Hastings Primary Schools Choir Concert 1944
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Surnames in this booklet –
Aldridge, Anderson, Anthony, Apatu, Apperley, Arbuckle, Arnold, Ashford, Atkinson, Austen, Bainbridge, Banks, Barnock, Bartlett, Beale, Beere, Beilby, Bell, Belloc, Bennett, Berry, Bishop, Black, Blake, Bone, Boshier, Botaroff, Boult, Bowen, Boyes, Brain, Brenchly, Brittin, Brock, Brown, Buckingham, Buckley, Bull, Burns, Burton, Butler, Cameron, Campbell, Cate, Cater, Cattanach, Chapman, Christie, Chubb, Clark, Cleary, Cody, Cohen, Coles, Collins, Cook, Crawford, Crook, Curtis, Daig, Daniels, Davis, Dawson, Deans, di Menna, Drake, Drayson, Duckitt, Dunn, Eastwood, Eban, Edwards, Elsworth, Engebretsen, Epplett, Evans, Fail, Fargher, Farnell, Finlayson, Foster, Garrod, Geary, Gilbertson, Gilmore, Godfrey, Graham, Grave, Grover, Hall, Hammond, Harris, Hastings, Haycock, Hayes, Hellyer, Hewitt, Hickey, Hill, Hingston, Hiron, Holmes, Hoskins, Houseman, Huddleston, Hunter, Hurae, Israelson, Jackson, James, Jillings, Johnson, Jones, Kay, Kaye, Kelly, Killen, Kingsley, Kirkpatrick, Laidlaw, Lambert, Land, Lange, Le Quesne, Lee, Leeves, Lennox, Leonard, Lewis, Liddington, Liley, List, Little, Lochore, Locke, Lucre, Lynch, Macdonald, Maddison, Marshall, Mawson, May, McCormick, McDonald, McIntyre, McKeesick, McKenzie, McLaren, McLeod, McMurray, Miller, Milne, Mitchell, Moss, Mudgway, Mummery, Murton, Musson, Mustchin, Nathan, Neil, Neilsen, Nelson, Nia Nia, Nikera, O’Connell, Oliver, Paget, Painter, Paku, Parke, Parker-Smith, Parkes, Patterson, Paul, Paviour, Pedersen, Pere, Pere, Person, Pocock, Polglaze, Price, Procter, Pryce, Purcell, Rae, Rainbow, Rapsey, Rattray, Ray, Rees, Rich, Ritchie, Robert, Robinson, Rodgers, Roe, Rowe, Rush-Munro, Rutherford, Ryder, Sewell, Shuker, Single, Smith, Sowersby, Sparling, Spence, Spencer, Spinney, Spooner, Stacey, Steel, Steele, Stevens, Stewart, Stowe, Sutcliffe, Sykes, Tahau, Tasker, Tate, Taylor, Te Poki, Te Ua, Thomas, Thompson, Tichborne, Timia, Timms, Tindall, Tinsley, Tobin, Tomoana, Tong, Townsend, Trask, Tweedie, Veresmith, Walker, Wall, Ward, Warren, Weller, White, Williams, Wilson, Wood, Woods, Yule
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