All land was freehold by 1906, converted from dairying to sheep running by 1909, and on his death in 1932 the holding passed to his daughter Eva.
Sam Brabazon took a vital interest in district affairs and his diaries provide an unequalled historical record of early events and his participation in them.
Photo caption – Sam Brabazon and his Grandson Arthur 1916
Campaign for a School
From early 1900 residents of Garfield had felt that their district could be well served by a school, easier access for the children, as well as a centrepoint for the area. However, debate was to continue.
“At a meeting of householders of Garfield, South Norsewood, held at Mr. A. Olsen’s residence on January 26th, to consider the position re side-school, the following resolution was ordered to be sent to the Education Board, through the School Committee. Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Alf. Baines –
“That this meeting views with regret the attitude taken up by the headmaster of Norsewood School towards the proposed side-school at Garfield. While telling the Committee and individuals that it did not matter a snap of a finger to him one way or the other, we are informed that he has done, and is still doing, all in his power against it. He was told in a meeting of the School Committee that if he could show any valid reason against the establishment of the side-school it would not be pressed. He was also aware that the principle was laid down that the present staff of Norsewood School must not be interfered with. The Board were informed by the Committee that they would be expected to find a teacher if the side-school was granted. In the face of these facts we think Mr Watson’s bitter hostility is, to say the least, ill-advised, and it has created considerable feeling against him in the district. We were informed some time ago that the Rev. Mr. Grant had been deputed by the Education Board to visit us. We should have been pleased to see him and give him every opportunity of verifying the particulars which were placed before the Board, but so far the Rev. gentleman has evidently been unable to fulfil his mission, for we have not been favoured with the promised visit.
We, the householders in Garfield, respectfully request the Hawkes Bay Education Board to re-consider their decision not to grant a side-school at Garfield for the following reasons, viz:-
1. We will provide a suitable building if the Board supplies a teacher and the necessary furniture.
2. We recognise the fact that we are not far enough away from Norsewood to have a main school. But we plead for the little ones who are too young to travel the distance. Children who have more than two miles to walk cannot be sent to school until they are seven or eight years old, which means that [rest of excerpt not available]
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