Newspaper Article 1909 – Nelson-Chambers Wedding

A wedding which aroused much interest was celebrated at Havelock North on Thursday afternoon, the contracting parties being Mr Lionel Nelson, youngest son of Mr W. Nelson, and Miss Chambers, the elder daughter of Mr Mason Chambers.  The Rev. A. F. Gardiner was the officiating clergyman.  The bridesmaids were Miss Hilda Nelson, Miss Violet Hall and Miss Nell Chambers, and the best man was Mr Noel Beamish.  The bride wore a dress of ivory satin and carried a bouquet of white roses and maidenhair fern.  Her going away dress was of blue cloth, with hat to match.  The bridesmaids’ dresses were of muslin over white satin, with blue sashes and hats.  The guests were entertained at Tauroa, the residence of the brides parents, after the ceremony.

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Format of the original

Newspaper article

Date published

April 1909


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