Parkvale School 75th Jubilee 1919-1994



75th Jubilee


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Parkvale School
Hastings East School


FEBRUARY 25th   26th   27th   1994

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Present and past pupils came together

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3.   Contents.
4-11.   Welcomes, Congratulations and Salutations from:
The Hon. Lockwood Smith, Minister of Education;
Rick Barker, M.P. for Hastings;
Jeremy Dwyer, Mayor of Hastings District;
Bill Cummins, 75th Jubilee Chairperson;
Dave Collie, Chairperson, Board of Trustees;
P.T.A. Report, Tex Houston, President; and Editorial.
11.   List of Headteachers and Principals.
12.   The 75th Jubilee Committee.
13.   The 50th Jubilee Blossom Festival Float.
14-16.   The Old School and The New School. History and Changes.
17.   The Introduction of Tomorrow’s Schools – Mike Dillon.
18.   The Important Job of Caretaking – Nellie Moran.
18.   The Caretaker’s Recollection of Parkvale School – Bryan Coombes.
20-23.   Excerpts from the Log Book from 1971 on – Flora Ross.
24-26.   “Memories”….as an ex-pupil, teacher and principal – Kingsley Barley.
26.   Do You Remember? – D. Trask.
26.   Letter to the Editor – Shirley Hastie.
27.   “On The Sunny Side” By Cookie – Nell Guy.
27.   One Event I Shall Never Forget – Laurie Scott.
29-33.   “Brothers” – ‘Netta’ Mrs. J. Beale; “The Good Old Days” – A Nony Mous:
“South African Bullock Horns” – John Sunley;
“Memories” – Winifred Duke (Vyner);
“Memories of a Teacher” – Margaret Ann Maddocks (Oakley);
“Parkvale School’s First Lawn Mower” – Roly Wall; and some photographs.
34-54.   A record of events at the 75th Jubilee. Photos, stories and happenings.
54-55.   Kingsley Barley’s Speech.
56.   School Pupil Bloopers.
57-68.   The 75th Jubilee Committee.
Registration of ex-Teachers, ex-School Committee, Board of Trustees, Home and School (P.T.A.) and ex-Pupils registered prior to 21.12.93.

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Friday, 25th February, 1994.
1.00 p.m. – Open afternoon at Parkvale School.
7.00 p.m. – Wine and Cheese Evening. Hastings Racecourse.

Saturday, 26th February, 1994.
10.30 a.m. – Official Opening at Parkvale School.
11.30 a.m. – Decade Photos. Lunch available after.
7.00 p.m. – Dine and Dance. Hastings Racecourse.

Sunday, 27 February, 1994.
10.30 a.m. – Combined Church Service in the Parkvale School grounds.


Congratulations to Parkvale School, to the students, staff, members of the Board of Trustees and community past and present, on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the school.

I am very pleased to respond to the Jubilee Committee’s kind invitation to contribute to your Jubilee Magazine and to take this opportunity to acknowledge and applaud the school’s proud record.

Parkvale School is a popular and thriving school with a strong commitment to opportunity and excellence for all its students. The strong support of its community and staff has enabled the school to respond to the challenges and opportunities of Tomorrow’s Schools in an innovative and effective way.

The school’s history, since its founding at the end of the First World War, encompasses enormous changes, educational, social and economic. It seems appropriate to note that upon its 75th birthday the school enters an exciting and unique period of change in the New Zealand education system. I refer to the recently developed New Zealand Curriculum Framework and the National Qualifications Framework.

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Parkvale School, as it moves towards its first century of existence, will be operating within the new Framework. It is my view that by doing so the school will be at the leading edge of international developments in education.

The last time the school curriculum was given a complete overhaul was in the 1940s, when Parkvale School was little more than 20 years old. Our school system was designed for those times. Since then the technological, social and economic environment has changed radically. The new curriculum is designed to adapt to those changes and acknowledges that change will continue to accelerate, at school and at the workplace.

Unlike their predecessors, present and future students at Parkvale School will be part of a ‘seamless’ education system. The system will emphasise some essential learning areas such as technology and languages. It will include essential skills such as self-management and competitive skills, problem-solving and social and co-operative skills.

I am confident that these changes will provide new and stimulating opportunities for Parkvale School students in the years ahead.

I extend my very good wishes to the school for its next 75 years and trust that the jubilee celebrations will be enjoyable for all concerned.

Lockwood Smith, PhD

[Photo of Flag]

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Congratulations Parkvale School on 75 years of education achievement and service to your community.

Schools are built with timber and concrete, but they are made by children, teachers and parents.

All will recall with pride the many features of Parkvale School that made it a unique and important part of their lives – the many good times and the hope a good education offered.

I pay tribute to the teachers and parents who made this possible. Parkvale School has been well served by dedicated professional teachers, committed to providing the best education this country can give. I am confident that the future will be no different.

Schools don’t work well without a loyal and hardworking band of parents undertaking endless and usually thankless tasks in support of the school. PTA committees, Board of Trustee meetings, fundraising and so on, all takes a great deal of time and effort.

A big thank you must go to all those past and present teachers and parents who have given Parkvale School so much and made the school’s record possible.

Reflecting years of educational achievement we must look to the future. Though the times ahead appear uncertain, there is no doubt that a good education will be one of the most important attributes a young person can take into the world of tomorrow.

Today’s challenge for Parkvale School is the same as it was when it began – to give its pupils the best possible start, with their first few steps up the educational ladder.

Now we must look to the future and wish the following generations of Parkvale School the same success in all the challenges they will face.

Rick Barker

The Time Capsule.


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School Jubilees are a magnificent time of reunion with former school friends, acquaintances, principals, teachers and staff.

Of the many I have attended, either for my own schools or as Mayor, I have never failed to be deeply impressed by the quality of relationship, celebration and appreciation that is expressed on such occasions.

Schools play a huge part in the formative years of our lives, and each school plays a far more positive important role in the lives of the families and the community around it than we often recognise.

Parkvale School proudly celebrates its 75th Jubilee, and it is deserved for me to thank the school – both past and present – for its place and contribution to Hastings over these generations.

As a former teacher, primary and secondary; Board of Governors for 14 years, and as a parent and Mayor, I welcome all of you to Hastings City and District and to your Jubilee.

Renew your memories and friendships, and give expression to your appreciation.

Yours sincerely,

75th Jubilee Introductory Meeting Held 29th April, 1992.

It is now some twenty two months since Gordon Black an[d] I approached Mr. Peter Schirnack the school principal to discuss the holding of the 75th School Jubilee in 1994. Peter Schirnack took the matter up with the Board of Trustees and our first meeting was arranged for 29th April 1992.

Fifteen people were present. The position of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer were appointed and along with the school principal agreed to get things going.

I agreed to be Acting Chairman and I am still there. Sue Barrett as Secretary has done a great job and carried right through the full term. Gordon Black as Treasurer has looked after our finances.

I would like to thank Flora Ross for her contribution and Trevor Gorst for compiling the Jubilee magazine. These key members plus all members of the committee have done an outstanding job.

Peter Schirnack must be thanked for his great assistance, his liaison with the Board has been a great help.

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To everyone who attended the Jubilee I hope you thoroughly enjoyed the occasion and can look back on the event as one of the highlights of your life.

I personally wish to thank everyone for the part they played, whether they be a committee member or a past pupil in attendance. It takes everyone working together to make such an occasion a success and it was a pleasure to work with you all.

Bill Cummins,
Jubilee Committee.

Board of Trustees Welcome to the 75th Jubilee.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I to extend to you a very warm welcome back to Parkvale School. For many it is probably some time since you last visited your school. Along with this I am sure there will be a variety of reminiscences and emotions, related to your day here as a pupil, teacher or committee member.

For many, all of the buildings which you knew so well have been replaced. It must be a little disappointing that you cannot walk into your old classroom where …!? However, as you do explore the rooms and facilities, I am sure you will appreciate how we are trying to provide the best possible facilities for Parkvale’s children.

There are a number of features around the school which have withstood the passage of time. The most striking of these, I feel, are the totara trees. These are a monument to Parkvale’s history. They are trees which succeeding generations of Parkvale children learn to appreciate, and for which we are indebted to those of you who were here in the earlier years of the school and had the foresight to establish. They are a treasured asset of the school.

Finally, may I wish you all a very enjoyable Jubilee, re-establishing old friendships and re-living those times you had together, while on these grounds.

Dave Collie,
Board of Trustees.

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The Parent and Teachers Association’s Report.

I have been involved with the P.T.A. since 1990 but decided in all fairness to read over the last 25 years of minutes and report on all that had been achieved since the last Jubilee.

It has been interesting to see the different ideas for fund raising and in the 1970’s football scores, cake stall, bottle drives, raffles and the walkabouts were the main sources of fund raising. A recipe book was started in 1969 and was selling well in 1971. The main areas to benefit from the P.T.A. were sports equipment, rugby jerseys, maths equipment, educational items, plants, trees and shrubs. Money was donated towards a projector in 1976 and in 1979 a playground was completed. During this time soup was available for school lunches and milo seems to feature strongly during the winter months.

The 1980’s tackled fundraising with walkabouts, galas, cake stalls, raffles, indoor bowls evenings (and the selling of bowls), the inevitable milo, fish and chip lunches, fancy dress dances, and cake baking competitions. They put money towards shrubs, sports uniforms and equipment, musical instruments, a photocopy machine, a sound system, and electronic piano, indoor games for each class, library books, a permanent cricket wicket, computers and a piano. A confidence course was commenced in 1989 with the building of the clatter bridge. The blackout curtains seem to have taken many hours of work – thank goodness we now have videos and not the old projector and dark room. Working Bees have had plenty of mention in the minutes, and no doubt many P.T.A. have pleasant (?) memories of hours spent helping at the school. It seems to have been a regular task for the P.T.A. to assist in taking down scaffolding after the school choir performances at the Municipal Theatre – and I am happy to say this is still on our list of fund raising. It was hard to sort out how much had been raised by Committees each year but in 1985 $1,700 was made, in 1987 $2,700 and in 1988 $2,600.

It appears that sometime during the 1980’s our organisation changed its name from the Home and School to the P.T.A. (Parents and Teachers Association).

The 1990’s launched off with the usual walkathon, raffles, and galas and then we branched off into new ventures – regular sausage sizzles, donuts, cans, chocolate sales (our best fund raiser so far), family portraits, blue light discos, barn dances, rock n roll dance, fancy dress dances, quiz evening, phone cards, labels, a skating day, firewood and grape picking.

In 1990 just over $5,500 was raised and in 1992 we raised over $10,000. Money has been put towards library books (over $5,000 in 1991 and $6,500 in 1992), reading resources, a computer, maths equipment, sports equipment, a school flag, the adventure

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playground, donations to the Board of Trustees and to the Jubilee.

We have also been involved in introducing a new school uniform in September 1991. This led us to change the school colours from royal blue and gold to navy blue and lemon. A school logo to be worn on the school uniform was designed by one of our pupils. This same logo is on our new school flag. We started work on another school recipe book in 1992 to coincide with the 75th Jubilee and look towards this to be our major fund raiser in 1994. Due to the fun had at the grape picking this will probably be another fund raiser for us in 1994.

1994 also seems to promise yet another name change for our fund raising organisation and this time it might be to something like “Friends of the School”.  However, new name or not, rest assured we will be carrying on in the same tradition of fund raising and support for all concerned with the school.

Tex Houston,
Parents and Teachers Association.


As the 50th Jubilee Booklet attempted to place on record, for the benefit of those interested, the highlights of Parkvale School’s first fifty years of growth and development, we have taken the liberty of rather lightly covering the first fifty years and more fully trying to cover the last twenty five years of Parkvale School’s growth and development. The two documents together cover the seventy five years we are celebrating at this time.

Like many schools in this area, the 1931 earthquake has been the reason given for records not being complete. So too, the lack of storage space and instructions given for keeping records, has been one of the causes for incomplete records. The recent change to “Tomorrows Schools” saw the abandonment of systems that were previously in existence but it is my guess that time fades records beyond keeping, and the dilapidation of buildings causes many materials to be thrown out before rebuilding takes place. Never-the-less Parkvale School is better off than most because its pupils and teachers and other friends of the school, have recorded their memoirs from their own personal knowledge and many of these stories quite clearly tie together.

The Editor of the 50th Jubilee Booklet wrote, “No factual record exists of the “Hop Kiln” days, school records commencing with the opening of Parkvale in February 1920.” However in November 1993, John Philpott wrote six and a half lines to me from Clive.

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In this short letter he stated: “that following the 1931 earthquake, St. Barnabas Church (The Hopkiln) held Sunday services in the open classroom in the northern side of the playground.” From this information it seemed to me that the Hopkiln and St. Barnabas Church were either very close or at some stage, one and the same complex. The Hopkiln appears to have been used first before Parkvale School was opened. [An article I found in an old Log Book entitled “Brief History of Parkvale School”, mentions this. The article appears to have been written for the 50th Jubilee but did not appear in the Magazine, probably because much more detailed information was included. I do not know the author, but have decided to include it under the photograph of the Old School as it appears to me to be well authenticated factually.]

My grateful thanks go out to all of you who have given contributions large or small, signed or unsigned, to this 75th Jubilee Magazine. Many thanks are also due to those Principals who have kept Log Books during the last twenty five years and to those who have lent records and photographs. My thanks to the present Principal, Peter Schirnack, and to the Board of Trustees for access to all the files. My thanks to Flora Ross for researching the Log Book files and providing a base from which I could begin.

It is intended that the latter part of this 75th Jubilee Magazine will contain photographs of the event and the people who attended. I apologise for any errors, articles or people who have missed out on a mention. We have had to work to a strict timeline to have everything set up except the photographs and brief articles of the event. It is my hope that this booklet will be able to rekindle memories of what I hope was a most enjoyable Jubilee for you.

Trevor Gorst,


L. F. Peglar, [Pegler] [H.D.H.S.]   1919
F. A. Garry   1920-1924.
W. J. Driller   1924
A. E. Day   1924- 1927
G. H. Lord   1927-1932
N. Barton.   1932-1933
W. B. Roe.   1933-1949
E. C. Miller.   1950-1954
J. Izatt.   1954-1965
R. A. Boyd.   1966-1972
O. C. Benson.   1973-1975
B. L. Pratley.   1975-1981
K. C. Barley.   1981-1986
T. H. Gorst   1986-1990
P. C. Schirnack.   1990-…

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The 75th Jubilee Committee

Chairperson: Bill Cummins.

Secretary: Sue Barrett.

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Ivan Palleson, Bridie Smith, Peter Schirnack, Sue Tidswell, John Lane, Diane Nelson,
Margaret Hooper
Jan Beale, Laura Arnott, Tex Houston, Diane Frater, Isobel Crawford, Winifred Duke, Trevor Gorst.
Sue Barrett, Bill Cummins, Gordon Black, Flora Ross.

Remember the 50th Jubilee Float?

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The Old School.


Prior to the erection of the school in Howard Street in 1920 the children of the Hastings East (Parkvale) area were associated with the Hastings District High School. They assembled in a “hired” building with a roll of 76 in 1919. These were the foundation pupils of Parkvale School and the hired building was the hop kiln in what is now Windsor Avenue. The hop kiln was owned and run by the Masters family.

The new building was opened unofficially by Mr. Miller the Chairman of the School Committee on the 19th February, 1920 and the roll bounded up to 209. To cope with these pupils the Headmaster, Mr. F.A. Garry had two assistants, Miss E. Sinclair and Miss McCormick. Shortly they were joined by Miss Castle, Miss Drummond, Miss Foster and Miss Armstrong.

Mr. Garry, with the cooperation of the School Committee, established gardens and planted trees in the school area. This set a pattern which has been followed by succeeding Headmasters and Committees, and it is due to their foresight that the school has its splendid grounds today.

(Continued next double page.)

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The New School.

School Buildings Development.
By Peter Schirnack, Present Principal.

By mid 1989 the ex H.B. Education Board had presented to the School Committee sketch plans for the redevelopment of the total school within the totara tree boundary. This plan was based on the Kimi Ora school style – a central pod with classes radiating from this central area. (Known as the crucifix design.) By the time the estimated cost for replacing seven or eight classrooms had reached $1.7m these plans were shelved and an architect was commissioned to draw up new plans. This style, which became commonly known as “sausage buildings” was four paired classrooms in a dogleg design.

By this stage, with changes of Goverment and changes to the “Education System” (known as To-morrows Schools) it was feared that the replacement of grossly substandard buildings would be completely shelved. The Board of Trustees became involved in negotiating with the Minister of Education under “Deferred Works” or “Capital Works”. Whenever we seemed to make progress under one area, funding would cease and be transferred to the other area. Without a funding base the project was getting further and further delayed.

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The Old School…continued.

On 12th April 1920, the school was officially opened by the Hon. C. J. Parr, Minister of Education. The builder was Mr. T. A. Hill and it is a tribute to his craftsmanship that so little damage was suffered in the earthquake. The records detail shop days, picnics, working bees and varied parent efforts showing fine standard of parent interest and endeavour from the outset. Nowhere is this better illustrated than in 1922 when the Committee raised two sums of 500 pounds each in Government Debentures to assist the building of two new rooms. They were needed to cope with the roll increase to 322. November 1928 saw the opening of the school (and district) baths making the school pool the oldest in Hastings and probably one of the first pools in New Zealand.

The 1930’s were notable for the splendour of the school gardens under the Headmastership of Mr. W. B. Roe. In 1931 the disastrous Hawke’s Bay earthquake occurred and the school was fortunate to escape with minor damage to an end wall and two pergolas. 1938 saw the opening roll top 400 for the first time. This year also saw many visitors to the school to see the district’s first open air classroom. The classroom was later found to be rather too airy and has since been closed in.

The 1940’s record steady material progress in the school though some slight falling off in the roll. Overall, however, the Parkvale roll has shown few of the fluctuations experienced by many schools – a sign of the stability of the district. The growth has continued steadily to reach a new opening peak of 520 in February 1969. 1947 saw the appointment of Mr. G. Lowe to the staff – later to be remembered for his association with Mount Everest. In the following year the log notes six days leave for Mr. Lowe as he was participating in a search for a plane missing in the Ruahines.

The Dental Clinic also receives mention in 1947 and this is presumably the first year of its operation.

Mr. W. B. Roe left the school in 1949 after 14 years association with the school, the longest period of service for any Headmaster.

The Home and School Association was first formed on 4th October, 1950 and this body has a very fine record of service to school and community alongside the School Committees.

Mr. Izatt, another Headmaster with a fine record of service had an explosive initiation to the school. During his first month a classroom boiler exploded violently – fortunately the room was empty and there was no injury to person.

1954 saw the “decapitation” of the school with Form 1 and 2 pupils joining the Hastings Intermediate School.

The attractive school uniform was first adopted in 1956, and this year also saw the introduction of Parent-Teacher interviews to replace the mid-year report system, an idea now taken up by most schools.

1957 opened with the resignation and subsequent death of a very old friend of the school in Mr. George Baddiley, caretaker since the opening day in 1919. Few schools can have been served so faithfully. It is a pleasure to record that Mrs. Baddiley is still in excellent health [written in 1969] and continuing her almost life-long association with the school by serving its youngsters daily in the “tuck-shop”.

The British “Lions” visited the school in 1959 following their match against Hawke’s Bay. They could not have foreseen that a Parkvale pupil would soon return the courtesy in their homeland – our All Black, Bill Davis.

Mr. Izatt retired in 1965 and Mr. Boyd was appointed Headmaster in 1966. The growth in roll continued and new rooms were added in 1966 and 1967 with another coming in 1969. Work on the Assembly Hall began in April 1967 and the building was completed by the end of the year. A feature of the Hall is the incorporation of a library on the mezzanine floor.

The 50th Jubilee Year of 1969 found the school fully staffed and with the largest ever opening roll. [My thanks to the unknown author. It may have been Mr. R. A. Boyd – Principal 1969. Editor.]

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New School Buildings Development continued:

Finally, under “Health & Safety” a redevelopment project was agreed to. The old sewers had begun to break down with the line blocking at least once a month and major flooding occurred on the netball court and around classrooms even in moderate rain falls due to totally inadequate drainage.

Stage One involved the remodelling of the old ”Open Plan” classroom block and laying of new sewer and gas lines. This was completed in 1991.

Stage Two involved the removal of four P.M.C. [Prefabricated Mobile Classrooms] to be replaced by three new conventional classrooms. Two older original classrooms were remodelled with all classrooms having access to the toilet block by covered ways. The school was re-painted, drainage work undertaken to overcome the flooding and car park remodelled and sealed, along with associated repairing and fitting of the security system to protect this asset. This project was completed in May 1993.

This project involved the removal of the last remaining brick building. The last physical link with this type of building.

Stage Three – The building of a new classroom on a cost sharing basis with the Ministry. This was built on the site of the classroom burnt down in August 1975. It was completed by the end of 1993.

The saga of the buildings became a protracted affair involving the Board of Trustees in numerous meetings, letter writing, lobbying and a great deal of patience. The end product, while not being ideal, meant that children and staff are able to work in vastly improved conditions, more fitting for pupils of our school.

By Michael Dillon, Chairman of the first Board of Trustees.

The advent of Tomorrows Schools on 1st October 1989 meant
– the end of Education Board and School Committees;
– the beginning of locally elected School Board of Trustees;
– ownership of school properties and buildings remaining with the new Ministry of Education, but school contents to be owned by individual Boards;
– all school maintenance to be taken over by Boards;
– schools to become self managing with less bureaucrats.

The first Boards of Trustees were elected by the school communities in May 1989. The first year saw mountains of paper with directives, changes of directives, selling of the new concept, seminars and workshops. Some of these were reasonably valuable but many just added to the confusion.

What we set out to do at Parkvale was – define the Principal’s role of management and that of the Board as governance; formulate the School Charter; set up basic policies and procedures; draw up position descriptions for all staff; set up budgeting and accounting structures under the direction of Jill McIntosh.

Through all of this we endeavoured to ensure that children and teaching were not affected by the changes which were taking place, although teachers remained bemused by the pace of change, particularly in administrative tasks.

We did have some difficulty getting much assistance or rulings from the new Ministry of Education as most of these people were new to their positions. Some examples included the selection and appointment of a new Principal – we were lucky that we had some expertise within the new Board to ensure that the procedures were fair and best for Parkvale; we also set up our own financial policy and procedures. After the first year the Ministry then used much of the Schools in put to put out guidelines.

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Aside from all of this we still had on-going discussions meeting and lobbying with the Hastings District Council and community over such issues such as the Heretaunga St. E pedestrian crossing, and sale of land by the Council which we had used as a playing field for many years. There were also prolonged negotiations with the Education Board and then the new Ministry on the replacement of the prefabricated buildings which had been condemned by the Department of Education in 1987.

By Nellie Moran.

My father, Mr. Baddiley, was the first caretaker of Parkvale School. He held that position for 38 years. Ill health and his subsequent death in 1957 ended that era.

When still a pupil I was called on at times to help with the sweeping and would be armed with a broom, shovel, container for rubbish and smaller container with oil dampened sawdust to help keep the dust down. A small amount would be put under each row of desks and each aisle and would be swept up with the dirt.

During the school holidays windows were cleaned, desks stacked to one side of the rooms and floors scrubbed on the desk free side of the rooms and when dry, desks were stacked on the clean side for the dirty side to be scrubbed. The furnace would be lit to heat the water for the scrubbing. Two bath tubs were used, one containing caustic soda and soap for scrubbing with broom and the other with clear water for mopping. The floors always looked lovely and white, but the first day back to school was nearly always wet and mud would be brought in on feet. After years of doing that, oiled floors were introduced and the oil kept the dust down. Each end of term the floors were washed and re oiled yearly. This was done with my mother’s help.

February 3rd 1931 brought the earthquake. The school baths were not fenced at the time. The waves created by the ‘quake were estimated by my father as twelve feet high. The water spilled out onto the road. Mrs. Chappell, who was infant mistress at the time had her little ones on the lawn. They were terrified and she gathered them around her and started singing to them. Parents started arriving and I heard one child telling her mother her legs were not safe to stand on. I think we all had wobbly knees. As far as the school went there was little damage, it certainly was well built.

I wonder if the culprits who put a potato up the exhaust of Miss Faram’s baby Austin car remember … she was not amused!

By Bryan Coombe.

When my wife and I started work as Caretaker and Cleaner at Parkvale School in 1973 there was a building contract in progress.

Rooms 10 and 11 were already in use. Room 12 was built as one big open room and was called the Open Plan Room and had four different classrooms in the one room. It was used as a part time room until the May holidays. The Administration Block, the Boiler House and the Library were still being built, as were the walk ways between the buildings.

The walkways when finished carried the heating pipes to rooms one to eight. While there was no concrete along the walkways I helped the carpenters put their large concrete boards on the ground so they could be used as a path to keep the mud out of the rooms. The concrete paths were laid in the May holidays around the walkways at the side and back of room 12 block and to the hall.

My wife stopped the afternoon cleaning during June because she found the broken concrete hard to manage as she had to use a walking stick. She still carried on helping me voluntarily to do the polishing in the holidays.

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In July 1973 the demolition started on the brick building. The woodwork was stripped out to leave the brick shell. A huge rubber tyre loader moved in and knocked down the walls. Most of it was down by the end of the August holidays. After the building had been demolished the foundations were left in the ground. You could see where the dividing walls were as the grass would never grow in that place. This was particularly so in fine weather as the ground would dry out. Those foundations were eventually dug out when the latest addition was started in 1992.

The swimming baths sheds, built of corrugated iron, were pulled down. The open gap was fenced and with no changing sheds for the 1973-4 swimming season, the boys used the old brick staff room and the girls used the upstairs library in the hall. New changing sheds were built of concrete blocks during the winter term of 1974 and a surplus toilet, from earlier demolition, was put in place by a mobile crane.

In March 1974 the small asphalt Tennis Court in front of room 7 and 8 was dug out and about 12 trucks of metal compacted with a roller, then the concrete was laid over a six day period. Extra concrete was also laid to rooms 10 and 11 porch and back doors.

The brick fence along Howard Street frontage, which was from the beginning of the car park to the boundary was taken apart brick by brick, then the Education Board carpenter came in just before the May holidays 1975 and planted the pipe posts in concrete footing then piped the top and bottom and completed it with diamond netting.

In July 1976 about half an hour after cleaning rooms 1 and 2, and after shutting the doors a fire broke out and completely destroyed room 1. The Fire Brigade managed to save most of room 2. The wall between the two rooms and windows were replaced. Room 2 was redecorated early in 1977 ready for the infants class for the start of the second term. Room 1 was not rebuilt at the time but the concrete slab remained in place until this year (1993) when a new shared expenses classroom was built on the old slab.

In about 1978 the Open Plan (Room 12) was altered and divided into three classrooms, with a passage and cloak room put under the front windows and at the back was a film and music room with a stage on the right side back wall. A listening post room was in the middle at the back. Near this was a small teachers’ room. These rooms were heated from radiator heaters connected to the boiler.

From July to December 1979 the construction of an Adventure Playground took place. On the back lawn out the back of room 2 was a structure with a staging on it and a pipe for the children to slide down on a fireman’s pole. In one corner of that lawn was a frame of hanging tyres bolted together and chained to a pole, sitting up about 8 feet tall. There were three other sets of tyres to walk on or even climb through if the children were small enough. There was also a structure of tyres in the shape of an M behind the dental clinic for the older children to play on. It was all concreted in. This was all built by two PEP workers.

I enjoyed doing all the flower gardens about twice a term. Then, it was decided by the Committee to dig out the plots under the front of rooms 7, 8 and 9. These flower beds were replaced by fixed seating and concrete under the windows of each room. The change left established trees and shrubs in place. When the gardens were gone, it gave me more time to do the rose garden along the front of the office and it did look beautiful when the flowers were in bloom.

One of my tasks was to paint white and yellow lines on the concrete for sports and games every two years. I retired after cleaning the inside of the rooms, and maintaining the outside of all the grounds within the boundary for 16 years to the day. Since then we have seen many changes including the rebuilding of room 12, gas heating introduced, the boiler room and the last brick building removed, together with prefabricated rooms 6, 7, 8 and 9. A new carpark, colour scheme and security system added. After many years the old concrete slab is once more a classroom. There have indeed been many changes since I left about four years ago.

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03.08.71.   Remodelling of swimming baths began.
01.12.71.   New swimming pool first used.
16.12.71.   Year One Teachers and Mrs. Landman farewelled. Closed for vacation. Roll 514. Advised by Mr. Page 10/12/71 that new school is to be built to replace brick block.

17.7.72.   Work on new buildings began. Mr. T.L. Jones builder anticipated work will take twelve months.

05.02.73.   Mr. O Benson took up duties of Principal.
22.02.73.   Home and School “Meet the Teachers” evening. This was a very well attended evening with over 100 parents meeting the teachers. Mr. Liley Deputy Principal addressed the parents on the open plan classroom concept.
16.06.73.   Last remaining large walnut tree taken out. A sad occasion.
22.06.73.   Tenders called for removal of old brick building.
01.09.73.   School reopened. During the holidays the old brick building had been demolished and most of the new concrete laid. Administration Block now virtually completed.
26.09.73.   Std. 3/4 children attended function for Governor General at Nelson Park during the morning. Roll reached 470.
10.10.73.   Major drain blockage on site of old school. Complete replacement necessary.

29.03.74.   Heaters on because of very cold weather.
20.04.74.   P.T.A. organised Walkathon held at Windsor Park. About 300 children took part and raised about $1200.
17.06.74.   School closed because of weekend storm. Several trees blown down. No other damage. All Hastings school closed.
18.07.74   Lighthouse Keeper (Farewell Spit) spoke to Open Plan Classes.
09.08.74.   H.B. Schools Gymnastics Competition Parkvale results: Boys First in contributing grade. Girls Third Place. Mr. Daymond in charge.

20.03.75.   Primary School Swimming Sports. Fifty children participated.
04.08.75.   Disastrous fire at 3.35 p.m. completely destroyed Room 1 and its contents and badly damaged Room 2 and its contents. Report to Board and requisitions. Both classes moved into Room 3 and 4.
14.08.75.   A group of P.T.A. Mothers spent most of the day replacing charts and cards destroyed in the fire.
09.12.75.   The school road patrol was presented with a handsome shield in recognition of their being the best school patrol in the Hastings Area.
19.12.75   Term 3 ended. Roll 406.

10.03.76   The Junior School carried out a pond and stream study at Maraekakaho. Parents and teachers were very pleased with the result. A tired lot of children had many exciting experiences.
08.07.76.   The brick fence across the front of the school, for so long a landmark, has been dismantled, and a pipe and wire fence is to be erected in its place.
18.11.76.   Std. 3/4 children visited Blow Hard bush for a native bush study.

24.02.77.   A large group of children from our school attended the Royal Visit at the Tomoana Showgrounds.
27.06.77.   Parkvale School participated very creditably in the Hastings and District School’s Maori Festival. The classes involved were Upper Primers under the direction of Miss R. Paki.
03.08.77.   A very successful Arbor Day planting was held. It was attended by the Mayor Mr. J. J. O’Connor and a number of Councillors. 30 native trees and shrubs were planted outside the baths fence and 28 trees and shrubs planted in other places around the school grounds. A further 12 silver birch trees were donated by the P.T.A.
27.10.77.   P.T.A. film evening on “Adventure Playgrounds”.
15.12.77.   Block One presented “The Trojan Horse” to a capacity house.

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07.03.78.   Our school competed in a Primary School Relay event to mark the opening of the All Weather Athletic Track at Nelson Park.
25.05.78.   Mr. G. Bell, General Manager, Mr. A. Lawrence D.S.I., Mr. B. Wilkens, Board Architect visited and discussed with staff the proposed alterations to the Open Plan. Three pod flexible arrangement with withdrawal spaces to be provided. Building should commence at the end 1978 to be ready for Term 1 1979.
15.07.78.   Permission sought from the Board to start construction on Stage 1 of our Adventure Play Area.
09.11.78.   All our Std. 4 children spent an evening on the Waimarama Marae under the supervision of Mr. Michael Smyth the group gained much from this experience.
04.12.78.   Work commenced today on alterations to the Open Plan. All Std. 3 & 4 pupils are being taught in the hall.

12.02.79.  The Open Plan was officially reopened today after extensive alterations estimated to have cost $20,000. There are now three rooms which can be opened or shut. An Audio Visual room, stage and withdrawal area and a teacher prep/interview room.
20.09.79.   Theatre Corporate, a Play Group from Auckland, preformed for the school in the Hall today. (What an asset the hall is to our school.)
19-27.11.79.   For the first time we have held an Outdoor Education Programme which has involved all children from Std. 1 to 4 in camping and preparing meals, and completing set tasks or units on Natural Science topics.

28.05.80.   Gary Brain NZTV Orchestra percussionist gave a performance in the school hall.
12.11.80.   Our School participated in an Athletic Twilight meeting at Nelson Park – a very successful “first”.
01.12.80.   ‘Optimist’ Week for S.3 & 4 children commenced using school baths. A very popular activity for this age group.

03.03.81.   St. John Ambulance, (Rex Goodwin) addressed a whole staff meeting on procedures for dealing with school accidents.
07.05.81.   See the newspaper photo re road safety – taken from the Log Book.
28.05.81.   P.T.A. Meeting. The hot drink scheme for winter is to start next week. 10 cents a cup.
05.06.81.   A farewell morning tea was held for Mrs. Jenny Palmer who has assisted with school cleaning for many years. She was a popular lady – many of the pot plants and wall hangings are her work, not to mention her pavlova skills.

22.03.82.   Ten teachers attending the stop work meeting during the afternoon. (The first ever occasion in 97 years!) All pupils sent home at lunch time. One pupil requested supervision which was arranged.
19.11.82.   Mini Gala. The community raised $1000 in two hours – which was a marvellous effort.

23.06.83.   Television programme on the Parkvale Pedestrian Crossing shown.
22.09.83.   Cross Country Run at Windsor Park. This was again highly successful and parent support was tremendous.
28.10.83.   Martin Crowe and Ian Smith two N.Z. cricket representatives visited the school for assembly and took 14 pupils for special cricket coaching.

15.02.84. A very successful Std. 3/4 Swimming Sports. Parents well represented. A dash for cover at 2.50 p.m. as rains came! (A record for exit.)
26.04.84.   Visit by fifty pupils from Marewa School Napier. A most enjoyable music exchange with our Std. 3 & 4 pupils. Std. 4 Parkvale pupils were invited to the Karamu High school production of “Grease”. Quite a musical day.
28.11.84.   An excellent fire drill as part of our outdoor education programme.

26.07.85.   The wettest day for many years. Many schools in the district closed because of sewage problems. Flooding all around us. The concrete tennis courts are under water. The playing fields are submerged while several inches of water are flowing over the paths and one classroom is

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Isolated. (Room 8.)

13.02.86.   Earthquake drill carried out at 11.30 a.m. This coincided with a small earth tremor. An excellent evacuation! Highly motivated.
15.07.86.   An extremely heavy frost which resulted in water pouring through the ceiling of the Open Plan classroom at 9.50 a.m. Water and power turned off immediately and plumber requested.

03.04.87.   School Committee Members and P.T.A. joined the school children for a choral welcome to the Mayor of Hastings, Mr. Jeremy Dwyer, who donated a crest of Hastings City to the school. Jet fighter[s] have been flying our skies this week. It is the 50th Jubilee of the R.N.Z.A.F.
16.04.87.   See the newspaper cutting re Heretaunga St. lights.
26.08.87.   An action committee was formed to try and retain the land offered for sale by the Hastings City Council. For 17 to 20 years this land has been used by the school. It is currently our hockey field and cricket wicket for ‘Nippers’. [We were unsuccessful.]
09.12.87.   Parkvale School was second overall at the Twilight Athletics. Children to run with particular distinction were: D. Coyle, J. Rhys, H. Powell, M. Rhys and M. Tiuka.

15.02.88.   We have become an Action Research Project school to study the effect of using Logo (logical thinking software programmes) with children. Three BBC Master Compact Computers have been provided for the school.
01.03.88.   The School Dental Clinic began using Fissure Sealants to protect teeth for the first time.
15.06.88.   Charles Bell, General Manager of the H.B. Education Board, and Les Clapcott, Architect, visited the school to discuss the new school proposed for three year’s time. School Committee, P.T.A., interested parents and staff members all attended. We expect to obtain a drawing of proposals in about one month.
12.08.88.   Hastings Camera Club began photographing “24 Hours in the Life of Hastings” here at Parkvale School and in the Dental Clinic.
05.10.88.   A further meeting was held with the Board Architect and plans for the new building should be out soon.
13.10.88.   Plans including a new court area, sports store and pedestrian entrance have arrived.
10.11.88.   Block Two commenced yet another Education outside the Classroom Programme with Sea Shore Studies, Safety Studies, Mountain Safety and Fire Safety. It also includes Farm, Museum and Study Walks.
01.12.88.   Strings Attach Puppet Theatre preformed in the school – most enthusiastically enjoyed.
02.12.88.   Once again 120 Swimming Pool Keys are being issued for the summer. Many families make use of the pool through the summer holidays and weekends.
4-8.12.88.   Std. 3 & 4 pupils visit the Waihau Camp for their Outdoor Education.

31.03.89.   Bryan Coombe left as the schools Caretaker for over 16 years. A special morning tea was held for Bryan and his wife Diane who was the cleaner for many years.
14.03.89.   The Herald Tribune carried the following notice. “Parkvale School Board of Trustees. Election of Parent Representatives. “An Electoral Roll of parents and/or ”care givers” has been prepared for inspection at the school office.
“Nominations are now being called for the Board of Trustees. Nomination forms are available at the school office.
“Nominations for the Board of Trustees close at 9 a.m. on Monday, April 3, 1989.
“Five parent representatives are to be elected by a Postal Ballot closing at 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 29th.”
[And so began the most far reaching changes in the history of New Zealand Education. Michael Dillon, the first Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, has ably described the outcome since this notice. His article appears elsewhere in this Jubilee Booklet. Editor.]
28.07.89.   A Committee to form a Jump Rope group of our older pupils, to take part in the next Commonwealth Games display in Auckland was surveyed. [It was successfully organised and took part later.]
12-17.10.89.   Parkvale School took part in the

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Hastings Spring Festival with a Dance Extravaganza on the 12th and a Music Festival on the 17th. Both highly successful.
02.11.89.   The first teatime Gala is held very successfully.
17.11.89.   Beth Tolly, Jump Rope Choreographer for the Closing Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games visits Miss Susan Dinwiddie our Jump Rope Teacher, and the team and says that their high standard has secured them a place in the Closing Ceremony.
15.12.89.   The Jump Rope Team display in the Central Mall and receive considerable financial support from the community to undertake the trip to Auckland. Success is due to the very fine committee of parents who backed this from the start, and the enthusiasm of Susan Dinwiddie.

05.06.90.   Tony Masters parent delivered boards and pallets for walking outside Room 12 to allow children access to building during wet weather through ponding areas. This is an interim measure until Ministry rectify the problem.
13.08.90.   Assembly – special guest Mr. Jeremy Dwyer, Mayor of Hastings District Council to read his favourite story as part of Reading Book Fair Week.
26.11.90.   Coming Together. Whole School taken to Tomoana Showgrounds for Coming Together 1990 organised by Doug Crofsky. A regional 1990 project – schools involved from Norther [Northern] to Southern H.B.

Peter Schirnack’s article on “School Buildings Development” outlines this most recent development under the heading “The New School”. Below … Before the Fire.

After the Fire in Room 1.
Removing Old Classrooms.
The Latest Buildings Take Shape.

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by Kingsley Barley.
1933-1940   1951-1953   1981-1986

As an ex-pupil, teacher and Principal I deem it a pleasure to be a contributor to the jubilee magazine.

… as an ex-pupil …

My first introduction to Parkvale School was my arrival as a new entrant, holding my mother’s hand, meeting Mr. Roe and being escorted to the new entrants’ classroom, which was in the old brick building. Mr. Roe’s office was at the back of the building in a very cold situation, adjacent to the main corridor. I was most impressed, Mr. Roe, or Birdie as we used to call him, was always prominent in the school grounds. He enjoyed gardening it seems, and Parkvale School was an area where his skills could be applied. The school grounds were always attractive. The small cherry plums, which grew each side of the entrance, seemed to be an area where small boys gathered to throw them around, much to Mr. Roe’s annoyance. His leather strap had a steady influence on our behaviour, as did the loud “whistle” which he carried with him at all times, it seemed, and gained for him the nick-name of “Birdie’ which stayed with him for the eight years I was a pupil, through until1940.

We seemed to get to know everyone in the school either by name, or by family name, and to this day the names are imbedded in my memory forever. Teachers’ names seemed to stay with me too. Miss Bain, Miss Faram, who taught our class for three years in a row, Miss Dent, Mr. J. TeK Chadwick and finally “Carlie Arthur”. The men teachers remain in my memory for the extra time they spent with us on the sports field. It seemed that we had really arrived when we put on the heavy woollen rugby jerseys which the school provided and had our photos taken. I can still see David Ross, Max Kale and others lined up for the moment of glory. I had to puff my chest out to try and look as big as the others, because I was aware that I was much younger, a complex which I carried right through my schooling days.

Parkvale School grounds were very low lying, and most of the water drainage of Hastings came our way. However, on a really wet day, the boys used to enjoy spending a lunch hour sliding on the mud under the big plane trees, outside the fence which used to divide the grass playing fields from the hard area. I was always envious of the “Big Boys” who could slide for many yards without falling over and getting thoroughly splattered. The duty teachers seemed to keep out of our way. I remember the Lay family and the Sparling family who seemed to be the experts at sliding taking the honours. In the autumn we always played marbles there, in the dirt, under the trees. There were some “Dead Eye Dicks” too! David Anderson was one of the most accurate and he would take home a well filled pocket of marbles for his day’s “takings”. I was always envious of the kids who lined up for their hot pies at Mrs. Baddiley’s Shop, just across the road from the school front gates. Mr. Baddiley was the School Caretaker too, so he kept and [an] eye on us.

Milk monitors were special people who had extra privileges, as did the big boys who mixed the lunch time cocoa down under the school in the boiler room. I don’t think I ever achieved those responsibilities, but I stood and peered into the boiler room and envied those who were especially chosen.

School was a very happy place for me. I guess I was too young to be aware of all society’s ills. Times were hard for our parents who had just experienced a depression.

Each week Mr. Roe took the school assembly from the front steps. “Dare to be True” was imprinted on my mind for ever. The marble foundation stone was about eye level to me, and so I remember 1919 being the year of beginnings for Parkvale.

Many of those families who attended in the early days, are still represented, generation after generation.

I left from Form 2 in 1940. The war had started, flag drill was a regular routine, the polio epidemic

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left its mark on the school, so we were closed for a long period. If we went to the Dental Clinic it was a long trek into Hastings Central School. Our Manual Training consisted of woodwork and cooking, also at Hastings Central School. Mr. Tindall was the woodwork teacher and Mrs. Griffiths the cooking teacher. Both were strong disciplinarians, but we survived without scarring! Windsor Park didn’t exist as such but was known as Beatson’s Park. There was a swimming pool there but that’s all.

The Parkvale Swimming Pool was a real asset to the community. Many school holidays were spent there. Most of the users could be easily identified by their “green” hair. The blue stone which was used to prevent algae growth in the water changed us. The pool was emptied each week, cleaned out and filled from the school’s own artesian well. From memory the School committee Chairman, Mr. Joe Stickland, was in charge. Many Hastings citizens learned to swim in that pool, including me. The facilities were primitive, compared to today’s.

… as an ex-teacher …
In 1951, after attending Teachers’ College in Dunedin, I was appointed to an Assistant Masters position at Parkvale School. My first impressions were how small the school grounds were. I had memories of a huge area with a boxthorn hedge around the south west side. The old hopkiln was still there, and the cricket pitch was in the same position. I was thrilled to be given a Form 2 class in the outside room with the big sliding doors. We could open them to let in the Hawke’s Bay sunshine during the summer, although it was very draughty during the winter. I enjoyed my days at Parkvale as a young teacher. Wally Luxton was my close colleague, and together we put many hours into taking boys’ sport. Wally was an exceptional teacher and totally committed to see children achieve in all areas of endeavour. He took a special interest in Ross Shield Rugby, and along with Charlie Bunker, who was the Chairman of the Hastings Sub-Union at the time, was instrumental in coaching, selecting and winning the Ross Shield several times. Eric Miller was Principal of the school at the time. Many of the pupils I taught in the outside room are now grandparents themselves. One memory which I have was the use of the old “Horse Paddock”. We cut the area into small blocks and allotted two boys to each block. They were able to grow whatever they wished there. Rhubarb, potatoes, cabbages, lettuces, carrots, in fact the gardens were a credit to the boys for their efforts. In 1951/2 the experiment was quite a creditable effort.

Gala Days were always a major involvement for the school and community. Parkvale parents were always generous with both time and money. Displays of craftware, cooking, vegetables, fruitstalls, games, in fact a whole range of activities and displays were exhibited. The school shows these efforts even now in the equipment being used in the school. Updating was expensive but the pupils were the benefactors.

The P.T.A. always played a major role in supporting the staff to achieve goals set year by year. Tree planting, rose planting, grass planting, and the provision of basics for classroom use. The library was always a top priority and reading was a strength in the curriculum areas.

… and as an ex-Principal.
After three years at Parkvale, the opening of Hastings Intermediate School devastated the staffing and of course the size of the local school. I transferred in 1953 to another school and didn’t make it back until the opportunity arose in 1981 to be appointed as Principal. I chose to come back to be able to put back into the school what I had gained from it, both as a pupil and as a young teacher.

The school I returned to is not the same as the one I had left in 1951. The old brick building had gone, being a danger in this earthquake zone. Some of the old buildings had been shifted and turned around. A new “prefab” type building had been built for staff, office administration, medical room, and Principal’s office.

The old foundations of the brick building had been buried and the markings showed in the summer period when the grass dried up.

The plane trees were still there where we used to slide in the mud, but they were now huge. The old

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walnut tree had gone to make room for the new assembly hall. The old macrocarpa hedge had also disappeared along the Havelock boundary side. The old marble foundation stone had been shifted to a “Hallowed” position in the paving at the front entrance to the school.

The buildings needed much maintenance. The Hawke’s Bay Education Board agreed to renew much of the school, in time. However Tomorrows Schools intervened and the effort to continue with the rebuilding fell to the Board of Trustees.

Being the Principal of my old school was one of the most satisfying achievements of my career. I spent six happy years with a most co-operative staff, who made every effort to provide the best education any New Zealand child could ever get.

The School Committees I worked with were extremely co-operative during the six years as were the PTA’s. I resigned in 1986, to move to the Inspectorate but will always cherish the memories of seventeen years at Parkvale spread over three generations of pupils, teachers and parents.

Kingsley Barley.

By D. Trask.

The day that “TWEET” (W. B. Rowe [Roe]) our beloved Headmaster became so excited during a race at our annual Swimming Sports that he stepped too close to the pool edge and disappeared into the chilly waters.

Deputy head Mr. Harris, quick to his rescue, reached for his hand and plucked him from the depths.

Dear old W.B. groped in his pocket withdrew a dripping wet handkerchief and proceeded to dry himself down.

The pool was the scene of some amazing events!

Like the day June Southon dived into the pool and swam a full two lengths underwater. We all thought we were going to have to pull a body out of the water but with us all holding our breaths for her she finally surfaced at the shallow end from which she had started.

On another occasion “Tweet” was in the dressing sheds talking to some of the boys when he looked up and said, “That would be …!” [Name not given.] How did he know, in spite of his deafness, who it was that had managed to snap the diving board off crashing into the water with the splintered half? He had and [an] uncanny ability to hear at the wrong time as many of us learned to our sometimes painful embarrassment.

From Shirley Hastie.

My father, Len Crawford, now 84 years old, attended Parkvale School in 1923-24. He was the first of three generations of us to do so, and as his memories begin when the school was only 4 years old I thought they may be of interest.

He began in Standard 5 at the end of the first term having previously attended Bridge Pa School. He says he wasn’t among the brightest pupils but did make it into the First Fifteen which that year and the next won the annual competition against all the other Hastings Primary Schools.

Mr. Gary [Garry] was the Headmaster and taught Standards 5 and 6. He is unable to remember the other pupils of that time but feels he would if shown a photograph which appearently [apparently] happened on a previous occasion. Mort Usherwood was on the committee of a previous reunion, showed Dad a photo of that class and was given all the names of the folk appearing in it.

He will be attending the reunion and hopes to meet other folk who attended at that time.

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By “Cookie” [whose Certificate of Proficiency Requirements were fulfilled on 29/11/32.]

A great man is he who has not lost the heart of a child.

I believe in getting into hot water; I think it keeps you clean.

Hunger is not only the best cook, but also the best physician.

Teacher, sitting down to read a story to her class, finds her very slowest pupil standing at her elbow. “What are you doing there John?”

“Case you don’t know a word Miss.”

Excuse for Absence: “I went to Taupo for a haircut”.

Most people eat as though they were fattening themselves for market.

What a mercy it would be if we could open and close our ears as easily as we open and close our eyes.

A small girl came to the teacher with a Scripture problem. The teacher remarked she would have to have time to think it out. Said the child, “Come on, come on, hurry up! You should know you were born in the olden days!”

By Nell Guy nee Cook


At 10.48 a.m. on 3rd February, 1931 the playing field at Parkvale School began to roll. Luckily, most children were outside as all the classes had their Physical Training at the same time. A mate of mine, Archie West, ran around the football field and when he returned I asked him, “Why did you do that Arch?” “I ran around the footie field for the last time.” he replied.

Soon afterwards the smoke and dust began darkening the sky over the town. Parents started arriving on the run to make sure that their children were still alive, as Parkvale School was a brick building in those days with two wooden experimental classrooms for Forms 1 and 2, or Standards 5 and 6 as they were then known.

I remember my father arriving somewhat short of breath, and without even noticing that he had lost his shoes on the way!

Before I went home that morning, I gave Arnold Christensen a “double” on my bike. Remember Arnie? When war commenced he joined the R.N.Z.A.F. and while a P.O.W. in Germany, he attempted to escape, after being warned that any further escapees would be executed. But Arnie believed in the Geneva convention and made his escape, for which “evil deed” the Nazis shot him.

On reaching Std.  5 the boys were given a choice, a combined Std.  5 and 6 singing session once a week, or taking care of the school gardens. With a voice like a bull frog, I naturally decided on gardening and considered singing in a group with the girls to be “sissie”.

The lassies at this stage had a Temperance – Abstain From Alchohol [Alcohol] Form for everyone to sign, but yours truly refused to append his signature, as I enjoyed my glass of beer on a Saturday morning and did not wish to either abstain or tell lies.

It was duly reported by the girls to our teacher, Miss Allison, that “Laurie Scott is the only one in our class who will not sign because he wants to drink beer.”  Horror of horrors – it took a long time to live that one down!

In the winter time the youngsters could buy a coupon if they wished to have a cup of cocoa at lunch time. This was duly clipped and the cost came to one penny per cup. The cocoa itself was made by two Std. 6 boys who disappeared down to the boiler room after play time and stayed there until lunch time. It was good to be on the roster.

In Std.  6 also, Ian Taylor and I used to take it in turns to sit on the floor, under our desks, to read a library book if we did not like the lesson being

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taught. I don’t know how we got away with it but we read lots of books.

Another thing I remember after sixty-odd years is being rather squashed, as a nine year old, while tackling a huge fellow from Std.  6 called Heffernan who lived on the corner of Park Rd. and St. Aubyn St. This was considered somewhat of and [an] heroic effort, even for those rugby days. Luckily Heff knew how to roll me onto my back and move my knees up to my stomach – to restore breathing.

Joe Stickland, I recall, as a parent who served on the committee and also coached Boxing, a favourite with the Davis boys, Jack, Rex and Ray as well as a relative called Sheridan.

Do you remember the Heat, Mr. Lord, who liked to have a bat at cricket, and would offer any boy three pence if he could be bowled out? He used to pay me too for going to McDermott’s farm on the way to school to collect a billy of milk for the cocoa. And then too there were the daily barometer, temperature and rainfall readings which had to be taken. With this job you always had a good excuse if you were late for school.

After Assembly, each day, we marched to our classroom to the music of the school band, bugles and kettle drums. I suppose this died out when the teacher who trained them left the school – rather a shame really. I wonder what happened to the drums and bugles?

One of the great delights was to buy a three penny pie for lunch, from Mrs Baddiley’s shop across the road from the school. Some kids had pies every day, but my folk believed that sandwiches were better for you and to buy a pie for a change was wonderful. Good pies too!

“To train our memories”, we were expected each month, to learn a class poem, as well as one of our own choice. We were individually tested and given marks for this, by the Headmaster, three times a year. Personally, I enjoyed this, as Masefield and Longfellow had some nice long poems and “Cargoes”, “Sea Fever”, “Horatio” as well as a mulitude [multitude] of others are pleasures which many youngsters seem to miss nowadays. Just to hear, “I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky – “ or “Quinquireme of Nineveh, from distant Ophir” brought forth the spirit of adventure and exploration – so vastly different from the little girl at mayfair School who told me one day, what she was going to do after school –
“I suppose I’ll just go home and watch telly!”
“Oh no!”

There was one thing I can never understand at Parkvale in the “thirties”. At exam time the Head would visit each class, and ask the class questions about history one day and geography on another. When he had finished, he would then tell the teacher how many marks to give each pupil. I remember this because one day I had been out to post his mail and so was not in the classroom when the others raised their hands or did not know the answers. When the teacher mentioned me, he just said, “Oh give Scott the average mark!”

Some children who lived a long distance away from Parkvale used to ride ponies to school, so there was a horse paddock at the back of the buildings. These steeds provided great lunchtime entertainment for those anxious to show their cowboy skills by riding bareback around the paddock. Tom Mix or the current cowboy film hero was always someone worth imitating.

Many happy hours were spent playing marbles, with such a variety of games that they are now almost forgotten. What was the name of the coloured clay marbles? Then there were “Steelies” or ball bearings of all different sizes and “Glassies” large and small. There were large or small circle games, eye drop, or firing them through small numbered squares in a portable board with a handle, which was an item made at woodwork under the watchful eye of Mr. Tindle and his rubber belting strap. The technical training school – woodwork for boys and cooking for girls of Stds. 5 and 6 was on the ground next to the dental clinic at Central School. And so the years slip by but Parkvale the model school is a great place, with a great motto – “Dare to be True”.

Laurie Scott.

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By “Netta” Mrs. J. Beale.

My brother Wallace was a bit handicapped. Mother used to bring him to school. Mother told him when the bell rang he could come home. When the play bell went he would go home. We would wait for him to be brought back to school. I used to get him at lunch time to get his pie at Baddiley’s store.

My brother Lawry used to play truant and go to Beatson Park to find golf balls and Dad was working there during the depression days and caught him, and brought him back to school. When we had to shop in Heretaunga Street opposite the Blue Moon Lawry would steal lollies and give them to his mates at school.

The Good Old Days.
By A Nony Mous.

A certain few boys who had to leave the room when singing class was on (tone deaf) used to go behind the hedge and smoke “Woodbines” 4 pence a packet. One day the hedge caught on fire, so ended their smoking experience for a while. The good old days!

Same few used to make lunch time cocoa. They would lock everyone out, drink half the milk and wonder why the cocoa was dark and watery.

Favourite teacher – Mrs. Lovell Smith.

Best thing at school was sports – mates and girls!

By John Sunley.

In my messy office I have a pair of South African bullock horns, roughly mounted with a piece of scalp and skin tacked in the right place. The whole thing once caused a Port Agricultural Inspector friend of mine to turn white and splutter! But he need not have feared for the future of the nations farm economy, this particular bovine is now close to 100 years dead and therein lies my school anecdote if it can be called that.

My grandfather served in the Boer War. I’m not certain in whose army, and these horns were amongst his souvenirs. My father, John Sunley Senior attended Parkvale in the late 1920s and up until about 1932. [He was there with the rest of the school, outside on the playing field when the Hawke’s bay Earthquake struck.] During the time I was at Parkvale, Dad told us that he and maybe his brothers had presented two pairs of “shiny buffalo horns”. I think his description was, to the school. In the old main block of the school, [rebuilt in the early 70s] there used to be a display case in the main corridor containing a human and other skulls and various “things” preserved in bottles of alcohol. Many a time when marching past this display, (it seemed we were always “marched” and nobody did ever loiter in a school corridor in those times) I tried without success to see if I could spot these horns. Then in about 1957 when I would have been in standard three, a group of us were co-opted by the First Assistant, Mr. Marriott, to tidy up a mysterious and permanently locked store room “outside Mrs. Mill’s classroom”. Under the rubbish where everyone had missed what did I find but two pairs of very dusty horns: one a very impressive pair of buffalo horns, shaped I remember, like racing bicycle handle-bars. I went straight to Mr. Marriott and as calmly as I could, (I was more than a little excited), told him how Dad had gone to the school as a boy and had presented two pairs of horns like this before he left. Mr. Marriott glared down at me from his six foot plus height. I really only expected a “Very good, now get back to what I told you to do or you’ll really be in trouble.” (We’d probably committed some minor piece of mischief to have been set the chore in the first place.) To my utter astonishment, after treating me to another look that First Assistants use to leave boys in absolutely no doubt who’s master of the situation, he simply said, “Well, you’d better take them home then.”

You can imagine my prestige with the other kids

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for the rest of the day. I doubt they believed me when I found the horns and said they were Dad’s but when Mr. Marriott said to take them home, well that settled it.

My late brother and I kept the horns in our bedroom and as time went on they shared the walls with Beatle and Stone posters and high school timetables. I even once had a crazy idea of trying to mount the larger buffalo horns on my motor cycle crash helmet, but thought better of it. Over subsequent years those horn have disappeared; where I have no idea, probably when Dad sold his orchard, but I still have the bullock horns, and probably because too many of us boys got caught at once to get strapped!

Mr. Marriott later went on to teach at Hastings Girls’ High. As an Upper 6th Former (no 7th Form then) in 1965, I was over there on some high level errand and I saw him again. And you know, I’ll swear he shot me that same look he did when I was in Std. 3. He’ll probably do the same today if he is still around.

By Winifred Duke (nee Vyner)

Twenty five years since Parkvale School held its 50th Jubilee – what a happy time that was meeting with old friends one had completely lost contact with, yet picking up the friendship so easily.

My first memories of Parkvale are of my father taking me with him to look at sheep he had grazing on the ‘school site’. He had to open a gate just around Howard St. corner as that was where Howard St. began and ended.

Next was watching the building of the handsome brick school which became so important to us all. We planted trees, we tended gardens and the boys had an excellent vege garden. Mr. F.A. Garry, the Headmaster, was a dignified gentleman for whom we had great respect. He was aloof but he was not without compassion for often when he saw a little girl, (usually Phylis Walker) trying to keep up with her brother running to school he would stop and put her on the bar of his bike and she would ride to school with great joy. Our parents had dances and shops to raise funds. School balls in the Assembly Hall, Hastings were the events of the year. Concerts, picnics and the occasional train trip to Napier to view a visiting warship was a real highlight. Life was simple, we were happy kids. Not the pressures and hangups of today. Our main excitement was spending a penny, or even on very special occasions threepence at Mrs. Baddiley’s store. We all remember and still speak of Baddiley’s pies as the best ever.

Yes, our schooldays of the 20’s and 30’s were very happy, carefree days.


By Margaret Ann Maddocks, (Oakley) Australia.

As I wandered through the faceless crowd, my mind drifted back almost half a century. I was thinking about a man who made an unforgettable impact on my whole life, from age thirteen onwards.

I knew him for just one year, and from him I learned about caring, about reaching out beyond one’s own small world of possessions and desire and giving of oneself not just what is asked, but extending out further – much further.

Time – that most precious of things to give to another human being – was always available and forthcoming. At the time, he would have been perhaps – from a small girl’s point of view – an elderly man, but in actual fact, he maybe only in his fifties. A married man without any children of his own who was putting all the love and devotion into the classroom of children under his care.

From him I learned to love literature. Words for

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their own sake and a thirst for the written word. I learned to read and enjoy poetry and to remember it now so long after. He instilled into us all, the correct parts of speech, how to punctuate and parse, to learn a new word a day.

To stay after school and give more of his time, he was prepared to do, to teach those who were interested, the German language. Latin roots also have been a most valuable source of help in understanding the basis of many lengthy words. I think he taught us to “feel” the English language and to love it. Some of my contemporaries can, to this day, quote lengthy passages of verse learned with him so long ago.

This lovely man taught me and my friends in his class that year, to appreciate music. He would bring to school his own record player and records and would entrust us with these precious treasures of his own. Nothing was ever too difficult or time-consuming when it was in the name of passing on his knowledge and learning, beyond the ‘curriculum’. We learned to enjoy the voices of the Vienna Boy’s Choir and many of his classical records taught us a life time love of music.

At the age of thirteen, I learned the game of chess after-hours at school and this instilled the need for patience in ourselves and appreciation of another’s need for time to think the move through.

Today in my fifties, as he was then, I will never forget this man and his compassion for others and time for listening. I am here today at my school reunion to meet again the teachers of my past, but none other stands out in my school years as does this man.

Alas, he will not be here today for me to tell him of the enormous impact he left on the lives of all those who passed through just one year of his teaching.

In life, we should let our feelings talk to us, and be not afraid to say to another that he or she had a real and valuable impact on our own lives. All too ready are we to put someone down, but never so ready to help boost their feelings of worth for a few minutes or [of] our time. Today, at this reunion, I am wishing that I had taken the time to put pen to paper and pass on exactly the way I felt, and the feelings of many others also who have told me they felt the same after being one of his privileged pupils. He is not here – I cannot now do this. I am filled with regret.

A few timely words of thanks would have made this man realise that he was ‘special’ in the lives of many who knew him. He would have been in his nineties by now.

John Harris was a special and gifted person.

Alas I left it too late.

In the words of our motto – DARE TO BE TRUE

Parkvale School’s First Lawn Mower.
By Rolly Wall.

It will be well known to all expupils of the school, that it had a very good vege garden, to raise funds for the school. This was cultivated jointly by Standard 5 and 6 pupils. I was given the task of garden leader, with other senior pupils to increase production, to raise funds for the purchase of a new Morrison Reel Motor Mower.

This group achieved this project under Headmaster Mr. Roe’s guidance in one year, these funds were passed over to Mr. Strickland, Chairman of the School Committee, who purchased a mower from Morrison Mower Industries.

This new mower took care of all the enclosure lawns, for which the pupils of Standards 5 and 6 were responsible.

A photo of Rolly’s 1938 class and one of Rolly appear on the next page.

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Above   Rolly’s 1938 class photograph.

Left   Rolly Wall and friend.

Above right: Gordon Scott & Graham Bicknell on the ramp into the old red brick building on their first day at Parkvale School.

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Do you remember the old “Certificate of Proficiency”?

Certificate of Proficiency.
(Form II.)
(Under Regulations for the Organization, Examination, and Inspection of Schools.)
This is to Certify that   Nellie Cook  of   Parkvale   School, in the Education District of   HAWKE’S BAY  , has fulfilled the requirements of a Certificate of Proficiency.
(Signed)   Dunn[?]
Official designation: Secretary H.B. Education Board
Date on which the requirements were fulfilled:  29/11/32.
Age of Candidate at 31st December of year in which requirements were fulfilled:   13   years   7   months
(Age not certified.)

Bryan Coombe, another long serving caretaker with his wife Diane.

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The children sang…

as Mrs Sylvia Glover (teacher) played the Roland.

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Dick Frizzell spoke to the children …

who were listening at the time. (This photo was taken before the programme began.)

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Rodney Masters and Kingsley Barley planted the Jubilee Tree.

Bobby Little and Sarah Wong cut the children’s Jubilee Cake

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At the Wine and Cheese Evening.

James Fear, Ivy Tully, Des Hyland, Eilice McLaren, Nellie Grant-Guy, Unice Spence, Joan Smith and Barbara Connor (circle from left).

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Gordon Black (co-convenor), Ron Edgar, Murray Pepper, Des Bristow, Ray Chapman, Alex Bishop and Ivan Palleson stop talking for a photo.

Others looked for old friends and they talked and talked … and talked.

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At the Official Opening.

Graeme Mueller (Deputy Principal) was M.C.
Seated from the left are:
Mrs Schirnack, Peter Schirnack (Principal), David Collie (Chairperson, Board of Trustees),
Jeremy Dwyer (Mayor), Mrs Cummins, Bill Cummins (75th Jubilee Chairperson). Behind Graeme Mueller is Kingsley Barley, Mrs Barley, and Mr Rick Barker (M.P. for Hastings).

Jeremy Dwyer, Mayor of Hastings, welcomed and entertained us with school anecdotes.

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Kingsley Barley, former pupil, teacher, principal and inspector of Parkvale School reminisces.

First Year Pupils Lillian Black and Barney Hill cut the giant 75th Jubilee Cake.

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Former Classmates meet again.

During 1960 and 1960 Anne Jones (left) was pushed from class to wherever by Neil Windsor (right). Today Maureen Daniels (middle) looks after Anne

While we waited for our photographs to be taken we talked … and talked … and talked …
Thirteen 1919 Foundation Pupils were first

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1919 Foundation



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1952- 1955

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1971- 1980



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The Jubilee Photographer was:
Shayne Jeffares
of McKelvie Studios,
Ocean Boulevard,
Napier, N.Z.
If you require any further orders you should write, phone or fax Shayne Jeffares directly.
His telephone and fax number is (06) 835-8142.
The 75th Jubilee Committee goes out of existance soon and it will not be passing on any further photograph orders.

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Nearly 600 people attend the 75th Jubilee Dinner

May Greene and Nellie Moran, daughters to Mr and Mrs Baddiley (caretakers and tuckshop owners)

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We packed into the Saddles Restaurant where the food was great. So was the dance band.

On Sunday morning the Hastings Citizens’ Band played as everyone gathered for the Church Service.

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School Principal, Peter Schirnack, welcomed all to the church service. Rev. Dawn Scott, a past pupil, conducted the service. Mrs Winifred Duke, 1921 pupil, read “From Wisdom”, while Matthew Gibson, a present day pupil, read mark 10 vs. 13 to 16.

During the service the Hastings Citizens Band played the hymns “All Things Bright and Beautiful”, “Praise my Soul the King of Heaven” and “How Great Thou Art”.

Page 51

The School looked great

The grounds and buildings were fastidiously kept by the present caretaker Peter Williamson and his assistant Sandra McGrath.
Brian Coombe came back to help with the rose garden.

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But many people didn’t want to go.

They just stood around talking and talking long after the Committee had packed up everything.

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“Now its all over, I can relax,” said Peter Schirnack

“So can we!” said Bill Cummins and Jan Beale

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Dave Collie, Present Chairperson of the Board of Trustees addressed us.

By popular request… here are some of the memories in Kingsley Barley’s speech.
Beatson’s Park (now Windsor Park). Did you ever collect golf balls with your toes in the mud? Things have changed haven’t they.
Mrs Baddiley’s pies at 3d. each. I think they were 6d. by the time I was enrolled here in 1934.
The old brick wall which extended along the frontage of Howard Street.
The boiler house – cocoa at lunch time – free apples.
The horse paddock. It was still used when I first attended.
Raiding the watermelons down Howard Street.
The hop kiln next to the school in Windsor Ave.
The big walnut tree, where the hall is now situated.
The high Macrocarpa hedge along the east boundary. (It was out of bounds for us pupils, and it took me a few years to understand the reason why!)
The introduction of the Free Milk in Schools scheme. I remember one ex-principal, now deceased, who use to take two or three bottles home each day, for home use.

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The school’s woollen rugby jerseys. I seemed to get the moth eaten one! They would be museum pieces today.
The outside wooden classroom with the sliding doors. Have a good look, it’s still there, turned around, and facing away from the morning sun. An architect’s blunder. So cold that the teachers didn’t want to teach in it. Of course there wasn’t any insulation in those days, and the old pot belly stove had to work overtime to keep up the temperatures.
The double wooden classrooms which, in my day as a pupil, the late Jack Chadwick and Miss Dent taught in. Those rooms are still there, but once again, turned around, and freezing to work in, in the winter.
Room 1 missing altogether, because it was burnt down.
The building of the new hall for £16,000 in the ‘60’s.
The many teachers who influenced your life, as a pupil.
The School Motto “Dare to be True”. Did you keep to it?
The outside play sheds, which became below standard classrooms, when the school roll began to increase, in the ‘50’s.
The school swimming pool where I learnt to swim, along with many others. It was emptied each Friday afternoon and scrubbed out by the “Big Boys”. The water could have been described as “Pea Soup” literally. However, bluestone was added to kill the germs, but the water beetles seemed to survive. The bluestone turned one’s fair hair green!!! The cause of all my worries!
In the 1950’s the horse paddock was turned into a vegetable garden for Form 2 boys to experience the success of growing vegetables. Then of course it was built over.
Sport has always played a major role in the curriculum at Parkvale. The teachers were always willing to give extra curricula time out of school hours, especially to the major codes. Cricket, rugby and netball. Some of our ex pupils made provincial level and even to New Zealand representation (Bill Davies), who was in my midget team as a youngster in the early ‘50’s, is one I remember clearly. One fellow teacher colleague must be remembered for his devotion to rugby, as a coach and administrator. Wally Luxton, who gave hours and hours of assistance to Parkvale pupils, both in and out of the classroom. He will be well remembered and appreciated by his past pupils. Thank you Wally. You can see the results of your efforts, out there.
The Administration of the school has seen some very hard working school committees, led by extremely able and supportive chairpersons. Forgive me for naming the few I remember, but Joe Stickland, Eric Batson, Richard Scott, Barry Wallace, Jim Blackmore, Michael Dillon and others have all contributed to what we see today. The school has always been well equipped, being supported by parents and PTA with gala days and fundraising activities.
These are just a few of the teams which have worked together to build on what has gone before. Each Principal, in his turn, has paid attention to the attractiveness of the grounds. In the early days, trees were planted, which have made Parkvale a focal point of beauty in Hastings. The local Lions Club have used the grounds for their annual picnic, and many families picnic here during the year.

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During his welcome speech the Mayor, Jeremy Dwyer, recalled some pupil bloopers, which are recorded here by popular request.

The inhabitants of Egypt were called mummies. They lived in the Sarah Dessert and traveled by Camelot. The climate of the Sarah is such that the inhabitants have to live elsewhere, so certain areas of the dessert are cultivated by irritation. The Egyptians built the Pyramids in the shape of a huge triangular cube. The Pramids are a range of mountains between France and Spain.

Without the Greeks, we wouldn’t have history. The Greeks invented three kinds of columns – Corinthian, Doric and Ironic. They also had myths. A myth is a female moth. One myth says that the mother of Achilles dipped him in the River Stynx until he became intolerable. Achilles appears in “The Illiad”, by Homer. Homer also wrote the “Oddity”, in which Penelope was the last hardship that Ullysses endured on his journey. Actually, Homer was not written by Homer but by another man of that name.

Socrates was a famous Greek teacher who went around giving people advice. They killed him. Socrates died from an overdose of wedlock.

The Renaissance was an age in which more individuals felt the value of their human being. Martin Luther was nailed to the church door at Wittenberg for selling papal indulgences. He died a horrible death, being excommunicated by a bull. It was the painter Donatello’s interest in the female nude that made him the father of the Renaissance. It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Gutenburg invented the Bible. Sir Walter Raleigh is a historical figure because he invented cigarettes. Another important invention was the circulation of blood. Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100-foot clipper.

The government of England was a limited mockery. Henry VIII found walking difficult because he had a abbess on his knee. Queen Elizabeth was the “Virgin Queen”. As a queen she was a success. When Elizabeth exposed herself before her troops, they all shouted “hurrah”. Then her navy went out and defeated the Spanish Armadillo.

The sun never set on the British Empire because the British Empire in the East and the sun sets in the West. Queen Victoria was the longest queen. She sat on a thorn for 63 years. He reclining years and finally the end of her life were exemplatory of a great personality. Her death was the final event which ended her reign.

The nineteenth century was a time of many great inventions and thoughts. The invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers to spring up. Cyrus McCormick invented the McCormick Raper, which did the work of a hundred men. Samuel Morse invented a code for telepathy. Louis Pastuer discovered a cure for rabbis. Charles Darwin was a naturalist who wrote the “Organ of the Species”. Madam Curie discovered radium. And Karl Marx became one of the Marx Brothers.

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Bill Cummins

Sue Barrett (nee Willoughby)

Gordon Black

Laura Arnott (nee Younge)
Jan Beale (nee McArther)
Isobel Crawford (nee Young)
Winifred Duke (nee Vyner)
Diane Frater (nee Mayo)
Trevor Gorst
Margaret Hooper (nee Lane)
Ted Houston (PTA Rep.)
John Lane.
Diane Nelson (nee Hawkins)
Ivan Palleson.
Flora Ross.
Peter Schirnack.
Bridie Smith.
Sue Tidswell (nee Greer)

Page 58

Arrell, John A.   1960
Calkoen, Julie. Mrs.   1991
Connor, Allen M.   1979
Fagg, Prudence. Miss.   1974
Glover, Sylvia. Mrs.   1971
Gorst, Trevor.   1984 Prin.
Horan, John. (Jack)   1961
Hyland. Elmes. Rachael M.   1972
Izatt, Douglas. Doris.   1953
Linyard, Phillip R.   1952
Lovell, Farquharson, Susan M.   1970
Luxton, Joseph (Wally).   1948
MacEwan, Florence.   1984
Marriott, Kenneth C.   1955
Marriott, Keitha. Mrs.   1955 Rlvr.
McKay, Hogan. Alison J.   1954
Mill, Edith. M.   1956
Milne, Robert J.   1961
Nevezie, Cyril.   1961
Mueller, Graeme.   1986
Paki, Rae, Miss.   1971*
Perry, Lyn. Mrs.   1981*
Ross, Flora Miss.   19
Stansfield, Jill Mrs.   1983*
Wallace, Davidson. Marlene J.   1961
Williams, Jan.   1976*
Windsor, Neal S.   1960
Wypych, Jurek.   1982

Potts, Elaine Mrs.   1971 T. Aide.

Bark, John.   1963
Birnie, Sue. Mrs.   1988
Blackmore, Audrey. Mrs.   1960
Calkeon, Julie. Mrs.   1991
Lowe, Thomas.   1957
Polglase, Raewyn. Mrs.   1986
Polglase, Dick.
Scott, Marjorie. Mrs.   1972
Wright, Dawn.   1966

Heaps, Maureen. Mrs.   1963
Scott, Marjorie. Mrs.   1962
Symons, Marion M. Mrs.
Taylor, Keith W.   1959
Vitsky, David B.   1991
Wright, Dawn. Mrs.   1966

Hutchison, Glen. Mrs.   1992

Coombe, Bryan A.   1973
Coombe, Diane. Mrs.   1973

Milner, Barbara H. Mrs.   1960

N.B. Staff who were also past pupils appear on the pupil lists.

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75th Jubilee Registrations

Calnan   Ieuan Jack
Fleming   W.H.F. (Bill)
Greene   Annie May (Baddiley)
Greenfield   Ronald
Hill   Ivan Victor
Kean   Jocelyn Gertrude (Calnan)
Kelly   Muriel (Cantelin)
Ledingham   John James D.
Meads   Joan Masters (Weaver)
Miller   Alex Harold
Munro   Muriel (Hawthorne)

Bixley   Winifred Emily (Hodgetts)
Black   Lillian Mavis (Cook)
de Frere   Allan
Gooday   Guy G.N.
Grylls   Freda (Shakespeare)
Grylls   Beatrice Ena (Shakespeare)
Hill   Norman Keith
Hutson   Marjorie Winifred (Young)
Lay   Charles Stanley
Muir   Amy Muriel (Drummond)
Ryder   Claud Isaac
Simpson   Richard S. V.
Simpson   James Eric V.
Smith   Cyril
Smith   Muriel Joan (Lovell-Smith)
Spence   Eunice (Reid)
Stevenson   Harry
White   Doris Elsie (Cocks)

Bromley   Zora Piotti (Symons)
Cullinane   Joyce Lorraine (Growcott)
Duke   Winifred Hilary (Vyner)
Patmore   Leighton
Payne   Nancy Margaret (Hickling)
Shakespeare   Ronald
Walker   Thelma Beryl (Jones)
Walker   Elizabeth F.B. (Thear)

Bewley   Clifford John
Crawford   Leonard Malcon
Garrioch   Elizabeth Eleanor
Groves   Betty (Usherwood)
McKay   Kenneth Pearson
Moran   Nellie (Baddiley)
Shepherd   Christina Phyllis (Walker)
Thompson   Susan May (Beale)
Tucker   Rona Nellie (Renouf)

Calnan   Victor William
Edgecombe   Betty Marion (Growcott)
Elliott   Margaret (Markham)
Jericevich   Gloria (Pat) (Ryder)
Maultsaid   Arthur Vernon
McKay   Donald
Rogers   Cecil (known as Bill)
Shattky   Derek
Simmons   Nereida Margaret (Hill)

Allen   Muriel Doreen (Driller)
Holmes   Margaret Jean (Walker)
Lovell-Smith   Rex Day
McLachlan   Vera Ellen (Edwards)
O’Connor   Norma Isabel (Knuckey)
Smith   Joan Kathleen (Wyatt)
Usherwood   Jack Andrew
Young   Roy

Bragg   Jean (Jones)
Gray   Margaret Joan (Cooper)
Hyland   Desmond John
Judd   Mona Miriam (Drummond)
McCormick   Margaret Isobel (Trew)
McDermott   Jack
Philpott   James
Rapley   Dorothy
Rieper   Marie Nora (Robins)
Robinson   Rita Ellen O. (Bailey)
Shakespeare   Eric
Tucker   Arthur Laurence

Bristow   James Edward
Dickson   Ronald Ian
Dunn   Nola Joan (Ryan)
Harper   Gladys
Hodgson   Donald Ernest
Lovell-Smith   H.D.J. (Hugh)
Lowe   Hazel (Harper)
Ludlow   Kenneth
McInnes   Elsie (Hunt)
McLaren   Eila Gladys (Painter)
McNaughton   John Scott
Pattison   Alexa Zillah (Fletcher)
Steedman   Olive Edith (Petch)
Taylor   Donald (Chum)
Walker   A.W. George
Williams   Mavis Elizabeth (Giles)

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Addis   Beatrice May (Hammond)
Arnott   Laura June (Younge)
Colman   Yvonne (Hinds)
Farnell   Thomas Herbert
Grant-Guy   Nell Dorothy (Cook)
Greville   Ernest
Hunt   Gordon Richard
Julian   Joan Grace (Wright)
Kemsley   Duncan George
Leipst   Elsie Isabella
Ludlow   George
Marshall   Mary Rowena (Lay)
McArthur   J. Bruce
Spencer   Douglas Patrick
Sunley   John
Symons   Charles Henry M.
Treacher   Cara (Steer)
Tully   Ivy Gladys (Cook)
Wise   Noeline (Fulton)

Apperley   Colin Robert
Bunny   Errol Bernard
Crawford   Isobel Margaret (Younge)
Davey   Pearl M. A. (McCormick)
Desmond   Lillian M. (Minnie) (Young)
Elsworth   Pauline Sylvia (Sparling)
Herries   Ruby Madge (McCormick)
Higgins   Lornal Hazel (Usherwood)
Holder   Isobel Mary (Farnell)
Jones   Florence Lillian (Lord)
Manning   Neta (McLaren)
Rayner   Betty Diana (Rapley)
Scrimgeour   Hazel Margaret (Miller)
Sheridan   Hugh

Batchelor   Beryl Eunice (Gill)
Bewley   F.A.J. (Jessie) (Stevenson)
Brunton   Barbara Joyce (Hallgarth)
Burnard   Ena (Battersby)
Calnan   Margaret Isobel (Wilson)
Eddy   Margaret Agnes (Cuningham)
Edgar   Robert Neil
Fear   Jame[s] Ivan
Hardy   Betty Eileen (Bridgland)
Humphreys   Frank Ernest
Hunter   Audrew Jean (Weaver)
Morgan   Margaret Joyce (Lines)
Single   Peter Charles
Smith   Edna Helen (Giles)
Sparling   Robert John
Steevens   Nola Frances (Thear)
Sullivan   Eric J.
Walker   Alan D.S.
Ward   June Margaret (Knuckey)
Ward   Elizabeth Margaret (Burnett)
White   Norman Rex

Bishop   Leonard George
Brown   Rae (Franklin)
Davidson   Claude Keith
Day   Joan (Hogan)
Daynes   Beulah (Palleson)
Elder   Lawson
Gilbert   Edna May (Ross)
Graham   Joan Margaret (Shuker)
Jarvis   Amy Kate
Lambert   Noeline Maud (Sparling)
Lassen   Stella Phullis [Phyllis] C. (Sant)
Osborne   Velma Joyce (McLaren)
Page   Jean (Kay)
Palleson   Noel Cedric
Rixon   Derek Edwin
Sant   Kenneth Marsh
Scott   Lawrence Wallace
Shattky   Rita (Dixon)
Shewan   Vera Evelyn (Humphreys)
Shuker   Raymond Alfred
Shuker   Keith Edward
Shuker   Walter Allan
Summersby   Neil
West   Archibald James

Armstrong   Doris Nola (Jones)
Borrie   Naomi (Quinney)
Common   Barbara Jean (Miller)
Cummins   William Arthur
Davis   Harold Raymond
Denson   Hazel (Petch)
Edgar   Andrew James
Forward   Averil Olive (Beattie)
Harris   Elaine (Franklin)
Hodgson   Eric Alan
Kearney   Rex Maxwell
Linyard   Eileen Grace (Kale)
Lowe   Joan May (Hallgarth)
McArthur   Ian Robert
McLaren   Mervyn John
McLaren   Alan James
McMillan   David
Montgomery   Ngaire (Rixon)
Motley   Dorothy Evelyn (Taylor)
Musson   Alfred John (Jack)
Painter   Noel James
Philpott   Edward John
Rapley   Donald James
Taylor   David
Taylor   Frederick Ian
Tulloch   Patricia Amy H. (Hunt)
Weaver   Earl Arthur
Williams   Joan Gwendoline (Ainsworth)

Bell   Norman Eric O.
Chapman   Reginald Walter
Estcourt   Zeta (Marshall)
Herries   Frederick William
Ladbrook   Edward George
Leeves   Donald Lawrence
Matthews   Doreen Valerie (Proffitt)
McCartney   William Derek

Page 61

Mullinder   Trevor L.W.
Proffitt   Alan Thomas
Robertson   Nola Helen (Holmes-Brown)
Stanley   Alfred Charles
Taylor  Grace (Price)

Bishop   Alexander James
Graham   Arthur Allan
Hunt   Donald Arthur J.
Ingram   Betty Irene (Shuker)
Learmouth   Roy Desmond
Miller   Ivan Thomas
Moore   Gary
Newland   Ivan Keith
Newland   Maxwell J.
Palleson   Colin James
Ross   David Melray

Barley   Kingsley Clifford
Beale   Janet Anna (McArthur)
Beaver   Alys Amelia (Bayliss)
Begley   Olive Mary (Battersby)
Beswick   Joy Lilian (Thear)
Bristow   Desmond
Davis   Patricia Pearl (Lambert)
Edgar   Ronald
Harris   Vera May (Cottle)
Henderson   John Duncan
Hill   Noeline Ruth
Hodgson   Leonard Owen
Honnor   Douglas Healey
Kale   Bernard Maxwell
List   Leighton Philip
Marshall   Estelle Francis (Bayliss)
Marshall   Valerie Jean (Ainsworth)
Neal   Peter Neville
Pepper   Murray Stuart
Peters   Thomas
Single   Derek George
Smith   Arthur John
Sparling   Murray William
White   Derrick William

Astridge   Joyce Daphne (Sleeman)
Burgess   Lorraine (Holmes-Brown)
Cameron   Ian David
Comrie   Robert James
Ellis   Jessie Wendon (Ross)
Houston   Zelda Dawn (Spence)
Hudson   Norma Ruby (Anthony)
List   Owen Leonard
Makea   Frederick Pori
Miller   Joyce Edna
Muir   Neta Pearl (Sleeman)
Newland   Ann Rewa (Hunt)
Palleson   Ivan Clifford
Rutherford   Donald
Shuker   Barbara Dawn
Spence   David Victor
Turner   Robert Sherborne
Wallace   Dorothy Joan (Smith)
Ward   Ngaire Hazel (Sleeman)
Ward   Dawn Valerie (Baldwin)

Ayers   Roy Havelock
Black   Gordon William A.
Blackwell   Patricia Aileen (Price)
Campbell   Esther Phyllis (Rutherford)
Chapman   Raymond Goodwin
Cheer   Dorothy Joy (Dunn)
Cooper   Laurence Taylor
Cram   Gwendoline Jean (Shuker)
Davey   Lois (Reid)
Douglas   Lorna Hannah (McNaughton)
Elsworth   Jack
Heaps   Ian Francis
Howlett   Alan Trevor
Kershaw   Ngaire Ida (Usherwood)
Knuckey   Maurice James
McPherson   Muriel Anne (Tong)
Millar   Enid Mary (Philpott)
Miller   Morris William
Mitchell   Eleanor Marion (McCartney)
Phillips   Ruth Josephine A. (Growcott)
Rae   Donald Arthur
Ramsey   June Lydia (Sheffield)
Ritchie   T.J. Bruce (Dr)
Sleeman   William Noel
Sparling   Stuart Edward
Spence   Colin Hector
Sullivan   Elaine Joan
Tate   Betty Mae (McLeod)
Wakelin   Alma I. (Cox)
White   Pamela Mary (White)
Wilson   Patsy (Sorenson)

Bradshaw   June Eileen (Hawkes)
Ede   Ngaire (Dudding)
Elsworth   Aileen Mabel (Wall)
Gleeson   Ann T. (Nancy) (Wilkie)
Howard   Bebe Dawn
Lourie   Betty Josephine (Nathan)
Mawson   Neville John
Morgan   Joy A. (Bishop)
Panckhurst   Yvonne Pearl (Cook)
Parkes   Allen George
Parkes   Ralph Edward
Peden   Margaret Joy E. (Barley)
Scott   Margaret Dawn (Patterson)
Smith   William
Speers   Natalie Josephine (Single)
Spinley   Jean Duncan Wilson)
Wall   Roland Phillip

Addis   Rae Shirley (Nathan)
Aldridge   Mary Anne
Archibald   Joan Lillian (McLeod)
Ballantyne   Kathlene Merrin (Ross)

Page 62

Barty   Jocelyn May (Apperley)
Burgess   Gordon Leonard
Chapman   Jean Shirley Mary (O’Driscoll)
Dawson   William Hay
Flinders   Marion Annie (Rutherford)
Franklin   Tui Joan (Price)
Greville   Marion Margaret (Pederson)
Harper   Eric
Heaps   Frederick George
Matthews   Ellen (Kelly)
McKay   Robert Charles
McNab   Gay (Price)
Peterson   Gordon Charles
Potts   Alexander William
Roberts   Dora Annette (Smith)
Robertson   Shirley Leita (Black)
Robinson   Jill (Tindall)
Sheffield   Graeme Francis
Simkin   Gladys Evelyn (Farnell)
Warren   Ann (Robinson)
Weichern   Judith Anne (Ward)

Angus   Doris Marjorie (Taylor)
Brown   Marguerite Eileen (Latton)
Carrington   Margaret Ann (Hallgarth)
Chapman   Colin Arthur
Chapman   Heather Margaret (Smith)
Clapperton   Dorothy June (Collins)
Cousens   John Schott
Cousens   Allinson Hughes
Cross   Margaret (Smith)
Cumming   Dawn Leonie (Rae)
Glew   Ronald John
Hicks   Gwendoline Pearl (Willis)
Holdsworth   Elizabeth Hope (Taylor)
Hunt   Colin Sydney
Hutton   Annette G. (Growcott)
Lawrence   Valerie Elizabeth (McLaren)
McCarthy   James Arthur
Musson   Selwyn George
Oliver   Norman James
Parkes   Doreen Olive (Hunter)
Petersen   Eric Montagu
Potts   James Joseph
Riley   June Elizabeth  (Painter)
Sergeant   Iain James
Single   Barry Allan
Smith  John
Trask   Eric Donald
Verran   Shirley (Collins)
Watchorn   Anne Laetitia (Latton)
Willis   William John

Boult   Muriel Anne (Stanley)
Boyce   Catherine Annette (Walford)
Bygate   Alicia (Williams)
Church   Nigel Barrie
Clouston   Nellie Isobel (Mustchin)
Cousens   Graeme Charles
Crawford   Barbara Joyce (Andrews)
Hall   Elva Mary (Palleson)
Heaps   Margaret Anne (Butler)
Larsen   Valerie Pamela (Sleeman)
Lemon   Celeste Joan (Wall)
McPherson   Yvonne Shirley (Cox)
Milne   Robert Thomas
Munro   Margaret June (McLaren)
Neil   Nancy Claire (Smith)
Purcell   Solomon Neil
Rickard   Evelyn (Bell)
Robinson   Peter
Salter   Myrtle Elvina (Mustchin)
Smith   Elizabeth Anne (Oliver)
Southon   Thomas
Tasker   Timothy John
Tobin   Kenneth Henry
Wati   Betty D. (Williams)

Anderson   Shirley Ann (Harrison)
Ashton   Hazel (Newton)
Buckley   Peter Athol C.
Cole   Noeleen Mavis (Warren)
Dreyer   Russell Keith
Dunningham   Roy
Gempton   Desmond Selwyn
Hall   James Frederick
Hantler   Heather D. (Campbell)
Hooper   Margaret Kem (Lane)
Hunter   Graham Gordon
Latton   Hugh
Lay   Brian Keith
Lay   Ann Marion (MacDonald)
Love   Margaret Patricia (Mustchin)
Marett   Shirley (Rixon)
McAllister   Colin Kenneth
McKay   Jennifer Dale (Hunter)
Milne   Barry John
Nelson   Diane June (Hawkins)
Read   Gillian Rae (Corbett)
Tasker   Beverley Airin (Cudby)
Taylor   Jean Ellen
Taylor   Stuart
Tollison   Shirley Jean (Dawson)
Walford   Walter Gainsford
Warren   Ronald Gordon

Adams   Annette Hazel (Coleman)
Bryan   Shirley Patricia (Bourgeois)
Farquhar   Ann Audrey (Sleeman)
Fraser   Betty Irene (Miller)
Heywood   Colin Bruce
Hollier   Harry Douglas
Land   Jocelyn Mary (Willis)
Lidington   Beverley June (Hale)
Lines   Lawrence A.
Lennox   Iain H.
McAllister   Joclyn Lois
Oliver   Rhys Ivor

Page 63

Roberts   Nanette Gwendoline (Steele)
Saywell   Dorothy Margaret (Baker)
Smith   Bridie Anne
Snowsill   Lorraine Anne (Taylor)
Thomas   Ann Verona (Hewitt)
Tracey   Colin Sinclair

Bott   Arthur Frederick
Caves   Colleen
Coombe   Ernest James
Curtis   Athol
Foster   Owen Walter
Foster   Trevor John
Harrington   Anne (Heaps)
Hopcroft   Margaret Eleanor (Jense-Watson)
Whitehead   Doris Rona (Lines)
Marton   Robert Murray
Marychurch   Joyce Irene Kate (Crombie)
Merrylees   Nancy Margaret (Wilkins)
Ross   Suzanne (Cox)
Siegal   Annette Mabel (Hill)
Wilkins   Walter Edward
Wilkins   Lawrence
Wilson   Clifford John
Wratt   Daphne (Wilkins)
Wright   Eileen Elizabeth (Petch)

Bale   Jill (Oakley)
Barker   Bryan Ernest
Barker   Michael Maurice
Garnett   Alison Rae (Growcott)
Hunt   Margaret Jean (Wilkinson)
Hutchinson   Owen Hislop [Heslop]
Keusgen   Mary Janice (Oakley)
Leitch   Alan Graham
MacLean   Janice Ngaire (Hollier)
McAllister   Hugh Charles
Morse   Ralph Nesbitt
Nattrass   Josephine (Younge)
Oakley   Jack
O’Connor   Bruce John
Patrick   Daphne Josephine (Crombie)
Poots   Colleen May (Spencer)
Porteous   Antoinette Valerie (Atkins)
Ralston   Frances I. (Fay) (Wyllie)
Reece   Robin (Caves)
Riddell   Glenys Olwyn (Hawkins)
Roberts   Janet Margaret (Holmes)
Robson   Ngaire (McLaren)
Ross   Flora Lindsay
Smith   Diane Caroline (Walford)
Smith   William Graham
Starnes   Alan David
Taaffe   Judith Nola (Aldridge)
Tobin   John Stuart
Trask   Peter James
Travers   Colleen G. (Apperley)
Wake   Betty Margery (Cameron)

Arnold   Shirley (Davis)
Bell   David Alexander
Bewley   Anthony John
Bloxham   Margaret Isobel (Theyers)
Bushby   George William
Butwell   Ronald Claude
Crespin   Jacqueline (Lay)
Dixon   Lorraine (Harmer)
Farquharson   William Kerry
Hodder   Judy Rose (Crombie)
Hortop   May Helen (Anderson)
Howlett   Judith Hazel (Steele)
Jackson   Annette Vera (Shepherd)
Laing   Laurel Frances (Parker)
Lane   John William
Marquet   Glenda Rae (Coleman)
McLean   Diane Jacqueline (Baxter)
Miller   Douglas Ian
Motley   Margaret Ann (Beere)
Munson   Anthony Alec
O’Neill   Marion Edith (Stevenson)
Oliver   Peter Robert
Plank   Gwen (Lines)
Price   Janet Margaret (McDonald)
Russell   Rex Hamilton
Sanders   Elizabeth Joyce (Anderson)
Spencer   Anthony Douglas
Streat   Eurfron Violet (Arnold)
Theyers   Churstain Charles
Ward   Pamela Annette (Mayes)
Warren   Agnes Nancy (Beere)
Wilkins   Brian

Allen   Beverley Anne (Tuohy)
Bark   Judith Mary (Paynter)
Campbell   Barbara (Minty)
Cavanagh   Elizabeth Rose (Sleeman)
Cox   Jocelyn
Cox   Neil Robert
Cox   Neville Ian M.
Cullen   Janet Rachael (Bromley)
Donkin   Barry Ernest
Hart   David Charles
Hembrow   Donald Reid
Hughes   Quita Allison (Walford)
Hutson   Roger Robert
Jackson-Boyce   Valerie Lorna (Oliver)
Kay   Beverley J.
Kennedy   Laurice Eleanor (Smith)
Lissette   Brian James
Osborne   Joan Yvonne (Murtagh)
Parker   Maureen Phyllis (Smith)
Paynter   John
Reid   Janice (Smith)
Spencer   Raymond James H.
Taylor   Mairi Helen (McMeekin)
Treneman   Norman Arthur

Page 64

Benson   Florence (Ward)
Bushby   Valerie Joy (Vercoe)
Ericson   Lynne E.C. (Brodie)
Harvey   William Jens
Hayward   Pamela Jill (Masters)
Hellyer   Michael Francis
Henry   Sydney John
Hylton-Smith   Thelma Nolene (Minty)
Kidner   Janice Merle (Baker)
McCracken   Peter
Miller   Trevor
O’Rourke   Florence M. Anne (Harvey)
Simpson   Dorothy Rae (Wallace)
Treneman   Jeannine
Wilkins   Ronald

Bell   Julia (Shield)
Caves   Glen Barley
Coombes   Philip Ronald A.
Crawford   Malcolm Leonard
Davis   Bill
de Frere   Leslie Allan
Gray   Justine Edna (Hunter)
Griffiths   Lorry Athol
Hastie   Shirle May (Crawford)
King   Patricia (Drury)
Lee   Judith (Aitchison)
Minty   William Harold
Oliver   James Alexander
Parker   Pamela (Shield)
Prime   Elaine Valda (Crombie)
Robinson   Patricia Anne (Crawford)
Savidge   Diana Nina (Shield)
Smith   Elaine Elsie (Watts)
Strang   Clare Frances (Martin)
Sutton   Valerie Edith (Burke)
Symons   Humphrey Gilbert
Williams   Natalie (Drury)
Woon   Ian Douglas
Wright   Dennis Malcolm

Arnold   Malcolm
Batson   Brian
Bewley   Moyra Elizabeth (Fulton)
Bone   Richard Frank
Bromley   David William
Cartwright   Raymond Walter
Cooper   David Gordon
Davis   Margaret A. (White)
Edwards   Frances Gillian (Salt)
Frizzell   Richard John
Fulton   William George
Henry   Robert Ashley
Holman   Edythe Sarah (Fulton)
Leitch   Neville T.
Luhman   Joy Elizabeth (Steele)
MacDonald   Julie Anne (Martin)
MacMillan   Maureen Rita (Caves)
Osborne   Patricia Olive (Smith)
Paynter   Janice (Taylor)
Potts   Wallace Andrew
Sinton   Ursula Helen (Salt)
Taylor (Hall)   Brian Raymond
Treneman   Alastair Alexander
White   Robin Gordon
Woon   Gavin W.

Boyce   Robyn Marilyn (Secord)
Bracey   Alexandre
Bristow   Dennis Bruce
Haswell   Karl Clifton
Henry   Ross Alexander
Heyward   Kevin Richard
Lean   Graham Russell
Martin   Anne Rosalie
Martin   Brenda Judith (Shaw)
Murray   Diane Betty (Murtagh)
Pope   Beverley Mary (Bloomfield)
Priest   Judith Marie (Zacho-Kristenson)
Shanley   Shona Elizabeth (Hutchinson)
Slade   Barbara Nancy (Masters)
Smith   Nancy Ruth (Oliver)
Taylor (Hall)   Trevor John
Tucker   Maurice Charles
Tweedie   Deirdre Mary (French)
White   Brian Geoffrey
Williams   Barrie J.
Wright   Joy Lesley (Lissette)

Coles   Douglas Lee
Coombe   Donald Marwood
Dixon   Jean Lorna (Donkin)
Gray   Margaret Alison (Miller)
McKay   Marie May (Aitchison)
McMillan   Graeme Ross
Moore   Patricia E. (Masters)
Shaw   Derek Richard
Stevenson   John Arthur Ivor
Taylor   John Robert
Warring (Leech)   Wayne John
Whittington   Roy Gordon
Winters   Merylyn Ann (Herries)

Back   Robin Anthony
Crombie   David John
Drew   Beverley Iris (Bunny)
Duff   Robin
Duke   John Bruce
Glenn   Malcolm Keith
Hale   David Allan
Harvey   Pamela Joan (de Frere)
Hope   Collin Allan
Horton   Anthony Frank
Martin   Marion (Corbett)
McAleese   Carol Ann (Gamman)
McMillan   Jill Margaret (Simon)
Shuker   Douglas Raymond

Page 65

Sloan   Douglas Raymond
Smith   Elaine Marjorie (Elvy)
Sunley   John D.
Torwick   Mary (Humphreys)
Whittington   Donald
Whittington   Brian Thomas
Wilson   Sandra Anne (Lee)
Wybrott   Leslie Graham

Back   Ivan Leslie
Barley   Linda May
Barley   Stuart Ellice
Bloomfield   John Charles
Bunny   Ian Bernard
Carruthers   Lynn Jeannette
Chadwick   Stephanie Anne (Frizzell)
Cox   Majorie Mary (Scarrott)
Crook   Anne Patricia (Hewkin)
Crossman   Pamela Ruth (Hebden)
Harris   Dixie Mae (Barker)
Kelliher   Carolyn Janice (Bewley)
Marshall   Kerris R. (Kerry)
Masters   Robert Gregory
Pacey   Philip William
Polgase   Harvey Raymond
Shooter   Justine
Stephens   Janice Helen (Robertson)
Symons   Denice Margaret
Tait   Lorraine Dale (McIlwraith)
Walker   Keith C.
Wheadon   Kenneth James
Woodham   Jenny (Lloyd)

Ash   Collin Peter
Behague   Ann Kathleen (Gillett)
Black   David MacGregor
Blackberry   Bryan Frederick
Brindle   Lorna Margaret (de Frere)
Chapman   Rosemary (Lay)
Coles   Richard Bruce
Gibbs   Suzanne Cynthia (Turner)
Hasselman   Elizabeth Joan (Horn)
Izatt   Ross Alan
MacDonald   Pamela Erene (Thompson)
Mansell   Lewis Nicholas
Martin   Jennifer Elaine (Smith)
McDermott   Hylton
Mill   Joy Marion (Barley)
Miller   Pamela (Coleman)
Mulcaster   Alan Thomas (Tom)
Pratt   Diana (Griffiths)
Richardson   Norma May (Hall)
Russell   Laraine (Calnan)
Schlichting   Linda (McKeown)
Shooter   Rosemary
Talbot   Pamela Kaye (Miller)
Tucker   Arthur Wayne
Woodall   Ann Shirley (Back)
Young   Suzanne (Dysart)

Baines   Margaret Annette (Neagle)
Epplett   Vivienne (Bromley)
Foster   Carl Stephen
Hart   Lavinia Ann (Horton)
Henderson   Anne Marion (Taylor)
Holmes   Ronald Gordon
Innes   Suzanne R.
Lys   Heather (Anderson)
MacLeod   Robert Colin
McDermott   Gordon Ross
Miles   Sharleen
Monk   Margaret Ellen (Anderson)
Palmer   Graham Frederick
Quate   Gail Anne (Robertson)
Simon   Ross David
Start   Christine Joan (Polglase)
Stephenson   John Walter
Taylor   Kelvin
Trowbridge   Jennifer Anne (Linyard)

Calder   David John
Dysart   Craig
Edwards   June Elizabeth (Craig)
Fraser   John Francis
Frater   Dorothy Fay (Calder)
Frederickson   Sandra Lois (Williams)
Houston   Jeanette
Lee   Wayne Gordon
Masters   Anthony
Murphy   Kathleen Ann (Bennett)
Nilsson   Carol (Lloyd)
Sargisson   Philip Charles
Williams   Kenneth Michael
Wilson   Robert Clyde

Barley   John Alfred
Burfield   Gary Francis
Burnett   James Russell
Friis   Christopher Warren
Goslin   Robert Graham
Jones   Douglas Henry
Lay   Graeme Rex
Lee   Gaye Elizabeth
Lissette   Christine Anna (Torwick)
McKenzie   Janet Margaret (Eddy)
Paramore   Kevin Douglas
Polglase   Neil Richard
Robertson   David William
Shepherd   John Kerry
Single   John Charles
Stevenson   Paul Maurice
Summersby   Janice Christine (Howard)
Taylor   Glenda Rae (Smith)
White   Linda Anne (Mayo)
Williams   Christopher

Baileys   Judith Ann (Hodson)
Blackmore    Michael James

Page 66

Blummont   Wendy Susanne (Affleck)
Briasco   Christine Jane
Brosnan   Kerry Brian
Carr   Deidre Helen (Thompson)
Fraser-Clark   Julie Dawn (Fraser)
Hannan   Jennifer Gay (Bristow)
Harrison   Judith Anne (Simpson)
Harvey   Neil Morris
Hawley   Christine Margaret (Palmer)
Kay   Lindsay George
Mansell   Simon Richard
Minty   Jennifer
Morrison   Christine Anne (Beaumont)
Morton   Vivien Joy (Mayo)
Nielson   Carl
Paramore   Margaret Merle (Bennett)
Patrick   Joanne Thelma (Affleck)
Single   Brett Arthur
Sulivan [Sullivan?]   Michael E.
Symon   Susan Janice (Humphreys)
Symons   Paul
White   Coralie Patricia (Smith)

Anderson   Robert Graham
Blackberry   Andrew Martin
Calnan   Wayne Victor
Clarke   Lynda Gayle (Jones)
Esam   Trevor William
Graham   Robyn (Dysart)
Harvey   Jon Edward
Hercock   Marilyn (Whittington)
Jones   Margaret Anne
Miller   Alexander Charles
Millar   Norman Arthur
Milne   Neil Lindsay
Murphy   Jean Catherine (Sutherland)
Smith   Wayne Murray
Tidswell   Susan Joan (Greer)
Tourell   Christine Joy (Shepherd)

Bradshaw   Bernard Hilton
Bradshaw   Susan N. (Place)
Chote   Sandra Jane (Hodson)
Frater   Diane Elizabeth (Mayo)
Gray   Louise Margaret (Heaps)
McNamara   Allison May (Briasco)
Norris   Margaret June (Anyan)
Pryor   Denise S. (Brosnan)
Single   Brenda Angela (MacDonald)
Smith   Beverley Edith (Foster)
Smith   David Frank
Stuart   Diane Isobell (Place)
Torwick   Murray David
Varcoe   Gary Roy
White   Lester Tonotu

Anderson   Catherine Marie (Foster)
Barnes   Richard
Barrett   Suzanne Marie (Willoughby)
Baxter   Barry D.
Beauchamp   Wendy Lenore (Greer)
Bennett   Leonie (Drummond)
Brown   Russell William
Clayton   Margaret Anne (Smith)
Cuming   Philip John
Dixon   Margaret Ann (Sutherland)
Emia   Joseph Irvine
Emia-Campagnolo Maria (Emia)
Faulkner   Sheryl Anne (Valler)
Hyett   Karen Meriner (Blackmore)
Maloney   Deborah Julie (Greer)
McVicar   Mary (Anyan)
Milne   Heather Joan
Rippon   Sheryl May (Davis)
Robb   Wendy Nola (Robertson)
Smith   Denton
Stevenson   Brenda Mary (Robinson)

Bailey   Janette Kathleen (Place)
Dane   Andrew
Davis   Sandra Anne (Vincent)
Donk   Raimond Pieter
Gainsford   Suzanne (Minty)
Heaps   David Ian
Hodder   Jennifer Esme
Jensen   Philip James
Kershaw   William Gordon
Lincoln   Gail Ann (Malone)
Love   Robert John
Marr   Trudy Jane (Wyman)
Matthews   Kirsten (Roberts)
McLaren   Carol Myreen (Place)
Sutherland   Pamela Gladys (Heaps)
Terry   Karen (Thurston)
Weenink   Ross Leslie
Williams   Graeme Bruce

Brosnan   Mark John
Dalgety   Sharon Christine (Potts)
Doohan   Elizabeth Anne (Pywell)
Glen   Kerry (Robinson)
Hill   Stephen G.
Hyett   Mark Mervyn
Jury   Wendy (Petrowski)
MacDonald   Karen (Cottle)
Potts   Frederick John
Potts   Daniel Russell
Sonia   Wendy (Whittington)
Thomas   Jocelyn Julie (Milne)
Totty   Cheryl Lee
Videan   Catherine Ana (Scott)
Willoughby   Kim William

Bayens   Philip
Boaler   Joanne Margaret (Beckett)
Briasco   Margaret Ellen
Brooker   Jill Maree (Cuming)
Hopkins   Patricia Jane (Irons)
Lipinski   Susan Maree (Brittin)

Page 67

Mansell   Stephen David
Morgan   Robyn Elsie (Sargisson)
Rogers   Rhonda Jane (Hunter)

Braid   Christine Louise (Bark)
Brown   Susan Elizabeth
Foster   Brian John
Gillespie   Neville Bruce
Hansen   Christine Anne (Libby)
Healy   Christine E. (Bot)
Heaps   Rodney John
Henderson   Rex Craig
Hobman   Angela Margaret (Totty)
Jordan   Helen
O’Brien   Tracey (Stirling)
Ormandy   Wendy Olive (McCorkindale)
Richmond   Michell Ann (Porteous)
Smith   Diane Gillian (Henderson)
Wade   Linda Marie (King)
Woon   Ashley Alec

Bennett   Jacqueline Alison (Place)
Bignell   Steven James
Brittin   Peter Goodwyn
Draper   Christopher Frank
George   Sarah Bella
Goulton   Verna Patricia (Stirling)
Jordan   Philippa
Lindstrom   Tracey Ann (Wright)
Mason   Kelpie (Hastie)
McKay   Wendy Jane (Taylor)
Minty   Christine
Sergeant   John Iain
Taylor   Gregory John
Walmsley   Alan
Wright   Roger Karl
Wright   Neville John
Wright   Graeme Neil

Beaumont   Sharon Louise
Brosnan   Sandra
Card   Richard Bayne
Coombe   Lynette May (Foley)
Crasborn   Andrea Cherie (Bewley)
Crump   Rawinia Regina (Matthews)
Dames   Marcelle Angelique (Sarchett)
Dunsmuir   Merryn Eve (Card)
Finnimore   Martin John
Gair   Maxwell Stuart
George   John
Jordan   Peter
Matthews   Ngahuia Patricia
McNamara   Grant John
Stanley   Rosemary Anne (Heaps)
Wilson   David

Campbell   Marise Glenda (Hawke)
Dawson   Ricky Anthony
Heremia   Geraldine (Smiler)
Hodson   Carolyn Rea (Tobin)
Hynes   Lynette Elwyn (Cottle)
Lory   Brett Ernest
Magon   Roxanne Helen (Hill)
Malone   Brent Charles
Malone   Elly Maria (van Druten)
Mayo   Christopher Philip
Mudgway   Wayne Allen
O’Sullivan   Michelle Yvette (Bignell)
Overend   David Bruce
Overend   Brenda Dawn
Russell   Sandra Maree (Dutton)
Taylor   Kerry Allan
Wake   Gary
Weekes   Trudy Angela (Tait)
Whitfield   Joanne Elisabeth (Potts)

Calder   Rodger David
Dixon   Wendy Ann
Duly   Belinda Gaye (Dawson)
Irwin   Grant Maxwell
Spence   Elizabeth Jane (Heaps)
Totty   Kathryn Ellen

Cogswell   Christine Maree (Symes)
Elder   Donna Christine (Smith)
Flack   Denise Anne (Brown)
Heaps   Stuart George
Scott   Allison May
Wake   Joanne Kay
Willis   Jillian Rae (Finnimore)

Drummond   Craig John
Keil   Morene-Ahimate (Emia)
Lockley   Ruth May (Amner)
Martis   Sheryl M. (Franklin)
Paynter   Jonathon David
Tobin   Andrew John
Totty   Julia Janet
Wackildene   Wendy G. (Franklin)

Clearwater   Ricky Allan
Coombe   Rachel Georgina
Griffiths   Katrina (Harrison)
Hall   Brenda Marie
Hobbs   Dona Patrice (Clearwater)
How   Brett Alexander
Ralph   Fiona (Davis)
Shand   Maria Jane
White   Anna Frances (van der Werf)
Wilson   Claire Melanie

Page 68

Allen   Carl Brent
Baines   Adele Elizabeth
Drummond   Glen David
Grant   Janet Mary (Stevens)
Ralph   Raymond Charles
Smith   Craig Robert
Taylor   Katrina Marie
Wood   Teresa (Brookes)

Apiata   Sharon (Terekia)
Barclay   Nancy Ann (Lee)
Cooper   Gregory David
Crawford   Alistair W.
Lee   Michael Devon
Macfarlane   Phillipa Lee (Thompson)
Paynter   Paul Lindsay
Renton   Philippa Joan (Singleton)
Sewter   Michael Richard
Taylor   Darryn Leigh
Thompson   Karen Michele

Brookes   Jonathan David
Drummond   Ross Hilton
Fitzpatrick   Cara Joy
Lamb   Jenny (Henderson)
Lloyd   Vanessa
Payne   Jacqueline Mary (Lee)

Allen   Grayson John
Terekia   Anthony R.

Bishop   Leanne
Logan   Kirsty Anne

Allen   Matthew James
Bishop   Martin
Bristow   Teresa Carol
Hawkes   Toni-Ann
Menzies   Chad Richard
Shuker   Isabel Marie

Illsley   Kathy Louise
McGhie   Kirsten L.
Sharpe   Clair
Sharpe   Neil

Bristow   Grant Stewart
Drummond   Phillip John
Howatt   Stephen Robert
Shuker   Megan Anne

Morris   Phillip G. (Steve)

Bishop   Melanie
Williams   Annie

75th Jubilee Chairperson

Bill Cummins closing the 75th Jubilee.

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Surnames in this booklet –
Adams, Addis, Affleck, Ainsworth, Aitchison, Aldridge, Allen, Allison, Amner, Anderson, Angus, Anthony, Anyan, Apiata, Apperley, Archibald, Armstrong, Arnold, Arnott, Arrell, Arthur, Ash, Ashton, Astridge, Atkins, Ayers, Back, Baddiley, Bailey, Baileys, Bain, Baines, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Ballantyne, Barclay, Bark, Barker, Barley, Barnes, Barrett, Barton, Barty, Batchelor, Batson, Battersby, Baxter, Bayens, Bayliss, Beale, Beattie, Beauchamp, Beaumont, Beaver, Beckett, Beere, Begley, Behague, Bell, Bennett, Benson, Beswick, Bewley, Bicknell, Bignell, Birnie, Bishop, Bixley, Black, Blackberry, Blackmore, Blackwell, Bloomfield, Blummont, Boaler, Bone, Borrie, Bot, Bott, Boult, Bourgeois, Boyce, Boyd, Bracey, Bradshaw, Bragg, Braid, Brain, Briasco, Bridgland, Brindle, Bristow, Brittin, Brodie, Bromley, Brooker, Brookes, Brosnan, Brown, Brunton, Bryan, Buckley, Bunker, Bunny, Burfield, Burgess, Burke, Burnard, Burnett, Bushby, Butler, Butwell, Bygate, Calder, Calkeon, Calnan, Cameron, Campbell, Cantelin, Card, Carr, Carrington, Carruthers, Cartwright, Castle, Cavanagh, Caves, Chadwick, Chapman, Chappell, Cheer, Chote, Christensen, Church, Clapcott, Clapperton, Clarke, Clayton, Clearwater, Clouston, Cocks, Cogswell, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Collie, Collins, Colman, Common, Comrie, Connor, Cook, Coombe, Coombes, Cooper, Corbett, Cottle, Cousens, Cox, Coyle, Craig, Cram, Crasborn, Crawford, Crombie, Crespin, Crofsky, Crook, Cross, Crossman, Crowe, Crump, Cudby, Cullen, Cullinane, Cuming, Cumming, Cummins, Cuningham, Curtis, Dalgety, Dames, Dane, Daniels, Davey, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Day, Daynes, Daymond, de Frere, Denson, Dent, Desmond, Dickson, Dillon, Dinwiddie, Dixon, Donk, Donkin, Doohan, Douglas, Draper, Drew, Dreyer, Driller, Drummond, Drury, Dudding, Duff, Duke, Duly, Dunn, Dunningham, Dunsmuir, Dwyer, Dysart, Eddy, Ede, Edgar, Edgecombe, Edwards, Elder, Elliott, Ellis, Elsworth, Elvy, Emia, Emia-Camagnolo, Epplett, Ericson, Esam, Estcourt, Fagg, Faram, Farnell, Farquhar, Farquharson, Faulkner, Fear, Finnimore, Fitzpatrick, Flack, Fletcher, Flinders, Foley, Forward, Foster, Franklin, Fraser, Fraser-Clark, Frater, Frederickson, French, Friis, Frizzell, Fulton, Gainsford, Gair, Gamman, Garnett, Garrioch, Garry, Gempton, George, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillespie, Gillett, Gleeson, Glen, Glenn, Glew, Glover, Gooday, Goodwin, Gorst, Goslin, Goulton, Graham, Grant, Grant-Guy, Gray, Greene, Greenfield, Greer, Greville, Griffiths, Groves, Growcott, Grylls, Guy, Hale, Hall, Hallgarth, Hammond, Hannan, Hansen, Hantler, Hardy, Harmer, Harper, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Harvey, Hasselman, Hastie, Haswell, Hawke, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawley, Hawthorne, Healy, Heaps, Heffernan, Hembrow, , Henry, Hercock, Henderson, Heremia, Herries, Heslop, Hewitt, Hewkin, Heyward, Heywood, Hickling, Hicks, Higgins, Hill, Hinds, Hobbs, Hobman, Hodder, Hodgetts, Hodgson, Hodson, Hogan, Holder, Holdsworth, Hollier, Holmes, Holmes-Brown, Honnor, Hooper, Hopcroft, Hope, Hopkins, Horan, Horn, Horton, Hortop, Houston, How, Howard, Howatt, Howlett, Hugh, Hughes, Humphreys, Hunt, Hunter, Hutchison, Hutson, Hutton, Hyett, Hyland, Hylton-Smith, Hynes, Illsley, Ingram, Innes, Irons, Irwin, Izatt, Jackson, Jackson-Boyce, Jarvis, Jeffares, Jensen, Jense-Watson, Jericevich, Jones, Jordan, Judd, Julian, Jury, Kale, Kay, Kean, Kearney, Keil, Kelliher, Kelly, Kemsley, Kennedy, Kerry, Kershaw, Keusgen, Kidner, King, Knuckey, Ladbrook, Laing, Lamb, Lambert, Land, Landman, Lane, Larsen, Lassen, Latton, Lawrence, Lay, Lean, Learmouth, Ledingham, Lee, Leeves, Leipst, Leitch, Lemon, Lennox, Libby, Lidington, Liley, Lincoln, Lindstrom, Lines, Linyard, Lipinski, Lissette, List, Little, Lloyd, Lockley, Logan, Lord, Lory, Love, Lovell-smith, Lourie, Lowe, Ludlow, Luhman, Luxton, Lys, MacDonald, MacEwan, Macfarlane, MacLean, MacLeod, MacMillan, Maddocks, Magon, Makea, Malone, Maloney, Manning, Mansell, Marett, Markham, Marquet, Marr, Marriott, Marshall, Martin, Martis, Marton, Marychurch, Mason, Master, Masters, Matthews, Maultsaid, Mawson, Mayo, McAleese, McAllister, McArther, McArthur, McCarthy, McCartney, McCorkindale, McCormick, McCracken, McDermott, McGhie, McGrath, McIlwraith, McInnes, McIntosh, McKay, McKenzie, McKeown, McLachan, McLaren, McLean, McMeekin, McMillan, McNab, McNamara, McNaughton, McPherson, McVicar, Meads, Menzies, Merrylees, Miles, Mill, Miller, Mills, Milne, Milner, Minty, Mitchell, Monk, Montgomery, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Morse, Morton, Motley, Mudgway, Mueller, Muir, Mulcaster, Mullinder, Munro, Munson, Murphy, Murray, Murtagh, Musson, Mustchin, Nathan, Nattrass, Neal, Neil, Nelson, Nevezie, Newland, Newton, Nielson, Nilsson, Norris, Oakley, O’Brien, O’Connor, O’Driscoll, Oliver, O’Neill, Ormandy, O’Rourke, Osborne, O’Sullivan, Overend, Pacey, Page, Painter, Paki, Palleson, Palmer, Pankhurst, Paramore, Parker, Parkes, Parr, Patmore, Patrick, Patterson, Pattison, Payne, Paynter, Peden, Pederson, Peglar, Pepper, Perry, Petch, Peters, Petersen, Peterson, Petrowski, Phillips, Philpott, Place, Plank, Polglase, Poots, Pope, Porteous, Potts, Powell, Pratley, Pratt, Price, Priest, Prime, Proffitt, Pryor, Purcell, Pywell, Quate, Quinney, Rae, Ralph, Ralston, Ramsey, Rapley, Rayner, Read, Reece, Reid, Renton, Rhys, Richarson, Richmond, Rickard, Riddell, Rieper, Riley, Rippon, Ritchie, Rixon, Robb, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robson, Roe, Rogers, Ross, Russell, Rutherford, Ryder, Salt, Salter, Sanders, Sant, Sarchett, Sargisson, Savidge, Saywell, Scarrott, Schlichting, Schirnak, Scott, Scrimgeor, Secord, Sergeant, Sewter, Shakespeare, Shand, Shanley, Sharpe, Shattky, Shaw, Sheffield, Shepherd, Sheridan, Shewan, Shield, Shooter, Shuker, Siegal, Simkin, Simmons, Simon, Simpson, Sinclair, Single, Singleton, Sinton, Slade, Sleeman, Sloan, Smith, Smyth, Snowsill, Sonia, Sorenson, Southon, Sparling, Sparling, Speers, Spence, Spencer, Spinley, Stansfield, Stanley, Starnes, Start, Steedman, Steele, Steer, Steevens, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stickland, Stirling, Strang, Streat, Stuart, Sullivan, Summersby, Sunley, Sutherland, Sutton, Symes, Symon, Symons, Taafe, Tait, Talbot, Tasker, Tate, Taylor, Terekia, Terry, Thear, Theyers, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Tidall, Tidswell, Tindall, Tiuka, Tobin, Tollison, Tong, Torwick, Totty, Tourwell, Tracey, Trask, Travers, Treacher, Treneman, Trew, Trowbridge, Tucker, Tulloch, Tully, Turner, Tweedie, Usherwood, Valler, van der Werf, van Druten,Varcoe, Vercoe, Verran, Videan, Vincent, Vitsky, Vyner, Wackildene, Wade, Wake, Wakelin, Walford, Walker,Wall, Wallace,Walmsley, Ward, Warren, Warring, Watchorn, Wati, Weaver, Weekes, Weenink, Weichern, West, Wheadon, White, Whitehead, Whitfield, Whittington, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willoughby, Wilson, Windsor, Winters, Wise, Wong, Wood, Woodall, Woodham, Woon, Wright, Wyatt, Wybrott, Wyllie, Wyman, Wypch, Young, Younge, Zacho-Kristenson


Ave – Avenue
d – pence
Dr. – Doctor
E. – East
H.B. – Hawke’s Bay
Hon. – Honorable
M. C. – Master of Ceremony
M.P. – Member of Parliament
P.O.W. – Prisoner of War
P.T.A. – Parent Teachers Association
Princ. – Principal
R.N.Z.A.F. – Royal New Zealand Air Force.
Rd. – Road
Rel. – Reliever
Rev. – Reverend
St. – Street
Std. – Standard
T. Aide – Teachers Aide
v. – versus

Business / Organisation

Parkvale School

Format of the original


Date published


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