Rules of the Tomoana Players 1955



Tomoana Players.


“Tomoana Players”

1 – Name:   The name of the Society shall be “The Tomoana Players.”

2 – Object:   The object of the Society shall be the study and production of plays, and dramatic works of all kinds, and to encourage and foster all crafts appertaining to the productions of plays.

3 – Powers:   The Society shall have the power to do all acts and things necessary to the attainment of the above object.

4 – Membership:   The membership of the Society shall consist of:-

(1)   Ordinary members who shall take no active part in the performance of plays or readings.
(2)   Active members who shall take an active part in the performance or production of plays or readings.
(3)   Honorary members who shall not be liable to pay any subscription to the Society. These members shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership except the right to vote at any meetings.

The Management Committee may elect any person as an Honorary member only in return for outstanding assistance to the Society.

(4)   Life Member who shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of membership and elected at the Annual General Meeting for the extraordinary outstanding service to the Society.

5 – Officers:   The Officers of the Society shall consist of Patron, President, Vice-Presidents, Producer, Assistant Producer, Secretary, and/or Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Business Manager, Stage Manager, and Musical Director.

6 – Management Committee shall consist of the Producer, Assistant Producer, Secretary and/or Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Business Manager, Stage Manager, Musical Director and five other Members.

7 – General: All Officers of the Society and other Members of the Management Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting, and shall hold office from the date of the irrespective elections until the election of their successor in office. They shall however be eligible for re-election.

8 – Subject to the control of any General Meeting the Management of the Society’s affairs shall be entrusted to the Management Committee which shall have and may exercise all the powers of the Society which are not hereby expressly required to be exercised by the Society in General Meeting, or as otherwise provided by the rules.

9 – The Management Committee at their first meeting after election shall appoint one of their members as Chairman for the ensuing year.

10 – Any vacancy in the Committee occuring [occurring] during the year, either among the Officers or members of the Committee, shall be filled by the Management Committee at the first available meeting.

11 – Six members of the Committee shall form a quorum.

12 – Any member or Officer of the Society may be removed from the Society by a majority of the Members of the Management Committee present at a meeting at which not less than eight members are present.

13 – The Management Committee shall have power to make regulations and by-laws dealing with all matters not provided in these rules.

14 – The Management Committee shall have power to delegate any of its powers and duties to a sub-committee, provided however that the convenor of such sub-committee shall be a member of the Management Committee.

15 – The annual subscription shall be such amount not exceeding one guinea as may be decided by the Annual General Meeting.

16 – Any member whose subscription remains unpaid shall not be entitled to vote at any meeting or election, nor to enjoy or exercise any other right or privilege of membership together with the privilege of preferential booking for any performance during the year.

17 – All cheques on the Society’s account shall be signed by the Chairman of the Management Committee and the Secretary, or other person appointed by the Management Committee from time to time. Either Officer may endorse cheques.

18 – The Annual General Meeting shall be held in the month of October of each year at a time and place to be determined by the Chairman of the Management Committee and Secretary.

19 – The financial year shall end on 30th September.

20 – The Management Committee may call a special General Meeting at any time on the notification of the Secretary. Any such meeting may also be called at the request in writing of at least six members of the Society upon stating the object of the meeting. Seven days notice will be given of such General Meeting.

21 – Ten members shall form a quorum of any General Meeting.

22 – Membership of the Society shall be open to:-
(a)   Any person employed by Nelsons (N.Z.) Ltd. or any person fully employed at Tomoana Works.
(b)   The husband or wife or any immediate member of the family as in (a) above.
(c)   Any person who has qualified by (a) or (b) above who has left their employment.
(d)   Any lady having taken part in a production automatically becomes eligible for membership.

23 – Subsidiary Officers in connection with stage, wardrobe etc. shall be elected by the Management Committee.

24 – Should the proceeds of any production donated to any worthy object the decision to which object shall be decided by the Management Committee prior to such production. From all such funds to such objects shall be deducted the whole cost of the production together with an amount not exceeding 10 per cent, of the net proceeds to be paid into the funds of the Tomoana Players.

25 – The Management Committee may make any reasonable allowance to members of the cast in productions towards the cost of costumes or properties. In the case of the Society paying the whole cost of any such costume or properties the said articles shall become the property of the Society.

26 – All properties of the Society shall be the care of the Secretary who shall see that such Properties are housed at Tomoana or at such other place as may be decided by the Management Committee.

27 – No properties shall be left in any Theatre or Hall later than three days following any performance.

28 – Properties may be hired to any Society or Company staging a performance after application for the hire of such properties has been made to the Management Committee.

29 – It shall be the duty of the Secretary to arrange for the photographing of the cast immediately after all productions or plays which have been performed publicly in any theatre.

30 – Under no circumstances can an Officer or Member of the Society claim payment for any service whatsoever rendered to the Society, Nor can the said person be offered payment for any such services by the Society.

31 – The choice of any major public production, shall be the responsibility of a sub-committee of three appointed by the Management Committee.

32 – The selection and allocation of cast for productions shall be the responsibility of the Producer and Assistant Producer.

33 – The Society shall be at liberty to arrange any entertainment, social function or competition further to those outlined in the Object of the Society to suppliment [supplement] the funds of the Tomoana Players.

34 – Two complimentary tickets shall be the due of all members of the cast of any major production.

35 – Any amendments, additions or deductions in connection with the rules of the Society can only be made at an Annual General Meeting after due notice of motion in writing has been delivered to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, and such notice of amendment advised to all members entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting at least 7 days prior to such meeting.

36 – No obscene or immoral plays, readings or sketches may be performed by the Society.

37 – In the case of the Producer being unable to fill a part in any major production from the employees of Nelsons (N.Z.) Limited the Management Committee after investigating the position thoroughly and being satisfied that such part cannot be filled from the said employees may give the Producer permission to invite an outside character. Such character first having the approval of the Management Committee.

Stickland & Bryant Ltd., Hastings

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Tomoana Players

Format of the original

Leaflet (1-8 pages)

Date published


Accession number


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