Newspaper Article 1934 – Wedding – Renton-Hector Smith



Last evening St. John’s Cathedral, Napier, was the scene of a very picturesque wedding, when Rachel Gwendoline Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Smith, “Ormlie,” Napier, was married to Moore Richardson Renton, of Christchurch, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dartnell Renton.  The Ven. Rev. Dean Brocklehurst officiated at the ceremony, and Mr. Tombs played the wedding music.

The church had been beautifully decorated by friends of the bride; also tall palms and massed ferns and hot-house plants from Anderson’s Nurseries were interspersed with golden and flame-coloured flowers, red Virginia creeper, red oak, and golden single chrysanthemums.

The bride wore a lovely frock of parchment ring velvet which had a draped corsage and long sleeves and a closely fitting skirt curving at the hip line in flaring gores.  A pearl and diamond brooch was worn and over the gown fell in soft folds a creamy tulle veil caught to the head with orange blossoms and fine pearls in chaplet effect.  A beautiful bouquet of deep yellow roses and maidenhairfern was carried.

There were two bridesmaids – Miss Judith Smith and Miss Dulcie Fleetwood (Christchurch).  Both were similarly attired in picture gowns of primrose-yellow ring velvet with a cowl neckline and swathed sash tied softly at the back of the waist.  Primrose-yellow and chrysanthe-green ring velvet flowers encircled their heads, and shoes of primrose-yellow were worn.  Both wore crystal necklaces, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried bouquets of golden pom-pom dahlias, carnations, hot-house blooms in apricot shades and fern.

A dainty flower girl, little Hilda Nelson, niece of the bride, wore a Victorian frock of primrose satin made with a long, full skirt from a tight bodice made with puff sleeves, and a primrose and green petal head bandeau of ring velvet was worn, and she carried a victorian posy.

Mr. Hector Smith gave his daughter away.  The best man was Mr. Seymour Belcher, and the groomsman Mr. Ian Smith.

After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hector Smith entertained about a hundred guests at their home, “Ormlie”.

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Newspaper article

Date published

17 April 1934

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