Programme 1961 – South Pacific
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Surnames in this programme –
Andrews, Apatu, Armitage, Arthur, Ashford, August, Barclay, Bate, Beckett, Beech, Bell, Blasoni, Bolton, Boyd, Brazier, Brisco, Brooking, Broughton, Brown, Brunsden, Bryant, Bull, Burchmore, Burnett, Burns, Burt, Butler, Lade, Callinicos, Cameron, Campbell, Cater, Chapman, Charlton, Christeson, Codd, Coleman, Corbin, Cotter, Cowlrick, Coyle, Crawford, Dalton, Day, De Garis, Denys, Dessauve, Dillon, Dingelstad, Doree, Doughlas, Dunlop, Dunn, Durham, Eastwood, Edwards, Evans, Fairclough, Ferris, Fippard, Fleming, Flowers, Fountaine, Francis, French, Friis, Frizzell, Gainer, Garnett, Geor, Gibson, Gillespie, Girvan, Godfrey, Gordon, Goulding, Graham, Grant, Greer, Gregory, Grieve, Haenga, Halbert, Hall, Hamilton, Hannah, Hannon, Hapi, Hare, Harris, Hastie, Hawks, Helm, Hemingway, Henderson, Higgins, Hill, Hodgson, Horne, Horton, Houston, Howard, Hunt, James, Jones, Kale, Kamau, Kani, Kavea, Keatch, Kennedy, Keogh, Keys, Kilworth, Kirkby, Knight, Lawton, Lay, Liley, Lillywhite, Logan, Longhurst, MacDonald, Mardon, Mareikura, Marr, Mathieson, Maultsaid, May, McAulay, McCarthy, McCracken, McDonald, McGee, McGrath, McPherson, McRae, Mills, Mitchell, Monks, Morgan, Morley, Murdoch, Murray, Nash, Neild, Neilsen, Newell, Nicoll, Nielson, Nimongo, Nuku, O’Leary, Olsen, Pakoti, Palmer, Parahi, Parkhill, Paton, Pawhai, Paynter, Pere, Peterson, Petrie, Pledger, Plummer, Poppelwell, Porteous, Pothan, Purcell, Puriri, Rarere, Reich, Reid, Richards, Richardson, Riddell, Rosser, Rouse, Scott, Selwyn, Seton, Shakespeare, Simonson, Simpson, Sleeman, Southon, Speakman, Spence, Stayt, Stirling, Storkey, Stothart, Swanson, Swindell, Tahau, Tankersley, Taylor, Tera, Thompson, Tipene, Tipu, Toomey, Trask, Tucker, Upchurch, Vernon, Vossen, Wade, Wahlberg, Wainohu, Walker, Warner, Warnes, Warren, Wedderspoon, Wenley, White, Whitworth, Whitworth, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Woodham, Woon, Young, Younge
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