mere nonsense. The river bank was not wanted to be cut into, there were gaps in the bank that merely wanted to be cleared out, so as to allow flood water to flow freely over the land.
The secretary read Mr Weber’s report of August last on the reclamation of the land, in which it was recommended that the system known as warping should be adopted to assist which cuts should be made in the river bank.
The Committee’s report was then read recommending the adoption of the warping system.
Mr Smith moved the adoption of the report and that the Engineer be instructed to carry it into effect, which was seconded by Mr Vautier.
Motion carried.
Vouchers of accounts were passed.
Mr Kennedy moved, and Mr Ormond seconded, that Mr Rathbone’s deposit should be refunded to him. Carried.
An application from the master of the Columbia for a lightering license gave rise to a discussion, when the Board agreed that any master of a vessel should have a lightering license on application to the Harbor master.
Tenders for the erection of the shed on Petane beach were opened and read. Mr H. Thompson’s tender for £39 was accepted.
Tenders for filling in section 417 Port Ahuriri, were open and read. Mr John Hayden’s tender for £12 10s was accepted. For filling in section on Railway quay no tender was accepted.
Mr Vautier gave notice of motion that, at the next meeting, he would move, That a return of all condemned timber used in the construction of the Harbor works be laid on the table at next meeting of the Board.
The Board then adjourned.

The town was crowded with natives on Friday who came to Napier in consequence of a letter written by Karaitiana from Wellington to Henare Tomoana, Henare Matua, and Tareha. The letter was as follows: – “We are coming on the Thursday of this week. Do not neglect to fetch the people from Te Takapau and extending to Porangahau, in order that your welcome of Sir George Grey may be equal to that at the time of the meeting last March. * * We will arrive on or about 2 p.m., on Friday, and on Saturday will proceed to Waiohiki.” It was curious to observe that very many of the natives who came into town were well armed with Government rifles and carbines, that should long ago have been returned to store. The day being hot the public houses were filled with thirsty Maoris, but we understand nothing stronger than lemonade was partaken of, but even this unintoxicating beverage appeared to have an inebriating effect on those whose habit it is to drink from nature’s springs.
No wonder (remarks a northern contemporary) house rent in Wellington is high. During the session Mr Richardson, late Minister of Public Works, paid £30 per week for the use of one entire floor of the Occidental. Sir Dillon Bell paid £10 a week for the occupation of three front rooms, and Mr Montgomery paid a similar amount for the rent of a house which could be got in Auckland for 25s.
The following circular has been addressed to all officers in the Native Department: – “Native Office, Wellington, 11th December, 1877: Sir, – I have the honour to state that I have been directed by the Hon. Native Minister to inform all office[r]s employed in his department that so long as they continue to receive public pay as servants of the Government, they must not enter into any negotiations in native lands, either for themselves or for other persons, except with the sanction of the head of the department. I have to request that you will be good enough to acknowledge the receipt of this circular, and see that the instructions are carefully observed. – I have the honor, &c., HY. T. CLARKE, Under Secretary.” We congratulate the Native Minister on this circular, that cuts at the root of a practice that has been in the past highly detrimental to the public service, and we should like to see similar instructions issued from each of the Departments to all servants of the Government.
An instance of the Hon. John Sheehan’s savoir faire was given on the platform at Clive Square, when our reporter presented himself to take notes of the proceedings. Mr Lindsay, one of the principals of the Reception Committee, seeing Mr. Grigg on the platform, said, “This stage is mine, and you have no business here,” accompanying the remark by an action indicative of his intention to forcibly eject our representative. Mr. Sheehan saw the offensive action, and at once stepped up to Mr. Lindsay, and protested against such conduct. Mr. Lindsay’s remark, however, was in keeping with the three groans called for the DAILY TELEGRAPH when the procession arrived at the Criterion Hotel, an expression of opinion, coming from the quarter it did, we accept as a compliment.
In the Supreme Court on Saturday in the sittings in Bankruptcy, His Honor the Chief Justice asked, in the case of Joseph Hatwell, a labourer, whose liabilities were £30 why he did not go to work and pay his debts. The amounts owing were due to Government, bakers, milkmen, butchers, &c. His Honor however said that it was the fault of creditors who did not oppose such proceedings.
Many farmers will be glad to learn that owing to the lightness of the crops this season, meadow hay will be worth at least £40 per ton, and grass seed 10s per bushel.
Mr. W. Burton has brought to our office, a splendid sample of rhubarb grown in his market-garden at Taradale. The stalks measure 27 inches in length, and their thickness may be estimated when we state that they weigh from 1 ¼ lb. to 1 ½ lb each. The product of Mr. Burton’s garden may challenge competition.
Two inebriates were brought up on Saturday before R. Beetham, Esq., R.M., and mulcted in the sum of 5s. each. The fine was immediately paid, and the happy couple, who had been fighting over the flowing bowl, shook hands outside the Court, and went on their way rejoicing.
This sultry weather, we may expect to see the Baths well patronised. Swimming and diving matches have been got up, and some rare sport may be anticipated.
Although cable communication between Port Darwin and Europe is again perfected, the overland line from South Australia to Port Darwin is interrupted. Until this is put right, we cannot expect to obtain our usual European cablegrams. It is very vexatious, for we are almost at the same outlay without receiving any benefit.
The Premier and the Hon. the Native Minister visited the Waiohiki pa on Saturday last, and were received by about three hundred Maoris, including women and children. The principal Maori chiefs delivered speeches and songs of welcome, to which Sir George Grey replied, and, in doing so, referred to his first visit to Hawke’s Bay, when he asked them to sell him some land for Europeans to settle upon. The burden of the speeches was a request as to what Sir George Grey proposed doing with the confiscated lands. The Premier avoided giving a direct answer, telling the natives to put their trust in him. The Hon. J. Sheehan did not speak. The Ministerial party was then entertained at a luncheon, and returned to town in the afternoon. Sir George Grey left the Criterion Hotel for the port at a little after 11 p.m., and boarding the Hinemoa steamed for Auckland about midnight. The Native Minister left Napier for Wellington by the Hawea yesterday forenoon.
On Monday in the murder case, it was intimated that six witnesses who had not previously been heard at the preliminary hearing would be examined, and the evidence of two witnesses would be produced for the defence.
At the sitting of the Waipawa County Council last Friday, the question was asked of the Chairman whether he had received intimation from the Government as to any alteration of the representation of the county. The Chairman replied that he had not. If therefore, as is reported, the Hon. H.R. Russell has been gazetted a member of the Council for Waipukurau, the appointment must have been published on Saturday, concerning which we have received no information. We believe there is no truth in the report to which currency has been given by the Herald.
The railway traffic returns for the four weeks ending November 17, have been published. The following is the return of the Napier section:
Passengers –
1st Class 1,135
2nd Class 3,927
Total 5,062
Goods – Tons
Wool 643
Sawn Timber 499
Grain 39
Merchandise 593
Minerals 694
Total 2,264
Live Stock, – No.
Horses and Cattle 17
Sheep, Pigs, &c. 150
Total 170
Receipts, –
Passengers, Parcels, &c. £784 0s 1d
Goods and Live Stock £1,036 8s 0d
Total Revenue £1,820 8s 1d.
The total receipts for the corresponding four weeks of last year was £1,436 16s 10d.
By the Rotorua on Monday there arrived a consignment of Merino rams for Mr Miller from the flocks of the oldest stud breeder of Merino sheep in Otago, Mr. John Anderson of Wyndham. It is now three years since an importation from the same flock arrived here for Mr. Towgood, and these have had a marked influence in his flocks. These rams are noted for their profitable heavy fleece, the wool being dense yet strong, and of the most remarkable evenness all over, and the constitution vigorous and hardy. We are glad to see so much attention bestowed as has lately been evinced by our Merino breeders in getting first class animals.
We learn on good authority that Colonel Moule will shortly resign his billet as Commissioner of Police, and his office will be filled by a gentleman, who will be more pliable in carrying out the requests of the Hon. the Defence Minister, the Hon. Col. Whitmore.
Amongst the names of the passengers by the Rotorua, en route for London, we notice that of Mr. Edward Dannsfield of Wellington, who goes home as the representative in the English market of Messrs. Dranifield and Co., of Wellington and Napier, also of Messrs. Dransfield and Roper, of Lyttelton.
The Friendly Societies Fete at Wairoa last week was a fair success, so we are informed. Upwards of 100 people were present, who all enjoyed themselves immensely. The following are the players chosen to represent Wairoa at the forthcoming cricket match, Napier v Wairoa, to be held at Wairoa on the 5th January: – Messrs Ross, MacMahon, Newton, MacLean, Goring, Gethin, Williams, G. Flint, Carroll, Lewin, Aislabie; Emergency: – Parker; Umpire, G. Mayo; Scorer, R. Gardiner.
We congratulate the Waipawa County Council on having secured the services of Mr Inglis, of Napier, as Clerk of the council. He is well fitted for the position, and will, we are confident, give satisfaction. It is also a matter of congratulation that Councillors are now working together harmoniously for the good of their constituents.
The Supreme Court sat in Bankruptcy on Saturday, and disposed of the whole of the business. In addition to unopposed cases mentioned elsewhere, the following were heard and adjudicated upon: – Horace Ford. Mr Lee appeared in support of the application; Mr Cotterill opposed for Messrs Watt Brothers, and Mr Sainsbury opposed for Messrs Lange and Thorneman (Melbourne). Discharge granted, its operation to be suspended for nine months. – William Miles, case ordered to stand over for six months. – Frederick Gush: Mr Lascelles for debtor; Mr Lee for creditors. Discharge granted, its operation to be suspended for twelve months. – William Henry Schultz. The case was ordered to stand over for six months. – Joseph Fielding Jessop. Discharge granted, its operation to be suspended for twelve months. – W.H. Murrow; Mr Lee appeared for the debtor. Discharge granted.
Our contemporary has been misinformed as to the imposition of no rate in the Tamumu Road district this year, and, we believe, it is also in error in its statement that “the action taken in the Legislature has resulted in putting the Mangakure [ Mangakuri ] property into the Oero district again.” Mr John Buchanan gave evidence before the Committee appointed to inquire into the case, and it is reported he said that “all the grass seed for the Mangakure had been carted through the Oero district.” If this be true of the evidence, Mr Buchanan’s statements would appear to be about on a par with those of his political god Sir George Grey. There is no road leading from Oero to Mangakure, and the only instance of any draying from one district to the other is that when some posts were carted from the Oero bush, by permission of Mr Rhodes, through that gentleman’s freehold. Our contemporary is, apparently, in the hands of a party whose statements for publication as a rule are not in the least trustworthy.
The very many friends of the Rev. J. Berry will be glad to learn that his health has much improved since he went to Gisborne, and it is hoped he will soon be able to resume his duties at Trinity Church with renewed strength. During his absence, the Rev. Mr Dewsbury has officiated.
It is understood that the following will be the distribution of the late Ministerial residences: – Sir George Grey will occupy the one lately used by Dr. Pollen; Mr Larnarch that formerly occupied by Mr. McLean; Colonel Whitmore, Atkinson’s; Fisher, Bowen’s; Sheehan, Ormond’s.

We have received three letters on the subject of the reception given here to Sir George Grey, a subject that is no more pleasing to those who took an active part in the demonstration than it is to those who held aloof from it. It is now acknowledged that the reception was a failure, and as a welcome to the Premier quite unworthy of the town. We shall not publish therefore the letters from J.S. (Clive), Citizen, and M.N.
We have to acknowledge the receipt of a copy of the Hawke’s Bay Almanac and Directory for 1878, published by Messrs Dinwiddie Morrison, and Co. it contains a variety of useful information, and is a very creditable production of the typographic art and skill, comparing very favorably with the volume issued last year.
We mentioned some months ago that Captain Newman intended to cut up a portion of his estate at Arlington for the establishment of a small-farm settlement. Mr Rochfort has now completed the necessary surveys, and the property will be sold, we believe, during the month of February next.
We hear from Wellington that, on and after the 1st January, Commissioner Sherman is to be Chief of the Police for the North Island, and Commissioner Weldon for the South Island. Colonel Moule is expected to retire from the service.
We are very unfortunate with regard to cable communication with England. As soon as the cable was repaired, the land line in Australia was found to be down. We must live in hope that through communication will soon be efficiently restored.
For the information of the Herald, a correspondent write to say that Wanstead, the name of Captain Newman’s new town-ship at Motuotaraia, is also the name of a suburb of London, situated in Essex, and six miles distant from the City.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, a native named Pita, residing at Karamu, appeared to answer to a judgment summons issued at the request of Mr Smith, of Havelock, for butcher’s meat to the amount of £24 4s 5d. Notwithstanding every effort used by Mr Sainsbury to elicit from him his monetary position, it was a failure. Pita had no money, and lived on what he could get; all the money he had he gave to his son aged 19, although he admitted that he was only 30 years of age himself. The watch he had on him was the only property he now had. At length Mr Sainsbury wearied out; and knowing if he produced other Maori evidence it would not improve his position, was obliged to get the case postponed until a future day. Strange to say that neither the Court, solicitor, or listeners, believed but what Pita was humbugging them.
A Press Agency telegram states that Ministers have advised His Excellency that they do not propose New Zealand should be represented at the Paris Exhibition to be held next year. If this is true, we can only put it down for one of those “eccentricities” for which the present Ministry has become famous.
The Hon. J. Sheehan is expected to again visit Napier in about three weeks, to close his private business here.
The Premier has not yet made his triumphal entry into Auckland, he being now at his retreat at Kawau.
Mrs Neill’s concert was held in the Protestant Hall on Tuesday. The various items on the programme were very well rendered. Among those worthy of special notice was a duet “A te O Caro,” between Mrs Neill and Mr Edwards, which was sung with great expression, the voices blending harmoniously together. The song “Keep thy heart for me,” sung by Mr Edwards, received a hearty encore. This was undoubtedly the gem of the evening. Mr St. Clair sung the “Outlaw” very nicely. This was followed by the ballad, “The chimes of Hane,” which was sung with great feeling by Mrs Powell. The duet “Home to our mountains,” sung by Mr Edwards and Mrs Butler, was encored. Mrs Butler sang the Ballad “Love’s a naughty Boy, with great vivacity. Mr Gilpin received encores for his rendering of “The Village Blacksmith,” and “Swing an old Pendulum.” A duet of Glover’s, “The sweet wild Rose,” was sung with great expression by Mrs Powell and Mr Stacey. The trio “Dame Durden” was sung with great spirit by Messrs Stacy, Edwards, and Gilpin. The choruses were fairly rendered. “God save the Queen,” sung by the company, brought the concert to a close.
A correspondent directs our attention to an error in the Hawke’s Bay Almanac, which he thinks ought to be rectified. The compiler has placed Mr James N. Wood’s name as clerk to the Waipawa County Council, whereas Mr A. St. Clair Inglis was elected, and will take over the duties on the 2nd of January next.
Hans Thomsen has been found not guilty of the murder of George Ollandt, and to time must be left the unravelling of what we must now consider the mystery of a foul deed committed in the depth of the forest. The evidence brought forward at the inquest, and at the trial, we have placed before our readers, while the Judge’s summing up, which we also publish, connects the several salient points. From these our readers will be able to form their own opinion of the case, and though they may conclude that the Jury could not have convicted the prisoner of the crime, they may be inclined to think that many a man has been hung upon less evidence of guilt.
On the roll of the jurymen being called by the Registrar of the Court on Wednesday at 10 o’clock, several were found to be absent, the excuse being that the country train did not reach town until 10.30. His Honor remarked that the lateness of the arrival of the train must not be taken as an excuse by jurors, but he at the same time wondered that in a stirring business town such as Napier the time of arrival of the morning train was not put at an earlier hour.
We hear that the Hon. J. Johnston has offered Colonel Whitmore £45,000 for the Clive Grange property. The time may come when the principal town and port of this provincial district will be situated on the Grange estate. In view of such an event, the sum said to be offered for the property is not large. Hawke’s Bay will not always be contented with a harbor fit only for small coasters, and when a real harbor is made, it will probably be in that bight of the bay where the Marae-totara stream enters the sea. There is a splendid site for a large town there, but most likely it will not be laid off for some little time to come.
It will be seen from our report of the Municipal proceedings that the tender of the Manager of the DAILY TELEGRAPH for advertising for the year 1878 has been accepted by the Municipal authorities.
In the Resident Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, a man named Richard Johnston was charged with imbibing too much liquor. It being a first offence, he was fined 5s, with the usual alternative.
On Tuesday, at the rising of the Court at 5.30, His Honor asked the jury whether there was anything they required. After some conversation among the jurors, one arose and said: “Your Honor, we have but one want in our retirement, may we have a copy of the DAILY TELEGRAPH?” “What do you say to that, Mr Wilson?” asked the Judge. “It is certainly complimentary to the paper that jurors cannot have their tea without reading the evening journal.” “Your Honor,” replied Mr Wilson, “there is nothing in the TELEGRAPH that can influence the minds of the jurors. I have no objection.” A copy of the TELEGRAPH was then handed to the jurors, and with thankful looks and grateful hearts they departed in custody of the policeman.
W.R.E. Browne, Esq., has been appointed Registrar of Friendly Societies under the Friendly Societies Act of 1877.
Sir G. Grey’s address to the people of Auckland on Wednesday was, for the most part, identical to that which he gave at Napier. To hear him it might be supposed that he was the first statesman the world had ever produced who was animated by the purest sentiments, and most tender sympathies. It is noteworthy that Sir George ever addresses himself more particularly to the unpropertied classes, and to these he promises such legislation as shall place them on an equality with property owners in all that pertains to the Government of the country.
On Thursday at about 7 o’clock, Patrick Lynch, who is pretty well known, was discovered by the Clerk of the Inspector of Police department, in the Sheep Inspector’s office. In reply to what he was doing there, he said he wanted to see Major Scully. Lynch then rather hurriedly left the premises, dropping on his way down the stair-case a nearly new alpaca coat. On the arrival of the Sheep Inspector, it was discovered that a meerschaum pipe, and some two or three shillings worth of postage stamps were missing, and the papers disarranged. The alpaca coat was the property of Mr Peacock. Lynch was arrested in the course of the morning.
We have received a letter from Mr. R. Coupland Harding on the “causes of commercial decline,” which from its length we are compelled to hold over. Mr. Harding attributes the present commercial depression in England to the liquor traffic that absorbs the money which otherwise would be available for the purchase of useful manufactures.
The Hawke’s Bay Herald has a most extraordinary article on Sir George Grey. In the course of this leader it is said that “nominally Sir [Sir] George Grey is but His Excellency’s chief adviser; really the popular voice has placed him in a position closely similar to that which he occupied by the appointment of the Crown, during the term of his Governorship.” We have yet to learn that Sir George Grey’s position as Premier differs in the slightest degree from that held by his predecessors in office.
We learn that on Wednesday evening, at Hastings, a dinner was given to Mr. A. Beecroft, the new landlord of the Hastings Hotel, who was formerly in charge of the sales department of Messrs Kinross and Co. After the dinner, a splendid tea and coffee service was presented to Mr. Beecroft by the employees in Messrs Kinross and Co’s establishment, in testimony of their appreciation of his urbanity and kindness when working with them. Mr. Beecroft thanked them for the presentation, and spoke in high terms of the cordiality which had always subsisted among them. During the evening several toasts were drank [drunk]. After many expressions of good wishes for the future welfare of both Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft, the company separated after spending a very pleasant evening.
We have received from the publishers, Messrs. Colledge and Craig, their book Almanac and Diary for the year 1878. Besides the Calendar, it contains a large amount of information useful to the farmer and gardener. For the benefit of business men who may have to refer to it in the course of the year, there is the New Zealand Custom’s Tariff, Postage Rates, Stamp Duties, Shipping charges, General and Local Directory, and the Railway time-table as planned when the line is opened to Kopua, &c. Great credit is due to the compiler for having selected subjects of more constant and prominent interest, and place in such a form that both brevity and readiness of reference are achieved. The work contains 174 advertisements, which are of themselves a useful business directory. The printing is well executed, and as the book is sold for one shilling ought to command a ready sale. We almost omitted to state that accompanying the work is a sketch map of the North Island, in which the boundaries of the Provincial District of Hawke’s Bay are marked off. Altogether it is a very creditable production.
There was a meeting of the Hospital Board on Wednesday, to consider the powers of the Board in reference to calling tenders for supplies, the duties and powers of the Board not having been defined by the Government. A long a desultory discussion ensued on this subject, and it was ultimately resolved that the Chairman be requested to apply to the General Government for information on those points, and for permission to call for tenders for supplies for the forthcoming year.
We learn that Mr Petit, the well-known landlord of the Te Aute Hotel, has sold his property and business to Mr McIntyre, of Clive, with the intention of becoming a farmer, he having bought property on the Ruataniwha Plains. We understand that Mr Allanach, of Clive, is to become the new landlord of the Te Aute Hotel.
The Dunedin Star of Friday says: – “Despite the semi-official contradiction, we have reason for believing that there is a good foundation for the statement that a serious deficiency in the estimates of the Colonial Treasurer has been discovered. At all events it looks as though something were wrong, for instructions have been issued by the Government to withhold for the present all increases of salaries granted this year to members of the Civil Service.”
The San Domingo Gazette publishes a long account of the alleged discovery of the body of Christopher Columbus in the Metropolitan Cathedral of the State. The Archbishop, the Governor of the province, the military commander, and other officials went in procession with the troops to the church, where the sarcophagus was publicly examined, and pronounced from its inscription to contain the body of Columbus.
At the annual meeting of the Protestant Alliance Friendly Society of Australia the following were elected as officers for the ensuing twelve months: – Bro. Samuel Spence, Worshipful Master; Bro. Wright Hartley, Deputy Master; Bro. F. G. Smith, Secretary, Bro. E. Newbigin, Assistant Secretary; Bro. James Roulston, Treasurer, re-elected; Bro. W. Plowman, Senior Elder; Bro. W. Seymour, Junior Elder; Bro. J. McLeod, Inner Guardian; Bro. I. Spencer, Outer Guardian. This Society which has only recently been started in Napier, now numbers about 48 members enrolled, with 5 on the proposition book.
Mr Monteith reports a fair attendance of buyers at his cattle sale on Wednesday. 65 head changed hands, realizing the following prices: – Yearlings, £3 2s 6d; 2 to 2 ½ year old steers, 90s to 115s; 3 year old steers, 145s; cows, 120s to 230s.
A first-rate performance was given on Wednesday at Waipawa to a large, appreciative audience by the Barlow Circus Troupe. The troupe will visit Napier, and perform on the 24th and 26th December instant. They have determined to endeavor to please the public by introducing several novelties independent of the ordinary programme.
Mr J. J. Tye reports the sale of Mr Jas. Atchison’s property, Ruataniwha, to Mr J. Pettit, Te Aute. The purchase consists of 520 acres freehold, and 60 acres leasehold, together with 600 sheep, for £2600; cattle and other stock at valuation.
The Masterton (Wairarapa) local journal relates the following: – “An amusing incident was recently enacted in the office of an agent. In the ordinary course of business he had become the holder of a promissory note for say £40, drawn by a foreigner who is in business in the town. After a time he got an idea that the document was worthless, so, to secure himself, he retained a copy of a lease which belonged to the foreigner. This in itself was quite worthless, but the proper owner thought different, and demanded it on several occasions. At last he went there with a friend, who after some talk picked it up and gave it to him. The foreigner, content to have the document, turned to walk out, but before he had reached the door the agent was on his back, with his arms around his neck. Thereupon the aggressed party became indignant and gave a well timed blow over his shoulder, and right in to the face of his assailant, who, feeling that the ‘color’ had been fetched, let go and made no further effort to regain possession of the document.” We think we can recognise in the agent alluded to a gentlemen not unknown in Napier.
It will be interesting to New Zealand local talent in the newspaper line to know that an advertisement in the London Athenaeum, of October 13th requires the services of a species of literary Sally Brass, who shall not only edit a newspaper, but take charge of a printing office. The following is the advertisement: – Editorship – Wanted, a thoroughly experienced gentleman to edit a daily newspaper, and to take charge of a printing office in New Zealand. To proceed there in about six months; un-exceptionable references are required as to ability, business capacity, and character, Salary, first year, £450; second year, if satisfaction be given, £500. Apply by letter only, to “Proprietor,” 24 Belgrave-road, S.C.
Mass will be celebrated on Christmas Day by Rev. E. Reignier in St. Patrick’s Church, Waipawa, at 11 a.m.
December 20.
The Horticultural Exhibition is, taking into consideration the dryness of the season, a great success.
The Bazaar is also likely to prove a success. The stalls are well supplied with useful and ornamental articles, and well presided over by the ladies of Waipukurau.
December 18.
Sailed – Rangatira, s.s, for Napier and Poverty Bay, at 4 p.m. Passengers – Messrs Jacobs and Austin.
Sailed – Kiwi, s.s., at 8 p.m. Passengers – Mesdames Luxford and West, Miss Hales, Dr. Grace.
December 19.
The acceptances for the Wellington Cup will close on Friday, the 21st instant.
December 20.
Sailed – Wanaka, for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, at 2.30 p.m. Passengers – Hon. Colonel Whitmore, Messrs Elder, Gair, Mabeus, T. Sims, J.C. Churton, C. Brandon, J. Menzies, Hon. G. Ormond, Miss Wadsworth, Miss E. Greenwood, Mr and Mrs Way, Mrs Reid, Mr and Mrs Hart, Miss Drummell, Mr and Mrs Wadsworth, Master Buller, Mr and Mrs Austin, and Masters Harding (2).
December 18.
Arrived – Southern Cross, s.s., from Napier.
(Before his Honor the Chief Justice.)
The Woodville Murder Case.
The trial of Hans Thompsen [Thomsen] for the murder of his mate, George Ollandt, on Thursday, the 22nd day of November, at Woodville, occupied the Court two days, and concluded shortly before mid-night on Wednesday. By a request from the Court, we were precluded from publishing the evidence as the case proceeded, and as the trial has resulted in the acquittal of the prisoner, we have considered the best course we could adopt to give our readers a full summary of the case, is to publish Chief Justice Prendergast’s summing up. We may here, however, mention that Mr. Lee’s speech in defence of the prisoner, which occupied fully an hour, was a most able one. The prisoner throughout the trial appeared calm and collected, and when the verdict of acquittal by the jury was given, he exhibited no sign that he was at all affected by it.
The Hon J.M. Wilson appeared for the Crown, and Messrs Cornford and Lee for the defence.
The prisoner, on being charged, in a loud voice pleaded “not guilty.”
The following jury was then empanelled: – James Pocock, (foreman) John Machomcie, Henry Hoyle Wall, Peter Farquhar Colledge, E. Fraser, Royal Lee, Fredrick Hill, Henry White, James Heron, Thos. Cavanagh Fredrick Payne and John Chicken.
The Hon J.N. Wilson briefly stated the case to the jury.
All witnesses were ordered out of hearing of the Court.
Mr Wilson desired that the Inspector of Police should remain.
Mr Lee objected, as this was a case got up by the police.
His Honor said that Inspector Scully must withdraw.
The following are the names of the witnesses: Daniel Ross (surveyor) J.B. Ross, S.H. Kemp, T.F. Fountaine, J.J. Murphy, C.A. Bevan, J. Dudeck, James Hutchings, J. Penfold, S. Kingdom, W. Picton, R. Collins, C. Dooney, Susan Davey, Caroline Smith, Constable John Gillespie, Constable John Farmer, Inspector Scully, Dr. Sherman, and Dr. Spencer.
Mr Lee intended to call two witnesses on behalf of the defence, but on further consideration, finding they could throw no further light on the matter, declined to call them.
You have already been cautioned by the Crown prosecutor not to allow any feelings, if any you have, that may have possessed you as jurymen to affect you in the consideration of this case. It is probable that there are little grounds to suspect that you have any preconceived ideas of this case. It is so far fortunate that the place where the affair happened is considerably removed from here, and we may reasonably suppose that no one of the jury has any preconceived views on the subject. It has also been pointed out to you by both the prosecution and the counsel for the defence that this case rests upon circumstantial evidence. It may be said that most of the worst murders committed rests upon that point. You can have no doubt that the deceased was murdered, and at the time that the Crown puts to you that he was murdered. It being certain that the person was murdered whether the prisoner committed the crime rests upon circumstantial evidence. The circumstantial evidence is this, that if you find certain facts prove to your minds that the deceased was murdered, the question comes whether you can without entertaining a reasonable doubt properly lay the guilt on the prisoner. The question is can you honestly say you would act on this evidence in the ordinary concerns of life; can you say that, when you give the full weight to the evidence, that there does not exist in your minds a doubt as to his guilt? That there are difficulties in this case there can be no doubt; but because there are difficulties it does not need that you should be told that the more difficult the case is the more necessary that due consideration should be given to it. You may be satisfied that the case has been well considered on both sides. The prisoner has had the benefit of a very able defence, that has laid before you nearly all the facts of the case. In some evidence for the prosecution, the evidence of the witnesses not only told against the prisoner, but much was in his favor. Some evidence has come before this Court favorable to the prisoner which was not before the Resident Magistrate, and was not before the coroner’s inquest. Now, gentlemen, the Crown puts this before you, that at between 11 and 12 o’clock the prisoner must have gone where he believed or knew his partner was working; that he must then have committed the crime – it may have been without premeditation, or he may have come to the conclusion before he left the house – that he must either have secreted the body, or that he must have gone out any time and removed the body, or that he must have taken deceased’s coat and hung it upon the stump of the tree for the purpose of deluding and deceiving the persons who came to enquire into the matter. It is an indisputable fact that he had the opportunity of doing it, because it was so near the place where the deceased was at work, he was not probably more than five or six minutes walk from where the prisoner lived. It is suggested that the whole of the prisoner’s conduct is not inconsistent, but consistent with his guilt. But the main fact which proves his guilt is this, that when the finding of the body because inevitable, or the fear of suspicion falling upon the prisoner, the prisoner must have thought it better that he himself should be the discoverer of the body; therefore, it was not until the discovery of the body became inevitable that he professed to point out where the body was. But the damning fact against him is that it is sufficiently proved that it was considered impossible to point out the body. That is the main fact. If you find it not proved to your satisfaction, it seems to me that the theory of the prosecution fails wholly. You have therefore, as I suggested to you, to give the main part of your consideration as to whether you can come to the conclusion to give the prisoner the benefit of the doubt. In the first place as to the time when the prisoner did commit this crime. In all probability it is within the bounds of possibility that it may have been at a later time, but it must have been done at between 11 and 12 o’clock. The boy Penfold’s evidence seems to show a doubt that the deceased man left his house to go towards Mrs Smith’s at about half-past 9 or 10 o’clock. And Penfold proves that Kemp left prisoner in the house at noon, and it is proved that he was there at that time, and Penfold left shortly afterwards. And the prisoner, on being questioned by the Constable Gillespie, puts that as the time when he last saw the deceased. Young Penfold says that when he went he saw the deceased without his coat and nothing in his hand. The learned counsel for the defence have suggested, and very properly too, that although we have no evidence that he was seen by any one afterwards, yet it does not follow that he was not there. Now Mrs Davey says she saw this boy at ten minutes past eleven, and when she passed again she saw the prisoner washing his hands. She went to the town and came back again, and I see no cause for doubting her testimony. But she professes to say that she saw the prisoner passing from the sitting-room to the dining-room. Therefore, the prisoner had but that interval to commit the crime in, because very shortly after 12 o’clock Kingdom says he had been to Murphy’s, and then went to the Accommodation House, and remained there more than an hour, and the prisoner’s manner was nothing unusual, and he conversed with him on various matters. He says that just before he went to the Accommodation House he left Murphy’s and saw Kemp. Kemp tells us he came there’ he believes it was about Murphy’s dinner hour. The time must have been somewhat after 12 when Kemp left Murphy’s as he arrived at the Accommodation House before 1, and he sat himself down on a chair and heard no one come in. now you have to bear this in mind, while Kemp was sitting in the front room, all the time the prisoner was in the kitchen conversing with the witness Kingdom, Collins was there about 2 and then came Kemp, who went away to have a drink, and returned some time after. Then Collins was there when he returned. At this time what was the conduct of the prisoner with reference to the business of his partner? Prisoner had said he expected him home to dinner. It is supposed that he was expecting him to dinner; that when he found his partner did not come home to dinner he went after him to find him. The prisoner said to Gillespie it was some time in the afternoon. The question is whether it was not before the ordinary dinner hour. No person asked the prisoner at this time as to where his partner was. Now the first matter which the Crown calls upon your attention is this, when Kemp arrived there was no sign of dinner, but he says that he had some bread and butter, and there was some tea made. Further than that, Kemp says that the prisoner said we have had dinner some time. The next is Kingdom’s evidence. Kingdom says it is true he saw no signs of dinner, but the prisoner and he had something together, and he got some tobacco out of the store; he saw Kemp lying down. Kingdom says he was not sure whether Kemp was asleep, but he heard him speak to Kemp, but did not hear what he said. So Kemp is corroborated in this. Was Kemp telling the truth, or was the prisoner giving a truthful account for the purpose of deceiving Kemp? Collins says he is not sure whether the prisoner was present with Kemp, and the prisoner as to deceased not having been not having been home to dinner. Therefore if Kemp had been present at this time, do you suppose that the prisoner was deceiving? Now, while Collins first unloaded the bricks, with the boy helping him, it appears certain that the prisoner must have left the house again, and it is for you to say what conclusion you arrive at, whether he must have gone in the direction of the bush a second time, because he is seen by more than one person, who say that when he found the deceased did not come home, he went out to find him. This was at the time when the brickmaker was with the boy. Mrs Smith must have left her house at the time, and there was a high probability that he must have been in that neighborhood, and going from it. But he does not tke steps to prevent its being known. It is for you to say whether he acted in the way to draw suspicion upon himself. When he was first seen he was in the neighborhood of Picton’s tent, and he was going and went towards the Accommodation House and then afterwards, when Picton was standing outside, the prisoner was seen coming from the direction of the other side of Richardson-street, just about the corner. As I have suggested to you, it is for you to take into consideration the prisoner’s statement; if it is true that he went on that occasion in the direction of Picton’s tent, and he spoke to him and said good day, is the conduct of the prisoner on that occasion with Picton such as to support the theory of the prosecution or not? What would you expect from the prisoner at the time of the death of his partner to lead you to suspect that he did not desire to find out where his partner was? Had he any sufficient grounds for being alarmed at the death of his partner, and at the enquiries as to where he was? Picton says he made no enquiries as to where his partner was. But at this time it was not unreasonable to suspect that anything was wrong with his partner. It appears with respect to the palings by Picton’s house Picton heard the noise of the dropping of the palings. Picton believes they were dropped by Smith’s house. Collins says he heard the noise of some falling palings, and when he hear the noise he asked if the deceased man had come home. the fact that the prisoner was near the place, and had the opportunity to do the deed and when he went to make the search should point out what could not be pointed out, are the facts on which the prosecution depends and that his conduct is inconsistent with the idea that he had any desire to find his partner or to find the person he was expecting home to dinner, and it is for you to say if you believe Kemp’s evidence. Collins and Picton say the noise of the palings was about 3 o’clock. Kemp says he was awoke at dusk by some person coming into the room, and when the person could not find anybody he went away; that being awake, he heard the noise as of the falling of palings. Mr Murphy and Mr Fountain went away to the hotel, and they were away some time. During this time Mr Bevan came in. Mr Bevan says that he also spoke to the prisoner about the billhook, and the prisoner took him into the kitchen, and they looked about the kitchen, and that he went into the store room, Mr Bevan being with him, and the prisoner said the billhook was not there. If the other witnesses are correct that was not the case. Now it is true that the prisoner had searched as Bevan describes. Murphy and Fountain returned from the hotel to the Accommodation House, and the prisoner when asked about the billhook went through the house and professed to have looked for it and told them he could not find it. If the evidence of the witness is reliable, that is what must have taken place. And Bevan came into the house, and asked the prisoner about the billhook. They went through the house, and the prisoner professed to go into the store room and look over it. Mr. Bevan went out of the back kitchen to the store room, and prisoner came out with Bevan and Murphy, and he told Bevan that he had forgotten to look for it. That afternoon the prisoner came to Constable Farmer and told him he had found the bill-hook, whereupon Farmer went and got it. Now you have heard, gentlemen, of the second search, and if you will bear in mind the prisoner took part in this search, I do not think it necessary to refer to the first search. Now the prosecution say that at the time the prisoner professed to point out the body he knew where it was. It may be said it is necessary to form a conclusion as to why he did it. Many reasons may have been in his mind for it. It was quite certain the body would be found. May it not be probable that it would be found if he did not point it out. What apparent cause was there for his taking part in the search. That he professed to find what was impossible for him to see has been pointed out to you. Was this a desire on the part of the prisoner to take off suspicion from himself? There were no indications that would lead to the conclusion that some person had been in the place where the body was found with the candle several feet up off the ground on the trunk of a tree, apparently to give light at some distance. In such a thick place no person could have brought the body through. Let me draw your attention to the evidence of both Ross and Fountain, to show that for some time, at any rate for the last month or two, there were no indications of any quarrel between the deceased and the prisoner; that the prisoner set out to search for the deceased, and himself offered to go out with the party. You will be able to form your ideas, and give due weight to what these considerations deserve. Mrs Davey also says she went for some stores to the Accommodation House, and that before she got in she heard some laughing, and on going in she found it was the prisoner and deceased together. I propose at this stage of the proceedings to give you some refreshment, and then after that I shall not keep you very long (the Court here adjourned for about ten minutes, when on resuming the Judge commenced to read the evidence). The question which you have now to consider is whether the prisoner committed the crime with which he stands charged or not. If he has, it is for you to bring in a verdict according to your consciences, and if you think the prisoner did not it is for you to give him the benefit of the doubt.
The speech of the Judge occupied two hours and a half, and at its conclusion the jury retired to their room. They returned in about a quarter of an hour, with a verdict of “not guilty.” When the jury had given their verdict, a few thoughtless people manifested their approval of the verdict by stamping their feet, at which His Honor remarked that he could not understand such a demonstration in a Court of Justice.
The prisoner was then discharged.
This was an action to recover possession of a block of land in the Waipukurau district known at block 14. The plaintiff asserted that the defendant came upon the land on the 12th November, 1872, and took possession by taking timber therefrom, and selling it to Mr John Bennett of Waipawa. He gave the defendant in charge, but as a question of title was raised the case fell through. The timber taken he estimated as being worth £50.
Richard Harding, the son of the plaintiff corroborated his father’s evidence.
James Batham, the Registrar of deeds, produced a Crown Grant and other documents proving that the land was the property of the plaintiff, he having purchased it from Mr Riddiford.
Brooke Taylor deposed as to having attested the deed of sale.
William Ellison, surveyor, proved that the land on which the timber was cut was in block 14, owned by Mr Harding.
His Honor summed up.
The following were the issues put to the jury.
1. Did the defendant Hita Tiki on or about the 12th day of November, 1872, and on divers other occasions, break and enter the land of the plaintiff in the declaration mentioned, then in the lawful occupation of the plaintiff, and cut and remove divers trees, and standing timber, in or upon the said land, as in the declaration mentioned? – Yes.
2. What damages, if any, is the plaintiff entitled to? – Damages for timber, £20; damages for trespass, £100.
Shipping Intelligence.
13 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Miss Craig, Messrs. Ballin, White, and 4 steerage.
13 – Tauranga, schooner, from Dunedin.
13 – Fairy, s.s., from Mahia. Passengers – Messrs. Walker, Lloyd, Flood, and 2 natives.
14 – Rangatira, s.s., from Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs. Bartleman, Pell, and 2 natives.
14 – Taupo, s.s., from the South. Passengers – Miss Tye, Rev. Mr Fraser, Dr. Caro, Messrs Carrington, Neil, Clemes, Cameron, Bully, Allan, and Masters Caro (2).
15 – Hinemoa, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Hon Sir George Grey, Hon J. Sheehan, Messrs J. C. Brown, M.H.R., Karaitiana Takamoana, M.H.R., Honi Nahe, M.H.R., W. Mitchell (Private Secretary to Native Minister), Mrs and Miss Russell, Messrs Seed, Baker, Heale, S. George, Grace, and a few natives.
15 – Hinemoa, s.s., from Portland Island. Passengers – Messrs. Seed, Tabuteau, and Blackett.
15 – Richard and Mary, schooner, from Lyttelton.
15 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mesdames Newton and Bee, Miss Bee, Messrs. Hamlin, Higgins, Newton, Roach, Murray, Williams, Hartly (2), Garry, Levi, Manoy. Swan, McLean, Weber, Forest, Smith, 1 C.T., 2 steerage, and 3 natives.
15 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa.
15 – Hawea, s.s., from Auckland, via Poverty Bay. Passengers – Misses McGillaray, Leghard, Reedy and Taylor (2), Messrs. Taylor, Dowell, McVay, Carr, Healy, Teesdale, Cameron, Stubbs, 6 steerage, and 35 for South.
17 – Fairy, s.s., from Cape Turnagain. Passenger – Miss Walker.
17 – Rotorua, s.s., from South. Passengers – Mesdames Crowley, Meller, Banks, Masters, McHardy and Carlyon (2), Messrs Levein, Scipp, Williams, Barter, Harding, Watt, Carr, Griffith, and 2 others.
17 – Rapid, cutter, from Mohaka.
19 – Nellie, schooner, from Auckland.
19 – Rangatira, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Beyer, Messrs Jacobs, O’Hanlon, 4 steerage, and 5 for Poverty Bay.
20 – Fairy, s.s., from Mangakuri.
14 – Taupo, s.s., for Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland. – Passengers – Rev. Bishop Cowie, Mesdames Scotter and Gibbons, Masters Cato, Gibbons, and Harris, Messrs Haynes, Lindaner, Burke, Bloomfield, Baty, Dadly, Ferguson, Simmons, Hesketh, Rundle, Slater, Wilson, Brother, Williams, and 10 native girls.
15 – Hinemoa, s.s., for Poverty Bay and Auckland. Passengers – The Hon. Sir G. Grey, Messrs Brown, Baker, George and 2 natives.
15 – Fairy, s.s., for Cape Turnagain.
15 – Rangatira, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs and Miss Williams, Mr and Mrs Young, Miss McGinnity, Messrs Eaton, McGregor, Ball, Sheey, Carroll and Brown.
16 – Hawea, s.s., for Wellington and Southern ports. Passengers – Bishop of Christchurch, Bishop of Wellington, Mrs Hadfield, Mrs Rich, Mrs May, Mrs Williams, Mrs Sebley, Misses Hills, Davie, Lever, Rabone, Caldwell, Gascoigne, Darwent, Beale and Mackenzie (2), Hon. J. Sheehan, Honi Nahe, M.H.R., Master Hadfield, Messrs Winter, Lenge, Rule, Grace, Burns, Plante, Bisson, Baker, Mitchell, Carey, Chambers, Rabone and Sebley.
17 – Karaihe, cutter, for Portland Island.
17 – Falcon, barquentine, for Newcastle, N.S.W. Passenger – Mr A. Campbell.
18 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Poyser, Messrs. Maney, Murray and others.
19 – Dragon, barque, for London.
19 – Isabella Pratt, schooner, for Pelorus Sound.
19 – Nellie, schooner, for Lyttelton.
19 – Richard and Mary, schooner, for Havelock.
19 – Rapid, cutter, for Mohaka.
The schooner Tauranga had a fine run across the Bay last week, coming from Kidnappers to the anchorage in a very short time. She landed some powder on the beach. The balance of her cargo was principally colonial produce.
The s.s. Taupo, Capt. Carey, arrived at 9 o’clock on Friday from the South. We have no particulars about the voyage, and can only furnish our readers with the names of the passengers.
Captain Fairchild is again in command of the Hinemoa, and the chief officer of the Stella, Mr MacKersie, is in command of the latter vessel.
The C.G.S.S. Hinemoa, Capt Fairchild, arrived in the Bay on Friday at 2 p.m. She was immediately tendered by the Bella, and her passengers landed. The steamer left again that night for Portland Island, with Mr Seed, to inspect the new Lighthouse, &c.
The s.s. Taupo, Capt Carey, left in the evening on Friday, after discharging her cargo to the Three Brothers.
We notice by the New Zealand Times that the Orari’s cargo, which left Wellington the other day, was valued at £131,000. She had on board 40,000 sovereigns, and £14,702 worth of gold.
The schooner Tauranga was brought to the breastwork on Friday, where she is discharging.
The following direction for entering Manukau Harbor was published in today’s Gazette: – “The south head beacons are now adjusted in a line to lead the course of the Fanny Channel from the sea, bearing N.E. by N. by compass. Care must be observed when drawing near the Tranmere shoal not to open the south head beacon southward, and to pay attention to the pointing of the semaphore arms for other guidance.: – Press Agency.
The ship Celestial Queen was on the berth for Nelson and Napier when the last mail left London.
The Mataura, as at first anticipated, will not load home from Napier. Her place will be taken by the Crownthorpe, at present at Wellington. We beg to direct shippers and intending passengers to her advertisement.
All the steamers that have arrived and left during Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, have had such remarkably fine weather that we have no remarks to make upon their respective voyages.
The cutter Rapid returned from Mohaka on Monday evening, with a full cargo of wool. The captain reports the bar very shallow; in fact, on Saturday last the river was completely blocked up.
The barquentine Falcon left on Monday for Newcastle, N.S.W., and will immediately return with coals.
The second wool ship of the season left on Wednesday, namely, the Dragon. She has a valuable cargo of wool and skin, estimated at £66,154 1s 9d, shipped by the following shippers, viz., Murray, Common and Co., 237 bales wool; Routledge, Kennedy and Co., 147 bales wool; Kinross and Co., 590 bales wool, 12 bales skins; Watt Bros., 4 bales skin, 1813 bales wool; New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency, 484 bales wool; total, 3,287 bales. The Dragon is in excellent sailing trim, and we trust she will make a good passage. She will be followed by the Lochnagar.
The schooner Nellie, which arrived from Auckland on Wednesday, has only called to land 130 kegs of blasting powder, which when completed she will resume her voyage to Lyttelton.
The ship Renfrewshire is now out 81 days from the old country, and may be expected to put in an appearance at any moment. She has immigrants for here, and about 400 tons of cargo, on discharge of which she will proceed to Wellington.
The Mataura, having such superior passenger accommodation, has been ordered to Lyttelton, where there are some intending passengers, and being a well-known and favourite ship in Lyttelton she will have quick despatch.
The s.s. Result is having some new boiler timbers, and is expected to be ready in a few days.
The p.s. Manaia left on Tuesday for Wairoa.
The s.s. Rangatira, Capt. Evans, arrived in the Bay at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, after a remarkably fine passage of 22 ½ hours. She was brought direct to the outer wharf, and discharged her cargo on Thursday. Captain Evans reports passing a barque off Cape Pallisser [Palliser] on Tuesday evening supposed to be the Renfrewshire.
Mitchell’s Maritime Register, in alluding to the wreckage found on August 17th, on Farewell Spit, Nelson, marked “Antofagasta,” says – “The vessel arrived from London at Bombay, May 5th, and passed the Cape of Good Hope August 15th, on her voyage from the latter port to Breman [Bremen].
A correspondent write to the Southland News: – “I clip the following from Captain Giles’s journal of his trip to the Auckland Island: – On Monday 3rd September, 1877, one of the overland party got separated from the rest, and in making his way through the bush near the head of North Harbour, came to a projecting rock, near which he found the skeleton of a man lying on the ground. Near him was a stone with the following inscription on it (apparently scratched with a knife): – ‘George William Parker, fell overboard in American barque Tradera, 25th December, 1875.’ It seems probable that the remains were those of some unfortunate sailor who had fallen overboard and then swam ashore, only to die of starvation.
The Emma Jane is the name of a schooner which left Clarence River, N.SW., laden with hardwood for the Queen’s Wharf, twenty-nine days ago, and of which nothing has since been heard. Two vessels, viz., the Mary Peverley and F.W. Tucker, arrived from the Clarence River yesterday, which left fourteen days after the schooner, and neither of their captains saw anything of her. The weather which has prevailed since the Emma Jane commenced her voyage has been most propitious for making the passage down, and taking this fact into consideration we are forced to believe that all has not gone well with her. Indeed, Captain Tucker, of the F. W. Tucker, on hearing that the Emma Jane had not arrived here, gave it as his opinion that she was lost, and not suited at all for the carriage of heavy timber with which she was laden. She was a vessel of 100 tons, and it was arranged, if possible, to sell her on her arrival here. Her captain’s name is Ward, and besides him she would probably carry a crew of five or six men. The F. W. Tucker was here a few months ago, with a cargo of timber for Stewart’s Island. – N.Z. Times.
Since my last month’s report the weather has been more favorable, frequent showers have refreshed our pastures, and although a heavier rainfall would be welcome, all fear of scarcity of feed has disappeared. As a consequence, holders of store stock are firmer, but from the very considerable number in the market, of cross-bred especially, easier rates than last year must be accepted.
Shearing throughout the province is now well through, and will be earlier completed this year than any hitherto. One wool ship, the Helen Denny, has already sailed. The Langstone’s loading is approaching completion, and the Dragon is also now loading. This season’s wool to hand is in excellent condition, though lighter in grease than usual. Transactions in cattle have been limited from there being very few lots in the market. Young store stock of this description are much enquired for. The following are current quotations: –
Cattle. – Fat, in better demand, 25s per 100 lbs; stores, mixed ages and sexes, £4 to £4 10s; steers, for individual ages 1, 2, 3, and 4 years, £3 5s, £5, £6 10s, and £7 15s. At these rates 350 have been placed. Female stock, same ages, £2 10s to £6 10s. Dairy cows, £8 to £12 each.
Sheep, – Fat merino wedders, 6s 6d to 7s, demand limited; store do [ditto]., 4 and 6-tooth, 6s to 6s 6d; 8-tooth, 4s 6d to 5s; aged, nominal. Cross-bred wedders: fat, 10s 6d to 12s; stores, 2, 4, and 6-tooth, 8s to 7s6d; 8-tooth 7s to 7s 6d. Merino ewes: 2 and 4-tooth, 10s to 10s 6d; 6 and fresh 8-tooth, 6s to 7s, these descriptions scarce, aged plentiful. Cross-bred ewes: 2-tooth, 9s to 10s; ¾ and 7/8 Lincoln 2-tooth sales, 2000 at 10s 6d; 4, 6, and 8-tooth, 7s 6d to 8s 6d. Lambskin: merino and cross-bred in demand.
I have disposed of 100 of the Hon. H.R. Russell’s two tooth merinos, 40 to Mr Seymour of Gisborne, and 60 to Mr McDonald of Wharetoto at £3 each. Several lots from other breeders are in negotiation. I have also sold a small merino stud flock of Messrs Rich and Shrimpton, Matipiro. 380 inclusive of lambs at 25s each to Mr Taylor White. Early as it is in the season, there are numerous enquiries for rams of high class breeds for general block purposes, and there is no doubt, but that if these can be obtained in sufficient numbers at moderate prices, lower class animals will be in little demand at any price. I would here call attention to our Annual Ram Fair which is fixed to be held at Hastings on 8th of February next.
Horse stock – The market continues languid except for medium draught stock, for which there is a limited demand at from £25 to £30. Heavy draught stock from £40 to £50; good weight carrying hacks from £25 to £30; serviceable hacks from £10 to £15.
Station properties – Enquiries for every description of station and farm properties continue numerous, and several of the former are now being inspected by intending purchasers. I hope to announce next month, the cutting up for sale in small properties of 200 to 1000 acres each, of a large and valuable estate close to Napier, supplying in some degree the want much felt here of moderate sized freeholds.
Wool – The anticipations hazarded in my last report of November I regret to say have been realised. The November series opened on the 29th November, and comprised 190,000 bales. The sales opened on about a level of those preceeding. By day by day the competition weakened, and sales were dull. The continental demand was poor. The principal decline is inferior cross bred. For scoured the market is also easier. On December 10th, 70,000 bales had passed the hammer. The French difficulties and the disturbed state of affairs on the Continent generally have an adverse affect [effect] on prices; and I do not see any immediate prospect of improvement. I learn that private cablegrams have been received advising a considerable reduction. Well, our merino wools, owing to droughts in Riverina, are likely I think to be in good demand, and bring high rates. The uncertainty and distrust which at present outweighs Europe will I hope soon be dissipated, when the long looked for revival of trade may bring increased prices for our chief staple. I am glad to observe that there is a probability of the duty upon wools imported into America being abolished. I would point out that for very coarse Lincoln wool there is little demand, while for lustrous fine quality, good prices are being obtained.
Stock and Station Agent, Auctioneer, &c.
Napier, New Zealand,
December 14, 1877.
NAPIER, December 15.
LATEST advices from London show a weakening tendency in prices obtained during the last serious of this year up to the present, and telegrams have been received within the past few days betraying uneasiness as to the future of the market, and reducing limits of purchasers this side. The disturbed state of political affairs in France is quoted as the cause of this rather sudden depression, it being feared in many quarters that a “revolution” may very possibly be the result of the struggle between the country and the present Government. With this contingency staring them in the face (added to previous instability in the trade, arising from the Russo-Turkish war), continental users appear to be refraining almost entirely from buying. Under these circumstances it seems to be pretty generally expected at home that the new year will bring a still further depression, and large buyers are consequently already withdrawing to some extent from the market. The decrease in production, owing to drought in Australia, California and the Cape will to some extent, no doubt, have an ameliorating effect upon prices, but unless affairs are settled in France before the opening series of 1878 there will be but little ground for the hope of present rates being maintained, and much cause for fear that a time of dullness, similar to the depression of 1869-70, may come upon the trade.
It is, however, within the range of possibility that the political horizon may be cleared, and the war terminated, before next February auctions, in which case a healthy and prosperous trade may reasonably be anticipated, with prices firm at present rates.
Carders operate only to a very small extent, and there are no sales of importance to advise. Confidence is wanting in the future as to prices. Users will only buy from hand to mouth in anticipated of a fall. At Antwerp the Buenos Ayres [Aires] auctions were well attended, and prices ruled on a level with previous private contract rates.
Correspondents state that very little disposition is shown to operate in the London market at present.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, West Indies, the United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, &c., via San Francisco, on Saturday, the 5th January, 1878, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders ad Registered Letters will close at 5 p.m. Book packets and newspapers at 8 p.m.
For Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, and Takapau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 p.m: on other days of the week, at 6.30 a.m.
For Norsewood, Danevirk [ Dannevirke ], Tahoraite [ Tahoraiti ], Woodville, Masterton, Greytown, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington, and Southern Provinces, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Motuotaria, Wallingford, and Porangahau, on Mondays and Thursdays, at 5.30 a.m.
For Wainui and Castle Point, on Mondays, at 5.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
DROWER. – At Waipukurau, on December 13, the wife of Mr Frederick Howe Drower, of a daughter.
HAIR – At Port Ahuriri, on December 16, the wife of Mr John Hair, of a son.
Public Works Office,
Wellington 14th November, 1877.
WRITTEN TENDERS will be received at this office up to NOON on WEDNESDAY, the 2nd January, 1878, for the above contract. They must be addressed to the Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington, and marked outside, “Tender for Papatu Bridge Contract, Permanent Way.” Plans and Specifications may be seen at the Public Works Offices, Auckland, Wanganui, Christchurch, Foxton, Wellington, Dunedin, Invercargill, the Survey Office Nelson, and at the Post Office Napier. Telegraphic Tenders similarly addressed and marked, will be received if presented at any Telegraphic Office by NOON of the same date, provided that written tenders in due form are lodged at a District or Resident Engineer’s Office by the same hour, and accompanied by a cheque on some bank in the town where the tender is lodged; such cheque to be specially marked by a banker as good for twenty-one days, and to be in favor of the Receiver-General’s Deposit Account only, and not to bearer or order. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
By command,
N.B. – Plans for this contract can be purchased at the above offices.
The Weekly Mercury
SIR GEORGE GREY’S memory of the incidents of his first visit to Hawke’s Bay in 1853, does not appear to be very clear. Sir George said, “I arrived in this place a worn-out wanderer, * * * Well, I was received here in a most friendly manner by the natives. They agreed to sell a very large tract of country to me, and the difficulty was then to find the funds. The colony was so poor at that time, so different from its present position, that even to find a few thousand pounds seemed an almost impossible task, and I had the very great pleasure of largely contributing to the purchase of this place from my own private means – to acquire it for the public good, with the firm belief that thousands of families would occupy this soil, and that a great town would arise on the place where we at present stand.” It is strange that Sir George should have made such a statement, and still more so that he should have overlooked the fact that the bulk of the country of the province had been bought more than two years prior to his visit. At the end of 1850, Sir Donald, then Mr McLean, came here at the invitation of the Hawke’s Bay natives, and immediately entered into negotiations for the purchase of large tracts of country. The tracts then bought comprised nearly 800,000 acres, and consisted of the Hapuku, Ahuriri, Mohaka, and Castle Point, blocks. To show still more conclusively how little Sir George Grey remembers his first visit here, we may state that out of one of the blocks of land purchased by Mr McLean, Sir George Grey gave at that time the Te Aute Reserve, for an educational endowment. Sir George Grey visited Hawke’s Bay in October 1853, and left the colony in the following December. So far from Sir George Grey finding Hawke’s Bay in 1853 a district unknown to colonists, we may mention that in that year more than half the country was occupied as sheep-runs. Messrs Gollan, Carter, Northwood, Tiffen, Curling, Fannin, Canning, Rhodes and others, were in occupation of the lands they afterwards bought from the Crown, and, in Napier, Messrs Alexander and Newton were established in business, and Mr Munn’s Hotel was the feature of this town. Sir George Grey should remember that there are many old colonists in Hawke’s Bay whose memories are not blunted. Perhaps Sir George Grey forgot that on his first visit here he was accompanied by Bishops Selwyn, and Abraham, and Mr Tollemache, and that Bishop Selwyn was the only one of the party who walked. Would Sir George name the block of land that was agreed to be sold him, and for which he contributed part of the purchase money?
IF our readers will dismiss from their minds the idea that the reception given yesterday to Sir George Grey was a demonstration on the part of the Borough and country districts of Napier in honor of Ministers’ arrival, then it will be allowed that proceedings in connection with the Premier’s visit, did the party who was instrumental in carrying them out very much credit. It must be remembered that that party represented those who may be said to accept Mr John Buchanan as their leader. It is the same party that made such a vigorous effort to prevent the election of Mr F. Sutton, and which, in the past, consistently opposed Mr Ormond. The demonstration was, therefore, only a party one, and as such did not represent all classes of the community. In fact, it may be said that to a great extent it assumed the appearance of a private undertaking; there had been no public meeting on the subject; there had been no publicly appointed Committee, and the apparently self-elected Committee were not publicly known. The Committee did not introduce itself to the public until it invited the people through its Secretary, Mr McSweeny, to do honor to Sir George Grey. If the public did not respond to the invitation as cordially as was anticipated, the Committee has no one to thank but itself. From the first the Committee evidently wanted to make the demonstration a party one, and Mr Buchanan’s remarks in reference to those who held aloof from it were entirely uncalled for.
THERE was one paragraph in the Reception Committee’s address to Sir George Grey that calls for some comment. In the first place the address was signed, “On behalf of the people of Napier, Justin McSweeny.” We are rather under the impression that if the people of Napier had been asked to exercise any voice in the selection of a spokesman, Mr Justin McSweeny would not have been chosen. The people of Napier, however, can afford to smile at Mr McSweeny’s vanity, but objection may fairly be taken to that part of the address which was intended to convey the impression that, in consequence of the policy of the late Government, the people of Hawke’s Bay were sunk in poverty and distress. Mr McSweeny, and, indeed every member of the Committee, in their own persons give the lie direct to such an assumption. With two or three exceptions, the members of the Committee settled in Napier but a very short time back; they came here poor men, and, to their credit be it said, they are not in affluent circumstances. If the treatment they experienced from those who formerly received their political support had been such as to ruin the people, as the address set forth, Mr McSweeny and his friends would not now be in their present prosperous condition. We like the bridge to be fairly spoken of that carries a person over, but in this instance we think some little ingratitude has been shown.
WE notice in the official report furnished to our morning contemporary of the native meeting at Te Waiohiki on Saturday, that Sir George Grey repeated his mendacious statement respecting the object of his visit to Hawke’s Bay in 1853. We can only account for the continual repetition of the story on the supposition that Sir George has told it so often that he at length believes in its truth, in spite of the fact that, on every occasion, it has met with a flat contradiction. We have said, however, on previous occasions, that Sir George Grey is a master of clap-trap, and those who cheered him on Friday last were as thoroughly taken in by the story as even the Premier himself could have desired. Yet there were some sitting on the platform, helping to swell the cheers, who must have been well aware that Sir George was drawing largely on his imagination. It is the more extraordinary that the Premier should have such curious ideas respecting the part he took in the first purchases of land in Hawke’s Bay, as a glance at the reports laid before the General Assembly in 1861, would make him acquainted with every detail of the purchases that were made from 1850 to 1860. The reports and despatches show that the first block of land was bought by Mr McLean, afterwards Sir Donald, in December 1850, and other purchases were completed in the years 1851 and 1852. From the latter year until 1855 there is no mention in the official records of any purchase being made. It will therefore be seen, supposing that Sir George Grey’s visit to Napier in March, not October, 1853, was with the object of buying land for European occupation, his negotiations must have ended in a miserable failure. Sir George left the colony in December 1853, and did not return to New Zealand till towards the close of 1861. We can call in question another of the Premier’s references to his visit. He said that the Natives received him in a most friendly manner. This was not the case, for they were barely civil to him or Bishop Selwyn, owing to their belief that Sir George who was then Governor, had endeavored to cut down the price agreed to be paid them by Mr McLean for their land. The Premier further said, that, on his first visit here Mr Alexander was the only resident European. We disproved that statement in our Saturday’s issue, and we have since learned that during the three days Sir George was detained here, much against his will, he was presented with an address by the European settlers. In reference to this subject our contemporary expresses a hope the discovery will be made that Sir George Grey visited Napier prior to 1853. No such discovery can possibly be made.
THE evidence taken before the Native Affairs, and Public Petitions Committees in the matter of the Te Aute Estate, and of the petition of Hapuku and 168 other Maoris, has been published. The reports and evidence are most interesting reading, illustrating the manner of getting up a native petition, and of creating a Maori grievance. On a previous occasion we placed before our readers the Report of the Committee, which contained satisfactory reasons by the Te Aute trust estate should not be interfered with by the Legislature. We need not therefore refer to that part of the subject at this time. With respect to the petition, it appears from the evidence, that a Maori meeting was held on the 8th and 9th of August last, at Te Hauke (Hapuku’s Pa) primarily for the purpose of considering questions relating to Native Lands Courts. On the second day amongst other subjects, the matter of the Te Aute estate was brought up, and it was stated by the Wananga, about that period, that the petition was drafted on certain resolutions passed at the meeting. We can find nothing concerning this in the evidence. Henare Matua, Te Muera and Hoa Te Huke, in their evidence, state that the Te Aute estate question was introduced by Renata Kawepo, but there is not one word about any resolutions being passed. Mr William Henry Grace, Native Interpreter, and who was then employed in Mr Sheehan’s office, furnishes some curious information concerning the petition. Mr Grace’s evidence merits careful study. Mr Grace said he had seen the petition; he did not know of any document written to some of the petitioners asking them to sign the petition, he was present at the meeting that was held on the 8th and 9th of August; he intended to leave Te Hauke for Napier on the evening of the 8th, but stayed at the invitation of the natives to take notes. The meeting, Mr Grace said, took place with reference to the Te Aute estate. Henare Matua said it was held to consider twenty five subjects and Nerehana gave the Committee to understand that only Renata spoke on that relating to Te Aute, and that it was introduced without notice after the other questions had been disposed of. Te Muera deposed that he saw no petition for signature at the meeting, but that a letter was read by Henare Matua, signed, he believed by Mr Grace, which was as follows, – “Friend, let the natives sign their names to the two enclosed papers to send to the Upper House and Lower House, the contents of which will be arranged by us in Napier.” And this is how it appears to have been arranged as shown in the evidence of Wirihana Te Ahuta: – Question – Did you sign your name to the petition? I signed my name near the foot of one of the sheets of lists of names, objecting to the Land Court at Taupo. If my name appears on this (Te Aute) petition, the list of names has been transferred from the petition I was supposed to be signing. There was no petition read, but papers were passed from one to another for signature; there were two papers with lists of names, but I only signed one protesting against the sitting of the Native Land Court at Taupo. When the Rev. S. Williams was under examination, the Chairman said: – The Committee has had evidence from Henare Matua that he wrote the petition – the original petition – that Mr Grace was present, and assisted to the extent of supplying information as to the exact acreage of the estate, and no further; and that Mr Grace merely copied the original draft which he (Henare Matua had made. Is that consistent with the impression on your mind? – No. Besides, Mr Grace, in his evidence before the Legislative Council, says he sent down to Napier for the petition. Question 187 is this: – “Then, as a result of this meeting, this petition was got up? – Yes; they asked me to send down to Mr Sheehan’s office for a petition, stating what the effect of it would be. I sent down a memorandum of what was wanted, and it was sent next day in English, when I explained to Henare Matua and other Natives, who signed it: and from the English a Native copy was made.” I would also call attention to what Henare Matua says, he says, in his evidence before the Legislative Council, “I was at Napier at the time that this petition was signed.” Then, at question 291, he says, “Was your signature attached to the petition at the time of the meeting? – The signatures were attached to the petition afterwards.” The above does not appear to require much comment; it speaks for itself as an illustration of how these things can be managed. It will be seen that the Maoris, by which we presume is meant Henare Matua, asked Mr Grace to send to Mr Sheehan’s office for a petition. Mr Grace sent down a memorandum of what was wanted, and it, that is the petition, arrived at Te Hauke the next day. This, at least, is Mr Grace’s evidence, but his statement is directly opposed to the evidence given by all the other witnesses. If Mr Grace spoke the truth, the other witnesses appear to have given false evidence, and Henare Matua must have been in two places at once. The position a Native Interpreter holds is a very important and responsible one, and, we think in justice to Mr Grace, some explanation should be made of the discrepancies that appear in the Reports of the evidence taken before the Committees.
AN attempt has lately been made to show that the natives of Hawke’s Bay take such a deep interest in the cause of education as to have induced them to petition the General Assembly on the subject of the Te Aute school. Although many of the signatures were said to be obtained under false pretences, if there was any object to be served by the petition, and of those others signed by Europeans that were forwarded to the Assembly, it was to increase the funds for the promotion of the purposes of the trust. There could be no other object, for the General Assembly was not likely to countenance a movement that was actuated by unworthy motives. Setting aside therefore the personal and political influences that were brought to bear to secure a larger income from the endowment, it would be as well to enquire how far the purposes of the trust could be promoted by increasing the rental derived from the estate. That is, to ask whether the usefulness of the school would be likely to be extended by the application of increased funds. The school has now accommodation for thirty boarders, and certain additions are in course of being made so as to accommodate a larger number. But the question arises will any larger number of scholars be obtained in the face of the utter indifference manifested by the natives. We have seen by the Report of the Native Affairs Committee on Hapuku’s petition that a school was established in 1854 and maintained till 1859; the attendance was small, and gradually diminished till the school was closed. Within the last three years it has been re-opened, a commodious school-house erected, and a most competent master placed in charge. With what result? The natives of the district do not send their children to it, and, like dogs in the manger, they grumble at children attending who do not belong to the tribes for the particular benefit of whom the land had been given for an educational endowment. Karaitiana’s proof of the absence of any just cause of complaint against the school, or against the Rev. S. Williams. To the questions, – Have the natives been dissatisfied with Mr. Williams at any time, and has there been any wish to change? Karaitiana replied, “They object to Mr Williams now.” On what account? “Because he does not conduct the money affairs properly. None of the local children go there. The children that go there belong to the Ngati-porou tribe.” Have you any reason to suppose that your children would be refused admittance if they applied to be admitted? “Mr Williams would not drive them away.” You say you are dissatisfied with Mr Williams about money matters. What are the particulars of your complaint? “I do not know.” This in truth is much-a-do about nothing. The substance of Henare Matua’s evidence was that the native local children did not attend the school because they were required to chop wood and carry buckets of water, and that the parents had to pay £20 a year for their tuition. When driven into a corner Henare Matua had to confess that his statements concerning the manual labor of the children applied to the school when it was first established. With regard to the payment of £20 a year, the Rev. S. Williams, in this examination, convicted Matua of falsehood. Mr Williams said the only stipulation he made with the parents was that they should as far as possible clothe them. He had never charged a sixpence, and Henare Matua must know that well because three children from his hapu had been sent to the school. With the fact before us that the two schools which were established at Omahu and Pakowhai by the Maoris themselves have long been closed, after a very brief existence, it is not probable that the Te Aute school will prove of much benefit to the natives. Both the Pakowhai and Omahu schools were richly endowed by liberal grants of land by the natives, and these trust estates must in time become exceedingly valuable. Those schools were started under the
most favorable circumstances; they each were close to large native settlements, and, unlike Te Aute, there was no want of money for their support. Nevertheless, as soon as the novelty wore off, the children preferred play to school, and the parents took no steps to compel attendance. On the other hand, the Maori Girls’ School at Napier is a decided success, having about forty boarders, and the Catholic establishment is also educating a large number of children. The question then arises, would it not be better to devote the funds arising from all the educational trust estates to the establishment of a Maori College in Napier, seeing that the country schools are a failure? We scarcely believe that under any management, and with four-fold its present income, any material advantage will be obtained by the maintenance of a school at Te Aute.
(Before His Worship, R. Beetham, Esq., R.M.)
Three drunkards were mulcted in the usual sum of 5s or 24 hours, and one was sent to gaol for three days for using obscene language.
Michael Griffin, an old married man aged about fifty years, was charged with having seduced Sarah Jane, the daughter of Robert West, of Taradale, aged 13 years.
Mr Lascelles appeared for the complainant, and Mr Lee for the defence.
Mr Lascelles, after stating the case, called
Robert West the complainant who deposed that he lived at Taradale, and that his daughter was for nine months in the employ of defendant. She was afterwards in the employ of several other people as servant and nurse, including Mr Moroney, at Paki Paki. He knew nothing wrong of his daughter until he learnt she was confined of a male child on the 23rd of last month at Capt Russell’s Station, Flaxmere.
By Mr Lee: I did issue a writ for seduction, and claimed £250 damages. I have not heard he has no property. I could get more money out of Griffin. Sarah West is my daughter. I always thought my daughter had a good character, but after getting her examined I took these steps.
By Mr Lascelles: It was not in consequence of my daughter being confined I took the present steps. For the confinement Griffin gave me a document promising to provide 10s per week for the support of the child, and five acres of land to be given her.
Harriet West, mother of the girl, deposed: I am wife of Robert West. Sarah Jane West is my daughter. She was born on 29th May. I produce the Family Bible. I cannot read writing. It was written 12 months after the child was born. I went to live at Taradale in August, 1874. My daughter lived at Griffin’s for nine months to help the old lady as a servant for 2s 6d per week. She has often since been at Griffin’s. My daughter was lately confined. Griffin came to Capt. Russell’s when my daughter was confined there. I went to the door, and I said, “Oh! Is that you?” And he said “For God’s sake forgive me.” I replied, “You have injured my child; how can I forgive you?” He replied, “I always thought she was too young to have a child.” I then said, “I think this game has been carried on a long, long time, and it is time it was stopped.” He said “I thought I was caught that time about the sixpence.” My daughter came from Mrs. Griffin’s one afternoon, just three years ago, she had a sixpence, which she told me Griffin had given her to buy lollies. At Capt. Russell’s, Griffin said he knew he had done wrong to the girl, and had given her sixpence. He brought a bottle of wine for my daughter. He did not offer me money. She had been at Mrs. Griffin’s three or four months, three years ago. When she came home to me she sat down on a chair. I said “Sarah, what’s the matter with you?” She replied, “Mother, I have got a head-ache,” and I then gave her something warm. My daughter was then ten years old. I am a monthly nurse. I mentioned the matter to a medical man.
By Mr Lee: The Bible entries were made in Portsmouth. We arrived here four years ago. I do not know the month exactly. I left all matters of date as to arrival in New Zealand to my husband. I came out in the E.P. Bouverie. I have five children, Harriet, Sarah, Eliza, Charles, and Ellen. I do not know when Ellen was born. There’s the Bible, and look there for yourself as to the ages of my children. My brother-in-law made all the entries in the Bible. I do not know my own birthday. Sarah’s child died last Friday. The girl (now in Court) is my daughter Sarah. My daughter always wore short dresses.
By Mr Lascelles: I remember my daughter bringing home a sixpence, and letting it fall. She told me Michael Griffin gave it her.
Sarah Jane West deposed: I am the daughter of Robert and Harriet West. I used to live at Griffin’s as servant – three years ago. I lived there nine months. It was in summer I went there first. I often saw Griffin. The first time he assaulted me he threw me down, and said if I told my mother my father would kill me the next time I got home. He continually assaulted me when I was there. I remember being ill at home. The illness was caused by defendant’s conduct to me. Griffin gave me sixpence on one occasion.
By Mr Lee: I left Mr. Seale’s employ about nine months ago. I was there three months. Nobody ever insulted me at any time, bur Griffin. Defendant told me if I told anyone the first time he met me he would kill me. Mrs Griffin wanted me to stop at the house to keep her company. When Mrs Griffin knew I was at home, she used to send for me. I can read my own name in the Bible. The writing was in the Bible before we left England.
By Mr. Lascelles: I like Mrs. Griffin. I always went to see Mrs. Griffin.
By the Court: I was six months living at Griffin’s before he insulted me. It was just before I went to Captain Russell’s that he last insulted me. I gave the sixpence he gave me to my mother.
Mr. Les addressed the Court for the defence.
His Worship committed Griffin for trial at the next sittings of the Supreme Court. Bail was allowed, the accused in £50, and two sureties in a similar sum.
SIR, – With your kind permission, I shall be glad to say a few words in answer to your correspondent, Mr Harding. After a diffuse prolegomena, and a condemnation of “hasty generalisers,” he gives what he considers to be the three most important causes of the present stagnation in English trade. First, “Improvidence of the labouring classes;” second, “Deterioration in the quality of the work produced:” third, “Trades Unions.” So that, according to your correspondent, it is all to be traced to that troublesome individual – the man who labors for his living. As he, like Mr Gradgrind, appears to believe in statistics, I will quote, in answer to his first assertion concerning improvidence, &c., an extract from an article which appeared in the London Weekly Despatch, under date October 7th, 1877, headed “Working Class Savings. – Those who delight in commenting upon the carelessness, improvidence, and unthriftiness of the working man, would do well seriously to consider the figures quoted by Mr Fo5rster in his address to the Oddfellows at Bradford. Working men, no doubt, have their failings and their vices. They resemble in this respect every other grade of Society. But a class which is able to show a sum of from forty to fifty millions of money, representing its savings in different directions, is not fairly open to the charge of being improvident and unthrifty. According to the last official record, the funds of the registered Friendly Societies alone – and there are still number of Societies not registered – amounted to upwards of nine millions, contributed by more than two million members. In registered co-operative Societies the amount invested was three-and-a-half millions. The deposits in the Post Office savings-banks were close upon nine millions, and the assets of the incorporated building societies were returned at nineteen millions and a half.” This statement, made by one thoroughly conversant with the subject, is a sufficient answer to your correspondent, who, to air his crochets, does not hesitate to calumniate the greater portion of the population of England. His second assertion is equally true. He has discovered that England is retrograding in consequent of exporting inferior merchandise. And, true to his colors, he finds the cause of this to be the wicked working man! According to him, “The steady, plodding artisan, who mastered and took a pride in his craft, has become obsolete, and is succeeded by a younger rival who ‘gets through unheard of quantities of work, with unlimited waste of material.’” This is “unheard of, unlimited” nonsense. The standard of work was never higher among artizans in England than it is now; and, to blame the workmen because the manufacturer chooses to export shoddy articles for the sake of the almighty dollar is very peculiar reasoning. His third assertion, anent trades unions, is an utter and useless misstatement. It is relic of a bygone age, refuted and consigned to limbo long ago. It can only be excused on the ground of ignorance of the subject. And the latter portion of his letter conclusively proves that he knows absolutely nothing whatever about the rules or the working of trades unions in England; and it is a great pity he did not try or get some knowledge of what trades unions are, what they do, and the rules and method by which they work. Mr Brassey, M.P., one of the greatest employers of labor in England, has just published a lecture on the subject, and a perusal of it would greatly astonish and enlighten your correspondent, Mr Harding. Apologising for trespassing so far on your space: – I am, &c.,
Napier, Dec., 18, 1877.
SIR, – I was present the other day at a discussion as to the right of Colonial Bishops to be addressed as “My Lord.” You will perhaps be good enough to give your opinion, and any authority on this point, and oblige myself and many of your readers. – I am, &c.,
December 20, 1877.
[Colonial Bishops have no right to be styled “My Lord,” though the title is frequently applied in courtesy. – ED. D.T.]
Reception of Ministers.
The train on Friday brought down a number of Maoris, but very few Europeans indeed, not above twenty, we are assured, over the usual daily number. At one o’clock, about ten or twelve persons closed their places of business, but the principal shops kept open. At half-past one the Maoris numbering over 200, assembled on the cricket ground, where was congregated the Reception Committee, but besides the Committee very few others were present. The Hinemoa, with our distinguished visitors, at this time was crossing the bar.
At 2 p.m., the procession left Clive Square. It was formed thus: – Twenty Maoris on horse back, riding two and two; band; empty carriage drawn by six grey horses; the Reception Committee on foot, about forty individuals; natives with banners; firing party of natives. The procession passed up Dickens street, to Hastings street, and then proceeded up the Shakespeare road to the Spit.
The procession reached the Spit at 2.30. Flags were floating from the masts of the vessels, but all the places of business were open, and there was no excitement.
The steam launch then went off to the Hinemoa, with the Hon. J.N. Wilson, Mr. R. Williams, the tax collector, and Henare Tomoana, in full uniform, and some other four natives.
At three o’clock, 2,500 people had congregated, and as the Bella came alongside the wharf, Ministers were greeting with loud and hearty cheers, Mr McSweeny presented the address, to which Sir George Grey made a reply. The procession then moved towards town amid great cheering.
On arrival at the ground, the carriage was driven on to the cricket ground, at the corner of which a platform was erected. On Sir George Grey and Mr Sheehan ascending the platform, they were cheered.
Mr Buchanan, on taking the chair, said that he could only congratulate the public of Napier, who for the sake of a good cause, had this day made a manifestation, the equal of which had never been witnessed in this part of the country at any rate. It might be that out of political differences some had stood aside; but if such was the case, he thought they had done so in a mistaken spirit. They might well have joined with those now assembled in receiving with cordiality a very distinguished man, whose name was not only inseparately [inseparably] connected with New Zealand, but inscribed upon the history of his native land. He was no untried man; but one who had passed through scenes and events such as had come within the experience of but few who bore the name of Englishmen. He (Mr Buchanan) was an old enough colonist to remember every incident in the public career of the man they had met to honor; he was not a younger man in these seas than Sir George Grey himself, and had watched his career in South Australia, in New Zealand, and at the Cape. So far as his opportunities of observation had gone, he had found him on all occasions the friend of the masses of the people. That had been his experience, and on these grounds alone, setting all political differences aside, all might well have joined in giving their distinguished visitor a worthy reception. If the present gathering had taken the form of a purely political demonstration, it was not the fault of those who took part in it; but of those who, on political grounds, had held themselves aloof. He would not say more in the presence of their visitor, more especially as Sir George was accompanied by a follower – one of whom he (the Chairman) had said, on the occasion when he last addressed a Napier audience, that he would hold his electorate in the hollow of his hand. The prediction was a true one, and he would only add that he believed the Native Minister to be a worthy follower of his political chief; and that he was proud of him as a son of the soil. He would now call on Sir George Grey to address the meeting. (The speaker was repeatedly cheered during his address, and resumed his seat amid loud applause.)
Sir George Grey, who was enthusiastically received, said that it had some where been said that there was a blessedness in being crowned with length of days, and he thought that was peculiarly his case on the present occasion. It was just twenty-three years and two months since he first visited Napier, there being then but one European settler in the district – the late Mr Alexander. He came with the hope of persuading the natives to sell a portion of the lands in this district; believing that so magnificent a country, if occupied by a British population, with all their resources of knowledge and skill, would turn out one of the first in the world. He came from the Wairarapa plains across the country, the worn-out wanderer most of his journey having been performed on foot, in terrible weather, and a long and wearisome journey before him – overland to Auckland, with no other company than Bishop Selwyn, then Bishop of New Zealand. He was received in the friendliest manner by the natives, who agreed to sell a large tract of country; but a difficulty arose about the funds – the country being then so poor that to raise the few thousands necessary for the purchase was a matter of difficulty. He had then the pleasure of contributing largely from his own private means to the purchase of large tracts of country in this district, firmly convinced that it would become the home of thousands of prosperous inhabitants, and the site of a great and flourishing city. His dreams of twenty-three years ago, as he lay on the Napier hills and looked across the rich plains – then in a state of nature – he now saw realised. The large and prosperous town was here, and the well-to-do population; and the weary wanderer who at that time looked around him in his loneliness, was now received by the people of the district, in their thousands. In these circumstances, could he not say that there was a blessedness in being crowned with length of days? Such a welcome as he had received might well gladden his heart and cause it to echo the sentiment he had quoted. But it was in another capacity that he met them on this occasion. Truly speaking, he could not address them as their representative, but in some sort he could claim to
and wherever he went, he felt it a solemn duty that he owed to the public to tell them of the nature of the measures which the Government thought it necessary to take for the future welfare of the Colony. On their part, he believed they recognised that it as their duty to render every assistance possible so far as they believed the Government policy to be right and good. He did not ask for more than this. He asked for their cordial support, but no further than was justified by their own reason and conscience – beyond this he neither wished nor expected them to go. It was not intended to impose on the people anything distasteful or injurious; on the contrary, it was the desire of himself and his colleagues to lead them on in the paths which lead to future welfare both for themselves and their children; and he looked for public support and assistance in what they intended to do. The very moment they found that their measures were regarded by the public as inimical to the general welfare, they would retire from office, and leave the field open to other men who might possess the confidence of the community. He had always made it one of his great objects, and held that it was principal duty of public men to secure, that every man and every youth in the community should be instructed in the principles of politics. The
ranked only second to his religious duty, of which indeed it might be considered a part involving as it did all his relations with his fellow men, and impelling him to take his part in promoting the public welfare and the common good. In no other way could the people secure and retain their political rights and advantages than by getting the power into their own hands. In the first place the community should be instructed as to their public rights and duties, and they would then securely grasp those political privileges which would enable them to influence the future destinies of the country. This power they had never yet had. Nominally they had a tolerably free franchise – he himself had fixed himself twenty three years ago. It was then as liberal a franchise as could possibly be obtained, for it has to receive the approval of the British Parliament – a body less liberal in its view then than now. Even that franchise had been wasted as regarded Napier. The Provincial Council, which was composed of members returned by the various local constituencies, was the local representative body. In all the larger provinces, in accordance with the Constitution, designed by himself, there was in addition a Superintendent, elected by the whole Province, who did not belong to any party, and was consequently able to keep in check the various provincial parties. In the smaller Provinces the Superintendent was elected by a majority of the Council – in other words by the dominant party; the result being that in these Provinces the government had always been in the hands of one party, who had the power to do exactly as they liked. Now that the Provinces had been done away with what ought we to do? He should like to see every man of age who had resided twelve month in any Provincial district have a vote for that district. There would be little difficulty in making up a Roll under these conditions. A good man with a family had as great a stake in the country as the largest runholder in the land, and had just as much interest in a fair system of taxation and liberal educational institutions. One of the first objects of the Ministry would be to provide
The next thing after a free and unrestricted franchise was to take care that the electoral districts should be of fair and reasonable extent – that there should be no pocket boroughs. The people should be fully represented, and have entire control of their own affairs – a state of things which had never existed here. There had always been small constituencies possessing double or treble their fair share of representatives, and as a rule such constituencies had been in the hands of political parties, who were by their means enable to exercise an undue influence in the legislation of the colony. He now came to the subject of taxation to some this might seem a trifle; but he was not of that opinion. No man with any self-respect liked to have his money taken from him without his consent; nor would he consent that himself and his wife and children should be deprived of comfort to which they were fairly entitled, unless it was clearly for the public good. Hitherto there had been no fair taxation in New Zealand, nor fair administration of the public estate. Those who had acquired enormous tracts of country had the principal voice in legislation, owing to the facilities they possessed in influencing the election of representatives. They had acquired their properties when land was of little value, and the whole population had been heavily taxed to add to its value. The railways and other public works had given extraordinary advantages to those already possessed of enormous wealth, and these were paid for by what really amounted to a capitation tax on every man, woman, and child in the country, in equal proportion – the poor man with six or seven children contributing more to the general revenue than the wealthy man with two or three. Under what right in the world was this done? Les those who had benefited so largely be
to the benefits received. Let the man whose property had been enormously increased in value by the labor of others and the taxes they paid, contribute in proportion. It was sometimes difficult for the taxpayer to trace the operation of the indirect taxes by which he was oppressed – he only knew that he received a certain amount of money, and could not tell why it did not go so far as it ought. When considered that upon every article consumed by his family a certain tax was levied for public purposes, he would understand the necessity of a more equitable system, under which each member of the community would contribute in proportion to the benefit he derived from the public expenditure. The next requirement of the Colony was a system of fair and equal land laws, under which every man might look forward to the establishment of a home for his wife and children, and something to leave behind for those he loved, when death should have parted him from them. This could only be attained under a system of fair and just land laws – alike just to the natives and the whole European population. The Colony had for years supported an extensive native department, paid for by the taxation of the entire people of New Zealand, who, on their part, had a right to the full benefits which the department could confer upon them. If the officers of this department were allowed to use their influence to purchase lands for themselves or friends of the Government, without warning to the public at large a great injury was done to the country. The land in the market should be open to the public at large, and his friend and colleague Mr Sheehan had already announced that such should in future be the case. Upon this policy the Government were determined to act, and in carrying it out Mr Sheehan would confer upon the colony as great a benefit as any other man had ever conferred upon it. (Three cheers for Mr Sheehan were here called for and heartily given.)
It was now late in the day, and others were to speak, therefore he would bring his remarks to a close. He had described the leading characteristics of the policy he had determined to carry out; and if the public gave their aid, they might rely upon its being used for good, in the directions of which he had spoken. As to the results of the policy he had indicated, he believed that it would be followed by a large increase of prosperity; that the homes of the people would exhibit signs of the general improvement; and that many of the comforts of life, now unattainable to large sections of the population, would be placed within the reach of all. On all the general questions which he had brought under their notice, they would find in him a firm and fast friend; and in every way in which he and his colleagues could promote the interests of this part of the Colony they would do it. He should never cease to feel a deep interest in this place, which with much pain, toil, and difficulty he had acquired from the natives for European settlement, at a time when there was but the one English settler he had named in the district, and a Mission station at Waitangi, where Mr. Colenso resided – no one else. it would be a happiness to him to end his days in aiding to carry out his dreams of that period, of the great city and prosperous population; but if, in a still greater old age, he should again visit this neighbourhood, and find those anticipations still more completely realised, he should have attained a happiness far greater than he had ever hoped to see brought about.
Sir G. Grey then resumed his seat, amidst long continued cheers.
The Hon. J. Sheehan, on being called upon by the Chairman, was received with a hearty demonstration of applause. He said that after five months of constant speaking he had acquired such a horror of the exercise, that nothing but the honor which had been done his colleague and himself by this demonstration would have induced him to come forward. On behalf of himself and colleagues he had to convey his
accorded to them by the people of Hawke’s Bay. Four years ago he arrived in Napier – a stranger and he might almost add, an outcast. He was reported to have come with all manner of treasonable designs, and was represented as the kind of man who possibly might burn the Council Chamber, or might at any time break into one of the Banks. The people of Hawke’s Bay by this time knew him better, and though his dealings with a few of the residents had not been always of the pleasantest kind, the old reports no longer found believers. As a member of the Assembly he had sought out and endeavoured to promote the best interests of the place, and whenever a Napier interest was concerned, he had been at the back of the local representatives, and had rendered them efficient support. He was not gifted with the art of developing in a speech broad public principles, as his friend Sir George Grey had done, but it would, he hoped, be found that when they came to be carried into practical execution, he could render material assistance. The country had too long been governed by a few individuals, and the time had now come for a fresh departure. Before twelve months had passed, he believed such alterations would be made as to give the people a much fairer share in the government of the country than they once enjoyed. They had already suffered considerably in one respect, the best of the land having been mopped up, but it was still possible to remedy the evil to a great extent. Under a system of
The hewers of wood and drawers of water would be able in time to acquire a freehold and surround themselves with a large share of the comforts of life. They would excuse him from making many remarks on this occasion, in the open air, and in the present state of his health. He had addressed assemblages in this town before, and always had pleasure in speaking to a Napier audience; but he had had so much speaking lately, that he would be glad to retire from the business until next session. He was proud to see the people of Hawke’s Bay turn out as they had done to-day, to render homage to one of the best and purest of our public men. Sir George Grey was not without political opponents and detractors; but not one of his opponents could afford to throw a stone at him. (Cheers.) If we had had many more public men distinguished by the same purity and singleness of purpose, public affairs would not have been in the intolerable mess in which they were at present. They would excuse him from speaking further now, it was rather a trying task for him; but he would very likely have the opportunity of giving the people of this place, on some other occasion, in greater detail, an account of the Ministerial proposals for next session. Some Governments believed in keeping their intentions as secret as possible and bringing their propositions
before Parliament in the form of surprises; but he and his colleagues regarded this as
holding that in order to receive the cordial assistance necessary for the success of their measures, they could not take the public too heartily into their confidence. If on meeting the Parliament again they should find that they were before the times – that the House was not prepared to accept the reforms which they contemplated – he hoped they would be able to send the House back to the country, and have a new Parliament returned, full of the public opinion of the day, and determined to carry that public opinion into the fullest practical effect. He hoped that when his term of office was over, he would not be ashamed to come again before a Napier audience, and that he would meet with as hearty a reception as he did this day. (Loud applause.)
Mr Taylor proposed – “That this meeting returns its sincere thanks to Sir George Grey and his colleagues for the statement of their views and
intentions, and promises to support them by every means in its power.”
Seconded by Mr Gold.
The Chairman put the question to the vote, and a roar of “Ayes” was the response from all parts of the ground. A show of hands was then called for, and given with equal unanimity. The contrary was then put, and elicited no response.
Sir George Grey then proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, for the very efficient manner in which he had presided over the meeting. The vote was carried by acclamation.
The Chairman said that the great honor in taking part in a demonstration of this kind was to him a sufficient reward. He called for three cheers for Sir George Grey and his colleagues, which having been given with enthusiasm, the proceedings closed. The greater number of those present, however accompanied the carriage to the Criterion Hotel, the band preceeding, and playing “When Johnny comes marching home.”
The Napier Band played in front of the Criterion Hotel in the evening. The front of the hotel was illuminated with gas, with the enigma V.R., W.S.G.G.,” meaning “Welcome Sir George Grey.” A large crowd was attracted up to ten o’clock, when the band finished up by “God save the Queen.”
The Council held their usual meeting in the Court House.
Present: Cr.’s Mackersey (chairman), Rathbone, Herrick, Lawrence, Monteith, Johnston, and Levy.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Moved by Cr. Johnston, and seconded by Cr. Monteith, “That a rate of 6d in the £ for the financial year ending 31st March, 1878, be now struck (according to notice of motion at meeting held on the 28th October) payable in one sum on January 1st, 1878.”
The Rate Book was then signed by Cr.’s Monteith, Levy, and Johnston.
Four applications were received for the Rate Collectorship. Mr Ebenezer Harwood was appointed Collector on the motion of Cr Monteith, seconded by Cr. Levy.
A return from A. Brewer, poundkeeper, Sherwood, was received, and directed to be acknowledged. The temporary clerk was also instructed to write to the other poundkeepers requesting them to forward returns forthwith.
For the County Clerkship thirteen applications were sent in. The whole of the applications, together with testimonials, recommendations, &c., were carefully read out by the temporary clerk, Mr Bickerton, and after a few minutes consideration, it was moved by Cr Monteith, and seconded by Cr Levy, “that Mr A. St. C. Inglis (one of the applicants) be appointed Clerk to the Council.”
Moved by Cr Herrick, and seconded by Cr Lawrence, “That the money raised in different Ridings be refunded as subsidy to Road Boards within each Riding, less share of County expenses.”
An amendment was moved by Cr. Johnston, and seconded by Cr. Monteith, “That all monies collected in each Riding be expended either as subsidy to Road Boards, or under the supervision of the County Engineer.”
A second amendment, which was carried, was moved by Cr. Levy, and seconded by Cr. Lawrence, “That the consideration of this question be postponed until the next meeting.”
The resolution and first amendment were lost.
Moved by Cr. Johnston, and seconded by Cr. Levy, “That the County Engineer be instructed to report fully upon the work most necessary to be done forthwith on the Makaretu road, Porangahau and Wainui roads, also the road from Waipawa to Patangata and Tamumu together with roads in the Makaretu district.” Carried.
Moved by Cr. Rathbone, and seconded by Cr. Monteith, “That the charges for repairs to the Homewood bridge be made on the Patangata Riding and not on the Patangata Road Board. Carried.
It was resolved on the motion of Cr. Rathbone, seconded by Cr. Levy, “That the County offices be closed on all public holidays appointed by the Government.”
Moved by Cr. Monteith, and seconded by Cr. Levy, “That the amounts submitted, when examined and approved by the Finance Committee, be paid.” Carried.
It was resolved that, as the first Tuesday in the month of January falls on New Year’s Day, the next meeting of the Council be held on Tuesday, January 8, 1878, and the temporary clerk (Mr Bickerton) issue the notices accordingly.
The meeting then adjourned.
MR. C.B. KNORPP’S report on the best means of controlling the rivers running through the Ahuriri plains has been forwarded to the Chairman of the Hawke’s Bay County Council. The space at our command precludes us from publishing the report in full, but we are enabled to lay the recommendations before our readers: –
The Ngaruroro, being a torrent passing through single-forming strata (principally clay slates), brings, in its exceedingly rapid course, at floods, large quantities of shingle, which it gradually deposits in and along its bed, the greater part, and of the largest size, down to the Omahu Bridge, less in quantity and of some smaller size in the Waitio and Ohiwia until near Pakowhai (to which point the influence of the tide extends) only very fine gravel and sand are left.
It is therefore recommended that a weir (of timber and stone) of sufficient height and length, be constructed across the Ngaruroro, at a point (to be selected) above Omahu Bridge; a stop-bank of sufficient height and strength should be made on the right river-bank, from the weir to the north-east corner of Roy’s Hill, and a similar bank from the river to the high ground on left river-bank; the existing stop-bank at Roy’s Hill should be raised and lengthened. From below the Omahu Bridge the Waitio and Ohiwia should be lengthened, widened, and their fall adjusted by removing obstructions, such as the hard projecting strata in the bed of the Ohiwia. From Pakowhai to the bend of the Ngaruroro, below the eighth mile-post on the road, the river should be widened and the low places banked up. At the bend a waste weir should be built above highest ride level and the flood-waters, which the present channel cannot contain, discharged by a separate channel into the lagoon. A bank should be made across the lagoon, near the out-fall of this channel, to stop the cross current from the Tukituki, the flood-waters from which should be banked out on the highest available ground.
£127,000 is an approximate estimate of the cost of these works, exclusive of the cost of land and the cost of lengthening the railway bridge, which will be necessary, and is made out as follows: –
Weir above Omahu Bridge £16,000
Stop-banks both sides of weir £25,000
Banks and groins above Roy’s Hill £3,000
Improving Waitio channel £1,000
Improving Ohiwia channel £5,600
Improving Ngaruroro to weir near eighth milepost £35,000
Lengthening railway bridge –
Weir near eighth milepost £10,000
Channel from weir to lagoon £15,400
Banking overflow of Tukituki and lagoon £2,500
Road bridges £2,500
Land, &c. –
Contingencies, about 10 per cent. £11,000
Total estimate £127,000
The Tutaekuri.
This river is very similar in character to the Ngaruroro.
A weir built across the bed of the Tutaekuri, at the Red Cliff, is proposed to force the floods over an overfall weir, to be constructed at the same place, into a straight channel about three miles in length, which will lead thence direct into Port Ahuriri.
An approximate estimate of the cost of these works, exclusive of land, as follows: –
Weir &c., across Tutaekuri £10,000
Overfall weir £8,000
New channel, three miles long £26,400
Bridging, &c. £3,600
Contingencies about 10 per cent £5,000
Total estimate £53,000
In the preceding recommendations one of the chief objects has been to interfere as little as possible with the present courses of these rivers. On purely engineering considerations, however, the best course to adopt would be: Instead of allowing the Ngaruroro to run down the Ohiwia and to join its old course at Pakowhai, the whole river should gradually be turned from the Waitio in a straight channel below Pawhakairo [Pa Whakairo] into the Tutaekuri; this river should be banked across, and both rivers taken into Port Ahuriri by a new channel.
An approximate estimate of the cost of these works is £135,000, exclusive of land as follows: –
Weir above Omahu Bridge £16,000
Stop-bank both sides of weir £25,000
Banks and groins above Roy’s Hill £3,000
Improving Waitio channel £1,000
Continuing Waitio into Tutaekuri £26,000
Dam, &c., across Tutaekuri £14,000
New channel to Port Ahuriri £30,000
Bridging, &c. £7,000
Banking out Tukituki at East Clive £1,000
Contingencies about 10 per cent £12,000
Total estimate £135,000
Mr Carruthers, whom I have consulted on the subject of turning both rivers in one channel into Port Ahuriri, allows me to state that, in his opinion, no danger would accrue to the port, the reclamations, or the harbor works through this; but that on the contrary, it would tend greatly to the improvement of the harbor.
If, therefore, the cost of land and conflicting interests can be arranged in favor of the proposal to turn both the Ngaruroro and Tutaekuri in one channel into Port Ahuriri, the best engineering scheme will be by far the least expensive in first cost, as it certainly will be the least expensive to maintain.
(Before His Honor the Chief Justice.)
Robert Hollis deposed: I am living at present at Patea. I remember a sale in June, 1874, at the Shamrock sale yards. I was present, employed by Mr Donnelly. I was then working on the station. Some Carlyon ponies were bought at the sale, a roan mare, a bay mare, and a chestnut horse called Bismarck. A creamy foal I took away with the horses. The foal was suckling the mare, and got into the yard with the roan mare. I have seen it off and on till the last five months at Omahu, in a Maori paddock. I believe Donnelly resides at Omahu, and before this had seen it on Maney’s run at Korokipo, and likewise at Moteo. I knew Donnelly had some thorough-bred horses on the run. The foal was an entire foal. I have seen the roan mare in the same paddock as the entire creamy. Donnelly gave me delivery. A man called Carey was there.
By Mr Hesketh: When we were driving them along the road Donnelly came up. I do not remember him saying anything. I saw a cream colored gelding bought in addition to the four I have mentioned. I think Mr Henry Donnelly bought it, at all events he rode it away. It was an old horse and the other was a foal. I was at the sale all the time, the animals were put up in ones. I recollect the roan mare. The foal got through the fence by mistake I think. There was a reserve of £25 on the entire foals. The roan mare was the mother of the foal. The roan mare was in by itself and afterwards I saw the foal with her.
Horace Martelli deposed: I am a shepherd, of nowhere in particular. Have just come from Wairoa. Know prisoner and Mr Maney. Was lately in Maney’s employ on his station at Korokipo. Went in September 1873. I was in Patea in 1874. In the end of July Mr Donnelly was there. He was riding a chestnut poney [pony] called Bismarck, and said he bought it at a sale of Carlyon’s ponies. He said I was to charge the Patea station with three ponies. About £32 10s. He gave me no description of them. I went on the 11th June 1874 from Korokipo to go to Patea. I know Carlyon’s ponies they are small ponies. In December 1874, I went back to Korokipo. The sheep were driven from Patea to Korokipo. I went with driving notices, there were ponies at Korokipo when I got back which I had not seen before. Was at Korokipo on 6th March, 1877. Mr Donnelly left Korokipo on the 6th March. Mr Wilson went there as manager, he reached before Donnelly left. When I went to Korokipo I saw a creamy entire, a roan mare, and a bay filly which were commonly known as the Carlyon ponies. They were running on the lower run, and were there on or about the 6th of March. Mr Donnelly had several horses there, he had race horses and a hack called Otene. He had three entire race colts. I knew Atlantic. He died in December 1874. I did anything I was told to do by Mr Donnelly. I used to help in making out the accounts. There used to be a Stock Book kept. I was counting up the horses early in this year between the first and sixth of March, to make a list to be given to Mr. Studholme at Patea and to Mr Wilson. I was going to count in these three ponies and Donnelly said, “they are mine; I shall take them for services of my horse to Mr Maney’s mares.” I know of two pack mares being sent to Mr Donnelly’s entire. In March I went to Wanganui to the races. I saw the creamy entire and the roan mare in April. They were at a place called Ngahapi, near the mill. I knew where Mr Donnelly was going to live. The frame was up. It was near this paddock.
By Mr. Lascelles: The conversation as to the services of the mares took place in 1874, and in March this year. It was a long time before this that the mares were served. I left in March, 1877. During the first conversation Donnelly said “I’ll see Mr Maney, and ask him if I can have these ponies for the service of my horse to his mare.” I believe it was in 1875. I marked it down in his private ledger shortly afterwards. Donnelly might have told me that he had purchased the roan mare from Mr. Maney. Mr. Maney is credited with the amount of the roan mare in Donnelly’s private ledger. The entries are all in my handwriting except one, and that is in Donnelly’s. I kept his private ledger at his request. I did not know that the roan mare charged in the ledger was a Carlyon pony. I do not know how it is that an entry, 1875, appears after an entry 1876. I know Mr. William Jeffares, the son of old Jeffares from Taradale. He asked me what I was doing. He said “Donnelly is going to give you a jolly good holiday.” I said, “Oh! Is that all; that’s all right.” [A great deal of evidence was here given by witness as to statements made by him to Mr. Jeffares as to a certain case now pending in Wanganui, for which he was to receive £100 for pulling through.] Witness also gave a description of a conversation with a man called Coxen, in which he said that Maney and Donnelly were both tarred with the same brush, and both as bad as one another. I told him (Jeffares) I had a promise of £100 for a case in Wanganui. “He said, “You’ll never get it.” I said, “I had a paper in my pocket book from Mr Blake, which was a promise for £100 for a case if I pulled it through.” This was a case in Wanganui.
Re-examined by Mr Lee: I was in Wanganui at the time these cases were being brought in the R.M. Court, on some land business with Mr Blake.
By His Honor: I don’t recollect if Donnelly told me to enter the entries in the private ledger book, or in the station books.
John William Wilson deposed: I am at present managing the Korokipo station. I took charge on the 6th March. Prisoner left the same evening. There were several horses in the paddock. Prisoner said part of the horses belonged to himself, part to Mr Studholme, of Patea, and part to the station. There were five or six he claimed. I did not take particular notice. There was a creamy entire among those he claimed. I may have seen a roan mare. I have seen the creamy since at Omahu. Donnelly’s house is in close proximity to where the ponies run.
William Nepean McIntosh deposed: I am an accountant, residing at Waipawa, and formerly in Maney’s employ as clerk in a store at Omahu. I went there in June, 1874, and came to Napier for about two months; then went to Wairoa for about ten months and then back to Omahu. I remember a cream colored pony. I am not certain what it was; it was called the creamy pony. A ledger and a rough diary were kept on the station when I was there. I was only there about a fortnight. Some time after this Maney asked me to keep the individual accounts of Korokipo and Patea stations in the Omahu ledger. This was in the latter part of 1876, or the beginning of 1877. I have never seen the book produced (the private ledger). I have never made any entries from it to any other book. I saw the same creamy pony, it is the same one I saw at the station in a paddock adjoining the house where Donnelly lived.
This was the case for the prosecution.
Mr Hesketh stated that he did not think there was sufficient evidence to go to a jury but his Honor ruled otherwise.
Mr Lascelles addressed the jury for the defence, and called
Harry Landley Donnelly, who deposed: I am a station manager, and brother to prisoner. In 1873, was in Maney’s employ managing the Wairoa station. I had sole power to buy and sell, and to use my best abilities. I remember a sale in June, 1874, of Mr Carlyon’s ponies. I remember a roan mare being sold; my brother bought it. The roan mare was sold by itself. There was a horse, a creamy gelding, called Mangateretere, bought for me. I paid for it by an order on Mr Maney. I produce the block of the book, which I gave the order from. I took the horse to the Wairoa station. He was an aged pony when I got him, and is now in town. He was broken in. I remember exchanging a bay filly with my brother for another animal being in want of a pack horse, and the bay filly not being broken, I wanted one I could
make immediate use of; that is why I exchanged. I remember my brother buying a horse called Bismarck, the roan mare, and the one he bought for me at Carlyon’s sale.
By Mr Lee: I remember the sale of the roan mare. I don’t remember the foal. I saw on one of my visits the roan mare and the cream colored foal at Korokipo. I have often bought and sold cattle without acquainting Mr Maney, and can give you instances of it.
James Munn deposed: I am a labourer and jockey. I know a good bit about horses. I remember a sale of ponies at the Shamrock in 1874, but was not there. I believe it was in June. I was employed by Donnelly to fetch some horses that were bought at the sale from Taradale to Moteo, viz., a roan mare, a colt foal, and a bay filly. Donnelly came next morning and looked at the foal, and said that it must have come in mistake, as he had not bought it. This conversation took place at the yard at Moteo. I broke in the roan mare. She had foals after that, I think three. Two are running with her. Now, I think, one died. I helped George Donnelly to brand foals, with Donnelly’s private brand; it was something like a capital P. The foals were then running on the lower run. I was employed on the station; Peebles was the same. There were station horses branded at the same time. There was no secrecy as to the branding. Tom Jeffares and I were present when Donnelly remarked about the colt coming in mistake.
By Mr Cornford: I was not at the sale. Tom Jeffares told me what horses to take. It was in 1875 that the branding, &c., took place; it was in October. We branded two at this time. I can’t say when the foal died. I saw the roan mare yesterday with the foals in a paddock in Omahu. The creamy entire is in Donnelly’s stable. It was in June, 1875, I first understood the roan mare and creamy entire belonged to Donnelly. Donnelly distinctly told me they were his.
Thomas Jeffares deposed: I live at the toll gate. I remember a sale of Carlyon ponies about three years ago. It was held at the Shamrock. Mr. Donnelly bought some horses. I helped to drive them to Taradale, a roan mare, a bay filly, and a foal. Mr. Donnelly was riding a bay horse. Three or four mornings afterwards, I took them to Moteo. Mr. Donnelly overtook us on the road from the yards to Taradale; he said, “You have one too many.” When we took them to Moteo we discovered he had a colt foal, a creamy.
By Mr Cornford: I cannot say how long it is since I saw the bay filly. I saw the cream entire yesterday. I do not know whose land they were on. I do not know in whose employ James Munn is at present.
Stephen Coxen deposed: I am cook at Korokipo station. I was engaged by Mr Wilson, the manager, and have been there over two years. Have known Horace Martelli, and have had a conversation with him as to Donnelly’s affairs generally. He told me in the kitchen at Korokipo, that he had Mr Donnelly this time; that they sent a demand up for some horses, which, if he did not give up, other proceedings would be instituted. He was getting up the cases. He said he was getting 50s a week for getting up this affair from Mr Maney. He said he would be well paid if he pulled the case through. I told him he ought to be ashamed of himself for using such bitter animosity to the Donnellys, as they had always behaved very well to him. I remember a cream coloured entire that used to be on the station; it was generally understood to be Mr Donnelly’s. I have heard Mr Donnelly reprimand Martelli several times, and on one occasion for book-keeping. He had the general reputation of being a liar. I would not believe him on oath, unless it was corroborated.
By Mr Lee: I did not believe Martelli when he said he was getting 50s a week from Maney, but I believe he had something to do with getting up the case, because he showed such bitter animosity against Mr Donnelly. The Donnellys always treated him as one of their own family. I told Mr Donnelly about this just before the case before the R.M. came on. Donnelly came first to speak to me. He asked me if I knew anything about the horse he was charged with stealing. I then told him I had given Martelli a good blowing up for the part he had taken. I very seldom saw Maney there only two or three times the whole time I was there.
William Jeffares deposed: I reside at the toll-gate, Taradale-road. I know Horace Martelli. I remember seeing him in the first week in August. He passed through the toll-gate. He bid me the time of day, and said he would come in as he came back. I asked him if he was well off. He said he had a draft for £200 in his pocket if he pulled this case through, a case against Donnelly by Maney. I never heard of a Captain Blake, nor of a case in Wanganui. I have known Horace Martelli for about four or five years. He is not truthful. If he took his oath I would not like to believe him; it would be rather doubtful.
Re-examined: I read the Bible, and think I know what it is to take an oath. I believed Martelli just to oblige him, when he told me he was to get £200 if he pulled the case through. He seemed quite serious in what he said. He said he had been in Wanganui and that he had seen Mr Moorhouse there, and that he had come here to do some business for Mr Moorhouse.
Richard Carey deposed: I was lately managing Mr Canning’s station. I was on Major Carlyon’s run in 1872-3-4, and left in 1875. I remember a sale of ponies in 1874 at the Shamrock. Mr Carlyon, Smith, and myself brought them down. We drafted them in the yards, and Donnelly helped us. I remember the sale, I remember the condition of sale being spoken by Mr Routledge in special reference to the Carlyon ponies. A reserve of £25 was put upon them, for all entires no matter what age. Mr George Donnelly was at the sale. He bought a chestnut called Bismarck, a creamy called Mangaherehere [elsewhere Mangateretere], and some others I do not remember. I remember several mares being sold. I remember he bought a roan mare. I was present when they were all put up. It was not sold with a foal. I don’t think so. None of the entire were put up with the mares. Certainly not. I know of Donnelly getting an entire, a creamy. I think I know that one entire colt got away from the yards with Donnelly. He bought it from Mr George Carlyon. I do not know which mare it was the colt of.
By Mr Lee: George Carlyon did not own any of the beasts that were sold in the yards, I believe the roan mare was the property of Major Carlyon. I don’t remember if there was more than one roan mare sold. It was two or three days before the sale that we started from Gwavas. I carried no instructions from the Carlyon’s to the auctioneer. I can’t say who brought the animals from the yards into the selling enclosure. It was reported to me an entire got out. I did not see it get out. I heard it from George Carlyon. I think we were up at the sale yards. I do not remember how many entires there were. All the foals that were entires were not to be sold. I do not know that Mr Routledge had the instructions in reference to the reserve on the entire ponies. Mr George Carlyon was about 19 then. I do not know who delivered the animals that were sold. I was present at a conversation between Mr Donnelly and G. Carlyon, when Mr Donnelly said, “Oh, there’s that colt that got away. I’d like to buy it,” and George Carlyon said, “I can’t sell it to you now. I’ll see the governor.” George Carlyon afterwards told me that in consideration of all the services that he had rendered at the sales, he would let him have the horse for £5. The Major was the original owner of these foals, and had no other manager at that time. I do not know if the £5 was paid.
William Routledge deposed: I was the auctioneer that put up the animals at Carlyon’s sale. As far as I can recollect, the mares that had foals were sold together, but they were all filly foals. I sold no entire colt that day. I never put up a mare and a foal together with the option of taking the one or the two.
By Mr Lee: I think Mr Richardson and Mr Carlyon gave me the instructions for the sale. I don’t remember giving any public notification of a reserve being put on the entire ponies.
Joseph Price deposed: I am a settler, residing at Tarawara [Tarawera]. I remember the sale of horses at the Shamrock in June 1874. I was at the sale, and bought some animals I heard the conditions of sale. Mr Routledge said there was a reserve of £25 on all the colt foals. I bought a 3 or 4 year old filly, and I bought a draught horse. I wanted to buy a pair of ponies for Auckland. I was there at the commencement of the sale. It was when the entires were driven into the sale yards that I think Mr Routledge said there was a reserve of £25 on the entires. None of the entires were sold.
John Gibson Kinross deposed: I am a merchant, residing at Napier. I know prisoner Donnelly for several years; it is five or six years ago since he was manager for Captain Carlyon. I consider his character good, and have had opportunities of seeing his behaviour.
By Mr Lee: I did not know prisoner whilst he was with Cartwright Brown.
George Seale deposed: I am manager of the Rissington station. I know Mr George Donnelly, and have known him about four and a-half years. From the opportunities I have had with him, and from what I have heard, he always bore a very good character.
By Mr Lee: I have heard it from [a] great many people I have met, working men and other men. I have never heard anything against him.
This was the case for the defence.
Mr. Hesketh then addressed the Bench for nearly an hour on behalf of the prisoner, and commented on the evidence given on behalf of the prosecution.
His Honor summed up, commenting on the evidence of both sides.
The Jury then retired for about half an hour, and on returning into Court gave their verdict as “not guilty.”
As the verdict was given, there were some cheers in the stranger’s gallery, which were suppressed by order of the Court.
The following bankrupts were unopposed, and received their discharge: –
Michael Hibden, solicitor, Mr Lee
William Henry Murrow, solicitor, Mr Lee
Francis George Bourzutzky, solicitor, Mr Sainsbury
Felix Goulett, solicitor, Mr Lee
Francis William Parker, solicitor, Mr Carlile
Harold Hansen, solicitor, Mr Carlile
Joseph Hatwell, solicitor, Mr Carlile
Joseph Fielding Jessop, solicitor, Mr Lee
Edward Johnson Upham, solicitor, Mr Lascelles
James Hutching, solicitor, Mr Lascelles
James Sinden, solicitor, Mr Lascelles
Henry Hughes, solicitor, Mr Lascelles
Hannibal Lyne Lory, solicitor, Mr Lee
George Trimmer, solicitor, Mr Carlile
James Wheeler, solicitor, Mr Lee.
(Before His Worship, R, Beetham, Esq,, R.M.)
Robert Burns was charged by Constable Connor with being drunk in the public streets yesterday at four o’clock. The delinquent pleaded that he was “a little drunk,” but nothing serious.
He was fined 5s, or 21 hours imprisonment.
Frederick Morgan was charged with having at midnight, on the 12th of December, unlawfully assaulted and beat James Lynch. He pleaded guilty.
Lynch whose mouth was in a frightful state, informed the Court the prisoner quarrelled with him about a coat, and after knocking him down bit his lips.
Dr. Hitchings deposed that when the man was brought to the Hospital his lip was cut and lacerated. He had to put a pin through the wound. There were no other injuries about him.
Constable Farmer stated that on Saturday night he saw the prisoner and Lynch scuffling together on the ground at Port Ahuriri. The prisoner was on top of Lynch. He arrested the accused and sent Lynch to the Hospital.
His Worship said that it was a disgraceful and dastardly assault. Drunkenness was no excuse for crime. He would sentence him to one month’s imprisonment with hard labor.
R. Williams (Rate Collector) v. George Henry Stuart. – Claim 10s. No appearance. Judgment by default for amount and costs.
Same v. Baldwin Franklin. – Claim 18s 9d. Judgement by default for amount and costs.
Same v. E. W. Knowles. – Claim 13s. Mr Knowles was in attendance and disputed the claim, on the grounds that if the Collector had used proper diligence and not shown palpable neglect, the tenant would have paid the money. The rate was for 1875-76, and he informed the Collector the time the tenant was leaving the house, and on sundry other occasions. The clerk put in as evidence clauses of the Act of 1867, upon which claim was made. The Collector acknowledged to the defendant having given him information, but denied he knew the tenant Clark, or would get the money from him. His Worship said, assuming there was negligence on the part of the Collector, nevertheless, as the law stood, he was bound to give judgment for the plaintiff, but would only give the costs of the Court.
Forty-one summonses for rates had been issued, but of these, 37 defaulters paid up before hearing, with 5s costs added.
Proprietors DAILY TELEGRAPH v T. R. Spiller (Waipawa). – Claim for balance of account, £1 19s 10d. Amount and costs paid into Court.
Same v A. W. Lascelles (Kaikora) – Claim £3 4s. Judgment by default for amount and costs.
Same v Mr Boylan. – Claim £3 15s. Judgment by default for amount and costs.
Charles Townsend and Patrick Malone were both charged with drunkenness. Both having been locked up for a considerable time, they were discharged with a caution.
Maria Maisen, on remand as a lunatic, was, on medical testimony, committed to the Lunatic Asylum.
F. Payne, a sailor belonging to the Mary Wadley, was charged with stealing, on the 15th instant, a walking-stick valued at 4s from the shop of Mr N. Jacobs.
The same prisoner was also charged with using obscene language in Hastings-street on the same day.
The case of larceny was dismissed, but for obscene language he was sentenced to 14 days imprisonment with hard labor.
John Young, of Clive, was charged with stealing at Te Mata, one coat, one pair trousers, two pieces soap, and one box matches, the value of £1 15s, from Charles Annell. The charge was fully proved, and the prisoner was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.
John Bright was charged with stealing, on the 13th day of December, from the person of Ernest Jorgenson, the sum of £19 in notes.
The prisoner was defended by Mr Lascelles.
After hearing the evidence of the complainant, John Reay and Mrs Reay, the case was remanded for one week.
Blythe & Co. v. M. Boylan. On a judgement for £31 7s 4d, obtained on the 23rd November. Defendant did not appear, and it was ordered that the money, with costs, be paid in by the 18th December, or the defendant be imprisoned for two months.
Donaldson Keith who pleaded guilty to having imbibed too much alcohol, was fined 5s, and 2s cab hire, or 24 hours imprisonment.
Stephen Trenoff pleaded guilty to a similar charge, and was fined 5s., or the usual alternative. The same prisoner was also charged with
in the public road at Havelock. He stated that he was so drunk as to be unable to say what he had been doing. Constable Mitchell informed the Court that the prisoner was very drunk, and made use of very bad language in front of a garden, where there was a lady and some children. His Worship said the prisoner ought to be ashamed of himself, and after addressing to him some words of caution, sentenced him to three days’ imprisonment with hard labor.
R.L. Guillard v. Mr. Boylan – Claim £1 12s 6d for dairy produce. Judgment given for amount, and costs 9s.
Same v. B. Franklin. – Claim £1. Judgment for amount, and costs, 9s.
W. Smith (Havelock) v Pita. Claim £24 4s 5d for butcher’s meat.
Mr. Sainsbury appeared for the judgment creditor, and subjected Pita to a long examination as to his means, but was unable to obtain much information, and in order to obtain further evidence, had the case adjourned until the 22nd of January.
The annual distribution of prizes took place last Friday at the Napier Grammar School under very favorable circumstances. The Most Rev. the Primate was in the chair, and on the platform were also the Bishop of Auckland and several clergymen. We understand that the examiners this year took more than wonted pains to elicit the knowledge of the pupils, and that their reports were very satisfactory. Mr Irvine spoke in high terms of the behaviour of his pupils throughout the year; and although, he said, the numbers on the school books at the present time were far in excess of the average attendence, both as boarders and day-boys, their conduct might be compared most favorably with that or any other set of boys senior as well as junior at any college or school in New Zealand.
The examination of the boys at the Te Aute Maori school took place last Wednesday week, and was conducted in the presence of the Primate, the Bishop of Wellington, the Bishop of Waiapu, and the Rev. S. Williams. During the past quarter there have been thirty-three boys on the book. These were all boarders, and are as many as the accommodation of the school will permit. Of this number six belong to the Ahuriri district; the others come from north of Petane.
Amongst the Parliamentary papers to hand is the Immigration Report of the Officer at Napier, Mr G. T. Fannin. From this we learn that during the year ending June 30, 1877, 669 immigrants were landed at Napier. The Immigration Officer complains of the short supply of servant girls, and he states that as nearly one third of the so-called single girls range between twelve and fifteen years of age they have no experience as servants. Mr Fannin strongly advocates the continuance of the nomination system, and he concludes his report by saying that during the seventeen years he has acted as Immigration officer, the Commissioners at Napier have never had occasion to place a single vessel in quarantine.
The Chairman of the Waipawa County Council has called for applications for the office of a Valuer, which are to be sent in on or before the 8th of January next.
We were yesterday very greatly surprised at the number of visitors in attendance at the above school. The Head Master, Mr J. A. Reardon, having invited through our columns the parents and friends of his pupils, many of them were present. Owing to severe indisposition, the Very Rev. J. Forest was unable to attend, but requested the Revd. P. Kerrigan to act as his substitute for the distribution of the prizes. Several of the pupils had boquets [bouquets] to present to the Revd. J. Forest had he been present, but owing to what has already been described, he could not attend. However, precisely at 11 a.m., in the presence of several town and country visitors, the prizes were distributed as follows: –
1st senior prizes for general proficiency, T. Ashton; 2nd, M Carroll; 3rd, A. E, Reed; 4th, W. A. Collins; 5th, A. G. Cowper.
2nd Division – 1st, John Corry; 2nd, G. Rearden; 3rd, R. Hare.
Recitation and Elocution. – Masters G. Rearden, Bernard Cosgrove, and John Corry; Cyphering. – T. Shanly (Waipawa), John Bowes (Napier), and James Hanghey (Poverty Bay); Drawing. – M. Carroll (Wairoa), R. Hare, (Clive), G. Rearden (Napier).
The Very Rev. J. Forest gave two special prizes for politeness, and Mr Reardon in addition to most of the others, gave one to Master Thoms [Thomas] Hayden. The other two were given to Mastere [Masters] Collins and Reid. For general obedience Master G. Cowper received first prize.
The Very Rev. Father Forest gave prizes to those who most distinguished themselves for obedience during the year. In fact, seeing the very numerous attendance of visitors yesterday, we can, was we have done every year, heartily congratulate the Head Master, Mr J. A. Reardon, for the visible progress made by the pupils of his school during the past year.
The annual distribution of prizes at the Napier Boys’ Trust School took place on Thursday, the 13th instant, many of the prizes having been given by Mr Colenso on behalf of the Board of Education. The following is the list of prizes: –
English. – 1st prize, Herbert Gibbon; 2nd, Claudius Cato; 3rd, George White.
Geography. – 1st prize, Claudius Cato; 2nd, George White, 3rd, Herbert Gibbons and Wm. Cato.
History. – 1st prize, Claudius Cato, 2nd, George White; 3rd Herbert Gibbons.
Writing. – 1st prize, Herbert Gibbons; 2nd, Wm. Speedy; 3rd, Harold Harris.
Arithmetic. – 1st prize, Herbert Gibbons; 2nd, William Walker; 3rd, Wm. Smith.
Senior Latin (Cornelius Nepos). – 1st prize, Claude [Claudius] Cato; 2nd. Wm. Walker; 3rd, Herbert Gibbons.
Junior Latin (Principia). – 1st prize Wm. Drower; 2nd, J. Cato and Percy McHardy; 3rd, Henry Fletcher.
Mathematics (two books of Euclid). – 1st prize Claudius Cato; 2nd, Wm. Speedy and Wm. Cato; Wm, Smith.
French (Charles XII. and first French book). -1st prize, Claudius Cato; 12nd, Wm. Walker; 3rd, Walter Harding and Wm. Cato.
English. – 1st prize, Wm. Palmer; 2nd, Hermann Beyer; 3rd, W. Bendall and J. LeQuesne.
Arithmetic. – 1st prize, Hermann Beyer; 2nd, John Burton; 3rd, Edmund Bourke
Writing. – 1st prize, Richard Jarman; 2nd, Hermann Beyer; 3rd, Wm. Bendall.
Geography. – 1st prize, George Edward Davy; 2nd, Wm. Palmer, 3rd, Joshua LeQuesne and Herbert Gilding.
History. – 1st prize, Dennis McCarthy; 2nd, Wm. Palmer; 3rd, Hermann Beyer.
English – 1st prize, Joseph Palmer; 2nd, Robert and J. Renouf; 3rd T. McCarthy and Arthur Jarman.
Arithmetic. – 1st prize, R. Renouf; 2nd Joseph Palmer, 3rd, Arthur Jarman.
Writing. – 1st prize, Joseph Palmer; 2nd, Robert Marshall; 3rd Thomas McCarthy.
Geography. – 1st prize, Edward Scarfe and Arch. Bryson; 2nd, R. Renouf; 3rd T. McCarthy.
English. – 1st prize, J. Connal; 2nd, Wm. Fielder; 3rd, Walter Jackson.
Writing. – 1st prize, H. Marshall; 2nd, Anthony Sinclair.
Arithmetic. – 1st prize, A. Sinclair; 2nd, Henry Marshall; 3rd, J. Hector Smith.
English. – 1st prize, Charles White; 2nd, A. Palmer and R. Skelton; 3rd P. Bisson and E. Grubb.
After the prizes had been distributed, Master Claudius Cato came forward and presented the head master, the Rev. J. Campbell, with a very handsome piece of plate, containing cut glass bottles and a suitable inscription engraved on the silver. He also read the following address on behalf of his schoolfellows: –
Dear Sir, – The boys of the upper forms have for some time felt a great desire to acknowledge in some way the very kind and patient manner which has always distinguished you in administering to us the different branches of instruction.
When the matter was first suggested, it was our intention to confine it wholly to the upper forms; but many of the younger boys having expressed an anxious wish to take part in this acknowledgement, we resolved to leave it open to the school.
We are quite aware we are no better than boys of other schools; and yet we have often heard comments of surprise at the forbearance we have experienced at your hand. This we think is proof of the fact that more attention can be obtained from boys where the master works upon the heart and conscience rather than he who trusts to the effect of the cane.
We are sure the present we now make as a token of our good feeling towards you will be increased in value by the fact that it has in many instances been purchased by great self-denial on the part of the givers.
Some of us will be leaving from different causes; but whether it be for other schools, or to enter on the world’s business, we shall ever look back with pleasure to the happy time of our schooldays in Napier.
The Rev. J. Campbell, in reply, thanked the boys for their very handsome present, and said he should value it not merely for its intrinsic worth, but for the good feeling which it manifested on the part of his pupils, and which he has much gratified to see existing in spite of those repressive measures which required to be taken in a large school to prevent disorder and confusion, and to enable the work to be carried on with success. He concluded by wishing his pupils a “Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.” Many of the parents and friends of the pupils were present.
The Girls’ Trust School broke up on Friday last. The Right Rev. the Primate, Rev. H.W. St., Hill, and Mr Tiffen examined the children, distributing the prizes. The following are the names of the prize-takers: –
Sixth Class. – General progress: 1st prize, C. Davis; 2nd, K. Harrison.
Fifth Class. – General progress: 1st prize, C. Schwabe; 2nd, Agnes Sutton.
Fourth Class. – General progress: 1st prize, A. Williamson; 2nd, J. Williamson.
Third Class. – General progress: 1st prize, M. Grant; 2nd, Emily Gill.
Second Class. – General progress: 1st prize, E. Badley; 2nd, Ellen Gill.
First Class. – General progress: 1st prize, T. Putman; 2nd, M. Renouf.
Primer. – General progress: M. Jones.
Alphabet. – 1st prize, M. Chigwidden.
Sixth Class. – Geography, K. Harrison; History, E. Clifton; Arithmetic, Kate Harrison; Grammar, C. Davis; Writing, K. Harrison.
Fifth Class. – Arithmetic – 1st prize, S. Queree; 2nd, C. Schwabe. Geography – L. LeMoignan. Grammar – A. LeMoignan. Writing – L. Hutchins.
Fourth Class: – Writing – A. Williamson.
Third Class: – Writing – Emily Gill.
First Division: – Good Conduct – Emma Cliften.
Second Division: – Good Conduct – Lizzie Pirani. Recitation Prizes – 1st, C. Schwabe; 2nd K. Sellars.
Sixth Class: – Hon. Mention – E. Faulknor, E., Clifton, M. Carruth, L. Burden.
Fifth Class: – Hon. Mention – S. Queree, B. McPherson, L. Hutchins.
Fourth Class: – Hon Mention – C. Queree, E., Badley, M. Oliver, P. Schwabe.
Third Class: – Hon Mention – J. Sellars, A. Williams, R. Price. E. Burden.
Second Class: – Hon. Mention – Lucy Grigg, A. Carruth, W. Holder, A. Holder.
First Class: – Hon Mention – A. Sellars, P. Butcher.
It is customary at the fall of the season, when people have purchased what they require, for Drapers to hold cheap Clearing Sales, but such is not our intention. On the contrary, in order to give the inhabitants of Napier and surrounding districts an opportunity of obtaining what they really want, we have selected this most festive season of the year to hold our Annual Clearing Sale. A perusal of our advertising column will carry home the fact that we are in earnest, – COMBS & CO. – [ADVT].
In reading the newspapers in this age of advancement and progress we are often amused to find so many fine words in the English language perverted to the base use of puffing Rags commonly called Drapery. R.H. Robinson uses plain English, and tells the public, in a few plain words, that he is selling far cheaper than those who look up Webster to find the grandest sentence. His great secret is few expenses; and the smallest profit, therefore, satisfies him. The reader of this paragraph might do worse than read his advertisement, and pay him a visit tomorrow. – [ADVT.]
25,000 ACRES LEASEHOLD, good title, low rent, and
112 acres Freehold near Gisborne with
20,000 sheep, and all necessary working improvements; the run divided into nine paddocks, all well watered and grassed.
11,000 acres Freehold, partially sown, all fenced and subdivided, good and substantial improvements, good road, within 30 miles of Napier.
11,000 Sheep, a few Cattle, and Horses
600 acres Lease, with right of purchase, within 12 miles of Napier, fenced and sub divided, comfortable house, shed &c., with
800 Sheep, and a few Cattle etc.
8,800 acres Leasehold, title good, rent moderate, excellent land near Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, with
3,000 sheep, with improvements, good house, shed and yards.
4,200 acres Freehold, within 12 miles of Gisborne.
11,000 acres Leasehold, good title, agricultural and pastoral land, Poverty Bay, a few improvements, with
3,000 Sheep, and a few Cattle
1,600 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay
1,200 acres Freehold, improved rich [?] land, Opotiki
340 acres Freehold, Mahia Peninsula
400 acres Patea District
750 acres, fenced and improved, Mongonui
4,030 acres Freehold, good improvements, near Masterton
2,000 acres rich agricultural Freehold, Thames Valley
10,000 acres Freehold, pastoral land with few improvements, Thames Valley
600 acres, in sections, at Woodville
40 acres Freehold, highly improved, at Havelock
3,000 acres Freehold, good agricultural and Pastoral land, near Wairoa, considerable improvement with
800 Sheep and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold, near Wairoa
4,000 acres Freehold, Near Wairoa, part improved, goop [good] house and woolshed, yards, etc., with
3,500 Sheep, a few Cattle and Horses.
Pure Merino Rams bred by H.W.P. Smith
Pure Merino Rams bred by D. McLean
Pure Merino Rams bred by Hon. H.R. Russell
Pure Merino Rams bred by Rich & Shrimpton
Pure Merino Rams bred by Hugh Campbell
Pure Merino Rams bred by D. Gollan
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by T. Kirkman
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Dudding
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by H. Sladden
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by W. Marcroft
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by P. Threlkeld
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Jackson & Russell
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Joseph May
Pure Lincoln Rams bred by Sutton Brothers
Pure Leicester Rams bred by B. McLean
Cotswolds Rams bred by G.D. Hamilton
240 Pure Merino Stud Ewes, Rich & Shrimpton
209 Pure Lincoln Stud Ewes, H. Sladen
500 cross-bred wedders Fat
200 cross-bred wedders Fat
200 cross-bred wedders Fat
1,200 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 6 tooth, immediate delivery
1,500 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 8 tooth, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, mixed immediate delivery
360 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,200 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,800 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 2-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
400 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 2-tooth, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, stores, 8-tooth, immediate delivery
1,500 ⅞ and ¾ bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, immediate delivery
3,000 ¾ bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, Culls, immediate delivery
2,000 cross-bred Wedders, 6 0 tooth and upwards, Culls, immediate delivery
1,000 cross-bred Wedders, 6-tooth and upwards, immediate delivery
2,000 Merino Wedders, stores, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
300 Merino Wedders, store, 6-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 Merino Wedders, store, 2 and 4-tooth, immediate delivery
1,000 Merino Wedders, store, 6 and 8-tooth, immediate delivery
3,000 Merino Wedders, stores, 8-tooth, immediate delivery
2,500 Merino Ewes, mixed ages, delivery in February
2,000 Merino Ewes, 8-tooth, delivery Feb.
4,000 Merino Ewes, Culls, delivery in March
1,100 Lambs, cross-bred, delivery in February
200 Pure Lincoln Ewes, aged, delivery in February
150 cross-bred Ewes, 2-tooth, delivery in February
1,500-tooth Ewes, out of ⅞ – Lincoln, delivery in March
1,500 8-tooth Ewes, out of ⅞ Lincoln, delivery in March
500 ¾ bred Ewes, mixed ages, with 90 per cent. Lambs given in, immediate delivery
1,500 cross-bred Cull Ewes, delivery February
3,000 cross-bred Cull Ewes, delivery February
1,000 ¾ – bred Costwold [Cotswold] Ewe Hoggets
4,500 ⅞ and ¾ bred Ewes, 2, 4, 6, and full, delivery in February
500 not under ⅞ Lincoln 2-tooth Ewes
2,000 Lambs, mixed sexes, Merino
3,000 Merino Wedders, 2 and 4-tooth
3,000 Merino Ewes, 2 and 4-tooth
5,000 Merino Ewes, 2, 4, and 6-tooth or
6,000 equal proportions, 2, 4, 6, and 8-tooth
Stock and Station Agent.
REMAINDER of Lease and Stock-in-Trade of a GENERAL STORE, in a commanding position.
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND MERCANTILE AGENCY COMPANY (LIMITED). On WOOL, and other Produce, consigned to the Company for sale in London, LIBERAL ADVANCES will be made.
For particulars, apply to the Agent at the Bank of New Zealand.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Patented throughout all the Colonies.
This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh 10 cwt. per mile, and costing £12 10s, versus 17 cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having 7 cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1000 tons sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves.
McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7
Per Annum, if paid in advance 1 6
Per Annum, if booked 1 10
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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