Weekly News Articles 1936




“I am satisfied this man was in a state of intoxication while in charge of a car. The time has arrived not only in my own opinion, but in the opinion of my brother magistrates for something more than a fine in such cases. Here was a boy knocked over; if he had been killed there would have been a charge of manslaughter. Fortunately, he was only injured, but this must be taken into consideration in imposing punishment. The onus in these cases is now on defendants to show cause why they should not be imprisoned. We must protect the public.”

The foregoing pronouncement was made by Mr. J. Miller, S. M., when in the Hastings Magistrate’s -Court last week, Reginald John Farrance May, aged 32, motor mechanic, of Hastings faced two charges, one of being in a state of intoxication while in charge of a motor vechicle [vehicle] and the other of driving negligently. Accused was convicted on both charges and was sentenced to one month’s imprisonment, while his licence was cancelled for six months.

The charges were the outcome of an accident at Haumoana on Sunday, September 20, when a boy, Ross Smith, was knocked down by a car driven by May, receiving a broken nose and other injuries.




At a conservative estimate, between £30,000 and £40,000 has been contributed by Mr. Gerhard Husheer, of Napier, to charitable objects during the five years of the depression, according to Mr. G. B. Young, chairman of the Napier Social Service Committee. Mr. Young said on Thursday that the committee had made available between £10,000 and £12,000 in goods of various descriptions in the past five years.

“This has been made possible by the constant generosity of Mr. Gerhard Husheer,” Mr. Young said. “Mr. Husheer has been giving between £6000 and £8000 to charitable objects every year for about five years while conditions of depression have been prevalent.

“There is no other man in the Southern Hemisphere whose beneficence and practical generosity has even approached that mark,” be added. “I question very much indeed if there is another man in this Dominion who gives £600 or £800 a year to charity. I have never known Mr. Husheer to refuse to give, and give generously, for a single case of genuine distress or need.



NAPIER, Thursday

The possibility that Flying-Officer A. E. Clouston may fly to New Zealand next Christmas is disclosed by his brother, Mr. F. N. Clouston, of Napier. Plans for such a flight had actually been completed last year and the airman was ready to leave when he was offered the post as chief test pilot at the Royal Air Force station at Farnborough.

“My brother had every intention of flying to New Zealand last Christmas and had actually asked me in an airmail letter to make preparations for a secret landing at Motueka.” said Mr. Clouston.

“Thereupon, I despatched plans of the landing ground at Motueka to England.”

Mr. Clouston added that his brother had postponed the flight to New Zealand indefinitely, but probably would undertake it next Christmas. In the flight as originally planned he intended to use his own two-seater de Soutter aeroplane, but he had since received offers of machines with speeds of about 200 miles an hour.


Hawke’s Bay


Hastings Shoppers Contemplate Disorder


THE blow has fallen – and I went to the meeting all about the Hastings half-holiday. What will happen remains to be seen. Three-quarters of Hastings town intends to close its shop doors on Saturday and the balance on Thursday – and there you have it – so I must be busy with my notes to try and avert the ruin that Thursday supporters are confident awaits me. It’s been a grand free advertisement throughout the country though, and its not often you get that for “sic a muckle fash aboot naething.”

The long looked for play, “The Shining Hour,” by Keith Winter, acted by the Hawke’s Bay Little Theatre Society, and produced in the Municipal Theatre, Hastings, by Miss Elizabeth Lee, was a very creditable performance, though opinions would certainly differ as to the ultimate working out of the plot. Too many of us have been reared in the old faiths to take kindly to the destruction of a young life that two middle – aged neurotics should satisfy their lust for possession; but apart from that the audience was certainly held and the play “put over.”


In an exceptionally strong cast Mrs. Beryl Whitlock who is strengthening her own art by the experience which she is gaining as judge at drama festivals, stood out with her portrayal of Mariella, and her frocks were a feature of every act. Miss Julia Herrick, though young and inexperienced, did very good work as Judy, and Mrs. John Kelsey, in the character part of the spinster sister, was very satisfying. Allan Maxwell, John Kelsey, and Mick Clifton filled the men’s parts and gave good interpretations of the varying characters. ‘


In accordance with the latest ideas on play production, no “curtains” were taken at the end, and though “the play’s the thing” when an audience has been sitting tense for some hours watching the development of a plot, it is almost a relief to see the cast on the stage at the end and really know that they are alive and well and able to accept the few bouquets that they have so well earned. The audience is out for a “night out” too, a fact which is sometimes overlooked by those who seek to uplift and educate! A party was held at the aerodrome afterward however, and there Little Theatre members and their friends had the opportunity of bestowing congratulations.


With Miss Hull and Christchurch having jubilee celebrations, free kindergartens seem to be well in the limelight. Hastings Free Kindergarten Council felt specially pleased with itself when the annual street collection surpassed all previous efforts now totalling over £60. Mrs. Bauchop (president), Miss Ford (secretary), and Miss Jeanie Shaw (treasurer), expressed themselves as well pleased with the result, and smiles floated round the turret room of Roachs’ where the thousands of threepenny bits were totted up to pounds. Now everyone is dressing dolls to charm the hearts of the bairns at the show as the final effort for the year toward their own Hastings Free Kindergarten.


At a literary circle of the Napier Townswomen’s Guild held in the Nurses’ Club room, an entertaining afternoon was spent listening to original paragraphs by the members, and a review of the life of Harold Williams, of New Zealand and the book of his life, “Cheerful Giver,” written by his Russian wife Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams, given by Mrs. Lovell Smith, a members of the Hastings Townswomen’s Guild. Mrs. Bruce Barnett presided, and when presenting a bouquet to the speaker thanked her for bringing to their notice a man who had served with such honour his day, and generation.


A view from underneath part of the colonnade on the Marine Parade, showing the Veronica’s Bell and a fresh building work in progress in the background. Lawns and beds of flowers laid out along the parade now make an attractive picture.

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Format of the original

Newspaper articles

Date published

7 October 1936


The Weekly News


  • Mrs Bruce Barnett
  • Mrs Bauchop
  • Mick Clifton
  • A E Clouston
  • F N Clouston
  • Miss Ford
  • Miss Julia Herrick
  • Gerhard Husheer
  • John Kelsey
  • Miss Elizabeth Loe
  • Mrs Lovell-Smith
  • Allan Maxwell
  • Reginald John Farrance May
  • J Miller
  • Miss Jeanie Shaw
  • Ross Smith
  • Mrs Beryl Whitlock
  • Keith Winter
  • G B Young

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