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- Providing Care - Hawke's Bay Children's Home Centenary 1892-1992
Providing Care – Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home Centenary 1892-1992
For any charitable organisation to achieve one hundred years of continuing service to the community is always worthy of note. This applies particularly to the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home which began when a group of ladies arranged accommodation for two girls in a private house in 1892 and grew, after many changes, to an organisation with net assets of nearly $1,500,000 one hundred years later.
The Trustees have felt that some project or memorial should be established to mark the occasion of the Centenary. After consideration they decided that a history of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home would be appropriate, to collect and record facts and figures relating to its development over the last one hundred years. After such a long time it is inevitable that valuable information is lost or forgotten as those connected with the Home pass on and it was therefore important that as much as possible should be collected now before any more was lost. It is inevitable that some facts, particularly of the earlier years, may have been omitted, but the Trustees are confident that most of the important events in the life of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home have been adequately set down and they hope this record will meet with the approval of all those who have been connected with the Home over the years.
As Trustees we must express our sincere and grateful thanks to Mr H.M. Swinburn, a long-serving past Chairman and Secretary, who has given voluntarily of his time and effort to research and compile this history. Without his knowledge and diligence such a comprehensive publication would not have been possible.
Chairman of Trustees

1 Formation and Early Days 1892 – 1909 1
2 Expansion 1909 – 1930 11
3 Time of Trouble 1930 – 1945 21
4 Decline of Institution-Type Homes 1946 – 1973 27
5 The Family Homes 1966 – 1992 32
6 Venture into Day Care 1978 – 1992 39
7 Approaching the Centenary 1966 – 1992 42
A Presidents, Chairmen of Trustees, Officers and Honorary Life Members 44
B Trustees 45
C Members of the House Committee 46
D Rules 48

1. Henry Stokes Tiffen 1893-1895.
2. Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations 1897.
3. Burlington Road Home.
4. Randall House (Priestley Road) 1919.
5. Gordon House 1919.
6. France House before 1931 Earthquake.
7. France House after 1931 Earthquake.
8. France House new building.
9. France House boys (1960).
10. Randall House (Napier Terrace) 1955.
11. Randall House children 1955.
12. Rochfort Family Home.
13. Edgley Family Home.
14. Nelson House Family Home.
15. Swinburn House – Official Opening 31st May 1978.
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The Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home was formed, in typically New Zealand fashion, by a group of individuals who saw a need for help and decided to do something about it. In this case, the ladies of the Napier Baptist Bible Women’s Society at the usual monthly meeting in May 1892 brought up the question of finding means to look after two destitute girls and to consider the advisability of starting a home where neglected children could be cared for. They had no funds but appeals made privately met such a general and sympathetic response that they were encouraged to take the first steps. This marked the beginning of an organisation that has now operated successfully for one hundred years.
That it could do so, starting from such small beginnings, is partly due to the foresight, energy and compassion of the hundreds of women and men who over the century have given their voluntary services. It is also due to the continued sympathy and support they have received from the public of Hawke’s Bay. Without their subscriptions, donations and legacies, it would not have been possible to meet the expenses of caring for the many children in need who have passed through the Homes and have been given a better chance to prepare for the difficulties of adult life than would otherwise have been the case.
In May 1892 a two roomed cottage in Onepoto Gully was rented and five children placed in the charge of a respectable widow. Within a week this was found to be too small and a larger house on a lane off McDonald Street was found. However, this in turn, was found to be unsuitable and a six roomed house, standing in an acre of land, was secured in Burlington Road and eleven children were admitted in care of a matron in July 1892.
When this property was occupied considerable expense was incurred providing the necessary furnishings and equipment. Valuable help was received from the Charitable Aid Board who supplied bedding and bedsteads, tables, forms, kitchen utensils and tools. By April 1893 it was being found that still more accommodation was urgently required and a circular was sent to all subscribers asking for funds to provide an additional large room and also to purchase the remainder of the lease (extending to 17 years). However, as this appeal did not produce sufficient to meet both projects, the Treasurer, Mrs Randall, herself purchased the lease to ensure the continuity of the Home and this loan was repaid over the following years. Mr H.S. Tiffen donated one hundred pounds towards the cost of the alterations, permitting the work to be completed. This increased the accommodation for children to 36.
During the next ten years many alterations and improvements were carried out;
1893 – the yard sloped and tarred. Dormitory room erected.
1895 – boundary fence erected.
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1896 – additional building as a dining, work and playroom erected. Earth excavated and concrete wall the whole width of the project erected, washhouse built with tubs, water taps and boiler, laundry with ironing, stove and large bath, 3 water closets, storeroom, tool and coalshed constructed.
1900 – 2 dining tables and 4 forms purchased and the outside scullery was boarded and limewashed, a telephone was installed.
1902 – gas lighting installed “as the present method of using candles in the dining room was ineffective, expensive and dangerous”. Storm lanterns had been used in the hall prior to this.
1907 – as the present lease was due to expire shortly the Trustees applied to the Church Trustees to cancel the existing lease and grant a new 21 year lease on the same terms as the new Harbour Board leases. This was approved subject to the Children’s Home paying seven hundred pounds for the cost of the buildings and a ground rent of 25 pounds per annum. An appeal was launched towards the one third cost of the building, the remaining two thirds being left on mortgage at five per cent to the Church Trustees.
The demand for a boys’ home had been increasing for some years and in September 1907 arrangements were made with the France House Trustees for the Children’s Home to rent a cottage owned by the Trust in Coote Road. This was occupied in December for 4 boys and a matron was appointed. A second adjoining cottage became available shortly afterwards and was occupied, but both were leaky and inconvenient.
By July 1892 it had become clear that a more formal type of organisation was required with Committee and Executive. As a first step, a public meeting was called and held in the Athenaeum Hall on 16 July 1892 chaired by Mr Tiffen. This meeting was well attended and strong support was voiced at the establishment of the Home.
The following were elected as the first Committee –
Mesdames Bessy Brown (President), Lane, Patterson, Richardson (Secretary), Randall (Treasurer), Sandiland [Sandilands], Welsman, Miss M. Williams and Messrs D.N. Adams. J. Wilson-Craig, and H.S. Tiffen.
At the first meeting of the Committee in September 1892 it was decided to send out a circular setting out the objects of the Home and inviting support. The objects were set out as follows –
Objects of the Children’s Home for Hawke’s Bay
1st: The reclaiming of children under 15 years of age from possible degradation, the result of vicious associations: for children whose parents are undergoing long sentences of imprisonment, or who have deserted them; for orphans who have no friends able to support them, and others who cannot be received into the France Orphanage.
2nd: To provide home life, and educate them for useful spheres in their approaching manhood and womanhood.
3rd: The Home is established upon the principle of the brotherhood of humanity, for children of all creeds, colour, or nationality; providing for them all necessities for the sustenance and development of their physical, mental, and moral natures.
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4th: The religious training is carried out on undenominational bases, to instil into them principles of righteousness, honesty, industry, the fear of God, and obedience to the laws of their country.
5th: Immediate obedience to authority is the strict rule of the Home.
6th: To endeavour to place the children out on their arriving to the age of 15, and to exercise kindly supervision, as far as possible after leaving the Home until they arrive at the age of 21.
In October 1892 the following additional ladies were appointed:
Mesdames Begg, Beamish, Bibby, Burnett, Cobb, Dick, Glover, R.D. MacLean, Mackersey, W. Nelson, W.R. Russell, Tanner, J.M. Williams, Lady Whitmore.
This began the connection with many well known Hawke’s Bay families which was to continue for many years.
The first Annual Meeting was held in the Athenaeum Hall on 2 June 1893 chaired by Mr Tiffen. Mr Craig reported on the success achieved, the class of inmates dealt with, the present resources and future prospects.
Mr R.D. MacLean [R.D.D. McLean] moved the adoption of the Report and Balance Sheet. Speaking as a member of the Charitable Aid Board, he said the institution met a want. His Board had only two methods of dealing with destitute children – to board them out or send them to one or other of the industrial schools. He felt the Home would look after these children better than the Board could and wished the Home every success.
The election of a Committee took place with six members retiring by effluction [effluxion] of time and the following were appointed to fill vacancies:
Mesdames Brown, Begg and Beamish and Mr D.N. Adams (re-elected) and Mesdames Hill and Cohen.
At this meeting the constitution of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home was presented and approved as follows –
1. The Association shall be called “The Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home” and is formed for the purpose of rescuing and sheltering children under 15 years of age, and shall be conducted on a purely undenominational basis.
2. All subscribers to the Home shall be members and be entitled to vote at all Annual Meetings.
3. The subscribers shall elect from their numbers 24 who shall be the General Committee, 6 of whom shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election.
4. The General Committee shall elect from its members 13, who shall be the Executive Committee, and from whom a President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be chosen. Any vacancy that may occur during the year in the Executive Committee shall be filled up from the General Committee.
5. The Executive Committee shall have full power to deal with all applications for admission to the Home.
6. The Executive Committee shall meet on the first Monday of each month to transact the ordinary business of the Home.
7. A general meeting of the subscribers shall be held annually, in the month of June, to receive the report of the Secretary and of the Treasurer.
8. No Clause in the Constitution shall be altered or rescinded except at a General Meeting of the subscribers convened for that purpose, and of which at least 14 days notice shall have been given, and any alteration that may be proposed must be assented to by at least two thirds of the subscribers.
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9. Should the subscribers be at any time desirous of a meeting being held, the Secretary shall convene the same on receiving a written notice signed by at least 6 of the subscribers, and the Secretary shall give 14 days notice thereof.
10. A quorum shall consist of 15 for a General Meeting of subscribers, 9 for a General Committee, and 5 for an Executive Committee.
Following the Annual Meeting the General Committee elected 13 members to form the Executive Committee. Mesdames Begg, Brown, Dick, Glover, Lane, Patterson, Randall (Secretary and Treasurer), Sandilands, Welsman, Miss M. Williams, and Messrs Adams, Craig and Tiffen (President).
The death in 1896 of Mr Tiffen was recorded with deep regret by the Committee and subscribers. Mr Tiffen was a well known early settler of Hawke’s Bay and had been closely involved in the formation of the Children’s Home and had been President from 1893 until his death. He had been a generous benefactor and contributed a substantial sum to enable the erection of the additional rooms at Burlington Road. Other gifts included a harmonium and sufficient cloth to provide uniforms for the girls. He also left a large sum to the Home in his Will.
A visiting Committee of two members was appointed in February 1894 to visit the Home and report to the monthly Committee Meeting any requirements or matters needing attention.
In 1906 when applications were made for a Government Subsidy, the Inspector General of the Hospitals Department advised that no subsidy would be available unless the Home became incorporated as a “Separate Institution” under the Hospitals & Charitable Institutions Act 1885. It was decided to take the necessary steps and the Home was incorporated on 1 December 1906. A subsidy of two hundred and two pounds was subsequently received in February 1907.
As legacies were now being received and invested it was felt necessary to appoint a Board of Trustees. This was approved by a meeting of subscribers held in the Napier Council Chambers on 24 January 1907. The following Trustees were appointed:
Mr J.W. Craig (Chairman and Secretary), Mrs Randall, and Messrs M. Lascelles, R.D.D. MacLean, J. McVay and F.W. Williams.
The Trustees were to handle all capital funds and expenditure and to meet annually after the election by the subscribers of the Committee of Management and at such other times as might be necessary. The Executive Committee, however, was authorised to carry on the work of the Home and manage the maintenance funds.
In spite of the generous support of the subscribers and the general public, shortage of finance continued to be a worry for the whole period. Of the 17 years, 11 showed a cash deficit and the remaining 6 were in credit only because of special appeals, legacies, or in the final years, receipt of a Government subsidy.
Assistance was given on many forms: donations of bread, meat, milk, vegetables, clothing, and coal and firewood were received. One year 8 loads of firewood were donated from gums felled on France Trust property. However, there were still occasions when the supply did not coincide with the demand. Once, when the matron asked for a sack of potatoes it was discovered that the Home had been without potatoes for months because no one had happened to give them any.
Clothing was always a problem. The Wardrobe Committee was formed to deal with this and was assisted by the ladies of the “Sunbeam Circle” and the “Helping Hand Circle of Kings Daughters”, the Dorcas Societies of the Cathedral of St Pauls, Wesleyan Circuit,
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Society of Christian Endeavour, YWCA and the Danevirke (sic) Clothing Club. Some of them accepted responsibility for clothing several individual children. A major help in 1893 was the donation by Mr Tiffen of sufficient material (blue serge) for uniforms for all the girls, and in 1902 the Mosgiel Company donated a large supply of cloth for winter cloaks which were made up by Mr Blyth who also supplied 24 school hats and 24 “best” hats.
Many organisations donated the proceeds of performances to the Home. These included the Napier Musical Society, the Choral and Floral Society, Port Drum and Fife Band, White Eyed Minstrels of HMS Goldfinch, Breakwater Demonstration Committee, Taradale Ball Committee, Salvation Army Concert Funds, Philharmonic Society, Napier City Band, Frivolity Minstrels.
Early in 1892 an application for a subsidy was made to the Charitable Aid Board, but the Inspector of Hospitals and Charitable Boards replied that before any such consent could be given the Government must be informed whether the Board would be responsible for supervision of the expenditure. A further letter was sent out explaining the objects of the Home and asking that the subsidy be granted “to the extent and under the conditions granted to the Queen’s Fund”. However, the Board then advised it was not in favour of institutions for destitute children and would provide for such children by placing them out in families and would provide for temporary care of such children until placed in permanent homes.
In 1909 a number of legacies had been received and it was decided to establish an endowment account and to purchase corresponding investments. This practice has been continued since then and is largely responsible for the present sound position of the Home.
Finally, in 1907, when the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home had become incorporated under the Hospitals & Charitable Institutions Act, Government subsidies began to be received annually and this was a welcome relief to the Committee.
The Committee met regularly once a month to deal with the day to day affairs of the Home. One of their main duties was to consider applications for the admission and discharge of children. There were always more applications for admission than could be accepted due mainly to the lack of accommodation. The grounds for the admission of these children provide a grim picture of life in this period. The following are some of the cases:
Two girls 6 and 11, boy 3, motherless, father dissipated, usually absent in the country working.
Girl 8, mother deserted and leading a dissolute life thoroughly neglecting her child.
Girl 8, mother dead, father dissolute and believed to have left colony.
Girls 4 and 6, mother in asylum.
Girls 9, 7 and 5 of obscure birth. Mother has since married but husband refuses to give children a home.
Girls 8, 6 and 4. All illegitimate by different fathers. Mother dead.
Boy 3, father in prison for bigamy, mother dissolute.
Girl 12, boy 7, mother deserted by husband, all furniture sold.
The parent or parents were required to pay whatever they could afford for the maintenance and expenses of their children. The usual charge for this period was from two shillings and sixpence to five shillings a week and the latter was the maintenance paid by the France Trustees for the children they placed in the Home. Other expenses were sometimes incurred such as the one pound sent by a woman for the steamboat fare for her two girls from Napier to Wellington.
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The policy for admissions was to accept orphaned, neglected and destitute girls under 15 years and boys under 8 years (reduced to 6 years in 1898). Children under 4 were not admitted.
Applications were received from all over the province and from Wairoa. Applications from other districts such as Gisborne and Wairarapa and Taranaki had to be declined as it was felt the available accommodation should be kept for the children of this province.
Careful attention was paid to any applications for girls to go into service on leaving the Home to ensure the conditions were acceptable. The prospective employers were required to see the girls were properly clothed and after six months to pay a small progressive wage.
In 1894 three orphans were admitted at the request of the France Orphan’s Trustees and this marked the beginning of a long association with the Trust. Mrs Bibby was placed on the Committee in 1898 as the France Trust representative.
That there were disturbed children even in those days is illustrated by a decision of the Committee “to obtain all necessary information as to ways and means for the purpose of establishing a branch Children’s Home at Taradale or elsewhere where utterly depraved children may be kept until brought under control – it being found necessary to take this kind of children far from their previous surroundings and place them where dissolute parents cannot visit them and the children cannot run away to their parents”.
Nothing further is heard of this scheme, but the family in question was placed in the care of a previous matron, “until they are reformed enough to be admitted into the Home”. It is pleasant to be able to report that they did in fact enter the Home, presumably reformed.
In 1895 the Committee was informed that “the frequent and unreasonable visits of acquaintances and relatives to the children was subversive of discipline” and it was directed that visiting should be on the first Saturday and Sunday in each month between the hours of 2 – 3 and 4 – 5pm.
The number of children in the Homes during this period rose from the original 2 girls to 30 girls and 6 boys in 1909. There was an average annual turnover of between 20 and 30 per cent.
The first Matron was appointed in June 1892 and many changes took place during the following 17 years. Staffing was to become an increasing problem over the years with frequent changes, culminating in 1961 when, during the year, there were 40 persons employed in the two Homes at different times to cater for 32 children. Long working hours and low wages were probably mainly responsible for this problem, but the Home’s finances were never buoyant enough to pay the staff what they deserved.
In connection with staff the following rules for the children and Matron, drawn up in 1894, may be of interest –
1. All are to rise at 5.30 in summer and 6 in winter.
2. The beds are to be turned down and the windows opened.
3. ¼ of an hour to be allowed for dressing.
4. The children to clean their own boots.
5. Each boy is to make his own bed and tidy his own room.
6. The boys are to chop and bring in firewood; to clean the knives and do any work about the house that the Matron may direct.
7. Two children are to peel the potatoes.
8. One boy is to empty all the slops.
9. Four children are to make the beds.
10. The chief housemaid to sweep and dust all bedrooms.
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11. The under housemaid to sweep verandah.
12. The parlour maid to clean the sitting room and to do the grate, sweep and wash the hall.
13. The cook must light the fire, sift cinders, make the porridge, cut the bread, make tea.
14. The kitchen maid must dust kitchen, lay table, butter bread.
15. In summer kitchen and verandah to be scrubbed every afternoon.
16. Prayers just before breakfast and just after tea.
17. Breakfast at 7.30.
18. After breakfast four big girls to wash up.
19. One girl to wash porridge pot.
20. Children never to miss school excepting on Friday afternoon when the elder girls will have instructions in mending.
21. On Monday tea towels and pinafores to be washed. Children to fold, mangle and iron clothes.
22. Matron to take entire care of children’s clothes and household linen.
23. No child to help herself or himself to clothing.
24. All presents of clothing to be submitted first to the Wardrobe Committee.
25. On Sunday the children to be taken monthly about to the Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Baptist and Episcopal churches.
26. All the children to be in bed at half past eight.
27. No child to be allowed out of the grounds after tea.
In 1894 the Matron was instructed to keep a register of admissions and discharges together with notes on the children.
The children were attended when necessary by the Home’s Honorary Surgeon and Dental Surgeon.
The training of the girls in domestic duties was always a feature of the Home. They were taught every kind of housework including some cooking, and the elder girls learned to knit their own vests and stockings and to help mend the linen.
The children all attended the local school and yearly reports were received from the teachers. Specimens of the handiwork in knitting, darning and sewing were frequently shown to the Committee.
Religious training was provided at Sunday School every Sunday afternoon and the various churches were visited in rotation.
There were outings and picnics and there was always a Christmas Party every year with Christmas tree, Father Christmas and gifts for all the children and substantial quantities of food. These outings included magic lantern exhibitions, day long trips to Okawa Station, occasional circus visits and regular Sunday School picnics. In 1900 the children travelled to Hastings by train for a day’s visit to Woodford House.
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EXPANSION 1909 – 1930
In 1909 while the Trustees were negotiating with the Church Trustees for an extension of the Burlington Road lease, they learnt that the France Trustees were considering erecting a Home on property owned by them, in Priestley Road with the intention of renting this to the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home as a girls’ Home. The France Trustees subsequently confirmed this and offered to lease the building to the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home at an annual rent of 5 per cent on the cost for a term of 21 years. This offer was gratefully accepted by the Trustees and the application for the renewal of the Burlington Road property lease was withdrawn.
The new building was built on the west side of the Priestley Road gully against the hillside. Some criticism was voiced at the time that the site was unsuitable as it was cold in winter and hot in summer and also that the proposed three storied building would constitute a fire risk. However, the Trustees felt they were in no position to build a home themselves and to be able to rent a building erected for the purpose and at a low rental was a chance not to be missed and this outweighed the minor disadvantages of the site. Typically for that era, it had high ceilings and long echoing corridors; it was to remain in use until 1941. It was taken over in July 1909 and named Randall House to commemorate the services given by Mrs Randall as a Foundation Committee member and as a Trustee. The formal opening of Randall House took place on 13 August 1909 and the Mayor of Napier, Mr J. Vigor-Brown MP, performed the ceremony.
A letter was received in October 1912 from the United District Charitable Aid Board offering to sell to the Children’s Home a building formerly used as a children’s hospital for sale and removal for ten pounds. This offer was accepted and the building was re-erected at a cost of two hundred and ninety four pounds on a site adjoining Randall House as a hospital building, providing room for 12 beds.
During the next thirty years various improvements were carried out.
1. The area below Randall House was levelled and asphalted for a playground.
2. The balcony was closed in to provide more bed space.
3. A washhouse was built and the bathroom extended.
4. A hot water service was installed.
As the Coote Road cottages were not proving satisfactory as a Boys’ Home, in 1910 the Trustees were seeking alternative accommodation. Before a decision was made a letter was received from the France Trustees offering to rent the balance of the Priestley Road section which included a site for a boys home further up the gully from Randall House. This site was also criticised as having too small a playground and a sunless aspect. However, the Trustees decided to accept the offer and to build on the site using plans prepared by the Home’s architect, Mr Finch.
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The new building was erected on a shelf cut in the hillside off Priestley Terrace. As the property owners, the France Trustees agreed to pay half the cost of the concrete basement, the work for which was carried out by prison labour. A quotation of 1588 pounds from Beagley and Angus was accepted and the building was completed in April 1913 when the boys from the Coote Road cottages moved in. This Home was named Gordon House.
The following year it was found necessary to erect a concrete retaining wall above Gordon House for which the France Trustees paid two thirds of the cost. At the same time an iron fence was erected between the two Homes “to keep the girls away from the boys”.
By 1917 accommodation for the children was again becoming short. The Trustees therefore arranged with the France Trustees for the erection of a new wing to Gordon House with the France Trustees meeting part of the cost of the basement. This building was built at a cost of 1610 pounds and was occupied in November 1917.
Various changes were made in 1924 when the older boys were transferred to France House and replaced by the older girls.
Although the construction of Gordon House had permitted the admission of more boys it was soon realised that facilities were required where the older boys could learn a trade. A farm seemed the obvious answer and in 1917 the Trustees started to look for a suitable piece of land. In May 1918 Mr Thomas Clark offered an area of 40 acres at Eskdale at 50 pounds an acre adjoining the proposed East Coast railway station. The area was subsequently increased to 47 acres and Mr Clark’s offer was accepted. Mr Finch was asked to prepare plans for a two storied brick building, tenders for which were called in December 1922. The successful tender was for 8569 pounds from Messrs Hamilton and Whellans. It was decided to call the new house France House in memory of the late Robert France.
The foundation stone of the new building was laid by His Excellency, Viscount Jellicoe, on 20 July 1923 and the building was officially opened by Major General Sir Andrew Russell, on 1 February 1924. A special train from Napier was provided for the opening ceremony.
Farm buildings added between 1924 and 1930 included a four ball cowshed, a fowl run, pig sty, implement and cart shed, storeroom and garage. A stopbank was erected to prevent the flooding of the lower area of the farm after the disastrous floods of 1924.
By 1928 the farm was in full production supplying the Homes with vegetables, fruit, eggs, milk, butter and meat. The boys received useful training in all branches of practical farm work and several proved satisfactory employees to farmers since leaving France House.
In 1925 the Trustees were considering whether a home in the country similar to France House should be provided for the older girls. However, in view of the expense involved no further action was taken at this stage.
Contributors’ Meeting
The first meeting of contributors held as required under the Second Schedule of the Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act took place in the Athenaeum Hall on 11 April 1911. Nine Trustees were elected to the Board and 10 ladies and three Trustees were elected to the Executive Committee.
The Constitution was amended in April 1915 and new regulations and by-laws were approved. Both were again amended in 1924 when the new constitution by-laws were approved and printed. These were as follows –
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Constitution –
1. The corporation of Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home shall consist of the contributors thereto, as defined in Part 2 of “The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act No. 11 1909” Clause 88, and it shall be governed by the regulations set out in the above-mentioned Act and any subsequent amendments thereto, of which the following Clauses contain the principal provisions.
2. The Home shall be controlled by a Board of Trustees consisting of 9 persons who shall be elected by the contributors of the institution.
3. An Annual Meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday in April in each year, and at every such meeting three Trustees shall retire and three Trustees shall be elected to fill the vacancies in the manner set out in Clause 93 of the abovenamed Act.
The Chairman of Trustees shall also be elected at the Annual Meeting, and he shall preside at all meetings of Trustees and contributors at which he is present.
4. At Annual and General Meetings of contributors, ten shall form a quorum, but at an adjourned meeting four shall form a quorum.
5. Meetings of Trustees shall be held at such times and places as the Trustees may from time to time determine. The Chairman or any five Trustees may at any time call a Special Meeting of Trustees.
6. The Trustees shall keep a book (to be called the “Contributors Book”) in which shall be entered the names and addresses of all contributors together with amounts contributed by each, and the dates of those contributions.
7. The Trustees shall cause books to be provided and kept, and clear and regular accounts shall be entered therein.
8. The financial year shall end on 31 March in each year, and the Trustees shall cause the accounts for the proceeding year to be balanced and a true statement prepared in form prescribed by regulation and submitted to the Government Audit Office for
audit. After being audited, a true copy shall be sent by the Board to the Minister.
9. The Inspector General, or any assistant inspector, may at any time visit and inspect the Homes.
10. The Trustees may from time to time under the Seal of the Corporation make by-laws for the purposes and matters set out in Clauses 65 and 103 of the abovementioned Act.
11. The Trustees may from time to time appoint a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such medical or other officers, matrons, assistants, or servants as they think necessary to assist in the management or control of the Homes.
1. Subject to the control of the Trustees, the details of arrangement for carrying on, provisioning and conduct of the Homes, including the admission of children to and discharged from the Homes, shall be managed by a House Committee of 14 members, 12 ladles (8 town members and 4 members from Petane and Eskdale districts) being elected by the contributors at the Annual Meeting and 2 members being appointed by the Trustees from among themselves. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are ex-officio members of the House Committee. Five members shall form a quorum, The House Committee shall meet at least once a month, at such time and place as may be arranged by it. In the event of a vacancy occuring on the House Committee, the Trustees shall be notified and they may appoint successors to hold office for the remainder of the term.
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2. At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting the Trustees shall meet to appoint from amongst themselves a Vice Chairman.
3. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Trustees and of the House Committee and keep Minutes, books and accounts as required by the Trustees. He shall produce monthly statements of expenditure to the House Committee and statements of accounts to the Trustees at their ordinary quarterly meeting.
4. The House Committee shall appoint three town members as a Visiting Committee for the Napier Homes, one of whom shall retire each month in rotation, and two of its country members as a Visiting Committee for France House, Eskdale, one of whom shall retire each month in rotation.
5. All applications for admission to and departure from the Homes shall be dealt with by the House Committee, but in cases of urgency the Chairman or Vice Chairman may grant admission subject to the approval of the Committee at its next meeting. In dealing with applications for admission, preference shall be given to orphans, especially children who have lost both parents. Careful enquiries shall be made into the circumstances of all children on whose behalf application is made for admission.
6. Each application form shall contain an agreement, which shall be signed by the parent or any other person applying for the admission of a child to a Home, whereby the Trustees may, if they so desired, retain the said child in the Home until the said child shall attain the age of 18 years. The parent, relative or guardian of any child admitted to the Home shall be required to sign a legal form of agreement undertaking to make regularly the payments agreed upon.
7. The ages for admission shall be between 4 and 10 years. When any girl reaches the age of 16 years efforts shall be made to find her a place with a suitable mistress where she can earn her living, unless the Committee consider it desirable that she should remain for a further period for the benefit of further training. Each girl’s case shall be reviewed by the House Committee at the completion of her primary education, and at such meeting the Matron must present a report as to the child’s character and suggestions for her future. Upon the House Committee making any recommendation for the child’s further training, the matter will be considered by the Trustees. The Matron shall be consulted before any girl leaves the Home.
At the age of 18 years boys shall be placed out to earn their own living, but where the Committee considers it to his advantage a boy may leave to take a suitable position at an earlier age. The Master shall be consulted before boy leaves the Home.
8. In cases where the children are admitted whose parents or relatives are unfit or unable to take charge of them, all legitimate means shall be used to constrain such parents or relatives to contribute as far as possible towards their support.
9. Before any child is admitted he or she shall be examined by an approved medical man, and if he certifies as to he or she being free of any infirmity or disease which may prove a menace to the health of the other inmates of the Home, he or she may be admitted.
10. Should any child develop or show characteristics that are likely to injuriously affect other inmates of the Homes, the Master and Matron shall at once report the matter to the House Committee, who may have such a child transferred to a reformatory or to the care of some other person or institution fitted to deal with the case.
11. No child shall be removed from school until he or she has passed the 6th Standard or has reached the age of 15 years, and no child shall be removed from school without the consent of the Trustees being first obtained.
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12. Visiting – the visiting days at the Homes shall be:-
Wednesdays – 4.30 – 5pm
Saturdays – 2 – 4pm
When relatives or friends are visiting any of the children, the Matron or her assistant shall be present. This bylaw shall not apply to the Trustees or members of the Committee who may visit at any time.
13. Any parent, relative or friend will be refused access to the Home unless he or she is in a fit condition to see the children, and any parent, relative or friend who, after being refused access, trespasses on the Home grounds, shall be liable to prosecution, as provided for under the Act.
14. The Trustees, after consulting with the House Committee, appoint a suitable Matron and assistants to each Home. The appointment of the Master for France House will remain in the hands of the Trustees. The Master and Matron shall exercise the general supervision over the Homes and see that rules made by the Trustees are carried out. He or she will be responsible for the discipline, moral tone, and general organisation of the Home in his or her care and for the cleanliness and comfort of the inmates. He or she shall keep a register of all children admitted into the Homes and enter therein their names and dates of admission and discharge.
Regulations for Staff
1. The Master and Matron shall furnish the Secretary with a list of provisions, clothing,
etc required each month, and keep such record of deliveries of goods to the Home as may be required by the Committee for checking tradesmens accounts; and may with the authority of the House Committee or the Chairman, order such fresh
provisions as may be required from day to day.
2. The Master and Matron shall prepare a timetable for the Homes, and see that the children are regular and punctual in their attendance at school, and if any child is absent shall notify the teacher stating the cause of absence. He or she shall read morning prayer daily, according to form authorised by the House Committee, and shall accompany the children to and from church on Sunday mornings or arrange that their assistants shall do so.
3. The Master and Matron shall arrange for the proper supervision of the children at all times except during school hours, and for their instruction in domestic or other duties. Instruction of girls over 14 shall include household management, cooking, laundry work, sewing, darning, cutting and setting plain work for sewing machine.
A sewing class for the younger girls shall be arranged for each week.
The instruction for boys shall include farming and other work.
4. The Master and Matron shall furnish a monthly report to the House Committee of the Homes under his or her care.
5. When required to do so by the House Committee, the Master and Matron shall visit the children in their situations, to keep in view their moral conduct.
6. The Master and Matron shall have full control (except engagement and dismissal) of all assistants placed under him or her, and the assistants shall carry out all instructions of the Master and Matron and loyally support them in the execution of their duties, and shall in every way assist them to make the conditions of the children as homelike and comfortable as possible.
7. When any corporal punishment is necessary the Master and Matron shall administer it.
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8. The Master and Matron shall examine all correspondence received and sent by children in the Homes.
9. The Master, Matron and assistants shall each be allowed 28 days holiday in each year, not necessarily at the same time, but at such times as shall be arranged by the House Committee. The Master, Matron and assistants shall each have one afternoon and one evening off on weekdays each week, not necessarily the same day each week. The Master and Matron shall arrange this time off to suit the working of the Home under his or her care, and on Saturdays each may have an alternate afternoon and evening off if the Master and Matron can so arrange, provided that sufficient control of the children is arranged for.
10. Dietary Scale. The inmates shall have not less than three meals a day. The food provided for them shall be in sufficient quantity, of good quality, well prepared, properly served, and in all respects satisfactory to the Trustees or House Committee. The dining tables shall be neat and clean.
Breakfast – Porridge, bread and milk, or some similar food; bread, with butter, dripping, jam or golden syrup with sufficient tea or milk and sugar.
Dinner – Hot roast meat at least once a week; boiled or steamed meat with soup at least once a week, fish once a week; for the other four days meat, stew, mince meat or cold meat may be served up, but none of these more than twice. Pudding shall be supplied dally, and when possible at least one other kind of vegetable. In season vegetables to be supplied frequently. Salt, a small piece of bread, and water for drink may be provided. Puddings: each day the inmates shall be given either suet, steamed, baked or milk puddings (with fruit when supplied to the Home gratuitously).
Tea – Bread, with butter, dripping, jam or golden syrup. Sufficient tea or milk and sugar.
Note – (1) Not less than ¾ of a pint of milk shall be provided for every inmate daily.
(2) The schedule need not be quite strictly adhered to, but it must truly indicate the kind of diet provided for all inmates.
(3) Except in the case of the special treatment that in the opinion of the Medical Officer may be found necessary for any individual inmate, any essential departure from the dietary scale herein shown in outline shall be allowed by permission of the Trustees or House Committee only.
Master & Matron – in addition to the above schedule the Master and Matron shall be allowed cocoa, coffee, grills, eggs, cheese and biscuits.
11. Clothing – all clothing shall be of good quality and suited to the climate of Napier.
Boys – the boys shall have three suits of clothes each, two sets of underclothing; also two hats or caps, three pairs of socks or stockings, two pairs of boots, shoes, or sandals, and two night garments.
Girls – the girls shall have three dresses each and three sets of underclothing (garments to be supported from the shoulders); also two hats, three pairs of socks or stockings, two pairs of boots or shoes and two night garments.
12. Fire Drill – it shall be compulsory on the part of the Master and Matron of each Home to drill the children under their respective care at least once in each month, so that in case of a fire happening either during the night or day the children may be able to vacate the home buildings with expedition and without confusion.
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13. Recreation – Napier Homes
It shall be the duty of the Matron to organise recreation for the girls and smaller boys in the grounds, and to take them for outings when occasion arises to the beach, botanical gardens, or such place as the Matron shall arrange.
– France House
It shall be the duty of the Master to organise recreation for the boys in the grounds. He shall interest them in such games as football, cricket, tennis, and other seasonable games. Each boy shall be taught to swim as opportunity offers.
In 1927 the by-laws were further amended providing that at any meeting of the Trustees, four members should form a quorum.
When France House was opened a House Committee was appointed, the first ladies being Mrs A. Beattie, Mrs Cormack, Mrs Ellis and Mrs C.C. Smith.
During this period, thanks to the subscriptions and donations and Government subsidies received income was just adequate, although some years showed small surpluses, others deficits.
A special appeal was made to meet the cost of construction of Gordon House and this produced 694 pounds. Appeals over several years together with a Government subsidy raised 13,155 pounds for France House which covered the cost of the land, buildings, and furnishings. These were large sums for those days and show the wide and generous support received from the residents of Hawke’s Bay.
The Government subsidy which had been one pound four shillings for every one pound of maintenance received, was reduced to one pound in 1926, but extended to cover donations and bequests with a limit of 50 pounds per annum on any donation or bequest.
By the end of the period subscriptions and donations were producing the major part of the income, followed by the Government subsidy, interest on investments and maintenance payments by parents, in that order.
The Capital Account amounted to 22,225 pounds and the Endowment Fund (legacies and bequests) to 8421 pounds. This compares with 329 pounds and 314 pounds respectively in 1909, which gives an indication of the support received since then.
Many organisations during the period donated the proceeds of performances to the Children’s Home. These included the Frivolity Minstrels and the Napier Thirty Thousand
Applications for admissions continued to exceed the beds available in spite of the building programme.
The number of children increased from 30 girls and 6 boys in 1909 to 41 girls and 31 small boys in Randall and Gordon Houses and 33 boys in France House in 1930. A total of 105 children in 1930 was only exceeded in 1929 when there were 110 children, There was an annual turnover of about 30 per cent indicating an average stay of three years.
The House Committee discussed at length in 1926 whether the children of divorced parents should be admitted, as it was suggested that “such tended to make divorce easier and parents to shirk their responsibilities”. It was decided in such cases special consideration should be given before approving the admission.
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There was a steady flow of staff through the Homes, few staying for as long as five years. The exception was Miss McLean who served as Lady Superintendent of the Napier Homes for 9 years before ill health forced her resignation.
At France House Mr and Mrs W.H. Phillips were appointed when it opened in 1924 and remained until 1936.
Training of the girls continued – in 1911 a sewing teacher was engaged two days a week to direct and help the girls to make their own clothes, and sewing and darning and patching prizes were carried off by the children. Every month a change was made in the kitchen department, fresh girls being put to cooking under the direction of an assistant. The same applied to housework.
The boys made themselves useful in the house and garden. Consideration was given to keeping the girls to 18 as it was felt that “at 16 the girls hardly had sufficient time to be trained after leaving school before they were expected to be thorough servants capable of planning the work of a home and trustworthy enough to carry it out all by herself”.
It appeared however that girls over 16 could not be retained unless they were adopted, but no girls were to be sent out unless the Committee were satisfied the home conditions they were going to were suitable.
The Secretary, Mr W.J. Pallet, who had been Secretary since 1913 retired in 1923 and was replaced by Mr H.E. Edgley who was to hold this position until he was elected Chairman of Trustees in 1954.
Once again many individuals and organisations offered their help in entertaining the children. The children were regularly invited to private and church socials and picture attendances. The Napier Municipal Baths were made available to the Napier children free of charge once a week. The Christmas party continued to be the high point of the year, but there were many visits to country properties of supporters. An outing particularly enjoyed was a visit by some of the older girls to HMS New Zealand on her visit to New Zealand in 1913.
A girl guides troop was formed in 1926 and the girls attended a camp at Tutira. In 1927 the troop were shield winners for the Napier District and formed the guard of honour for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York.
A basketball court was laid out at Randall House in 1919 and a music teacher was appointed.
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TIME OF TROUBLE 1930 – 1945
The Hawke’s Bay earthquake of 3 February 1931 was a catastrophe for the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home. France House was completely destroyed and both Randall and Gordon Houses were rendered uninhabitable for several months.
This building had only been erected in 1924, but being of brick construction, it was unable to withstand the earthquake and collapsed. It was fortunate there were no fatalities. A temporary building was put up for the staff and 10 boys who not only continued on with the farm work but gave valuable assistance to residents of the valley in clearing up after the earthquake. The remaining boys were returned temporarily to Gordon House.
Having just completed paying for France House the Trustees were now faced with the need to completely rebuild. Although a grant of one thousand pounds was received from the H.B. Rehabilitation Committee plus a loan of 3000 pounds for 32 years interest free for two years, this still left a sum of 4000 pounds to be found. A loan of 2500 pounds was raised with the Bank of New Zealand and the balance came from donations and the Home’s own resources.
Rebuilding started in October 1931 and was half completed by the end of the year permitting the return of the boys sent to Gordon House. However, completion did not take place until early 1933 when the new building was opened by Lord Bledisloe, the Governor General.
Such damage was caused to both Homes that it was necessary to find somewhere else for the children. Fortunately the Sunshine League in Auckland offered to take all the children to their camp at Motu-ihi Island where they remained until November. It appears the children thoroughly enjoyed the change.
As if the earthquake did not damage the Home’s finances enough, the slump was now in full force. Income from all sources fell and there were income deficits of 1094 pounds and 1099 pounds in 1932 and 1933. In 1932 a special drive for funds was made including a door to door collection. Expenses were reduced wherever possible and wages were cut by 10 per cent.
Financial worries continued throughout the whole period. Expenditure exceeded income by 4000 pounds and only the receipt of generous grants from supporters, including 5000 pounds from Mr T.H. Lowry, permitted the Homes to continue. The introduction of the Mortgagors and Lessees Rehabilitation Act 1936 caused a loss of capital and a reduction in the interest rate in some of the Home’s mortgage investments. In one case a property was taken over by the mortgagees including the Children’s Home who continued to farm it until 1970.
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1938 FLOOD
The Esk River has always been prone to flooding. The 1934 flood covered the lower part of the farm as did those of January and February 1938. But the April flood of that year was exceptional. At one time it appeared the floodwaters would enter the house and force the staff and boys to take refuge on the roof, and conditions appeared so bad that a message was sent to Napier for a relief party to come out and rescue them. When the relief party arrived the height of the flood had been reached and although some flood water had entered France House it was not necessary to evacuate the building. In addition to causing a loss in the farm working, considerable damage was done to plantations, and the grounds immediately surrounding France House were covered in silt to a depth of many feet, resulting in the foundations of the house being much lower than the surrounding land. It was not practicable to lift France House so it became necessary to undertake a very expensive course of shifting the silt. In this work valuable assistance was given from the funds set aside by the Government to assist victims of the flood.
It was several years before the farm recovered and was back in full production.
Although the War had little direct effect on the Homes, the indirect effects were substantial. Income from donations fell and the Government subsidy was substantially reduced. Staff became even more difficult to find. In the summer of 1942 it was felt necessary to leave the children in their holiday camps because of the possible danger of shelling and bombing by enemy forces. In fact they did not return from Te Pohue and Tutira until the colder weather set in in May. Bomb shelters were provided for Randall and Gordon Houses in June 1942.
However, the boys at France House were given a chance to help the war effort by being formed into a Home Guard detachment.
The ex-boys of France House had a proud record in the War. They served in all branches of the armed forces and in many parts of the world. The following boys were killed in action or died on active service –
Alfred Bell
Edgar Bell
George Howe
Ian Miller
Fred Sharpies
Vivian Sydow
In 1941 the Trustees agreed that the Randall House building was becoming unsuitable as a Home and the construction of a new building would eventually become necessary. It was therefore decided, as a preliminary step, to purchase the property of the late Sir Douglas McLean in Napier Terrace, on the top of the Napier Hill adjoining Central School. This was a two and a half acre property with a large old house and pleasant grounds. As the Home’s finances were in no position to provide for the erection of a new building, it was decided to use the existing building after some necessary alterations. Architects plans were drawn up accordingly, but on being submitted to the Department of Health for approval, were required to be amended in various areas. Before work could start an application was received from the Napier Battalion, Home Guard, to be allowed to use the property as their headquarters. This was agreed. In June 1943 the N.Z. Corp of Signals replaced the Home Guard.
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in December 1943 the Child Welfare Department urged that necessary alterations should be carried out sufficiently to give temporary accommodation to the Randall House girls. It offered to assist in getting the consent of the Department of Health. It was therefore decided to proceed with the alterations as soon as possible.
The Army Office had given notice they would be vacating the premises in December. However, the Air Training Corps were given permission to use the property for parade purposes until the alterations were commenced.
The alterations were completed and Randall House girls moved in during March 1945.
The old buildings, which had been rented from the France Trust were left empty.
Amendments to By-Laws
In 1932 By-Law No. 4 was amended and in October 1934 No. 1 was amended as follows –
By-Law No. 4 – The House Committee shall appoint 6 members as a Visiting Committee for the Napier Homes, 3 representing members elected by the contributors and 3 representing the district delegates. One of the members representing the contributors shall retire each month in rotation. The Visiting Committee for France House, Eskdale, shall consist of 2 of the country members, 1 of whom shall retire each month in rotation.
By-Law No. 1 – Subject to the control of the Trustees the details of arrangement for carrying on, provisioning and conduct of the Homes, including the admission of children to and discharge from the Homes, shall be managed by a House Committee of 18 members. 12 ladies shall be elected at the statutory Annual Meeting of subscribers, 4 ladies shall be elected by the Hastings District Committee, 2 members being appointed by the Trustees from among themselves. The District Committees of Hastings, Wairoa, Waipukurau, Dannevirke and Woodville shall appoint visiting members to the House Committee, 2 members from the Hastings Committee and 1 member each from the other Committees, who shall have the same voting rights at House Committee meetings as the 18 elected members. The Chairman and Vice Chairman were ex-officio members of the House Committee. Nine members shall form a quorum. The House Committee shall meet once a month at such time and place as may be arranged for it. In the event of a vacancy occurring on the House Committee the Trustees shall be notified, and they may appoint a successor to hold office for the remainder of the term.
A Hastings District Committee was elected at the 1935 Annual General Meeting consisting of the following –
Mrs Rochfort, Mrs Bishop, Mrs Darvell, Mrs Grainger, Mrs Greenwood, Mrs Braithwaite, Mrs Comrie, Mrs Romaine Wright, Mrs Small, Mrs Jim Lowry, Mrs Tripe, Mrs Berthon Williams, Mrs Jack Price, Mrs Lovell-Smith (Hon. Secretary) and Miss Ford.
The Committee met monthly and four members were elected to attend the monthly meeting of the House Committee. Two members visited the Homes each month and an effort was made to visit Randall House each month and provide music, games and supper for the girls. Members took an active interest in providing food and clothing and for the Annual Appeal a “Paddy’s Market” was organised. The Committee continued to run a shop in conjunction with the Annual Appeal for the next 35 years and the proceeds of this shop formed a large part of the funds raised for each appeal. Many hours were spent each
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year prior to the Annual Appeal by Committee members and supporters sewing articles for sale at the shop. The ladies also took part in the annual street collection in Hastings and Havelock North.
Mr T.H. Lowry was elected Patron in 1935, a position he held until his death in 1944.
Holiday Camps
In an endeavour to give the children a country holiday during the summer school holidays, in 1935 arrangements were made for camps to be prepared for the Randall House girls at Lake Tutira on the property of Mr Guthrie-Smith, and for the Gordon House children at Eskdale.
The Tutira camps were regularly attended by the Randall House girls from then on except for 1936 when an outbreak of chicken pox kept them at home and in 1937 when a campsite at Eskdale was used.
The Gordon House children camped at Eskdale for 1935,1937 and 1938, but in 1939 and the following five years they took advantage of the offer by the Hawke’s Bay Education Board of a school building at Te Pohue. In 1944 and 1945 they also camped at Tutira. The France House boys usually camped at Tutira, but attended a scout camp at Rissington occasionally.
Although these camping holidays were undoubtedly enjoyed by the children, it is doubtful if the staff were as enthusiastic in view of the work involved.
In 1941 a cookhouse and a bunkhouse were erected on the Eastern side of the lake at the Randall House campsite. This was a welcome improvement. It may not be realised just what was involved in going to camp for the holidays. The staff, children, bedding and provisions would be transported from Napier and deposited at the southern end of the lake. As there was no formed road round to the camp, all the gear had to be carried or pulled in the handcart along the stock track around the edge of the lake nearly a mile to the camp and the whole process was repeated in reverse when returning to Napier. The nearest store was at the other end of the lake about 5 miles away and the closest telephone was at Tutira Station across the lake. In addition if the lake level rose, as it did after heavy rain, the track could be cut completely for days at a time. Fortunately, help was always forthcoming when required from the Station staff, local residents and the Trustees.
The France House campsite was on the western side close to the main road and there were fewer difficulties involved in setting up camp.
Other Activities
For the France House boys a major change was the formation of a Scout Troop in 1933. This soon built up a good record in the scouting world and two boys attended the Jamboree held in connection with the Melbourne Centenary celebrations. Funds raised by the Troop through scout activities provided the expenses of the trip. The continued success of the Troop was due to the leadership and continued interest of Mr Archer Absolom.
A Brownie and Cub pack were added to the Girl Guide troop for the children at the Napier Homes and singing and dancing classes introduced.
Once again many individuals and organisations offered help in entertaining the children and the Christmas parties were again the high point of the year.
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When France House was built in 1924 Mr and Mrs W.H. Phillips were appointed Master and Matron holding these positions until 1935. When their replacements, Mr and Mrs A. Taylor, were forced to travel to England after 15 months, Mr and Mrs N.L. Shaw were appointed and served for the balance of the period. Mention must also be made of Miss Anderson who was on the staff from 1936 to 1948. In the Napier Homes Mrs E. Hansen served from 1932 to 1948, Miss MacRae from 1926 to 1946 and Miss McAuslin from 1932 to 1944. The Trustees were grateful to have such long serving staff during these difficult times.
There was a steady fall in the number of children in the Homes. The France House boys fell from 33 to 28 and the Napier Homes’ children from 72 to 45. One of the possible reasons was the introduction of new Social Welfare legislation before the war.
In 1934 it was decided as a trial to transfer some of the younger girls to Gordon House with the smaller boys there. This proved most successful and resulted in the creation of an atmosphere more in keeping with that of family life.
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1946 – 1973
Although at the beginning of the period France House, Randall House and Gordon House continued to operate much on the same lines as previously, by the end of that period all the Homes had been closed (Gordon House 1948, Randall House 1966, France House 1973). This was due to failing numbers and increasing costs.
The number of children fell from 73 in 1945 (France House 28, Napier Homes 45) to 11 in Randall House in 1966 and 4 in France House in 1973.
There were several reasons for this fall in numbers –
a) The increasing role of the Child Welfare Department in providing care for children in need.
In the Minutes for the 1940’s there are few references to the Child Welfare Department, apart from the annual inspection which was now carried out by that Department in place of the Department of Health. However, increasingly, children were being admitted at the request of the District Child Welfare Officer, until at the end of the period all the children were coming from this source. There was increasing co-operation between the Homes and officers of the Department who kept a close eye on all the children admitted through their office. On the other hand, the advice of these officers was often sought by the Committee when problems arose with the teenagers. One benefit of the change was that the Department paid for the maintenance of their children and this was a valuable source of income.
b) The changing attitude of the community to Children’s Homes.
After World War II the suitability of institution type Children’s Homes was increasingly being questioned, both by the Government and the general public. Previously, when parents were in trouble, it was usual for them to apply to the local Children’s Home to have the children admitted. This was never done lightly but usually there was no alternative. Following the introduction of the Social Welfare legislation in the 1930’s, assistance became available from the Child Welfare Department and as the public became aware of this, all approaches for help began to be made to the Department.
At the same time Children’s Homes began to be regarded less favourably by the general public than in the past and foster homes were increasingly considered to be more appropriate.
c) Increasing Prosperity.
The 1950’s and 60’s generally speaking, were times of greater prosperity for the community and there was less hardship than in the past. As a result there were fewer cases of orphaned, neglected and destitute children being reported, and therefore fewer calls on the services of the Homes.
Inflation became a major factor during this period and the Home’s income, although increasing, seldom kept pace with increasing costs. For instance, in 1945 expenses were 9,994 pounds and income 9,614 pounds, while in 1972 the corresponding figures were
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$26,831 and $18,743. As a result there were surpluses in only 9 of the 28 years and from 1968 the deficits were mounting alarmingly.
It therefore became increasingly obvious that the present institution type Homes with the relatively large staffs and falling numbers could no longer be justified financially.
Although it was clear that the Institution type Homes were no longer viable, there were still children requiring care and the Trustees gave consideration to how best this could be given in the changed circumstances.
In July 1965 the following alternatives were considered by the Trustees –
1. Cease operations entirely as the Homes no longer needed.
2. Combine both Homes at Eskdale.
3. Building Family Homes in town for all children.
4. Build a Family Home in town with France House as a receiving Home for both boys and girls.
It was decided –
1. There was still a need to provide care for children – and
2. France House was not suitable for both boys and girls, therefore
3. Two Family Homes should be built, one in Havelock North and one in Taradale – France House
In March 1973 an offer for France House of $59,000 was received from the Department of Social Welfare. This was discussed at a Trustees’ Meeting in May when it was decided to accept an adjusted figure of $65,923 for land, buildings and chattels.
The reasons for closing France House were as follows –
1. Operating costs could no longer be justified.
2. Falling numbers of boys.
3. The Department could make better use of the property by operating it as their own home.
4. Boys now being received through the Department were usually disturbed or delinquent and required trained staff which the Home could not provide.
5. Domestic staff was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain.
So, after 70 years, the institution type Homes were closed. Some hundreds of children had passed through them, most of them receiving sufficient care and training to enable them to cope adequately with life after they left. There was some criticism, mainly in later years, that the conditions in the Homes were harsh and the discipline severe. Judging by modern standards, there was perhaps some justification for this view particularly in the earlier years, but it must be remembered times were much harder then and when the children went out into the world they would need all their toughness and independence to survive.
The Committees and the staff always did their best to provide a safe and secure home for the children where they received adequate food and clothing. That they were successful in leaving some of the boys at least with happy memories is evidenced by the continuing existence of the France House Old Boys’ Association which still holds reunions every second year. As regards the training, the success of many girls and boys in later years provides its own justification.
Many of the earlier Trustees and Committee Members would have been sorry to see the end of the Homes they had worked so hard to build up, but they would have agreed that changing times required new approaches to child welfare and perhaps it was for the best.
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On 23rd February 1972 Bylaw No. 1 was again amended by deleting the first sentence and substituting the following –
“Subject to the control of the Trustees, the details of arrangement for carrying on, provisioning and conduct of the Homes, including the admission of children to and discharged from the Homes, shall be managed by a House Committee of 26 members (24 ladies 6 members each from Napier, Eskdale, Havelock North and Hastings districts), being elected by the contributors at the Annual Meeting and two members being appointed by the Trustees from among themselves.
The Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home was registered under the Charitable Trust Act in March 1967. As a result, the Audit Office no longer had a statutory duty to audit the Accounts and Messrs McCulloch, Butler & Spence were appointed auditors in their place.
The Trustees were sorry to have to record the deaths during this period of the following Trustees –
Mr E. Bibby – a Trustee for 45 years and a generous supporter. Mr Bibby had also been a Trustee of the France Trust for the same period.
Mr G Rochfort – a Trustee since 1917 and Chairman of Trustees from 1925 to 1954. A plaque with his name was placed in France House and the Havelock North Family Home subsequently was named after him. A sun dial was erected at Randall House, subsequently moved to France House and later to Rochfort Home as a memorial to him.
Mr H E Edgley – Secretary from 1923 to 1954 and Chairman of Trustees from 1954 to 1965.
A Napier District Committee was elected in 1956 to run the Napier shop. The following ladies were appointed – Mrs Ashton, Mrs Canning, Mrs Douglas, Mrs Fabian, Mrs Harlow, Mrs Hannah, Mrs MacMillan, Mrs Pirie, Mrs Swinburn, Mrs Williams.
As mentioned earlier, financial difficulties increased during this period. Although donations increased fifty per cent, maintenance receipts by fifty per cent, Government subsidies by 200 per cent and interest on investments by 400 per cent, the income each year was seldom sufficient to cover expenses which increased by 150 per cent during the period.
Several steps were taken to improve the cash position –
1. At France House 47 acres were leased to a local farmer.
2. A property in Waipawa from which rents had previously been received was sold as the income had fallen.
3. The Priestley Road property was leased and eventually sold.
4. A Napier shop was instituted in conjunction with the annual street appeal.
5. The Randall House property was sold.
6. The farm at Pahiatua, taken over in 1938 for non-payment of interest, was sold.
7. A special appeal for funds was made in 1972.
8. The milking herd at France House was sold in 1962 when there was an insufficient number of boys to do the milking. The plant was sold in 1967.
Legacies were again received under the Wills of many supporters. Thanks to these, the Accumulated Fund increased from $76,958 to $166,503 in spite of the recurring annual deficits.
Government subsidies increased substantially during the period and these, with the Family Benefits, made up a large part of the income.
The lease of a section of the New Zealand Railway yards fronting Heretaunga Street, Hastings, for the erection of a shop tent for the annual street appeal was welcomed by
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the Hastings District Committee. It was regretted when the lease was terminated to allow a road to be constructed; the clock tower site was not as centrally placed.
Garden parties for the street collectors were held at Randall House for several consecutive years.
The Napier District Committee who operated the Napier shop on Blythe’s section from 1956 also raised substantial sums. They had the advantage, however, of being provided with farm produce from France House to sell.
As can be imagined, taking over an older house such as the McLean property, resulted in substantial repairs and alterations being required. These included the following –
1. New kitchen stove.
2. Oil burner furnace to replace coke furnace.
3. New front gate.
4. Boundary fencing.
5. Repainting inside and out.
6. Appointment of a part time gardener.
A 20 perch strip of land was sold to the Lands Department for Central School in March 1947.
The property was finally sold in March 1966 for 17,110 pounds and the proceeds were used towards the cost of two family homes.
Little additional expenditure was required at Gordon House before the boys were transferred to Randall House in March 1947.
Both Randall House and Gordon House were leased for several years but were finally sold for 6000 pounds in September 1957 by agreement with the France Trustees.
Expenditure was incurred in various directions during this period.
1. The scout hut was converted into a workshop.
2. The washing machine was replaced.
3. A second hand Bedford truck was purchased,
4. A TV translator was installed.
5. A new stainless steel sink was fitted in the kitchen.
6. A new artesian well was sunk.
Holiday Camps
In 1951 after discussions with Mrs Guthrie Smith a site was selected for the France House camp and a cookhouse and bunkhouse were erected. Unfortunately the cookhouse was destroyed by fire In March 1952, but was replaced by June of that year. The boys were fortunate to have a boat donated to France House by Lady Sargood. They continued to use the camp periodically for the next 10 years. A pontoon was constructed and donated by the Napier Rotary Club in 1956.
The Randall House camp continued to be used until 1961. It was then decided, in view of the amount of work the staff were involved in, to try to arrange for the children to spend summer holidays with parents, relations or friends. This system was continued for several years but the obvious risks involved eventually led to its abandonment. As the buildings were then being vandalised, they were leased to the Scinde Anglers Club on a care and maintenance basis.
A tennis court was constructed at France House by members of the Napier Lions Club in 1965. The resignation of Mr Absolom in November 1949 and the failure to find a replacement lead to the dissolution of the scout troop.
Falling numbers at Gordon House forced the amalgamation of that pack with the Presbyterian pack in 1948.
The domestic staffing position for the Napier homes in particular varied from strained to desperate. Fortunately the Matrons stayed for longer periods, but in 1960 there was no Matron at Randall House for several weeks and at one stage only one assistant. The position was made worse by the departure of the girls over 15 years. Fortunately, some excellent part time staff were obtained, but even so the Napier members of the House Committee had to spend many hours at Randall House over the weekends and in the evenings when the part time staff were not there. It was a great relief to everybody when Miss Vaughan arrived and carried on until the Home was closed.
At France House Mr and Mrs Shaw retired in 1957 after 20 years and were replaced by Mr and Mrs A.E. Morgan who remained for 11 years. Mr and Mrs R.B. Baxter followed them with 6 years service. The Trustees considered they were fortunate in having such long serving staff.
Mr H.E. Edgley was elected to the Board as Chairman of Trustees in 1954 and was replaced as Secretary by Mr H.M. Swinburn.
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THE FAMILY HOMES 1966 – 1992
In 1965 when it was becoming clear that the institution type homes were no longer viable, the Trustees were forced to consider alternatives. There appeared to be two possibilities:
a) Cottage Homes built round a central administration block.
b) Family Homes.
In each case there would be a married couple in charge of each Home, with the husband going out to work each day as in an ordinary home, and so providing the normal family background which was so desirable.
It was decided that the Cottage Home system, as operated elsewhere, would require too much capital and also would not provide a chance for the children to become part of the community rather than remain “Children’s Home” children.
The Family Homes were therefore chosen as the preferred alternative. These had the advantage that they were much cheaper to run than the institution type homes, as staff was reduced to the House mother and a part time helper for each Home. There were, however, some difficulties:
a) The married couples for the Homes would have a difficult job caring for children other than their own, some of them with problems.
b) No provision had yet been made to provide them with holidays.
It was clear that suitable couples might be difficult to obtain and keep. As it turned out, this was not a problem and the couples subsequently appointed gave the children the care and affection they so needed, frequently at considerable cost to themselves.
As the children to be placed in these Homes came from all over Hawke’s Bay it was felt that Homes should be placed in Hastings or Havelock North as well as Napier. Accordingly, sections were purchased at 21 Rakau Street, Havelock North and 23 Pembroke Street, Taradale, in August 1965. The design of the buildings and the supervision of their construction was the work of Mr Morgan of France House who had had professional experience in this work. Each Home was designed to take six children.
The Home was on a sloping section which permitted the construction of a basement for the garage. The successful tenderer was Mr E.A. Coates and the contract price was 6159 pounds. The section cost 1300 pounds.
It was named “Rochfort” after the late Mr Guy Rochfort who had given such long and devoted service to the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home.
By 1973 the need for a rumpus room was becoming clear and this was added in 1974. A subdivision was erected in 1984 between a bedroom and the passage to the rumpus room and a swimming pool was excavated by Mr Joe in 1987 and the decking and required safety fence erected.
Admissions and Discharges
Six children were transferred from Randall House after being boarded privately for two months pending completion of the building. Numbers varied during the period, falling to three at the end. As expected the children, who were all subsequently received through the Department of Social Welfare, included a number with problems. Most settled down,
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but one incorrigible boy had to be transferred to a Department of Social Welfare Home where he could receive specialised attention. Contact with some of the ex-girls has been maintained and several make regular visits.
The married couples at Rochfort were as follows –
Mr and Mrs Weston – 1966-1967
Mr and Mrs O P Jones – 1967-1972
Mr and Mrs M Buchanan – 1972-1975
Mrs Buchanan – 1975-1982
Mr and Mrs N T Meyer – 1983-1985
Mr and Mrs K Joe – 1986-1990
The Trustees were particularly sorry to have to record the deaths of Messrs Buchanan and Meyer while they were in the Homes.
To better assist with the running of the Family Homes the House Committee was split in February 1966 into Napier and Hastings House Committees.
The first Hastings Committee consisted of – Mrs T.S. Ellingham, Mrs D. Greenwood, Mrs J.H. Mason, Mrs R. Natusch, Mrs J.F. Nelson and Mrs C.R. Stacey.
This was built to the same design as Rochfort, but being on a flat section the garage was separate from the main building. The builders were G.A. Rench & Son and the contract price was 5856 pounds. The section cost 805 pounds.
It was named “Edgley” after the late Mr Harold Edgley who had served as Secretary from 1923 until he was elected Chairman of Trustees in 1954 holding that position until 1965.
In 1974 the construction of a rumpus room was approved and this was achieved by building a new garage and converting the existing garage into an outside rumpus room. Later, an outside woodshed adjoining the rumpus room was converted into another bedroom.
Admissions and Discharges
The remaining five children from Randall House were placed in private homes for two months until moving in in June 1966. Numbers dropped to three in 1973, but all three boys left and the Home was empty for six months. However, four more children were then admitted falling to three when the Home was closed in 1990.
The married couples at Edgley were as follows –
Mr and Mrs W.P. Edmonds – 1966-1971
Mr and Mrs I.C. Boyce – 1971-1973
Mr and Mrs J. Barbour – 1973-1974
Mr and Mrs D. Lamont – 1974-1980
Mr and Mrs B. Henderson – 1980-1982
Mr and Mrs I.D. McKenzie – 1982-1987
Mr and Mrs W. Spark – 1987-1990
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The new Napier House Committee appointed to administer Edgley in 1966 was as follows – Mrs R.L Duley, Mrs I. Hannah, Mrs V. McNaught, Mrs C. Upperton, Mrs H.L. Williams.
At the end of 1968 the Trustees were becoming concerned that the couples in the Family Homes were not receiving regular holidays. A suggestion considered was to obtain a third Family Home as a holiday home to allow children from the other Family Homes to be placed there for weekends and the school holidays.
However, on enquiries being made, it was found that no Government subsidy would be received unless for a home with permanent residents.
It was therefore decided to build a third Family Home and a section was purchased at 38 Plymouth Road, Flaxmere, Hastings, at a cost of $2,460. It was doubtful whether using this as a holiday home could be justified financially as it would be empty most of the year. It was therefore agreed this should be designed for permanent residence. Plans were prepared by Natusch Shattky & Co. and tenders were called in August 1971, the successful tenderer being TG. Wrightson Ltd $22,000. A Government subsidy of $11,815 was received towards the cost. This building was larger than the other Family Homes and was designed to take eight children.
This Home was named “Nelson House” to mark the long association of Mr J.F. Nelson with the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home as a Trustee from 1953-1984 and Chairman of the Board from 1965-1973. His outstanding contribution to the Home and the welfare of the children included many instances of practical support in many forms.
Some alterations were required under the new Fire Service regulations in 1989 including the lining of the garage and the provision of another outside door.
Admissions and Discharges
Numbers remained fairly constant at five or six throughout the period. Most of the children were long stayers, many not leaving until they had finished school. Some had been reluctant to leave even then.
Mr and Mrs F. Jones – 1971-1977, 1978-1990
Mr and Mrs M. Knox – 1977-1978
Frank and Tangi Jones had an unrivalled record as Home Parents not only for the long period covered, but for their ability to handle difficult children successfully. There will be few people who can equal them in this regard.
When Nelson was occupied, the Hastings House Committee was divided into a Havelock North Committee and a Flaxmere House Committee. The first members of the Flaxmere Committee were – Mrs D. Fenton and Mrs R. Natusch, plus a new appointee Mrs O.P. Jones.
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As early as 1984 it was clear that long term changes for the Children’s Home were coming. Hawke’s Bay had more than sufficient accommodation to meet the present and likely future needs of residential children’s care of the type currently offered. The Department of Social Welfare was now placing emphasis on short term intensive work with children and their families, with the aim of returning them to their families and communities as quickly as possible with the least social disruptive consequences.
This was followed in 1989 by the passing of the Children, Young Persons & Their Families Act which laid strong emphasis on the need for families to be kept together. Children would only be placed out in exceptional circumstances and only for short periods.
There was no provision in the Act for the continued operation of Children’s Homes. Registration of the three Family Homes would therefore be withdrawn as from 30 April 1990.
However, voluntary organisations were invited to apply for registration as Child and Family Support Services. Many of the powers of the Department of Social Welfare were being transfered to family Group Conferences. These Conferences would assume control of all the children at present in Children’s Homes. Family Support Services would appoint Care Givers who would take children into their own homes for short periods when this was considered necessary by Family Conferences.
The Trustees discussed whether they should apply for the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home to be appointed as a Child and Family Support Service, but decided that the Home was not equipped for this purpose and no application was made.
The officers of the Department said that should the Family Conferences agree that the children at present in the Homes should remain there, this would be subject to the approval of the existing House Parents to be appointed as Care Givers. It would also require the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home to make the existing buildings available on a rental basis.
This was agreed in principle for Rochfort and Nelson, but as there were now no children at Edgley this was closed and the property sold.
In fact most of the children in Nelson and Rochfort were left in the Homes, the house parents, the Jones and Joes, agreed to be Care Givers, the Department took over responsibility for the children on 1 May 1990 and the Hawke’s Bay Children s Home were left as landlords of the two properties. As such, the Trustees continued to visit the Homes regularly to see what maintenance was required and to help where required.
As the children were no longer the responsibility of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home, the House Committee’s responsibility of seeing to the day to day needs of the Homes ceased. It was therefore decided, with regret, that these Committees were no longer required, so ending nearly one hundred years of service. A farewell luncheon was held at the residence of Mrs D.J. Walker, “Little Flaxmere”, Hastings, for the ladies of the House and District Committees, when they were thanked by the Chairman of the Board for their enthusiasm and the hard work put in by them in some cases for over thirty years.
The House Parents of Nelson and Rochfort who were also present were thanked for their years of uncomplaining work with frequently difficult children for seven days a week and usually 52 weeks a year.
It is pleasing to be able to report that the ladies have continued their connection with both Homes on an individual basis and make regular calls.
So ended the last of the Residential Homes after 98 years. For practical purposes, it appears the Department of Social Welfare will leave the present children where they are until they are ready to go and eventually the Homes will be left empty and will be available to be sold.
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The Trustees, when in 1973 they were considering building a fourth Family Home, recalled an incident occuring a few years previously, relating to the application for admission of a seven year old boy. On enquiries being made at the time, it was found that this boy had already been in trouble and was now uncontrollable by his parents, teachers, or Social Welfare officers. Clearly, if children were reaching this stage at seven years there was an urgent need for this age group to receive care much earlier, preferably before reaching school age. This was confirmed by the Department of Social Welfare who supported the establishment of a day care centre where children in need of care because of emotional upsets, or poor family backgrounds could receive special treatment. A subsidy of 60 per cent would be available from the Department of Social Welfare plus a weekly subsidy of $4.50 per child.
It was therefore decided to extend the activities of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home into the field of day care centres and to consider building in Napier. An offer of a section in the Pirimai School grounds on which to erect a building was received from the Hawke’s Bay Education Board and gratefully accepted. Although the Board was unable to give a renewable lease they gave a written assurance that the Board would not disturb the Home’s occupancy of the building and in the event of the Pirimai School closing down the Home would be fully entitled to remove any buildings erected.
The Pirimai Plaza Syndicate had also indicated they had no objection to access through their property.
Plans prepared by Natusch, Shattky & Co. were submitted to the Minister of Social Welfare for approval. Tenders were called in August 1976, the successful tenderer being Northe & Pratt Ltd with a figure of $67,480. Considerable delay ensued before the Napier City Council would grant a permit because the land on which the Centre was to be constructed had to be rededicated as it was at present only for educational purposes. This problem was eventually overcome with the assistance of the Ministry of Works and the Minister of Education. Construction then resumed and was completed in April 1978. A Government subsidy of $30,543 was received.
A garage for the mini bus was built in July 1978 for $3,600. A Commer mini bus had been purchased for $4,500 the previous December.
Although it was originally decided to call the Centre “The Pirimai Day Care Centre” this was subsequently changed to “Swinburn House” as this name was widely connected with the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home and it was desirable to emphasise this connection.
Swinburn House was officially opened by the Hon. H.J. Walker, Minister of Social Welfare on 31 May 1978.
Onekawa Day Care Centre
In March 1977 a letter had been received from the Presbyterian Social Services Association suggesting amalgamating with the existing day care centre, Haigh Hall at Onekawa. The Association felt there was now no justification for two homes in the area. Following a meeting between representatives of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home and the Onekawa Day Care Centre in August 1977, agreement was reached as follows –
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a) All children at the Onekawa Day Care Centre to be transferred to the new building.
b) Existing staff to continue in the employment of the new organisation subject to their approval.
c) A new committee to be appointed with representatives from both organisations to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home in 1978 when some or all members would come up for re-election.
d) The Onekawa Day Care Centre to provide names of four persons prepared to be considered to fill two vacancies on the Board of Trustees.
The first Swinburn House Committee was as follows –
Mrs F.C.F. Barman. Mrs S.F. Chambers, Mr S.J. Craig, Mrs N.T. Hatton, Mrs S. Jamieson, Mrs R.L. Lynex, Mr M.F. McGeehan, Mr J.W. Mackie, Mr G.A. Plummer.
Messrs Craig and Mackie were added to the Board of Trustees of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home.
As a result of the amalgamation, the Centre opened with 16 fulltime and 12 part time children. The Onekawa Day Care Centre had a foster home scheme where parents requiring care for their children were placed in touch with women prepared to provide for them for a few hours a day in their own homes. This was continued until 1981 when it was faded out due to lack of children.
In 1988 as the waiting list of children at Swinburn House showed no signs of diminishing, the Trustees gave thought to the possibility of increasing the numbers catered for. The Centre was registered for 40 children but the average attendance had been closer to 30. Increased numbers would require more room and more staff. It was agreed the extra time could be afforded, but the extra room required alterations to the building.
After consideration it was decided to enclose an open area adjoining the activity room, close in unused space for storage and add a sick room, until then there had been nowhere to put a sick child except in one of the sleep rooms. As a high proportion of the children had been found to suffer from ear or other infections, a room where they could be examined and treated had clearly become essential. The opportunity would also be taken to make alterations to the office and soundproof the activity room. This work was completed in September at a cost of $52,617 but a grant of $18,000 was received towards this from the Gwen Malden Trust for which the Trustees were most grateful. These alterations permitted an increase of six children.
A garden shed was purchased for $816 in June 1989.
The Swinburn House Committee appointed in April 1978 was replaced in June 1981 by a smaller sub committee appointed by the Trustees, to meet whenever required. The following were appointed to the first committee –
Messrs Craig (Chairman), Mackie, Robertshawe and Mrs Lynex and Mrs Brown.
When first established, Swinburn House came under the Department of Social Welfare, but in 1988 advice was received that all child care centres were to be taken over by the Department of Education and bulk grants would be received, based on the number of children in the Centre. However, the Department of Social Welfare would continue to pay to the Centre the subsidies to which parents were entitled where they were financially unable to pay child care centre fees. A condition by the Department of Education was that a management plan had to be prepared designed to cover all aspects of pre-school child care. This had to be discussed with all parents and involved visits by staff members, working in pairs, to the homes of all parents. As can be imagined, this involved a great
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deal of time for Miss Paterson the Supervisor, her deputy Mrs Proctor, and the staff. Four drafts were prepared before a final draft could be submitted to the Trustees and the Department of Education. This was finally accepted by the Department subject to some minor alterations and additions, in March 1991.
The intention when Swinburn House was built, was that it was to cater for children in need of special care. When it was suggested working mothers might use the Centre as “babysitters” it was emphasised that this would be quite contrary to their duties as Trustees and would not be permitted. However, when the Onekawa Day Care Centre was taken over, many of the children were from normal families who paid fees for their children. As these children passed out of the Centre they were replaced by children recommended, usually by the Public Health nurses and approved by the Department of Social Welfare. This system has continued since then and only children found to be in need of care are admitted. Nearly all require special treatment and most need medical attention. Swinburn House have been fortunate in having the services of Dr Audrey Vickerman who has been kept busy dealing with a wide variety of ailments.
None of the parents are financially in a position to pay fees and no attempt is made to collect any as this would merely result in the removal of the children.
It was found necessary to provide a mini bus to collect and return children as they came from all over Napier, from Westshore to Taradale.
On amalgamation with the Onekawa Day Care Centre, Miss Judy Heyland-Paterson was appointed Supervisor, a position she has held since then.
Under the Child Care Regulations a fixed proportion of trained staff was required, but due to the special needs of our children this has always been exceeded in Swinburn House.
Wages were paid under the N.Z. (except Otago and Southland) Child Care Centres Award, but in December 1989 Swinburn House was transferred to the N.Z. Early Childhood Workers Consenting Parties Award which involved substantial wage increases and brought the staff into line with the majority of other centres in the country.
In September 1990 new requirements were received from the Department of Education for qualifications of staff. Training programmes had been introduced by the Department which staff members were required to attend to achieve qualification.
Home Visiting Scheme
The Department of Social Welfare in 1989 recommended the appointment of a visiting staff member to visit the families of children in the Home to offer assistance and advice. This was approved by the Trustees in June 1990 on a trial basis. It was soon found this scheme was proving successful and has been continued since.
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In 1983 as the existing constitution was out of date, a set of rules was prepared and these are set out in Appendix D.
There were some major changes in the finances during this period. The first seven years all showed losses and it was not until 1974 that income exceeded expenditure, mainly because of the closure of France House. The Family Homes were found to be largely self supporting thanks to the maintenance payments and subsidy received from the Department of Social Welfare.
The surpluses continued every subsequent year, but this was due to the high interest rates on mortgage investments during a period of inflation and therefore included an element of return of capital.
However, there were already ominous signs of coming stringency as the cost of running Swinburn House was increasing rapidly. This was mainly due to the increase in wages which rose from $18,258 in 1979 to $195,840 in 1991. As a result the Trustees were required to use an increased proportion of the investment income to cover the difference between income and expenditure at Swinburn House which by 1991 had risen to $67,912. With the continuing fall in interest rates in the last few years of the period the Trustees have been faced with the prospect of deficits in the coming years. This, in itself, is not disastrous, as past years have shown, but it is clear that the days of care free expenditure, if they ever existed, are gone.
In spite of this, the finances at the end of the period were in a much stronger position than they had been in the past. Accumulated funds had risen from $406,488 in 1968 to $1,485,679, investments from $210,000 to $732,394, and fixed assets from $180,302 to $752,586.
A major contribution was the bequest of the Allen Farm property under the Will of the late Franklin Allen. This is an 80 acre property at Awatoto now within the Napier City boundaries. It is expected that this will be a very valuable asset and is at present being leased to a local farmer.
As most of the investments were in mortgages, the Home suffered no losses from the market crash in 1986. The Trustees were therefore justified in their refusal to give way to pressure to invest in shares during the boom.
The Hastings shop held in conjunction with the Annual Appeal had, by 1989, become increasingly difficult to run successfully and it was decided to hold a coffee morning instead, thus marking the end of another longlasting activity of the Hastings District Committee.
The street collections were also becoming less productive due to lack of collectors and the competition from other charities. In addition, the closure of the Family Homes reduced the justification for asking for contributions from the public. There were therefore no street collections from 1990 onwards.
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As the names of those on the first Board of Trustees have been set down, it is appropriate that those holding office at the end of the hundred years should also be set down.
They are as follows –
Chairman Mr G.E. Steere
Board Messrs R. de Denne, R.F. Logan, J.W. Mackie, R.S. Nairn, R.S. Natusch, R.J. Parsons, G.A. Plummer, M.W. Robertshawe, J.S. Russell, H.M. Swinburn, H.W. Van Asch, Dr A.M. Vickerman.
Secretary Mr G.T. King
Mr G.E. Steere (Chairman), Messrs J.W. Mackie, G.A. Plummer, M.W. Robertshawe, Dr A.M. Vickerman.
Supervisor – Miss J. Heyland-Paterson.
So ends a brief account of the first hundred years of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home. It has not been possible to acknowledge individually all the support and services given as these have been too numerous to mention. This also applies to the many gifts and legacies received. Above all, it has been impossible to give individual thanks to all the ladles who have served on the House and District Committees during this long period. The proof of the value of their service can be seen in what has been achieved.
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1893 – 1895 H.S. Tiffen
1895 – 1896 F.W. Williams
1896 – 1899 R.D.D. McLean
1899 – 1902 Lady Whitmore
1902 – 1909 Mrs T. Tanner
1909 Mrs F.W. Williams
1906 – 1910 J.W. Craig
1910 – 1913 R.D.D. McLean
1913 – 1926 F.W. Williams
1926 – 1954 Guy Rochfort
1954 – 1965 H.E. Edgley
1965 – 1973 J.F. Nelson
1973 – 1982 A.W. Miller
1982 – 1990 H.M. Swinburn
1990 G.E. Steere
1935 – 1944 T.H. Lowry
1892 – 1893 Mrs B. Brown
1893 – 1895 Mrs Randall
1895 – 1896 Mrs B. Brown
1896 – 1900 J.W. Craig
1900 – 1901 Mrs B. Locking
1901 – 1914 Miss Davenport
1914 – 1923 W.J. Pallot
1923 – 1954 H.E. Edgley
1954 – 1983 H.M. Swinburn
1983 – 1990 Gardiner Reaney & Swinburn
1990 G.T. King
1892 -1913 Mrs Randall
1978 Mrs V. McNaught
1979 P.M. Clark
1984 A.W. Miller, J.F. Nelson
1985 D.M. Greenwood
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Bell G.M. 1938-39
Bell R.M. 1955-87
Bibby E. 1924-46
Brown Mrs J.I. 1972-82
Campbell N.S. 1983-88
Carlson B. 1947-85
Clark F.C. 1918-48
Clark H.R. 1948-65
Clark P.H. 1966-78
Coleman A.J. 1972-83
Couper-Smith W. 1951-52
Craig J.W. 1906-18
Craig S.J. 1977-88
de Denne R. 1988-
Dinwiddie W. 1910-37
Douglas C. 1913-30
Duley Mrs R.L. 1973-78
Edgley H.E. 1954-65
Ellis H.S. 1940-51
Fenton Mrs D. 1973-76
Ferguson A.H. 1913-18
Finch W.P. 1911-18
Grainger H.E. 1939-50
Greenwood A.R. 1941-65
Greenwood D.M. 1965-85
Holt C.D. 1965-77
Jones Mrs O.P. 1973-78
Large J.S. 1910-18
Lascelles M. 1906-10
Latham G. 1926-33
Lewis L.R. 1965-76
Logan R.F. 1983-
Lynex Mrs R.L. 1979-81
Mackie J.W. 1977-
Miller A.W. 1953-82
Morley G. 1917-29
McGlashan A. 1923-59
McLean R.D.D. 1906-22
McVay J. 1906-12
Nairn R.S. 1983-
Natusch R.S. 1959-
Nelson J.D. 1950-53
Nelson J.F. 1953-84
Nelson Mrs J.F. 1984-86
Ormond J.D. 1932-39
Parsons R.J. 1978-
Plummer G.A. 1977-
Randall Mrs 1906-19
Robertshawe M.W. 1965-
Rochfort Guy 1916-54
Russell J.G. 1983-
Smith C.C. 1923-39
Smith F.C. 1931-53
Steere G.E. 1988-
Swinburn H.M. 1982-
Tripe G.C. 1934-37
Tylee W.H. 1918-12
Van Asch H.W. 1988-
Vickerman Dr A.M. 1986-
Waterhouse R.W. 1925-26
Williams F.W. 1906-24
Yule B. 1972-79
Yule D. 1952-65
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Absolom Mrs J.H. 1932-1947
Adams Mr D.M. 1892-1893
Amyes Mrs M. 1943-1966
Anderson Mrs W. 1945-1965
Ashcroft Mrs P. 1919-1927
Asher Mrs 1898-1907
Baker Mrs J.G. 1971-1977
Barrett Mrs S. 1972-1978
Beamish Mrs 1892-1899
Beattie Mrs A.H. 1924-1973
Begg Mrs 1892-1899
Bell Mrs R.M. 1961-1965
Bell Mrs R.M. 1982-1984
Bennet Mrs J.C. 1916-1918
Beuth Mrs R.D. 1987-1990
Bibby Mrs 1897-1903
Bird Mrs 1916-1923
Bisson Mrs L. 1918-1930
Blair Mrs V. 1987-1990
Boaler Mrs V. 1978-1981
Brebner Mrs C.S. 1967-1977
Braithwaite Mrs 1935-1952
Brown Mrs B. 1893-1899
Brown Mrs J.I. 1971-1985
Brown Mrs J.V. 1906-1917
Cargill Mrs 1908-1910
Carter Mrs N. 1968-1977
Chittey Mrs F.R. 1968-1987
Cobb Mrs 1892-1895
Cohen Mrs 1892-1908
Coleman Mrs A.J. 1979-1982
Coleman Mrs 1902-1913
Coleman Mrs H. 1931-1953
Collison Miss 1931-1945
Connolly Miss E. 1989-1990
Cooke Mrs P. 1981-1982
Coombs Mrs J. 1972-1976
Cormack Mrs 1924-1950
Cornford Mrs 1898-1917
Craig Mr J.W. 1892-1916
Craig Mrs J.W. 1900-1929
Davis Mrs P. 1985-1990
Davenport Miss 1893-1914
de Denne Mrs M. 1986-1990
de Lisle Mrs 1898-1904
Dinwiddie Mr W. 1913-1916
Dinwiddie Mrs 1930-1958
Douglas Mrs C. 1928-1951
Duley Mrs R.L. 1965-1977
Ellingham Mrs T.S. 1965-1968
Ellis Mrs 1924-1931
Ellis Mrs H.S. 1964-1974
Fenton Mrs D. 1969-1976
Ferguson Miss 1903-1908
Ford Miss 1936-1952
Glazebrook Mrs G. 1976-1979
Glover Mrs 1892-1894
Gordon Mrs L. 1931-1932
Grainger Mrs H.E. 1939-1941
Grant Mrs M.R. 1929-1934
Greenwood Mrs D.M. 1964-1971
Griffen Mrs F.J. 1917-1932
Hannah Mrs I.M. 1956-1971
Harris Mrs B. 1981-1983
Hawkins Mrs 1918-1919
Hill Mrs H. 1892-1930
Holt Mrs E.W. 1936-1943
Holt Mrs H.R. 1950-1965
Hunter Miss 1910-1917
Jones Mrs O.P. 1971-1977
Kettle Mrs E.B. 1972-1978
Kettle Mrs F.V. 1947-1948
Kirkham Mrs W.T. 1951-1960
Laing Mrs D.S. 1913-1915
Lang Mrs 1892-1897
Large Miss 1908-1929
Lewis Miss M. 1984-1985
Locking Mrs 1898-1900
Logan Mrs R.B. 1972-1984
Lyons Mrs S. 1986-1990
Mackersey Mrs 1892-1894
Marshall Mrs T.L. 1979-1985
Mason Mrs J.H. 1966-1971
Mayne Mrs 1905-1913
Moat Mrs M. 1984-1988
Monteith Mrs J.S. 1985-1990
Moss Mrs H.R. 1949-1950
McHardy Mrs A.J. 1968-1981
McKenzie Mrs B.W. 1971-1985
McKenzie Mrs C. 1985-1986
McKenzie Mrs H.H. 1967-1984
McKenzie Mrs R.Q. 1967-1969
McLean Mrs P.S. 1906-1905
McLean Mr R.D.D. 1893-1913
McLean Mrs R.D. 1892-1913
McNaught Mrs V. 1945-1978
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McPhee Mrs D.A. 1976-1977
Nairn Mrs R.S. 1979-1990
Natusch Mrs R.S. 1965-1990
Neilson Mrs J.A. 1985-1986
Nelson Mrs B.Y. 1972-1986
Nelson Mrs J.F. 1951-1967
Nelson Mrs R.B. 1973-1983
Nelson Mrs S.O. 1985-1990
Nelson Mrs W. 1892-1913
Nichol Mrs A.J. 1987-1990
Niven Mrs T. 1984-1986
Nott Mrs C. 1965-1967
Oldham Mrs J.H. 1934-1961
Ormond Miss 1897-1905
Oxenham Mrs I. 1988-1990
Patterson Mrs 1892-1897
Plowman Mrs M.V. 1977-1978
Price Mrs J. 1936-1937
Puflett Mrs R. 1938-1939
Randall Mrs 1892-1915
Rice Mrs 1926-1931
Rochfort Mrs G. 1924-1961
Rudenklau [Ruddenklau] Mrs K. 1962-1964
Russell Mrs J.S. 1985-1990
Russell Mrs W.R. 1892-1897
Sandilands Mrs 1892-1900
Saxby Mrs 1903-1908
Semple Mrs R.J. 1979-1984
Sidey Miss 1894-1898
Single Mrs R.A. 1983-1990
Smith Mrs C.C. 1924-1931
Smith Mrs C.C. 1961-1973
Smith Mrs Lovell 1936-1937
Smith Mrs V. 1977-1980
Smith Mrs W. 1905-1913
Stacey Mrs C.R. 1966-1972
Stewart Mrs H.N. 1938-1951
Stopford Mrs 1916-1917
Stuart Mrs I. 1987-1990
Sugden Mrs P.F. 1971-1976
Sweet Mrs B.A. 1984-1990
Tanner Mr T. 1898-1913
Thomson Mrs J.C. 1939-1947
Thornton Miss 1908-1913
Tiffen Mr H.S. 1892-1895
Tripe Mrs G.C. 1939-1937
Upperton Mrs C.R. 1959-1967
Walker Mrs D.D.J. 1983-1990
Walker Mrs R.T. 1894-1898
Wallace Mrs N.P. 1948-1962
Waterworth Mrs G.E. 1932-1940
Watson Mrs M. 1983-1984
Webb Mrs A. 1980-1983
Welsman Mrs 1892-1898
Wenley Mrs 1894-1906
White Mrs W.K. 1897-1898
Whitmore Lady 1892-1913
Williams Mrs A. 1940-1964
Williams Mr F.W. 1895-1913
Williams Mrs F.W. 1897-1910
Williams Mrs J.N. 1892-1910
Williams Mrs H.L. 1963-1968
Williams Mrs L. 1945-1956
Williams Miss M.A. 1892-1926
Williams Mrs M. 1935-1959
Wilson Mrs A.H. 1904-1913
Wilson Mrs F. 1964-1973
Wilson Mrs R.A. 1900-1903
Wright Mrs D.H. 1966-1985
Wright Mrs R.C. 1923-1925
Yeo Mrs F.G. 1954-1963
Yule Mrs D. 1954-1981
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Established 1892
Registered under Charitable Trusts Act 1957
1. Name The name of the Society is Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home (hereinafter called “the Home”).
2. Registered Office The registered office of the Home shall be at such place in New Zealand as the Board of Trustees hereinafter constituted may from time to time determine.
3. Objects The objects of the Home are:
a. To establish, provide and maintain nurseries, day care centres, homes, hostels and other accommodation for the education, care and benefit of the children of Hawke’s Bay in need.
b. To do whatever may seem to the Trustees for the time being to be helpful for those children in need of physical, mental, educational and spiritual care or assistance irrespective of race, creed or religious denomination and having regard particularly to the family circumstances of such children.
c. To support and assist whether financially or otherwise by gift or loan any object for the protection, advancement, education, care or benefit of any child or children in need or to make any payment for any such object to any person or organisation provided that the Trustees shall not be concerned to trace the application of any money so paid or granted.
d. To hold the lands, personal property, securities and other assets and all property of whatsoever kind and nature held or hereafter acquired by the Trustees to further the objects of the Home.
e. To do any act, deed or thing which may be conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
4. Membership The membership of the Hawke’s Bay Children’s Home shall consist of all those persons hereinafter referred to as subscribers who have, during that year or during the last preceding financial year, contributed the sum of $1.00 or more to the funds of the Home and who have then or previously applied in writing to become a subscriber.
5. Board of Trustees
a. The Home shall be governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of fourteen persons who shall be elected by the subscribers.
b. At every Annual Meeting or any adjourned Annual Meeting of the Subscribers, every Trustee who has been appointed under Paragraph d of this Rule to fill a casual vacancy shall retire, but the Trustees so retiring shall be capable of being re-elected. At the same time, every existing vacancy on the Board of Trustees shall be filled by the election of a Trustee.
c. At every Annual Meeting of Subscribers or at any adjourned Meeting, if the number of Trustees to be elected under Paragraph b of this Rule is less than three a sufficient number of Trustees to create three vacancies in the Board of Trustees shall retire but the Trustees so retiring may be re-elected.
d. If any Trustee dies or resigns or forfeits his office, the continuing Trustees shall fill the vacancy so created in the Board by appointing as Trustee some subscriber. Every Trustee so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting of subscribers or adjourned Annual Meeting.
6. Chairman a. At every Annual Meeting of subscribers or at any adjourned Annual Meeting, the subscribers present and entitled to vote shall after electing Trustees as aforesaid elect one of the Trustees to be Chairman of the Home and the person so elected shall, unless he sooner vacates his office, hold office until the election of his successor.
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b. The Chairman shall preside at all Meetings of the Trustees or of the Subscribers at which he is present.
c. If the Chairman is absent from any Meeting or if there is no Chairman, the subscribers present and entitled to vote, in the case of a Meeting of Subscribers, or the Trustees present in the case of a Meeting of Trustees, shall elect some subscriber or Trustee as the case may require to preside at that Meeting: and the person so elected shall have the same powers at that Meeting as the Chairman would have had if he had been present.
d. At every Meeting, whether of Trustees or of Subscribers, the Chairman shall have a deliberative vote and in the case of equality of votes shall also have a casting vote.
e. If the Chairman resigns or forfeits his office or dies, the remaining Trustees shall appoint one of their number to be Chairman until the election of a Chairman at the next Annual Meeting or adjourned Annual Meeting of Subscribers.
7. Proceedings and Functions of Board
a. The Board may meet together for the despatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its Meetings and proceedings as it may think fit and may determine the quorum necessary for the transactions of its business. Unless otherwise five (5) Trustees shall be a quorum.
b. The Board shall have the entire management of the affairs of the Home and may exercise all such powers in respect of the management and control of the Home as are not by law or by these Rules declared to be exercisable only by the subscribers in general meeting.
c. The Board shall have full power to act notwithstanding that any vacancy shall not have been filled.
d. The Board shall have power from time to time to make, alter, amend and repeal by-laws for the management and conduct of the affairs of the Home and for the regulation of its own preceedings [proceedings], provided such by-laws shall not be inconsistent with these Rules.
e. The Board may delegate any of its powers or duties to a Sub-Committee or Sub-Committees and may discharge or dissolve such Sub-Committees. Any Sub-Committee so formed shall, in the exercise of its power so delegated, conform to any regulations that may from time to time be imposed on it by the Board.
8. Officers and Employees
a. The Board may from time to time appoint and remove a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other officers and employees as the Board think necessary to assist in the management of the Home.
b. The office of Treasurer may be held concurrently with that of Secretary.
c. All persons appointed under this section may be paid out of the revenue of the Home such salary, wages or other remuneration as the Board thinks fit.
9. Collectors
a. The Board may appoint such persons as they think fit for the purpose of collecting voluntary contributions and donations from the public for any purpose in connection with the Home or the general purposes thereof.
b. All money so collected shall be applied for the purposes for which it was collected and for no other purpose.
10. Auditor A member of the New Zealand Society of Accountants shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting of the subscribers and any retiring Auditor shall be eligible for re-election.
At least in every year the accounts of the Home shall be examined and the correctness thereof and of the Balance Sheet ascertained by the Auditor. In the case of death, resignation or incapacity of the Auditor so appointed, the Board shall appoint one.
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11. Bank Account All monies received by or on behalf of the Home shall be paid into an account kept at a Bank appointed by the Board and cheques drawn on such account shall be signed by any one of the following officers, namely – The Chairman or by any Trustee duly authorised in that behalf and shall be countersigned by the Treasurer.
12. General Meeting
a. The Annual General Meeting of the Subscribers shall be held no later than six months after the end of the financial year.
b. Twelve members shall form a quorum at General Meetings. Should a quorum not be present within fifteen minutes of the hour appointed, the members present may adjourn the Meeting to the same hour of the corresponding day of the following week and if that be a holiday, then to the next business day after such holiday and to the same place and if at such adjournment a quorum be not
present, those members who are present shall be a quorum and may transact the business for which the Meeting was called. One advertisement in a newspaper published in Napier prior to the day for such adjourned Meeting shall be sufficient notice thereof.
c. Voting At all General Meetings each subscriber shall have one vote; no proxies shall be allowed. The Chairman shall in the case of equal voting have a casting vote as well as a deliberative vote. If three or more subscribers at a General Meeting so demand, the voting shall be by ballot or by a show of hands, otherwise questions shall be decided on the voice. Ballot shall be conducted in such a manner as the Chairman shall decide. A declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried or not carried shall be conclusive unless a show of hands has been demanded.
d. The Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting of Subscribers at the request of the Board or of the Chairman or upon a requisition in writing signed by ten subscribers entitled to vote. In case the Secretary shall neglect or refuse to act upon such request or requisition or if he shall be absent the person or persons so requesting or requisitioning as the case may be, may issue a notice convening a Special General Meeting. Every requisition shall state the business for which the Meeting is required and no Meeting shall be called unless such business is such as may lawfully be carried into effect.
e. Seven clear days notice shall be given to subscribers of every General Meeting.
Notices of General Meetings shall state in general terms that business proposed to be submitted.
f. In case any irregularity shall occur in the convening of holding of any General Meeting or in any election or other proceedings at such Meeting and the same shall not be noticed or objected to at the time or proceedings of such Meetings shall be of the same force and validity as if no such irregularity had occured, but if any irregularity shall be noticed and objected to, the Meeting shall decide thereon and such decisions shall be final and conclusive.
g. Business not specified in the Notice calling an Annual General Meeting may be transacted by leave of the Chairman if not opposed by any member present.
13. Common Seal The Common Seal of the Home shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary and shall only be affixed by resolution of the Board and in the presence of two Trustees and the Secretary.
14. Books and Records
a. The Board shall cause Minutes to be kept of all proceedings of General Meetings of the Home and of the Board of Trustees.
b. The Board shall cause true accounts to be kept –
1. Of all sums of money received and expended by the Home and the matters in respect of which such receipts and expenditure takes place.
2. Of all assets, credits and liabilities of the Home including all Mortgages, charges and securities or any description affecting any of the property of the Home.
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c. The financial year shall begin on 1st April and end on 31st March in each year.
d. The Board shall at ail times keep a book, to be called the Subscribers Book, in which shall be entered the names and addresses of all subscribers and the amounts from time to time contributed by each, together with the dates of those contributions.
15. Alterations to Rules The Home may, from time to time, amend, alter or rescind the Rules of the Home by resolution carried by a majority of those present at the Annual General Meeting of Subscribers or at a Special General Meeting of Subscribers (of which not less than seven clear days notice in writing has been given). The notice calling the Meeting shall state the business of the Meeting and include a copy of the proposed amendment or alteration.
16. Pecuniary Gain No subscribers shall receive or obtain any pecuniary gain, except as a salaried officer from the property or operations of the Home. This section shall not apply to the salary
or honorarium of the Secretary or the Treasurer.
17. Notices Any notice required by these Rules or by any Bylaws made herewith may be given to a subscriber in writing posted to the subscriber at his last address entered in the Subscribers Register or by advertisement inserted in a daily newspaper published in Napier. Every notice so posted shall be deemed to be duly given and served in the day it is posted and every notice advertised shall be deemed to be given on the day the later of the advertisements appears.
18. Disputes Every decision of the Board on the interpretation of these Rules and of any Bylaws and of any matter which may arise and is not covered by these Rules or by any Bylaws or is alleged to be not so covered shall be final and binding.
19. Winding up of the Home Upon the winding up of the Home the assets shall, after payment of all liabilities, be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.
NAPIER, 13 JUNE 1985
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Surnames included in this book –
Absolom, Adams, Amyes, Anderson, Ashcroft, Asher, Baker, Barrett, Beamish, Beattie, Begg, Bell, Bennet, Beuth, Bibby, Bird, Bisson, Blair, Boaler, Braithwaite, Brebner, Brown, Campbell, Cargill, Carlson, Carter, Chittey, Clark, Clark, Cobb, Cohen, Coleman, Collison, Connolly, Cooke, Coombs, Cormack, Cornford, Couper-Smith, Craig ,Davenport, Davis, de Denne, de Lisle, Dinwiddie, Douglas, Duley, Edgley, Ellingham, Ellis, Fenton, Ferguson, Finch, Ford, Glazebrook, Glover, Gordon, Grainger, Grant, Greenwood, Griffen, Hannah, Harris, Hawkins, Hill, Holt, Hunter, Jones, Kettle, Kirkham, Laing, Lang, Large, Lascelles, Latham, Lewis, Locking, Logan, Lynex, Lyons, Mackersey, Mackie, Marshall, Mason, Mayne, McGlashan, McHardy, McKenzie, McLean, McNaught, McVay, Miller, Moat, Monteith, Morley, Moss, Nairn, Natusch, Neilson, Nelson, Nichol, Niven, Nott, Oldham, Ormond, Oxenham, Parsons, Patterson, Plowman, Plummer, Price, Puflett, Randall, Rice, Robertshawe, Rochfort, Ruddenklau, Russell, Sandilands, Saxby, Semple, Shaw, Sidey, Single, Smith, Stacey, Steere, Stewart, Stopford, Stuart, Sugden, Sweet, Swinburn, Tanner, Thornton, Tiffen, Tripe, Tylee, Upperton, Van Asch, Vickerman, Walker, Wallace, Waterhouse, Waterworth, Watson, Webb, Welsman, Wenley, White, Whitmore, Williams, Wilson, Wright, Yeo, Yule
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