25th October 1862 Boarded the “Devonshire” for New Zealand.
1 Nov. Log of mutton rc [recieved]
8 Nov. Main [?] rc
10th Cow
24th Nov American Ship Neptune
2 Jan 1863 Sitting with Capt. Holt all afternoon making his anemometer
21st Discussing centrifugal [?] Capt. H. from 8 to 10.30 and again on the 22nd from 8 to 11.
3rd Feb 1863 Sighted New Zealand
7th Feb 1863 Landed at Auckland
8th Feb 1863 Wreck of H.M.S. Orpheus on Manakau Bar. “wrapped ourselves up in blankets & lay down on the floor”
12th Feb. 1863 “To Land Office”
13th Feb Unpacked & brought home our [?]; put it together in afternoon.
15th Feb Inspecting farmland.
17th Feb Walking about Dr. Hole’s farm at Papakura; learning to drive bullocks
23rd Feb Unpacked copper: [?] grindstone. 24 & 5 Washing nearly all day.
3rd March Sailed for Whangarei to inspect properties.
6th March Stayed the night, perched up on a shelf in the roof.
14th March 1863 Returned to Auckland.
16th March 1863 “Turning up grindstone in afternoon”
“Williams spent the evening with us.”
20th March 1863 “Fred left for Coromandel by steamer”
21st March 1863 “Went to tea with Williams at Clearmont House”.
1st April Reached Raglan … very tired & glad to get to our journeys end
6th April Back in Auckland
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