Letter From Hilda Cotterill 1916



My dear Mollie

Thank you so much for your congratulations. We are so proud of our little son. I wish you could see him. He is very like George at times & sometimes like Jack. I am glad to say he has George’s eyes. It was rather a surprise when he came so soon, but it is very nice to have it over now, instead of getting ready for it.

Father is very upset at Capt Todd’s death. It is very hard to think of Napier without him.

Very much love to all

Yours affectly [affectionately]
Hilda M. Cotterill.

P.S.   I dont object to Jack’s eyes!

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Letter from Hilda Cotterill to Mollie Nelson after the birth of her son, 30 May 1916

Format of the original

Handwritten letter

Date published

30 May 1916

Creator / Author

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