Hastings Marriage Counselling Service Report 1976



Officers and Committee Members.

Patron:   Mr. R.V. Giorgi.

Chairman:  Mr. B. B. Higgins.

Vice President:  Mr. A. J. McNeur.

Hon. Vice Presidents:  The Rev. J. M. Pascoe.
Mr. M. Moloney.
Dr. D. A. Ballantyne.
Mr. A. H. Downer.

Secretary/Receptionist:  Mrs. G. B. Moran.

Hon. Treasurer:  Mr. W. A. Pascoe.

Auditor:  Mr. P. R. Howell.

Committee:  Mr. A Crocket.
Mrs. M. Darroch.
Mr. P. T. Gifford.
Mrs. R.V. Giorgi.
Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Hay.
Mrs. J. S. Hopkirk.
The Rev. A.W. Howard.
Mrs. E. M. Kidd.
Mr. H. Lyver.
Mrs. V. D. Plank.
Mrs. L. Smith.
Mrs. M. Struthers.
Mrs. E. J. Velvin.
Miss. B. Waring.
Mr. W. H. Wilms.
Mr. D. Flanagan.

Chairman’s Report.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report of the above organisation for the year ending 30th, June 1976.

There was a solid core of twelve members of the executive attending our monthly meetings which were held on the second Monday of each month.  One of our main strengths was enthusiasm and I was very fortunate once again to have the pleasure of acting as Chairman to a group of people who are very gifted in the various facets of the Council’s work.

Brenda Waring returned to the executive after a year away at Massey College, and also continued as a member of the National Council.

It will be obvious from the Counselling, Education and Tutor Trainees reports that we have had a very active year, and it is naturally very pleasing that our services have been utilised to a greater extent than ever before.  However it is a very sad commentary on our society when one notes the continuing high demand for the services of our Counsellors.

Mrs. Margaret Darroch has again carried a heavy responsibility as Chairman of Counsellors, and I take this opportunity of thanking her, her fellow Counsellors, Supervisors and Chaperones for their efforts during the last twelve months.  Their dedication and financial sacrifice is very much appreciated, and the need for more Counsellors is becoming acute.

However we were very pleased that Mrs. Jean Sanders and Mr. Harry Lyver were accepted as Counsellors during the year, and that Mr. Lyver has commenced training and will be counselling in the next few months.


Our appreciation is also due to Mrs. Zephne Hopkirk and her Education Committee for their efforts during the year.  The future of our Engaged Couples’ courses is in doubt, as to the part they will play in future activities.  It is becoming apparent that this particular aspect of our work will need to become more generalised, and cater for not only engaged couples, but also newly weds, and those living in a permanent de facto relationship.  I feel that the latter category is now such an established fact of our society, we should be prepared to accept these couples and assist them, with a view to guiding them into marriage, if this be their desire.

The progress of our Tutor Trainees is very little short of amazing, and already the call on their services is remarkable in it’s demand.  We are very indebted initially to Mrs. Joan Velvin, who, with Mrs. Hopkirk’s assistance, was instrumental in establishing and training this group.  Latterly, Mrs. Velvin has found the various calls on her time too demanding, and we have been very fortunate in acquiring the services of Mrs. Marion Kiddle, who, with her outstanding qualifications has fitted into the position of leader to the benefit of everybody concerned.

Mr. Pascoe will later present his financial report, and it will be obvious to you that we are very fortunate in having the services of his expertise and wise counsel.  Our finances are in a satisfactory state, and we thank the public for their donations; particularly the Hastings City Council, and the Hastings Rotary Club, from whom a substantial donation was received towards the cost of purchasing a projector.

During 1974/75 a successful publicity campaign was carried out – so successful that we were placed ‘in a cleft stick’ during the last twelve months, with demands on our time, particularly our Counsellors.

We would like to be in a position to carry out further publicity this year as it is so important that people requiring assistance should receive it.

We are continually attempting to increase our Counsellor and Tutor staff, and welcome enquiries from people who consider they have the necessary attributes to carry out our work.

I take this opportunity of thanking Mr. Michael Dunk and the staff of the Community Social Service for their co-operation and help to us in our work.

During the year Mrs Margaret Kelleher, one of our experienced Counsellors was forced to resign, and we thank her for many hours of work on our behalf, and we hope that she will see her way clear to giving us the opportunity of utilising her talents again some time in the future.

We also regret the transfer of a very enthusiastic younger member, Mr. Bruce Myers, to American Samoa.  However we extend our best wishes to he and Mrs. Myers for a happy and satisfying future in their new work.

We also extend our best wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Glen Feigler in their retirement in Auckland.  Both Mr. & Mrs. Feigler have been active members of the Council.  Our appreciation is also due to Mr. Howell, our Auditor, and I also wish to thank personally Messrs. Crocket and McNeur for their moral support and advice during the past year.  Our deep appreciation is also due to our Secretary, Mrs. Gwen Moran for her dedication to a position which has it’s difficulties; however her ability to handle all situations has been instrumental in our Council enjoying an excellent reputation for understanding and tolerance.

Finally my very special thanks to my fine committee for their support and co-operation throughout the year.

On behalf of my committee,




In this year ending June 1976, we have held our usual three Pre-Marriage courses, about which we will have trouble making it known to those involved.  We are considering the relevance of these courses being more useful after, rather than before marriages, which founder too often from the first year onward.

The slides of ‘Sex Education in the Young Family’ have been presented to several interested organisations this year.  The Tutors have also moved on to the middle childhood years and are currently planning a course for 3rd form pupils, and a marriage enrichment course.  The Tutor Training programme is in it’s second year, with one new Tutor accepted in this year’s selection.  This brings our total for the Napier-Hastings group to five, three being from Hastings.


We also have a new group Leader, Mrs. Marion Kiddle, who is proving as efficient and as popular as her predecessor, Mrs. Joan Velvin, who had found her time too over-committed to enable her to continue.

The Tutors are having increasing demands on their time as they become known and available to help in Human Relations programmes.

Their services are available to all age groups from babyhood to adulthood

I should like to thank both Mrs. Velvin and Mrs. Liddle, and the Tutors for their very fine contribution to the Community Welfare.  My thanks also to my untiring secretary, Mrs. Kidd.

Zephne Hopkirk,
Chairman Ed. Committee.



Napier & Hastings Marriage Counselling Services.

This sub-committee involves all Napier and Hastings Counsellors and Supervisors. Monthly meetings alternate between Hastings and Napier Marriage Counselling rooms.  In service training is an essential part of the meetings.  Case studies are presented and discussed, individual areas of difficulty or concern are reviewed, and when available, teaching material is used.  Appropriate people in the community are invited to address us on occasions, or a visiting speaker from another area or country who we are fortunate to have in the town.

At the beginning of this year we had eight practising Counsellors, five accredited and three in training.  During the year one of the accredited Counsellors and one in-training Counsellor resigned. One new Counsellor in training commenced in Hastings, and a further two candidates have passed Dominion selection, and are waiting to commence training.  The present situation in both Councils is as follows:-

Napier.   Hastings.
Accredited Counsellors   2   2
Counsellors in Training   0   3
Those awaiting training   1   1

At present there is some delay in the Counsellor training programme throughout the country, but despite this, we would welcome the names of interested persons as possible future Counsellors, particularly men, as they are well out-numbered by women Counsellors.

Supervisors and Consultant.  We are most grateful for the valuable on-going training and assistance given us by the professional people in both Napier and Hastings who are prepared to act as Supervisors and Consultants.  The support and constructive help given to individual Counsellors by their Supervisors is an integral part of their training and development, and is very much appreciated. The Consultants in various fields are readily available to assist and answer questions relating to their particular disciplines, and we are grateful for their continued interest.  Comparative figures for the years interviews are as follows:-

Napier.   Hastings.
1974/5;   1975/6;   1974/5;   1975/6;
Total Interviews kept.   175   183   312   389
New Cases.   64,   87   66 (excluding C.C.)   117 (including C.C.)

I would like to thank all Executive and Committee members for their interest and hard work; the Counsellors and Supervisors for their support during the year, and last but certainly not least the splendid work of Mrs. Scott, Napier, and Mrs. Moran, Hastings, our untiring secretaries.  Their patience in dealing with voluntary workers is admirable; their considerate and helpful manner with the clients, and their efficiency in arranging interviews is greatly appreciated by us all.  It is to be remembered that their role as first contact when clients telephone or call is a highly important one, and we are fortunate to have two people in whom we have such trust and confidence,.

Margaret Darroch,
Chairman Couns. Committee.



I have pleasure in presenting the accounts for the year ended June 30th 1976.

We ended the year with a satisfactory Bank balance.  Pleasing features were the increased donations from clients, continued support from the Hastings City Council, and a generous donation from the Hastings Rotary Club.  The higher receipts for conciliation were due directly to the greater activity of Counsellors in conciliation work in the 1975 year.

The greater expenditure on salaries came about because our Secretary is now employed for 15 hours a week instead of 10 as before, and because of increases in the hourly rate.  Expenditure was watched closely and we were able to contain, and in some instances reduce most other items.

To finance our activities we depend on grants from the National Marriage Guidance Council of New Zealand.  The National Council is funded by grants from the Justice Dept., and it’s activities have been restricted by the Government’s current curbs on spending.  Individual Councils have been strictly budgeted during the year.  The National Council has had problems in paying grants to the individual Councils by due dates.  There were occasions when it seemed we were in danger of running out of funds, but cheques came just in time.  We would like the National Council to know that we understand it’s difficulties and appreciate it’s consideration.

W. A. Pascoe, Treasurer.

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