Landmarks Trust

Talks given by various people, organised by the Landmarks Trust; newsletters, newspaper articles relating to Stoneycroft


8 items


72 items

Napoleon Bonaparte - Di Taylor

Newbigin Family - Jim Newbigin

Nimon & Sons Ltd - Bill Nimon

Oakeshott Family - Cherry Dingemans

Overseas Aid - Barbara Walker

Pickle Factory - Pat Taylor

Progressive Meats - Craig Hickson

Red Cross - Joan Cockburn

Reginald Gardiner - Mark von Dadelszen

Richmond's - Hamilton Logan

Shanley Surveying - Colin Shanley

Soil and Water Science - Peter Lester & Dexter McGhie

Soma - Harold Trigg

Stortford Lodge Hotel - Byron Buchanan

Te Mata Estate - John Buck

Te Mata Park Trust - Mike Devonshire

Thomson's Suits - Angus and Michael Thomson

Tomoana Freezing Works - David Gusscott