Waiwhare School 1982 Log Book


Jennifer Drayton
Paula Nairn
Susan Sparkes
Ian Drayton
Kathy Greville
Jonathan Kyle
Andrew Gordon
Diane Drayton
Trudy Sheild
Philippa Drayton
Aaron White
Jason Davidson
Tam Nairn
Toni Wallis
Matthew Wilkins
Anna Wilkins
Peter Sheild
Annette Huff
Elizabeth Gordon
Nicholette Eatwell
Campbell Vette
Lucy Arthur
Nicola White
John Huff
Glen Nicholls
Mark Barnett
Aaron Wallis
Jamie Adams
Dallas Bennett
Philippa Kay
Tony Worsley
Gavin Sparkes
Michelle Davidson
Derek Hain
Peter Ward
Rebecca Hawkins
Gareth Hawkins
Dion Henderson
Nichola Hayes
Jessica Arthur
Rachel Kay

Jamie Adams
Gavin Sparkes
Michelle Davidson
Derek Hain
Peter Ward
Rebecca Hawkins
Gareth Hawkins
Dion Henderson
Nichola Hayes
Jessica Arthur
Rachel Kay

Paula Nairn
Kathy Greville
Jennifer Drayton
Tam Nairn
Rebecca Hawkins

Mr D Wallis

Mrs G Wallis

Mrs J Davidson

Mrs G Wallis

Mrs A Eatwell, Secretary
Mr R Davidson
Mrs B Nairn
Mr M Barnett
Mr R White, Chairman

Mrs J Greville, ED 1212
Mrs J Huff, ED 1003
Mrs J Barnett, relief driver


TERM 1, 1982

2 February   Teachers returned to school after a long but relaxing holiday.
3 February   School Re-opened for pupils. Staff teachers: D Wallis (principal), Mrs G Wallis (teacher)
New enrolment – Jamie Adams, Year 1.
Withdrawals – Jeremy & Kirsty Hunt to Pukehamoamoa. Roll 31. 4 February   Routine visit by Inspector of Schools, Mr P Hogan.

8 February    Education Board carpenter began renovations on replacement classroom in readiness for occupation.
9 February   Principals’ meeting at Sherenden to discuss Rural Swimming Sports.
10 February   PHN made routine visit. Completion of boundary fence below sandpit and Infant Room was done.
18 February   School Committee meeting held at Principal ‘s residence.
17 February   Consideration was given in planning an Adventure Playground – Stage 1 – and plans and procedures were discussed and submitted by the Principal and Jubilee Committee Chairman D Ward, to the Education Board for acceptance and approval. This is to be followed up by the purchase of materials for construction later in 1982. An application for a recreation grant is also envisaged.
24 February   PHN – Routine Visit.
2 March   Bus Inspector Mr Harley Boulton made a visit from Wairoa to discuss bus operations.
5 March   The Waiwhare School Swimming Sports were held today on a very fine and warm day, attended by ALL family groups. Enjoyable participation with a relaxed and informal stress/emphasis on placings was a feature with parent assistance to the fore. Similar programme as underlined is envisaged for 1983. (These sports were held in lieu of participation in the Rural Schools Swimming Sports for which I opted out of this year.)
5-7yr old (together)   8-12yr
Flutterboard kick   One Length F/S. Age Race Handicap
Run across the pool   Target race
Good water bouncer (best/not fastest)   Walk up the pool /kick back
Target throw   Biggest splash
Floating star   Open one length F/S
Kicking across the pool   Least splash
Running relay   Best dive
One length freestyle 7 yrs   Floating on back
One length backstroke. Teams relay An enjoyable afternoon tea followed the completion of sports.
2 March   The rural adviser to schools, Mr K Edwards paid visit to the school for the day to assist teachers planning/programming.
The Waiwhare District Fire Unit was returned to the Unit shed – has been checked for faults etc.
New County Fire Officer Mr Bill Money.
9 March   Children from this school participated very successfully, gaining 8 placings in finals, at the Hastings & District Swimming Sports (schools).
15 March   Building supervisor visited to assess progress on new classroom, and to assess need for a school re-paint.
16 March   Education Board carpenter completed work or replacement classroom. Rev. K McGechie visited to take bible class.
17 March   Speech therapist Alison Townsend visited the school to assess referrals. 22 March   Shopping Day No 1.
24 March   Terry Dymond – Inspector of schools visited on routine visit. Principal organised a principal’s meeting of Taihape Road Schools to organise a Teacher Only Day course for Term 2, 1982 – held at Sherenden.
School committee meeting held at school 7.30pm. M Barnett took over as committee member from K Hunt (moved from district).
25 March   The whole school visited the Army Band Concert at Nelson Park Hastings.
1 April   Field visit to Napier Museum and Marineland by the whole school.
6 April   Peter Ward enrolled, NE.
7 April   Rural Board member for Country Schools visited to assess progress on replacement building.
9-13 April   Easter holiday. School closed.
13/15/20/22 April   Defensive Driving Course held at the school for adults.
20 April   Mr D Unwin, Education Board Building Inspector, visited to assess work yet to be completed on replacement room.
19 April   Enrolment Rebecca Hawkins (F2) & Gareth Hawkins (Jl)
26 April   Mr J O’Neill – Board Carpenter – came to repair water damage (interior in the replacement room).

20 April   PHN, Rev K McGechie visited. 28 April   School Bus Inspection by Mr H Boulton. School Committee meeting. 4 May   School Committee (in total) plus the Principal attended a meeting on School Finances at Mrs J Graham’s residence. Enrolment: Dion Henderson.

7 May   School Holidays commence. County Council cleared, the school frontage. Overview: This term has been very busy both in and around the school. Work continues on the replacement pre-fab, new enrolments have been numerous in terms of unexpected families, the Std 1 group has settled into the senior room routines with a larger number of Yr 1 children making up the bulk of the school roll. School Committee activities have been very busy and the Adventure Playground (equipment at this stage) is underway. Obviously a well earned and looked forward to holiday is at hand to refresh us for the rigours of a wintry Term II.

TERM 2, 1982

24 May   School commenced. Roll 36. Withdrawals – Nairn Family (2). Mrs G Barnett commenced permanent duties as bus driver of ED 1212. Replacement classroom for Infants has been repainted, and is almost ready for occupation.
27 May   School Committee meeting held at school. Mrs K Wilkins replaced Mrs B Nairn on the Committee.
1 May   Mrs A Eatwell, committee secretary, undertook extra ancillary hours for purposes of establishing the now infant room. (20 hours).
28 May   Infant Class transferred from “old” room to the new Infant room.
1 June   PHN – routine visit. 2 June   Building Supervisor, Mr D Unwin visited to bring new classroom equipment re carpet square, Infant Maths app, and Concrete posts for frontage fence.
3 June   Rural adviser Mr K Edwards visited to discuss forthcoming Teacher Only day aspects.
7 June   Queen’s Birthday Holiday. School Closed.
10 June   Children from Senior Class (SI – FII) attended winter sports at Crownthorpe.
12 June   Working Bee at School Adventure Playground commenced.
16/30 June   “School Mothers” plus Mrs P Gunson coached S1 -F2 Girls in Netball.
21 June   Nichola Hayes enrolled.
24 June   School Committee meeting held at the School.
28 June   Shopping Day No 2.
Painting of the school exterior/school house commenced.
30 June   Telephone Service technicians re-located telephone bells for easier audibility.
2 July   Kathy Greville withdrawn.
13 July   PHN routine visit.
1/8/15/July   Winter sports at Crownthorpe.
20 July   Jessica Arthur enrolled (NE). Committee meeting held at the school.
26 July   Shopping day No. 3.
3 August   Arts & Crafts adviser, Mr B Sanderson, visited all day: – implementation of programme, scheme, lino print (senior room).
6 August   Building supervisor Mr D Unwin, visited to measure “bookroom” for shelving and other relevant materials, plus view filter motor at the swimming pool which is in need of repair, and to assess completion of the school painting.
10 August   Audio-visual testing conducted at the school by Mrs M Stichbury
PHN (Mrs J Price) made last visit before departure to appointment in Singapore.
11 August   School bus inspector visited to inspect our 2 buses.
12 August   Principal D Wallis gained and received academic qualification of Diploma in teaching – backdated to January 1981.
16-17 August   Mrs G Wallis away from teaching on sick leave. Mrs P Gunson relieved in the junior room.
20 August   End of term 2 – August holidays. Commenced after winter term of mildness and little rain, which helped to make it a “shorter” term than is usual for a middle term. Roll 36.

TERM 3, 1982

6 September   School re-opened for term 3, 1982. Roll 36.
9 September   School electrician came to repair filter motor at the school pool.
13 September   Board Carpenter started work on Book Room. Building supervisor visited to discuss renovation. Completed 17/9/82.
16 September   School committee meeting 7.30pm.
21 September   Health Dept. Health Inspectors visited to inspect hygiene etc.
27 September   Meeting of principals (Taihape Rd) to discuss summer sports arrangements at Sherenden.
29 September   Dental Officer Visit (Miss Nowell-Usticke) to further study 9year old survey.
5 October   Infant Room went on Field Trip to Napier – port and railway station.
6 October   Ministry of Works Fire Inspection of School.
13 October   Senior Room visit to Art & Craft Display and the Library.
14 October   Summer Sports held for S1 -F2 at Pukehamoamoa.
21 October   School Committee Holiday.
22 October   Anniversary Day.
25 October   Labour Day.
26 October   Mr K Edwards took a Reading In-Service Course for Parents of this school.
28 October   School Committee meeting held at the school.
29 October   Shopping Day No.4.
2 November   ‘D&A’ day at the Matapiro Domain.
4 November   Principal on leave attending Massey university examinations. Mrs P Gunson relieving.
8 November   Cleaned pool. Began re-filling.
11 November   Inter-School Summer Sports held at Waiwhare.
15 November   Pet Day. Very successful, enjoyed and well attended.
16 November   Rev. K McGechie – Religious Study.
17 November   Napier Central School visited on a Social Studies visit for the morning.
18 November   Staff selected library books to equip library from allocation of a repository loan – school Library Service.
24 November   District Fire practice held at the school pool.
25 November   Inter-School Summer Sport at Crownthorpe. School Committee meeting at School.
External water Supply to School Toilets, Outside Taps (School & House) and pool dried up at its source, namely Pump (Taihape Rd.). Board contacted. (Repaired 2/12/82).
29 November   Shopping Day No. 5.
30 November   Building Supervisor visited school to assess water problems. Overnight rain caused a flow to start up again but he did agree work on it was needed, for which he was undertaking.
8 December   School bus inspector made visit to inspect buses.
Family barbecue and sports evening. Well attended and enjoyed.
10 December   Annual school prize-giving held at the school. All parents attended.
Most improved swimmer – Trudy Sheild
Sporting Award – Susan Sparkes. Commended – Andrew Gordon.

Certificates of Merit
Infants   Seniors
Most Improved Classroom Application and Achievement
Peter Sheild    Matthew Wilkins
Dallas Bennett    Ian Drayton
Diligence and High Attainment in Curriculum Studies
Lucy Arthur   Toni Wallis
Dion Henderson   Trudy Sheild
Michelle Davidson   Jonathan Kyle
Consistent Application and Perseverance to Curriculum Studies
Philippa Kay   Jennifer Drayton Elizabeth Gordon   Aaron White
Aaron Wallis
Nicola White
Nicholette Eatwell
Improved Application to Classroom Tasks
Jamie Adams
Steady Classwork and Progress in Sporting Ability
Campbell Vette

16 December   Final day of Term III 1982 with two withdrawals re Form 2 pupils and one in Std 4.
Departing – Jennifer Drayton, F2.
Rebecca Hawkins, F2.
Mathew Wilkins, Std 4.
Roll at 16/12/82 – 37.

The third term has been a very busy one with work programmes fully utilized and planned and carried out by an interested but tiring group of pupils. Staff have kept up the work expectancy well and have seen benefits accordingly.

The children continue to reflect happy application to their school tasks and on a whole, work very hard and with positive dedication. Our district is very supportive and parents are very obliging and helpful in assisting the teachers and children. This continues to be a very happy feature of the school’s participation in the community. The school committee are of tremendous value and assist the staff admirably, and have the children’s interests at heart.

Overall for staff and children, 1982 has been a happy but hard working year with success in most of the teaching objectives being worked at by interested teachers and children’s needs being considered accordingly. A happy holiday now beckons and by hell, I think we’ve earned it. DL Wallis, 16/12/82.


School field being made into hay, Dec/Jan 82

Getting the school firewood

This is to Certify that
9yr Combined Relay (Girls)
AM Connor,  President  EA Hantz, Secretary

This is to Certify that
10yr Boys and Girls Relay (Combined)
President  Secretary

This is to Certify that
10yr Boys Relay
President  Secretary

This is to Certify that
Swimming – 10yr Girls Relay
AM Connor,  President  EA Hantz, Secretary

Adventure Playground/Fort

A busy working bee!

Official opening 15/11/82


[newspaper article]

HB Herald-Tribune, November 1982

Peter Ward receiving prize from Trevor Hodgson, Dog Dosing Officer

Junior room play – Elizabeth Gordon at left
Gail Wallis, teacher, rear

Family Night

December 82

Pet Day

15 November 1982

[newspaper article]

HB Gazette
November 1982

Peter Ward “leading” his lamb. Pam Gunson looking on.

Dion Henderson with baby lamb

Nichola Hayes

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Surnames in this log book –
Adams, Arthur, Barnett, Boulton, Connor, Davidson, Drayton, Dymond, Eatwell, Edwards, Gordon, Graham, Greville, Gunson, Hain, Hantz, Hawkins, Hayes, Henderson, Hodgson, Hogan, Huff, Kay, Kyle, McGechie, Money, Nairn, Nicholls, Nowell-Usticke, O’Neill, Price, Sanderson, Sheild, Sparkes, Stichbury, Townsend, Unwin, Vette, Wallis, Ward, White, Wilkins, Worsley

Business / Organisation

Waiwhare School

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Digital copy of original typed book

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