Hastings Primary Schools Choir Concert 1945
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Surnames in this booklet –
Adamson, Aldridge, Anderson, Andrews, Apatu, Apperley, Arbuckle, Arnold, Ashford, Atkinson, Austin, Bainbridge, Banks, Barlow, Beilby, Bell, Bennett, Bird, Bishop, Blake, Bone, Boughton, Boult, Boyd, Bradshaw, Brain, Briggs, Brown, Bryant, Buckley, Butler, Butwell, Campbell, Cardie, Carmichael, Carrol, Carswell, Carter, Cater, Cattanach, Chesterman, Christie, Clark, Coates, Coles, Collier, Collins, Cooper, Cracknell, Crawford, Croucheer, Curd, Curtis, Dagg, Davis, de Montalk, Deans, Dyett, Dyson, Eastwood, Edwards, Engebretsen, Evans, Fail, Finlayson, Flanders, France, Francis, Fraser, Fulford, Gannaway, Garrod, German, Gillies, Gilmore, Gleeson, Godfrey, Goss, Graham, Grant, Grave, Grave, Green, Griffiths, Gutterson, Hambly, Hamlin, Hammond, Harris, Harrison, Hawkins, Hawthorne, Hayes, Hewitt, Hickey, Hirini, Hoare, Hodgkinson, Holmes, Howe, Johnson, Jones, Kainuku, Karipa, Kaye, Kelly, Kenrick, Kingi, Laing, Lambert, Land, Lane, Le, Quesne, Lee, Leonard, Liddington, Liley, Lincoln, Little, Long, Lord, Lyte, Maddison, Marchant, Mawson, Maxwell, McAlister, McCormick, McDonald, McIntyre, McKay, McKennie, McKenzie, McLaren, McMurray, Meha, Moana, Monti, Morgan, Mosley, Moss, Mudgway, Mummery, Munro, Nelson, Nia Nia, O’Connell, Oldridge, Olive, Oliver, Ormsby, Painter, Paku/Puku, Palmer, Patterson, Paul, Pere, Person, Pinfold, Plummer, Pocock, Pope, Potts, Preston, Price, Proctor, Pryce, Purcell, Quarrell, Rae, Raff, Rainbow, Rattray, Rees, Reid, Renner, Ripohau, Rodgers, Roe, Romminger, Ross, Rowe, Rush-Munro, Ryder, Schofield, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Short, Single, Sleeman, Smith, Somervell, Spencer, Spooner, Stacey, Stewart, Stuart, Taylor, Teuki, Tichborne, Timu, Tindall, Tipoki, Tobin, Tomlins, Tomoana, Tong, Townsend, Trask, Tucker, Wake, Wales, Walker, Wall, Ward, Waring, Watterson, Webb, Weber, White, Wilford, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wood, Young
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