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To Wairoa They Came
To Wairoa They Came was originally intended to be a brief history for the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of Rebecca, nee Mayo, and William Brown. However, while collecting information, several family members suggested that all the descendants of the original Brown couple and Mayo couple who arrived in Wairoa in the late 1860s, be included. And so it grew… and grew… Drastic reorganisation took place and further extensive research was undertaken.
To the many relatives, who have answered our pleas for photos and information, we say a great big ‘thank you’. Without your support we would not have we would not have undertaken this work.
We thank Kathy Mayo for the Mayo ancestry chart dating back to the early 1700s, Doreen Ebbitt for her untiring research at the Auckland Public Library, Ethel Clark and Flo Hall for their enthusiasm, support and personal knowledge of the earlier generation and Blair Haynes for the use of his computer equipment.
We also wish to thank Margaret and John Swan whose extensive historical knowledge of people, events and dates in the Wairoa District has been most valued.
We hope To Wairoa They Came will stimulate other family members to research and record their individual family histories and to preserve and label family photographs for future generations.
Hopefully, To Wairoa They Came, may even for the basis of a family reunion.
Stephanie & Ivan Hughes
January 1994

Early Wairoa 9
Charles and Caroline Brown 15
George and Mary Ann Mayo 27
Living in Wairoa 1866 – 1900 39
Early Schooling in Wairoa 47
The Family of Caroline and Charles Brown 53
The Family of Mary Ann and George Mayo 57
Rebecca and William Brown and Family 65
Wedding Bells 77
Descendency Charts Preface 89
Brown Family Charts 91
Mayo Family Charts 107
Index of Family Names 154
Contact Addresses – December 1993 156
Bibliography and Resources 159
Page 9
From early historians’ journals, writings, and records, it is quite clear that the Wairoa of today bears not the slightest resemblance to the small scattered settlement of the mid-1860s. Tall stands of mature matai and kahikatea covered sandy lowlands. Flax bushes, with their broad green blades pointing skyward, thrives in vast quantities and through all of this the broad Wairoa River, the mouth of which was noted by Captain James Cook in October 1769, flowed peacefully to the sea.
Many small Maori settlements were scattered along the river banks from the Heads to Kaimango Pa at Spooner’s Point. In this fertile valley with its favourable climate the Maori lived well from the fruits of their labour. They grew crops of maize, kumara, potatoes and taro. They snared birds in the bush, killed pigs and goats that ran wild in the fern and scrub, caught eels and fish from the river and harvested kaimoana from the sea.
It was the abundance of luxurious flax that caught the eye of the European visitors as early as the 1830s and trading posts were established along the banks of the wide river. An export trade in flax soon flourished, with extensive areas from Ohuia flats to Tuhara and Whakiki, being harvested.
By the 1840s Christianity had become established in the district. Regular visits by Rev. William Williams resulted in the district’s first missionary station at the settlement of Te Uruhou, between Wairoa River and the foot of Te Uhi Hill. Here a chapel, fitted with seats, was erected. Maori teachers, trained by Williams, were the backbone of the missionary station until the appointment of resident missionary James Hamlin in December 1844. By 1849 Hamlin and his family were living comfortably in a new boarded dwelling while the new and larger chapel was under construction on eight acres of land set aside by the people.
A whaling station was set up at the Heads towards the end of the 1830s and continued through until the 1850s. An official return states that in 1847 the Wairoa station supported two boats and 18 men. However, as the whale numbers later declined in the area, the whalers drifted away to other more plentiful sites on Mahia Peninsula.
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Trade and communication with the outside world was entirely by sea or by unreliable tracks which ran mainly along beaches and over rocky headlands. Rising tides or patches of quicksand often made these journeys difficult and hazardous. It was not until 1877 that the inland route to Gisborne via Te Reinga was opened but the Napier connection was not completed until the 1890s. This southern road originally ran via Kopu Road and the Heads then by track along the coast to Mohaka. It was later reformed along the riverbank to Orere, over the hills at Wharekiri and then on to Waihua.
The sea route from Napier to Gisborne was an endless source of frustration because of the notorious river bar where many a boat fell victim to its unpredictable ways. Often the river could be closed to shipping for weeks at a time. The state of the bar was signalled by white balls hoisted on a pole. Lambert records in The Story of Old Wairoa the names of the boats, often known as the ‘mosquito fleet’, that visited the town. Cleopatra, in 1867 made a record trip from Napier in only five hours and went on up river for 15 miles. On occasions the paddle steamer, Waipara also called at Wairoa. Every effort was made to tame the river entrance and to made Wairoa a more workable port but all efforts failed.
The unbridged Wairoa River was a busy waterway. There was a ferry and numerous small local craft to keep the settlements on either side of the river in touch with each other. Each day many Maori canoes could be seen paddling up or down stream. The trading vessels used two anchorages, Spooner’s Point and Lockwood’s Point a little further up river.
Bishop Selwyn wrote of early Wairoa: ‘It is a pretty station with a beautiful river winding through an extensive plain.’
Tangaroa and Te-Atu at Wharf
Pem Mayo
Page 11
Until telegraphic communication with Napier commenced in 1874 any urgent messages were carried by military despatch riders.
‘In earlier days there were ten to twelve pas within a stone’s throw of Wairoa town site, containing several thousands of fighting men and, of course, a large number of wives and children, and not a few slaves. Nearly all the pas were on the hillsides until the Pakehas brought the deadly guns, and then the hill-forts were abandoned, and the Maoris built their homes on the flats.
‘Before the opening of the ‘seventies the town of Wairoa could scarcely be said to exist, for at that time the principal settlement on the coast was at Mohaka and the Mahia areas. Wairoa boasted three hotels, a school-house, court-house, and lock-up – the latter situated in the neighbourhood of Spooner’s Point, two or three stockades for defence against hostile Maoris and three of four stores scattered along the present-day Marine Parade, not in any form of street alignment, for the owners were ‘squatters’. A shack called the ‘survey office’ stood about the middle of what is now known as Coronation Square.
‘The site now known as Coronation Square was not very conspicuous for beauty or utility in the ‘sixties, as it was covered with dense manuka scrub, sweet-briar, toi-toi, and stunted ngaios. A deep creek, the name of which is forgotten, crossed the square at the back of the present-day courthouse. On the highest part of the ground there was situated the Wairoa Land and Survey Office a modest affair of wattle and daub. Later the site became an education reserve, and a fine public school building was erected when the drift of the population made the Kopu Road school out of bounds.
‘In 1865 the military authorities thought it was a wise policy to get ready for war. Several redoubts were build about the town – one near Murrae Street, on the the river bank commanding Te Uhi, or Kurupakiaka Pa, another on the present County Council office site, the third being near the southern approach to the old bridge. One of these was garrisoned by Imperial troops, but they were never sent into action. The other redoubts were garrisoned by the Hawkes Bay Military Settlers, and those from Taranaki.’
Pioneering Reminiscences of Old Wairoa – T Lambert
Page 12
‘It was not until the 1860s that any efforts were made to purchase land in the Wairoa Valley. The first sales of land on what was to become Wairoa took place in 1866 and though the reserve price for the quarter-acre section was only five pounds, few bids were received.
The town was set out on a plan, but only Marine Parade appears to have received much attention. Even it was reported, ten years later, as overgrown with scrub and toetoe. The town was christened Clyde and names were given to the streets commemorating great scenes and actors in the Indian Wars. Only Kopu and Apatu of the Maori chiefs were honoured by having a street named after them. The name of Clyde was never a success – Wairoa it became and Wairoa it remains.’
Wairoa Centennial Celebrations 1959
Marine Parade Wairoa
Pem Mayo
Picnic at Waerengaokuri – Inland Road to Gisborne
Gisborne Museum and Art Centre
Page 15
Charles Brown
During the winter of 1832 a third child was born to Jane and Robert Brown of Stileham, a small hamlet within the parish of Milborne St Andrew, Dorset. The baby boy was christened Charles, on 12 February 1832 at Milborne St Andrew. Robert was a labourer and already he and his wife Jane had a daughter, six year old Charlotte and a son, three year old John.
In rural England during the 1850s, living and working conditions for a labouring class were far from pleasant. Wages were meagre, overcrowding prevalent and the likelihood of permanent employment very remote. So at the age of 22 Charles enlisted, at Weymouth, with the 65th Regiment. He would now be fed and clothed, assured of a steady wage, and above all had prospects of travel and adventure. On his enlistment papers he is described as 5 foot 5 inches in height.
He was given the personal regimental number of 3323.
Excerpt from the 65th Regiment Service Book NZ Archives
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Telephone: Dorchester (0305) 250550
10th September 1993
Mrs S L Hughes
1013 Aberdeen Road
Dear Mrs Hughes,
I enclose the results of the search which you requested. The records examined were as follows:
Milborne St Andrew christenings 1825-1835
6 Aug 1826 Charlotte daughter of Robert BROWN of Milborne Stileham labourer and Jane his wife
26 Apr 1829 John son of Robert BROWN of Milborne Stileham, labourer and Jane his wife
13 Jul 1830 Charles Octavius Stanfield base born son of Elizabeth Brown of Milborne St Andrew. William Thomas Stanfield the reputed father.
12 Feb 1832 Charles son of Robert BROWN of Milborne Stileham, labourer and Jane his wife
11 August 1833 Isaac James son of Isaac BROWN of Sturminster Marshall labourer and Anne his wife
21 Oct 1833 Susannah base-born daughter of Anne BROWN of Milborne St Andrew. Henry French the reputed father
18 May 1834 Emma base born daughter of Leah BROWN of Milborne St Andrew. John New, labourer of Mappowder the reputed father
2 Aug 1835 George Henry son of Phillip BROWN of Milborne St Andrew, labourer and Grace his wife
Milborne Stileham is a hamlet within the parish of Milborne St Andrew
Thank you for your remittance of £ 7.50 in payment for this work: a receipt is enclosed.
Yours sincerely
Hugh Jaques
County Archivist
Page 17
Charles spent the first year of army life, 31 May 1854 – 22 May 1855, stationed at Weymouth. Adventure and travel came immediately to the new recruit as on 1 June – the day following his enlistment, the company commenced an eighty-two and a half mile, seven day route march from Weymouth to Wells and back. At Weymouth he served for nine months on guard duty and three months as cook, earning the nickname of ‘Cookie’, which remained with him for the rest of his life. His next posting which also lasted almost a year, was to Fort Regent, Jersey, where he again carried our the duties of cook.
From the day of his enlistment with the 65th Regiment, Charles’ pay sheets reveal that he was paid ‘one shilling per diem’. The pay sheets show that on occasions he received supplementary pay for ‘Good Conduct’. Once he was paid one penny per day for 61 days, while on another occasion, two pennies per day for 30 days.
Following the Jersey Island posting Charles was assigned to overseas service, and along with other members of the 65th Regiment, departed from London to New Zealand aboard Lancashire Witch on 17 April 1856. Lancashire Witch, a 1368 ton vessel under the command of Captain Mollison, berthed at Wellington on 20 July 1856 after sailing via Australia.
On arrival in New Zealand the 65th Regiment was sent to Taranaki to guard the land that had been purchased and to protect the surveyors at their work. As some of the Maori were not in full agreement with the land sales, feelings deteriorated and very shortly the province was at war. Charles Brown was stationed in Taranaki until the end of 1857.
Unrest was also felt in Hawkes Bay due to internal-tribal land disagreements and a request was made to the Government for Imperial Troops. On 17 March 1858, a detachment of the 65th Regiment, under Major Wyatt, arrived in Napier aboard the Wonga Wonga. Charles was part of this force of 300 men. A canvas camp was set up in the western Onepoto Gully. Timber carried from Auckland was carried by the men to the top of the hill at the southern end of Scinde Island and a barracks was erected where the Napier Hospital now stands. With the permission of the commanding officer the troops were put to work forming Shakespeare Road which was the main link between the port at the Spit and the scattered settlement on the eastern part of the hill. Charles was in Napier until the latter part of 1858 when his detachment was transported to Auckland aboard the brig Daisy, the voyage taking four days. Other detachments of the 65th Regiment gave service in Napier until 1861 when the 65th Regiment was withdrawn completely from the area and the 14th Regiment instated.
From the end of 1858 to early 1860 Charles’ paysheets show he had a term of ‘duty’ in Auckland. This would have been guard duty at Government House, Princes Street or further instructional training at nearby Albert Barracks.
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Charles was next transported to Taranaki aboard Airdale and assigned to a twelve month term at Waitara, where further dissention over land issues made life in the province difficult and precarious.
Early in the 1860s Sir George Grey requested that the road from Auckland to the Waikato River be completed to enable the fast movement of troops to the Waikato. Charles was among three hundred men of the 65th Regiment under Commanding Officer Wyatt who were stationed at Drury early in 1862. Here they were to commence road making and to proceed until they joined the 70th Regiment at Ramarama. The dense bush had to be cleared to a distance of thirty yards each side of the road mid-line which traversed numerous hills. The twenty men working parties were provided with wheelbarrows, picks, shovels and fern hooks. When a valuable outcrop of rock was found near the 65th Regiment’s camp, 1000 hammers including sledge hammers, were issued to the men with instructions that the stones were ‘to be broken to a uniform size not exceeding two inches in any direction’ and used for metalling the Great South Road.
Working hours at the site were from 8am to noon then 2pm to 5pm, except Saturday which was a half day. Owing to the distance being travelled from camp to work site, midday dinners were often cooked on ‘working ground’. No doubt ‘Cookie’ Brown was an expert in ‘camp oven cuisine and billy-tea’.
Following rumours of an attack from the Waikato Maori these three hundred men marched from Drury to Tuakau. Here they built Alexandra Redoubt, overlooking the Waikato River. Bush and scrub were cleared and a flight of 365 steps was built to the waters edge.
After a short term in Auckland and New Plymouth, Private Brown served in Meremere in late 1863 under Colonel Wyatt. It is likely he would have been present during the fall of Meremere and Rangiriri.
The beginning of 1864 saw Charles back in Auckland. Here he received further Instruction In Musketry and earned Good Shooting bonuses of one penny a day for 183 days. He was, beyond doubt, an excellent marksman with a musket.
During 1864 after the Maori King Rewi Maniapoto had made his challenge at Te Awamutu, nearly 4000 Imperial Troops were stationed in the area. Private Brown and his fellow soldiers were camped on the low lying ground to the east of the mission station while other regiments were spread around the settlement. The ground around the mission was covered with large raupo and timber huts and the camps looked like small villages. With flooding and impassable tracks, supplies of food and clothing became scarce and soldiers were often seen wearing uniforms patched with calico, oil cloth or fragments of old bags.
In August 1865, the 65th Regiment was recalled from Te Awamutu to Auckland prior to its return to England in October 1865.
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65th Regiment of Foot (York and Lancaster Regiment) est. 1758 ‘The Royal Tigers’
First arriving in New Zealand in 1846 and not returning to England until 1865, the 65th Regiment had a total of nineteen years in New Zealand and has the distinction of being the longest serving English regiment on active service in New Zealand. The 65th Regiment operated from just north of Wellington right through to Auckland with the field headquarters at Otahuhu.
Originally the men of the 65th Regiment wore the well known red coats but as these proved too conspicuous in the New Zealand bush they were replaced in 1860 with dark grey greatcoats. Dark cloth trousers, blue ‘frocks’ and a dark blue forage cap with a brass regimental number worn to the front completed the uniform. Pouch belt, waist-belt with bayonet frog, and haversack were carried and the blanket or greatcoat was folded into a long roll and slung over the left shoulder. The ‘Hickety Pips’ as they were called by the Maori, often received warning of an impending attack. They would here the call from the parapet, ‘Lie down Hickety Pip. We’re going to fire.’ Many of the soldiers of the 65th Regiment had acquired a working knowledge of the Maori language so they could frequently call and ask the Maori if there was a fighting plan for the night. Often the reply would come back, ‘Not tonight. Too wet and cold. Go to sleep. Good night ‘Hickety Pip.’ The 65th knew the Maori would keep his word so would sleep soundly knowing they would be warned of an attack.
During any temporary truce it was not unusual for Maori to meet men of the 65th when hands would be shaken and pipes and food produced.
Except for the men who chose to remain and settle in New Zealand the regiment sailed from Auckland to return to England in October 1865.
Private Charles Brown was ‘Discharged with a Gratuity’, after 11 years 101 days service, on 9 September 1865 at Otahuhu.
Charles Brown married Caroline Kippen on 17 September, 1865.
Photo caption –
St Johns Church, Te Awamutu Hughes Collection
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Caroline Kippen
According to shipping records, marriage and death records Caroline Kippen was born in England in 1840. After extensive searching the only Caroline to be found in 1840 English birth records was born on 28 February 1840 to Susan nee Bull and Joseph in Walcot, Somerset. She was registered by her mother who made her mark and the surname was recorded as Keeping.
On various other documents Caroline’s surname is spelt Kipping, Kippen and Kippon. These spellings are no doubt due, in part, to the colonial interpretation of the English dialect and, in some cases to the poorly handwritten documents.
For convenience sake the ‘Kippen’ spelling has been used as it appears most frequently in the New Zealand records. Family researchers must be constantly aware of spelling alternatives.
At the age of twenty, Caroline Kippen travelled to New Zealand with her nineteen year old sister Sarah Elizabeth, who was always known as Elizabeth. They left London on board the Avalanche on a winter’s day in February 1860 and arrived in Auckland 95 days later on 7 May 1860. The Avalanche, a vessel of 692 tons, was under the command of Captain Stott.
Family legend tells that Caroline travelled to New Zealand specifically to work for John Gorst. On her arrival in New Zealand Caroline took up the position of ‘companion maid’ to Mrs Gorst. They lived in Parnell, Auckland for about eighteen months and during this time a baby was born to Mr and Mrs Gorst.
When John Gorst (later Sir John) was sent to Te Awamutu in 1861, as magistrate and government agent, he took his household with him. He has recorded how it was a task of some difficulty. The household goods, stores, baggage and servants were sent by sailing cutter to Waiuku on the Manukau and then up the Waikato River by canoe. John Gorst, his wife and baby son travelled overland by dog cart, spring cart and horseback to Te Tomo, Otawhao where a house had been hired for them by the Government. However, the local Maori refused to accept his authority as government agent and magistrate and offered their own form of justice to the people of the area.
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Gorst was then appointed Commissioner for the Waikato, being stationed at the Mission House in Te Awamutu where he was instructed to establish a hospital and training school for Maori youth. This move from Te Tomo to Te Awamutu was much shorter and less arduous than the previous one.
Caroline was a member of the Gorst household during these times. Life in the remote and troubled settlement of Te Awamutu would have differed vastly from the life she would have known in England. Caroline’s childhood would was probably spent in central London where her father was a customs official and probably worked at Customs House, Thames Street on the banks of the River Thames.
Sir John Gorst recorded in New Zealand Revisited, that in April, 1863, Rewi Maniapoto, without consultation with other chiefs, sent the message ‘Strike the Pakeha’. Gorst, fearing for their safety, immediately sent his wife, family and household members back to Auckland.
Caroline’s children remembered being told of this flight north by canoe down the Waikato River. Caroline described the fear she had felt when they were stopped and searched by a Waikato war party and then the great sense of relief when allowed to continue on their way.
Photo caption – Mission Station, Te Awamutu Te Awamutu Museum
Page 25
The Gorst family again lived in Parnell for a short time before returning to England. Caroline chose to remain in New Zealand and after leaving Gorst’s employ, worked at Government House, Auckland, until the occasion of her marriage.
Caroline Kippen married Charles Brown on 17 September 1865.
The marriage was conducted by the Presbyterian minister Rev James Hill at his home in Auckland. The two witnesses at the ceremony were Elizabeth Kippen, Caroline’s sister and William Osmond, a soldier from the 65th Regiment.
Following their marriage Charles and Caroline sailed to Napier where Charles obtained work as a labourer. Government Land Grant 1509 shows that on 25 September 1866, Charles Brown, labourer of Napier, was granted Section 102 (36 perches) in the township of Clyde. This section is situated on the corner of Kabul Street and Clyde Road. Today the township of Clyde is known as Wairoa.
Photo caption – Government House, Auckland Hughes Collection
Page 27
George Mayo
Richmond Palace, Surrey, the home of many early English kings and queens, was almost entirely destroyed in 1649 during Cromwell’s uprising. In the reign of Charles II some repairs were undertaken and the restored buildings were ‘parcelled out in tenements’ as the Royal Family found the place ‘too bleak and cold’ for them to live in.
The Wardrobe in Old Palace Yard, and the Gateway is all that is left of Richmond Palace.
It was here, at No 8 Palace Lane, Old Palace Yard, that Rebecca and Daniel Mayo, and their four children, John, Sarah, Lucy and baby George, were living in 1841. As Daniel had recently become a coachman, the family moved from No 8, Bath Buildings, Richmond where George was born and where Daniel had been a servant.
Daniel had originally come from Chesham, Buckinghamshire where the Mayo family had lived for more than one hundred and fifty years.
By the time of George’s marriage in 1861, both George and his younger brother, William, were bakers by trade. Their father, Daniel, had become a victualler and publican and the family were no longer living at Old Palace Yard.
George Mayo married Mary Ann Clements Whur on 23 June 1861.
Speculation abounds as to the connection between the Chesham Mayos and the famous Mayo Clinic in USA. It is known that, at the age of twenty-six, William Worrall Mayo left Manchester, England, in 1845 for America. He completed his MD in 1850, and in 1883 launched the first medical group practice – The Mayo Clinic. William died 6.3.1911 at the age of 91 and it was his sons William and Charles who established the Mayo Foundation in 1915.
Research to date has not been able to find a close link between the Manchester Mayos and the Chesham Mayos.
Further in-depth research would, no doubt, set the matter to rest.
Page 29
MAYO FAMILY TREE 1709 – 1840
John Mayo
b c1709
buried 16.8.1791
Chesham Old Meeting House (Baptist)
b 5.4.1724
b c1733
b c1741
Daniel MAYO
m Ann
Chesham Bucks
b 4.9.1775
buried 9.11.1829
m 17 2 1795
Maria Coughtrey
Chesham Bucks
b 25.4.1795
b 20 8. 1796
b 19.12.1797
b 15.11.1799
b 22.10.1801
b 29.9.1803
b 17.6.1807
b 28.6.1807
Daniel MAYO
m 7.4.1833
Rebecca Jones
St Marylebone
All Saints London
b c1834
b c1836
bpt 13 4 183
George MAYO
b 10.7.1840
m 23.6.1861
Mary Ann Clements Whur
b 27 8 1841
William bpt 9 6 1843
Elizabeth tw
b 12.12.1811
Zechariah tw/d
b 25.10.1813
b 18.8.1817
b 8.9.1778
b 8.3.1782
b 5. 11. 1784
b 19.3.1788
Compiled by K H Mayo
31 8 1989
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Mary Ann Clements Whur
Benjamin and Ann Whur lived in High Street, NottingHill, Kensington when Mary Ann Clements Whur was born on 27 August 1841. Benjamin held a position in Kensington as a gardener.
There were other children in the family and some bore their mothers maiden name, Clements, as one of their Christian names. Mary Ann had a younger sister Rebecca Clements Whur who was born at Paddington in 1844. There was also a brother Ernest, who came to New Zealand. Ernest’s son Ernie and daughter Kit lived for some years in Wairoa.
By the time of his daughters marriage, Benjamin Whur was a florist and the family was living at No 3 Chepstow Place, Kensington.
Mary Ann Clements Whur married George Mayo on 23 June 1861.
The marriage was solemnized at the Kensington Parish Church after the banns had been read for three consecutive Sundays. The two witnesses to the marriage were Mary Ann’s parents.
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George & Mary Ann
The following year, on 19 April 1862, a baby daughter, Ada Clements Mayo, was born to MaryAnn and George. A son, George Frederick, was born 29 January 1864.
At this time the New Zealand Government was recruiting men to form special military units in New Zealand to help curb unrest due to land disagreements. Terms of enlistment stated that upon the fulfilment of certain obligations, each militiaman would have the right to be granted one town section and fifty acres of farm land. The terms also stipulated that even after discharge from the army these military settlers had to be prepared to be called up at a moment’s notice.
It was also made clear to the enlisted men that they were to be primarily soldiers and secondly settlers.
The militiamen were to:
undergo military training,
erect stockades in townships,
serve in the field until discharged,
take up the land allotted to them,
and remain on their land for three years.
George Mayo joined No 9 Company of the Hawke’s Bay Militia on 17 April 1864. Later that year he was the one of the first 20 recruits to be sent to Hawke’s Bay, NZ, under the charge of Sgt Major James Smyth.
Mary Ann, and her small daughter Ada and baby son George, and accompanied by her brother-in-law William Mayo, left London on 5 February 1865 on board the Shaw Saville Co. Berar. The 902 ton ship was under the command of Capt Hall. They arrived in Wellington after an ‘uneventful passage of 93 days’ then berthed in Napier, HB, on 10 May 1865.
The cost of passage for Mary Ann was seventeen pounds while for Ada it was ten pounds. For baby George there was no charge. George Mayo was listed as the applicant for immigration for his wife and family while James Frazer of the Hawke’s Bay Militia was named as surety.
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The fare for William, George’s 20 year old brother, was eighteen pounds. On arrival in Napier, William joined the Hawke’s Bay Military Settlers. He was sent with the second draft to Waiapu, East Coast and took part in the engagement at Pukemaire and several other skirmishes on the East Coast. During this time he completed his three years of service with the HB Military Settlers and gained the NZ Medal. Soon after William married Louisa Smith and took up the licence of the Empire Hotel in Napier which he held for eighteen years. He then joined the Herald before taking over the management of Lake House, Waikaremoana. Before retirement he was Master of Park Island Old Peoples Home. William and Louisa Mayo had two sons and four daughters. William died 9 March 1912.
In April 1865, thirteen volunteers from the HB Military Settlers were sent from Napier to Wairoa to build a stockade on the right bank of the river.
‘The structure was hectagonal in shape, and composed of totara 8 inches square, almost like piles, placed on end, and, of course, ball-proof. It had a loft about eight feet from the ground, the whole enclosure being double-looped all round in both stories, to enable the defenders, or any refugees it might contain, to fire in any direction upon attacking party. The dimensions of this ‘city of refuge’ were about 26 feet in diameter, and it was capable of holding 100 men. In the centre there was stored a stock of 70 kegs of ammunition, each holding 700 rounds. When this blockhouse was built, a detachment of 20 Military Settlers, under Sgt Taylor and Cpl Watson, was sent here to man it.’
The Story of Old Wairoa – T Lambert
Later during a Mohaka raid further Military Settlers were called to man the redoubt in Wairoa but fortunately no attack was forthcoming.
Early in October 1866, the full HB Militia were called out for active service. At Petane the rebel Hau Hau reinforcements, who were coming down the Esk River to join Panapa, were intercepted and successfully driven back. On the same day, six miles from Napier, at Omaranui, Puketapu, the militia defeated Panapa with the loss of two soldiers. Panapa and twenty of his men were killed in the battle.
In 1866, while living in Napier, a second son, William was born to Mary Ann and George Mayo.
When circumstances permitted, the wives of the militiaman often accompanied their menfolk. A newspaper article of 1937 reported that the Mayos had been living within half a mile of the Wilsons’ home at Matawhero in November 1868 during the Poverty Bay Massacre. Research has been unable to verify that the Mayos were living in Poverty Bay at this time but George may have been called to the area in one of the reinforcement parties and these men were never individually listed.
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On another occasion, while at Marumaru, George was called away for service leaving Mary Ann alone with the children. Luckily Mary Ann was persuaded by friendly Maori to join them in their flight to Wairoa by canoe as an attack was imminent. The escape was timely as the Mayo house was razed to the ground.
Often, at times like this, valuables and money would be buried in the garden for safe keeping. This proved fortunate, as on their return Mary Ann was able to retrieve their precious belongings which would otherwise be lost along with the home.
George served for three years with No. 9 Company during which time he saw service in the Hawke’s Bay, Poverty Bay and Wairoa districts. As George had fulfilled the conditions of his enlistment he was granted his land on 1 May 1867. He received Section 40, Wairoa Military Settlement – being fifty acres on the riverbank at Marumaru, and Section 102 Frasertown – being one acre in Grey Street.
On 17 October 1878 George was granted a further two hundred acres being Block 4 in Opoiti (Marumaru) Survey District.
The New Zealand Militia was disbanded on 22 October 1867.
George, Mary Ann and their family of three settled at Frasertown on their one acre section and George ran his carting business from here.
By 1872 George had sold the land at Frasertown.
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LIVING IN WAIROA 1866 – 1900
It is recorded in Old Wairoa by T Lambert p. 498, that Charles Brown and George Mayo were signatories to a letter of appreciation, dated 11 November 1868, to Captain Tuke for his services to the district. Interestingly enough other signatories were J M Boyd, who has connections with the Rebecca Mayo/William Brown family, R Gardener, who has connections with the John Mayo family and John Watson, who was married to Elizabeth Kippen, Caroline Brown’s sister.
Due to the unrest caused by Te Kooti being in the district in October 1868, the local militia were called out by Major Lambert. By the end of November circumstances had deteriorated to such an extent that members of the Wairoa Rifle Volunteers, the Napier Volunteers and the HB Yeomanry Calvary were also called in as reinforcements. This meant that all 80 local militiamen and every other able-bodied man was under arms. All settlers were ordered to take refuge each night in the redoubt situated on the site of the present council buildings in Queens Street. The redoubt measured 100 feet square and was composed of earthworks with flanking bastions at each corner. At the redoubt all civilians had to take their turn at sentry duty and every night guards were posted and pickets patrolled the outskirts. This redoubt could hold up to 300 people.
In later years Mary Ann Mayo intrigued her grandchildren with stories of the periods of unrest and how she had taken her children to the security of the redoubt. Caroline Brown, on the other hand, recounted that she had taken her babies to the Heads during some of the alerts.
On his arrival in Wairoa, Charles Brown joined the Wairoa Volunteer Rifles and served with this group until it was disbanded in 1870. Charles had been granted a gratuity when he left the Imperial Forces, and as he had no formal trade or profession, spent the rest of his working life as a casual labourer or gardener.
Although Charles had been granted a section on the corner of Kabul Street and Clyde Road, no record can be found that the Brown family actually lived there. Along with many other records, the early Wairoa Township records were destroyed in the 1931 Napier earthquake. Perhaps Charles sold his section for five pounds, which was the standard price for a quarter acre section in Wairoa in the late 1860s.
Page 40
Caroline and Charles Brown were settled in Wairoa by the time their first child Caroline Mary was born in 1866. Their home in Queen Street was near the present St Andrews Presbyterian Church. A second daughter Annette Elizabeth was born in 1868. Two further children joined the Brown household; George William in 1872 followed by Henry William in 1875.
Sarah Elizabeth Kippen married William Watson, a labourer of Clyde on 13 June, 1868. The marriage took place at the Queens Street residence of her brother-in-law, Charles Brown.
Elizabeth had been living in the Wairoa district since 1866.
On 26 February, 1870, Elizabeth gave birth to a stillborn son. Sadly she died on the 20 March, 1870. She is buried in an unmarked grave in the Wairoa Cemetery.
Photo caption – Charles Brown in front of Queen Street home Zelda Taylor
Page 43
George Mayo had taken up his land grants and along with his wife Mary Ann and their three children Ada, George and William, was living in the Wairoa district by 1869 when their fourth child Benjamin was born. Further children followed; John 1871, Daniel ‘Artie’ 1874, Rebecca ‘Dick’ 1876, Ernest 1878, Harold 1880, Ethel 1884, Daisy 1886.
In 1872 George sold his one acre section at Frasertown to Mr Shaw and the Mayo family and moved to a twelve and three-quarter acre smallholding at Orere, Mitchell Road. At some stage George had swapped 200 acres at Marumaru with Mr Fletcher for land at Mitchell Road.
He retained the 50 acre Wairoa Military Settlement section until 1878 when he sold it to Mr Peddie for one hundred and sixty-two pounds ten shillings.
George later leased, from the Reverend Samuel Williams of Te Aute, a further seven acres in Mitchell Road for a period of 21 years from 1 January 1878.
He therefore, consolidated at Orere from where he ran his various business ventures.
In 1882 the Orere property was valued at seven hundred pounds.
A large home was built at Orere. An excellent home orchard adjoining the extensive vegetable and flower gardens surrounding the house.
Two separate reports in Napier’s Daily Telegraph in 1884 stated that …
‘… at G Mayo’s farm property at Orere, Wairoa, there is an orange tree bearing fruit of superior quality.’
And later, in December of the same year …
‘Beekeeping is attracting a little attention here, and seeing the splendid climate we have, it is a wonder more attention is not paid to this industry. Mr George Mayo of Orere, who has but one ‘Langstroth hive’ and any number on the gin case beesmothering principle, showed me the other day some sections of clover honey and the quality, colour etc. could not be beaten anywhere.’
Mayo Home, Orere, Mitchell Road Ralph Shaw
Page 44
George featured prominently in the local community as he was, at various times, a carrier supplying metal for many of the district’s roads, the poundkeeper, an auctioneer, a stock and commission agent, a house and land estate agent and a shipping agent, for SS Mohaka. There was also Mayo’s Hall on Marine Parade. He owned the station ‘Young Papapa”, formerly the winner of the Canterbury Derby.
Advertisements from the Wairoa Free Press 12 Sept. 1877 & 12 Mar. 1879
The church played a large part in the lives of the two families. The Mayo family attended St Andrews Presbyterian Church while the Brown family attended St Pauls Anglican Church. Family involvement was paramount and entertainment in the form of evening concerts, garden fetes and parties, and picnics in the country when Te Reinga, Waikokopu, and Marumaru were often visited.
Of course all the children attended their respective Sunday schools.
Page 47
The school was a wooden building in the early 1870s. It was situated in Kopu Road, half-way between Grey Street and Spooner’s Point. There is no doubt that some of the Mayo children, and maybe the older Brown children, attended at this locality.
The headmistress from 1871 was Mrs Gosnell a self-trained teacher, who taught at the Wairoa School for eighteen years. Her husband Joseph, who had been a sergeant in the 65th Regiment, was the local constable but resigned his position in the police force to become an unpaid assistant at the school.
As the settlement developed westward the school site at Kopu Road became ‘inconvenient’, and the school committee decided to move the school to the site of today’s Coronation Square.
‘Money to shift the school was raised by a series of social engagements over the winter months. Repairs to the school, and alterations to meet current needs took a considerable time. During this period Mrs Gosnell taught the children in her own cottage so that their education would suffer no interruption.
‘The school grounds suffered badly in the winter rains, and the buildings themselves seemed to be in constant need of repair. Gravel had to be brought several miles from the beach to spread in front of the doors to keep the mud down. The records tell of leaking roofs, rain-sodden grounds, draughty schoolrooms; of the struggle to keep the school warm in the winter; of diptheria and typhoid epidemics; and of the constant struggle to get the Maori to attend regularly.
‘Actually, this move proved a mistake. It brought the school next door to the courthouse, and as the number of pupils increased, the noise from their playground presented a big problem for the magistrate. Court business at times had to cease during school recess.’
Wairoa School Centennial Booklet 1956
Page 48
Wairoa School 1880 Teacher Frederick Hird Wairoa Museum/John Swain
Top Row: Bella Lambert Selina Flint Harriet Taylor Eliza Gray Kate Crozier
Middle Row: Mary Ann Saunders Nellie Crozier Emma Duckett Caroline Winter William Saunders Mary Gray Mary McGowan William Black
Bottom Row: M…Power Caroline … William Brown
Wairoa School 1880 Teacher: Joseph Gosnell Wairoa Museum/John Swan
Top Row: …Finucane Lily Lambert Emma Beere Andrew Black Eliza Jane
Bottom Row: George Taylor Luke Flint … Rickards John Mayo Robert Smyth Caroline Jane
Page 49
Wairoa School 1880 Wairoa Museum/John Swan
Teacher: Mr Joseph Gosnell, School Drillmaster, Sgt 65th Regiment
Top Row: Thomas Taylor Frederick Peakman W John Taylor Brian Finucane Benjamin Mayo
Bottom Row: Lucy Duckett Minnie Anderson Maria Gosenell [Gosnell] Florence Gosnell Ellen Beattie Annette Brown Annie Winter
Wairoa School 1880 Teacher: Louisa Gosnell Wairoa Museum/John Swan
Top Row: George Davies George Mayo Charles Hird James Beere Harry Andrews William Mayo
Bottom Row: Harry Gosnell Alan Taylor … Sargent Bella Findlayson Gloriana Findlayson.
Page 50
In 1878 George Mayo was a member of the school committee along with William Shaw, the future father-in-law of Ada Mayo. George was also a member of the 1887 school committee.
Log books at Wairoa School make interesting reading. From them the following excerpts give an insight into the school life of the Brown and Mayo families during the 1880s.
‘In 1886 there were 130 pupils on the roll and French was being taught to Standard 5 students.’
‘For some days in December 1886, only half the amount of pupils were present owing to the vast amount of haymaking being carried out in the district.’
‘The end of the year concert in 1886 had to be held in the classroom as there been no ‘satisfactory’ reply regarding the hiring of Mayo’s Hall, Marine Parade. However in January 1887, an auction sale for school funds was held at Mayo’s Hall.’
‘April 12, 1887. Rebecca Mayo has left school to go to Sargisons.’
‘In June 1887. A football was purchased at a cost of one pound five shillings and nine pence. Three enamelled mugs were purchased as the tin pannikins seemed to last but such a short time.’
‘August 1887. The caretaker had no wood for the fires.’
1887 ‘The school sewing for examination missed the steamer to Napier as the steamer left at 4am.’
‘The November examination commenced at 9am and went through to 6.30pm with no interval. Pupils and teachers were exhausted.’
‘August 31, 1888. Storm and gale. Only 12 present from the roll of 104.’
During late 1888. A full days holiday was granted to the school children to celebrate the opening of the Wairoa Bridge.’
‘Friday March 22, 1889. A boy named Ernest Mayo lost his hat from the school this afternoon. No doubt it has been hidden as a joke.’
Page 51
‘Wednesday March 26, 1889. Ernest Mayo’s hat retrieved.’
‘July 1889. Unusual incidence – a child received corporal punishment.’
‘February 5, 1890. Race Day. Only 50 children at school. Treated as a general holiday.’
‘July 1890. Mr Mayo appointed to visiting committee.’
‘August 25, 1890. Mrs Gosnell died. School closed for one week.’
‘1896. Mr Mayo [Ernest] was a trainee teacher.’
Ernest at first Morere Bathhouse – early 1900s David Hughes
Page 53
Caroline Mary Brown was 21 years when she married George Ebbitt in 1887. They had nine children and lived at 54 Queen Street, Wairoa, next to St Peters Church.
Annette Elizabeth Brown was 24 years when she married Henry ‘Harry’ Brown in 1892. He was the son of Henry Melville Brown, a blacksmith, and was no relation to the Charles Brown family. Annette and Harry had nine children, including a set of twins, and lived next to Harry’s blacksmith shop on the corner of Paul and Queen Streets, Wairoa.
George William Brown was 33 years when he married, in 1905. Kate Nickalls, nee Carswell, was a widow with five children. Twins were born to this marriage. The family lived at 94 Queens Street, Wairoa, two houses from Caroline and Charles Brown. George worked at Winters’ Drapery Shop.
Henry William ‘Will’ Brown was 25 years when he married Rebecca ‘Dick Mayo in 1900. At the time of the marriage William was a blacksmith in partnership with his brother-in-law Harry Brown. William and Rebecca had eight children including a set of twins. The family lived at North Clyde, Wairoa.
Page 54
It is with regret we have to announce the death of another old pioneer settler of Wairoa. We refer to Mr C. Brown, who was found dead in his bed early this morning. The deceased, who was in his 85th year, was about yesterday in his usual health, and retired showing no sign of any heart trouble, but he appears to have passed away in his sleep. The local authorities communicated with Mr. Barton, coroner, who considered there was no need for an inquest, a medical man prepared to issue a death certificate.
The deceased was born in Melbourne, Cambridge, England. He joined the 65th Regiment in early manhood, and served in that corps 11 years 161 days, part of that time in Jersey. He removed to New Zealand, receiving his discharge in Auckland, with an excellent character, being at that time in possession of three good conduct stripes. After marrying in Auckland he came to Napier in 1864, and to Wairoa in 1865. He was several times in action against the rebel natives on the West Coast, and was awarded the New Zealand war medal. During the East Coast war of 1865-70 he served in the Wairoa Volunteer Rifles, and was a British military veteran pensioner. He was a kindly inoffensive man, without an enemy, liked by everyone who knew him – and there were few people in Wairoa who did not know ‘old Charlie Brown’ as he was familiarly called. His figure will be missed off Marine Parade by a very large number of people.
The deceased’s wife predeceased him a few years ago, but he leaves two sons and two daughters – all occupying respectable positions in the town – besides a large number of grandchildren.
An effort is to be made to have all the veterans represented at the funeral.
Wairoa Guardian 2.9.1914
NB Obituary notices frequently contain incorrect information as they are usually written under stress with no verification of facts.
Charles Brown’s records show;
he was born in Milborne, Dorset, not Melbourne, Cambridge,
he served 11 years 101 days not 11 years 161 days, and
he married and came to Napier in 1865 not 1864,
he was in his 83rd years when he died – see p. 16.
Page 55
BROWN At her late residence Queen Street on May 3, 1912 Caroline, wife of Charles Brown in Wairoa, aged 72 years. The funeral will leave the late residence at 2pm on Sunday 5th inst.
Wairoa Guardian
BROWN At his residence Queens Street on September 2 1914 Charles Brown in his 85th year. The funeral will leave the late residence of the deceased at 2pm tomorrow, Thursday.
Wairoa Guardian
Inscription reads:
Loving Memory
Died May 3. 1912
Aged 72 years
Died Sept. 2. 1914
Aged 84 years
Gone But Not Forgotten
Photo caption – Wairoa Cemetery Hughes Collection
Page 57
Ada Clements Mayo was 17 years when she married William Forster Shaw, a commission agent, at her parents’ home, Orere, Wairoa in 1879. She had fifteen children of which four died in infancy. They lived in Lucknow Street in Wairoa.
George Frederick Mayo was 23 years when he married Eliza Alice ‘Tottie’ Stevens in1887. He was a carrier. They lived most of their married life in Palmerston North and had fourteen children.
William Mayo was 21 years when he married Mary Ann ‘Polly’ Stevens, a sister to Tottie. They had eight children. At the time of his marriage William was working as a carrier in Wairoa for his father. He became a printer in Woodville. For a period he was superintendant of St Pauls’ Sunday School, Wairoa.
Benjamin Mayo married Mary O’Brien in 1903. They lived on their farm at Turiroa where their eleven children were raised. He also ran a butcher shop in Wairoa. Ethel Clark, Ben’s daughter, was presented to Queen Elizabeth ΙΙ during the Royal Visit to Wairoa.
John Mayo married Mary Louisa ‘Polly’ Gardiner in 1892. They had eight children. For a short time he farmed at Stratford before returning to Wairoa where he was a saddler and harness maker. John was on the Wairoa council, the power board and the school committee. He was a member and chairman of the harbour board during the attempted port development at Waikokopu. He served a term as Mayor of Wairoa.
Daniel Arthur ‘Artie’ Mayo married Kate Dolores Atward at St Andrews Church, Wairoa in 1905 when he was 31 years. They settled at Nuhaka where he was a saddler and official interpreter for the Maori Land Court. Kate died during the birth of their third child, Caroline ‘Dolly’ who was adopted by Mr and Mrs McIntyre.
Page 58
Rebecca ‘Dick’ Mayo married William ‘Will’ Henry Brown, a blacksmith, at St Andrews Church, Wairoa in 1900 when she was 24 years. The couple had eight children, including a set of twins, and the family settled at North Clyde, Wairoa.
Ernest Mayo, a school teacher, married Ethel Woodham in 1909 when he was 31 years. He taught at Wairoa, Morere, Portland Island and in the Woodville district before settling in Auckland, where, like his father, he kept bees. They had one son.
Harold Mayo married Ellen ‘Nell’ Pemberton in 1909. Before his marriage he worked as a carrier and a storeman in Wairoa. He then moved to Foxhill, Nelson, where he had an orchard. Later after moving to Hastings, Harold worked for NZ Railways. There were three children in this family.
Ethel Mayo was 23 years when she married William Bodley, a saddler of Petane, at her parents’ place on the Marine Parade, Wairoa 1908. Most of their married life was spent in Auckland. They had three children.
Daisy Mayo was 22 years in 1909 when she married John Riddell, a saddler of Frasertown. The wedding was held at her parents’ residence in Wairoa. They had three children and lived most of their married life in Auckland.
Edna (nee Shaw) McGregor with her baby Hector
Mary Ann Mayo Ada (nee Mayo) Shaw
Pem Mayo
Page 62
We regret to have to announce the death of another of the old pioneers in the person of George Mayo, aged 74, which occurred at 5 o’clock last evening. His death was not unexpected, as he had been a very low condition for several months, and for a few weeks scarcely conscious of those around him. Deceased joined No. 9 Company of the Hawke’s Bay Militia (better known at the Military Settlers) on the 17 April fifty years ago. He was one of the first 20 recruits despatched to Hawke’s Bay in charge of Sergeant-Major Smyth. A year afterwards he was joined by his wife and two children – Mr G.F. Mayo now of Palmerston N., and Mrs W.F. Shaw, of this town.
The deceased served his full term and then settled in Marumaru. He was never under fire, and so was not awarded the New Zealand medal, but this was not in any way due to lack of pluck, as married men were generally kept out of fire, as he was employed on transport duty as he was in addition a light weight and a most fearless rider, the duties calling for not only endurance but pluck also. In later years he was a member of nearly all local bodies, including the Town Board, Licensing Bench, School Committee and Harbour Board. He was a prominent Elder of the Presbyterian Church, and a Freemason, and a member of the A.O.F., being one of the first three founders of the Court. He leaves behind him a large number of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to the number of over eighty, and will be greatly missed in the community, in which he was held in high respect.
The funeral will take place at 2.30 tomorrow afternoon.
Wairoa Guardian 7.8.1914
MAYO At her residence Lucknow Street Wairoa on Saturday, September 21, 1912, Mary Ann, beloved wife of George Mayo in her 72nd year.
Wairoa Guardian
MAYO At his residence Lucknow Street on August 6, 1914, George Mayo, aged 74 years
The funeral will leave his residence at 2.30pm on Saturday August 8th, for the Wairoa Cemetery.
Wairoa Guardian
Page 63
Inscription reads:
Loving Memory
Beloved Wife of George Mayo
Who Departed This Life
21st September 1912
Aged 72 years
Who Died Feb 18, 1915
Aged 75 years
At Rest
God Knowest Best
What We Call Death in Heavenly Rest
Beyond Cares Breath on Jesus Breast
NB George Mayo’s death certificate states he died on the 6 August, 1914 aged 74 years
Photo caption – Wairoa CemeteryHughes Collection
Page 65
Henry William Brown, blacksmith of Mohaka, married Rebecca Mayo of Wairoa, on the 9th day of May 1900, at St Andrews Church, Wairoa. The witnesses were Rebecca’s brother, Ernest and her sister Ethel.
William Brown was living in Mohaka at the the time of his marriage. Two advertisements from Wairoa Guardian dated 9 January 1900 read;
We the undersigned, desire to inform the public of Wairoa and district that we have entered into partnership as from the 1 January 1900 and will carry on business as Blacksmiths and Wheelwrights at North Clyde, Wairoa and Mohaka under style and name of Brown Bros.
signed H W Brown
H Brown 1 January 1900
Messrs H W Brown and H Brown Blacksmiths of Wairoa, have entered into partnership as from the 1 January 1900 and will carry on business at North Clyde, Wairoa and Mohaka under style and name of Brown Bros. The Mohaka Branch, we may mention, will be opened permanently from this date.
In 1892 when Annette Brown married Henry Brown, there was some confusion between the brothers-in-law’s names. As Henry William had been christened with two names it was decided that from then on he would be known as ‘Will’.
Rebecca already had the name ‘Dick’ as her five older brothers could never get used to a girl’s name. So the couple were known to their families as Will and Dick.
Page 67
A year after Rebecca and William’s marriage Ernest Langley known as ‘Manny’, was born. Avis followed in 14 months. Doris or ‘Dot’, as she was known to the family, was born at the beginning of 1905 and Hazel arrived eighteen months later. In May of 1908 Myrtle arrived and she was followed fourteen months after by Gwladys. Five years on, in 1914, the twins Myra and Henry William were born.
Shortly after their marriage William and Rebecca moved to North Clyde where they lived in a small house in Bridge Street. As the family increased in number they moved around the corner to a larger home in what was then called First Street but is now known as Hunter Brown Street. The house was halfway between Bridge and Freyberg Streets.
Photo captions –
Rebecca, Langley and Avis Hughes Collection
Traffic Bridge Clyde, Wairoa Wairoa Museum/John Swan
Page 68
The following advertisements appeared in the Wairoa Guardian showing that the Brown Bros. Partnership had been dissolved.
H W Brown, proprietor of old established North Clyde Blacksmith desires to thank his numerous patrons in town and country.
Wairoa Guardian 10 December 1909
Mr H W Brown, Blacksmith North Clyde, has just installed a Buffalo Blower, the first in the district, which does away with the old time bellows and therefore turns out work much more quickly than previously.
Wairoa Guardian 9 January 1910
William’s blacksmith shop was in North Clyde on the river bank, adjacent to the eastern side of the old Wairoa Bridge site, and diagonally opposite the Ferry Hotel. The bridge, opened in 1888, was the first to span the wide river. It was made entirely of timber, principally heart totara, with the exception of the cylinders which were of steel filled with concrete. As the river was navigable as far upstream as Frasertown, the bridge was fitted with a drawbridge. For a time, William was in charge of raising and lowering this drawbridge to allow boats to travel through. One and a half hours prior notice was needed to activate the raising mechanism.
Photo caption –
Henry William Brown’s Blacksmith Shop Zelda Taylor
Page 69
Also for a short time in 1898, he had the lease for the operation of the toll gate on the Wairoa Bridge. The lease was for six hundred and ninty-one pounds per annum.
Toll levies were:
Foot passengers 3d; Children under 12, 1d; Horseman 9d; Vehicle, horse and driver 1/6; Additional Horse 6d; Occupants of vehicle 3d;
Sheep hapenny/head first 500, then farthing/head for remainder.
The toll scheme had been implemented to help pay for the bridge and its upkeep. It was a payable proposition which would have continued longer had it not been for some astute person who found a flaw in the law whereby the toll could be avoided.
Photo captions –
Fire at HW Brown’s Shop Wairoa Museum/J Swan
Panorama showing site of Blacksmith Shop and Bridge Wairoa Museum/J Swan
Page 70
Langley and Avis started school together on 23 October 1907, when Langley was six and a half and Avis was just over five. Sadly, nine months later, Langley was kicked on the head while playing leapfrog on his way home from school. He fell unconscious and died several days later. Little Avis was so upset that she was kept home from school for the remainder of the year.
August 1909 saw the total destruction of the school. There had been a crack in the chimney and the fire had spread rapidly through the entire wooden building. The children were given a fortnight’s holiday with school resuming in the Presbyterian and Anglican schoolrooms. Infant classes were held at Storey’s Hall. On the 17 November 1910, a new school was opened on a new site on the corner of Mitchell Road and Black Street, where Wairoa College now stands, and a school picnic was held at Marumaru to celebrate the event.
During May of 1914, twelve year old Avis stayed home from school to help in the house as on the 15th of the month, twins Myra and Henry William were born. The second day after the birth Avis ran to her mother saying that little Henry William was, ‘asleep in the crib but a funny colour’. On investigation the adults found that the baby boy was dead. This was a sad blow for Rebecca and William for they had now lost both sons. However they still had their six daughters:
Avis 12 years, Dot 9 years 6 months, Hazel 8 years, Myrle 6 years, Gwladys 5 years, and baby Myra.
William Hazel Avis Doris Rebecca
Myrle Myra Gwladys
Hughes Collection
Page 71
The year 1914 saw the commencement of World War І and this was a trying period for many Wairoa people who had young men on service overseas. The Brown girls had a number of Brown and Mayo cousins fighting overseas and several did not return.
Patriotic fund raising, in the form of school operettas and concerts, fancy dress parties and such events as ‘The Christmas Pudding and Cake Fund’ occupied most of their time. An operetta, ‘Princess of Poppyford’ was performed three times by the school children in aid of the Wounded Soldiers’ Fund, and, as noted in the school log, ‘The country of France was performed by Myrle Brown’.
About this time William served a term on the Wairoa Borough Council.
The Brown girls walked to St Andrews Presbyterian Sunday School Church with their mother on Sunday mornings. Afterwards they usually called to see Granny Brown who lived who lived very close to St Andrews Church in Queen Street. Granny would always have a glass of homemade lemonade waiting for each of them.
The girls often went to St Pauls Anglican Church for evening service where their father was a vestryman. The girls enjoyed going to the service, as it meant a ride in the gig across the Wairoa Bridge in the dark.
St Andrews Presbyterian Church, Wairoa
Hughes Collection
St Peters Anglican Church, Wairoa
Wairoa Museum/J Swan
Page 72
The latter part of 1918 saw the great ‘flu epidemic of the world sweep New Zealand and many Wairoa folk fell victim to it.
On the 4 December 1918, Rebecca succumbed to its clutches leaving William to cope with the six girls, who by this time ranged in age from Avis, not quite sixteen, to little Myra who was four and a half.
After 4 December 1918, William’s sisters-in-law rallied around to help with family meals, washing and ironing. For a time the younger Brown girls were sent to stay with various Mayo aunts. The family continued to stay in Hunter Brown Street. Avis had left school in September 1916, and had been working at the Wairoa Guardian paper office and bookshop. She left her job to run the house and care for her father and sisters.
In 1919 Dot left school to help Avis in the house.
Excerpts from the school’s log books of this period give an insight into some ‘important events’ in the lives of the Brown girls in Wairoa.
21 July 1919 Peace Celebrations
1920 School closed half day so that pupils could see the educational film – ‘The Land We Live In’
1 December 1920 Proficiency Examination awarded to Hazel Brown
Photo caption –
Myrle Hazel Doris
Gwladys Avis Myra
Hughes Collection
Page 73
14 February 1921 Secondary Department, Wairoa District School formally opened
April 1921 Myrle Brown member of Junior Committee in charge of school cleaning.
November 1921 School stage play ‘Merchant of Venice’
December 1921 Proficiency Examination awarded to Myrle Brown
11 May 1922 Parents’ Day – first in history of school – favourably received by all – sport and learning skills on display – afternoon tea ‘dispensed’ by senior girls
13 May 1922 Successful’ expedition’ to Marumaru Caves
June 1922 Hot cocoa supplied for the first time – ‘this innovation was popular with the children’
April 1923 School rail excursion to Waikokopu and Opoutama
18 August 1924 Iodine tablets administered to all children
1927 Myra Brown awarded Proficiency Examination
Myra Avis Myrle Doris
Hazel Gwladys
Hughes Collection
Page 74
As the girls grew up and became more independant:
Avis returned to her former job with Tommy Lambert,
Dot obtained employment at Andresson’s Drapery,
Hazel began her nursing career at Cook Hospital, Gisborne,
Myrle worked for the Joblin family at Morere,
Gwladys found a position with the Black family on their station at Nuhaka,
Myra, stayed with Avis in Wairoa for a time before moving to live in Hawkes Bay. It was just prior to her eighteen birthday that she died. She was buried in Park Island Cemetery, Napier.
Avis Hughes Collection
Doris Alison Crompton
Page 76
Following Rebecca’s sudden death in 1918, life was never quite the same for William who struggled on. For a period of time he has honorary caretaker of the Wairoa Bowling Club but his health deteriorated. His remaining years were spent in Porirua Hospital where he died of a brain tumour on 22 April 1933, at the age of fifty-eight years.
Mr W H Brown
The death occurred in hospital in Wellington on Saturday 22 April 1933, of Mr W H Brown an ex-Wairoa resident. Ever since the death of his wife a number of years ago, Mr Brown had been in poor health, and his demise was not unexpected. Deceased was in business at North Clyde as a farrier and smith and took an interest in civic and church affairs. He was a member of the Borough Council for a term, and also of the vestry of St Paul’s Church. He leaves a family of five daughters, all grown up of whom Mrs Haynes, McLean Street, resides in Wairoa and two sisters Mrs G Ebbitt, Wairoa, Mrs H Brown, Auckland, and a brother Mr G Brown, Wairoa.
The interment will take place at the local cemetery tomorrow afternoon.
Wairoa Star 24 April 1933
Inscriptions read:
In Fond Memory of
Loving Husband of the late
Died 22nd April 1933
Aged 58 years
Peace Perfect Peace
In Memory
Died 4th Dec. 1918
At Rest
Photo caption – Wairoa Cemetery Hughes Collection
Page 77
The Brown Girls
Avis Brown married Eddie Haynes in 1927 at St Andrews Church, Wairoa.
They had three children, Joyce, John and Anne.
Doris Brown married Arthur Clough in 1927 at St Pauls Church, Napier.
They had two daughters, Helen, and Alison.
Hazel Brown married Geoffrey Bone 1934 at St Andrews Church, Hastings.
They had two children, Judith and Richard.
Myrle Brown married Robert Austin in 1938 at St Andrews Church, Gisborne.
They had one son John.
Gwladys Brown married Russell Hughes in 1931 at St Andrews Church, Wairoa.
They had two sons Earle and Ivan.
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[List of names in this title still to be added – HBKB]
Format of the original
BookDate published
January 1994Creator / Author
- Ivan Hughes
- Stephanie Hughes
Published with permission of Author and publisher
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