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Heretaungan, The, 1946

Hastings High School, 1946
Chairman – E. J. W. HALLETT, Esq.
Mrs. T. A. HILL
H. de DENNE, Esq.
A. D. ROSS, Esq.
Secretary and Treasurer – W. L. GRAY.
Principal – W. A. G. PENLINGTON, M. A.
S. I. JONES, M. A. (1st Asst.)
R. J. M. FOWLER, M. A.
N. WILDE, B. A., M. Sc.
C. B. FLOYD, B. Sc.
S. ROCKEL, M. A., B. Com.
Miss M. A. STEELE, M. A.
Miss M. R. WALLIS, M. A.
Miss M. I. WOODS, B. A., Dip. Ed.
Mrs E. A. LINYARD, M. A.
Miss N. M. M. BULLEN, M. A.
Miss O. A. LUKE, Dip. H. Sc.
Miss L. M. ALLISON, M. A.
Miss C. G. WAY
Mrs. W. M. MORTON, Dip. Art.
Miss J. M. CHILD, M. A.
Miss G. M. SLATER, Dip. H. Sc.
Sister NORMAN – Home-Nursing.
H. G. WALL – Woodwork.
Mrs. E. N. SUNLEY, – Typiste
W. C. COLLINS – School Caretaker.
J. DEVINE – Groundsman.

Once again another year has almost passed behind us, and we look towards the last day of school in 1946.
For many there will be the pleasure of holidays ahead of them. They will be back at the end of six or seven weeks, back to the “grind” – and the fun.
But for a great number too, this year will see the close of their school lives, and the opening of the doors leading into the future. For these, “Break-up” will not seem such a happy occasion. Their feelings will hold no small amount of regret.
Perhaps, too, some of us who are about to join the ever-growing ranks of the Old-Pupils are in some doubt as to our future. Let us remember this. Whatever we may become – teachers, shop-assistants, lawyers, boot-makers – our work is important. There are two kinds of teachers, and two kinds of boot-makers. The one who does his work merely to gain a living or earn a good wage, and the one who puts his heart and soul into it, who has a desire to serve, who gives of his best, and knows that it is his best. He will have the satisfaction of knowing that he has taken all that his Education is able to give him; for Education is not, as some people think, the mere “stuffing” of our brains with facts about Latin verbs, eccentric poets, or the Nine-Point Circle. It is the means of broadening our minds, of teaching us to appreciate the beautiful things around us, and of developing our characters.
Perhaps the “youngsters” of the school will rather scoff at this idea, but they too, will find, as we who are now in the upper-school have found, that as each year passes, these things become more important to us. It is then that we begin to understand our purpose in life, and to aim at a standard of living which will be a credit to ourselves and to our schools, and which will make for a better world, a world free from cruelty, avarice, and oppression.
This is the motto of one of England’s leading Public Schools, Winchester, and is indisputably true.
Essentially it means that a man is not a really full man unless he has the advantage of manners. Of necessity it must mean that he must have a standard or a pattern to work upon. The manners of a man, reflect his breeding and training for life. No really great men in this world became great unless he had intelligence and manners. Those men had high standards to live up to, and their subsequent rise to the top was to a large extent the result of pleasant manners.
The manners of a schoolboy are the result of home training, and are reflected in the attitude with which a boy regards his school. If he realises that whatever he does while wearing the school colours is attributed to the School, then he will act accordingly. The more interest he takes in the smartness of his uniform the better for the School as a whole. The School is judged on the manners of those who wear its colours, and they in their turn, look for their example from those in authority.
Do not imagine that a well-mannered person is a weakling. The greatest military leaders and statesmen have been the most courteous and well-mannered. The courteous man is strong because he has the ability to humble himself in the presence of a greater being. The Duke of Wellington, whom all will recognise as one of our greatest leaders, had the courtesy to answer every circular and letter he received. These are some of his replies.
“Field-Marshal Duke of Wellington presents his complaints to Mrs. Somers and must have more starch in his collars”. “Field-Marshal Duke of Wellington has just received a long communication from Mr. Eisenberg. The Duke begs to say he has no corns, and never means to have any. The Duke never wore a tight boot in his life. It is his opinion that if there were no boots there would be no corns. The Duke feels no interest whatsoever in knowing the people who have corns – quite the contrary. Every man who has them deserves to have them. The Duke begs to contradict an error of Mr. Eisenberg’s. He can safely say that Queen Charlotte never had any corns in her life.”
Could a weakling write frank replies like these? They are the words of a well-bred Englishman. The very fact that he answered every circular showed his admirable courtesy.
Our own School motto is comparable to “Manners Makyth Man”. “Akina” means go hard, not only for sport, but for exams, for efficiency and for a well-mannered School with an uncompromising high tone. So called peace has come, but the time has come for every pupil in this School, whether senior or junior, to make an effort to maintain the tone of the school. Our old pupils have as proud a War record as those of any school in the Dominion. Let us not forget their sacrifices, rather let us honour their memory by doing our utmost to keep the standards of the School as high as humanly possible. Akina.
(A.P.J., B.R.J.)
(With acknowledgments to the “Herald-Tribune”)
Once more the School Hall was packed to capacity with parents, old pupils, and friends, for our Break-up Ceremony, which was held last year in the afternoon. The school was very fortunate in having Lieut-Colonel C. M. Bennett, D. S. O., former commander of the Maori Battalion, to give the address. Others on the platform were Mr. E. L. Cullen, M. P, His Worship the Mayor, Mr. A. I. Rainbow, the Rt. Rev, F. A. Bennett, Bishop of Aotearoa; the Principal, members of the Staff and members of the Board of Governors. The chairman of the board, Mr. E. J. W. Hallett, presided.
In the past it has been customary for the Break-Up Ceremony to be held in the evening, and some of us felt that tradition had had a wrench when we learned that last year’s function was to take place in the afternoon. Although we missed the exhilarating atmosphere an evening Break-Up always seemed to create, the afternoon ceremony was a great success. We would willingly have had it in the morning, noon or night for the privilege of hearing Lieut-Colonel Bennett speak.
“A source of continual inspiration to the school has been, and long will remain, the splendid record of its Old Boys in the war,” Mr. Penlington said in his report. “It has been our privilege to maintain some contact with all those whom we could reach, by sending them the school magazine and the mid-year newsletter and by frequent exchange of correspondence. Their letters have been read with close interest at morning assembly, and some of the men who have returned from overseas have given us excellent talks on their experiences.”
It has been particularly gratifying to receive visits from many old pupils in the fighting services. The Visitors’ Book contains the record of 442 such visits since the War began.
“We have been proud to record the names of over 800 who have served overseas, including nine old girls and six masters and ex-masters; 44 decorations and distinctions were awarded them,” he said. “The school will always hold in honoured memory the 89 Old Boys who gave their lives in the war.”
Colonel Bennett prefaced his remarks by stating that the formidable reputation won by boys of the school on the battlefield, the sports field and in the academic realm was such that any association in any function as that being held was felt by the speaker to be an honour. He also appreciated the gesture towards the Maori people in general and the Maori Battalion in particular, to be asked to stand before those present on their behalf.
When referring to prizes, the speaker recalled an incident when he was a pupil at Te Aute College that by accident, or by lack of balance on the part of the examiners, he won a scholarship. The result was announced at assembly when he was not present, and the news of his success was conveyed to him through a friend at the college.
“I asked my friend what the Head said about me, and whether he said I was a good chap and a credit to the school. My friend said no mention of
this had been made by the Head. I asked if the Head had said anything at all and my friend replied, “He said if Bennett could win a scholarship, all the rest of the boys in the college could win one too,” said Colonel Bennett amid laughter.
Colonel Bennett said prizes were like decorations on the battlefield – all earned them, and the commanders felt that they would like to give them to every man – but such action would destroy the purpose of the awards. “And so we have just to pick out the favoured few,” he said.
“I extend my congratulations to those of you who have won prizes. To those of you who were not so fortunate, I say that the winning or gaining of a prize is not necessarily the stamp of a superior being.”
Education was not merely specialising in one subject, continued the speaker. The human body was made up of chemical elements, but the body was more than a total of many components. Education also was the ability to concentrate all one had learnt at school and project it into one’s mode of living so that one could become a better man.
The person who can temper his mode of living by what he has learnt at school is the person who has gained the ultimate in education,” he added.
The speaker told the boys and girls that their social behaviour should be based on the Christian formula of doing one’s duty to one’s neighbour. “You have the peculiar position of having two neighbours – the pakeha and your younger brother, the Maori.”
The Maori race in New Zealand was young compared with the pakeha race. He had only been 100 years in this civilisation, but he had done very well indeed, in that 100 years (applause).
“You are on the threshold of life,” said Lieut-Colonel Bennett in conclusion, “Before you lie many trials and tribulations of the world. As you come to the crossroads and you don’t know whether to turn left or right, think back what your school means to you and go forth with courage.”
At the conclusion of his speech, Lieut-Colonel Bennett presented the prizes, and Graham Will, head prefect, moved a vote of thanks to the speaker.
Form IIIa – Pamela Dyson, 1st Art: Gillian di Menna, 1st equal English, 1st equal Science, 1st Geography; Heather Reid, 1st French; Jean Ritchie, 1st Mathematics; Margaret Will, 1st Dressmaking; Joan Scott, 1st Arithmetic, 2nd in Form; Marjorie Ward, 1st equal English, 1st equal Science, 1st History, 1st in Form.
Form IIIg – Raemyn Harris, 1st Handicraft and Drawing; Iris Kay, 1st Arithmetic; Hilary Maddox, 1st History; Jeanette McDermott, 1st Physiology and Home Nursing; Ngaire Usherwood, 1st Science, 1st Dressmaking; Marjorie
McCallum, 2nd in Form; Claire Knowles, 1st English, 1st Geography, 1st Mathematics, 1st in Form.
Form IIIf – Norma Delaney, 1st Art, 1st Physiology and First Aid; Dora Toulmin, 1st Equal Dressmaking; Shirley Proctor, 2nd in Form; Nanette Steele, 1st English, 1st French, 1st Geography, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st Science, 1st Equal Dressmaking, 1st in Form.
Form III Commercial – Yvonne Cook, 1st Mathematics; Janet McCue, 1st Drawing; Peggy Murton, 1st Dressmaking, 1st Science; Thelma Pearce, 1st Geography; Lexia McGregor, 1st English, 1st History, 1st Physiology and Home Nursing, 2nd in Form; Dawn Patterson, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Shorthand and Typing, 1st in Form.
Form IVa – Set I – Shona McDonald, 1st Science; Joyce Martin, 1st Geography; Ea Neilson, 1st Cookery, 1st Home Nursing and Physiology; Margaret Rainey, 1st Drawing; Margaret Hall, 2nd in Form; Ngaire Dudding, 1st English, 1st French, 1st History, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st in Form.
Form IVa Set II – Kathleen Bixley, 1st Drawing; Etain Jones, 1st Home Science, 1st Home Nursing and Physiology; Anne Rogers, 1st English; Constance Verry, 1st French, 1st Arithmetic; Molly Wakefield, 1st Mathematics, 1st History, 1st in Form.
Form IVb – Lorna McNaughton, 1st Shorthand and Typing; Barbara Blyth, 1st Dressmaking, 1st English, 1st Handicrafts, 2nd in Form; Myrtle Lambert, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Home Science, 1st Cookery, 1st Geography, 1st History, 1st Drawing, 1st Physiology and Home Nursing, 1st Bookkeeping, 1st in Form.
Form V Commercial – Rae Lascelles, 1st English, 1st Shorthand and Typing; Dawn Knuckey, 1st Bookkeeping, 1st equal Geography. 2nd in Form; Audrey Stokes, 1st Arithmetic, 1st equal Geography, 1st in Form.
Form Vb – Joyce Anderson, 1st Mathematics; Helen Cody, 1st Arithmetic; Lois Bartle, 2nd in Form; Betsy Cowan, 1st English, 1st French, 1st History, 1st Home Science, 1st Drawing, 1st in Form.
Form Va – Heather Hunter, 1st Home Science; Betty Janett, 1st Mathematics; Beverley Maddox, 1st English; Lesley Rowson, 1st French; Betty Ritchie, 1st History, 2nd in Form; Janet Hellyer, 1st Arithmetic, 1st in Form.
Form VIb – Jennifer Bond, 1st Latin, 1st equal French; Wenda Heald, 1st English, 1st equal French.
Form VIa – Shirley Hannah, Dux.
Form IIIe – L. D. Brough, 1st Arithmetic; W. D. Crombie, 1st English; K. L. Price, 1st History; K. T. Thomas, 1st Geography; A. D. Austin, 1st Mathematics, 1st Business Methods, 2nd in Form; I. R. Liddington, 1st Drawing, 1st Woodwork, 1st Engineering, 1st in Form.
Form IIIg – J. R. S. Clouston, 1st Engineering; J. A. Duthie, 1st Drawing, 1st Business Methods, 2nd in Form; D. J. Macmillan, 1st Woodwork; A. A. Morgan, 1st equal Form III Science, 1st equal Geography, 2nd in Form; M. M. Morris, 1st English, 1st History, 1st equal Geography, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st in Form.
Form IIIc – D. J. Barriball, 1st equal English, 1st French, 1st Latin; C. M. Payne, 1st equal Form III Science; A. J. Snell, 1st equal English, 1st History; D. A. Yule, 1st Geography; S. Goldman, 2nd in Form; E. Harper, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st Bookkeeping, 1st in Form.
Form IVc – B. B, Carrodus, 1st English; B. J. Foster, 1st History; N. H. Nielson, 2nd Form IV Science; Q. N. Thompson, 1st Geography, 1st Bookkeeping; H. F. Priest, 1st Mathematics, 2nd in Form; B. F. Tuohy, 1st French, 1st Latin, 1st in Form.
Form IVg – S. I. Robson, 1st Geography; L. G. Hargrave, 1st English; J. Macintyre, 1st History, 1st Form IV Science; A. H. Millar, 1st French; P. I. Berry, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 2nd in Form; P. G. Liley, 1st Drawing, 1st in Form.
Form IVe – M. A. C. Gurran, 1st History, 1st Geography; R. W. Pearson, 1st English; L. L. Leeves, 2nd in Form; N. F. Tong, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st Woodwork, 1st Engineering, 1st in Form.
Form Vb – B. H. Barton, 1st Engineering; R. P. Henty, 1st History; G. L. Mackersey, 1st Biology; G. J. Scott, 1st English; R. L. Stewart, 1st Geography; M. Upchurch, 1st French, 2nd in Form; R. K. Wattie, 1st Arithmetic, 1st Mathematics, 1st Electricity, 1st in Form.
Form Va – J. N. Bradshaw, 1st Drawing; M. H. Downer, 1st Mathematics; L. M. Rush- Munro, 1st Geography, 1st Biology; P. L. Tucker, 1st Electricity; R. G. Yule, 1st History; J. G. Martin, 1st English, 1st French, 1st Latin, 2nd in Form; T. J. B. Ritchie, 1st Arithmetic, 1st in Form.
Form VIb – B. S. Liley, 1st Pure Mathematics, 1st Science; G. B. Thorpe, 1st Applied Mathematics: J. H. N. Waymouth, 1st History.
Form VIa – G. M. Will, Dux.
Girls’ Senior Swimming Champion – Betty Ritchie.
Girls’ Junior Swimming Champion – Dawn Cash.
Girls’ Inter-house Swimming Cup – Blue House, (Capt. Betty Janett).
Girls’ Tennis Cup – Daisy Tupaea.
Girls’ Inter-house Cricket Cup – (presented by Miss McMullan) Gold House (Capt. Catherine Stirling).
Inter-house Basketball Cup – Purple House, (Capt. Zeta Thompson).
D.I. Junior Cup – (Capt. Isobel Thompson).
Girls’ Sports Champion – 1945 – Shirley Meads.
Boys’ Steeplechase Cup (Senior) – L. F. Cassin.
Boys’ Steeplechase Cup (Junior) – S. Woon.
Boys’ Inter-house Steeplechase Cup, (Senior) – Gold House, (Capt. G. C. Apperley).
Boys’ Inter-house Steeplechase Cup (Junior) – Gold House, (Capt. G. C. Apperley).
Neil Dawson Cup, Senior Swimming Champion – L. Cash.
Junior Swimming champion – T. Culver.
Boys’ Inter-house Swimming Cup – Green House, (Capt. G. M. Will).
Boys’ Inter-house Jumping Cup – Gold House, (Capt. G. C. Apperley).
Standing: Mabel Esler, Betty Janett, Lynette Castles, Janet Hellyer, Catherine Stirling.
Sitting: Lesley Rowson, Beverley Sharpin (Head), Heather Hunter.
Standing: J. G. Martin, J. A. F. Garrick, R. L. Woon, R. J. Custance, K. N. Le Comte,
Sitting: J. R. Nimon, R. M. Sturm, J. H. N. Waymouth (Head), J. N. Joll, K. C. Barley.
120 yards hurdles cup – L. F. Cassin.
Inter-house Half-mile – Gold House (Capt. G.C. Apperley).
Inter-house Relay Baton – Gold House, (Capt. G. C. Apperley).
Boys’ Tennis Cup – K. N. Le Comte.
Dickson Memorial Cup for Inter-house football – Gold House, (Capt. G. C. Apperley)
Hastings H. S. O. B. Football Club’s Cup, for most improved player of year – J. H. N. Waymouth.
Horace Brooke-Taylor Memorial Cup – No. 4 and A. T. C. platoons (equal) Sgts. Robertson and Le Comte.
Cricket Bowling Average Cup – G. C. Apperley.
Champion Rifle Shot – Sgt. G. C. Apperley.
Boys’ Sports Champion 1945 – L. F. Cassin.
Home Nursing Prize – Nola Corbin.
Winning Form, Girls’ Drill – Form 4b.
Girls’ Drill Champion – Frances Roberts.
Head Prefects’ Plaques – Joanna Lockie and G. M. Will.
Dux of School – Shirley G. Hannah, and G. M. Will, (equal)
University Entrance Scholarship – Shirley Hannah, (Credit pass).
Science Bursary – G. M. Will.
Higher Leaving and University Entrance (Accredited) – Jennifer Bond, Gwen Dixon, Betty Graham, Wenda Heald, Joanna Lockie, Margaret Mosley, Beverley Sharpin, Catherine Stirling, Zeta Thompson, Pamela Totty, K. C. Barley, L. A. Bowen, L. F. Cassin, K. N. Le Comte, R. J. Custance, J. A. F. Garrick, N. V. Herries, J. N. Joll, B. S. Liley, R. A. Smith, R. M. Thompson, G. B. Thorpe, J. H. N. Waymouth, A. J. Wedd,
R. L. Woon.
School Certificate – Betsy Cowan, Mabel Esler, Mavis Gilmour, Janet Hellyer, Heather Hunter, Avery Jack, Margaret Libby, Dulcie Loach, Beverley Maddox, Betty Ritchie, Lesley Rowson, Elaine Sankey, Shirley Taylor, Beryl Upchurch, B. E. Adler, J. N. Bradshaw, M. H. Downer, P. R. S. Howell, J. G. Martin, R. A. Hearn, J. B. Jones, K. U. King, J. J. Phillips, T. J. B. Ritchie, L. M. Rush-Munro, P. L. Tucker, G. R. Yule, Partial passes – Lois Bartle, Lynette Castles, Betty Janett, B. C. Oliver, T. J. Robertson, R. F. Anthony, R. M. Sturm, R. Walmsley.
Public Service – Nancy Cornes, B. H. Barton, P. J. Berry, B. Carrodus, J. R. Francis, R. P. Henty, R. Kay. P. G. Liley, R. J. MacIntyre, A. H. Miller, C. B. Moore, H. H. Nielsen, H. F. Priest, R. L. Stewart, B. F. Tuohy, R. A. Sivewright, R. K. Wattie, M. Upchurch.
Public Service Shorthand-Typists’ Examination – Senior: Rae Lascelles, Junior: Rae Lascelles, Betty McQuilkin.
Catherine Stirling – English 1.
B. S. Liley – English 1, Pure Mathematics 1, Applied Mathematics 1.
With a roll of 593 (282 girls and 311 boys) the School’s attendance figures this year were the highest yet recorded. Throughout the year the attendance has been well maintained: at the opening of the third term, 21 fewer pupils had left school than had left at the same stage in 1945.
The end of the war caused some fear that it might become difficult for young people to obtain good openings in employment. That has not proved to be the case, however, and our senior pupils have been much sought after by employers of all kinds.
The war inevitably caused some dislocation in schools, resulting in slackness and a falling- off from the usual high standards. This backward trend, however, was certainly less than it was during the 1914-18 war, and we shall soon leave it behind us. Materials are now gradually becoming more plentiful, our teaching staff is stabilised again, and more liberal funds are available for the running of the School. Admittedly, parents have to meet higher costs for textbooks, clothing and many other needs: but this is compensated for by the State allowance of ten shillings per week for every child until he leaves School.
The long-awaited girls’ science wing and new engineering workshop are under construction. The new wing will be an imposing building, larger than either of the existing wings, and will provide up-to-date accommodation for domestic training and commercial subjects.
Our old friends, the two tin-sheds, have been taken aside and joined together to form one large room, which is proving very valuable as a gymnasium and practice room. It has well earned its name “Tobruk”, for we have occupied the tin-sheds ever since 1922, when they were erected as temporary classrooms at the former Technical High School. The interiors of our older buildings have been extensively renovated: and the walls and ceilings of classrooms and corridors look refreshed with their new paint.
The High School Association’s Gala, which was held in March for the purpose of raising funds for baths and other amenities, met with a very generous response from the public. Among the amenities of which we can make the best use at the present time are a piano for “Tobruk” and a film projector.
Generally speaking, we have had a very good year. A renewed spirit of confidence is abroad, and, if we each determine to be satisfied with nothing less than our best, the School will make a substantial advance in these post-war years.
(B.U.S.; N.E.B.)
This year, owing to the increase in the school roll, we have had additions to our staff, and we are pleased to be able to record that all of last year’s teachers are still with us. Perhaps that is an indirect compliment to ourselves.
We should like to welcome Miss Slater, who came to us at the beginning of the year from the Home Science School in Dunedin. In the absence of Miss Luke she had extra work which she would not normally have been called upon to do. We thank her for her valuable assistance.
We also welcome Mr. Rockel, who, at the beginning of the second term came to us from Marlborough College in Blenheim, to take up the long-vacant position of Commercial Master.
Owing to a serious accident last Christmas holidays Miss Luke was not able to return to school until third term, and then only in the capacity of a part-time mistress. We were very pleased to see her back, and we offer her our sincere wishes for a speedy and complete recovery from her injuries.
Mr. Wakelin and Mr. Kedgley, who were on our staff before they went overseas, have now returned, but we are sorry to say that they have taken up positions at other schools. Mr. Wakelin is now Head-Master of Dillworth [Dilworth] Boys’ School in Auckland, and Mr. Kedgley is on the staff of Tauranga College. We wish them well.
After just over twenty years of valuable service, Miss Steele is leaving us at the end of the year to return to her homeland, Scotland. As Senior Mistress she has always had the welfare of the school at heart, and her work as music mistress will be sadly missed. We thank her for all she has done for the School, and wish her a long and happy retirement.
It was with regret that we learned the news that Mrs. Linyard, who has given her services to the school for almost twenty years, is leaving us to take up the position of superintendent of the Methodist Deaconess’s Training Institute in Christchurch. We wish her well, and thank her for all she has done for us.
At the end of last year our typiste, Mrs. Peddie, left us owing to ill health. She was replaced by Mrs. Ratcliffe, but she returned to England at the end of the last term. Our present typiste is another war-bride from England – Mrs. Sunley.
After nineteen years service as caretaker, Mr. Price retired at the end of the first term. Although we did not always see eye to eye with him (What school and caretaker ever did?), we feel that the long campaign created a feeling of mutual respect. We welcome his successor, Mr. Collins.
It will be of interest to members of the school to learn that Mrs. Collins (Miss Thorp), who left us at the end of last year, is shortly to set sail from New Zealand to join her husband in England. She and her small son recently visited the school.
Thus our staff has undergone more than a few changes; and while we extend a warm welcome to the new arrivals, we are at the same time sorry to lose old friends of the School.
Aldridge, Mary
Arnold, Artie
Barton, Anne
Burden, Maureen
*Burns, Thelma
Daniels, Marion
Davis, Ellen
Davis, Lindsay
Eban, Beverley
Farnell, Elvie [Evie]
Foster, Esther
Frame, Peggy
Grave, Margaret
Harris, Winsome
Liley, Rae
McKay, Janette
Morgan, Adair
Rees, Shirley
Sim, Pauline
White, Jill
White, Veronica
Apatu, Winnie
*Burfield, Joyce
Coleman, Bethney
*Galbraith, Lee
Graham, Margaret
Grainger, Betty
Hanger, Betty
Hellyer, Doreen
Inwood, Noreen
Mackie, Angela
Millar, Gwenyth
Murtagh, Pat
Musson, Marjorie
Pallesen, Olive
Proctor, Eunice
Pullen, Audrey
Rosser, Valerie
Smith, Annette
*Tate, Nancy
Thompson, Pamela
Timu, Wiki
Veresmith, Pamela
Anderson, Jean
Apatu, Tangi
Arnold, Marjorie
Brough, Beverley
Burling, Marie
Bull, Hazel
Corrin, Betty
Cunningham, Connie
Dunn, Dorothy
Haronga, Hine
Isaacson, Margaret
Knight, Dawn
LeQuesne, June
Moss, Joyce
Nicol, Lois
Pilcher, Pat
Rich, Helen
Rowe, Margaret
Thompson, Ruth
Tindall, Jill
Tomoana, Frances
Tong, Muriel
Walford, June
*Wall, Aileen
Williams, Margaret
Apperley, Jocelyn
Birch, Gaynor
Bishop, Dorothy
Boyes, Eileen
Butcher, Zelma
Cameron, Jean
Carswell, Jean
Cater, Janet
Dillon, Myra
Edwards, Ada
Evans, Grace
Fletcher, Nola
Hall, Lorna
Hayes, Pat
Hill, Margaret
Kelly, Ellen
Lambert, Maureen
Liddington, Joan
Lowe, Hazel
McKenzie, June
McLeod, Joan
Morgan, Valerie
Motley, Pat
Nathan, Shirley
Neil, Unita
Paget, Valmai
Painter, Gladys
*Ramsden, Beverley
Roberts, Joan
Ross, Kathleen
Schofield, Doreen
Scott, Julie
Single, Natalie
Smith, Doreen
Spence, Joy
Spicer, Margaret
Stewart, Heather
Webb, Joan
Wilson, Eileen
*Wilson, Kathleen
Buckingham, Mary
Cody, Lesley
Currie, Rosemary
Dyson, Pamela
Hastings, Averil
*Johnston, Muriel
Karaitiana, Judith
*di Menna, Gillian
Reid, Heather
Ritchie, Jean
Robinson, Elaine
Scott, Joan
Tobin, Jillian
Wall, Dawn
Ward, Marjorie
Will, Margaret
*White, Pamela
Barley, Joy
Caskey, Kathleen
Crawford, Joy
Dagg, Margaret
Delaney, Norma
Elder, Alison
Gardiner, Fay
Heke, Artemesia
Hellyer, Judith
Hickson, Mamie
Hingston, Janice
*Martin, Barbara
McKeesick, Jean
McNab, Audrey
Mather, Loma
Mitchell, Rosaline
Nimon, Lorna
Peirce, Marjorie
*Philpott, Enid
Proctor, Shirley
Riach, Gwen
Ritchie, Rosemary
Ritchie, Vivienne
Rodgers, Molly
Southcott, Joan
Steele, Nanette
Tweedie, Jean
Wilkie, Nancy
Bishop, Nola
Carrington, Audrey
Castles, Dorothy
Daniels, Margo
*Davis, Shirley
*Dockary, Valerie
Donkin, Valma
Evernden, Joyce
Gichard, Pauline
Hammond, Margae
Hanna, Shirley
Harris, Raemyn
Heighway, Lauris
Johnstone, Myrtle
Kay, Iris
Knowles, Claire
List, Pauline
Maddox, Hilary
McDermott, Jeanette
Miller, Patty
*Parkinson, Ola
*Pedersen, Joan
Rattray, Rosemary
Roberts, Rae
*Steele, Doreen
Sutherland, Cecily
*Taylor, Hazel
Timms, Averil
Usherwood, Ngaire
Wakefield, Reo
Britten, Edna
Brock, June
*Burgess, Beverley
*Cash, Dawn
Chubb, Betty
Chubb, Shirley
*Cook, Yvonne
Davidson, Fay
*Growcott, Ruth
Hawkes, June
*Hewitt, Noeline
King, Audrey
Knuckey, Fay
Mawson, Dawn
Murton, Peggy
McCue, Janet
McGregor, Lexie
McQuillan, Valerie
Patterson, Dawn
*Sorenson, Pat
*Tong, Marie
Waite, Dorothy
Wales, Betty
Wilkins, Nancy
*Wilson, Shirley
Bixley, Kathleen
*Blyth, Barbara
Bull, Elva
Collins, Shirley
Cotton, Dawn
Doig, Valerie
Dudding, Ngaire
Duigan, Joan
*Foddy, Norma
Jones, Etain
Lowe, Daphne, E
MacDonald, Shona
McNaught, Jean
*Persen, Marie
Rainey, Margaret
Rogers, Anne
*Russell, Valma
Sampson, Betty
Short, Dorothy
Thompson, Isobel
*Trask, Alice
Wakefield, Molly
Wishart, Valerie
*Cameron, Jean
*Cornes, Nancy
Cox, Alma
Critchfield, Naomi
*Duncan, Betty
*Geenty, Jacqueline
Hare, Barbara
Lambert, Myrtle
*Lowe, Daphne, C.
McCartney, Eleanor
McNaughton, Lorna
Martin, Joyce
*Rose, Shirley
Sutherland, Jean
Tupaea, Daisy
*Verry, Conny
*Ward, Estelle
Waring, Dorothy
West, Marie
Anderson, Shirley
*Anderson, Joyce
Cody, Helen
Condon, Rae
Corbett, Dawn
Crombie, Helen
Fail, Margaret
Fairweather, Annette
Hall, Margaret
Lockie, Ailsa
*McCormick, Marie
Nielsen, Ea
Perry, Nola
Single, Fay
*Teasdale, Marie
Thompson, Nancy
Brian, Norma
Castles, Lynette
Cowan, Betsy
Esler, Mabel
Gilmour, Mavis
Hellyer, Janet
Hunter, Heather
Janett, Betty
Jack, Avery
*Libby, Peggy
Loach, Dulcie
Maddox, Beverley
Ritchie, Betty
Rowson, Lesley
Taylor, Shirley
Upchurch, Beryl
Dixon, Gwen
Francis, Alisoun
Hyrons, Frances
Sharpin, Beverley
Stirling, Catherine
Apperley, P. B.
Bishop, M. J.
Botherway, K. J.
Brian, J. D.
Brian, P. D.
Bridges, D.
Brown, H.
Caseley, R. T. M.
Cowan, A. C.
Evans, G. R.
Hawthorne, D. E.
Hayes, P. M.
*Helleur, G. G.
Helm, B. R.
Hill, B. C.
Johnston, I. G.
Josephs, A. F.
Libby, T. C.
Menzies, M. S.
Milne, R. T.
Myhil, D. L.
Pearce, H. G.
Potts, A.
Reid, J, G.
Sankey, G. A.
Small, I. R.
Stansfield, C. H.
Sutherland, E. G.
Taylor, S. R.
Waite, J. H.
Blyth, H. A
Burling, J. H.
Cook, C. F.
Cameron, G. H.
Cameron, H. D.
Chapman, D. F.
Chapman, L. C.
Dillon, B. J.
Dunn, D. W.
Fargher, R. L.
Firth, J. P.
Geary, N. C.
Grant, B. A.
Glenny, D. S. L.
Hortop, I. C.
Hicks, R. J.
Howard, S. V.
Hill, T. V.
Harrison, L. H.
Lay, B. R.
Le Geyt, R.
Land, G. C.
Morecraft, E. M.
Mawson, D. L.
Pallesen, D. A.
Potts, B. E.
Rae, J. H.
Rae, D. A. C.
*Rose, R. D.
Smith-Pilling, B.
Smith, W.
*Stewart, B. A.
*Stewart, R. J.
Stanley, B. L.
Thomas, R. E.
Thompson, M. E.
Trask, C.
Walford, G. P.
Walker, W. J.
Williams, J. N.
*Burns, R. F.
Clarke, M. A.
Cooper, G. W.
Davis, C. R.
Douglas, C. A.
Elliott, M. R.
Foote, R. A.
Frater, A. J.
Gardner, R. B.
*Godwin, A. F.
*Grover, E. S.
Gurran, R. G.
Harris, I. H.
Heaps, I. F.
Hembrow, M.
Hickey, F. G.
Hill, E. F.
Honour, B. A.
Horton, E. G.
*Hoskins, B. E. J.
Jones A. R.
Leete, E. M.
Lyndon, G. R.
Manning, G. H.
Mariu, P.
Martin, J. D.
McCarthy, J. A.
Monk, R. S.
Mossman, R. S.
Parker, W. R.
Parkes, R. E.
Raison, I. W.
Read, B. J.
Ross, K. D.
Shepard, W. R.
Sleeman, W. N.
*Smith, B. O.
Totty, W. A. L.
Tweedie, M.
Warren, B. W.
Weekes, J. D.
Adler, N.
Anthony, I. A.
Arrell, S. H.
Barriball, D. J.
Blewden, R. J.
Bowen, R.
Conway, D. N.
Cooke, L. E.
Cousens, A. H.
Doole, A. H.
Gillett, R. C.
Goldman, S.
Harper, E.
Jones, L. T. H.
Kirk, D. W.
Loach, T. W.
Manning, I. G.
*Morgan, M. J.
McCutcheon, C.
McMurtrie, S.
Osborne, R. H.
Payne, C. M.
*Reeves, G. F.
Scott, P. J. E.
Snell, A. J.
Stanley, E.
Thompson, T. C.
Yule, D. A.
Ayers, R. H.
Baker, K. W.
*Bicknel, T. M. W.
Birdsall, R. G.
Brown, O. M.
Browne, R. L.
Burns, H. M.
*Clouston, J. R. S.
Colvin, E. P.
Corbin, H. A.
*Crawford, D. M.
Crisp, L. G.
Duthie, J. A.
Elliott, I. M.
*Hollis, J. A.
Houston, C. D.
Huddleston, J. I.
Land, D. M.
Morgan, A. A.
Morris, M. M.
McKenzie, J. D.
Macmillan, D. J.
McNab, R.
*McNair, R. C.
*O’Neil, E. M.
Palmer, C. W.
Pryor, J. H.
Scarfe, A. L.
Scott, J. P.
Smith, C. E. T.
*Sparling, S. E.
Speers, A. G.
Sutton, G. F.
Tomlinson, R. A.
Welch, E. D.
*Williams, R. F. W.
Wilson, H. M.
Austin, A. D.
Baikie, D.
*Bayliss, P. A.
Brown, D. J.
Brough, L. D.
Burden, K. N.
Carrington, F. R.
Chudley, J. W.
Cook, C. J.
Corlett, M. J.
Cox, A. G.
Crombie, W. D.
*Drinkwater, B. M.
*Eddy, G. P.
Hardy, D. F.
Hodder, L. D.
*Liddington, I. R.
*McIvor, P. D.
McLanachan, C. R.
Mudgway, C. G.
*Person, N. A.
*Pocock, C. R.
Price, K. L.
Shaw, N. R.
*Simkin, C. F.
Steele, J.
Thomas, B. A.
Thomas, K. T.
Tong, L. G.
Apatu, R.
*Austin, M. A.
Baker, H. C.
Bennett, E. C.
Bradshaw, L. E.
Brice, D. F. M.
Burson, I. E.
Cameron, K. N.
Dobson, R. R.
*Dobson, S. I.
Dunlop, R.
*Gurran, M. A. C.
*Hargraves, L. G.
Hawkes, D. I.
Hill, R. B.
Hodgson, N. B.
Hunt, D. B.
Knox, I. D.
*Leeves, L. L.
Macdonald, J. A.
Mildenhall, K. J.
Miller, A. H.
McLay, R. D.
McMurray, R. D.
Quinlivan, T. D.
*Roberts, M. T.
Scott, N. G.
Sim, M. J.
Spence, C. H.
*Stirling, I. M.
Thompson, D. F.
*Thompson, J. P.
*Tolley, M. C.
Tomlins, M.
Tong, N. F.
*Tucker, L. A. M.
Tweedie, J.
Warren, R. G.
*Weekes, R. R.
White, G.
Woon, S
Barton, B. H.
Berry, P. I.
Boyd, E. P.
Carrodus, B. D.
Carrington, J. M.
Chapman, R. G.
Comrie, R. G.
Cooper, N. G.
Foddy, B. E.
Foster, B. J.
Francis, R. I.
Hannah, B. C.
Howlett, A. T.
Jenkinson, E. B.
Kay, R.
Liley, P. G.
Mackersey, G. L.
Meatchem, H. W.
Moore, C. B.
Murdoch, B. H.
MacIntyre, J.
Mackay, R. H.
McCormick, G. H.
McDonald, I. S.
Nielsen, N. H.
Perry, B. J.
Priest, H. F.
Scott, J. S. M.
Scott, G. J.
Sivewright, R. A.
Stewart, R. L.
Taylor, I. J.
Tuohy, B. F.
Wallace, B. A.
Walmsley, S.
Wattie, R. K.
Zelcer, H.
Adler, B.
Anthony, R. F.
Bradshaw, J. N.
*Curline, J. R.
Downer, M. H.
Hern, R. A.
Howell, P. R. S.
Jones, J. B.
Martin, J. G.
Oliver, B. C.
Rawlinson, D. A.
Ritchie, T. J. B.
Robertson, T. J.
Rush-Munro, L. M.
Sturm, R. M.
Yule, R. G.
Barley, K. C.
Custance, R. J.
Garrick, J. A. F.
Joll, J. N.
*Le Comte, K. N.
Liley, B. S.
Nimon, J. R.
*Smith, R. S.
*Thompson, R. N.
Waymouth, J. H. N.
Woon, R. L.
*Left during the year.
Oct. 29th – Third, fourth and fifth form plays.
Nov. 1st – Akina Choir’s Annual Concert.
Nov. 5th – Mr. Thom, University Liaison officer, visited us.
Nov. 7th – Girls’ drill competitions.
Nov. 20th – Boy prefects and form VI speakers were guests at the Rotary Club Luncheon.
Nov. 29th – Sixth Form visits to exhibition of pictures by Jenny Campbell and Rowland Hopkins.
Dec. 1st – Napier G. H. S. baseball, tennis and cricket teams played School at School.
Dec. 5th – Parents and Old Pupils day.
Dec. 11th – School 2nd XI played Napier B. H. S. at Napier.
Dec. 13th – VI and Va girls visited Hastings Memorial Hospital. Napier 1st XI played School 1st XI at School.
Dec. 14th – End of School year.
Feb. 5th – School reopened. Miss Slater and Miss Child commenced duty.
Feb. 6th – Mrs. Ratcliffe commenced duty as School-typiste.
Feb. 12th – A week of Barracks for boys.
Feb. 15th – Girls had a programme of outdoor games and drill.
Feb. 22nd – Girls’ Swimming sports.
Feb. 28th- The School marched through Heretaunga St. for the first time.
Feb. 28th – Boys’ Swimming Sports.
Mar. 2nd – H.H.S. Association’s Gala Day.
Mar. 26th – Copper Trail in aid of Primary Schools Sports Fund.
Mar. 27th – Third Form boys’ team played cricket at Hereworth.
Mar. 29th – Annual Athletic Sports.
April 3rd – Mr. Rockel commenced duty.
April 4th-6th – Dannevirke H.S. 1st XI played School XI at School.
April 24th – Midshipman Neil Anderson and Midshipman D. Barratt visited School and addressed us.
April 30th – Mr. Price ceased duty as caretaker after 19 years’ service.
May 1st – Mr. Collins commenced duty as caretaker.
May 6th – Mr. Warcup gave a screening of Soil Conservation films.
May 10th – End of First Term.
May 28th – Second Term opened.
June 6th – Mr. D. Whisker gave flute recital.
June 12th – Mr. Thom, University Liaison officer, visited the School.
June 25th – School 1st and IIIrd IX’s and 3rd XV played Waipawa D.H.S. at Waipawa.
July 1st – 6th form Geography class visited Borough Engineer’s Office
July 18th – Napier B.H.S. 1st XV played School XV at School.
July 23rd – School 2nd XV played Napier B.H.S. 2nd XV at Napier.
July 24th – School 1st and 2nd IX’s played Napier G.H.S. 1st and 2nd IX’s at Napier.
July 25th – Mr. Rennie, Chief Road Traffic Inspector, visited School and showed films on road safety.
July 26th – School 1st XV played Gisborne H.S. 1st XV at Gisborne.
July 31st – Mrs. Ratcliffe ceased duty as School-typiste.
Aug. 1st – Mrs. E. N. Sunley commenced duty as School-typiste.
Aug. 14th – School 3rd XV played Napier B.H.S. 3rd XV at Napier. Hukarere 1st and 2nd IX’s played 1st and 2nd IX at School.
Aug 19th – Napier B.H.S. 2nd XV played School 2nd XV at School
Aug 20th – Dannevirke H.S. 1st XV played School 1st XV at Nelson Park.
Aug. 21st – 6th Form girls and Debating team went to Napier G.H.S. Remainder of School saw war film.
Aug. 23rd – End of Term.
Sept. 16th – Third Term reopened. Miss Luke returned to duty.
Sept. 24th – Iona College 1st and 2nd IX’s played School 1st and 2nd IX’s at School.
Oct. 1st – Boys’ Steeplechase.
Oct. 23rd – Holiday for A and P. Society’s Show,
Oct. 24th – Parade of Schools at Cornwall Park to meet His Excellency the Governor General.
Oct. 27th – Labour Day Holiday.
Oct. 28th – Governor General’s Holiday.
Oct. 31st – Waymouth, Head Boy, invited by The Mayor to meet Sqdn. Leader L. H. Trent, V.C. and 2nd Lieut. Keith Elliott, V.C. at afternoon tea.
Nov. 2nd – .303 and Bren Gun Shoot at Roy’s Hill.
Nov. 5th – By Prefects and Form VI speakers were guests of the Rotary Club luncheon.
Nov. 5th – Press Shield Shoot on the School Rifle Range.
Nov. 7th – Akina Choir’s Annual Concert.
Nov. 11th – Debate with Woodford House.
Nov. 12th-14th – Visit of Departmental Inspectors, Miss Tindall and Mr. Kinross.
Nov. 15th – Drill Competitions.
Nov. 16th – Tennis Match with Napier Boy’s High School.
Nov. 17th – Broadcast from 2YH by Akina Choir.
Nov. 18th – School went to see “Henry V.”
During the last two years, over five hundred books have been added to the library. The junior section which was the weakest, has been strengthened by the addition of books chosen by the juniors themselves, and consequently
such authors as Ethel Turner, Captain W. E. Johns, and Richard Crompton figure more largely than they used to.
The gaps in the standard works have been filled by the purchase of a complete set of Dickens, and of several books by George Borrow, J. M. Barrie, Joseph Conrad, R. L. Stevenson, and Mark Twain.
Among the greatly appreciated gifts from pupils, ex-pupils and friends of the school are Oliver’s “New Zealand Birds”, Eileen Mayo’s “The Story Of Living Things and Their Evolution”, a set of National Geographic Magazines which have been bound, and a fine set of books on architecture which were presented in his memory by the parents of a deceased Old Boy, J. McDowell.
We hope now to build up our stock of educational magazines, and we have begun to subscribe to “The Illustrated London News” and “Popular Science”. The latest numbers of these and other magazines, together with books which have recently been purchased, or which are of special interest for some other reason, are placed on a stand in the middle of the library before being placed on the shelves.
We should like to make an appeal for more careful handling of all books and magazines, also for the co-operation of everyone in preventing their going astray.
The speech competitions this year have been very successful and have again been of a high standard. Thanks are due to those members of the Staff who acted as judges.
The following are the results: –
Form VI Girls – Heather Hunter (Stringed Instruments) 1, Betty Janett (Immigration in N.Z.) 2.
Form VI Boys – D. Rawlinson (Louis Pasteur) and R. M. Sturm (A World Government) 1 equal.
Form V Girls – Shirley Anderson (Father Damien) 1. Margaret Hall (Mozart) 2.
Form V Boys – H. Priest (Freedom) 1, R. Dunlop (Australian Aboriginals) and E. Boyd (The City that Did not Die) 2 equal.
Form IV Girls – Lorna Nimon (Ballet) 1. Mary Buckingham (Scribbling) 2.
Form IV Boys – R. J. Blewdon (Streptonycim) [Streptomycin] 1, D. A. Yule (Cricket) 2.
Form III Girls – Hazel Bull (Florence Nightingale) 1, Kathleen Ross (Alexander Graham Bell) 2.
Form III Boys – M. Tweedie (Jet Propulsion for Aircraft) 1, D. Bridges (General Freyberg) 2.
This year we were invited into Napier for our annual debate against Napier Girls’ High School. The subject was that “The Arts have done more for the world than the Sciences”. The Napier team, Jeanine Edwards, Shirley Bisson and Jocelyn Murray, took the affirmative, and the School team, Alisoun Francis, Betsy Cowan and Beverley Sharpin, took the negative. Tua Stainton acted as chairman.
The Rev. Miller, who judged the debate, gave a very interesting and instructive summing-up, and declared Napier the winners. We congratulate them on their well-earned victory.
Later our sixth form girls, who had been invited to the debate, were entertained at afternoon tea by the Napier Sixth. Beverley Sharpin thanked Miss McCarthy, the Head Mistress, and the girls for giving us such an enjoyable afternoon.
Our debate against Woodford House will be contested later in the year, the date being fixed for November 11th. The team representing the School will be Frances Hyrons, Betty Janett and Avery Jack. The subject is “That Man’s first duty is to Himself” and the affirmative is to be taken by the Woodford House team. We are looking forward to an enjoyable contest.
The annual debate between Woodford House and Hastings High School was held at the High School. The subject of the debate was: “That man’s first duty is unto himself” The High School taking the negative side.
The competing teams were: Woodford House: Felicity Wilson, Jocelyn Barnett, and Deidre Twigg. High School: Frances Hyrons, Betty Janett and Avery Jack.
The Judge was Mr. E. V. Simpson.
When summing-up Mr. Simpson commended the teams on the excellence of the debate, the quality of their subject matter and the clearness and precision of their delivery. He specially stressed the oratorical ability of Frances Hyrons.
The verdict was given, by a small margin, to the High School.
This year our daily and often monotonous labours have been interrupted by kindly disposed visitors who have forgotten their youth. We welcome them all.
During April we received a visit from Neil Anderson and D. Barrett, midshipmen in the Royal Navy. The former, an Old Boy of the School, gave a most interesting talk on his life as a cadet, and related some of his experiences during his voyaging round the world. Mr. Barrett gave him silent support.
In May the school was visited by Mr. Warcup of the Rivers Control Council, who showed us a very enlightening film on soil conservation.
During June Mr. David Whisker, an Old Boy of the school and a noted flautist, gave us a most enjoyable flute recital. Miss Steele played his accompaniments.
During July Mr. H. S. Chandler (Chandu the Magician), who was attending a magicians’ conference in Napier, agreed to perform some of his tricks before the school. His sleight of hand and quick wit kept us all entertained, and I think every one thoroughly enjoyed the performance. We all waved Good-bye very nicely at the end of the performance. Of course the Third formers knew all the answers next day.
During the same month we had a visit from Flight-Lieutenant Ross Hill, an Old Boy, who was a navigator in the Lancastrian in which Mr. Nash returned to New Zealand. He spoke to the Sixth about the trip from England, and also about his life in England. He agreed with the opinion that England would be allright if it had a roof over it.
Our third timely interruption for July came when Mr. Rennie, Chief Road Traffic Instructor for Schools, assisted by Inspector Green, showed us a film on road safety.
Also during July, the sixth form geography class visited the office of the Borough Engineer, Mr. R. P. Fish, to see some maps and aerial photographs of Hastings.
During August the school went to the Cosy Theatre one afternoon to see the film “The True Glory,” a very interesting and instructive summary of the war.
In the same month, the Hawke’s Bay Art Society displayed a number of paintings by local artists. Several parties went from the school to see this exhibition.
We should like to thank all these timely interrupters, who have helped to make our school life bearable.
If the attendance is an indication of the success of this year’s Annual Dance, it was a greater success than ever. The Assembly Hall was just big enough, and although there was no rush when the first dance was announced, the floor soon filled up.
Now that the first year of peace has concluded, many improvements which […….]
We are quite satisfied that the dancing classes held at school beforehand are well worth while. Even the Sixth seemed to enjoy the onerous task of instruction.
The main item of the evening for many, the supper, was well up to standard. This year the Senior School, by reason of their seniority we hope, went to supper first. But the reason may have been that the juniors, by going last, knew exactly the size of the task before them. Anyway, they made light of it.
We should like to thank Mrs. Hill and her many helpers for the excellent way in which they catered for our needs.
Decorations this year were extremely attractive owing to the generosity of the Police Ball Committee, who left for our use the decorations for their Ball on the previous night.
Although Peace has come again, the fancy dress parade was by no means up to pre-war standard. Perhaps there will be an improvement when we are no longer rationed. The boys’ attempts were much more numerous than those of the girls’. The main attraction was the appearance of a well turned out troupe of Nazi Nurem Burghers.
Mrs. Penlington judged the fancy costumes once again and made the following awards: –
G. McCormick, Goering: I. Francis, Hitler, 1st equal.
J. Joll, J. Nimon, Bathing Beauties, 2nd equal.
Most original: Dorothy Castles, Mephistopheles.
The services of a full orchestra were again available owing to the generosity of the senior school. We hope it is a permanent feature. We should like to thank Jean McKeesick, who played the extras.
The presence of the Candid Photographer was a new feature on the programme. He seemed to be a popular person throughout the evening.
This report would be incomplete without some reference to the early closing time. What about the setting up of a Royal Commission before next year?
Now that the first year of peace has concluded many improvements which were postponed because of the War are now being carried out.
The erection of the much needed Science Wing and Engineering block has been going on apace, and it is possible that the former may be in use some time in 1947 as anticipated. Foundations have been laid for the Engineering block, and prefabricated rafters are at hand, but the walls have yet to be erected.
During the second term holidays, the interior of the boys’ wing and science labs. were painted. The ceilings and walls received new coats, but whether the floors should have been painted is still being debated. Last week the interior of the main building, including the library, was given a new coat, and is ‘now much brighter to the eye, now that it is safe to turn your eyes aloft.’
Credit is again due to our groundsman, Mr. Devine, whose untiring efforts have kept the grounds neat and tidy. We think that some new machinery would not be out of place.
Preparation of the track and arena for Sports Day was once again done by the boys of the Sixth Form, and they (the grounds) were a picture on the day.
Enthusiasm was shown amongst the male side of the School when mention was made of the conversion of the tin sheds (“Tobruk”) into a gymnasium. That however is as far as it has gone, but we hope there is truth in the report that equipment will arrive next year.
Our thanks are due to Mrs. H. B. Eglington, who on behalf of Miss McMichael presented to the School a glass case containing many different stuffed and mounted Australian birds.
Another welcome addition to the School is the re-opening of the “tuck-shop.” Although it is not yet on a full time basis, we appreciate the enthusiasm of Mr. Collins in attempting to cater for a very essential feature of school life.
Proof that the School has never stopped growing is shown by the continual demands for additions and improvements. Our life in such beautiful surroundings should make us realize how fortunate we are, and that we are indeed in “God’s Country.”
Interest in the Association is steadily increasing, and the last Annual Meeting held during August was well attended by both parents and School staff.
Election of officers resulted in the following appointments: – Patron, Mr. A. I. Rainbow; President, Mr. G. E. G. Rogers; Vice-President, Mr. E. D. Anderson; Executive Committee; Mesdames R. Karaitiana, W. A. Totty and E. M. Smith, Messrs. H. G. Apperley, J. H. Barriball, P. Berry, J. Hellyer, A. D. M. G. Laing, R. McMurray, and Rev. S. Waymouth.
During the past year considerable money-raising activity resulted in a credit balance of £1109. 2. 7. in the Association’s Swimming Bath and School amenities fund.
The Association seeks the co-operation and support of all parents, old pupils and those interested in the welfare of the School.
It is hoped to reach the objective of £4000. for the fund for improving conditions at the School during the forthcoming year. Donations to the fund can be forwarded to the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. E. D. Anderson, P. O. Box, Hastings
An outstanding event in the School’s history was the gala organised by the High School Association. It was held on Saturday, March 2nd, with the purpose of raising funds for the School Swimming Baths and Amenities Fund. The sum of nearly £1,000 was raised as the result of this splendid effort.
At School we were very conscious of the Gala. For weeks beforehand the School was a hive of industry, selling tickets for raffles and admission. Over £300. was raised by our efforts before the actual day. Green was the most successful House.
By the courtesy of the Minister of Defence the star attraction of the Gala was the Radar convoy, which was sent from Trentham Military Camp. For the first time Radar was exhibited to the general public, after having been very “hush hush” during the war years. It certainly proved most interesting and claimed continuous support throughout the day.
It had been intended that a Corsair from the R. N. Z. A. F. [Royal New Zealand Air Force] Squadron preparing for Japan would co-operate with the Radar Unit. Stormy weather outside Hastings, however, made it impossible for the plane to reach Hastings, and Mr. Piet Van Ash [Asch], of the Aerial Mapping Company, very willingly stepped into the breach, and in addition to giving a spectacular display of low flying, he kept the Radar Unit in action.
The Ack-Ack Bofors gun, manned by a crew of school cadets, went into action as the plane approached the grounds. A display by the school cadets with trench mortars also proved an attraction.
The senior girls gave a marching display and an exhibition of ball games, and the boys gave a spectacular display of pyramids.
A wide variety of stalls and refreshments were very popular, and sideshows, also, were supported with enthusiasm.
The Caledonian Pipe and the Hastings Citizens Band provided a musical programme, and the former gave a most impressive Drum Major Display.
The Primary School children had their fun in the form of novelty races. They entered in large numbers, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
We were certainly very fortunate with the weather, for the drought, which had lasted for several months, threatened to break all day, and there were a few isolated showers in the morning. We learned afterwards of heavy rain on the outskirts of Hastings, but we were able to complete our programme before the drought broke and the rain set in.
The Gala day certainly caused a great deal of work, but the result was magnificent, and we all hope it will not be long before we have our Swimming Baths.
In conclusion we should like to thank most heartily the organiser, Mr. G. E. G. Rogers, and the large and enthusiastic committee which made the Gala such a great success from every point of view.
Together with all the other schools in the district, we paraded at Cornwall Park on the morning of Friday, October 25th, on the occasion of the first visit to Hastings of Their Excellencies, Sir Bernard and Lady Freyberg. After the Governor-General had addressed the gathering of over 2500 school pupils, he announced that we would be given an extra holiday on the Tuesday following Labour Day. We think he would have no reason to complain of the cheers which followed his announcement. After Their Excellencies had walked through the assembled ranks, the School led the march past the dais. We then lined the drive leading out to Tomoana Road and bade our distinguished visitors a fitting farewell.
The seventh annual concert of the Akina Choir was held in the School Assembly Hall on November 7th, 1946. A record crowd was in attendance at this, the last choir concert under the baton of Miss M. A. Steele, L.R.S.M.
Appreciation of the choruses, solos and duets was shown by the audience, who applauded them heartily, and demanded many encores. Choruses ranging from folk tunes to the moderns were sung by the well balanced choir of 27 alto and 27 soprano voices. The novelty of a boy soloist was well received in the form of an encore.
The orchestra, under Miss Bullen’s conductorship, opened the evening’s programme with Woodhouse’s “Rustic Dance,” and opened the second part of the concert with Haydn’s “Toy Symphony.” This number, with its nightingales, cuckoos and percussion instruments, was enjoyed by all and heartily encored. The members of the orchestra were: – Conductor: Miss N. M. M. Bullen. Violins: G. Mackersey (leader), L. Cody, L. Jones, A. Morgan, C. Payne, M. Ward, J. Hellyer. Cello: M. A. Steele. Nightingales: L. Heighway, J. McDermott, Drum: B. Janett. Rattle: N. Steele. Triangles: N. Bishop. M. Hammond. Cuckoos: J. Brock, M. Buckingham, D. Mawson, E. Robinson.
Part One.
1 – String group: Rustic Dance Woodhouse.
2 – Unison: Come Let Us All This Day Bach
3 – Duet in Canon: When Evening Shadows: Molly Rodgers, Mamie Hickson Martini
4 – Chorus: When Daisies Pied Park, arr. Mansfield.
5 – Solo: The Gentle Maiden. Edward Boyd Irish Folk Song.
6 – Chorus: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. Bach.
7 – Chorus: Orpheus With His Lute. Park, arr. Mansfield.
8 – Trio: Come While the Twilight Closes. Ea Nielsen and Marjorie Ward; Betty Chubb and Audrey McNab; Elva Bull and Betty Sampson. Gluck, arr. Steele.
9 – Chorus: Minuet from “Don Giovanni.” Mozart, arr. Wheeler.
10 – Piano solo: Wedding Day. Heather Hunter. Grieg.
11 – Chorus: June has Brought the Roses. Concone-Stafford.
Part Two.
12 – Orchestra: Toy Symphony: First Movement. Haydn.
13 – Orchestra: O Hear the Witching Music. Concone-Stafford.
14 – Solo: Solveig’s Song. Isobel Thompson. Grieg.
15 – Chorus: The China Mandarin. Granville Bantock.
16 – Duet: O Wert Thou in the Cauld Blast. Jean McKeesick and Jean Tweedie Mendelssohn.
17 – Chorus: Lithuanian Lullaby. Folk Song.
18 – Chorus: Where’er You Walk. Handel.
19 – Solo: Come Ever Smiling Liberty. Dulcie Loach. Handel.
20 – Unison: England. Parry.
Sopranos: S. Anderson, S. Collins, B. Chubb, M. Dagg, N. Dudding, A. Elder, J. Hellyer, M. Hickson, J. Hingston, D. Loach, P. List, S. MacDonald, B. Maddox, D. Mawson, J. McKeesick,
A. McNab, J. McNaught, E. Nielsen, L. Nimon, M. Pierce, E. Robinson, J. Scott, N. Steele, I. Thompson, G. Tobin, D. Tupaea, M. Wakefield, M. Ward.
Altos: N. Bishop, J. Brock, M. Buckingham, E. Bull, H. Cody, L. Cody, V. Doig, J. Duigan, S. Hanna, J. Hellyer, E. Jones, A. Lockie, D. Lowe, J. McDermott, R. Mitchell, P. Murton, M. Rainey, G. Riach, M. Rodgers, A. Roders, L. Rowson, B. Sampson, D. Short, J. Tweedie, B. Upchurch, D. Waite, V. Wishart.
Before the finale, Miss Steele, who is retiring at the end of the year, presented a baton to the Principal for use in future festivals.
Bouquets were presented to Miss Steele by Dulcie Loach and Leslie Rowson, to Miss Bullen by Janet Hellyer, and to the accompaniste, Heather Hunter, by Beverly Maddox.
Thanks are here extended to Mr. R. J. M. Fowler, under whose management the arrangements for the performance were ably carried out.
P. S. The choir for the first time, was broadcast from theSchool Assembly Hall on the afternoon of Sunday, the 17th November. Reception was good, and we feel sure that all those who heard the four items thoroughly enjoyed the performance.
Beverley Sharpin (Head)
Catherine Stirling
Lesley Rowson
Mabel Esler
Janet Hellyer.
Heather Hunter
Betty Janett
Lynette Castle
Form Va – *Marie McCormick, Rae Condon.
Form Vb – Margaret Rainey.
Form Vc – Daisy Tupaea.
Form IVa Set 1 – Pamela Dyson.
Form IVa Set 2 – Jean McKeesick.
Form IVb – Shirley Hanna.
Form IV Handicraft – *Noleen Hewett, Audrey King.
Form IIIa – Rae Liley.
Form IIIf – Marion Daniels.
Form IIIg – Jean Anderson.
Form IIIc – Nola Fletcher.
GAMES MONITOR: Catherine Stirling.
Blue House – Betty Janett.
Green House – Mabel Esler.
Gold House – Catherine Stirling.
Purple House – Daisy Tupaea.
A Team – Mabel Esler (Capt.)
B Team – Anne Rogers (Capt.)
Coach – Miss Allison
Committee – Miss Woods and House Captains.
Committee – Miss Allison and House Captains.
Miss Wallis, Beverly Maddox, Dulcie Loach, Avery Jack, Norma Brian, Mavis Gilmour, * Gwen Dixon, * Peggy Libby, Heather Hunter, Betty Ritchie.
(*) Left during the year.
This year the Girl’s Swimming Sports were held under very pleasant conditions, and a large number of spectators was present. Entries were numerous and events run off to schedule as usual.
Our thanks are due to Miss Alilson [Allison] and the members of the staff, who organised and conducted the long and varied programme.
No records were broken this year, but the swimming was of a high standard.
We extend our congratulations to Purple House, who won the House Competition with a total of 91 points. Gold was second with 49½ points. Green and Blue were third and fourth with 17 and 15½ points respectively.
The winner of the Senior Championship was Dawn Cash (Purple), with 24 points. The runner-up was Alice Trask (Purple), with 13 points.
The winner of the Junior Championship was Margaret Rainey (Purple), with 20 points. The runner-up was Mary Buckingham (Gold), with 8 points.
The detailed results are as follows: –
25 Yards Senior Championship – First Heat; A. Trask (P) 1, P. Gichard, (Gr) 2, D. Loach (B) 3. Time, 15.2-5 secs. Second Heat: D. Cash (P) 1, B. Ritchie (B) 2, C. Stirling (Go) 3. Time 15 secs. Final: A. Trask 1, D. Cash 2, B. Ritchie 3. Time, 15 3-5 secs.
50 Yards, Senior Championship – First Heat: D. Cash (P) 1, A. Trask (P) 2, B. Ritchie. (B) 3. Time 35 secs. Second Heat: R. Condon (Go) 1, C. Stirling (Go) 2, L. McNaughton (Gr) 3. Time 37 4-5 secs. Final: A. Trask 1, D. Cash 2. R. Condon 3. Time, 35 secs.
75 Yards Senior Championship – First Heat: D. Cash (P) 1, B. Ritchie (B) 2, R. Condon (Go) 3. Second Heat: A. Trask (P) 1, D. Loach (B) 2, C. Stirling (Go) 3. Final: D. Cash 1, A. Trask 2, B. Ritchie 3, Time, 58 1-5 secs.
25 Yards Junior Championship – M. Rainey (P) 1, M. Buckingham (Go) 2, D. Mawson (B) and J. Brock (Go) (dead-heat) 3, Time: 15 4-5 secs.
50 Yards Junior Championship – First Heat: M. Rainey (P) 1, D. Mawson (B) 2, A. Arnold (Go) 3, Time 33 3-5 secs. Second Heat: P. Frame (P) 1, T. Burns (P) 2, J. Brock (Go) 3. Time, 38 1-5 secs. Final: M. Rainey 1, D. Mawson 2, A. Arnold 3. Time, 33 4-5 secs.
75 Yards Junior Championship – First Heat: D. Mawson (B) 1, M. Rainey (P) 2, P. Frame (P) 3. Second Heat: A. Arnold (Go) 1, T Burns (P) 2, M. Buckingham (Go) 3. Final: M. Rainey 1, D. Mawson 2, A. Arnold 3. Time, 56 1-5 secs.
25 Yards Senior Backstroke Championship – First Heat: B. Ritchie (B) 1, D. Tupaea (P) 2,R. Harris (Gr) 3. Time, 20 2-5 Secs. Second Heat:
M. McCormick (P) 1, D. Cash (P) 2, D. Castles (Gr) 3. Time, 22 2.5secs. Final: D. Cash 1, B. Ritchie 2, D. Tupaea 3. Time 21 1-5secs.
25 Yards Junior Backstroke Championship – First Heat: M. Rainey (P) 1, D. Mawson (B) 2, J. Ritchie (B) 3. Time 21 secs. Second Heat: A. Arnold (Go) 1, R. Currie (Gr) 2, N. Bishop (P) 3, Time, 20 2-5secs. Final: A. Arnold 1, R. Currie 2, M. Rainey 3. Time, 21 2-5secs.
50 Yards Senior Breaststroke Championship – D. Cash (P) 1, P. Gichard (Gr) 2, B. Ritchie (B) 3. Time 53 2.5 secs.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke Championship – First Heat: O. Parkinson (Go) 1, H. Rich (B) 2, G. Evans (P) 3. Time 22 secs. Second Heat: K. Caskey (Go) 1, M. Rainey (P) 2, J. Brock (Go) 3. Time 23 2-5secs. Final: M. Rainey 1, K. Caskey 2, J. Brock 3. Time 22 4-5secs.
Junior Diving – M. Buckingham (Go) 1, M. Arnold (Go) 2, T. Burns (P) 3.
Senior Diving – R. Harris (Gr) 1, D. Cash (P) 2, B. Ritchie (B) 3.
25 Yards Senior Handicap – First Heat: P. List (Gr) 1, A. Rogers (Go) 2, F. Single (P) 3. Second Heat: E. McCartney (Go) 1, J. Cameron (Go) 2, B. Hare (P) 3. Final: P. List 1, J. Cameron 2, A. Rogers 3.
25 Yards Junior Handicap – First Heat: M. Arnold (Go) 1, Second Heat: J. McKenzie (B) 1, Third Heat: D. Hellyer (P) 1. Fourth Heat: G. Evans (P) 1. Final: G. Evans 1, J. McKenzie 2, D. Hellyer 3.
50 Yards Junior Handicap – First Heat: D. Hellyer (P) 1, M. Lambert (P) 2. Second Heat: I. Kay (P) 1, H. Read (Go) 2, G. Evans (P) 3. Final: I. Kay 1, D. Hellyer 2, G. Evans 3.
Costume Race – J. Cameron (Go) 1, L. Nimon (P) 2, G. Evans (P) 3.
Humorous Entry – J. Sutherland (P) 1, P. Sorenson (B) 2.
Medley Relay – Gold 1, Purple 2, Green 3.
House Relay – Purple 1, Gold 2, Green 3.
Senior 25 Yards – 14 1-5 secs., A. Kennedy, 1941.
Senior 50 Yards – 33 secs. A. Kennedy, 1940.
Senior 75 Yards – 55 2-5 secs. A. Kennedy, 1941.
Senior 25 Yards Backstroke – 18 2-5 secs., A. Kennedy, 1941.
Senior 50 Yards Breaststroke – 46 2-5 secs., A. Kennedy, 1941.
Junior 25 Yards – 14 3-5secs. J. Fargher, 1941.
Junior 50 Yards – 33 secs. J. Fargher, 1941.
Junior 75 Yards – 55 3-5secs., J. Fargher, 1941.
Junior 25 Yards Backstroke – 19-45secs.., C. Thompson, 1942.
Junior 25 yards Breaststroke – 20 4-5secs. B. Beaumont, 1945.
Open 25 Yards Breaststroke – 19 2-5secs., M. Hull, 1932.
This year life-saving classes were again held under the supervision of team leaders, and it is pleasing to record that many girls qualified in the various grades.
We should like to take this opportunity of thanking Miss Allison for her coaching, and also Mr. Peacock, who examined the candidates.
The following girls are to be congratulated on their success: –
FIRST CLASS INSTRUCTOR’S CERTIFICATE: Lynette Castles, Leslie Rowson, Catherine Stirling, Daisy Tupaea.
SECOND CLASS INSTRUCTOR’S CERTIFICATE: Dawn Cotton, Marie McCormick, Beverley Maddox.
BRONZE MEDALLION: N. Bishop, M. Buckingham, D. Mawson, L. McNaughton, I. Kay, R. Harris, S. Proctor, S. Rose, R. Thompson, J. McCue, K. Wilson, J. Brock, M. Rainey, V. Russell, E. McCartney, S. Collins, D. Wall, D. cash, M. Rowe, A. Trask.
INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE: D. Castles, E. Farnell, W. Apatu, D. Hellyer, B. Grainger, M. Grave, P. Sim, G. Evans, R. Liley, M. Daniels, A. Trask, D. Cash, D. Mawson, D. Wall, N. Bishop, J. Brock, I. Kay, R. Harris, R. Thompson, J. McCue, S. Rose, W. Timu, H. Rich, T. Burns, J. Cater, A. Arnold, S. Proctor, K. Wilson, S. Collins, V. Russell.
The Twenty-Fifth Annual Athletic sports were held on Friday, the 29th of March. It was unfortunate that there was a strong following wind, and many records which were broken could not be allowed. Competition was as keen as ever, and many Old Pupils and friends showed their interest by being present.
Our thanks go once again to the Staff, for the successful organization and conduct of the sports, and also to those who were responsible for the preparation of the grounds.
The following records were broken: –
Intermediate: 80 metres Hurdles – M. Rainey, 13 3-5secs., broke the record of 15 1-5secs., R. Roberts, 1945.
Senior: 80 metres Hurdles – M. Rainey, 13 3-5secs., broke the record of 14 3-5secs. E. Maye, 1940.
Throwing the Cricket Ball – E. Bull, 54yds.2½ inches., broke the record of 51 yds. 1ft. 5ins., C. McKennie, 1943.
The results of the Championships were as follows: –
Senior – Rae Roberts 25 points; Lesley Romson 9½ points. We again congratulate R. Roberts on gaining the maximum number of points.
Intermediate – Margaret Rainey 17 points; Pauline Gichard 11 points.
Junior – Lorna Nimon 18 points; Mary Buckingham 11 points.
Detailed results are as follows: –
Throwing the Cricket Ball – E. Bull (B) 1, E. Nielson (B) 2, J. Geenty (P) 3. Distance, 54 yds. 2½ ins. (a record).
Senior Long Jump – R. Roberts (Go) 1, S. Rose (P) 2, V. Paget (Gr) and L. Rowson (Go) (equal) 3. Distance, 15ft. 5ins.
Intermediate Long Jump – M. Rainey (P) 1, R. Thompson (Go) 2, L. McNaughton (Gr) 3. Distance, 15ft. 1ins.
Junior Long Jump – L. Nimon (P) 1, M. Buckingham (Go) 2, A. Carrington (P) 3. Distance, 14ft.
Senior Hop, Step and Jump – R. Roberts (Go) 1, L. Rowson (Go) 2, A. Rogers (Go) 3. Distance 29ft 5ins.
Intermediate Hop, Step and Jump – M. Rainey (P) 1, P. Gihcard [Gichard] (Gr) 2, L. McNaughton (Gr) 3. Distance, 32ft. 2ins
Junior Hop, Step and Jump – L. Nimon (P) 1, M. Buckingham (Go) 2, A. Carrington (P) 3. Distance, 29ft. 6ins.
100 Yards Senior – R. Roberts (Go) 1, L. Rowson (Go) 2, S. Taylor (B) 3. Time 12 1-5secs.
100 Yards Intermediate – L. McNaughton (Gr) 1, P. Gichard (Gr) 2, M. Rainey (P) 3. Time 12 25secs
100 Yards Junior – L. Nimon (P) 1, A. Carrington (P) 2, D. Waring (Go) 3. Time 12 2-5secs.
75 yards Senior – R. Roberts (Go) 1, L. Rowson (Go) 2, S. Taylor (B) 3. Time 9 2-5secs.
75 Yards Intermediate – P. Gichard (Gr) 1, L. McNaughton (Gr) 2, M. Rainey (P) 3. Time 9 2-5secs.
75 Yards Junior – D. Waring (Go) 1, L. Nimon (P) 2, A. Carrington (P) 3. Time 9 1-5secs.
80 metres Senior Hurdles – First Heat: R. Roberts (Go) 1, H. Cody (P) 2, Time 14 1-5secs. Second Heat: V. Paget (Gr) 1, J. Hempton (Go) 2, Time 15 2-5secs. Third Heat: S. Rose (P) 1, E. Ward (B) 2, Time 16secs. Final: R. Roberts (Go) 1, V. Paget (Gr) 2, S. Rose (P) 3. Time 14 2-5secs.
80 Metres Intermediate Hurdles – First Heat: A. McNab (P) 1, M. Hickson (Go) 2. Time 15 3-5secs. Second Heat: A. Cunningham (P) 1, L. McNaughton (Gr) 2. Time 15 4-5secs. Third Heat: M. Rainey (P) 1, R. Thompson (Go) 2. Time 13 3-5secs. (A School and Intermediate Record). Final: M. Rainey (P) 1, R. Thompson (Go) 2, A. Cunningham (P) 3. Time 14 secs.
80 Metres Junior Hurdles – First Heat: A. Carrington (P) 1, W. Apatu (Go) 2, Time 15secs. Second Heat: G. Evans (P) 1, D. Smith (Gr) 2. Time 15 4-5secs. Third Heat: M. Buckingham (Go) 1, L. Nimon (P) 2, Time 14 4-5secs. Final: M. Buckingham (Go) 1, A, Carrington (P) 2, W. Apatu (Go) 3. Time 14 1-5secs.
Owing to strong wind, this time was not recognized as a record.
Egg and Spoon Race – L. Nimon (P) 1, A. Rogers (Go) 2, J. Liddington (Gr) 3.
Obstacle Race – J. Hellyer (P) 1, P. Miller (B) 2.
Three Legged Race – L. Nimon and K. Ross (P) 1, W. Apatu and A. Arnold (Go) 2, V. Dockery and A. Carrington (P) 3.
Bicycle Steering – B. Janett (B) 1, D. Wall (Gr) 2.
Medley Ball, A – Gold 1, Purple 2, Blue 3.
Medley Ball B – Gold 1, Purple 2, Green 3.
Ball Passing – Purple 1, Green 2, Gold 3.
Charioteers Race Relay – Blue 1, Green 2, Gold 3.
Transport Relay – Green 1, Gold 2.
Sack Relay – Purple 1, Gold 2, Blue 3.
House Relay – Purple 1, Gold 2, Green 3.
Old Girls v. School Relay – School (R. Roberts, L. McNaughton, P. Gichard, L. Nimon) 1, Old Girls (S. Meads, J. Smith, C. Newrick, Z. Sant) 2.
House Points – Purple 128, Gold 115½ points, Green 62½, Blue 32.
House Aggregate (Girls and Boys) – Gold 208 ½ points, Purple 180 points, Green 153½ points, Blue 111 points.
Throwing Cricket Ball – 54yds 2½ins., E. Bull, 1946.
Long Jump, Senior – 15ft, 11ins., G. Symes, 1929.
Long Jump, Intermediate – 15ft 11ins., G. Symes, 1929.
Long Jump, Junior – 14ft. 4ins., M. Rainey, 1945.
Hop. Step and Jump, Senior – 33ft 1ins., G. Symes, 1929
Hop, Step and Jump, Intermediate – 33ft 1in. G. Symes, 1929.
Hop, Step and Jump, Junior – 32ft 11ins., M. Rainey, 1945.
FIRST IX, 1946.
Miss L. M. Allison (Coach), Mabel Esler (Capt), Joyce Martin, Beverley Sharpin, Rae Condon, Dawn Corbett, Lesley Rowson, Lorna McNaughton, Catherine Stirling, Daisy Tupaea, Rae Roberts.
I. S. Macdonald (Intermediate), J. G. Martin (Senior) D. N. Conway (Junior)
Margaret Rainey (Intermediate), Rae Roberts (Senior), Lorna Nimon (Junior)
100 Yards Senior – 11 4-5secs., R. Tong 1933: M. Thompson and I. Stevens, 1939.
100 Yards Intermediate – 11 4-5secs., M. Thompson. 1939.
100 Yards Junior – 12 2-5secs., L. McNaughton, 1945.
75 Yards Senior – 9secs., I. Stevens, M. Thompson 1939.
75 Yards Intermediate – 9secs., M. Thompson, 1939.
75 Yards Junior – 9 3-5secs., C. Thompson, 1942; L. McNaughton, 1944.
80 Metres Hurdles Senior – 13 3-5secs., M. Rainey, 1946.
80 Metres Hurdles Intermediate – 13 3-5secs., M. Rainey, 1946.
80 Metres Hurdle Junior – 14 3-5secs., M. Rainey, 1945.
(B.F.U. and B.G.M.)
Owing to the very dry summer, we were unable to use the courts for the greater part of the summer. However, Miss Allison has once again commenced the coaching of the team to play Napier G.H.S. on the 19th. October, and we entertain high hopes that this year we will be able to defeat our old rivals.
Match against Napier G. H. S. played at school, Dec.[December] 1st., 1945. Napier players are mentioned first.
H. Newman v M. Mosley, 6-1, J. Edwards v L. Castles, 6-1, Isa MacKay v M. Hall, 6-1, E. Spence v S Anderson, 6-0, P. Brownlie v A. Wairoa, 2-6, P. Stevens v H. Wake, 9-2.
J. Edwards and H. Newman v M. Mosley and L. Castles, 9-1. E. Spence and I. Mackay v. M. Hall and S. Anderson 9-1. P. Brownlie and E. Stevens v. A. Wairoa and H. Wake, 9-4.
Results: Napier 8, Hastings 1.
Singles Junior – Lorna Nimon, runner-up J. Brock.
Singles Senior – Daisy Tupaea, runner-up A. Wairoa.
Doubles Junior – J. Brock and D. Cash, runner-up L. Nimon and D. Toulman.
Doubles Senior – D. Tupaea and A, Wairoa, runner-up E. Nielson and B. Sampson.
As most of our games’ periods during the first term were occupied by sports preparations, practice in both cricket and baseball was very limited. Arrangements to play Napier G.H.S. had, unfortunately, to be cancelled owing to continuous rain.
However, we have been luckier in the third term. So far the weather has been kind to us, and the grounds are now in perfect condition. Consequently practices and House competitions are out to a fine start. Among the third formers there are some very keen players, who with a little more experience give promise of good teams for the next few years.
October 19th., was the date set down for the match with Napier G.H.S., but again the weather was unkind to us, and the matches had to be cancelled. We hope to play them at a later date.
In conclusion we should like to thank Miss Bullen and Miss Woods for the able coaching they have given our teams.
Further grants have substantially increased our drill apparatus this year. Girls have had more advanced training through the addition of a tumbling mat, forms and balls. These have also allowed a more extensive syllabus of work to be carried out under the instruction of Miss Bullen and Miss Allison.
Classes are taken in the temporary building, “Tobruk”. Third forms and one fourth form are fortunate in having two periods of drill a week, while the rest have one period.
At the beginning of the year, on Gala day, fourth forms contributed to the programme by a demonstration of ball-handling games, while seniors gave a very effective display of figure marching. We wish to thank the Hastings Citizen’s Band for playing the marches.
The programme for Parents’ Day included a display of balance work by third forms, and tumbling and agility work by fourths and fifths. A demonstration of volley ball was given by seniors. We should like to thank Miss Bullen for her interest and work during the year.
DEPORTMENT BADGES. – Rae Condon, Margaret Hall, Ea Nielsen, Margaret Rainey, Etain Jones, Dorothy Short, Joyce Martin, Marjorie Ward, Margaret Dagg, Jean McKeesick, Lorna Nimon, Nanette Steele, Dawn Mawson, June Brock, Loris Heighway.
Form Championship. – Form Vb and Com.1, Form IV G 2, Form VI 3.
Senior Championship. – M. Rainey 1, A. Cox 2, C Stirling 3.
Fourth Form Championship. – L. Heighway 1, L. Nimon 2, R. Harris and I. Kay, 3 equal.
Third Form Championship. – G. Evans 1, J. Liddington 2, J. Scott 3.
We are grateful to Mrs. Fisk, of Napier Girls’ High School, for acting as judge, and for her helpful comments.
Once again we have successfully completed a basketball season.
The A team was not very successful in Association games, but the matches played on Saturdays were excellent training for school games.
In association games, the B teams finished the season as runner-up in their grade.
The following girls are to be congratulated on being chosen for the Hastings Representative teams: –
Senior B Grade – L. Castles, E. Bull, K. Ross, D. Mawson, and D. Cash.
Intermediate Grade – J. Southcott, M. Pierce.
Junior Grade – L. Mather, D. smith, J. Apperley.
A TEAM FOR 1946.
Goal: M. Esler, (Capt), D. Tupaea, L. McNaughton. Centres: C. Stirling, R. Condon, J. Martin, B. Sharpin. Defence: L. Rowson, D. Corbett, R. Roberts.
v. Waipawa D.H.S. at Waipawa – In this, the first game of the season, School was definitely superior, and quickly setting the pace, took the lead and went on to win 37-7.
v. Napier G.H.S. at Napier – This match produced the finest basketball played by the team this season. Passing was very good, and interceptions notable on both sides. School led at half-time by one goal, and though we temporarily lost the lead in the second half we soon picked it up again. The defence especially deserve a word of praise for the outstanding game they played. School won 20-17.
v. Hukarere at School. – In this game Hukarere showed themselves to be the better team. The game was a fast one, passing and combination in both teams being good. However, the Hukarere girls, superior in speed and accurate in shooting, took the lead and won 26-17.
v. Iona at School – during the first half of this match, play on both sides was fairly even. School drew ahead in the second half and maintained this lead to the end of the game. School won 33-25.
B. TEAM FOR 1946.
Goal: E. Bull, M. Rainey, A. Rogers (Capt.) Centres: M. Wakefield, P. Gichard, D. Mawson. Defence: S. Taylor, K. Ross, L. Castles, J. Brock.
Results of the B team inter-school matches were: –
v. Napier G.H.S. at Napier, lost 15-14.
v. Hukarere at School, won 26-21.
v. Iona at school, won 25-11.
Unfortunately, fixtures against Woodford hHouse were not held this year, but we thoroughly enjoyed those matches we had, and hope our opponents enjoyed them as much as we did.
The House competition was the usual keen contest. The results are as follows: –
Blue 15
Purple 14
Green 11
Gold 8
Gold 16
Green 16
Purple 11
Blue 4
Purple 9
Green 8
Blue 5
Gold 2
Green 35
Purple 34
Gold 26
Blue 24
In conclusion we should like to thank those members of the Staff who so ably coached us during the season. They gave us much of their time, but we should like them to know that we all appreciate the value of their assistance and encouragement.
This year, we were pleased to welcome a number of Third Formers to Crusaders, bringing the roll to 28. We hope our members will continue to increase.
We had two “squashes” during the year, and we thank those kind friends who lent their homes to us.
In the August holidays, five of our girls attended the annual camp at Foxton, and had a happy time with Crusaders from other schools.
We had two visiting speakers during the year, Mr. Brown, Australian Staff Worker, and Miss Logan, Headquarters Secretary.
There have been several new books added to our Library, which is now quite imposing.
Our thanks are due to Miss Way, our leader, for her unfailing interest in us, and for the way she has helped us throughout the year.
(C. A. S.)
At the end of the 1945 school year Miss Allison and a party of form VI. girls – J. Lockie, P. Totty, W. Heald, C. Stirling, J. Paton, J. Sykes and E. Westerman – went for a tramping trip to the Kaweka Hut.
We left on Friday evening, and having stayed the night at the Government huts, we walked back to the swamp and out to the Kaweka Hut. We arrived there in record time, having beaten a certain school party’s time of the a year before by 10 minutes.
On Saturday afternoon Miss Allison, J. Sykes,C. Stirling, J. Paton, P. Totty and W. Heald attempted to reach the Trig (5650 ft.) but the fog proved too dense when we were two points away from our destination, and we had to turn back,
We returned home on Sunday after a very enjoyable trip.
Two sixth form girls accompanied the Tramping Club on their first recorded winter ascent of “66”, a high peak marked on the map as Te Atua o Parapara. The party left as [at] 5.30 a. m. for the central Ruahines, and Shut Eye Shack (3840ft.) was soon reached. After something to eat the majority of the party attempted “66” The top was snow-covered, and ice was formed in some places. The wind was of gale force. No view was to be had, as the high peaks were covered with cloud.
In conclusion we should like to thank Miss Allison, who has arranged all these tramps for us,
Winner Runner-up
TENNIS Purple (Singles Championship).
CRICKET Gold Purple
There is a quotation that says, “When it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change.” That is quite true, but there are times when we must change so that we may improve. It is good for us that we should stop now and then to take stock of ourselves, so that we may note our deficiencies and repair them.
Improvements, whether they concern morals, manners or mode of dress, are of great value. The man who endeavours to keep himself from slackness, sets an example and holds the respect of others, and more important, maintains his own self-respect. Here at school steps have been mooted to smarten the appearance of the pupils. These have been welcomed by those who during the war years noticed a falling off. The reputation of a school depends not only on its academic successes and sports results, but also on the appearance of its buildings and grounds and the appearance and manners of its pupils.
General slackness and lack of care in dress has been seen among some pupils. Do they feel that because they are only wearing school uniform, there is no need to trouble over such details as having their clothes brushed and pressed? If so their attitude is clearly wrong.
To form the habit of cleanliness in dress and appearance and to maintain always a standard of manners that becomes us, should be our goal. That while we attend, we may feel that we are proud to wear the school uniform, and when we have left, to feel that we have done something to preserve its greatness.
ANTIQUARIAN – A place where you keep fish.
So our Shorty, fat and lazy,
Had to train for steeplechase;
Steeplechase round the district,
Hot and dusty, drowsy district;
But he did not like it muchee,
In his tummy got the stichee.
(Obigee the painful stichee).
Thought his lungs would soon be smothered,
Lay he down upon the bankee,
Thought the steeplechase was cranky;
In the sunlight he was basking
Watching all the others passing,
Till our Shorty, stiff and lazy,
Got up to start more steeplechasee.
By “Number four” his legs did fail him,
And after chatting with the marker
Bumped into a rubbish carter;
As he panted o’er the ditches
O’er the ditches and the roadee,
With a red face and a nosee,
Wow! His foot trod on a nailee;
As he caught up boy on tailee,
Could he still keep his position
In the “Junior Division?”
Yes he could, he would, he mustee;
In his foot he kept his trustee.
Soon he saw the football fieldee,
Saw the field and all the pupils,
Gathered round the winning postee,
Face all red and hands all grassy
In he came the second lastee;
We all cheered, he thought us nasty.
So you see its not so easy,
To run in the steeplechasee;
Steeplechasee round the district
Hot and dreary, dusty district;
So that was quite enough for Shorty,
Fat and lazy, proud and haughty.
“Hiawatha”. IIIe Boys.
New Zealand is a well shaped country, residing at the moment in the South Pacific Ocean. It is bounded in the north by the Labour Party, on the east by earthquakes, on the south mainly by Bluff, and on the west by rain and whitebait. The Dominion consists of three islands. – The North Island, capital, Wellington; the South island, capital unknown; and Stewart Island, which does not play Rugby at all.
New Zealand was first discovered by Abel Tasman, the great navigator, before the immigration laws had come properly into force. With typical Dutch
courage, he effected a landing, but the Maoris proved hostile and he rapidly withdrew. He left behind, however, several of his crew, who greatly appealed to the simple tastes of the natives. Captain Cook, whose fame is recorded in the words, “There is still time for me to play for Hawke’s Bay,” was the first to explore the new land thoroughly. Consequently Cook Strait was named after him for his justice to the Maoris. It was also called numerous other names during one rough voyage, but so far these have not yet appeared in print.
When the first white people were buried in bulk, New Zealand was still very primitive. Even before the introduction of whites the Maoris lived mainly on sharks. To-day the sharks live even more largely on the Maoris.
The largest city is Auckland, a thriving metropolis, lying well to the sun, as well as in several other directions. One of its most lucrative by-products is deep-sea fishing. This is owing to the ridiculously low expense involved, as most of the fish are caught in a tin. Wellington, one of its most aggressive rivals, is another place to blow about. Its chief product is uncivil servants. The most prosperous province, Taranaki, lies at the foot of Mount Egmont, a cone-shaped hillock capped with local passion-fruit ice-cream. Taranaki has a promising future as a big game resort: cows have been found there.
On the other side of the island lies Hawke’s Bay, a province entirely devoted to the growing of goal-posts. The population is over 50,000, principally All Blacks. Within or near this province there lie many flourishing towns. One of the most pleasant holiday resorts, famous for its fine fishing streams and lakes, is Rotorua, which, incidentally, has hot and cold water laid on. Then we come to the city of Hastings. This is a well-known and popular city, famous for its unlimited supply of merciless teachers. But here the management deems it wise to let sleeping dogs lie (figuratively speaking, of course).
This just about brings an end to my tour, except for Westland. This is mostly a land of coal and beer, especially beer. And it is here we should mention that during the acute coal shortages they had to resort to sand bars. Indeed, the supply of coal was scarcer than school foolscap.
“Scratch” VIb.
COMMUNES LIBEROS – Communal children.
DAUPHIN – A kind of fish.
MAQUIS – The Maquis of Queensberry drew up the standard rules for wrestling.
HOUSEHOLD BRIGADE – Is when everyone helps with the housework.
MAQUIS – A large tent for side-shows.
GRAND MUFTI – A great dance in America.
BABEL – A Women’s Institute meeting.
HOUSEHOLD BRIGADE – A housewives’ organisation to growl about the 40-hour week.
GRAND MUFTI – Clothing allowance for soldiers.
M-r-e: ‘A daughter of the gods, divinely tall and most divinely fair.’
J-y-e: ‘She sported on the green.’
S-r-l-y: ‘Hark at the Voice of the Bard, ‘Who present, past and future sees’
H-I-n: In quietness and confidence she’ll be your strength.’
R-e: ‘Eyes too expensive to be blue, too lovely to be grey.’
D-w-n: ‘She doth excel in athletic sport.’
H-I-n: In endless mirth she thinks not on what she says or does.’
M-rg-t- F.: ‘As she goes stepping, stands twirling, bows before and skips behind in a grave and endless play.’
A-n-t-e: ‘Much study hath made her lean.’
M-r-g-t H: ‘Gallop apace ye fiery footed steed.’
A-l-a: ‘With dark brown hair and eyes darker than dark pansies.’
E-: ‘Hark! Oh the nightingale.’
N-I-a: ‘Earth has not anything to show more fair.’
F-y: ‘Five minutes! Zounds! I have been five minutes too late all my lifetime.’
N-n-y: She’s a strange girl and does many odd things.’
Va Girls.
Half a mile, half a mile,
Half a mile onward.
All on to the peak of Mt. Cameron
Strode the Nine Stalwarts.
Forward the Eager Brigade
“Tramp for the hut,” he said.
Into the cabin of logs
Strode the Nine Stalwarts.
Forward the Eager Brigade,
Was there a man dismayed?
No one had blundered.
There’s not to heed the time,
There’s not to argue why,
There’s but to start and climb,
Into the gorge of the Manson
Strode the Nine Stalwarts.
Cursing to right of them,
Cursing to left of them,
Cursing in front of them,
Tired and battered.
Torn with manuka and thorn
Stoutly they tramped and well
Into the arms of wet sleeping bags,
Into their washed-out hell,
Strode the Nine Stalwarts.
Out flashed their knives so bare,
Flashed as they cut their meager fare
Sav’ring the blowfly there.
Climbing over mountains, while
All the parents wondered.
Fought through the thick bush
Right to the road they staggered.
Manuka and beech
Reeled from the kukri’s stroke,
Battered and sundered.
Then they strode out, yes all.
All the Nine Stalwarts.
Cursing to the right of them,
Cursing to the left of them,
Cursing in front of them.
Tired and battered,
Came through and won
They who had stood it so well,
Came down the spur they wanted
Back from the ridges of hell,
More or less every one of them
All Nine Stalwarts.
When can their memory fade?
Oh the crazy tracks they made!
All the parents wondered.
Remember the tramp they made;
Remember the Eager Brigade.
Pukka School Prefects!
“I Was There.” VI Boys.
MONDAY MORNING (A Once Scene One Act Play).
Scene: Room 14.
Time: 1st period, Monday the x of y, 194z.
M-nn-g: Where is our erring master? Where is the wandering lamb? Out of the window I shall look. Here he comes, O D A M .
P-y-e: What is the purpose, o young loon, in placing that box there? Forsooth, ‘tis murder he is at.
L-a-h: Stay, my friend. Thy wandering tongue must soon be cut from thy mouth for thy sake, for if he does the dirty deed our hair is safe once more.
G–dm-n: Oh, yes, the triumph of that act, the untold pleasure in that crash!
M-nn-g: But if I do this dreadful thing, will you help me? (Buzz, ting, ting).
A-th-y: Thou fool. If in this unprincipled act, your desires rest, then away with you. Away your face, and away, you silly pest!
L-a-h: But if by this we live again, what joy then must be ours!
B-w-n-: Be quiet. Lend me your ears. No, on second thoughts I don’t want them. You ungrateful swabs, that you would seek to kill your greatest friends?
B-rr-b-ll: And now my say. My task is hard. It is to prevent murder. The fatal result of your deed would be a noose, yum, yum.
B-w-n: Hail now. Now speaks the much wise sage whose advice we shall take. Speak up, speak up, my friend.
McM-rt-ie: I think B-ar-b-ll is very wise, and his advice to follow, would be the wisest plan.
S-o-t: I have with my friend S-e-l conferred, and we shall end this strife, for now we shall remove this box and save magister’s life.
S-e-l: Come on then to our task. It is both hard and long, for now we must contrive to move this great big rubbish box.
B-ar-b-ll: And now that this good work is done, and all the strife is ended –
P-y-e: Be quiet! To study all and copy X’s sentences.
X. IVa Boys.
One day I started up a car,
Which in years was rather old,
A con-rod leapt from off the crank
And knocked me right out cold.
Ah! I thought, my soul will now
To Heaven take its flight.
But no, it sank until it was
Completely out of sight.
The devil said “Hello” to me;
Also, “You’re looking well.
I hope that you will like it here;
Some people call it Hell”
A funny feeling came o’er me.
Indeed, I felt quite queer.
I felt so penitential that
My eyes began to blear.
“Oh, come now. Please,” the devil said
“There is no need to cry,”
Most of my permanent residents,
Come from the Hastings High”
Then wistfully he said to me,
His looks not quite so cruel,
“Why in past years my mortal self
Was a master at that school.”
Then reached he close behind him,
Out came a pair of wings;
I stared and said, “Now really, Sir,”
How in Hell come those there things?
The Devil looked amazed and said,
“Well, there you’ve got me, son,
In all my long experience,
I’ve never been asked that one.”
Then with a loud resounding thump
I fell right out of bed;
I thought it rather lucky that
I landed on my head.
Now when the master gnashes teeth,
Explodes and tears my hair,
My thoughts fly back to the Demon King
Rejoicing in his lair.
And I think when I dreamed of him,
His looks not quite so cruel,
And saying that he once had been,
A master at the school.
Then sadly knowledge comes to me,
The fiend had meant to say,
“Did I say ‘was’? You’ll live to find
I’m teaching there today!”
H.P. Va Boys.
DAUPHIN – European king in exile.
MAQUIS – Equivalent to Duke.
PLUTONIUM – Laid an oil line under the sea.
INDIANA – A female of India.
HOUSEHOLD BRIGADE – Angry housewives.
INDENTURE – Plate with false teeth which go in.
BABEL – A great woman.
The experience of being a new boy is not an extremely pleasant one, and I doubt if any boy would go through it again, not even for all the tea in China.
I entered the gates – an ordeal in itself – and went to my place with all other 3rd. Formers. We were all in one group, for safety, I suppose, and were ready to run at the slightest warning.
The warning came, only too soon. The 4th. Formers had banded together, armed themselves with hard round objects which they had illegally obtained from the plane trees at the side of the Boys’ Wing, and now made a charge on us and pelted us with the nuts. As you can guess we beat a hasty retreat to the front fence; some even went out on to the road.
We were now beginning to realise that all the older pupils had said about ducking and blueing might come true. At that moment the bell rang, and we were marched into the hall for Assembly and Prayers. Perhaps music on the gramophone was to put us at our ease. I shall never forget the stern looks on the faces of all the teachers.
After Assembly we went to our form rooms, where we found that one lesson is very like another. But I won’t forget the first day at High School.
J. IIIe Boys.
Not far from Haumoana,
‘Neath the blazing Southern sky,
Stands the plague spot of our planet,
It’s known as Hastings High.
Round its spacious gardens,
Some varied sights we see,
Create some mild diversion,
And the least we’ll get is three.
We wonder when we’ll get it,
That life for which we yearn,
They tell us in the classrooms,
We come to school to learn.
We go to school on Monday,
At a stroke upon the bell,
We bear it until Friday,
The devil treats us well.
We love to hear the school bell ring,
At twenty-five to four,
It shows each pencil pushing day,
At last is nearly o’er.
Sunny day in summer,
Wishing we were home,
Hearing of some Land Act,
Or George Simon Ohm.
Some prehistoric Caesar,
Some song our fathers sing,
Waiting in the classroom,
For the dinner bell to ring.
The poetic trends of Byron,
Of Tangents P and Q,
The language of Napoleon,
Another year we’re through.
Across the page of History,
No matter where we turn,
It’s written in the Crystal,
You go to school to learn.
Pencil Pushing Papa. Va Boys.
HOUSEHOLD BRIGADE – Part of the Victory March, composed of English house-wives, etc., who had done so well under hard circumstances during war.
If the Japs had come to Hastings High,
They’d have met a stiff resistance,
For we’ve an evil smelling pipe,
That would keep them at a distance.
The hardy pupils at Hastings High,
Who for years have stood the stink,
So used to it have they become
They do not even blink.
But now that fear of Japs is gone,
And the deadly crisis o’er,
We must away with this odorous pipe,
I feel we need it no more.
This biological atrocity,
Should have a fitting fate.
We should arm ourselves with gasmasks,
And on an appointed date.
It should be washed, scraped, sterilised,
Then placed in an airtight room,
There to bring to insects rash
A quick and painless doom.
H. P., Va Boys.
In all, the IVe scholars,
We’ve two outstanding chumps;
One who laughs at others,
And one who takes the bumps.
Old Scotty is a friend of mine,
But laughs at me you see.
For when I’m sore assaulted
He jumps and laughs at me.
It’s when we have our Latin,
The master sits by me,
And every day he yanks my hair;
So I am nearly bald you see.
A monster is that master,
He pulls my hair with glee,
Under what pretence I know not,
But I know it hurts – by gee!
He will admit I get his goat
And so does Scotty boy,
But oh, when Scotty cops his share,
I fairly jump with joy.
But sometimes J-h isn’t bad,
And we help him translate too,
But for thanks, my hair he yanks,
And makes me yell, Boo hoo.
“ME,” IVc Boys.
Mr. A. sure gives us homework,
Homework every night;
And if we do not do it
The day is just a blight.
Sometimes it is clauses,
And if our work is bad,
He goes and gives us phrases
Which nearly drive us mad.
To-day we got phonetics,
Those funny wriggly lines,
Which give us epileptics
A quite destroy our minds.
Phrases, clauses, nouns and verbs,
We get them every day,
Until at last we go to bed
To drive our cares away.
Having sat and cackled,
And thought of what to hatch
For this year’s “Heretaungan,”
I’ve laid me down to scratch;
So now I have decided
I’d better shake a leg,
Return to serious business,
And lay another egg.
Y and Dot. Va Boys
COMMUNES LIBEROS – Community freedom.
HOUSEHOLD BRIGADE – Women who did not want bread rationing.
ATRIUM – Place where the Romans kept the idle.
There’s a form of great renown,
At School!
A class that never ever breaks a rule.
Our roll, it numbers just fourteen;
Similar class there’s not yet been;
Such a wondrous form,
At School!
These maids what lessons take?
And praises of our work e’r ring.
They can quote the poet’s word
In a manner never heard.
Such a wondrous form; at
Do they never make mistakes?
Not often!
And then their teacher’s heart they soften.
But, sitting by her true friend Willy
Pam stops them if they’re ever silly.
Such a wondrous form.
Not often!
What’s the name by which they’re known?
Set one, Four A!
Though from this name they’ll change some day,
But till that day dawns clear and bright,
They will keep the saying right,
“Such a wondrous form
Set one, Form A!”
M.B. IVa Girls.
I have been through the mill (head first, like my associates). In spite of a failing memory I shall endeavour to cover briefly my school days in general.
In the pride of my youth, whilst in form two at one of the local primary schools, I was told that I was getting too big for my class (physically), and was advised after long discussion that I and my associates should consider High School. Thus, towards the end of the year, one beautiful summer’s morning we set out. The school which we visited appeared a true paradise, with its giant pupils enjoying life to its full. (Little did we know that exams were just over for them). Therefore, the majority of us enlisted the next year, with a pleasant future in prospect.
The first day, we were herded in large flocks and pitched into cells, where we were given what was known as a “pep” talk. After this day we spent the rest of the week doing a course of barracks, in which one learns the fundamental principles of walking. Soon life became a misery, relieved only by the
tuck shop, which finally becomes spoilt in one’s mind by a series of I.O.U.’s. In this year instinct is knocked out of one. Such things as fights, mud and dust baths, monkey tree tricks are forbidden. Evading the Prefects, who seem to get delight out in watching the junior school cleaning up messes, is a major problem. Psychology is one of the main subjects here, and one is provided usually with seven types of personalities to study daily. Chemistry is another branch of learning. I remember how flabbergasted I was at the great ability of the lecturers. One took three beakers and filled them before our innocent eyes with water (deceit comes with age, they say). He then poured one into the other, and predicted a colour result of blue, red or clear. This prediction usually failed, owing to weather conditions, we believed.
Those who survive this year pass into what is known as the fourth form. Life is bearable here. Gang formations are set up, as well as societies. Geology and its account of rock formations, due to fixed courses and times, are studied and are the cause of many a piercing pain.
The fifth form is usually reached by the third year, and for the steady conscientious type, two years will be spent in it, viz., Vb, Va.
Vb is the first year, and includes a further course in projectiles, solid and liquid. Here subjects are not taken seriously, but preference is given to the study of the morning paper (Stray Shots, etc.). The tensile stress, shearing factor and Young’s Modulus of material are carried out here practically, giving the caretaker a continuous job of repairing furniture. This causes also a drainage on the town supply of rulers.
The second year you mark “Va” and your name on all garments and neighbouring objects. “Business methods” by this time shows its usefulness in the matter of second hand books which are in your possession (rightly or wrongly). Second hand book money provides an annual income by this time, thus providing financial security for the year at the expense of third form tuck shop money. The school library is one of the quiet places of the school, and as Va have a quiet disposition, they are permitted to enter for study. Here the elements of mechanised warfare are realised, and a study of projectiles with initial velocity, perfumes and explosives cause a constant drainage on “lab” materials.
Fifth year in “Supper Va,” as termed by a member of the staff. Sometimes known as VIb. Here most pupils start the week on a Monday. Mode of life changes again, with a choice of subjects and a wrangle of free periods. Here one gets a new outlook on life, general politics and the local talent being the main topics. The political subjects are seldom discussed owing to differences of opinion and resulting fights. An almost complete analysis and synthesis of hieroglyphics has been mastered by this time. The next stage presents no difficulty, for it differs from Runes or Futhorcs in that it deals with the deciphering of horizontal lines only. Thus mathematical problems require diagrams only, instead of the Q.E.D. one writes in normal script, elementary or baby algebra. Geography students by this time study geology in earnest, and spend periods carting pebbles and boulders into class room for examination. Here one loses faith in human nature, when specially prepared pieces of concrete are said by the lecturer to have come from the early pleocene times and to be of a rhyolite variety. Trowel markings are explained by glacial ice action. Latin students in their lunch hours can now show their ability, after years of enslavement, by translating uncensored works to the multitude.
Sixth year. Here you form what is known as a clique and becoming completely independent of all others. The year is spent mainly in attending your associates’ twenty-first birthday parties, in enjoying hangovers, and endeavouring to get a time table worked out. Psychology has now got to a stage where one devotes one’s time to the study of one or two personalities. They are studied part of each day, five days a week, and weeks of attendances during the year. A discussion on wolf characteristics is continually in progress, and no doubt it would provide interesting material for a novelist.
General advice. If speaking to pupils older than those dealt with, do not inquire as to the number of years spent at the school. Besides being embarrassing to them you may get yourself disliked. It apparently reminds them of the good old days and puts them in a state of melancholy reminiscence.
R.J.C. VIa Boys.
Alfred was defeated and was forced to flee. He hid among the bullrushes.
The Pyramids were built by the Ancient Egyptians, where they put their mummies so they would be reserved.
ROMAN LIFE – The men lie round on the couches with a plate on their shoulders.
ROMULUS and REMUS – were twins but they had no mother, so a wolf mothered them.
Teacher (translating): After Caesar had won over –
Irreverent Girl: – the eight!
J.H.N. Waymouth (Head)
J.N. Joll (Head since Nov.)
J.G. Martin
K.C. Barley
R.M. Sturm
R.J. Custance
K.N. Le Comte*
R.L. Woon*
J.R. Nimon
B.S. Liley.
Form VI – B.C. Oliver.
Form Va – N.G. Cooper.
Form Vb – T.D. Quinlivan.
Form Ve – N.F. Tong.
Form IVc – N. C. Goldman.
Form IVe – B.A. Thomas.
Form Ivg – C.D. Houston.
Form IIIe – M. Tweedie.
Form IIIg – L.H. Harrison.
Form IIIc – A.F. Josephs.
Gold – J.H.N. Waymouth.
Green – J.G. Martin.
Blue – K.N. Le Comte.*
N.G. Cooper.
Purple – R.M. Sturm.
T.J. Robertson.
Master in Charge – Mr. E.S. Craven.
1st XV – N.G. Cooper (Capt.)
2nd XV – I.S. Macdonald (Capt.)
Master in Charge – Mr. L. Matheson
1st XI – J.H.N. Waymouth (Capt.)
2ND XI – R.S. Smith (Capt.)
Master in Charge – Mr. S.I. Jones.
Committee – House Captains and L.M. Rush-Munro, D.A. Rawlinson, J.A.F. Garrick.
Mr. T.S. Atkinson and House Captains.
Mr. A. Aitken, Mr. R.R. Alexander and Form VIa.
Mr. S.I. Jones and Form VI.
E. Harper.
O.C. – Major S.I. Jones, E.D.
2 i/c Major R.J.M. Fowler.
R.S.M., W.O. I. – J.H. Waymouth.
Armoury – Sgt. P.R.S. Howell.
Range – Sgt. M. Roberts.
Orderly Room Clerk – Cpl. L.M. Rush- Munro.
Coy. Commander – Capt. S. Rockell.
Lieut. R.R. Alexander.
C.S.M., W.O.II. – R.M. Sturm.
No 1 Platoon – Sgt. R.F. Anthony.
No 2 Platoon – Sgt. R.G. Yule.
No 3 Platoon – Sgt. T. J. Robertson.
No 4 Platoon – Sgt. R.L. Stewart.
Coy. Commander – Lieut. M.A.F. Cambell [Campbell].
Mr. A.E. Davies.
C.S.M., W.O.II. – J.G. Martin:
No 6 Platoon – Sgt. J.B. Jones.
No 7 Platoon – Sgt. S. Scott.
No 8 Platoon – Sgt. T.B. Ritchie.
No 9 Platoon – Sgt. H. McKay.
O.C. – Capt. A. Aitken.
Flt. Commander – Capt. E.S. Craven.
W/O. J.N. Joll.
A. Flight – Sgt. R.J. Custance.
Flt. Sgt. – K.C. Barley.
B. Flight – Sgt. J.R. Nimon.
Records – Sgt. J.F. Garrick.
(*) Left during the year.
(J.H.N.W., J.G.M.)
During the 1945-46 season the School fielded three teams, one in the senior grade and two in the junior. Although none of our teams won the championship, both the 1st and 2nd XI’s were capable of upsetting the best teams in their respective grades.
The batting of the 1st XI, was greatly helped by Waymouth, who made two centuries and battled exceedingly well throughout the season. We would like to congratulate him on his very fine performance.
We should like to thank Mr. Matheson, Mr. Wilde and Mr. Floyd for the time they gave in coaching our teams; also Mr. Devine for the attention he gave to the wickets.
The cup for the best bowling performance during 1945 was won by Apperley.
Representative honours were gained by Waymouth and Apperley for the Hawke’s Bay Colts against Auckland Colts and by Martin and Herries for the Hawke’s Juniors against Wairarapa Juniors.
First Round;
v. ST JOHN’S – In our first game of the season we made a good start. School batted first and declared with six wickets down for 203 (Waymouth 97, Apperley 36, R. Woon 29, G. Martin 27.) St John’s at stumps had made 143 for eight wickets (Apperley 3 for 43). A drawn game.
v. WHAKATU – MAHORA – School batted first, compiling 173 (R. Woon 44, Martin 38, Waymouth 34, Cassin 22). Whakatu replied with 70 (Macdonald 4 for 14, Herries 2 for 10). In their second innings they lost 3 wickets for 45, and so the game ended in a first innings win for School.
v. HASTINGS – School compiled 148 (Waymouth 44, Le Comte 31, R. Woon 23). Hastings replied with 102 (G. Martin 5 for 38). Another win on the first innings.
v. MIDLAND B – Midland batted first making 191 (Apperley 3 for 43, Macdonald 3 for 48). School replied with 97 (Le Comte 47 not out). A first innings defeat.
v. MIDLAND A – Midland went in first and made 144 (Macdonald 3 for 28, G. Martin 1 for 12). School in reply made 114 for 7 wickets (Apperley 31, Le Comte 21, R. Woon 34). A drawn game.
v. OLD BOYS – Old Boys opened with a total of 68 (Herries 4 for 11, Martin 3 for 13). School replied with 108 (Herries 27, Macdonald 22 not out). In their second innings Old Boys had lost 6 wickets for 63 at stumps. (G. Martin 4 for 26). A win on the first innings for School.
Second Round:
v. HASTINGS – In their first innings Hastings made 132 (Apperley 4 for 68, Macdonald 4 for 37). School replied with 205 (Waymouth 107, R. Woon 35, Herries 25). In the second days play Hastings made 187 (Le Comte 2 for 8, Walmsley 2 for 30, Macdonald 3 for 46). School in their second innings were three wickets down for 72 at stumps (G. Martin 29 not out, Herries 15 not out). A first innings win for School.
v. MIDLAND B – Midland opened up with the excellent score of 265. School replied feebly with 73 (Waymouth 34 not out, Macdonald 20) and fared even worse in their second innings with a total of 35. An outright defeat.
v. MIDLAND A – Midland compiled the record total of 332, a score which included two centuries. School managed to make 116 in reply (R. Woon 55). In the follow on School had made 172 for 6 wickets at stumps (Apperley 68, Le Compte 62). A first innings defeat.
v. HASTINGS – Hastings batted first for 181 (G. Martin 5 for 58, Le Comte 2 for 7). School replied with 107 (Waymouth 49, Robertson 18). In their second innings Hastings made 82 (Macdonald 4 for 10). School collapsed in their second innings with a score of 41. An outright defeat.
v. MIDLAND B – School went in first for a change, and made 90 (Waymouth 26, G. Martin 17) Midland replied with 197 (Apperley 3 for 47), Waymouth 3 for 18). This match was not completed.
v. OLD BOYS- Old boys opened up with a total of 196 (J. Martin 4 for 24). School replied with the good score of 206 (G. Martin 65, R. Woon 50, Curline 31, Macdonald 28). Old Boys in their second innings were all out for 33, the result of School’s good fielding. R. Woon and G. Martin then made the required 24 runs, and gave School an outright win.
v. MIDLAND A – Midland opened with 170 (Walmsley 3 for 45, J. Martin 2 for 11, G. Martin 2 for 50). School replied handsomely with 233 for five wickets at stumps (Waymouth 145, Robertson 29). A first innings win for School.
v. Napier B.H.S. – The first of the inter-school matches was played at School. The outfield was very fast, and the wicket itself was in good condition. School won the toss and compiled 118 in their first innings (Waymouth 26, Cassin 20 not out, R. Woon 19, Herries 18). Bowling for Napier, (Taylor took 3 for 11, Atkins 2 for 18). Napier replied with 164 (Willis 39, Foster 40, Walden 36). Bowling for School, Herries took 2 for 47, Macdonald 2 for 10. In their second innings School made 70. G. Martin played an excellent innings, going in as opening bat and being the tenth wicket to fall, with 24 to his credit. Napier soon compiled the necessary 24 runs, and so won an interesting game by six wickets.
v. DANNEVIRKE H.S. – This annual match was played at School in excellent weather. Dannevirke opened with a score of 103 (Moore 32, Goggin 24). Bowling for School, Walmsley 4 for 31, G. Martin 2 for 26. School replied weakly with 57 (Macdonald 14, Waymouth 11) Bowling for Dannevirke, Moore 3 for 6, Bullick 3 for 17). In their second innings Dannevirke compiled 122 (Lowes 31,
Moore 24, Ingram 19, Goggin 19). Bowling for School, Walmsley took 4 for 27, Blewden 2 for 13, J. Martin 1 for 6. Needing 169 runs to win. School could collect only 47 of them for 8 wickets at stumps, play being stopped because of bad light. The result was technically a draw, but in all fairness to Dannevirke we will willingly concede the victory to them.
Name Innings N.O. H.S. Total Av.
J.H.N. Waymouth 19 1 145 631 35.1
N.V. Herries 13 3 34*
R.L. Woon 18 2 55 297 18.6
K.N. Le Comte 13 1 65 211 17.6
J.G. Martin 19 3 65 268 16.8
G.C. Apperley 13 0 68 210 16.1
T.J. Robertson 7 0 29 6 9.4
L.F. Cassin 8 2 22 56 9.3
I.S. Macdonald 18 2 28 148 9.2
B. Murdoch 5 2 16* 25 8.3
G.R.Yule 19 3 31* 76 4.8
J.M. Carrington 14 1 10 50 3.8
*Not Out
Name Overs Maidens Runs Wickets Av.
J.G. Martin 137 16 499 33 15.1
I. S. Macdonald 203 41 541 35 15.5
S. Walmsley 68 8 262 15 17.5
G. C. Apperley 109 17 542 29 18.7
N. V. Herries 109 12 343 8 19.0
Games played, 15; Won, 1; Lost, 3; Drawn, 3.
On the first innings: Won, 5. Lost, 3.
Although we were not always successful in gaining victories, the past cricked season was full of interest. We should like to thank Mr. Floyd for his keen and able coaching. During the season we lost three of our players to the 1st XI, Robertson (Capt.) Murdoch and Ritchie. We should like to congratulate them on their promotion.
We played only one school game, and that was against Napier B.H.S. 2nd XI at Napier. The game resulted in a win for School by 2 runs. The team for this game was as follows: – Robertson (Capt.), Smith, Murdoch, Sivewright, Ritchie, Baker, Yule, Woon, Brown, Spence, and Harper.
v. NAPIER B.H.S. 2nd XI – Napier batted first and made 133 (Byrne 49, Lewis 11, Clarke 16, Campbell 12). Bowling for School, Ritchie 5 for 47.
School replied with 135 (Robertson 44, Sivewright 36, Baker 17) Bowling for Napier, Clarke 3 for 22, Boyd 3 for 23. Thus School won by 2 runs on the first innings. It was a most enjoyment game, and we appreciate the hospitality of the Napier team.
As in past years, last season’s play was full of keenness. The Championships were vigorously competed for, the results being, K. Le Comte (Blue), Singles Champion, R. Sturm (Purple) and K. Le Comte (Blue), Doubles Champions.
Owing to the drought which the whole district experienced during the summer, the grass courts were unable to be used during the first term of this year. In spite of this handicap the tennis roll increased in numbers, and the hard courts were always occupied.
This season the number of tennis players during regular games periods has been curtailed, and so the players have had more opportunity for practice. Although we seem to be in for another dry spell, the five grass courts are standing up to the hard wear, and everything points to a successful 1946-47 season.
For the first time in many years, School was able to turn the tables on our strong opponents from Napier. The annual match, which was played at School, was enjoyed by all players, and resulted in a decisive win for School in winning eight out of the nine singles, and all three doubles.
Results are as follows: –
R. Blewden (H) beat D. Finlayson (N) 9-6
L. Jones (H) beat R. Nicoll (N) 13-11
B. Barton (H) beat R. Ellingham (N) 9-4
E. Welch (H) beat T. Lynch (N) 9-5
B. Murdoch (H) beat G. Loster (N) 9-6
H. Meatchem (H) lost to A. Barclay (N) 3-9
R. Blewden and L. Jones (H) beat R. Nicoll and D. Finlayson (N) 9-5
G. Barton and B. Murdoch (H) beat T. Lynch and R. Ellingham (N) 9-4
E. Welch and H. Meatchem (H) beat A. Barclay and G Foster (N) 9-7
(J.B.J.; R.A.H.)
The Annual Swimming Sports were held this year under ideal conditions and before a large crowd of spectators. The competition throughout the afternoon was keen, and the final points placed Purple House first with a total of 74 points, Green followed with 60 points, and Gold was third with 48 points. We tactfully stop at this point.
Once again our thanks are due to Miss Trixie Eves, who judged the diving for us, and to all those who were responsible for organizing and conducting the sports.
The Senior Championship was won by McLay of Purple House with 24 points, the runner up being Sivewright, also of Purple House, with 23 points.
The Junior Championship was won by Parkes (Gr) with 21 points, and Mossman (P) was runner up with 13 points.
The House Relay, race was the usual exciting contest, Gold House winning from Green.
The following records were broken: –
25 Yards Senior Breaststroke – B.H. Murdoch, 16 1-5secs., broke his own record of 17 1-5secs. 1945.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke – K. Frater, 18 1-5secs., broke the record of 18 2-5secs., A.C.M. Laing, 1942.
The sports were once again held in the Central School Baths. Perhaps the possibility of having our swimming in our own baths will be a little less remote next year.
Following are the detailed results: –
25 Yards Senior – McLay (P) 1, Sivewright (P) 2, Barley (Go) 3. Time 13 1-5secs.
25 Yards Senior [Junior] – Parkes (Gr) 1, Firth (P) 2, Sparling (3). Time 15secs.
50 Yards Senior – McLay (P) 1, Sivewright (P) 2, Mackay (Go) 3. Time 30secs.
50 Yards Junior – Mossman (P) 1, Parkes (Gr) 2, Firth (P) 3. Time 34secs.
75 Yards Senior – McLay (P) 1, Sivewright (P) 2, McKay (Go) 3. Time 49 3-5secs.
75 Yards Junior – Parkes (Gr) 1, Mossman (P) 2, Huddleston (B) 3. Time 56 1-5secs.
100 Yards Senior – McLay (P) 1, Sivewright (P) 2, Chapman (Go) 3. Time 72 4-5secs.
220 Yards Senior – Sivewright (P) 1, McLay (P) 2, D. Chapman (Go) 3. Time 3min 5secs.
220 Yards Junior – Mossman (P) 1, Parkes (Gr) 2, Firth (P) 3. Time 3 min. 29secs.
25 Yards Senior Breaststroke – Murdoch (B) 1, Palmer (Gr) 2, Sivewright (P) 3. Time 16 1-5 secs. A RECORD.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke – Frater (Gr) 1, R. Jones (P) 2, Apatu (Go) 3. Time 18 1-5secs. A RECORD.
25 Yards Senior Backstroke – Sivewright (P) 1, Perry (B) 2, B. Jones (P) 3. Time 17 4-5secs.
25 Yards Junior Backstroke – Parkes (Gr) 1, Frater (Gr) 2, B. Smith (Gr) 3. Time 20 1-5secs.
Senior Diving – Macdonald (Go) 1, Totty (B) 2, McLay (P) 3.
Junior Diving – Arrell (Go) 1, Apperley (Go) 2, Cook (B) 3.
25 Yards Senior – Hern (P) 1, Scott (Go) 2, Hill (B) 3.
25 Yards Junior – Cousins (Go) 1, Josephs (Gr) 2, Reid (Gr) 3.
50 Yards Senior – Chapman (Go) 1, Barley (Go) 2, Bradshaw (Gr) 3.
50 Yards Junior – Cameron (Gr) 1, Casely (P) 2, Smith-Pelling (Gr) 3.
Pyjama Race – Tolley (Go) 1, Mackersey (Gr) 2, Apatu (Go) 3.
House Relay – Gold 1, Green 2, Blue 3.
House Championship – Purple, 74 points 1, Green, 60 points 2, Gold, 48 points, 3.
25 Yards Junior – 13 1-5 secs., A. McDougall, 1930; S. J. Fergusson, 1942.
25 Yards Senior – 12 1-5secs., W. Beckett, 1942.
50 Yards Junior – 30 secs. S. J. Fergusson. 1942.
50 Yards Senior – 28 1-5secs., C. N. Eves, 1936; E. McCracken, 1941; W. Beckett, 1942.
75 Yards Junior – 48 3-5secs., S. J. Fergusson, 1942.
75 Yards Senior – 46 2-5secs., W. Beckett, 1942.
100 Yards Senior – 66 secs., T. M. de Denne, 1934.
220 Yards Junior – 3 mins. 10 1-5secs., S. J. Fergusson, 1942.
220 Yards Senior – 2 mins 49 4-5secs., E. McCracken, 1941.
25 Yards Junior Breaststroke – 18 1-5secs., K. Frater 1946.
25 Yards Senior Breaststroke – 16 1-5secs., B. H. Murdoch, 1946.
25 Yards Senior Backstroke – 17 3-5secs., I. Jack, 1943.
(J.A.G.; L.R.R-M.)
The manner in which the Sports notes are written seems to have become a set form, and so it follows that we, too, must make the customary remarks. It is sufficient to say that the grounds were at their best, and that the day was fine. However, a strong north-easterly wind somewhat marred the proceedings, because records broken in the shorter distances could not be recognised.
Our thanks go to all those who assisted, and made the sports the success they were. It was pleasing to see such a large number of Old Pupils among the many visitors.
The inter-house relay was as exciting as usual, and resulted in a win for Gold, Blue were second, and Purple third.
Gold also won the Boys’ House Championship, with 93 points. Green followed very closely with 91 points, and Blue and Purple gained 79 points and 52 points respectively.
In the aggregate the order was: –
Gold 208½ points Purple 180 points
Green 153½ points Blue 111 points
The Senior Championship was won by Martin (Green) with 25 points, followed very closely by Waymouth (Gold), who gained 24 points.
MacDonald (Gold), who was Junior Champion last year, won the honour of Intermediate Champion this year. Morgan (Blue), with 30 points, had a keen contest with MacDonald who gained 31 points.
In the Junior Grade, Conway (Green), with 21 points, was first. Firth (Purple) was runner-up with 14 points.
The following records were broken during the Sports.
Senior – 880 Yards: K. N. Le Comte, 2mins. 5 2-5secs., broke the record of 2mins. 8 4-5secs., A. G. Soppit, 1940.
Intermediate -Long Jump: I. S. MacDonald, 17ft. 9ins., broke the record of 17 ft. 8ins., A. W. Fannin, 1943.
Junior -Mile: R. Le Geyt, 5mins 30 2-5secs., broke the record of 5mins. 43 3-5secs., K. W. Turnbull, 1941.
440 Yards: J. P. Firth, 64 1-5secs., broke the record of 66 2-5secs., J. E. Philpot, 1941.
A notable record was that of N. G. Cooper, who threw the cricket ball 105 yds. 1ft. 8ins. Breaking the record of 99 yds. 2ft 9ins. established by P. A. Graham way back in 1927.
Following are the results: –
School 880 Yards – Purple 1, Green 2, Gold 3.
House Relay – Gold 1, Blue 2, Purple 3.
Throwing the Cricket Ball – Cooper (B) 1, Waymouth (Go) 2, Murdoch (B) 3. Distance, 105yds. 1ft 8ins. (A record).
Long Jump, Junior – Conway (Gr) 1, Fargher (Gr) 2, Read (Gr) 3. Distance, 14ft 2ins. (A record)
Long Jump, Intermediate – MacDonald (Go) 1, Morgan (B) 2, Tuohy (Go) 3. Distance, 17ft 9ins. (A record).
Long Jump, Senior – Martin (Gr) 1, Waymouth (Go) 2, McLay (P) 3. Distance 19ft 10ins.
Hop, Step and Jump, Junior – Conway (Gr) 1, Fargher (Gr) 2, Cook (P) 3. Distance, 30ft. 11ins.
Hop, Step and Jump, Intermediate -Morgan (B) 1, Macdonald (Go) 2, Tuohy (Go) 3. Distance, 34 ft. 6ins.
Hop, Step and Jump, Senior- Martin (Gr) 1, Joll (P) 2, Stewart (Go) 3. Distance, 39ft. 0½ins.
High Jump, Junior – Gillet, (Go) 1, Cameron (Gr) 2, Crisp (P) 3. Height 4ft. 1ins.
High Jump, Intermediate – Morgan (B) 1, Meatchem (B) 2, Macdonald (Gr) 3. Height, 4ft. 7ins.
High Jump, Senior – Bradshaw (Gr) 1, Joll (P) 2, Jones (P) 3. Height, 5ft.
100 Yards Junior – Conway (Gr) 1, Firth (P) 2, Fargher (Gr) 3. Time 12 secs.
100 Yards Intermediate – Macdonald (Go) 1, McCutcheon (B) 2, Tuohy (Go) 3. Time, 11 2-5secs.
100 Yards Senior – Martin (Gr) 1, Waymouth (Go) 2, Robertson (P) 3. Time, 10 1-5secs.
220 Yards Junior – Firth (P) 1, Conway (Gr) 2, Austin (Go) 3. Time, 31 3-5secs
220 Yards Intermediate – Macdonald (Go) 1, McCutcheon (B) 2, Morgan (B) 3. Time, 27 1-5secs.
220 Yards Senior – Waymouth (Go) 1, Martin (Gr) 2, Le Comte (B) 3. Time, 25 2-5secs.
440 Yards Junior – Firth (P) 1, Colvin (Gr) 2, Fargher (Gr) 3. Time, 64 1-5 secs. (A record)
440 Yards Intermediate – Macdonald (Go) 1, Morgan (B) 2, Tuohy (Go) 3. Time, 60secs.
440 Yards Senior – Waymouth (Go) 1, Martin (Gr) 2, Le Comte (B) 3. Time, 55secs.
880 Yards Junior – Colvin (Gr) 1, Le Geyt (P) 2, Firth (P) 3. Time, 2mins. 28 4-5secs.
880 Yards Intermediate – Macdonald (Go) 1, Morgan (B) 2, Tuohy (Go) 3. Time, 2mins. 23 1-5secs.
880 Yards Senior – Le Comte (B) 1, Martin (Gr) 2, Wallace (B) 3. Time, 2mins. 5 2-5secs. (A record)
One Mile Junior – Le Geyt (P) 1, Conway (Gr) 2, Douglas (B) 3. Time, 5mins. 30 2-5secs. (A record)
One Mile Intermediate – Morgan (B) 1, G. Cooper (B) 2, Elliot (Gr) 3. Time, 5 mins. 26 1-5secs.
One Mile Senior – Le Comte (B) 1, Wallace (B) 2, Martin (Gr) 3. Time, 5mins. 3secs.
120 Yards Junior Hurdles – Fargher (Gr) 1, Scott (P) 2, Crisp (P) 3. Time, 20secs.
120 Yards Intermediate Hurdles – Morgan (B) 1, McKay (Go) 2, Macdonald (Go) 3. Time, 17 2-5secs.
120 Yards Senior Hurdles – Waymouth (Go) 1, Le Comte (B) 2, Bradshaw (Gr) 3. 16 3-5secs.
100 Yards Senior – Oliver (Go) 1, Bradshaw (Gr) 2, Murdoch (B) 3.
100 yards Junior – Sheppard (Go) 1, Geary (P) 2, Morgan (P) 3.
220 Yards Senior – Taylor (Gr) 1, Murdoch (B) 2, Tweedie (Go) 3.
220 Yards Junior – Morgan (B) 1, Reid (Gr) 2, Apatu (Go) 3.
440 Yards Senior – Brown (B) 1, Pryor (Go) 2, Scott (Gr) 3.
440 Yards Junior – Baker (Gr) 1, Hawkes (Gr) 2, R. Jones (P) 3.
880 Yards Junior – Smith (B) 1, Baker (Gr) 2, Harrison (P) 3.
880 Yards Senior – Walmsley (B) 1, Wattie (Go) 2, Murdoch (B) 3.
120 Yards Hurdles, Senior – Warren (GR) 1, Tong (B) 2, Baker (Go) 3.
120 yards Hurdles, Junior – Sparling (B) 1, Apatu (Go) 2, Hawkes (Gr) 3.
Long Jump, Senior – 19ft. 11ins., P. A. Graham, 1925.
Long Jump, Intermediate – 17ft. 9ins. I. S. Macdonald, 1946.
Long Jump, Junior – 16ft 3ins. G. B. Thorpe, 1943.
Hop, Step and Jump, Senior – 40ft. 2ins., P. A. Graham, 1926.
Hop, Step and Jump, Intermediate – 37ft., 7ins., E. M. Christy, 1943.
Hop Step and Jump, Junior – 33ft. 7ins. P. Edwards, 1944.
High Jump, Senior – 5ft. 3ins., P. A. Graham, 1927; C. T. Taaffe, 1934.
High Jump, Intermediate – 4ft. 10ins., I. Thompson, 1933; W. Beckett 1941.
High Jump, Junior – 4ft. 7½ins., P. Edwards, 1944.
Throwing the Cricket Ball – 105yds. 1ft., 8ins., N. G. Cooper, 1946.
120 Yards Hurdles, Senior – 16secs., E. W. Howard, 1936.
120 Yards Hurdles, Intermediate – 17secs., G. B. Thorpe, 1944.
120 Yards Hurdles, Junior – 18 3-5secs., K. A. Clark, 1942.
100 Yards, Senior -10 2-5secs., P. F. Sharpley, 1932.
100 Yards, Intermediate – 11secs., K. Taylor, 1940; J.G. Martin, 1945.
100 Yards, Junior – 11 4-5secs., I. Macdonald, 1945.
220 Yards, Senior – 23 3-5secs. E. W. Howard, 1936.
220 Yards Intermediate – 24 4-5secs., J. G. Martin, 1945.
220 Yards, Junior – 27 4-5secs., A. Hay, 1941.
440 Yards Senior – 53 3-5secs., E. G. Apsey, 1930.
440 Yards Intermediate – 58 3-5secs., J. G. Martin, 1945.
440 Yards, Junior – 64 1-5secs., J. P. Firth, 1946.
880 Yards, Senior – 2mins. 5 2-5secs. K. N. Le Comte, 1946.
880 Yards Intermediate – 2mins. 17 3-5secs. C. D. Goldstone, 1941.
880 Yards Junior – 2mins. 27 4-5secs., K. W. Turnbull, 1941.
One Mile Senior – 4mins. 54 2-5secs., A. G. Soppit, 1939.
One Mile, Intermediate – 5mins., C. D. Goldstone,1941.
One Mile, Junior – 5mins 30 2-5secs. R. Le Geyt, 1946.
(B.C.O. R.F.A.A.)
The Steeplechase was held this year on Tuesday, October 1st., under excellent weather conditions. The course was the usual one of between 4½ and 4¾ miles, and the best time was just over 28 minutes. This was by Woon, the winner of the Senior race. In the House Championship, Purple House won by a comfortable margin.
From the school gate along Karamu Road, Woon led by 5 yards from Liley, who was followed at the same distance by Barley. Then came Stewart, Wallace and Nimon. At the entrance to the Racecourse Woon still led, with Liley 20 yards behind, closely followed by Wallace, Nimon, Murdoch and Barley. At the beginning of the Maraekakaho Road stretch, Woon was leading by 40 yards. He was followed by Nimon, who had increased his lead by 50 yards from Wallace, Murdoch and Stewart, who were all together in third place. At the Heathcote Road corner, Woon had slightly increased his lead, the other runners holding the same position. Woon had now a lead of 100 yards from Nimon, who was followed at a distance of 25 yards by Wallace and Murdoch, while Custance had moved up to follow them 50 yards in the rear. At Railway Road, Wallace took second place 75 yards behind Woon. Murdoch, Nimon, and Stewart were running in third place 5 yards behind Wallace. The runners had thinned out at the Murdoch Road corner, and Woon led by 100 yards from Wallace, Murdoch being 15 yards behind him. Nimon in fourth place was 10 yards from Murdoch. At the school grounds Woon came in with a 200 yds. lead from Wallace, who held second place. Murdoch was 50 yds from him in third place, Nimon being fourth 50 yards in the rear.
Senior Championship. – Woon (P) 1, Wallace (B) 2, Murdoch (B) 3.
Points gained were as follows: -15
Scott 7th 24 points
Stewart 5th 26 points
Comrie 10th 21 points
Tweedie 11th 20 points
Barley 13th 18 points
Pryor 21st 10 points
Birdsall 22nd 9 points
Jenkinson 23rd 8 points
Anthony 25th 6 points
Mackay 27th 4 points15
Welch 28th 3 points
Total 149 points
Wallace 2nd 29 points
Murdoch 3rd 28 points
Chapman 9th 22 points
Cooper G. 14th 17 points
McMurray 24th 7 points
Payne 26th 5 points
Brice 30th 1 point
Total 109 points15
Custance 6th 25 points
Mackersley [Mackersey] 8th 23 points
Elliott 15th 16 points
Thompson 17th 14 points
Sim, 18th 13 points
Knox 20th 11 points
Taylor 29th 2 points
Total 104 points15
Nimon 4th 27 points
Yule, G. 16th 15 points
Woon 1st 30 points
McLay 12th 19 points
Thompson P. 19th 12 points
Total 103 points.
At the Gasworks the runners were still in a large bunch, which was led by Le Geyt, Firth and Smith. Entering the Racecourse Le Geyt, Firth and Smith were joined by Morgan, Blewden and Walford. These six led by 30 yards from Parkes and Taylor. Along Maraekakaho Road Le Geyt maintained his lead. Firth dropped back, allowing15 Smith and Morgan to move up. The rest of the field was well spread out. At the corner of Southland and Tollemarche Roads, Le Geyt and Smith were running together, with Firth 150 yards behind, followed by Morgan. The order on entering the School grounds, was Le Geyt and Smith together, leading from Firth by about 500 yards. In a good finish Le Geyt went away to finish easily by 80 yards from Smith. Firth and Morgan finished third and fourth.
Junior Championship. – R. Le Geyt (P) 1, C. Smith (B) 2, J. P. Firth (P) 3.
Le Geyt 1st 45 points
Firth 3rd 43 points
Morgan 4th 42 points
Blewden 5th 41 points
Corbin 6th 40 points15
Gardner 7th 39 points
Hayes 8th 38 points
Doole 16th 30 points
Jones 24th 22 points
Crisp 33rd 13 points
Potts, 34th 12 points
Burling, 36th 10 points
Johnston 37th 9 points
Cowan, 38th 8 points
Blyth, 39th 7 points
Pearce 41st 5 points
Cameron 42nd 4 points15
Total 408 points
Apperley 11th 35 points
Botherway 12th 34 points
Taylor 14th 32 points
Potts 19th 27 points
Morecraft 20th 25 points
Warren 21st 25 points
Cousens 23rd 23 points
Spence 28th 18 points
Glenny 29th 17 points15
Austin 31st 16 points
Apatu 31st 15 points
Reid 32nd 14 points
Burns 35th 11 points
Shaw 43rd 3 points
Total 296 points
Milne 9th 37 points
Gurran 10th 36 points
Parkes 13th 33 points
Davis 15th 31 points15
Myhill 17th 29 points
Colvin 22nd 24 points
Conway 25th 21 points
Hortop 26th 20 points
Sankey 27th 19 points
Price 40th 6 points15
Total 256 points
Smith 2nd 44 points
Bridges 18th 28 points
Walford 44th 2 points
Chapman 45th 1 points
Total 75 Points
Purple House 511 points 1
Gold House 445 points 2
Green House 360 points 3
Blue House 184 points 4
(N.G.C. and G.R.Y.)
Football again was very prominent among the winter sports. Altogether, about 120 boys took part in the Saturday competitions, many more being in the Tuesday games.
For the 1st. XV, this season was a successful one. With seven old caps back at the beginning of the season, we seemed likely to mould into a good combination, but owing to several casualties and a disrupted training schedule early in the season we failed to settle down until later in the season. In our three annual school matc15hes not once were we successful. We make no excuses, and heartily congratulate our opponents on their high standard of football. We suffered rather heavily at the hands of Napier B.H.S., and had hard-fought games with Dannevirke H.S. and Gisborne H.S. In the Saturday competition we finished third on the third grade ladder. Congratulations go to Barley, Wattie, McLay and Cooper (forwards) and Waymouth (back), who gained third grade representative honours.
Robertson is to be congratulated on winning the cup presented by the Hastings High School Old Boys’ Club for the most improved player.
FIRST XV. 1946
Standing: R. K. Wattie, M. Tomlins, R. O. McLay, Mr. E. S. Craven (Coach). R. M. Sturm, J. N. Bradshaw, B. Adler.
Sitting: J. G. Martin, R. G. Chapman, J. H. N. Waymouth, (vice-capt.), N. G. Cooper (capt.), J. N. Joll, K. C. Barley, T. J. Robertson.15
In Front: M. Brown, G. P. Eddy, B. A. Wallace, R. G. Yule, S. Walmsley.
First fifteen caps were awarded to Joll, Cooper, Waymouth, Wattie, Barley, Bradshaw, Sturm, Eddy, Yule, McLay, Martin, Robertson, Tomlins, Walmsley, Adler, Wallace and Brown. The only serious casualty we suffered this year was by Sturm, who received a knee injury and was unable to play in any school games.
In conclusion, we should like to thank Mr. Craven for his capable coaching throughout the season. We offer 15our thanks to our Gisborne hosts, to our Dannevirke hosts, and to those responsible for the reception tended to the visiting teams. We are also very grateful to the referees who controlled our inter-school matches.
Games player [played] 12, won 7, lost 3, drawn 2. Points for 146, against 74.
v. NAPIER B.H.S. – In spite of a scoreless first half, Napier XV pressed home the attack in the latter stages to secure a runaway victory over us by 21-0. Their rearguard was much better served than ours, but it was not until a late stage that they made use of their monopoly of the ball. Our forwards at the start of the game, set out to make the pace a cracker, and they were mainly responsible for Napier’s inability to produce more than one really dangerous rearguard action in the first half. Although later they seemed to lose some of their dash, our forwards were on top in the loose play up till half time. The best movement of the first half came just before the interval, when Hastings secured from a loose ruck about the half-way mark. The ball travelled along the backline to 15Waymouth, who dummied and swerved infield, avoiding three Napier defenders. His pass to the wing, who was unmarked, went astray, and the ball rolled into touch. After the interval Napier made a series of relentless attacks, and the lighter Hastings forwards tired, enabling Napier to score repeatedly. The best try of the game came as a result of a brilliant run by Reedy. The game ended with the score 21-0.
Scorers – Napier – Anderson, 1 penalty and 3 conversions; Reedy and Gray, 2 tries each.
Mr. J. Drummond was the referee.
v. Gisborne H.S. – Gisborne High school proved successful in the annual inter-school match with Hastings High School. The final score rather flattered the winners, as it was not until the latter part of the second spell that Gisborne showed their best form. The ground was hard, and Hastings elected to play with a slight breeze. The Hastings defence was one the features of the game. School defended desperately for the greater part of the first spell, but their line was never crossed. As the play moved up the field, School followed up quickly, and Cooper secured the ball and raced over. The kick missed. With play in midfield Waymouth snapped up the ball and scored a good try. Cooper converted. At half-time School led 8-0. In the second half Gisborne altered their tactics and played to their wings. Bignell was a repeated menace to the School defence. Candy scored two good tries, and a little later Turnbull crashed over. With the score at 9-8 School made a last attempt, but was driven back, and a little later both Lincoln and Bignell scored for Gisborne. All the kicks missed, and the final score was 15-8 in Gisborne’s favour. Mr. Lockwood was the referee.
v. DANNEVIRKE H. S. – Played under appalling conditions, the annual match was played at Nelson Park and resulted in a win for Dannevirke by 5-0. Heavy rain fell throughout the game, transforming the ground into a sea of mud. In spite of the conditions, Dannevirke, who had a feast of the ball, elected to make the play open, and the efficient handling of their backs was surprising. Immediately on the start of play Dannevirke attacked, an15d for about ten minutes had it all their own way, only strong defensive play on our part stopping them from scoring. The only try of the match came when Moore, Dannevirke centre, dummied and swerved infield to score after a 30 yard run. Price’s conversion was a magnificent effort. Dannevirke held their monopoly of the ball, and were continually on the attack, but our defence never weakened. Towards the end of the first half we staged a number of thrilling rushes which came close to scoring. Just before half time, Waymouth initiated a fine passing movement, and a score seemed inevitable, when, with only the full-back opposing him, he passed to one of his supports, who stumbled and lost possession a few yards from the line. After half-time the play settled down to hard, slogging, forward tactics. The final score read: Dannevirke 5, Hastings 0.
Mr. G. Robertson was the referee.
As usual, the inter-house matches were played with the same vigorous all-in tactics. In every grade the matches were well contested. The results were: –
Senior – Blue 24, Gold 16, Purple 8, Green 0.
Intermediate. – Blue 15, Gold 9, Purple 12, Green 0.
Junior. – Blue 2, Gold 6, Purple 0, Green 8.15
Total points. – Blue 41, 1st., Gold 31, 2nd., Purple 20, 3rd.
These games are important for developing the younger talent. Approximately 60 boys took part in the senior grade and about 90 boys took part in the junior. The results were as follows: –
Senior. – Ironsides 11, Vikings 8, Spartans 5, Trojans 0.
Junior. – Ironsides 11, Kiwis 11, Trojans 5, Buccaneers 5, Spartans 4, Vikings 0.
THE 2nd XV.
Our team did very well this year after it had settled down. We were fortunate in that the 1st XV drew on us often, but we finished third in the Saturday competition. We played two school games this season both against Napier Boys’ High School. The team was as follows: – Sivewright, McCutcheon, Thompson, Bradshaw, MacDonald (Capt.), Hawkes, Baker, Quinlivan, Comrie, Stewart, Zelcer, Adler, Liley, Scott, Jenkinson, Anthony R., Bar15ton, Tong, Nimon. The team was ably coached by Mr. Campbell, who inspired us with great keenness throughout the season. We lost both games against Napier, the first by 15-0 and the second by 11-6. We wish to congratulate Brown on being promoted to the 1st XV during the season.
THE 3rd. XV.
From two 5th. grade Saturday football teams, a 3rd. XV was selected to play Waipawa D. H. S. 1st XV and Napier B.H.S. 3rd XV.
The team which played Waipawa was as follows: – Weekes, Tolley, McCormick, Wilson, Yule, Anthony, McMillan, Pryor, Barton, Hawkes, Tong, Martin, Tuohy, Carrington and Thompson.
In the first few minutes of the game Yule scored the first try, which was converted. In the remainder of the first half we held Waipawa easily, but in the second half we were pressed hard. However, the whistle saved us, the final score being High School 5, Waipawa 0.
When we played Napier the team was slightly changed. It was as follows: – Kay, Palmer, Weekes, Wilson, Yule, Anthony, McMillan, Barton, Scott, Tong,Hunt, Tuohy, Cooper, Carrington and Pryor.
Though Napier’s team was much heavier than ours, we held them during the first half, and most of the second half. They opened the scoring by kicking a penalty. Then in the last few minutes, by good movements, the backs scored twice from scrums. Each try was converted. The final score was 13-0.
In conclusion, we thank Mr. Fowler for his coaching throughout the season.
Despite many untimely interruptions, drill this year has been carried on whenever possible. All specialist training has been dispensed with, and the Battalion has concentrated on physical training, foot drill and shooting. Shooting in particular has received more attention this year. Cadets have had the opportunity for practice in the holidays, as well as in the regular drill periods.
Barracks – In the second week of the first term the Battalion had four days’ barracks. As in the past years, the n.c.o.’s were grouped into one platoon and carried out special foot drill. Their drill was of a high standard, as was shown when they gave a display at the end of barracks. The remainder of the battalion followed a circuit which comprised range work, Bren L. M. G., rifle training, infantry training, lectures and tabloid athletics. The “rookies” were quick to learn their drill, and the Battalion gave some creditable displays of marching in the daily march-past. The Battalion was fortunate in having the help of several Army and Air Force instructors. We are most grateful for their assistance in making the Battalion what it is. The following were the instructors who were with us during Barracks. – Lieut. I. J. Hellyer, N. Z. S. C., Flying Officer H. Le Bas, WO II W. Galloway, WO II P. F. Corrigan, WO II A. E. Fear, WO II K. J. Ogle, Sgt. R. W. Brown, Sgt. J. G. Govan, F/Sgt L. Parkes and Cpl. J. S. Bolton.
The Army instructors were assisted by Cadet N.C.O’s, who had attended Cadet Courses at Linton in January. At the final parade Lt.-Col. Henry, N.Z.S.C., Area Commander, took the salute. Later he spoke to the Battalion, and said he was impressed by the progress made during barracks.
Organisation – The Battalion roll has still further increased, and now consists of two substantial companies. A Coy. consists of four platoons made up of the senior school. The four platoons of B. Coy. comprise all the first year boys. This increase in strength has also necessitated a substantial increase in senior N.C.O.’s, who have carried out their duties efficiently and well.
Instruction – N.C.O. classes have again been carried on this year. Here we should like to thank Staff/Sgt. MacShane for the great interest he has taken in the Battalion. We are indeed grateful for his help. Cadet courses were held at Linton in January for general n.c.o.’s and Artillery n.c.o.’s. The n.c.o.’s all benefited from their courses, and as usual received all the care and attention the Army can give.15
Equipment – Although the Armoury now presents rather a formidable appearance we realise that the strengthening was not done because of the condition of the Armoury n.c.o.’s. Throughout the year the Armoury has been maintained in excellent condition. The equipment now consists of 100 Mark IV rifles and 10 .22 S.M.L.E. rifles.
In conclusion we should like to thank the officers and the Army instructors for the interest they have taken in the Battalion during the year. It is gratifying to note that although the war is over, no feeling of complacency has undermined the efficiency of cadet training.
Valedictory – Just as these notes go to the printer we learn that the writer of them, WO II J. H. N. Waymouth, is about to leave for the United Kingdom, where he will undergo training for a commission in the Paymaster’s Branch of the Royal Navy. We have heard it said that all Army Quartermasters buy a “pub” on their retirement, but we do not know if that applies to Naval Paymasters. We thank Waymouth for his work as R.S.M., and wish him well in his voyages on the Seven Seas.15
This year the numbers of the unit have held up very well, considering that since the war ceased there has been no great attraction for cadets.
We have been carrying on with routine cadet drill and physical training, while awaiting orders from Wing H.Q. regarding our peace-time role.
Last Christmas holidays, 3 n.c.o.‘s, Sgts. K. C. Barley, R. J. Custance and K. N. Le Comte attended an instructors course at Ohakea. All three obtained credit passes in their examinations.
We are grateful to F/Sgt. Parkes for his lectures and instruction.15
Shooting was carried out as usual at school this year. During Barracks all cadets had at least one period of shooting, and the recruits made good progress. Rifle training given outside the range greatly lessened the danger to the farm behind the butts.
15Since Barracks a rotation system has been in operation, one platoon going to the range each Friday. In addition, practice shoots for the Imperial Challenge Shield were held in the term holidays by S/Sgt. McShane, to whom out thanks are given. The actual shoot has since been held, some very good scores being returned.15
At first the range used 10 Army S.M.L.E. rifles, but these were withdrawn from March to August. Rifles issued to the A.T.C. were used in the interval.
After a postponement of a fortnight owing to rain cadets over 16 had their annual .303 and Bren shoot at Roy’s Hill on the 2nd of November. Contrary to many previous years the weather was fine and warm, making the day most enjoyable. During the afternoon, selected cadets had Bren shooting. Our thanks go to Capt. Burgess and the Sub-area Staff for organising the day.
The Company Cup was won by Quinlivan, who had a lead of 6 points from his nearest rival, Perry.
Practice No. 1 was grouping at 100yds., possible 25.
Practice No. 2 was application at 200yds., possible 25.
Practice No. 3 was snap shooting at 200yds., possible 15.
Practice No. 4 was application at +300yds, possible 25.
The best scores were: –
1 2 3 4 Total Place
Cpl. Quinlivan, T.D. 20 23 15 23 81 1
Cdt. Perry, B. 25 20 9 21 75 2
Cdt. Chapman, R. 20 23 15 16 74 3
W.O Joll, J.N. 20 21 9 21 71 4
Cpl. Bradshaw, J. 20 22 6 21 69 5
Cdt. Bryce, D. 20 19 12 18 69 5
Cpl. Tuohy, B. 20 21 9 18 68 715
Cdt. Murdoch, B. 20 18 9 18 65 8
Cdt. McLanahan, C. 20 22 9 13 64 9
Cdt. Meatchem, H. 15 23 9 17 64 9
Cdt. Carrington, F. 15 18 12 18 63 11
Cpl. Adler, B. 20 19 9 14 62 12
Sgt. Nimon, J. R. 20 17 6 19 62 1215
Sgt. Howell, P. 20 14 9 18 61 14
Sgt. Scott, S. 15 18 9 19 61 14
Cdt. Taylor, I. 20 14 6 20 60 16
Cpt. Apatu, R. 15 21 9 15 60 16
Sgt. Custance, R. 15 20 6 17 58 18
Cpl. Tong, L. 15 21 9 13 58 18
The Annual Press Shield Shoot was held on the morning of Guy Fawkes’ Day under perfect conditions (it was during school hours).
The high average of 79.5 is the best so far recorded. The highest individual scores were returned by Perry 89, and Quinlivan 86, Perry’s score is a School record.
Details (Possible 100): –
Appltn. Prac. Rapid Total
Cdt. P. Berry [B. Perry] 22 21 46 89
Cpl. D. Quinlivan 17 22 47 86
Cdt. C. McLanachan 23 24 38 85
Cdt. D. Hawkes 24 19 42 85
Cdt. B. Tuohy 20 21 42 83
Cdt. B. Hannah 22 19 40 81
Cdt. E. Harper 22 21 34 77
Cdt. L. Crisp 19 15 36 70
Cdt. H. Priest 18 16 36 70
Cdt. H. Meatchem 13 19 37 69
On November 17th. two teams of cadets represented the School in the Coleman Shield Shoot at Roy’s Hill. Nearly all the team were successful in winning some prize money in the Cadet Section, and Joll and Perry were also successful in the Open Competition. Joll is to be congratulated in winning the Vigor-Brown Belt for the Champion Cadet, as well as gaining 12th place out of 96 in the open section.
The A team was 5th out of 16 teams competing.
The following are the scores for the two teams: –
200yds 300yds 500yds Total
W.O. Joll 31 33 31 95
Cdt. Perry 31 32 29 92
Cpl. Bradshaw 28 29 29 86
Cdt. McLanachan 29 29 25 83
Cpl. Quinlivan 28 25 27 80
Cdt. Chapman 29 28 21 78
200yds 300yds 500yds Total
Sgt. Nimon 33 31 25 89
Flt./Sgt. Barley 28 31 27 86
Cpl. Brice 34 26 26 86
Sgt. Tuohy 29 27 29 85
Sgt. Custance 29 27 27 83
Sgt. Howell 32 26 16 74
A tramp in the Kaweka Range was arranged by Mr. Craven in the beginning of last Christmas Holidays. The party consisted of Mr. Craven, G. Apperley, D. Bathgate, R. J. Custance, K. Le Comte, B. Jones, R. Smith, R. Sturm and G. Will.
The party travelled by one of Holt’s timber trucks to Puketitiri, arriving at 10.30, and we commenced tramping immediately. By one o’clock we came to a whare on the Makahu stream, where we left our gear. After a good meal we left for the hot springs on the Mohaka River. Three wild pigs were sighted, but we obtained no pork. Shortly after 4 p.m. we arrived at the hot springs, where everyone had a cold swim in the river and a warm up under a hot waterfall. After a very enjoyable hour we left for our camp. The first night we all suffered from cold and rain.
On Tuesday we were up early and soon were on our way. This day proved interesting for those who had not seen a deer in the wild before, for that day we saw over half of the 27 sighted on the trip. The day was spent going up the Makahu Stream, in which several of the party had the experience of being cast on their backs in ice cold water. Tuesday night saw us at the Iron Hut, which was reached after a hard pull out of the stream. Mr. Craven was the only one who slept in the hut that night, the general opinion being, “It may be a roof over one’s head, but that’s all you can say of it.” The party pitched tents in the scrub.
Wednesday. This proved to be the hardest day. We journeyed over the Kaweka Flats to the foot of Dick’s Spur, our next objective. This spur led to the highest point in Hawke’s Bay, namely 5652 feet and means climbing 2500 feet. The spur was composed of flint rock, which reflected the sun’s rays. To some people the day may have seemed perfect, for the sun shone in his full glory, but to us he was a curse. When we have talked of this trip we have agreed that the four-hour trek to Dick’s Spur was the hardest day’s work of our lives. Fortunately, over the top we struck a little water which relieved our unforgettable thirst. Towards nightfall we had traversed the main ridges leading to the Kaweka Hut. Late in the afternoon Mr. Craven got a deer
at a very long range, but we do not suggest that it was a fluke. We skinned the beast and moved on. Nearing the Kaweka Hut a gale blew up, and we pushed on through a dust-storm. Arriving at the Kaweka Hut we had a quick meal and all retired after very little talk.
Thursday. Early this morning Le Comte and Smith set out for Kuripapanga [Kuripapango] and hoped to get to Hastings that night. This was easily achieved by them, for they picked up a truck near Kuripapanga which took them to Hastings. The remainder of us spent the best part of the day cleaning up the hut and getting in a large supply of dry firing. In the late afternoon we journeyed to the road, and thence to Kuripapanga, where we picked up our bikes, which had been brought up by a carrier. Bathgate’s bike fell in two, and had to be left. So now we had nine trampers and eight bikes. After a night under the scrub we set out on our fifty miles bike ride home. One picked up a truck; so we now were eight trampers, and by this time almost eight bikes. Major repairs were conducted at numerous intervals along the road, but all were treated lightly, with the result that we arrived home in the semi-darkness looking more like tramps than trampers. We had covered one hundred and fifty miles during the trip.
In conclusion, the party would like to offer their thanks to Mr. Craven, who organised and conducted the party.
There are certain laws pertaining to back-country travel which must be obeyed if a party is always to tramp in safety. Some of these laws are often disregarded by trampers, and it is quite evident that it was for this same reason that the prefects spent several rather uncomfortable days when they were delayed on their tramp in the Kawekas in May of this year. The experience the trampers gained, will, however, stand them in good stead in any other trips they may make.
The main party, which went to Kuripapanga on the Sunday, comprised J. Waymouth, J. Joll, K. Barley, R. Sturm, G. Martin, J. Nimon, J. Garrick and one old boy of the school, B. Comrie. This party arrived at Kuripapanga during the afternoon and spent the evening in the P. W. D. [Public Works Department] huts there. During the evening they were joined by another old boy, Don. Butt, who was cycling back to Mangahane [Mangaohane] Station, where he was working as a shepherd.
Don decided to stay the night with the party and go on in the morning. As he was returning to town the following week-end, he was promised a ride back with the party on Friday. I am afraid that this contract was not fulfilled. The party, minus R. Sturm, who developed an illness during the night and did not wish to be an encumbrance, climbed Gentle Annie early in the morning, and from there they continued up Te Iringa. The weather was very warm and everyone was in high spirits. Midday found them near Hogget Trig and later in the afternoon the Log Cabin was reached. Here the party was joined by R. Custance and D. Bathgate. These two had come to Log Cabin by a different route two days earlier.
The trek from the Log cabin to the Manson creek occupied half of Tuesday. Several of the party decided to stay at the creek, so that they might do some shooting, while the remainder were led on by B. Comrie up to the Manson Hut.
The former group were not very successful with their hunting. It was only after missing several standing shots that they found out that their rifle sights were set at 500 yards. The latter party after a strenuous climb reached the Manson Hut only to find it occupied by two wild and woolly looking deerstalkers and a large number of very smelly deerskins. The whole party re-united on Wednesday morning at the Manson Creek. This creek was followed down to where it flows into the Ngaruroro. At this stage the sky was somewhat black, and a little rain had fallen, although the prospects did not seem unduly alarming.
The Kiwi Creek is about a mile further up the river than the Manson Creek, and it was necessary to cross the river three times before the creek mouth was reached. Apart from getting their nether garments wet, the party suffered no hardship in doing this. The clothes were dried out at a fire by the creek-mouth, and during this time a young wild pig was foolish enough to begin foraging for food on the riverbed. Needless to say, the mistake of the previous evening was not repeated and – to mix a metaphor – the cat was soon in the bag. Only about two hours of daylight were left by the time the party was again on its way, and in this time they managed to cover about half the distance of the creek.
That night the rain was so heavy that both sleeping-bags and covers were soaked, and so became unserviceable. By morning the creek was no longer safe. The party therefore struck out up a bushed spur which finally led to Kiwi Saddle. Night found them with still some distance to go to reach the Saddle. Owing to the lack of an axe, dry wood could not be obtained, and although the matches were still dry, the fire was finally given up as a bad job.
The bushed ridge was followed again in the morning, but owing to the cloud and the consequent poor visibility, the saddle was passed without our recognising it. This night a group of rocks gave the party shelter, and again it was fortunate that the weather, although wet, was not cold.
On Saturday morning a break in the mist showed the trampers their previous night’s error and no speed was lost in retracing their steps over the saddle. All this day was spent in trying to find the correct spur off the ridge, but luck was against them and another night was passed in the bush.
On Sunday morning the trampers decided to follow the spur which seemed most likely. This spur did not turn out to be the correct one, but as it led down to the Ngaruroro, and from there it would be possible to rejoin the main ridge further along, it was followed. During the day a plane was observed, but its attention could not be attracted.
The spur leading back on to the main ridge from the Ngaruroro proved to be much longer than was represented on the map, and so the party was forced to spend one more night out.
And so Monday morning found the trampers on the last stages of their journey. This day the sun was shining, and did the party become sun-worshippers. Again, more planes flew overhead, but not even the yellow sleeping bag covers could attract their crews.
At about 2 p.m. the P.W.D. Huts were reached. After cleaning up at the creek (it has been surmised by one of the staff that this meant that the trampers combed their beards), the party went on to the MacDonald homestead.
From there a car was soon dispatched and news of the arrival circulated to the parents.
After an excellent and very large meal the party climbed back into their bus and drove home, to be greeted by more food and interrogation – both in large quantities.
It would not be correct to conclude this story without thanking, once again, all those people, especially the search parties and the MacDonald’s, who put themselves out in their efforts to locate the party. The trampers are all very grateful.
We are very pleased to report that after a period of about two years, in which there was not a leader for our local union, activities have again commenced. Towards the end of the Second Term, Mr. J.C. Henderson took over the leadership, and we are very much indebted to him for his keen interest and willing co-operation.
There are now eleven members on the roll, and in Edward Boyd, we have a very keen secretary who is always ready to enrol and welcome new members to the Union.
At the commencement of the third term, our leader showed, in the Assembly Hall, a very fine film depicting life and daily routine in two of the boys’ Crusader Summer Camps.
The film was shown in the lunch hour, and over 200 pupils enjoyed 20 minutes of very pleasant entertainment.
Our fish “squash” was held at the home of Mr. Henderson on Saturday, the 19th. Oct. Boy! What a time! It is to be hoped that many more such evenings can be held in the not too distant future.
The union meets every Tuesday in the lunch hour for approximately twenty-five minutes.
Winner Runner-up
CRICKET No house competition.
TENNIS Blue (singles) Green
(Essay which won 2nd prize in the annual competition sponsored by The Royal Society of St. George.)
An Englishman is conspicuous by his absence. Without English representation at an International Conference it would seem as if the meeting were only an after-dinner discussion, but when the English Representative arrives the chatter ceases and all immediately set about business in a serious and methodical manner. Where business is concerned the Englishman is straightforward and says what he means to, without any deviations from the topic of discussion. He is perfectly honest in all transactions and his methods are not biased by venal persuasion. He is not a casuist and his views on all subjects are decided.
An Englishman can be recognised by his simple, but well cut, clothes; he is always dressed immaculately and correctly for the time and place. But he has never been a stickler for correct dress during the war and anyone who has been fortunate enough to have a pre-war dress-suit, is made to feel very uncomfortable at a formal function where, because of the war, everyone has come dressed informally. He is courteous, dignified and reserved and adapts himself to the type of company that he is with. Always puritanical in his sense of fairness and of judgment he would always let the opposing side or team take advantage over a fine margin of points.
Because of his dignity and reserve it is hard for one to become intimate with an Englishman, but once that reserve has broken the friendship which follows is the truest and finest that could be wished for. When a stranger meets an Englishman, the Englishman does not scorn him or bow down and worship him, but treats him with a warm, friendly attitude. Then if the foreigner proves by his actions, “because actions speak louder than words,” that he is a decent, upright citizen, then the Englishman may adopt a friendly attitude or just gently let the foreigner know that his friendship is not wanted.
To open conversation after dinner, when among strangers, there are set topics on which Englishmen rely to supply the necessary openings. Art, Opera, Drama, and books and their authors for the drawing room, and for the library mainly politics or maybe travel.
They are never depressed or rather, I should say, they never appear to be depressed; they hide their emotions beneath the cloak of cheerfulness. If they worry at all it is usually over somebody else’s troubles, but their own troubles they dismiss with a smile.
Their judgment on State affairs is sound and can be relied on to be the right decision, whereas the French are inclined to quibble over minor details. In politics the Englishman is at ease. While he can discuss issues that are of world importance he will advance and agree to radical changes in ways and means of dealing with International problems, but when in the Home Government, it comes to changing something and, which had been accepted by their forefathers to be the best answer to the problem, he prefers past ideas to logical reasoning. The symbol of his tenacity is the Bulldog, which is typical of the Englishman, because once he gets his teeth into anything it may take a lot of persuasion to make him let go. To-day we have some very famous orators in the British Parliament. In fact, it is said by a Danish author that Britain has produced the greatest modern orators. The same writer also stated that the English are the thinkers and the French the talkers of the modern world.
They have a very adventurous spirit, which no doubt originates from the many traces of European blood in the English. In an expedition either for exploration or research, the English usually play a prominent part and many famous expeditions have been led by Englishmen. In Southern England, the people mainly live an alfresco life but elsewhere the majority of the people work in factories, mines or offices, the only escape from this cramped indoor life being at the weekends, when thousands of people flock to the beaches and the countryside for fresh air. Just as they are adventurous so are they romantic; as a proof of this we have “Gretna Green” where we have runaway marriages conducted by a clergyman in a blacksmith’s shop.
In their regards for foreign races they would fight anyone who threatened their freedom and would help others whose liberty was being taken from them. They would fight against dictators who tried to better themselves or their States by threatening the peace and liberty of weaker nations. But, in their own country, the Government can dictate to them and they submit meekly, but the Government must know its limit and not exceed it.
The English love London as a child loves its mother, for is it not the heart of England as well as the centre of the Empire? The King and Queen are not merely symbolic figureheads at the head of the British Empire, but are regarded with a deep affection by the people; this love is returned to the people by their Majesties.
The English are and always will be, we hope and pray, worthy of imitation.
A.T.H. Va Boys.
To stop some very sad mistake
Some little third form boys might make,
In every lab. is pinned up high
Some rules which make some young hearts sigh.
It’s the list of things that are taboo,
And also things we shouldn’t do.
In these is given prominence
To unauthorised experiments.
And so you see, with rules like these,
The people in authority
When boys themselves to pieces blow,
Can rightly say, “I told you so.”
So Marcus Dabb, the more’s the shame,
Had only got himself to blame;
For what occurred to him when he
Mixed A with concentrated B.
(I fear to give the proper name.
Lest other boys should do the same
At home upon a smaller scale,
And should not live to tell the tale).
Now Marcus held that laws were made
On purpose to be disobeyed;
And so in chemistry he sought
To do the things he didn’t ought.
He ran the taps till H2O,
Leaked underneath the floor below!
He wasted gas like anything,
By making Bunsen burners sing.
And constantly at school expense
Did “unauthorised experiments.”
Until upon that fateful day
He mixed some concentrated B with A.
I will not say just what occurred,
Suffice to say the bang was heard,
From Dannevirke to North Hawke’s Bay,
And just as far the other way.
While men who made statistics said
That Marcus was distributed,
And fell, a fine precipitate,
From Havelock North to Irongate.
So boys when you are in the lab.,
Think now and then of Marcus Dabb:
Less you should prove a problem too
To those who have to bury you!
P.D.B. IIIc Boys.
“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your beers.” So, or nearly so, spake Mark Antony, having just returned from that arid country of Cleopatra’s, Egypt, of whose baggage animals Alexander the Great once said, metaphorically speaking, “There’s gold in them thar ‘ills.” For it is in “them thar ‘ills” that the camel is erroneously reputed to carry its water-supply. If the ordinary person was asked to draw a camel he surely would not forget to draw the ‘ills or ‘umps, as they are sometime called. These are the most noticeable features of a camel; others are his feet, which are covered with fairly soft pads – as soft as a mule’s back hooves fitted with boxing golves [gloves].
The camel is invaluable in solving the transport problems of the East. Think of it! No road laying, bridge building or railway construction, and consequently no taxation for their upkeep – all because of this animal. For this reason, and, I am told, for this reason alone, the camel is tolerated. No attention is paid its remarkable ability to go without water for long periods at a stretch. There is a story of two camels who came to an oasis and knelt down, as camels are want to do, after much maltreatment, which camels are wont to receive. One turned to the other and said, “Camilla, will you drink with me?” Said the other, “I am sorry Camillus, but it’s only ten days since I had a drink.”
Its strength and speed are often forgotten, while much is made, on the contrary, of the discomforts suffered by the traveller in the desert, whose friend, the sun, plays havoc with his head and whose other comrade – the camel – wreaks equal though dissimilar destruction on his nether portion.
Technically, a camel is a large-hoofed, ruminant quadrupled [qaudruped]. As our American-conscious youth would say, “I’ve said a mouthful.” However, “I ain’t said nothing yet.” This animal justifies the epithet “large.” It’s about seven to eight feet high, but quoting from my source of information, supplied gratis, “It depends on the height of the camel.” The word “hoofed” I have already dealt with. The adjective “ruminant” is also correct for it has a cud – of considerable importance – which it does chew. It is an herbiverous animal. Yet not for it the lush sweet grass of the valleys, the tall palms of the plains or the clear water of the springs – give it thistles, the thistlier the better – bitter weeds and salty alkaline water (preferably stagnant) – for of such is the Heaven of Camels.
Camels were domesticated over 3000 years ago. You wouldn’t think so, for they are the most vicious of all supposedly tame animals. They think nothing of chewing your arm off or having a bite from the rear. All in the day’s work. Characteristically, they have another method of venting their anger – the Romans put it “effundere iram” – we say, “to vent one’s spleen” – the camel strikes a halfway line. He can’t quite manage the spleen so, in the moments of anger, he disgorges his cud in one’s general direction. Pleasant animal! However, for all their faults, “the ship of the desert” is accepted the world over, even in New Zealand, for many of us appreciated the qualities of a “Camel” introduced by the Americans. You hear only songs like “The Camels Are Coming.” You never hear, “The Camels are Going, Hurrah, Hurrah.”
Many are they who leave me,
When each year its race has run.
Some leave my gates unnoticed,
For me no deed they’ve done.
Every service makes me stronger,
Or shapes another corner stone.
Every act will bring fulfilment
And shape tradition yet unknown.
From my gates have gone great builders,
Mine the pride to see their deeds,
Mine the earth in which they flourished
Gave them birth and filled their needs.
Many are they who leave me
When each year is quickly gone.
Those who leave a mark behind them,
Though afar their names live on!
M.B. IVa Girls.
All they could give they gave
That we might live to save
This world we know, and love,
From death, – below, above
On every side.
We saw
The flood, the tide, the man
Whose only meal was blood;
Yes, we could feel the thud
When empires swayed, to fall;
The wreck they made is all
That now remains.
Yet still
Kind Science deigns to fill
The minds of men with thoughts
Of war again; the forts
Of ev’ry land are filled
Are ably manned – the killed
And maimed forgot.
Shall war
Be still the lot of more
Of mankind’s flow’r Shall strife
Be Nations’ pow’r? Shall life
Be lost in ghastly carnage?
Let this not be The age
Of war is past.
“This is the last. Today
They say,
We sign the Peace. “They strove
For an increase of love,
Of man’s goodwill t’wards man.
But, or, what ill the span
Of a man’s life can wreak.
The stars
Saw this playground of Mars.
Somewhere a child was born
Into an aching world, that was shorn
Of all beauty and possessions dear.
And this sight, through years, was clear
In his memory.
Born at a time when bird
Was still; the chime was heard;
The bugle blew a last
Last Post; a new bright cast
Was made. Now dazed, the lands
No longer raised their hands
Against mankind.
Swift ran the years behind,
As a man he now arose,
Startled that countries could doze
In face of certain war;
For wide now stood the door
The vow of peace forsworn.
He died, who on that morn
First cried – died at a time
When bird was still; the chime
Was heard; the bugle blew a last
Last post.
[Although we are happy to publish the two articles below – the subject is very very much in and on the air – we accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the statements or for the opinions expressed. – Ed.]
When animals acquired the gregarious habit, it became necessary to have natural leaders. These were generally selected by the method of eliminating the weak. With most species of animal the male is the better gifted physically, and as a result the selection of leaders was usually from the males. An excellent example of this tendency is found among deer.
When Man emerged from his primitive state, he gradually developed more intricate and efficient systems of ruling, which in the Stone Age were similar to those of most flock animals to-day. Throughout the various ages he developed, until he came to live in villages under chieftains. As communications improved, a king was chosen for a whole country, first by distinction in battle and then by hereditary right.
For a time this system worked, but as men became more intelligent, they began to demand the right to share governmental responsibilities. The Witanagemot in Britain is typical of the system devised to meet this demand. Although the country remained under the king, every freeman was permitted to attend a form of election at the village “moot,” where a representative was elected to form part of the king’s advisory committee. Most of our rulers were satisfactory up to the reign of King John, who after exceeding his powers, was forced to sign the Magna Carta. This concession greatly increased the people’s voice in the Government. After the Wars of the Roses, when the Tudors emerged supreme, our sovereigns reverted to despotism, but ruled so wisely and well that the people did not object. The Stuarts, however, proved unpopular, and soon ill-feeling was rife. The issue of the king’s power finally caused the division of Parliament into the “Abhorrers,” or “Tories,” who supported the King’s power, and the “Petitioners.” or “Whigs,” who wanted an increase in the powers of Parliament. This was the beginning of the “Party System” of government, and the voter – after his franchise was restored – chose between one party and another, rather than between one man and another.
As time went on the landowners, by means most clandestine, turned the theoretically democratic country into an autocracy. These conditions prevailed until after the Napoleonic Wars, when the strife caused by them and by the
gradual progress of the Industrial Revolution, drove the people to rioting. Unable to ignore this, the parliament – now divided into “Liberals” and “Conservatives” – was forced to widen the franchise, which had formerly permitted only one thirtieth of the people to vote.
The “Party System” has remained, although party names and dividing issues have changed. The franchise question was not settled until 1928, but in the meantime differences in trade theories had served to keep the parties distinct. To-day some degree of stability has been reached. We will in the future, no doubt, demand constitutional reforms, but we will still cling to the right to vote.
Mac. Va Boys.
Soon we will have an election. As many as think it their duty will go and vote. That night everyone will listen excitedly to the results, then everyone will sit back and grumble for another three years. These elections are not what they used to be. Nowadays a candidate can make all his election speeches without having once to cope with an angry tomato or an obstreperous cabbage. Something has gone wrong with the election spirit. Where are the egg and turnip wielders of old? Have they died out? No! The answer is that nowadays it has become customary for a man to listen to the speeches made by his own party and not to those of the other side. In my opinion a man should be ashamed to listen to his own candidate’s speeches. He knows his candidate’s policy beforehand, and will vote for him anyway. So what is to be gained by listening to him when he might well be improving his aim at the rival candidate’s meetings.
If the old spirit returns, as I have every reason to believe it will (for was not a politician recently knocked off his chair by a bag of old iron during the Australian beano. Then every Labour meeting will be thronged with Nationalist cricketers, baseball pitchers, etc., and vice versa; all, including the candidate, will be well supplied with rotten eggs, turnips, etc., by which means a candidate could more readily deal with interjectors.
This system will get a better type of man into Parliament. For would not he who could survive a storm of eggs, more easily survive a storm of words? Also, a candidate will have to be a man of no mean courage; for to make a speech before a crowd which is literally egging one on, and to look a fast approaching turnip in the eye requires courage, quick reactions and a complete faith in the policy one is putting forward.
Perhaps the best way to work things would be to have the courageous candidates and all straight shooting voters gathered in halls or theatres on election night. Each voter would then be issued with a tomato or an egg. Each candidate would then have to appear in turn at each hall and make his policy speech. Voters could then quite literally cast a vote at those candidates of whom they disapproved. The candidate with the least number of votes cast at him would then be elected.
You may think that this would be a waste. It would not. All the squashed vegetables, eggs, etc., could be gathered, cooked, tinned and sold as “Prime Election Hash,” or by some such name. Of course, care would have to be
taken to extract stray candidates before cooking or the mixture would acquire a political flavour.
I sincerely hope that we will go back to this system. Then candidates will have to be men, and it will be the duty of party members to excavate their candidate.
H.P. Va Boys.
In our house there’s a clock
Which to know is to hate,
It’s caused all the wrinkles,
Those looks so irate
For there on the dresser,
The timepiece one sees
Has caught, sad to say,
The “alarming” disease.
It practices scales
All hours of the night,
And makes neighbours wonder
“Is something not right?”
Oft the telephone rings
And suggests, “if it may”
That we put our “dear” baby’s
Tin whistle away.
Again in the daytime,
It cries and it moans,
Until we’re depressed by
Its pitiful tones.
But when it crescendos,
And raises its key
For it and ourselves,
We’re filled with pity.
When refraining from shrieking,
This clock’s quite a pet.
Our friends yearn to have it,
But never are let.
Despite explanations,
“So out of repair,”
To give it away
Would hardly be fair.
The parties it’s spoilt,
By its heart-rending note;
The lateness it’s caused –
The excuses we quote.
It’s driving us crazy,
We’re all going grey;
But it’s such an old friend
We won’t put it away.
Ma’s threatened, Pa’s threatened;
(We’ve each had our turn),
To be rid of this timepiece,
The act we all spurn.
So there on the dresser,
Complacent, one sees
Our clock, still uncured of
The “alarming” disease.
When Ptolemy founded the first library at Alexandria, I wonder if he thought to what extent his examples would be followed in modern times? Although Ptolemy has been given the honour of collecting the first library it is certain that there were great libraries in China long before his time. For instance, what of that great room which is filled – literally filled – with manuscripts of all kinds. When and if the Lamas who discovered it, ever let archaeologists study its contents, what great secrets will be revealed?
To-day, in most cases, the Library is a place where one may obtain books on any subject for study or for recreation. There are, however, many famous libraries where this is not so, where all the best books written are collected
and preserved to posterity. The largest library in the world, the one run in conjunction with the British Museum, has a copy of every book that has ever been printed; and there are many in manuscript form as well. In our own country the Turnbull Library can bear comparison with the best in most countries.
What of the libraries of the future? Their future may be even more glorious than their past, for two very important discoveries will enable us not only to preserve the voices of great men for posterity, but also to preserve the sights that have made history.
Our great-great-grandchildren will be able to see and hear for themselves the doings of those first stormy meetings of UNO. They will hear Churchill delivering his inspired speech when the “Battle of Britain” was at its height. They will see life as it was in our time, and be able to see as if they were present the Victory Parade. They will see the horrors of Belsen and Dachau. They will witness the first use of the most diabolical of all weapons at Hiroshima.
Perhaps, too, some scientist may solve the secret of Time, enabling men to see things as they were in the time of Cleopatra or the Grand Khan.
The library of the future should include, besides a large lending and reference section, a small picture theatre, where pictures of interest to the whole community, or those of either topical or historical interest, may be shown. There should also be an auditorium in which any one interested might hear records of the voices of great orators, actors and statesmen; where one might hear the works of Handel, Bach, Mozart, or the operas of Gilbert and Sullivan; hear world famous songs sung by world – renowned singers.
Let the nations of the world forget all childish squabbles, put away all thoughts of war; let there always be the quest for knowledge.
To find it – visit your Library.
B. F. Va Boys.
It seems to me those days are dead,
When knightly actions often led,
to someone throwing down a gage,
And Chivalry was all the rage.
Those knights were bold and never slow,
Whether it was sun or sleet or snow.
They rescued many lovely Janes
And were rewarded for their pains.
For in those days, into the lists,
A Galahad rode his lance in fists,
And fixed his rival simply by
Running his lance right through his eye.
In those gay days they naught did lack,
They fought in jousts, they drank their sack;
The men were tough, the women fair,
But that’s an age long given the air.
Those bygone days were just all right;
Plenty of interest day and night;
Minimum law and lack of schools,
Regard our age – now aren’t we fools?
“OII.” VIb Boys.
Silence has been the creator of many beautiful works of art. It has also been the destroyer of men’s minds and bodies.
Some of the best poems, books and paintings have been completed in perfect quietness. Of course, the modern writers and artists who write of or paint modern life, prefer the noise and bustle of the city for their setting. However, speaking for the more classical, it is safe to say that they used the quietness of the country to create their works. This is also true of composers, the majority of whom wrote their music in silence. An example of this is Beethoven, who, though he was deaf, wrote some of his greatest music during that period.
As for silence being the ultimate destroyer of men’s minds and finally their bodies, little explanation is needed. Not many years ago, certain criminal offences were punished by a period of solitary confinement. It was proved by medical men that this cruel punishment snapped men’s minds after a certain period of time, and that finally they went mad. This frequently caused them to take their own lives, and it is to this that I refer when I make the statement that “silence has been the destroyer of men’s minds and finally bodies.” This evil of solitary confinement was noticed and written about by such well-known writers as John Galsworthy. Galsworthy wrote a play called “Justice,” criticising this very evil. In it he tells of a young man, Falder, who was driven to steal money from his employers, and was sent to prison and placed in solitary confinement. After he was dismissed from prison he omitted to report to the police, and a detective was sent to find him. On seeing the detective, Falder committed suicide rather than be taken back to the little cell where he had to sit in silence for months. It was because of the efforts of such men as Galworthy [Galsworthy] that the solitary confinement term was reduced to such a length of time as would prevent the risk of insanity.
Silence is a very strange and changeable state. Take for a contrast the quietness of a church, and the sort of ominous silence which instantly warns and threatens of danger. There is a very marked difference. To step from a busy street into a church is like stepping into another world. One gets the feeling of peace and security. But notice the difference between that silence and the silence one experiences when, for instance, it is revealed in a game of poker that someone is hiding four aces up his sleeve!
“C.A.M.” Va Boys.
Where long ago great Xerxes stood
To watch the Spartans hold at bay
His mighty Persian armies
In pass Thermopylae,
Another mighty host was held
By men from nation then unknown.
New Zealanders from o’er the sea,
Following the tradition old,
Maori soldiers, soldiers bold,
Charged an army thrice in number,
Charged with bayonet, fighting forward
Hurled the vanguard’s ranks asunder,
Startled German bastions crumbling,
Hurled themselves in to the fray.
Ancient Gods on Mount Olympus,
Mars, almighty God of War,
Watched in awe the mighty struggle,
Enthralled by what they heard and saw,
Marv’lling how so small a number
Turned so great a foe to rout,
Thrust and parried with the bayonet –
A famous day without a doubt.
The German troops were seized with terror
As they saw the wondrous sight.
Of their great unconquered army
So completely put to flight.
Until the German tanks and armour
Stem at last the surging charge,
And courageous Maori bayonets,
Retreat in face of force so large.
The practice of Old Pupils, paying advance subscriptions to “The Heretaungan” is still growing, and we hope it continues to grow. The annual subscription is 2/-, including postage. We gratefully acknowledge the following subscriptions. Some are current and others have been received this year: –
M. Cameron 1946-49
A.I.E. Jones 1946-54
R.D. Stead 1946
E.A. Coxon 1946-51
H.H. Powdrell 1946-47
W.C.F. Leicester 1946-47
R.L. Harding 1946-53
G.A. Taylor 1946-47
R.E. Wattie 1946-53
W.G. Lowe 1946-48
H.A.H. Insull 1946-47
R.D. Timms 1946-48
H. Sheridan 1946-47
W.T. Chaplin 1946-48
H.M. Campbell 1946-49
D.G. Maney 1946-49
E.A. Murley 1946-49
S.G. White 1946-49
V.T. Gunn 1946-50
N.O. Yorke 1946-47
T.G.S. Morrin 1946-49
L.W.D. Ball 1946-49
Brightie Gray 1946-47
T.C. Horton 1946-49
B.H. Wakelin 1946-50
R. Herbison 1946-50
E. McMullan 1946-47
J.J. O’Neill 1946-50
D.E. Rixon 1946-50
Sybil Laing 1946-50
A.C.M. Laing 1946-50
I.H. Kitt 1946-50
Gladys Symes 1946-50
(With acknowledgments to the “Herald Tribune.”)
A direct appeal to old pupils, and later to the business community, in an effort to raise money for the Hastings High School amenities fund, which is to provide swimming baths and other much-needed facilities at the school, was decided on at the first annual meeting of the Hastings High School Old Pupils’ Association since the cessation of hostilities. The meeting, was attended by about 60 old pupils, Mr. S. I. Jones presiding.
The president presented the following report on the activities of the Association for the year ended 31st. December, 1945: –
MEMBERSHIP: The roll of members totalled 159, made up of 1 life member, 110 current and 48 permanent members. Of the last named 15 joined during 1945 and it is pleasing to note that many Old Boys elected to become permanent members when they returned from overseas.
The membership for 1945 was higher than it has been in any previous year, but your Committee hopes that it will reach a much higher figure in the coming year. It is hoped to have a further supply of badges very shortly.
FINANCE: The accounts showed that the finances of the Association are in a healthy condition. The surplus for the year was £19/16/9, this being the result chiefly of an increased number of permanent members. The Assets of the Association now include a reserve large enough to meet any reasonable demand.
SOCIAL FUNCTIONS: Dances were held in May and August and both were successful from all points of view. The revival of the Annual ball is clearly indicated. The parents and Old Pupils’ Day at the School in December was attended by many Old Pupils.
THE WAR PURPOSES FUND: This was instituted in 1944 by the transfer of £75 from the profits of two dances held that year. In December £25 was voted towards the cost of printing and sending copies of “The Heretaungan” to Old Pupils overseas. From the profits of dances held in 1945, £40 was added to the fund. A grant of £20 was made to the 1945 “Heretaungan” so that the fund now stands at £70. The future purpose of the Fund will be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
It is interesting to note that during the war years the Association voted £67/12/0 towards the cost of “The Heretaungan” and so helped the School to maintain contact with its Old Pupils serving overseas.
FUTURE ACTIVITIES: Now that peace has been restored it is hoped the Association will return to its normal functions of: –
£ s d
By Subscription
Current 13 10 0
Permanent 15 15 0
Arrears 2 6
29 7 6
LESS: Amount from badges issued (included in above)
14 17 8
14 9 10
By Interest; Post Office Savings Bank 2 11 7
By Surplus from Dances 44 2 2
LESS: Amount transferred to “Old Pupils’ War Purposes Fund 40 0 0
4 2 2
£21 3 7
£ s d
To advertising 18 0
To Sundry Expenses 8 10
1 6 10
To Accumulated Funds Account:
Surplus for year transferred 19 16 9
£21 3 7
Joint [Join] the Association NOW.
Permanent Subscription £1/1/-.
Annual Subscription 2/6. Badge 1/- extra.
£ s d £ s d
Subscriptions paid in advance: 1 15 0
LESS: Cost of Badges Issued 1 11 3
3 9
Assembly Hall Furnishing Fund: Provision to meet cost of Music Stool (as per Contra) 18 0 0
Old Pupils’ War Purposes Fund:
Balance as at 1st. January, 1945 50 0 0
ADD: Transfers during year 40 0 0
90 0 0
LESS: Share cost of printing “The Heretaungan” (as per contra) 20 0 0
70 0 0
88 3 9
Accumulated Funds:
Balance as at 1st. January, 1945 69 1 11
ADD: Surplus of Income over Expenditure for year 19 16 9
88 18 8
LESS: Amount due by Wellington branch written off 1 0 0
87 17 8
£176 1 5
£ s d £ s d
Cash in Hand 2 4 5
Post Office Savings Bank 81 13 0
Old Pupils’ War Services Fund: Investment (Post Office Savings Bank) 70 0 0
Assembly Hall Furnishing Fund: Investment (Post Office Savings Bank) 18 0 0
Blazer Badges 22 3 6 0
Printers Metal Blocks 18 0
£176 1 5
(a) To preserve associations formed at School.
(b) to support the School by maintaining the interest of Old Pupils in the School.
Concerning (b) the Association’s immediate objective is the provision of assistance both in money and in effort to the School baths and amenities fund. An enthusiastic committee will be needed to further this work and I am confident that Old Pupils will not be found wanting.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: I cannot close this report without paying tribute to the members of the committee who have maintained the work of the Association during the war years. It would have been easy to go into recess, but they refused to be daunted by difficulties. Their enthusiasm has been most heartening. The work of the Honorary Secretaries, Miss P. Goldstone and Mr. D. Plank, has been outstanding. The thanks of the Association are due also to Mr. I. Thom, the Honorary Auditor, to Mrs. T. A. Hill, who for so many years has assisted with our social activities, to Messrs McCulloch, Butler and Spence for the use of a room for our meetings, and to the Press for reporting activities.
ROLL OF HONOUR: 89 Old Boys lost their lives in World War II. To their relatives the Association offers its very sincere sympathy.
Several speakers expressed the opinion that as the school and the Association had given good service to Old Pupils overseas during the war, the opportunity was now afforded Old Boys and Old Girls to express their appreciation in a tangible way by lending their support, financially and otherwise, to the amenities fund. The school was also keeping in touch with Old Boys in J Force.
In his report the president mentioned that the School, together with the Old Pupils’ Association, had kept in touch with ex-pupils serving in the forces by sending them a half-yearly School news letter and the School Magazine. He concluded his resume of the year’s activities by urging that greater interest be taken in the Association and felt that the time was now opportune to make a membership drive. He looked forward to the Association extending activities during the coming year.
The patron, Mr. W. A. G. Penlington, gave a brief talk on the record of the School during recent years and referred to the quality of the old pupils produced. The School’s chief object was to fit pupils to take a prominent part in the activities of the community, and he felt that this had been achieved.
Mr. Penlington also made feeling reference to the 89 Old Boys who gave their lives in the war and felt that some fitting memorial should be erected at the school to commemorate their deeds.
A special committee was appointed to confer with the principal to decide on the erection of a suitable memorial, and the £70 standing in the association’s war purposes fund is to be applied to meet the cost of the memorial.
Mr. D. Plank was thanked for his services as secretary over the past 11 years and Mr. Jones was elected a life-member of the Association in recognition of his valued services as an office-bearer since 1928.
Officers were elected as follows: Patron, Mr. W. A. G. Penlington; president, Mr. C. G. Wilkinson; vice-presidents, Mrs. S. Armstrong and Mr. F. M. S. Budd; honorary secretaries, Miss P. Goldstone and Mr. K. Dane; honorary treasurer, Mr. Dane; honorary auditor, Mr. I. H. Thom. These officers will be assisted by a strong and enthusiastic committee of Old Boys and Old Girls.
The annual ball took place on Wednesday, July 24th.
(We publish this list for the last time, and we hope that it is correct. – Ed.)
Aislabie, C.
Aldridge, A.F.
Aldridge, F.E.
Aldridge, J.M.
Allen, L.C.
Allington, K.G. (D.F.C.)
Alison, D.C.
Alloway, G.N.
Anderson, C.W. (D.F.C.)
Anderson, N.C.
Anderson, N.D.
Anderson, R.F.A.
Anderson, R.J.
Anderson, W.D.
Andrews, A.M.
Apperley, C.R.
Apperley, E.R.
Appleby, B.H. (m)
Archibald, J.A.
Archibald, S.N.
Armstrong, W.P.
Ashcroft, C.W.
†Attwood, D.A.
Aydon, F.N.
Bach, D.R.
Bacon, R.L.
Bader, R.E.
Baird, R.D.
Baker, D.W.
Ballantyne, G.E.
†Ballantyne, H.G.
Barden, J.S.
Barkle, N.W.W.
Barton, R.E.K. (m)
Bateman, B.R.
Bateman, W. W.
Baumgart, I.L.
Bawden, N.H. (D.F.C.)
†Beach, H.L.
Beatson, G.C.
Beatson, H.W.
Beattie, A.
Beattie, A.
Beattie, S.
Beauchamp, A.
Beckett, L. R.
Bee, F. R.
Bee, J. C.
Bell, D. S.
Bell, M. A.
Bennett, J. P.
Berggren, L. A.
Beswick, A. L.
Bewley, C. J.
Bewley, D. R.
Black, W. T.
†Blair, T. L.
Blyth, E. L.
Boag, R. J.
Bodley, F. A.
Bodley, T. E.
Bone, J. O.
Bone, R. H.
Borrie, H. J.
Boshier, A. G.
†Botherway, P.
Bowling, R.
Boyle, B. G.
Bradley, I. A.
Brady, K. P.
Brady, N. B.
†Brand, T. E.
Bremner, J. S.
Brenton-Rule, I. H.
Bristow, J. E.
Britten, I. K.
Britten, Mona C.
Britten, S. G. C.
Brooker, A. R.
Brooker, C. J.
Brown, A. G.
Brunton, D. N.
Brunton, E. R.
Budd, F. M. S.
Bullen, J.G.
†Burchard, K.
Burden, C. B.
Burden, L. T.
Burge, E. L.
Burge, A. W. (D. F. C.)
Burnard, H. W.
Burnard, J. J.
†Burnham, W. H.
Burns, R. N. W.
Burrell, K.
Burt, C. P. A.
Burt, P.
Bush, A. J. S.
†Bush, L. J. S.
†Butler, R. H.
Caldwell, C. F. S.
Campbell, C. R.
Campbell, H. J.
Campbell, H. M.
Campbell, M. C.
Campin, J.W.
Carrell, J.
Carswell, J. M.
Carswell, W. E.
Carter, M. A. (D. F. C.)
Cash, A.W. J.
†Caskey, R. W.
Cassin, A. J.
Cassin, C. H.
Cassin, N.
Cassin, P. L.
Cassin, R. J.
Cato, B. J.
Cater, I. C.
Chapman, N. K. (M. M.)
Charlton, L. F.
Charlton, S. H. S.
Christianson, C. E.
Christie, A. B.
Christie, H. O.
Circutt, A. R. P.
Clark, K. W.
Clark, R. W.
Clarke, W. T.
Coates, F. E.
Coates, W. W.
Cody, J. C.
Cohen, N. H.
Coles, G. K.
Coles, S. P.
Colello, P. D.
Collinge, Sheila.
Collinge, J. B.
†Common, R. W. (M. M.) (m)
Compton, I. B. (m)
Cook, A.
Cooney, A. McE.
Cooney, R. C.
Cooper, B. V.
Cooper, R. D.
Cooper, J. H.
Cornes, A. H.
Cornes, G.
†Cotterill, D. K.
Cotterill, G. K.
†Cotterill, J. K.
Cottle, W. J.
†Cowlrick, A. J.
Cowlrick, L. F.
Cox, C. R.
†Craig, F. H. (m)
Craig, E. W.
Crawford, I. D. (m)
Crawley, G. A.
Croft, R.C.
Crompton-Smith, P.
Cullen, P.
Cullen, R. C.
Cuming, F. B.
Cunningham, N.
Curtis, I. E.
Curtis, N. W.
Dane, K. W. (m)
Darvell, R. G.
Davidson, K. A.
†Davidson, N. D.
Davidson, N.E.
Davidson, R. L.
†Davies, O. W.
Davis, A. H. R.
Davis, H. W.
Davis, J. V.
Davis, N. P.
Davis, R. D.
†Dawson, A. N.
de Denne, R. L.
de Denne, T. M.
de Frere, A.
Deery, D. E.
Dewson, E. M.
†Dickson, D. J.
Dobson, E. A.
Dobson, R. D.
Doggett, E. F.
Donkin, A. E.
Donne, G. J.
Doole, D. K.
Doole, W. J.
Downey, J. G.
Drummond, D. C.
Drummond, K. R. D. (B.E.M.)
Drummond, L. C.
Drummond, R. L.
Drury, J. W.
Dudfield, Florence.
Dudfield, A.
Duff, E
Duke, T. B.
Duncan, A.
Dunn, D. A.
Dutfield, B. F.
†Dyer, I. G.
Dyer, K. R.
Dyer, L. N. (m)
Dyer, N. N.
Dysart, H. W.
Eastward, W. N.
Eaton, E. S.
Edgar, R. N.
†Edwards, D. H.
Edwards, J. W. R.
†Edwards, N. J.
Elliott, A. J.
Elliott, J. G.
Ellis, R. E.
Emmerson, R. J.
Epps, H. F.
Erickson, B.
Esam, K. O.
Estaugh, D. N.
Estaugh, R. W.
Estcourt, W. E.
Evans, H. J.
†Everett, G. W. J.
Eves, C. N.
Eves, D. H.
†Ewing, L. J. (m)
Eyles, D. S. H.
Fail, J. A. R.
†Falconer, C. J.
Fargher, P. A.
Farnell, T. H.
Farquharson, H. J.
Farquharson, W. C. (M.M.)
Fear, A. E.
Fear, R. L.
Fendall, B. G. C.
Fendall, D. J. W.
Ferguson, R. D.
Ferguson, R. F.
Fergusson, C. D.
Fergusson, F. W.
Fergusson, H. J.
Fergusson, J. H.
Field, R. O.
Flower, E. B.
Foley, J. A.
Foote, L. R.
Foster, J. R.
Forster, R. R.
Franklin, F. W.
Fritchley, N. A.
Frizzel, R. E.
Frost, H. K.
Frost, R. H.
Fulton, B. I.
Gadd, A. W.
Gadd, J. S.
†Galbraith, P. R.
Gallagher, J. A.
Gamman, A. W.
Gardner, J. R.
Garland, K. O.
Garnett, D. R.
Garnett, E. J.
Garnett, I. L.
Geenty, K. B.
Geenty, W. J.
Gibb, K. E.
Gibson, N. C.
Giles, A. J. C.
Gillespie, A. B.
Gillespie, C.W.
Glenny, T. S.
Gibson, H. R.
Gloyn, F. W.
Gloyn, R. E. F.
Goldsmith, C. R.
Goodall, G. T.
Gosnell, K. W.
†Graham, J. A.
Graham, P. A.
Green, E. A.
Groves, F. G.
Grundy, R.W.
†Gumbley, B. A. (D. F. M.)
Gumbley, W. H.
Gunn, D. H.
Gunn, V.T.
Hackett, J. W.
Hagenson, D. E. (m)
Haggett, Norma.
†Hallett, R. E.
Hambling, L. S.
Hammond, B.
Hanlon, K. T.
Hantler, M. A.
Harding, R. L.
Harper, R.
Harris, R. M.
Harrison, T. H. (D. F. C.)
†Harwood, A. W.
Hatherall, R. H.
Hay, B.G.
Hay, E. E.
†Hearn, H. R. C. (m)
Heaton, E. C.
Heenan I. B.
Heenan, J. D.
Heffernan, J. J.
Helm, M. R.
Henderson, L. A.
Henderson, T. F.
Hendry, R. A.
Henry, L.F.
Hensman, F. T.
Herbison, J. C. K.
Herd, L. H. (m)
Herries, F. W. (m)
Hickman, E. I.
Hill, A. R.
Hill, G. McA.
Hill, L. R.
Hill, R. S.
Hill, T.A.
Hill, W. M.
Hodges, J.
Hodgkinson, H. E.
†Hodgkinson, W. W.
†Hodgson, G. I.
Hodgson, D. E.
Hodgson, E. A.
Holmes, F.K.
Holmes, H. R.
†Holmes, K.R.
Holt, H. C.
Hooker, D. D.
Hooper, G.
Hooper, R. D. (m)
Hopkins, C. K. C.
Horn, J. P.
Horne, R. W.
Horton, J. H.
Horton, P.
Horton, T. C.
†Houston, W. E.
Howard, A. G.
Howard, C.H.
Howard, E. W. B.
Hursthouse, D. W.
Hursthouse, M. W.
†Hull, J. E.
Humphries, F. E.
Hunt, G. R.
Hunt, J. V.
Hutcheson, A. G.
†Hutcheson, I.C.
Hyland, D. J.
Hutchinson, C. J.
Ingram, A. E.
Irwin, M. J.
Irwin, W. N.
Isdale, A.
Jamieson, G. D.
Jamieson, J.A.
Jamieson, R. F.
Janett, P. F.
Jarvis, C. B.
Jay, D.
†Jenkinson, C.L.
Jillings, M. A. (m)
Johnson, R. K.
Johnston, A. S.
Johnstone, M. H.
Johnstone, S. A.
Johnstone, W. B.A.
Joll, A. C.
Joll, A. H.
Joll, H. A.
Joll, H. R.
Joll, R. B.
Joll, R. K.
Joll, S. G.
Jones, A. E.
Jones, H. T.
Jonson, O.
Kani, R. H.
Karekare, H. H.
Kean, W.
Kedgley, E. G.
Kelly, J. L.
Kelt, A. R.
Kelt, M. J.
Kemp, C. G.
Kemp, W. L.
Kemsley, D. G.
†Kennedy, A. A.
Kennedy, D. A.
Kennerley, F. A.
King, R. A.
Kirkham, E. W.
Kirshberg, B. K.
Kirshberg, H. M.
Kissock, W. V. J.
Kitt, I. H.
Kitt, R.S.
Knowles, J. W.
Knox, G. D.
Knuckey, G. F.
Krebs, A. J.
Kyle, T. A.
Ladbrook, J. C.
Lambert, M. H.
Lambert, T. H.
Lamberton, J. F.
Lancaster, L. E.
†Land, I. J.
Land, P. G.
Lane, E. P.
Lane, L. W. (m)
Lang, G. E.
Lange, W. J. H.
Law, E. B.
Lean, D. A.
Lean, R. D. E.
†Lee, G. W.
Lee, H. G.
Lee, R. E. L.
Lee, S. J.
Leedom, A. C.
Leedom, J .F.
Leeves, A. E.
Leggart, J.
Leicester, W. C.
Liley, M. H.
Linyard, P. R.
†Lissette, L. H.
Lloyd, A. G.
Lloyd, I. J.
†Lloyd, T. D.
Lockyer, J. S. (D.F.C.)
†Lord, M. R.
†Lowe, A. G.
Lovell-Smith, H. D. J.
Lowe, C. M.
Lowe, Dorothy I.
Lowe, F. A.
Lowe, S. N.
Lucas, W. H.
Ludlow, L. G.
Lusher, C.
Lynch, D. I.
Lynch, R. A.
Lyndon, A. M.
Maaka, I. W.
Magnussen, R. I.
Maney, D. G.
Manley, T. C.
Mardon, L. J. W.
Marigold, W. H.
Marshall, D. C.
Marshall, H. G.
Marshall, J. O.
Marshall, R.
Marshall, T. L.
Mason, H. McK.
Mason, P. B.
†Masters, R. S.
Masterson, Judith S.
Mathews, A. L.
Mathews, H. M. T.
Marven, E. A. D.
May, B. J.
Mayo, H. P.
McAleese, W. H.
McArthur, J. B.
McCarthy, L. J.
Macaulay, D. J.
McCombe, G. N.
McCormick, D. W.
McCormick, O. L. J.
McDonald, W. H. W.
McDonald, J. D.
McDonald, N. S.
McDonald, S. H.
MacDonell, R. N.
McErlich, D.
McFarlane, C. W.
McGregor, R. P. F.
McIvor, J. V.
Mackay, R.
MacKenzie, A. F.
McKenzie, L.
McLagan, M. D. (m)
McLean, H. F.
McLellan, R.
McLeod, L. W.
†McLeod, L. J.
Macklow, J.
Macklow, K. R.
McMillan, R. A.
McRobbie, A. R.
Meads, W. S.
Medcalf, H. A. T.
†Meldrum, H. W.
Meldrum, I.
Melling, J. O.
Melrose, E. J.
Michaelson, M. L.
Miller, R. G.
Milne, M. M. (D. F. C.)
Mintoft, D.
Mitchell, L. A.
Mitchell, R. K.
Moffat, R. D.
Mohi, C. T.
Moroney, C. A.
Morrin, T. G. S. (M.C.)
Morris, W. G.
Morrison, T. R.
†Mosen, H. O.
Moss, D. H.
Muir, C. J.
Muir, I. D.
Mulcaster, R. G. N.
†Mullinder, E. F. T.
Mullinder, T. L. W.
Munro, D. G.
Murley, S. E.
Murtagh, T. R.
Musson, A. J.
Napier, C. L.
Natusch, G. K. (D. S. C.)
Natusch, R. S. (M. M.)
Nelson, F. W.
Nesbit, P. T.
Newland, P. J.
Newrick, G. C.
Newrick, W. M.
Newton, W. G.
Nicholl, M. S.
Nicholls, G. E.
Nielsen, R. C.
North, A. N.
Norwell, H. H.
O’Brien, F. J.
O’Leary, G. A. (M.C.)
Oliphant, J. B.
Oliver, A. N. (D. F. C., m)
Olsen, A. W.
†O’Malley, W. A.
O’Neil, J. J.
Ormiston, R. R.
Ormiston, W. W.
Osborne, D.
Osborne, J.
†Overend, V. E.
Oxbrow, A. J.
Page, W. C. W.
Painter, N. J.
†Palmer, W. G.
Panckhurst, K. D.
Panckhurst, W. A.
Pascoe, V. J.
†Parton, A. B.
†Parton, W. J.
Patchett, C. A. (m)
Patmore, M.
Patrick, R. D.
Paul, J. T.
†Pederson, E. E.
Persen, E. V.
Persen, M. W.
Petch, R. W. H.
Petry, L. M. (D. F. C.)
Pitcaithly, Jean, (m)
Pitt, H. B. (D. S. M.)
Plant, R. J.
Plumley, D.
Plumley, G.
Plumley, S. W.
Potts, G. L.
Powdrell, H. H.
Preston-Thomas, Marion.
Price, F. J. R.
Pritchard, T. A.
Puriri, A. H.
Rae, R. G.
Redward, J. B. (m)
Reeves, A. W. C.
†Reeves, J. H.
Rendle, H.
Renouf, L. R. (m)
Retson, P.
†Ribbands, H. H. C.
Richards, M.
Rivers, N.
Rixon, D. E.
Roach, O. H.
Robertson, A. W.
Robertson, C. J.
Robertson, D.
Robertson, G. M.
Robertson, J. L.
Robertson, R. W. G.
Rogers, L. A.
†Rosenberg, B.
Rosenberg, W. T.
Ross, L. H.
Ross, W. K.
Rowe, C. A.
Rowe, C. J.
Rowe, E.R.
Rule, B. L.
Rummery, N. G.
Rusbatch, G.
†Rush, W. F.
Rush-Munro, F. M.
Salas, J. R.
†Salt, C. J.
Sanders, I. D.
Sant, K. M.
Satchell, Jean.
Satherley, L. C.
Sawyer, E. H.
Schofield, B. R.
Schofield, H. R.
Scott, J. W.
Scott, L.W.
Scott, W. J. L.
†Sefton, P. E.
Seton, J. G.
Sharpley, J. F.
Sharpley, P. F.
Shattky, H. M.
Shattky, E.D.
Sheppard, D. W. T.
Sheridan, H. M.
Short, F. R.
Short, R. T.
Shuker, R. A.
Sigley, L. G.
Simcox, J.
Simkin, H. J.
Simmons, W. R.
Simpson, J. McG.
†Simpson, J. W.
Simpson, R. S. V. (m)
Simson, D. G.
Sissons, R. J.
Small, H.
Smart, A. R.
Smart, H.
Smith, D. M.
Smith, H. I.
Smith, H. F.
Smith, M. M.
Smith, R. F. L.
†Smith, W.
Smyth, S. T.
Snadden, I.
Snell, K. G.
Snell, R. E.
Southon, J. V.
†Stead, A. R.
Stead, R. D.
Steedman, G. D.
Stewart, J. C.
Stock, A. E.
Stokes, F. N.
Stratton, H. A.
Stringer, J. C.
Struthers, D. J.
†Struthers, G. A. M. (D.F.C.)
Sturm, T. D.
Sullivan, E. J.
Summers, C. J.
Sutherland, J. M.
Swayn, L. E.
Swiggs, A. C. G.
Symes, F.
Symons, M. J.
Taaffe, C. T.
†Taaffe, R. J. (D.F.C.)
Tacon, E. W. (D.S.O., D.F.C. and Bar, A.F.C.)
†Tahau, J.
Talbot, R. E.
Tapper, R.
Tate, E. L.
Tate, G. H.
Tayler, L. F.
Taylor, C.
Taylor, C. J.
Taylor, C. K.
Taylor, E. J.
Taylor, G. A.
Taylor, H. W.
†Taylor, J. D.
Taylor, L. M. (m)
Taylor, L. N.
Taylor, T. K.
Taylor, T. L.
Tennant, B. A. C.
Thear, J. C.
Thear, S. G.
Thew, G
Thomas, C. C.
Thompson, H. K.
Thompson, I. E.
Thompson, K.
Thompson, R. G.
Thompson, R. J.
Thompson, W. H.
†Thornburn, I. M.
Thornburrow, J. A. T.
Thornburrow, R. R.
Thorpe, J. H.
Timms, R. D.
Tims, H. J. E.
Tims, V. W.
Tomlins, G. P.
Tomlins, P. H.
Tomoana, T. R. (M. C.)
Tong, S. T.
Toothill, G. A.
Toothill, R. S.
Treacher, N. G. R.
Trew, O. L.
Tritt, F. R.
†Tritt, P. H.
Trotter, J. R.
Trotter, R. S.
Tucker, H. C. N.
†Tully, W. B.
Tuohy, G. S.
Turner, D. V.
Turner, R.
Underwood, J. J.
Unwin, J. R.
Upton, P. B.
Usherwood, J. A.
Van Asch, G. K.
†Van Asch, J. F.
†Vaughan, R. J. (D. F. C. )
Vaughan, R. G.
Verry, C. H.
†Vesty, L. K.
†Vesty, R. L.
von Dadelszen, H. J.
Wairoa, D. O.
Wakelin, B. H.
Walden, P. L.
Wall, G. R. H.
Walmsley, A.
Walmsley, P.
Wardrop, L. E.
Ware, F. G.
Warwick, R. D.
Watkins, L. A.
†Watkinson, S.
Watters, P. R.
Wattie, R. E.
Waymouth, O. W.
Weaver, L. L.
Weaver, P. C.
Webb, J. E.
Webb, L. J.
Webb, R. F. A.
Wedd, D. J.
Wellwood, P. K.
Westerman, P. L.
†Westerman, V. K.
†Wharerimu, B.
Whimp, O. T.
White, N. R.
White, R. J. F.
White, S. G.
Whitlock, H. P.
Whitlock, W. A.
†Whittington, E. R. W.
Whittington, N. W.
Wilkins, A. R.
Wilkins, N. E.
Wilkinson, C. B.
Williams, G.
†Williams, S. S. (m)
Wills, C. A.
Wills, R. P. W.
Wilson, Diana.
Wilson, D. N. R.
Wilson, J. H. N. (m)
Wilson, J. L.
Wilson, K. D. (m)
Wilson, L.
Wilson, R. C. N.
Wise, C. H.
Woon, D. A.
Wright, Zita.
Wright, D.
Wright, G. J.
†Wrightson, C. C. A.
Wrightson, K.
Wrightson, T. G.
Wyatt, N. D.
Yorke, N. O.
Young, C. N.
† Killed.
(m) Mentioned in Despatches.
Elphick, C. A.
Godfrey, V. A.
Harding, B. C.
Hogg, R. A.
Isdale, W. R.
Peters, R. A.
Pro Patria
VINCENT EDWARD OVEREND, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Overend, 701E Queen Street, Hastings, was at School in 1929. He entered camp in May 1941, and was posted to the Infantry. In July, 1943, he left with the 10th. Reinforcements, and on arrival in Italy, he joined the 25th Battalion. He took part in the N.Z. Division’s campaigns in Italy during the next twelve months, and during that time was promoted to the rank of sergeant. In the fighting at Monte Lupo, near Florence, he was wounded in action, and succumbed to his wounds on August 12th., 1944. He was buried in the Allied War Cemetery at Lake Bolseno, Italy.
We are pleased and proud to report that the following decorations have been awarded since our last issue: –
Flight Lieutenant N.H. Bawden, Distinguished Flying Cross. The citation reads as follows: – “Flight Lieutenant N.H. Bawden has completed numerous operations against the enemy, in the course of which he has invariably displayed the utmost fortitude, courage and devotion to duty.” The operations referred to were over Germany and occupied countries, before and after the invasion.
Pilot Officer A.N. Oliver, Distinguished Flying Cross. The full citation as not yet been received, but the telegram he received from the Chief of Air Staff read as follows: – “Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your well-deserved award of the D.F.C. for outstanding gallantry and navigational ability of the highest order in operations with No. 6 Flying Boat Squadron in the Pacific.” Alec. Does not add anything else.
The following have been Mentioned in Dispatches: –
Lieutenant L.H. Herd: For services in the Navy during the Japanese attack on Singapore.
Major R.S.V. Simpson, WO II R. D. Hooper, Sgt L.R. Renouf: For services during operations in Italy from September 1st, 1944 to March, 31st, 1945.
Flight Lieutenant L.N. Dyer, Pilot Officer A.N. Oliver: For services in the South Pacific.
Captain L.M. Taylor, 2nd. Lieutenant L.W. Lane, L/Cpl. J. H. N. Wilson: For services with the Division in Italy.
(See Overseas Roll)
D. S. O. 1
D. F. C. and Bar 1
D. S. C. 1
M. C. 3
D. F. C. 12
A. F. C. 1
D. S. M. 1
M. M. 4
D. F. M. 2
B. E. M. 1
M. I. D. 27
Total 54
Wing Commander E.W. Tacon, D. S. O., D. F. C. and Bar, A. F. C., has been appointed to command the King’s Flight. He will have charge of four Viking aircraft and their officers and crews during the Royal Family’s tour of South Africa and Rhodesia next year. “One of the finest pilots I ever wish to meet – a model of keenness and efficiency,” was the description of him given by one of his navigators. Congratulations, Bill.
Frank Sharpley, New Zealand sprint and hurdles champion, won the 120 yards hurdles at the English-Scottish Universities athletic meeting, held in July of this year. His time, 15.7secs., shows that he still retains much of his dash. Since being released from P.O.W. camp in Germany, Frank has been taking a physical educational course in England. We hope to see him back in Hastings soon.
A short time ago we had a letter from Neil Anderson. When he wrote he was in H. M. S. “Implacable,” an aircraft carrier, and was finding the life very interesting. He says that they were given only three days in which to find their way round the ship and that was only a fraction of the time required (or words to that effect). The latest news of him is that he is sitting for his commission as a sub-lieutenant. We wish him success in the wardroom, and many happy voyages.
Wilf Doole, John McNab and Bob Mackay are studying the horse and other animals at the Veterinary School at Sydney University. From a letter received from Bob we judge that they are all doing well. It is a pity that the first leg of a certain double went wrong.
We regret to report the death from accident of two Old Pupils:
Thomas Harris Harrison, D.F.C., who was at School in 1933-35, received fatal injuries on the evening of Christmas Day, 1945, when a car in which he was a passenger collided with another car at an intersection on Havelock Road. His sudden and unexpected passing so soon after his return from long and distinguished service overseas was particularly tragic.
Annie Gertrude Morse (nee Brink) who was at School in 1931, suffered fatal injuries in May of this year when a car in which she was travelling left the road and crashed into a fence near the Pakowhai Bridge.
The School offers its deepest sympathy to the relatives of both these Old Pupils.
Just as we go to press, we learn with great regret of the sudden passing of Mr. L.F. Pegler in Wellington. Mr. Pegler may truly be called the “Father” of the District High School, as he was appointed to control it when it was instituted in August, 1904 as a part of the Hastings Borough School. Three years later Mr. Pegler was appointed Headmaster of the School.
As many Old Pupils of those years will remember, Mr. Pegler always maintained his interest in the District High School, and after he took up residence in Wellington, he was one of the stalwarts of the Wellington Old Boy’s Association, and never failed to attend the Annual Re-union. His genial presence will be greatly missed.
Mr. Pegler’s whole life was one of service to youth and to the community, and his memory will ever live in the hearts of Old Pupils, old and young.
On behalf of them all, we extend our deepest sympathy to his wife and relatives.
We are pleased to report that the Wellington Branch of the Old Boys’ Association has been revived this year. In the first place, the President, L.H. Herd, who had been a p.o.w. in Japanese hands, and many other pre-war stalwarts of the branch had returned from overseas, and almost immediately made arrangements for a re-union of Old Boys, in Wellington. Credit must go to G.C. Doole, who did much of the spade work in compiling a roll of Old Boys, spreading the news of the function and making the arrangements. The Reunion was held on Saturday, June 15th, and it was pleasing to see such a large number of Old Boys present, particularly of those who had returned from overseas. Speeches were cut to a minimum, as everyone was anxious to hear news of everyone else, and musical items, reminiscences and supper made the
time fly. A notable item was the hearty singing of the School Song. A strong executive committee was elected early in the evening, and it is certain that the re-union will be an annual one.
The following were present, the year of leaving School being given in brackets: –
L.F. Pegler (Master, ’06), S.I. Jones (’08), L.H. Herd (’14), R.A. Garrick (’41), Ross Jones (’39), J.B. McArthur (’41), L. Cartright (’41), Tom Chadwick (’16), C. Rosenberg (’41), L.C. Fair (’43), M.J. Hay (’44), H.R. Davis (’42), J.A. Fergusson (’41), K. Richmond (’41), Bill Panckhurst (’42), S. Smyth (’40), D. Turner (’40), D.A. Hodgson (’41), B. Anderson (’42), W. Jenkinson (’41), A.J. McLaren (’42), R.F. Simpson (’41), R. Hawkes (’42), L.M. Petry (’36), B.J. Waymouth (’33), O. W. Waymouth (’32), J. Cook (’37), E. Apperley (’39), L.E. Wardrop (’25), E.J. Webb (’21), J. Chapman (’23), Joe Miles (’21), P.L. Tucker (’45), B.J. O’Brien (’44), F. Simpson (’41), M.W. Richmond (’44), N.J.S. Lee (’41), G.M. Will (’45), G. Moore (’45), D. Fernandez (’42), K.C. Tritt (’44), H.J. Gardiner (’44), W.A. Watkins (’45), A.W. Nikora (’41), Graham (’41), I.H. Kitt (’32), J.J. O’Neill (’33), D.B. O’Neill (’34), G.C. Doole (’41), D. Eyles (’41), K.G. McFarlane (’44), L.F. Cassin (’45), R.A. Hendry (’37), W.T. Cook (’37), M. Cunningham (’35), C. A. Paul (’35),
L.I. Jones (Napier Technical College), represented kindred associations.
Apologies for absence were received from the following, and they all promised attendance next year – Alan Christie, Don Maney, Garry Hogan, G. Knox, Trev. Mullinder, C.A. Burden and Roland Field. The last named, who has been in Australia for many years, is now engaged in farming at Shannon.
The following officers were elected: Patron, W.A.G. Penlington; president, L.H. Herd, Vice-presidents, L.F. Pegler, S.l. Jones, A.G. Harper, D.G. Maney, Hon. Secretary. G.C. Doole, Hon. Treasurer, E.J. Webb, Committee, J. Chapman, T.H. Chadwick, Garry Hogan, J.C. Miles, I.H. Kitt, J.J. O’Neill, J.A. Fergusson, W.A. Panckhurst, L.M. Petry, K. Richmond, W. Jenkinson.
It was decided to hold a dance later in the year, and reports we have had of this function have been very favourable.
During the evening we received several donations to the Baths Fund, also advance subscriptions to “The Heretaungan.”
We think that the re-union was a great occasion. We hope that more members of the parent association will be present next year. Perhaps the tyre situation will have improved by that time.
In reporting activities during the past season it is difficult to write in retrospect; for mention of players whose names figured in our team Iists after an absence in the services inevitably brings to mind members who will not be seen in our ranks again. Our club owes much to those men and we are privileged to have known them and played with them.
It was perhaps fitting that the first post-war season should be one of progress. The annual meeting saw an attendance of 90, which is probably a record. A strong committee was elected, and its first headache was to find places for all the players offering. But four well-balanced teams were sorted out eventually.
The seniors finished the season as runners-up in the competition and would possibly have taken the championship but for the loss of their first four games. These early setbacks proved to be too great a handicap, but, after settling down, the team played entertaining football.
The club’s junior teams have usually had a monopoly of the competition, and this year was no exception. However, the season was not without its upsets and it was not until the final game that the result was beyond doubt. In common with the other teams, the players kept together both on and off the field, exemplifying the spirit which has strengthened the club since its inception.
It can truthfully be stated that our third and fourth grade teams were enthusiastic. They attended practice regularly and careful coaching was evident in the type of football they played. The thirds came second in their grade, and the fourths won with points to spare. The club’s policy has always been one of promotion of its players, and it is perhaps this which has kept its lower grades at strength.
This year a field day was instituted and proved well worth while. This form of competition, which includes passing, kicking, dribbling, etc., has many advantages, not the least of which is the opportunity for members of all four teams to get to know one another. Friendships were also made further afield, as each team had an “away” game during the season, and the seniors and juniors are to be congratulated further on arranging a game of basketball with the Old Girls IX. The copious amounts of ice cream and sodas consumed after this match were sufficient to put all but the very fit on the sideline for the rest of the season.
We end this brief report with the names of Old Boys who played, or served on the committee during the year. A tally will readily prove that we are truly an Old Boys’ Club. Here they are:
Committee: Ed. Renouf, Alf. Gadd, Eric Sutcliffe, Ray Cash, Doug. Murley, Alister Condon, Horace Norton, Hugh Campbell, Gordon Harding, Bill McGavock, Otto Jonson.
Seniors: Derek Rixon, Roly Brown, Derek [Dereck] Wedd, Bill Beckett, John Horton, Tony Hodgkinson, Des Goldstone, Derek McKay, Hugh Campbell. Trevor Noonan, Stan Murley, Bill McGavock, Ray Davis, Doug Reeves, Keith Taylor, Sam Tong, Ted McCracken, Bill Howard.
Juniors: Wattie Persen, Dick Lassen, Bob Ferguson, Ken Sant, Paddy Nesbit, Doug. McAulay, John Simpson, Alister Condon, Gordon Newrick, Guy Instone, Eddie Hill, Jock Jones, Bert Howard, Alan Wedd, Gordon Harding, Len Hodgson, Cedric Helleur, Gordon Wattie.
Thirds: Bob Woon, Rex Hay, Ray Cash, Tom Lowe, Ken lngram, Trevor Hensman, Murray Sowersby, Dick Single, Doug Martin, Don Davidson, Derek White, Geoff. Treacher, Bill Baldwin, Derek McCartney, Ron King, Sandy Firth.
Fourths: Ian Whitton, Bill Vaughan, Trevor Culver, Ron Dewson, Vic Welch, Ralph Walmsley, Eric Sutcliffe, John Guerin, Clive Quigg, Jack Watson, Doug. Hearn, Leo Cash, Frank White, Des Helleur, Ron Edgar, Dave Frethey.
The club captain’s trophy presented by Miss Symes for the most improved and loyal member in the club and the one attending most practices was won this year by Lois Carr of the Senior Al team. Silver buttons were also presented to a member in each team for the same qualifications. Those who qualified were – Senior A1, Joy Thear. Senior A2, Ngaire Eddy. Senior B1. Joy Kirkman. Senior B2, Barbara Skeet. Intermediate, Dawn Knuckey. A special presentation of the shield to the Old Boys basketball team was a very popular feature of the evening. Tony Hodgkinson, the captain, came forward for the shield and suitably replied to the presentation on behalf of the boys, thanking the Old Girls for a most enjoyable game of basketball.
Finally, a presentation of a leather writing case was made by our club captain on behalf of club members to our coach, Miss N. Bullen, in appreciation of all the work she had done in training our five teams during the season. She did a really splendid job of work.
Officers for 1946 season were: – Club Captain, Stella Sant. Vice-Captain, Lyall Mawson. Secretary, Nola Thear. Team captains: A1, Stella Sant, vice, Lyall Mawson. A2, Zelda Spence; vice, Pat McLaren; B1. Mary Kay: vice, May Cottle; B2, Ailsa Thompson; vice, Delcie Hertz; Inter, Bevall Howard; vice – Noeline Murray.
Accounts of exploits of bravery of Old Boys of the Hastings High School on the battlefields of the world, on the seas, and in the skies are among the war records securely locked in fire-proof strongrooms in Wellington in the archives sections of the Services. From the millions of words stored there will be extracted the materials for the official war history and also for individual histories published by the various units.
Many returned men would be glad of an opportunity to look through all his wealth of material and, with its help, recall the stirring tales of life in some foreign field that is forever New Zealand. One day, perhaps, when the need for secrecy has ceased, the public will be granted free access to much of this material. As a member of the Army Archives staff for four years during the war, I have seen and handled the mass of documents, photographs, and miscellaneous materials that form the nation’s records of World War II.
Each battalion, specialist unit, regiment, brigade and division of the New Zealand Army overseas and in New Zealand submitted throughout the war a war-diary which was filled day by day and forwarded at the end of the month to the archivists. Usually kept by the intelligence officer, to whom in the normal course of duties all information concerning his particular unit would come, the war-diary forms the basis of modern war history. In the Army Archives in Wellington, every diary has been classified and filed away, and they are frequently consulted by those engaged in writing up episodes of the war.
And not only the war-diaries are there. Those small, cyclostyled unit newspapers which used to amuse the troops are preserved. together with other unofficial publications. Many men have loaned personal diaries and also snapshots to the Archives for copying, and these copies are also filed away. In addition, there are photographs from official sources and diaries captured from enemy troops.
Trained journalists attached to the Archives staff have interviewed returned men able to contribute eye-witness accounts of various phases of the campaigns, and in this way several hundred separate stories of actual battle-front experiences in the Middle East, Italy and the Pacific have been collected. These will give historians some idea of what the fighting men thought about and experienced.
Songs and parodies composed and sung beneath Pacific, Egyptian and Italian skies – they, too, are in the general collection. Poems, sketches and paintings made by men and women on active service are also kept, together with Press-clippings about the New Zealand troops and biographies of senior officers and soldiers who won distinction in the field. Hastings High School may take pride in the number of its Old Boys – and some Old Girls, too – whose names are included among these.
Our readers will remember that last year we were unable to clothe “The Heretaungan” in the traditional red cover. We regret that this year’s number will also appear in an austerity coat, but we hope that we can return to normal next year. We gratefully acknowledge the courtesy and co-operation we have received from the printers.
We acknowledge with thanks the following exchanges: – “The Scindian” (Napier Boys’ High School), Hawera Technical High School Magazine, “Taikaka”, (Avondale Technical High School), “Kotuku” (Otahuhu Technical High School), “Tararua” (Horowhenua College), Gisborne High School Magazine, “The Woodford Chronicle,” The Cathedral Grammar School Magazine, The Hereworth Magazine, “The Haurakian” (Thames High School), “Knox Collegian,” “The Dilworthian,” “The Torchbearer” (Napier Girls’ High School). “The Nelsonian”, The Waimate High School Magazine, “The Marlburian,” and The Wairarapa College Magazine.
The following information regarding The School is published by arrangement with the Hastings High School Board of Governors.
ADMISSION. – The School will re-open in 1947 on Tuesday, 4th. February. New pupils may be enrolled on the preceding Friday evening, Saturday afternoon and Monday afternoon.
Practically all pupils enter the School as holders of Free Places, which entitle them to receive free tuition until the end of the year in which they reach the age of 19. Free Places are held subject to satisfactory conduct attendance and progress.
Pupils who are over age, or otherwise not eligible for a Free Place, may attend the School on payment of Tuition’ Fees, which amount to £4 per term (£3/10 – if paid within 30 days).
TRAVELLING. – Free Railway Tickets, or Railway Bus Tickets, will be granted to holders of Free Places who require to travel, provided that the Hastings High School is the High School nearest to their homes.
A Conveyance Allowance is obtainable by pupils who travel to School by private bus service, and a Boarding allowance of 10/- weekly by those who require to board.
STATIONERY. – Pupils must provide themselves with books, instruments and stationery for personal use.
A School Book Exchange has been established, at which new pupils may purchase second-hand books.
Applications for War Bursaries can be made on behalf of pupils whose fathers were killed or disabled. These Bursaries include annual grants to cover cost of books, etc., and, when necessary, cost of board or travelling.
Further particulars can be obtained from the Principal.
COURSES OF STUDY. – Aiming to meet the needs of all types of pupils, the School has developed a comprehensive range of courses of instruction. It is very desirable that when enrolling pupils, parents should have considered what course will best suit each pupil’s aptitudes and intended future occupation.
(a) CLASSICAL, including French, Latin and Mathematics.
(b) ACADEMIC, including French and Mathematics.
(c) COMMERCIAL, including Shorthand, Typewriting and Bookkeeping.
(d) GENERAL, with no foreign languages.
(a) CLASSICAL, including French, Latin and Mathematics.
(b) ACADEMIC, including French
(c) COMMERCIAL, including French and Bookkeeping.
(e) GENERAL, with no foreign languages.
EVENING CLASSES. – For the benefit of students who have taken up employment, Evening Classes are held in the following subjects: –
English Shorthand Cabinetmaking
Arithmetic Typewriting Arts and Crafts
Algebra Bookkeeping Accountancy Subjects
Geometry Electricity Salesmanship
Dressmaking Engineering Motor Engineering
Classes in any additional subjects will be held if there is a sufficient number of students requiring them.
Information regarding Free Places, Fees, etc., can be obtained on application to the Principal.
Printed by WATTIE LTD., Queen Street, Hastings.
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Abbreviations –
Cdt. – Cadet
D.F.C – Distinguished Flying Cross
D.H.S – District High School
Esq. – Esquire
Flt. Sgt – Flight Sergeant
G.H.S. – Girls’ High School
H.Q. – Head Quarters
i/c – in charge
lab. – laboratories
(m) – mentioned in dispatches
P.O.W. – Prisoner of War
Sqdn. – Squadron
V.C. – Victoria Cross
Surnames in this booklet –
Aitken, Aldridge, Alexander, Allison, Anderson, Anthony, Apatu, Apperley, Arnold, Atkinson, Austin, Barley, Barriball, Bartle, Barton, Bennett, Bennett, Berry, Beverley, Bixley, Blyth, Bond, Bowen, Brough, Bullen, Burden, Burfield, Burns, Campbell, Carrodus, Cash, Cassin, Castles, Child, Clouston, Cody, Coleman, Collins, Cook, Corbin, Cornes, Cowan, Craven, Crombie, Cullen, Culver, Custance, Daniels, Davies, Davis, de Denne, Delaney, Devine, di Menna, Dixon, Dudding, Duthie, Dyson, Esler, Farnell, Floyd, Foster, Fowler, Frame, Francis, Galbraith, Garrick, Gilmour, Goldman, Graham, Grainger, Grave, Gray, Gurran, Hall, Hallett, Hanger, Hannah, Hargrave, Harper, Harris, Heald, Hellyer, Henty, Herries, Hill, Hunter, Inwood, Jack, Janett, Joll, Jones, Kay, Jones, Kedgley, Knowles, Knuckey, Lambeth, Lascelles, Le Comte, Leeves, Libby, Liddington, Liley, Liley, Linyard, Loach, Lockie, Lovell-Smith, Luke, MacIntyre, Mackersey, Mackie, Macmillan, Maddox, Martin, Matheson, McCallum, McCue, McDonald, McGregor, McIntyre, McKay, McMullan, McNaughton, McQuilkin, Meads, Millar, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morton, Mosley, Murtagh, Murton, Musson, Neilsen, Neilson, Nimon, Norman, Oliver, Pallesen, Patterson, Payne, Pearce, Pearson, Peddle, Penlington, Price, Priest, Proctor, Pullen, Radcliffe, ,Rainbow, Rainey, Rees, Reid, Ritchie, Roberts, Robertson, Robson, Rockel, Rogers, Ross, Rosser, Rowson, Rush-Munro, Rush-Munro, Scott, Sharplin, Simpson, Sivewright, Sivewright, Slater, Smith, Snell, Steele, Stewart, Stirling, Stokes, Sturm, Sunley, Tate, Thomas, Thompson, Thorpe, Timu, Tong, Totty, Toulmin, Tucker, Tuohy, Tupaea ,Upchurch, Veresmith, Verry, Wakefield, Wakelin, Wall, Wallis, Walmsley, Ward, Wattie, Way, Waymouth, Wedd, White, Wilde, Will, Woods, Woon, Wright, Yule, Yule
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