Napier Development Association




The Association had been in recess for a number of years following the employment of George Rogers (N.D.A. Secretary) by the Napier City Council as assistant town clerk and part-time promotions officer.

On George Rogers’ death a move was made to re-form the N.D.A. and a meeting of leading businessmen, the Mayor and others invited Jock Stevenson, Chief Reporter, The Daily Telegraph, to accept an appointment as Secretary/Manager, N.D.A. and, as such, Public Relations Officer for Napier. He accepted and resigned from The Daily Telegraph.

Previous activities of the N.D.A. focussed chiefly in a number of major exhibitions in W & K No 5 woolstore at Ahuriri and one motor show at the Centennial Hall.

When the N.D.A. was re-formed, a new executive was elected with Mr Jock Knowles as chairman and the Mayor, Mr Peter Tait, as president.

A fortnight after the re-formation, the new secretary and committee staged a daily Children’s Funtime Show in the Top Hall Ballroom to entertain children through the August School Holidays.

Immediatly [Immediately] after the School Holidays, the secretary started moving for a Marineland at Napier – something which he had suggested for Napier in a full-page feature article in the Daily Telegraph on Saturday, May 12, 1962. He gained the support of the late Lew Harris to the tune of $40,000 and it was decided to proceed with the project.

Next, the N.D.A. was asked by the Airport Authority to organise an air pageant in February 1964 to open the airport for Friendship aircraft. The secretary said he would prefer to organise an Air Show rather than a pageant and the Airport Authority agreed. The major Air Show as staged in February 1964 with Air Marshall Sir Hector McGregor, Commander of the Far East Air Force, Singapore, accepting an N.D.A. invitation to officiate. The N.D.A. also obtained full co-operation of the R.N.Z.A.F., Operation Deep Freeze and virtually all air interests in N.Z.

These were the initial activities of the re-formed N.D.A.

Now follows a summary of other major activities carried out by the N.D.A. for Napier City. All achievements were initiated by the N.D.A. and successfully carried out. They are recorded below under categories.


Indutrial [Industrial]  Development Exhibition, 1965, – using 6 1/2 acres of Dalgety Wool Store. Exhibits from N.Z. firms and Government Section of exhibits from all N.Z. Government Departments. Considered by official visitors to be biggest and best exhibition of type in N.Z.

“Your Move” brochure produced by N.D.A. and distributed throughout N.Z. and selected industries overseas.

Note: This resulted almost immediately in these new industries for Napier: Bryant and Kay Ltd., (10 acres at Onekawa for factory – later instructed by London to stay in Wellington). U.E.B. at Awatoto, Olin Matheson (Amaphos) at Pandora, Siros Dale, at Pandora (now Pacific Leather), Hatfield Industries, Onekawa (now Erickssen [Ericksen]), Easton Industries, Henderson Civil Engineers.

Other industries and concerns which set up in Napier as the result of N.D.A. counsel and assistance included:-

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Woolaway, Anderson Nurseries (moved from Wellesley road to Pandora), Metal Imports (now Mico-Wakefield), Domtrac Equipment, James White (photographer) and the Whirinaki Mill. (All contenders for the southern Kiangaroa [Kaingaroa] Forest (seven of them) consulted the N.D.A. for help re possible sites, water supply labour etc etc etc. Additional Note: In all these cases the industries approached the N.D.A. for help and advice before approaching the local bodies concerned. They wanted the N.D.A. to obtain information for them, advice, support and general assistance.


To boost tourism, the N.D.A. produced a number of publications as follows:

“What’s On In Napier” weekly poster distributed to all accommodation in the City, all places where people gather such as bus stops, etc., all Public Relations Officers in North Island (and some selected in South Island). This gave full information on all activities day by day.

“Napier – Playground of the Sunrise Coast” folders containing insider separate folders on all city facilities and activities for visitors. This was distributed to all travel agents in N.Z. and some overseas. It was designed for use by travel agents, P.R.O. offices etc).

“New Zealand’s Switched On City” brochure which set out in colour photographs and bright and breezy dialogue the various holiday attractions in the city categorised under catchy headings. This was distributed all over New Zealand the N.Z. Tourist Department thought so highly of it the department purchased 40,000 for distribution overseas.

“See And Do” books (issued free to all visitors) distributed from the office, all accommodation houses etc. It was a small book to fit in the pocket of a handbag which listed all city attractions and activities etc etc with site, show times etc given.

Note: Another valuation publication by the N.D.A. was “Napier and You” – a brochure suggesting what the city needed in the way of simple and more elaborate facilities. It was distributed to all legal firms, accountants, etc., to use when considering bequests by clients. It was estimated the brochure brought in city facilities to a value of more than $1,500,000.

“I’m A Visitor to Napier” self-adhesive paper badges for visitors to wear while staying in Napier. They were distributed by the office, all accommodation houses and visitor population places. They were designed to let Napier citizens know who were visitors so they could be helpful and friendly to them. The stickers were widely worn by visitors who queued up to get them and they had an instant effect on the hospitality extended to visitors by Napier people as they were now identified. They were the envy of the P.R.O. offices.


In addition to starting Marineland, the N.D.A. initiated the development of the Centennial garden by advising the City Council of the late Mr Tye Husheer’s idea of a waterfall over the Bluff Hill and the fact he was prepared to assist financially. The closing of the prison quarry, said the N.D.A. provided such an opportunity.

In its early days it also arranged a special visit by a U.S. Submarine, Redfish, and then a special showing of the first U.S. manned space vehicle.

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The Hawke’s Bay Wildlife Trust asked the N.D.A. to assist to get patronage for the kiwi display at the botanical gardens. The secretary attended a meeting and advised the transfer of the kiwi display to where the people were … the Marine Parade … on the basis that if the people wont go to the kiwi take the kiwi to the people. The Wildlife Trust had no funds so the N.D.A. obtained gratis, plans for the kiwi house, quantities, all timber, steel, roofing, wall material etc., and, with a council contribution of funds set aside to develop the former trampoline area, the new Kiwi house was built at no cost whatsoever to the Wildlife Trust. The N.D.A. also made arrangements for Princess Alexandera [Alexandra] to open the building during her visit.

The N.D.A. was keen to investigate the possibility of an overland trip to the gannets at Cape Kidnappers. As the result of intense investigation, approaches to the land-owners, an approach to the H.B. Motor Co. and resulting interest, obtaining a source of suitable vehicles, work on the road, Gannet Safari was established. It was instant success with a substantial number of overseas visitors coming to take the trip.

The N.D.A. persuaded a local boat owner to establish fishing trips in the bay by day and “See Napier from the Sea by night”. This proved another popular activity for visitors.

The N.D.A. also arranged entertainment on an in-pool stage at the Olympic Pool for visitors and a contest between the camping grounds for entertainment at the pool. Dance and Swim sessions at the pool also proved popular. These were Xmas holiday attractions.

Kolor Kapers at Easter was initiated and started by the N.D.A. and once developed was given to the Round Table Club as a regular project. The Round Table Club had assisted with the initial sessions.


When the N.D.A. was re-formed in 1963 there were two motel complexes in Napier – Kennedy Park and the Sussex Motor in Lincoln road. Allied with the drive for more visitors and the development of attractions, the N.D.A. set out to obtain more motel style accommodation. The Association, through its office, was responsible for the following accommodation developments from 1965 to 1974. It was approached by the prospective proprietors for advice, confidence and support and all were assisted and given the confidence to proceed with their developments: – Travelodge, Fountain Court, Bamboo Lodge, Cedar Court, Colonial Lodge, Blue Dolphin, Blue Lagoon, Clive Lodge, Links Motel, McLean Park Lodge, Marewa Lodge, Marineland Motels, Kingswood Court, Snowgoose Lodge, Rawhiti Motel, Spanish Lady Motel, Reef Motel, Sherwood Lodge, Sunset Strip, Tennyson Motor Inn and the Tropicana Motor (Ray Turner was building flats but was persuaded by the N.D.A. to convert them to motel units to help with the holiday accommodation problem). Some assistance was also given with the Onekawa Hotel.

The N.D.A. set up an accommodation bureau with the support of all accommodation houses in Napier … hotels, motels, motor hotels, private hotels, guest houses and, for holiday periods, more than 150 private homes for bed and breakfast. It also (reluctantly) undertook house letting for holidays during the Summer season on request.

Note:   The office had a system whereby each morning during the holidays each accommodation house in Napier (and some in Hastings for overflow) were phoned for details of accommodation available that night. As a result, with the accommodation houses co-operation, the office record showed exactly at any time of the day or night what beds were available and where.

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The N.D.A. invented the Hawke’s Bay Rugby Mascot, Hawkeye and formed the Hawke’s Bay Rugby Supporters Club to assist Hawke’s Bay to win the Ranfurly Shield an hold it for three seasons. On every Saturday of shield challenges the N.D.A. organised the Hawkeye Parade. It had the mascot itself designed and built at no cost and the secretary composed and had recorded the Hawkeye Song.

When Hawke’s Bay eventually lost the shield to Canterbury the N.D.A. initiated and organised, with Rugby assistance, a tour of Fiji for the Hawke’s Bay Team under the name of Saracens. It was at no cost to Ruby and left a balance of money in Fiji for schoolboy Rugby. This was an appreciation of the team’s effort in winning and holding the shield and the tremendous benefit to Napier.

The N.D.A. also later organised a trip to Fiji by the Simmonds Acrobatic Troupe to assist Crippled Children in Fiji. This was at no cost to the troupe and was in appreciation of its ever-ready help with entertainment in Napier and other N.Z. Centres.

In response to repeated suggestions, the N.D.A. organised New Zealand’s first Wine and Food Festival based on McLean Park and the Centennial Hall. It was well supported by the wine industry in New Zealand. For spectacular entertainment, the N.D.A. arranged for nightly displays by the Fijian Firewalkers from Beqa Island. It was the first time the firewalkers had left Fiji.

Other similar events were the Boat and Caravan Show and the outdoor exhibition in the Centennial Hall.

The N.D.A. was closely associated throughout with Marineland and the Aquarium. It was an approach by the N.D.A. which saw Mr Rod Abel appointed manager of Marineland. He has since been responsible for major Marineland-type development in other countries. At one stage when Mr Abel was indisposed the N.D.A. secretary/manager undertook full duties at Marineland. The N.D.A., at the Marineland Trust Board’s invitation, established the Marineland Shop which developed a large number of attractive souvenirs and gave outstanding service to Marineland patrons.

When the new aquarium was built there was a shortage of funds and the N.D.A. undertook to help. It organised sponsorship of aquarium tanks and features bringing in around £30,000.

The N.D.A. was instrumental in assisting most Napier organisations one way or another. Typical of this was the Hawke’s Bay Game Fishing Club on obtaining its site at Ahuriri from the Harbour Board and other similar achievements. It also assisted many new citizens from within New Zealand and from overseas to find houses and work. It persuaded a large number of visitors to take up residence in the city and typical of this was Dr Tam and family. Napier needed more doctors. It had a very close and happy relationship with the business community and helped many retailers and other business interests in many and varied ways.


The N.D.A. concentrated intensely on publicity for Napier City and was always the first port of call for writers, T.V. Teams such as Town and Around in the early days with Relda Familton and Cathy Saunders. They always called first at the office for ideas for programmes and were assisted in their production. Stories promoting Napier were prepared by the N.D.A. and published extensively including such publications as the National Geographic magazine and other similar publications.

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The N.D.A. was called upon to organise or assist with the organisation of a number of major conferences. It organised the N.Z. Timber Merchants Association Conference, the N.Z. Hardware Merchants Conference, and, at council’s request, undertook the accommodation and entertainment programme for the Municipal Association Conference. It also assisted with the Harbours Association conference.

While these were probably the major conferences organised by the N.D.A. it was approached by a great many smaller organisations for help in persuading their national organisations to hold a conference in Napier. This was done successfully in most cases and accommodation and entertainment assistance given.

The N.D.A. gave major assistance to the City Council in the organisation of two Royal Visits. The first was by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh when the N.D.A. suggested the walk along the Parade by day and by night. This suggestion was welcomed by Mr Patrick O’Day as something refreshingly new. It was adopted and was successful. It started a whole new concept for Royal Visits in N.Z. said Mr O’Day.

All entertainment, except the firework display, was organised by the N.D.A. including the Marineland Show.

The N.D.A. arranged and organised many official openings of new buildings for industry and business. Typical of these were Begley Industries, Siros Dale Leather and Olin Matheson.

The final major organisation by the Secretary/Manager, Jock Stevenson and the N.D.A. before his retirement in 1974 was the three-month programme of celebrations for the Centennial of Napier. Virtually the whole programme was left to the N.D.A. to organise. The N.D.A. was responsible for the procession, the idea of the Time Capsule, the film premiere, the research and preparation of the historic film “Napier – As She Was” and the whole range of Centennial activities by a great many organisations and groups.


The Napier Development Association’s Work for the development of Napier was recognised in 1966 by Britain and the United States. Jock Stevenson was invited with three other New Zealanders to Britain as guest of The Queen and the British Government on a V.I.P. “See What Makes Britain Tick” tour for N.Z. Development officers. It was a month’s visit. For Jock Stevenson this was followed by a month’s visit to the United States as guest of the State Department where he attended and addressed a North America Conference of Development organisations at Seattle. This was followed by an organised visit to the main Marinelands and aquariums to help the development of Marineland of N.Z. in Napier.

Jock Stevenson was awarded the O.B.E. in 1976 for Community Service and development – an award which he said at the time resulted from his association with the Napier Development Association.

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Business / Organisation

Napier Development Association Incorporated

Format of the original

Typed document

Date published

August 1963


  • Rod Abel
  • Relda Familton
  • Lew Harris
  • Tye Husheer
  • Jock Knowles
  • Air Marshall Sir Hector McGregor
  • Patrick O'Day
  • George Rogers
  • Cathy Saunders
  • Jock Stevenson
  • Mayor Peter Tait
  • Dr Tam

Accession number


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