Programme 1977 – Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat

Narrator   David Curtis
Joseph   Alan Rench
Jacob   Anthony Bewley
Jacob’s Wife   Debbie Harwood
Brothers: Reuben   Peter Pangari
Simeon   Dick Puanaki
Levi   Steve Mitchell
Napthali   Paul Mooren
Isaachar   Frank Walker
Asher   Joe Te Rito
Dan   Grant Harwood
Zebulum   Derek Fabling
Gad   David Evans
Benjamin   Michael Emerson
Judah   Michael Hocking
Pharaoh   Norris Power
Potiphar   Oliver Christoffersen
Mrs Potiphar   Bridie Power
Butler   Derek Fabling
Baker   Paul Mooren
Likely Lad   Grant Harwood
Goat   Raewyn Millar
Court Personnel   Monica McKinley
Ishmaelites/Guard   Graeme Bayliss
Graeme Bennett
Raymond Hall
Graeme Lawlor

Piano   Noel Hill
Drums   Bruce Stephens (Musical Director)
Bass Guitar   Paul Homershan
Keyboard   Perry Trotter
Lead Guitar   Paul Maaka
Amplification by PAR SOUND

James Turi
Robin Johnson
John Harris
Malcolm Kenah
John Harwood
Beryl Ritchie
Judy Passmore
Wendy Lawson
Judy Buttery
Elly-Anne Pritchard
Robin McGovern
Michelle Evans
Mandy Reinders
Brenda Stewart
Tracy Bunn

The original Joseph, upon whom our show is based, appears in chapters 37 – 45 of Genesis. Joseph is sold to a travelling band of Ishmaelites by his eleven jealous brothers. He is taken to Egypt where his gift for interpreting dreams leads to his miraculous rise in status to the position of Prime Minister of Egypt.

The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (the coat of many colours) is given to Joseph early in the show by his doting father. As Joseph becomes aware of the beauty of the coat he (and the entire show) is transported into a dream-realm. This is a realm of fantasy and imagination, where the mind runs wild with fascinating ideas, sights and sounds. It is in this state that Joseph learns about his character, his attitudes to others and to live [life] in general. In other words the beautiful coat is for Joseph an avenue to the realisation of truth.

The major part of the show then is a dream. Jacob is told of his favourite son’s death by a chorus of cowboys (the brothers) Pharaoh appears as the true ‘King’ of Rock and the brothers plead for the life of young Benjamin with a Calypso!

We invite you to become part of this fascinating and colourful dream-realm, as you share with Joseph the sights and sounds of the world of the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.


ACT 1:
Jacob and Sons/Joseph’s Coat
Joseph’s Dreams
Poor, poor Joseph
One More Angel in Heaven (Zebulum)
I’m Scared
Close Every Door
Go, Go, Go Joseph


Pharaoh’s Story
Pharaoh’s Dreams Explained
Poor Pharaoh/ Song of the King
Stone the Crows
Those Canaan Days (Napthali)
The Brothers Come to Egypt/ Grovel Grovel
Who’s the Thief?
Benjamin Calypso (Reuben)
Joseph All the Time
Jacob in Egypt
Any Dream Will Do (Finale)


Director   Phil Turley
Assistant to Director   Tessa Brown
Musical Director   Bruce Stephens
Stage Manager   Don Hurley
Choreographer   John Harwood
Choir Masters   Ian McKinnie
Digby Edgecombe


Boys from Hastings

Russell Allardice
Kevin Black
Dennis Brown
Kenneth Brown
Stephen Burdon
Geordie Burns
Ian Gray
Jason Gray
Greg Carlyon
Robert Corbett
Matthew Dasent
Phillip Dasent
Bruce Doig
Gavin Evans
Grant Forbes
Lindsay Forbes
Peter Gilmour
Hayden Hall
David Hamilton
Brett Hand
Dean Hansen
Stuart Heeps
Graham Hilton
Edward Keesing
Kim Lean
Brian Macklow
Traci Maseve
Gregory McEwen
Mason McCormick
Peter McKinnon
Grant McMurtrie
David Miller
Donald Moir
Neale Overend
Stephen Pineaha
Stuart Sampson
Darren Shand
Colin Shilston
Gordon Spencer
Michael Steventon
Jeffrey Suckling
Donald Sutton
Chris Tauri
Bobby Terry
Timothy Webb
Hamish Wedd
Ian Williams
Michael Wildt

Boys from Napier

Paul Ahern
Ian Anderson
Mathew Baker
Peter Hamilton
Patrick Blackburn
Hugh Bradbury
David Brown
Ashley Church
Gary Denver
John Duley
Nigel Fenton
Gerald Francis
Peter Gillies
Adrian Hart
Justin Harwood
Jason Haynes
Alun Jones
Darren King
Sean McCallum
Stewart McCaw
Peter McConnochie
Stewart McCulloch
Wilson McNelly
Miles Nathan
Mark Oldershaw
Paihau Puhia
Adam Baker
Alexander Salter
John Simpson
Christopher Smith
Mark Vincent


Ass. Stage Managers
Robert Lockyer (Technical)
Paula Jepson

Lighting Design
Gwyn Ace

Alan Jones

Wardrobe Mistress
Fran Stephens

Head Flyman
Barrie Browne

Property Mistress
Doreen Hawkeswood

John Holmes
Robert Lockyer
Tony Daly

Technical Cueing
Lee Lockyer

Costume & Property Design
Bill McKay

Call Steward
Jillian Sweeney

Stage Crew
George Chalklen
Don Bell

Fly Crew
Bill Shirras
Bill Perry
Malcolm Bell
Brian Danvers
Clive Buttery
Doug Ramsay
Chris Brown
Lewis Kenah

Lighting Team
Peter Eade (Operator)
Mike McConnell
Brian Gempton
Ken Millar
Pauline Anderson
Russell Johnson

Property Team
Jan Hill
Irene Millar
Anne Perry
Kathy Singleton
Sue Arthur
Richard Campbell

John Holmes

Choir Manager
Frank Walker

Make Up Team
Kevan Broomhead
Tessa Brown
Jill Lee
Sue London
Julie Williams
Dawn McCowatt
Moyra Bewley
Sue Unsworth
Minnie Wright

Wardrobe Team
Jill Turley
Mara Varga
Dianne Taylor
Sybil Reay
Margaret Falconer
Marcia Clark
Doreen Ritchie
Dianne Hurley
Monica Hayden
Dianne Forsyth
Jean Campbell
Maisie Kyle
Barbara Dean
Heather Vesty
Shirley Chalklen

Carol Harwood
Dale Reid

Cheryl Piper
Sandra Fallowfield
Stephanie Simpson
Diane Bernstone
Julie Williams
Lee Jones
Pauline Davidson
Isla Northe
Leigh Jones

Front of House
Bill Beckett
Fred Twyford


Ushers – Members and friends of the Napier Operatic Society
Jack Burn Motorcycles
Steve Geenty Silkscreening
Ralph and Lowe Photographers
Radio New Zealand
Paul Clarke Advertising Studies
Philip Kyle
Debbie Harwood
Hastings Intermediate School
Napier Intermediate School
Hastings Boys’ High School


Patron   E. J. Collier
President   W. O. Beckett
Vice President   T. M. Brown
Immediate Past President   H. Unsworth
Chairman   D. Hurley
Secretary/Treasurer   S. C. Twyford
Committee    L. Browne
L. Deere
P. Jepson
A. Jones
R. Johnson
M. Kenah
R. Lockery
A. London
W. Perry

The President and Committee of the Napier Operatic Society (Inc.) trust you have enjoyed this production. We always welcome new members, and remember if you want to be sure of a seat at our ‘Tabard Theatre’ productions, you will receive early notice and preferential booking rights if you join the Society as a member. The annual subscription is $5 and our address is Box 756, Napier.

Printed by Rush Print, Hastings

Original digital file


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Surnames in this programme –
Ace, Ahern, Allardice, Anderson, Arthur, Baker, Bayliss, Beckett, Bell, Bennett, Bernstone, Bewley, Black, Blackburn, Bradbury, Broomhead, Brown, Browne, Bunn, Burdon, Burns, Buttery, Campbell, Carlyon, Chalklen, Christoffersen, Church, Clark, Collier, Corbett, Curtis, Daly, Danvers, Dasent, Davidson, Dean, Deere, Denver, Doig, Duley, Eade, Edgecombe, Emerson, Evans, Fabling, Falconer, Fallowfield, Fenton, Forbes, Forsyth, Francis, Gempton, Gillies, Gilmour, Gray, Hall, Hamilton, Hand, Hansen, Harris, Hart, Harwood, Hawkeswood, Hayden, Haynes, Heeps, Hill, Hilton, Hocking, Holmes, Homershan, Hurley, Jepson, Johnson, Jones, Keesing, Kenah, King, Kyle, Lawlor, Lawson, Lean, Lee, Lockery, Lockyer,  London, Maaka, Macklow, Maseve, McCallum, McCaw, McConnell, McConnochie, McCormick, McCowatt, McCulloch, McEwen, McGovern, McKay, McKinley, McKinnie, McKinnon, McMurtrie, McNelly, Millar, Miller, Mitchell, Moir, Mooren, Nathan, Northe, Oldershaw, Overend, Pangari, Passmore, Perry, Pineaha, Piper, Power, Pritchard, Puanaki, Puhia, Ramsay, Reay, Reid, Reinders, Rench, Ritchie, Salter, Sampson, Shand, Shilston, Shirras, Simpson, Singleton, Smith, Spencer, Stephens, Steventon, Stewart, Suckling, Sutton, Sweeney, Tauri, Taylor, Te Rito, Terry, Trotter, Turi, Turley, Twyford, Unsworth, Varga, Vesty, Vincent, Walker, Webb, Wildt, Williams, Wright

Business / Organisation

Napier Operatic Society Incorporated

Format of the original


Date published


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