Newspaper Article 1899 – Nelson-Smith Wedding


An exceedingly pretty though quiet wedding took place on February 27th at St. Matthew’s, Hastings, when the marriage was solemnised of Miss Gertrude Mary, fourth daughter of Mr William Nelson, of Waikoko, Tomoana, and Mr Hector J. Smith, of Olrig, Hawke’s Bay.  The Ven. Archdeacon Williams performed the ceremony, assisted by the Rev. J. Hobbs.  Owing to a recent bereavement in the family the wedding was exceedingly quiet, but there were a large number of friends in the church to witness the ceremony, amongst whom was the Bishop of Waiapu.  The bride, who was given away by her father, looked very charming in a white China silk gown trimmed with lace, the sleeves prettily rucked; she wore a fichu of beautiful wide white lace, and a most becoming hat of fancy white straw trimmed with ostrich feathers and chiffon.  She carried a magnificent shower bouquet.  The bridesmaid, Miss Hilda Nelson, sister of the bride, looked very pretty in fawn silk trimmed with insertion and lace; large white hat trimmed with chiffon and ribbon.  She wore a beautiful gold curb bracelet, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried a lovely bouquet of white flowers.  Mr T. F. Stuart acted as best man.  During the service ‘Deus misereatur’ was sung, and the two hymns ‘How welcome was the call’ and ‘Oh perfect love.’ As the bride and bridegroom came from the vestry Miss Kelly played the ‘Wedding march.’  The bridal party then drove to Waikoko, where afternoon tea was partaken of.  Mr and Mrs Hector Smith were the recipients of many handsome presents.  The wedding trip is to be an extended tour of England and the Continent.

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