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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 090 - 4 August
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 090 – 4 August
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 sheep, and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres, Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [Tolaga] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvemeuts [improvements]
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui [Omarunui], with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
On Deferred Payments.
For particulars, apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington. Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
FLOUR, (Duncan’s Dunedin Silk Dressed), guaranteed. Oatmeal, Pearl and Feed Barley, Oats, Bran, all of superior quality, and at reasonable prices, now for sale by
Port Ahuriri.
Sole Agents in Hawke’s Bay, for Royse, Stead & Co.
GENTLEMEN – As you are aware the result of the last election has been to place me once more – and for the third time, in the County Council, as your Representative. Mr. RUSSELL, has announced that it is not his intention to appeal, we may, therefore, consider that the fight is over.
It is only right that I should publicly express my hearty thanks to all classes of the electors for the honor conferred upon me; and my thanks are more especially due to those small holders, who have throughout the whole contest, and at the cost of much time and trouble, given to me such generous support.
I am,
Your Obedient Servant,
Are instructed to sell, on behalf of the Mortgagees, at their auction mart, Tennyson-street, Napier, on Friday, the 10th day of August, 1877, at 2 p.m.,
ALL those Lots, containing in the agreement 3 roods and 35 perches, and numbered 2,5,6,7,8, and 40. on the plan of the sub-division of suburban section 54, on the official map of the Meanee [ Meeanee ] district, together with the store and buildings thereon erected. And also, lot No. 7 (containing one rood and three perches) of the sub-division of (inter alia) suburban sections 52 and 53, of the Meanee district, together with the cottage thereon erected. And also a portion of lot number 92 of a sub-division of suburban section number 9 of the Meanee district.
Napier, July 30, 1877.
C.L. MARGOLIOUTH is retiring from the late Firm of Margoliouth & Banner, while thanking the public generally for the very liberal patronage bestowed on him during the six years he has been in business, informs them that he has leased the Auction Mart, Hastings-street, directly opposite the Repository, and arranged for premises at Port Ahuriri; and proposes carrying on business as heretofore in his own name only as Auctioneer, Land Broker, Custom House Agent, and General Commission Agent. He assures his patrons that every attention to their interests and prompt settlements of account sales will b e [be] the principle on which his business will be couducted [conducted].
50,000 LBS COCKSFOOT from Pigeon Bay
1500 bushels Rye Grass provincial and Canterbury
Guaranteed imported of 1876.
White Clover
Cow Grass
Heyke Clover
Meadow Fescue
Meadow Foxtail
Sheep Fescue
Crested Dogtail
Poa Nemoralis
Florin Grass (agrostis stolonifera)
&c., &c., &c.
To arrive per “Plieone,”
1400 Coils No. 6, No. 8, &c.
Bran, &c., of the best quality.
Napier and Port Ahuriri.
MURRAY, COMMON, & CO. are now prepared to receive all descriptions of Goods for Warehousing in their large and commodious Premises at the Spit.
Goods covered against Fire, under open policies if required.
Charges at lowest possible rates.
WITH a view to direct more attention to Agricultural Pursuits, it is proposed that a SPECIAL FUND be raised to offer Champion Prizes for Ploughing, for Provincial grown wheat and other cereals, as well as for root crops, miscellaneous Farm Produce, and Agricultural Implements heretofore provided for by comparatively small prizes from the general funds of the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society, the undersigned agree to subscribe the amounts undermentioned: –
£ s d.
Hon. J.D. Ormond 10 0 0
M.R. Miller 10 0 0
R. Wellwood 5 0 0
G. Peacock 2 2 0
J.S. Giblin 2 2 0
John Heslop 5 0 0
John Bennett 2 2 0
F. Sutton 3 3 0
Hugh McLean 2 2 0
J.G. Kinross 10 0 0
Watt and Farmer 10 0 0
Coleman and McHardy 5 0 0
Routledge, Kennedy & Co. 2 2 0
T.K. Newton 1 1 0
E.W. Knowles 1 1 0
J.T. Johnson 2 0 0
(Mr Johnson will also give a Special Prize for best wheat)
Hugh Campbell 2 2 0
Dinwiddie, Morrison & Co. 5 5 0
John Gemmell 2 2 0
Capt. Newman 5 5 0
H.S. Tiffen 10 0 0
H. Williams 1 1 0
P. Dolbel 2 2 0
G. Condie 2 2 0
J. Barry 1 1 0
A. McDonald 1 1 0
T. Tanner 5 5 0
J. Chambers 5 5 0
A. McLean 3 3 0
W. Douglas 3 3 0
J.N. Williams 10 0 0
Russell Bros. 10 0 0
W. Cowper 5 0 0
W. Goodwin 2 2 0
Knight Bros. 2 2 0
J.J. Kelly 1 1 0
R. Somerville 2 2 0
T. Bishop 2 2 0
R.P. Williams 5 0 0
W. Burnett 2 2 0
W. White 2 2 0
Wm. Common 10 0 0
W. Villers 1 0 0
E. Moore, Union Bank 5 5 0
F. Tuxford 2 2 0
Boylan & Co 2 2 0
H. Wall 2 2 0
J. McVay 2 2 0
R. Holder 2 2 0
S. Hooper 1 1 0
C. Carnell 1 1 0
Large and Townley 2 2 0
E. Lyndon 2 2 0
J.N. Wilson 5 5 0
W. Shrimpton 5 5 0
A. Grant 5 5 0
Margoliouth & Banner 3 3 0
Other subscriptions will be published on receipt of the country lists, the following gentlemen have kindly undertaken to collect subscriptions: – R. Farmer, R. Wellwood, J.S. Giblin, G. Peacock, J. Bennett, M.R. Miller, and the Secretary.
Gentlemen desirous of assisting in the above will further the business much by forwarding their names with intended amount of donations, as early as possible to the sub-committee named above, to enable them to proportion the amounts to be awarded in prizes to each individual class.
Secretary Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society.
Napier, July 9, 1877.
A PIGEON SHOOTING MATCH will be held at West Clive, on the 11th August, 1877.
Sweepstakes of 20s. Entrance 2s 6d. Birds charged for. Entries addressed to the Hon. Secretary, West Clive Hotel, close on the 30th July.
Hon. Sec.
Are now being made at
There is an
And almost every conceivable article in the trade, which
must be
Every description of Harness made to order
Opposite the Post-office, Napier.
Price 2s 6d each.
TENDERS are invited for the PURCHASE of the A.S.P. Co.’s Steamers
To be sent in any time on or before September 1st, 1877, addressed to the Directors A.S.P. Company.
Tenders will be received for the Steamers as one lot or separately.
Every information will be given by the Manager on application.
Manager and Engineer A.S.P & Co.
WANTED KNOWN – That Printing is executed at the DAILY TELEGRAPH office below Wellington Prices.

An accident, which might have proved serious, were it not for the assistance promptly rendered, occurred on Thursday at the Swamp Reclamation Works, in a street marked on the map of the Borough as Station-street. A horse harnessed to a trap, in which there was a female and a lad, were being driven over the land recently reclaimed for Mr. Watt. The driver somehow managed to get near the edge and the horse trap and its contents fell into Station-street, or rather station bog, and there remained stationary, until assistance was obtained, from the men who were on the works, and who perceived the accident. They managed first to get the late occupants of the vehicle out of their dilemma without injury, and afterwards the trap and horse. Some steps ought to be taken by the Corporation either to fence the Station – street in or get it reclaimed ere an accident of a more serious nature occurs.
The Catholic Bazaar for the benefit of the funds of St. Mary’s Church was opened on Thursday night in the Oddfellows Hall. The hall, which was well patronised, was prettily decorated with ferns and flowers, a couple of large ferns brought from Taupo by Mr. Peters and placed over the stall at the head of the room, being particularly noticeable. The stalls were very prettily fitted up, and the fancy Parisian goods offered in each compartment had a nice effect. The stalls were presided over by Mesdames Peters, Reardon, Corry, Cranny, Hawkens, St. Clair, and Butler, and Misses Hawkens, Corry, Hunter, and Reardon. The Artillery Band discoursed sweet music throughout the evening.
A large number of our readers will regret to learn that arrangements have been completed by Mr W. Britten, of the Clarendon Hotel, for the disposal of his business. During Mr Britten’s tenure of the Clarendon, now about nine years, that hostelry has combined all the comforts of a home with the liberty of a hotel. It was a house that had peculiarly distinctive features, which were solely due to Mr and Mrs Britten’s never varying urbanity and kindness. In a town like Napier, where so many bachelors are to be found, a house of the character of the Clarendon Hotel becomes a necessity. With the departure of its proprietors, the house must lose many of those traits in its management that made it regarded more as a Club than as a public house. Mr Britten gives up possession of the house on the 1st September next. Mr M. Corcoran, late of the Greyhound Hotel, Auckland, is the incoming proprietor.
The new member for Napier, Mr F. Sutton, has given notice in the House to bring in a Bill to enlarge the boundaries of this Borough. According to the resolution of the Municipal Council, the enlargement desired is in the direction of the Royal Hotel, and would include about two acres of the lagoon within the boundaries of the town. The funny part of the thing is that the lagoon is the property of the Harbor Board, and that Mr Sutton is a member of that Board. Mr Sutton’s Bill should be called a Bill to enable the Corporation of Napier to seize the Napier Harbor Boards endowment.
There was a good muster of members at the monthly inspection of the Napier Artillery on Friday. After the Company had been inspected, a Battery Order was read, which announced the promotion of Corporal Gilberd to the rank of Sergeant, Bombadier [Bombardier] Miller to Corporal, and Gunner Christie to Bombadier.
Last week, the Napier Fire Brigade held a steam practice. There were about thirty members present. Amongst the spectators was a Captain Gorrie, of the Blenheim Fire Brigade, who after the practice was over complimented the officers and men of the Brigade on the efficient manner they went through their drill. After the men were dismissed, Captain Gorrie invited the officers and men to the Criterion Hotel. After refreshments had been provided, the health of Captain Gorrie was proposed and heartily drunk. In acknowledging the toast Captain Gorrie said it gave him pleasure to be present that evening, and he desired to state without flattery, that the manner in which the Brigade went through its practice that evening could not be excelled or perhaps equalled in any portion of the colony. They were well-officered, and the Brigade was a credit to Napier. Mr. Miller their Captain was not only a thorough practical man, but also one who appeared to deservedly command their respect. He would also say that their appliances were not only in capital condition, and ready for any emergency, but also suitable in every respect to combat the fire elements when required. In Blenheim, the Brigade was not so strong, and their practices not being so frequent they were perhaps not so efficient as at Napier, nevertheless he could tell them that the Blenheim Brigade had done good service at fires in that part of the colony. (Cheers.) He hoped the Napier Brigade would keep up its efficiency, and that the day was not far distant when the Napier and Blenheim Brigades would have a friendly contest such as that at Dunedin. (Cheers.) Several members then contributed to the enjoyment of the evening by exhibiting their vocal powers, and a pleasant evening was wound up, by the whole company joining in singing “Auld Lang Syne.”
It is expected that the Napier-Takapau railway will be opened to Kopua sometime in October next; about a mile and a half of the permanent way being already completed. The station buildings at Kopua are in hand, and tenders are called for erection of the station master’s residence. The road from Kopua station to be the main road at Norsewood, is about half finished, and will be quite ready for traffic by the time the railway is opened.
There are several enquires at present by southern capitalists for large sheep stations in this provincial district. As a rule, the size of estates here do not come up to the expectations of buyers, who, for the most part, having been accustomed to large rough areas of land in the other island, do not realise that the fact that our country carries far more stock to the acre than can the runs of Canterbury and Otago.
A correspondent in another column draws attention to the horrible stench emitted, from the sewerage flowing daily along the open drains of Hastings, Tennyson, and Emerson, streets. On Friday the smell was almost unbearable. We see no remedy for this disgraceful state of things but to have concrete drains which can be easily flushed and cleansed. The broken down and choked up gutters that now do duty for drains, merely form the receptacle for all the rubbish and half rotten garbage that may drift or be blown into them. In hot weather these gutters will be fruitful sources of disease.
Mr John Steed was the successful tenderer for the Gas Company’s coke for 12 months, at 2s 6d per bag.
The general annual meeting of the subscribers to the Napier Athenaeum was held on Friday, Dr Spencer in the Chair. The report, which was adopted, showed that the total number of subscribers was 179. The statement of accounts showed, after the payment of all outstanding liabilities, a balance of £11 16s 4d. The following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year: – President R. Stuart, Esq.; Secretary, Mr Fielder; Treasurer, Mr W. Smith. Committee; Dr. Spencer, Messrs Brooking, J.W. Carlile; Dugleby, Garner, Guy, Holder, Large, and Peppercorne. A resolution was carried raising the amount of annual subscription from 10s to one guinea, and another motion was passed entitling quarterly subscribers of 5s to the use of the reading-room and library. Votes of thanks were carried to the retiring Committee, and to the Chairman, and the meeting separated.
To the Editor: Sir, – I notice that several of the newly-elected Road Boards have fixed the rates for the ensuing year. I wish to ask, whether a Board can do more than elect a Chairman until the names of the new Wardens and Chairmen are officially gazetted. – I am &c., Q.- (A Board is not in legal existence until formally gazetted. It is the duty of the chairmen to forward the names of the Wardens to the Colonial Secretary immediately after the election. – Ed. D.T.)
Mr. John Sheehan, M.H.R. for Rodney, proceeded on Monday by train to Takapau from whence he will travel by coach to the seat of Government.
At the Waste Lands Board’s sale of forfeited sections, under the deferred payment system, and which are situated at Makaretu, the following prices were obtained. There were nine sections for which application had been made. No. 13 was bought by Mr. E. W. Knowles for £50 5s; No. 15, £50 6s, and No. 86, £30, both being bought by Mr. E. W. Knowles. No. 17, buyer Mr. Arrow, for £156; No. 54, buyer Mr. Madds Sattrap, at upset price; No. 110, Mr F. Forward, £31 15s; No. 111, Mr Edgecombe, £30; Nos. 49 and 50, failed to secure their upset prices, and were consequently withdrawn.
During Saturday, Sunday, and Monday last, the rainfall registered at the meteorological station at Port Ahuriri, has been rather more than one inch and a-half. The rain, which has been warm, and for the most part gentle, must have done much good in the country districts.
A meeting was held at the School-house, Tamamu [ Tamumu ], on Saturday last, for the purpose of forming a Road Board for the Tamamu district. Messrs J.N. Williams, J. McKenzie, K. Gollan, J. Nairn, and A. McHardy were elected wardens. Mr McHardy was elected Chairman.

The Clive Highway Board held a meeting at the West Clive Hotel, on Monday, for the purpose of electing a Chairman, and striking a rate. Mr R.P. Williams proposed Mr Orr for the post of Chairman, but the nomination found no seconder. Mr J. Bennett then proposed Mr F. Sutton, and this was seconded by Mr Hollis. No other nominations being made, Mr Sutton was declared elected. Mr W. Orr, at the request of the meeting, consented to act as Chairman during the absence of Mr Sutton at the seat of Government. The Board then struck a rate of sixpence in the £., and the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the acting Chairman.
We have to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a copy of the By-laws of the New Zealand Railways. From a perusal of these we find a full justification of the conduct of the Guard who charged a passenger, who had lost his ticket, the fare from Waipukurau to Napier. Clause 10 of the By-law states that, “any passenger travelling under any circumstances without a ticket shall pay the fare from whence the train originally started.” The New Zealand Railway By-laws are copies, we believe, of those ruling in England, and their apparent severity, we may be pretty certain, was rendered necessary for the prevention and punishment of fraud. The passenger, whose case we cite in to-day’s issue, had his money returned to him on representation to the proper authorities.
The want of another Club in Napier has for some time past been keenly felt, and we are glad to hear that steps are being taken to establish one.
The Municipal Public Works Committee sat on Tuesday, and the Council on Thursday. It may interest ratepayers to know that the present debt of the Corporation to the Bank – the overdraft bug-bear – has been reduced to £780, to meet which there are over £1000 of uncollected rates for the half year ending October next, and £1900 of General Government subsidy due for the year that ended in June last. We should state that our figures are in round numbers.
A considerable amount of water was running through Taradale on Monday from the Tutaekuri River, making its way across the road, where it was about fifteen inches deep, and finding an outlet by the salt-water creek into the inner harbor. The river breaking out in this direction has relieved Meanee from a flood. There was very little flood in the Ngaruroro and Tuki Tuki Rivers.
The ancients wrote their history on rocks, and the Ten Commandments were written on stone, but the Hawke’s Bay County Council propose writing their by-laws on water. By-law No. 2 relating to places of public recreation, reads as follows: – “No person shall carry firearms through the gardens, or shoot, snare or destroy any wild fowl either in the gardens or in or on any water adjacent thereto, or bathe within such distance from such gardens as shall be fixed by any regulation of the Council, to be made in that behalf in such water.” Comment is superfluous.
The diorama of the American War was exhibited on Monday at the Oddfellow’s Hall, and attracted a large audience. The diorama shows a succession of pictures illustrating many of the principal events of the war of secession, 1863-65, and these are ably described by the lecturer, Mr W. H. Thompson. As a work of art, this diorama is far inferior to any other that has been exhibited in Napier, neither the drawing nor the painting being true to nature. The “mechanical effects” are amusing from their grotesque absurdity. The distribution of prizes was faithfully carried out, and some very good and useful articles were taken away by the lucky ticket-holders. The diorama would prove an interesting entertainment for children.
The meeting, that was called on Monday by His Worship the Mayor, for the purpose of eliciting public opinion with respect to the Local Option Bill, was obliged to be adjourned through the smallness of the attendance, due to the wretched state of the weather. We have reason to think that there is much interest felt on the subject of licensing laws, and that at the next meeting there will be crowded attendance. At 8 o’clock on Monday night only eight gentlemen had found their way through the rain and mud to the Protestant Hall. This number was afterwards increased to about twenty, when, all hope of any more coming being abandoned, Mr Douglas McLean was voted to the Chair, and the meeting, on the motion of Mr. M.R. Miller, was adjourned until further notice.
A correspondent of the Wairoa Free Press, who writes under the signature of “Momus” appears to be fearfully and wonderfully excited over a paragraph in the DAILY TELEGRAPH which alluded to a by-law, relative to the owners of pigs, said by the Herald’s Wairoa correspondent to have been passed by the Wairoa County Council. It turns out after all, the Herald correspondent blundered, the by-law not having passed in the ridiculous shape put by him. “Momus” must not be thin-skinned. Greater men than he have framed and drawn laws equally as nonsensical as that which the Herald correspondent gave the Wairoa County Council credit for. If it be any balm to his wounded and injured feelings, we would express to him our regret for relying on the correspondent of the Herald for reliable information.
From the numerous enquires that are constantly being made, we do not suppose that very many people are aware that the Police Office at Napier is situated in the loft of the Government buildings. This miserable garret is less like a Police office than the store of a dealer in second hand goods. An old cutlass or two, and some handcuffs, exhibit an appearance of transactions in theatrical properties, while “general goods” are sufficiently represented by saddlery and clothing. The office papers under these circumstance have to be bundled up into any odd corner that may be unoccupied by an “assortment of miscellaneous articles, too numerous to mention.” As a matter of course, this pigeon loft is far too small for what is wanted to be put into it, and the Inspector of Police and his Clerk, to make room for themselves, have had to lumber up the passage with cases of clothing and an arm chest. Even the office of the Inspector of Sheep has had to be converted into a store for surplus goods, including arms, accoutrements and saddlery. At night the Police Office is one of the most difficult of access of any that could be pitched upon. A stranger, if he can hit upon the right door of the building, has to grope his way through a dark passage and up a dangerous staircase. If he does not break his neck going up, the chances are he will fall headlong when he comes down. There are several rooms in the Government Building that could be used as a Police Office, and we are surprised that Major Scully has not represented to the Government the inconvenience which the service suffers through the want of a convenient Police Office.
We learn that the proprietor of Thompson’s Diorama has instructed his doorkeepers not to admit any reporter of the TELEGRAPH into the Oddfellows’ Hall during his tenure of it, with a reporter’s ticket. The tickets we hold were forwarded us, signed “W.H. Thompson.” The only reason we can assign for this departure from the ordinary rule by Mr. Thompson, is owing to the fact that on Tuesday our reporter did not follow the hackneyed style of lavishing praise on an exhibition not worthy of it, and giving instead a fair and honest criticism, and one in every respect true. Mr. Thompson has perfect right to give or withhold reporters tickets as he pleases, but nevertheless he has shown a want of courtesy, which could only be expected from one ignorant of the ordinary rules of etiquette. Instead of allowing the reporter to run the risk of being refused admission at the door, he ought, were he a gentleman, to have notified to the office his intention of withdrawing the authority given by himself. We notice this matter, not that we care one jot whether Mr. Thompson permits our reporters to attend or not, but to shew our fellow journalists in other parts of the colony what treatment they may expect to receive from Mr. Thompson if they follow our course, and give an honest and fair criticism of “Thompson’s Diorama of the American War.” Mr Thompson, in a letter to the Herald describes our report of the exhibition as a “cruel and vindictive criticism.” His letter leaves it to be inferred that our opinion of his Diorama was due to the smallness of his printing order. Mr Thompson may disabuse his mind of any such idea. Our readers may rest assured that they will not be misled as to the character of a public entertainment by anything which we shall say. If a performance is good, or a picture well painted, we shall say it is worth going to see, but if one is bad, or the other a wretchedly ill-drawn daub, no amount of printing orders will warp our judgment.
The Napier Municipal Council made a great blunder in making its Public Works committee consist of an absolute majority of the Council. The reports of the Committee to the Council under these circumstances, are mere matters of form. The work of the Borough is done in Committee, and consequently in secret, and no opportunity is afforded the public of judging of the actions of individual members of the Council. We have heard it stated that the Commtttee [Committee] determined on Tuesday, at its sitting, to oppose any motion that may be brought forward to obtain for the Corporation other offices than are now occupied. On Thursday evening, therefore, five members of the council set their faces against a proposition that certainly ought to be made to provide a safe place in which to keep the public records.
At the annual meeting of ratepayers of the Maraekakaho district held on Friday last, the following gentlemen were elected wardens for the ensuing year : – Messrs J.G. Kinross, R.D. McLean, W. Shrimpton, H.W.P. Smith, and H. Ford.
The Taradale Board of Conservators elected under the River’s Act, held their first meeting at the Taradale Hotel, on Tuesday evening. The whole of the members of the Board were present, and great interest was manifested in the proceedings. Mr. L.A. Tiffen was voted to the chair. Mr. Anderson was elected Secretary to the Board, and Mr. H.S. Tiffen, Treasurer. The first business of the meeting was to consider the plans and specifications submitted to the Board by Mr. James Gorrie, the agent of Mr. Douslin. All the members of the Board, after hearing Mr. Gorrie render an explanation of the scheme, expressed their satisfaction with it, and a resolution was proposed and carried accepting Mr. Douslin’s plans and specifications and also that renders [tenders] be called for to erect a floating spur 260 yards below Redclyffe. The estimated cost of the work is a little over £2000.
Rather curious things get forwarded sometimes through the Post Office as registered letters. The other day, a paper-collar box, containing 150 kingfishers’ feet, arrived from Te Aute as a registered letter at the Post Office, Napier, addressed to the Secretary of the Acclimatisation Society. We are glad that after Wednesday, no further reward will be paid by the Society for the destruction of kingfishers and shags.
A number of gentlemen met on Wednesday in the Criterion Hotel, for the purpose of taking initiatory steps for the formation of another Club in Napier. Mr. W.W. Carlile was voted to the chair. It was then proposed that a Club should be established to be called the “Union Club,” and a provisional committee was elected by ballot.
Considering the state of the weather, there was a good attendance of members of the Napier Literacy Association on Wednesday Dr. Spencer presided. The subject of debate was the Local Option Bill, which was to have been opened by Mr. E.H. Grigg, but being unable to attend through indisposition that gentleman forwarded a paper on the subject, which on the whole opposed the Local Option Bill, as being unlikely to meet the demands of temperance, and would also have the opposite result to that expected by its supporters. A long discussion ensued on the principles of the measure, in which Messrs Dinwiddie, Ingpen, Davis, Smith, and Ellison opposed the Bill, and the Revs J. J. Berry, J. White, Messrs Cotterill, and several others, supported it. Nine voted against the Bill and thirteen for it.
The annual district meeting of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, M.U., Wellington District, was held on Thursday, in the Odd Fellows Hall, Wellington, at 1 o’clock p.m., Grand Master, John Smith, jun., in the chair. The following gentlemen were elected to the various offices for the ensuing eighteen months:- D.G.M., Samuel Waters, G.M.; P.G., C.W. Brown, (Hutt). D.G.M., Relieving Officer, P.P.G.M. Thos. McKenzie; Warden, P.P.G.M. R.A. Marshall; Corresponding Secretary, P.C.S. E. Bannister. The usual annual report was read and adopted. The society was reported to be in a very flourishing position both financially and in regard to the number of members. The returns show that the district is worth about £16 for each of its 1027 members, and it was urged that the great benefits to be derived from this and kindred institutions should cause every man to become a member of some one of these societies. At present, the Hawke’s Bay Lodges form part of the Wellington district.
Dr. Buller, who is acting for the defendants in the Waka Maori case, telegraphs to the Post from Napier, contradicting certain statements published in its issue of Friday, coming from its Napier correspondent, with respect to the alleged disappearance of some of the Maori witnesses for the defence. Dr. Buller points out that the statements in question were entirely unfounded; that owing to the great length of time occupied in the examination and cross-examination of the first two witnesses, some of the rest, to save expense, were in the meantime sent back to their homes, but were ready at any moment to come up for examination when required. He further adds that every effort is being made by himself to get through the examination in as little time-consistently in doing it thoroughly – as possible.
The Workings Men’s Club at Wellington has been most successfully established. The roll comprises 120 members, and every arrangement has been made to make the Club attractive to the members. We heartily desire to see such a Club established in Napier.
In consequence of the inclemency of the weather Messrs. Turley and Braithwaite’s [ Brathwaite ] sale of sheep and land at Ruataniwha has been postponed to Friday, August 10.
We notice by advertisement that the old National Bank buildings, sold by auction recently, are again to be competed for, the recent purchaser having learnt that the Bank requires the removal of the structure, before the ground is prepared on which he intended to place it.
August 1.
Sailed – Wanaka, for Napier, Poverty Bay, and Auckland at 12.30. Passengers – Messrs Harrison, F. H. Turner, W. Best, T. Best and Miss Myles.
The general opinion this afternoon amongst members appears to be that if the Government had come down boldly with a policy to make the land fund colonial revenue, it would have had the support of the majority of the House. Amongst some southern members the ministerial policy re land fund is attributed to Mr Whittaker.
Nothing was done in the petitions committee to-day affecting Napier. The Committee has been occupied all morning hearing the Oamaru petition. A great many native petitions have been referred to the Native Petitions Committee.
Mr. Travers asked whether the purchase referred to in sections 47 and 48 of the Immigration and Public Works Act, 1872, have been completed; also, whether any sum beyond £17,917 and £3,000 mentioned in the sections have been expended in connection with such purchases.
Mr. Ormond replied, and said the payment handed to the Province of Auckland was not on account of any land purchased, but because the province wanted money. The Act provided that £17,000 should be paid to Auckland for lands which were in the Piako District. Since then £547 had been paid upon those lands, and the titles will shortly be completed. Regarding the payment of £3,000 to the Province of Hawke’s Bay, it was because that province had paid the Province of Auckland for lands to that amount.
In reply to Mr De Latour, Mr Reid said the Government had not heard that any improper pressure had been brought to bear upon the County council of Waikouaiti.
Shipping Intelligence.
26 – Fair ,s.s., from Pourerere
28 – Taupo, s.s., from Auckland via Tauranga and Gisborne. Passengers – Mrs Corrigan and child, Mrs Taylor, Mrs Berry, Miss Jac, Dr. De Lisle, Messrs Farr, Locke, Graham, Samuels, Taylor, Floyd, Simpson, Goodall, Currie, Long, Solomen, and 6 natives
28 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa
28 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Mrs Robinson, Messrs McMurray, Webb, and Fraser
29 – Kiwi, s.s., from Wellington
30 – Rotorua, s.s., from Wellington and Southern Ports
1 – Storm Bird, s.s., from Wellington
2 – Wanaka, s.s., from Wellington and Southern Ports
26 – Albatross, schooner, for Whangapoua.
27 – Southern Cross, s.s., for the Thames and Auckland
28 – Taupo, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Mrs Russell and servant, Misses Russell, Rich, and Shea, Colonel Longley, Messrs Jacobs, McKenzie, Douglas, Wood, White, Jobson, Aictcheson, Curcliffe, Heman, Tomoana, and six original
30 – Rotorua, s.s., for Sydney via Auckland
The s.s. Fairy returned from Messrs Coleman and McHardy’s station late on Thursday. Capt. Campbell reports fine weather this trip, and he succeeded in landing the whole of her cargo.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Holmes, took in a part of her cargo on Thursday evening and the rest on Friday. She had 60 head of cattle and 308 fat sheep, the half of which was taken outside to her by the Sir Donald. In crossing the bar by the westward channel on Friday she bumped heavily, in fact lost steerage way, and stopped altogether on the bar for some time.
The s.s. Taupo, Capt. Carey, left Poverty Bay at 4 p.m., on Friday, and came under easy steam to Napier, arriving about 6 o’clock on Saturday. She was tendered by the Bella and Sir Donald, and left about noon, taking away a large number of passengers.
Captain Evans, of the Rangatira has just been to Poverty Bay to defend an action brought by Mr Horsfall for damage to a case of his whilst on board the Rangatira. The defendant lost the case, but it will come on again, as counsel for defendant, Mr. Rogan gave notice of appeal.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, arrived in the Bay on Sunday afternoon, but as there was a heavy sea on she did not anchor. Captain Campbell headed her out to sea in the evening, and hove her to. She put in an appearance on Monday, but there was no chance of communicating with her.
The steamers Manaia and Result both returned from Wairoa on Saturday loaded with maize. The Result called off the Mohaka to pick up a boat left there last voyage, but was unable to do so on account of the heavy sea on the beach.
The Union Company’s s.s. Rotorua, Captain Macfarlane, arrived in the Bay about 10.15 a.m. on Monday, but, in consequence of the heavy sea, there was no chance of communicating with her, and she left for Sydney via Auckland at about 11 o’clock. Our outward English mails are therefore left behind, and several passengers en route for Sydney, Melbourne, and England, are also still in Napier. A signal was sent up at the station asking if the steamer would wait for the mail, but we imagine in consequence of the rain and thick weather Captain Macfarlane would not be able to make it out.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Captain Doile, arrived at the westward anchorage at 10.15 a.m. on Wednesday. The Pilot at once hoisted the signal “Bar dangerous,” and she laid off there.
The s.s. Kiwi, Captain Campbell, brought up at the westward anchorage on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday, at about 9 o’clock, Captain Campbell signalled to Pilot Kreaft, “Have you tried the Bar.” The answer was, “No; too much sea.” Captain Campbell replied “I am very sorry.” A boat from the Kiwi communicated with the Storm Bird on Wednesday.
The s.s. Sir Donald went out on Thursday to the steamer Kiwi and Storm Bird and brought ashore the respective mails. The pilot went out with the Sir Donald and was transhipped to the Storm Bird, which steamer was brought inside at 11 a.m., she grazed the bar there being only 8 feet 6 inches this morning at high water.
The Wanaka arrived at noon ou [on] Thursday and was tendered by the Bella and Sir Donald.
The improvements and alterations to the s.s. Rangatira are progressing very favorably. She will be ready for sea again in the contract time.
The Rotorua left Auckland for Sydney at one o’clock on Wednesday.
The Zealandia left for Honolulu on Wednesday at 2.15 p.m.
At Messrs Routledge, Kennedy, and Co’s., sale on Tuesday there was, in spite of the wet weather, a very good attendance of buyers. The following prices were realised. -Hobart town apples from 2½d to 4d per lb; onions, 3d; maize, 3s 9d to 4s 3d per bushel.
Mr M.R. Miller reports sale of Mr William Lyon’s Kereru and Poporangi properties – 11,000 acres freehold, 2000 acres leasehold, with plant and improvements, and 13,500 sheep, delivery after shearing – for £22,500.
WALLIS – BEAMISH. – At Okawa, on July 26, by Rev. P.C. Anderson, Arthur Henry, second son of F. Wallis, Esq., F.R.C.S. of Beshill [Bexhill], Sussex, to Jane, eldest daughter of N.E. Beamish Esq., Okawa, Hawke’s Bay.
FLEMING – McKENZIE. – On July 27th, at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. R. Fraser, Mr John Scott Fleming, of Blackhead, to Harriet Ruddiford, eldest daughter of Mr John McKenzie, of Tamumu.
TRASK – At Wellington, on July 25, Thomas Trask, aged 86 years, father of J.H. Trask, Napier.
REID – At the County Hospital, Napier, on the 1st August, Thomas Glen Reid, aged 26 years.
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
The Weekly Mercury
THE colony is indebted to the Colonial Treasurer for the plain unvarnished statement, made in his Budget speech last night, that the gross debt of New Zealand, when the balances of all authorised loans are raised will be £20,895,311. This enormous debt, considering the total population of the colony is not much more than three hundred thousand, was incurred in the following manner: – “About £8,300,000 has been spent upon railways, £3,500,000 on immigration, £4,400,000 on harbors, lighthouses, public buildings, roads, bridges and other public works for opening up the country, £1,300,000 in the purchase of native lands (including the payment of the debt to the New Zealand Company), £2,000,000 in the suppression of the native outbreak, and the remaining £500,000 on miscellaneous purposes.” The total revenue of the colony last year, was £3,011,594, of which £890,535 was derived from the sale of land. Land sale receipts, however, are of a fluctuating character, and Crown Lands open for sale cannot be regarded as permanent sources of revenue; deducting therefore the £890,535 from the colonial income there remains £2,171,059. The Colonial Treasurer in drawing a comparison between the revenue and the debt of the colony, with the revenue and debt of England, said, excluding the land receipts, “our net public debt is eight and a-half times our revenue, or, if we include our income from land sales, our public debt is equal to six times our revenue, while the public debt of Great Britain is more than ten times the amount of her revenue. This seems to be a fairer way of comparing our indebtedness than at so much per head of the population. It should, moreover, be remembered that the public debt of England has been incurred for war purposes, while that of New Zealand has mainly been incurred for reproductive works.” In reference to the railways, it is satisfactory to know that there has been a profit of £87,924 during the past year. The expenditure has been £228,295, and the receipts £316,220. By amalgamating the Armed Constabulary with the Police Force, there had been a saving effected of £10,000 in six months. The gain of the amalgamation of the two Forces would have been much larger had it not been necessary to pay a bonus to the men who had been discharged from the service. There had been a deficiency of £40,621 in the Customs revenue. The postal revenue appeared to have fallen £9452 below the estimate, but sums amounting to £15,923 had to be received from the Imperial and Australian Governments, so that the seeming deficiency would be converted into an excess of £6000. In incidental receipts there had been a deficiency of £18,457. With respect to the Land Fund, the Colonial Treasurer said: “The sales in Canterbury show an excess, while those in Auckland, Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Nelson, and Otago, have proved to be less by £83,000 than the sum estimated. In consequence of this the whole of the Treasury bills authorised under the Financial Arrangements Act, amounting to £150,000, have been issued, and an additional sum of £53,000 has had to be advanced from the consolidated fund in aid of the land fund.”
For the ensuing year 1877-78 the proposed expenditure was set down at £3,109,754. The estimated total revenue of the colony for 1877-78 was £3,392,685. The Colonial Treasurer said, “I have satisfied myself that it is impossible so to reduce the departmental expenditure as to bring our expenditure within our income, unless we are prepared to relinquish some of the luxuries we enjoy in the way of telegraphs postal services, and Resident Magistrates, which are spread broadcast over the land, and which, as far as my experience goes, it is hopeless to attempt to reduce, then, that we must, at any rate temporarily , aid the consolidated fund, and the question is, how is this to be done?” * * * Our liabilities being what they are, the subject of taxation is not lightly to be touched. It is one which requires the most careful thought. It must be considered as a whole, and it would be quite impossible to deal with it satisfactorily in the present session. When our trunk railways are approaching completion, when we have had time to consolidate and settle down, and able to determine our real requirements, then the whole incidence of taxation must be considered; but to deal with it now, in a fragmentary way, would, I think, be a serious mistake. The Colonial Treasurer then proposes to make the Land Fund chargeable with interest and sinking fund on the cost of the opening up and the settlement of the country under the public works and immigration policy. The land fund of Canterbury is thus to be charged with a sum of £58,000, and that of Otago, with £109,000. It had been found impossible to submit this session estimates for the completion of the railway system, therefore, the Government only ask this session for a sum sufficient to unite the already completed sections of the trunk line of 500 miles from Amberley to Kingston, and for the extensions of the main lines in other parts of the colony.
SINCE the harbor improvements works at Port Napier have been commenced, the monthly official reports to the Board have always been in substance that their action on the bar, and entrance to the inner harbor were such as to afford satisfaction. It was recognised that before their entire completion no very great result could be expected, but that, judging from the present effect, there could be no doubt respecting the ultimate success of the works. Upon these hopes the Board has been living, and upon these official monthly reports the public must form an opinion. There can, however, be no objection to compare the hopes of the Board, and the judgment of the engineers, with what is actually taking place. The state of the bar is absolutely worse than it has been ever, we were going to say, known in the past. It is, however, about as bad as it well can be. On the other hand we have had a remarkably dry winter, and consequently an absence of those floods that would, under the usual conditions of our winter season, have cleared the channel. But we have no reason to think that the bar would have been any worse than it is if the harbor works had not been undertaken. This opinion is also that of some of the members of the Board, and of many of the most experienced members of the Spit. That this opinion is sneered at by professional men other than mariners, we are perfectly aware, but then professional men are very apt to follow some chosen “bell wether,” from whose judgment it would be heresy to differ. The fact of the matter is this, that the shingle beach follows up the pier as fast as it is built out, and that which in the plans was intended to be a pier, pure and simple, has become nothing more than a breastwork. There is no reason to suppose that the shingle beach will not continue to back up behind this so-called pier to its terminal point. The pier, when finished, will merely form a point round which the shingle will wash, as it formerly washed round the original point of the beach, and the bar, removed further out, will be as obstructive as ever. This is as evident as light from darkness to the eyes of persons who have not the advantage of a marine engineer’s knowledge, and on Monday striking evidence was afforded of the probability of the hopes of the engineers being dashed to the ground, and the lugubrious fore casts of the ignorant being fulfilled. A heavy sea was rolling into the bay, and breaking with terrific force in continuous lines along the course of the old bar, and of that which is now evidently being formed beyond it. No communication could be held with the mail steamer Rotorua, the pilot even declining to risk the life-boat and crew by attempting the passage through the breakers, unless it were a case of saving a life. The shingle was being piled up behind and above the “pier” and many of the outward piles of which had been loosened by the force of the waves. The pier did nothing to break the sea, nor render the passage over the bar at the western channel smoother than it otherwise would have been. Immediately beyond the end of the pier no boat could have lived. How then can it be hoped that any change for the better will be accomplished when the harbor works are completed.
IT will be remembered that, in the early part of this present month, the Taradale Board of Conservators offered a bonus of £50 for the best plan and specifications of works for the protection of the district from flood waters within the boundaries specified in the proclamation bringing the Hawke’s Bay Rivers Act into operation. It is of importance to recollect those boundaries. Roughly speaking, the district under the control of the Board of Conservators extends east and west from the eastern slopes of the Puketapu hills to a line cutting through the Catholic Mission Station, at Meanee and north and south from the Tutae-kuri [ Tutaekuri ] river to the inner harbor. It will therefore be seen that the district is a very small one, and does not include any portion of country that, in the past, has most severely suffered from floods. The plans and specifications called for are for protective works for the small area in which the Act has been brought into force, and, we presume, no consideration for the interests of adjoining districts is to be contemplated in the works to be undertaken. The plans are to be sent into the Board not later than the 31st instant. Amongst others who will furnish a plan will be we learn, Mr James Gorrie, of Marlborough, whose intention it is to bring under the notice of the Board Mr Douslin’s patent floating spur as applicable to the requirements of the district. This invention has been wonderfully successful in the province of Marlborough, in the guiding of swollen rivers, and in turning them into channels in which they could do no mischief. Mr Douslin’s patent applied to the Tutaekuri river from the foot of the Puketapu hills to where it debouches into the inner harbor [harbour] might be equally successful in forming high banks, deepening the channel, and protecting the land from floods. We only say “it might be,” because the current being so sluggish, the spurs might not have the same effect as they have had in swift running rivers. But supposing the plan to be adopted, and to be as successful as it could be desired, what would be the result? The river bed would be deepened, and following the course of the banks huge mounds of sand would be thrown up offering a natural embankment to the river. Another difficulty would then be created, the confinement of this sand which when dry would blow all over the adjoining land doing, perhaps, as much injury as the floods. The remedy would be almost as bad as the disease. But against this, Mr Douslin’s plan cannot be adopted in its entirety. The Taradale Board has no power outside the little district proclaimed under the Act, and the floating spur system of protection applied to the upper portion of the stream at Taradale might prove the ruin of Meanee. It behoves the County Council to narrowly watch the action of the River Board. The protection of Taradale may not improbably mean the destruction of a very much larger area of far more valuable country.
A MOVEMENT has been set on foot by the settlers of the southern portion of this provincial district, for the establishment of annual ram fairs to be held in the spring season before shearing. The fair will, probably, be held at Waipukurau, as being the most convenient centre of the district. Whether the movement will be successfully carried out must be left for time to determine. It is certain that since the Hawke’s Bay Agricultural and Pastoral Society fixed the site of its Shows at Hastings, considerable dissatisfaction has been expressed by the southern settlers, who, with some reason, complain that their stock cannot compete on equal terms with those bred on the Ahuriri plains. In the matter of expense, and in “the knocking about” the stock must undergo through being sent for exhibition, the southern settlers are placed at a disadvantage. The consequence has been that the bulk of the stock shown has been drawn from Heretaunga and the neighboring districts. The proposition to have the show alternately at Hastings and Waipukurau was, long ago, put on one side as being impractical, and unnecessary. The proposal that was made, when the railway was opened to Waipukurau, to have the Shows held at some more central place than Hastings was negatived. At that time, we recollect advocating the selection of Kaikora, or Waipawa, as affording greater facilities for the exhibition of stock by the southern settlers. The convenience Hastings offered by its proximity to Napier to visitors from other parts of the colony, however, mainly decided the question, and there is now very little chance of any change being made. In connection with the Ram Fairs, the southern settlers have not only the same complaint to make with regard to situation and expense, but also to the time of year at which they are held. They contend that no person can so properly judge of the full merits of a sheep after it is shorn as before that operation, and that the ram fair should be held before shearing. It is further said that the fair being held at that time would compel breeders to state the course of feeding to which their sheep had been subjected, and that this would do away with the unfair competition which now takes place at the annual Spring Show between grass and artificially fed sheep. We understand that representations, similar in effect to those we have mentioned, have been made to the Society from time to time, but that no corresponding modifications in existing arrangements have been made to meet them. The result is, as we have stated, that a movement is now being made to hold annual ram fairs at Waipukurau in the month of October. Should the scheme be successfully carried out, it is very much to be hoped that it will not lead to any diminution of the Agricultural and Pastoral Society’s funds. Neither the requirements of the province, nor its means, admit of two Pastoral Societies; they could only injure each other’s usefulness, and in the end, their establishment would possibly lead to the death of both. That there has been a strong feeling manifested in the Waipawa county to found a rival Society cannot be denied, and our only fear is that the proposed ram fair in October may prove the thin edge of the wedge.
OUR attention has been drawn to the injustice and annoyances to which passengers are subjected on the Napier-Waipukurau railway. As we do not suppose that the complaint laid before us is a solitary case, and as the cause of it is said to lie in the administration of the Railway Regulations, we shall briefly state the particulars as related to us. A traveller by the late up train on Saturday last took a first-class ticket at Waipukurau for Napier. On two occasions before reaching the Paki Paki station, the Guard passed through the carriages demanding to see the tickets of the passengers. At Paki Paki there was, without any apparent cause, a long and tedious delay, so much so that, as is very often the case, many of the passengers got out of the train and walked about. A change of Guard here took place, and between Paki Paki and Napier, a further show of tickets was demanded. When the final collection was made our informant had lost his ticket which, he supposed, must have dropped out of his pocket at Paki Paki. The Guard having ascertained that our informant had come from Waipukurau, demanded, and at once obtained, the full fare from there to Napier. The passengers in the carriage then expressed their sense of the injustice of the charge, when the Guard, after some explanation, offered to return the amount of the fare between Waipukurau and Paki Paki. Our informant declined to accept this gift on the ground that if the charge at first demanded was according to the regulations, the refund could not properly be made by the Guard, whose option in the matter might be called in question. The matter, our informant said, should be reported to the proper authorities when the Guard replied that that could be done, but the money (11s.) would not be recovered. We have stated this case for the satisfaction o [of] travellers by the Hawke’s Bay railway, and also for the purpose of discovering whether a charge as we have related can be made and justified on the ground of the regulation. It was manifestly the duty of the first Guard to ascertain that all passengers from Takapau to Paki Paki were in possession of tickets. The second Guard could not therefore be responsible for passengers from beyond the station at which he took charge of the train. This being the case, we should like to know the particular clause in the regulations that entitled the second Guard to, apparently, demand any fare he pleased from a passenger whom he found travelling without a ticket. In the case of our informant, who is a well known settler, abundance of evidence can be produced that he took and paid for his ticket at Waipukurau
THE correspondence that has lately appeared in the local papers respecting the Te Aute Estate has evoked a long letter from Mr T.C. Williams, which has been published in the Wellington Argus. After explaining the nature of the Trust, Mr Williams denies that a release of the estate to the Revd. S. Williams has been signed. Mr Williams refers to the correspondence in the Napier papers as being levelled at his brother; and he considers that people who would act as some did in Napier towards the Bishop of Waiapu, and treat their old Pastor, Mr Townsend, in an unmanly manner, while they nursed and fondled the curate Mr Robinson, might well be expected to abuse the Revd. S. Williams, and feel glad at having discovered something damaging to his high character. Mr Williams, however, charitably excuses such conduct on account of the inhabitants of Napier being surrounded by many acres of a “most abominable swamp,” the impurities of which they daily inhale. Mr Thomas Williams, we think, has entirely mis-apprehended the character of the correspondence on the subject of the Te Aute Estate; there was nothing in it damaging to the character of the Revd. S. Williams, nor has that highly esteemed gentleman been abused. Mr Thomas Williams also appears to be ignorant of the source from whence sprang the controversy. It did not arise in Napier at all, indeed, further than having a general desire to see all Trust Estates made to produce their utmost value for the promotion of the objects of their endowment, the people in town care nothing whatever about Te Aute. Letters like that written by Mr T.C. Williams are apt to do more harm than good to the cause they profess to advocate, as they seem to point to the existence of personal feeling, and personal interests, in a matter of purely public concern. The allusions Mr Williams makes to the treatment pastors receive at the hands of Napier people are peculiarly unhappy and ill-timed. It is perhaps an unfortunate circumstance that the only congregations that have had cause to regret their connections with their pastors in this town have been members of the Church of England.
SOME telegraphic correspondence has lately taken place between His Worship the Mayor and the Government relative to the Corporation offices, that arose through a report that the Town Clerk’s office was wanted for colonial purposes. We understand that in reply to the Mayor’s query respecting the tenure of the Corporation of its present offices, the Under Secretary stated that the Government would not guarantee any tenure. This is, of course, the official manner of saying that the Mayor and the Town Clerk may be turned out of doors at any moment. It is just as well to know this, and the knowledge is not acquired too soon. The Council will meet in a few days, and it is to be hoped the members will take immediate steps to place the Corporation in a less humiliating position than it now occupies. Apart, however, from holding offices on sufferance, and being liable to be turned out any day without warning, the Corporation now possesses valuable documents and records that if lost or destroyed, would have to be replaced at considerable expense to the ratepayers. We contend that the Town Clerk’s present office is not the proper place for these documents. If the ratepayer’s book, the assessment list, or the valuation book, were stolen, or burnt, no one could be held personally responsible owing to the utter unfitness and insecurity of the office. It is not fair to the Borough or to those who are legally responsible for the safe keeping of the public records, that the Corporation should not possess suitable offices. We trust that at the next meeting of the Council this subject will be dealt with in a manner in which its importance deserves.
The Board met at 11 a.m. to-day.
Present: The Commissioner of Crown Lands, Messrs. Tiffen, Kennedy, and Newton.
The Chairman brought to the notice of the Board that the land at Mohaka, called the Ferry Reserve, had been proclaimed in the Gazette of 19th July as a Reserve for a site for a Ferry.
The Board decided that, in reply to the letter of February 7 last, from the Chairman of the Wairoa County Council, the land proclaimed should now be offered to the County Council for a period of five years, for a nominal rental of £5 per annum.
Applications No. 2491, from Mr W. Royse, to purchase 4743 acres in the Maraekakaho district, was received and agreed to.
In consequence of Fredrick Ingobrisen having neglected to pay the second instalment due on the land selected at Makaretu under application No 56, within the three months allowed under the Act, the land was declared forfeited to Her Majesty.
The Chairman gave notice that, at the next meeting, he would propose that, in future, meetings of the Board shall be held on the first Thursday in the month, special meetings being called when any important business required the attendance of members.
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
John Butcher was fined and paid 5s for an offence of the above nature.
John Stacey was charged with having been drunk yesterday, and also with using
on the Marine Parade. He was sent to gaol for 14 days, with hard labor.
Edwin Mansfield, for negligently allowing the chimney of the house occupied by him to be on fire was fined 40s, with 9s costs.
Mrs Tennion, for keeping goats within the limits of the Borough on land not securely enclosed and fenced, was fined 20s, with 9s costs.
Pocock v. H. Andrews (Wairoa). – Claim £7 10s 6d, balance of account for goods supplied. No appearance of defendant. Judgment (by default) for amount claimed, and costs 14s.
Tuckwell v. P. Flanagan. – Claim £1 12s 6d, for goods supplied. Judgment (by default) for plaintiff, with costs 9s.
Municipal Corporation v. Graham. – Claim £1 10s, rate. Judgment for amount claimed and costs 9s.
Anderson v. Moorhouse. – Claim £20, for detinue of a mare, or the return of the said mare. Mr Lascelles for plaintiff, Mr Cornford for defendant. A regular horsey case. Ordered that the mare be returned to plaintiff with costs and solicitor’s fees, amounting in all to £2.
Some six or seven other civil cases were either “withdrawn” or “settled out of court.”
One case only of this kind came before the Court this morning, which was dealt with by the infliction of a fine of ten shillings, which was paid forthwith.
William Bennett, (of Ashton’s cash box notoriety) was charged with stealing a coat of the value of £1, the property of one Robert Hart. He was convicted and sentenced to 14 days imprisonment with hard labour.
James Topping, charged on two separate informations with leaving his horse and cart unattended in the public street, was fined in each case 40s, and 6s 6d costs.
An information against a lad named James Goddard for a similar offence was, on the application of the Sergeant of Police, allowed to be withdrawn.
Hall v, Hall. – A complaint by a wife against her husband for threatening her in such words as, “I will be the death of you,” &c., and praying that he might be bound to keep the peace towards her.
Evidence having been taken, the Court ordered that defendant be bound over to keep the peace for a period of six months, himself in the sum of £50, and two sureties of £20 each.
Charles Black, for the first offence of this description, was fined 5s, with the alternative of 24 hours’ imprisonment. He accepted the alternative.
Harry Black was charged with drunkenness and further using
within hearing of persons on the Marine Parade. He was convicted, and sentenced to imprisonment with hard labor for 14 days. His Worship dismissed the charge of drunkenness.
Harry Black was also charged by one David Black with unlawfully threatening him in the following words: – “I will put the b___y set on you before I leave Napier,” and other threats, complainant praying that defendant be required to find sureties to keep the peace towards him. His Worship ordered that defendant be further imprisoned for one month with hard labor.
Francis Coyne, an old offender, was charged with stealing a pair of boots of the value of fifteen shillings, the property of one William Tuckwell. He pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to one months imprisonment with hard labour.
Francis Coyne was also charged with unlawful assault and battery on Constable Dennis Black, whilst in the execution of his duty arresting defendant for the above robbery. He was convicted and sentenced to a further fourteen days of imprisonment, with hard labour, cumulative on the previous sentence.
Thos. Hammell, was charged with driving on the new Taradale Road, so as to endanger the lives of persons passing thereon, denied the offence. Evidence having been taken on both sides, he was convicted, and ordered to pay a fine of ten shillings, with costs amounting to a further sum of £1 11s 6d.
Vickers & Lye v Meihana Takihu. – Claim £12 8s 1d, balance of an account for flour and other goods supplied. Defendant did not appear. Judgment (by default) for plaintiff for amount claimed, and costs and expenses amounting to a further sum of £3 1s.
Blythe & Co v Flanagan. – Claim £5 17s 8d, for drapery account. Defendant did not appear. Judgment for plaintiff for £5 17s 5d, and 13s costs of Court.
Newton Irivne [Irvine] and Co., v. List.-Claim £53 18s 6d. Judgment by consent for £48 13s 5d, and £2 6s costs, &c.
Of nine other civil cases on to-day’s cause list, in two jndgment [judgment] had been confessed, in three others against defendants residing inland the summonses had not been served, and in the other four the plaints were withdrawn.
George Marsh denied the above offence, necessitating the evidence of two witnesses on oath, who conclusively proved that he was drunk when arrested yesterday. The denial cost him 6s 6d, fees of Court, in addition to a fine of five shillings.
An information against Owen O’Donnell a cabdriver, for leaving his hackney carriage and horses unattended in Lever-street, was defended. Mr. Cornford for defendant. Evidence on behalf of both the prosecution and defence having been heard, and Mr. Cornford having addressed the Court, His Worship dismissed the case.
Harford v Burndrett. – Both complainant and defendant are married women, the husband of Mrs Harford being a tenant of defendant’s husband. The affair arose out of the failure to pay rent when due and demanded, and it appeared that Mrs Brundrett [Burndrett ] took the law in her own hands, and assaulted both the complainant and her husband, using at the same time-so it was sworn-some very choice language of the “Billingsgate” description. Defendant denied the charge in toto, and made a long rambling statement, but called no evidence. She was convicted, and ordered to pay a fine of 20s, with costs 11s 6d. The money was paid at once.
(Before F.E. Hamlin, Esq., J.P.)
Two small boys, names respectively Michael Moloney and Thomas Madden, were charged with having been unlawfully in a loft on the premises of Patrick Herlehy – [Herlihy ] in Chaucer-road, where they were found and arrested by Constable Byrne. Being very young, and on the request of the Sergeant of Police, they were dismissed with a caution.
July 30.
The weather is particularly disagreeable. The river is rising, and in all probability we shall have a flood which will test the permanence of the works being carried out at Merritt’s and Hamlin’s ends.
A numerously signed memorial has been forwarded to Major Scully for the purpose of keeping Constable Graham in his present position. Much interest is taken in the matter, and the result is looked forward to with some degree of anxiety.
The election of Chairman to the West Clive Road Board takes place to-day. The contest will take place between Mr. R. P. Williams and Mr. Sutton. I am under the impression, while having the greatest respect for Mr. Williams, that Mr Sutton will be the chosen one.
Mr. Turley will hold a sale of cattle at the Farndon sale yards to-morrow, and a numerous attendance is anticipated. I understand Mr. Turley intends holding regular private sales at this place, which will be a decided convenience to buyers and sellers.
Mr. Giffard intended giving a pic-nic to the children of Clive at his estate to-day, but through the inclemency of the weather it has been unavoidably postponed.
July 26, 1877.
The ratepayers’ yearly meeting for the purpose of electing Wardens for the ensuing year was held at the Woodville Hotel on July 9. Mr H. Monteith was in the chair. There was a large gathering of ratepayers, who took great interest in the proceedings. The balance-sheet for the year was read, showing that there was a balance in hand. The meeting then proceeded to elect the Wardens, the Chairman wishing to have all the members proposed together, but the meeting would not agree to anything of the kind. Mr Sowry wanted the meeting to nominate a number of persons for the office, and then proceed and ballot, and of course the five persons having the largest number of votes would be elected; but the Chairman ruled that he had a right to decide which way the meeting should vote. Mr Sowry again and again protested against the power he claimed as to the matter of voting, when the first person was proposed and seconded. The Chairman then received the next proposition as an amendment-though both persons were acceptable-and the meeting was kept in that state of “humbug” to the end. The members from the special settlement were at the meeting in large numbers, and, if they wished, could have put in the whole of the Wardens without trouble; but moderation was the order of the day, and Messrs Fountain [Fountaine] and Horrocks were elected as representing the town interest; Messrs Hughes and Pinfold as representing the special settlements; and Mr Ross to represent the rest of the country district; which, on the whole, I think was very fair. It is to be hoped that as soon as the Board get into working order they will drain some of the water off the roads. Mr Fountain was elected Chairman of the Board; and I have no doubt it will be an improvement to have the Chairman living in the district, instead of Waipukurau as before. It came out that Mr Horrocks had taken the trouble and labor as Collector &c., free of cost, which had given him a great deal of work, and for which the ratepayers are much indebted to him.
A wife of one of our settlers having been very ill, a Mr Hirst, a sawyer, went for medicine, &c., to Palmerston, and on the way met with rather a bad misfortune. As he was going in the dark round one of the cuttings, something hanging from the side caught him and threw him on his head. His leg was much hurt, and also the side of the horse cut. Strange to say as he returned home next day the horse he was riding (which was a fresh one, the other being lame, was left behind) fell, and he came down to the ground once more, but escaped this time with only a few scratches on his face. He has been laid up ever since, but I am glad to say is doing well.
Napier will be well represented here; we had a Mr Greenaway and family up last week, and are expecting more from Napier shortly.
The last few mornings have been strong frosts; still the weather on the whole is very fine and seasonable.
SIR, – A good deal has been written and much more said about the horrible stench arising from the drain in front of the Post Office, but all apparently to no purpose. For a few days certainly a stream of clear water was allowed to flow down the channelling, but this has been stopped, and the delightful (?) odours are playing round again in a most unmistakable manner.
It has been suggested – and to my mind it is not a bad idea – that the members of the Municipal Public Works Committee, with our wonderfully energetic Inspector of Nuisances, should be compelled to stand over this drain for a couple of hours every warm day for a week or two. Perhaps this would lead to a good order for our undertakers, but I really don’t know that that would be much regretted by those whose olfactory nerves are daily made to suffer through the manifest disregard that has been shown by the Municipal authorities to the now almost innumerable complaints about the state of this drain. – I am, &c.,
Napier, July 27, 1877.
SIR, – Can you or any one of your numerous subscribers inform me why the City Bye-laws should be framed so as to crush one individual and spare another. I have just heard that one of the civil authorities interviewed Messrs Leonard & Co., and threatened vengeance if they should attempt exposing their wares for sale under their verandah. I cannot see the Justice of such bitterness.
In the name of all that is equitable let us chuck our laws in the tide if they are only made to be carried out against strangers. – I am, &c.,
July 28, 1877.
SIR, – I observe in your issue of Saturday, the 28th inst., a question asked by “Q” – “Whether a (Road) Board can do more than elect a Chairman until the names of the new Wardens and Chairman are officially gazetted?” and that you in answer state:- “A Board is not in legal existence until formerly gazetted.”
Now, Sir, with all due deference to you, I wish to know what your reply infers, as it does not answer the question put by “Q.” The election of Wardens, until the Election Act of 1876 is brought into force, is under the Highways Act of 1871, but rating is under the Rating Act of 1876. In no part of this Act do I see provision made for the Gazetting of Wardens and Chairman before a rate can be declared.
As there are conflicting opinions upon the two Acts, viz., the Highways Act, 1871, and the Rating Act of 1876, if you will kindly throw some light thereon I feel sure you will confer a great favour [favour] on Road Boards in general. – I am, &c.,
July 30, 1877.
[Clause 6 of the Highways Act, 1871, provides that the newly elected Chairman of Board “shall report in writing to the Superintendent the names of the persons elected as members of the District Board at the said meeting, or at any adjournment thereof within ten days thereafter.” This report was necessary to enable the Superintendent to gazette the Board of Wardens, a course that was always adopted. Since the abolition of provinces, the powers of Superintendents have devolved on the Governor, who confirms by Gazette notice the election of Wardens, as was formerly done by the Superintendents. – ED. W.M.]
SIR, – Permit me through the columns of your valuable journal to inform the public that parcels will not be booked at the Waipukurau Railway Station fifteen minutes before the arrival of any train. I wanted to book a parcel to Takapau at fifteen minutes past 11 a.m. on Saturday last, and was told by our most obliging stationmaster that parcels must be booked half-an-hour before the arrival of the train. Now I find by the same day’s paper an advertisement in the supplement of the DAILY TELEGRAPH that parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the train to insure despatch. Now, Sir, I tended to book my parcel fifteen minutes before the time of arrival, but was told distinctly that I should book it half-an-hour before the departure of the train. I should like you to inform me and the public, for our future guidance whether the stationmaster is right, or whether the advertisement in your paper is? – I am, &c.,
Waipukurau, July 30, 1877.
[The advertisement was inserted by the authority of the Manager of the Nadier [Napier] – Waipukurau Railway. ED. W.M.]
THE information furnished us by our special correspondent on Monday, as to the displacement of Sir Julius Vogel as Agent-General to make room for the Honorable Edward William Stafford turns out to be correct, for we learn from another correspondent that the same news had reached the editor of the Evening Post, and that his Monday’s issue contained remarks concerning the alleged proposed appointment. We confess we have never been great admirers of the present Agent – General, but we had hardly expected that those men who obtained whatever little political reputation they have, and whose fortunes we may almost say, have been mainly built with his hands, should have so early forgot such favors as to take the first chance to degrade and oust him from a political office, than for which no man in the colony is more qualified. Through the blundering of Sir George Grey and the Opposition, the Canterbury members hold in their hands at the present time the political balance – through their votes they have the power to oust or keep the present Ministry in office, and their demands however opposed to a sense of right or justice, must be agreed to. They demand Sir Julius Vogel’s expulsion from the Agent-Generalship, and Mr. Stafford’s appointment to it as one of the rewards of their support, and the government, apparently must accede. This is an exhibition of weakness in a Government pitiful to behold. Whatever faults Sir Julius Vogel may have, his most bitter opponent cannot but give him credit for being one of the most able administrators these colonies have produced. Captain Russell, only the other evening in the Oddfellow’s Hall, told his constituents that the Agent-General’s capacity for work was something enormous. Mr Stafford has held office as Premier in New Zealand in three distinct administrations, twice for five years, and once for a few weeks only. He has had every opportunity of exhibiting his administrative capacities, and no people than those of Hawke’s Bay are better aware of how utterly incapable he proved to get the colony out of the difficulties he brought it into when he entered upon a war of races. Furthermore, in later years, through his own action, he has not commanded that confidence or respect which he was wont to do. And yet now desirous of retiring from political life in New Zealand, he is to be foisted on the colony as her representative in England – to draw his £2,000 per annum, and become – what has long been one of the great objects of Mr Stafford’s ambition – Sir Edward William Stafford, with other initials attached to his honored name. For ourselves, we believe that the office is not required, and it would be not only a saving but a blessing if it were altogether abolished. The Crown Agents could float loans far more easily and on better terms than ever Mr Stafford will do, and as for the other duties, Mr Kennaway, the present Agent-general’s Secretary, in London, for the same salary he at present obtains, could do all the work. In the meantime, we can only protest against the manner and mode Mr Stafford obtains the appointment, and warn the Government that this proposed act of theirs will detract from any popularity they may enjoy, and will add one more nail to their political coffin.
Parliamentary Papers.
July 27.
The report of the Lunatic Asylums of the colony states that the Napier Lunatic Asylum, in some respects, is merely an extension of the Gaol, and is very bare and comfortless. The patients are too restricted for exercise, the extent of their recreation being hopelessly limited to a little building only suitable for cases which yield quickly to curative treatment. It is otherwise unfitted for the proper treatment of cases of insanity. More lasting cases should be removed without delay to some other Asylum. On the 1st January the total number of lunatics in the colony was 783, and there was deficient accommodation for 513. The report recommends local Asylums instead of a central one, and also that resident medical superintendents would be better than visiting. The Inspector thinks the amount of private contributions too small.
NOTICE is hereby given that the FEES for Registering Dogs in the above County can be paid to
Sergeant HAWKE, Te Kapu.
Constable RYAN, Wairoa.
Or to the undersigned,
County Clerk.
County Clerk’s Office,
Wairoa, 5th, July 1877
TWO substantially-built Four-roomed Houses, with Pantry and Cellar to each, situated in Napier Terrace; thirty-five years lease.
The above can be had either separately or together, and are well suited to a man of small family.
For terms, which are very moderate, apply to
Commission Agents &c.
Just arrived, per “Taupo,” direct from
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 11.15 7.5
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.31
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Station. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers. Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label is the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
Spital Hill, Sheffield, direct the attention of Flock Owners and Shearers to their Improved New Pattern, No. 69 Shear, which for quality, style, finish, and adaptability to the requirements of the Australian and New Zealand markets, cannot be surpassed. The main features are – great extra width of steel in the blades, accurately ground, long shanks with narrow grip. Procurable at the leading Ironmongers’ Warehouses throughout Australasia.
Look for this Trade Mark in blade.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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