Minutes 1997-01-20 Directors

Minutes of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Hastings held at the home of Sandy Struthers, 7 Hunters Hill, Havelock North on January 20th 1997 at 7pm.

Present:   Sandy Struthers, Jim Hurford, Cynthia Kirk, Bryon Higgins, Ian Cameron, Brian Epplett, Kevin Williams.

Apologies:   Derek Burns, David Fine, John Mills.

Minutes:   Minutes of the meeting held 19th December 1996 having been circulated were moved as true and correct. Moved Brian Epplett, Seconded Kevin Williams.

Matters Arising:

Attendance & Subscriptions: Attendance summary will be brought into the Membership drive by David Fine.

David Fines memo considered: –
1.   Use of funds from Golf for general Charity projects is approved.
2.   One other annual fundraiser would alleviate the need of an auction.
3.   Subscriptions to be left on an annual basis with Directors to consider each year.
4.   Have a Club Assembly if necessary.

Correspondence for December Inwards & Outwards read by Secretary. He moved that Inwards be received and Outwards approved. Seconded Cynthia.

Classifications:   Kevin Williams moved that the classification of Solicitor/Commercial be opened up and advertised in Bulletin. Seconded Cynthia.

Ian Cameron moved that Neil Dent’s nomination be published and if no objections are forthcoming, the Directors subsequently approve Neil Dent being asked to join our Rotary Club. Seconded Cynthia – Passed.

Financial report:   Treasurer Derek on holiday – will provide a report as soon as he is back on deck, which President Jim will circulate. Cynthia moved the Financial Report be deferred until the circulation of same. Seconded Bryon Higgins.

Ian Cameron asked that the weekly Bankings be made available to him for publishing in the Bulletin under statistics along with the attendance figure.


Community:   Brian Epplett

Probus Club which started in November with 26 members now up to 50 – very successful new club. Thanks to Kevin Williams for auditing their books.

Brian commented that a letter planning the remainder of Rotary year in Bulletin very good idea of David Fines.

Golf:   By lunchtime of the 20th only 60 entries – will get more on the day. Golf Club has been generous this year by not charging the Club a Green Fee. Posters about the city and “ads” in newspaper. Sponsorship appears the same as last year. A pamphlet is needed to give all players showing rules, prizes and sponsors.

Manpower for Golf – John Peryer well organised with the raffle sellers and starters. Rotary Club Members required after 3pm even if only to show a Rotary face. Barbecue at completion of the event to be at Craig Kilgours.

Cynthia Kirk moved that funds from the golf tournament be used for local Charitable Projects – seconded Craig Kilgour, passed.

Vocational:   Cynthia Kirk proposed a Tertiary Scholarship – see plan.
– will target B grade students
– $350 in first year considered maybe too little.
Cynthia moved that Vocational Committee be given power to proceed with the Tertiary project and that they have Directors approval to apply to the Charitable Trust for funds up to $1050 annually on an ongoing basis. Seconded Bryon Higgins. Passed

Ryla:   Kevin Williams moved that we send 2 appointees to Ryla this year – seconded Craig. Passed.

G.S.E.   Tour 1110 to U.K. – Nominations close mid February $125 per person. A newspaper advertisement is good Rotary promotion. Kevin moved that we send one person on the G.S.E. Tour 1110 to the U.K. Seconded Craig, Passed.

Jim thanked Kevin on behalf of the Club for his work on these exchange programmes.


General Business:

President Jim brought up the subject of the membership drive. The membership Convenor will be travelling through the District to discuss this topic. The proposal is to join in with our own Membership Committee and then ask each Member to bring along a likely new Member to a meeting or else provide a name. David Fine and President Jim to get this underway.

Brian Epplett reminded us all that more lady Members would be appreciated.

Craig suggested our Club will end up with few members but of the right Rotary principals and commitment.

David Fine will be requiring commitment to Rotary with Brian Epplett commenting that the Club must provide the opportunity for the new people to take part.

Members Health:   Ted Tucker not too good and is likely to be going into a home with 100% care – a resignation is very likely. Due to past service of both Ted Tucker and Bill Pascoe, Bryon Higgins moved that the Directors recommend to Members that both these Members be elevated to Honorary Members backdated to July 1996. Seconded by Cynthia, Passed.

This motion is to be brought before the Members at the meeting of the 21st January, 1997.

Craig Kilgour raised the point the Club Service had not this year held a meeting. He felt sure that there must be items needing some thought and discussion. President Jim to discuss this with Club Service Chairman.

Next meeting 24th February 1997, 5-15pm County Club.

Meeting closed at 10pm.

J Hurford
24th Feb ’97.

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Minutes from other years held at the Knowledge Bank

Business / Organisation

Hastings Rotary Club

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

20 January 1997


  • Derek Burns
  • Ian Cameron
  • Neil Dent
  • Brian Epplett
  • David Fine
  • Bryon Higgins
  • Jim Hurford
  • Craig Kilgour
  • Cynthia Kirk
  • John Mills
  • Bill Pascoe
  • John Peryer
  • Sandy Struthers
  • Ted Tucker
  • Kevin Williams

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