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- Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 081 - 11 August
Weekly Mercury and Hawke’s Bay Advertiser 1877 – Volume II Number 081 – 11 August
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
A Journal of Commerce, Agriculture, Sports, Politics, and Literature.
Government Notifications.
Date. Mode of Sale. NAME. PARTICULARS. AREA OF LAND SOLD. CASH. Rents and Assessments. REMARKS.
Town. Suburban. Country. Town. Suburban. Country.
1877 July A. R. P. A. R. P. A. R. P. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
5 Application J.F. Choat & H.A. Lambert Rural land, Tautane District 200 0 0 100 0 0
30 Auction E.W. Knowles Blocks 30, and 50, Makaretu Reserve 240 0 0 130 11 0
30 Auction Mads Sattrup Block 78, Makaretu Reserve 100 0 0 50 0 0
30 Auction H.T. Arrow, Junior Block 33, Makaretu Reserve 200 0 0 156 0 0
30 Auction Francis Forward Rural land, Makaretu Reserve 50 0 0 31 15 0
30 Auction J.W. Edge[c]ombe Rural land, Makaretu Reserve 50 0 0 30 0 0
Purchases under Section 13 of “The Hawke’s Bay Special Settlement Act, 1872.”
£ s. d.
Land Sales 498 6 0
Rents and Assessments 0 0 0
£498 6 0
Commissioner of Crown Lands.
Crown Lands Office,
Napier, August 3rd, 1877
TENDERS are invited for the PURCHASE of the A.S.P. Co.’s Steamers
To be sent in any time on or before September 1st, 1877, addressed to the Directors A.S.P. Company.
Tenders will be received for the Steamers as one lot or separately.
Every information will be given by the Manager on application.
Manager and Engineer A.S.P & Co.
NOTICE is hereby given that the temporary office of the Waipawa County Council is at the Court House, Waipawa; and that the days on which it will be open for transaction of business will be on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRIDAYS.
It is further notified for public information that the office hours are from 10 a.m. til 4 p.m., on the days above specified.
Clerk Waipawa County Council.
Waipawa, May 14, 1877.
9,000 ACRES Freehold, Agricultural and Pastoral, Seaboard, with
14,000 acres Leasehold, valuable improvements, and
18,000 Sheep, few Cattle, Horses, &c.
3,920 acres Freehold, rich pastoral land, Wairoa, with
800 Sheep, and 100 head Cattle
900 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa
4,677 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Wairoa, with
3,000 Sheep, and other necessary working improvements
25,000 acres Leasehold, Poverty Bay, and
112 acres Freehold, close to town, with
20,000 sheep and improvements
4,200 acres Freehold Agricultural and Pastoral Land, Poverty Bay
11,000 acres Leasehold, Pastoral, Poverty Bay, with
3000 Sheep and few Cattle
1,600 acres, Leasehold, half interest, Poverty Bay
28,750 acres Poverty Bay, situate about 20 miles from Tologa [ Tolaga ] Bay, title under Native Lands Court
1657 acres rich Pastoral Land, good title, Poverty Bay
1385 acres rich Pastoral land, good title, Poverty Bay
8,800 acres Leasehold, excellent country, Tologa Bay, with
3,000 Sheep and good improvemeuts [improvements]
3,000 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,220 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
400 acres Freehold, Southern Seaboard, improved
1,200 acres Freehold, Rich Pastoral Land, improved, Opotiki
225 acres Freehold, excellent Land, Omaranui [Omarunui], with
1,600 Sheep,
30 head Cattle, and a few Horses, with improvements
Stock and Station Agent.
THE throughbred [thoroughbred] Entire “BLAIR ATHOL,” Chestnut, rising 5 years, by Ravensworth, dam Moss Rose.
For pedigree and terms, apply to
MR. EVAN’S Draught Stallion, “LORD NELSON,” by “Sir Colin Campbell,” dam “Blossom,” etc.
Liberal terms.
For further particulars apply to
of various extent, and
Stocked and Unstocked, in the Provinces of Auckland, Hawke’s Bay, Wellington, Canterbury, and Otago.
For particulars, apply at the office, Browning-street, Napier.
All First-class Flocks.
STORE SHEEP. – Various Lots of Store Merinos Ewes and Wedders for Sale.
Price 2s 6d each.
AUGUST, 1877
For Poverty Bay, Tauranga, and Auckland:
Wanaka, s.s. Thursday, August 2
Taupo, s.s. Saturday, August 18
Taranaki, s.s. Thursday, August 20
For Auckland and Sydney:
Rotorua, s.s. Sunday, July 29
Rotorua, s.s. Sunday, August 26
For Wellington and Southern Ports:
Taupo, s.s. Saturday, July 28
Wanaka, s.s. Saturday, August 11
Rotorua, s.s. Thursday, August 16
Taupo, s.s. Monday, August 27
Taranaki, s.s. Saturday, September 8
Passengers receive Free Pass for Steam Launch, at the Agents’ office.
For the Spring, in 201 different shapes.
Also, Pattern Cards of 2 cases
The style of these goods is exceedingly elegant.
The firm have very great pleasure in inviting ladies to select from the first show for the coming season.

August 3.
An English gentleman, who is doing the tour of the Australian Colonies, was put to considerable inconvenience by the Rotorua failing to communicate with Napier on her way up the coast. He arrived from Sydney a few weeks ago, and took passage in the Rotorua for the South, intending to make a flying visit to the principal cities in the Colony. He stopped at Napier first, and left his wife and family there, intending to call for them on the return of the steamer, and arrive back here in time to catch the Zealandia, by which he wished to leave on her return trip. His dismay on finding that the steamer could not be tendered from the shore when she arrived off Napier may be more easily imagined than described, and he is compelled to remain another month in the colony.
August 7.
The Manaia left at noon for Napier with a favorable wind.
The weather is splendid.
August 7.
Sailed – Stormbird, for Napier at

2.30 p.m. Passengers: Mr Parke and three in the steerage.
Latest Political News.
August 7.
The general opinion appears to be that the Ministry are getting weaker and weaker every day. Messrs Ballance and Bryce have gone over to the Opposition on Woolcock’s motion and will announce their defection this evening. Their influence is expected to carry others. Several old Government supporters are only watching and waiting to announce themselves Oppositionists. It has been discovered that in the Native Lands Bill clauses are introduced from the Act of 1869, which protect Hawke’s Bay land transactions.
An amendment will be moved with a view of invalidating the transactions made, whereby equal shares were allotted to joint owners who only held small interests.

The following was the number of prisoners confined in the Napier Gaol, on the 1st August, 1877: – 28 hard labor; 1 for trial; 1 debt, and 1 imprisonment. In the Lunatic Asylum, there were 11 male and 5 female patients.
The want of a Bishop is being severely felt in the diocese of Waiapu. No steps can be taken to supply the want until the Diocesan Synod meets, which will not be till September 24. We hear that it is likely the Revd. J. Stuart will be nominated and, no doubt, duly elected.
On the Estimates for Hawke’s Bay, we notice that provision has been made for the appointment of a new office, that of Crown Lands and Forest Ranger £175, with travelling expenses £75. The office will, probably, be attached to that of the Sub-Inspector of sheep, who has not yet been appointed.
The usual quarterly meeting of the [Napier] Ark of Friendship Lodge, I.O.G.T. was held on Thursday. The following officers were installed by Bro. Saunders, Grand Lodge Deputy, assisted by Bro. Masters, P.W.C.T., and Bro. Stevens, P.W.C.T. of the Pioneer Lodge:- Bro. Higgs, W.C.T.; Sis. Elmes, W.V.T.; Sis. Consort, W.C; Bro. Saunders, W.S.; Sis. Saunders, W.A.S.; Bro. Lingard, W.T.; Bro. Irvine, W.F.S.; Bro. Grinlinton, I.G.; Bro. Langam, O.G.; Bro. Palmer, W.M.; Sis. Williams, L.H.S.; Sis. Grinlinton, R.H.S., and Bro. Grinlinton, sen., P.W.C.T.
Information has been received by the Churchwardens of St. John’s parish, that the Revd. J. Townsend has placed his resignation of the incumbency in the hands of the Primate. As soon as the Churchwardens can satisfy the Primate that the parish can support a clergyman, the Board of Nominators will be called together to appoint Mr Townsend’s successor. We believe the Revd. H.W. St. Hill will be asked to fulfil the duties of resident clergyman pending the induction of a permanent incumbent. The Board of Nominators consists of Dr Spencer, and Messrs. T. K. Newton, and J.B. Fielder.
We understand that the residents on the White Road have petitioned the Chief Postmaster at Napier, to have a receiving letter box erected somewhere near the brewery. As this part of the town is a long way from the Post Office, and is thickly populated, such an arrangement would be of great service to the inhabitants.
At the Municipal Conference, now being held at Wellington, we are glad to see the ratepayers of Napier are not being left unrepresented, Mr Sutton, one of the members for Napier, having attended, and is rendering valuable assistance during the deliberations. Mr Sutton, although he has no experience in the working of Municipal Institutions in Napier, has a thorough knowledge of what the requirements of the Borough are, and its interests at the Conference may therefore be safely confided to his hands.
By the Southern Cross we were placed in receipt of our Southern files of newspapers which were taken on to Auckland in the Rotorua. They contain nothing new, and now read “stale, flat, and unprofitable.” In fact, owing to the very full telegrams we publish from “our own” and “special” correspondents residing in all parts of the colony, there are few events of a social or political nature occurring North or South which are not known to the readers of the MERCURY shortly after they occur.
The first fancy dress ball that has ever taken place in Napier came off on Friday, and was held in the large store that has lately been erected at the Spit by Messrs Kinross and Co. The ball, being of a private character, does not permit us to give any description of, was a decided success, and no doubt will be followed by others.
At the annual meeting of ratepayers of the Ruataniwha District held last Saturday, the following wardens were appointed by ballot: – Messrs Henry H. Bridge, Alexander Jones, James Atchison, Rechab Harding, and Jasper L. Herrick. A rate of 6d in the £ was carried, at a meeting of wardens held after. Lieut.-Colonel Herrick was elected chairman.
The number of commission agents are still on the increase. Mr H.R. Lascelles notifies that he has commenced business in that line at Port Ahuriri, and also as a debt and rent collector.
Our Waipawa correspondent informs us by telegram that the approach to the Homewood bridge has been carried away on the Waipawa side, and unless it is repaired before the next fresh, the bridge will be in danger of being washed away. The repairs should therefore be seen to at once.
Mr Sharp, one of the members for Nelson City, will attempt next sitting to get free railway passes abolished.
The Melbourne Sugar Company have cabled to a local firm in Napier a reduction in price of their sugars, No 1 being £33 10s to £34 10s, according to quality; No 2, £32; No 3, £30 10s per ton.
It has been decided, and very properly, that the Post Office is the best site for the Town Clock presented to the Borough by the late Sir Donald McLean. The clock is [to] be fixed at the centre angle of the building, the face being on the central pediment. Above this there will be a bell-cot of eleven feet in height, in which will be suspended the clock bell. The work of construction will be commenced forthwith, and when completed will be a handsome finish to the Post Office.
A letter signed “Hyderabad Road” which appears in another column, calls attention to the disgraceful state of the public thoroughfare between the Royal Hotel and the Spit. Every road in Napier stands in want of repair, and little advantage appears to be taken by the Municipal Engineer of the standing order he has received to do this necessary work. At the rate the Borough “public works” are progressing, it is difficult to see how the work authorised, and the daily maintenance repairs of the streets can be proceeded with. If the very idea of expenditure paralyses the Council, what must be the feelings of the Engineer at the thought of having to employ another cart and a couple of men? We trust the rate-payers will have some consideration for those who occupy high places of inclaculable [incalculable] responsibility.
A public fancy dress ball is on the tapis, to be held in the Oddfellows’ Hall about the middle of next month.
The Dramatic Society, recognising the dearth of public amusements, propose calling a meeting this week to arrange a performance.
At the Education Board’s meeting on Monday a petition from Te Aute, praying that the newly established school there should be brought under the control of the Board, was read and acceded to. A petition from Ormondville, praying that the Board would set apart a reserve as a site for a school, could not be considered, the Board having no reserves there.
In the R.M.’s Court on Monday there was only one case set down for hearing, Jessop v Cleary for assault. Five witnesses had been summoned, but when His Worship took his seat on the Bench, the complainant did not put in an appearance. The case was therefore ordered to be struck off, and His Worship vacated his seat. Shortly afterwards Jessop arrived, and was greatly chagrined to find himself non-plussed.
The Rev. J. Smalley, recently of Napier, has been lecturing in Christchurch on the war in Europe. He advocated that Turkey, as a nation, should be blotted out, and spoke in high terms of the Russians as a truly religious and earnest people. Mr Smalley was followed by another gentleman, who took quite an opposite view of the question to Mr Smalley, pointing to the cruelties practised by the Russians in Poland and Bulgaria, and also denying that the Russians were better than the Turks as seen from a Christian point of view. The latter gentleman had to our mind by far the best of the argument.
The following paragraph, taken from the Otago Witness of a recent date, will doubtless be instructive to certain gentlemen of the legal fraternity in Napier: – “Doctors and parsons are supposed to be the most quarrelsome people in the world, while lawyers are generally supposed to be wise enough to prefer setting other people by the ears to squabbling themselves. But there is something in the air in New Zealand which causes them to lose that peaceable affability towards one another which is usually supposed to be one of their leading characteristics. In Dunedin a few years ago one or two gentlemen kept the place intensely amused by their squabbles. A case was looked upon as an excellent opportunity to abuse the counsel on the opposite side – the clients’ interests were never for a moment considered. Now, happily, this has ceased to be the case. But Palmerston boasts of three limbs of the law who keep up a triangular duel, to use an Irishism. This singular disease has broken out lately in Queenstown hitherto a tolerably peaceable place. There the lawyers talk of indicting one another for forgery and perjury, besides numerous other high crimes and misdemeanors. The population are much of the opinion of the old farmer who always drank a toast – ‘That every lawyer might kill a parson, and be hanged for it.’

A would-be wit in the Dunedin Saturday Advertiser writes: – “A facetious telegraphic reporter at Napier informs us that the Government keep, at the railway station there, stretchers for the injured. The reporter there must have been lying on a stretcher when he penned the message.” The information contained in the telegraphic message was true, notwithstanding the doubts attempted to be thrown upon it. Stretchers are now kept at various railway stations on the Napier-Takapau line of railing, and considering the accidents that have occurred on the unfenced portions of the line, the precaution taken by the railway authorities to be prepared for an emergency is a wise one.
At Messrs Routledge, Kennedy and Co’s sale on Friday of the Japanese goods recently imported, we noticed a good attendance of buyers. The goods were of a much superior quality to their first consignment, and, in our opinion, the prices were satisfactory. Two hundred and fifteen lots altogether were sold. We hear there will shortly be another lot shipped.
Mr Morrison, watchmaker, of Hastings-street, proposes to start a Mutual Investment Watch Society consisting of twenty members. The object is for members to obtain watches on the deferred payment system.
The shareholders in the Napier Theatre Company are to be congratulated on securing so excellent a site as the one agreed to be purchased at the general meeting on Monday. The section is that on the Shakespeare road immediately above the office occupied by Mr. Upham. It has a long frontage to the street, and is amply large enough for the purpose required. The price of it, too, is such as to insure shareholders against loss, and should it be decided to build a theatre without delay, we have no doubt the investments will ultimately prove remunerative. The movement, we hear, has again woke up the Oddfellows’ who propose leasing the Hall for a long term.
The cost of education in the Hawke’s Bay provincial district is estimated at £5980. The income from educational reserves is only £700.
Some slight modifications in the specification of the Spit ferry service have been agreed to by the Harbor Board. It has been decided that a punt for the conveyance of dray and bullocks is unnecessary as the steamer of Messrs Holmes, the successful tenderers, is of such build as to enable a dray to be driven upon it. The ferry service is to be an hourly one, subject, however, to be made half-hourly, should the Board during the five years’ contract, find it necessary to make the alteration.
The members of the Orange Lodge, No. 25, presented, on Monday, the Rev. J.C.B. Eccles with the Bible mentioned by us in our report of the anniversary proceedings of the Lodge. The presentation was made by Grand Master Lindsay, in an appropriate speech. The recipiet [recipient] of the presentation, the Rev. Mr Eccles, in a speech of some length, thanked the members, and spoke in general terms of the Order.
A general meeting of the shareholders of the Napier Theatre Company was held on Monday at Mr. Mayo’s Empire Hotel. Mr. G.H. Swan occupied the chair. The Secretary pro. tem. Mr. B. Johnson, read the minutes explaining that since they last met the Secretary Mr Upham, and the Treasurer Mr Manoy, had both resigned, and their places had been filled by himself as Secretary, and Messrs Sheehan and Swan as joint Treasurers, who had received and paid in to their credit £103. The sub-committee appointed to consider the most suitable site for a Theatre had reported in favor of two, namely, one in Tennyson-street, adjoining the Protestant Hall, owned by Mr. Gillespie, and offered at £800, and one running from Shakespeare-road to the quarry, owned by Mr N. Williams, and offered for £600. These minutes were confirmed. The Chairman then brought under the notice of the meeting that Mr B. Smith had prepared plans, and given an approximate estimate as to the cost of turning the Oddfellows’ Hall into a theatre. The plans were then laid on the table, and shewed that if these were adopted the Hall would contain 800 seats, and cost £1500. A long discussion ensued, but as was pointed out by Mr Mayo, the object of the company was to obtain a freehold site, the proposition was afterwards withdrawn. It was afterwards stated that Mr Gillespie had withdrawn the site offered by him, and a proposal was then made, “That the quarry site, owned by Mr N. Williams, be accepted for the purpose of building a Theatre.” Mr Johnson moved an amendment to the effect that the Company be wound up. The amendment was negatived and the resolution carried. Mr Manoy was then elected treasurer of the company, and Mr Ellis was associated with him for the purpose of signing cheques. Mr B. Johnson was elected secretary, and the meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.
The entertainment given on Monday in the Taradale Schoolroom by the Mutual Improvement Society was in every sense a success. Notwithstanding the severity of the weather, the room was full of young, middle-aged, and old, who all testified their pleasure at the excellent treat afforded them. The following gentlemen took part in the programme: – Messrs Dryden, Jeffares, Gilberd, Gold, and Chas. O’Dowd, besides one or two other gentlemen volunteers. The songs of Messrs Gold and Dryden in the first part were admirably rendered, both being in good voice. Miss McDonald gave a recitation of the “Gambler’s Wife,” which she did excellently, and gained great applause. The entertainment concluded with a comic piece entitled “Love, Rivalry, and Revenge,” which created an immense amount of amusement. We understand the members of the Society are so pleased with the reception they obtained that they purpose giving a similar entertainment, with a change of programme, in the course of next week.
We hear that, in the matter of Russell v. Waka Maori, the evident of the natives for the defence was finished on Tuesday, after sixteen days and four night’s sittings of the Commission. The Maori evidence on behalf of the plaintiff will now have to be taken, but it is expected that the work of the Commission will be completed by next Monday.
The Wairoa local paper strongly advises people about to travel in the Mahia direction to make their wills before starting. People travelling round Hyderabad-road at night would do well to insure their lives. They run a chance of being smothered in the mud.
The Wairoa people are anxiously enquiring when the Inspector of Schools purposes visiting that district, as in his annual report he made a promise to visit “as soon as the bar became fairly navigable.” The local paper says:- “The river has been navigable now for some time, we have had winter rains enough to satisfy even Jupiter Pluvius himself but no Inspector!” The editor of our contemporary appears to be unaware that the Inspector is busily studying Philosophy.
During Capt. Russell’s recent visit to England, he appears to have been keenly watching the various alterations and improvements made during his absence with a view of introducing the result of his observations on the attention of the Government of this colony. On Tuesday he brought before the attention of the House the necessity of a measure to secure the copyright of works of art, and also pointed out the benefits to be derived from a system of parcel post, now working with success at Home. Capt. Russell’s short absence from New Zealand may prove to be of service to his constituents.
The steamer Manaia has brought down this trip from Wairoa an immense quantity of sweet briar roots, evidently imported here for hedge planting. It is a comfort to think the Wairoa settlers have at last turned their only industry into account.
The Waipawa County Council held its monthly meeting on Tuesday, in the Waipawa Court House. All the members were present with the exception of Mr Rathbone. After the minutes of the last meeting had been confirmed, correspondence was read. Mr Brewer was appointed pound-keeper at Sherwood [Ashley Clinton]. The tenders for the maintenance of roads in the County were, after a slight discussion, all rejected. The monthly vouchers were all passed for payment. The Council went into Committee of Ways and Means, the report of which is to be brought up for adoption at a special meeting to be held on Friday next at 11.30.
The Government do not purpose printing for circulation the suggestions made by the several County Councils and Road Boards to amendments in the County Act. The opinions are said to be as diverse as possible, and of little value.
The Government intend this session bringing down an Amendment Bill to the present Rating Act, in which it will be proposed to relieve the Boards from the compulsory annual valuation, as laid down in clause 6.
The quarterly election of officers of the Napier Pioneer Lodge, No. 26, I.O.G.T. took place on Wednesday in the Rechabite and Templar Hall, Emerson-street, when the following officers were installed by L.D. Bro. Stevens, assisted by P.W.C.T. Bro. W.N. Grinlinton, and W.C.T. Bro. Higgs of Ark of Friendship Lodge:- Bro. Jas. S. Master, W.C.T. (re-elected); Bro. E. Corbett, W.V.T.; Sis. Berriman, W.C.; Sis -, W.S.; Bro. F. Martin, W.A.S.; Bro. G. Boggs, W.T.; Bro. R.P. Brydone, W.F.S.; Bro. F. Hollins, W.M.; Bro. Ryder, W.D.M.; Bro. Storkey, W.I.G.; Bro. B. Palmer, W.O.G.; Sis. E.A. Warren, W.R.H.S.; Sis. A. Robinson, W.L.H.S.; Bro. G. Trimmer, P.W.C.T. The above Lodge is progressing very favourably on the whole. During the last quarter there were three sisters and 13 brothers initiated into the Order, and fresh members are flocking in nightly to join its ranks.
It is understood that the Hon. Mr. Ormond will bring down his Public Works Statement at an early date in order that members may be placed fully in possession of the Government proposals as to additional works for which the new loan o £2,000,000 is recommended.
We understand that another Penny Reading will be given in the Hall of the Athenaeum on Monday evening next.
A man named Spencer was on Thursday brought before His Worship the Mayor charged with having been unlawfully last night on the premises of Mr Massey Hutchinson, and was sent to prison for 14 days. Spencer informs the police that he was formerly in the Mount View Lunatic Asylum, and that the authorities at Wellington had paid his passage to Napier. The police are now making diligent enquiries as to the truth of Spencer’s story. We ourselves have often noticed the man’s name in the police reports of the Wellington papers as being brought up for drunkenness and a vagrant. If Spencer’s statement is true, it certainly reflects no credit on the officers in Wellington to pay for the passage of their vagrants to this or any other part of the colony. We recommend the police authorities to return him from whence he came, ticketed “Not Wanted.”
Napier has the reputation of enjoying a splendid climate, but we cannot fully realise what we do enjoy without making a comparison between the weather we have here and that which other places on this coast have to suffer. For instance, on Wednesday at Castle Point, snow was lying thickly on the ground to the very edge of the beach, and on Tuesday, a bitterly cold gale, accompanied by sleet, snow and hail, rendered the place miserable.
We understand that the members of the Loyal Napier Lodge, have accepted an offer from Messrs Ashton and Swan to lease the Napier Oddfellows Hall for a term of thirty years, at an annual rental of £100. The [l]essees contemplate making alterations and [o]therwise improving the building, so as to meet public requirements in the matter of accommodation.
The Clerk of the Waipukurau Road Board, although in doubt as to the necessity of carrying out the instruction contained in a circular forwarded by the Government to the chairman of the Board, as to the gazetting of newly-elected Wardens, sent a communication to the Government Printer on the subject, to which he received the following reply:- “Hawke’s Bay Ordinance does not require Wardens to be gazetted: The practice has been discontinued by the Colonial Secretary. – George Didsbury.
The meeting of the Napier Literary Society at the Trinity Church school-room was well attended on Wednesday. Several members gave readings, recitations, &c. Next week Mr D.K. Davis promises to give an essay on Longfellow.
Mr W. Shanly has presented a silver medal to be shot for by the Napier Artillery Volunteers. The medal has been designed and made by Mr Shanly. Its shape is a Maltese Cross, having a medallion centre containitg [containing] the Queen’s head, encircled with a gold laurel wreath. The workmanship and design reflect the greatest credit on Mr Shanly.
Avgust 8.
Sailed – Wanaka, at 5 p.m. Passengers for Napier – Mrs Von Temsky [Tempsky] and family, Mrs Bishop, Messrs Beaver, Jobberns, Jackson, and Parker. For Gisborne – Mrs Miller and family, Miss Lawrence, and Mr Nolan.
MR. REES AND MR. ORMOND. Mr Rees made another all-round attack. He was very warm on Mr. Ormond, and charged him with having got clause 4 inserted in the Bill to continue clauses 12 and 14 of the Act of 1869, so as to place ten natives, where the names were inserted originally as trustees, on an equality with larger owners, and thus protect Mr Ormond’s purchases. [Mr Ormond, during Rees’s attack, sat something like a little Jack Horner, biting his nails.) He charged Mr Ormond with being a party to getting natives to sign blank sheets of parchment, in which the particulars afterwards were inserted, and instanced Karaitiana’s ease. The natives should be protected from plunderers. He had been told the Government supporters would vote forth this Bill, no matter what arguments were adduced. He solemnly appealed to the Middle Island members to reject the Bill, and avert a war. They ought not so go into the lobby and vote like sheep.
Mr Macfarlane thought these words ought to be taken down.
The Speaker asked if it was the wish of the House.
Loud cries of “No.”
The Speaker said he thought nothing in the words would warrant their being taken down.
Mr Macfarlane bowed with mock dignity to Mr Rees, and left the House.
Mr Rees spoke of Macfarlane’s tender conscience and welcomed it as a good sign. He concluded by advocating the sale of land in small blocks for bona fide settlement.
Mr Kelly (Taranaki) moved the adjournment.
Mr J. C. Brown urged a division.
The debate was adjourned at a quarter to twelve until Friday.
The House then adjourned.
The Government, meantime, will have an opportunity of working up replies, and possibly gaining the votes of some waverers.
August 9.
In the House yesterday, Mr Karaitiana presented a petition from Renata Kawepo and 1022 others against the Native Lands Court Bill; also, a petition from 222 natives of Hawaiki against the Bill.
August 9.
Mr Sutton moved the second reading of the Napier Endowment Bill. The land was an endowment of only two acres, and lay close to a road. In 1860 the land was granted for the use and endowment of the Napier Harbor Board, but in 1870 a Bill was passed which left this piece out. It was a long narrow piece of land which ought to be granted to the Municipality if of no use to any other body.
Mr Bowen hoped the hon. member would agree to adjourn the second reading, as the matter was in dispute in Napier.
Mr Sutton suggested that the Bill be read a second time and committed, which was opposed.
The Speaker said that the Bill was an all important one. It was proposed to transfer land from one body to another, therefore it should be carefully considered.
Mr Gisborne raised the question as to whether the Bill should not be properly brought down by message from the Governor.
The Speaker said it was not necessary.
Mr. Sheehan moved an adjournment of the debate for a fortnight. He thought there was a mistake in the Bill, and would shew, from papers in his possession, that the Bill as it stands will not effect the proposed object.
Mr. Sutton suggested that the second reading be adjourned for a week – a fortnight was rather long.
Mr. Gisborne said, if the land was not Crown land, it must be private property, and the Harbor Board ought to have proper notice in order to represent their case. He suggested that the Bill be referred to the Committee on Private Bills.
Captain Russell said he had received a telegram from the Harbor Board urging him to oppose the Bill. He was informed that the land was originally vested in the Harbor Board, but owing to a change in the railway that piece had been excluded. He would support Mr Sheehan’s amendment.
Mr. Sheehan considered a fortnight’s adjournment not unreasonable. He would support the Bill if found fair and reasonable. He believed the session would be a long one, and there would be plenty of time to consider it.
The Speaker said he would look into the Bill with a view of seeing whether it was necessary to refer it to the Private Bills Committee.
Mr. Sutton moved that the Bill be adjourned for a week, but Mr. Sheehan’s motion was carried on the voices.
SIR, – A short time since, I noticed that some observations fell from Mr Sidey concerning the encouragement afforded by the Press to scepticism and free thought; the reverend gentleman also alluded in bitter terms to the falling away of certain of his congregation, and to their hankering after strange gods. This, of course, is very much to be deplored; but may I ask is it to be wondered at? The Presbyterian Church is not a church of charity; its hard Calvinistic doctrines are calculated to frighten all those Christians whose bumps of self-veneration are feebly developed.
The Rev D. Macrae, of the Presbyterian Church, Gouroch, has been one of the first to discover that the god of the Church to which he belongs is nothing more nor less than a Moloch, who delights in the sufferings of the creatures he has made; and Mr Macrae has fluttered the Elders of the Presbytery in their dovecots to some purpose. Speaking of the “Confession” of the Church, he says: –
The Confession teaches that God, for His own glory, has predestinated some men to be saved, but that all the rest of mankind He has predestinated to damnation and ever-lasting torment in hell.
It teaches that God has absolutely and unchangeably fixed the very number, so that not one of them (the non-elect) can be brought over to the ranks of the saved, preach to them and pray for them as you will.
It teaches that none are redeemed by Christ but the elect only.
It teaches that the rest of mankind are not only unable to believe in Christ, and beyond his power to redeem, but are brought into the world utterly unable to help themselves.
It teaches that God hardens them, withholding the grade by which they might have been enlightened in their understandings and wrought upon in their hearts.
It teaches that, by reason of the sin of Adam, apart from any fault of their own, they come into the world wholly defiled in all the faculties of soul and body, utterly indisposed, disable, and opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil.
It teaches that because of this sin, which they could not and cannot help, they are bound helplessly over to the wrath of God and the curse of the law, and so made subject to spiritual, temporal, and eternal death.
It teaches that even in heathen lands, where they have never heard, and therefore never had an opportunity of accepting the Gospel, they cannot be saved, no matter now earnestly they may frame their lives according to the light of nature, or the laws of that religion which they profess.
It teaches that if they do wrong it is a sin, and they are damned all the same. If they turn to the one hand, it is bad; if they turn to the other, it is worse. If they obey the law of God, it is sin; if they disobey, it is worse than sin.
And after death, according to our Standard, they are all cast into hell, there to endure for ever and ever unspeakable torments of soul and body as longs a [long as] God Himself shall exist.
It teaches that of the countless myriads who have died in infancy, only the elect are saved.
For the non-elect, young and old, it has but the fate of unending and unspeakable torments of hell.”
There is the teaching of a religion of love specially adapted to those sublime beings; who, Floating secure upon their planks of grace, chuckle at the idea of the surrounding world drifting on to “damnation and everlasting torment in hell.”
What wonder that congregations fall away, and that newspapers encourage free thought. – I am, &c.,
Napier, 28 July, 1877.
SIR – Your leading article of Saturday last contains the following statement: –
“We should mention that every man of twenty-one years, and every girl of eighteen summers, shall be an adult for the purposes of this Local Option Act.”
I cannot easily understand how you could fall into such an error if, as you say, you wrote with a copy of the Bill before you. The fourth clause is surely plain enough: – “Every man and woman of the age of twenty-one years shall be an adult for the purposes of this Act.” Further, you will find that, under the thirteenth clause, any “girl of eighteen summers” who should attempt to record a vote under the Act, would be liable to imprisonment for any period not exceeding six months.
It is only due to your readers that you should exercise reasonable care in preparing abstracts of public documents, the originals being in the hands of only a few, while the newspapers are read by all. – I am, &c.,
Napier, 3rd August, 1877.
[We have seen a copy of the Local Option Bill that was sent to Mr Harding; our own copy, received from the Government Printer, is now before us. The two differ. We would ask, is it possible that the contemptible dodge has been resorted to of distributing one Bill for the public, and another Bill for the House, both purporting to be the same? It looks uncommonly like it. – Ed. W.M.]
Shipping Intelligence.
2 – Wanaka, s.s., from Wellington and Southern Ports. Passengers – Mesdames Harrison, Hodge, and Blair, Miss Blair, Messrs Reardon, Blair, Beal, Dickson, Levien, Blackmore, several steerage, and a few for the north.
4 – Southern Cross, s.s., from Auckland. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Ford and 2 children, Mrs McCrea, Messrs. Banks and several in the steerage.
5 – Jane Douglas, s.s., from Auckland via Gisborne. Passengers – Mr and Mrs Mills, Miss Hadden, and Mr McLeod.
6 – Fairy, s.s., from Moeangiangi.
7 – Orpheus, schooner, from Mercury Bay
7 – Result, s.s., from Wairoa via Mohaka. Passengers – 4 natives.
7 – Manaia, p.s., from Wairoa. Passengers – Miss Walsh, Messrs. Boyd, Carter, and Ingram.
7 – Mary Wadley, three-masted schooner, from Hobartown.
8 – Opotiki, schooner, from Poverty Bay.
8 – Storm Bird, s.s., from Wellington. Passengers – One lady and Mr Parker.
8 – Columbia, schooner, from Lyttelton.
8 – Venus, ketch, from Mercury Bay.
9 – Kiwi s.s., from Wellington via Castle Point. Passengers – Miss Prattley, Messrs Cable, Burton, Carr, Marten, Sullivan, and 10 steerage.
9 – Janet, ketch, from Lyttelton.
3 – Storm Bird, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers – Messrs Romback, Samuels, Smith, Higgins, Mann, and 3 steerage.
3 – Wanaka, s.s., for Northern Ports. Passengers – Miss Harkis (2), Miss Tunks, Miss Williams, Mr P. Gow, Mr Mann, Mrs Naylor, Mr Naylor, Mrs Britten and 2 children, Mr Holmes, Mr Bergen, Mr Fair, Mr Webb, Miss Bannister, Miss Bourke, Hapi, Amelia, Pera, Mr Holmes, Mr Hartshorn, Mrs Harrison, Messrs. Ruddy, Kirk, Woon, Raine, Gordon, Harris, Spencer, Miss Bright, Mr and Mrs Ellis and 3 children.
5 – Manaia, p.s., for Wairoa
5 – Result, s.s., for Mohaka and Wairoa
6 – Southern Cross, s.s., for the Thames and Auckland. Passengers – Messrs Corcoran, Stread (2), Meyers, and one steerage.
7 – Mary Ann Hudson, ketch, for Mohaka.
8 – Jane Douglas, s.s., for Poverty Bay. Passengers – Messrs Locke, Tucker, Loughran, 2 natives, and 2 children.
The s.s. Storm Bird took in a full cargo of wool, tallow, and sheepskins, and sailed for Wellington, at 11.30 a.m. on Friday.
The Jane Douglas, Captain Fraser, returned from Auckland and Gisborne on Sunday morning early. During her stay in Auckland she has been thoroughly cleaned and newly painted, has had her shaft and propeller examined, and new bushes fixed. She brought a full cargo to Gisborne, and about 10 tons for Napier. Capt. Fraser reports the Wanaka and Pretty Jane as having left Poverty Bay for Auckland at noon on Saturday.
The steamers Manaia and Result both left early on Sunday morning, the former for Wairoa, and the latter for Mohaka and Wairoa. Both had full cargoes, but not many passengers in either steamer. Captain Robert Baxter is at present in command of the Result, during Captain William Baxter’s indisposition.
The s.s. Southern Cross is under command of Capt. Carey this trip, Capt. Holmes having been obliged to remain in Auckland through indisposition.
There is a channel forming on the east side of the bar and there was on Saturday five feet of water on it.
The s.s. Southern Cross, Capt. Carey, steamed out of the harbor about 1 p.m. on Monday. She was detained a short time in the Bay to enable the Sir Donald to take out a load of sheep, as the Pilot deemed it better than shipping them at the wharf, there not being sufficient water on the westward side of the bar.
The s.s. Fairy, Capt. Campbell, was enabled to discharge the whole of her cargo this trip on the Coast.
The three-masted schooner Mary Wadley, Captain Balle, arrived at the anchorage on Tuesday, having been 18 days on the passage from Hobartown. Her cargo consists of hardwood, timber, palings, jam, and fruit, and comes consigned to Mr. J.H. Vautier.
The steamers Manaia and Result both returned from Wairoa on Tuesday, with full cargoes of maize. The latter steamer came straight inside about 8 p.m. on Tuesday, and the Manaia waited outside till Wednesday. We notice Mr Light is no longer engineer of the Manaia. This will be much regretted by the constant travellers in this steamer, as by his kind disposition and urbanity of manner he has secured the principal number of passengers. He has been succeeded by Mr Jameson, late of the Result, and Mr Nasmith Junr., is now in the Result.
The schooner Orpheus arrived on Tuesday with a cargo of sawn timber from Mercury Bay. She being two days on the passage up, and three days coming to Napier.
The schooner Opotiki, Capt. W. Harris, arrived in the bay about noon on Wednesday from Poverty Bay.
The s.s. Storm Bird, Capt. Doile, arrived at the wharf about 3 on Wednesday, having made the passage from Wellington in 24 hours. She encountered a very severe hail storm when between Cape Turnagain and the Kidnappers. She had a tolerably good cargo, but only two passengers.
The s.s. Kiwi, arrived in the bay early on Thursday. She called at Castle Point and landed cargo and passengers. She has about 60 tons of cargo for this port, and about 16 passengers. Captain Campbell reports fine weather on the passage up.
The ketch Venus has a cargo of timber from Mercury Bay.
The schooner Columbia has a cargo of oats for Mr Vautier. She left Lyttelton on the same day as the ketch Janet, and beat her 24 hours on the run.
We hear that Capt. Fairchild has assumed command of the Government steamer Stella, the Hinemoa having been laid up, this is to be regretted as it puts Capt. Bendall out of a command.
Captain Kennedy is in temporary command of the s.s. Hawea, and it is rumoured in maritime circles that probably Captain Wheeler will be appointed Harbor Master at Nelson vice Captain Cross, who is about to resign.
The Sir Donald did not tow in the Mary Wadley on Wednesday on account of the heavy wind that blew at the proper time of the tide. She however managed to tow in the schooner Opotiki and ketch Venus, after casting off the Opotiki’s tow line when in mid-channel, the Sir Donald nearly fouled the ferry boat that was crossing the harbour containing, besides the ferry man, two passengers and having two horses swimming astern. At one time a collision seemed almost inevitable, and was only prevented by the ferryman going astern out of the steamer’s way, in our opinion the captain of the Sir Donald ought to have steered his steamer round to the westward, which would have prevented his running almost stern on to the breastwork. Fortunately not much damage has been done to the Sir Donald, we, however noticed the carpenters repairing damage to her bow on Thursday. The passengers in the ferry boat had a very narrow escape of being run down.
The principal consignees of the cargo in the Queen Bee were Messrs. Kinross, Stuart, Watt, Newton, Neal & Close, and Tuxford besides a few private packages.
We have been kindly favoured by Mr Kinross with a perusal of a telegram received on Wednesday by him from the Agents of the Queen Bee at Nelson, in which it is stated that it is feared the Queen Bee is ashore at the Farewell Spit, Nelson. A large portion of the vessel’s cargo is consigned to Napier.
Since the above was in type, we have received the following from the Press Agency: – On Tuesday Edwards and Co. received the following telegram from Motueka: – “The ship Queen Bee struck the Farewell Spit last night. She had ten feet of water in her hold when we left. Send assistance immediately.” No further particulars are yet known. The steamers Lyttelton and Lady Barkley were at once despatched to the assistance of the Queen Bee. She has thirty passengers, and a large cargo for Nelson.
For Wellington, Southern Provinces, and Australian Colonies, per Wanaka, on Saturday, at 10 a.m.
For the United Kingdom, Contient [Continent] of Europe, &c., via Suez and Brindisi, by every opportunity to Wellington, where the mails close on the 24th instant.
For Fiji, Sandwich Islands, America, United Kingdom, Continent of Europe, West Indies, via San Francisco, per Rotorua, on Saturday, 25th instant, at 9 p.m.
Money Orders and Registered Letters will close at 5 p.m. Book Packets and Newspapers at 8 p.m. on 25th instant.
For the undermentioned places every Monday, and Thursday, at 5.30 a.m. – Clive, Hastings, Havelock, Te Aute, Kaikora, Waipawa, Waipukurau, Danevirk [Dannevirke], Norsewood, Tahaorite, Woodville, Foxton, Palmerston, Wanganui, Taranaki, Wellington and Southern Provinces &c., Wallingford, Porangahau, Wanui, and Castle Point.
On other days of the week, mails close as usual, at 6.30 a.m.
Chief Postmaster.
MURROW. – At Napier, on August 3rd, the wife of W.H. Murrow, of a son.
MILLER – EDSER. – At Napier, on 28th July, R.M. Miller, late Lieut. 33rd (Duke of Wellington’s) Regiment, to Mary J., youngest daughter of Mr. A. Edser.
VILLERS – McKAIN. – At Petane, on the 2nd August, at the residence of the bride’s mother, by the Rev. Father Reignier, Mr. Charles Villers, of Petane, to Robina, fourth daughter of the late Mr James Buchanan McKain.
J.A.S. – (1) The verb “to grab” comes from the Danish Greb, meaning to seize suddenly. Yankee Grab is a game that is played by two or more persons with dice. There is also a game of cards called Grab. (2). We cannot give the rules of either game. (3). You had better apply either to the Town Clerk or to the Secretary of the Harbor Board.
GENTLEMEN – Altho’ unsuccessful, it would be ungrateful in me not to return my best thanks to the large number of Ratepayers, who have so heartily, and at much inconvenience, supported my Candidature for the seat in the Council, on the four occasions when the election was contested.
More especially are my warmest acknowledgements due for the votes given to me at the last election, when I had the majority both at Waipukurau and at Ashley Clinton, and was only defeated by the influences brought to bear against me at Onga Onga; the result of the whole election being the small number of Eleven votes against me.
It is a satisfaction to me, greater than I can well express, that the Poll showed unmistakably that I enjoy the confidence of a large majority of the Ratepayers, (there being about 90 for me, and 69 against me,) and that I have been defeated solely by the cumulative votes of a few large landowners who combined against me. That satisfaction is the greater, because it proves that, though personally unknown to almost all the Small Settlers, who have been planted on the wild spurs of the Ruahine, there to struggle for existence, without any helping hand to smooth their first attempts at settlement, the principles announced in my address have met with strong approval; and that too in spite of the misrepresentations, which were so industriously disseminated.
To the Ratepayers residing in the vicinity of Waipukurau, who know me intimately, and from whom I experienced an almost unanimous support, I feel deeply grateful for this mark of their continued goodwill and confidence, in addition to the many others which, I am proud to say, I am constantly receiving at their hands.
Had I been so inclined it would have been as easy to upset this last election as the others, but I felt it would be causing too much expenses and trouble to the Ratepayers to ask them to come to the Poll a fifth time. I hope that any temporary ill-feeting [feeling] which may have arisen in the course of this unusually protracted contest will disappear without leaving any traces behind.
In conclusion I venture to express my entire conviction that the views which I hold as to the taxation of the more favoured localities in the County for the purpose of extending as far as possible, the same advantages to the outlying districts, are bound to succeed, in spite of all interested opposition.
I remain,
Your Obedient Servant,
The Cheapest House in the Trade.
Stock, Land Estate, and General Commission Agent, Waipukurau.
Goods Stored and Forwarded.
Offices and Stores: Near the Railway Station.
Msss [Mass] will be celebrated by the Rev. E. Reignier next Sunday, 12th instant, in the School-room, Havelock, at 11 a.m.
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the public and especially to COUNTRY STOREKEEPEKS, to their large assortment of NEW GOODS –
Builders’ Ironmongery –
WIRE and EWBANK’S NAILS Rim and Mortice Locks, Hinges Screws, Augers, Adzes. PLANES, Levels, Gauges, Floor Cramps, Chisels, Gouges, Axes, Hatches, Hammers, Gimblets, Spokeshaves, Saws (Pit and Crosscut, Hand, Tenon, and Compass), Door Springs, Sash Weights, Lines, and Pulleys, &c.
Brass Foundry –
Cornic Rings and Pool Ends, Curtain Bands and Hooks, Cornice and Window Brackets, Bolts, Sash, Table, and Casement Fasteners, Hinges, Blind Furniture Beer, Bottling, and Range Cocks, &c.
Agricultural Implements –
Hornsby’s and Ramsons’ 1 and 2 Wheel-Ploughs, Harrow’s Winmowing [Winnowing] Machines, (Horse Powers) Wheat Mills, Corn Shellers, CHAFF CUTTERS, (hand and horse power), Coil, Plough, Cart and Dog CHAINS, Hames, Grind-stone, Draining and Grafting Tools, Hedge, Pruning and Sheep Shears, Scythes, Sickles, Reap Hooks, Maull Rings, Wedges, Fencing Wire, Steel-yards, GALVANISED WIRE NETTING, 3/8 to 2 in. Mesh, Saddles, Bridles, Girths, Spurs, &c.½
B.B.H. Bar and Rod Iron –
Boiler Plate, Sheet Iron (black and galvanised), Anvils, Vyces [Vices], Spring, Shear, Cast, and Blister STEEL, Horse Nails, Files and Rasps, Portable Forges, Bellows, Dray, and Buggy Axles, Iron Pipe, HYDRAULIC WOOL PRESS.
Galvanised Corrugated Iron
Q.G. and ½ rd. Guttering, Down Pipe, Ridging, Brackets, Spikes and Tubes, SHEET ZINC, (plain and perforated), Sheet Lead, WHITE LEAD, boiled and raw Linseed, Colza, Castor and Kerosine Oils, Paint Brushes, Sash Tools, Varnish, Soft Soap, Raddle and Charcoal, Putty, Colours, (dry and ground), Liquid Paint in 5 and 10lb tins.
American Novelties –
Saws, Braces and Bits, Arkansas, Washita and Pond Stones, Corn-shellers, Weigh(s)ing Machines, Sausage Machines, Ames, Collins, and Day’s S. and L.H. Shovels, Axes, Hatches, &c.
Furnishing Requisites –
BEDSTEADS, (single and double), Childrens Cots, LAMPS in great variety, Cooking, Parlour and Office Stoves, from 30s upwards, Colonial Ovens, Fenders, Fire Irons, HOLLOWARE, (tinned and enamelled, Brushware, Tinware, Loormats, Scrapers, Tubs, Buckets, Wash and Knive Boards, Mangles, Wringers, Portable Washing Boilers and Furnace Pans, Charcoal and Flat Irons, Electroplate Tea and Coffee Pots, Quets, Butter Coolers, Toast Ra[c]ks, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Tea Trays, Bells, Chandeliers, (gas and kerosene) in 2 to 8 lights.
Cutlery –
Rodger’s, Lockwood’s and Johnson’s Table and Pocket Knives, Steels, Knive Sharpeners, Scissors, Razors, Fleams Sheath Knives.
Dairy Utensils –
Churns, Milk Pans and Seives [Sieves], Butter Pats and Prints, Scules [Scales?], Wood Spoons, &c.
Sporting –
Single and Double-barrelled Guns, Sporting and Blasting Powder, Fuce [Fuse?], Dynamite, &c., &c.
N.B. – BOYLAN & CO., are now SELLING OFF their entire STOCK OF CROCKERY at and under Cost.
50 dozed [dozen] GRANITE CUPS and SAUCERS, from 4s per dozen.
100 dozed PLATES, from 2s 6d per dozen
100 dozed CHILDRENS MUGS, from 2s per dozen
PRESERVE POTS in Nests, EARTHEN MILK PANS, TEAPOTS, from 1s each; TUMBLERS, from 6d per doz. Also a large variety of Articles, too numerous to mention.
By all the celebrated English and French Makers, for Cash or on time-payment system.
AT the request of a large circle of our readears [readers], we give the list of the ladies and gentlemen present at the ball that took place on Friday, the 3rd instant.
The ball was held in Messrs Kinross and Co’s new store at the Spit, which was elegantly decorated, and brilliantly lighted for the occasion. The appearance of the room, as the guests arrived about nine o’clock, was highly picturesque, the shifting and ever varying colors of the costumes affording a most harmonious and charming effect. The scene would, however, have been more strikingly effective had the company been more numerous, the size of the room being quite capable of accommodating another fifty couples. The costumes of both ladies and gentlemen were, in many instances, extremely well adapted to the physique of the wearers, and in nearly all there might have been observed a close attention paid to the details of the dressing of the characters assumed. Amongst the most striking of the costumes were those of Mrs Burke, Mrs Stuart, Mrs Tabuteau, and Mrs Locke. Mrs Burke, in the character of a Polish peasant girl, had on a black velvet jacket, trimmed with silver cord and tassels, over a white muslin and Maltese lace bodice; an under skirt of blue, over which was a scarlet skirt trimmed with silver fringe, and having a border of silver fern leaves; cap of scarlet plush and swan’s down. Mrs R. Stuart appeared as “Starlight,” and wearing a black net dress thickly stuffed with silver stars, and on her head a silver tiara. Mrs Tabuteau’s dress as an ancient lady of the 16th century was faultlessly correct. Mrs Locke as Mary Queen of Scots, was a living picture. Mrs H.C. Wilson assumed the character of Marguerite, wearing a white and blue merino dress, tanned leather satchel and shoes.
Amongst the gentlemen the most noticeable costumes were those of Messrs. Burnett, Von Tempsky, Burke, McLean, Ruddock, Eva, Ridings, and Moore. Mr W. Burnett appeared as Louis XIII, dressed in a black velvet shape, complete, sashed, blue trimmings and silver lace, with hat and plume. Mr Von Tempsky as Malcolm, was dressed in Anglo-Saxon costume, strictly in accordance with Kean’s dressing of that character. Mr Ruddock as a Polish peasant had on black velvet and amber braces over a lace shirt. Mr Burke appeared as a Courtier of the time of Charles II with moroon [maroon] velvet dress, with white satin sashings, cloak, hat and plume. Mr Allen McLean’s conception of King Duncan was perfect. He wore a green velvet shirt trimmed with ermine with scarlet robe, fleshings and sandals, Crown and sceptre. Mr Eva as Laertes was dressed in amber shirt, richly trimmed with black velvet and bugles, cape and hat to match. Mr Riding took the character of Cassio and wore a mauve Venetian shirt and cloak with tights, hat &c. Mr E. Moore appeared as Joseph Surface, in the School for Scandal, and was dressed in a handsome brown costume of the period of George III, with bag wig. Mr J. Fryer also appeared as a gentleman of the same period, his dress being blue and white. Mr C. Kennedy as Don Caesar had on a maroon jacket and trunks, slashed with white satin, and silver trimmings with cavalier hat.
We regret being unable to give more than the bare list of the names of the company and the characters assumed, there having been no description of the costumes furnished to the stewards.
The following were present: –
Mrs Brandon, Ambulance Nurse
Miss Brandon, Milkmaid
Miss Bower, Paquita (Giroffle Giroffla) [Girofle Girofla]
Mrs Burke, Polish Peasant
Miss Browning, Japanese Lady
Mrs Banks, Columbia
Miss Banks, Rainbow
Mrs Begg, Spanish Lady
Miss Begg, Vivandière
Miss J. Begg, Gitana
Mrs W. Birch, Yarmouth Fishwife
Mrs Brathwaite, Doctor of Medicine
Mrs Brown, Nurse
Miss Brown, Vivandière
Mrs Burnett, Night
Mrs Bendall, Spanish Lady
Miss Baker, Roman Peasant
Miss Coleman, Mary Queen of Scots
Mrs Carlile, Doctor of Laws
Mrs Chambers, Lady of 19th Century
Miss Chambers, Union Jack
Miss M. Chambers, Lady of 17th Century
Miss Donnelly, Archery
Mrs Elmes, Lucrezia Borgia
Mrs Eva, Summer
Mrs Gillman, Margueritè
Miss Goudy, Winter
Mrs Hoadley, Turkish Lady
Mrs J.P. Hamlin, Italian Peasant
Mrs Irvine, Lady of 19th Century
Miss Irvine, Spring
Mrs Kennedy, Lady of 19th Century
Mrs Locke, Mary Queen of Scots
Mrs De Lisle, lady-help
Mrs Lyndon, Queen of Hearts
Mrs M.R. Miller, Winter
Mrs E. Moore, Vivandière
Mrs Newton, Lady of 16th Century
Mrs Rhodes, Spanish Lady
Mrs Randall, Swiss Peasant
Mrs Rawlinson, Lady of 19th Century
Mrs Rich, Morning
Mrs Sainsbury, Mother Hubbard
Miss Sutton, Queen of the May
Mrs H.W.P. Smith, Winter
Mrs Spencer, Parsee Lady
Mrs Shrimpton, Liberty
Mrs R. Stuart, Night
Mrs Tuke, Night
Miss Tuke, Croquet
Miss E. Tuke, Summer
Miss E. Taylor, Peasant of the Campagna
Miss L. Taylor, Tuscan Lady
Mrs Towgood, Quakeress
Mrs Tabuteau, Lady of 16th Century
Miss Walker, Folly
Mrs H.C. Wilson, Margueritè
Mrs Withers, Vivandière
Miss Watty, Gitana
Mrs R.P. Williams, Morning
Mr S. Begg, Barrister
Mr J.D. Bell, Diplomatic Uniform, No. 2
Mr F. Berkley, Negro Minstrel
Mr W. Bogle, Sailor
Mr S.G. Brandon, Capt. Napier Militia
Mr W. Birch, Sailor
Mr R. Brathwaite, William Tell
Mr W. Burnett, King Louis XIII
Mr W.U. Burke, Cavalier
Mr J.W. Carlile, Gent. Temp. George I.
Mr W.W. Carlile, Othello
Mr A.L. Campbell, Italian Brigand
Mr F.C. Caldwell, Yachtsman
Mr J. Chambers, Junr., Apache Indian Chief
Mr H. Donnelly, French Count
Mr F.W. Elmes, Turkish Dress
Mr A.R. Eva, Laertes
Mr R. Farmer, Fancy Evening Dress
Mr J.A. Fryer, Gen. Temp. George IV.
Mr J. Giblin, Smuggler
Mr J.K. Goudie, Neapolitan Fisherman
Mr A.F. Hamilton, Highland Dress
Mr C.B. Hoadley, Collegian
Mr A.J.D. Irvine, Uniform N.A.V.
Mr J.G. Kinross, Hunting Squire of the old School
Mr Goldingham, Gentleman Jockey
Mr A. Kennedy, Evening Dress
Mr C.D. Kennedy, Don Caesar de Bazan
Mr F.J. De Lisle, Boatswain
Mr S. Locke, Turkish Dress
Mr E. Lyndon, Fancy Evening Dress
Mr Lush, Paddy O’Rafferty
Mr A. McLean, King Duncan
Mr W. Mason, Clown
Mr M.R. Miller, Sir Roger de Coverley
Mr E. Moore, Gent. Temp. George IV
Mr T.K. Newton, Capt. Napier Militia
Mr F. Newton, Sailor
Mr E.F. Rich, Uniform Customs Landing Waiter
Mr G.E. Ridings, Cassio
Mr W. Routledge, Capt. N.A.V.
Mr J. Rhodes, Capt. Napier Militia
Mr H.S. Ruddock, Cavalier
Mr J. Rhodes, Junr., Military Undress
Mr G.E. Sainsbury, Negro Minstrel
Mr W. Shrimpton, Sailor
Mr A. St. Hill, Swiss Peasant
Mr W.I. Spencer, Regimental Surgeon
Mr R. Stuart, Garibaldi
Mr J.M. Tabuteau, Uniform Collector of Customs
Mr A. Tiffen, Swiss Peasant
Mr H.S. Tiffen, Barrister
Mr L. Von Tempsky, Malcolm,
Mr H.C. Wilson, Turkish Dress
Mr E. Withers, Major Napier Militia
Mr J.N. Williams, Turkish Dress
Mr R.P. Williams, Lieut, Tower Hamlet Militia
Mr Yates, Uniform,
Mr J. Goldsworth, Swiss Peasant
Mr W. Neale, Touchstone
(Before R. Stuart, Esq., R.M.)
William Thomas, a small boy apparently about 10 or 11 years of age, (son of the man Thomas, who some two years ago stabbed Cable, and who was tried and sentenced at the Supreme Court to a term of imprisonment), was brought up as being destitute and a wanderer, having no settled place of abode, proper guardianship, or visible means of support. With a view to his being sent to a Naval Training School, he was remanded until Tuesday, the 7th instant.
Northe v Gallaghan. – Claim £3. No appearance of defendant. Judgment (by default) for amount claimed, and 9s costs.
Thompson v Mahoney. – Claim £4 4s. Set-off filed for £2 16s 8d. Judgment for plaintiff, less amount of set-off, and 9s costs.
The other civil cases set down for hearing to-day were withdrawn.
Stephen Trainer, for this offence, was fined five shillings, or 24 hours imprisonment. He took the latter, funds being low at present.
Mary Ann McNamara, a young woman of appasently [apparently] about 19 or 20 summers, and against whom there have been two previous convictions since Christmas, the last one being also for stealing a shawl, for which she was sent to prison for a month, was again brought up in custody charged with stealing another shawl of the value of 7s 6d, the property of one Caroline Johansen. Prisoner was arrested last evening about a mile out of town with the property in her possession. She was convicted, and sentenced to six months’ imprisonment with hard labour.
An information and complaint by one William Light, engineer of the steamer Manaia against Thomas Smith, the master of the same boat, setting forth that defendant on yesterday did unlawfully threaten complainant, and praying that defendant might be required to find securities to keep the peace towards him, was dealt with by defendant being ordered to enter into his own recognizance to keep the peace for six months in the sum of £25, and to pay the costs of the Court amounting to 11s 6d.
George Wright charged on the information of Edward Ashton with having been on Sunday afternoon last, “unlawfully drunk” was convicted and fined 10s with 14s costs, or in default twenty-four hours imprisonment.
Fergus Cleary was also charged with a similar offence, and further with having committed an
on Edward Aston on Sunday afternoon last. Evidence of the offence having been heard he was convicted of the assault, and fined 40s with costs 11s 6d; or, in default of payment 14 days imprisonment with hard labor. His Worship dismissed the information for drunkenness. The fine and costs were paid forthwith.
In this case an order was made that the boy be sent to the Naval Training School at Kohimarama, and kept there until he attain the age of fifteen years.
Sixteen cases had been set down for hearing to-day. Of these five had been paid in the meantime, two were adjourned, in three cases at suit of the “trustees in the estate of Thomas Meehan,” there was no appearance, and the following came before the Court: –
Pocock v Hughes. – Claim £3 3s, for rent. Judgment for plaintiff, with 9s costs.
Allanach v Foster. – Claim £1 13s 11d, for bread supplied. Judgment, by default, for amount claimed, and 14s costs.
Crow v. Blackburn. – Claim £1 7s 0d for goods. Judgment (by default) for plaintiff, with 14s cost.
Robertson v. McCallum. – Claim £2 10s, bakers’ account. Judgment for plaintiff (by default) for £2 10s, and costs 9s.
Neal and Close v. Anderson. – Claim £8 for rent. Judgment confessed.
William Townsend, for a first offence of the above description, was fined and paid five shillings.
Frank McCarty, in a similar case, was cautioned and discharged.
Mary Fisher, charged by information and summons, with having imbibed too much last Sunday, was fined five shillings, with costs 11s 6d, she having denied the charge, which had to be substantiated by evidence, on oath, of two witnesses.
Edward Rule, for furious riding in Hastings Street last Sunday evening, was fined in the maximum penalty of £5, with costs 9s 6d, or in default one month’s
imprisonment. The fine was paid forth-with.
Christian Johnson, for assaulting one Nils Peterson last Sunday morning, during a dispute about some fishing nets, was fined ten shilling, with 16s costs or in default 24 hours imprisonment. The money was paid at once.
Henry Spencer, charged with having been on the premises of Massey Hutchinson, Esq., without lawful excuse, was convicted and ordered to be imprisoned for 14 days.
The Weekly Mercury
THE Municipal Council and the Napier Harbor Board are on extremely friendly terms. They are both highly respectable bodies, and they are not in the least likely to commit the vulgar blunder of quarrelling. At one time there was just a little jealousy shown by the Municipality when some valuable town reserves were being made over to the Harbor Board, but the feeling was controlled in a wonderfully creditable manner. Lately, the Corporation has given cause of offence to the Board, but the latter has not noticed the trifle, beyond the mere recognition of the fact that its rights have been invaded. It was quite pleasing, at the Board’s meeting on Tuesday, to see the kindly spirit in which the “Bill for the further endowment of Napier” was alluded to by the members. Mr Rhodes having observed that “Sutton was still going on with that Bill,” the Board gently smiled, as much as to say, “let him go on.” The occasion for the observation arose from intimation having been given that the Board would have to spend money at the Spit on a section that had not been included in the Harbor reserves. Mr. Rhodes was of opinion that this omission had evidently been a mistake which would be rectified, no doubt immediately, on the Government being made aware of the state of the case. It was then from Mr. Smith that proceeded the only sharp words that have yet been uttered towards the Municipality. When Mr. Rhodes suggested that the section in question should be applied for without delay, Mr. Smith said, “we had better look sharp about it, or the Corporation will grab it; they would grab everything if they could.” This language was rather hard on the Corporation which, for the most part, has been one of the most “jumped upon” of all corporate bodies in the colony. The little matter of the Corporation applying for a piece of the Board’s property, probably, had caused some irritation in the mind of Mr. Smith, and provoked words to which no meaning can be attached. But the question arises, why should not the Corporation “grab” the Spit section? It is worth asking for, and the Municipality has as much right to it as the Harbor Board.
SIR, – Allow me, through your columns, to congratulate Ex-Presbyterian on the very remarkable progress he has made since his change from the Presbyterian faith in charity, magnanimity, humility, veneration, and the love of truth. It is very apparent that Ex-Presbyterian, in his new sphere, imagines he conveys a very great honour on the Deity by giving him the light of his countenance. Letters of such strong personal reference as that of yesterday’s TELEGRAPH ought to be subscribed by the writer’s name, and hence I add my name. – I am, &c.,
Napier, August 9, 1877.
SIR, – The gross caricature of Presbyterian theology – a caricature quite as absurd, if not nearly so amusing, as some of Don Quixote’s fancies – which appeared in your paper under the heading of “Free Thought and Scepticism” may possibly mislead some weak intellects so far as to make them believe that Presbyterianism is really what it is there described as being.
Would it therefore be too great a liberty for me to ask that you would allow one who is not an Ex-Presbyterian to give his opinion of what the Presbyterian system and the Confession really contain?
And, first, it contains the doctrine of predestination. Now by predestination, I, and I believe nearly all Presbyterians understand, merely a plan or purpose of government on the part of the great Creator in regard to human life, just as I believe in a plan or purpose of government in regard to the whole physical and material universe. By this plan things are made to occur in human life as they do, “only that,” says the Confession “God is not thereby the author of sin.” The fact of predestination as existing together with moral evil is attempted by some to be explained by the theory of Leibnitz, which Chalmers favoured, that this world is an optimism. Necessity for brevity prevents my explaining further.
But, second, the Confession contains the doctrine of election. The distinction between the elect and the non-elect is just the distinction in the plan which afterwards occurs in the fact between the moral and the vicious. The vicious do not become so because of any Divine operation to make them so, or to prevent their becoming virtuous, but from the various possibilities of good or evil presented by such a plan.
Third, the Confession speaks of elect infants dying in infancy; but non-elect infants dying in infancy are unknown to the Confession, and to any Presbyterians that I ever heard of in modern times, except it may be Mr. McCrae or “Ex-Presbyterian.
Fourth, the doctrine of eternal punishment is spoken of in the Confession. And this is meant only the complement of eternal justice, or eternal opposition to and punishment of sin, wherever or whenever it exists. But it is to be observed that it is spoken of only in the Confession as in Scripture, as a state or place; and eminent individuals in the Presbyterian Church as Dr. Norman McLeod have thought that a process of restoration after the present life was, at least in many cases, most probable; so that the eternal punishment of even the non elect is neither held nor taught by the Presbyterian Church to prevent such restoration, whatever individuals may think for themselves. And on this point there is considerable diversity among Presbyterians, as amongst the members of nearly all branches of the Christian Church. For my own part I do not see any necessity in the nature of things or otherwise for limiting either the Divine power or the Divine mercy.
Fifth, the Confession and the Presbyterian Church do not exclude the heathen or the gentile world from the benefits of salvation from moral evil and the blessings of eternal life. All that the Confession does is to make salvation depend upon faith in God as he is represented in the character of Christ. And I have a strong conviction, with many other Presbyterians, that faith in God, as a God of infinite justice goodness and mercy, in which characters Christ has pre-eminently represented the glory of the Divine character is exercised by many of those in heathen lands who have not as clear a knowledge of these Divine attributes as we have. I am, &c.,
Napier, August 9, 1877.
The following letter from the Primate was received on Wednesday by the Rev. D’Arcy Irvine: –
Bishop’s Court, Christchurch, August 3, 1877.
Rev. and Dear Sir, – By a telegram which I received yesterday evening from one of the Churchwardens of St. John’s, I have learnt that they have agreed to my proposal to obtain the services of the Rev. H.W. St. Hill as locum tenens during the vacancy of the Incumbency. Mr St. Hill therefore will enter upon his temporary charge probably immediately, and so relieve you from those duties in the cure which you so kindly undertook, and which, I fear, must have entailed upon you no inconsiderable trouble in the midst of your other engagements. I must beg you to accept my sincere thanks for your very timely assistance, without which the services of our Church in the Parish of St. John must have been discontinued for several Sundays.
Believe me to be,
Rev. and Dear Sir,
Yours very faithfully,
H.J.C., Christchurch.
Rev. G.M. D’Arcy Irvine,
THE Council met at 7 p.m.
Present – His Worship the Mayor (in the chair), Councillors Lee, Tuxford, Swan, Neal, Vautier, Holder, Lyndon, and Williams.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
The Councillors having been summoned to attend a special meeting for the adoption of the additional By-laws, as published in the DAILY TELEGRAPH, their consideration was gone into.
By-law No. 10 was amended so as to read (1) that no cesspool should be sunk at a less distance than 4 feet from the land of any adjoining owner or occupier, or public road or right of way; and (2) that no closet hereafter to be erected should be at a less distance than 10 feet from any adjacent dwelling, or at a less distance than 6 feet from any public road or right-of-way.
On the motion of the Mayor, the By-laws were adopted, to be finally confirmed at a further special meeting in conformity with the Act.
The minutes of the special meeting were read and confirmed.
The Public Works Committee’s report was then brought up, read, and adopted. It contained the following recommendations: –
1. That the tender of Mr. Barry for the removal of nightsoil, rubbish, &c., at 3s per closet per month for removal of nightsoil, and for removal of rubbish from hotels and shops, &c., 5s 6d per month, houses on the hills 2s, and houses on the flat 1s per month per house, be accepted for a period ending 30th June 1878.
2 That the tender of Messrs. Mills and Oxenham, for carting for the period ending 30th June, 1878, at 13s 11d for single horse drays per diem, aud [and] 18s for two-horse drays per diem, be accepted.
3. That the tender of Messrs Joseph Parker and Co., for excavating and filling about 8000 lineal yards trenches for waterpipes at 4 ½ d per lineal yard be accepted.
4. That Mr Miller be requested to proceed at once with the work of forming the Beach-road, and that the Municipal Engineer confer with Mr. Miller as to the width of the road and the height of the wall thereon to be built, said road to be 25 feet wide.
5. That as requested by Mr. Colenso, the Engineer be instructed to form the upper part of Tennyson-street about 20 feet wide.
6. That the land forming portion of the Milton Terrace-road dedicated to the Crown by Mr John Cushing, be accepted by the Council as a public road.
7. That the Municipal Solicitor be directed to request the District Engineer, Mr Bold, not to proceed with the fencing of the rail-way line along the Hyderabad-road until further instructions are received from the hon. the Minister for Public Works.
8. That the works proposed to be done in the Engineer’s Recommendation Report forwarded herewith be authorised.
9. That the holes in Carlyle-street, opposite sections Nos. 54 and 46, be ordered to be filled in.
10. That the Engineer be instructed to prepare specifications and call for tenders for the formation and laying of street crossing at the following places:- Neal & Close’s to the Union Bank, Neal & Cose’s [Close’s] to the National Bank, the Union Bank to the Criterion Hotel, Boylan and Co’s to Newton and Irvine’s, Newton and Irvine’s to A. Manoy’s, Manoy’s to the Masonic Hotel, the Bank of Australasia to Price and Co.’s, Price and Co’s to the Post Office, the Government gate to the Empire Hotel.
11, That steps be formed and the gradien(t) lowered in the Harvey-road, conditionally upon the inhabitants guaranteeing to defray the half cost thereof.
12. That Edwardes-street, from its junction at Hastings-street to the sea beach, be formed and metalled half a chain wide.
13. That the vouchers for the expenditure on account of the borough fund account, the waterworks account, and the swamp reclamation account for the month of July, 1877, forwarded herewith, be passed and ordered to be paid.
On the motion of the Mayor the Council agreed to the payment of six-pence per head for the collection of the tax on dogs.
The Municipal Engineer’s progress report was read.
After some discussion on the state of Carlyle-street, His Worship the Mayor stated that he had been in communication with the Colonial Secretary on the subject of the occupation by the Corporation of its present offices. The Government, through the Under Secretary, had tele-graphed to him that they could not guarantee to the Corporation its possession of the rooms now occupied, and that being the case, he (the Mayor) thought it desirable steps should be taken to procure suitable premises without delay. His Worship drew the attention of the Council to the unprotected state of the public records and documents, through the want of a fire-proof safe, and to the serious loss the Corporation would suffer in the event of a fire.
In reply to Cr. Lyndon, His Worship said the Masonic Hall might be leased for offices.
Cr. Tuxford opposed the idea of the Council abandoning possession of the offices they occupied. If the iron safe in the Town Clerk’s office was not big enough to hold the books and papers, another one could be bought.
Cr. Lee did not believe in being turned out of the building, it would be better to go before that operation was put in force. He thought the offices they occupied were both unsuitable and insecure, and that their security would not be improved by buying more safes. He would like to see the Borough have its own Town Hall, erected on the reserve near the Court House, and in the meantime he thought they should endeavor to find suitable offices.
His Worship gave notice that at the next meeting he would lay before the Council some tangible proposition relative to obtaining suitable offices.
After some other business of no interest was transacted, the Council adjourned.
August 6, 1877.
Notwithstanding the heavy fall of rain we had during last week, I am glad to say that the volume of water in the Ngaruroro has not very materially increased, in consequence of which we escaped from the much dreaded flood, and I hear of no damage being sustained through the disagreeable downpour of the aqueous element. True it had the effect of stopping nearly all out-door amusements, and, to a certain extent, retarding business, which I have no doubt was the same in most places, therefore we have no right to complain but be thankful that we have escaped disaster.
There is a great deal of talk about having a grand masquerade ball and supper at Farndon during the current month. If it eventuates it will certainly be a novelty in the shape of amusements, and I have no doubt will be well patronised, and prove a great treat to the lovers of the “light fantastic” business.
Mr Alfred Danvers while shooting last week, shot a remarkably rare bird, so much so that only a few of the oldest Maoris admitted that they had ever seen one before, and those who had seen any called it a “Mahu” or “Maho.” Mr Hooper in Napier was the fortunate possessor of one, and Mr Danvers left the one he shot with that gentleman. The trio I understand are to be presented to the Athenaeum. What a pity that some influential persons do not take the initiatory step towards forming a Museum worthy of the place.
Notwithstanding the outburst of sympathetic feeling by Mr Colenso the pigeon match advertised to take place will come off upon the day appointed, possibly to the disgust of the gentleman above alluded to.
It is rumored that a memorial is about to be got up and forwarded to Mr Sutton for presentation to the Assembly. The purport of the memorial is to limit owners to owning directly or indirectly more than one public-house under a penalty of £50 per day for so doing. Such is the law in Victoria, and I do not see why it should not be so here. If such was the law there cannot be a question that we should have a more palatable and wholesome beverage brewed.
The works at Merritt’s corner, if intended to protect the railway, should be carried at least a chain further, other-wise the particularly prominent corner which is left unprotected will be washed away, and the river make an easy breach near to Merritt’s pigstyes and thence across the line.
There is a doubt as to whether we have a policeman or not. In my last I mentioned that a memorial had been presented to Major Scully in favor of District Constable Graham remaining in his position. Up to the present no answer has been received, consequently the inhabitants are somewhat scared, particularly as the disappearance of saddles has become rather a prominent feature.
Mr. Bishop drove a splendid lot of cattle through this place yesterday for shipment to Auckland, per Southern Cross. There were about sixty head, and each and every one in the primest condition.
The picnic to be given by Mr. Giffard comes off tomorrow; there will be a great gathering of the children of the district, and ample preparation has been made for their enjoyment.
Return of traffic for four weeks ending 30th June, 1877.
£ s d £ s d
Passengers (5,563) 765 9 1
Parcels, &c 188 15 11
Season Tickets 1 0 0
955 5 6
Goods (1,602 ¼) 984 18 10
Total 1,904 4 5
Mr Rees moved “That this House is of opinion that it is unjust and unconstitutional for any Ministry to use the influence of the Government and the moneys of the State on their own authority for the purpose of defending an action brought by one citizen against another for an alleged libel; that, after the deliberate vote of this House in Committee last session in striking out the item asked by the Government for the Waka Maori newspaper, and the strong expression of opinion of this House that the Ministry should not support that paper as before, this House considers the conduct of the Government in still continuing to carry on the Waka Maori highly reprehensible.” The speaker moved the motion in a well filled House. He commenced by saying that there were circumstances under which the Government were bound to defend their servants when acting under the instructions of their employes [employers?] in the performance of ordinary duties, but that would be in matters which could be fairly brought under the attention of the House. He would be able to show that the duties they were performing was unjust and unconstitutional. The Waka Maori on July 11th 1876, and August 8th 1876, while the House was in session, contained articles which were alleged to be libels by the Hon. Henry Russell. The subject matter of articles was reflection upon his character or articles which he supposed contained reflections. If he had not been a man of means and determination, he might not have been able to defend his character. In the month of August there appeared another article which was alleged to be a libel. He (Mr Rees) did not know whether the ministry themselves considered these articles before they were put in the Waka Maori, but the Attorney-General had stated in the House that defendants in this action were simply acting as servants of the Government. But could that protect a public servant in all cases, and give him a claim upon the Government to defend him? For instance, a public servant commits an assault or any wrong against a private citizen, and that private citizen brings him into Court, ought the whole Government influence, and Government money to be used against him. If such were the case the individuals who desired to protect themselves against the wrong, would find that that would be opposed by the whole power and influence of the State, which would be an invasion of the very principles of the Great Charter under which we hold our liberty, and against the first principles of the law. It must be held the persons who published the alleged libels in the Waka Maori were acting under the influence of Government. The action was defended on a plea of justification put upon record, which means that defendants were justified in what they did in any attack upon the Hon. Henry Russell’s character; any imputation against his honesty; any aspersions they have cast upon him they were justified, and that they were prepared to show in a competent tribunal. If the printers and publishers were justified in what they were doing, they should have been left to defend themselves, and if proved they were not justified in a Court of law then the Ministry could come to the House and say our servants have been cast in an action for damages in the discharge of their duties, we ask you to reimburse us with costs. But the Government not only supplies funds, but uses the whole machinery of the Government in order, not only to defend their servants, but actually with enormous expense and the employment of machinery at their disposal to endeavor to fasten the charges they made upon Mr Russell. (Applause.) Costs had been proceeded with at not less than one hundred pounds a day (Sensation.) He did not know whether the Government were contributing this money out of their own pockets, or the money of the State, but only that the influence of the Government was being used for this purpose. The Government have no right to keep a newspaper which is a libellous publication. They have a right to have a paper which contains information for the State or people in it, but it has no right to have newspapers professing to be printed by the State which can be made a vehicle for a calumnious attack upon private individuals, especially against members of the Legislature who are political opponents for the time being. However fairly people are inclined to Ministers – however fairly disposed to judge what is right – what men of unbiased minds would hesitate before they attempt to justify a Ministry in keeping up at the expenses of the State journals whose columns, from time to time, contained culumnious [calumnious] attacks upon their opponents in the Legislature? Were such things permitted to exist, private persons would be at the mercy of the Ministry, backed up by a majority of the House, and at the mercy of the influence and means of the State. It is necessary there should be a Government Gazette containing information for the native race, but the publication of a libellous attack in such papers is a break of the law of the land. If members of the Government are responsible for libels appearing in the Waka Maori, then they could be placed in the dock as criminals. This principle is commonly recognised in Courts. From time to time owners of papers are subject to civil or criminal prosecutions and rightfully so, because it is the only remedy which the law gives. Suppose a jury found these letters libellous and assess damaged in favor of Mr Russell the costs would be enormous. Would the Government ask the House to vote the costs? He did not think any members of this House would for one moment support the Government to carry on a newspaper to libel opponents of the Government. He might for instance be singled out for a libel action. He would put the case to any man of feeling in the House. Ought the Government be allowed to conduct a paper to libel him grossly, and is he to have no remedy? Such a thing is abhorrent to every sense of justice. He was sure if members of the Government thought the matter over, they would not have taken the course which had been taken in relation to this case. When the Government saw the matter in the paper they might have made a gentlemanly apology, and it would have been accepted. Instead of that, a plea of justification had been put upon the records, and Mr Russell was obliged to go into a Court of law to substantiate his case. If Mr Russell had not gone into the law courts, he must have practically admitted these libels were true. If he had not taken this step, he must have acquiesced in the charges made against him. Now the expenses on each side are amounting to £100 a day. A commission is sitting in Napier. There are about fifty Maori witnesses. One witness occupied four days in examination. The native officers were scouring the country and collecting evidence in respect to this case. Such libels might be circulated against any man if such a system was permitted to continue. If a man lived in any country where German and French were spoken, could it be contended that a libel ought to be permitted to be circulated against individuals half in each language? If such were permitted, and the sufferer not a man of wealth and determination, he must succumb. He was told that day that there was not the slightest use in moving this, because members must vote against it because it was a vote of censure upon the Ministry. They said the majority was sure to vote against him because Ministers would regard it as a vote of censure, and if carried they could not sit. He would be sorry if any member of the Ministry should attempt to defend such a course. Whether this was a vote of censure on the Ministry or not, he certainly did not intend it so. If he did not believe the thing to be right, he should not move it. He simply asked the House to endorse these opinions, and it could then exercise its discretion. He only wished he could, by the votes of that House, elicit really the sentiments of hon. Members without respect to questions of policy. Coming to the second resolution, the House last year struck out a vote for the Waka Maori. By that vote the House virtually affirmed the principle, if it was to be a newspaper for the Maori people, that it should be self-supporting. It was said, why should the country pay for a paper which is used as a Government organ. Members of the House perceived it was so used, and unmistakably a vote of the House was taken after the subject had been fairly debated. They had been told that they must yield to the sense of the majority. The majority of the House might be of a certain opinion, or might be on some considerations open to the support of the Government (looking at the Canterbury members), only it was fair to get the sense of the House whether the Government did right or wrong in adopting the course which seemed to strike at the basis of all constitutional government. (Applause.)
Mr Whitaker rose.
Mr Stout rose and suggested an adjournment.
The Speaker said the Attorney-General was in possession of the House.
Mr Rees, pointing to the clock: – It is half-past five o’clock.
Mr Whitaker: We considered in the first instance whether the question as to whether the Government defrayed the expenses in this action was a proper question to be answered. When the proceedings were conducted in the Supreme Court certain interrogations were put to the witnesses as to who was paying cost. He read questions whether they or any of them were indemnified; whether any person or persons promised to agree they should be indemnified by any person or persons.
Cries of “Time.”
Mr Whitaker: The judge would not allow the question to be put.
Cries of “Time.”
The Speaker: – I will resume the chair at half-past seven.
Mr Rees’ motion is not likely to be carried in it’s present shape.
Many members are averse to ousting the Ministry. Southern members do not care to understand the question. They never did or will understand Native affairs.
The house was adjourned at seven thirty to attend the Hon. Mr McLean’s Ball.
The Board met at 11 o’clock to-day.
Present – Messrs Kinross (chairman), Vautier, Kennedy, Robjohns, Williams, Smith, Newman, and Rhodes.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed.
Letters were read from Mr. Seed asking for information respecting the harbor lights; and from Messrs Banner and Liddle, informing the Board of the dissolution of the firm of Margoliouth and Banner, and of the intention of the new firm to carry out the original contract with the Board respecting conduct of auction sales.
A letter from the Collector of Customs called the attention of the Board to the fact that the effect of raising the road has been to leave the Searching Shed C. some fifteen inches below the level.
A letter was handed in from Mr. Margoliouth on the same subject as that on which Messrs Banner and Liddle had addressed the Board.
A letter was read from the Board’s Engineer relative to the drainage of the section on which the Searching Shed C. is situated.
On the motion of Mr. Vautier, the Engineer was instructed to call for tenders to raise the Shed the required height.
Mr. Rhodes called the attention of the Board, to the proprietorship of the section on which the shed is situated. It did not belong to the Board, and he thought immediate steps should be taken to obtain it.
The Secretary was instructed accordingly.
The Engineer’s progress report was read. It spoke confidently of the future success of the works as bearing on the permanent improvement of the harbor. The position of the works is as follows: – Of the eastern pier 498 feet of the single work are completed, leaving 102 feet of single work and 400 feet of double work to do. Of the western pier 162 feet of single work are finished, leaving 483 feet of single and 200 feet of double work to be done.
A letter was read from the Manager of the Bank of Australasia in reference to the payment of interest at London on the Harbor Board’s coupons, and recommended that the London agent of the Board be kept in funds for the purpose.
The Secretary stated that he had discovered an error in the Bank’s calculation of interest of £128, which the Manager had agreed to refund, and place to the credit of the Board.
Accounts were passed and ordered to be paid.
The Secretary handed to the Chairman the only tender for the leasing of the Spit ferry that had been received.
A petition was read from Petane settlers stating that they would be satisfied with an hourly steam ferry service.
The tender was then opened and found to be from Messrs. Holmes Brothers, of Auckland, who proposed to place a 16 horse-power paddle steamer on the ferry, capable of carrying 100 passengers, with a draft of 2 feet 6 inches; charging freight of 3s per ton for goods; commencing hourly service on or about September 1st next, and continuing it for five years, requiring no subsidy.
It being understood that Messrs Holmes were about to bring their vessel to Napier, the Board agreed to accept the tender, subject to the vessel proving suitable for the work, and according to the description given.
A resolution was carried raising the salary of the Secretary to £200.
The Board then adjourned.
THE following figures show the value of the Customs revenue collected at the chief ports of New Zealand for the financial year ended 30th June, 1877: –
£ s. d.
Auckland 197,643 0 0
Wanganui 22,061 0 0
Wellington 167,355 0 0
Napier 39,654 0 0
Nelson 34,534 0 0
Greymouth 40,458 0 0
Hokitika 35,999 0 0
Lyttelton 195,247 0 0
Timaru 19,590 0 0
Oamaru 11,275 0 0
Dunedin 345,911 0 0
Invercargill 31,830 0 0
Total £1,199,140 0 0
The Custom returns of the colony for the corresponding quarters of June, 1876 and 1877, were as follow: –
£ s d
June, 1876 291,489 0 0
June, 1877 303,542 0 0
showing an increase in favor of the June quarter of £12,053.
A.M.* A.M. + A.M. P.M. P.M.
Spit, depart 7.40 11.0 3.40
Napier arrive 7.50 11.10 3.50
Napier depart 6.45 7.55 11.30 4.10 2.30
Farndon depart 7.10 8.20 11.55 4.35 2.55
Hastings, depart 7.35 8.45 12.20 5.0
Paki Paki arrive 9.5 5.18
Paki Paki depart 7.53 9.13 5.20
Te Aute arrive 8.32
Te Aute depart 8.35 9.55 6.5
Kaikora depart 9.15 10.35 6.45
Waipawa, depart 9.35 10.55 7.25
Waipukurau arrive 9.55 11.15
Waipukurau depart 10.0 11.30
Takapau, arrive 10.50 12.20
* On Monday and Thursday only.
+ On Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Takapau, depart 2.20
Waipukurau, dep. 7.10 3.15
Waipawa, depart 7.30 3.35
Kaikora, depart 7.50 3.55
Te Aute arrive 8.13
Te Aute depart 8.33 4.35
Paki Paki, arrive 9.10 5.15
Paki Paki, depart 9.12 5.22
Hastings, depart 9.32 1.0 5.42 5.20
Farndon, depart 9.57 1.25 6.7 5.45
Napier arrive 10.22 1.50 6.32 6.10
Napier depart 7.20 10.25 3.0
Spit, arrive 7.30 10.35 3.10
*Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday only.
Passengers are requested not to enter or leave the carriages while in motion.
Season tickets issued to and from all Stations. Apply to the Manager.
To ensure despatch, Parcels should be booked fifteen minutes before the starting of the Train.
General Manager,
Napier, March 8, 1877.
SAMSON FENCE WIRE. – This is an entirely new article, and is fast superseding the old style. Five Wires weigh Ten cwt. per mile, and costs in Melbourne £12 10s, versus Seventeen cwt. ordinary wire costing £14 10s (the relative cost will be the same at the principal ports of Australasia) with the advantage of having Seven cwt. less to pay carriage for. Over 1,000 TONS sold by one firm last year, giving unbounded satisfaction. Send for full descriptive circular with innumerable testimonials from leading colonists, and judge for yourselves. McLEAN BROS., and RIGG, Importers, and General Ironmongers, Melbourne.
Persons suffering from weak or debilitated constitutions will discover that by the use of this wonderful medicine there is “Health for all.” The blood is the fountain of life, and its purity can be maintained by the use of these pills.
in his work entitled “The Nile Tributaries in Abbyssinia,” says, “I ordered the dragoman Mahomet to inform the Fakey that I was a Doctor, and that I had the best medicines at the service of the sick, with advice gratis. In a short time I had many applicants, to whom I served out a quantity of Holloway’s Pills. These are most useful to an explorer, as possessing unmistakable purgative properties they create an undeniable effect upon the patient, which satisfies him of their value.”
Is a certain remedy for bad legs, bad breasts, and ulcerations of all kinds. It acts miraculously in healing ulcerations, curing skin diseases, and in arresting and subduing all inflammations.
in his account of his extraordinary travels in in China, published in 1871, says – “l had with me a quantity of Holloway’s Ointment. I gave some to the people, and nothing could exceed their gratitude; and, in consequence, milk, fowls, butter, and horse feed poured in upon us until at last a teaspoonful of Ointment was worth a fowl and any quantity of peas, and the demand became so great that I was obliged to lock up the small remaining stock.”
Sold by all Chemists and Medicine Vendors throughout the World.
On the Label in the address, 533, Oxford-street, London, where alone they are manufactured.
With a “New York” Label.
and at
ADVERTISEMENTS inserted in English, Continental, and American Newspapers, Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, Books, and Stationery supplied with accuracy and punctuality, and at the lowest prices.
Proprietors of Newspapers furnished with Paper, Ink, and every requisite connected with the printing business.
Indents through the Sydney and Melbourne houses, and Commissions executed quickly and economically generally.
Hawke’s Bay Advertiser,
Standing Advertisements for Three, Six or Twelve Months can be arranged for at a Liberal Discount.
Notice to discontinue advertisements (unless where number of insertions is mentioned on original order) must be forwarded, in writing, addressed to the Manager.
W. DENHOLM, Port Ahuriri
£ s d.
Per Quarter, if paid in advance 0 6 6
Per Quarter, if booked 0 7 6
Per Annum, if paid in advance. 1 6 0
Per Annum, if booked 1 10 0
Printed and published by EDWARD HENDERSON GRIGG, for the Proprietors, at the Mercury Office, Tennyson-street, Napier, Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
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