Letters Hawke’s Bay Cultural Trust Exhibition 1989-90


PO BOX 248   PHONE (070) 357781

PO BOX 946   PHONE (070) 357781

29 May 1989

Bruce & Estelle Martin
Kamaka Pottery

Dear Bruce & Estelle,


I thought I’d follow my recent visit with a letter of intent to hold an exhibition of your work at the Hawke’s Bay Exhibition Centre, Hastings in 1990. As this will be “the final firing” of the anagama kiln I felt it an appropriate time to mount the exhibition.

We can discuss exact details a little closer to the time but in general terms I would see the exhibition as having three foci. Firstly a selection of key pieces from the final firing. This is to be accompanied by a photographic essay showing the progress of the ceramics from wheel/hand to final artwork. Finally, I think your suggestion of a video presentation of the actual firing would be an excellent idea.

I will need to know from you the approximate time of next year’s firing and a suitable six week period for the exhibition. I would also like to know your thoughts on sales from exhibition (or not) as I am informed that you usually prefer to sell from home. Naturally I hope we can come to some arrangement on this point at a later time.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future and will inform the Deputy Director of the Exhibitions Centre, Mrs Kath la Rooy of our discussions.

Yours sincerely,
R Smith
Roger Smith

Copy to: Kath La Rooy


The Executive Director,
Roger Smith,
Hawke’s Bay Cultural Trust,
P.O. Box 248, Napier.

Dear Roger,

1990 Exhibition.

Estelle and I would like to thank you for your invitation for a proposed exhibition of our work to be held at the Hawke’s Bay Exhibition Centre in 1990.

We have been giving your proposal some thought on how the exhibition might be structured around the three suggestions you have made. An additional suggestion we would like to make is that we show a small group of pieces selected from each year from the first to the final firing. These pots would be from our collection and would not be for sale. All other work could, if you wish, be for sale.

At the moment we are not sure whether our firing next year will be at the usual time in May or a little later in July. If we choose the later date then our pots would not be ready until the end of August. Any time after that for the exhibition and as it fits in with your schedules would suit us.

We look forward to having further discussion with you regarding details for this exhibition at a later date.

Yours sincerely,
BJ Martin
Estelle & Bruce Martin.


Roger Smith
Executive Director

18 June 1990

Mr B & Mrs E Martin
Kamaka Pottery
Valentine Road
R D 5

Dear Bruce and Estelle

Exhibition – The Final Firing – Anagama Pottery by Estelle and Bruce Martin
September 7 – October 22

I would like to confirm arrangements for your exhibition in September – October, which were discussed at our recent meeting.

Opening function – Thursday September 6, 5.30 pm.
Exhibition open to public – Friday 7 September to Sunday 22 October. ?21ST
Set – up dates – 4-5 September.
We would be pleased to accept your offer of assistance on these days .
Catalogue details required by – 26 August at the latest.

Personal Details and other information required by – 14 August if possible to allow for pre-publicity.

Invitations to opening – we will prepare these, in consultation with you. We will send out a number to persons on our mailing list, and will supply you with a number for your own distribution.

If you wish to include a small symbol, or signatures on invitations and catalogue, please send a sample that can be photo-copied as soon as possible.

Exhibition Content – 1 piece each from your previous firings, (16) and a number from the present firing.

Interpretive material – as discussed we await your advice regarding the video. I have contacted a local firm who could edit your tape. I have also made enquiries regarding sponsorship for TV and video player and we will make a firm approach in August when you have had a chance to preview your video tape. We would like to go ahead with this project as it will be an important record. It is also suggested that you may wish to prepare a text, and narrate it yourself in co-operation with the editor. I think this would be a good idea.

Trust Office & Hawke’s Bay Museum
9 Herschell Street,
Napier, New Zealand
PO Box 248
Phone (070) 357-781

Hawke’s Bay Exhibition Centre
Eastbourne Street
Hastings, New Zealand
PO Box 946
Phone (070) 62-077

I have contacted Tim Whittaker regarding the photographs he took last year, but to date have not heard back from him.

I will also contact Chloe King about an article or review for the local paper, and any Potters newsletter or similar publication.

A lunch time or weekend afternoon talk would perhaps be a good idea if you are available. Please let me know by end July and we can set a date which can then be publicised in our August newsletter, and included in our radio broadcasts.

Catering for Opening – I will advise you later regarding any wine sponsorship if this is available. You may wish to provide some nibbles.

Please ring me if there is anything else you wish to discuss. In the meantime – good luck with the final firing.

Yours sincerely

Kath La Rooy
K A La Rooy


Roger Smith
Executive Director

25 October 1990

Bruce & Estelle Martin
Kamaka Pottery
Valentine Road
R D 5

Dear Bruce and Estelle

Thank you both most sincerely for your assistance in presenting the recent exhibition “The Final Firing” . It was a most successful venture, and the time and effort you both put in to the video production and slide talks was much appreciated. Margaret also gained a great deal from working with you setting up the display.

I enclose your photographs. A cheque for sales and expenses should be sent out from our office in Napier within a few days.

I look forward to visiting you at Kamaka sometime.

Kind Regards,

Yours sincerely

K A La Rooy
K A La Rooy

Trust Office & Hawke’s Bay Museum
9 Herschell Street
Napier, New Zealand
PO Box 248
Phone (070) 357-781

Hawke’s Bay Exhibition Centre
Eastbourne Street
Hastings, New Zealand
PO Box 946
Phone (070) 62-077

Original digital file


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Business / Organisation

Hawke's Bay Cultural Trust

Format of the original


Date published

29 May 1989 - 25 October 1990


Accession number


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