Minutes 1978-09-15 Directors


PRESENT:   President Jack Cooper, Charlie Trask, John Eddington, Keith Garland, Alan Walker, Roy Batchelor, Ian McPherson, Mike Barry, Colin Young, Frank Crist.

APOLOGIES:   Frank Darroch, Peter Single, Max Luttrell,

MINUTES:   Moved John/Mike “That the minutes as circulated be taken as read” Passed.

CORRESPONDENCE:   “Inwards be received” Alan/Charlie.

COMMUNITY SERVICE:   Alan reported.

1.   An area at the Hospital will be inspected with a site plan to be presented by a landscape gardiner [gardener]. Hospital authorities approached.
2.   Pamphlet “Loss of your Baby” to be proceeded with. Cost to Rotary – less than $200.00.
3.   A second-hand “Answerphone” is available for Meals on Wheels, at a cost of approximately $350.00 which is half cost of a new one.
4.   Town & Country Forum venue has been suggested at Matapiro next March. Catering to be investigated.
5.   Forum for Local Body Elections to be organized by Roger Bate, chaired by Jack Cooper.
6.   Recommended that Club assist Crippled Children, Plunket (11 October) and the Salvation Army this year.
7.   Rydum Project – turned down by the Committee.

Moved   Alan/Keith “That the report be received”  Passed.

YOUTH SERVICE: Roy reported.

1.   Rotaract gave $500.00 for Mark Ormerod.
2.   Golf Tournament to be proceeded with.
3.   Eleven Boats have been offered for the Crippled Children outings.
4.   Application from U.S.A. for an exchange student. Four billets are required – 2 have already been promised.
5.   Youth Activities Week – 24 November Meeting. Suggest that Rotaract be invited.
Moved Frank/Alan “That Rotaract be the Club’s guests on this occasion” Passed.
6.   Rotaract will participate in Apple Radio “Orienteering Relay”.
7.   Simon Clark has been accepted as a Rotary Exchange Student to U.S.A.
8.   Moved Frank/Colin “That the Club which is a Life Member, donate $100.00 to the Outward Bound Fundraising” Passed.

Moved Roy/Charlie “That the Report be received” Passed.

FINANCE:   Colin reported.

1.   Suggestion that one Committee Chairman report on successive Tuesdays and so acquaint all Club members of the various Committee projects.
2.   Signatories now complete for the Jubilee Trust. A Bank Account has been opened.
3.   No additional rental requested for Sons’ and Daughters’ Day.
4.   Ron returned $64.00 from the $700.00 “advanced” by the Club for the Vietnamese Family “Project”.
5.   Moved Colin/Charlie “That Ron, Hans, and Peter be asked to report to Directors on whether all the $700.00 advanced was a gift or part loan” Passed.
6.   Bulletin costs were discussed, and Clapcott’s letter passed on to Club Service for their consideration and recommendation.

Moved   Colin/Alan “That the report be received” Passed.


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1.   A meeting and meal at Gordon Lee’s, with Vietnamese Family.
2.   Ian Kilgour suggested help for Fiji’s rehabilitation Centre. (Underwater Welding).
Approx. $150.00 needed from Rotary.
3.   Books for Fiji project being investigated.
4.   Stationery and Drugs for the Islands.
5.   Intended to provide Speaker for November Meeting.

Moved Ian/Mike “That report be received” Passed.

VOCATIONAL SERVICE:   Mike reported.

1.   Newmarket School Leavers’ Handbook passed to Frank for comment.
2.   Ron Giorgi has accepted responsibility for Police Project.
3.   Radio N.Z. to provide a speaker for Club – Ian Cross or Geoff Whitehead.
4.   Possibility of a Vocational Tour.
5.   Educational Trust for underprivileged children considered too big for Vocational – perhaps a Club Project, incorporated within the Jubilee Trust framework?

Moved Mike/Keith “That report be received”   Passed.

CLUB SERVICE:   Charlie reported.

1.   Senior Active Members to investigate their own replacements.
2.   Programme Liaison with other Clubs suggested – this would mean considerably advanced programming (perhaps up to 3 months?).
3.   Suggestion that there be 2 Sons’ and Daughters’ Days – say one for up to 12 years, and the other above 12.
4.   Membership
(a)   Ronald Walker – Lighting Services – Letter of invitation has been prepared.
(b)   Robert Cox – Land Agency – to become a member of Karamu.
(c)   Robert Bartlett – Social Services – not recommended by Membership.  Letter to be written to Frank Darroch by Secretary.
(d)   Brian Usherwood – Brewery Administration – card received.
5.   Names of Members on Leave of Absence to be given to Ted Tucker.
6.   After discussion on Speaker System, it was Moved Frank/Keith “That the investigation of the present system be continued, and if necessary, money be spent to upgrade it” Passed.

Moved Charlie/Alan ‘That report be received’  Passed

No General Business.

Next Meeting:   20 October at home of Mike Barry.

Meeting Closed at 10.18p.m. Thanks to Roy and Beryl for hospitality.

Read & Confirmed:

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Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

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Date published

15 September 1978


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