Wellington Lose Eteveneaux Cup
ONCE again the Eteveneaux Cup (for 440 yards ladies’ relay) has left Wellington for a northern town. Originally taken from Wellington by the Poverty Bay team and regained four years ago, the cup has been won by the efficient Hastings team.
The first race this season was held in Wellington and was won by the local club; but in order that the Hastings club might be reimbursed with the expenses entailed in coming down, the Wellington ladies offered to put the cup up again and race at Hastings on January 2. The Wellington team comprised Misses Sharp, Willson, Blatherwick and Millar and the Hastings quartette was Misses Symes, Baker, Tong and Lean.
For the first time in the history of the race, the contest was decided in lanes and it is hoped that it was also the last time! Robbed of much of the spectacular, the race was Won by Hastings in 51 secs – claimed as a New Zealand record. There is no need to run such a race in lanes. Where only two competitors are on the track together, the need for “stepped” races is not apparent and the public do not get the full advantage of a stirring race; it is not until the final pair straighten up in the straight that it is possible to see which athlete holds the advantage. Apart from this aspect it is a difficult matter for a runner taking the baton to run in an absolute straight line during the receipt of the baton. On Monday, the second Hastings runner swung on to the Wellington lane and ran for a short distance in this lane. If a protest had been entered it might have made things awkward but, in view of the meritorious win scored by Hastings, no protest was made. Hastings won and won well and there was nothing to be gained by protesting – even if a breach had been committed.
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