Programme 2007 – Beauty and the Beast



Est. 1887

Napier Operatic Society presents




Originally Directed by   Robert Jess Roth
Originally Produced by   Disney Theatrical Productions

By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd, exclusive agent for Music Theatre International, NY

Director   Gillian Davies
Musical Direction   Tony Ferner
Choreographer   Briar Horrocks

Speciality Costume Design   Weta Workshop, Wellington
Costume Design/Concept   Stephen Robertson
Set Designer   Harold Moot
Lighting Designer   Paul Collier
Sound Designer   Terry Molloy – Redd Acoustics

Napier Municipal Theatre
Napier, New Zealand
26 April – 5 May 2007

The use of cameras and recording devices during the performance is prohibited. For the enjoyment of the people around you, please ensure your mobile phone is switched off for the duration of the show.



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Conceptual art for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast by Weta Workshop, Wellington.


It is with great pleasure I welcome you to this Napier Operatic Society production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. It is appropriate that this truly magical show is brought to life on the beautifully restored and wonderfully unique Art Deco style Napier Municipal Theatre stage, celebrating the 10th Anniversary of its redevelopment; a fitting tribute to all who contributed to this project. It was a privilege for Napier Operatic to reopen the theatre in 1995 at the completion of stage one of the redevelopment with our most successful season of Les Miserables; and celebrate the completed project in 1997 with our sellout season of 42nd Street.

What a thrill it was for the Society when Director and Life Member Gillian Davies, a woman with the ability and passion to give incredible justice to shows, agreed to take on the very demanding role of Director for our two major productions this year. For many months now Gillian has been planning for the two productions and to this end sought to bring back the ‘dream team’ of Tony Ferner for Musical Direction and Choreographer Briar Horrocks. The three last working together on Les Miserables in 1995.

Incredible artistic and technical expertise, along with many, many hours of dedication and hard work have gone into creating the spellbinding magical fairytale we share with you tonight. The entire Company has been outstanding and I thank them all.

With a proud history spanning 120 years the Society believes they should produce major Musical Theatre shows when available in the marketplace; this is made possible because of the support and generosity of our many sponsors. I sincerely thank you; your commitment is invaluable to Napier Operatic Society and quality Musical Theatre productions.

All that remains is to thank you our patrons for your continuing support and invite you to sit back and enjoy Beauty and the Beast as much as we enjoy the opportunity of bringing it to you.

Dale Reid
Napier Operatic Society

Est 1887

To be the director (or care taker) of a fairy tale such as “Beauty and The Beast” has its own unique demands and consummate rewards.

“Tales as old as time Songs as old as rhyme.”

Stories relying on simple clarity of contrast – dark/light, love/hate, richness/poverty, cruelty/kindness, wisdom/ignorance, beauty/ugliness, youth and age.

From time immemorial their distinct and individual literary style and seemingly simple format becomes part of our being – from the very first “Once upon a time” to the last “And they all lived happily ever after”. Why? The key word is “Hope”. Theatre thrives on this. When we walk into a darkened theatre we are full of expectation – of hope! We all want it to end “happily ever after” and when it does we feel fulfilment. The team Tony, Briar, Marc, Paul, cast, company and crew alike, want this for you.

“Hope” fully they have striven long, hard, joyfully and creatively towards sharing this individual and uniquely demanding little piece – and who is best able to judge? – why you only, our much appreciated and loyal audiences.

My personal joy and real bonus has been working with Tony and Briar. Their outstanding commitment and abilities have been absolutely vital to this production. To Marc, Paul, Gwyn, Leigh and Lois, along with the greatest principal cast, company and production tea, I am also indebted. They have been lead with real integrity by production manager Dale Reid. All have given unconditionally – because that is what you do when you believe in a great society, a great community, a theatre and a city really worth celebrating.

Gillian Davies

Bruno Bettelheim in his treatise on fairy tales and fables “The Uses of Enchantment” makes this statement: “Each fairy tale is a magic mirror which reflects some aspect of our inner world and of the steps required by our evolution from immaturity to maturity”.

I am indebted once more to friend and fellow Gwyn Ace who has worked with me from my very first production – the Matchmaker (Napier Repertory) and on all of my major theatrical adventures. His insight, vision and ability are unparalleled and we’ve had such fun and joy from the shared love of theatre.

Experienced as a professional musician (both as a flautist and conductor). Tony is Principal Flute of the Christchurch Symphony and teacher at the University of Canterbury. Appointed Senior Fellow in 2004.

Tony has studied in England, Russia, Italy and Australia – actively conducting orchestral concerts, operas and musicals in both Australia and New Zealand.

Highlights were conducting the Wellington City Opera’s 1987 production of “La Traviata”, performances at the Sydney Opera house with the Sydney Mozart Players, and latterly “Classical Sparks” in the Park with the Christchurch Symphony and their “Classical Series” as conductor/soloist.

His most recent challenge involves Tony as coordinator for the Christchurch Symphony’s “Outreach Programme” designed to bring classical music to schools and the musical public of all outlying areas in the south of New Zealand. “This is a position I really relish” says Tony.

“I am honoured to be invited back as Musical Director for the Napier Operatic Society and especially to join once again the team of Gillian Davies and Briar Horrocks.” The team that made the 1995 production “Les Miserables” such a success.

Tony is looking forward to “another exciting season with a star studded cast company and orchestra in this the “Magical and Masterful Musical Beauty and the Beast”.

Inspired by ballet from seven Briar enrolled with Jean Ballantyne’s Studio. During her high school years she taught at the studio after school and upon leaving began fulltime teaching with Jean Ballantyne. An introduction to Show Biz started when she sold programmes for Zip Goes A Million for Hastings Musical Comedy, later to become Theatre H.B. Briar has directed her own highly successful ballet studio for 35 years, with pupils having performed nationally and internationally (Footnote, Impulse, Southern Ballet, Canadian Ballet Company and the Royal N.Z Ballet) to name a few. In 1975 – 1978, Briar formed her own dance company which performed at the Hastings Cultural Centre and in 1978 won the N.Z Federation of Ballet and Dance Choreographic Seminar, with a classical ballet which later was performed by the Royal N.Z Ballet. Briar is versatile, in 1985 she won the Hastings Musical Comedy Company Playhouse Award for Best Actress in Fings Aint Wot They Used to Be and later acting the demanding role of the choreographer in the Broadway Hit Musical A Chorus Line. From 1994 – 2001 Briar tutored for the EIT Performing Arts Course Choreographing 18 productions. H.B Musical Theatre has benefited from her expertise for at least 27 productions working with directors Richard Campion, Robert Hickey, Dick Johnstone, and her delight is working with her good friend Gillian Davies who is always innovative and inspiring. Briar says “I have been impressed with the enthusiasm, ability and commitment for Beauty and the Beast. Each rehearsal has been a pleasure and a privilege to attend”, and thanks her husband Brian for his support, enabling her to do so.

Paul is a third generation member of Napier Operatic and has had a lifetime involvement with the Society.

Employed fulltime at the Napier Municipal Theatre since the mid 1990’s, Paul has gained a reputation as one of the finest technicians in the theatre industry in New Zealand. Whether working alongside the touring crew of the Royal New Zealand Ballet or leading a local crew for a dance recital, Paul gives 100% of his energy, time and talents to ensuring that each event will be a success. This production of Beauty and the Beast has been an exciting journey for Paul, being able to utilise his knowledge and skills with pyrotechnics, lighting and special effects, he is transforming Gillian’s remarkable dreams into reality.



“The challenge for the Weta team lay in the fact that the Beauty and the Beast story is so well known,” says Gayle. “Many people already hold strong ideas about what the major characters look like, and how they evolve as the story progresses.

“So we knew from the outset that designing for this new production was going to be a fine balancing act. We needed to create something fresh so the audience felt they were experiencing something new, while retaining a sense of familiarity and loyalty to the story by paying homage to Disney’s original designs.”

The process began with the creation of a series of quick, gestural digital paintings. This gave the team the important opportunity to explore a number of possible design solutions very quickly, without worrying about specifics.

“We’re not particularly concerned with practicalities at this point either,” Gayle adds. “It’s all about creating strong silhouettes and evoking the qualities of the characters we want to see up on that stage.

“The kind of energy and excitement that’s generated at this point is essential, as it drives the ensuing stages when the design is locked down and technicalities become important.”

Immediately, Weta’s designers set to work, ensuring that Alex Kennedy could turn their conceptual paintings into physical costumes and make-up that would be both practical and effective on stage.

“This is quite a mindset change from designing creature make-up and prosthetics for film,” says Gayle. “Make-up for film can completely obscure the actor’s face, and take hours to apply and remove. But in a stage production the actor’s face and mouth must be left free for singing and dialogue, the application must look equally good to the audience in the front and back rows of the theatre, and it must be quick to apply and remove – particularly when the characters have to transform during the performance!”

At this point, the creative vision and design acumen of the team is fully tested. Their role is to create a series of annotated drawings that are as clear and informative as possible, to pass to the prosthetics and costume manufacturers. And the results of their work are before you today!

Conceptual art for Disney’s Beauty and the Beast by Weta Workshop, Wellington.

Mme Wardrobe : Christian Pearce

Beast : Greg Broadmore
Transformation : Stephen Crowe


“Oh – isn’t this amazing!
It’s my favourite part, because you see –
Here’s where she meets Prince Charming!
But she won’t discover that it’s him
’Til Chapter Three!”


A prince living in a magnificent castle is visited one winter’s night by an old beggar woman, who offers him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince turns the woman away.

Suddenly her ugliness melts away to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The prince is apologetic when he sees the woman’s beauty, but the enchantress can see that there is no true love in the prince’s heart. In a flash she turns him into a hideous beast, and places a spell on the castle and all who live there.

Ashamed of his monstrous form, the beast conceals himself in his bewitched castle with his faithful staff who, under the influence of the enchantress’ spell, are slowly turning into household objects. Their only window to the outside world is a magic mirror.

To break the spell, the beast must learn to love another and earn their love in return, before the last petal falls from an enchanted rose. If he fails, he is doomed to remain a beast for all time.

Meanwhile, in a nearby town, a beautiful and intelligent young woman named Belle lives with her eccentric inventor father, Maurice. Belle longs for a life of adventure, but seems destined to live as a misfit in the town. It seems her only hope of fitting in is to marry the pompous, bad-mannered Gaston, who has decided that Belle is the prettiest woman in the town and fit to be his wife. But Belle rejects Gaston’s crude advances. She longs for someone who understands and shares her dreams.

One day Maurice loses his way in the woods on the way to the city. He stumbles across the beast’s spellbound castle. Angered by the intrusion, the beast imprisons Maurice in the castle.

Belle searches for her father. She finds him in the beast’s clutches and offers herself in return for the release of her father. The beast accepts, and soon Belle learns of the other enchanted occupants in the castle. They are becoming more like household objects every day, and conspire to have Belle and the Beast fall in love so that the spell can finally be broken.

Eventually the beast does fall in love with Belle, but is afraid to tell her. Instead he offers her a glimpse into the magic mirror so that she may see her father. Belle sees that Gaston, in an act of revenge, has convinced the villagers that Maurice is crazy and should be sent away to an asylum. The beast grants Belle her freedom so that she may help her father.

Belle unknowingly betrays the beast to Gaston, who leads a frenzied mob to the castle to destroy him. The enchanted objects repel the mob, but Gaston manages to stab the beast in the back. Gaston is then thrown to his death.

The beast, dying from his wounds, tells the weeping Belle how happy he is to see her for one last time. Belle declares her love for the beast just as the last petal on the rose falls. A magical transformation takes place. The beast is turned back into a prince and the enchanted objects turn back into humans. The spell is broken!


The Beauty and the Beast story is rooted in ancient legends from Greece, India and Africa. Its popularity peaked in the French Court of the mid-18th century following publication of a celebrated version of the tale, written by Madame le Prince de Beaumont. Over the years, Beauty and the Beast has been adapted into children’s books, poems and plays.

In the late 1980s executives of the Walt Disney Company recognised the story’s enormous potential for adaptation into an animated film. It was, they believed, a natural successor to previous animated classics like Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Screenwriter Linda Woolverton, lyricist Howard Ashman, composer Alan Menken, producer Don Hahn and directors Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale set to work. They made major revisions to the characters and story to bring them to life on screen. Most notable were the depiction of Belle as a strong, intelligent independent woman, and the transformation of the servants into household objects as a result of the enchantress’ spell.

The film premiered in 1991 to overwhelming critical acclaim. The musical score won an Oscar, as did the film’s haunting theme ballad “Beauty and the Beast”.

The success of the film spurred Disney to explore the story’s possibilities as a stage production.

“For a long time we had been considering a theatrical presence on Broadway,” recalls Michael Eisner, the Walt Disney Company chairman. “Beauty and the Beast seemed the perfect choice for our first venture. Even when they were performed on their own, without staging or costumes, the songs held the attention of the audience.”

The story brought distinct challenges to the stage. The magical transformations of The Beast and the Enchanted Objects had to be presented convincingly. A creative team including illusion specialists who had worked with magicians David Copperfield and Doug Henning was assembled. Legendary lyricist Tim Rice was brought in to work on new songs with Alan Menken, following the death of original lyricist Howard Ashman. Creation of the elaborate set and costumes began.

Beauty and the Beast opened at the Palace Theatre on Broadway on 18 April 1994. It was a runaway success. To date the show has played to over 6 million people on Broadway alone. It is the longest currently running American musical on Broadway and the sixth-longest running musical in Broadway history. The original cast album was nominated for a Grammy.

Beauty and the Beast has been performed in 15 countries and in seven languages around the world. Over 24 million people have watched the show.



Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is the brainchild of some of the world’s most prolific and acclaimed creative talents.

Alan Menken is a widely celebrated and award-winning composer for stage and screen. Stage credits include Little Shop of Horrors, Beauty and the Beast, A Christmas Carol, King David, God Bless You, Mr Rosewater, Real Life Funnies, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Weird Romance and Der Glockner von Notre Dame. Film credits include The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Newsies, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Hercules.

Menken achieved a Billboard Number One album with Pocahontas and a Number One single with ‘A Whole New World’. His work has garnered eight Academy Awards, seven Golden Globes, 10 Grammys, the London Evening Standard Award, the Olivier, the New York Drama Critics Award, the Drama Desk and the Outer Critics Circle Award for Best Musical.

Tim Rice is known the world over for his enormously successful collaborations with Andrew Lloyd Webber – responsible for the musical sensations Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (1968), Jesus Christ Superstar (1970), and Evita (1976).

Rice first entered the world of popular music as the lead singer for a group called The Aardvarks. He went on to sing occasionally with other sixties rock groups. His first published song, ‘That’s My Story’, appeared in 1965 – the same year he met Andrew Lloyd Webber.

In the early 1980s, Rice began collaborating with ABBA members Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson on a project entitled Chess. Chess first appeared on record in 1984, and the album enjoyed massive international popularity. Two singles, ‘One Night in Bangkok’ and ‘I Know Him So Well’, topped the charts in America, Europe and Asia.

Rice received three Grammy Awards for his work on Disney’s blockbuster film Aladdin, written with Alan Menken.

Howard Ashman began his career as a writer in his mid-twenties, after moving to New York City. His work was well received by audiences and critics, which led to his appointment as artistic director for the WPA Theatre in 1976.

In 1989 Ashman received his first Academy Award for the song ‘Under the Sea’ from Disney’s The Little Mermaid. The film garnered a total of six awards and led to further Ashman/Menken collaborations on Beauty and the Beast (1991) and three songs for Aladdin (1992). A few weeks before the 1991 Academy Awards, Ashman passed away and his partner accepted the Best Song Oscar for ‘Beauty and the Beast’ on his behalf.

Linda Woolverton’s writing credits include the screenplay for the animated feature Beauty and the Beast (a Golden Globe winner and Academy Award Best Picture nominee), the screenplay (shared) for Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey, the screenplay (shared) for the animated feature The Lion King, the book for the Broadway musical Beauty and the Beast (Tony Award nominee for Best Book of a Musical, winner 1998 Olivier Award for Best New Musical) and the book (shared) for Elton John and Tim Rice’s Aida.

She has also written two young-adult novels: Star Wind and Running Before the Wind. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts from California State University, Long Beach, and a Master’s degree in Theatre from California State University, Fullerton. Linda continues to write for film, television and the theatre.

Dale’s family has been actively involved with Napier Operatic for more than forty years and involving four generations (now that her eldest grandchild has joined the Theatre School this year). Dale currently holds the position of President of the Society.

Being the Production Manager for a show the size of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ has been one of her most rewarding challenges to date and it has been her pleasure to serve the Society, Gillian and this most wonderful production through a journey of over twelve months. Dale says “the entire company of Beauty and the Beast has her utmost respect and admiration, not only for their talent but their commitment and dedication to bring from small beginnings in a local woolstore the spectacle they share with you on the Napier Municipal Theatre stage. Dale applauds them all and thanks them for their joy and camaraderie.

Marc is a third generation member of the society and over his 20 year involvement has worked in most areas of theatre from set design and construction to stage managing shows such as Les Miserables, Chess and Westend to Broadway. Having been involved with some highly skilled theatre crews and working professionally for Auckland Opera, he now enjoys passing on his knowledge and stagecraft skills to the younger members of the society.

Lois a qualified designer, has organised wardrobe for Napier Operatic Society many times over the last 30 years. Lois has also organised and made the costumes for Opera Hawke’s Bay. In 2002 she was awarded the Hastings District Council Civic Honor for Voluntary Achievements, Merit Award from Musical Theatre Federation and also made Life Member of the Napier Operatic Society.

Leigh is delighted to be working with Gillian on another magical production. Since dancing in the ballet of “Where’s Charley” in 1963, she has been involved in many aspects of theatre from tea lady to choreographer and finally, stage management. A Life Member of the Royal Academy of Dance, Leigh also stage manages for Opera Hawkes Bay and the Regional Orchestra.

Lynda has been involved in the Society since 1979, participating in many productions and has served as Society Treasurer and Vice President. Lynda’s most memorable productions have been as Properties Manager for “Cabaret” and “Les Miserables” 1995, and Stage Manager for “Les Miserables” 2002, “Westend to Broadway” and “Buddy”. She is looking forward to helping bring this fairy tale’s magic to life!

Since joining the Society in the 70’s Neill has been involved in most of the Society’s productions working backstage, lighting, sound, catering and the occasion [occasional] cameo role on stage. Neill has Stage Managed most of Gillian’s previous productions including Chicago, Cabaret (twice), Nunsense, Les Miserables and Sweeney Todd. As a Past President and current Society Chairman, Neill is pleased Gillian is back and believes the Society is in great heart. He wishes the production team of Beauty and the Beast and Cats well in this 120th year of the Society.

Alan has been an active member of Napier Operatic since “New Moon” in 1956. This long association, either onstage or backstage, has seen him earn Life Membership of the Society along with a Merit Award from Musical Theatre New Zealand and a Citizen’s Award from the Napier City Council. Alan thrives on the challenge and enjoyment that theatre brings.

Lesley’s involvement in theatre began as a teenager in Timaru, and her love for the medium has never waned. After many years as both a performer and an administrator for Napier Operatic she was delighted to take on the role as an Assistant Production Manager for Beauty and the Beast. As she retires from the Executive Committee after many years, she wishes the Society well for all its future productions.

Terry first became involved in musical theatre in 1982. In 1985 he founded Redd Acoustics, with the aim of supplying higher fidelity sound to the entertainment industry. Today Redd Acoustics has a staff of 12 and is a premium supplier of audio for orchestra, theatre and concert tours. Terry is one of only a handful of specialist sound designers for theatrical productions in New Zealand. He has designed systems for shows as diverse as Barnum and Rocky Horror and has worked with societies across the country.

Sonya has been involved in NOS for 19 years and worked in a variety of roles, most recently, in the areas of publicity, production management and direction. Sonya has enjoyed working with the talented cast and crew of Beauty and the Beast and would particularly like to thank Gillian Davies for allowing her to sit alongside the directing team giving her the opportunity to further her knowledge.

Allan has been involved with the society since 1979 on stage and dancing in Grease, Jesus Christ Superstar, Annie to name a few. Working backstage from 1983 onwards; the Fly Floor has always appealed and for this show Allan has been appointed as Head of the department. The Director seems to have other plans about his theatrical potential and Allan is often seen ducking for cover as she approacheth!

William is not only appearing in Beauty and the Beast in various incarnations, but has also taken on the unenviable and “hairy” task of Head of Hair & Wigs (pardon the pun). He was part of the team that created the amazing 60’s updos for The Buddy Holly Story, was in charge of overall design of the wigs in Gypsy, The Boyfriend and The Threepenny Opera. However, William states that the biggest job was for My Fair Lady where a total of 43 wigs were styled and maintained and had to be coordinated into the costume changes with split second timing. Fun!

Karen is predominately a performer with leading roles in Gypsy, Les Miserables and Blood Brothers to name a few. Involved with NOS for more than 20 years, Karen when not on stage will be found her in the make-up room. Karen is pleased to be working with Gillian once again in this extraordinary production of Beauty and the Beast.

It is Donna’s pleasure to bring coffee, tea and biscuits to the Cast and Crew of Beauty and the Beast, and she wishes them all every success for the season. Donna has been a member of Napier Operatic for nigh on twenty years and has enjoyed every moment. She especially thanks Lynne, Bev, Anthony, Pam and Ngaire for their wonderful support.

“How long must this go on –
this cruel trick of fate!
I simply made one careless wrong decision………
Hated! Is there no one? Who can show me
How to win the world’s forgiveness?”



Prologue   The Enchantress
Belle   Belle, Gaston, Le Fou, Silly Girls, Townspeople
No Matter What*   Maurice, Belle
No Matter What*   (Reprise) Maurice
Me*   Gaston, Belle
Belle (Reprise)   Belle
Home*   Belle
Home*   (Reprise) Mrs Potts
Gaston   Le Fou, Gaston, Silly Girls, Tavern Patrons
Gaston (Reprise)   Gaston, Le Fou
How Long Must This Go On?   Beast
Be Our Guest   Lumiere, Mrs Potts, Cogsworth, Madame de la Grande Bouche, Chip, Babette, Enchanted Objects
If I Can’t Love Her*   Beast


Entr’acte/Wolf Chase
Something There   Belle, Beast, Lumiere, Mrs Potts, Cogsworth
Human Again   Lumiere, Madame de la Grande Bouche, Cogsworth, Mrs Potts, Babette, Chip, Enchanted Objects
Maison des Lunes*   Gaston, Le Fou, Monsieur D’Arque, His two assistants, Victim
Beauty and the Beast   Mrs Potts
If I Can’t Love Her* (Reprise)   Beast
A Change In Me   Belle
The Mob Song   Gaston, Le Fou, Monsieur D’Arque, Townspeople
The Battle   The Company
Transformation*   Beast, Belle
Beauty and the Beast (Reprise)   The Company

*Music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Tim Rice.
All other lyrics by Howard Ashman and music by Alan Menken.


Narrator   Peter Vere-Jones
Prince   Michael Burton
Enchantress   Diana Shand
Beast   Jackson Macfarlane
Belle   Stephanie Bishop
Bookseller   Linstead Castle-Allen
Le Fou   Reiss Jenkinson
Gaston   Peter Drower
Silly Girls   Zoe Harris, Tamsyn Miller, Margot Minétt
Maurice   Chris Atkinson
Cogsworth   Jeff Foley
Lumiere   Dave Richardson
Babette   Edina McFarland
Mrs Potts   Tessa-May Brown
Chip   Samuel Wilson, Tim Walker
Monsieur Chapeau   Simon Crook
Dog   Janine Hill
Madame De La Grande Bouche   Jane Pierard
Alfredo   Anthony Collier
Monsieur Cassoulet   Ian Reid
Waiter   Raymond Gempton
Waitress   Janine Hill
Monsieur D’Arque   William Waitoa
His Assistants   Linstead Castle-Allen, Ross Corbett
Victim   Nora Tenbrock

Townspeople and other Enchanted Objects Sophie Barr, Simon Bingley, Linstead Castle-Allen, Nicole Christensen, Anthony Collier, Ross Corbett, Simon Crook, Anita Davies, Sally Dooney, Will Fincham, Anna Foley, Rachel Foley, Raymond Gempton, Zoe Hadfield, Zoe Harris, Janine Hill, Sonya Hitchcock, Rachel Keith, Sarah Kerr, Matt McGirr, Bridie McKenna, Callum McNabb Tamsyn Miller, Margot Minétt, Matt Nicoll, Sharron Pardoe, Lee Patrice, Sharon Pook, Jeremy Randall, Ian Reid, Diana Shand, Nora Tenbrock, Derryn Toomey, Willian Waitoa, Jane Wenley, Daniela Young

Belle   Daniela Young
Gaston   Simon Bingley
Le Fou   Chris Atkinson
Lumiere   Simon Crook
Cogsworth   Simon Crook
Off Stage Singers   Nicole Taylor


“Who has brains like Gaston? Entertains like Gaston?
Who can make up these endless refrains like Gaston?
So his marriage we soon will be celebrating –
my what a Guy! Gaston!

“Be, our Guest! Be our Guest!
Tie a napkin ‘round your neck, Chere
And we’ll provide the rest……….
Be our Guest! Be our Guest! Be our Guest!”

Wait and see! A few days more!
There may be something there
That wasn’t there before!

A Professional Entertainer for more than ten years, with a strong gospel influence and appearances on Television, Radio and Stage, Jackson would like to take this opportunity to thank his beautiful wife Marama (also a Professional Entertainer) and “the real Belle in his life” – thank you for all your support, encouragement and for believing in me.

To my sons Jaxson 8 and Levi 2 for all the late nights and time away from you guys “Kia Kaha”. To my whanau for their support, aroha and encouragement through my music career. To my little daughter Khylie Bear “Butterfly Kisses”.

I would like to dedicate this show to Rena Williams who passed away October 1st – he was looking forward to watching the next show. To Tini and the Williams Whanau “Arohanui” from Napier City Council boys.

To Gillian Davies for seeing “the Beast within this man” and giving me the “tools” for another trade!

Having never studied music and drama and struggling academically I now know that with motivation, passion, belief and hard work we all have a chance to feel the true magnetism of the theatre.

It has been an honour to serve in this production.

Likewise Jackson it is our honour too, you are a true and gentle man! God Bless.

At twenty five, Stephanie is a relative newcomer to the stage, debuting as Eponine in the Waipawa Music and Dramatic Society’s production of Les Miserables last year.

She began her singing career as vocalist in a jazz duo in Hamilton while completing her Law degree at the University of Waikato. Stephanie moved to Central Hawke’s Bay in 2005 to begin her career at McKay Mackie in Waipawa. She soon became involved in the theatre and joined local jazz quartet, Rothko, as lead vocalist.

Stephanie feels incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity to play Belle, to receive the support and training that goes with the role and to work with such a talented director, music director, choreographer and team. In addition to this support, Stephanie has also this year begun her first formal vocal training with opera singer and teacher, Ileana Otto-Johnson.

Stephanie has tackled this challenge in the same way she has approached every other – with hard work, energy and irrepressible enthusiasm.

Stephanie owes much to her amazing family, workmates, friends and cat Bazil, especially to their love, patience and support.

She is grateful to the Tennyson Motor Inn which has sponsored her accommodation for the entire season of the show and to the generous contribution to her travel costs by Waipawa BP.

Serendipity – something that appears by accident. To think a blocked toilet could lead to the discovery of Gaston; namely Pete Drower, Plumber Extraordinaire!

Pete has been happily married to Leanne for 15 years and is the proud father of Jordon, Jared, Bethany and Hannah. A Hawke’s Bay representative volleyball player in his youth, Pete is still involved in the sport but in a coaching capacity, and to a lesser degree basketball. The Church also plays a large part in Pete’s life having an active leadership role in the Worship, Children and Youth Ministries, as well as providing counselling and discipleship. NOS members get a discount!

Tessa is one of Napier’s well known and popular singers and vocal coaches. An exceedingly avid tea drinker, Tessa is delighted to be Mrs Potts the magical, motherly teapot. It is yet another to add to the many roles Tessa has played over the last 45 + years. From a fairy in Iolanthe to the Mother Abbess in both The Sound of Music and Nunsense they are many and varied. When not appearing ‘on stage’, Tessa is usually performing some other task behind the scenes, from Directing or being Vocal Coach to assisting Front of House. Her last show as Director for NOS was The Boyfriend. Tessa has been thrilled to work with such a stunning cast and crew and celebrates the “antics” on and off stage “all the things that make this special show what it is”! Her love and thanks go to her husband Chris who has supported her yet again in her theatrical ventures!

Jeff, a local Detective, is married with four children. A late starter in musical theatre, he first became involved with Napier Operatic Society when he appeared in the 2000 production of ‘HMS Pinafore’ at the tender age of 36. Since then he has appeared in a further seven NOS productions. A highlight was being part of the 2002 production of Les Miserables with its powerful music and talented cast. Recent roles include The Big Bopper in ‘Buddy’, Daddy Warbucks in Annie, Alfie Doolittle in My Fair Lady and more recently Percival Browne in The Boyfriend directed by Tessa May Brown, Jeff’s singing teacher for the past seven years. He has enjoyed the opportunity to play Cogsworth in this magical production and thanks Gillian for sharing her knowledge. Jeff is enjoying once more performing with his daughters Anna & Rachel and also thanks Karyn, his theatre widow, for her continued support.

Dave has been on-stage from a young age and loves the challenge of live theatre. At 13 Dave played “Thisbe” in A Midsummer Nights Dream, directed by Gillian and even then his consummate sense of timing, characterisation and theatrical style was absolutely evident. Recent on-stage credits include The Boyfriend, Bullshot Crummond, The Odd Couple, Take A Chance On Me, and Secret Bridesmaids Business. He has also worked successfully as Musical Director for Back To The 80’s and Gypsy here at NOS.

Dave has always loved Disney movies and music, so being able to play a Disney style Candelabra really is fun.

This cast have been so special to work with and the support from the off stage crew is incredible.

Dave wishes to give special thanks to his Mum & Dad for their love and support of all his music and theatrical endeavours …” I hope I can shine in this roll [role] for you both…!?

Beauty and the Beast is Chris’s fourth show with Napier Operatic Society, and once again it has been a hugely enjoyable experience working with such a talented group of people. As well as previous roles in Back to the 80’s. The Threepenny Opera and The Full Monty for NOS he has also performed in La Boheme, The Beggars Opera, The Marriage of Figaro and Dido and Aeneas. Chris moved to Hawke’s Bay from England three years ago because he was told that it never rains here and also to become head of music at Havelock North High School. He loves life in the bay, has settled in well here and made lots of great friends, many of them through the society. He would like to thank his parents for their support and encouragement during his formative musical years, even when he didn’t do his cello practice.

Over the years Jane has been involved in a number of Napier Operatic shows, Mack and Mabel, Cabaret, Piaf, Sweeney Todd and so is no stranger to Hawke’s Bay theatre goers. However this cameo role in Beauty and the Beast comes after quite a long respite. It was the prospect of working with Gillian Davies that spurred Jane’s enthusiastic return to the stage. Working with and learning from such a Director is an experience that many actors never have and for Jane that process has again proved to be a total joy from beginning to end and the feeling is totally reciprocal!

As Dean and Head of Music for Taradale High School Jane is also celebrated for her inspirational ability and integrity as an educator of young people. We are indeed proud to have her amongst us again.

A diverse dancer and performer Reiss has had an extensive career in both professional and amateur theatre. He is pleased to be performing once again on stage at The Napier Municipal Theatre, after having a time away ‘working’ the dream job of performing Broadway Revue Shows on cruise ships throughout the Caribbean. Since returning to Hawke’s Bay Reiss has tutored in dance at EIT and is currently teaching at Born to Move Dance Studio. Taking on the character of Le Fou has been a rewarding and fun experience for Reiss and he has enjoyed the opportunity to work with this vibrant and talented cast and crew.

It’s every girl’s dream to play a French maid, isn’t it? A wonderful experience this has been. Magical objects, fabulous costumes, fireworks and fancy foot work! Who could say no to being part of such a vibrant cast and the opportunity to learn from an amazing director. Edina joined the NOS in 2003 and has loved every show she has been part of; Buddy Holly, My Fair Lady, The Full Monty and dinner shows like Some Enchanted Evening and Threepenny Opera. A teacher at St. John’s College and mother of 3 year old Josiah, Edina is happy that her son can finally come and watch his mama on stage. Big thanks again for the support at home.

Beauty and the Beast marks the welcome return of William to the ‘boards’ as his last onstage appearance for NOS was in 1983 in West Side Story where he played the role of Bernardo. William has been heavily involved in the Society in a backstage capacity for the past few years usually involving ironing, brushing, or stirring! He counts calling the lighting and set cues for Annie a highlight. The Society thanks him for his generous commitment. William is a true “Thespian”!

Samuel is 8 years old and lives in Napier with his parents and older brother. Although born in England, his family moved to his mother’s place of birth just last October. Samuel is a year 4 pupil at St Patrick’s School which he enjoys very much. He likes watching cricket, is learning the guitar and about to start attending cubs and playing rugby. He really loves his new kiwi way of life! When he’s not rehearsing for Beauty and the Beast, he has a huge interest in space and wants to be an astronaut when he grows up!

Tim is 10 years old and he is in his last year at Raureka Primary School in Hastings. Tim loves dancing; he has lessons at Born to Move Dance Studio in Hastings. Learning Tap and Jazz for 3 years, Tim has achieved Distinction in both when he sat his Exams last year. He hopes to do the same this year. Tim sings in the school choir, and sang with Suzanne Prentice in 2006. He also played the role of Augustus Gloop in his school production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Coming straight from the UK pantomime scene a year ago, Michael has been incredibly busy in Hawke’s Bay theatre. Performing in Aladdin, ‘Allo ‘Allo, Beauty and the Beast and even writing, directing and appearing in his own show Lenny’s Lucky Day. He is booked into his next three shows already! A very busy man! We are pleased to welcome him into the Society and to the Bay.

Sophie is a 5th form student at Napier Girls’ High School. She has been involved with the Napier Operatic Society for four years, since starring in Annie in 2003. Her other shows include La Boheme, Gypsy and most recently playing the role of Fay in The Boyfriend last year. Sophie is thrilled to be part of such a wonderful and spectacular show.

After jumping in at the deep end in Back to the 80’s, Simon caught the theatre bug and couldn’t resist getting involved in such a lavish production. He says he has relished discovering more about his dramatic and vocal potential while working with Gillian and Tony and has contributed much to this show as understudy to Gaston. Simon credits his young pupils at Porritt Primary for all the encouragement he needs! This is his second show for Napier Operatic.

Having taken a long break from theatre I was tempted to join Beauty and the Beast for one reason I knew that if I wasn’t in the cast it would cost me a fortune to see the show every night, once is just not enough. Delightful tunes, an enchanting piece of theatre, coupled with working with such a talented cast makes me sure you will enjoy this performance as much as we have fun performing it for you.

Although this is Nicole’s first show with the Napier Operatic Society, she is no stranger to performance.

Having taken Jazz and Ballet lessons for over 13 years she is a confident onstage performer with a flair for dance. She is extremely pleased to be part of such an incredible show and to be among such talented group of performers.

Anthony is 14 years old and attends Napier Boys’ High School. Beauty and the Beast is his sixth NOS production. He has performed in shows such as The Half men of O, Peter Pan, Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat and The Wizard of Oz taking a leading role in each. Anthony has been working on and behind stage for years now and hopes to be involved in many more shows in the near future.

Ross has played numerous lead roles with NOS: Full Monty (Jerry), Forbidden Planet (Captain), Pirates of Penzance (King), Chess (Arbiter) and Superstar (Peter). His Chorus contributions include My Fair Lady, Buddy, Westend to Broadway and Les Miserables. Always enjoying the fantasy of theatre and as an old hand in this cast, Ross has appreciated the wonderful opportunities NOS has given him over the years.

Although Simon wishes his first ever movie at the cinema was something like Top Gun, it was in fact Disney’s fabulous musical, Beauty and the Beast. Simon is thrilled to be a part of the spectacle that introduced him to the world of musical performance and even more thrilled to be teamed up once again with such an awesome cast and especially the ever inspiring, Jackson Macfarlane. “Thanks mate!” He sincerely hopes you enjoy the magic of this show.

Anita has a strong passion for “live” theatre and since the age of four has appeared in many HB productions. She is president of HB Song & Opera Workshop and also performs as a concert soloist along with regular appearances with Opera HB. She loves working with such a talented cast & crew and it’s so amazing to be back with Gillian, Tony and Briar after 12 years.

This is Sally’s first show with Napier Operatic Society and she is very excited to be involved with such an amazingly talented cast. Sally hopes that this will be the first of more shows to come. She would like to thank her family and friends for their support especially her husband Shane and friend Megan.

Will has been delighted to be involved in Napier Operatic’s recent wide variety of musical shows. There are times when he wishes he was able to sit on his thumbs at home for long nights, but that has so far proven to be impossible. So make sure you watch out, because here comes the spoons and a glimmer or a shimmer of a mirror!!!

Rachel is a fifteen-year-old student at Napier Girls’ High School, and first appeared for Napier Operatic Society in 2000 in Westend to Broadway. In 2003 she played the role of an orphan named Pepper in Annie. She has been actively involved in a number of Napier Operatic Theatre School productions over the years. Rachel enjoyed acting alongside her father Jeff and sister Anna in The Boyfriend last year and is enjoying working with them again in this fun show.

Anna is 17 and in her 7th form year at Napier Girls’ High School. She has been performing on stage since she was 8, and has been in several Napier Operatic Society productions over the years. In 2002 she played Little Cossette in Les Miserables and more recently performed in My Fair Lady and The Boyfriend. Anna is enjoying being on stage with her family and friends before heading off to university next year.

Years of childhood tap lessons and competitions paid off for Raymond when he performed in ‘42nd Street’ his favourite show so far in a long association with theatre. As a hairstylist Raymond’s talent has assisted performers in over 40 productions for the Frivs, Hawke’s Bay Opera and Napier Operatic. He says this is has [his] swansong, for the fifth time!

Zoe is 18 and started dancing at the age of three. She has experience in ballet, contemporary, jazz and hip hop, and is currently sitting R.A.D ballet at advanced level 2, in addition to contemporary dance. Zoe successfully auditioned and danced in Christmas Carol with the Royal NZ Ballet, and regularly attends the winter seminar at the NZ School of Dance. Awarded 1st in 2006 for contemporary dance with Hawke’s Bay Ballet, Zoe’s love and passion for dance sees her pursuing it as a career.

Student Head of Arts at Taradale High School, Zoe has a passion for theatre that began at the mere age of six, when her mum enrolled her in a dancing class. Her return to the operatic society came last year when she starred in Back to the 80’s. As a child, Beauty and the Beast was truly mesmerising, so she feels so lucky to be a part of bringing this magical and enchanting tale to life on stage.

Janine’s involvement with the Society spans twenty seven years since her appearance in Canterbury Arms Music Hall. A third generation member, Janine has loved participating both on and off the stage – and is enjoying her time in such a Magical production. Janine is grateful once again to her husband Nigel and her children Taylor and Brayden for their support and encouragement. Sit back and enjoy the Magic of Disney.

Sonya has been dancing since the age of 4, in both classical and modern dance. In 2001 she successfully completed her Bachelor of Performing and Screen Arts degree in dance at Unitec, Auckland. Sonya’s passion for the arts and media allowed her to participate in all genres, which included The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, various music videos and television commercials. In 2006 Sonya was selected to dance in a production in Hong Kong. After 8 years in Auckland she is excited to be part of the Napier Operatic family once again. She hopes that you enjoy this amazing show!

This is Rachel’s fourth production with NOS and once again she is thrilled to be involved with such a great company. In Rachel’s most recent NOS shows she enjoyed the challenge of supporting roles; playing Susan Hershey in The Full Monty and in channelling her high school days to play Laura Wilde in last years Back to the 80’s. Rachel would like to thank her husband Dean and children Josh, Oliver, Jack and Dylan for their amazing support throughout the journey of Beauty and the Beast.

After many years and many shows both on and off stage with NOS, Sarah has taken a break recently to concentrate on her new career as mother to two year old twins Bayley and Luke. She has really enjoyed her involvement with Beauty and the Beast, especially getting to sings [sing] songs not sung by Hi5 and The Wiggles. Sarah would really like to thank her husband Paul and family for there [their] great support.

Matt has a few shows under his belt now and has loved every one of them. He has been with the Napier Operatic Society since 2001. Matt is looking forward to returning to perform at the ‘Grand’ Municipal Theatre for the second time and says, ‘the Muni just makes a show much more special, not to mention working with such a renowned Director’. Matt thanks his wife Victoria for her continued support, love, and cooked dinners!

Bridie is passionate about dance, both classical and contemporary. Having studied since the age of four this is her first production with the Napier Operatic Society. Her future plans include dance study at a Tertiary level and travelling overseas to dance.

This is Callum’s second show with the Napier Operatic Society, after ‘Back to the 80’s’ he wanted to gain more experience in Beauty and the Beast.

During his time at Taradale High School Callum loved taking part in any dramatic production participating in three school shows. Now he’s glad to be on the stage again for this amazing musical.

Tamsyn is 18 years old. She was a member of the ‘05/’06 NZ Secondary Students’ Choir who were named “Choir of the World” and won Gold at the World Choir Olympics. Placed third in the Hawke’s Bay Young Musician of the Year last year Tamsyn was chosen as an opening act for Eric Clapton at the recent Mission Concert. She has thoroughly enjoyed being part of this exciting production.

A love of music led to a lifelong association with dance as a performer and choreographer. A graduate of Drama School and Auckland University’s Arts Management programme, Margot has gone on to direct work in schools and professionally in New Zealand and Australia alongside her corporate career in management and facilitation. She is delighted to be back in the Bay in time for this magical production.

Matt is heavily involved in the performing Arts at Napier Boys’ High School. Beauty and the Beast is his second show with Napier Operatic Society after a very enjoyable debut in Back to the 80’s. He has enjoyed the challenges imposed by such a diverse magnificent show as Beauty and the Beast.

After seeing Beauty and the Beast on ice several years ago, Sharron couldn’t miss the opportunity to be involved in such a magical and enchanting production. She believes the high calibre of talented people, both on and off stage, will provide audiences with an unforgettable show. She looks forward to a stunning season.

As principal dancer with the Royal NZ Ballet, Lee danced many leading roles touring extensively overseas and throughout New Zealand. She won critical acclaim for her New York debut and final portrayal of ‘Giselle’ at the Hawke’s Bay Opera House. Television productions include ‘Gotta Dance’ with Gene Kelly and ‘Jean Batten’ in which Lee created the title role.

She has performed for NOS in Cabaret, 42nd Street and Westend to Broadway and most recently featured in Die Fleidermaus with Opera Hawke’s Bay.

Sharon is celebrating her 20th year with NOS having joined them for Music Hall in 1987. Her first stage appearance was at the age of 10 in the Bay of Plenty, and she was bitten with the theatre bug from then on. Sharon is proud to be involved with the magical production, and thanks her family for their support and patience.

Jeremy has a great passion for the theatre starting dancing at the tender age of eleven; soon after followed singing and acting lessons. Finishing his final year at Taradale High School last year Jeremy is taking a year off his studies and plans to move to Wellington in the New Year to do a course in the performing arts. Jeremy thanks you for coming to Beauty and the Beast and hopes you enjoy the show.

Ian joined Napier Operatic 40 years ago as a lighting operator for the production of Little Mary Sunshine. Since then he has taken an active role in most of the society’s shows either backstage or front of house. Having served on the society’s executive for over 20 years, 19 as Secretary, Ian was awarded Life Membership of the society in 1994. Ian is currently Vice President of Musical Theatre NZ our national organisation.

Diana’s first appearance for the Napier Operatic Society was as a young street urchin in the very first Music Hall in 1976. She joined the Royal NZ Ballet Co in 1988 and toured extensively both nationally and internationally before retiring as a Principal Dancer in 1999. Having returned to Hawke’s Bay, now a mother of two she is pleased to be working with the Society and Gillian Davies once again.

A graduate of the EIT performing arts, Nicole has had a long involvement with the stage. Nicole’s involvement with NOS spans nearly a decade. Nicole is a singer who has in recent years toured with the War Birds and is enjoying lending her voice to this magical production of Beauty and the Beast as a back-stage singer.

Nora has come to Napier 1.5 years ago from Germany, she has acted from the time she was in ‘kindy’! Involved in singing, choral and piano performances, and many German productions Nora has particularly enjoyed roles in Alan Ayckbourn’s “Season’s Greetings” and Brecht’s “Puntila and his man Matti”. Nora’s first musical performance was last year’s Operatic show “Back to the 80’s” which she absolutely enjoyed, and now she is back and very excited to be part of this outstanding show!

Being “cast” in Beauty and the Beast had double meaning for Derryn when she broke her arm at rehearsal! She has been treading the boards of this theatre for 36 years in various forms (although as a vase was not one she would have envisaged), and is grateful for the opportunity to participate, and learn from such an outstanding (and caring) production team. Spectacular!

Jane has been studying Ballet and Modern Jazz with the Heather Brunsdon School of Dance for seven years. She is currently in the 7th form at Napier Girls’ High School, and played Iris in the school’s 2006 production of Fame. This is Jane’s first show with the Napier Operatic Society and she is thoroughly enjoying the experience.

Daniela Rosa is 15 and goes to Woodford House. Daniela has always had a passion for singing. Taught by Orlena Wakeman Daniela has recently developed a love for classical music, which she hopes to pursue into a fulltime career as a singer. To be in Napier Operatic’s innovative production of Beauty and the Beast as well as having the bonus of being understudy to the leading role of Belle has been a most rewarding and worthwhile experience. Daniela’s integrity and commitment is most commendable in one so young. This year she will be undergoing level 3 NCEA singing.

“Ma chere! Mademoiselle – It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure, that we welcome you here tonight!”


Orchestra Manager   Raewyn Newcombe
Violin I   Tiffany Anderson
Violin II   Fiona Murray
Cello   Elizabeth Bone
Double Bass   Owen Davies
Flute   Bronwyn Watson
Clarinet   Julia Redfern-Wilson
Oboe   Julian Pook
Trombone   Roberta Hickman
Trumpet   Matthew Verrill
Piano   Frances Te Weehi
Keyboards   Wendy Hunt, Sally Rutgers, Frances Burch
Percussion Penny Lawrence
Drums   Cameron Budge

Beauty and the Beast is extremely fortunate to have had Karyn assisting Musical Director Tony Ferner with the show’s choral direction. Her empathy, sensitivity, joy and commitment has been cherished by the cast and much appreciated by Tony and Gillian.

Karyn is thrilled to be back in the thick of it and hopes you enjoy the show as much as she has enjoyed being involved in its production.

I am involved in Music either teaching, accompanying or appreciating it every day of my life. Music is my passion and I feel that any way my meager [meagre] skill may be used to further this positive life force in the lives of others is worthwhile.

I have enjoyed being part of the team that has worked to bring this production to you.

Frances’ last production with the Society was as Musical Director for the Tabard Theatre production of The Boyfriend. For Beauty and the Beast she has shared the rehearsal pianist position and is also playing the Piano in the orchestra.

Frances has been playing piano for many years completing a performance degree at Otago University. Her family also enjoys music and has successfully performed together.




Patron   Peter Cox
President   Dale Reid
Vice President   Sharon Pardoe
Chairman   Neill Page
Secretary/Treasurer   Kaye Wishart
Honorary Solicitor   John Matthews
Honorary Photographer   Clive Ralph

Sonya Aifai
Chris Atkinson
Peter Austin
Anita Davies
Karen Green
Janine Hill
Allan Howes
Alan Jones
Irene McKinnon
Colin Pritchard

Gwyn Ace
Cliff Allen
John Briggs
Barrie Browne
Lyndsay Browne
John Collier
Gillian Davies
Peter Eade
Donald Hurley
Alan Jones
Brian Nathan
Colin Pritchard
Lois Reefman
Ian Reid
Les Robertson
Peter Shepherd
Fred Twyford
Dawn Unsworth
Ros van de Ven


Booking Office   Venues Ticketing

Construction   John Briggs, Marc Collier, Neill Page

Dressers   Friends of the Society

Fly Crew   Patteson Aifia [Aifai], Clive Buttery, Martin Crook, Kerry Greenhalgh, Donal Hurley, Malcolm Kenah, Mark Kenah, Nigel Stilwell

Front of House Managers   Eardley Bennett, Dale and Ian Reid

Front of House Team   Friends of the Theatre and Friends of the Society

Wigs   William Waitoa

Lighting Team   Dave Chambers, Peter Eade, Anthony Gouder, Mike McConnell, Tim Mason

Makeup Team   Chris Green (Beast make-up), Jude Allen, Dianne Bently, Deborah Burnside, Lynne Floden, Cathy Hargreaves, Sarah Lumb, June Lawrence, Anna Reid, Kerry Unsworth

Photographer   Clive Ralph Photographer

Programme   Gillian Davies, Dale Reid

Properties Team   Judy Buttery, Pam Christensen, Anne Collier, Chris Kenah, Rachael McKinnon, Barb Martin, Alice Pardoe, Brenda Silson, John Williams, Jude Willians, Jacque Wilton, Michelle Winter Katy Wylan

Publicity & Profile Team   Anne Collier (Chairman), Sonya Aifai, Barbara Brown, Jeff Foley, Donald Hurley, Karen McLean, Dale Reid, Judy White

Sound Operator   Glen Ruske

Sound Team   Sonya Aifai, Anne Aifai, Danial Ball, Rana Fesili, Nic McGrath, Darryl Mitchell, Lesley Reid, Steve Underhill, Judy White

Sponsorship   Bill Dalton, Dale Reid

Stage Crew   Janie Beale, Blair Burtenshaw, Kerry Greenhalgh, Brian Harber, Belinda Harvey, Brendan Hey, Alan Holt, Adrian Lynds, Eion McKinnon, Kevin Nattrass, Quentin Morgan, Harry Osbourne, Jacob Osbourne, Molimoina Petelo, Michael Peterson, Don Pye, James Surgeon, Adam Walker, Perry van der Zwet

Stagehand – Gargoyles   Brian Bulford, Bruce Cato, Anne Corney, Carol Hall, Cindy Norrie, Sharon Pook, Michaela Smith, Tony Smith, Nora Tenbrock

Stage Effects Team   Wayne Dobson, Anthony Gouder

Suppers and Refreshments   Ngaire Boyce, Pam Christensen, Lynne Gibson Anthony Hatch, Bev O’Neill

Wardrobe Team   Marg Gurney, Gail Jones, Leanne Lewis, Joanne Liddy, Wendy Mooney, Adrienne Parsons, Chris Shield


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Napier Operatic Society is indebted to our sponsors for their generosity. The tremendous support in bringing Beauty and the Beast to the Bay has been invaluable and greatly appreciated. We sincerely hope, our audience, in turn, will loyally support these sponsors.




Bay Ford Napier

Hawke’s Bay Today



Hayter Flemming

Napier Municiple Theatre
Hawke’s Bay Performing

E Electrotech

PGG Wrightson

Kingdom Music

Riverside Wines

McH McEntee Event Hire

John & Karyn Briggs, Barrie & Lyndsay Browne, Eastern & Central Community Trust, Lady Glennis Pettigrew, Napier Host Lions Club, Ooma, Zeta Smith, Church Road Winery – Jazz Concert, SEL – Mission Concert, Theatrical Parade Donations

Ahuriri Maori Wardens, Duncan and Jane Barr, Barbara Brown, Bellissimo Hair, Carters, Hastings Rubber Stamps, Diamond Drycleaners, Elaine’s Napier, Hastings Rubber Stamps, Linton Motors, McKay Mackie Barristers & Solicitors, Mad Butcher, Model A Car Club, Napier City Hire, Napier Inner City Marketing, Ormlie Lodge, The Team at the Napier Municiple Theatre, Office Products, Raymond Michael, HB Signs, Tennyson Motor Inn, The Warehouse, The Thirsty Whale, Ullrich Aluminium, Waipawa BP, Westshore Fish Café, Judy White, Williams & Kettles Liquor

Napier Operatic Society thanks most sincerely all those who have contributed in any way large or small toward this major magical production of Beauty and the Beast. A special thank you to all those who supported members of the cast and crew during the rehearsal period. You are indeed appreciated.

Coming in October that purrrfectly fascinating feline production . . .


Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber,
Based on “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats” by T.S. Eliot
TM © 1981 The Really Useful Group Limited

Original digital file


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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]


Business / Organisation

Napier Operatic Society Incorporated

Format of the original

Booklet (9-32 pages)

Date published

26 April – 5 May 2007

Accession number


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Supporters and sponsors

We sincerely thank the following businesses and organisations for their support.